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S & Republic of the Philippines B.L. FORM Sa Department of Environment and Natural R¢ No 37 ——— Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City —=— Applicaton Number LotNumber BabA Applicant Survey Number PSD 10-054526(4R) Case iaimant SATURNINO S. BUSALSAG, ET.AL. Location ‘COSINA, TALAKAG, BUKIDNON Surveyed By JOSEPH C. SUELLO Cad. Map.No. SBN 124" 36'E Date Surveyed 7/10/2006 Date Approved 11/2/2006 Tie Point Name BBM 2, 1S175 Area (sam) 300 ‘TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION tne eorng | Ostancrimi| —Worting | entng | Un exing | Dionex)! Noring Easting ee 2 Si7- 38 300) 2esia io | s77so520 200 Remarks Ww SABDIVIIN 1:1000 Source Data: Data Capture Z Requested by: DAR BUK #83962 Researched by: sk jarment Date: 08/03/2023 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY iemed by hoe Official Recept No.” ADMIN'SURVEY rected by: bate Date Issued: Monday, April 3, 2023 - (4:39:13 PM) “However, tis certified technical description bearing the nome of oe ‘original survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to men thatthe fot is stil public land or owned by the original survey cloimlent 23 titles thereto might have been obtained through judicial or administrative proceedings over this lot or other prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof. Transaction ie: 293725, ‘ee Application Number Republic of the Phi Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City pines Lot Number 3265-4 ‘npplicant survey Number Claimant FRANCISCO MACAPAYAG. Location Surveyed By ELMER A. RAROA (cad. Map. No. Date Surveyed 11/19/2008 Date Approved 2/23/2008 Tie Point Name BLUM 4, CAD 630-D ‘area sq.m.) 4,392 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Live Sewrng | Distanerin| Northing | Eating | tow Bearing “tine 03-290 SISRAA7, 696243590 HSEI2ES90 44 os 32 w si 340 BOSS) 508145980. a57403470 45 589-308 na | | fies4 ape Remarks = TaROWLO™ Source Data: Data Capture Requested by:_ DAR BUK #83962 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Official Reciept No.r ADMIN SURVEY Date Issued: Monday, April 3, 2023 - (4:40:50 PM) “However, this certified technical description bearing the name offre original survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to thatthe loti stil public land or owned by the orginal survey clakant 23 titles thereto might have been obtained through judicial or administrative proceedings over ths lot or other prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof.” Researched by: Jade Verified by SD 10-049718(AR) Case SAN ANTONIO, TALAKAG, BUKIDNON 8 12'N124° 36°E Deraretm) 135 cole Surveys and FortroNection B.L. FORM No. V-37 Norting | Easing srenisano | as7es 00 sreles 60457394100 som95.290 «5709.10 1:2000 Date: 04/03/2023, Date: Date Ss & Republic of the Philip ee — Department of Environment and Natural Resources No. V-37 ——— Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City ; —=_ ‘Application Number Lot Number 1088-0 Applicant Survey Number PSD 10060282 Case Claimant HRS. OF RAMON GAYONAN Location SAN ANTONIO, TALAKAG, Surveyed 8y FERNANDO B. GURREA Cad. Map. No. STS! UY ye, Date Surveyed 12/6/2008 Date Approved 7/30/2009 TiePoint Name BLUM 1, CAD 630-0 rea(sq.m) 2,897 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION te sewing | vine Waring [toting] toe aieg | — Bent] ering | — ting Twlhe—anr'onw aan —apeetsto™ | Seiten | 4 sw seo) omponyn a0 n ms-200 Tutt soemen | eno 67 6-090 Tes soomsas0aseu3300 2 6-208 usa spomino ssera00 8 10H 0900298) aS 70 os st 25 sooo | serigom 82 7-00 86s fs) ase s snsiw sore. sosee00 | sseceat0 roe rowsst Remarks We Sumony ly \ 4:2500 Source Data: Data Capture Requested by:_ DAR BUK #83962 Researched by: Jaék iprment