Preproff 2019 (Solved)

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PRE PROFF 2019-20

1. The Medial rotator of glenohumeral joint is
a. Latissimus dorsi
b. Teres minor
c. Subscapularis
d. Subclavius

2. A “winged scapula” indicates the damage of

a. Axillary nerve
b. Long thoracic nerve
c. Subscapular nerve
d. Thoracodorsal nerve

3. Which structure separates the lateral and medial

head of triceps?
a. Axillary artery
b. Profunda brachial artery
c. Superior collateral artery
d. Inferior collateral artery
4. The nerve supplying the floor of axilla is
a. Axillary nerve
b. Lower subscapular nerve
Intercostobrachial nerve
5. The muscle palpable in the deltopectoral groove
a. Pectoralis major and deltoid
b. Pectoralis minor and deltoid
c. Pectoralis minor

6. A 10 year old child with fracture of surgical neck

of humerus may show atrophy of
a. Coracobrachialis
b. Deltoid
c. Triceps
d. Latissimus dorsi

7. The extensor expansion give attachment to all of

the following except?
a. Dorsaal interossei
b. Extensor pollicis longus
c. Extensor indicis
d. Lumbricals

8. The claw hand sign indicates the injury of

a. Ulnar nerve
b. Median nerve
c. Deep branch of radial nerve
d. Superficial branch of ulnar nerve

9. The compensatory muscle in case of paralysis of

serratus anterior?
a. Biceps brachi
b. Pectoralis minor
c. Subclavius
d. Supscapularis

10. The nerve between two heads of pronator

teres is
a. Median nerve
b. Deep branch of radial nerve
c. Superficial branch of radial nerve
d. Ulnar nerve

11. All the muscles are supplied by femoral nerve

a. Iliacus
b. Psoas major
c. Pectineus
d. Sartorius
12. Tennis players are more prone to fracture
because of
a. Tendocalcaneus
b. Superior peroneal retinaculum
c. Plantaris tendon
d. Plantar aponeurosis

13. Which muscle of quadriceps femoris performs

both flexion and extension
a. Vastus lateralis
b. Vastus medialis
c. Vastus intermedius
d. Rectus femoris

14. The femoral neck fracture damages the artery

which is the branch of
a. Femoral artery
b. External iliac artery
c. Internal iliac artery
d. Profunda femoral artery

15. Which of the muscle is partially paralyzed by

the damage of obturator nerve
a. Adductor longus
b. Adductor magnus
c. Adductor brevis
d. Gracialis

16. Which is correct regarding femoral sheath

a. Femoral nerve is an important compartment
of femoral sheath
b. Lateral compartment has femoral vein
c. Intermediate is oblique
d. Medial compartment is also known as femoral

17. Which of the following is not a part of

hamstring muscle?
a. Adductor brevis
b. Biceps femoris
c. Semitendinosus
d. Semimembranosus

18. Commonest cause of sciatic nerve damage in

gluteal region is
a. Dislocation of hip joint
b. Fracture of femur neck
c. Improper intramuscular injection
d. Pressure from pelvic masses
19. A person is not able to flex abduct and
laterally rotate his thigh at hip joint. Which muscle
is affected?
a. Adductor longus
b. Gracilis
c. Pectineus
d. Vastus lateralis

20. Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion occur at

a. Ankle joint
b. Calcaneocuboidal joint
c. Subtalar joint
d. Talocalcaneal joint

21. Median nerve is formed by

a. Lateral cord
b. Lateral+medial cord
c. Medial +posterior cord
d. Posterior cord

22. Long bones of limb are developed by

a. Cartilaginous ossification
b. Interstitial growth
c. Membranous ossification
d. Periosteal growth
23. Limb bud growth is stimulated by
a. Apical ectodermal ridge
b. Digital rays
c. Primitive streak
d. Sclerotome

24. Teratogen causing limb abnormalities

a. Aminoacetophan
b. Rubella virus
c. Thalodimide
d. Valproic acid

25. Upper limb buds appear opposite to

a. The lower cervical segments
b. The lumbar and sacral segments
c. The lower thoracic segments
d. The upper cervical segments
26. Cells responsible for the release of calcium
from bones if blood calcium is too low are
a. Chondrocytes
b. Osteoblasts
c. Osteocytes
d. Lining cells

