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Cutaneous innervation of thigh is by all of the following except:

▪ Intermediate cutaneous nerve

▪ Obturator nerve
▪ Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
▪ Iliohypogastric

The lab Technician drew blood from Cubital Fossa, which vein involved:

▪ Median Cubital
▪ Brachial
▪ Cephalic
▪ Basilic

A 56 old patient came to cardiologist and diagnosed with ischemic heart disease with
3 vessels blocked. He was told for the immediate surgery. But the patient told the doc
that the surgery can be done after two months bcoz of her daughter's wedding..
What should the doc do in the light of medical ethics..

▪ autonomy
▪ beneficence
▪ confidentiality
▪ non-maleficence..

In chain of basic life support, second step is:

▪ chest compression
▪ breathing
▪ check pulse
▪ activate immediate emergency response

The activation of which structure is involved in outward pumping of Ca ions via


▪ Na-K ATPase pump.

▪ Ca leaky channels.
▪ Ryanodine receptors.
▪ Voltage gated Ca channels.

Nerve in sub Sartorius canal

▪ Nerve to vastus lateralis

▪ Nerve to Sartorius
▪ Nerve to vastus medialis

Complications of chronic osteomyelitis

▪ Amyloidosis
▪ Ewing sarcoma
▪ Basal cell Carcinoma
▪ Sinus something
All are complication of supra condylar fracture of humerus except

▪ Compartment syndrome
▪ Malunion
▪ Non union

Which type of supra condylar fracture

▪ Type 1
▪ Type 2 with ant angulation
▪ Type 2 with post angulation
▪ Type 3

Identify the marked structure

▪ Lacunae
▪ Chondrocyte
▪ Interteritorial matrix
▪ Territorial matrix

identify type of cartilage

▪ Hyaline
▪ Fibro
▪ Elastic

location of above cartilage

▪ Epiglottis
▪ trachea
▪ External ear
▪ Auditory tube

myotome for planter flexion is

▪ L3 L4
▪ L4 L5
▪ L5 S1
▪ S1 S2

EMQ muscle that medially rotate thigh below piriformis is

nerve supply to flexor compartment of forearm. Which muscle has dual nerve supply
and flexes wrist..

▪ Flexor carpi ulnaris

▪ Flexor carpi radialis
▪ Flexor digitorum profundus

Injury at wrist cause thumb adduction and medially rotated. The nerve to be damage

▪ Ulnar nerve
▪ Axillary nerve
▪ Radial nerve
▪ Median nerve
A 50 year old woman........... Osteoporosis increases the risk of?

▪ bleeding
▪ fracture
▪ osteoarthritis

Difficulty in seating position no difficulty in standing on ground which muscle is


▪ Gluteus Maximus
▪ Gluteus minimus
▪ Gluteus medius
▪ Obturator internus

All of the following are supplied by femoral nerve except

▪ pectineus
▪ iliacus
▪ psoas major
▪ Sartorius

Which molecule provides ATP during muscle contraction

▪ creatinine phosphate
▪ haemoglobin
▪ myoglobin
▪ myosin

Femoral artery is the continuation of:

▪ obturator artery
▪ External iliac
▪ Internal iliac

Muscle for forearm pronation......... pronator teres. I don't remember the other

Something related to Sharpey's fibres

Activation gates of Na open at

▪ Stage of depolarization
▪ Stage of repolarization
▪ Post synaptic AP
▪ Stage of rest

immediate action to stop bleeding in above scenario

▪ Elevate the leg

▪ Stop the bleeding

During demonstration in a class artery supply to femoral head. Which artery along
with arbituary artery supply to head of femur

▪ lateral circumflex femoral artery

▪ medial circumflex femoral artery

which muscle is supplied by marked structure A?

▪ Flexor carpi ulnaris

▪ Flexor pollicis longus
▪ pronator quadratus
▪ Bicep

An old man is going for vaccination against infectious diseases. Which one should be
preferred ?

▪ poliomyelitis
▪ diphtheria
▪ TB
▪ pneumonia

Which artery is used for measuring blood pressure?

▪ Radial Artery
▪ Brachial artery
▪ tibial artery
▪ femoral artery

Which of the following type of potential is present in smooth muscles?

▪ Spike potential
▪ slow wave potential
▪ Active (plateau) potential
▪ All of the above.

