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Received: 16 April 2021 | Accepted: 25 June 2021

DOI: 10.1111/ijcp.14578

Cardiovascular medicine

The association between apolipoprotein A-­1 plasma level and

premature coronary artery disease: A systematic review and

Mohammad Haji Aghajani1,2 | Arian Madani Neishaboori3 | Koohyar Ahmadzadeh3 |

Amirmohammad Toloui3 | Mahmoud Yousefifard3

Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University Abstract
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Background: Apolipoprotein A-­1 (Apo A-­1) is a constituent of high-­density lipopro-
Department of Cardiology, School of
tein (HDL) and emerging evidences put forward a potential association between Apo
Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran A-­1 plasma levels and premature coronary artery disease (pCAD). The aim of the
Physiology Research Center, Iran University present study is to gather relative literature and perform a systematic review and
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
meta-­analysis regarding the association between serum ApoA-­1 levels and pCAD.
Correspondence Methods: Medline (via PubMed), Scopus, Embase and Web of Science databases
Mahmoud Yousefifard and Amirmohammad
Toloui, Physiology Research Center, School
were searched from the inception of databases until December 7, 2020. All articles
of Medicine, Iran University of Medical reporting the plasma levels of ApoA-­1 in patients with pCAD and the control group
Sciences, Shahid Hemmat Highway, Tehran
14496-­14535, Iran.
were included. A meta-­analysis with pooled standardised mean difference (SMD) and
Email: (M. Y.); 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was reported. Subgroup analyses were done based (A. T.)
on the observed heterogeneity in results.
Funding information Results: Seventeen case-­control studies were included. ApoA-­1 plasma level was
This study was supported by Prevention of
Cardiovascular Disease Research Center,
calculated to be lower in pCAD patients compared with the control group (SMD:
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical −0.67; 95% CI: −0.48 to −0.86; P < .001). The subgroup analysis and meta-­regression
Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
showed that the variation in gender distribution, the development level of the target
population’s country and quality score of included studies were the main sources of
heterogeneity. It was observed that the relationship was only significant in the de-
veloped countries (P < .001). Also, the heterogeneity was reduced when the analysis
was limited to males (I2 = 57.2%) and females only (I2 = 26.0%).
Conclusion: In conclusion, there seems to be a significant association between the serum
levels of ApoA-­1 and pCAD. However, all of the included studies had a case-­control de-
sign and since there is no good quality and prospective cohort studies included, reliabil-
ity of the current evidence is debatable. Therefore, further well-­designed cohort studies
are required to assess the impact of serum ApoA-­1 reduction on pCAD onset.

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N million in 1990 vs 573 million in 2019) with a disability-­a djusted

life years of 34.4 million in 2019, worldwide.1 Accordingly, shed-
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death ding light on the pathophysiology and the contributing risk fac-
worldwide with nearly 18.6 million attributable deaths in 2019. The tors of coronary artery disease has been followed for many years
total prevalence of CVD has doubled during the last 30 years (271 till now. 2–­4

Int J Clin Pract. 2021;00:e14578. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 1 of 13
2 of 13 | HAJI AGHAJANI et al.

