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Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

of codeine in end-stage renal disease

The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of codeine and its metabolites codeine glucuronide,
morphine, and morphine glucuronide were assessed after the administration of a single 60 mg oral dose
of codeine sulfate and a single 60 mg intravenous dose of codeine phosphate in six healthy volunteers
and six patients on chronic hemodialysis. Plasma and urine drug and metabolite concentrations were
determined by sensitive and specific R1A procedures. Pharmacodynamics were assessed by pupillometry
and vital sign determinations. Codeine elimination half-life and mean residence time were increased
significantly in the hemodialysis group (18.69 ± 9.03 hours and 12.77 ± 7.09 hours, mean ± SD,
respectively) compared with the healthy volunteer group (4.04 ± 0.60 hours and 3.90 ± 0.52 hours,
respectively). The total body clearance and volume ofdistribution ofcodeine were not significantly different
between groups. Peak concentrations, times to peak concentrations, and AUCs for the three metabolites
were also not significantly different between the groups, in part as a result of significant interpatient
variability in the hemodialysis group. Examination of pupillometry and vital sign data did not reveal
clinically significant differences in pharmacodynamics between the groups. Adjustment of dosage regimen
may be required in some patients with uremia receiving multiple-dose codeine therapy. (CLIN PHARMACOL
TITER 1988;43:63-71.)

David R. P. Guay, Pharm.D., Walid M. Awni, Ph.D., John W. A. Findlay, Ph.D.,

Charles E. Halstenson, Pharm.D., Paul A. Abraham, M.D., John A. Opsahl, M.D.,
Evelyn C. Jones, B.S., and Gary R. Matzke, Pharm.D.
Minneapolis, Minn., and Research Triangle Park, N.C.

Although codeine, alone or in combination with acet- Furthermore, two recent reports suggest that patients
aminophen or acetylsalicylic acid, has been widely used with renal failure may develop severe codeine-induced
as an analgesic for many years, there are only limited narcosis while receiving standard doses. 7.'8 Altered
data on the pharmacokinetics of this compound in pharmacokinetics secondary to renal insufficiency or
humans."' Specifically, the pharmacokinetics and enhanced sensitivity to codeine could account for the
pharmacodynamics of codeine have not been evaluated observed effects.
prospectively in patients with renal failure. The phar- This study was designed to rigorously investigate the
macokinetics and pharmacodynamics of meperidine, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of codeine
propoxyphene, dihydrocodeine, and morphine are sig- and its three major metabolites, codeine glucuronide,
nificantly altered in the presence of renal disease." 16 morphine, and morphine glucuronide, after intravenous
and oral administration of single doses of codeine to
normal volunteers and patients on chronic hemodi-
From the Drug Evaluation Unit, Hennepin County Medical Center, alysis.
and the College of Pharmacy and School of Medicine, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and Wellcome Research Laboratories, MATERIAL AND METHODS
Department of Medicinal Biochemistry, Research Triangle Park.
Presented in part at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the National Subjects. Six healthy subjects (creatinine clearance
Kidney Foundation, Washington, D.C., December 1986, and the >90 ml/min) and six patients with end-stage renal dis-
Eighty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical ease undergoing hemodialysis therapy participated in
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Orlando, Fla., March 25-28, this study. Mean ( ± SD) age, body weight, and height
in the normal volunteer group were 27.8 ± 3.7 years,
Received for publication March 17, 1987; accepted July 19, 1987.
Reprint requests: David R. P. Guay, Pharm.D., Drug Evaluation 73.1 ± 11.6 kg, and 174.0 ± 7.3 cm, respectively.
Unit, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Hennepin Mean age, body weight, and height in the group
County Medical Center, 701 Park Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55415. on chronic hemodialysis were 45.5 ± 18.9 years,

64 Guay et al. JANUARY 1988

(Sage Instruments, Cambridge, Mass.). The order of

10001 drug administration was randomly allocated.
Oral and intravenous doses were administered after
an 8-hour overnight fast, and food or beverages other
than water were not allowed until at least 2 hours after
drug administration. Study phases were separated by at
least a 1-week washout period. All studies on patients
receiving hemodialysis were performed on off-dialysis
Seven milliliter blood samples were collected into
EDTA-containing Vacutainer tubes (Becton-Dickinson,
Rutherford, N.J.) with a heparin lock before drug ad-
ministration and 0.17, 0.33, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4,
6, 8, 10, and 12 hours after drug administration.
Blood samples were also obtained 24 hours after drug
administration by venipuncture. All blood samples
were centrifuged and the harvested plasma stored at