The artery used to check BP is

▪ Radial artery
▪ Ulnar artery
▪ Brachial artery

A girl standing at counter for 2 hours feel pain in legs,......

▪ Isotonic contraction
▪ Isometric contraction
▪ Summation
▪ Tentanization

Best diagnostic tool for sciatica

▪ lumbosacral MRI
▪ Lumbosacral X Ray

Which nerve supplies medial compartment of thigh and has dual innervation??

Adductor Magnus

Fibial neck is fractured. Foot cannot be everted or dorsiflexed. Which nerve is


▪ common peroneal
▪ femoral
▪ sural
▪ tibial

A50 years old patient received a severe blow injury during a cricket match on upper
part of thigh which he was facing difficultly in extending his knee and muscle
weakness in lower extremity

Sharpey's fibres represent:

▪ Innervation of bone tissue

▪ Periosteal fibres
▪ Sharp spines of spinosum stratum cells
▪ Collagen fibres that provide attachment of tendon and ligaments to bone

A young Boy touched a hot pan, and he immediately withdraw his hand. The nerve
fibers conveying the fastest signal to skeletal muscles are:

▪ theta nerve fibers

▪ Alfa nerve fibers
▪ B nerve fibers
▪ C nerve fibers

Average compressions of chest

▪ 20 compressions per minute

▪ 30 compressions per minute
▪ 60 compressions per minute
▪ None of the above
A woman came to ER with Gastroespophagal Reflux Disease(GERD). What NSAID
should be given as substitute for anti pyretic anti inflammatory agent

▪ Ibuprofen
▪ Ketorolac
▪ indomethacin
▪ aspirin

The myotome for plantar flexion of great toe

▪ L3, 4
▪ L4,5
▪ L5, S1
▪ S1, 2

How many radiographs are taken

▪ One
▪ Two
▪ Three
▪ Four

A child came in emergency falling on an outstretched hand shows fracture of surgical

neck of humerus. The nerve damaged is

▪ Radial
▪ Ulnar
▪ Median
▪ Axillary
GAGs are

▪ Branched heteropolysaccharide chains

▪ Exist in free form in connective tissue
▪ Have ability to bind large amounts of water
▪ Are all found intracellular

An unplanned, unexpected and undesigned event which occurs suddenly is called

▪ Violence
▪ Accident
▪ Drowning
▪ Suicide

The structure marked by arrow which is one of the main stabilizer of shoulder joint

▪ Joint capsule
▪ Glenoid labrum
▪ Coraco acromial arch
▪ Coraco humeral ligament

A man walks, jumps and jogs quite comfortably on rough ground surface because of
the presence of various arches in the foot . The keystone for the medial longitudinal
arch of the.foot is

▪ Calcaneus
▪ Head of the talus
▪ Navicular
▪ Sustentaculum tali
A person is trying to sit from lying position. If femur is stabilized , following mainly
contribute in trunk flexion

▪ Ilio psoas
▪ Pectineus
▪ Rectus femoris
▪ Sartorius

34 years old patient had an incised wound of sub sartorial canal, which structure is
most likely injured

▪ Nerve to Sartorius
▪ Nerve to vastus medialis
▪ Nerve to vastus lateralis
▪ Sural nerve

Two important parameters of data are

▪ Mean and median

▪ Mean and mode
▪ Median and range
▪ Mean and standard deviation

Dermatomes of lower limb

▪ S1 supplies the greater toe

▪ L2 supplies anterior upper thigh
▪ S4 supplies perianal area
▪ L4 supplies medial thigh

Cutaneous nerve supply of thigh involves all except following

▪ The intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve

▪ Obturator nerve
▪ Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
▪ Iliohypogastric

Myotome for plantar flexion of great toe are

▪ L3,L4
▪ L4,5
▪ L5,S1
▪ S1,2

Fourth lumbar nerve root supplies

▪ Hip flexors
▪ Tibialis anterior
▪ Skin on big toe
▪ Flexor longus digitorum
When the neuron is stimulated,an electrical impulse set down the axon causes
depolarization by opening voltage gated Na channels. Activation gates of these
channels open during

▪ Phase of depolarization
▪ Phase of repolarization
▪ Post synaptic potential

A young boy touched a hot pan,he immediately withdraws his hand. The nerves
carrying the fastest signals to skeletal muscles are

