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Chapter one

This moment has finally arrived. Who would have thought that,
Khumo Naomi Morapedi. Daughter of Motlalepula and Joseph
would be writing her matric final exams soon. I will admit it's
been hard, it's even harder when your parents earn peanuts.
Most of the people from Metsing work in the city. More like the
men leave their wives with kids, to find work at the city of gold.
The funny thing is that, the only gold those men actually bring
back home, is other children from their “other” women.

Everyone knows everyone around here. The life at Metsing is

really not that bad as it was a few years ago. We have
improved. Schools have improved. A lot of things are not
similar like they were.
We now have two clinics instead of only one like we used to
and a hospital. Our primary and high schools have also been
improved. Life is much more bearable right now unlike before.
The only “good” thing we had back then is water. No matter
how dry and hot it gets, our water never depletes.
My mom decided to surprise us by visiting us this week.
Unfortunately my dad could not make it. He had to work. My
mom is a bulldozer. She likes being in charge. It's either her way
or the highway. I have no idea how my dad has managed to
tolerate her for this long. I can already see some of her traits in
Keneilwe. She's only 15 years but she's such a bully!
My parents were only blessed with two beautiful girls. Me and
I'm more close to my dad, we best friends. If I had to choose
between my mom and dad, I would without a doubt choose my
dad. Neilwe is mom's favourite. Papa does not have a favourite.
He tries by all means to treat me and Neilwe equally. My mom
though, that one adores Neilwe more. She does not even hide
it from me that she adores her more.

It's Monday morning and I'm already up, getting ready for
school. Life would be much easier if only Keneilwe would help
as well but she's a princess who has servants serving her. I have
to get up early, to make the fire outside to get our bathing
water hot. Yes we have electricity but we only use it to light
inside the house and that any food that is in the fridge does not
go to waste. I hate Mondays with everything in me. I heard my
phone vibrating under my pillow. I took it from under the pillow
only to find a missed call from one of my cousin's, who have
made it in life. If it's important she'll call again I said to myself.
Just when I stood up, the phone vibrated again. I picked up.
“Cuzy!” she happily said.
“Someone is happy.”
“Eya. Ke itumetse ngwana ko gae. I got another presenting gig.”
You see what I mean. Some people are destined to live their
lives as they see fit. Things go accordingly. Then there's the
likes of me. I'm truly happy for her though. Out of all our
cousins, she's the realest one.
“I'm so happy for you ngwana ko gae. I truly am.”
“I know sweety. I'll come and visit you next month.”
“I can't wait to see you! Cuzy I have to go now. Kick some ass
on your new job.”
“Wa nkitsi wena cuzzy. Good luck for your finals cuzzy. I'll send
you some money later on.”
“Thank you cuzy. But you really don't have to send the money. I
know your mom is also depending on you. You can se...” before
I could finish off my sentence Neilwe snatched my phone.
“Cuzy thank you so much for the money, it helps so much
around the house. Wa itsi le wena gore batsadi ba amogela di
peanuts.” Keneilwe said to Neo.
I just looked at her with shock. I could not believe this child.
I got up and went outside to start the fire but it looks like
Motlalepula had already started on the fire, since the water
was now warm. “Tota Khumo ha o tsoga ka nako e, wa go
nyalwa ke mang ngwanaka?” (If you're only waking up at this
time, who is going to marry you my baby?) She said that
removing the pot that had porridge in it.
“Mama kgale ke tsogile. Nne ke bua le Neo.” (I've been awake
for a while now. I was talking to Neo.)
I can't believe this woman. So she's more concerned about me
not getting married because apparently I woke up late. Instead
of worrying that I'll be late for school. Wonders will never end!
“Mama I'm going to bath. I don't want to be late for school.” I
left her outside and went to our room to bath. Neilwe was
sleeping again. This child is not serious. “Yeyi! Yeyi! Yeyi
Keneilwe o robetse motho wa modimo?!”
“Eish modumo ke wa eng jaanong Khumo?!”
Wow. Motlalepula will deal with her spoilt brat. I don't have
time to deal with her child. I just can't.

After bathing I went to the kitchen and quickly ate my porridge

then took my lunchbox and left. I won't be late for school
because our “royal highness” princess Keneilwe thinks the
world revolves around her. Never!
As I hurriedly walked, I nearly tripped and fell but someone
quickly caught me. “Are you okay?” when I looked up it was
Otsile. I shyly smiled and shook my head yes.
“Why are you in such a hurry?” Otsile asked.
“I don't want to be late for school. Mama would kill me.”
“You won't be late Khumo. You still have twenty minutes
before the bell rings. Besides she will kill, Keneilwe since she's
the one who will be late.”
I laughed at the last statement. He stopped walking and looked
at me. “What's funny?”
“Mama would die first before she touches an inch of hair on
“Is that so? Then you're also safe akere.”
Yeah right. She would beat me into a coma. I said to myself.
Otsile was just staring at me. “What's wrong?”
“You said your mom would beat you into a coma.” Shit! I said
that loud didn't I?
“You probably didn't hear me well.”
“If you say so Khumo. Let's go.”
At school I kept on looking around hoping to spot Neilwe but I
didn't see her anywhere. I hope she didn't arrive late. I saw
Bianca and her squad making their way to me. I rolled my eyes.
I'm not in the mood for them today.
“Look guys it's the one and only Khumo who thinks she's
pretty.” her friends started laughing.
For matriculants they sure are very stupid and childish. “What
do you want Bianca?”
“You don't get to ask me questions. I do that do you
“I really don't have all day ladies. Either you tell me what you
want or move away from me. Simple!”
She looked at me as if I stole her favourite jeans. I usually
ignore her and her crew but I guess today the devil in me is out
to play.
“Stay away from Otsile. He is mine and mine alone.”
Okay now it was my turn to look at her as if she punched me in
the face. Otsile is a dream. He is handsome and has a nice
voice. He is the most wanted boy at school. So I don't know
why I'm shocked that Bianca wants him for herself.
“I don't know what you talking about.”
“You think I didn't see you, giggling with him this morning?”
“Oh that? I just walked with him, not a big deal.”
“I don't care!! You don't walk with him, you don't look his
direction you don't even breathe the same air as him.
Understood?” she left after that million dollar speech.
I stopped trying to find Neilwe and went to join my friends. “O
batlang Bianca?” Tidimalo asked.
“I must stay away from Otsile.” Tidi and Itsanang laughed.
“Does she know that you two share a table at the English
class?” Itsanang.
“I have no idea. All I know is that madam over there told me
that, I must not even breathe the same air Otsile breathes.”
“Who does she think she is?! Is she married to him.” Tidi.
Tidimalo is the loose screw between us. I have no idea why she
was named Tidimalo, when she's a loudmouth.
“Did you guys see Neilwe?”
“Nope. You know I sometimes wonder if you two are really
siblings.” Tidi.
“Trust me I sometimes ask myself that.”

The bell rang and we went our separate ways.


One of the things I hate about being in matric, is that after

school you still have to stay behind and do some extra school
work. It really gets tiring having to attend school, Monday to
Saturday. We were given 15 minutes to catch a breather before
the extra classes start. Me and Tidimalo decided to go and buy
from the lady who sells outside our school. Just as we went out
the gate, I heard Otsile calling me. I pretended not to hear him
and continued walking to Ausi Ruth's stall. As we stood in the
line, Otsile poked me on my shoulder. “Didn't you hear me
calling you?”
“No I didn't.”
“We'll walk together after the classes right?”
“I'm walking with Tidi so you don't have to.”
“That's also okay. Retla tsamaya rotlhe.”

I sighed. Not that Bianca scares me or anything but she's from a

well off family and she can make my life miserable. Oh let's not
mention how Motlalepula would breath fire about how I'm
chasing boys instead of focusing on my school work. “Okay fine,
we'll all go together.”
When we walked back into the school I saw Bianca looking at
me. At this moment I didn't care. What I don't understand is
why would Bianca's parents let her attend school here in the
village. Not that there's anything wrong with our school, but
she could be attending at the fancy ones in town.


As soon as I saw Khumo leaving her class, I followed her out and
saw her with that noisy friend of hers going to buy something
to eat. I just stood there watching her. I hated Khumo with
everything in me. She thinks she's better than everyone else. I
don't know who lied to her and told her that she's beautiful.
The only beautiful thing about her is her body. She had curves
sitting in the right places, small boobs and a tiny waist. Besides
that she wasn't pretty. Just dark skinned. I've noticed how
Otsile has been trying to get her attention since grade 10 but
she has been playing hard to get. Otsile will never be hers. He
has to be mine!
“Bianca for how long are we going to keep on threatening
Khumo? This is exhausting now.” Remofilwe asked.
I turned and looked at her. Unlike Khumo, Remo is absolutely
gorgeous. She's everything pretty.
“Do you have anything better to do Remo?”
“Motho wa modimo. I can't spend my breaks stalking Khumo
every single day. If I'm not stalking her during break time, it's on
her Facebook account.” I heard Zanele and Yarona mumbling.
“Do you two share the same sentiments as Remo?” I asked
looking at them.
“Not that we mind Bee, but can we tone it down a bit.” Zanele
Before I could answer them I saw Otsile giggling like a fool with
Khumo. I don't understand what everyone sees in her. After
they went inside the school yard we also went in.


I really hoped that Otsile was joking when he said he would be

walking home with me. I lied saying Tidi would be walking with
me. She never does. She takes a different route.
“I thought you said Tidimalo is walking home with you.”
“She changed her mind.” I said shrugging my shoulders.
“So Khumo Morapedi you still have no desire being my
I stopped walking and looked at him. He can't be serious. He
can't still want me to be his girlfriend after I rejected him in
grade 10. “Le jaanong o santse o batla ke nna motho wa gago
Otsile?” ( you still want me to be your girlfriend?) I said
“You do know that Bianca wants you right?”
“Did I perhaps say I want Bianca?”
“No. But I'm just letting you...” he didn't let me finish my
“Khumo if I wanted Bianca I would be with her. I let it go back
then because I wanted to let you think about this without any
pressure. We both in matric now.”
“So what if we in matric Otsile? Besides you can have any girl
you want why me?”
He stopped walking and held both my hands. He looked me
straight in the eyes and smiled. “Why not you Khumo?”
I shyly looked down. Am I falling for Otsile’s tricks? I looked up
and he was still looking at me with that panty dropping smile of
his. “Stop looking at me like that tlhe rra.”
“Ke go shebe jaang Khumo?” ( How should I look at you
We both just stood there, looking at each other as if we were
the only people who existed in the village. If I don't move right
now, this staring contestant will end with saliva exchanging!
“I have to go before my mom wonders where I am.” I said
trying to walk away.
“So what's it going to be? Are you giving me a chance to love
One thing I'm certain about is that I'm not madly in love with
him. But there's something I feel for him. I just don't know if it's
love. I've never had a boyfriend before to differentiate what I'm
feeling for Otsile. “Rra I have to go.” I walked away.

The second I walked in

my mom was already on my case. “Khumo you should have
been home a long time ago. Khumo you selfish. You should've
already started cooking by now. Khumo...” I just left her there
to talk to herself. Neilwe should be the one who is cooking! I
can't wait to finish writing my exams. Go and further my studies
somewhere far from all this toxicity. As I walked to our room, I
heard Neilwe talking to someone on the phone. When I pushed
the door open, I was not ready for what I saw. There she was all
naked, like when she was born. I just stood there. I didn't blink.
I just stood there with my mouth opened. “Keng ka wena
Khumo! Don't we knock around here anymore?!” ( What's
wrong with you Khumo!)
I slammed the door behind me and made my way towards her.
When I went forward she took steps backwards. “If you dare
touch me Khumo, I'll scream very loud.”
“Scream for what? Please scream so you can explain to mama
why you're naked and...”
“And. And what Khumo?! Am I not allowed to undress?”
“With your phone in your hand. And your fingers digging for
gold in your pussy?!”
I heard my mom banging on the door. “Yeyi! Yeyi lona! Keng ka
modumo jaanong?” ( What's with the noise now?)
“Botsa ngwana wa gag...” Neilwe quickly put her hand on my
mouth to keep me quiet. I squinted my eyes and looked at her.
When she heard that mama has left, she slowly removed her
hand. “I can see that we forgetting our places now. Who is the
oldest between me and you Keneilwe?”
She just rolled her eyes and wore her dress. “You can be
annoying if you want Khumo. We supposed to be sisters! Stop
acting like you're my mom.”

This is exactly what I meant that this child is a bully! I'm stuck
with her 24/7 but she doesn't see my efforts. I gave my dad a
call. I'll feel better after talking to him.
I smiled hearing his voice. This man was my rock and strength.
“Papa, hello.”
“Are you okay my baby?”
I took a deep breath. “I'm okay Papa. I just missed you.”
“I miss you too. And Punkie as well.” we both laughed because
we both knew how Keneilwe hated being called that.
“She will kill the both of us if she heard you calling her that.”
“She will always be Punkie to me. Anyway how is school my
“School is okay Papa. Next week I'll be writing my finals. I'm so
nervous. What if I don't do well?”
“Nerves are okay Nana. I would be anxious if you were not
nervous. Listen here Khumo, you should be very proud of
yourself. We might not tell you this as often as we should but
me and your mom are very proud of the young woman you
have become. Whenever you feel like it's getting too much,
take a deep breath and pray. Don't forget family is important.”
I sighed as I listened to my dad on the other side. I needed to
hear this but not the ‘family is important’ part.
“I love you Papa. I will not disappoint you. One day when I'm a
famous designer I'll take you all over the world. We'll even go
to Zimbabwe to visit your part of the family.”
He sighed. My dad never talks about his family. I don't know
what happened between him and his family but it would be
nice to know his side of the family as well.
“Nana I have to go now. I love you okay. Greet your mom and
Punkie for me okay.”
We said our goodbyes and I cut the call.