1111 - 70° C until analysis. All urine produced during the

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
24-hour interval after drug administration was collected
Time (hr)
(when possible, in the group on chronic hemodialysis)
in the following fractions: 0 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 6, 6 to
Fig. 1. Mean ( SD) plasma codeine concentrations after 12, and 12 to 24 hours. Urine volumes were measured
intravenous administration of 60 mg codeine phosphate in six -
and aliquots were stored at 70° C until analysis.
healthy volunteers ()
and six patients on hemodialysis (0). The following pharmacodynamic assessments were
evaluated after each administration of codeine: respi-
ratory rate, sitting blood pressure, heart rate, level of
81.5 ± 23.2 kg, and 168.3 ± 13.0 cm, respectively. consciousness, and pupillary reactivity to light were
The sex distribution (male female) in the healthy vol-
: monitored immediately before and 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
unteer group and group on chronic hemodialysis was 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 24 hours after drug admin-
4:2 and 3:3, respectively. The only significant differ- istration. Pupillary diameter was determined before
ence between the groups in demographic parameters drug administration and 2, 5, 7, and 10 hours after drug
was the difference in age. All subjects underwent a administration by 35 mm photography using a fixed
medical history, physical examination, and laboratory focal-length lens and a scale affixed to the subject's
assessment before participation in the study. The vol- eyebrow.I9 The timing of pupillometry was dictated by
unteers were considered healthy if all physical findings the frequent blood sampling times. Side effects such as
and laboratory assessments were within the normal nausea, sedation, and constipation were documented
range. Subjects were excluded if they had received any after subject interview.
narcotic analgesics within 2 weeks of the study or if
they had known or suspected "true hypersensitivity" to Analytic methodology
codeine. All subjects gave written, informed consent Determination of free (unconjugated) morphine
to participate in the study, which had been approved and codeine in plasma. Unconjugated alkaloids in
by the Research Advisory Committee of Hennepin plasma were measured by direct RIAs that employed
County Medical Center. antisera raised to conjugates of codeine' and mor-
Study design. Each subject received codeine on two phine' coupled to carrier protein via the piperidine ring
occasions. On one occasion a single 60 mg oral dose of the respective alkaloids. This route of conjugation
of codeine sulfate (Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Ind., results in antisera with very low cross-reactivities with
lot 0002-2555-02, equivalent to 51.6 mg codeine base) the major glucuronide metabolites.22 For example, the
was administered with 240 ml water. On the other oc- cross-reactivity of codeine-6-glucuronide, morphine,
casion a single 60 mg intravenous dose of codeine and morphine-6-glucuronide in the codeine assay
phosphate (Winthrop-Breon, New York, N.Y., lot with the antisera used in this study (NC-4/11, Well-
M113AH, equivalent to 45.2 mg codeine base) was come Research Laboratories, Research Triangle Park,
administered over 15 minutes with an infusion pump N.C.) was 0.14%, 0.63%, and 0.01%, respectively.
NUMBER I Codeine in renal failure 65

Cross-reactivity with norcodeine was 20%. However, 500

cross-reactivity with N-demethylated metabolites is un-

important in view of the negligible circulating concen-
trations of these compounds in plasma. In addition,
using assays of extracted and unextracted samples, and
antisera with norcodeine cross-reactivity of 0.14%, no

interference with codeine determinations was noted (un- -NTT
published observation). The details of these assay pro-
cedures, including sensitivity, specificity, and reprod-
ucibility data, have been reported previously."' 10
Determination of total (conjugated plus unconju-
gated) morphine and codeine in plasma. Plasma 0 5.0

