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Naeem Khan

by Naeem Khan

Submission date: 02-Mar-2021 06:44PM (UTC-0800)

Submission ID: 1522820113
File name: NAEEM_KHAN_final_research.docx (83.24K)
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Table of Contents



Significance of the Research:..........................................................................................................6

Objective of the Research:..............................................................................................................7

The objectives of the Research are as below:..................................................................................7

Research Methodology:................................................................................................................... 7

Regional Circumstances and Impacts of CPEC on Gilgit-Baltistan...........................................11

.Regional Circumstances of Gilgit- Baltistan.............................................................................11

Impacts of CPEC in Economic and Social Circumstances...........................................................6

Economic Circumstances:..................................................................................................................16

Trade and In vestment...............................................................................................................17

Mines and Minerals....................................................................................................................20

Gilgit-Baltistan a heaven for tourism:.....................................................................................21

Economic concerns:........................................................................................................................24

Lack of a-wareness:....................................................................................................................24

etworking and Partnerships:..................................................................................................24

Strategies for the Government:................................................................................................26

Legislative frame·work..............................................................................................................26




Objective of the Research:
The objectives of the Research are as below:
• The core objective is to find out the impacts of CPEC initiative for a sustained social and
economic development in Gilgit Baltistan?
• To find out that how helpful will this project be improving per capita income, poverty
reduction, literacy rate and building networks between local communities?
• To find that how the CPEC is going enhance the tourism industry as in Gilgit Baltistan?
• To determine the how CPEC will bring technological advancement in Gilgit Baltistan?
• To find out the how the CPEC will boosting trade, social equality in the region?
Research Methodology:
As the subject of research is very new and not a sufficient amount of research work being
done at the socio-economic level at the local and international level. For this research
thesis, we have used the various books available. We used newspaper articles and
concluded expert online interviews and took the help of documentaries. In addition, we
have published information in international literature and research and in Pakistani
research journals. Apart from all this we have used quotes from local newspapers
respresenting accounts and opinions of local people. The research was conducted on GB
sites that were directly identified by CPEC and its activities and that does not exclude
other areas, but should be protected by desktop testing and consultation at GB
headquarters. A standardized research approach is designed to review current literature in
the form of quality research. Within that we also used descriptive analytical tools used to
analyze data taken from secondary sources. We have extracted data from various research
papers, newspaper articles, interviews and publications in which we have applied in
particular the descriptive approach to quality research and set out our analysis of
extracted data.

In addition, data was extracted from secondary sources. We have taken the help of
magazines, books, research papers, newspaper articles, interviews and online archive.

Research Questions:
• How CPEC impacts the socio-economic developments in Gilgit Baltistan?
• Why CPEC is unparalleled cooperation for Pakistan m comprehensive and Gilgit
Baltistan, in particular?
• What is economic encouragement for Gilgit Bal tistan?
• What are the social impacts of CPEC on Gilgit Baltistan region?
• How CPEC's positive impacts on socio economic developments m Gilgit Baltistan

Limitations of the Research:

Being in one of the most recent cases has very little research done on this topic. During the
research process we lacked the relevant information available on this assigned topic. The CPEC
is in its early stages and its effective manifestations are yet to be tested. Due to a lack of
sufficient work value, we were unable to perform mathematical operations to find relationships
between variables using graphs, numerical values and we were unable to provide solid evidence
based on facts and statistical numbers. we are limited to sources that provide a number of
insignificant numbers of mathematical function. Therefore, we rely solely on simple analysis of
data taken from secondary sources. Therefore, we cannot provide detailed, detailed data and
Secondly due to disease restrictions Covid-19 was unable to expand our research by face-to-face
interviews with experts and to conduct direct human interviews to obtain accounts, so we
focused only on secondary sources.

Literature Review:

The basic role of this Research is to evaluate how the CPEC task will effect on the social
and financial prosperity of Gilgit Baltistan as one of the most exceedingly awful districts in
Pakistan. The current writing inspects that CPEC is totally different and has various parts of task
and monetary techniques. The World Bank evaluated the financial status of Gilgit Baltistan
through the accompanying rules:



organization of scaffolds, railroads, power pipelines, fiber optic organization and exceptional
monetary zones interfacing Kashghar's top of the line city in Xinxiang territory in China and
Pakistan. Gwadar close to the Hormuz Strait key base in Baluchistan. As in different regions,
particularly Baluchistan, the designers of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor are confronting
serious difficulties.