▪ A Theta nerve fibres

▪ B Alfa nerve fibres
▪ B nerve fibres
▪ C nerve fibres

A sales girl was standing on a counter for 2 hours having pain in leg muscles. Which
phenomenon is exhibited by her leg muscles

▪ Isotonic contraction
▪ Isometric contraction
▪ Summation
▪ Tetanization

How many photographs are taken for routine examination of long bone

▪ One
▪ Two
▪ Three
▪ Four

The shoulder girdle consists of all except

▪ Scapula
▪ Sternum
▪ Clavicle
▪ Proximal humerus

A young female presented in ER with a gunshot injury on anterior aspect of right

thigh. There is a profuse bleeding form wound of entry. This is known as

▪ Primary hemorrhage
▪ Secondary hemorrhage
▪ Reactionary hemorrhage
▪ Revealed hemorrhage

A male patient is unable to extend his knee joint after a gunshot injury because of the
damage of

▪ Rectus femoris
▪ Sartorius
▪ Vastus lateralis
▪ Vastus medialis

A young male has gunshot on his anterior thigh. The wound entry was on mid
anterior thigh and exit on popliteal fossa. Which structure is injured first
▪ Rectus femoris
▪ Vastus intermediate
▪ Vastus lateralis
▪ Vastus medialis

A young lady suffered from gunshot injury was bleeding profusely. Her blood pressure
was 70/30,pulse 120 and respiratory rate of 22 breaths per min. What is your

▪ Hypovolemic shock
▪ Hemorrhagic shock
▪ Neurogenic shock
▪ Vasovagal shock

A young man came to ER with gunshot injury in his left upper thigh l. There was
severe bleeding from the wound and it was projectile. Name the structure injured

▪ Femoral artery
▪ Femoral vein
▪ Popliteal artery
▪ Popliteal vein

During contraction of smooth muscle, main source of Ca ions is sarcoplasmic

reticulum. The activation of following structure cause outward pumping of Ca via
ATPase pump. What is most likely the answer

▪ Na/K ATPase pump

▪ Ca leaky channels
▪ Ryanodine receptors
▪ Voltage gated Can channels
Which vitamin is required for normal bone development and mineralization of bone
in a 10 year old child showing effects of unbalanced deficient diet

▪ Vitamin A
▪ Vitamin D
▪ Vitamin C
▪ Vitamin K

Osteoporosis increases the risk of

▪ Bleeding
▪ Fractures
▪ Osteoarthritis
▪ Osteopenia

A 20 year old female complained of slight lumpiness of left breast

Physical examination revealed lumpy bumpy appearance. Ultrasound revealed few

small cysts in the breast admixed with radio dense fibrosis. This condition is known as

▪ Epithelial hyperplasia
▪ Fibrocystic change
▪ Mammary duct ectasia
▪ Small duct papilloma

Most common encountered long term complications of chronic osteomyelitis are

▪ Draining sinus tract

▪ Ewing's sarcoma
▪ Secondary amyloidosis
▪ Squamous cell carcinoma

A 10 months old baby was suffering from rickets. Regarding rickets which of the
following is correct

▪ Failure of mineralization of mature osteoid matrix

▪ No significant chest and skull deformities
▪ Raised serum alkaline phosphatase
▪ 2-5 year children are commonly effected

A 35 year old man is diagnosed by his cardiologist as a case if ischemic heart disease
with three vessels blockage. The treating surgeon has advised him with immediate
bypass surgery. The patient inspite of his proper information care by cardiologist,
refuses to surgery and wants to postpone till marriage of his daughter which Is
scheduled after 2 months. Which of the following medical ethics, the cardiologist will
apply, in deciding about the surgery of his patient

▪ Autonomy
▪ Beneficence
▪ Confidentiality
▪ Non maleficence

Electrical activity in visceral smooth muscles are

▪ Spike potential
▪ Action potential with plateau phase
▪ All of above
A 56 year old patient was presented to OPD with exacerbated chronic lower back
pain in sacral region with radiation to the back of his left leg producing strong pain
throbbing and burning behind the knee. His MRI two months prior to his aggravation
showed degeneration of L5 disc degeneration and protrusion of the disc at S1 level.
Which of the following nerve is involved in this case

