Safety and Immunogenicity of M M RII Combination.18

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Vaccine Reports

Safety and Immunogenicity of M-M-RII (Combination

Measles–Mumps–Rubella Vaccine) in Clinical Trials of Healthy
Children Conducted Between 1988 and 2009
Barbara J. Kuter, PhD, MPH, Michelle Brown, BS, Richard T. Wiedmann, MS, Jonathan Hartzel, PhD,
and Luwy Musey, MD

Background: M-M-RII, a combination measles, mumps and rubella vac-

died soon after birth and 2000 cases of encephalitis.3 Mumps out-
cine, was licensed in the United States in 1978 based on data from several
breaks occurred approximately every 3 years before vaccine intro-
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duction. Although not always a reportable disease, it was estimated

clinical trials that demonstrated that the safety and immunogenicity of the
that 50–250 cases of mumps occurred per 100,000 people in the
vaccine were comparable to the component monovalent vaccines and to the
general population with 186,000 cases in 1967.4,5
previous trivalent combination vaccine.
Vaccines for measles, rubella and mumps were first licensed
Methods: Safety and immunogenicity data from 23 postlicensure clinical
in monovalent form in the US in 1963, 1967 and 1971, respec-
trials conducted with M-M-RII between 1988 and 2009 were summarized.
tively. The first trivalent measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine was
A total of 12,901 children who received only a first dose, 920 children who
licensed in the US in 1971 and was manufactured with the HPV-
received a first and second dose and 400 children who received only a sec-
77:DE-5 rubella strain. M-M-RII (measles, mumps and rubella
ond dose were evaluated.
virus vaccine live, West Point, PA), a trivalent vaccine with an
Results: The vaccine was generally well tolerated among children who
improved safety and immunogenicity profile prepared with the RA
received a first and/or second dose of M-M-RII. During the 28–42-day
27/3 rubella strain, was licensed in 1978.6,7 M-M-RII has been used
follow-up after dose 1 and dose 2, the median rate of temperatures ≥102°F
in many countries around the world for many years and has been
(oral equivalent) was 24.8% and 13.0% and the median rate of measles/
the only combination measles, mumps and rubella vaccine admin-
rubella-like rash was 3.2% and 0.5%, respectively. The median rate of injec-
istered in the US since 1978.
tion-site reactions during the first 5 days postdose 1 and postdose 2 was
Widespread use of a routine 2-dose schedule of M-M-RII
17.3% and 42.7%, respectively. The seroconversion rates (enzyme-linked
in the US, Finland and Sweden has led to a 96%–99% reduction
immunosorbent assay) after dose 1 were remarkably consistent from study
in the incidence of each of the 3 targeted diseases.8–11 The rates
to study between 1988 and 2009 (92.8%–100% for measles, 97.7%–100%
of measles, mumps and rubella in the US have each decreased by
for mumps and 92.8%–100% for rubella). A trend test showed that there was
99% or more when comparing morbidity in 2010 to that in the 20th
no change in the immunogenicity of the vaccine over the 21-year period.
century.11 Measles was eliminated in the US in 2000 and rubella
Conclusions: The results of this analysis demonstrate that M-M-RII is
and congenital rubella syndrome were eliminated in 2005.1,12,13 All
well tolerated and immunogenic. The vaccine performed consistently over
3 diseases were eliminated in Finland in 1996–1997 after 14–15
21 years of evaluation in clinical trials.
years of a routine 2-dose vaccine program using M-M-RII.10
Key Words: measles–mumps–rubella vaccine, immunogenicity, safety, M-M-RII was licensed in the US based on data from several
clinical trials clinical trials that demonstrated that the safety and immunogenicity
of the vaccine were comparable to the monovalent component vac-
(Pediatr Infect Dis J 2016;35:1011–1020) cines and to M-M-R, the previous trivalent combination vaccine.6,14
Since that time, there have been many clinical trials conducted with
the vaccine by the manufacturer to support new claims or manu-