Date: 04/03/2023, Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY —— (Onte: Official Reciept No.: ADMINSURVEY ‘checked by: Date: Date Issued: Monday, April 3, 2023 - (4:42:58 PM) “However, this certified technical description bearing the name of the original survey clalmant should not necessarily be construed to mean thatthe lots stil public land or owned by the original survey claimant 235 titles thereto might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over this lot or other prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof." Transaction Io: 293725 chet surveys and Conirl Sector Aa Department of Environment and Natural Resources = = B.L. FORM Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City ee Application Number Lot Number 425.0 ‘applicant Survey Number PSD 10-059552(AR} Case Glaimant ROBERTO FACTURA Location ‘SAN ISIDRO, TALAKAG, BUKIDNON Surveyed By RONALD M, ABERIN Cad. Map. No. 825° NIZA 35'E Date Surveyed 9/13/2008 Date Approved 3/2/2009 TePoint Name BLL 1, CAD 630-0 ‘rea (sa.m) 2,908 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ine seareg | —Ditancinl) None | Easting tne Bearing | Oitancem)— Noring fasting Tele Saw) BINGO) aRRDESSHO | ASEEO 45 isos Tosa) slzszae0 | eri ” 52-090 1610) sized asaromso 5S 5is-57e 2a) sLsss300 | s5sz0s00 2 snow Tig) sizesees0 | isii390 61 56-57 vise) sizgosi0 | assz1.80 a mow aot) sizssz00 54460 oe oa Remarks Wr Mgetvision 4:3000 Source Data: Data Capture us Requested by: OAR BUK #83962 Researches by: agk ime Date: 04/03/2023 Pursose: REFERENCE ONLY eae pales Official Recept No.” ADMIN'SURVEY Checked by: Date Date Issued: Monday, April 3, 2023 (4:43:59 PM) “However, this certified technical description bearing the nome offe ra Director criginal survey claimant should net necessoly be construed to mean ~ thatthe lot itil public land or owned by the original survey claipant 2 ttles thereto might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over ths lot or other prior approved ARNOUED B-aAGADAN toloted survey pons hat cover the some or any parton thereof SN cokes Ee Sa Republi of the Philippines Bon Department of Environment and Natural Resources No. V-37 — Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City Z —=_ ‘Application Number LotNumber 3204 Applicant Survey Number CAD 630-0 Case 8 Claimant FAUSTINO VILLANUEVA, Location LATID, TALAKAG, BUKTONON Surveyed By A.GALANG Cad. Map. No. gan N Aza" 37' Date Surveyed 6/12/1979 Date Approved ub. My 190 TlePoint Name BLUM 1, CAD 630-0 Area sq.m) 133,434 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ie tearing —__Ostanc(nl| Nordine fasting Une fering | Oia) —Neniing | eating eine 0-08 aston) asenesspo | seis Soa se S001) 90906710. eRe7 0 " S38. 200 1st26, S0607590. | assis 54a: 0 i689, son7s<80 1575.70 2 9-aW 45) sito | AseuomO AED 24-488 33) sose10w | «smIB6 a ss9.070 4930 soso ase077950 338 SoH ae 5954) 0685170 | essa 0 as mab 13584 900155560 57860 nas ss4- 018 12330) soerssa50_asmana70 se maw Gar sori sresmo sie nse 1407) on6e7.50 | STL 6 gaa 273, 9598200 | asym | 6 1260 2505) snsenseo | 570590 59 nas srw 193 s0es270 | s7HS00 | 83 nea 37) sosemoun | aan 15) 10 ns 30 2339, sooo | ‘sree80 Bs ssa Sm) soso a0) X Noe maine / 1203 Remarks: we BONIS, Source Data: Data Capture Requested by:_ DAR BUK #83962 Researched by: Ja Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Named Official Reciept No.: ADMIN'SURVEY Checked Date Issued: Monday, April 3, 2023 - (4:49:49 PM) "However, this certified technical description bearing the name of the original survey claimant should not necessoriy be construed to mean that te loti stil public land or owned by the original survey claimant 1s ttles thereto might have been obtained through judicial administrative proceedings over this