I quickly undressed my uniform, then went to help my mom

with the cooking.
“Mama where is Neilwe?” she just continued doing what she
was doing before she replied me.
“I don't know. She probably went to see her friends or went to
Aunty Dorris.”
Wow. Just great. I'm eighteen but I always have to report
where I'm going but a fifteen year old can do as she pleases?!
“But if it were me. The entire village would be looking for me.” I
“What did you just say Khumo?” she said as she came close. I
took steps back. “Khumo what did you say?”
“I said nothing mama.”
“So I'm starting to hear ghosts speaking that's what you saying
to me?!”
“Mama. I promise I didn...” before I could say anything further
all I felt, was a strong hand doing the tango with my cheek. I
just looked at her with shock. My mom has laid her hands on
me before but it was a long time ago. All she does now is
verbally abuse me. That slap left me with a hearing disability for
a few seconds.
“Khumo you seem to forget that I'm your mother not your
“Sorry mama.” for the sake of peace. I'm always apologizing,
even if she is wrong. She is the adult afterall.
“Go and fetch water before it becomes even darker. If you had
not been gallivanting, the first thing you would've done is to get
It's 18h30 and I have to walk in the darkness to go fetch water
at the local tap. We have four taps in different sections of our
village. Those who don't work for selfish bosses, they have
running water in their homes. I might live in the village but, that
doesn't mean we don't have those wannabe gangster. I'm a
woman that's a crime on its own.

*Khumo ngwanaka. Life is hard. Life is not for the faint hearted.
Life is not to be taken lightly. I can smile with you today, only to
be the one stabbing you in the back the following day. The only
person you can trust with your life, is the person you see when
you look in the mirror! You will make friends and lose those
friends again. When life get hard ngwanaka Khumo, and you
feel as if you don't want to continue anymore. Rapela
ngwanaka. Pray Khumo. Evil is not only through witchcraft.
Even the heart can bewitch you.*

I sat in the dark thinking about the last words my great-

grandmother said before she took her last breath. Some days, I
just sit and wonder if Motlalepula is really my biological mom.
There's no way, a woman who carried you for nine months,
plus labour pains, would do what she does.
After what transpired between me and my mom last night. I
wept until I fell asleep.
I don't even know what time Neilwe came back home.
I got up and went outside to start the fire and cook the
porridge. I just sat there lost in my own world. Then I felt my
phone vibrating in my tattered gown pocket. I took it out and
looked at the caller ID. I didn't know the number so I put the
phone back in my pocket. It rang again. I answered.
“Khumo speaking hello?”
I heard the person laughing in the background.
“Khumo speaking hello?” the person mimicked my voice.
“Who is this?”
“I'm offended that my soon to be wife can't recognise my
Shit! I quickly removed the phone from my ear, before I put it
close to my ear again.
“Yes. It's me. I was just taking my chances. Wasn't sure that you
would be up by now.”
“I have no choice but to be up this early.”
“Okay. I was just checking up on you. Oh
I also wanted to ask if it's you I saw last night going to fetch
“Yeah it was me. Look I have to go.” I didn't wait to hear what
he wanted to say I immediately hung up.


I stood there listening to my sister talking with Otsile. It rubbed

me off in the wrong way. I don't understand why would Otsile
go for a basic dark skinned girl like my sister. I'm light skinned, I
have a flat tummy, I have a beautiful smile even curves. So
what's the fuss about her?
I quickly turned around and went back to my room, before she
noticed me. I don't want yesterday's misfortune to happen
again. I locked the door and went to sit on the bed. I called
Robert. I don't love him but he gives me money.
“Hello baby.”
I wanted to swallow my own vomit. Even his voice was
“Hi handsome.”
“So what happened yesterday? I thought you were going to
send me a video.”
“Don't worry baby. Today I'm definitely sending it. I didn't have
data.” I lied through my teeth. With absolutely no hesitation.
“Nelly baby. Didn't I say, whatever it is you need, you let me
know? Are you doubting my capabilities to provide for you?”
“That's not what I was trying to do my love. I'm sorry.” I had a
smile plastered on my face. I saw the door handle turning. Must
be Khumo. She will have to wait I'm busy right now.
“I don't like what you doing baby girl. Will R1500 be enough?”
“Yes. Yes more than enough.” I was already planning what to
do with the money. I'm going to use some of it to expand my
makeup kit so I can practice some more. I kicked in the air out
of excitement. I'll give Khumo R200. I'm not really that bad
afterall. But knowing her she will question me.
One thing I love about Robert; he will spoil you rotten! I still
have some of the money he gave me the last time. I can't really
spend as I wish, because I live with a detective in the house.
Most of the things I buy, I hide them in our parents room.
Smart right?
I unlocked then went and fetched water so I could get ready for

Right now I'm bathing in our parents room because the

“princess” locked me out. One day I'm going to strangle her to
death. I could feel eyes on me as I bathed. I tried ignoring it at
first but I couldn't anymore. I got out of the plastic dish and
wiped myself. I looked at my mom. She was looking at me as if
she was studying me or looking for something. I turned and
gave her my back. “Khumo come here.” Motlalepula said.
I reluctantly went to her. I stood a distance from her.
“Come sit here my baby.” she lightly tapped the bed.
Okay. This is weird. I went and sat next to her.
“What did I do Mama?”
“You did nothing my baby. I just wanted to apologize for last
night. I shouldn't have done that.”
To say I was shocked would be putting it lightly. Motlalepula
apologizing? I don't know what game she is playing but I don't
like it.
“Mama. You never apologize. No matter how wrong you are.
You don't do that.”
“I haven't been fair towards you. I've seen my wrongs. I'm going
back to Johannesburg today. I don't want any bad blood
between us.”
Whatever drugs Motlalepula took this morning must be way
too strong. “It's okay Mama. I have to go get dressed before I
get late for school.”
Before I left she told me to bring her handbag to her. She gave
me R1000 and said I will buy whatever is needed in the house.
She never gives me this much. I took the money and went to
our room. I had hoped that the princess is done with whatever
it is she was doing. I've decided that I'll no longer interfere in
Keneilwe’s business. What she does with her life, that's on her.
I've done my best. I'm not going to be abused by a fifteen year
When I went in she was getting dressed. How great! She's done
and I'm probably going to be late. I went to our wardrobe and
removed my uniform from the hanger. As I got dressed Neilwe
was looking at me. Why is everyone staring at me?
“Is something wrong Keneilwe?”
She looked embarrassed that I caught her staring.
Weird. I continued getting dressed. I didn't have time to eat
breakfast. I took a few coins to buy “magwinya” on my way to
school. Mama was sitting outside when I left. “Mama I'm
leaving now.”
“Okay Nana. You will find me gone when you come back from
I gave her a hug and left.

School came out a bit earlier today. Apparently we needed to

rest before we start with exams on Monday. Well I'm only
starting on Tuesday. Me and a few learners stayed behind to try
and do some revision on past papers.
I saw Keneilwe making her way to where we were sitting.
“Khumo can you please borrow me your key, I lost mine.”
I took it out and gave it to her. “Don't you want me to go buy
you lunch?” Neilwe.
“Since when do you buy me lunch? Where do you even get the
money to buy me that lunch?”
“Aahh! You see why I never offer to buy you anything.”
“Okay fine. A kota and coke will be enough.”
“Okay let me go and buy it quickly.”
“What about us?” Itsanang asked.
They looked at me. I just shrugged my shoulders.
“Your sister is a weird child.” Tidi.
“She confuses me every single day. From now on, I'm letting
her do what's best for her.”
“You always say this but do the opposite. Not that we blame
you mmata, she's your baby sister. You will always worry about
her. It's normal.” Itsanang.
Neilwe, returned with three kotas and cokes. I won't even
bother asking her where she got money to buy us each, R20
kotas. After eating we did our revision and left.


After giving Khumo and her friends their food. I immediately

rushed home to change. I was going to meet up with TK, in
section B. Unlike Robert, TK was cute but they both had nothing
on Otsile. Otsile was everything! Pity he only saw me as a little
girl. I knocked on his door before entering. He smiled when he
saw me.
“Baby girl.”
“Love.” we shared a kiss. He picked me up and went to lie down
on the single bed. He continued to kiss me, while trying to
remove the short tight dress I had on. I stopped the kiss.
“You can be boring sometimes TK.” I got off him.
“What did I do baby?”
“The only thing you want from me is sex. You didn't even
bother to ask me how was school?”
I heard him sigh. “Yeses Keneilwe! You see why I didn't want to
do this? You're acting like my girlfriend now. Why did you come
I looked at him, while enjoying the juice he had left on the
table. “Would you have died, if you had asked me how was
school? For a 22 year old, you can act like an idiot!”
He grabbed my arm and twisted it. I screamed from pain.
“Keneilwe! Keneilwe.. I'm not your friend. Stop talking to me
like I'm one.” He stopped twisting, and I wriggled myself from
his tight grip. I attempted to leave but he quickly blocked me
from going. “Sorry baby. Love?” he tried to touch me but I
moved. “I'm sorry my love. How was school?”
“TK, move I want to go home. I didn't come here to be
harrassed by you.” he made puppy eyes. I couldn't help but
laugh. I didn't mean to but I can't help myself, everytime he
does this. He walked closer, this time around I didn't move.
He kissed me again. I kissed him back. “We don't have much
time. Your brother will be home soon.”
“So?” we made it to the bed with no clothes on. I lay on the
bed, as he got on top.
We continued kissing while he used his fingers to finger me.
“You get tighter everytime we have sex.” he said while rubbing
my clit. I let out a moan.
“Yes baby..”
I felt his huge dick knocking on my vaginal opening. I opened
my legs a bit wider. I massaged his head, as he sucked on my
“Baby please..”
“What do you want?”
“Tsenya tlhe..” (insert it please..)
He tried pushing himself in, but struggled for a bit until he
managed. I moved back a bit. He did have a big penis.
“Keng jaanong Keneilwe?” (what's wrong now Keneilwe?)
Before I could answer him. He upped his pace. He thrusted in
and out, with so much force. “TK.. aahh.. yoh!” he continued
banging me with no mercy. My tears made my vision blurry. I
wanted him to stop but again I didn't want him to.
“Fuck!” I felt my orgasm nearing. I used my fingers to rub my
clit. Him groaning next to my ear, was a sound I liked.
“Aahh..yes.. aah...mhh”


Arriving home after the day I had, I would have expected

Neilwe to have at least cleaned. This child will be the death of
me! I don't understand how she thinks. She didn't even lock the
damn door. I went to our room to change before cleaning. I
started with our room first. As I swept, something under the
bed caught my attention. I kneeled to look. It was a pack of
pads. A packet that has not been opened yet! I bought these for
Neilwe two months ago. Why aren't they open? I sat on the bed
trying to do the maths.
I laughed. There's no way Neilwe is already having sex. It can't
be. I left the packet on top of the bed, and continued to clean.
After the bedroom, the lounge and kitchen were next. My
phone rang, I ran back to the bedroom, it was Tidimalo.
“Are you busy tomorrow?”
“Besides studying
I have to go to town to buy things we need in the house. Why?”
“Perfect! I'm also going to town tomorrow. We have been
invited to a party.”
“Tidi, since when do I attend parties? Whose party?”
“Stop being so uptight. You know Pula right?”
“Well, that rich kid invited us to some house party. His parents
went away for the weekend and he is having a party. More like
a get together before our finals on Monday.”
“I'm not sure.. why would he want to invite us? We're not his
“So that means you're not going to be there?”
“Yes. I have to study. If I don't pass my matric, I'm not going to
get space at the school of fashion.”
“Fine! What time are we going to town?”
“Okay.” she cut the call.
Me partying? I shook my head and laughed.

“Aah..yes.. fuck!”
“Now that was amazing.” TK said getting off me. I just lay there,
trying to catch my breath. My legs were so numb, if I tried
getting up right now, I would fall.
“Baby, can I have some water.”
“Okay I'm coming.”
After wiping myself clean, I saw a dress in the laundry basket. I
walked there and held the dress between my fingers. The door
opened. I folded my arms and looked at TK.
“Care to explain this?” I held the dress in the air.
“Is it not yours?”
I started laughing. I couldn't believe my ears. “Mine? If that's
mine, does that mean I walked back home naked? You think I'm
an idiot right?” he just looked at me with a bored face. “TK!”
“Yoh! I don't know who the dress belongs to yerr.” he walked
out again.
I couldn't believe this fool. I was about to put on my dress when
the door opened again. “Take me back home wena TK!” I said
without looking back.
“Keneilwe Morapedi.”
I turned and looked at Tumisang. “What do you want here?”
“Last time I checked this is my brother's room.”
“So? Can't you see I'm getting dressed? Get out Tumisang.”
He walked towards me. “So, does my brother fuck you like I do?
Does he make you feel like I do?” he kept on coming closer, and
closer. I just stood there without moving backwards. “Does he
know your body like I do?” he pulled me close to him.
“Yeah?” he gently fondled my breast and kissed me on the
neck. I moved my head slightly, to give him more access to my
“We..we shouldn't.. we shouldn't be doing this.”
He kept on leaving wet kisses on my neck. I tried to stop what
we were doing but I couldn't. I must have a strong demon living
rent free in my body. I stroked his dick, through his shorts.
“Shit!” he immediately picked me up and before I knew it, his
dick was hitting the right spots.
“Aah Tumi! Aah.”
I should be afraid that TK can walk in, any minute now but I'm
not. Tumi was giving me strong deep thrusts. I tried to keep my
moans low, but I found myself screaming.
“Yoh, Neilwe!”
“Mhmm.. aahhh.” I arched my back when I felt my orgasm
nearing. He thrusted twice, and I let go. I was satisfied! I felt
him twitch inside of me.
“I love you Neilwe.”
After cleaning me up, he walked me home. I know I'm going to
find a raging Khumo. I'm to exhausted for her tantrums, she
needs to live a little.


I was starting to get worried. It's 20h00 and there's no sign of

Neilwe. I tried calling but it just rang unanswered. What if she's
killed and buried somewhere in the forest. If I call mama now,
she's going to bite my head off about me being useless!
I couldn't sit at home while, I don't know where my baby sister
is. Just before I opened the door, she did. She looked like a mad
woman. “Neilwe?”
“Not now Khumo. Not now.” she went to our room. I followed
“Where are you coming from at this time? I was worried sick
about you. You could have at least called.”
“Khumo, don't you understand the meaning of not now? I'm
tired I want to sleep.” she said that getting underneath the
“O selfish ngwana ko gae. Very selfish! I was about to go out, in
middle of the night to look for you. I thought maybe someone
hurt you. But.. wow!”
“You would have been happy right?”
“Happy with what?”
“Me being dead!”
I couldn't believe my ears. I just laughed. “Are you being serious
right now? Between me and you, we both know who would be
happy if one of us were dead. You! You would be thrilled if I
was dead!” I slammed the door on my way out.
I was boiling. If I stayed any minute in that room, I would have
killed that child.

