English Iv-Alido LP - Klon

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Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University

Zamboanga City

PST Name: KAETH LAURENCE O. NOTARIO Revised and Pass on: 02/06//23
Date of Teaching: 02/06/23

Lesson Plan in ENGLISH IV

I. Objectives
At the end of 60-minute class discussion, the Grade IV-Alido are expected to
do the following with at least 75% level of proficiency:
a. identify the simple present tense of the verb;
b. determine the correct use of simple present tense of the verb
that agrees with the subject;
c. complete the sentence by changing the verb to simple present

II. Subject matter

Topic: Language: Present Tense of Verbs
References: English This Way 4 (pg. 138-144)

III. Materials
-visual aids

A. Preparation
Good afternoon IV-Alido! (Good afternoon teacher) How are you today?
(Good teacher) Its good to hear that. Are you ready for today’s lesson? (Yes teacher) Good.
What are the things we need to remember while the class is ongoing?

Settings of standard:
1. Listen carefully
2. Put down important details
3. Participate in class discussion

Now, who can say what teacher is holding? (Stars) Right! These are stars, each star
equals one point, what do you have to do to get a star? (Answer and participate in class) Great!
More stars-means more points. Did you get it class? (Yes teacher) Is everything ready? (Yes)

1. Motivation
Now, let’s have a game. Are you ready? (Yes teacher) This game is called
Mechanics of the game:
-On the board there are numbers. Each numbers contains a word that you should act.
-I will just call 10 representatives who will choose a number from 1-10.
-While someone is acting, the rest of the class should guess the act.
- After the class, the one who got many stars will be the winner.

Word to guess:
1. eat 6. Talk
2. sing 7. Jump
3. dance 8. Run
4. drink 9. Blow
5. dance 10. Drive
Is it clear? (Yes teacher) Okay, let’s start. Alright…. How did you find the game? What
have you observed relation to the words? (Answer may vary) Very good. Congratulations in
participating the activity/game.

B. Presentation
As we go over you will read and learn a story about a dog named Jack. The story is
about showing love, care and kindness to animals. After reading it, answer the comprehension
questions below.

C. Comprehension Check-up
1. What is the name of the dog?
2. What does the dog do if it sees a cat?
3. What does the dog do when he sees a stranger in the house?
4. When the author comes back from school, what does the dog
5. What do they do after doing homework?

D. Patterned Drill
Now, I have sentences on the board. I will call one student to read one item to
the class, is it clear? (Yes teacher)
1. He drinks coffee at breakfast
2. The sun rises from the east
3. They work at a bank
4. You mix the flour with all the dry ingredients
5. The class begins tomorrow.
E. Discussion
Now class, what have you noticed in each item? (It has some underlined words)
Okay. Let us read the underlined words. What are the similarities/commonalities of these words?
(These are action words teacher) What do you call these words? (Verbs)Correct. Let’s take a
look at the sentence number 1, can you read again sentence number 1? Okay. Now, when does
he drink coffee? (Morning) When the action is done every morning, what action does it takes
place? (Habitual action or routinary action) Meaning to say you don’t do it now, this morning,
tomorrow morning, the next morning but every morning so that’s why we called it habitually or
routinary. Now, let’s go back to the sentence class. What is the subject in the sentence? (He)
When the subject is he, how many people are we referring to? (One) When we say one, what
does it mean? (Singular form) Correct in singular form. Now, try to look at the verb in sentence.
Can you read again the verb in the sentence? (Drinks) What is the ending letter? (-s teacher)
What do you think is the number of the verb, is it singular or plural? (Singular teacher) How is
our verb form? (It has to be in the s form of the verb. Let’s proceed with sentence number 2,

2. The sun rises from the east

Does the sun always rise in the east? (Yes teacher) Is this something that we can
change? (No) Why? (Because it’s the truth) what do we call something that is true? (Facts and
general truths) Very good. What is the subject in the sentence? (Sun) When the subject is Sun,
how many sun are we referring? (One) When we say one, is it singular or plural? (Singular form)
Correct. Now, what is the verb in the sentence? (rises) How does it end? (-s form). Very good.
Since our subject is in singular form, our verb has to be in the -s form. Do you follow class?

Let’s proceed with sentence number 3,

3. They work at a bank
Now, what is the subject in the sentence? (They) Correct. Where does the subject
work? (At a bank) Does the subject have other job? (No, they only work at the bank) Very good.
So, when they have no other job besides working at a bank, what is it called? (a permanent job)
Very good. Meaning to say they always work and it always happen. If the subject in the sentence
is “they”, how many person are we referring here? (Third or many person) When we say third or
many, our subject is in plural form. If our subject is in plural form the verb must be in what
form? (The verb must also be plural form) Very good which is in the base form—meaning it
does not end with s. Can you identify the verb in the sentence? (Work teacher) Very good! Do
you follow class? (Yes teacher)
Let’s proceed with number 4,

4. You mix the flour with all the dry ingredients.

What does the sentence ask you to do? (Mix the flour with all the ingredients)
Very good. What does the sentence express? (Giving you a directions) When someone is giving
you directions, what should you do? (Follow teacher) That is correct. Now, what is the subject in
the sentence? (You is the subject teacher) When the subject is you, what is the number? (2 nd
person) If the subject is in plural form therefore the verb should be in plural form. What is the
verb in the sentence? (Teacher mix) Very good! Is mix in the plural form? (Yes teacher) How
does it end? (It does not end in -s or -es) Correct, it is the base form of the verb meaning without
any ending “es”) Is the verb used the sentence in a base form? (Yes teacher) What form of the
verb are we going to use if the subject is plural? (If the subject is in plural, the verb must also
be in the plural form).

Now, for the last sentence

5. The class begins tomorrow
What does the sentence trying to say? (The sentence is trying to say officially or by
formal agreement that the class will really start tomorrow) Very good! What is the subject in the
sentence? (The class) What kind of subject? (Class is collective noun) Very good! Which means
a group of pupils. Collective noun usually takes a singular verb, because they are singular in
construction. What is our verb in the sentence? (begins) How does it end? (With s) Very good!
Do you follow class? (Yes teacher).

F. Generalization
Based from the discussion, what action is expressed in present tense of verbs?
(Simple present tense expresses the idea that an action is repeated or usual.). Very good! What
form of the verb is used when the noun is singular? (-s form) What form of the verb is used when
the noun is plural? (We take the base form or the plural form) Very good class. What does
simple present tense of the verb express? (a. habitual action, b. general truth, c. Permanent, d.
Instruction and Approve or formal agreement).

G. Application
Directions: Complete the sentence by changing the verb inside the parenthesis () to
simple present tense and this has to agree with the subject of the sentence.

1. Sarah (cook) cooks breakfast every morning.

2. Every night, I (read) read my books.
3. She (turn) turns on the light.
4. He (play) plays the guitar very well
5. I (wave)wave to my sister goodbye.

IV. Evaluation
Fill in the black with the appropriate simple present tense of the verbs.

1. The plane arrives at 6;30 (arrive)

2. I will phone you when he comes back. (come)
3. Unless we start now, we can’t be there on time. (start)
4. The next term begins on Monday. (begin)
5. The sun rises from the east. (rise)

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