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(Quarter 3-Module 1/Week 1)

Department of Education
SDO- City of San Fernando (LU)
Region 1
(Quarter 3-Module 1/Week 1)


Most Essential Learning Competency

 Use correct and appropriate multi-media resources when
orally giving information, instructions, making explanations
and narrating events in personal or factual recounts.

For the parents:

1. Please guide your child while he is studying and answering the tasks provided in
this module.
2. Remind your child about his study time and schedule so he can finish the module.
3. Let your child answer the module activities independently however, assist him only
when necessary.
4. I will call on a certain time based on the schedule to explain the lessons in the
5. Kindly return the whole module and answer sheets on _________ during Fridays at
For the learners:
1. Read carefully the directions so that you will know what to do.
2. If there are directions or topics in the module that are difficult for you to
understand, feel free to ask from your parents or companions at home. However, if
you still could not understand, you can call me at this number, _____________so I
could explain it to you clearly.
3. Answer the activities in the module on the specific day for the subject. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answers. Avoid writing or tearing the pages of this
module because this will be used by other pupils/students like you.
4. Write important concepts in your notebook regarding your lesson. This will help
you in your review later.
5. You need to finish the activities in this module so that you can give this to your
parents on ___________________________.
Always remember these health tips:

1. Remember to wear your face mask properly and regularly.

2. Always wash your hands with clean water and soap.
3. Cover your mouth and nose with handkerchief whenever you cough or sneeze.
4. Follow the one-meter distance so that you will prevent the spread of the virus.
This will give you an idea of the skills or
What I Need to competencies you are expected to learn in the

This part includes an activity that aims to check

What I Know what you already know about the lesson to take. If
you get all the answers correct (100%), you may
decide to skip this module.
This is a brief drill or review to help you link the
What’s In current lesson with the previous one.

In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced

What’s New to you in various ways; a story, a song, a poem, a
problem opener, an activity or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion of the
What is it lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.
This comprises activities for independent practice
What’s More to solidify your understanding and skills of the
topic. You may check the answers to the exercises
using the Answer Key at the end of the module.
This includes questions or blank
What I Have sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process what
you learned from the lesson.

This section provides an activity which will help

What I Can Do you transfer your new knowledge or skill into real
life situations or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of
Assessment mastery in achieving the learning competency.

In this portion, another activity will be given to

Additional you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know

Man’s daily existence cannot occur without technology in this modern world. Even

various ways of communication are made possible by technology through tricky, but very

interesting multi-media resources. Attaining better communication skills is crucial because of

technological demands. However, if one is determined to improve these skills, then, he/she

has to apply the learning he acquires from different resources most especially multi-media.

This module will help you achieve the Most Essential Learning Competency:

 Use correct and appropriate multi-media resources when orally giving information,
instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personal or factual recounts.

By the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. Determine the function of communication;

2. Acquire the different multi-media resources and their uses; and

3. Apply some of the multi-media resources in improving communication.

So, what are you waiting for?

Enjoy learning!

What I Know

Directions: Determine what multi-media resources are shown below.


P________T P__S______O_ S L _ _ ES
2 3


P_E_I S _ _ _ E_ I_ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _C

Source: 5

S _ _ _ _N C _ _ _ _ _ _ T_L___ H__D

Lesson Improving Communication
1 through Multi-Media Resources
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person
or group to another. Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a
recipient. This may sound simple, but communication is actually a very complex subject. To
achieve effective communication, one must understand the process of it, how the flow of
message is transferred using certain media, and how it affects the scenario the sender and
receiver belong.

Multi-media resources are modern ways that would help one to achieve the desired
communication situation.

What’s In

Communication which occurs in every situation needs to be built in accordance to the

purpose of the participants. Your ability to respond effectively is a skill that you need to
develop. This is because if your response is not pointing to the message given by the sender
then understanding may fail; therefore, communication is not achieved.

Directions: Determine whether the given situation is interpersonal communication (IC),

intrapersonal communication (InC), or public communication (PC).

________ 1. Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivered his 5th State of the Nation Address (SONA)

last July 27, 2020.