Moreover, in China and Pakistan Gilgit-Baltistan is similarly just about as significant as

Gwadar in Baluchistan assumes a vital part in the fruitful execution of the Short-Term Economic
Corridor in the short and long haul. In particular, Gilgit-Baltistan is the lone area that associates
Pakistan with China and should go across all streets, pipelines and numerous correspondence
organizations. Likewise, the area has huge geostrategic importance as it is encircled by Xinjiang
Province in western China, Afghan Wakhan Corridor, Kashmir of Pakistan, Kyber Pakhtunkhwa
of Pakistan, and Jammu and Kashmir in India. To put it plainly, the China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor project is probably going to be imported outside of Gilgit-Baltistan. Likewise, the focal
government should keep up full control in this extremely troublesome district. The
administrative issue is a basic one on the grounds that the monetary passageway has genuine
ramifications for the area as it influences all parts of government, economy and wellbeing. In this
way, a few troubles have been distinguished as:

First and foremost, relations with the focal locale of Pakistan as a rule and comparable to
Gilgit-Baltistan specifically have major issues. Notwithstanding the possible danger of fear
monger dangers and security, development endeavors should address developing territorial
fights. The principle complaints of the nearby individuals are the obliviousness and doubt of the
Gilgit-Baltistan neighborhood government and the commonplace government. Each CPEC
venture will add to making an environment of vagueness and misconception. Besides, in
Islamabad there isn't sufficient arrangement and transformation to the requirements of the
neighborhood individuals. Accordingly, the financial path presents huge obstructions to existing
dark streets and strengthens the sensations of Gilgi t-Baltistan that are being mishandled and
overlooked by the focal government. The way that there are unordinary provincial varieties
around the monetary passage, its arrangements, and spending portions in the area of Punjab,
adds to the enduring of the district's occupants.
Moreover, as referenced prior, it is imperative to underscore that Gilgit-Baltistan is as yet
an opponent district, and as a component of the Kashmir strife, Pakistan is hesitant to concede
its residents critical political rights. Accordingly, the residents of Gilgit-Baltistan, particularly
those identified with the Economic Corridor project, are rejected from any significant dynamic

Thirdly, bilateral corridor will add to the security of Gilgit-Baltistan and its military as
the political eventual fate of Gilgit Baltistan stays to be resolved. This is reflected in the
developing number of Pakistani and local security staff. Around there, the Chinese are
progressively being heard noisily. The neighborhood individuals at that point confronted an
expanding number of security powers in the public square. Notwithstanding squeezing resistance
to Pakistan's neighborhood Economic Corridor, another clarification for the high expansion in
security in Gilgit-Baltistan is an incredible open door for amazing Muslims to consider this to be
as a significant jihad danger to China. In China, unfamiliar aggressor gatherings, including
Islamic State and Al Qaeda, have revitalized in Beijing for the treatment of minority Muslims in
the war-torn locale west of Xinjiang Uygur. The Pakistani military, in a joint effort with China's
People's Liberation Army, will expand its activities in the area to battle the rehashed danger of
neighborhood fights and the activities of nearby and worldwide jihadists restricting the passage.
The way that the rent of fuel for joint ventilation has been started can be taken as a sign of this
training. Given past data by Pakistani security powers in Gilgit-Baltistan and somewhere else
like Baluchistan or FATA, individuals are probably going to encounter a disintegration in
common freedoms joined by raising basic liberties infringement, like provocation, positive
quietness through enemy of psychological warfare (ATA) activity against touchy words, and
terminating and unloading strategy as was done in Baluchistan. Notwithstanding settling policy
centered issues Gilgit-Baltistan will likewise see the progressing viciousness of the focal
government to keep up its authority over the locale.

In conclusion, without settling on the political eventual fate of the success of Gilgit
Baltistan, progress and dreams of progress can't be completely figured it out.

increase the space available to trade and trade through networking and other investments. The
policy agenda in addition to dealing with the devastating Atta bad should include:

(I) Changes and reliability at Soost Dry Port;

(2) Elimination of cross-border transport and logistical policy barriers;

(3) Discovery of value-added possibilities for the export of domestic goods, such as fruits,
through reduction of trade barriers;

