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On line photochemically induced

excitation–emission-kinetic four-way data
Analytical application for the determination of folic acid
and its two main metabolites in serum by U-PLS
and N-PLS/residual trilinearization (RTL) calibration

A. Jiménez Girón a , I. Durán-Merás a , A. Espinosa-Mansilla a , A. Muñoz de la Peña a,∗ ,

F. Cañada Cañada a , A.C. Olivieri b
aDepartment of Analytical Chemistry, University of Extremadura, 06071 Badajoz, Spain
bDepartamento de Quı́mica Analı́tica, Facultad de Ciencias Bioquı́micas y Farmacéuticas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Instituto de
Quı́mica de Rosario (CONICET), Suipacha 531, S2002LRK Rosario, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The determination of folic acid and its two main serum metabolites, 5-methyltetrahydrofolic
Received 25 March 2008 acid and tetrahydrofolic acid, has been accomplished using four-way data modelled by
Accepted 27 May 2008 the third-order multivariate calibration methods unfolded and N-dimensional partial least-
Published on line 12 June 2008 squares (U-PLS and N-PLS), in combination with the separate procedure known as residual
trilinearization (RTL). The four-way data were acquired by following the photochemical reac-
Keywords: tion of these compounds by on line irradiation with a UV lamp. The excitation–emission
Folic acid matrices (EEMs) were recorded as a function of the irradiation time, using a fast scanning
Tetrahydrofolic acid spectrofluorimeter. The method achieves selectivity from the different rates at which the
5-Methyltetrahydrofolic acid corresponding photoproducts of the folic acid derivatives are formed and degraded. Sev-
Photochemically induced eral N-dimensional chemometric algorithms were used and the method was applied to
fluorescence the determination of these compounds in serum samples. The best algorithms to perform
Four-way data the multivariate calibration were U-PLS and N-PLS in combination with the separate resid-
Unfolded partial ual trilinearization procedure, achieving the second-order advantage. The approach allows
least-squares/residual minimizing or eliminating traditionally time-consuming sample pre-treatments and can
trilinearization facilitate quantifying an analyte in its native environment.
N-Dimensional partial © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the biosynthesis of amino and nucleic acids. Folate defi-

ciency may be linked to several pathological alterations as
Folate derivatives act as co-enzymes in several enzymatic pregnancy complications [1,2], neural tube defects [3] and
reactions given rise to methyl and formyl transfer in other numerous well-established pathologies. Folic acid (FA)
and some coenzymes, particularly calcium 5-formyl-5,6,7,8-
tetrahydrofolate, are administered to counter the toxic effects

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Muñoz de la Peña).
0003-2670/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a 6 2 2 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 94–103 95

