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Personal Protective Equipment

Reference MSG: HSE

pro hse 010 eni spa r02

The English text is a translation of the Italian.

For any conflict or discrepancy between the two texts, the Italian text shall prevail.
PRO (Prevention and Protection Service Manager) | Personal Protective Equipment


Personal Protective Equipment

This procedure supersedes and replaces Eni SpA’s procedure of the same name, pro hse 010 eni spa r01, issued on
20 May 2015


27 04 2020 27 04 2020




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PRO (Prevention and Protection Service Manager) | Personal Protective Equipment

3.1 Internal reference documents 5
3.1 External reference documents 5
5.1 PPE and PPEc types and documentation 7
5.1.1 PPE and PPEc categories 8
5.1.2 Mandatory PPE and PPEcdocumentation 8

5.2 Minimum selection requirements and guidelines 10

5.2.1 Methods of procurement of the PPE and PPEc and related services 12

5.3 PPE/PPEc management 13

5.3.1 Distribution and delivery of PPE/PPEc 13
5.3.2 Replacement of PPE/PPEc 15
5.3.3 Education, information and training 15
5.3.4 Maintenance, verification, integrity and use 16
5.3.5 Obligations in the use and management of PPE and PPEc 17


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This document refers to the “safety management” phase of the HSE process and to the annex H-A Industrial Hygiene of
the MSG HSE, and aims to define the guidelines and minimum requirements for the selection, procurement and
management of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Personal Protective Equipment for Collective use (PPEc).
The following activities are included in the management of PPE and PPEc: delivery, use, storage, maintenance, and
information, education and training of workers on the correct use and/or maintenance of PPE.


This procedure is applicable to Eni SpA and is regarded as a best practice for its subsidiaries.

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PRO (Prevention and Protection Service Manager) | Personal Protective Equipment


For the correct application of this procedure, the following revisions, updates and additions also apply to each reference
listed below.

3.1 Internal reference documents

Eni Code of Ethics;
Eni SpA’s Model 231;
Management System Guideline HSE and its attachments;
any legal instrument that updates and/or supplements the above indicated reference documents.

3.1 External reference documents

Italian Legislative Decree 81/08 as amended;
EU Regulation 425/2016 of the European Parliament on personal protective equipment and repealing
Council Directive 89/686/EEC;
Italian Legislative Decree No. 17 of 19/02/2019 “Adaptation of national legislation to the provisions of
Regulation (EU) No. 2016/425 of the European Parliament and Council, of 9 March 2016, on personal
protective equipment, and repealing Council Directive 89/686/EEC”;
Reference EN standards;
any legislation that updates and/or supplements the reference documents mentioned above.

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PRO (Prevention and Protection Service Manager) | Personal Protective Equipment



Personal Protective any equipment intended to be worn orheld by the worker in order to protect the same against
Equipment (PPE) one or more risks likely to threaten his or her safety and/or health during work, as well as any
accessory intended for this purpose.
The following is not PPE:
− ordinary work clothes and uniforms that are not specifically designed to safeguard
the health and safety of the worker;
− portable equipment used for detecting and reporting risks and harmful factors;
− individual protective equipment for vehicles;
− equipment for rescue and recovery services.
The following are defined as Personal protective equipment (PPE):
a) equipment designed and manufactured to be worn or held by a person for
protectection against one or more risks to that person’s health or safety r;
b) interchangeable components for equipment referred to in point a), which are
essential for its protective function;
c) connexion systems for equipement referred to in point a) that are not held or worn
by a person, are designed to connect suchequipement to an external device or a
realiable anchorage point, that are not designed to be permanently fixed, and that
do not require fastening works before use.

Individual Protection PPE that, due to operational/managerial circumstances, is used by several workers at different
Devices for Collective times.
Use (PPEc)
PPEc includes:
− equipment to be used only in case of emergency (e.g. masks, self-contained breathing
devices and related clothing, clothing for fire crossing);
− equipment to be used during particular operations (e.g. safety belts, fall arrest
harnesses, visors).

Manufacturer [EU any natural or legal person who manufactures a PPE or has it designed or manufactured, and
Regulation 425/2016] markets it under their name or trademark.