• Little and medium-sized ventures in GB are restricted to limited scope production lines
including lumber, furniture industry, wood exchange, power plants and inns. These
organizations just furnish neighborhood individuals with use. The following is a full
outline of the significant exchange and business ventures in Gilgit-Baltistan;
• Transport Sector: Gilgit Baltistan's vehicle industry has become a significant
coordinatfon area. The area has resources of PRs. 320 million. That makes up 35 percent
of the absolute resources of privately owned businesses. Regarding spatial appropriation,
the business has comparable authority on the planet, including auto workshops, new parts
stores, fix shops, and so on
• General Trade: General exchanging is the second biggest industry with a populace of 144
million. This classification incorporates organizations that partake in the every day trade
of satisfactory merchandise and ventures to meet essential public and global
requirements. As indicated by the AKRSP report, the portion of business administrations
resources is 7 percent of the resources effectively in the business contrasted with 3
percent in typical exchanging, and 90% as far as import and fare by different
• Horticulture: Agricultural organizations are the third biggest industry in the district.
Cultivating. As indicated by the Aga Khan Rural Support Program, 13% of help
administrations resources are viewed as low in the business which is viewed as a central
point in the nearby local area, with 90% individuals influenced. Yields organizations
own the business, for example, creating seed potatoes, vegetables and natural products.
• Albeit reliant on swamp farming items, Gilgit-Baltistan offers a portion of the world's
best seed potatoes.
• The foundation area is viewed as the fourth biggest area which incorporates streets,
spans, correspondences, monetary establishments and energy age limit. This area has a
RS resource class. 102.50 million. Remembering 11% of resources for the private area.
Public area venture represents 75 percent of complete consumption.
• The travel industry: The travel industry area, which is the fifth biggest stockpiling area,
has an aggregate of nine percent of the private area resources. Albeit still broadly
conveyed, the organization's powerless resources show that monetary administrations are
not focused on and ineffectively dispersed, absence of spending support, political
vulnerability in the country, and the danger of material the travel industry.
• Shack Sector: The shack field has nearby workmanship, stone cutting, wood cutting,
customary adornments, conventional fleece weaving and weaving, organic product
preparing (dried natural product items), and so forth Aamal Shack Industry holds 2. I 2
million resources, representing just I% of absolute resources in the private area
• As per a Research led by the Aga Khan Rural Support Program, 85 percent of the all out
mining area, and 15 percent in the extra class. Moreover, Gilgit has 55 workshops and
sawmills. These workshops and distributions give in excess of 385 representatives and an
aggregate of 150 workers.
• 66 inns in Gilgit-Baltistan are accounted for all through Gilgit Baltistan that offer types of
assistance and add to the neighborhood GDP of around 1,600 million with a six percent
yearly increment. Public and private vehicle firms are likewise mainstream in Gilgit Baltistan.
Seven vehicle organizations (one public and six private) work nearby. There are 360
transporters with in excess of 993 workers. The biggest public area association has 300
vehicles and 300 workers in Gilgit Baltistan.

Besides, the Gilgit Baltistan district will profit by the foundation activity of CPEC, the
presentation of new mechanical program will emphatically affect the nearby business, exchange
and trade
Mines and Minerals
Gilgit-Baltistan is viewed as the most learned area on the planet. With its wealth in
regular assets it has been the focal point of consideration. There are numerous mineral
stores nearby, like minerals, non-metallic minerals, electrical minerals, valuable stones
and other modern minerals, just as high ice sheets that don't have a source and water
source. For business purposes, there are around 18 kinds of helpful minerals and I 6 sorts
of valuable stones. Instances of iron metal here incorporate gold, copper, silver syrup,
calcium, uranium, aluminum, palladium, thorium and lead. Gilgit-Baltistan contains
about 70% of Pakistan's stores, positioned fifth on the planet. Amethyst, tourmaline, sea
blue, topaz, bombs, cochineal thistles, parasites, dropsied, echinoids, apatite, azurite,
quartz rose and explosive are a portion of these are following

Since the time the valuable mine was found in Gilgit-Baltistan without precedent for the
mid I 950's, nearby individuals have been associated with the inquiry, catch, and
exchange. Anyway the mining business is chaotic, in reverse and low-pay. Homegrown
and administrative mining, just as human insufficiencies, innovation and funds, high
danger and high venture costs are significant obstructions to this area. The proposed
digging license rules for 2014 don't think about qualified residents of native nations. It
additionally gives nearby governments, directing regular asset laws that are illegal in
Pakistan and the National Minerals Policy I 995 and 20 I 4, which specify that mineral
administration is a provincial matter in particular. The way that enormous mines need
gifted laborers, adequate mastery, and critical interest in Gilgit-Baltistan is likewise

Nonetheless, financial development could be the key to liberating individuals of Gilgit

Baltistan from long haul political defilement; Policy mediations and asset related strategy
changes are required that can give nearby inhabitants more noteworthy monetary

Ashura (particularly m Gilgit and skardu), Ali's Day, Nowruz, and Majlis of Glory
notwithstanding Eid.