facturing changes, to evaluate concomitant use with other pediatric
n the prevaccine era, measles, mumps and rubella were common
vaccines, and as a comparator in the development of the combi-
childhood diseases that resulted in significant morbidity and mor-
nation measles, mumps, rubella and varicella vaccine (ProQuad).
tality. In the United States (US), ~500,000 cases of measles were
In 2006, human-derived serum albumin (HSA) was replaced by
reported annually and resulted in 48,000 hospitalizations, 1000
recombinant human albumin (rHA) in the manufacture of M-M-
persons with permanent brain damage from measles encephalitis
RII, eliminating the use of any human-derived substances.15
and 500 deaths.1 Rubella was both endemic and epidemic in its
The purpose of this report is to summarize the large amount
occurrence, with epidemics occurring every 6–9 years.2 During the
of safety and immunogenicity data for M-M-RII from these clini-
1964–1965 rubella epidemic, it was estimated that there were 12.5
cal studies and to assess the performance of the vaccine over time.
million rubella cases resulting in 20,000 infants born with congeni-
tal rubella syndrome, 11,250 fetal deaths attributable to spontane-
ous or therapeutic abortions, 2100 infants who were stillborn or MATERIALS AND METHODS
Studies/Populations Included
Accepted for publication April 18, 2016. Studies of M-M-RII conducted among healthy children
From the Merck & Co. Inc., West Point, Pennsylvania. between 1988 and 2009 were included in this analysis if they were
Studies supported by Merck & Co. Inc.
All authors were employees of Merck & Co. Inc. when this manuscript was writ-
conducted by Merck, evaluated the safety and/or immunogenicity of
ten; employees may hold stock and/or stock options in the company. M-M-RII administered alone or concomitantly with other pediatric
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. vaccines and met the following criteria: (1) vaccine administered
Address for correspondence: Barbara J. Kuter, PhD, MPH, Merck & Co. Inc., via the subcutaneous (SC) or intramuscular (IM) route; (2) vaccine
West Point, PA 19486. E-mail:
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
formulated with either HSA or rHA; (3) used the licensed formula-
ISSN: 0891-3668/16/3509-1011 tion of M-M-RII or an investigational lot of vaccine containing the
DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000001241 minimum potency for measles, mumps and rubella in the licensed

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 35, Number 9, September 2016 | 1011

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Kuter et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 35, Number 9, September 2016

