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SA &s§ Republic of the Philippines Ses ~—_—«éepartment of Environment and Natural Resources pate —= : No. V-37 Region 10, Cagayan De Ore iy —=— Appx Number Letter 44 slant SorveyNumber CAD 890 Case 2 Claimant osauToTABIAN Lozaton BUENAVISTA, BAUNGON,BUKIDNON surveyed REMNALDO DAI Cad. ap. No. Sra wane S8rE DateSureyed _2y/moyises — TlePoint ame BM, CaDE30 en ae TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Oe earng | —Disanee|— Nong | —taing —) ne | ~ Being Noning | tng ps TRGI| BIT 6w aeseouy Se | buenomn-|——Srar'siessm0 sensei Bs ariw | aan sense ieee ial -| — aac sree aes . % 7 . hanete 1:5000 Source Data: Data Capture Requested by: DAR BUK #84592 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Official Reciept No,: ADMIN SURVEY Date Issued: Monday, 15 May 2023 - (11:06:44 am) “However, this certified technical description bearing the name ‘origina! survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to that the loti still public land or owned by the original survey claimat 25 titles there co might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over this lator other prior approved ‘isolated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof.” Date: 05/15/2023 Date: Date: Trancaction i: 258539 S & Republic of the Philippines _ SN _s«éepartmentt of Environment and Natural Resources paies a Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City aves —= Application Number Lottumber 345 spplcant Survey Number CAD30 Cases Claimant EUGENIATAGANAAN Location DANATAG, BAUNGON, BUKIONON Surveyed y_REYWALDO.. Das Cad. Map. No. 8°18'N24"37'€ Date surveyed 9o/03/sous Dat Approved TiePoint Name LIM, caD420 Area(sqm) 63,312 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ie sg ong |g] sing | ata naa 7 [wen ——rasl sunaee-- ence] (rs ——}-si-au—t ot ee 1345 16 a7 Remarks Source Data : Data Capture Requested by: DAR BUK #84591 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Official Reciept No.: ADMIN SURVEY Date Issued: Monday, 15 May 2023 - (11:07:03 am) “However, tis certified technical description beoring the nam of the criginal survey claimant should not necessary be construed td thatthe lot i still public land or owned by the original survey cd {5 ttles there to might have been obtained through judicial or ‘ministrative proceedings over ths lot or other prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the some or any portion thereof.” “Transetion i 208529 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ss - & Republic of the Philippines BL. FORM — Region 10, Cagayan De Oro cy oe a Application Number lot Number 30a Applicant Survey Number CAD 830 Case 10 Claimant DANIEL BALBAO Location SAN VICENTE, BAUNGON, BUKIDNON Surveyed ®y A, FUDERANANJR. Cad. Map. No. 8°13'N 124" 43" E Date Surveyed 01/11/1989 Date Approved Tie Point Name BLLM 1, CAD 830 ‘Area (sq.m) 63,101 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION "908116. 500, 2380 =| aoe ro} 909573410 0 ‘4756 730 [70578 200 09536030 | 4705 fas 590) as > aronra 250 ‘ Remarks. \ 1:7800 Source Data : Data Capture Requested by: DAR BUK #easox Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Official Recept No” ADMIN SURVEY Date Issued: Monday, 15 May 2023-- (11:05:47 am) “However, this certified technical description bearing the name| ‘original survey cloimant should nat necessarily be construed to| Date: 05/15/2023 Date: Date: {5 titles there to might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over ths lot or other prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof.” “ransocbon I 298 Republic of the Philippines oo Department of Environment and Natural Resources pe Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City lo. Ve ( ‘Application Number Lot Number 3802 Applicant Survey Number CAD 830 Case Claimant coRNEUOPLAPL Locton _RALNANGAN, BAUNGON, BUKONON Surveyed 8 ROMUALDOS.LAGSA Cad. Map.No,aPtstW ae 9'e Date sureyed —yonians Date approved TePoetawe BUM, CADE Avatarm) 1mtta TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ee ee [nn meine |e sms aati = h 3801 wae temas £2700 Source Data : Data Capture Requested by: DAR BUK #84591 Researched by: Yercufsed 2. Piloton Date: 05/15/2023 purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Be! Official Reciept