Health and Education:

In 1940 the agha khan diamond jubilee presented educational transforms as beginning

of the schools in GB. During the colonial regime first primary school was established in

1990, the aim was this school just to educate the people of GB including tribal elites

feudal loyalties. The major issues of GB is the female enrollment to improve the

education rate in GB to fulfill the quality education synergies between tlhe state the social

private and public sector are also important.

In 2015 annual educational status shows that 85% of the total children between 5 to

16 years old ware attended schools. Hunza and Nagar had 97.6%, district Gazer had

96.9%, Astor 92.8%. The percentage of Diamer is doing poorly when it comes to

enrolling to children with a fraction of children who do not go to school which effect

literacy rate the Gilgit, 85%, Ghanche 92%, and Skardu 83% the data also reveals that

Diamer's educational institution there is a huge gap between boys and girls education.

Gilgit Baltistan has number of health care institutions that meet the needs of a

growing and financial disadvantaged tile society. There are only I 150 beds for the

patients for more than 1.5 million people. Basic health units and basic health facilities

public and private hospitals mothers and infants under the age of five have a much higher

mortality rate than the national average there are no diagnostic and basic services and

hospital technology many welfare organizations focused in health and education from

the last three decades the thirty one health facilities managed by Gilgit Baltistan are Agha

khan health welfare the stable nature of the future there is an urgent need to increase in
public and social sectors. Basic health unit, tehsil health quarter and district health quarter

plays an important role to facilitate the people.

The CPEC project is going to contribute the development of health and

education through the improving the infrastructure situation and introducing technology

to provide a platform to access advance facilities in the region.

Economic concerns:
Lack of awareness:
Most members found that there was still practically zero general information on the
monetary hall or its immediate and circuitous advantages. The fundamental topic of
CPEC and related tasks for normal residents appears to be hazy. Individuals who don't
think about passage projects, what is the all out interest in different areas of government,
and so forth

Networking and Partnerships:

Empowering private speculation is significant if neighborhood inhabitants' benefits come
from the Economic Corridor, as long as the private area can assist which with canning
solid organizations that will profit the business and provincial areas. Nearby financial
backers can put resources into a specific star inn advancement project; in any case
Chinese financial backers will put resources into the business and make a local benefit.

Members communicated the expectation that items, particularly natural products, leafy
foods vegetables, would be traded from Gilgit-Baltistan to China to Xianjing. Notwithstanding,
the instability and global interest for these products is a significant obstacle to imports. This
must be affirmed if the public authority or different associations set up an arrangement of
restricted division and affirmation of nearby organizations. Other global declarations like ISO,
FTA, and interior testaments can rival the Chinese area.
Legal process for business and international trade:

Homegrown and corporate resources really have almost no or no admittance to unfamiliar

business sectors. The accessibility of these homegrown merchandise in abroad business
sectors will improve through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Subsequently, the
utilization of open channels incorporates appreciating and understanding the lawful parts
of fare and social exercises. Neighborhood individuals associated with building up new
businesses should be educated and appreciate the standards and guidelines relating to
setting up and enrolling organizations as organizations or associations. Current
organizations in the locale have no information on these standards and guidelines.
Skills Development:

Youthful taught yet inadequate youngsters should be created to have the option to draw
in with the developing business sectors and ventures all through China and Xianjing
County specifically. The current determinations will be examined sooner rather than later
with more data and innovation. The common government should address the deficiency
of exchange and venture innovation. Specifically, the absence of abilities in the regions
of food preparing, bundling, advertising, and social endorsements thwarts business
improvement and speculation. Thusly, minimized individuals, particularly ladies, can
likewise be prepared to give nearby items to the advantage of their families, like crews
and neighborhood celebrations. Cross-sectoral issues: Limited monetary assets have
consistently been an issue for nearby government. In the passage, the Gilgit-Baltistan
government utilizes a lawful window. Each bowl can be raised around the world.
Likewise, people group are developing into new business sectors and associations
without the expectation of making hiccups.

