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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Beginners Kama Sutra Position
Chapter 2. Advanced Kama Sutra Position
Chapter 3. Kama Sutra Oral Sex
Chapter 4. Kama Sutra Anal Sex
Chapter 5. Kama Sutra Positions for Anal Sex
Chapter 6. How to Prepare the Mind and Body for Sex
Chapter 7. Increase Your Libido
Chapter 8. Fantasies & Fetishes
Chapter 9. Pre-sex
Chapter 10. Sex Toys
It is unlikely that you have never heard of the Kama Sutra before, but you
may be unfamiliar with what exactly it is. Some may think of it as merely a
book of sex positions, while others may know a bit more of the history and
how it came to be. We will look at the history behind the Kama Sutra,
discussing the literal meaning of the words, as well as what it teaches us, and
how it is meant to be used. Since the Kama Sutra originated in India, there are
also many terms and words used throughout that you may not be familiar
with, so we will make sure to breakdown some of the most commonly seen
ones and provide their definitions.
Meaning behind the Name
The word Kama is one that means pleasure but can also be translated as desire
or longing. There is a sexual connotation associated with the word, meaning it
is more to do with sexual pleasure and desire than with the pleasures of life or
desire for material goods, but that doesn’t mean that the Kama Sutra as a
whole is limited to only sexual pleasure. Sutra, on the other hand, translates
to verse or scripture. When you put these words together, you get the
translation of “Scripture of Pleasure”, but there are many variations on how
you can literally translate this.
Delving deeper into the meaning behind the name, the pleasure that is Kama
is one that is of all five senses, and this is very important. While many thinks
of the Kama Sutra as a sex book, it is actually a book that focuses on pleasing
all of the senses and is meant to be a guide on how to live a good life and
enjoy yourself. From the physical enjoyment of sex to the pleasure that is
derived from being in love, the Kama Sutra is filled with different verses that
cover a wide range of different activities and pleasures.
While we did mention that Kama often has a sexual connotation, like with all
translations there are different meanings depending on how it is being used.
Kama can also be used when referencing love or affection, and in this sense, it
is used in a non-sexual way. This is why the Kama Sutra needs to be viewed
as a whole, since it was not intended to be a sexual book simply, but more so
an erotic manual on life.
We know that the Kama Sutra extends beyond just the physical pleasures, as
the book touches on the four different virtues of life. Those four are:
Dharma – How to live a virtuous life
Kama – How to enjoy the pleasures of the senses
Moksha – How to be liberated from the cycle of reincarnation
Artha – How to gain material wealth
These four virtues are tenants of Hinduism, which is applicable since the
Kama Sutra originates in India where Hinduism is one of the predominant
religions. This historical context allows us to understand the book better, as
we need to approach it from the mindset of the author, who would have most
likely been a practicing Hindu. The author saw sexual pleasure as one of the
chief virtues of life, and it was both a necessary and spiritual pursuit that was
important both from a non-sexual and sexual avenue. These virtues are almost
instructions on how a person should live in order to be fulfilled both in this
life as well as in the afterlife. Regardless of what your personal religion is, all
the points are still applicable, as essential human nature dictates that we are
all attempting to be the best version of ourselves and to accomplish
everything we set out to gain.
Some other words that you may encounter within the Kama Sutra, and their
translations, are:
Devi – Goddess
Gandharva – A form of marriage in which everyone is consenting to it
Lingam – Penis
Nayika – A woman who is desired by someone
Prahanana – Striking or slapping someone during sex
Raja – King
Vatsala – A married woman who has children
Vikrant – A brave and beloved man
Yoni – Vagina
We will try and use as much of the original language as possible, so having a
glossary of terms will be beneficial. With that said, however, there will always
be translations available throughout so that you can follow along with ease.
So why does the literal meaning of the name even matter?
If you come into the Kama Sutra thinking it should only include some sex
positions and nothing more, then you miss out on the richness that is
contained within. Likewise, if you ignore the historical significance behind
the text, you fail to grasp many of the concepts located within. In order to
gain as much as you can from the Kama Sutra, you need to know what the
author intended with it, and why they felt the need to create this work of
History of the Kama Sutra
The exact date that the Kama Sutra was written is not known, but estimates
place it anywhere between 400 BCE and 300 CE. What we do know,
however, is that it was officially compiled and turned into the book that we
know today in the 2nd century, otherwise known as 2 CE. This does not mean
though that the book has not undergone revisions since then, and some
scholars believe that the version we have is actually closely linked to the 3rd
century, as some of the references throughout would not have been applicable
to the 2nd century. With the text being so old, exact dating is virtually
impossible, nevertheless, there is a lot of information we do know about it.
We do know that the text originates from India, although the exact location is
unknown. Historians have been able to narrow down the location to
somewhere within the north, or northwest, region but beyond that, it is a guess
as to where the author was from. As for the author himself, we do know it was
written by a man named Vatsyayana Mallanaga, as his name is engraved into
the beginning of the text. Who this man was is unclear, but we do have
information as to why he wrote the Kama Sutra?
Since it’s compilation in the 2nd-3rd century, the Kama Sutra has undergone
numerous translations and there are versions in almost every language. It was
originally written in Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, and this is the
language that many Hindu scriptures were written in. While some translations
are entirely accurate, it is essential to note that some translators did place their
own bias into their work and that can be seen in the discrepancies that were
later found. One of the critical examples of this was in the 19th century, when
the Kama Sutra was translated into English. The translator at that time wanted
to ensure that the role of women in the sexual realm was not as prominent, as
that was not the culture of the times. In order to maintain that societal
understanding of sex and women, the Kama Sutra was altered so that women
were significantly downplayed throughout. This has since been corrected, but
it is essential to be aware of this if you ever decide to pick up a copy for
yourself as you want to be sure you are getting a purer translation.
The foundations of the Kama Sutra are rooted within the Vedic Era of
literature, which is based on the word Vedas. Vedas were historical texts
written in India around this time that dealt with lifestyle and how one should
conduct them on a daily basis. All works of this time period were verbally
passed down, and traditions were later adapted into many of the Hindu beliefs
that are now practiced today. In the Vedic Era, there were distinct classes and
castes within society, and a lot of that is reflected within the Kama Sutra.
Many references are made to those who are in differing classes, and how
relationships between individuals of different castes cannot work out. While
this type of information is not apparently meaningful in today’s culture, it
does cross over when we look at socio-economic statuses and how the rich
and poor interact even today.
These foundations are incredibly important because they shape the mind
frame of the author of the Kama Sutra.
It is with this in mind that we can start to see that the Kama Sutra is a
religious text by some accounts. We may not associate sex and religion as
being intertwined; but in fact, Vatsyayana saw sex as being a religious
experience as well as a requirement to live a proper life. It is a celebration of
human sexuality and the most carnal of pleasures, which are gifts from the
gods and ultimately a necessity in life.
Philosophy of the Kama Sutra
As we said, we do know a bit about why Vatsyayana wrote the Kama Sutra.
Looking at ancient Hindu texts, we know that the four virtues were commonly
discussed and written at length about. Many of the texts focused on the two
critical virtues of Dharma (morality), and Athra (prosperity), while few really
delved into the importance of Kama (pleasure). Vatsyayana meditated upon
this reality and came to the conclusion that Kama was just as important as all
of the other virtues, and so it was only proper to have a guide written solely
about how to obtain Kama.
The four virtues can be looked at more as goals that each person much work
towards within their lifetime in order to lead a complete and fulfilled life.
Within the Kama Sutra, there are many references to the other virtues as they
are all tied together and must be achieved in order to succeed. One cannot
merely focus on the physical pleasures and ignore the need for morality or
prosperity so that you may notice throughout that sex and morality are often
combined, as well as sex and finding a partner that brings about monetary
Chapter 1.
Beginners Kama Sutra Position
When you first start having sex, it can seem a bit intimidating. Sure, most
people are familiar with missionary style but where do you go from there
question mark. This will include positions that you can try while laying down,
sitting, standing, and kneeling. It should give you an excellent basis to get
started on you can continue to branch out from there.
It is essential to understand that while some positions may be significant for
you your partner may not love them. So, trying different things and having an
Arsenal of different sex positions to try is advantageous in having excellent
sexual sessions. Here again, you need to be open to experimentation. Trying
out different positions can lead you to a whole new world of ecstasy that you
have never experienced.
Let's start out by looking at some of the most basic sex positions that can be
accomplished while lying down and how actually to make them happen.
However, they may surprise you once you actually give them a try. So, don't
feel as if the basics aren't good enough as often times they absolutely are.
The first position that we would like to look at is the face to face position. To
accomplish this both parties will be lying on their sides. You'll be facing each
other. The female will be slightly higher on the bed than her male counterpart.
This is so that her hips are above his. One of her legs will wrap around the top
of him and the other one should be laid down straight. Sometimes this can
feel a bit awkward but with practice, it feels truly excellent.
This is a fantastic position for beginners because it helps you to gain comfort
with your partner. It is a very intimate position that will allow more profound
levels of penetration. The closeness of this position also helps both to relax
and enjoy the experience.
We have one of the most common positions, missionary style. This is done by
the female lying flat on her back and the male on top of her. The female's legs
can be in a variety of different positions. Sometimes, she will lay them down
flat on the bed while other times she may wrap them around her partner's
waist. This simply comes down to what is most comfortable. Other people
prefer to have their knees bent so that their feet are flat on the bed and their
knees are facing the ceiling.
Missionary position is basic but essential for beginners. It is one of our go-to
moves. It allows for different positioning which can help both parties achieve
orgasm more easily. It tends to be very comfortable for both the man and the
woman. You will be facing each other, and this will allow you to focus on the
level of intimacy that you are exuding. Additionally, it will make it easy to
communicate what your needs are if the position needs to change slightly.
Spooning is another essential position that offers a great deal of satisfaction
for both parties. To accomplish this, you will lay in the spoon position. The
female's hips should be above her partners. The Top leg will need to be lifted
slightly so that penetration can occur. Sometimes this feels a bit awkward and
you may need to adjust your positioning to find a right level of comfort.
This position is fantastic for beginners because it allows for stimulation to the
females G-spot quite easily. It can be very comfortable once you find the right
fit. You won't have to worry about doing a whole lot of work but both parties
will be able to move relatively easily. The involvement of both people is
appreciated on both sides and you will likely fall in love with this basic
Cowgirl Position
Now that we have looked at some awesome positions that you can use while
lying down will move on to some sitting positions. Sitting positions can allow
for deeper levels of penetration which can, in turn, offer higher levels of
stimulation for both parties. Sitting positions are usually very easy to achieve.
They are a natural go-to for inexperienced couples, as well as, experienced.
