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A Lesson Plan in English-1

Name of Teacher: ________________ Grade Level & Sec: ________ Quarter: 4th
Learning Area ENGLISH
EN1G-IVa-e-3 Verbs
EN1G-IVa-e-3.4 Recognize common action words in stories listened to
Learning Outcomes
 Define verbs.
Knowledge  Identify the verbs in the sentence.
 Recognize common action words from the story.
 Write examples of common action words.
 Act out examples of words that express action.
Attitude  Participate actively in the activities.
 Integrate the value of happiness, cooperation and helpfulness during group activity.
 Show the importance of animals and how they should be taken care of.
Learning Content Verbs/Action Words
K to 12 Curriculum Guide, Q4 week 1-5 Code EN1G-IVa-e-3 EN1G-IVa-e-3.4
Avenues in English 1 by: Felicitas V. De Castro & Ma. Jasmin T. Raymundo, pictures,
flashcards, multimedia, video clips, ppt presentation
A. Review
Through flashcards, the teacher will show some words and let the pupils identify
if it is a name of a person, place, animal or thing.

school monkey church lion teacher

ball bag father elephant zoo

B. Motivation
The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What is a zoo?
2. Who among you here have went to a zoo?
3. What can you see inside the zoo?
4. Do you want to see how a zoo looks like? Do you want to know the things that
we can see and do inside the zoo? Now, let’s find out.
Then, the teacher will play a song entitled, “zoo song” through a video clip and let
the pupils observe first. Afterwards, let the pupils pick a piece of paper with a
picture of the animals shown in the video. They will be grouped according to the
animal they picked. The teacher will play the video again and let each group follow
Preparation what the assigned animal in the video is doing.

Group Animal Action

1 Elephant Stomp
2 Snake Hiss
3 Kangaroo Hop
4 Monkey Talk
5 Lion Roar
Presentation Ask:
1. What do you feel while singing the song?
2. What animals have you seen in the video?
3. What did an elephant do? snake, kangaroo, monkey, lion
4. What do you call a word that tells what a person, thing or animal does?

The teacher presents the story entitled “A Trip to the Zoo”.

Unlocking of Difficult words

*zoo (through picture)
*swing (through demonstration)
*roar (through demonstration)
*cage (through picture)
*ostrich (through picture)
*hungry (through demonstration)
*otter (through picture)
*slides (through picture)

A Trip to the Zoo

Arlene walks to the zoo. She sees some crazy things! The monkey swings in a tree. The
lion roars in its cage. Three ostriches eat hungrily. An otter slides down a hill. A fancy
parrot sings loudly. Arlene looks and listens all day long until it is time to leave. At
home, Arlene tells her brother all about her trip to the zoo.
Ask questions related to the story.
1. What is the title of the story?
2. Who is the main character in the story?
3. Where did the story happen?
4. What animals did Arlene saw at the zoo?
5. If you were the one going at the zoo, how are you going to share your
experiences to your family, friends and others?
6. Are the animals important in our lives? How are you going to take good care of
the animals from the zoo or even the ones outside the zoo?
7. What action words can you find from the story?
Have a short discussion about verb.
A verb is a word that tells what a person or a thing does. It is a word that tells action.
Give examples of sentences and let the pupils identify the verb in each sentence.
1. Sarah draws her favorite doll.
2. The boy climbs up the tree.
3. Ben runs fast.
4. Ted closes the door.
5. The dog barks.
What is verb?
What are examples of verbs?
Ask some volunteers to pick a piece of paper with a verb written on it. They are going
to act it out and let other classmates guess the word.
These words include: clap, stomp, shout, wiggle, stretch and turn.
Then, the teacher will let the pupils sing the song entitled, “If you’re happy and you
know it” using those words.

Then, the teacher will show a short video clip about verb.

Differentiated instruction
With the same groupings, assign each group the following activity.
(Groups 1 & 2 with Arts Integration)
Group 1-Color the box with an action word.
Application Group 2-Draw at least 2 pictures that show action. Write the word below each picture.
Group 3- Match the pictures in Column A to its correct action word in Column B.
Group 4-Write on the lines the verbs shown in each picture.
Group 5-Act out at least 5 examples of action words and let other groups guess the
Assessment A. Read the words below. Circle the verbs. Cross out the words that are not verbs.
B. Write the action word for each picture. Choose your answers from the words
C. Encircle the verbs in each sentence.
Cut out at least 5 pictures that tell an action. Paste them on a short bond paper. Write
the word below each picture. Pass it on Monday February 4, 2019.

Group 1
Direction: Color the box with an action word.

jump Run sing snake

cat paper pencil write
read Play eat drink
dog Sleep clap dance
Group 2
Direction: Draw at least 2 pictures that show action. Write the word below each picture.

___________ ___________
Group 4
Direction: Write on the lines the verbs shown in each picture.

________ _________ _________ _________ _________

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