No.: ADMIN SURVEY Dates Date Issued: Monday, 15 May 2023 - (11:06: am) that the lt i still public land or owned by the original survey cla 25 ttles there to might have been obtained through juli ar administrative proceedings over this lat or other prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the some or any portion thereof.” Traction i: 258529 - Republic of the Philippines (ss Department of Environment and Natural Resources ae Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City : Application Number LotNumber 1908 Applicant Survey Number CAD 820 Case Chimant REX REYES Location KAUILANGAN, BAUNGON, BUKIDNON Surveyed By ROMUALDOS. LAGSA (Cad. Map.No, 8°13'N 124" 39'E Date Surveyed 18/09/3989 Date Approved Tie Point Name BLLBM3, CAD 830 Area(sa.m) 37,007 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION in [ies Rating | Sewing [ian nor] 1696 > ” 1697 Remarks Source Data: Data Capture Requested by: DAR BUK #84591 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Official Reciept No.: ADMIN SURVEY Date Issued: Monday, 15 May 2023 - (11:04:38 am) “However, this certified technical description bearing the name\pf the ‘original survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to ean that the loti still public land or owned by the original survey cain {2s titles there to might have been obtoined through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over this lot or other prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof.” “Transaction i 298529 Date: 05/25/2023 ate: Date: & &§ Republic of the Philippines on SS. _ pepartment of Environment and Natural Resources oe ——— Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City : —=— Appiation Number Lotnumber 3932 soplcant Survey Number CAD 880 Case Chimant HENRY CLYDE ABOTT Location _KALIANGAN, BAUNGON, BUKIDNON Surveyed 8 ROMUALDOS. LAGSA Cad. Map.No. S°43'N 124396 Date Surveyed 05/00/3989 Date Approved TePointName BLM, cxD 820 ‘rea (eqm) 68227 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ie aie aaa aoe] — ee) pa | — wang ~~ erg —) ‘rie —|~aese |main| ES ee s-2w | — aia sono | waemee |e ——| So oat” aT AGT SS me iste " 197 Remarks | Source Data: Data Capture Requested by: DAR BUK #e4so1 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Official Reciept No.: ADMIN SURVEY Date Issued: Monday, 15 May 2023 - (11:05:02 am) “However, this certified technical description beoring the name oft ‘original survey cloimant should not necessarily be construed to mear ‘that the loti still publi land or owned by the original survey claiman) 15 ttles thereto might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over this lot or other prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof.” Date: 05/15/2023 Dat “rarsacton It 258529 Republic of the Philippines ro Department of Environment and Natural Resources paves Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City : ns) ‘Application Number lot Number 1776 Applicant Survey Number CAD 830 case Claimant BERNABE SALAS Location KALLANGAN, BAUNGON, BUKIDNON Surveyed 8 ROMUALDOS, LAGSA Cad. Map. No. 8°13'N124°39'E Date Surveyed 20/08/1989 Date approved TePoint Name BULA 4, CAD 830 Area(sq.m) 100,439 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION oe ‘ier Nonting | Eetng (le ie arse as| sono ie aero) FL ! ‘oat ooH07 0 | 46736750 vn 1m vs 703 : 5 1 rea 100899 7608 oo » ez O ve Remarks | 1:7200 Source Data : Data Capture Requested by: DAR BUK #84591 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Official Reciept No.: ADMIN SURVEY Date Issued: Monday, 15 May 2023-- (11:03:24 am) "However, this certified technical description bearing the name of the original survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to mea) thot the lot is still public land or owned by the original survey caiman {5 titles thereto might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over ths lot or other prior approved 'solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof. Date: 05/15/2023 Date: Dat S & Republic of the Philippines B.L. FORM. = Department of Environment and Natural Resources No. V-37. Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City —=— ‘Application Number Lot Number 1888 Applicant Survey Number CAD 830 Case Claimant LUBRANDO PORILAN Location KALILANGAN, BAUNGON, BUKIDNON Surveyed By ROMUALDOS. LAGSA. Cad. Map.No.8°43'N124*39'E Date Surveyed 09/09/1989 Date Approved Tie Point Name BLUM, CAD 830 Area(sq.m) 33,018, TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION fm ‘Bearing | Diane] Easing) nw Bearing | — Distance) Nong Tene | 333-3 361976) wesa7e7i0 | 34 se 226 | Taas6)—S0s6550 182 180 Remarks: 14300 Source Data: Data Capture Requested by: DAR BUK #84591 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Official Reciept No.: ADMIN SURVEY Date Issued: Monday, 15 May 2023 (11:04:03 am) "However, this certified technical description bearing the name of the Criginal survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to meon ‘hat the lot is stil public land or owned by the orginal survey claimant {5 titles thereto might have been obtained through judicial or ‘dministrative proceedings over ths lot or other prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the some or any portion thereof. Date: 05/15/2023 ‘Transacton 1 298529 Application Number Department of Environment and Natural Resources Republic of the Philippines BIL FORM Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City No. v-37 lot Number 933 Applicant Survey Number CAD 830 Case 3 Claimant REBECCA SUMAYAS Location BUENAVISTA, BAUNGON, BUKIDNON Surveyed 8y RG. DAIS Cad. Mop.No. 8°48 N124*39' E Date Surveyed 9/24/1984 Date Approved MAY UI, |Ad% Tie Point Name BLUM 1, CAD 830 Area(sa.m) 40,236 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION tine Searing | Ditnce)| —Norting | Eating | (Une Bearing | Dstanc(n)|_orbing | este Tretne sez mresa| 99288.270 | sa7E7I0 | 67 Na3-08W 10735, Siamseo | aai4.90 ne 562-5507 ase) siazei 980 aenlesaso 78 e176 areet| sta9.290 | e470 aa as 26 S262) oun. vais 89 Se0-05t 43.36, s1sts9.210 | —asD450590 2 s- sew ese) 918223890 | aenoaaa00 9:10 Sao-s2e 2605, sisessaz0 | aszeses10 ss 7-9 1536918236160 | 460075200304 555-050 BOE) 964.120 463515950 56 504-376 236) 9igaso.720 | 463079500 932 ox sue 933 A ‘rea: 40236, a Remarks Wo Rapa wie 16000 Source Data: Data Capture 7 Requested by: _ DAR BUK #83760 Researched by: Jak im Date: 03/08/2023, Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Peale oo Official Reciept No.’ ADMIN SURVEY Checked by: | Date: Date Issued: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - (9:56:12 AM) “However, this certified technical description bearing the name of the ‘origina survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to mean ‘that the loti stil public land or ewned by the original survey claimant sities there to might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over this lot or other prior approved ‘isolated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof “Transaction a: 292596 CERTIFIED CORRECT For the Assistant Regional Director jr: eee [eli Chie Surveys and Control Set (i Application Number Applicant Claimant ‘SABELO SERAHON Surveyed By REYNALDO DAIS Date Surveyed 9/25/1986 Tie Point Name BLU 1, CAD 830 TECHNICAL DI ne ‘Searing | —Distancefm)| Nothing | Eating 2 os 4aw S680, 916205780 sea712250, 23 6-1 916263190 | 6470500 34 us o0w 1290500 AGH 390 7 Remarks ya veep Source Data: Data Capture Requested by:_ DAR BUK #83760 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Official Reciept No ADMIN'SURVEY. Date Issued: Wednesday, March &, 2023 - (10:00:03 AM) "However, this certified technical description bearing the name of the Original survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to mean thatthe loti stil public land or owned by the original survey claimant 4 titles there to might have been obtained through judicial or ‘2¢ministrative proceedings over this lot or ather prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof: ‘Transaction a: 292596 Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City B.L. FORM No. V-37 Lothumber 9 Survey Number CAD 830 case 3 Location BUENAVISTA, BAUNGON, Cad. Wap.No. 837. NI24*40'E Date Approved MAY “Ul, ARE Avea(sa.m) 48638 ESCRIPTION tine Beane | Osteen wong | eng o sna 739 sseiss9 sexmt oo ss S36 ie 286i _sieiiswaenssao & sea 300 darit_sieieaay aes m mo: 3907 masts aemes99 oe 16000 Researched by: tagh gine Date: 03/08/2023 Verified by . Date Checkes by at: CERTIFIED CORRECT : For the Assistant Regional Director

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