I felt a vibration underneath the pillow. I rolled my eyes after

seeing who it was. I touched the other side of the bed and
Khumo was not next to me.
“How are you baby? Did I wake you up?”
“No my love. I was actually about to call you.” the lies!
“I'll be seeing you later today right?”
“Okay. I love you baby. Bye.”

Yoh Robert! How am I getting rid of you?

I tried sleeping but I felt bad about what happened last night. I
know Khumo means well but she can be a bit overbearing. I just
want her to start acting her age. I didn't mean to be rude but it
happens without any hesitation. I'll ask for forgiveness later. I
went back to sleep.

I slept very late last night after that fight. I was hurt that my
own flesh and blood, would say such. I tried studying but that
didn't work. I had to sleep in my parents room because of her.
After tidying up the room, I went to the kitchen to make myself
some breakfast. I heard a knock on the door. So early in the
“Aunty Dorris?”
“Hello Khumo.”
“Is something wrong?”
“Batho Khumo! Can I at least come in?”
I moved aside so she can enter. “Can I make you a cup of coffee
or tea?”
“A cup of coffee would be nice. Where's Neilwe?”
“I don't know.” I walked outside to get the hot water.
“What do you mean you don't know?”
“Exactly that. I slept in mama’s room. I wanted to study.” I
brought our coffees and sat opposite her. I looked at her
waiting for her to tell me why she's here.
“Khumo, you know if you and Neilwe need anything you can
“Yes I know.”
She looked around the house with disgust. I couldn't help but
She placed her cup on the table and got up. “Thanks for the
coffee, I have to rush somewhere.”
As soon as she left I burst into laughter. Aunty Dorris! She
didn't even drink her coffee. As I was washing the dishes I used
for breakfast, Neilwe walked in.
“Good morning.”
I just looked at her then went to our room to fetch some
clothes. She followed me.
“Khumo I'm sorry.”
“Okay.” I tried to leave but she grabbed my arm. I looked at her
then she left my arm.

After getting dressed I walked to section B. I found Tidimalo still

getting dressed.
“I'm almost done mmata.” she said while running around like a
headless chicken.

Thirty minutes later we left. On our way to get taxis to town, TK

and his friend stopped us. People from this village are irritating!
“Keng TK? We don't have time for nonsense.” Tidi said
“I don't want you, I want to talk to Khumo.” he walked to
where I stood.
“Do I look like someone who wants to talk to you? Just leave
me alone.”
We tried to walk away but they blocked us from leaving...


Khumo always forgives me after our fights but today, she was
not interested in what I had to say. Maybe if I buy something
for her she will forgive me. My bathing water was ready. After
bathing, I got an idea how to get Khumo to forgive me. I called
“My favourite baby.”
“Mama!” I faked a cry.
“What's wrong? Why are you crying my baby?” I could hear my
dad asking my mom what's wrong in the background.
“I should've known! What did she do to you?”
“I came home a bit late last night because I was doing my
assignment at Aunt Dorris. When I arrived she started shouting
and saying hurtful words to me mama. I don't want to stay here
“Don't cry my baby. I'll talk to her. Where is she now?”
“I don't know. When I woke up she was not in the house.”
“I'm going to kill that child!”
I dropped the call. Mission accomplished. I remembered a
jacket I left at TK’s. I got dressed and walked to his home. Just a
distance from where he lived, I saw him holding Khumo by the
waist. I felt my chest tighten. Why must Khumo want every guy
I like? Didn't she say she's a virgin? I felt like going there to
confront them but knowing TK, he would embarrass me in front
of that loudmouth, Tidimalo.
I didn't bother myself going to fetch that jacket. I furiously
walked home. Khumo will regret this! She won't get away with


We managed to get TK to let me go. He annoyed me to the

core. I don't know why he thinks I would date him. Tidi was just
quiet throughout our ride. She noticed how angry I was. To
make matters worse, my mom called me breathing fire! Just
when I thought we were making progress, ten steps backwards!
I know Keneilwe is sneaky, but this was too much. How can she
lie like this? I looked at Tidi.
“Mmata, are you still going to the party?”
“Okay, what time must we be there?”
She looked confused. “What you mean by ‘we’?”
“It means that I'm also coming to the party. I need something
to wear.”
“You know you don't have to come right? I wasn't forcing you.”
“This has nothing to do with you. I'm done living my life for
anyone. No matter how hard I try, it's never enough.”
I'll use the money my dad gave me, the last time he was here. If
Motlalepula wants to beat me up
I'll give her a reason to. We arrived in town and explored
different stores to find outfits for tonight.
“Can I tell you something but please don't be angry.”
“I know you said you won't interfere in Keneilwe’s life anymore
I stopped her from going any further. “Mmata I love you so
much. I don't want us to argue because of Keneilwe.”
“I love you too but listen!” she dragged me to the fitting room.
“Listen, I saw her getting into TK’s room yesterday, and she
only left late at night. The weird thing is that, after TK left, his
brother Tumelo went in and only left late at night.”
“Are you saying what I think you're saying?”
“I don't know who she is sleeping with between TK and Tumelo
but she's sleeping with one of them or both.”
I burst into laughter. I looked at Tidimalo and she had on a
serious look. “You're not joking?”
“Khumo, why would I joke about something like this? Me and
you both know that TK is a man whore! I've lost count of the
females who enter that room.”
I sat on the bench that was in the fitting room. I was trying to
make sense of what Tidi just said. It made sense why she came
in looking the way she did last night. “The pads!”
“What pads?”
“Oh, ntate modimo!” I stood up and paced around in that tiny
room. “That would explain why she has not used the pads yet.”
“Your sister is going to give you grey hair before your time. Let's
go to Mr Price instead. There's nothing interesting in here.”


I was running late! Knowing Robert, he is going to bite my head

off. I looked at myself on the mirror and my makeup was
perfect! I have improved. I wore a pair of high waist shorts and
a string top, with thigh high heels. I looked like a matured
woman. I didn't tell Robert my real age. All he knows is that I'm
seventeen, soon to be eighteen.
Now I had to walk all the way to Aunt Dorris, to leave the key
because Khumo is gallivanting with TK. Just thinking about him
on top of her, makes me nauseous!
Aunt Dorris likes acting like she is better than everyone else,
especially us because she has a bigger house and running water
in her yard. She thinks I don't know that her daughter
Kalanyana, works as a stripper in Johannesburg. She's always
bragging about how, her daughter works so hard as a personal
assistant for some rich guy. I know this because I once saw her
when Robert took me to his house in Johannesburg. The first
time I left this village. No one knows that I've been there. Even
our town is not hectic. At least it has the basic shops.
When I opened the gate, I saw her watering her flowers.
She turned and looked at me. “Neilwe? O ya kae o le montle
jaana ausi?” (where are you going looking so beautiful?)
“I need something in town, for the school trip.”
“You shouldn't be going by yourself it's dangerous.”
“Please give Khumo these keys if she arrives before me.”
“Where is she?”
“I don't know.” before she could open her mouth, I ran out of
her yard.
I managed to get a taxi to town. I read messages from Robert,
he was furious! Timing is everything to him. After an hour and
thirty minutes we finally arrived in town. I knew where he had
parked his car. I immediately made my way there. I found him
giggling with another female.
“You finally made it I see.”
“I didn't know you had company?”
He opened the front door. “Get in.”
“Why? You already have company. I'll just go back home.”
“Keneilwe! Don't make me drag you inside this car.”
If it wasn't for his money, I would have left him a long time ago.
This disgusting pig!


More than ten years ago

“Motlalepula, get up! I don't want to be late on our first day at

“Fine! I'm up okay.”
“I'm leaving you behind if you don't hurry up. You're old
enough now. I can't be waking you up for work.”
“I heard you Dorris. Stop making it such a big deal. I'm up now.”
I shook my head and wore our work uniform. I packed our
lunch then sat outside to wait for her.
An hour later we had arrived at work and already I was
exhausted. We worked for an Indian couple at their restaurant.
Lunch time was the worst! The amount of dishes that had to be
washed, dried and packed! Just after lunch, there was a very
handsome man delivering stock. From how he carried those
boxes, you could tell that he was strong. He could protect you.
“Dorris, go and help them bring in those boxes and stop
slacking!” Mrs Rampersad said.
I didn't want to get fired on my first day. I walked over to the
truck to help them bring in the boxes. Me and Mr handsome
would talk as we brought in the boxes. He was a funny guy. We
exchanged numbers before he left. I couldn't help but smile. He
might be the love of my life. The father of my children.
*End of flashback*

Life at Metsing was very difficult. There was actually no life.

When one was old enough to work, we came to Johannesburg
to find work. Our mom was a very strict woman. She made life
unbearable, especially after our father passed away. They got
retrenched at work, meaning she had to return home. Our
mother had a sharp tongue. Her words were painful. She didn't
care though. She disliked me because I was the daughter of the
woman who almost cost her, her marriage. Every chance she
got, she would remind me of that. The only people who didn't
treat me different besides my dad was, my two older half-
brothers, my grandparents and older half-sister. Mama and
Motlalepula didn't hide their hatred towards me. They made
sure I suffer. I thought things would be better when I found a
job but that made things worse! I wish Khumo was not
Motlalepula’s child, she deserves better. She probably thinks I
hate her because of how I act most of the time but that's not
the case. I looked at Khumo enter and smiled. She was so
gorgeous. She reminded me of our grandmother. Her beautiful
heart and soul, but in this world that's a weakness.
“Dumelang.” she greeted.
“Khumo ngwanaka.”
“Aunty, did Keneilwe leave the key here? She's not at home.”
“Yes.” I took it out from my pocket and gave it to her.
“Thank you.”
“Are you not going to ask where she went?”
I stopped walking and looked at my aunt. “If she wanted me to
know where she was going, she would have told me.” I walked
back home.
I packed everything where it belonged then went to our room
to fit the clothes I was going to wear tonight. I already fitted
them but I did again.

Robert took me and the “other” lady out for lunch. I felt like a
third wheel. From how comfortable and touchy she was, they
have had sex before. He lied to me, he said I'm the only woman
in his life.
“Baby are you okay? You want to order something else?”
“Okay, take my card and go buy the things you said you need.”
I smiled. “Thank you.”
I bought more makeup and clothes. He didn't tell me how much
to use, I kept on buying unnecessary things. It then hit me that I
have not been on my periods yet. I suddenly started sweating.
How could I be so careless. I bought a few pregnancy tests as
I didn't want to be here anymore. I wanted to go home. I went
back where we were and they were still lovey dovey. I sat down
“You bought everything that you need?”
I just stared at him. I didn't realise he was actually talking to
me, until he shook me.
“What!” I snapped.
“Hey! Hey! Don't snap at me. I asked if you got everything that
you need.”
“Yes, I want to go home now.”
“It's still early. I will take you home. We're going to Dolly’s
house to have fun.” he said sliding his hand into her mini skirt. I
felt like puking.
“Have fun?”
“Yes my love. To have fun.” he turned and looked at me. “Me
and you have not had fun in a while, today I want you to
myself. I want that pussy to swell up once I'm done with it.” he
said all that while rubbing himself.
I just nodded.

He kept his promise, after the lunch we drove to Dolly’s room.

She was renting a room in town. She must be making enough
money to be able to rent in town. It was clean.
“Welcome to my room. Make yourselves comfortable.” she
removed the clothes she had on and sat on top of Robert.
I just swallowed. The love of money will kill me one day.
“Baby, don't just sit there
come to daddy.” I reluctantly took off my clothes and went to
him. “What am I supposed to do now?”
“You have never had a threesome before?” Dolly asked.
She smirked. She held my hand and instructed me to lay on the
bed and spread my legs. She also got on top of the bed and
started massaging my entire body. I was so tense.
“Relax.” she kissed my entire body. From head to toe. She
started playing with my kitty to get me wet. I was starting to
get aroused. She would finger me or use her tongue. I started
enjoying myself and let out moans.
On the other side of the bed, Robert was enjoying the show. He
was stroking himself and that drove me over the edge. Before I
knew it, I was giving her head while Robert took it from the


After bathing, I wore the high waist ripped jeans and a crop top
with a jacket on top. I wasn't a fan of crop tops because I had a
small belly and stretch marks. I might have a tiny waist, but the
belly was there. Tidimalo convinced me to buy one. It didn't
look bad. I wore heeled boots that Tidi bought me. My braids
were still fresh. I always have them tied but today I didn't. I
didn't know how to apply makeup on, so I didn't. Just lipgloss
and mascara. I called Tidi;
“Mmata, are you done?”
“No, I'm still doing my makeup. Come over so I can do your
brows, I know you can't.” we both laughed.
“I'm still waiting for Neilwe, she's still not home. I don't want to
go to Aunty Dorris.”
“Where could that child be? Let me go and see if she's not at
TK’s room.”
“What are you going to say, you're looking for there?”
“To tell TK to leave you alone! You're not interested.”
“Good luck!” I cut the call.