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PRO (Prevention and Protection Service Manager) | Personal Protective Equipment


Occupational safety and hygiene regulations provide for the organisation of safety that always gives priority to collective
prevention and protection measures, and the elimination at source of any type of risk present in the working
The need for the use of PPE and PPEc is identified and prescribed by the employer 1 (hereinafter, Employer) for every
position, in relation to the outcomes of the analysis and assessment of risks to the health and safety of workers in
relation to environmental risks, operational requirements and response to emergencies arising from accidental
scenarios assumed in the Safety Report (e.g. emergency and fire prevention, first aid or medical emergency).

Furthermore, the Employer identifies the PPE for visitors in relation to the places to visit, giving instructions for the
correct use thereof.

The worker whose job requires the use of PPE/PPEc is obliged to use:

the same in accordance with the site operating procedures/instructions, the operating manuals, the
related risk analysis and assessment, the emergency procedures, the work permits and the appropriate
site signs that prescribe their use;
only the PPE and PPEc provided by the Employer.

5.1 PPE and PPEc types and documentation

PPE/PPEc can be distinguished in relation to the part(s) of the body it is intended to protect (e.g. upper limb protection),
and in relation to the type of risk from which it protects (e.g. chemical, mechanical risk).

In the event of multiple risks that require the simultaneous use of multiple PPE/PPEc (e.g. protective helmet + face shield;
protective helmet + noise-cancelling headphones), it is necessary to ascertain the compatibility between the various
equipments, that must be comfortable and maintain, even in simultaneous use, their effectiveness against each risk and
compliance with the reference technical regulations.

The following are also considered PPE/PPEc:

the set consisting of different products, linked together by the manufacturer, intended to protect the
person from one or more simultaneous risks (e.g. Combination PPE consisting in helmet + visor + anti-
noise headphones);
parts to which a PPE is attached, even if separable, even if not specifically intended for the protection of
the person (e.g. parts to which a self-protector/self-breather is attached, such as, for example, but not
limited to: 1st stage, 2nd stage, fittings, pressure gauge, etc.);
the interchangeable components of a PPE, that can only be used as parts of the latter and are
indispensable for its correct functioning (e.g. filters for full-face or semi-face masks, internal and external
buffers of the anti-noise headphones, spare parts in general);
systems for connecting PPE to an external equipment marketed at the same time as the PPE, even if they
are not intended to be used for the entire period of exposure to the risk (e.g. connecting pipes between
the mask and the breathing air cylinders).

1 Employer or similar figure abroad, as defined by the current MSG HSE.

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PRO (Prevention and Protection Service Manager) | Personal Protective Equipment

5.1.1 PPE and PPEc categories

PPE/PPEc is divided into three categories (ref. EU Regulation 425/2016):

Tab.1- PPE/PPEc categories

Includes exclusively the following minimum risks:
a) superficial mechanical injury;
b) contact with cleaning materials of weak action or prolonged contact with water;
CATEGORY I c) contact with hot surfaces not exceeding 50 °C;
d) damage to the eyes due to exposure to sunlight (other than during observation of the
e) atmosferic conditions that are not of anextreme nature.
CATEGORY II Includes risks other than those listed in categories I and III.
includes exclusively risks that can cause very serious consequences, such as death or irreversible
damage to health relating to the following:
a) substances and mixtures dangerous to health;
b) atmospheres with oxygen deficiency -;
c) harmful biological agents;
d) ionising radiation;
e) high temperature environments the effectsof which are comparable to those of an air
temperature of at least 100°C;
CATEGORY III f) low temperature environments the effects of which are comparable to those of an air
temperature of -50°C or lower;
g) falling from a height;
h) electric shock and live working ;
i) drowning;
j) cuts by hand-held chainsaw;
k) high pressure jets;
l) bullet wounds or knife stabss;
m) harmful noise.

5.1.2 Mandatory PPE and PPEc documentation

PPE/PPEc must comply with the regulations in force in the country of reference and be accompanied, where necessary,
by appropriate documentation 2.