Some of the risk factors contributing to the development of CAD

are smoking, increasing age, diabetes, systemic hyperlipidemia and a
What’s known
positive family history.5 Also, previous investigations have illustrated
• Apolipoprotein A-­1 (Apo A-­1) level is inversely associ-
that high density lipoprotein (HDL) deficiency or malformation in the
ated with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).
body plays an independent role in the development of CAD even
• While Apo A-­1 level provides identical information as
in young ages.6,7 Because of the importance of the occurrence of
high density lipoprotein for diagnosis, risk stratification
CAD in younger individuals and its life-­long consequences, the term
and prognosis of coronary artery disease (CVD), the re-
premature coronary artery disease (pCAD) has been defined as the
sults are mixed for premature CAD.
incidence of CAD in men younger than 55 and women younger than
• There has been a tremendous number of studies inves-
65 years of age.8,9
tigating the value of apolipoprotein A serum levels in
High density lipoproteins (HDLs) are particles mainly com-
the development of premature coronary artery disease;
posed of lipid and protein that regulate serum cholesterol levels.
some studies conclude that serum apolipoproteins A-­1
HDL-­C holesterol (HDL-­C ) has been under evaluation for its po-
is clearly associated with the occurrence of pCAD while
tential role in prediction of coronary artery disease.10 One of the
others believe that this relationship could not be of high
key constituents of HDL particles are apolipoproteins which are
11,12 value.
important to HDL’s function and metabolism. Although the
level of HDL-­C in blood has been the subject for rigorous,13 apoli-
What’s new
poprotein A-­1 (Apo A-­1) is arguably a better predictor of CAD.14,15
While Apo A-­1 level provides identical information as HDL-­C for • The results of current study showed that there seems to
diagnosis, risk stratification and prognosis of CVD, the results are be a significant association between the serum levels of
mixed for pCAD.16–­20 There has been a tremendous number of ApoA-­1 and pCAD.
studies investigating the value of apolipoprotein A serum levels • However, since there are no good quality and prospec-
in the development of pCAD; some studies conclude that serum tive cohort studies in this issue, reliability of the current
apolipoproteins A-­1 is clearly associated with the occurrence of evidence is debatable.
pCAD while others believe that this relationship could not be of • Therefore, further well-­designed cohort studies are re-
high value. 21–­23 quired to assess the impact of serum ApoA-­1 reduction
Because of the lack of a definite conclusion, the aim of this study on pCAD onset.
is to gather relative literature and present a systematic review and
meta-­analysis regarding the association between apolipoprotein A-­1
(ApoA-­1) and pCAD.
reviewing similar articles’ relevant keywords and with the help of ex-
perts in the field; then, a search strategy was designed based on our
2 | M E TH O D defined P and I, using the selected keywords. This search was per-
formed on articles from the inception of databases until December
2.1 | Study design 7, 2020. The search strategy in Medline database is presented in
Appendix 1. In addition, a manual search was also performed in
The present study is a systematic review and meta-­a nalysis re- Google and Google scholar databases’ websites to acquire any pre-
garding the association between plasma levels of Apolipoprotein prints and possibly missing papers.
A-­1 and premature coronary artery disease (pCAD). Accordingly,
PICO was defined as follows: Patients (P): men younger than 55
and women younger than 65 years of age with documented cor- 2.2 | Selection criteria
onary artery disease ; Index test (I): measuring the plasma level
of ApoA-­1 in participants; Comparison (C): comparing the results All observational studies reporting the plasma levels of ApoA-­1 in
of the case group (patients with pCAD) with the control group patients with pCAD and levels in the control group were included. If
(healthy individuals without pCAD); Outcome (O): occurrence of a non-­English article was considered relevant, a meticulous transla-
pCAD. Coronary artery disease was defined as having at least tion was achieved with the help of an expert in the field. Case re-
50% occlusion in at least one coronary artery in angiography or port articles, review articles, articles not reporting whether pCAD
documented previous MI episode or having CABG were also de- or ApoA-­1 levels and their association or without a control group
finitive of coronary artery disease. were excluded. In addition, definition of pCAD only based on clini-
For the purpose of this study, Medline (via PubMed), Scopus, cal criteria, electrocardiographic studies and changes in laboratory
Embase and Web of Science databases were searched. The keywords markers suggestive of CAD without performing a coronary artery
for our search were obtained from Mesh and Emtree vocabularies, angiography were also excluded.
HAJI AGHAJANI et al. | 3 of 13

2.3 | Data collection considered a cut-­off for presence of important heterogeneity. 26 We

