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Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

A module developed by DepEd-Davao City
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SHS Teacher III
Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School



Team Leader
Crossing Bayabas National High School

Team Leader
Bernardo D. Carpio National High School


Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Information about this ADM learner’s material

I. Objectives:

Ia. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of

description of intervention ( if applicable).

The learner is able to describe adequately the

Ib. Performance Standards
intervention (if applicable).
The learner describes intervention (if
Ic. Learning Competencies
applicable). CS_RS12-IIa-c-4

II. Content /Topic Description of Intervention

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

How are you today? Are you excited ? I know,
especially, that you are already in the middle of your
research. You have passed the previous modules. You are
now ready to continue to the next topic.
This module will focus in describing the intervention
used in research study. If applicable, thus, not all research
study will use an intervention. For a particular research
design that uses an intervention, it must be described
clearly and objectively. What will be your points of
description? If you are in doubt, please don’t hesitate to
contact your teacher for clarifications. Keep going and
enjoy learning!

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

To begin , it is best for us to set our goal today. You should be
informed that this material will be teaching you to describe the
intervention you will use in your research study (if applicable).
After reading this module, you should be able to specifically
accomplish the following:

1. Define an intervention; and

2. Cite the importance of describing the intervention.

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School


“ I have failing grades”, “I always come to school late”, “I feel difficulty in sentence
construction” and “oh, when we will have the vaccine against covid-19?” These are just
few of the problems that you have experienced or you have observed around. Common
question is that “ What will I do?” Every time you have a problem, you will be thinking of
different ways to solve it. Right? In experimental research, once you have identified and
analyzed the problem, the intended intervention will be carry out. You have learned it in
your previous lessons that the use of intervention is one of the differences of experimental
and non-experimental research. The researcher applies treatment or intervention and
does not just observe the subjects in experimental research design. That is why, the
trademark of an experimental research is testing the effectiveness of the interventions
(Drummond & Reyes, 2017).
In doing so, there must be a clear and complete description of an intervention that
will be implemented in research. What will be your points of describing the intervention?
Why do you think so you have to describe the intervention clearly and completely ?

Are you ready? But before, you will proceed to the

main topic . Let’s have an exercise for a while. I
know you can do it.

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Check Me In

Instruction: Read the situation and answer the questions below .

According to World Health Organization ( 2018) one of the leading causes

of illness and disability among adolescents is depression. Violence, poverty,
humiliation and feeling devalued can increase the risk of developing mental health
problems. Building life skills in children and adolescents and providing them with
psychosocial support in schools and other community settings can help promote
good mental health. Programme to help strengthen the ties between adolescents
and their families are also important. If problems arise, they should be detected and
managed by competent and caring health workers.

1. According to WHO, what is one of the leading causes of mental illness

among adolescents?_________________________________________

2. What are the way/s to prevent the adolescents from depression and

Good job. Did you find it interesting?

Now, let us continue.

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

You just have acquainted yourself to the statements that
leads you to the intervention. I know that there are many
things popped-up in your mind. Let us proceed.

Instruction: Answer the questions briefly.

Guide Questions:

1. What did you do when your classmate or friend or any member of your family suffered
from depression?


2. What happened after helping him/her?


Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Let’s get started. Be sure to focus and take note every
important detail discuss in the module. You will learn
now to describe the intervention used in research study.

Lesson : Description of Intervention

Defining Intervention
The act of interfering to modify a process or situation is generally called as
intervention ( Sundell & Olsson, 2017). In an experimental research design either Quasi-
experimental and true experimental , the independent variable is the intervention or
treatment being tested —for an example, an insecticidal effect, a herbicidal effect, a
therapeutic technique, prevention program, or access to some service or support( De
Carlo, 2018).
How about in your research, what is your research question? What is the research
design ? Will there be an intervention? If there is no intervention needed in your study, I
still encourage you to continue. Anyway, it is better that you have known more about


It is very important to describe the intervention clearly and completely. This is
because of the following reasons;
A. Replicability of Study. One of the pathways to confirm the validity of the study
is by repeating the research that produced it. When the result from one study is
found to be consistent by another study, it is more likely to represent a reliable
claim to new knowledge ( The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering ,

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Medicine, 2019).