Thirty minutes later and still no sign of her. Tidi called and told
me she's not there. I tried calling her but it went straight to
voicemail. I had no choice but to leave the key under the mat. If
she doesn't use her brain, it's on her. I walked to Tidimalo’s and
Itsanang was also there.
“Mmata!” she said admiring me. “Are you wearing a crop top?”
“You can see that but you're asking.” I rolled my eyes before
sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You look gorgeous Mmata. You must buy more crop tops.”
Tidi did my makeup before we left. I looked beautiful without
the makeup on, but right now I looked hot!
“You see I told you makeup gives you that boost.” Tidimalo.
As we arrived in section BC, more students arrived as well. This
section is for the upper class. It's a bit far from school. It's more
fancy than the rest of the sections in the village. I just stood
there and admired the house and garden. It really looked
“Some people are living large.” Itsanang said.
“Ladies! You made it.” Pula said by the doorway looking at me.
“Yes we did! Let the party begin.” we walked further into the
house and there was a table that had paper cups and a big
bucket that had juice in it.
Two hours later, I was all over the place. I don't know what was
in the juice but it was nice. I went to the table to fill my cup,
when I felt like someone was digging holes into my soul. I
turned and found Pula looking at me, I saw Bianca also looking
at me. I filled my glass, just as I turned I bumped into Otsile.
“Sorry.” we both said at once.
“Khumo, I didn't know you attend parties as well?”
“There's always a first time for everything right?”
“Otsile, I've been looking all over for you. I want to tell you
something.” Bianca.
I just left them there. If Bianca is trying to make me jealous it
won't work.
I was dancing to a song I didn't know when I felt someone
lightly tapping me on the shoulder. I smiled once I realised who
it was.
“Hello. I didn't think I would see you here.”
“Why is everyone saying that? Well I'm here now. I didn't know
you're back in the village.”
“I'm only home for the weekend, Monday I'm going back.”
“How's the varsity life?”
“It's okay, just a lot of assignments. Uhm Khumo.” he scratched
his head. “Can I please have your number?”
We exchanged numbers and continued to talk. Omphile was a
cool guy, he didn't rub you off the wrong way. Pula on the
other hand, was annoying.
“Do you mind if we go to my room?” I raised a brow. Just to
chill nothing more.
“We can do that outside.”
“It's too cold outside.”
I sighed. “Fine, but if you try anything, you will regret it.”
He held my hand as we tried to walk to his room. I felt someone
grabbing me.
“Where are you going Khumo?”
“We just going to chill in his room.”
“That's the oldest trick guys use when they want to have sex
with you. Don't fall for it! How many fingers do I have?”
“Really Tidimalo? That's four fingers.”
“I wanted to be sure you're not drunk. Please don't do
anything.” I gave her a nod before disappearing into the crowd.
“She cares about you.”
“I know.” he unlocked his room and we went in. The noise was
much better in here. The room was tidy...

I looked around in Omphile’s room before sitting on the bed.

He was searching for something in his closest. He returned with
a glass bottle that had something clear in it and a two litre
bottle of sprite. He sat next to me.
“I've never drank before.”
He started chuckling. “Khumo, you're drinking alcohol right
now. That juice has alcohol in it.”
“Really? That's why I was a bit light headed.”
He poured the vodka first before the sprite. I took a sip. It
wasn't bad.
“Not too strong?”
“Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“No. Taste mine, it's much stronger.”
I did and it burnt my throat. “Your poor liver!”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Shoot.” I turned a bit to face him.
“How come you're so different?”
“I'm lost.”
“You don't attend parties, well until now, you didn't drink
alcohol. Do you have a boyfriend?”
“I'm just not interested. My boyfriend is my school books.”
“So you've never.. like never had a boyfriend or girlfriend?”


When I invited Khumo to this party, it was for her to have fun.
Enjoy herself and let loose. She's always at home overworking
herself and studying. I've known her since primary school. She
has always been an A student.
I want only the best for her. I always get so heartbroken when I
see how Keneilwe treats her. I want her to go far from this
village, meet people and prosper. She deserves diamonds and
Khumo is soft, she sees the good in everyone. She's so
forgiving. Yet she's also strong. Friends like her are rare. If she's
in pain, I'm also in pain. I looked around and saw her holding
hands with Omphile, Pula’s brother. It looked like they were
heading to his bedroom. I pushed people out of my way, to
catch up with her. She has never tasted alcohol in her life, the
punch might be a little bit too strong for her. I wanted to make
sure she's in her right state of mind. I grabbed her hand and
asked where she was going. It's been thirty minutes since they
went to his room. Thirty minutes too long. I gulped down the
punch in my cup then went to his room.
Just before I could knock, I heard her laughing. Genuinely laugh.
It was a nice sound to hear. I slowly opened the door and they
were sitting on the bed, facing one another. There was a bottle
of vodka next to them. The curtain was opened, the light from
the moon, shined brightly on her face. She looked so beautiful
and young.
This is what I wanted. Her to have fun and forget about
everything else. I slowly closed the door and returned to where
I was. I'll keep on checking up on her until we leave. I went to
the table to fill my cup.
“Hey Tidi, have you seen Khumo?”
“What do you want from her Otsile?”
“I just want to talk to her.”
“Talk? When she was standing here with you, why didn't you
talk with her then?” I left him there.


I made sure not to drink a lot. I don't want to wake up and have
regrets. I looked at Omphile and smiled.
“Then why are you looking at me like that?”
“Nevermind. Are you not hungry?”
“A little bit.”
“I'm going to make us something to eat quick. Come and lock
the door.”
After I had locked, I tried calling Keneilwe again but still no
answer. I heard a knock on the door. I went and opened.
“Rolls and braai meat?”
We ate in complete silence. Only our mouths moved. We heard
another knock, we looked at one another.
“Omphile, why is your room locked?”
“What do you want Pula?”
“Have you seen Khumo?”
“Are you sure? The last time I saw her, she was with you.”
“Well she's not here. Go and ask one of her friends.”
“Why would your brother look for me? We're not friends.”
Omphile just shrugged his shoulders and lay on the bed. I
joined him. It was nice and calm. I might not know all these
latest music, but judging from the noise outside. “Sistah
Bettina” was playing.
I used my elbow for support. “Tell me about the clubbing in
“Nothing much to say. I have not explored that life just yet.” I
nodded. “But as soon as I do, I'll let you know.” he tickled me.
I kept on wrestling him trying to get him to stop tickling me.
The more I wrestled him
the more he tickled. I had tears coming from my eyes due to
me laughing so hard.
“Omphile tlhe rra.” he stopped and just looked at me. We
looked at each other for a while until he leaned forward. My
heart was racing! He was seconds away from making contact
with my lips, before he smiled and asked if he could kiss me. I
should have said no but I agreed. My first kiss.
He turned us around so that I could be on top. I've never kissed
anyone before. Right now I have no idea if I'm doing it
correctly. I stopped the kiss and shyly looked at him. “Am I
doing it right?”
The only answer I got, was him kissing me again. It was so slow.
I didn't know what to do or where to touch him. As if he read
my mind, he put my hands around his neck. We had a rhythm
now. We moved as one. It must be the vodka that gave me
courage to start moving my hands, up and down his back. He
helped me remove the jacket I had on, followed by the crop
top. I didn't know how to explain how I felt. I had this ball of
excitement. We would kiss then stop for a few seconds just to
stare at each other. After I removed his golf t-shirt, a knock
interrupted us. “Just ignore it.” before he could remove my bra,
another knock.
“Khumo are you still in there?”
“Yes, are we leaving?”
“No. I just wanted to make sure you're still fine.”
“I'm good.”
When I was certain that she had left, we continued where we
left off. He massaged my left boob, while the one on the right
was getting wet kisses. From my boobs to the neck, I let out a
moan. My breathing had changed. I just wanted him to
continue giving me the neck kisses. I used my free hand to
lower my hand to his pants. I put my hand in his pants and
touched his penis. My eyes popped and I immediately retracted
my hand. He put it back in and showed me how to stroke him.
Minutes later, we were both naked on his bed. He had on a
condom. All I did was look at his length trying to figure out how
that big thing was going to fit. He stopped my thoughts with a
kiss and tried to penetrate. I moved back.
“Khumo, we shouldn't be doing this.”
I sat on my butt and looked at him. “Why?” my subconscious
slapped me! Why would I ask him that?
He indicated that I should straddle him. I did. “Khumo, I didn't
bring you to my room to have sex with you. As I said you're not
like the rest. This is not how your first time should be. It must
be special. Do you understand?”
I smiled before nodding.
Let's get dressed before someone knocks again, he kissed me
on the cheek...


I only got home around 01h00 in the morning. I don't know why
I keep on giving Khumo more reason to hate me. I tried opening
the door but it was locked. I knocked but there was no answer.
“Khumo, open the door. I'm sorry for only arriving now.
I stopped knocking on the door, went to our bedroom window
and tried peeping in to see if she was in there. I saw nothing. I
knocked again on the window, still nothing.
It was cold and I wanted to sleep. Robert and Dolly took all my
energy. I smiled thinking about the things that we did. I felt my
bean throb just thinking about what transpired. I stopped
knocking and went back to the front. I sat on the mat but
something poked my butt. I used my hand to remove whatever
it was under the mat. Thank you Jesus! It was the key.
I unlocked and went in. “Khumo?” I switched on the lights then
looked for her in the rooms. No sign of her. Khumo never goes
anywhere at night. Where could she be at this time? I checked
my phone and I had a few missed calls from her. I called her
“Keneilwe o batlang?” (what do you want?)
“Where are you?”
“Last time I checked, we don't tell each other our
“I was just worried about you Khumo. You're my sister, I'll
always worry about you.”
“Keneilwe, just go sleep and don't lock the door.” she cut the
I went to our room but I couldn't sleep. I love Khumo yet again I
hate her so much! Sometimes I just want to strangle her.
Around 02h00 in the morning Khumo arrived. From her loud
singing, she was drunk. Since when does she drink? I got off the
bed and made my way to the lounge. She was with a guy I
didn't know. He turned. Our eyes locked. “Omphile?”
“Hi Keneilwe. Where is her room? She needs to sleep.”
We took a drunk Khumo to bed then he left. No small talks,

My head felt like I was carrying a 20 litre bucket on my head. I

looked at the time on my phone, it was 12h00 in the afternoon.
I've never slept until this time. I urgently needed the toilet. I
passed Neilwe at the lounge as I rushed outside to the toilet.
“How is the hangover?”
I ignored her and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of
coffee. I hope it works. It's too hot for me to make a fire
outside, only for a cup of coffee.
“Khumo, how long are you planning on ignoring me?” I opened
my mouth to say something but decided not to.
I could hear my ringing phone in the room.
How is the headache?
“Not too bad. I'm just too tired.”
“Drink lots of water and some painkillers.”
“Won't coffee help?”
I heard him laugh on the other end. “Coffee does nothing to
help with a hangover. Well, for me it has never worked.”
“Really? I read somewhere that it helps.”
“Lies. Are you busy?”
“I just woke up. Need help with something?”
“I just wanted to see you before I leave. Maybe get a goodbye


I was about to knock on our parents bedroom, when I heard

Khumo laughing. I don't remember the last time I heard my
sister laugh. I know I'm one of the reason why she's not happy.
My phone vibrated in my pocket.
“Keneilwe hello?”
“Hi, it's me.”
Really! “It's you who?”
I moved away from the door and went to our room. I made
sure to lock the door. “Dolly, where did you get my number
“I'm a woman with many talents. Can I see you today?”
“We only met yesterday and already you want to meet me. I
thought our only link is Rob.”
“I don't take orders from him, I'm a big girl. Are you coming or
I lay on the bed and remembered the assignments I still had to
do. “Why do you want to see me Dolly? You can't just expect
me to get into a taxi and come see you because you said so.”
“I noticed that you love fancy things, also that you mostly
bought makeup yesterday. I can teach you a few makeup trick
and we could continue where we left things.”
I quickly got up from the bed like the Undertaker. “Will Rob be
“No, only me and you. I know you enjoyed yourself Neilwe.”
she's damn right, I enjoyed myself. More than I did with Rob.
“Are you still there?”
“Uhm.. yeah I'm still here.”
“Tell me when you get to rank, I'll come fetch you.”
“I didn't say yes.”
“Wear a short dress and don't wear any underwear.”
“Dolly I'm not your... Hello?” she cut the call. I tried calling her
back but it just rang.


Tidimalo, was walking with me to Pula’s house. I didn't want to

walk alone.
“Mmata how's the headache?”
“It would be better if I was not walking in the sun. It's too hot
“So, what's happening between you and Omphile?”
I stopped and looked at her. “Nothing.”
“I hope you didn't give him your virginity last night.”
“I almost did.”
“I said I nearly did, but he stopped us from taking things
“Wait, he stopped things from going further?”
“Yes.” I smiled thinking about my first kiss.
“That smile, Khumo Morapedi, what are you not telling me?”

We found Pula relaxing at the veranda.

“Ladies, what are y'all doing here?”
“Get off your high horse, we're here for your brother.” Tidimalo
“Hi Pula, is Omphile around?”
“I'm here..” he gave me and Tidimalo a hug. “Would you like
anything to drink?”
“I'm not staying.”
I looked at her, what does she mean she's not staying.
“I love you my friend
but you're not expecting me to babysit Pula, right?”
I gave her a hug before she left. We went to Omphile’s room.
“Are you ready for your finals?”
“As ready as one can be.”
Omphile, was just staring at me with this adorable smile.
“What's wrong?”
“Nothing, I'm just admiring you. You look very beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“I didn't make you do anything you didn't want to last night
“You mean the kiss?”
He nodded
“I enjoyed it.”
“Would you mind if I kissed you right now?”
We were sitting on the floor, I crawled to him and kissed him.
We kissed for a while before stopping. I shyly smiled before
kissing him again. We slowly undressed each other still kissing.
“Khumo, wait.. we talked about this last night.”
I don't know what's going on with me but I didn't listen to him. I
stroked him gently through his pants. I must still be drunk.
“Khumo..” he removed my hand from his pants. I immediately
stood up and picked up my bra and dress from the floor and got
dressed. Who was I kidding thinking he likes me. He is probably
used to light skinned women with flat tummies and smaller
breasts. A tear dropped, quickly wiped it.
“Hey, Khumo.. why are you crying?”
“I'm not crying, I have to go.” I tried the door but it was locked.
“Can you please open?”

He walked towards me, without warning he kissed me. My

dress was flying across the room, I was tossed onto the bed. I
pushed him off me. He had a frown on his face.
“What's wrong now?”
“I said unlock the door, I want to go.”
“I thought this is what you wanted, what's wrong now?”
“I did! I wanted this but you didn't! I thought we were on the
same page.” I said with a shaky voice.
“So why are you leaving? I'm giving you what you want.”
“Omphile I get it, you don't want me and that's okay. I just want
to leave.”