performed subgroup analysis based on patients’ gender, method of
Two reviewers independently screened the title and abstract of the pCAD diagnosis, development level of countries, publication year and
articles based on the population of interest (patients with pCAD) and quality score of included studies. There is a gender based difference
the test Index (reports of ApoA-­1 plasma level). After the first part of in the lipid profile of individuals because of many physiologic rea-
screening, the articles reporting the occurrence of pCAD (Outcome) sons. In addition, since there is a substantial difference in nutritional
along with a comparison of ApoA-­1 plasma levels in the case and status and other life-­style related habits between developed and de-
the control group were included based on our inclusion/exclusion veloping countries, it was decided to stratify the analysis based on
criteria. Finally, a summary of each included article was extracted countries’ development level. Moreover, in our included studies the
into a checklist. Variables recorded from the articles were: author, diagnosis of pCAD was done based on two different approaches: (i)
year, country, study type and design, definition of pCAD, number of using angiography to detect pCAD to include patients in the study
males in the case and the control group, number of individuals in the and (ii) using patient records/registry data for a previous detection
case and the control group, the age of the case and the control group of pCAD. This variation was assessed to evaluate its influence on
and Apo A-­1 concentration in the case and the control group. Any heterogeneity. In addition, we performed meta-­regression to assess
disagreement on the steps through data gathering and extraction, any possible association between the effect size and sample’s size,
was discussed and resolved with the help of a third reviewer. mean age of subject in pCAD and non-­pCAD groups and publication
year of included studies and then a multivariate meta-­regression was
fitted to assess the independent sources of heterogenity. Finally, we
2.4 | Quality assessment performed a sensitivity analysis by using leave-­one-­out approach to
find the influence of each individual study on pooled SMD of associ-
Two independent reviewers also performed the quality assessments ation between ApoA-­1 and pCAD. Egger’s test and funnel plot were
using the quality assessment tools of “National Heart, Lung, and used to assess the publication bias.
Blood Institute (NHLBI) quality assessment tools for case-­control
studies”24 Any disagreement in data collection or the quality assess-
ment of the articles was discussed and resolved with the help of a 3 | R E S U LT S
third reviewer. The overall quality score was categorised into good
(low risk of bias), fair (some concern about the risk of bias) and poor 3.1 | Study characteristics
(high risk of bias). A study is considered good when all questions
were low risk. In addition, the study’s quality was poor if a fetal error The systematic search performed in online databases resulted
was present. Accordingly, we considered any flaws in questions 4, 5 in 2849 articles. In total, 1280 duplicate articles were eliminated.
and 6 of NHLBI quality assessment tools as a fetal error. Finally, the The initial screening process consisted of assessing articles by their
study is considered to be fair when some concerns were present in study groups and test indices. This process presented 117 potential
other questions. eligible articles. Then, the final screening process was performed
using the inclusion/exclusion criteria (the Outcome and Comparison)
which included 17 articles into the present systematic review and
2.5 | Statistical analysis meta-­analysis17–­21,27–­38 (Figure 1). The full-­text of one article was not
found after two reminders to the authors and the publishing journal.
All analyses were performed using STATA 14.0 statistical program. All of the included studies had a case-­control design (Table 1).
Data were recorded as mean and standard deviation (SD) in the case Overall, 3220 patients in the case group and 5684 healthy con-
and the control group, separately. Some studies reported median trols were enrolled in these included studies. Number of males in
and range or interquartile range. In this case we used Wan et al’s25 the case and the control groups were 2422 and 3323 respectively.
proposed method to calculate mean and SD. In an included study One study had taken place in Brazil, one in Estonia, two in Greece,
the level of ApoA-­1 was divided into different subgroups and the one in India, two in Iran, one in Italy, one in Mexico, one in Turkey,
number of subjects was presented for each subgroup. Therefore, we one in UK and six in USA. Detailed characteristics of the articles are
estimated the mean and SD of ApoA-­1 in this study by using the summarised in Table 1.
mid value of ApoA-­1 multiplied by the number of patients in each
By using the “metan” command in the STATA program, a stan- 3.2 | Risk of bias assessment
dardised mean difference (SMD) was calculated for each individual
study. Finally, a pooled SMD and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) Only one article applied sample size justification.39 Apart from four
was reported. Heterogeneity among studies was assessed by using studies, others chose the control groups from the same population
the I2 test and subgroup analysis and meta-­
regression was per- that gave rise to the patients.18,19,30,31 Random study sample collec-
formed to assess the source of heterogeneity. I2 more than 50% was tion from the target population, blinding of the assessors and the
4 of 13 | HAJI AGHAJANI et al.