of antitumoral drugs as methotrexate [4]. Tetrahydrofolic time needed to record the complete EEM of a sample, because
(THF) and 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5-MTF) are the most this may lead to trilinearity losses. In the above referenced
important FA metabolites involved in several biochemical case, no problems arose from the time needed to obtain the
routes in the human organism. EEM, as the reaction was very slow.
FA is a photosensitive compound and is degraded in aque- The quantification of the catecholamines adrenaline and
ous solution by the sun light, ultraviolet and visible light, noradrenaline has also been reported by using PARAFAC and
to various photoproducts. Researchers studying the photo- N-PLS, modelling four-way data recorded by following the
chemistry of folates and other biologically active derivatives of kinetic evolution of excitation–emission fluorescence matri-
pterin have payed most attention to the activity of the pterin ces (EEMs). The recording of the EEMs was performed within
heterocycle. It has been demonstrated that the excited het- a second with a laboratory-constructed fluorimeter equipped
erocycle is involved in the photochemical reactions and that with a charge-coupling device (CCD) camera, previously
this is accompanied by a change on its reduction degree [5,6]. described by Muroski et al. [14]. By employing the imaging
Notable changes of the fluorescence quantum yield may be CCD, an entire EEM spectrum was collected in a single mea-
associated to the reduction degree of the pterin rings. It is surement in this application example, avoiding the problem of
known that formyl, methyl or other one-carbon substituents acquiring the EEM with a conventional scanning fluorimeter.
in tetrahydrofolic acid affect the properties of the excited In this latter case, the second-order advantage was not neces-
molecules of folate, and that the photolysis of folic acid, folates sary, although the authors postulated its requirement if future
and non-conjugated pterins, involves chemical bonds in the urine samples were analysed [15].
pteridine heterocycle and other positions of the molecule. Quantitative photochemically induced EMMs of several
Photolysis is also affected by the molecular environment non-fluorescent pesticides, including fenvalerate, difluben-
[7]. Although the conventional way to generate fluorescent zuron, lufenuron, deltamthrin and carbaryl, were recorded
pteridin rings from tetrahydro- and dihydro-folates has been and a photolysis-based determination of fenvalerate was also
by chemical oxidation [8,9] the photoirradiation could be a performed, employing a four-way PARAFAC model, with excel-
more simple and efficient mode of developing differential lent figures of merit [16].
analytical methodologies, by using chemometric tools in con- Similar data, based on following the kinetic evolution
junction with kinetic spectral information. The variation on of EEMs, have been recorded in order to determine 5-
the luminescent properties of a folate derivative, monitored as formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate (leucovorin) and methotrexate
an excitation–emission fluorescent matrix during the photoir- in human urine samples, by applying PARAFAC, trilinear least-
radiation process (third-order signal), may generate a selective squares (TLLS), an extension of bilinear least-squares (BLLS)
information for both substituted and non-substituted folates. to the third dimension, and unfolded-PLS (U-PLS) [17]. In this
Introducing an extra dimension in the data leads to higher- case, a commercial fast-scanning fluorimeter was used, for the
order data, in which case the mathematical object obtained by fist time, for the recording of the EEMs-kinetic data. Interest-
grouping third-order data for several samples into the fourth ingly, the time needed to acquire the complete EEM with this
dimension is known as a four-way array. instrument was of the same order of magnitude of the CCD
Third-order data forming four-way arrays have been detector, taking into account the integration time needed in
scarcely proposed to date for the resolution of mixtures this later case [15].
of components in complex samples. However, they provide These latter proposed methodologies, TLLS and U-PLS, con-
the opportunity of introducing an additional dimension to veniently combined with the separate procedure of residual
second-order (three-way) data sets, allowing for a theoreti- trilinearization (RTL), an extension of residual bilinearization
cal increase in the predictive ability of the models. They also (RBL) to the third dimension, have shown to adequately exploit
exploit, in some cases, the second-order advantage. In this the second-order advantage, allowing analyte concentrations
context, two recent reviews on multiway calibration [10,11] to be estimated even in the presence of an unexpected fluo-
described advances and applications in this field, in specific rescent background in the test samples [18].
areas of analytical chemistry. Very recently, similar data were employed for the deter-
Although third-order data may be acquired in several ways, mination of the antineoplastic combination of folic acid and
in most of the reported analytical applications, the third methotrexate in urine samples. N-PLS and PARAFAC were
dimension is obtained by recording the time evolution of employed, and both methods gave similar predictive results,
the analytical signal. For example, acetylsalicylic and ascor- indicative that samples did not present unexpected con-
bic acid were analysed using UV spectrophotometric-time–pH stituents in the particular case of the urine matrix background
data processed with N-dimensional partial least-squares [19]. Later on, the same system was satisfactorily applied for
(N-PLS), in this case with no need of the second-order the determination of these two compounds in human serum
advantage [12]. In most cases, however, the kinetic evolution samples, where significant unexpected components and/or
of excitation–emission matrices (EEMs) is followed. This is inner filter effects may occur, by U-PLS coupled to RTL [20].
because of the availability of spectrofluorimeter and the easi- Kim et al. [21] described the analysis of photocatalytically
ness of acquisition of the EEMs in a single instrument. In this enhanced fluorescence EEMs with PARAFAC. The time-
context, Tan et al. resolved four-way data arrays by parallel fac- dependent photocatalysis degradation of polycyclic aromatic
tor analysis (PARAFAC), in a kinetic system that involved the hydrocarbons (benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[k]fluoranthene,
simultaneous degradation of spinach-extracted chlorophylls dibenzo[a,h]-anthracene) was employed to create an addi-
a and b, initiated by treatment with an acid buffer [13]. A com- tional analytical dimension. It was demonstrated that the
mon problem for obtaining the kinetic evolution of EEMs is the subsequent four-dimensional degradation-EEM data arrays
96 a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a 6 2 2 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 94–103