B. Effectivity of Treatment. One way to recheck the effectivity of the treatment

is to conduct and follow the description on how the intervention is done. Thus, it
is important that complete details about the intervention must be discussed in the
research study.
Describing the Intervention
As stated earlier, the implementation of an intervention must be described clearly
and completely. Below are the points that you have to remember for you to be guided in
describing the intervention;
1. How many groups are there ? Describe the group(s). If there are two, state the
similarities and differences.
2. What will happen to each group in the experiment that you intend to do?
Discuss the procedure step-by-step.
3. Explain what each sample will do in each step. Describe how long each of
these steps will take.

Suggested format:

There will be ________________ groups. Both groups are_______________

( no. of groups)
( similarities)

However, the experimental group __________________________________

( difference/s of the group/steps in using

___________________________________. While the control group ______

the intervention )

______________________________________________. Every _________

( difference/s of the group/steps in using the intervention) (how often)

within ___________________ the experimental group/ they are __________

(length of time)
(explain what to do to the sample in each step)

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Let’s have an example:

Example 1: ( True Experimental Reserach)

There will be two groups of plants used in this study . Both groups are composed
(no. of groups) ( similarities)

of similar plants and will be watered daily. However, the experimental group will
( difference/s

be exposed to sunlight. While the control group will be kept away from the sunlight.
of the group/steps in using the intervention )

Every once a week for four weeks , the height of the plants will be recorded.
(how often) (length of time) explain what to do to the sample

Example 2: (Quasi-experimental Research)

There will be two groups used in the study. Both groups are Grade 11 students
(no. of groups) (similarities)

of a public urban school.” However, the experimental group will participate in the

nutrition education curriculum, “Nutrition in the Garden” and gardening activities.

( difference/s of the group/steps in using the intervention)

While, the control group will receive no intervention. Every once a week within
(how often)

12 weeks there will be a gardening discussion and activities such as planting,

(length of time) (explain what each participant will do in each step)

maintaining and harvesting vegetables.

Do you have any question(s)? If you have , just take note

and refer it to your teacher after. Hope that you know now
to describe the intervention. If you really are, try to answer
the activity below.

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Tell Me

Instruction: Read, analyze and choose one situation below. Describe the intervention
using the suggested format.
1. Here is a clinical trials update of Aldemo (2020) about the potentiality of Virgin Coconut
Oil (VCO) to cure Covid-19 in Philippines.
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) reported that the
VCO trials in Sta. Rosa Community Hospital in Laguna involving individuals who
are suspect and probable COVID-19 cases already registered 6 participants as
of May 5, 2020, out of the target 90 individuals to be involved in the study.The
study subjects will be divided into 2 groups: 45 participants in Group 1 will receive
VCO mixed with the food and 45 participants in Group 2 will be served regular

The VCO study will last for 28 days.From Day 1 to Day 3, the participants
will intake VCO once during breakfast. And from Day 4 to Day 28, the maintaining
dose will be twice during breakfast and lunch.
Suggested format:

There will be ___ groups used in this study . Both groups __________________.
(no. of groups) ( similarities)

However, the experimental group _____________________________________

( difference/s of the group/steps in using

__________________. While the control group __________________________

the intervention )
_______________________________. Every _________within _____________
(how often) (length of time)

they will _______________________________________________________.

(explain what each participant will do in each step)

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

2. One group of the Grade Twelve(12) researchers would like to find out whether or not

using short stories significantly improve the speaking achievements. A quasi experimental

study is use in this research. To assess the students’ speaking achievement, the

researcher will use the SOLOM (Student Oral Language Observation Matrix) which

comprising of the aspects of speaking ability such as, comprehension, vocabulary,

pronunciation grammar, and fluency. Forty grade 11 students will be selected as the

sample in which each group consisted of 20 students, respectively. The treatment which

is the speaking test will be used in this research and will be given twice a week for 14

meetings. The students will be asked to choose one of the speaking topics provided in

the form of monologue. Since both classes will be given a pre-test and a post-test, each

group will be given the same speaking topics for the speaking test.