At European level, the applicable documentation required by technical regulations, certifying by the manufacturer that
the PPE/PPEc is designed and manufactured in a way as to meet the essential health and safety requirements, is as

EU declaration of conformity and certification;

CE conformity marking (i.e. the declaration of conformity of the PPE model with harmonised European
manufacturer’s instructions and information containing all the information necessary for the correct use
of the PPE/PPEc

2 If there is no legislation in the country of reference, we recommend the application of European legislation.

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PRO (Prevention and Protection Service Manager) | Personal Protective Equipment PPE and PPEc certification procedures

For each category of PPE/PPEc, an “EU Declaration of Conformity” is required from the manufacturer, according to
Annex IX of Regulation (EU) 2016/425. PPE/PPEc belonging to the second and third category+ also require “EC type-
examinationl” (certification); the conformity of the type of PPE with the specific standards of the Directive (
must be certified by an approved inspection body (notified body).

Tab.2 - PPE/PPEc conformity assessment

First category Internal production control (Form A) set out in Annex IV.
EU type-examination (module B) referred to in Annex V followed by conformity to type
Second category based on internal production control (module C) set out in Annex VI.

EU type-examination (module B) referred to in Annex V and one of the following:

− conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product
Third category checks at random intervals (module C2) set out in Annex VII;
− conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module
D) set out in Annex VIII.

The EU Declaration of Conformity attests the fulfilment of the applicable essential health and safety requirements set
out in Annex Il of Regulation (EU) 2016/425. It shall be translated into the language or languages required by the
Member State in which the PPE is placed or made avaiable on the market. By drawiing up the EU declaration of
conformity, the manufacturer assumes responsibility for the compliance of the PPE with the requirements laid down in
this regulation.

The manufacturer provides the EU declaration of conformity with the PPE or includes in the instructions and information
referred to in point 1.4 of Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2016/425 the internet address where the EU declaration of
conformity can be accessed.

EU type-examination certificate/CE marking is the act whereby an approved inspection body (notified body) certifies to
the manufacturer or his representative established within the European Community that a PPE has been manufactured
in accordance with the regulatory provisions. The certificate, issued at the end of the procedure foreseen for the
examination for CE certification, indicates the results and conclusions of the checks carried out, the conditions to which
it is subject, as well as the descriptions and drawings necessary to identify the approved model.

EU type-examination certificates and approvals issued pursuant to Directive 89/686/EEC shall remain valid until 21 April
2023, unless they expire before that date.

The declaration of conformity of the PPE model to the European harmonised standards is expressed by the CE marking
and is the indispensable element for the user to verify immediately the suitability of the PPE chosen.

The marking is characterized by:

conformity marking (CE marking) subject to the general principles laid down in Article 30 of Regulation
(EC) No. 765/2008 affixed to the PPE, before it is placed on the market, in a visible, legible and indelible
form. If this is impossible or unjustified due to the nature of the PPE, the CE marking is affixed to the
packaging of the PPE or documents accompanying the same. For category III PPE, the CE marking shall be
followed by the number, affixed by the body or, in accordance with its instructions, by the manufacturer
or his authorised representative, identifying the notified body involved in the procedure referred to in
Annexes VII or VIII to Regulation (EU) 2016/425. The CE marking and, if applicable, the identification
number of the notified body may be followed by a pictogram or other marking, indicating the risk against
which the PPE is intended to protect.

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identification marking (labelling), in which at least the following information shall be given:
 Identification of the manufacturer;

 Type name;

 Measure;

 Specific Symbology (Pictograms), if provided for in the reference standards;

 Reference to the harmonised standard (if any);

 Performance levels (classes of protection if applicable). Manufacturer’s instructions and information

All PPE must be accompanied by the manufacturer’s instructions and information,3 which must contain, in addition to
the manufacturer’s name and address, all relevant information, namely:

a) instructions for storage, use, cleaning, maintenance, servicing and disinfection. The products for the cleaning,
maintenance or disinfection recommended by the manufacturers must not no adverse effect on the PPE or the
user when applied in accordance with the relevant instructions;
b) the performances recorded during the relevant technical tests to check the levels or classes of
protectionprovided by the PPE;
c) where applicable, the accessories that may be used with the PPE and the characteristics of the appropriate
spare parts;
d) where apllicable, the classes of protection appropriate to different levels of risk and the corresponding limits
of use;
e) where applicable, the month and year or period of obsolescence of the PPE or certain of its components;
f) where applicable, the type of packaging suitable for transport;
g) the significance g of any markings (see point 2.12);
h) the risk from which the PPE is designed to protect;
i) reference to this Regulation and, where applicable, references to other Union harmonisation legislation;
j) the name, address and identification number of the notified body or bodies involved in the conformity
assessment of the PPE;
k) references to the relevant harmonized standard(s) used, including the date of the standard(s), or references to
other technical specifications used;
l) the internet address where the EU declaration of conformity can be accessed.