have greater selectivity for each hydrocarbon than do

three-dimension EEM data alone.
Goicoechea et al. [22] reported the first application of
PARAFAC to higher-order instrumental data generated from
Shpol’skii matrices at liquid helium temperature. Third-order
data arrays, consisting of excitation-modulated emission
wavelength-delay time matrices, were collected with the aid
of a cryogenic fiber-optic probe, a tunable dye laser, and a mul-
tichannel system for phosphorescence detection. These data
were applied to the analysis of 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-
dioxin in water samples. The feasibility to directly determine
parts-per-trillion concentration levels of the target compound
was demonstrated with heavily contaminated samples of
unknown composition.
Finally, a new algorithm, N-PLS coupled to RTL, was
recently proposed by our group and applied to the determi-
nation of procaine and its metabolite, p-aminobenzoic acid, in Fig. 1 – Manifold for the on-line photoirradiation of the
equine serum, by analysing four-way data based in the record- folates.
ing of kinetic fluorescence excitation–emission four-way data
In the present work, the simultaneous determina- if reaction significantly evolves during spectral acquisition, the
tion of folic acid and its two main metabolites, 5- data sample would not be strictly quadrilinear. In other words,
methyltetrahydrofolic acid and tetrahydrofolic acid, is pro- since each scan is taken at a different time, in a dynamic con-
posed and applied to serum samples. The third dimension text, the individual spectra do not truly represent the same
is obtained by following the kinetic evolution of the EEMs, state of a given sample. In our case, we did not find this prob-
after on line UV–vis photoirradiation, in a similar way to the lem to be important, as the effect is minimized by the fast
approach reported by other authors [16,21]. The analytical scanning recording. The cell was thermostated at 15 ◦ C, by use
performances of several N-dimensional algorithms were com- of a thermostatic cell holder and a Selecta thermostatic bath.
pared, and the best results were found with the U-PLS and All calculations were done using MatLab 5.3, using dif-
N-PLS/RTL combinations. ferent routines and graphical interfaces: MVC3 (MultiVariate
Calibration for third-order), an integrated Matlab toolbox for
third-order calibration, developed by Olivieri et al. [17], which
2. Experimental allows performing third-order calibration with different mod-
elling methods, including PARAFAC [24], U-PLS and N-PLS,
2.1. Apparatus and software both coupled to RTL [18,23], and TLLS coupled to RTL [18].

Fluorescence spectral measurements were performed on 2.2. Reagents

a Varian Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer,
equipped with two Czerny–Turner monochromators and a All experiments were performed with analytical reagent
xenon flash lamp, and connected to a PC microcomputer via grade chemicals. Folic acid, 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid and
an IEEE 488 (GPIB) serial interface. The Cary Eclipse software tetrahydrofolic acid were obtained from Sigma. Ultra pure
was used for data acquisition. water was obtained from a Milli-Q system (Waters Millipore).
The flow system used to implement the irradiation- Stock standard solutions were prepared by dissolving 0.010 g
continuous system is described in Fig. 1. The sample stream of each compound in 100 mL of alkalinized ultra pure grade
was pumped by a Gilson Minipuls-3 peristaltic pump. The water. Exposure to direct sunlight was avoided. Working FA,
pump rate was 10 rpm and the reagents circulated in 5-MTF and THF solutions of different concentrations, were
poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) flow tubes (Tygon, 0.5 mm prepared by dilution of stock solutions with ultra pure water.
i.d., acid-resistant) until the UV-reactor where the sam- A buffer solution (pH 4; Ct = 0.5 M) was prepared from acetic
ples were irradiated. The length of the reactor was 1.5 m. acid and sodium acetate (Panreac).
Excitation–emission-time data arrays were recorded in a 1-
cm quartz flow cell, in the following ranges: excitation, 2.3. Calibration and test sets
250–316 nm, each 6 nm, emission, 330–504 nm, each 6 nm, and
time 0–12 min, each 1 min. Thus, a third-order data array for In this work, the method of external calibration was employed.
a given sample was of size 12 × 30 × 13, consisting of a total For this purpose, a calibration set was constructed, using a
of 4680 data points. The rapid-scanning instrument allows central composite design with the central point replicated
the acquisition of a complete EEM in 0.2 min, at a wavelength three times. The levels correspond to values in the range
scanning speed of 24,000 nm min−1 . In this work, a scanning 0–200 ␮g L−1 for FA, 5-MTF and THF.
speed of 14,400 nm min−1 was optimized, allowing the record- Reagents were mixed in a 10-mL volumetric flask, by
ing of the EEM in a time considerably smaller than the time pipetting an appropriate volume of FA, 5-MTF and THF solu-
between successive measurements. It should be noticed that, tion, 0.8 mL of 0.5 M acetic/acetate buffer solution (pH 4) and
a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a 6 2 2 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 94–103 97