________ 2. Jhuvy needs to review her notes for their forthcoming periodical examination.

________ 3. Adah calls her Kuya Jerby over the phone.

________ 4. Teacher Marjorie conducted a dyadic activity after her discussion.

________ 5. Raymund took his paper-pen examination last week.

________ 6. Jayson delivered his salutatory address in front of 200 listeners.

________ 7. Captain Nestor talked to his 50 crew members.

________ 8. Iza Calzado is interviewed by Boy Abunda.

________ 9. Teacher Jennifer is discussing the lesson on linear and non-linear texts to her 50


________ 10. Karen Davila is reporting news on television.

What’s New

Multi-media resources are beneficial to everyone when they are used purposively and
appropriately. They help you to creatively attain the desired communication results such as
giving information, instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personal or
factual recounts.

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to make them meaningful word.


1. S__________________________ 2. D__________________________


3. P__________________________


4. A__________________________ 5. B__________________________

What Is It
Effective communication is more than just an exchange of information. It's about
understanding the emotions and intentions behind the information. As well as being able to
express a message clearly, you also need to listen in such a way as to achieve the full sense of
what is said and make the other person feel heard and understood.

Communicating more clearly and efficiently requires some valuable skills for all of
us. If you're trying to strengthen communication with your family, classmate, friends and
others, learning these skills will deepen your relationships with others, create more
confidence and respect, and improve collaboration, problem-solving, and overall social and
emotional well-being.

Communication is somehow enhanced through various ways. One of these is the use
of different multi-media platforms. The following are some of the multi-media resources that
are being utilized in order to give information, instructions, making explanations and
narrating events in personal or factual recounts.

A. Text and Graphics

1. SLIDESHOW – A slideshow is a
presentation of a series of still images
on a projection screen or electronic
display device, typically in a
prearranged sequence. Moreover, it is
sometimes unaccompanied by
description or text, or it may be used to clarify or reinforce information, ideas,
comments, solutions or suggestions
which are presented verbally.
2. PREZI – Prezi is a presentation tool
that can be used as an alternative to
traditional slide making programs such
as PowerPoint. Instead of slides, Prezi
makes use of one large canvas that

allows you to pan and zoom to various parts of the canvas and emphasize the ideas
presented there. Prezi supports the use of text, images, and videos and also provides a

collection of templates to choose from to help new users get accustomed to the
3. DIAGRAM – A diagram type is a diagram
with a specific shape and methodology,
relatively independent of any field of
application. Now there is no general accepted
classification of diagrams.
4. INFOGRAPHICS – According to the
Oxford English Dictionary, an infographic (or
information graphic) is “a visual
representation of information or data”. But
the meaning of an infographic is something
much more specific. An infographic is a
collection of imagery, charts, and minimal
text that gives an easy-to-understand
overview of a topic.
B. Audio
1. PODCAST– A podcast is an episodic series
of spoken word digital audio files that a user
can download to a personal device for easy
listening. Streaming applications and podcasting services provide a convenient and
integrated way to manage a personal consumption
queue across many podcast sources and playback
C. Video
1. SCREENCAPTURE – A screenshot, also known
as screen capture, or screen grab, is a digital image
that shows the contents of a computer display. A
screenshot is created by the operating system or software running on the device
powering the display. Users sometimes take photos of their displays instead due to
confusion or difficulty using arcane button combinations.
2. TALKING HEAD – Talking heads are people who appear in television discussion
programmes and interviews to give their opinions about a topic.

3. ANIMATION – Animation is the
process of designing, drawing,
making layouts and preparation of
photographic sequences which are
integrated in the multimedia and
gaming products. Animation
involves the exploitation and q=what+is+animation&source

management of still images to generate the illusion of movement.

D. Others
1. MOODLE – Moodle is a learning
platform designed to provide
educators, administrators and
learners with a single robust, secure
and integrated system to create
personalized learning environments.
2. BLOG – A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or
informational website displaying the-evolution-of-blogging/

information in reverse chronological

order, with the latest posts appearing
first, at the top. It is a platform where a
writer or a group of writers share their
views on an individual subject.
3. VLOG – A vlog is a piece of video
that documents a person’s life or
expertise, with an average length of
around five minutes. The word ‘vlog’
is a portmanteau of ‘video’ and ‘blog.’
In essence it’s just a motion picture
version of the type of content you
could expect to find on a traditional blog. Vlogs are created to connect with an
audience through shared ideas and experiences.