The first position that we are going to discuss is a combination of a lying
down and sitting position. This position is most commonly referred to as the
cowgirl style. To accomplish it, the male will lay flat on his back with his legs
stretched out in front of him. The woman will climb on Top and straddle him.
How she chooses to position her legs should be in whatever position is the
most comfortable. From here she will have the ability to take control and ride
her male counterpart.
Beginners love this position because it is easy to accomplish. It is important to
note that if the female puts her feet flat on the bed with her knees facing the
ceiling or the wall it will be a bit difficult to do this for very long. The motion
will be difficult on her thigh muscles. However, this can be combated by
putting one shin down on the bed and leaving the other in the upward
position. It provides great leverage and an excellent level of penetration.
Additionally, it will allow the woman to ride the man's penis in a way that
stimulates her G-spot.
You can modify this position in a variety of different ways. To make it a true
sitting position you simply need to change the position of the man. Rather
than him laying on his back have him sit with his back leaning against a solid
surface. He can bend his knees or leave them straight just depending on what
feels best for both parties. From there the female is going to do the same thing
as stated above.
It is important to note that some women will find this position to be
intimidating if they're lacking in, experience. This is because they are
extremely exposed. However, as long as you have an intimate and trusting
connection with your partner it is definitely worth giving this position a try. It
can lead to excellent levels of stimulation an ecstasy.
You can alter the cowgirl into another position by simply turning the female
around. This is referred to as a reversed cowgirl. It provides a different
stimulation to both the man and the woman. This is since the underside of the
man's penis will now be rubbing the front wall of the woman’s vagina. This
type of stimulation can be fantastic for reaching climax and providing mind-
blowing orgasms.
Doggie Style
Now we're going to move on to a couple of basic kneeling positions that you
can easily enter into during sexual encounters. Kneeling positions can be truly
amazing for both parties. This is since you tend to have a good amount of
movement and deeper levels of penetration in positions where one or both
parties are kneeling.
The first position that we want to look at is the doggie style. This is one of the
most popular positions for inexperienced, as well as, experienced people.
Many find that this is one of their favorite positions because of the level of
penetration and movement that can be experienced. Besides, men tend to like
the view of their ladies from behind.
To accomplish the doggie style position is fairly simple. The woman will need
to be on her hands and knees or her forearms and knees. The man will
approach her from behind. Her knees should be about shoulder-width apart so
that her man can kneel between them. He will then enter her from behind.
More often than not the man will hold on to the woman's hips which will give
him some control over the speed and power of his thrust. However, this
position is also good if the woman wants to take control.
There are different variations of the doggie style position. Sometimes, the
woman will lay flat on her stomach and the man will kneel over top of her.
This can be a bit more challenging than a basic doggie style position, but it is
also very exciting. It will make the female feel tighter around her man's
member and heighten the level of pleasure that both parties experience.
Standing Positions
Now we move on to some basic standing positions. There are many variations
of standing positions that are very easy to accomplish. However, you need to
be aware that some standing positions are very difficult to participate in for
long periods. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t participate in standing
positions for a long time, just keep at it and it will get easier the more
experienced you are.
The first position we are going to look at is a combination of standing and
kneeling positions. In this position, the woman will kneel on the bad like she
would in a doggie style position. The difference is the man will be standing.
He will approach the woman from behind and place his legs between hers.
This will give him excellent leverage. He will also be able to grab her by the
hips and control the speed and thrust at which intercourse is performed.
This position is extremely easy to accomplish and exceptionally pleasurable
for both parties. He will be able to play with depth to tease her and truly
provide her with a variety of sensations. More than likely both parties will be
able to participate in this position for a decent amount of time as it is not
physically demanding.
Another standing position that is great well requires the use of a chair. Both
parties will be standing. The woman will face forward and lean over bracing
herself on the chair. She will spread her legs so that they are shoulder with
apart. It is important to note that if you are dealing with a partner who is much
taller or shorter than you, you may need to stand up on your toes or kneel
slightly. The man will then approach her from behind with his legs between
hers wow he enters her. This position can be a little bit tired so; if you can't do
it for very long don't get discouraged.
The next standing position that we're going to look at may not be considered
basic, but it is one that people truly love. It is important to note that not
everybody will be able to accomplish it. There are a couple of variations but
to accomplish this position the woman will have her back against the wall.
You will be face to face with your partner. She will want to raise one or both
of her legs so that they are around her partner's waist. The man will then
position himself to be able to penetrate her. It will require a decent amount of
strength from the man as he will be supporting quite uh a lot of the woman's
weight. This is especially true if she is intending unwrapping both legs around
his waist. This position provides an insane level of penetration. There will not
be a ton of movement, but the sensations can allow both parties to reach
orgasm quite easily.
Chapter 2. Advanced Kama Sutra Position

The Kama Sutra has different positions a couple can try during lovemaking.
These range from being complex muscle movements to soft, sexy postures,
which means there is something to accommodate every one of widely varying
body types and physical capabilities.
The wide variety of poses listed in the Kama Sutra ensures that everyone is
going to find something they are intrigued by and want to try. Some poses
include lying down, standing up, sitting; man on top, woman on top, facing
one another and the list goes on and on.
From a technical standpoint, sex is a strange and peculiar act with two people
engaged in positions that seem to defy gravitational law, breathing heavily,
and moving rapidly as bodily fluids are exchanged between them. This aside,
sex can be a fatiguing and somewhat unpleasant act just as equally as it can be
a pleasurable, satisfying, and beneficial experience. The more creative you get
and the more you work to create a positive atmosphere in bed, the better you
will feel and the more capable you will be at communicating positive feelings
towards your partner.
The following is a listing of some of the sexual positions described in the
Kama Sutra:
Rising Position
The “rising position” is achieved when the woman rises both of her thighs
straight up, and when only one of her legs remains stretched out, it is called
the “half pressed position.”
Erotic V
The “erotic V” is a position that requires some flexibility. The woman wraps
her arms around his neck while sitting on a table edge with her legs up and
her bottom at the edge of the table. The man stands directly in front of her and
bends his legs if necessary, to achieve the best entry point.
Splitting Bamboo
The “splitting bamboo” is when the woman places her leg over her lover’s
shoulder, then stretches out her other leg and places this upon his shoulder
and continues to do so alternately.
X Rated
The “x rated” is a position where the male partner lays face up on the bed, and
the female partner straddles her partner with her back to his face. She lowers
her hips for penetration and after penetration; she lowers her upper body
between his legs and extends her legs out straight. His and her legs create the
letter x. She slides her body forward and backward, up and down.
Thigh Master
The “thigh master” is a position in which the male lies down on his back, but
instead of stretching his legs in the outward direction, he bends the legs at the
knees. With her back facing the partner, the female straddles him. After that,
she lowers onto his penis and places her knees on the bed. Her right knee is
on the outside of his right thigh, and her left knee is placed between his legs
on the bed.
The “star” is a position in which the female lies down on her back with one of
the legs outstretched and the other leg bent at her knee. While the female is in
this position, her outstretched leg is straddled by the male partner who gently
nudges one of his knees under his partner’s bottom. Then, he leans back,
holding his body weight on his arms placed behind him. The male controls
penetration, but the female is free to get pleasure from this.
The “doggy style” is a position in which the female is on her hands and knees
with her legs spread wide to let her partner do the process of penetration from
behind. The male partner kneels and enters from behind while grabbing on to
her hips or thighs. The female keeps shifting her weight forward and
backward as required during the process to attain maximum pleasure. Both
partners can control the rhythm, speed and depth of penetration during doggy
style sex.
Curled Angel
The “curled angel” is a position in which both the male and female lie on their
sides while the male remains embraced to the back side of the female. The
female draws her legs towards her chest which allows for easy penetration
from behind. This position can also be used during pregnancy with the
exception that the female’s legs will not rest that close to her chest. The male
can either stretch his legs out straight or spoon them into his partner's legs
depending upon the comfort level of both the partners.
The “hound” is a position in which the female gets on all fours, but her upper
body weight is rested on the forearms instead of the hands. Her thighs are
pressed together to make easy for the male partner to place one of his knees
on the outside of each of her legs. He penetrates from the rear side and then
bends his upper body over her bottom. He can also hold on to her body or
breasts while controlling penetration and rhythm during the process.
The “visitor” is a position which the male and female stand facing each other
with her arms wrapped around his back and his hands holding on to her hips
and bottom. After using his penis to stimulate her, he enters from the front.
She can lift her leg slightly to the outside of his thighs to ease penetration.
Standing Wheelbarrow
The “standing wheelbarrow” is a position in which the female starts the
position with knees and hands on the floor in Doggy Style. Her partner comes
from behind while kneeling slightly. He grasps her legs from the ankle lifting
them a little off the ground as he penetrates from behind.
The “eagle” is a position in which the female lies on her back and lifts her
legs while her feet are pointed towards the ceiling. She then spreads her legs
as wide apart as comfortable while her partner kneels with knees spread for
penetration. The male partner can hold on to her legs for support and to
penetrate deeper.
Side Saddle
The “side saddle” is a position in which the man lies back on the bed with his
head propped up on a pillow and legs outstretched. The female partner
crouches in a squatting position on his lap keeping her feet at his right thigh...
The “slide” is a position in which the male partner lies flat on his back with
his legs stretched out and thighs pressed together. The female partner lies on
top of him with her legs stretched out over his. For enjoying a deep
penetration, she can wrap her hands around his neck and slide her body up
and down.
The “Hollywood” is a position in which the male and female face each other
directly. While his back leans on the wall for support, he bends down and lifts
her to get into a standing sexual position. After the penetration is done, she
presses her feet against the wall while he lies back onto the wall. With this, he
supports her body weight by placing his hands under her bottom.
The “tominagi” is a position in which the female's head is propped up on a
pillow while she lies on her back. She pulls her knees towards her chest while
her partner approaches her on his knees and places her feet on his chest. After
that, he grabs her knees for leverage while penetrating. During this, he can
also lift her legs a little to change the angle of penetration and enhance the
The “slip” is a position in which the female lies on her back, head on a pillow
but back flat on the bed. She bends her knees and pulls her legs up, spreading
the legs enough to allow her partner to approach from the front. He slides in
between her legs as she lifts her bottom allowing his knees to slide under.
The “kneel” is a position in which the male and female partner faces each
other, both on their knees. His thighs are pressed together so she can straddle
him for penetration. She can hold on to his neck for support, and he can wrap
his arms around her waist to pull her close and support some of her weight.
The “fold” is a position in which the female lies on her back on the ground.
While bending her knees slightly, she spreads her legs wide. The male sits
down on the bed with his legs outstretched. He slowly slides his legs on either
side of her body while pulling his whole body between her thighs. She needs
to lift her feet a little off the ground during the time he takes to position
himself in the correct spot. As he bends forward, she lifts her bottom to allow
penetration while her partner wraps his arms around her midsection.