The information referred to in points (i), (j), (k) and (l) need not be contained in the instructions supplied by the
manufacturer, if the EU declaration of conformity accompanies the PPE.

5.2 Minimum selection requirements and guidelines

Each PPE and PPEc must comply with the minimum requirements, such as:

be designed and manufactured to be safe, and meet requirements described in technical regulations and
current legislation;
be appropriate to the risks to be prevented, without entailing itselfs a greater risk;

3For some specific PPE (e.g. PPE for face, eyes and respiratory tract; PPE subject to ageing; PPE intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres)
also refer to the additional requirements common to different types of PPE defined in Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

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be capable of withstanding environmental factors in the foreseeable conditions of use;

take into consideration the worker’s ergonomic and safety and health needs, be comfortable and
wearable so as not to cause in any case discomfort or create impediments during work activities or
emergency situations;
be adaptable to the user’sneeds.
In addition, the PPE and PPEc must:

be suitably strong and resistant, both with regard to specific agents present within the working area
(chemical, thermal, mechanical, electrical, etc.), and with regard to how it must be used;
allow for any routine maintenance and cleaning operations, carried out according to the manufacturer’s
instructions, to be carried out easily;
be resistant to any necessary maintenance, disinfection and remediation;
be made with materials that must not adversely affect the health or safety of users;
be ergonomic, i.e. designed and manufactured so that, in the foreseeable conditions of use for which the
it is intended, the user can perform the risk-related activity normally whilst enjoying appropriate
protection of the highest level possible;
be adapted to fit the morphology of the user, i.e. PPE must be designed and manufactured in such a way
as to facilitate its correct positioning on the user and to remain in place for the foreseeable period of use,
bearing in mind ambient factors, the actions to be carried out and the postures to be adopte. For this
purpose it must be possible to adapt the PPE to fit the morphology of the user by all appropriate means,
such as adequate adjustment and attachment systems or the provision of an adequate range of sizes..
The selection of the PPE/PPEc to be adopted within a specific work area must be based on the following main phases,
implemented by the Employer:

analysis and assessment of risks related to work and the working environment, including emergencies;
residual risk assessment, and therefore:
 the nature and scope of residual risk;

 type of work and operational tasks involved;

 duration and frequency of exposure;

 work load, characteristics of workstation and working environment;

 identification of body parts that must be protected.

identification of the technical and performance characteristics of the necessary PPE/PPEc, taking into
account the duration of their use and the risks induced by their use;
verification of compliance of PPE/PPEc with technical protection requirements and applicable product
technical standards, and qualitative/quantitative assessment of the degree of abatement of the residual
if necessary, provide for the use of test samples/fit tests, with the direct involvement of the workers, in
order to perform a better performance assessment in conditions of real use and for the execution of
technical tests and/or preliminary practices in order to confirm or not the adequacy of the same to the
residual risks highlighted, according to their efficiency, their conduct in the actual conditions of use and
the user’s degree of satisfaction. These technical-ergonomic tests must be properly evaluated and their
progress recorded.

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verification of compliance with the technical requirements and specific documentation of the PPE/PPEc
supplied according to this procedure.
If it is not possible to find the PPE/PPEc identified on the basis of the selected characteristics, for reasons of unavailability
on the market, it is possible to adopt, subject to specific indication in the Risk analysis and assessment, a PPE exclusively
of a higher category than the identified risk.