FIGURE 1 PRISMA flow diagram of present meta-­analysis

use of concurrent controls were not applied in any of the studies. the analysis was limited to males (I2 = 57.2%) and females only (I2 =
Therefore, there were no good quality studies, while the quality of 26.0%) studies. The SMD of association between ApoA-­1 and pCAD
13 articles was fair and 4 articles were poor. Table 2 presents the in studies with mixed population (SMD = −0.32; 95% CI: −0.57,
details of the risk of bias assessment among included studies. −0.06) was significantly lower than studies on male only (SMD:
−0.78; 95% CI: −0.92, −0.64) (odds ratio = 1.54; 95% CI: 1.05, 2.27;
P = .030).
3.3 | Publication bias Additionally, the country’s development level was another
possible source of heterogeneity. The countries in which the stud-
Publication bias test was performed regarding the report of the case ies were performed, were divided into two major categories of
and the control individuals’ plasma levels of ApoA-­1. As depicted on developed countries and developing countries. This classification
Figure 2, there was no publication bias on this matter (P = .969). was made based on the statistics employed by World Economic
Situation and Prospects (WESP) prepared by the Development
Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the Department of
3.4 | Meta-­analysis Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat
(UN/DESA).40 Studies performed in developed countries (n = 13)
The differences in plasma levels of ApoA-­1 between pCAD patients were more homogenous than the ones done in developing coun-
and the control group were evaluated, and the results were shown tries (n = 6) (I2: 57.1 vs 91.4%).
in Figure 3. It was concluded that ApoA-­1 plasma level was lower in There was a significant association between ApoA-­1 and pCAD
pCAD patients compared with the control group (SMD: −0.53; 95% in developed countries (SMD = −0.76; 95% CI: −0.88, −0.64; P <
CI: −0.70 to −0.22; P < .001). Based on the I2 test analysis, a con- .001), while the relationship was not significant in developing coun-
siderable amount of heterogeneity was reported among the studied tries (SMD = −0.06; 95% CI: −0.38, 0.22; P = .599). Univariate meta-­
articles (I2 = 89.2%, P < .001). regression analysis showed that the SMD of relationship of ApoA-­1
The subgroup analysis (Table 3) showed that the variation in and pCAD in developed countries was significantly higher than de-
gender distribution was the main source of heterogeneity. From 19 veloping countries (odds ratio = 1.92; 1.46, 2.52; P < .001).
separate analyses, seven analyses were performed on males, three Also, the means of pCAD confirmation was not a considerable
analyses were done on females and nine studies were performed source of heterogeneity. Although, the SMD was higher when pCAD
on the mixed population. The heterogeneity was reduced when was proven with angiography (SMD = −0.60; 95% CI: −0.81, −0.38;
HAJI AGHAJANI et al. | 5 of 13

TA B L E 1 Characteristics of included studies

Sample size No. of male Agea in Age in

Author, year; country Study type Definition of pCAD (pCAD/control) (pCAD/control) pCAD controls
Aasvee, 2006; Estonia Case-­control MI at age ≤55 71/85 71/85 49.96 ± 6.88 48.13 ± 5.59
Azizi, 2002; Iran Case-­control >50% stenosis in a major 59/55 34/34 52.6 ± 6.4 52.4 ± 7.4
coronary artery in
angiography at age ≤55 for
men, ≤65 for women
Dahlen, 1998; USA Case-­control >75% blockage in coronary 47/55 0/0 50.8 ± 6.3 49.6 ± 7.9
artery and age ≤65
Elisaf, 1997; Greece Case-­control >70% blockage in coronary 108/104 86/83 50 ± 7 49.5 ± 7.5
artery and age ≤55 for men,
≤65 for women
Genest, 1991; USA Case-­control angiographically proven CAD 150/276 150/276 51 ± 7 49 ± 6
in age <60
Genest, 1991; USA Case-­control angiographically proven CAD 30/183 0/0 49 ± 6 49 ± 6
in age <60
Genest, 1992; USA Case-­control >50% stenosis in one major 321/901 321/901 50 ± 7 49 ± 6
coronary artery in age <60
Genest, 1991; USA Case-­control >50% stenosis in one major 145/136 145/136 51 ± 7 49 ± 11
coronary artery in age <60
Genest, 1992; USA Case-­control >50% stenosis in one major 87/901 87/901 51 ± 6 49 ± 6
coronary artery in age <60
Genest, 1992; USA Case-­control >50% stenosis in one major 15/1125 0/0 51 ± 3 49 ± 6
coronary artery in age <60
Heidari, 2001; Iran Case-­control >50% stenosis in one major 123/78 NR/NR NR ± NR NR ± NR
coronary artery in age ≤50
Kwiterovich, 1992; Case-­control >50% stenosis in one major 111/92 60/39 24-­60 24-­60
USA coronary artery in age ≤50
for men, ≤60 for women
Manocha, 2013; India Case-­control >50% stenosis in one major 204/161 183/95 44 (40-­46) 41 (36-­45)
coronary artery in age ≤45
Mansur, 2013; Brazil Case-­control angiographically documented 336/189 134/120 40.2 ± 5 40.7 ± 5.9
disease (>50% luminal
reduction) or a previous
myocardial infarction and
age <50
Pac, 2005; Turkey Case-­control Having coronary bypass 31/28 NR/NR 45.8 ± 3.6 20.4 ± 2.7
surgery before the age of 50
Parlavecchia, 1994; Case-­control angiographically documented 96/83 96/83 52 ± 7 50 ± 9
Italy CAD or a previous myocardial
infarction and age <55
Posades-­sanchez, Case-­control history of myocardial 1160/1106 941/456 54 ± 8 51 ± 9
2018; Mexico infarction, angioplasty,
revascularisation surgery or
coronary stenosis >50% or
angiography and age <55 for
men <65 for women
Rallidis, 2005; Greece Case-­control survival of first MI episode at 100/100 88/88 32 ± 3 32 ± 2
age <36
Vallance, 1995; UK Case-­control CABG in age <55 26/26 26/26 50.3 ± 6.5 51 ± 5.9

Abbreviations: CAD, coronary artery disease; CK-­MB, creatine kinase-­MB; ECG, electrocardiogram; MI, myocardial infarction.
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation or median (range).

