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[OPINION] Hungry children do not make

good students
Filipino students are left behind.

The 2022 Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA) results indicate that our
students are five to six years behind the average learner. Across 81 countries, the Philippines
ranked among the lowest in reading, mathematics, and science.

These dismal results have raised alarm over the country’s current education system, with many
(rightfully) holding the Department of Education accountable. There had been a widespread
clamor for urgent education reforms.

We argue, however, that reforms need not only be in the education sector but in the health
sector as well. Our argument is simple: hungry children do not make good students.

Malnourished bodies, malnourished minds

Often overlooked are the growing cases of malnutrition in the country and its categorical link
to low academic performance.
Nevertheless, DepEd indicated that the possibility of resuming classes in June may not be
feasible for the next three to five school years.

With worsening weather events, this means that students, parents, and teachers will still have
to confront the challenges posed by the present calendar.

Too hot to go to school, health risk

Traditionally and as mandated by law, the school year typically begins on the first Monday of
June but no later than the final day of August, concluding in March.

However, due to the impact of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown, in 2020, the
government initially postponed the start of the school year to August and later extended it
to October.

Since then, the academic year has begun in August, resulting in students now being in school
in the months April to May – a time that used to serve as their summer vacation or break in the
previous school calendar, and a period when high temperatures are often recorded.

Grade 12 student Jobyrema Bereber, 16, recalled the difficulty of learning under scorching heat
early this year.

“Nahirapan kami sa init talaga, iyon ang problema. Nag-aagawan kami sa pamaypay, sa
electric fan na minsan nakatutok pa sa mga teacher lang,” Bereber said.

(We really struggled with the heat, that was the problem. We were fighting over the hand fans,
and sometimes, even the electric fans only served the teachers.)

Bereber said this situation distracted her, leading to a decline in her academic performance
during those hot months.

“Nahihirapan kami mag-focus kasi habang nagsusulat ka, kailangan mo rin magpaypay
kasi sobrang init talaga. Minsan sa sobrang init nahihilo na ako, minsan hindi na po ako
pumapasok,” she explained.

(We find it hard to focus because while you’re writing, you also need to fan yourself because
it’s really hot. Sometimes, it gets so hot that I feel dizzy. Sometimes I just don’t go to school.)

Parents are also experiencing this challenging situation, which is the case for individuals like
Alexa Agbayani, 28, who did not anticipate this schooling arrangement for her two children.

Agbayani said that the scorching heat during the months of March to May make her worry
about the safety and well-being of her children as they walk to school in the blistering heat.
“Bukod sa epekto sa kanilang pag-aaral, natatakot din ako sa epekto nito sa health nila
kasi napakainit at may mga nababalitang sinusugod sa ospital kasi sobra talaga ang init ,”
she said.

(Aside from its impact on their studies, I am also concerned about its effect on their health
because it’s scorching hot, and there are reports of people being rushed to the hospital due to
extreme heat.)

Flerida Orian, a public elementary school teacher, said the scorching heat also affected her
classes and how her students – many of whom found it challenging to learn in the sweltering
classrooms – experienced a drop in their academic performance.

“Naranasan namin na marami sa mga mag-aaral namin ay hindi nakakapasok nang regular
sa buwan ng April at May. Hindi naman din naging epektibong alternatibo ang ipinatupad
na shortened period at blended learning sa panahon ng kasukdulan ng taas ng temperatura
noong summer dahil lalo lamang napaikli nito ang contact time between teachers and
learners o tinatawag na teaching-learning period. Mainam pa rin na face-to-face ,” she said.

(We observed that numerous students couldn’t attend classes regularly in April and May. The
shortened and blended learning periods during the scorching summer were not effective
alternatives as they reduced the contact time between teachers and learners. Face-to-face
interaction is still preferable.)

In the Senate hearing, PAGASA said that there is an increasing intensity of weather extremes
in the country.