lot or other prior approved 'solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof." Transaction 1a: 293725, 1:8000 Date: 04/03/2023 Date: Date: Republic of the Philippines B.L. FORM Department of Environment and Natural Resources pa Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City ‘Application Number Lotnumber 360 Applicant Survey Number CAD 630-D Case 05 Caimant REMEDIOS CAINGIN Location SAN ISIDRO, TALAKAG, SUKIONON Surveyed By DORIA Cad, Map.No. 8°15'N 124° 35'€ DateSuneyed 5/19/1979 Date Approved eC Vy, 19194 Tie Point Name BLIM1, CAD 630-0 rea(sq.m) 163282 ‘TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ne feving | Oiancim)|_ Noting | tating | tine Sewing | _Oianein) Nomi tasting Tele NOW NY) OO | elas Se seas SOR stiesro | str 0 u SiS ‘sir smms sisass0 67 tose 22a Siassem0 2 ws tia) steno 7 Ss bw nut ste m0 6 na. Bot sami Musi 91 waist snes sussnogo | asea0 i psu.ao07s 2s a femarks We juBowu en, 4:5000 Source Data: Data capture lysu\ Requested by: DAR BUK #83962 Researched by: Jab Date: 04/03/2003 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Verified by Date: Official Reciept No ADMIN'SURVEY Date Issued: Monday, April 3, 2023 - (4:51:00 Pmt) “However, this certified technical description bearing the nome ofthe ‘original survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to mean thot the lot is stil public land or owned by the orginal survey claimant 0 titles thereto might have been obtained through judicial or administrative proceedings over ths lot or other prior epproved ‘solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof.” ‘Transaction le: 203725 Date: B.L. FORM Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City No. V'37 ‘Applicaton Number LotNumber 695 Applicant Survey Number CSD 10-014183(AR) Case Claimant PAULINA ALDERETE Location LIRONGAN, TALAKAG, BUKIDNON Surveyed By FIDEL E. BOLATETE Cad. Map.No. 82! N28" 47"E Date Approved 12/9/1999 Area(sa.m.) $0,000 Date Surveyed 13/25/1999 Tie Point Name BLLM 1, CAD 630-0 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ine seg Pil] Reig ig) sev — il |—eoring— | — ting tee anne | ome aernoe amass) 8 ao sds gmt | anne 00% on es : ono \ ko sen Salt too, wn os se remarks Ae CABOLNLIM 110000 Source Data: ata capture Requested by DAR BUK #83962 Researched by: Date: 04/3/2023 urs: REFERENCE ONLY Vesti by Date Ocal necoptto= ADMIN SURVEY Checked it Date Issued: Monday, Api! 3, 2023 - (4:52:17 PM) "However, this certified technical description bearing the name of the original survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to mean that the loti til publi land or owned by the original survey claimant as ttles there to might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over this lot or ether prior approved Isolated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof." Transaction le: 203725, ) ERTIFIED-CORRECT For the Assistant Regional Direct (\s Republic of the Philippines B.L. FORM Department of Environment and Natural Resources No. V-37 Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City Application Number Lotnumber 5 Applicant Survey Number PSD 101320-017782 Case Claimant NEMESIO VILLANUEVA, ET.AL Location SAN ISIDRO, TALAKAG, BUKIDNON Surveyed 8y PEDRO. GONZALES Cad. Map. No. 8° 5'N 128"35'E Date surveyed 3/5/1993 Date Approves 4/22/3993 TePointName LLM 1, CAD 630-0 Area(sq.m) 123228 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ie ening | Dita) _Nonbing | tating [Une a ‘ete WatcaMy | aTMat” weenenaeo elon s90 34 3.0% faa) oknoraad sero 1" 90.35 age sisn7a0 aetSeam 4s 5: oW Sia sisi | Sessa 2 ta 136) oitmasen sensed S a: s3w 12137 9130727 stoR900 Fuge UMD 7 a0? ree AY ~ \r\ — °\ area: 12203 \V \ st 0\ We ‘ ’ 7 _ raul tregys WT 4 UL Remarks MH sMbowiiio, 15000 Source