P < .001) than when it was confirmed based on a history of previous Publication year of the papers was another factor that was taken
MI or CABG (SMD = −0.41; 95% CI: −0.70, −0.12; P < .001), this into consideration for subgroup analysis. Although, publication year
difference was not statistically significant (odds ratio = 1.20; 95% was not a possible source of heterogeneity, it was found that there
CI: 0.80, 1.81; P = .358). was a significant association between ApoA-­1 and pCAD in studies
6 of 13 | HAJI AGHAJANI et al.

TA B L E 2 Quality assessment among included articles

Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item
Study 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Overall

Aasvee, 2006 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Azizi, 2002 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Dahlen, 1998 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Elisaf, 1997 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Genest, 1991 Low Low High High Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Poor
Genest, 1992 Low Low High High Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Poor
Genest, 1991 Low Low High High Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Poor
Genest, 1992 Low Low High High Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Poor
Heidari, 2001 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Kwiterovich, 1992 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Manocha, 2013 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Mansur, 2013 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Pac, 2005 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Parlavecchia, 1994 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Posades-­sanchez, Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Rallidis, 2005 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair
Vallance, 1995 Low Low High Low Low Low NA ND High Low High Low Fair

Abbreviations: High, high risk of bias; Low, low risk of bias; NA, not applicable; ND, not determined.
1. Was the research question or objective in this paper clearly stated and appropriate?
2. Was the study population clearly specified and defined?
3. Did the authors include a sample size justification?
4. Were controls selected or recruited from the same or similar population that gave rise to the cases (including the same timeframe)?
5. Were the definitions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, algorithms or processes used to identify or select cases and controls valid, reliable and
implemented consistently across all study participants?
6. Were the cases clearly defined and differentiated from controls?
7. If less than 100 percent of eligible cases and/or controls were selected for the study, were the cases and/or controls randomly selected from those
8. Was there use of concurrent controls?
9. Were the investigators able to confirm that the exposure/risk occurred prior to the development of the condition or event that defined a
participant as a case?
10. Were the measures of exposure/risk clearly defined, valid, reliable, and implemented consistently (including the same time period) across all study
11. Were the assessors of exposure/risk blinded to the case or control status of participants?
12. Were key potential confounding variables measured and adjusted statistically in the analyses? If matching was used, did the investigators account
for matching during study analysis?

published between 1990 and 1999 (SMD = −0.75; 95% CI: −0.89, CI: −0.95, −0.78) was higher than fair quality studies (SMD = −0.37;
−0.62l; P < .001). Interestingly, not a significant association was ob- 95% CI: −0.57, −0.18) (odds ratio = 0.61; 95% CI: 0.43, 0.87; P = .009)
served when analysis was limited to studies published from 2000 in univariate analysis.
until 2009 (SMD = −0.25; 95% CI: −0.74, 0.24; P = .315) and 2010 Additional meta-­
regression analyses showed that the sample
until 2020 (SMD = −0.25; 95% CI: −0.62, 0.13; P = .198). In univariate size of included studies (coefficient = −0.0001; 95% CI: −0.0004 to
analysis, the observed SMD for association of ApoA-­1 and pCAD in 0.0002; P = .551) and mean age of patients in pCAD (coefficient =
studies published from 2000 to 2009 (odds ratio = 1.60; 95% CI: −0.004; 95% CI: −0.044 to 0.036; P = .838) and non-­pCAD (coeffi-
1.07, 2.39; P = .026) and 2010 to 2020 (odds ratio = 1.63; 95% CI: cient = −0.0167; 95% CI: −0.0439 to 0.0105; P = .210) groups did not
1.04, 2.55; P = .034) was lower than older studies. substantially change the association of serum level of ApoA-­1 and
The quality score of included studies was a possible source of pCAD, which would show that the lower serum level of ApoA-­1 in
heterogeneity. Heterogeneity in poor quality studies was lower than pCAD patients could be observed in all ages (Figure 4).
fair quality studies (I2: 0.0% vs 87.3%). The reported association be- Table 4 shows result of univariate and multivariate meta-­
tween ApoA-­1 and pCAD in poor quality studies (SMD = −0.86; 95% regression analyses to assess independent influential factors on
HAJI AGHAJANI et al. | 7 of 13

R-­squared of the analysis was 77.3%, meaning that 77.3% of the het-
erogeneity among studies is related to difference in country’s devel-
opment level and the quality score of included studies.

