Annexure E

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Annexure -E

The Guidelines for the format of the report of the Industrial Attachment/ Experiential
Learning Programme

1. Each student shall submit separate report.

2. The report should be in typed format. The font type should be Times New Roman. The font
size of the major text of the report should be 12. The spacing should be 1.5 lines. The font
size of the Chapter heading should be 16 bold and that of the major and minor headings in the
chapter should be 14 bold.
3. The report should be printed on A-4 paper. The left margin should be 35 mm and top, bottom
and right margins should be 25 mm.
4. The format of Figures, Table, Plates and Photographs should be in accordance with the one
that is followed for M. Tech (Agril. Engg) and Ph D (Agril Engg.) dissertations.
5. The reference should be cited and listed in a format that is followed for M. Tech (Agril. Engg)
and Ph D (Agril Engg.) dissertations
6. The report should be hard bound
7. The report should consist of:
a) The title page should consists of the name of the student, Reg. No, name of the
IA/ELP, the name of the IA/ELP Organization, duration of the IA/ELP, name of the
b) The Index pages (Table of contents, list of tables, figures, and plates etc, List of
Symbols, Abbreviations, Acknowledgements etc. should follow the title page.)
c) Certificate from the IA/ELP Organization
d) Certificate from the college (annexure- F)
e) Chapter-1: Profile and Organizational Structure of the IA/ELP Organization
f) Chapter-2: Objectives of the IA/ELP
g) Chapter-3: Schedule of the IA/ELP
h) Chapter-4: Details of the work/task performed with results. Should be supported by
photographs, drawings, maps etc
i) Chapter-5: Outcome of the IA/ELP
j) Chapter-6: Summary of the IA/ELP
8. The report should be accompanied by daily diary/record (handwritten) duly signed by the
Coordinator of concerned training institute.

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