Suggested format:

There will be ____groups used in this study . Both groups ____________________

(no. of groups)
( similarities)

However, the experimental group _______________________________________

( difference/s of the group/steps in using

___________________________________. While the control group ___________

the intervention )

______________________________________________. Every ______________

( difference/s of the group/steps in using the intervention) (how often)

within ___________________ the experimental group/ they are _______________

(length of time)

(explain what each participant will do in each step)

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

How are you ? Did you able to answer the activity?
Congratulations! You may now keep your output in
your portfolio. Your teacher will collect it in your agreed


1. Intervention is the act of interfering to modify a process or situation . It is also known

as treatment in experimental research designs.
2. The intervention must be describe accurately and properly due to the following
A. Replicability of Study , and
B. Effectivity of Treatment

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Instruction: Describe the intervention that will be used in the research study.

Situation 1 : Garlic has been claimed that it has a potential to improve the brain function
particularly memory recall and consolidation. To test this hypothesis, the researchers will
use 20 male and female white mice, categorized randomly as to control or experimental
group. The experimental group will be given meal with pound garlic and the other group
will receive no intervention. They will be weighed and will make to accomplish a simple
maze every end of the month within three months (Lucero, Nillos, Sombe, Uy, Valencia,
Caram, Flaviano & Hilado , 2016).

Suggested format:

There will be _______ groups used in this study . Both groups _______________
(no. of groups)
( similarities)

However, the experimental group ______________________________________

( difference/s of the group/steps in using

___________________________________. While the control group __________

the intervention )
______________________________________________. Every _____________
( difference/s of the group/steps in using the intervention) (how often)

within ___________________ the experimental group/ they are ______________

(length of time)
(explain what each participant will do in each step)

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Situation 2 : A group of Grade 12 researchers believed that stress management
symposium will help the grade eleven students to experience a faster recovery in
completing the stressful task. To test their claim, the experimental group which will be
composed of thirty (30) grade eleven students undergo a stress management
symposium. The control group compose of the same number of grade eleven students
will not receive any intervention. After the symposium will be given, the researchers plan
to give a stressful task to the experimental and control group. They will give the stressful
task twice a week within a month. While completing the task, they will record the length
of time.

Suggested format:

There will be_____groups used in this study . Both groups ___________________

(no. of groups)
( similarities)

However, the experimental group _______________________________________

( difference/s of the group/steps in using

___________________________________. While the control group ___________

the intervention )
______________________________________________. Every ______________
( difference/s of the group/steps in using the intervention) (how often)

within ___________________ the experimental group/ they are _______________

(length of time)
(explain what each participant will do in each step)

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Answer Key

Check Me In

1. Depression
2. Building life skills in children and adolescents and providing them with psychosocial
support in schools and other community settings can help promote good mental health.
Programme to help strengthen the ties between adolescents and their families are also
important. If problems arise, they should be detected and managed by competent and
caring health workers

1. When I found my friend/ classmate/sister/brother suffered in depression, I
accompanied him, talked and gave him comfort. Also, I remembered I encouraged him
to go out like jogging early in the morning.
2. I’m happy because I observed that he able to cope his depression.