3.5 | Sensitivity analysis

We performed a leave-­
out meta-­
analysis to investigate the
influence of each individual study on overall SMD of ApoA-­1 and
pCAD association (Figure 5). The analysis showed that by leaving
out any one the studies, the pooled SMD changed between −0.50
and −0.57 and there was still a significant association between the
serum level of ApoA-­1 and pCAD. Overall, excluding any individual
study from the meta-­analysis did not significantly change the overall
F I G U R E 2 Funnel plot of assessment of publication bias among
effect size.
included studies. There is no evidence of publication bias (P = .969)

F I G U R E 3 Forest plot for assessment of Apolipoprotein A-­1 and premature coronary artery disease. SMD, standardised mean difference;
CI, confidence interval

association of ApoA-­1 and pCAD. The findings depicted that the

country’s development level (odds ratio = 2.91; 95% CI: 1.71, 4.95; 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
P = .001) and quality score of included studies (odds ratio = 0.65;
95% CI: 0.45, 0.95; P = .029) were the only independent factors that The aim of this study was to review current literature and the
affect the association between ApoA-­1 and pCAD. The adjusted recently emerged evidences regarding the possible association
8 of 13 | HAJI AGHAJANI et al.

TA B L E 3 Subgroup analysis for

No. of
assessment of relationship of serum level
Subgroup analyses SMD (95% CI) P value I2 (P value)
of apolipoprotein A-­1 and pCAD
pCAD confirmation method
Documented previous MI 7 −0.41 (−0.70, −0.12) .005 89.6% (<.001)
Angiography 12 −0.60 (−0.81, −0.38) <.001 87.6% (<.001)
Gender distribution
Male only 7 −0.78 (−0.92, −0.64) <.001 57.2% (.29)
Female only 3 −0.66 (−0.95, −0.37) <.001 26.0 (.259)
Mixed population 9 −0.32 (−0.57, −0.06) <.001 91.4% (<.001)
Country development
Developed 13 −0.76 (−0.88, −0.64) <.001 57.1% (.004)
Developing 6 −0.06 (−0.38, 0.22) .599 91.4% (<.001)
Publication year
1990-­1999 11 −075 (−0.89, −062) <.001 59.5% (.006)
2000-­2009 5 −0.25 (−0.74, 0.24) .315 90.3% (.001)
2010-­2020 3 −0.25 (−0.62, 0.13) .198 94.5% (<.001)
Overall quality score
Fair 13 −0.37 (−0.57, −0.18) <.001 87.3% (<.001)
Poor 6 −0.86 (−0.95, −0.78) <.001 0.0% (.438)

Abbreviations: CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CI, confidence interval; MI, myocardial
infarction; pCAD, premature coronary artery disease; SMD, standardised mean difference.