▪ Superior gluteal
▪ Inferior gluteal
▪ External pudendal
▪ Sciatic nerve

The disease commonly used in bioterrorism is

▪ TB
▪ Typhoid
▪ Anthrax
▪ Malaria

Which type of disaster is an earthquake

▪ Meteorological
▪ Topological
▪ Tectonic/telluric
▪ Accident

An old person seeks immunization against infectious diseases. Which immunization is

most appropriate

▪ Polio
▪ Diphtheria
▪ Pneumonia
▪ TB

CPR should be given at least for.....mins

▪ 1
▪ 2
▪ 10
▪ 20

The average chest compression rate in CPR is

▪ 20 per min
▪ 30 per min
▪ 60 per min
▪ None of the above

If there is risk of vomiting use of.....for breathing prevents us from contamination

▪ Portable single valve facemask

▪ Ambu bag
▪ Both of above
▪ Plastic sheet

Approx. distance for adult chest compression while doing CPR

▪ 1 meter
▪ 2 meter
▪ 3 meter
▪ 5 centimeter

Appendicular skeleton is derived from

▪ Lateral plate splanchnic mesoderm

▪ Lateral plate somatic mesoderm
▪ Intermediate mesoderm
▪ Bones and muscles

Digital hand rays of developing hand that fails to degenerate this condition is called

• Polydactyly
• Siamesetwins
• Syndactyly
• Club foot

Derivatives of somites are

▪ Apical ectodermal ridge

▪ Epidermis epithelium
▪ Lateral plate somatic mesoderm
▪ Bones and muscles

a. Common peroneal nerve

b. Femoral nerve

c. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh

d. Lateral plantar nerve

e. Medial plantar nerve

f. Obturator nerve

g. Saphenous nerve

h. Sciatic nerve

I. Sural nerve

j. Tibial nerve

❖ Which nerve supply is most likely to get injured in the following cases

❖ A 50 year old man presents with back pain due to herniated intervertebral disc. The pain
radiates down the posterior aspect of thigh and lateral aspect of the leg h

❖ A 40 year old man undergoes surgery for varicose veins at the lower limb. Post operation she
complains of numbness over the medial aspect of the sole of the foot
❖ A 75 year old man sustains a pelvic fracture. Some weeks later he complains of numbness over
his medial thigh f

❖ A 30 year old patient comes to emergency with history of road traffic accident. On examination
he was found to be suffering from right sided foot drop

❖ A 50 years old patient received a severe blow injury during a cricket match on upper part of
thigh which he was facing difficulty in extending his knees and weakness in muscles of lower

a. Superior gamellus

b. Inferior gamellus

c. Gluteus minimus

d. Semimembranosus

e. Semitendinosus

f. biceps femoris

g. adductor Magnus

h. Quadratus femoris

I. Gluteus Maximus

j. Gluteus medius

❖ The chief extensor of thigh helps in climbing stairs .

❖ It stabilizes the pelvis when opposite foot is off the ground

❖ It occupies medial compartment of thigh and has dual innervation

❖ This hamstring muscle is lateral rotator with semi flexed knee

❖ This medial rotator of thigh passes below the piriformis muscle

wrong ques

A 45 year old semi unconscious male patient is brought to the ER with gunshot injury
on the upper thigh. His general physical examination reveals severe hemorrhage from
a wound in upper thigh region. His skin is pale and cold with visible profuse sweating..

Pulse rate..98/min with feeble pulse,

respiratory rate 49 /min

BP 90/50 mm/Hg

Temperature 89.4 °F

Femoral artrey is continuation of

▪ Internal iliac artrey

▪ External iliac artrey
▪ Common iliac artrey
▪ Median sacral artrey

Intermediate compartment of femoral sheath is occupied by

▪ External pudendal vein

▪ Femoral vein
▪ Great saphenous vein
▪ External iliac vein

All of the following muscles are supplied by femoral nerve except

▪ Pectineus
▪ Illiacus
▪ Psoas major
▪ Sartorius

Which of the following is responsible for the signs and symptoms in the scenario

▪ Septic shock
▪ Anaphylactic shock
▪ Cardiogenic shock
▪ Hypovolemic shock

In this case acute ischemic necrosis will not occur in

▪ Vastus intermedius
▪ Vastus medialis
▪ Gluteus medius
▪ Adductor longus

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