The “spider” is a position in which the male sits on the bed with his legs
stretched out. The female partner sits on his lap in a position which allows the
penis to penetrate. One of her legs is placed on either side of his chest to make
the female feel comfortable. She leans nearly all of her body weight back onto
her hands, placed on either side of his legs.
Glowing Triangle
The “glowing triangle” is a position in which the female lies down on her
back with legs enough apart for her partner to nestle close to her body.
The “seduction” is a gratifying position in which the female lies back on the
bed with her feet tucked under her bottom. She places her hands above her
head, and the male approaches the female from the top with his legs stretched
out straight. He holds his body weight on his forearms, which are placed on
the bed.
The “squat” is a position in which the female stands on a low table. She
stands facing away from her partner, who's standing on the floor. He
approaches her from behind but stops just short of penetration. She squats
down to sit on his penis. In this position, the male partner must be able to
support his partner's weight by placing his hands under her bottom.
Super 8
The “Super 8” is a position in which the female lies back on the bed with legs
spread just far enough to allow her partner for penetration. Her feet remain on
the bed during the Super 8. The male comes on top of his partner while
holding his weight comfortably on his outstretched arms. For enjoying
maximum pleasure, the female lifts her hips to meet the flow of the male
The “frog” is a position in which the male sits on the corner of the bed while
the female squats down in front with her back towards his face. He penetrates
from behind while she controls the rhythm and depth of penetration. To
reduce any kind of strain on the muscles of the female partner, the male places
his hands on his partner’s hips.
Chapter 3. Kama Sutra Oral Sex

Oral sex starts with the main profound kiss. It proceeds with kisses
everywhere throughout the body, focusing at last on the private parts. For the
supplier, it requires a level of the enthusiastic association since it must be
finished with persistence, delicacy, affectability, and mounting however
controlled energy if it is to be great. Sweethearts who give oral sex hesitantly
and without liberality or delight make their accomplices feel regretful and
narrow-minded, and excessively tense and stressed to unwind and take joy
Inappropriate, against the ethical code, and not for learned courteous fellows
was the Kama Sutra's assessment of oral sex. However, that didn't prevent
Vatsyayana from depicting in delicious detail precisely how a eunuch or male
hireling should bow between his lord's legs and "suck the mango" or "gobble
From the recipient, oral sex requires trust and the certainty that accompanies
being made to feel attractive. In sex, as indifferent everyday issues, it is
frequently harder to get liberality than to give it, however, the individual who
surrenders totally to joy conveys oneself over to the darling, and this
additionally gives a feeling of wonderment. It's a given that sexual cleanliness
is of prime significance for any individual who takes part in oral sex.
Oral sex for ladies is called cunnilingus. For some ladies, cunnilingus is the
most energizing of the considerable number of varieties of sex. A delicate and
skillful darling ought to have the option to make his accomplice accompany
his tongue more effectively than in some other manner. A solid tricky tongue
can be utilized with exactness on the clitoris without risk of causing any
torment, in contrast to a finger.
Start by kissing your accomplice's face and mouth, and afterward, bit by bit
work your way down her body, kissing and stroking her bosoms, tummy, and
internal thighs. Flick your tongue in light fluffy kisses along the plump
creases of the external labia, smoothing endlessly the pubic hair and afterward
separating the labia tenderly with your fingers. Move slowly inwards with
your tongue. Differ your developments as per your accomplice's reaction.
Have a go at nestling, tunneling, pushing with your tongue into her vagina,
sucking, long sensitive licks, and short quick flicking licks. She dislikes her
clitoris to be animated straightforwardly from the outset, so continue probably
until she is completely stirred.
When she can confide in YOU and feel sure that you like what you are doing,
she will be capable completely to give up in climax. Being 'on the detect', a
man can get a unique rush from encountering so straightforwardly the
euphoric impact he has on his accomplice, just as from her helplessness and
Oral sex for men is called fellatio. Now and again, there might be mental
obstructions to survive. A few men dread being chomped during oral sex. The
lady should open her mouth as wide as could be allowed, and close her lips,
yet not her teeth, over the penis. Utilizing every one of the muscles in the lips
and tongue will imply that the teeth should not come into contact with the
penis by any means.
A few ladies are concerned that they might be stifled during fellatio. The best
approach to alleviate this dread is to stay in charge: you are the person who
should move. At the same time, your accomplice lies still, so there is no
plausibility of his pushing profound into your throat and making you choke. A
few ladies consider gulping semen offensive. There is no requirement for you
to do this on the off chance that you don't wish to. Yet, numerous ladies do
appreciate having their accomplice discharge into their mouths.
Work your way down your accomplice's body, starting with kissing his face
and mouth and advancing to his privates. Be delicate, as they are profoundly
touchy to torment. There are numerous methods for invigorating the penis
with your lips and tongue. You can lick up and down the pole with a sensitive
tongue, at that point utilize more weight and press your open lips just as your
tongue against it as you rub them all over towards the head. You can lick and
kiss the frenulum - the delicate spot where the glans joins the pole on the
underside, which will look towards you if the man is lying on his back with an
erection. You can take the leader of the penis in your mouth and suck it,
stimulating it simultaneously with your tongue. You can move your lips as far
down the pole as is agreeable. At that point goes here and there, sucking and
squeezing with your lips and tongue.
The '69' position is alleged figures take after a couple giving each other oral
sex. While numerous couples locate this a decent method for stirring one
another, others think that it is hard to focus on giving and accepting such
exceptional joy simultaneously. On the off chance that you are going to come
in this position, it is ideal to sever from pleasuring your accomplice to dodge
unintentionally gnawing the person in question. Utilize your fingers to show
to your accomplice what's going on and let yourself go in the climax.
Unsatisfactory practices
Fellatio in the Kama Sutra is absolutely a method for a worker to fulfill his
lord in the middle of his loving undertakings. Vatsyayana favored not to
recognize that a pure and delightful lady may go down on her if he mentions
that "ladies of the group of concubines" may at times enjoy somewhat oral to
breathe easy.
Oral sex to die for
If you do not have (or need) a helpful eunuch or group of concubines, you'll
need to manage with one another. Albeit oral is an extraordinary method to
warm each other up before sex, have a go at making it your principle course
instead of only a starter. Realizing that your sweetheart is focused on going all
the way is an amazing sexual enhancer. At the point when you're doing the
giving, make it hot, wet, and wild. If your sweetheart sees that you're
cherishing it, they'll love it much more. At the point when you're in a bad
way, show your thankfulness as groans, moans, and "Mmmmm"s.
Regardless of anything else, take as much time as is needed. Bother before
you go in for the kill. Linger on your sweetheart's inward thighs, perineum, or
pubic triangle. Invest your energy kissing, tickling, nestling, and licking.
Ensure that your sweetheart is humming with desire before you apply your
lips to the clitoris or penis.
Intimate Union
The following sex positions are made for exotic sessions before a log fire,
love-ins in a four-publication bed, or making out in a late spring glade… or
classic room. They are packed with sentiment, closeness, and soul-merging at
the top of the priority list. Think tantric as opposed to torrid.
Here you can test the nose-to-nose adorableness of Butterflies in Flight, the
radiantly close Singing Monkey, and the pleasures of the provocatively named
Cat and Mouse Sharing a Hole. In any case, don't depend on the position
alone to keep up that sentimental power; proceed with the seething eye to eye
connection and fingertip strokes.
Similarly, that you'd pick the correct wine to go with a delightful dinner,
choose the right sex style to go with the position, for example, profound
pushing may work superbly in The Stopper-age, yet be awkward in Coitus
from Behind. You can broaden your collection of sex strokes by adapting
some old pushing procedures in The Movements of Sex.
Generally opened position
The lady has an unordinary measure of space to express her desire in this
minor departure from the conventional man-on-top position. Since his hips
are high noticeable all around instead of sticking her to the bed, she's allowed
to push, granulate, and squirm as much as she needs.
Why it works
● You alternate to lead the pack: she pushes upward when it's her turn in
control; he pushes descending when it's his.
● When she's the one making the moves, he encounters an exciting
descending draw on his pole.
● You can tailor the situation to your state of mind. You can pummel your
bodies against one another in wild forsake or make little, delicate
developments in snapshots of heartfelt closeness.
● He doesn't put any weight on her, which is helpful if she's pregnant.
Two fishes and Swallows in affection
Attempt this pair of positions when you need prodding to develop to sex.
Entrance is troublesome in Two Fishes so that you can go through it to slope
the sexual pressure. At that point, when you're so tense you can't tolerate it
any longer, she can move on to her back and open her legs wide in welcome.
Why they work
● Two Fishes is an extraordinary situation for bunches of skin-stroking,
ass-grabbing, and profound kissing foreplay. It gives you both sufficient
occasions to heat up and get your juices streaming.
● He can kick-start her excitement by slipping his hand around to stroke
her labia and clitoris.
● Swallows in Love (a.k.a. the evangelist position) is a nitty-gritty man-on-
top situation in which you're both allowed to focus on the in-out development
of his penis.
● She can snatch his butt to impact the mood, pace, and profundity of his
pushes, and rock her pelvis to his developments.
Parallel grasp
You both untruths straight and parallel on your sides, he envelops her with his
arms as you kiss enthusiastically. He enables his hands to wander over her
butt and thighs.
The snare
She shares her legs over the highest point of his in Two Fishes position. He
pushes against her body without entering her.
Turning over
She turns over on to her back while he continues kissing her from the side.
Man on top He jumps over her, and she opens her legs to give him access.
This is Swallows in Love. He takes his weight on his lower arms as he pushes
The principal act
This stance is suitably named because it's regularly the primary position that
sweethearts get into when they need classic, man-on-top sex. It's not athletic,
outlandish, or masterful, yet for basic, agreeable sweetness, it can't be beaten.
Why it works
● He gets the fulfillment of pushing openly and profoundly because her
knees are raised.
● The shaft of his penis contacts her clitoris on each push, giving her
significant erosion where she needs it most.
● You're very close, so the joy on your darling's face is plain to see. You
can sustain off one another's excitement to drive the force of your lovemaking
out of this world.
● Her hands are allowed to wander all over his body to make this position
especially exotic just as sexual.
Midsection to stomach
Here and there sex should be quick and upstanding… Perhaps you're doing it
in the shower, or possibly you're outside and you can't rest. Whatever your
setting, Belly to Belly is a most optimized plan of attack course to infiltration,
without losing the closeness of vis-à-vis, skin-on-skin contact.
Why it works
● You can move on from kissing to out and out sex in a moment or two.
The promptness of your desire is a love potion for both of you.
● You don't have to strip; she just sneaks off her undies and lifts her skirt.
He at that point drops his jeans, and away you go.
● His penis enters her at an irregular edge, making a lot of invigorating
erosion against her clitoris and labia.