vaccine and (4) immunogenicity was measured approximately vaccine across all of the studies. A linear regression for each anti-
6 weeks postvaccination. Studies that assessed the use of M-M-RII gen (measles, mumps and rubella) was used to determine whether
as a second dose in children <6 years of age also were included. A there was any trend in the immunogenicity of the vaccine over the
total of 23 studies met these criteria (Table 1). 21 years in which these studies were conducted.
Each clinical trial was approved by an independent ethical
review committee and written informed consent was obtained from the
parent or legal guardian of each child before enrollment into any study.
M-M-RII was administered in one or more treatment
Assessment of Safety groups in 23 clinical trials conducted between 1988 and 2009. A
Safety data were collected in all 23 studies. The data were total of 14,221 subjects received M-M-RII as a first and/or second
collected using a validated Vaccination Report Card (VRC) com- dose in these studies. Of these subjects, 12,901 received only a
pleted by the subject’s parent/guardian. The parent/guardian was first dose in 20 different studies, 920 received a first and second
instructed to assess injection site reactions for the first 5 days post- dose in 2 different studies and 400 received only a second dose in
vaccination. The subject’s body temperature and systemic reactions a single study.
were assessed on a daily basis for 42 days in all 23 studies except A description of each study (including the date of initiation,
one study (study 23) where the follow-up period was 28 days and vaccine(s) administered, number of subjects and duration of safety
one study (study 7) where temperatures were only evaluated for follow-up) is shown in Table 1. Three of the 23 studies evaluated
14 days (Table 1). Daily temperatures, measles/rubella-like rashes the safety and immunogenicity of M-M-RII manufactured with
and local reactions (pain and/or tenderness, swelling and redness at rHA; all others assessed M-M-RII manufactured with HSA.
the injection site) were specifically solicited on the VRC because A total of 13,821 children received a first dose of M-M-RII
they are most likely to be vaccine related and are therefore the focus across 22 different studies. Four of the studies included ≥1 treatment
of the safety summary within this report. Measles-like and rubella- group in which the safety and/or immunogenicity of a first dose of
like rashes were combined for this analysis due to the inability of M-M-RII alone were evaluated, 16 studies included ≥1 treatment
parents/physicians to easily distinguish one from the other and group in which the safety and immunogenicity of a first dose of
are henceforth referred to as measles/rubella-like rashes. Serious M-M-RII was administered concomitantly with varicella vaccine
adverse events (SAEs) were evaluated throughout the 28- or 42-day only and 4 studies included ≥1 treatment group in which the safety
follow-up period and are also summarized in this report. The inves- and immunogenicity of a first dose of M-M-RII was administered
tigator was responsible for assessing whether the event was consid- concomitantly with other monovalent or combination pediatric vac-
ered vaccine related. cines (Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib), diphtheria, tetanus, acel-
In the two studies comparing vaccine formulated with HSA lular pertussis [DTaP], oral polio vaccine [OPV], inactivated polio
versus rHA (studies 19 and 20), the parent/guardian was instructed vaccine, H. influenzae-hepatitis B or DTaP-H. influenzae) with or
to carefully look for any possible hypersensitivity reactions in without varicella vaccine.
response to the vaccination for 42 days after each dose.15 These A second dose of M-M-RII was administered to 1320 chil-
adverse events (AEs) of special interest included, but were not lim- dren in 3 different studies (Table 1). The first study (study 18)
ited to, urticaria, angioedema, wheezing, non-injection-site rash, evaluated M-M-RII alone and in combination with varicella vac-
collapse or shock-like state with onset within 48 hours after vac- cine among 4- to 6-year-old children with a documented history of
cination, and any unexpected SAEs that were considered by the receiving their first dose of M-M-RII and varicella vaccines earlier
investigator to be potentially allergic reactions. in life (before study entry). The second study (study 19) evaluated
the administration of a first dose of M-M-RII at 11–18 months of
Assessment of Immunogenicity age and a second dose at 3–4 years of age. The third study (study
The immunogenicity of M-M-RII was evaluated for each 23) evaluated the administration of 2 doses of M-M-RII and vari-
subject based on sera collected immediately before vaccination and cella vaccine administered ~6 weeks (±14 days) apart to children
~42 days postvaccination (Table 1). 12–23 months of age. Data from subjects in studies 19 and 23 are
Serologic testing for measles, mumps and rubella was per- included in both the dose 1 and dose 2 summaries.
formed by Merck Research Laboratories, West Point, PA. Labora-
tory personnel performing the assays were blinded with respect to Safety
the randomization schedule, but had access to the protocol, the time Dose 1
interval when the subject was to have blood drawn and the antigen The rate of temperatures ≥102°F (38.9°C), oral equiva-
testing schedule for each sample. lent and measles/rubella-like rash after a first dose of M-M-RII is
Appropriately sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively, by study and vaccine regi-
assays were used for the measure of the immune response to mea- men. The data are presented for both days 1–42 (including study
sles, mumps and rubella.15–17 The antigens used were representa- 23 with 28 days of temperature follow-up and study 7 with 14
tive of wild-type (low passage) or vaccine-type viruses. For mea- days of temperature follow-up) and days 5–12 after vaccination.
sles and rubella, the assay cut-offs for determining seroconversion Across the 22 studies and populations of subjects who received at
were correlated with levels considered protective in terms of the least one dose of M-M-RII and had safety data, the median rate of
World Health Organization (WHO) standards. Antibody response temperature ≥102°F (oral equivalent) days 1–42 was 24.8% (range
rates were defined as the proportion of initially seronegative sub- 10.9%–38.4%), and the majority of these temperatures occurred
jects (baseline antibody titer below prespecified cutoff value for between days 5 and 12 postvaccination. The median rate of tem-
each viral antigen) who achieved serum antibody levels equal to perature ≥104°F (40°C), oral equivalent during days 1–42 postvac-
or greater than the prespecified cutoff value for each of the viral cination was 3.3% (range 0%–8.7%; data not shown). As shown in
antigens analyzed at ~42 days postvaccination. Figure 1, temperatures ≥102°F (oral equivalent) measured during
days 5–12 varied across studies, but were generally between 10%
Statistical Methods and 20% regardless of whether M-M-RII was administered alone
Descriptive statistics were used in this evaluation; no for- or in combination with other routine pediatric vaccines (varicella,
mal statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the safety of the hepatitis B, Hib, DTaP and/or OPV).