(0.2 ml) was mixed thoroughly with Glusulase (Du-

pont Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, Del.; containing
191,789 U glucuronidase activity and 21,928 U sul-
fatase activity/ml; 50 Ill) and sodium acetate buffer (0.2 1.0 111111111111
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
mol/L, pH 5.5; 0.2 ml), and the mixture was incubated Time (hr)
at 37° C for 20 hours. Individual plasma hydrolysates
were then diluted with assay buffer (phosphate-buffered Fig. 2. Mean ( -± SD) plasma codeine concentrations after oral
saline solution containing 0.1% gelatin) to bring them administration of 60 mg codeine sulfate in six healthy vol-
into the range of the respective assay standard curves unteers ()
and six patients on hemodialysis ().
before RIA analyses for morphine and codeine using
the antisera described above. Standard and control so-
lutions of codeine and morphine, respectively, were chloroform: ethanol (95:5; 2 m1). The extracts contain-
also carried through the entire enzyme treatment and ing drug and metabolite were processed and analyzed
assay procedure. Assay values were corrected to reflect as described above for determination of free concen-
the efficiency of enzyme hydrolysis as indicated by the trations of codeine and morphine in urine, with the
recovery of codeine and morphine after hydrolysis of exception that dried extracts were reconstituted in 0.1
standard concentrations of codeine-6-glucuronide and ml ethanol and 0.9 ml assay buffer. Standard and con-
morphine-3-glucuronide under the conditions described trol solutions of the alkaloids were carried through all
above. steps of the procedure to allow for internal compen-
Determination of free morphine and codeine in sation for losses.
urine. Urine (0.5 ml) was mixed with 1 mol/L Na,CO, Data analysis?3'24 Pharmacokinetic parameters of
(pH 9.5): glycerol (1:1; 0.5 ml) and extracted twice codeine, codeine glucuronide, morphine, and morphine
with chloroform: ethanol (95:5; 2 m1). The combined glucuronide were determined by model-independent
organic extracts were evaporated to dryness under a analysis. Maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) and
stream of dry nitrogen and the residue was solubilized time to attain Cma, (t,RR) were determined from the ob-
by addition of ethanol (0.05 ml), mixing, and addition served plasma concentration-time data. The disposition
of assay buffer (0.45 m1). These extracts were then rate constants (k) for codeine were calculated from the
assayed as indicated above; standard and control so- 10-, 12-, and 24-hour data points on the terminal por-
lutions of the alkaloids were again carried through the tions of the semilogarithmic plasma concentration-time
entire procedure to allow for internal compensation for curves by nonlinear regression analysis. Elimination
losses. half-lives (t172) were obtained by dividing in 2 by k.
Determination of total morphine and codeine in AUC was calculated for the 24 hours after administra-
urine. Urine (0.5 ml) was mixed thoroughly with 0.5 tion (AUC(0_24)) by the linear trapezoidal rule and cal-
ml of a solution (5 mg/ml) of p-glucuronidase (Miles culated to infinity (AUC,) for codeine by the equa-
Laboratories, Inc., Elkhart, Ind.; containing 2000 U tion: AUC0c = AUC(0 24) ± C24/k, where C-)4 is the
glucuronidase activity/mg) in 0.2 mol/L sodium ace- codeine plasma concentration 24 hours after adminis-
tate buffer (pH 5.5) and the mixture was incubated at tration. Total body (CL), renal (CL,), and nonrenal
37° C for 20 hours. Then 1 mol/L Na2CO3 (pH 9.5): (CL) clearances were calculated according to the
glycerol (1 :1; 0.5 ml) was added and the tube con- following equations: CL = dose/AUC,, CLR =
tents were vortex mixed and extracted twice with Aet,_12/AUCt,2, and CL, = CL CLR, where dose is
66 Guay et al. JANUARY 1988

Table I. Model-independent pharmacokinetic parameters of codeine after intravenous administration to

healthy volunteers and patients on hemodialysis
Subjects (nglml) (hr) (nglml hr) (mIlminIkg) (ml/mm/kg) (mIlminIkg) (hr) (LIkg) (%)