Table 1 – Results obtained when applying N-PLS in the analysis of synthetic samples

Actual Predicted Rec (%) Actual Predicted Rec (%) Actual Predicted Rec (%)
(␮g L−1 ) (␮g L−1 ) (␮g L−1 ) (␮g L−1 ) (␮g L−1 ) (␮g L−1 )

1 100 89 89 0 1.4 – 0 2.30 –

2 95 84 89 78 78 100 60 54 90
3 110 106 96 100 88 88 35 39 111
4 75 77 103 90 94 104 100 91 91
5 85 86 101 75 73 97 40 37 92
6 0 2.4 – 60 65 108 70 69 98
7 100 86 86 100 114 114 60 60 100
8 150 146 97 150 157 105 50 58 117
9 150 122 81 150 152 101 150 118 79
10 100 91 91 100 81 81 40 39 98

Reca ± S.D. 92 ± 7 100 ± 10 97 ± 11

RMSEPb 11.6 8.9 11.1
REPc (%) 12.0 9.9 18.4

Rec: average recovery.
RMSEP: root mean square error prediction.
REP: relative error of prediction.

deionised water to complete 10 mL. The instrument was set corresponding calibration ranges. The serum samples were
up as follows: monochromators bandpassex/em(nm/nm) = 5/10, treated with 1 mL of methanol and centrifuged during 5 min
detector voltage 750 V and 15 ◦ C of temperature. A volume of for deproteinization. Then, 0.5 mL of the supernatant were
reagents of 2 mL was necessary in order to fill the flow system. placed in a 10 mL flask, and treated as described for the cali-
Two test sets were used. The first one, composed of ten bration set. Finally, after the above described pre-treatment,
synthetic samples (Tables 1 and 2), was prepared in the same the samples contained a 4.2% of methanol, which was not
way as those for calibration, but using a random design, i.e., significant in the fluorescence of the samples.
selecting the target concentrations of these analytes, at ran-
dom, from the calibration range for each analyte. The second 2.4. Theory
one was composed of 12 serum samples.
2.4.1. U-PLS/RTL
2.3.1. Serum samples The theory corresponding to the U-PLS algorithm, in combi-
Volumes of 100 ␮L of serum samples (taken from a pool of sera nation with RBL, was recently published [25]. The U-PLS/RBL
from healthy individuals) were used, after spiking them with model constitutes a second-order multivariate calibration
concentrations of the analytes selected at random from their method capable of achieving the second-order advantage

Table 2 – Results obtained when applying U-PLS in the analysis of synthetic samples

Actual Predicted Rec (%) Actual Predicted Rec (%) Actual Predicted Rec (%)
(␮g L−1 ) (␮g L−1 ) (␮g L−1 ) (␮g L−1 ) (␮g L−1 ) (␮g L−1 )

1 100 87 87 0 4.5 – 0 6 –
2 95 94 99 78 83 106 60 53 88
3 110 113 103 100 89 89 35 46 131
4 75 80 107 90 92 102 100 92 92
5 85 85 100 75 77 103 40 40 100
6 0 5 – 60 58 97 70 69 99
7 100 97 97 100 106 106 60 68 113
8 150 154 103 150 166 111 50 54 108
9 150 128 85 150 160 107 150 125 83
10 100 98 98 100 70 70 40 41 103

Reca ± S.D. 98 ± 7 99 ± 13 102 ± 14

RMSEPb 8.6 12.1 9.8
REPc (%) 8.9 13.4 16.3

Rec: average recovery.
RMSEP: root mean square error prediction.
REP: relative error of prediction.
98 a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a 6 2 2 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 94–103