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 35, Number 9, September 2016 Safety and Immunogenicity of M-M-RII

TABLE 1. Summary of Safety and Immunogenicity Studies of M-M-RII, 1988–2009, by Date of Study Initiation

Month and Age of Route of Vaccines
Year Dose Subjects Vaccine Adminis- (Number Days of Safety
Study Initiated Number Enrolled Formulation tration Vaccinated) N Follow-up Comments

1 06/1988 1 15–23 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 253 1–42

(127), none
2 03/1992 1 12–28 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 229 1–42
3 05/1992 1 14–42 months M-M-RII SC DTaP and OPV 158 1–42
4 08/1992 1 11–17 months M-M-RII SC Hib-Hep B† 156 1–42
5 08/1993 1 12–36 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 603 1–42
6 01/1994 1 12–23 months M-M-RII SC DTaP-Hib‡ + 609 1–42
(305), DTaP-
Hib‡ (304)
7 12/1995 1 12–15 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* (410) 801 1–42 Temperature data
Hib- were collected days
Hep B† + 1–14 only
8 03/1998 1 12–23 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 674 1–42
9 03/1998 1 12–19 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 157 1–42
10 07/1998 1 11–23 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 1037 1–42
11 10/1998 1 12–23 months M-M-RII SC None 85 1–42
12 2/1999 1 11–24 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 1334 1–42
13 4/1999 1 11–23 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 390 1–42
14 5/1999 1 11–20 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 614 1–42
15 09/1999 1 11–23 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 958 1–42
16 04/2000 1 11–22 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 1012 1–42
17 06/2000 1 11–15 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 479 1–42
18 08/2000 2 4–6 years M-M-RII SC None (205) 400 1–42 All subjects received
their first dose of
M-M-RII before
study entry.
Varicella* (195)
19 12/2001 1 11–19 months M-M-RII – rHA SC None 1279 1–42
or M-M-RII
09/2004 2 3–4 years M-M-RII with SC None 373 1–42 373 of the 1279
rHA or M-M- subjects received
RII a second dose of
M-M-RII in the
same study. No
data were collected
after the second
20 10/2004 1 10–18 months M-M-RII or SC Varicella* 1139 1–42
21 12/2004 1 11–16 months M-M-RII SC None 507 1–42 No immunogenicity
data collected.
22 1/2005 1 11–18 months M-M-RII–rHA IM or SC Varicella* 752 1–42
23 1/2009 1 12–23 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 595 1–28 No immunogenicity
data collected.
2 13–24 months M-M-RII SC Varicella* 547 1–28 547 of the 595
subjects received
a second dose of
M-M-RII in the
same study.
*Varicella vaccine (Varivax).
†Haemophilus influenzae–hepatitis B vaccine (Comvax).
‡Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine adsorbed with haemophilus B conjugate vaccine (Tetramune—no longer manufactured).

Across the 22 studies and populations, the median rate administered with other routine pediatric vaccines, the measles/
of measles/rubella-like rash during the 28–42 days of follow-up rubella-like rash rate was >5% (12.3% in study 3, 5.3% in study
after a first dose of vaccine was 3.2% (range 1.3%–12.3%). The 5 and 7.7% in study 6) during the follow-up period. No specific
majority of these rashes occurred between days 5 and 12 postvac- factor was identified to explain the increased rash rates observed
cination. The median rate of measles/rubella-like rashes occurring in these 3 studies.
days 5–12 was 2.5% (range 1%–11%). The measles/rubella-like The rate of injection-site reactions during the first 5 days
rashes were generally mild. As shown in Figure 2, measles/rubella- after a first dose of M-M-RII is shown by study in Figure 3. The
like rash rates were generally <5% across most of the studies dur- median rate of injection site reactions was 18.5% (range 3.2%–
ing the follow-up period. In 3 studies in which M-M-RII was 34.3%) across the studies. The majority of the injection-site

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Kuter et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 35, Number 9, September 2016

FIGURE 1. Rates of temperature ≥102°F (38.9°C), oral equivalent, after a first dose of M-M-RII, by study, days 1–42 and
5–12 postvaccination.

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 35, Number 9, September 2016 Safety and Immunogenicity of M-M-RII

reactions consisted of pain and tenderness and the reactions were respectively). However, the majority of the injection-site reactions
transient. were mild, most resolved within one day, and none were severe.