● You can make sex feel extra-filthy by disclosing to one another your
naughtiest dreams, as you are at such lacking elbow room.
Chapter 4. Kama Sutra Anal Sex
Anal sex is another creative style of discovering your lover in bed. It is less
common than the others, but certainly not out of the game. I have read
medical reports of different clients who had sex affiliated problems. A lot of
them didn’t think anal sex is a great idea, but some wanted nothing else!
Many couple interviewed would hear nothing of it at all, and some had some
exciting news. A particular client confirmed that without anal sex, she can’t
ever reach her orgasm. This is not surprising; it is just a proof that some prefer
anal sex and it is not out of context to try it.
What exactly is anal sex about? It is simply about having sex through your
anus, and not your vagina this time. How does it work? Pretty simple. You
can dig the penis straight into the anus. Isn’t it? But there is more, if not the
penis, you can use the finger, the tongue or some sex machines, toys et cetera.
You might wonder if that can arouse any pleasure in you, but just one
assignment will set your head racing. Strip yourself naked before the
bathroom mirror. Locate your anus and gently tinkle it with a broom edge, a
piece of paper or something a bit delicate like that. How does that feel? I got
you smiling already. Now you can imagine how that would feel if it were the
tongue, some sex machines or the big arrow; the penis.
Most presumably, we have reached some agreement that trying anal sex could
be some fun for you both. But there are complications you should understand.
Well, if you are a bisexual, this might be your thing. Now, what are the
complications you need to keep abreast when trying to have anal sex or
having it?
There is no natural lube: This isn’t the vaginal. The anus does not produce
natural lubes like the vagina which makes sex flow and fun with vagina. Nor
does it have saliva like the mouth that can keep it going smooth like the penis
does in the mouth. This poses the trouble of maintaining a smooth sexual
intercourse. Worst, friction tenses the muscle as the penis tries to penetrate.
The thin tissues in the anus are quite feeble so that they might tear easily.
These tears may generate pains, disorders and safety leaks in your partner’s
health system. She or he may get exposed to bacterial infections that can only
be curbed by immediate medical attention.
The first way to resolve this is to apply water-based lubricant. This doesn’t
tear condoms like oil-based lubricants, so it is way better.
The anal tissues are super tiny: Much more than vaginal tissues, anal tissues
are liable to easy break and tear. Remember we recently mentioned that this
can result in a heap of health problems. You surely don’t want to risk you and
your partner’s health for a fleeting minute’s pleasure. So, you have to watch
out to avoid that. How can you? if it is your first time your partner is having
anal sex, do not penetrate deeply. Don’t be in a rush too. Begin by stroking
the sensitive edges of the anus.
You can do that with your fingers, palms, machine or anus. Then begin to
attempt penetration with objects smaller than the penis. Probably, your finger.
The anal walls may gradually begin to expand as you try this, a pathway to
penile penetration. It is important to be sure that your partner is excited about
this. If they don’t want it, I frankly recommend that you drop the idea.
Besides their comfort, it is also necessary to check that your partner is
completely fine about all of this. Be sure they feel no pains as you make
attempts. Otherwise, drop the idea or drop your penetration method.
The anus is different, don’t mix things: Do not make the mistake of mixing
the anus with any other sexual organ. Anal sex deserves different treatment.
For instance, if you have just had anal sex with penile penetration, don’t
penetrate the vaginal or the mouth without cleaning the penis. For one, your
penis may have drawn bits of feces from the anus; you definitely wouldn’t
want to put this into your partner’s mouth. Again, dropping feces in your
partner’s vagina may cause serious infections. So, that precaution is
important. It applies to the use of fingers, machines or tongue in anal sex. If
you had used a condom, you need to dispose it before switching to oral or
vagina sex. It is hardly recommended that you cut your nails clean if you must
use your fingers. As long as you remember to take this precaution carefully,
you should be able to avoid potential complications.
STI and bacteria are potential troubles: Much more than vagina penetration,
anal sex- anal penetration has a higher tendency of transferring infections to
your body from your partner or vice versa. This is because the anus naturally
has some bacteria living around it; a result of excretion. These bacteria are
transferrable, and there are chances that you could pile them to those in your
anus earlier, worst, you may even transfer them to your partner’s vagina,
mouths, or the third person’s body. Aside the general risk of contracting STIS
like Gonorrhea, HIV, hemorrhoids, chlamydia, genital warts, syphilis, and
genital herpes which I have mentioned to you at some point.
To avoid this however, you need to pay more attention to your method of
penetration. Be sure your hands are completely clean if you consider using
them for penetration and wash them the instant you are done. Similarly,
consider using strong and safe condoms before having anal sex, and consider
removing it as soon as you have had your fill of anal sex. Dental dams are
excellent too.
Bleeding potential: Frankly, this is one tendency that cannot be underrated.
The same way it may happen in vagina penetration, there are chances that
bleeding may happen during the first few times you are having anal sex. This
is not abnormal. You may also feel nervous, uncomfortable or awkward in
some way you cannot explain. Nonetheless, all of these should happen for a
short period. There are some problems to address if you don’t feel better after
four to five penetrations. Unfortunately, you cannot do much to it; you will
need to notify a doctor immediately.
Colon perforation: just before I explain what this entails, I will agree this all
sounds like bad news. But as you may see, there is always some to prevent or
cure them immediately, so, you should still go ahead if you are up for it. As
long as your safety is not jeopardized. Now, what is colon perforation? It is a
state where a hole is pumped up in your colon. Meaning it may become less
effective; leaking the content it should hold.
There is no clear explanation of how, but anal sex can certainly cause such
health complication. Intense rectal bleeding is the first sign; it is then
deepened by abdominal bleedings. You can neither attempt prevention
methods to this, nor proffer strong solutions. The best you can do is seeing a
health specialist immediately. Most probably, some surgical operation may be
involved. You should however understand that anal sex does not affect your
ability to defecate. Whatever stretches out your anus, prevents you from
defecating or finding it rushing to the lavatory has nothing to do with anal
Besides all of these, you honestly have nothing new to learn about anal sex.
You only need to bear them in mind, talk to your party about them, find a way
around them, and go on to hit the ass!
Chapter 5. Kama Sutra Positions for Anal Sex

The following positions are great for people who are new to anal sex and
would like to try some of the simpler positions to get used to the feeling of
anal sex. These positions are straight from the Kama Sutra, or slight variations
of Kama Sutra positions to make the optimized for anal sex.
Oral with Anal Stimulation
This first position is not involving anal penetration with a penis but is a great
introduction to anal play. This position is done when a woman is giving a man
oral sex. The man stands up and the woman is on her knees in front of him,
giving him oral sex. She will then reach around behind the man’s buttocks and
stimulate his anus with her finger. She can move her finger around the outside
of his anus, stimulating the sensitive skin there which will make him feel
immense amounts of pleasure. Giving oral sex and stimulating his anus at the
same time will make it virtually impossible for him not to orgasm very
The Curled Angel
This is a Kama Sutra position that is written as a position to be performed
with vaginal sex. Still, it can also be done as an anal sex position. This
position involves the man and woman lying down on their sides, the man
behind the woman. Both of them are facing the same direction, so the curve of
their hips places the man’s penis at the perfect point for anal penetration. In
this position, the man and woman can grind their hips into each other, and it is
a team effort in terms of control.
The Clip
In this position, the man lies back on the bed with his knees bent and his feet
planted on the bed. The woman straddles the man and inserts his penis into
her anus. In this position, she can lean forward onto the man’s bent knees for
support, and she can control the depth and speed of penetration. The man can
hold onto the woman’s buttocks and guide her movements as well.
The Snake
This position is a good one to try when you have a little bit of experience with
anal sex but are not ready to try anything too extreme just yet. The person
receiving anal penetration in this position takes a passive role and can just
focus on relaxing and enjoying the pleasure rather than having to contort into
some type of acrobatic formation.
To begin, the woman will lie face down on the bed, and her partner will lie on
top of her, supporting himself with his arms. From here, the woman will arch
her back a bit to make her pleasure zones as accessible as possible for
penetration. Now, the man will slowly slide his penis into her anus. Here, the
woman can enjoy the pleasure ride her partner takes her on, without having to
do anything herself. She can enjoy these moments where the focus is all on
There is another type of anal sex that can be had, which involves sex toys. It
is quite common that a woman will penetrate her male partner anally while
wearing a strap-on. This practice is called Pegging. Now that you know a
little more about sex toys and anal sex, and how to ensure you are combining
these two in a safe and sanitary way, you are ready to try Pegging. This can be
done either by using a dildo placed in a strap-on that a woman is wearing or
by using a double-ended dildo. Using a double-ended dildo will allow the
woman to be pleasured at the same time as she is penetrating the man, as she
will also be penetrated either vaginally or anally with the other end of the
dildo. This type of dildo looks like any other, except that it has two identical
Now that you are aware of the possibility of this type of practice, you can
understand how any of these anal sex positions can be performed by either the
man penetrating the woman anally with his penis or by the woman penetrating
her partner anally using a dildo.
For men, anal sex is extremely pleasurable since their prostate is stimulated
through anal penetration. The prostate is what has been referred to as the
“male G-Spot.”
These moves are a collection of beginners, intermediate and pro anal
positions. They allow for varying amounts of penetration and stimulation. If
you are brand new to anal, we suggest trying one that has both partners side
by side and the lady on top so she can control the movements and speed. If
you are more experienced, feel free to try any of these.
The Curled Angel
This sex move is a variation of the sexy spoons position. It allows for intimate
closeness and gives both parties the ability to control the speed and depth of
penetration. It works by having the lady laying on whichever side is most
comfortable for her. She should have her knees pulled up towards her chest,
exposing her bottom to him. The gentleman can then slide in behind her,
holding her with his arms, and tuck his legs up under hers. From there, he can
penetrate her, and they can work together to control the penetration and
intimacy involved in this position.
Double Decker
This is a woman on top position that gives the man a little more control but
keeps the majority of it with the woman. It is a wonderful position for those
who are a little more experienced with anal, or who are good with balance, as
slipping could lead to a potentially painful accident. To do it, have the
gentleman lay on his back on the bed. He can have his legs outstretched in
whatever position is comfortable for him. The lady can then lay on her back
over top of him, then prop herself up with her elbows and feet. From there, he
can help guide her on to his penis and control the penetration, while she
controls the speed and depth at which he enters.
Rocking Horse
This is an intimate woman on top position that allows both lovers to engage in
a sensual make out session at the same time. It works by having the
gentleman sitting up, then leaning back on his hands. His knees can either be
bent up to create a seat for her, or his legs can be stretched out to give her free
space. Then, the lady can straddle over top of him with a leg on either side of
his waist and guide his penis to penetrate her from behind. From there, she
can proceed to control the depth, speed and rhythm, while both lovers enjoy a
deep and loving gaze, or a sexy make out session.