27. Active form of vitamin D is

a. Cholecalciferol
b. 24,25 (oh)2 vit d
c. 1,25 (oh) 2 vit D
d. 25-oh vit D

28. A young teenage college going female

presented in OPD with complain of pains in her
legs, and despite self medication with calcium her
symptoms does not improve. What would be the
a. Severe calcium deficiency
b. Phosphorous deficiency
c. Osteoporosis
d. Vit d deficiency

29. Will repeat in 32

30. Which molecule provides ATP during muscle
a. Creatinine phosphatase
b. Haemoglobin
c. Myoglobin
d. Myosin

31. Regarding the synthesis of acetylcholine

a. Occur in the cytoplasm of post synaptic axon
b. Hydrolysis by the enzyme choline acetyl
c. Acetate and choline are the substrate
d. Choline acetyl transferase catalyse the

32. Neurotransmitter associated with Parkinson’s

a. Norepinephrine
b. Serotonin
c. Dopamine
d. Endorphin

33. Calcium plays a very important role in he

formation of bones. One of the calcitropic
hormone is
a. Calcitriol
b. Glucagon
c. Androgen
d. Testosterone

34. Glycosaminoglycan’s(GAGS)
a. Are branched heteropolysaccharide chains
b. Exist in the free form in connective tissue
c. Have ability to bind large amount of water
d. Are all found intracellular

35. Characteristics of red muscle fibers are

a. Dark red due to large quantity of myoglobin
b. Have no mitochondria
c. Have high glycogen content
d. Synthesize ATP mainly by substrate level
36. Which characteristic of skeletal and smooth
muscle is common?
a. Thick and thin filaments arranged in
b. Elevation of intracellular Ca ++ for excitation
contraction coupling
c. Spontaneous depolarization of the membrane
d. High degree of electrical coupling between

37. The rate of conduction of action potential

along a nerve will be increased
a. Stimulating the Na K pump
b. Decreasing the diameter of nerve fiber
c. Myelinating the nerve fiber
d. Lengthening the nerve fiber

38. Initiation of an action potential in skeletal

muscle by stimulating its motor nerve
a. Require spatial facilitation
b. Require temporal facilitation
c. Is inhibited by a high concentration of Ca++ at
the NMJ
d. Require the release of acetylcholine

39. To a person with myasthenia gravis,

acetylcholine esterase inhibitor is given, on what
basis improvement of patient occurs?
A. Level of acetylcholine increases in motor end
B. Receptor of acetylcholine increases

40. The neurotransmitter that acts at

neuromuscular junction?
a. Acetylcholine
b. Adrenaline
c. Dopamine
d. Nor epinephrine

41. A cross sectional view of the skeletal muscle

fiber through the H zone would reveal
a. Actin but no myosin
b. Both actin and myosin
c. Myosin but no actin
d. Actin and titin

42. When muscle is at rest what blocks myosin

from binding to actin
a. Acetylcholine
b. ATP
c. Troponin
d. Tropomyosin

43. Which of the following is correctly matched?

a. Actin+major component of the A band of
b. Calmodulin – calcium binding proton of
smooth muscle
c. Myosin –major component of thin filament
d. Tropomyosin – calcium binding protein of
skeletal muscle

44. When there is increase in number of motor

units involved it is called
a. Recruitment
b. Summation
c. Tetanus
d. Synergist

45. The cross bridges of sarcomeres in skeletal

muscle are made up of
a. Actin
b. Myosin
c. Troponin
d. tropomyosin
46. The function of tropomyosin in skeletal
muscle include
a. Sliding on actin to produce shortening
b. Releasing of ca++ after initiation of
c. Binding to the myosin during contraction
d. Acting as a relaxing protein at rest by covering
up the site where myosin bind to the actin

47. The A band in skeletal muscle and cardiac

muscle contain
a. Essentially all mysoin but some actin
b. All actin and some myosin

48. The calcium binding protein that plays a key

role in regulation of contraction of smooth
muscle cell is
a. actinin
b. Calmodulin
c. Titan

49. Latch response is responsible for

a. Fast muscle conntraction
b. Sustained muscle contraction
c. Excitation muscle ccontraction coupling
d. Unstable membrane potential
50. The excitation and contraction of skeletal
muscles are coupled by
a. ATP
b. Myosin
c. Release of calcium ions into sarcoplasm
d. Carbomodulin

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