Dose 2 Febrile Seizures

Administration of a second dose of M-M-RII was evaluated Twenty-four febrile seizures were reported during the safety
in 3 studies. In 2 of these studies, subjects received both a first and follow-up period among the 13,821 subjects who received a first
second dose of M-M-RII. Among subjects in study 23 who received dose of M-M-RII. No febrile seizures were reported among the
2 doses of M-M-RII ~6 weeks apart, the incidence of elevated tem- 1320 subjects who received a second dose. Nine of the subjects with
peratures ≥102°F (oral equivalent) within 42 days after the first a febrile seizure received M-M-RII alone or with placebo before or
and second dose was 10.9% and 6.8%, respectively. For subjects after other vaccines, 11 subjects received M-M-RII and varicella
in study 19 who received 2 doses several years apart, the incidence vaccine, and 4 subjects received M-M-RII concomitantly with
of elevated temperatures within 42 days was 16.1% postdose 1 other pediatric vaccines. The intensity of the febrile seizures was
and 13.0% postdose 2. The measles/rubella-like rash rate within reported as mild for 2, moderate for 7, severe for 13 and unknown
42 days in each study was ~3% postdose 1 and <1% postdose 2. for 2 subjects. Six of the subjects who reported a febrile seizure
The incidence of injection-site reactions at the M-M-RII injection were hospitalized overnight. Eight of these events were considered
site within 5 days after vaccination in subjects receiving 2 doses of related to the administration of the vaccine by the investigator, 15
M-M-RII 6 weeks apart was ~25% postdose 1 and ~20% postdose were not considered related, and 1 was unknown.
2 (study 23). In subjects who received M-M-RII several years after
their first vaccination (study 19), the incidence of injection-site AEs Serious Adverse Events
at the M-M-RII injection site within 5 days postdose 1 and postdose Among the 2202 subjects who received M-M-RII alone,
2 was ~33% and ~50%, respectively. The median rate of injection- 16 reported a total of 21 SAEs during the safety follow-up period
site reactions postdose 2 across the 3 studies was 42.7%. (28 or 42 days); all occurred after a first dose of M-M-RII. The
In study 18, subjects received their first dose of M-M-RII most commonly reported SAEs were gastroenteritis (7 subjects),
outside of the study protocol, and therefore, postdose 1 safety data febrile seizure (2 subjects) and bronchitis (2 subjects). No other
are not available. Among the subjects in this study who received a SAE was reported by more than 1 subject. Only 1 of the 16 subjects
second dose of either M-M-RII alone or concomitantly with vari- reported one or more SAEs (febrile seizure, vomiting and diarrhea)
cella vaccine at 4–6 years of age, the rate of elevated temperature that were considered vaccine-related by the investigator. All of the
≥102°F (oral equivalent), measles/rubella-like rashes and injec- subjects recovered.
tion-site reactions at the M-M-RII injection site (days 1–5) was Among the 12,019 subjects who received M-M-RII con-
9.6%, 0.4% and 46%, respectively. The majority of these AEs were comitantly with other vaccines, 88 reported a total of 153 SAEs
generally mild and of short duration. during the safety follow-up period (28 or 42 days). All but one
of the SAEs occurred after a first dose of M-M-RII administered
HSA Versus rHA concomitantly with other vaccines. The most commonly reported
Studies 19 and 20 compared the use of M-M-RII manufac- SAEs were dehydration (18 subjects), gastroenteritis (15 subjects),
tured with HSA versus rHA.15 Study 19 assessed safety and immu- fever (14 subjects) and pneumonia (12 subjects). Six of the 88 sub-
nogenicity after the first dose and safety only after the second dose jects reported one or more SAEs (otitis media, idiopathic thrombo-
of each formulation; study 20 only assessed safety and measles cytopenia purpura, febrile seizure, fever and seizure disorder) that
immunogenicity after a first dose. Both studies showed that the were considered vaccine related by the investigator. Of the 88 sub-
safety profile of a first dose of either vaccine formulation was gen- jects who reported an SAE, 86 recovered. One subject died due to
erally comparable in terms of the incidence rates of SAEs, systemic asphyxiation 20 days after vaccination that was not vaccine related,
AEs, elevated temperatures (≥102°F oral equivalent) and AEs of and for one subject the outcome was unknown.
special interest. After dose 1, injection-site AEs were reported
by a significantly greater proportion of subjects in study 19 who Immunogenicity
received M-M-RII with rHA (35.6%) than subjects who received Dose 1
M-M-RII with HSA (29.1%); however, the rate of injection site Across the 20 studies with immunogenicity data after a
AEs in Study 20 was not statistically different between the 2 for- first dose of M-M-RII, the overall seroconversion rate among ini-
mulations (32.2% for M-M-RII with rHA vs. 35.7% for M-M-RII tially seronegative subjects ~6 weeks after vaccination was 98.3%
with HSA). There were no significant differences identified in any (9989/10,160) for measles, 98.7% (9639/9764) for mumps and
safety parameter when a second dose of either vaccine formulation 98.2% (9721/9896) for rubella. The seroconversion rates by study
was administered ~2–3 years after the first dose in study 19. No were remarkably consistent over time ranging from 92.8% to 100%
subject was discontinued from either study because of an AE fol- for measles, 97.7% to 100% for mumps and 92.8% to 100% for
lowing either study vaccination. rubella. An analysis of the immunogenicity over time indicated
there was no change in the performance of the measles, mumps
IM Versus SC Route of Administration and rubella components of the vaccine (P > 0.20 for each com-
Study 22 demonstrated that both IM and SC administra- ponent) over the 21 years in which immunogenicity was assessed
tion of M-M-RII were well tolerated in terms of the incidence of (1988–2009).
SAEs, systemic AEs, elevated temperatures (≥102.2°F [39.0°C],
oral equivalent) and measles/rubella-like rashes. The overall rate of Dose 2
injection-site AEs occurring at the site of administration of M-M- Among the 4–6-year-old subjects who received a second
RII during the 5 days after vaccination was numerically higher dose of M-M-RII in study 18, a slight boost in antibody titers was
among subjects who received the vaccine via the SC route (21.5%) demonstrated 6 weeks postvaccination. The fold-rise in geometric
versus those who received the vaccine IM (15.8%). During the 5 mean titers for measles, mumps and rubella ranged from 1.28 to
days after vaccination, redness and swelling at the injection site 3.69 after vaccination with M-M-RII, either alone or concomitantly
occurred at a higher rate among those who received the vaccine with varicella vaccine. Before administration of a second dose of
SC (16.2% and 5.3%, respectively) versus IM (10.4% and 1.9%, M-M-RII, the seropositivity rate in subjects randomized to receive