Reverse Cowgirl
As luck would have it, this position is a wonderful opportunity for a woman
on top anal move. To engage in this position, start by having him lay on his
back in whatever way is comfortable for him. Then, she can straddle him with
her back towards his face. She can continue to control the depth and speed of
penetration, while giving him a sexy view of her bum as it bounces up and
down on him.
Doggy Style
The classic doggy style happens to be one of the best positions for anal
penetration. It allows the gentleman to have almost full control over thrusting,
so he should take care to ensure he is not being too vigorous for her, and she
should take care to communicate how it feels for her. To do this position, the
lady should get on all fours. Then, the gentleman can sit on his knees behind
her, and enter her slowly, working up to a steady rhythm until him cums.
Glowing Triangle
This intimate face to face position is one of the best for anal sex. It is a man
on top position that allows for deep penetration. Still, due to the angle it can
inadvertently cause g-spot stimulation at the same time. Ideally, you should
have a pillow involved to make this a more comfortable position. To get into
form, start by having the lady lay on her back with the cushion under the
small of her back holding her bum up in the air. Her knees should be bent
with her feet firmly on the bed, helping hold her up and exposed. The
gentleman can then slide in between her legs and penetrates her, while she
hugs him. For added stimulation, she can use a free hand to rub her clitoris.
This is a very sensual position for anal sex that is excellent for a romantic anal
Reclining Lotus
This is an expansion of the Glowing Triangle but allows for even more g-spot
stimulation through deep penetration. It starts by having the lady laying on
her back. Using a pillow under the small of her back helps her expose her
anus to the gentleman, so it is ideal to have one handy for this position. Then,
she should bend her knees up towards her chest, while letting her legs spread
out sideways. The gentleman can then slide up in between her legs and
penetrate her bum while keeping his face close to hers. She can either hook
her feet under his thighs or lock her legs behind his back. It is a wonderful
position for nuzzling each other or having a steamy make out session while
having sex.
Afternoon Delight
This is a fun variation of a spooning position that allows for deep penetration
while giving the man the majority of the control. It is a very relaxed position
that allows you to lovingly gaze into each other’s eyes, or simply enjoy the
moment. It starts by having the gentleman laying on whatever side is more
comfortable for him, with his knees slightly bent for balance. Then, the lady
lays on her back on a 90-degree angle from him, with her bum lined up to his
penis. He can then penetrate her and thrust at whatever speed and depth is
comfortable for the both of them.
The Amazon
This is a lady on top position that requires a chair or a stool to be done. It can
be a very sensual move that allows for nuzzling and romancing while
engaging in some delightful anal sex. To start, the gentleman should sit
comfortably on a seat that has no arms. Then, the lady can mount him, while
facing him, and having a leg on either side. She can continue to control the
thrusting for whatever is most comfortable for her. Either the gentleman or the
lady can use a spare hand to stimulate her clitoris or breasts (or both!) to add
to the pleasure of this move.
The Basket
This position is a lady on top move that allows for both parties to have almost
equal control over the movements. The basket allows for both lovers to face
one another and have a free hand for additional stimulation to enhance the
move. To start, the gentleman should sit on a comfortable surface with his
legs out straight. He should be sitting up enough that he doesn’t have to use
his hands to support himself. Then, the lady can straddle him with a leg on
either side of his waist, while controlling the penetration. She can use his
shoulders for leverage, while he puts his hands under her bum to help lift her
and down on his penis. This move allows for you to move as slowly or as
quickly as you desire.
Chapter 6. How to Prepare the Mind and Body
for Sex
We are going to delve into our study of sex and sex positions by looking at a
variety of topics involving how you can get your mind and body ready for
sex. We will look at different parts of sex, including foreplay, as well as
orgasm and different ways to pleasure a woman.
The Art of Exciting a Woman: Mind and Body
When it comes to female pleasure, there is a lot to know as many factors are
at play. For a woman, her pleasure and her orgasm are much nuanced in what
makes them happen. A lot of things can influence the orgasm of a woman; we
will look at what you can do to optimize a woman’s pleasure and her orgasm.
A woman’s mindset plays a big role in whether or not she can reach orgasm.
If she is distracted or stressed, she may have a difficult time achieving orgasm
or even becoming sexually aroused. For this reason, it is important to know
how to excite both a woman’s mind and her body to help her get in the mood
for sex.
Setting the Mood
When it comes to setting the mood, women need an environment and an
overall ambiance that feels relaxing, sexual, and sensual. To play into your
partner’s sexual centers in her brain, be sure to set the mood. The reason that
this is important is that it will make her feel relaxed and comfortable being
vulnerable. She will need to feel comfortable and relaxed in this space for her
to reach her full arousal potential. Taking some time to set the mood before
you have sex will go a long way in terms of her ability to become and stay
aroused. As a couple, it is more important to set the mood and environment
before having sex than it would be if you were having casual sex or a one-
night stand. This is because you are likely together a lot of the time. To
transition from regular movie watching to sensual sex time, you will need to
change some things.
When setting the mood, your focus is on creating an environment free of
distractions where you can both focus on each other without becoming side-
tracked. Another focus is to create an environment that is relaxing and calm.
This will allow you to get in touch with your sensations and your deeper
feelings to embrace your pleasure and move in ways that feel good to you,
without your thoughts running too much. Sometimes your thoughts can end
up running rampant, which will prevent you from being present in the
moment and can get in the way of you listening to your body and its needs.
If you are having sex in your bedroom or your home, it is a space that is very
familiar to both of you. This may mean that all of your regular distractions are
present all over the place, including your phone, your computer, and your
textbooks or your work, maybe. You don’t want these things staring at you
from across the room, reminding you that you have to study all night or send a
quick email after your orgasm is over, so try to keep the room as to free of
these things as possible. Maybe leave your phone and laptop in the kitchen or
the office, and make sure you put it on silent!
Further, because you want the environment to be relaxing, get rid of the harsh
lighting of your overhead bulbs and turn on a few lamps with a soft orange
glow or light some candles. You don’t necessarily have to go so far as having
rose petals and chocolates, but some candles will be a nice touch for any day
of the week. Setting the mood in this way will allow you both to breathe and
focus on each other and yourselves. We all deserve to have some time with
our partner and our bodies, where we just enjoy some pleasure. Use your sex
time with your partner as a way to de-stress and let yourself unwind and have
some fun. Now that the mood is set, the foreplay can begin.
Easing into the Mindset
It is vital that you spend time together getting into the mood. If you rush into
sex, it may be difficult for the woman to get her mind into the mood.
Spending enough time together to be romantic, to connect, and to relax
together will make it so that even before foreplay, the woman is able to relax
and focus on herself and on her partner. You can do this in a number of ways.
You can do this by spending time talking to each other over a drink, by having
a relaxing steamy shower together or by spending time cuddling in bed before
taking it up a notch. By doing this, even before beginning any foreplay, you
will be able to unwind together. This is especially important at the end of a
long day.
When it comes to mindset, recognizing that both of you can play an equal part
in helping her to reach pleasure and orgasm is beneficial in that you can be
aware of things you can do when it proves difficult for her to relax and let go.
Both of you can keep in mind that this needs to be done and can begin putting
this into practice so that the best sexual experience possible can be had by
both of you.
When it comes to the body of a woman, there are many different areas that
can be stimulated in many different ways in order to make her feel pleasure.
Knowing which areas these are and how to touch them will go a long way in
getting a woman aroused and giving her an orgasm.
Firstly, we will look at the different areas of a woman’s body from which she
can experience sexual pleasure.
Every woman is different in how sensitive her nipples are, but many women
are able to become very sexually aroused by having their nipples stimulated.
This is a good place to start when the moment is just beginning to heat up. It
has been reported that some women are even able to reach orgasm through
nipple stimulation. If your partner enjoys having her nipples stimulated, she
may be one of those!
The labia are sometimes referred to as the “lips” of a woman’s genitals. These
structures are located outside of a woman’s vagina, and they have some
resemblance to lips. There are two sets of labia on a woman’s body, the inner
and the outer labia. There are two small labia located directly outside of the
vaginal opening, which protect the vagina itself from outside debris. There are
also the outer labia, which cover the inner labia, the clitoris, and the vagina
and protect them all. All of these structures between a woman’s legs act to
protect the most sensitive and precious areas of her body. While these
structures act as protection, they also contain many nerve endings, which
make them very sensitive to touch and can, therefore, give the woman
immense pleasure when stimulated in the right way. The labia can be
stimulated by a man’s pelvic region or the base of his penis when he is
penetrating her, or when giving her oral sex by using his mouth and facial
region. They can also be stimulated by fingers or hands during foreplay or any
time the man is using his hands to stimulate the woman’s genitals.
The clitoris is the key to pleasure for a woman. The clitoris is sometimes
referred to as the female penis. This is because when a woman becomes
sexually aroused; her clitoris will fill with blood and swell, causing it to
increase in size, much like the penis of a male. When this happens, you can
think of like a female erection. What this means is that the enlarging or
erection of the clitoris makes it much more sensitive than it normally would
be, which leads to feelings of sexual arousal and pleasure when it is touched
in the right way. Doing this for some time in the right way can lead to orgasm.
In these ways, the clitoris is very similar to the penis of a man.
If you have a female partner or if you are a woman yourself, you have likely
had some experience with stimulating the clitoris. Each woman is different in
terms of how she likes her clitoris touched and what makes it feel good. This
is where communication comes in. You can try different angles, amounts of
pressure and speeds to find what makes her moan in pleasure in response. She
can also help you to find her clitoris.
When trying to find the clitoris, the following method will prove useful. This
can be done by the woman herself if she is trying to find her own clitoris or
by the man during the exploration of the woman’s body. The woman should
lie down on her back whether it is her exploring her own body or having the
man does it. The clitoris is located right where the labia or vaginal lips begin,
closest to the front side of her body. Begin with your hand pressed to her
stomach below her belly button. Pressing two fingers into the skin with gentle
pressure slide your hand down the front of her body, coming closer and closer
to the vulva (vulva: general vaginal area). Using your two fingers, feel around
as your hand descends, for a small bean-like structure. You may need to move
some of her skin around- everyone has different amounts of skin down there
so keep feeling around if you do not feel it right away. If your hands reach the
vagina and you still have not found the clitoris, begin again at her belly
button, and work your way down, this time trying to feel a little deeper in. It
may take you a few tries but be patient. Eventually, you will feel the small
lump that is the key to the female orgasm. If it proves to be extra difficult, try
getting the woman a little bit horny before trying again by watching a sexy
video, reading a hot erotica story, or having a hot make-out session. Being
aroused will make the clitoris easier to find because, as you know, with sexual
arousal, it will become slightly enlarged. When you have found the clitoris,
you can then begin to touch it in different ways and find out how exactly it
works and what makes it feel good.