“In April, we start experiencing a heat index of 41-42 degrees Celsius. Heat cramps and heat
exhaustion are more likely, and with continued exposure, the risk of heat stroke becomes even
higher,” said Rosalina de Guzman, PAGASA assistant weather services chief.

Heat index is what the temperature feels like to the human body when relative humidity is
combined with the air temperature.

Over the past five years, the Philippines has experienced its highest average
monthly heat index during the months of April, May, and June. During this period,
the recorded maximum average felt temperature reached up to 38 degrees Celsius.

De Guzman noted the benefits of the new school calendar in the context of the weather patterns
in the country:

 Fewer school days coincided with the rainy season, resulting in a decreased number of
school days with extreme rainfall
 There is reduced cancellation of classes related to tropical cyclones

Meanwhile, given the current school calendar, the assistant weather services chief said:
 There will be more scorching school days
 There is a high potential for graduation day to coincide with the rainy season
 There is an increased likelihood of academic breaks being affected by tropical cyclones

“However, we can only recommend these findings to DepEd; it’s their responsibility to decide
how to act on them regarding the school calendar,” De Guzman said in a phone interview.

June opening, not feasible ‘for now’

In July, a Pulse Asia survey commissioned by Gatchalian showed that 8 out of 10 Filipinos
want “summer” breaks brought back to April and May.

“If we have classes during summer, the students will feel this increase in extreme heat and that
is also a risk for their health – not just for our students but also for our teachers because they
have to go to school throughout the day,” Gatchalian said in an interview with Rappler.

In April, multiple cases of schools canceling classes were reported, attributed to the extreme
heat, resulting in some students being sent to clinics and experiencing nosebleeds.

In response to calls to revert to a June school opening, DepEd Assistant Secretary on

Operations Francis Cesar Bringas said the department conducted an internal study in April to
explore the potential shift from an August start date.

Their initial recommendation was that an immediate return to a June school opening is not
feasible due to several factors. These include the potential reduction in vacation days for both
teachers and students, and the need to adjust the school calendar days.

“They (teachers) are entitled to a two-month vacation because it is covered by their

proportional vacation pay. If we shorten that, we will have to provide teachers with overtime
pay, which is currently not included in the department’s budget,” Bringas told Rappler. “Our
position is that if we were to return to June, it wouldn’t be done abruptly; instead, it would be
on a phased and gradual basis,” Bringas added.

ACT Philippines chairperson Valentin Quetua emphasized that DepEd should not stretch the
school calendar too much to quickly return to a June start within the next two to three sch ool

“We told DepEd not to extend it to 220 days, and that the minimum should be 185 days. The
remaining days out of the 220 are intended as buffer days for events like typhoons and the
like,” Quetua said.

Addressing old problems

However, Quetua asserted that whether the school year starts in August or June, students may
not be shielded from extreme weather conditions, given the observed impacts of climate
He emphasized that without addressing the fundamental issues within the education system,
students will undoubtedly face significant challenges in their education.

“The issue of resuming classes in June is a topic of discussion. However, whether it happens or
not, the real problems lie in classroom shortages, teachers, school facilities, and health
facilities. This will become an even more significant issue for students and teachers during the
summer,” Quetua said in Filipino.

Parents like Agbayani hope that the government would focus more on the urgent needs of
students and not prioritize other matters that are less pressing.

“Sobrang tagal ng limang taon. Sana pag-isipan ng gobyerno na paglaanan nang maayos
ang pag-aaral ng mga bata. Summer man o rainy days, dapat komportable ang bata
sa classroom hindi iyong kung ano-ano ang iniisip nilang gawing mga patakaran na hindi
naman kailangan,” she said.

(Five years is such a long time. Hopefully, the government will consider allocating resources
to ensure that children’s education proceeds smoothly. Whether it’s summer or rainy days,
children should feel comfortable in the classroom, instead of them constantly devising
unnecessary policies.) –

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