I knocked softly on Dolly's door.

“I see you made it? Come in.”
The second I went in, she was all over me. She pinned me to
the wall and kissed me. She lifted my dress up a bit and
checked if I was wearing any underwear. “I'm glad that you
listened baby girl.”
“Why am I here Dolly?”
“Why are you here Neilwe?”
I had no answer to that question. I went to the couch to sit
down. She gave me wine, while she rolled a joint.
“How did you meet Robert?” Dolly
“Why are we talking about him?”

Once we were done with the joint, the undressing began. We

were all over one another. Dolly was a good kisser.
Your skin is beautiful, she said kissing every bit of skin. She kept
on talking a whole bunch of nonsense as she fingered me. I felt
my core tighten and my toes curl. I needed more.
I felt something vibrating on my nipples. I let out a moan and
pressed my thighs together.
“Come for me baby girl.” she rubbed my clit and I felt my soul
leave my body.
We just lay on the bed, steading our racing hearts.
“How old are you?”
“You should have asked this before sleeping with me.” I got off
the bed to drink some water.
“I'm only asking because we need people at the bar.”
“People to do what?”
“To strip! What did you think? Didn't Robert tell you?”
“What does Robert have to do with stripping?”
She started laughing. “You're so naive. Rob, is a predator. He
doesn't choose you for absolutely no reason.”
“I don't understand.”
“Obviously you don't. What I'm saying is that Robert, does not
give you money for me reason. Sooner or later you're going to
pay for everything he buys you.”
“I'm already having sex with him.”
“You're really naive nana. Very naive! Are you really
It's no use lying to her. “No, I'm fifteen.”
“What? I'm sleeping with a minor? Are you out of your mind
“Stop shouting! I know what I'm doing.”
“I don't think you know what you're doing. I was only sixteen
when Robert introduced me to this life. I come from a very
poor family, we never knew where our next meal would come
from. I had no choice but to find someone to take care of me
and my family. This job is not for naive girls like you. Robert will
chew and spit you out! He will throw you to the wolves.”
“What could be so hard with stripping.”
“Just get dressed and leave Neilwe. Cut your loses with him
while you still can.”

It's been a week since the bomb, Dolly, threw at me. I have
been ignoring Robert, but I know sooner or later I'm going to
have to talk to him. I don't know if what Dolly, was telling about
Rob, is the truth.
She might have said all of that to have him to herself.
I can't even ask my sister for advice. I'm doomed!
I opened the windows and saw Khumo studying outside.

Things have been very awkward between us. She never speaks
to me or at least shout. No matter how rebellious I become, my
sister always cares about me but not anymore.
I made us something to eat and juice, then went where she
“I thought you might be hungry?”
This is not good.. not good at all! “Khumo I know I'm a pain in
the ass but you always forgive me.”
“What do you want from me Keneilwe?”
“I want my sister back. I want my Khumo back, I miss her.”
“Unfortunately, she's not coming back any time soon. You said I
must stop acting like your mom and that's exactly what I'm
“I didn't say shut me out. You don't sleep in our room, you
don't talk to me not even shout, it's like you no longer care.”
“I don't and if you don't mind I would like to continue with
what I was doing?”

I just sat there, not knowing what to say next. I should be happy
that she will be off my back now but I'm sad. I never thought
there would come a time, where Khumo, would shut me out
like she's doing now.
That stunt to call Mom, really blew up in my face. It's like it
unleashed a new Khumo. I pushed her further away.


More than ten years ago

I have been spending so much time with Joseph and I enjoy his
company. He makes me laugh and forget all the drama's of this
I have never introduced Joseph to Motlalepula, I just don't want
them to meet as yet. He knows I have a sister and that's it.
“Dorris, when am I meeting this man of yours?”
“Why do you think you have to meet him?”
“His probably ugly that's why.”
“Whatever Motlalepula.”
*End of flashback*

Two months of me and Joseph dating, I fell pregnant. My

stepmother was going to kill me. I didn't know what to do. I was
a mess. Things between me and Joseph were not going well, we
decided to breakup instead. He didn't know that I'm pregnant.
When I was six months pregnant, I got the shock of my life.
Motlalepula, was dating my Joseph. I couldn't believe this.
Having to pretend that I don't know him, while I did was
painful. I saw him almost every single day with my sister.
Hell broke when my sister found out that I dated Joseph. She
was a demon! As usual her mother took her side. Apparently I
was so jealous of my sister I had to get pregnant.
The stress was not good for me. My pregnancy was hell, I didn't
get to enjoy my first pregnancy like other women. I was the
happiest woman alive when I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
My happiness was short-lived two months later when I
returned from the shops and found my baby cold. I didn't
understand how could a baby just go cold when I had left her
with Motlalepula.
My life stood still after that. I hated her with everything in me. I
have not forgiven her for all the pain she has brought into my
What breaks my heart is that Keneilwe is turning out to be just
like Motlalepula. She is making Khumo’s life hell. I feel sorry for
her. I just hope she is stronger than I was.

After I embarrassed myself in Omphile’s room, I have been
ignoring his calls. Thinking about how I nearly let him deflower
me makes me anxious.
I might act like I'm so strong but my biggest insecurities
is my dark skin and body. I'm not really dark but coming from a
family where most members are light and I'm dark, they will
remind you of your skin colour every chance they get.
A few days ago I had been having weird dreams about my dad.
He looks really sick and there's nothing I can do to help him. I
hate my dreams because they always come true. If I dream
about someone dying, that person will eventually die, I pray
that's not the case with my dad. Speaking of the devil, my
phone rang and it was him.
“Hello Nana.”
“I have been trying to call but I couldn't reach you.”
“Askies Nana, my phone has been giving me problems.”
“Papa are you sick?”
I heard him coughing badly. “I'm not sick my baby, just a little
“We don't keep secrets from each other Papa. I know you're
not well.”
“I'm coming home next week.”
Now that was great news. I'm writing my last two papers next
week. “Really? I can't wait to see you.”
“I can't wait to see you too. I have to go now my baby, I love
“I love you too daddy.”

I was not convinced especially with that cough. I went inside

the house to take a quick nap...

“Khumo, ngwanaka don't forget to always pray. Life is about to

get tough. Those you love will be the one's to hurt you the
most. Remember not everyone who smiles with you, loves you.
Don't forget who you are. My little rainbow. I love you..”

I fell of the bed and looked around. I saw the curtains sway, I
looked out the window but saw nothing.
This dream freaked me out. I have never dreamt of my great-
grandmother ever since she left us. Now it felt like she was
saying good bye for the second time. She looked sad. Another
weird thing that's been happening is, aunty Dorris, being
extremely nice. We have sat down, drank coffee and genuinely
laugh. Maybe she's the person granny is talking about in my
Weird dreams is also seeing aunty Dorris, holding a baby that
looks exactly like me, in the pictures when I was still a baby. In
the dreams it looked like I was looking at myself. The weird
thing is that, she was holding a dead baby that looked like me. I
could feel her pain as she cried for that baby.


“Come on.. come on..” I was pacing around in our room holding
my phone waiting for the big reveal.
After what Dolly said to me, I totally forgot that I bought
pregnancy tests. If it turns out that I'm pregnant, I won't even
know who the baby belongs to.
The second the phone alarm rang, I quickly removed the tests
from underneath the pillow. “Yoh ntate modimo! Jehovah..” I
sank onto the floor and cried. How am I going to explain this to
our parents?

I quickly dialled Dolly's numbers and thank God she picked up,
“What do you want Keneilwe?”
“Hello to you too.”
“I don't have time for your games, just talk.”
“I'm pregnant!” I blurted it out


“Hello? Dolly are you still there?”

“What do you mean you're pregnant?”
“That I'm going to have a baby.”
“So you're keeping the baby?”
“I'm not sure yet, I'm thinking of aborting but I can't do it here
in the village.”
“Is it Robert’s?”
“I don't know.. he is not the only guy I have been sleeping
“Do what feels right for you.”
“I don't want this baby, I'm still a child myself.”
I heard her laughing. “It's too late for that. You should have
thought about that when you started having sex.”

I cut the call and just sat there wondering what I'm going to do.
The door abruptly opened. Khumo came in.
The first thing she saw were the positive pregnancy tests. I had
no way out of this. She picked them up and studied them for a
while without even looking at me.
She's probably about to spit venom.
“Khumo, I can explain.”
That's when she turned and looked at me. “You're pregnant?”
I slowly nodded my head
“Look Khumo, I know I disappointed you but I didn't mean for
this to happen.”
“Okay.” She went to our wardrobe and took out something to
wear. Before she could leave I held her hand to stop her from
“What do you mean by ‘okay’?”
“Exactly that Keneilwe. What did you expect me to do? Shout
and scream my lungs out? I'm not your mother remember

She left me standing in the middle of the room with my mouth


A week later

I couldn't wait to get home and see my dad. After writing our
paper, we were told to not leave immediately, there's an
announcement that needs to be announced.
“Khumo you have been ignoring me ever since that party.
“How am I ignoring you Otsile? I have been home studying the
entire time.”
“I thought you were going to give us a chance?”
“I never made any promises.”
“I really love you Khumo, I don't know what I have to do to
prove it.”
I saw Bianca making her way to my table. “If I were you Otsile, I
would stop trying my luck on this jezebel.”

Now the entire hall was looking at us.

“Did you just call me a jezebel?”
“I think I just did.. what you going to do?”

I kept quiet

“So you think we don't know that you slept with Pula’s brother,
I looked at Pula and he had a smirk on his face. He made his
way to my table as well. “I did hear the sounds you made in my
brother's room Khumo. No need to be shy, everyone is having
sex... I mean even your little sister is.”
The entire hall was filled with laughter. I could feel myself
“Is this true Khumo?” Otsile
“She's obviously going to lie to you” she put her arm around
Otsile’s waist. “She's a slut!”
I have no idea when I got up from my chair, but I slapped
Bianca so bad she had a nose bleed and I didn't care. The entire
hall was quiet. I went to Pula and stood in front of him.
“Next time you lie like that again, I will crush you! Don't be
fooled by my quietness, I will beat the shit out of you and
Bianca, do you understand?”
I grabbed my things and left. Tidimalo will tell me what the
damn announcement was all about.


I looked at Joseph on the bed coughing non stop. He was

getting worse instead of better.
“Mama, can I come in?” I instantly got annoyed. Khumo can rub
you off the wrong way. “Come in!”
She immediately ran to her father and hugged him tightly.
“Mama, he doesn't look good.”
“He will get better stop worrying. Let's go out so he can rest.”
“But mama..”
“Are you disobeying me?”
I looked at her as she left the room and smiled. I remembered
hearing my boss say he needs a wife and Khumo is the perfect
person. I won't have to work anymore. She's going to be our
way out from this pathetic life. I sent him a text message,
Sir, are you still looking for a wife?

He replied immediately,
I was joking but do you know someone?

My older daughter will be perfect. She's writing her final paper

in a few days time. She's still a virgin. I replied back

Make sure by January she's here. He replied back

I heard some movements on the bed and it was Joseph. “What

do you want?”
“Why are you doing this Motlalepula? She's our daughter.”
“Who do you think is going to take care of us when you're not
here? Khumo will be okay
stop worrying.”
“Don't do this to our baby please.. why are you so evil?”
“Only now you realise that I'm evil? All these years when you
used to sweat on top of me you didn't realise that I'm evil? O sa
batla go ntena!” (don't make me angry!)
“I should have stayed with Dorris instead of you! You make me
sick! You're the reason I lost my first child with Dorris. I don't
know how you fooled me all these years, moloi!”
I hated that name so badly. I walked to our bed and put a pillow
over his head and suffocated him. I pressed harder but quickly
stopped what I was doing. “I will kill you Joseph! I will kill you..
be warned.”
“You knew that I loved Dorris but you wanted what she had.”
“It's not my fault that I'm prettier than her. You have always
been a man whore, just like my father. If he didn't cheat on my
mom, there wouldn't be a Dorris that you slept with!”

I slammed the door on my way out and went to Dorris house.

I sat on the bed trying to understand what I heard my parents
arguing about. My dad used to date aunty Dorris, and she fell
pregnant? That should explain the baby that looked like me in
my dreams. I remind her of her dead baby.
This was all too much for me. What the hell is going on in this
How did dad end up with Mom then? I had so many questions
that I couldn't answer.
Now I kind of understand why they never got along. I peeped
through the window and saw her heading in the direction of
aunt Dorris house. Shit is about to hit the fan!

“Khumo are you in there?”

I opened our bedroom door and Tidimalo and Itsanang were
holding snacks.
“Can we come in?” Itsanang
“Yeah sure.”
“You look like you have seen ghosts. What's wrong?” Itsanang
“Huh?.. uhm nothing, I'm okay. What are y'all doing here?”
“We came to check if you're okay after that slap that you gave
that bitch!” Tidimalo
I shook my head and laughed. “I'm okay mmata, I still can't
believe Pula. Why would he say such lies?”
“He wanted to be the one to tap first but that didn't happen.”
“Tap.. as in sleep with me?
Itsanang and Tidimalo nodded
“So, that's why we were invited to the party?”
“I only found out after the party. I didn't tell you because you
looked very stressed out.” Tidimalo
“It's okay. He didn't get what he was looking for now he is
spreading lies about me? Very pathetic.”
“Have they replied you at the school of fashion?” Tidimalo
“No. I'm glad I applied for a nursing course just in case.”
“We all know you don't want to study nursing.” Tidimalo
“Well if I don't get accepted, I have no choice but to study
nursing. It's always been a second option. What about you
“I've been accepted for journalism.” Tidimalo
“Ohh, Mmata congratulations! I'm so happy for you.” I hugged
her tightly.
I'm still waiting to be replied at the nursing college. Itsanang
“Were you not joining the army Mmata?”
“That was the plan but maybe in a few years time I will.”


I stood by the door listening to Khumo and her friends talking

about their future. Only then did I realise how foolish I have
been. Khumo has always been focused. I used to tease her
about being uptight but at least she has dreams. What about
me? I'm a grade 10 student who does not have dreams and
might even fail. I'm pregnant with a baby I don't want.
I pushed away the only person who actually cared about me all
these years. No matter how mean me an Mom were to her, she
always had my back. Even when we were younger, if I messed
up Khumo always has my back.