Since the clitoris and labia are so closely located to each other and are both
very sensitive to erotic touch, they can be stimulated at the same time, and
this will give the woman great pleasure when stimulated together.
The Vagina and the G-Spot
The vagina is another sensitive spot on a woman that can give her great
feelings of pleasure when physically stimulated. The vagina is a canal located
between a woman’s legs, which lead to the woman’s uterus inside her body. It
is, for this reason, that sex can lead to pregnancy because at the end of the
vagina are all of her reproductive parts. (Not to worry though, if you are using
proper protection you shouldn’t have to worry about that). The walls of the
vagina contain several places that, when stimulated, will lead to very intense
orgasms for the woman. You have likely heard of the G-Spot before. The G-
Spot is one of the spots within the vagina that can give a woman an orgasm.
This spot can be stimulated with the man’s penis during penetration or with
Chapter 7. Increase Your Libido
We are going to look at something called a Libido. We will begin by defining
libido before addressing how you can improve yours! This is a very important
topic as it informs the basis of your sex life both with yourself and with your
partner. Remember, your sex life with yourself is equally as important as the
sex life you have with your partner.
What Is Libido?
The term Libido means a person’s sex drive, or the level of sexual desires and
sexual interest that they possess at any given time. A person’s libido can
change over time based on their mental state, their body chemistry, their stress
levels, and so on. The state of a person’s social life and their overall level of
life satisfaction can also influence their libido.
Causes of a Lowered Libido
There are many reasons why a person may feel that their libido has decreased.
We will look at some probable causes of this before looking at some ways to
improve upon this in order to make the most of your sex life.
Can’t Get Out of Your Head
For many people, they feel as though they are standing in their own way when
it comes to their mindset or their thoughts. If you feel this way, you are not
alone. With so many things going on in all of our lives, it can be hard to get
into a state of relaxation and focus on a physical activity like sex. The key to
changing or improving this is to be able to have enough time before you begin
having sex to unwind and get yourself in the mood for it. If you rush yourself
into it, you may have difficulty focusing on the sex, on your partner, and on
pleasure and May even have trouble performing.
Stress and an Inability to Relax
A common issue people face is being under stresses all of the time and thus
being unable to relax. If this is the case, it can be hard to reach orgasm. This
point is similar to the above issue of being unable to get out of your head and
out of your own way. Stress can come from work, studies, life events, or
anything else. When we are under stress, we often will want to tune out and
try to forget about it. During sex, it is hard to be tuned out, as you must be
aware of your own body, the body of your partner and how these are working
together. Thus, you must spend time getting yourself to relax and getting your
mind focused on pleasure and on sex.
Wandering Thoughts
You may experience wandering thoughts during sex that makes it hard for you
to focus on the task at hand. This could be for a variety of reasons, but it is a
common issue that people face as well. If you experience this, try to limit the
number of distractions in the room like music, phones, laptops, televisions
and anything else like this that could cause your brain to go off on a thought
tangent. If you have these in the room, make sure they are turned off, put on
silent, and are not going to become a distraction in the middle of sex. You can
also try having sex in minimal lighting so that the only thing you see is your
partner. This makes for a romantic environment as well as an intimate one. If
you try having sex without the distraction of music and entertainment of any
sort or even too many lights, you will force your mind to focus on the person
you are with as well as yourself and practicing having sex in this way will
allow you to eventually tell your brain to focus on sex even if there are some
distractions in the room.
Medications or Drugs
Some prescription medications, such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety pills,
among others, are known to decrease a person’s sex drive. In this case, it is
difficult to deal with as you need the medications, but you wish to increase
your sex drive. My recommendation here is to take care of all of the other
factors that could be playing a part in your lowered libido so that there are no
other factors at play along with the medication. This will set you up to
increase your libido even a little bit as you remain on the medication.
Solutions and Strategies to Increase Your Libido
Now that you understand what libido is and some of the factors that influence
it, I am going to outline some strategies for you so that you can begin to
increase your libido if it has taken a dip as of late.
Steps to Reduce Your Stress Levels during Sex
To begin, set the intention for you. Set an intention like “I will allow myself
physical pleasure.” Or something like this. Giving yourself permission in this
way will help to avoid those nagging thoughts like “I should be working”
while you are trying to give your partner an orgasm?
Allow yourself the time. Set a loose time window where you will allow
yourself to tune out of your entire life and focus on yourself and your partner.
This will allow you not to feel guilty about putting time aside for yourself as
it is a defined amount of time, after which you will allow yourself to think
about all of these things again.
Spend time relaxing. However, this looks to you; spend time on relaxation
before you begin having sex. Work up to it, as it will likely take time to
switch your brain over from work to personal life or whatever the stress may
be. This could be taking a bath or a shower with your partner, giving each
other massages or sitting down with a glass of wine together and reconnecting
with each other emotionally before beginning foreplay.
What to Focus on During Sex with Your Partner
Talking about the previous challenges that people face when it comes to their
mind and their mindset, which is what you should focus on when having sex
with your partner. There are a few things that should have your entire focus
during sex with your partner.
Your partner. You want to focus on the person in front of you and pay
attention to them, what they are saying, what they are doing, and what you are
doing to them.
Yourself. You also want to focus on yourself during sex, like what you are
feeling and what you desire.
Your pleasure. You want to feel the sensations of your body and enjoy the
pleasure that sex is bringing you.
Your body. You also want to focus on your body and how it is doing the
things that you desire, how it is relating to the body of your partner, and how
it will bring you both pleasures.
Your partner’s body. You not only will become aroused by seeing your
partner’s body, but you want to be aware of how it is moving, how it is
reacting to what you are doing to it, and what you will do to make it feel
Notice how all of the things you should be focusing on during sex involve you
and your partner, and nothing else. In order to have the most pleasurable
sexual experiences possible, you should remain focused on your partner and
yourself and how these two are working together to bring each other pleasure.
Anything else that is on your mind should fade away, like fears or nerves or
distractions. As long as you are communicating with your partner and they are
communicating back to you, then you need not feel nervous, scared, or
Chapter 8. Fantasies & Fetishes
Fantasies are a normal part of life for pretty much everyone. Typically, we
start to fantasize about things at a very young age. The way we fantasize tends
to change over the course of time, but it is something that never really goes
away. We will discuss the ins and outs of fantasies. We will also look at some
of the most common fantasies and how you can help them come to fruition.
This will also contain a wealth of information on fetishes. Fetishes are quite a
bit different than fantasies. Some people confuse the two so. We will show
you the differences. From there, we will discuss some of the most
predominate fetishes around.
Let’s start out by looking at fantasies. A fantasy is an imaginary scene that we
play in our heads. We have conscious and unconscious fantasies, and they
actually serve a purpose. Studies have shown that fantasizing can help distract
us, improve creativity, and allow us to understand ourselves better, just to
name a few.
Fantasies can be about basically anything. They could be rational or
completely unachievable. Some are used for a brain break while others are
used for things more sexual in nature. Sexual fantasies are completely
common, and they typically start around the time we hit puberty. From there,
they never really stop, but oftentimes they do change.
A common question about sexual fantasies is, “Are mine normal?” The easy
answer is yes. Extreme sexual fantasies are very common and quite normal.
Not to say that some of yours may not be unique, but more often than not,
they are more common than you would ever guess.
There are times that fantasies can be overwhelming. Let’s say you are a calm
person by nature, but you fantasize about violence, this could be quite
disturbing. There is no need to worry unless you start to believe you are going
to act on these fantasies. If this occurs, it would be a good idea to seek out
professional help. Obviously, some people are into some very kinky things,
like the extremes of BDSM, as long as everyone is consenting and you use
safe words, then everything is fine, and it is likely you don’t need to find a
Talking to your partner about your fantasies can seem intimidating; however,
as long as you trust them, you really should open up. It is surprising how
many times couples find that they share fantasies, and by talking about it are
able to experience something new and thrilling. Keep in mind there may be
things that you fantasize about what your partner is just not into, that’s ok as
everyone has their own thoughts. Keep talking about it, and more than likely,
you will land on a few you have in common.
Now that we are all on the same page about what a fantasy is and some other
information in regard to it, we are going to move on to some of the most
common fantasies that people have. When you start to see what others are
fantasizing about, it can help you accept the fact that your fantasies are
normal. This can, in turn, make it easier to talk to your partner and open up
about the things you think about that really get you in the mood.
The first common fantasy that we would like to explore is multi-partner sex.
Men and women alike have a plethora of fantasies that include any number of
extra male and female partners. Thinking about things like orgies, threesomes,
and even gangbangs is a normal fantasy for millions of people. Not every
couple will want to venture down the avenue of including another person in
their sex life, but for some, it is a grand adventure that helps to keep things
As with all things, there should be a set of rules so that everyone is
comfortable. This can include things like no kissing on the mouth. Many
people make that rule as it is a very intimate thing, and they don’t want the
extra person to cause any problems in the relationship or have that level of
intimacy with their significant other. This is only one example.
Fantasies involving power, rough sex, or control are also very common. These
fall under the BDSM category. In case you don’t know, BDSM stands for
bondage, discipline, sadism, and masochism. After some books were written,
this area of sexual pleasure became more mainstream. People started to
experiment more with restraints, spankings, and other things that fall within
the BDSM umbrella. So, don’t feel ashamed if you fantasize about tying
someone down or vice versa. It is normal, and if you voice your desire, your
partner will likely be willing to give it a try.
Fantasies, where a person is in an unusual location or trying different
positions are also very common. Fantasizing about having sex or
masturbating in public ranks fairly high in the most common fantasies. There
is just something about the thought of getting caught that turns people on.
This is an easy thing to use for a role-play scenario that you can involve your
partner in. Many find it to be exciting, and it can help add some variety to
your bedroom routine.
Activities that are considered to be taboo are also common among adult
fantasies. These are the things that we are supposedly not to do in terms of
sexual activity. Realistically, what was once taboo is now more commonplace,
like anal sex? Fetishes also tend to fall into the taboo category. The items that
fall into the taboo category are vast, and they can vary depending on the
person. A good example of a common taboo thought is the thought of incest.
Many people find talking about their taboo fantasies to be difficult. This can
easily be understood as some people may not react so well to the darker parts
of your sexual fantasies. It really comes down to how much you trust your
partner, and if you think they can handle the information. If your relationship
is solid and you have open lines of communication, you should be able to
discuss your taboo thoughts with them without the worry of their reaction.
Non-monogamous relationship fantasies also occur quite frequently.