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Kuter et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 35, Number 9, September 2016

FIGURE 2. Rates of measles-like/rubella-like rash after a first dose of M-M-RII, by study, days 1–42 and 5–12 postvaccination.

1016 | © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 35, Number 9, September 2016 Safety and Immunogenicity of M-M-RII

FIGURE 3. Rates of injection site adverse events after a first dose of M-M-RII, by study, days 1–5 postvaccination.

M-M-RII alone or M-M-RII concomitantly with varicella vaccine vaccine was first licensed, over 650 million doses have been distrib-
was 98.6% for measles, 96.1% for mumps and 96.9% for rubella, uted (as of the end of 2014) and millions of children continue to be
respectively. The seropositivity rate after a second dose was 99.7% vaccinated with this trivalent vaccine every year.
for measles, 100% for mumps and 99.7% for rubella. One subject The 23 separate and diverse studies of M-M-RII summa-
was seronegative to measles and one subject was seronegative to rized here involved 13,821 children who received a first dose at
rubella after a second dose; both subjects received M-M-RII con- 11–42 months of age and 1320 children who received a second
comitantly with varicella vaccine. Immunogenicity after a second dose at 1–6 years of age. The results of these studies confirm that
dose of M-M-RII was not evaluated in study 19 or in study 23. the vaccine is well tolerated and immunogenic, both as a first and
second dose, either when administered alone or with other rou-
HSA Versus rHA tine pediatric vaccines (varicella, DTaP, H. influenzae, hepatitis B
The immunogenicity of M-M-RII manufactured with HSA and/or OPV) as is often done in clinical practice. Furthermore, the
versus rHA was assessed in one study (study 19).15 This study data indicate that the immunogenicity of the vaccine has remained
showed that the immune response to a first dose of either formula- constant over a 21-year period (1988–2009).
tion was comparable. Seropositivity rates after administration of The safety profile of a first dose of the vaccine reported in
M-M-RII manufactured with HSA versus rHA were 98.8% and the prelicensure studies conducted in the late 1970s and early 1980s
98.3% for measles, 97.9% and 99.5% for mumps and 99.6% and was confirmed in these studies conducted from 1988 to 2009.6,7,14
99.7% for rubella, respectively. Immunogenicity was not assessed The most common AE reported after a first dose of M-M-RII was
after a second dose in this study. injection site reactions occurring at a median rate of 17.3% (range
3.2%–34.3%) during the first 5 days after vaccination. The injec-
IM Versus SC Route of Administration tion site reactions were generally of short duration. The median rate
Study 22 compared the immunogenicity of M-M-RII admin-
of measles/rubella-like rash over 28–42 days of follow-up across
istered via the IM versus SC route. This study showed that the
all studies was 3.2% (range 1%–12%). Fever rates (temperature
immune response was comparable when the vaccine was adminis-
≥102°F, oral equivalent) varied considerably across the studies
tered via either route. Seropositivity rates after IM and SC admin-
ranging from 11% to 38% while temperature ≥104°F (oral equiva-
istration were 94.3% and 96.1% for measles, 97.7% and 98.1% for
lent) was rarely reported. In general, fever rates were comparable
mumps and 98.1% and 98.1% for rubella, respectively.
between different vaccine groups in the same clinical trial. Dif-
ferences in fever rates across the various clinical studies may be
DISCUSSION related to seasonality, age and/or concurrent common infections
This summary represents the largest collection of safety that are likely associated with increased fever.18–20
and immunogenicity data from clinical trials of M-M-RII ever A second dose of M-M-RII was shown to be well tolerated
published. The continued safety and immunogenicity of this vac- among the 1320 children evaluated. Two studies reported here
cine are of major public health interest because M-M-RII is one of (studies 19 and 23) assessed the safety of a 2-dose regimen in >900
the most widely used combination vaccines in the world. Since the subjects. We are unaware of any other published studies that have