[25–27]. For four-way calibration, U-PLS combined with RTL During this RTL procedure, P is kept constant at the calibration
constitutes an extension of U-PLS/RBL one further dimen- values and tu is varied until ||eu || is minimized. The mini-
sion [18], and will be briefly described in this section. When mization can been carried out using either a Gauss–Newton
analyzing four-way data with the U-PLS method, the origi- (GN) procedure or an iterative least-squares algorithm, in both
nal matrix data is transformed into uni-dimensional arrays cases starting with tu from Eq. (2). Once ||eu || is minimized in
(vectors) by concatenating (unfolding) the original three- Eq. (4), the analyte concentrations are provided by Eq. (1), by
dimensional information, and concentration information is introducing the final tu vector found by the RTL procedure.
first employed into the calibration step (without including data The number of interferents Ni can be assessed by compar-
for the unknown sample) [28]. The I calibration third-order ing the final residuals su with the instrumental noise level,
arrays Xc,i (size J × K × L, where J, K and L are the number of with su given by:
channels in each dimension) are vectorized (unfolded), and a
usual U-PLS model is calibrated with these data and the vec- ||eu ||
su = (6)
tor of calibration concentrations y (I × 1, where I is the number [JKL − (Nc + Ni )]
of calibration samples). This provides a set of loadings P and
weight loadings W (both of size JKL × A, where A is the num- where eu is from Eq. (4) and Nc is the number of calibrated
ber of latent factors), as well as regression coefficients v (size analytes. Typically, a plot of su computed for trial number of
A × 1). The parameter A can be selected by techniques such as components will show decreasing values, starting at sp when
leave-one-out cross-validation [29]. If no unsuspected interfer- the number of components is equal to A (the number of latent
ences occur in the test sample, v can be employed to estimate variables used to described the calibration data), until it sta-
the analyte concentration: bilizes at a value compatible with the experimental noise,
allowing to locate the correct number of components.
yu = tT
uv (1) To analyse the presently discussed data, the Tucker3 model
in Eq. (5) is constructed by restricting the loadings to be orthog-
where tu (size A × 1) is the test sample score, obtained by pro- onal, and with no special constraints on the core elements.
jection of the (unfolded) data for the test sample Xu [vec(Xu ), For a single unexpected component, this analysis is straight-
size JKL × 1] onto the space of the A latent factors: forward, and provides the corresponding interferent profiles in
the three dimensions. For additional unexpected constituents,
tu = (WT P) WT vec(Xu ) (2) however, the retrieved profiles no longer resemble true spectra
(or time profiles). Moreover, in this latter case, several different
when uncalibrated constituents occur in Xu , the sample scores Tucker3 models could, in principle, be constructed, because
given by Eq. (2) are not suitable for analyte prediction using the number of loadings may be different in each dimension.
Eq. (1). In this case, the residuals of the U-PLS prediction step We notice that the aim which guides the RTL procedure is
will be abnormally large in comparison with the typical instru- the minimization of the residual error term su of Eq. (6), to
mental noise, assessed by replicate measurements: a level compatible with the degree of noise present in the
measured signals. Therefore, if two unexpected components
−1 are considered, for example, one should explore the possible
||vec(Ep )|| ||vec(Xu ) − P(WT P) WT vec(Xu )||
sp = = Tucker3 models having one or two loadings in each dimen-
1/2 1/2
(JKL − A) (JKL − A)
sion, and select the simplest model giving a residual value
||vec(Xu ) − Ptu || of su , which is not statistically different than the minimum
= (3)
(JKL − A) one. For more unexpected components, a similar procedure
is recommended. The final Tucker3 model, selected to model
where ||·|| indicates the Euclidean norm, and JKL − A corre- the unexpected effects, is the simplest one which provides a
sponds to the degrees of freedom (number of variables minus value of su which is not statistically different than the noise
number of adjustable parameters). level.
If interferent components occur in the test sample, the sit- We note that two different residual parameters appear in
uation can be handled by a separate procedure called residual the above discussion, which should not be confused: sp [Eq. (3)]
trilinearization, based on a Tucker3 decomposition, that mod- corresponds to the difference between the test sample signal
els the interferent effects, as already described [18]. RTL aims and that model by U-PLS before the RTL procedure, while su
at minimizing the norm of the residual vector eu , computed [Eq. (6)] arises from the difference after the RTL modeling of the
while fitting the sample data to the sum of the relevant con- interferent effects. Hence it is the latter one which should be
tributions to the sample signal. For a single interferent, the comparable to the instrumental noise level if RTL is successful.
relevant expression is:
2.4.2. N-PLS/RTL
vec(Xu ) = Ptu + gint (dint ⊗ cint ⊗ bint ) + eu (4) In the N-PLS method applied to third-order data, concentra-
tion information is employed in the calibration step, without
where bint , cint and dint are normalized profiles in the three including data for the unknown sample. The I calibration data
modes for the interference and gint is the first core element, arrays, together with the vector of calibration concentrations
obtained by Tucker3 analysis of Ep in the following way: y (size I × 1) are employed to obtain sets of loadings Wj , Wk
and Wl (of sizes J × A, K × A and L × A, where A is the num-
(gint , bint , cint , dint ) = Tucker3(Ep ) (5) ber of latent factors), as well as regression coefficients b (size
a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a 6 2 2 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 94–103 99