There is an incredible requirement for metropolitan development later on; else it would
be only a fantasy to draw in insiders. It appears to be that arranging urban areas is critical
to expand the progression of travelers and financial backers.
Strategies for the Government:
Fast and simple admittance to fund and obligation nearby to empower speculation. The
public authority should guide banks to make an unmistakable advance bundle for burrow
related organizations. It will likewise help check the developing joblessness by setting up
assembling offices in the city. The public authority ought to likewise create approaches
that will empower Chinese financial backers to open workplaces nearby and furnish
neighborhood organizations with freedoms to extend business affiliations and set out
work open doors for neighborhood individuals in return. The public authority can permit
more cross-line players to take an interest in the plan of financial strategies in association
with the neighborhood exchange and exchange office. The need to zero in on marking
and bundling of neighborhood products to improve their deals in the Chinese market
additionally applies to the public area.
Legislative framework:
The move by the financial pathway makes the territory open to the administration of huge
worldwide enterprises and detached associations that settle on choices without the
important political and lawful assurances. While the territory is in desperate waterways,
settlers discover assets and freedoms to baffle neighborhood individuals. Probably the
greatest hindrance to accomplishing the financial advantages of the lethargic area is the
sluggish private area, including the protected neglect. What's more, the absence of good
government environment and complex approaches and strategies won't permit designers
and organizations to make the most of street openings.

Information technology and E commerce:



The public authority should expand abilities based abilities and work market plans and
preparing programs for new provincial laborers to share, change and make occupations
for individuals related with the China-Pakistan Economic Poverty Strategy to address
socially maintainable improvement all in all. Both neighborhood and local governments
ought to build up a methodology to give Chinese language programs, particularly for
business people.

Gilgit-Baltistan gives a local area of preparing suppliers from government, the private
area, and the public area, who work in association with the general population and private
expressions. These public channels ought to be used for the Digital Employment Program
and fortifying the structure in organization with government funded training and further
reinforcing public-private associations all through Gilgit Baltistan. More interest and
cooperation in the computerized business crusade is additionally required, particularly in
the less customary JCT areas like the retail area.

Building the limit of players at the grassroots level to give social character and
manageability, including college understudies. Because of the forthcoming worldwide
rivalry, grassroots foundations (schools and universities) should be fortified in learning,
abilities improvement and new subjects that face the difficulties of the present world.

The correct business ought to be effectively utilized to encourage neighborhood

organizations, focus on homegrown work over non-homegrown organizations, and
obligatory nearby acquisition of accessible merchandise. Furthermore, making a
proposed venture board in the principal stage will help organizations and financial
backers plan for street openings.

Elevating harmony is fundamental for the achievement of the venture. Safety efforts are
vital, and yet the state ought to advance variety in light of the fact that in the past the
locale has been intentionally hassled for methodology. Cross-line business organizations
and social relations can likewise make a feeling of shared steadiness, fortjtude and trust.
The common government should guarantee that GB residents have tireless issues of
distinguishing proof and sacred rights. It will guarantee evenhanded portrayal in the
Pakistani parliament. Neighborhood individuals should be given satisfactory instructive
freedoms, ensure their privileges, and particularly ladies' privileges, to meet the issue of
possession. Give successful managerial projects to individuals in far off regions who
have never learned essential rights.

The public authority of Gilgit-Baltistan looks to set up suitable laws and guidelines for
the eventual fate of force age, mining and exchange. This enactment ought to guarantee
nearby interests and simultaneously energize unfamiliar and unfamiliar speculation.

Solid social (individual and reason) values, social the travel industry approaches and
reconciliation techniques are required, not exclusively to feature GB's rich social variety,
yet additionally to interface territorial social qualities to monetary development. The
interaction anticipates the investment, all things considered, - scholastics, advancement
laborers, government offices, legislators and common society bunches in planning an
exhaustive technique for practical possession and fruitful usage.

Worldwide cycles are broad and styles are evolving quickly, including development
ventures to fulfill developing oil, energy and power.

In reviving/creating endeavors like CPEC, these terms can be utilized successfully to

advance a culture of social correspondence, and the significance of social
correspondence to ensure pluralism and majority.

All natural appraisal apparatuses, for example, SEA, BIA and IEE should be completely
affirmed by neighborhood individuals (in GB) and nearby government. Their issues
ought to be talked about consistently and completely and remembered for the natural
insurance strategy.


Naeem Khan

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Submitted to Higher Education Commission
Student Paper
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Internet Source

Internet Source

"Regional Cooperation in South Asia",

Springer Science and Business Media LLC, <1%
Wasim Shaheen, Abdul Ghaffar, Zahid
Hussain, Maqsood Ali. "Socio-Political and
Financial Risk Analysis of Infrastructure
Projects Linked with China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor", RMC Journal of Social
Sciences and Humanities, 2020

"Securing the Belt and Road Initiative",
Springer Science and Business Media LLC,

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