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Kuter et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 35, Number 9, September 2016

assessed the safety profile of a 2-dose regimen of M-M-RII in the 14–18 months. Approximately one in every 25 children will have had
same subjects. The results of study 19 suggested that injection site a febrile seizure by 5 years of age.25 Febrile seizures generally have an
reactions were higher after a second dose than after a first dose of excellent prognosis, but can be very concerning for parents. The rate
vaccine while study 23 suggested that the rate was lower after the of febrile seizures reported among recipients of a first dose of M-M-
second dose. Fever and measles/rubella-like rash rates were lower RII in our studies was 1.7/1000 vaccine recipients (24/13,821). This
after the second dose compared with the first dose in both studies. rate is somewhat higher than the rate of 1/3000 to 1/4000 reported
A lower incidence of systemic reactions after a second dose is prob- in general use of this vaccine in other studies.26,27 The higher rate
ably the result of less viral replication of this live attenuated viral reported in these clinical trials is likely due to the differences in study
vaccine in an immune host.21 methods. Active safety follow-up was conducted in the clinical trials
The safety profile of M-M-RII described in this report is summarized in this report, whereas the other studies utilized managed
consistent with both the results of prelicensure clinical trials of a care datasets limited to medically attended events. In a study in Den-
first dose as well as postlicensure evaluations of a first and second mark using M-M-RII, the rate of first febrile seizures was 10% higher
dose of the vaccine when used in routine clinical practice.6,7,14,20,22,23 among vaccinated children compared with nonvaccinated children.
However, none of the 23 studies described in this report were The rate of febrile seizures increased during the first 2 weeks after
placebo-controlled, thus precluding the ability to determine the vaccination (relative risk [RR] 2.75, 95% CI: 2.55–2.97), but thereaf-
true frequency of AEs caused by the vaccine. Other research has ter was close to the rate observed for nonvaccinated children.25 This
addressed this question through controlled trials. In their double- pattern was consistent with the results of other studies.26–29
blind, placebo-controlled crossover study of the reactogenicity of None of the febrile seizures reported in these 23 studies
M-M-RII among 581 twin pairs in Finland, Peltola and Heinonen22 after a first dose of M-M-RII resulted in any known sequelae. No
showed that many of the symptoms and signs observed in the vac- febrile seizures were reported after dose 2, consistent with other
cinated children were also common in the placebo group. The vast publications.20,23 Children with febrile seizures after MMR have
majority of mild fever (<38.5°C) was not shown to be due to the been reported to have a slightly increased rate of recurrent febrile
vaccine, although high fever (>39.5°C) was seldom caused by fac- seizures (RR 1.19, 95% CI, 1.10–1.41), but no increased rate of
tors other than the vaccine. Fever was most likely to occur during epilepsy (RR 0.70, 95% CI 0.33–1.50) compared with children who
days 7–12 and high fever was most likely to occur during days 9–10 were not vaccinated at the time of their first febrile seizure.21
after a first dose. Generalized rash, a classical sign of measles, was SAEs were rare after either a first or second dose of M-M-
only more frequent among vaccine recipients than placebo recipi- RII in these clinical trials. The AEs reported in these studies were
ents in the second week after vaccination. The authors concluded similar to those reported in a recent publication on the 32-year
that the vast majority of adverse reactions reported after M-M-RII safety follow-up for this vaccine.30 Lievano et al30 summarized
were only temporally, but not causally related to vaccination. spontaneous postlicensure reports for the vaccine over a period in
LeBaron and colleagues21 also addressed the question of which ~518 million doses of M-M-RII manufactured with HSA
which AEs were considered vaccine-related by comparing symp- and ~57 million doses of M-M-RII manufactured with rHA were