between ApoA-­1 plasma level and pCAD. We determined that there in the relationship between these concurrent mechanisms, the ef-
is a meaningful reduction of serum ApoA-­1 in pCAD patients than fects of different contributing factors need to be studied thoroughly
healthy individuals; however, high levels of heterogeneity were to determine the exact cause of different results between devel-
­observed among the results of the included studies. oped and developing countries.
In order to eliminate heterogeneity, we performed multiple Quality score of the included studies was another source of het-
subgroup analyses (Table 3). One source of heterogeneity was the erogeneity. Our results showed that pooled SMD for the association
gender distribution of the target population. Studies executed only of ApoA-­1 and pCAD is weaker in fair studies than poor ones. In ad-
on a male or a female population had extremely less heterogene- dition, there were no good quality studies in our paper and all of the
ity. The mentioned role of gender could be attributed to the dif- included studies had a case-­control design. Therefore, the interpre-
ferences in the normal range of HDL in males and females, with tation of the results should be performed with caution. Accordingly,
women having higher levels of HDL (and therefore serum ApoA), we strongly recommend performing prospective cohort studies to
and a higher cut-­off in normal range.41–­4 4 The hormonal effects of investigate possible role of ApoA-­1 in occurrence of pCAD.
estrogen and progesterone on HDL levels are well-­understood and Regarding the significance of our findings, it is clear that this
could be responsible for the matter.45 In addition, social habits may study shed light on the probable prognostic capacity of ApoA-­1
be responsible for the differences in genders; as an example, smok- measurement in the development of pCAD. It is worth mentioning
ing, a far known independent risk factor of CAD is more prevalent that the occurrence of pCAD is one of the most important causes
in men. of death in age below 55 in men and 65 in women. 52 With further
The developmental level of the country in which the study was investigations we can better clarify the association between ApoA-­1
executed was also a source of heterogeneity. Fourteen studies chose reduction in serum and pCAD occurrence and how long it will take
their studied population in a developed country, whereas nine ar- until the reduction in ApoA contributes to the incidence of pCAD.
ticles chose theirs in a developing one. Analyses showed that the By taking the results of this study into consideration and gathering
association between ApoA-­1 plasma levels in the pCAD and control more evidences we could use a simple test to predict the occur-
groups was significant, only in studies performed in developed coun- rence of pCAD. It could be possible to manage the levels of ApoA-­1
tries. One could conclude that a better developmental level means a through HDL increasing therapies to prevent or mitigate the out-
better food supply and elimination of deficiencies, which could con- come of pCAD. Additionally, this potential biomarker of pCAD’s inci-
tribute to blood lipid profile regulations.48 Moreover, the prevalence dence could be used in the follow-­up of our patients.
of obesity and metabolic syndrome as risk factors of HDL deficiency Further subgroup analyses in our study revealed no meaningful
are higher in industrialised countries.49–­51 As a result of uncertainty negative impact of pCAD confirmation method on the final result.
HAJI AGHAJANI et al. | 9 of 13

F I G U R E 4 Meta-­regression analysis for assessment of publication year (A), sample size (B) and mean age of included patients in non-­
pCAD (C) and pCAD (D) on association between serum level of ApoA-­1 and pCAD

Interestingly, the results were parallel in angiographically proven need for a more systematic approach to assess all confounding fac-
pCAD patients and documented previous MI or CABG. This conclu- tors. Finally, although registering the protocol of systematic reviews
sion may raise the reliability of ApoA-­1 plasma levels being a desir- is optional, there was no prospectively registered protocol for this
able prognostic factor for pCAD. meta-­analysis.
This systematic review and meta-­
analysis had its limitations.
The diagnostic approach that each study had established to con-
firm the occurrence of coronary artery disease was different. Seven 5 | CO N C LU S I O N
articles had accepted the self-­report of previous myocardial infarc-
tion or a history of CABG as the diagnosis and in 12 articles they As a conclusion, there seems to be a significant association between
had performed coronary angiography to include the patients. Since ApoA-­1 decrease in the bloodstream and the occurrence of pCAD.
not all included studies had the same confounding factors analysed However, all included studies had case-­control design. Since there
(regardless of matching the case and the control group for age and are no prospective cohort studies, level of current evidence is low.
sex), we did not include comorbidities such as diabetes or hyperten- Therefore, further well-­designed cohort studies are required to as-
sion or social habits such as smoking into our data. Also, the time sess the exact impact of ApoA-­1 reduction on pCAD onset.
interval in which the ApoA-­1 was assessed after the onset of pCAD
was unclear; therefore, it was impossible for us to conclude when
meaningful differences in ApoA-­1 plasma levels are reliable after the DATA AVA I L A B I LIT Y S TATE M E NT
onset of pCAD. Since no study with a cohort design prospectively
enrolled patients, it is also unclear how long will it take for these Individual data are available from the corresponding author on rea-
changes to contribute to the occurrence of pCAD. These show the sonable request.
10 of 13 | HAJI AGHAJANI et al.

TA B L E 4 Meta-­regression analysis to assess independent associated factors on association of ApoA-­1 and pCAD

No. of Univariate Multivariate

Subgroup analyses odds ratio (95% CI) P value odds ratio (95% CI) P value

pCAD confirmation method

Documented previous MI or CABG 7 1 –­ –­
Angiography 12 1.20 (0.80, 1.81) .358 –­ –­
Gender distribution
Male only 7 1 1
Female only 3 1.10 (0.63, 1.94) .717 1.07 (0.71, 1.60) .724
Mixed population 9 1.54 (1.05, 2.27) .030 0.76 (0.50, 1.56) .180
Country’s development level
Developed 13 1 1
Developing 6 1.92 (1.46, 2.52) <.001 2.91 (1.71, 4.95) .001
Publication year
1990-­1999 11 1 1
2000-­2009 5 1.60 (1.07, 2.39) .026 0.81 (0.52, 1.26) .316
2010-­2020 3 1.63 (1.04, 2.55) .034 0.55 (0.30, 1.01) .053
Overall quality score
Fair 13 1 1
Poor 6 0.61 (0.43, 0.87) .009 0.65 (0.45, 0.95) .029