I went to our parents room to see our father. He really didn't

look well. Another human I have hurt. What kind of person am
I saw a smile on his wrinkled face. He tapped the bed. I sat next
to him.
“How are you Papa?”
“I feel so much better now that I've seen your face Punkie.”
“Papa! I don't like that name.” we both laughed, until he
started coughing up blood.
“Papa, what's wrong?”
“I'm okay my baby. How was school?”
“Papa you can't say you're okay when you're coughing up
“It's time my baby.. it's time.”
“Time for what? You're scaring me.”
“I want you to know how much I love you Punkie. You and
Khumo are my world. How I wish you two would get along as
sisters. I don't want you to grow up one day and regret all your
choices. Fix things between you and your sister.”
“I have hurt her badly Papa. I don't see her forgiving me this
time around.”
“Your sister has a big forgiving heart. She can't stay angry at
you forever unless you don't show any remorse. I want you
two, to be so happy!” I saw a tear down my dad's face
“I will try Papa.. I will try.”
“I love you Keneilwe, don't ever forget that. You and Khumo
will always be my princesses. Do you understand?”
I nodded
“Go and call her for me. I need to speak with her as well.”

After Keneilwe came in rushing into our room looking all

freaked out. I ran to our parents bedroom and our dad didn't
look good. He was worse and deep down I knew why he
wanted to see me. I knew it but I didn't want to believe it.
“It's time my baby.. you know what I'm talking about right?”
I wiped my tears walking to the bed. “Papa, you have to fight..
please don't leave me.”
“We can't escape death Nana. I want you to promise me
He removed a letter from underneath his pillow and gave it to
me. “Give this letter to your aunt and tell her how sorry I am.”
I just nodded with tears blurring my vision
“Don't forget who you are Nana. No matter what happens don't
forget who you are.. I will look over you on the other side.
Forgive your little sister as well.”
“No Papa! Ask me anything but not this. I'm done with her and
mama, I want to live my own life. Your wife has never loved me.
You know I love you, but don't force me to forgive them.”
“Stop crying my baby..” we heard my mom's voice by the door.
“Nana please hide that letter and make sure you give it to your
aunt. Your Mom must never know about this okay?”
I quickly hid it in my bra. I felt my heart racing and I knew that
his soul was slowly leaving this world. “Papa, please don't do
this! Don't leave me.”
The door opened, Mom and Keneilwe rushed in.
“Papa please don't leave us!” Keneilwe

His warm hand turned cold and he closed his eyes.


My world came to a stand still in our parents room. I couldn't

stop crying. I looked at Khumo and she looked like a zombie.
She just sat there holding our father's hand without even
blinking. Our mom was crying the loudest.
We saw the ambulance and people from the morgue coming in.
They checked his pulse and indeed he was gone. I didn't want
to believe it.
I tried holding on to him but they pulled me off him.

“Papa, please don't go. Just wake up, I know you're not dead.
Papa tsoga tlhe!” (daddy please wake up!)
“Keneilwe, stop it. You know he is gone just stop it.”
“Khumo, I'm not strong like you! Why are you not crying? Tell
me why it's easy for you to accept his death?”
I kept on shoving her and she just let me. I was more angry that
they shared a perfect father and daughter bond and I didn't. I
couldn't because I was selfish.
I tried calming down but when they took him from the
bedroom all covered. I broke down more.
I wanted to go with him.

“Put me in there with him. I want my daddy! Papa please..

don't go.. please daddy.”
“Come here.. come.” Khumo held me in her arms and I cried so
much. I can't remember the last time
I cried and my sister held me like this. I cried for all the hurtful
words I said to our father while he was still alive. How bad I
have treated Khumo and the baby I was carrying but I can't
“Shhh.. it's going to be okay Punkie, stop crying it's not good for
the baby.” she whispered in my ear.
She held me as we went to our room. “Khumo why did he leave
us? Why couldn't he stay with us?”
“It was his time Punkie, there's nothing he could do. I'm going
to check on Mama.”
“Please don't go.. please hold me until I fall asleep?”


Seeing Keneilwe, cry like she did really broke my heart. She
might not be my favourite person right now but she's still my
baby sister. She struggled to fall asleep but eventually she did.
This is what I hate about the villages. People have already heard
that there's a funeral at the Morapedi’s and they're here to pay
their respects.
I had to be the one making them tea and listen to them talk
about how my dad was a wonderful man.
“Khumo, ngwanaka you have not cried since we have arrived
here. It's okay to cry Nana.”
“I'm okay Mma Moruti.”
“Death has no shame ngwanaka but there's nothing we can do.
It's unfortunate that your father had to leave us like this,
especially you when you're busy writing exams.” Mma moruti
“I'm okay, I studied weeks ago.”
“Make your dad proud by passing well and going after your
“I will do that.”

After everyone had left I went to the back and looked at the
stars. I felt like crying but something was stopping me from
doing that. I felt something poking my boob and I remembered
the letter I'm supposed to give my aunt. I still can't believe my
dad and aunt used to date and had a baby. Life is weird!
“Khumo why are you outside at this time?”
“I just needed a breather mama.”
“Did your father say anything to you before he.. before he
This woman is really not well in the head. “Nothing that would
interest you mama.”
“Khumo these days you have an attitude! Keng ka wena?”
(what's wrong with you?)
“He just said that he loves me and I must do well at school and
not forget who I am. What else do you want to know?”
“Let me leave before I say something I'll regret.”
I tried not to laugh but I did.
“What's so funny?”
“Nothing mama.”

I left her sitting outside and I went to aunt Dorris to give her the
letter. It might grow legs and end up in the wrong hands. I
found her at the veranda.
“What are you doing here so late ngwanaka? You should be at
home and mourning. Come and sit next to me.”
I just sat there with so many questions to ask but didn't.
“What's troubling you my baby?”
“Do you hate me because I look like your other baby?”
She was not ready for what I asked her. She looked spooked. “I
don't hate you Khumo.”
“Your actions show that you do. I've been having weird dreams
of you holding a baby that looked just like me but the baby was
dead. Today before Papa passed away, I heard him telling
mama that he should have chosen you instead.”
“I don't like talking about my past Khumo, it's really painful. Till
this day I still cry for my baby. I wonder if she would have
looked exactly like you, have your heart and brains. I look at
you and get reminded of the baby I was robbed. I don't hate
you though.”
“I'm really sorry for your loss aunty. My dad said I should give
you something and that he is very sorry.”
“What's that?”
I gave her the letter. “I didn't know where to hide it that's why I
brought it now.”
“Your father broke my heart Khumo. I should hate him right
now but the weird thing is that I still love him.”
I awkwardly looked at her.
“I know you don't want to hear this but I still do. He was the
first guy I loved wholeheartedly. All these years I spent without
him, have been torture.”
“I really don't know what to say but I have to go it's late.”

Joseph laying in the coffin, is what made me believe that he is

really gone. I couldn't even cry because it wouldn't make sense
of me crying louder than the widow.
Motlalepula is just being herself, being a bitch and trying to
control everything. She should be sitting on a mattress,
mourning her husband but she's more focused on me and what
I'm doing in her house.
I saw this dark beautiful lady and little boy who had some of
Khumo’s features. For a second I thought I saw Khumo until she
turned and I noticed that it's not her.

Keneilwe has been crying from the day her father left this world
until his burial. She's not coping. Poor Khumo is just a walking
zombie. She has not cried and that's not healthy.
She was helping the ladies outside to dish for people and
serving them. She was all over the place.
“Come here..”
“Do you need anything aunty?”
“No my baby.. come sit here for a bit you must be tired.”
“I'm okay.”
“How are you holding up?”
“I'm okay, I knew that he was not going to make it.”
“If it gets too much, you can come and hide by my house for a
few minutes. How was your last paper?”
“It was tough but I had studied so I hope I did well. I can't wait
to leave this place.”
“I wish you well in everything you do. I wanted to ask you
“Do you know that lady and her son?”
“No, but she kind of looks like me.”
“I thought it was you the first time I saw her.” we both laughed
before she left.

I kept on staring at this lady who looks like me. I wanted to ask
her how she knows my father but that would be rude.
I have not had the time to sit down by myself and cry for my
father. It has not sinked in that he is gone. I can't even
celebrate that I'm done writing my matric exams. Why can't I
be happy just once?
“Mmata are you good?”
I just looked at Itsanang
“Stupid question! Obviously you're not fine.”
“You know there's a woman who looks like you?” Tidimalo
“I saw her and I want to ask her how she knows my father but
I'm so afraid.”
“Just go and ask maybe she's someone from your father's side.”
What Tidimalo was saying made sense. Maybe she's my aunt.

I walked to where she was sitting.

She smiled and she had a dimple. This is creepy, it's as if I was
looking at myself smiling. “Hi.”
“I'm sorry to ask this but did you know my father?”
“I didn't know him that well, he was my brother.”
“I haven't seen him in years but my husband is a private
investigator, he told me this is where he lived but it looks like I
was late. It's his funeral.”
“Why did he leave home and never went back?”
“Our families and keeping secrets. I also don't know. All I knew
is that I had a brother who left home and never came back. I
don't blame him though.”
“Our parents are bulldozers. They like controlling everything!
When I was old enough, I left and never went back as well.”
“Are you his only child?”
“No. His first child passed away then there's me and my
younger sister.” I pointed at Keneilwe’s direction.
“I have to go now, can I get your number if you don't mind?”

We exchanged numbers before she left.

“Who was that lady Khumo?”
“She said she's our aunt.”
I shrugged my shoulders and went inside the house.


I don't know how to make sense of what Khumo just said. Our
I looked inside the house for her
but I couldn't find her. She needs to explain what she meant by
she's our aunt.
My phone has been ringing non stop and I hope it's not Robert.
It rang again and I picked up without checking who it was.
“When am seeing you?”
“Yes it's me. When are you coming here baby?”
“Really? We just buried my father and you want sex? Wa
tsenwa?” (are you mad?)
“Since when do you care about your father? You never did
when he was still alive.”
“That doesn't matter! I'm not coming there.”
“I can come there.”
“You're really sick! I can't believe I used to sleep with an idiot
like you!”
“Well you did Keneilwe. Either you come here or I'll come and
fetch you there.”
“Come and explain why you're sleeping with a minor.” I cut the

I started feeling very sick and I fainted.

I woke up in our room and I remembered that I had fainted.

You're up? Khumo asked
“What happened?”
“You fainted.”
“Does mama know?”
“Know what? That you're pregnant or that you fainted?”
“That I fainted.”
“This is her house, someone must have told her.”

The door opened and our mother came in.

“Keneilwe what's wrong?”

“With what mama?”
“You fainted, you have never fainted in your entire life.”
“It must be stress?”
“Or she's pregnant?” we turned and looked at aunty Dorris
standing by the door.
“Dorris this is a family matter that does not concern you! Why
do you like to be everywhere? My child is not pregnant.”
“Keep telling yourself that but even a blind mouse can tell that
she's pregnant.”
Khumo looked at me and I looked at her.
“I'm not pregnant aunty.”
“The truth always reveal itself punkie.”
“Dorris tswa! Get out motho wa modimo!”
Motlalepula, is really stupid if she can't see that Keneilwe is
I sat in my room holding the letter Khumo gave me. I don't
know what he wrote in that letter but maybe if I read it, I will
finally get the closure that I needed.
My lovely Dorris, I don't even know where to begin but I'll start
by apologizing.
I'm really sorry my love for all the pain I have brought into your
I don't know what was wrong with me years ago when I broke
your heart. I'm the reason you lost our baby. I couldn't even be
there for you, to help you mourn.
I want you to know that you did nothing wrong. I just got
greedy and let that greed control me.
I want you to know that I have and will always love you. I never
stopped loving you.
I spent my living days wondering what would have happened if I
had given us a second chance. Even on my death bed, I'm
wondering if it would be possible to be with the love of my life,
in the afterlife? Will it be possible to hold you in my arms, look
into your beautiful eyes and tell you how much I love you.
My heart has only beat for one woman and it's always been
you. All these past years I never had the courage to tell you how
I felt and how sorry I am.
Nothing I say in this letter will erase the pain of losing our baby.
No amount of sorries will fill that void. But I couldn't leave this
world without telling you how sorry I am. I know when you look
at Khumo she reminds you of what we couldn't have but she's
not at fault. Please don't punish her for my sins. Don't punish
her for Motlalepula’s hatred towards you as well.
I know deep down, my soft hearted Dorris still exists. I don't
want you to live with so much hatred in your heart, that's not
you. I want you to be very happy. Motlalepula is toxic don't be
like her. Please remember who you are and never let her go.
Until we meet again my love.. I love you Dorris. I will continue
loving you from the grave but just be happy for the both of us.
I had tears blinding my vision as I read the letter. I will always
love you too Joseph. I wish I could have told you this, while you
were still alive.

Two months later

We received our matric results a week ago and I made it. I

passed with four distinctions. I cried tears of joy on that day. I
wished my dad was still alive.
Being at home stuck with Keneilwe was not part of my plans. I
was at Tidimalo’s home listening to her telling me about how
excited she is about going to Cape Town to study.
“Mmata you're really excited tlhe!”
“Anything to get me out of this village makes me happy.”
“I can see that my friend. I thought you said Itsanang is joining
“I'm here!”
“Look at you looking pretty, Itsanang.
“Very beautiful, nurse Itsanang Tlhapi!” we all laughed and
hugged one another.
“Wena Mrs designer, still nothing from the school?” Tidimalo
“No, the nursing College gave me a week to accept or decline
their offer.”
“We know how much you want to get space at the design
school.” Itsanang

I shrugged my shoulders.

“That school is a private college, how are you going to pay the
fees?” Itsanang
“Mama said her boss offered to pay for my fees.”
“That's great news!”
“Not if I don't get space.”
“You will, stop panicking.” Tidimalo
“Wena, nurse Tlhapi, when are you leaving?”
“In two days Mmata.”
“I'm going to miss you guys so much!”
“Can we promise one another that no matter what, we'll always
stay in contact with each other?”
We made pinky promises and helped Tidi pack her clothes.
Tidimalo is my best friend and I'm a bit sad that we won't see
each other every day.
My phone rang and I ignored it.