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Situation 1: Experimental Research

There will be two groups used in this study. Both groups are composed of
(no. of groups)
45 partcipants who are suspect and probable COVID-19 cases. (
However, the experimental group will receive VCO mixed with the food. While, the
( difference/s of the group/steps in using the
control group will be served with regular meal. Every once during breakfast from
intervention ) (how often)
day 1 to day 3 and twice during breakfast and lunch from day 4 to day 28 within 28
(length of
days the participants will intake the virgin coconut oil.
time) (explain what each participant will do in each step)

Situation 2 : Quasi-Experimental Research

There will be two groups used in this study. Both groups are composed of
(no. of groups)

Twenty(20) grade 11 students which will be given a pre-test and a (


post-test with the same speaking test. However, the experimental group will be
( difference/s of the group/steps in using the

asked to choose one of the speaking topics or short stories. While, the control
intervention )

group will received no intervention. Every twice a week for 14 meetings , the
(how often) (length of time)

treatment which is the speaking test will be given .

(explain what each participant will do in each step)

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Situation 1: (Experimental Research)

There will be two (2) groups used in the study . Both group was fed with ordinary
(no. of groups)

mice food in pellets.However, the experimental group was fed with minced raw
( similarities) (difference/s of the

garlic. While, the control group received no raw garlic. Every twice a day
group/steps in using the intervention) (how often)

they will be fed and every once a week within _2 months they will be weighed
(how often) (length of time) (explain what

and will accomplish a simple maze.

each participant will do in each step)

Situation 2: (Quasi-experimental Research)

There will be two (2) groups used in the study. Both groups will be composed
(no. of groups)

of thirty grade eleven students and will be given stressful tasks. However, the
( similarities)

experimental group will undergo a stress management symposium. While, the

(difference/s of the group/steps in using the intervention)

control group will receive no intervention. Every twice a week within a month,
(how often) (length of time)

the stresful tasks will be given to them and the researchers will record the
(explain what each participant will do in each step)

length of time of completion.

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School


Aldemo, A.L. (2020). Update: Virgin coconut oil treatment trials to cure covid-19 in
Philippines. retrieved from
treatment-trials-to-cure-covid-19-in-philippines. on June 29,2020.

Baguio, J.P., Baria, G.C., Linao, J.M., Galido, M.S., Remedio, S., Shimada, M.M.,
Simafranca, M.R., & Cutamora, E. (2013). The effect of akoe vera gel as a dressing
on the wound healing time of mus musculus (albino mice). Cebu Doctors University.
Retrieved from http:// on June
27, 2020.

DeCarlo, M. (2018). Experimental design: What is it and when should it be used?. Open
Social Work Education. retrieved from
sa/4.0/ on June 22, 2020.

Drummond, K., & Murphey-Reyes, A. (2017). Quantitative research designs:

Experimental, quasi-experimental, and descriptive. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 155–
183. retrieved from

on June 23, 2020.

International Reading Association. (2013). Essay rubrics. retrieved from on June
29, 2020.

Lucero, K., Nillos, B.E., Sombre, M.O., Uy, M.C., Valencia, G., Caram, R., Flaviano, C.M.,
& Hilado, C.B. ( 2016). Garlic and implicit memory: An explanatory experiment study.
Philippine Herbs and Supplement Research Database. retrieved from
memory-an-explanatory-experimental-study on June 27, 2020.

McAleese, J.D. & Rankin, L.L. (2007). Garden-based nutrition education affects fruit and
vegetable consumption in sixth-grade adolescent. Journal of the American Dietetic
Association,107(4):662-5. retrieved from
Grade_Adolescents on June 25, 2020.

Ramly, M., Ming, M. F., Chinna, K., Suboh, S., & Pendek, R. (2014). Effect of vitamin D
supplementation on cardiometabolic risks and health-related quality among urban
premenopausal women in a tropical country- A randomized contrlloed trial. National

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

Library of Medicine. retrieved from on
June 25, 2020.

Sundell, K. & Olsson, T. (2017). Social intervention research. Oxford Bibliographies.

retrieved from
9780195389678/obo-9780195389678-0254.xml on June 22, 2020.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Madecine (2019). Reproducibility and

Replicability in Science. Washington,DC. The Natiobal Academics Press. Retrieved
from on July 29,2020.

World Health Organization. (2018). Adolescents : Health Risks and Solutions. retrieved
solutions on July 8, 2020.

Maricel B. Lusica - Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural High School

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