1 169 4.24 448 17.8 1.73 16.07 3.67 3.93 102
2 203 3.49 575 16.0 1.41 14.59 3.37 3.11 84
3 144 4.72 580 18.6 3.17 15.43 4.22 4.71 113
4 361 4.17 828 13.2 1.24 11.96 3.36 2.65 100
5 360 3.14 1167 9.3 0.92 8.38 4.08 2.28 75
6 130 4.47 757 15.3 1.80 13.50 4.67 4.28 107
Mean 228 4.04 726 15.0 1.71 13.32 3.90 3.49 97
± SD 106 0.60 256 3.4 0.78 2.83 0.52 0.96 15
7 248 14.94 526 24.1 0.00 24.10 7.41 10.71 358
8 140 26.96 426 14.2 0.07 14.13 16.40 13.96 629
9 340 9.79 939 8.4 0.00 8.40 5.58 2.83 235
10 545 33.28 1900 4.9 0.00 4.90 24.83 7.23 800
11 144 13.76 835 11.3 0.01 11.29 9.32 6.33 330
12 660 14.15 3502 3.3 0.03 3.27 13.07 2.62 340
Mean 346 18.69 1355 11.0 0.02 11.02 12.77 7.28 449
± SD 215 9.03 1175 7.6 0.03 7.55 7.09 4.45 217
P value 0.477 0.004 0.429 0.146 0.004 0.262 0.004 0.146 0.004
MRT, mean residence time; AF, accumulation factor at steady state expressed as percentage of codeine concentrations after the first dose based on a hypothetical
regimen of 60 mg codeine phosphate administered intravenously every 6 hours.

the codeine dose administered intravenously expressed nated prematurely because of severe adverse reactions
as milligrams of codeine base, Aet,.t2 is the urinary ex- in the first two patients on hemodialysis (protracted
cretion of compound over the urine collection interval nausea and vomiting after three and five doses, re-
t1-t2, and AUCto, is the AUC during the urine collection spectively, lasting up to 5 days after drug discontin-
interval t142. uation). The plasma codeine concentration-time curves
The codeine volume of distribution at steady state for the two study groups after intravenous and oral
(V) and mean residence time were calculated by administration of codeine are illustrated in Figs. I
statistical moment theory.' Absolute codeine bioavail- and 2, respectively. Plasma codeine concentrations
ability (F) was calculated from the ratio of the dose- were higher at all sampling points in the patients on
adjusted AUC0_,0, of codeine after oral and intravenous hemodialysis compared with the healthy volunteers.
administration." Accumulation of codeine at steady The t112, mean residence time, and AF were signifi-
state was estimated with the equation: AF = 1.44 - cantly greater and the CLR was significantly lower after
ti,2/T, where T is the dosing interval." intravenous and oral administration in the patients on
Pharmacodynamic parameters were evaluated as per- hemodialysis compared with the healthy volunteers
centage change from baseline (immediately before dose (Tables I and II). Although C,RR, AUC,,s, Vss, CL, and
measurement). Statistical analysis was performed with were not significantly different in the patients on
x2 test with Yates correction for proportion data, hemodialysis compared with the healthy volunteers,
ANOVA for repeated measures for pharmacodynamic substantial interpatient variability may have overshad-
data, Mann-Whitney U test for pharmacokinetic data, owed these differences. Similarly, the absolute bio-
and linear regression-correlation analysis to examine availability of codeine did not significantly differ be-
the relationship of age to pharmacokinetic parameters. tween the two groups.
Statistical significance was assumed when P < 0.05. The pharmacokinetic parameters of codeine glucuro-
nide, morphine, and morphine glucuronide after intra-
RESULTS venous and oral codeine administration are depicted in
In general, single-dose codeine administration was Tables III and IV, respectively. After intravenous co-
well tolerated. An extension of this study to include deine administration the hemodialysis group exhibited
multiple-dose codeine administration had to be termi- significantly reduced CI-, for the three metabolites and
NUMBER I Codeine in renal failure 67