“Who are you ignoring Mmata?”

I pretended to not hear her.
“Don't tell me you're still ignoring Omphile?”
I sighed and sat on the bed. “I am ignoring him, what does he
want from me?”
“You won't know until you answer his calls.”
The phone rang again and Tidimalo snatched it from the
charger and answered it,
“Khumo’s phone hello?”
“Hi, can I please talk to Khumo?”
She shoved the phone into my hands and I had no choice but to
“How are you Khumo?”
“I'm fine.”
“You have been ignoring me from last year..”
“So, why are you still calling even though I'm ignoring your
“Ever since that incident in my room, you have been ignoring
“I don't want to talk about it!”
“I'm still in the village, can we meet before I leave?”
“So that your brother can go around telling people that I slept
with you?”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Pula embarrassed me at school and told everyone that I slept
with you.”
“I'll deal with him, but can we meet? We can meet at the sports
“I'll see but now I have to go.”

“Mama, what do you mean you're resigning?”

“Keneilwe, you can't stay at home by yourself.”
“Aunt Dorris, o teng she can keep an eye on me.”
“Don't ever mention that name around me!”
“What about Khumo’s college fees?
Since when do you care about her?” “Don't worry about her, I
have everything under control.”
“Mama what did you do?”
“Just stop asking nonsense! When Khumo comes
to Johannesburg, I'll be coming home.”
“Why can't I come to Johannesburg as well
there plenty of schools there?”
“Maybe when you pass this year you can join her in Joburg?”
“I said maybe. I have to get back to work now, bye.”
I wonder what mom did to get her boss to pay for Khumo’s
fees. He doesn't look like someone who would spend his money
unless he is getting something in return. I sat in front of the
mirror and touched my stomach, a few tears dropped and I
quickly wiped them.
I heard the door open and close. “Khumo is it you?”
I went to the kitchen where she was. “I was just on the phone
with mama.”
“She tells me that her boss is going to be paying your fees.”
“It looks that way.”
“You must be excited to finally leave the village?”
“Keneilwe what do you want? If you want to go have fun with
your friends or TK you don't have to act so nice, just go.”
“I'm not acting nice, I'm really trying here.”
“Well maybe it's a bit late for whatever it is that you're trying to
I don't blame her for the way she's acting towards me right
now. I've been so mean for as long as I can remember. “I don't
want any bad blood between us tlhe Khumo.”
She left me standing in the kitchen and went outside. I have
really unleashed the monster in my sister. She was never one to
hold grudges or to stay angry for this long.
I really thought we were bonding when our father passed away,
but I misread the situation.
Khumo is not forgiving me anytime soon and there's nothing I
can do about that.
What's even worse is that I don't even have real friends here.
The only friend I had, introduced me to Robert. The only person
who really cared about me does not care any more. I even had
to change my numbers, because Robert kept on calling me non
stop. I blocked him, only for him to call using a different
number. I will miss his money but it's not worth me losing the
little bit of me that I still have.

I was still cooking the maize meal, when I heard my phone

ringing in the room. I stirred it a few times before running to
my ringing phone. Unknown number?
“My baby girl!”
“Did you think you can hide from me forever strawberry?”
“How.. how did you get these numbers?”
“Did you not miss me because I have? I can't was to see you.”
“That won't be possible Robert. I don't want to see you
“That's where you're wrong. I will see you when I want to see
you. Remember that you belong to me baby!”
“I don't belong to anyone Robert! Stop acting like a crazy
“You can change your numbers as many times as you want but
I'll always find you.”
“Is that a threat?”
“I see you don't know me small girl. I know every single thing
about you, your family and that beautiful, sexy chocolate sister
of yours.”
I felt my insides shrinking and my boobs sweating.
“I also know that you lied about your age. I'm going to send you
a cute picture and tell me if you like it or not.”
I looked at the pictures he was talking about. I could not believe
what I was seeing. It was pictures of Khumo. I swallowed air
and zoomed the pictures again and it's the same clothes she
was wearing now, even the hairstyle. I immediately called Dolly,
maybe she can help me out.
“Dolly it's me.”
“And I'm supposed to know that it's you because you said so?”
“It's me Keneilwe!”
“Oh, you.. what do you want?”
“Robert just called me and I didn't give him my new numbers.”
“Nothing new there. When Robert wants something, he makes
sure he gets it.”
“Now he is sending me pictures of my sister to threaten me..”
I heard her laughing. “I'll say this again, you're naive sweety.
Listen here, Robert, does not do threats. Once he sends you
pictures of your loved ones, there's no more Mr nice guy.”
“Who is this guy and what have I gotten myself into?”
“This is the price you pay, when you don't appreciate the little
that you have. From now on, you're his bitch and there's
nothing you can do.”
“If I don't agree to his demands I'm toast!”
“Toast is very delicious, more like a rotten potato.”

I kept on tossing and turning the entire night, thinking about

what Dolly said to me. This time around I have really messed up
and got Khumo involved without her knowing. This could only
mean that he knows where I stay.

Soon mama will be here guarding my every move! I don't know

how I'm going to keep Robert happy. This is a nightmare. Just
when I want to start on a new slate, Robert and his fat wallet
ruin my plans. Papa, wherever you are please protect me. I
know I have been a bad daughter but please. I have made bad
choices and they have come to bite me in the vagina!
How I wish I was Khumo right now. I would give anything to
leave this village and my past behind.

No use laying in bed and feeling sorry for myself, I got up and
went to our parents room where Khumo was sleeping. I might
not be her favourite person but I'm going to try my luck. I
slowly opened the door and she had her headset on.
The way I annoyed her, I could hear her sigh from where I was
“Can I come in?”
“O batlang Keneilwe?” (what do you want?)
I walked to her and sat on the bed.
“I want to ask something.”
“What's that?” she used pillows for support and removed her
“What would you do if you were stuck between a rock and a
hard place?”
“You're going to have to give me more than that.”
“What if you once did something, you're not proud of and
when you try to change, that something comes back to bite
“Is it something bad?”
“I wouldn't say bad.. bad.”
“Then what's really the problem here?”
“Let's say you break up with someone but that person doesn't
want to accept that it's over.”
“Open a case then, so he can stay away from you.”
“That's not going to work. The person knows people and the
docket would just get lost.”
I saw her looking at me with shock all over her face. “Keneilwe,
were you dating a gangster?”
“No!.. no.. I didn't say I'm asking on my behalf.”
“I was not born a few seconds ago. So this gangster boyfriend
of yours, is he the one who got you pregnant?”
Before I could answer her I saw her doing some serious
mathematics with her forehead. “Wait you're not talking about
TK, right?”
“Euw! No.. I said I'm not talking about me.”
“I think you came to the wrong person for advice. I don't even
have a boyfriend. I've never had sex before, so I really don't
know how to advise you. Just follow your heart. I hope
whatever it is that's troubling you, won't get you into trouble..”


I enjoyed that little moment I had with Keneilwe today. I

wished that we could have those conversations, a while back.
My phone vibrated on the bed,
“Khumo, you didn't forget that I'm leaving today right?”
“No. I'm still getting dressed then I'll come over.”
“You sound different today.”
“Different how?”
“I don't know that's the thing. Are you still going to meet
“Why did I agree to the meet up again?”
“Don't let Pula be the reason you don't want to see Omphile.
Just do you.”
“I'll try. I wish you didn't have to leave today though.”
“I'm going to miss you so much! Wear that brown bandage
dress we bought together, it will look hot on you.”
“That dress is too short.”
“I told you to stop dressing like an 90 year old! Also stop lying, I
chose that dress and saw you wearing it, it's not short. I'll also
wear my dress.”
“Okay fine!”
As soon as I was done bathing, I wore the dress and it looked
good but that little voice in the head, that kept on telling me
that I'm too fat was very much there. Keneilwe opened the
door without knocking.
“Wow! Have you seen my sister Khumo somewhere?”
“I didn't hear you knock?”
“Sorry. You look beautiful.”
I kept on trying to pull the dress down until Keneilwe held my
hands. “Stop doing that, you look beautiful and that dress suits

I walked to the sports ground that was near Omphile’s home. I

looked around like a lost sheep. I felt arms around my waist
I turned to look and it was him.
“I was about to go back home.”
“I told you to use the big gate, not the small one.”
“I'm here now, what did you want to talk about?”
“Let's go sit under the shade, I don't want a beautiful lady like
you to get burnt by the sun.”
I looked down and blushed.
“Tell me, why were you ignoring me again?”
We both laughed. “I already told you.”
“I want you to tell me again.” he started tickling me
“Omphile, tlhe rra! Stop tickling me.”
“Why have you been ignoring me?”
“Okay, fine. Your brother thought it was cute for him and that
Bianca to tell lies about me, that I slept with you.”
“Well, we almost did.”
“Almost doesn't count. We didn't sleep with each other.”
“He tells me that you threatened him as well.”
“I didn't, I just gave him a warning.. there's a difference.”
“What about the last time you were in my room?”
I looked the other side pretending that I didn't hear what he
just said.
“I know you heard me Khumo.” he brought my face close to his
and smiled.
“I was still drunk and I'm glad you stopped me from making a
fool out of myself.” that's a lie Khumo, my subconscious spoke.
You somehow think he doesn't want you because of your body.
“I really like you Khumo. Like a lot.”
“Or maybe you also placed a bet on who will take my
He looked confused. “What are you talking about?”
“The only reason I was invited to the party, is because your
brother had placed some bet that he would be the one to break
my virginity.”
It started off with a chuckle that led to laughter, until he looked
at my serious face. “You're actually serious?”
“Hmm?..” I turned to look at him and that's when he brought
my face close to his, and kissed me. It took me a while to realise
what's happening before I started giving in. He pulled me in, so
I could straddle him. I didn't care that we're surrounded by
people right now.
My dress had slightly moved up and that gave him more access
to my thighs. The little drawings he did with his fingers on my
skin excited my body. I moved a bit and I felt something poking
me, I stopped the kiss to touch what was poking me. I looked at
him and he smirked. “Is that your.. you know?”
“My what?” he said in between laughter
I lightly shoved him. “You know what I'm talking about.”
“Do you still want me to take your innocence?”
I was confused. A minute ago I wanted him but now I'm just
confused. “Maybe?”
“Let's go..”


I read Robert's message over and over again. I can't believe he

said he wants me to meet up with him. What if he wants to kill
I was walking to the taxi rank when I noticed that a car was
following me. I walked slowly and the car took a different turn. I
stopped and sighed. Now I was paranoid because of Robert.
Before I could arrive at the rank, the same car I had thought
was following me stopped in front of me. I panicked and tried
to run but I didn't make it far. I felt strong hands covering my
mouth as the person picked me up. I kicked in the air but I was
immediately shoved in the car. I tried getting out but the car
was locked.
“Hey! Hey.. let me out! Why am I here?”
“Just shut up! The boss said we should come pick you up.”
The boss? “Who the hell is the boss?”
“You will see him for yourself when we arrive.”
I couldn't even see a thing outside. I just sat there with tears in
my eyes. The other big guy passed me his phone. “The boss
wants to talk to you.”
“Baby girl!”
I'll be damned! This piece of shit is the reason these two
ambushed me. “Robert!”
“Now are you going to start taking me seriously when I tell you
that you're mine?”
“Robert, why can't you just leave me alone? You can have
anyone else, I don't want to do this.”
“If I can't have you, your beautiful sister will take your place..
ohh how gorgeous she looked in that tight brown dress!
Mhmm, I can already see myself on top of her enjoying myself.”
“Don't you dare touch my sister! Leave her out of this.. please.”
“You know what to do. Just be mine.”
“How do I know that you will leave her alone?”
“You won't.. but you know I never break my promises.”
“How are we going to do this because I'm still a student?”
“I'm not that bad, I'll let you finish high school maybe even let
you go to varsity and have a boyfriend.. but always remember
that I'm your master and you're my puppet! What I say goes,
“Yes master.”
“Good girl.”

His people left me where they found me. I had no idea how I
was getting out of this one.. alive.

The amount of nerves I had walking to Omphile’s home!

“Will Pula be there?”
“He went with our parents to Durban.
So there's no one at your house?”
“Yeah, they're only returning tomorrow.”
“Okay.” he unlocked his room and I sat on the chair.
He went out and came back with juice and burgers. “I hope
you're hungry?”
My mind was not here, I was thinking about the school of
“Khumo are you okay?”
“Huh?.. yeah, yeah I'm good.”
“You're not even eating.”
“Sorry but I'm not that hungry, I'll eat this later. I'm quickly
going to use the bathroom.”
I found him sitting on the bed when I returned. I stood in
between his legs and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Are
we doing this or not?”
With his hands on my waist, he pulled me in so that I lay on top
of him. As we kissed, he lightly brushed his fingertips on my
exposed skin. “Your skin is really beautiful Khumo.”
I don't know where this courage was coming from but I liked
the courageous me. In between the kiss, I removed his t-shirt
and left kisses on his neck before returning to his lips. Kissing
has become my favourite thing ever!
He unzipped the zipper at the back and removed my dress.
“You're still sure about this?”
I kissed him, that should be his answer. He flipped us, now he
was on top.
He sucked on each of my nipples, giving them both some love. I
swallowed my fear and put my hand in his pants to stroke his
member. I heard him groan close to my ear. I must be doing
something right, or wrong. I removed my hand. “Why did you
“I thought I did something wrong.” he was the one who put my
hand back into his pants. The more I stroked him the weaker he
became, I used the precum to coat the head of his member.
“Fuck Khumo!” he stopped me from stroking him any further
and looked at me with his eyes half closed. “Just relax let me
take care of you first.”
He used his teeth to remove my underwear without breaking
any eye contact. I looked the other way. “Look at me Khumo.”
One hand was on my nipple, while the other his thumb rubbed
my clit. This was a foreign feeling. At some point I wanted to
close my legs tight but he would pinch my thighs and rub me
even faster. He used a finger to penetrate first, then a second
that's when I flinched.
“Relax okay? Don't think about it.”
Easier said than done. I took in a few breaths and I relaxed.
Once I had relaxed, the fingers returned but this time around I
enjoyed it. I felt some wetness between my ass. The more he
rubbed the more I felt my core tighten. The wet sounds that
came from him fingering me, drove me over the edge. I needed
more. I felt his dick head on my vaginal opening. He used my
juices to coat his dick.. he fondled my breasts as he rubbed my
clit with the head. My toes curled and back arched. “Let go
Khumo.” one gentle pinch to my clit and I let go! I screamed his
name throughout...