A × 1) [30]. The parameter A can be selected by techniques such 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid in human plasma has been pro-
as leave-one-out cross-validation [29]. If no unexpected com- posed, based on the recording of the kinetic evolution of the
ponents occurred in the test sample, b could be employed to emission spectra, exciting at a single excitation wavelength,
estimate the analyte concentration according to: and modelling with multivariate second-order calibration
methods. The aim of this work is the differentiation between
yu = t T
ub (7) the photoproducts formed from folic acid and its two main
metabolites. Taking advantage of this transformation, it is
where tu is the test sample score vector, obtained by hoped to increase the sensitivity of the determination, mainly
appropriate projection of the test data onto the calibration in the case of the FA, and to be able to perform the simulta-
loading matrices. When unexpected constituents occur in the neous determination of the three species, taking advantage of
unknown sample, the latter scores are unsuitable for analyte the difference in the kinetics of each of the photoreactions as
prediction through Eq. (7). In this case, it is useful to consider a discriminatory parameter.
the residuals of the N-PLS modeling of the test sample signal When an FA solution is irradiated, an increase of the fluo-
[sp , see Eq. (8) below] before prediction is made. These resid- rescence signal occurs, without displacement of the maxima
uals will be abnormally large in comparison with the typical of excitation (275 and 350 nm) and emission (445 nm). In the
instrumental noise level: case of a THF solution, new excitation and emission maxima
appear, located at 270 and 445 nm, respectively. The original
sp = ||ep || ||vec(Xu ) − vec(X̂u )|| excitation maximum (293 nm) disappears and the intensity of
= (8)
(JKL − A)
(JKL − A)
1/2 the emission maximum at 362 nm slightly decreases. Finally,
when a 5-MTF solution is irradiated, the fluorescence signal
where X̂u is the sample three-way data array (Xu ) recon- decreases without displacement of the excitation (290 nm) and
structed by the N-PLS model and ||·|| indicates the Euclidean emission (360 nm) maxima.
norm. As a precedent on the use of photochemically induced
This situation can be handled by residual trilinearization four-way arrays of data, Kin et al. [21] described the time
based on a Tucker3 model of the unexpected effects, as dis- dependent photocatalysis degradation of several polycyclic
cussed above for U-PLS/RTL. In the case of N-PLS/RTL, the aromatic hydrocarbons, employed to create an additional ana-
analogous expression to Eq. (4) is: lytical dimension. It was demonstrated that the subsequent
four-dimensional degradation-EEM data arrays have greater
selectivity for each PAH than do three-dimension EEM data
Xu = reshape{tu [(Wj | ⊗ |Wk )| ⊗ |Wl ]} + Tucker3(X̂u − Xu ) + Eu
(9) The experimental parameters of the corresponding pho-
toreactions were studied and optimized, in order to obtain the
where ‘reshape’ indicates transforming a JKL × 1 vector into appropriate kinetics and fluorescence properties of the prod-
a J × K × L three-way array, and |⊗| indicates the Kathri-Rao ucts originated. The above-described irradiation-continuous
operator [30]. During this RTL procedure, the weight loadings system was employed, and instrumental parameters were
Wj , Wk and Wl are kept constant at the calibration values, and optimized using the surface response methodology. The
tu is varied until the final RTL residual error su is minimized pH, buffer concentration and temperature were optimized
using a Gauss–Newton procedure, with su given by: sequentially, selecting an optimum pH value of 4. An
acetic/acetate buffer was employed, selecting an optimum
||Eu || concentration of 0.04 M in the final solution. The influence of
su = (10)
[(JKL − (Nc + Ni )]
temperature was studied between 10 and 40 ◦ C. The reaction
rates increased exponentially with temperature, and the fluo-
where Eu is from Eq. (9). Once this is done, the analyte con- rescence of the photoproducts decreased, because exist more
centrations are provided by Eq. (7), by introducing the final tu probability of deactivation of the excited state by non-radiative
vector found by the RTL procedure. The considerations dis- mechanisms. Considering both effects, 15 ◦ C was selected as
cussed above concerning the Tucker3 model of Eq. (9) do also a compromise value.
apply to N-PLS/RTL. Second- and third-order methods were investigated and,
owing to the complexity of the problem to be solved, third-
order calibration was necessary to resolve the mixture. This is
3. Results and discussion because the mixture is really complex as two of the analytes,
FA and THF, develop during the photoirradiation, to origi-
3.1. Kinetic-fluorimetric study of the analytes nate the same final compound, and the difference is related
to the kinetic of formation of the corresponding photoprod-
FA is a weakly fluorescent compound; moreover, the excita- ucts, that it is faster in the case of THF. On the other hand,
tion and emission spectra of FA and its metabolites, 5-MTF the third mixture component, 5-MTF, is photodecomposing,
and THF, are strongly overlapped. In order to increase both the which produces a diminishing of the fluorescence emission
fluorescence of FA and the spectral differentiation among the with time. The four-way data used were obtained by recording
three compounds, the effect of UV irradiation on the fluores- the evolution with the time of EEM fluorescence measure-
cent properties of the analytes has been studied. In a previous ments (Fig. 2) and PARAFAC [24], TLLS coupled to RTL [18],
paper [31], the simultaneous determination of folic acid and unfolded-PLS and multiway-PLS coupled to RTL [18,23] chemo-
100 a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a 6 2 2 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 94–103