The adequacy of the selected PPE and PPEc must be checked and updated periodically in relation to:

the criticalities highlighted in the use, in particular in the case of an accident or injury, an occupational
disease, following the update of the risk assessment, and any reports from users.
significant variations in working conditions, the production cycle or the organisation of work;
more advanced knowledge of risks;
development of new equipment;
modification of the reference regulations.
Any physical limitations or contraindications to the use, by a worker, of a PPE or PPEc envisaged for the specific task for
which the worker is intended, or in any case the need to adopt PPE or PPEc different from that in use, must be promptly
reported and submitted to the opinion of the Company Doctor, who, if necessary, will request, according to the most
appropriate methods, alternative solutions to the standard individual protection equipment provided for the job
assigned to the worker, attaching the relevant specialist medical certification and the opinion on suitability, with
prescriptions or limitations related to the use of specific PPE.

5.2.1 Methods of procurement of the PPE and PPEc and related services
Eni SpA’s Procurement department takes care of procuring the PPE and PPEc through the conclusion of Framework
Agreements 4, where applicable, activated through the relative application contracts.

The technical specifications for the conclusion of the Framework Agreements are drawn up by the competent Eni HSE
department, based on the information collected by the BUs.

For certain categories of PPE/PPEc, in addition to the supply of the asset, the provision of any revision, control and
testing services and/or information, education and training activities may be envisaged.

The list of PPE and PPEc present in the specific catalogues (e.g. electronic catalogues) can be revised (i) on the occasion
of revisions of the specific Framework Agreements/application contracts, or regulatory or evolutionary
updates/technical updates of the products, or (ii) on the recommendation of the Employer, supported by the RSPP
(Prevention and Protection Service Manager) 5, all arising from new supply needs and/or observations that may derive
from users or any other figures involved (e.g. workers’ health and safety representative, supervisors).

The Employer, supported by its own RSPP (Prevention and Protection Service Manager) organisational structure, has
the task to:

assess whether the PPE/PPEc that can be supplied meets their needs (e.g. category, protection classes);

4 FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: This is the agreement concluded with one or more suppliers, by which the parties set the terms, general conditions,
price lists and/or reference prices for the supply of work, goods and services to be used during a given period. The framework agreement was created
to meet an overall and/or transversal requirement of a plurality of Eni SpA’s customer units or subsidiaries, and is activated through the conclusion
of a contract (open or closed contract) [ref. msg-pr-eni spa – Procurement].
5 Abroad, it is to be understood as a figure who, regardless of any other tasks/responsibilities held within the organisation, holds the main

tasks/responsibilities of the RSPP (Annex N MSG HSE - Current Entrusting of Tasks to HSE Sensitive Roles).

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if there is no PPE/PPEc with the characteristics indicated in the catalogue, request any alternative choice
with similar or superior characteristics;
ensure that incoming PPE/PPEc meets the requirements in terms of category, performance, marking and
attached documentation.
Any requests for new PPE/PPEc to be integrated will be subject to technical verification by the RSPP, who shall:

make an initial assessment of the reasons for the request, by defining at least:
 risk assessment (in summary) for which the new PPE/PPEc is required;

 PPE/PPEc with relative technical-constructive characteristics and required performance levels;

 tasks and operations for which it is intended;

 any products present in the framework agreements or specific contracts deemed insufficient,
in the event that the new PPE/PPEc is proposed to replace a previously selected PPE/PPEc.

ascertain the availability of the new PPE/PPEc requested in the price lists of the specific framework
agreements and/or contracts, carrying out a search to identify the one best suited to the needs of the
requesting unit, and, in case of absence, assess the need to make a request for their inclusion to Eni’s HSE
In the transitional period of any update of the specific AQ electronic catalogues, this new PPE or PPEc can be purchased,
based on the urgency of the request and taking into account the expected supply times, according to the methods
provided by the BU.

Eni’s HSE function evaluates the possibility of including such new PPE or PPEC, after technical competence checks and
in agreement with Eni’s procurement function, in the company list of PPE and PPEc and in the specific electronic
catalogues, at the next update.

In cases where the worker is carrying out operational activities at other Employers’ sites, his or her Employer, based on
the analysis and risk assessment at the host site, identifies and possibly integrates the PPE assigned to the worker for
the operational activity to be carried out. Supplementary PPE may be made available by the host Employer (e.g.
emergency equipment).

5.3 PPE/PPEc management

Also through its own organisational structure, the Employer guarantees:

the distribution/delivery of the PPE/PPEc;

replacement and related disposal of PPE/PPEC no longer used, expired or defective;
education, information and training of workers in the use of PPE/PPEC;
use, maintenance and sealing of PPE and PPEc.