Table II. Model-independent pharmacokinetic parameters of codeine after oral administration to healthy
volunteers and patients on hemodialysis
Subjects (nglml) (hr) (hr) (nglml hr) (ml/mm/kg) (hr) (%)
1 149 0.5 4.92 372 1.49 3.71 72.7 118
2 93 0.75 3.98 615 1.93 3.95 93.8 96
3 237 0.75 5.57 626 1.19 5.72 94.6 134
4 273 0.5 4.89 1193 0.75 4.59 126.2 117
5 69 1.0 3.68 743 1.03 4.32 55.7 88
6 214 1.5 3.73 344 2.68 4.74 39.9 89
Mean 172.6 1.6 4.46 649 1.51 4.51 80.5 107
It SI) 81.9 1.7 0.78 308 0.70 0.71 30.9 19
7 103 0.5 17.70 728 0.00 15.61 121.2 425
8 149 0.5 14.59 418 0.04 10.87 86.1 350
9 136 0.5 8.96 992 0.00 7.71 92.6 215
10 364 0.75 12.23 1363 0.00 10.14 62.8 293
11 221 1.0 10.00 357 0.03 6.29 37.4 240
12 103 0.33 14.73 1668 0.06 13.48 41.7 354
Mean 179.3 1.3 13.03 921 0.02 10.68 73.6 313
If: SD 100.3 1.8 3.27 523 0.03 3.48 32.3 78
P value 0.538 0.206 0.004 0.339 0.004 0.004 0.529 0.004
MRT, mean residence time; AF, accumulation factor at steady state expressed as percentage of codeine concentrations after the first dose based on a hypothetical
regimen of 60 mg codeine sulfate orally every 6 hours.

prolonged tma for morphine compared with the healthy dynamics in patients with renal disease. Normeperi-
volunteers. The Cmax and AUC,0-24) of the three metab- dine, an active but toxic metabolite of meperidine, may
olites in the hemodialysis group were not significantly accumulate in patients with renal disease and cause
different from those of the healthy volunteers, again central nervous system toxicity manifested as tremor
possibly because of the substantial interpatient vari- or myoclonus or generalized seizures." Propoxyphene
ability in the hemodialysis group. After oral codeine and its active metabolite norpropoxyphene accumulate
administration the hemodialysis group exhibited sig- during multiple-dose administration in anephric pa-
nificantly reduced CL, for the three metabolites and tients. Propoxyphene accumulation is thought to be sec-
significantly elevated AUC(0 24) for codeine glucuronide ondary to reduced presystemic extraction.' Dangerous
compared with the healthy volunteers. Again, nonsig- toxicity may ensue in patients with uremia receiving
nificant differences in Cm., L., and AUC(0-24) with the propoxyphene because naloxone is ineffective in man-
other metabolites in the hemodialysis compared with aging the cardiac toxic ities of the parent drug and active
the healthy volunteer group were noted. No significant metabolite. Dihydrocodeine therapy has been associ-
correlations were noted between age and any pharma- ated with unexpectedly prolonged narcosis and in-
cokinetic parameter. creased Cmax and AUC in patients with uremia. l'.14 In-
Although statistical differences were noted between creased sensitivity to morphine and accumulation of the
the two groups in a few isolated comparisons, as might potent active metabolite morphine-6-glucuronide have
be expected during multiple comparison statistical test- been noted in patients with renal failure.15.' The phar-
ing, overall there were no statistically or clinically sig- macokinetics and pharmacodynamics of codeine in ure-
nificant differences between the two groups in pupil mia have not been studied, despite the use of this com-
diameter changes, blood pressure, pulse rate, or respi- pound for many years.
ratory rate. The results of this study indicate that the pharma-
cokinetics of codeine and two of its three major me-
DISCUSSION tabolites may be significantly perturbed in patients on
Studies of several narcotic analgesics have demon- chronic hemodialysis. The CLR of codeine and all three
strated altered drug pharmacokinetics and pharmaco- metabolites were significantly reduced in the patients
68 Guay et al. JANUARY 1988

Table III. Model-independent pharmacokinetic parameters of codeine glucuronide, morphine, and morphine
glucuronide after intravenous administration of codeine to healthy volunteers and patients on hemodialysis
Codeine glucuronide Morphine

AUC,, CLR t. AUC(0 24) CLR

Subjects (nglml) (hr) (nglml hr) (mIlminIkg) (nglml) (hr) (nglml hr) (mIlminIkg)