Fig. 2 – Evolution of the contour plot of the excitation–emission matrices with the irradiation time, of solutions of FA
(150 ng mL−1 ), THF (150 ng mL−1 ) and 5-MTF (150 ng mL−1 ).

metric calibration models were applied in synthetic and serum the effect of inner filter, because of the overlapping of the
samples. emission and excitation fluorescence maxima among sample
It is necessary to remark that the fluorescence signals were components. Also, the time needed to obtain a complete EEM
not additive. Thus, the fluorescence of the ternary mixture may introduce small changes in the third dimension profiles.
(at different reactions times) was smaller than the sum of Because of these reasons, the obtained data will not be strictly
the individual fluorescence of the analytes, probably due to quadrilinear.

Fig. 3 – EJCR (95% confidence level) for the slope and intercept of the regressions of the theoretical versus predicted
concentrations of FA, THF and 5-MTF using N-PLS and U-PLS in synthetic samples.
a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a 6 2 2 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 94–103 101

3.2. Third-order calibration methods

Fig. 2 shows the contour plots corresponding to the EEMs for

three samples containing FA, THF and 5-MTF, respectively,
at different reactions times. For calibration and prediction
purposes, the Rayleigh scattering and diffraction grating har-
monics were avoided to set the recording range for the
employed EEMs.
It can be appreciated that the fluorescence intensity of AF
and THF considerably increases as a function of reaction time,
whereas the fluorescence of 5-MTF decreases and, as can be
seen in Fig. 2, FA and THF are weakly fluorescent, but their irra-
diation with UV light in acidic medium generates in both cases
a strongly fluorescent compound. For both compounds, the
photoproducts have identical excitation and emission wave-
lengths, 270 and 445 nm, respectively.
The set of 10 test ternary samples (Tables 1 and 2)
was investigated with the aid of N-PLS, U-PLS, PARAFAC
and TLLS, employing the MVC3 interface. The number of
latent variables was established in N-PLS by resorting to
the well-known cross-validation leave-one-sample-out pro-
cedure, according to the criterion of Haaland and Thomas
Fig. 4 – Plot of the prediction residual (su ) as a function of
[29]. The optimum number of factors was estimated by
the number of interferents (Ni ) for serum sample 4,
calculating the ratios F(A) = PRESS(A < A*)/PRESS(A) (where
containing 117 ng mL−1 FA, 169 ng mL−1 of THF and 
PRESS = (Ci,act − Ci,pred )2 , A is a trial number of factors and A*
87 ng mL−1 of 5-MTF. The noise level in this system is ca. 25
corresponds to the minimum PRESS) and selecting the num-
relative fluorescence intensity units (— - — - —). For values
ber of factors leading to a probability of less than 75% that
of Ni larger than one, several Tucker3 models were
F > 1. This analysis led to the conclusion that the later number
examined, selecting for the present plot the value of su
was 3 for the three calibration models, corresponding to the
corresponding to the simplest model giving a value which
existence of the three analytes.
is not statistically different than the minimum one.
As the fluorescence signals of the ternary mixture were
not additive, suggesting that inner filter effects may occur,
both PARAFAC and TLLS fail in giving adequate prediction
results. This was the reason of investigating in this work
two new approaches, U-PLS and N-PLS in combination with