What’s More

A. Directions: WHO AM I? Identify what multi-media resource is introduced below.

________________ 1. I am a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an

easy-to-understand overview of a topic.

________________ 2. I am an online journal or informational website displaying information

in reverse chronological order.

________________ 3. I involve the exploitation and management of still images to generate

the illusion of movement.

_________________4. I am created by the operating system or software running on the

device powering the display.

_________________ 5. I am unaccompanied by description or text to clarify or strengthen

information, ideas, and comments which are presented verbally.

B. Modified True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if it not, change
the underlined word or phrase with the correct one.
_______________ 1. Communication is a two-way process.

_______________ 2. Weak communication is more than just an exchange of information.

_______________ 3. Communication involves more than one sender, a message and a


_______________ 4. Mass media is a form of communication that combines different

content forms such as text, audio, images, or video into a single


_______________ 5. Multi-media resources are useless to all who like to realize better


What I Have Learned

I. Directions: Write three to five related words to the following identified multi-media




II. Directions: Answer the following questions accordingly.

1. How do multi-media resources give information, instructions, making explanations and

narrating events in personal or factual recounts
2. How will you use the things you learned from this module in achieving effective

What I Can Do

Directions: Read the simple personal recount then answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the personal recount all about?

2. When did the author write the recount?

3. What event were they preparing for?


4. Why did the main character not feel like going for practice?
5. What happened to him when he arrived at the pool?

Write a short personal recount narrating one event of your life

happened to you this week. Write it on one whole sheet of paper.



A. Directions: Match the items in Column A to Column B.


_______ 1. Moodle a. drawing

_______ 2. Blog b. screenshot

_______ 3. Vlog c. programmes and interviews on television

_______ 4. Slide Show d. gallery

_______ 5. Prezi e. collection of imagery and charts

_______ 6. Diagram f. single robust

_______ 7. Infographic g. weblog

_______ 8. Sreencapture h. pan and zoom to various canvas parts

_______ 9. Talking Head i. powerpoint presentation

_______ 10. Animation j. video and blog

B. Directions: Determine whether the given situation is interpersonal communication

(IC), intrapersonal communication (InC), or public communication (PC).
_________ 1. Pres. Duterte announced that COVID-19 vaccine would be available this


_________ 2. Dr. Alvarez advised the COVID-19 survivor to make his immune system

more stable.

_________ 3. Jessie recalls the moments he was confined at the hospital for almost one

month because of COVID-19.

_________ 4. Raniel thanked everyone who prayed for his fast recovery.

_________ 5. Mrs. Carbonnel discussed to her class the effects of COVID-19 pandemic

to everyone’s lives.

Online Resources

*Personal Recount, page 10 –

Development Team of the Module
Writer: Rogelio C. Magsanoc
Teacher III, LUNHS

Editors/Evaluators/Reviewers: Evelyn N. Pacleb

Head Teacher VI, LUNHS

Brenda A. Sabado
Principal IV, LUNHS

Dr. Sheila Marie N. Bugayong

Education Program Supervisor – English
Layout Artist: Rogelio C. Magsanoc,

Management Team: Dr. Rowena C. Banzon, CESO V, SDS

Dr. Wilfredo E. Sindayen, ASDS

Dr. Agnes B. Cacap, Chief- CID

Dr. Jose Mari P. Almeida, Chief- SGOD

Genevieve B. Ugay, EPS- LRMS

Hazel B. Libatique, Librarian II

Aurelio C. Dayag, Jr. , PDO II

Answer Key

1. Powerpoint
2. Prezi Slides
3. Infographic
4. Screencapture
5. Taking Head

1. PC
2. InC
3. IC
4. IC
5. InC
6. PC
7. PC
8. IC
9. PC
10. PC


1. Slideshow
2. Diagram
3. Podcast
4. Animation
5. Blogs

Answers may vary

1. F
2. G
3. J
4. I
5. H
6. D
7. E
8. B
9. C
10. A

1. PC
2. IC
3. InC
4. IC
5. IC


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