5.3.1 Distribution and delivery of PPE/PPEc

Also through its own organisational structure, the Employer provides for the distribution/delivery to its workers of
PPE/PPEc and the related accompanying documentation, recording the delivery also using computerised systems for the
integrated management of PPE provided by Eni. This documentation may be available using computerised integrated
PPE management systems made available by Eni, or, where such information systems are not available, the reports
attached to this procedure must be used.

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These name data sheets are archived and updated according to the expiration of the PPE or early delivery for accidental
breakage, damage, wear or use (in the case of disposable PPE or PPEc) by the organisational function appropriately
identified by the Employer.

It is not permitted to provide PPE to personnel of third party companies. PPE

The delivery to workers of PPE and its accompanying documentation is recorded in a special form (e.g. Annex A) or using
computerised integrated PPE management systems, made available by Eni.

Upon delivery, the receiving worker shall sign the document certifying that:

the PPE indicated on the delivery form and the relevant accompanying documentation has been received
and the previous equipment that can no longer be used has been returned, unless this is equipment
provided for the first time;
he or she has been informed of the residual risks from which the PPE received protects and the areas and
operations where there is a possibility of exposure;
he or she has been informed, educated and, if applicable, trained on the use of all the PPE indicated on
the delivery form. by means of specific instructions (and tests, where applicable) for use and maintenance
contained in the information note provided by the manufacturer;
he or she is aware of the legal obligations relating to the use of assigned PPE;
and commits to:
using the PPE received whenever necessary and for the duration of the exposure, in accordance with the
information, education and, where applicable, the training received;
keeping the PPE received in an intact and efficient condition and requesting its replacement when
necessary, without making any changes on his or her own initiative.
The PPE is delivered (generally for site personnel at the time of hiring) in relation to the assigned task, and is kept up to
date by means of successive assignments following job changes, deterioration, breakage, wear, defect, expiry, use (in
the case of disposable PPE), or whenever the presence of new risks is identified in relation to the activity assigned to
the worker. Whenever a worker is subject to a job change, the Employer, in compliance with the provisions of the risk
assessment relating to the new role, ensures that the worker makes the change and/or integration of his or her PPE in
the same way as described above.

Similarly, in case of transfer of workers, or in any case at the end of the employment relationship, the PPE assigned to
the worker is collected and the delivery form in their name is filed for traceability purposes. PPEC

As far as the PPEc is concerned, the Employer guarantees the delivery to the supervisors, which must be properly
recorded in a special form (for example Annex B), filed and available for consultation according to the procedures
defined by each BU or using computerised integrated PPE management systems made available by Eni. These records
are updated by the supervisor.

The PPEc must be stored in places specifically designed for the purpose (wall boxes for self-protectors, cabinets for
safety belts, etc.), which are easily accessible, known to staff and indicated by appropriate signs.

Only site personnel are allowed to use PPEc in accordance with the training received.

The use of the same must be communicated to the Head of the holding Unit, who will restore the equipment (in the
case of consumable material) or request its washing or disinfection (e.g. use of whole masks associated with filters or
self-contained breathing apparatus).

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5.3.2 Replacement of PPE/PPEc

PPE or PPEc must be replaced in case of:

deterioration (loss of efficiency and/or functionality) before the due date;
obsolescence compared to the harmonised reference standards;
use, if it is a disposable PPE or PPEC.
Particular care must be taken in identifying any PPE or PPEc expiration dates that can be defined on the basis of what is
established in the manufacturer’s documents (the duration is usually defined with reference to the date of manufacture).
If this is actually reported, it is in any case to be understood as “final date”; very intense conditions of use of PPE or PPEc
may, therefore, lead to closer expiration dates.

Attachment C shows a facsimile that can be used for the management of PPE expiry dates.

5.3.3 Education, information and training

In addition to complying with the prescriptions in force, the workers who must use PPE and PPEC shall receive
information, education and, if necessary, training from the Employer, in cases deemed necessary and regarding the
methods of use and the risks against which the PPE protects (for example, using the manufacturer’s instructions and
information as a teaching aid).

