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a. What is the issue?

Answer: A deadly earthquake that reduced buildings to rubble in West Java, So it

takes a standard earthquake-proof houses

b. Who produce it?

Answer: Journalists and researchers

c. For whom is it produced? Why?

Answer: To everyone, so they understand what's going on and how important of
strengthening in the building is to keep them safe and secure under any circumstances.
Building sturdy structures Earthquake-resistant structures are designed to protect
buildings from collapse.

d. How is it being presented?

Answer: The initial delivery is done by reflecting the opinions of the writer whose
contents tell us all about what happened back then, and then gives us facts and
solutions that allow us to understand how important Building sturdy structures.

e. Which part do you like? Why?

Answer: It was article number 2 that made me realize that it wasn't really the
earthquake that carried it but because the building they built was less sturdy that had a
big impact on what was going on, so that how would we develop a strong,
earthquake-resistant building would have a big impact on them.

f. What is the text trying to do to you?

Answer: To tell me that the real thing often neglected is particularly affected, as for
example many in Indonesia still consider it easy to build a house only with what they
have when working to be a builder that actually strength and sturdiness in a building
also have complex calculations and need competence.

g. Is it relevant to you? Why?

Answer: Yes, because there are currently many such earthquake disasters and there is
nothing wrong with me learning about them.

h. Whose voices and positions are not being expressed?

Answer: The author

i. What was not said about the topic? Why?

Answer: The conclusion

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