Fantasizing about a polyamorous relationship or swinging with other couples
is a fantasy that crops up all the time. Sometimes after conversations with
your partner, you will find that they want the same thing. Open relationships
do have their troubles, but what relationship doesn’t. Sometimes it is just a
fantasy, and that is all the farther it goes, but with the discussion, you can
come to terms with your partner on their feelings and maybe open some new
doors for both of you.
The last common fantasy we would like to discuss before moving on to
fetishes is one that involves people fantasizing about gender. These can be
thoughts of being with the same gender when you identify as heterosexual or
things like cross-dressing. Typically, at one point or another, we think about
what it would be like to be the opposite sex so, it is really not that surprising
to find out that a plethora of people fantasize about what it would be like.
This is only a look at the many fantasies that people have; however, it gives
you a good idea of how vast the categories can be. There is nothing wrong
with fantasizing. Sharing your fantasies with your partner can help strengthen
the relationship and allow you to know each other on a deeper level. It will
take time and trust to divulge your innermost fantasies; however, if you can
get to that point, it truly shows the deep connection between you and your
As noted, fantasies and fetishes are very different things. When someone has
a fetish, it is an item or act of desire that must be had for them to become
sexually aroused. It is not the item or desire itself but the part that it plays in
that person’s life. Fantasies are simply thoughts that can come and go. They
are not required to get turned on. Oftentimes, fetishes are related to objects
that are typically not seen as sexual.
The word kink and fetish are often thought of to be the same; however, this is
untrue. Kink is simply when a person enjoys something sexually, that is not
considered to be “normal.” A fetish is going to be directly linked to a person’s
sexuality. The simple difference between a kink and a fetish is that a kink is a
turn on while a fetish is a way of life, at least in terms of sex.
A side note on being kinky is to understand that what one person thinks of as
extremely kinky may be totally average to another. Being kinky can include
things like restraints, spanking, using food items in the bed, and role-playing.
Many people like to participate in these kinds of practices, but it is a once in a
while thing, not an all the time thing.
Now that we have looked at the differences between fantasies, fetishes, and
kink, let’s move on. There are a huge number of fetishes out there in the
world. If you can think it, it probably exists. Fetishes can be a bit harder for a
couple to overcome if both parties are not into it. This is due to the fact that
one person will absolutely need it to be aroused. As you can see, this could
lead to some serious sexual issues within the coupling.
Most people with fetishes are pretty open and honest about them when they
enter into a sexual relationship with someone. This is because they need it for
arousal so, if the relationship is going to go there, it is best for them to be
upfront about it. Try and be open to the fetishes of others. You never know,
you may find it exciting and stimulating in a way you never thought possible.
You should not feel ashamed if you have a fetish, and hiding it is not going to
do anyone any good. If you have an interest in a fetish, it is safe to assume
that there are millions of other people out there that harbor the same one.
Acting on your fetish is absolutely fine as long as both parties are consenting
and take steps to keep things safe.
One of the most common fetishes is impact play. Impact play is anything that
includes striking. This could be spanking, paddling, or flogging. There are
many different levels of intensity when it comes to impact play. Knowing
each other's boundaries is very important with this sort of fetish. Keeping
everyone comfortable and safe while finding enjoyment should always be the
When you are discussing impact play with your partner, there are some things
that you both need to figure out before proceeding. Ask questions so that you
The intensity level they are comfortable with
Safe words to use so things can stop at a moment’s notice
What items are ok to use for striking
Where they are willing to be struck
Thick areas of the body are the best places, such as the butt and thighs
Avoid area’s that are extremely sensitive or that have organs right below
With impact play, you should always start off mild. Introduce your partner to
a light spanking with your hand before using other items. If that is enjoyed,
you can absolutely raise the intensity the next time you are intimate together.
If you are the one with the fetish, be patient with your partner as it can take
some time before they are really into it, the way you are.
Chapter 9. Pre-sex
Seduction is the act of persuading someone for sexual arousal and intercourse.
It mostly happens through actions and words that tend to attract the attention
of the victim. If you wish to become a great seducer, you must orchestrate
surprise and avoid familiarity and boredom in your relationship. Notably,
surprises influence seduction and it decreases depending on the surprises you
make to your partner. For that reason, you will find relationships fading as a
result of the lack of surprises among couples. As too much of surprises could
be counterproductive, you should create the best moments to make
unexpected moves that please your partner. These surprises have power and
take much of the victim's afterthought where they remain glued into it. They
build up forms of crystalizing you as a better person. Unfortunately, seduction
is gradually becoming a lost art for people who have become so self-centered
that we are unable to analyze the outside perspective. The fact that seduction
is a social activity it encourages you to pay attention to feedback and put
yourself in other people's shoes. This way, you will learn more about your
seductive energy and how to express it adequately.
As a result, you will refine your seduction based on the character that best fits
Identify your seduction character: Successful seduction depends on how well
you understand yourself and the energy you exert toward the victim. The
following categories should guide you and create the best seducer out of
Rakes: They are highly unrestrained and are ready to let go and become
enslaved by the love of women.
Ideal Lover: They make their targets feel elevated and deserving success. The
character makes the target fall in love by bringing the perfect quality out in
Dandies: They demonstrate the freedom and limited roles in life. Their
confident expression of their lifestyle makes their targets imitate and admire
The Natural: They practice openness and innocence. The value of retaining
the impeccable quality makes them admirable and worthy life partners who
would be a relief from the world's guilt.
Coquettes: They exercise the power of love and desire where they portray
themselves as self-sufficient. By denying full access, they increase excitement
and value, thus more seduction power
Charmers: They are socially friendly and are best in pleasing. The fact that
they do not complain, or fight influences their seduction.
Charismatic: Through their confidence, they create illusions and intense plans
that portray them as organized and goal oriented.
The Star: They are ethereal and aim to become an ideal reference when
seducing those who are interested in fantasies and dreams. Their appearance
makes them identifiable through imaginations.
After analyzing yourself and identifying your category, you will also need to
understand your target and maneuvers that will make them surrender. It would
be advisable to target those who show a deficiency of your abundance and not
try to seduce your type. You should look out for signals of what your target
lacks and form the basis of your seduction.
The following are types of seduction targets.
Patient Dreamers: They long for exploration and adventure but remain in their
boring life.
Reformists: They seek to escape custodian sexual life.
Virtual Royals: They wish to be treated as special people and live a royal
Prudes: They like to keep things undercover and would not want you to judge
them for their actions.
Dark Stars: They once attracted much attention and would like to regain
popularity and adoration.
Fresher: They consider themselves new to sex life but are ready to explore.
Conquerors: They need to be met with plans and missions to overcome.
Exotic Fetishist: They are obsessed with exotics and new experiences.
Drama lovers: They like to remain fascinated by the happenings and wish to
be involved in drama throughout their life.
The intelligent: They think and analyze everything profoundly and wish to
find help in relieving mental barriers.
The appreciated: Used to be praised and needs someone to focus on other
aspects that they can enjoy.
Aging Toddlers: Portrays immature behavior and needs enabling of the
desires and gradually reeling them in.
Life Savers: They like to act as your savior by making them believe that you
need them as a protector; you make them develop an obsession.
Veterans: Their experience in love and sex life makes them desire to educate
Idol seekers: You must act as an object to provide meaning in life and prompt
them to worship you.
Sensualists: They rely on what their senses command them. You must master
and influence their smell, touch, taste, and sight to win them.
Phases of Seduction
Initially, understand and master your charming character and the perfect
target. This way, you will be able to make the moves that will win you a sex
partner and companion. Your active seduction should be phased to ensure that
you make gradual progress and to allow time for synthesis. By following
these phases, you should make an effective seduction that will not only win
you the most preferred target but also test your charming character.
Phase 1: Making a Choice: You should choose a victim with voids that you
can fill and one who shows notable signs of desperation. Making the right
choice includes leaving those who seem inaccessible and hostile as you
cannot seduce everyone. Besides, beware of falling prey to those who quickly
like you as you may be mistaking insecurity for seduction. Introverts and shy
people usually have still waters running deep and are better targeted as
compared to extroverts. Your first move should be seeking attention and
stirring desire. The step is easy if the target is your friend. In this case, care is
not necessary. Develop a friendly conversation on what they like and dislike
as a way of knowing them better. Moreover, finding quality time to spend
with them is vital as it helps in understanding them and becoming part of their
routine. Remember always to remain ambiguous to facilitate the urge of
learning your ways and increased interest in you. Ensure that you understand
every circumstance that makes your target that they are. In this phase, you
must play by your target's rules and adapt to their attitude and moods to avoid
strong defense.
Phase 2: Stir it up: This phase mostly involves your actions towards the
victim. Ensure that your victim remains in suspense from your activities. Let
them wonder what to get soon due to your routine innovations and surprises.
The feeling gives them the urge to know you better. Surprises make your
victim view life as full of new things and places. Therefore, you become the
connection between them and the wonderful world and people. Be sure to
have the victim engrossed in you, especially if sweet words and promises to
accompany the surprises. The victim's emotions become inflamed by your
fantasies and would find it hard to resist you. Be yourself and restrict your
actions based on the tastes of the victim. However, the flavors should not
make you hold back your natural traits. Notably, inherent characteristics are
the most seductive and could play a significant role in expressing who you
are. You only need to create fantasies for your victim and appear to turn her
dreams into reality. Most importantly, you will have to emotionally, mentally,
and physically move the victim out of their natural environment. It will help
break connections and establish your relationship through refreshment and
Phase 3: The Precipice: At this stage, you are in full gear, taking extreme
measures, and deepening the effect. Therefore, you should be yourself and
should be less worried about making mistakes. You should be ready to act as a
rescuer for your victim even if it means leading them into a crisis. They must
believe that you are there for them, and you mean it. You need more in-depth
exploration and going beyond the victim's limits to test their submission and
also influence their interest. In case your victim has insecurity and doubts
about their conscience and sexuality, you could use spiritual lures. It would
involve making them focus on religious experience or other artistic
expressions. Chiefly, when you mix pleasure with pain, it positively
influences seduction which should not be unaffected anyway. Simple
seduction leads to the fast climax and weak satisfaction which is contrary to
what you need to achieve.
Phase 4: Capture: It is the perfect time where your victim falls on your hand.
It happens through acting in a suggestive manner that makes the victim take
actions to move closer to you. For Instance, you could act interested in
someone else and see the victim sense it and react. It is about making the
pursued become the pursuer. You should also observe sexual desires that you
induce through your glances, voice, and gestures. Note that you are solely
responsible for going on the offensive, ensuring that you maintain your
lightness and mystery.
Rules to Observe
Although all couples are different, and each partnership is unique, the
following provisions of seduction are applicable in most cases.
Avoid Manipulation - Men and women often feel that their partner is fooling
them and brings a charged feeling against them. Learn to work with what your
partner brings on the table.
Demonstrate independence – Develop a dictated passive aggression that
requires you to remain in your center, especially when on a first date. Sharing
about your world and life makes you more exciting and exciting.