Data: Data Capture Requested by: DARBUK #83962 Researched by: ek emer Date: 04/03/2023 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Verified by: Oates Official Reciept No.: ADMIN SURVEY Checked by: Date: Date Issued: Monday, April 3, 2023 - 18 PM) "However, this certified technical description bearing the nome of th criginal survey claimant should not necessorily be construed to me that the loti til public land or owned by the original survey claimant 2 tles there to might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over this lot or other prior approved ‘solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof.” Transaction: 293725 ‘CERTIFIED CORRECT For the Assistant Regional Director, > g ‘Application Number Applicant Chimant MetEcio TAGUPA Surveyed 8 ANTONIO GALANG Date Surveyed 6/6/1979 TiePoint Name LLM 1, cAD 630-0 TECHNICAL DI tine sexing | in| ong [tng Fiese——parsssw | —"" uaa n ‘ast Bie sassean0 sr oo 3 soca a o Se 20 soe | 8280 bs sae sm soso | soncz0 Remarks Wo puso Source Data: Data Capture Requested by: OARBUK #83962 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Offical Reciept No ADMIN SURVEY Date Issued: Monday, April 3, 2023 - (4:56:31 PM) “However, this certified technical description bearing the name of the ‘original survey claimant should not necessarily be construed to mean ‘hat the lot fs stil public land or owned by the orignal survey claimant 105 titles there to might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over this lot or other prior approved 'solated survey plans that cover the same or any portion thereof." Tronsaction 1: 293725, Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City B.L. FORM No. V-37 LotNumber 885, Survey Number CAD 630-D Case Location ‘SANTO NIfiO (LUMBAYAWA), TALAKAG, BUKIDNON Cad. Map.No. 8°11" N 124° 34'E Date Approved rv iy, 1449 ‘Area(sq.m.) 93,457 SCRIPTION tine Searing | — Distance) Northing | Easting 56 si8-arw 366.67 $09945,770 453891 360 67 1NS2- 380 2761 909835960 453766.000 18 7-48 3481 $09968.030 4535930050 a 60-476 10840 908243.430 453372.400 f\ 1:10000, Researched by: Jaek Pajimento/” \ Date: 04/03/2023, Verified by: Date: ‘Checked by: Date: CERTIFIED CORRECT “remne Director ee Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region 10, Cagayan De Oro City B.L. FORM No. V-37 Application Number LotNumber—1496F Applicant Survey Number PSD 10-061600(AR) Case Claimant 10€ GOUNSAO Location DAGUNDALAHON, TALAKAG, BUKIDNON Surveyed 8y RONALD M. ABERIN Cad. Map.No. §*S'N DAP age Date Surveyed 10/16/2008 Date Approves 5/1/2010 Tie Point Name BLLMY 3, CAD 630-0 Nea(sqm) 14,726 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION te Bening [Oana —Woring [Gig] the searing | Dineen) Nering ting Tether one Gare, wens eam 58 ayo Thee? sooo sponta n Som ism) soosoeo sconesmn 6? es ‘Sal, sara a9s 0 » stot ol sim woneuo 78 oe 35) S0n0050 _eSe58.70 s S700 faye sorreseo | easiaay | 1 nese sano, soo2sn0 | sSomn030 as sro ‘sy so seoe ato psuzersis Ns i968 \aren 1a726 \ ss \ \ May Remarks: ya SuBpetsion 14000 Source Data: ata Capture Requested by: DAR BUK #83962 Researched by: Ja Date: 04/03/2023 Purpose: REFERENCE ONLY Verified by: Date: Official Reciept No.: ADMIN SURVEY Srasend i, ate: Date Issued: Monday, April 3, 2023 - (4:59:40 PM) / ‘However, this certified technical descriation bearing the name ofthe | origina survey claimant should not necessorily be construed to mean thot the lot isi public land or owned by the original survey claimant\ 25 titles thereto might have been obtained through judicial or ‘administrative proceedings over this lot or other prior approved Isolated survey plans thot caver the same or any portion thereof." Transaction Id: 292725 \ =

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