The information, education and training of workers must be properly recorded and, where necessary, workers must be
periodically checked on the effectiveness and updating.

The information, education and training program must cover the following aspects:

inform the worker of the residual risks associated with the specific working conditions for which PPE and
PPEc must be used, and in particular of the characteristics and effects deriving from the risks present in
the working environment and/or related to their work activity, as well as the consequences for health and
safety due to its non-use or incorrect use;
by using the instructions and information of the manufacturer accompanying the PPE or PPEc as support,
provide workers with understandable and complete basic instructions on the choice of the most suitable
PPE/PPEc, with reference to its respective technical characteristics, the properties of the materials that
constitute it, the required performance and comfort requirements, etc.;
ensure complete knowledge and skills on the following aspects:
 operation and conditions of use of the PPE/PPEc supplied in relation to the risks associated
with the work carried out;

 any risks related to both the use of individual PPE/PPEc and the simultaneous use of more than

 limits of use of PPE/PPEc (for example for respiratory protection).

provide information on the appropriate way to store, maintain and verify the safety of the PPE, using the
instructions and information of the manufacturer accompanying the PPE or PPEc as a support;

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inform, educate and preliminarily train the internal staff (e.g. fire prevention staff) in charge of carrying
out maintenance, revision, cleaning or disinfection activities on PPE or PPEc about the correct methods of
carrying out these activities, possibly using specific training courses that can be provided by PPE or PPEc
suppliers, in the context of specific contracts (see procurement paragraph).
provide for, if necessary, specific training with practical drills that simulate actual conditions in which
PPE/PPEc would be used. In any case, training is indispensable for category three PPE/PPEc and for
equipment that protects hearing.
The information, education and training must be properly documented and, where necessary, periodically checked on
the effectiveness and updating.

5.3.4 Maintenance, verification, integrity and use

Also through its own organisational structure, the Employer provides the appropriate tools (e.g. procedures, equipment,
education and training of qualified personnel, specialist assistance contracts) so that:

the PPE/PPEc is subject to ordinary and/or extraordinary maintenance and, where necessary, a special
register of maintenance of the PPE/PPEc is prepared, in which the data relating to the individual PPE or
PPEc, its use over time and the periodic inspection and/or maintenance operations carried out, including
replacements, are reported;
the PPE and PPEc is subject to periodic checks on its state of integrity and efficiency and for the cleaning,
disinfection, maintenance and service operations to be carried out; reference must be made, using
appropriate checklist, to what is prescribed by the laws and regulations in force, by the relevant
harmonized standards or, in the absence of said standards, by the maintenance, cleaning, disinfection,
revision instructions reported in the instructions and information of the manufacturer that accompany
the PPE or PPEc. In order to ensure the state of integrity of the PPE/PPEc, adequate conservation of the
same must be ensured taking into account any particular indications provided in the manufacturer’s
instructions, as well as expiry dates, where provided.
Within the scope of work and workplace surveillance activities, the Employer, also through its own organisational
structure, carries out periodic inspections to verify its personnel and companies (in the case of checks on third party
work activities) correctly use the PPE/PPEc provided for in the risk analysis and assessment and/or emergency plans
and/or in the Operating Manual and/or prescribed in the specific work permits or documents supplementing the
interference assessment document6, by filling in the appropriate forms provided for by company regulations.

The Employer ensures, through its own organisational structure, the periodic verification (also assessing the state of
integrity and efficiency of the same) of the stock availability of the PPEc and the frequencies, the methods of surveillance,
control, revision and testing of the self-contained breathing apparatus (understood as a whole full face mask, cylinders
and accessories), and, in case of use, it restores the equipment (in the case of consumables) or requests their washing
or disinfection (e.g. use of full masks associated with filters or self-contained breathing apparatus). This activity must be
recorded in specific forms, which will be updated and kept.

Any spare parts used for maintenance activities must be of a type approved by the manufacturer, in accordance with
the information contained in the information note accompanying the PPE or PPEc. On the occasion of withdrawal for
maintenance, immediate delivery to the user of a replacement PPE or PPEc must be provided. Any anomaly found during
the execution of the periodic verification, cleaning, maintenance, disinfection and revision activities must be promptly

6 In the Italian context, DUVRI (Documento Unico per la Valutazione Rischi da Interferenze)

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reported to the Employer, also through its own organisational structure, and restoration interventions must be carried
out with “emergency” priority. Routine maintenance

Routine maintenance of PPE that is assigned directly to personnel is the responsibility of the individual worker.