Be natural – If you are the target of seduction, you will never know if he/she
cares for the real you. Therefore, you need to deal with open people.
Has Fun – The natural you should give out the playful part of you to remain
attractive and adored.
Be Humorous – It makes you sexy if you are able to take both teasers and
critics. Also, finding humor indicates that you have a good and sober
Observes Good Hygiene – Your breath, appearance, and hygiene may cost
you a date no matter how cute you might be. Similarly, you should develop
self-esteem to remain proud and secure.
Body Language – Your confidence and attitude are visible through your body
language. Smile always and avoid flirting with everyone as they may never
take you seriously.
You are required to observe patience and perseverance by giving your date a
chance to respond. Note that seduction is only in your head and what matters
is how others perceive you through your presentation.
Chapter 10. Sex Toys

We are going to examine something that is likely new to you in your

exploration of sex- sex toys! We will discuss the benefits of sex toys before
moving onto a guide for the best sex toys for beginners. You will be fully
prepared to enter any sex shop knowing which sex toy you want to try, and
you will be ready to begin using it in the bedroom with a partner or alone.
How Sex Toys Can Improve Your Sex Life
The first thing that I am going to address is the purpose of sex toys. Some
people view sex toys as something that is for those who have wild kinks or
those who cannot perform without assistance of some sort. In reality, though,
sex toys are designed to increase and enhance pleasure for anyone. By using
sex toys, you do not have to engage in anything wild or anything that you are
uncomfortable with. You are also not admitting that you have a sexual
problem by using a sex toy.
One of the ways in which sex toys can improve your sex life is that they allow
you to focus on one area of the body while the sex toy takes care of pleasure
in another. For example, a sex toy that is designed to pleasure a woman’s
clitoris will do so while you can focus on her nipples or her vagina.
When you are masturbating, sex toys can improve your sex life as well. Sex
toys are able to give you the type of pleasure that you experience when
someone else’s hands are touching you while you are alone. That way, you
can enjoy the pleasure of a great orgasm without having your hands become
too tired or without doing too much physical work.
With a Partner
When with a partner, sex toys are beneficial in that they allow you both to
achieve pleasure at the same time. It is more difficult for women to achieve
orgasm, especially during penetration. By using a sex toy, it can level the
playing field so that you are able to reach orgasm together. This depends on
the sex toys you use, but for the most part, this is a great benefit that they are
able to provide.
Best Sex Toys for Beginners
In order to choose the right sex toy for yourself, there are a couple of
questions that you would need to answer first.
Is this toy to be used alone during masturbation?
Is it to be used with a partner?
Is it to be used with multiple partners?
Is it to be used for all of the above or two of the above?
Do you want it to have a vibrating function?
An insertion function?
Will you use it anally?
Do you want it to be customizable (depending on your mood or the partner
you are with)?
Once you establish this, you will be able to narrow down your search.
Answering all of these questions will help you to determine which type of sex
toy is right for you (and your partner). Once you have done this, you will be
able to then look specifically at the type of sex toy you want, for example,
vibrators with no insertion option. You can then examine all of the available
brands, shapes, and sizes of these types of sex toys and make your selection
based on your personal preference.
If you are unsure of the answers to any or all of these questions, that is okay
too. Feel free to do some research before you visit a store by browsing around
on an online store to see what options are available to you. Below you can
find descriptions of toys that are best for female pleasure, for male pleasure
and toys that are great for couples too.
If you want something that you can begin using with no sex toy experience
and you want it to be versatile enough to work for multiple uses, I will present
some examples of the best sex toys for beginners below.
The Vibrator
A vibrator is probably the most common sex toy available for female
pleasure. Vibrators are the best choice for women who are new to sex toys
and are unsure of what they may be looking for. A vibrator is a nice and easy
place to start, and it can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used by a
woman alone during masturbation, by a woman with a partner. They can be
used during penetration and during foreplay. Vibrators are such a versatile sex
toy as they come in so many different shapes, sizes and materials.
1. Clitoral Vibrator
The first type of vibrator we will discuss is the clitoral vibrator. This type of
vibrator is small and compact, portable, and easy to use. This type can be
turned on with the push of a button and is then held to the clitoris by a woman
or her partner for quick and intense clitoral pleasure. This type of vibration on
the clitoris leads to pleasure like nothing else. This is because it can vibrate at
speeds much higher than your hands could ever move. It will be quite a new
sensation if you have never used one before, but a sensation that you won’t
soon forget.
2. Rabbit Vibrators
There is another type of vibrator which is a little bigger than a clitoral
vibrator, and that is used by inserting it into the vagina. This can allow the
woman to receive G-Spot stimulation. The vibration happens on the part that
remains outside of the vagina, which makes contact with the clitoris. This
allows the woman to receive both types of stimulation at exactly the same
time! This will be a new world of pleasure for the woman as she may never
have had both her clitoris and her G-Spot stimulated at the same time. These
vibrators are called rabbit vibrators as the part that is designed to vibrate on
the clitoris is said to look like bunny ears. The entire vibrator will vibrate so
that you will also feel some of this vibration on your G-Spot for maximum
3. Vibrating Cock Ring
This type of vibrator is used by a man. This can be used by a man alone
during masturbation or by a man with a partner. A cock ring without the
vibration function was originally designed to keep a man’s penis erect for a
longer period of time, as it is a ring made of metal that sits at the base of a
man’s penis in order to keep the blood flow inside of his penis. The cock ring
is a little different these days, as it is common to have a cock ring that is also
a vibrator. A cock ring like this works in much the same way as the original
type, but it is usually made of a softer material like silicone. It begins
vibrating with the push of a button, just like any other type of vibrator.
While wearing this, it wills not only keep the man erect for longer, but it will
also vibrate on the base of his penis. This can be worn during masturbation
for added pleasure and endurance, or while having sex with a partner. When
used with a partner, it leads to increased endurance, which is beneficial for the
woman and the man. Another benefit of wearing one of these while you are
having penetrative sex with a partner is that the vibration of the ring on the
base of the penis can also vibrate on the woman’s clitoris. In specific
positions, the woman’s clitoris could touch the base of the man’s penis, which
would then act as a clitoral vibrator for her.
The Dildo
A dildo is a penis-like object that provides pleasure by being inserted into the
vagina or the anus, and that works in much the same way as a penis does.
Dildos can be made of a variety of different materials such as glass, stainless
steel, or silicone, and they come in a wide variety of colors and shapes from
realistic-looking penises to pink and purple banana-shaped ones. The world of
dildos is vast and encompasses any kind of penetrative device you could
possibly dream of.
Dildos can be used by a woman or a man on their own while masturbating or
with a partner. A woman can use a dildo by inserting it into her vagina to
stimulate her G-Spot and a man can use it to stimulate his prostate during
masturbation. Dildos can be used with a partner, as well. Your partner can use
a dildo on you by inserting it into the vagina or the anus in order to please
you. Most dildos can be taken into the bathtub or shower as well, so you can
have shower sex with it if you wish. A dildo can be used in the vagina or the
anus, whichever you prefer, and you can use the same dildo for both of these
places, so you don’t need to buy two.
Things to Know About Using Sex Toys
There are some things to note regarding sex toys so that you ensure that you
are using them safely and sanitarily.
1. Cleaning Sex Toys
Sex toys require regular cleaning since they are going to be coming in contact
with bodily fluids and parts of the body that are connected to the inside
environment of your body. If you fail to clean them properly, they may end up
having a buildup of residue on them, which is not so safe to put inside
yourself or inside someone else, especially in sensitive areas like the vagina
or the anus. You can clean many sex toys with gentle soap and water, and
some can even go in the dishwasher for a quick and thoroughly clean!
2. Sharing Sex Toys
When it comes to sharing sex toys, it can be okay to do so if you keep a few
things in mind. Cleaning is important even if you are the only person that has
ever used the sex toy, but this becomes even more important when you are
going to be sharing sex toys. If you have multiple partners and you share sex
toys among them, or if you sleep with someone that may have other partners,
ensure that you clean them well before you use them.
Depending on the material that they are made of, you may need to clean them
in different ways, but generally using a gentle soap and hot water is a good
way to clean them. This is so that you can kill bacteria and prevent the
possible spread of any sex-related diseases or viruses that could be
transmitted through the sharing of sex toys.

Another option for protecting yourself from this to put a condom on the toy if
it is penis-shaped or if it is a dildo. This will prevent the spread of many
diseases, especially if you and your partner have multiple partners.
Thank you for making it to the end. The Kama Sutra is the epitome of an
intimate sexual relationship. This has covered all of the basics, especially
about how the Kama Sutra is about more than just sex. It is about the
connection with your partner on an emotional and spiritual level.
The Kama Sutra is about loving your partner and showing them by exploring
every inch of their body. It is not about being considered a "sex god," but
about being an attentive lover.
Tantric practices also help you use the preserved energy to find your true
purpose. Of course, it is important to start small, begin with the simple
individual and couple techniques (which can be started immediately) and once
you have mastered the simple ones and drawn the amazing benefits of even
these simple tantric practices, you can move on and learn more advanced
techniques from reputable teachers and take your life to an entirely new level
of consciousness.
It’s an exact series of steps that allow and provide to others the wellness and
understanding that you should have wit yourself, and with others. As you see,
Tantric sex is one of the best ways to bolster the relationship that you have
with the person that you love, and if you feel like you could benefit from
tantric sex, then try it.
Creating your unique language of love is not as hard as it seems. Look at your
lover and think about all the things that you find attractive about them. All the
things you love. Focus on the aspects of them that trigger your lust. The next
time you’re in bed together, be present and relish the moment. Immerse
yourself in the sensation of their tight pussy around your hard penis and
vocalize how good it feels. Immerse yourself in the sensation of having his
hard, throbbing penis deep inside you and cry out how good it feels. Immerse
yourself in the heat of the moment and the words will eventually come to you.
Above all else, be genuine, be honest, and be sincere.
As you go on in your sexual life, stay open-minded, and never stop listening
to your body. People change and you will likely change as well. By being
open to these changes and being receptive to them in yourself and your long-
term partner, you will be able to ensure you are always getting the most out of
sex. Don’t forget to communicate with your partners in order to better
understand them and sex in general, as communication leads to learning and
this is a great thing when it comes to sex.
In as much as you have to be careful and nor hurt anybody's feelings, you
should also be free. Play along with the words. Twist them whichever way
you want. If you're just starting out, you can use some of the phrases until you
can create your own. Be adventurous and use your words to make your
partner horny and aroused. Let them enjoy it. And if you like hearing people
use dirty words, introduce it to your partner gradually. There's no simple rule
for sex. All you need to do is not to exceed the personal boundaries of your
partner and you're good to go. Have a wonderful sex life! `

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