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Independent University Bangladesh

School of Business
Assignment#2, Summer-2023
Course code: BUS 202, Title: Business Mathematics

1. Evaluate the following integrals:

! #$ . *+ ,
(a) ∫ (&$'()!/# , (b) ∫- (,$'-)#/$ 𝑑𝑥 , (c) ∫0 (8)+.($ 𝑑𝑥 .

2. At time 𝑡 years, an industry consumes fuel at the rate of (2𝑡 + 9)-/0 million barrels per year. If
the total supply of fuel available to the industry now and in the future is 63 million barrels, how
many years will the supply last?

3. Sales of milk at time 𝑡 years are projected to be at the rate of 10 + 20𝑒 2+.,3 million gallons per
year. Find total sales in the next five years.

4. Determine all local optimum points and all inflection points of 𝑓(𝑥) = −𝑥 * − 12𝑥 0 − 45𝑥 + 2.

5. Sales of wheat at time 𝑡 years are projected to be at the rate of 5 + 15𝑒 2+.03 million pounds per
year. Find total sales in the next five years.

6. Sales of a product are projected to be at the rate of 15𝑒 2+.03 million pounds per year at time 𝑡
years. (a) Find total sales in the next five years.
(b) How long will it take for total sales to reach 60 million pounds?

7. The total supply of a fuel available now and in the future is 1000 million barrels. At time 𝑡 years
from now, fuel will be consumed at the rate of 10𝑒 +.+(3 million barrels per year.
(a) How much fuel will be consumed in the next 20 years?
(b) How long will the supply of fuel last?

8. At time 𝑡 years, the cost of maintaining a facility is at the rate of 12𝑒 +.+!3 thousands of dollars
per year. Assuming there is no fixed involved,
(a) Find total maintenance cost for the next 10 years?
(b) How long will it take for total maintenance cost to reach $300 thousand?

9. At time 𝑡 years, interest on a bank account is at the rate of 600𝑒 +.+.3 dollars per year.
(a) What will be total interest accumulation in 12 years?
(b) How long will it take for total interest accumulation to reach $5000?

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