Routine maintenance refers to the set of operations that can be performed on the PPE by the user in full compliance
with the contents and limits indicated in the manufacturer’s instructions and information.

Therefore, each worker ensures that his or her equipment is complete and that the PPE for individual use assigned to
him or her is in good condition and efficient; if it is not, he or she must make request to reinstall or replace it or to wash
and disinfect it. Extraordinary maintenance

Extraordinary maintenance activities are considered to be all those operations that can be carried out directly by the
manufacturer or in any case by an adequately contracted specialised company, according to current regulations, or by
personnel, including internal staff, provided they are adequately qualified (in accordance with current regulations and
the manufacturer’s instructions) and in possession of certificates issued by the relevant suppliers after specific courses.

The Employer provides the appropriate instruments (e.g. specialist assistance contracts, see section on procurement
methods), so that PPE or PPEC is subject to extraordinary maintenance, and verifies the correct execution in relation to
the maintenance of quality and efficiency characteristics. When collecting for maintenance, a replacement PPE or PPEc
must be delivered immediately to the user.

In view of the above, any PPE washing service (e.g. work overalls) must be entrusted exclusively to specialised washing
companies under contract.

Any anomalies found during the execution of the periodic inspection, cleaning, maintenance, disinfection and service
activities must be promptly reported to the Employer, also through its own organisational structure, and the related
restoration work must be carried out with “emergency” priority.

5.3.5 Obligations in the use and management of PPE and PPEc Obligations of the Employer

The Employer, also through its organisational structure, ensures the following and the related processes for the
implementation of the obligations specified in the previous paragraphs. Obligations of the Supervisor

As part of the use and management of PPE and PPEC, the supervisors must:

supervise and monitor compliance by individual workers with their legal obligations, as well as the
company’s provisions on health and safety at work and the use of the PPE/PPEC made available to them
and, in the event of persistent non-compliance, inform their direct superiors;

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promptly report to the Employer any anomaly inherent in the work means and equipment and the
PPE/PPEC, or any other dangerous condition that occurs during the work, of which he/she becomes aware
on the basis of the training received. Workers’ obligations

As part of the use and management of the PPE and PPEC, the workers must comply with obligations provided for in
current regulations and by this procedure, with specific reference to performing the following tasks:

comply with the provisions and company instructions regarding collective and individual protection;
carefully consult the manufacturer’s instructions and information regarding the protection classes
(modulated according to the different risk levels and the corresponding limits of use), conditions of use,
cleaning, maintenance, disinfection and expiration of the PPE supplied;
participate in education and training programs organized by the Employer;
inspect the PPE and PPEc before use and report any critical issues, for example the state of integrity,
operation or any contamination by chemical agents;
use the PPE and PPEc made available correctly and appropriately, according to the purpose for which they
are intended;
provide for the care and adequate conservation of the PPE supplied, without making changes on one’s
own initiative;
promptly report to the supervisor any defects or inconveniences detected during the use of the PPE made
available to them;
promptly return a PPE or PPEc in the event of defects, deterioration/depletion or nearing the expiry date,
and request a new supply;
at the end of use, follow the company procedures for the return and disposal of PPE and PPEc (following
the manufacturer’s instructions);
report any critical issues in the process relating to the use and operational management of PPE and PPEc.

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This procedure constitutes an overall revision of the previous one in response to the regulatory updates (EU regulation
425/2016) and the greater detail of processes and activities relating to the management of PPE.


The units and positions involved in the activities governed by this document are responsible for the detection of
company events of an operational nature, which entail the need for updating. These findings are reported to the
SIHEM/SIHP/A function, which ensures coordination of the document update activities.


The units and positions involved in the activities governed by this document ensure, each as far as it is competent and
also through the information systems used, the traceability of data and information, and ensure the conservation and
archiving of the paper and/or electronic documentation produced, so as to allow the reconstruction of the different
phases of the process.

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