1 1374 0.167 5507 0.51 3.5 0.5 17 4.63
2 1464 0.33 7202 0.44 6.6 2.0 83 1.14
3 1335 0.167 6180 0.78 1.7 1.0 29 0.75
4 1821 1.5 10396 0.28 2.7 4.0 45 0.21
5 3528 4.0 58905 0.05 7.5 0.5 104 0.45
6 1092 0.167 4974 1.29 0.8 2.0 6 13.90
Mean 1769 1.1 15527 0.56 3.8 2.4 47 3.51
± SD 894 1.5 21337 0.43 2.7 1.7 39 5.34
7 2749 3.0 36359 0.00 4.2 3.0 76 0.00
8 1275 0.167 4097 0.01 2.5 3.0 35 0.34
9 2526 6.0 37918 0.00 4.4 6.0 82 0.00
10 1371 2.0 11323 0.00 3.8 8.0 81 0.00
11 1464 0.167 8058 0.01 1.0 6.0 20 0.18
12 3817 10.0 72737 0.01 1.1 10.0 24 0.01
Mean 2200 3.6 28415 0.00 2.8 6.0 53 0.09
± SD 1011 3.8 26137 0.00 1.5 2.8 30 0.14
P value 0.477 0.244 0.262 0.004 0.686 0.010 0.640 0.006

Table IV. Model-independent pharmacokinetic parameters of codeine glucuronide, morphine, and morphine
glucuronide after oral administration of codeine to healthy volunteers and patients on hemodialysis
Codeine glucuronide Morphine

AUC, 24I CLR t, AUG(0 24) CLR

Subjects (nglml) (hr) (nglml hr) (mIlminIkg) (nglml) (hr) (nglml hr) (mIlminIkg)

1 1431 0.75 6364 0.61 10.4 0.75 119 0.83
2 1723 1.0 8982 0.55 9.2 1.0 104 0.85
3 1857 2.0 11973 0.27 2.9 3.0 47 0.22
4 3845 1.0 18079 0.21 7.1 1.5 91 0.19
5 1664 1.0 8500 0.39 18.3 1.0 146 0.45
6 1792 0.5 6519 0.69 10.6 0.5 104 1.09
Mean 2052 1.0 10070 0.45 9.8 1.3 102 0.61
± SD 890 0.5 4422 0.19 5.1 0.9 33 0.37
7 5130 1.5 93166 0.00 10.7 1.0 181 0.00
8 1502 0.75 22313 0.00 7.9 2.0 116 0.02
9 3787 4.0 81862 0.00 7.8 6.0 152 0.00
10 6241 6.0 77287 0.00 7.6 2.0 133 0.00
11 1571 1.0 14790 0.00 5.0 0.6 105 0.02
12 2731 6.0 49562 0.01 1.0 24.0 20 0.01
Mean 3494 3.2 56497 0.00 6.7 5.9 118 0.01
±SD 1926 2.5 32791 0.00 3.3 9.1 55 0.01
P value 0.339 0.098 0.007 0.003 0.339 0.194 0.261 0.004
NUMBER I Codeine in renal failure 69