Table 3 – Results obtained when applying N-PLS/RTL in the analysis of serum samples

Actual Predicted Rec (%) Actual Predicted Rec (%) Actual Predicted Rec (%)
(ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 )

1 0 – – 0 – – 91 101 101
2 32 24 75 168 189 113 28 33 118
3 36 29 81 34 30 88 0 – –
4 117 108 92 169 167 99 87 80 92
5 77 71 92 168 187 111 76 72 95
6 0 – – 0 – – 82 93 113
7 72 62 86 0 – – 138 129 93
8 71 74 104 167 174 104 0 – –
9 93 100 108 92 115 125 47 55 117
10 52 45 87 162 140 86 150 121 81
11 16 26 163 156 165 106 61 66 108
12 52 58 112 213 233 109 58 45 78

Reca ± S.D. 100 ± 25 105 ± 12 100 ± 14

RMSEPb 7.6 16.2 12.1
REPc (%) 12.2 11.0 14.9

Rec: average recovery.
RMSEP: root mean square error prediction.
REP: relative error of prediction.
102 a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a 6 2 2 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 94–103

Table 4 – Results obtained when applying U-PLS/RTL in the analysis of serum samples

Actual Predicted Rec (%) Actual Predicted Rec (%) Actual Predicted Rec (%)
(ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 )

1 0 – – 0 – – 91 99 109
2 32 26 80 168 140 83 28 37 137
3 36 40 111 34 42 123 0 – –
4 117 129 110 169 174 103 87 89 102
5 77 75 97 168 148 88 76 86 113
6 0 – – 0 – – 82 81 99
7 72 86 119 0 – – 138 112 81
8 71 75 106 167 176 105 0 – –
9 93 113 105 92 127 137 47 62 133
10 52 48 79 162 146 90 150 119 79
11 16 25 156 156 148 95 61 57 93
12 52 49 95 213 219 103 58 59 98

Reca ± S.D. 106 ± 22 103 ± 17 104 ± 19

RMSEPb 9.6 18.0 14.6
REPc (%) 15.5 12.2 17.8

Rec: average recovery.
RMSEP: root mean square error prediction.
REP: relative error of prediction.

RTL, that have demonstrated their utility in similar situations 3.3. Serum samples
The statistical parameters and the results, obtained in The set of serum samples was investigated with the aid
the analysis of the test set of synthetic samples, are col- of N-PLS and U-PLS combined with RTL, constituting third-
lected in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The results obtained order multivariate calibration methods capable of achieving
for the three analytes are satisfactory for the two methods the second-order advantage. When N-PLS and U-PLS were
employed. applied, three latent variables were estimated by means of
The EJCR of the regression [32,33] of predicted versus nom- cross-validation [29]. Subsequently, one additional component
inal concentrations in the test set was studied for the two was considered to be necessary in the RTL procedure when
third-order calibration methods. The corresponding plots are the serum samples were analysed, suggesting one unexpected
shown in Fig. 3. All confidence regions contain the ideal point component in the serum samples. Fig. 4 shows the varia-
of unit slope and zero intercept (indicating accuracy), and the tion of prediction residuals (su ) as a function of trial values
elliptic sizes obtained with N-PLS are slightly smaller, suggest- of the number of interferents (Ni ). The plot shows that, when
ing that this chemometric methodology show better predictive the analysed sample is the one corresponding to the test set
ability than U-PLS, mainly for THF predictions. (sample 4), the necessary number of factors for interferences

Fig. 5 – EJCR (95% confidence level) for the slope and intercept of the regressions of the theoretical versus predicted
concentrations of FA, THF and 5-MTF using N-PLS/RTL and U-PLS/RTL in serum samples.
a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a 6 2 2 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 94–103 103

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