toms over the 4 weeks after receipt of M-M-RII (with or without distributed. During the more than 3 decades of follow-up, ~31 AEs
other routine pediatric vaccines) to those in the 2 weeks before vac- were reported after vaccination for every 1 million doses distrib-
cination. Data on 13 AEs (fever, runny nose, sore throat [dose 2 uted. There were no differences observed in the rate or severity of
only], cough, red eyes, nausea [dose 2 only], vomiting, diarrhea, reported AEs for the 2 formulations. The results from the clinical
jaw swelling, swollen glands, joint problems, headache [dose 2 studies summarized in this report support this finding.
only] and rash) were recorded by the child’s parent/guardian on The immunogenicity results from these clinical trials are
a daily card. Among toddlers receiving a first dose of M-M-RII, generally consistent with the results of multiple assessments of
fever, diarrhea and rash were reported significantly more frequently the immune response reported in other studies.6,7,14,17,31–35 A 2013
in each of the 2 weeks immediately after vaccination than in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention review of the serocon-
prevaccination control period. Median postvaccination day of onset version rates reported across multiple studies of a single dose of
was day 9 for fever, day 5 for diarrhea and day 10 for rash. Among M-M-RII reported a median seroconversion rate of 95% (range
another group of children who received a second dose of M-M-RII 84%–100%) for measles, 94% (range 89%–97%) for mumps and
at 4–6 years or 11–12 years of age, few symptoms were reported 99% (range 95%–100%) for rubella.31 These numbers are very sim-
at baseline, and no significant change in the rates of any of the 13 ilar to the results from these clinical trials in which the seroconver-
AEs occurred postvaccination. Davis et al23 reported similar find- sion rates ranged from 92.8% to 100% for measles, 97.7% to 100%
ings in their study of clinical events plausibly related to vaccination for mumps and 92.8% to 100% for rubella.
(including seizures, pyrexia, malaise/fatigue nervous/musculoskel- The efficacy of monovalent measles, monovalent mumps
etal symptoms, rash, edema, induration/ecchymosis, lymphadenop- and monovalent rubella vaccines was established in a series of
athy, thrombocytopenia, aseptic meningitis and joint pain) in 4–6 double-blind, controlled prelicensure clinical trials performed in the
year olds after a second dose of M-M-RII. They found that children 1960–1970s in children. Vaccine efficacy in these trials was 100%
were less likely to have a medical visit in the month after vaccina- for measles, 95% for mumps and 100% for rubella.36–40 Since then,
tion with M-M-RII compared with the 3 months before vaccination numerous studies have evaluated the effectiveness of M-M-RII in
(odds ratio, 0.64; 95% confidence interval 0.40, 1.01).23 In their routine practice. A recent Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
prospective, double-blind, crossover trial among twins receiving tion review reported that the median effectiveness of a single dose of
M-M-RII, Virtanen et al20 reported that there was no difference in M-M-RII was 93% (range 39%–100%) for the measles component,
local reactions between vaccine and placebo recipients and fever 78% (range 49%–92%) for the mumps component and 97% (range
was the sign most uniformly caused by vaccination when vacci- 94%–100%) for the rubella component. The median effectiveness
nated in the second year of life. They also reported that the vac- after a second dose was 97% (range 67%–100%) for the measles
cine was virtually nonreactogenic at 6 years of age in children who component and 88% (range 66%–95%) for the mumps compo-
presumably had received a first dose of vaccine at an earlier age. nent.31 (The effectiveness of the rubella component after a second
Fever may cause seizure in some children.24 Febrile seizures dose was not assessed.) The immunogenicity results for measles and
usually occur among children 6–59 months of age with a peak age at rubella reported in the 23 clinical trials summarized in this report

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 35, Number 9, September 2016 Safety and Immunogenicity of M-M-RII

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