on hemodialysis compared with healthy volunteers. In

addition, tu, and mean residence time were significantly
greater in the group on hemodialysis compared with
Morphine glucuronide
the healthy volunteers. Despite substantial increases in
C t AUC0_24, CLR mean codeine AUCc after oral and intravenous ad-
(nglml) (hr) (nglml hr) (mIlminIkg) ministration (41.9% and 86.6%, respectively), Cma, at
the end of the intravenous infusion (51.8%), and V,
(108.6%) in the group on hemodialysis compared with
7.6 3.0 138 9.81 the healthy volunteers, these differences did not achieve
52.8 1.5 311 2.34 statistical significance. Similarly, despite the substantial
3.3 1.25 32 4.94 increases in mean codeine glucuronide AUCO34) after
13.7 3.0 151 0.71
24.8 24.0 459 1.09
intravenous administration (83.0%), morphine glucuro-
7.2 2.0 109 8.11 nide AUC(04) after oral and intravenous administration
18.2 5.8 200 4.50 (528.6% and 479.5%, respectively), and morphine
18.5 9.0 156 3.80 glucuronide Cma, after oral administration (172.4%),
these differences did not achieve statistical significance.
24.5 24.0 485 0.00 Substantial interpatient variability was apparent in the
19.2 2.0 299 0.22 group on hemodialysis. Marked interpatient pharma-
28.4 8.0 565 0.00 cokinetic heterogeneity of high hepatic clearance corn-
29.6 4.0 512 0.00 pounds has also been noted for labetalo125 and metha-
qualone.' Interindividual differences in hepatic cyto -
chrome P-450 concentrations and activities,' genetic
9.3 8.7 1896 0.33 factors,' and environmental factors such as diet, smok-
0.429 0.427 0.075 0.006 ing, medications, renal and other diseases, and expo-
sure to environmental chemicals (especially the hepatic
enzyme-inducing plasticizer di-2-ethylhexylphthalate
leached from hemodialysis tubing29-30) may have con-
tributed to the marked interindividual differences noted
in these patients.
Morphine glucuronide The prolongation in the t112 after oral and intravenous
administration in our patients on hemodialysis was sig-
nificant (Tables I and II) and suggests the potential for
(nglml) (hr) (ng/m1 hr) (mIlminIkg)
marked accumulation of codeine during multiple-dose
therapy. The estimated degree of accumulation of co-
deine at steady state in the patients on hemodialysis
19.3 3.0 201 8.61
during a hypothetical dosing regimen of codeine sulfate,
18.6 2.0 181 4.07
4.3 2.0 56 1.44 60 mg orally every 6 hours, was to values >300 percent
5.1 1.0 40 4.83 above those concentrations achieved after single-dose
89.4 1.5 556 1.09 administration. Four of the six patients on hemodialysis
28.4 2.0 326 3.56 would be expected to achieve toxic plasma codeine
27.5 1.9 227 3.94
concentrations (>500 ng/m13') at steady state. These
31.7 0.7 193 2.73
data are in striking contrast to the lack of accumulation
predicted in the healthy volunteers.
170.0 24.0 3675 0.00 The analytic methodology employed in this study
16.3 1.5 195 0.25 did not allow a differentiation between morphine-3-
173.0 24.0 3267 0.00
glucuronide and morphine-6-glucuronide. Thus the as-
53.9 2.0 853
21.1 1.5 268 0.23 sessment of the pharmacokinetics of morphine gluc-
15.1 12.0 305 0.00 uronide in this study represents a composite analysis.
74.9 10.8 1427 0.08 Additionally, the blood sampling scheme was not de-
76.2 11.0 1605 0.12 signed to characterize the elimination ti, of the
0.262 0.285 0.075 0.004
three metabolites, a necessary determinant for estimat-
70 Guay et al. JANUARY 1988

ing drug accumulation during multiple-dose adminis- Soloman MD. A study of codeine metabolism. Clin Tox-
tration. icol 1974;7:255-7.
Data from the present study corroborate results of Posey BL, Kimble SN. High-performance liquid chro-
matographic study of codeine, norcodeine, and morphine
previous studies documenting only minor alterations in
as indicators of codeine ingestion. J Anal Toxicol
morphine pharmacokinetics in patients on chronic he-
modialysis when morphine-specific assay procedures Findlay JWA, Jones EC, Butz RF, Welch RM. Plasma
are employed."-" codeine and morphine concentrations after therapeutic
Although alterations were noted in codeine and me- oral doses of codeine-containing analgesics. CLIN PHAR-
tabolite pharmacokinetics in the patients on chronic he- MACOL THER 1978;24:60-8.
modialysis compared with the healthy volunteers, no Rogers JR, Findlay JWA, Hull JW, Butz RF, Jones EC,
clinically relevant alterations in pharmacodynamics Bustrack IA. Codeine disposition in smokers and non-
were observed. This may have been in part a function smokers. CLIN PHARMACOL THER 1982;32:218-27.
of the insensitivity of the dynamic assessments used, Quiding H, Anderson P, Boudesson U, Boreus LO, Hyn-
the single-dose design of the study, or confounding ning PA. Plasma concentrations of codeine and its me-
variables such as concomitant drug therapy, underlying tabolite, morphine, after single and repeated oral admin-
istration. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1986;30:673-7.
diseases, and fluctuating fluid status. In addition, the
Szeto HH, Inturrisi CE, Houde R, Saal S, Cheigh J,
effect of renal failure on the analgesic effect of codeine, Reidenberg MM. Accumulation of normeperidine, an
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