F I G U R E 5 Leave one out meta-­analysis to explore the influence of each study on the overall SMD of the association between ApoA-­1 and pCAD
HAJI AGHAJANI et al. | 11 of 13

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J Am Heart Assoc. 2020;9:e015334.
Myocardial Infarction[tiab] OR Infarction, Non-­
S T-­
Myocardial[tiab] OR Infarctions, Non-­S T-­Elevation Myocardial[tiab]
S U P P O R T I N G I N FO R M AT I O N OR Myocardial Infarction, Non-­S T-­Elevation[tiab] OR Myocardial
Additional supporting information may be found online in the Infarctions, Non-­S T-­Elevation[tiab] OR Non ST Elevation Myocardial
Supporting Information section. Infarction[tiab] OR Non-­S T-­Elevation Myocardial Infarctions[tiab]
AND Premature[tiab] OR early onset[tiab] AND “Apolipoproteins”
[mh] OR “Apolipoproteins A” [mh] OR “Apolipoprotein A-­1I” [mh] OR
How to cite this article: Haji Aghajani M, Madani Neishaboori “Apolipoprotein A-­1” [mh] OR “Apolipoprotein A-­V ” [mh] OR “apoli-
A, Ahmadzadeh K, Toloui A, Yousefifard M. The association poprotein A-­1V” [Supplementary Concept] OR Apolipoproteins[tiab]
between apolipoprotein A-­1 plasma level and premature OR Apolipoprotein[tiab] OR Apolipoproteins A[tiab] OR Apo-­A[tiab]
coronary artery disease: A systematic review and meta-­ OR ApoA[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A-­
1I[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein
analysis. Int J Clin Pract. 2021;00:e14578. https://doi. A II[tiab] OR Apo A-­1I[tiab] OR Apo A2[tiab] OR Apo AII[tiab] OR
org/10.1111/ijcp.14578 ApoA-­
1I[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A-­
2[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A
2[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A2[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein AII[tiab]
HAJI AGHAJANI et al. | 13 of 13

OR Apo A-­
2[tiab] OR ApoA-­
2[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A-­
1I OR Apolipoprotein AI Propeptide[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A-­
Isoproteins[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A II Isoproteins[tiab] OR Isoproteins[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A I Isoproteins[tiab] OR Apo
Apo A-­1I Isoproteins[tiab] OR Apo A II Isoproteins[tiab] OR Pro-­ A-­1 Isoproteins[tiab] OR Apo A I Isoproteins[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein
Apolipoprotein A-­
1I[tiab] OR Pro Apolipoprotein A II[tiab] OR A-­
1 Isoprotein-­
2[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A I Isoprotein 2[tiab]
Proapolipoprotein A-­
1I[tiab] OR Proapolipoprotein A II[tiab] OR OR Apolipoprotein A-­1 Isoprotein-­4[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A I
Apo A-­
1I[tiab] OR Pro Apo A II[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A-­ Isoprotein 4[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A-­V[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A
1[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A I[tiab] OR Apo A-­
1[tiab] OR Apo V[tiab] OR APOA5 Protein[tiab] OR ApoA-­V Protein[tiab] OR ApoA
A1[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein AI[tiab] OR ApoA-­
1[tiab] OR ApoA-­ V Protein[tiab] OR Apo A-­V Protein[tiab] OR Apo A V Protein[tiab]
1[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A-­1[tiab] OR Apolipoprotein A 1[tiab] OR OR Apolipoprotein A5[tiab] OR Apo A5 Protein[tiab] OR apolipo-
Apolipoprotein A1[tiab] OR Apo A-­1[tiab] OR Apo AI[tiab] OR Pro-­ protein A-­1V[tiab] OR apolipoprotein A4[tiab] OR apolipoprotein
Apolipoprotein A-­1[tiab] OR Pro Apolipoprotein A I[tiab] OR Pro-­ AIV[tiab] OR apo A-­1V[tiab] OR APOA4 protein, human[tiab] OR
Apo A-­1[tiab] OR Pro Apo A I[tiab] OR Proapolipoprotein AI[tiab] apolipoprotein A-­1V, human[tiab]

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