At my age I should be at home, not cleaning someone else's

mansion. I smiled walking around the main room. “Soon this
will be all yours my baby.. soon we will be rich!”

I used my phone to take pictures to show Khumo. Who

wouldn't want to live here? This place is a palace! Every room
was beautiful. Maybe Khumo will build something like this at
the village. Dorris would die from envy. I was cleaning under
the bed when I heard someone clearing their throat. I turned
and it was Amahle. She really thinks she's the lady of the house.

“Motlalepula, how many times must I tell you to not clean this
room when I'm around?”
“You don't clean it the way it should be. Let me do my job and
you stick to yours as well.”
“What do you mean?”
“Leave the cleaning job to me and you just keep the sheets
warm.” I disappeared into the bathroom to clean. She followed
“You don't talk to me like that! You're just the help. You can be
replaced at any time.”
“If you say so madam.”
“I told you to stop calling me madam! Do I look like an old
wrinkled woman with five cats, to be called madam?”
I walked closer to her and studied her face. I just looked at her
for the longest time.
“What are you doing Motlalepula?”
“When last did you go for your Botox
because I can see a few wrinkles.” she started screaming like a
strangled cat. “I told you to smile a lot madam, it helps reduce
the wrinkles.”
“I'm only 25, there's no way I can have wrinkles.” she flipped
her long weave and applied more lipstick. “Don't cook, my man
is taking me out for dinner tonight.”
Soon this will be over.. I mumbled
“What did you say?”
“Me?.. nothing madam.”

I watched her walk out and felt like hitting her with something
on the head. Amahle annoys me so much! She thinks she's here
to stay, if only she knew this house is finally about to have a
new madam. I smiled thinking of the new couches that will be
delivered at my home. I've already found building people to
come and extend my home. I'm finally going to live like the
queen I am. No more going outside to use the toilet. I'll have
my own bathroom and my kitchen is going to be modern.
I opened the walk-in closet and I can already see Khumo’s new
clothes in here. I took some of Amahle’s clothes.. they would fit
Keneilwe, Khumo has more meat on her bones unlike Keneilwe.
Both my children had beautiful bodies. If Keneilwe was a bit
older, she would be the queen of this castle.
I continued to clean then went downstairs to make my boss
some coffee and a sandwich. I knocked on his study.
“Come in!”
“I brought you some coffee and toasted mayo sandwich?”
“Thank you Motlalepula. Have you seen Amahle?”
“She said she's going shopping and I must not cook today.”
“You're taking her out for dinner. Are you done in here so that I
can clean?”
“I'm still busy. Does your daughter know about our deal?”
I cleared my throat. “Not yet, I'm still trying to figure out how
I'm going to persuade her into being yours.”
“If you can't pull this of just tell me.”
“No! No.. no sir, don't worry I have everything under control.”


I ran to our room to see why Khumo was screaming.

“Khumo keng?”
“I just went through my emails and they replied.. I've been
“Who replied?”
“The college where I'll be doing my fashion course? I've been
chosen, they liked my portfolio!”
The excitement on her face was priceless. “I'm so happy for
“Me too, I'm so happy!” she gave me a tight, bone crushing
hug. Right at that moment I was happy, very happy.
“You're finally going to be free of my tantrums.”
“I'm not going to argue with that.”
I sadly smiled. “That means mama is finally coming home.”
“What do you mean she's coming home? What about her job?”
“She didn't tell you?”
“Maybe she was waiting to hear if you got accepted or not.” I
shrugged my shoulders.
“If your mother wanted me to know, she would have told me.”
“Let me call her so you can give her the good news.” Khumo
just shrugged her shoulders and sat on the floor, going through
her photo album that had pictures of her, Tidimalo and

“Mama, hello?”
“Khumo is here as well.”
“Hello Khumo.”
“Hello mama.”
“Khumo got accepted at the fashion college!”
We heard her ululating on the other side. I looked at Khumo
but she didn't look interested.

“I'm so happy for you ngwanaka. The devil is a lier! Your father
must be happy wherever he is.”
“When were you going to tell me that you're leaving your job?”
“I was going to tell you Nana, don't worry we'll talk tomorrow.”
“Why tomorrow?” Khumo
“I'm coming there.”
“Bathong Khumo! It sounds like you prefer me being here than
at home?"
“You're right about that.” Khumo left the room. I was shocked.
Khumo is really turning out to be like me. This is not my sister.
Did I push her that far?

“Your sister will be the death of me! Did you hear how she
spoke to me?”
“Mama, Khumo has never been rude. Maybe she's on her
“I'll deal with her tomorrow!”
“Mama tlhe! Just let her enjoy herself this once?”
“Fine! I have something for you..”
“I sent the pictures to your WhatsApp.”
“Okay mama, bye”

My life is about to be a movie! I have no idea on how I'm going

to juggle school and Robert.

One month later

“Tidimalo, I told you I have to get ready for my classes.”

“Stop being so uptight, tell me how is Joburg treating you?”
“I've never been so happy in my life! It's like I'm a new person.
How's Cape Town?”
“Not bad, I just miss you so much.”
“I miss you too. I'm thinking of finding a part time job, who
knows maybe I'll come and visit you?”
“I hope you get lucky. I've been looking for a job since I got
here, now I'm tired.”
I couldn't stop laughing. “Tidimalo tsala yaka tlhe wa tsenwa.
You've been only there for like a month, you can't expect to
find a job so easily.” (my friend you're crazy.)
“You might be right, have you heard anything from Itsanang?”
“The last time I spoke to her was a few days before I came here,
nothing afterwards. I've tried calling but she doesn't answer.”
“Maybe she's really pregnant..”
“Huh? Where did you hear that?”
“Do you remember Caroline?”
“Apparently she goes to the same nursing college with Itsanang
and she found her taking a pregnancy test.”
“But we're her friends, she shouldn't be embarrassed if she's
“Maybe she's still trying to let the news sink in?”
“Maybe, listen Mmata I really have to go now. Bye.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”

I sat on the bed and looked at my reflection on the mirror. “To

going after our dreams baby girl.” I blew myself kisses.
I got dressed and went to have breakfast in the kitchen. I felt
hands around my waist. “Good morning sweety.”
“You're up early Kaitlyn?”
“I have an early lesson. Where's Zanele?”
“She didn't sleep here.”
“Lucky fish! I can't even keep a boyfriend for a month.”
“At least you have had a boyfriend.”
“Don't tell me you've never had a boyfriend before?”
“Not a single one!”
“So you're still a virgin?”
“Hey!” I slapped her hand. “What's wrong with being a virgin?”
“You're such a bubbly person, I never thought you're part of the
virgin crew.”
“Stop teasing me Kaitlyn.”
“Sorry, will you wait for me so we can go together?”
“Okay, I still have about an hour to spare before my lesson.”

I looked at my dad's pictures and felt so lonely. I miss him every

single day. I wish I could see him one more time. I suddenly felt
sleepy, I put my head on the pillow and it was lights out...

I was barefoot in a garden that had so many thorns. I looked

thinner and my skin was so dry. I looked around but I couldn't
spot anyone. Am I dead or I'm dreaming? “Hello, is anyone
I looked around but could not see the person calling me.
“Where are you?”
I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned and it was my great-
grandmother. “Gogo?”
“Ke nna ngwanaka.” (it's me my baby.)
“Your voice sounds different.”
“I know princess, I know.”
“Why am I here? Am I dead?”
“No my baby, you're not dead. I'm here to warn you Nana.”
“About what?”
“Your mother and Keneilwe.”
“What did they do now?”
“I know you're very angry at Keneilwe, but she's really trying to
change. She has seen her wrongs, give her a chance. Right now
I'm only seeing darkness surrounding her. She's not much of a
praying person like you, I can't reach her with dreams.”
“I don't think I understand.”
“Your sister has made really bad choices in life and she doesn't
know how to get out. I'm really trying to protect you two from
where I am but the amount of darkness surrounding her, is
making things difficult. Pray for her as well, when you pray for
yourself, don't let hate overpower you.”
“Is mama also in danger?” it started raining badly. “Gogo?
Where are you now?”

“Khumo wake up! Khumo!”

I woke up and ran to the window and opened it to get some air.
Kaitlyn was hot on my heels. “Babe, are you okay?”

I kept on inhaling and exhaling. It felt like someone had sucked

all the oxygen and I could not breathe. My heart was racing.

“I'm fine now.. I'm okay.”

“You scared me! I heard you groaning and speaking nonsense in
your sleep.”
“I'm sorry, that happens when I'm talking to my great-
Kaitlyn raised a brow
“great-grandmother? Didn't you say she's late?”
“It's a long story, let's go.”


Robert is making my life uncomfortable. He made me skip

school today, to learn how to dance on a strip pole. This old
man has lost his marbles! I quickly sneaked into the house
when I saw mama going in the toilet. My phone has been
vibrating non stop. “Hello?”
“Hello Keneilwe.”
“Khumo?” I checked my phone and it was her. We have never
heard from her, ever since she left for college.
“Yes it's me.”
“We have been trying to call you.”
“My phone has been giving me problems. How are you?”
“I'm good, how's Joburg treating you?”
“I'm still trying to find my feet. Can I ask you something?”
“Are you in trouble?”
“What do you mean Khumo?”
“Don't act like you don't understand what I'm talking about. Is
someone forcing you to do anything you don't want?”
“Keneilwe, I know you when you're lying to me but just know
that if you want to talk I'm here.”
“Thank you.”
“Okay, bye.”
“Don't you want to talk to mama?..” the phone was just quiet.
She cut the call!

Just when I wanted to close my eyes, mama knocked on the

“Keneilwe! Open this door!”
“Mama I'm doing homework.”
“I said open this door!”
I took out my books and spread them on the bed, then opened
the door. “What do you want mama?”
“What do I want, in my own house? Satan wa nteka! Wa
nteka.” (Satan is testing me! He really is.)
“Mama I'm really trying to do my homework.”
“Homework ya eng, when you didn't go to school, bloody shit!”
She removed her slippers and threw them at me. This woman
has never hit me, what's wrong with her!
“Mama wa masepa! O tswa kae?” (where are you from?)
“From school..”
“I'm going to give you one more chance.” she picked up my
school shoes, aiming them at me.
“Your teacher called me today that you have not been to
school. They said I must come and see them tomorrow. O tswa
I just kept quiet and looked down.
“If you fall pregnant and think I'm going to take care of that
baby, you're wrong! Very wrong.”

I was at the mall waiting for someone to bring me my parcel. I

looked around but could not spot anyone. This can't be
happening! I already paid this person. I ordered another cup of
tea and tried calling the person but it just rang.
I turned and looked at Caroline. “Hi.”
“It's so hot, why are you dressed like that?"
“I think my body is still trying to adjust to this weather. I have
“Okay, do you mind if I sit I'm waiting for someone?”
“No problem.” I saw Tidimalo’s cousin coming to our table.
Why did I have to meet so many people from the village today
of all days?
“Hey you.” she gave me a hug then sat down.
“Bathong Itsanang, in this heat what's with a trenchcoat?”
“Have you tried calling Tidi today?”
“No why?”
“I have been trying to call her but it goes straight to voicemail.”
“She's probably in class. Listen, uhm.. I have to go now I just
remembered something that I need to buy.” I quickly left them
there before they could ask any questions. I looked around the
mall thinking maybe I would spot the person but nothing. I have
been scammed!

I sat in the taxi waiting for it to get full do we can leave. I can't
believe I was scammed. I wiped my tears and looked out the
window. My phone vibrated in trenchcoat, it was Khumo. I let it
ring. I don't know what to tell them.
This coat, was not making things easier for me, I was sweating
profusely. I just wanted to get home and take it off. I rubbed
my tummy and let the tears fall. I'm really sorry nana, I
mumbled to myself. I wish I could keep you but I can't.
“Ausi o siame?” (are you okay?)
I looked at the guy sitting next to me. I nodded and smiled.
“Why are you crying? Did your boyfriend dump you after you
told him that you're pregnant?” he said that as a joke and
laughed but I burst into tears. I couldn't help myself. “I'm sorry I
didn't mean to upset you, it's okay.. shh, don't cry.” he held me
until I calmed down.
“Are you pregnant?”
“I'm assuming you don't want to keep the baby?”
“Don't judge me, I'm not ready to have a child.”
“I'm not judging you. It's your body and the choice is yours.”
“I already feel bad for not wanting to keep this baby.”
“Don't.. take my number and when you feel like talking to
someone, I'm here. Now stop crying”, he wiped my tears.

In my entire life I have never been called to school because my

children did anything wrong.. but today, today I had to sit in a
classroom with another female telling me that my daughter has
not been to school for over a week! An entire week. This time
around Keneilwe has really managed to embarrass me.
She will have me to deal with when she comes back from
school. I had to make sure she enters the school gate.

“Koko! Is anyone home?”

I peeped through the window and saw Dorris. I furiously
opened the door. “O batlang mosadi wa moloi!” (what do you
want you witch!)
She pushed me out of the way and made her way in, in my
house. “You're still a bitter woman even now Motlalepula?”
“Bitter woman in my house? Wa tsenwa jou shit!” (you're mad
you piece of shit!)
She looked around my house with her nose held high. “I see
why you're bitter.. your maid Khumo, is not here now you have
to do the cleaning yourself.”
“You have no right mentioning my children out of that rotten
“Why do you hate Khumo so much, Motlalepula? She's your
“Why would I hate my own baby, a baby I carried in my womb
for nine months?”
“You tell me? Is it because she reminds you of my baby, the one
you killed?”
“I didn't kill your child Dorris! I told you it was a mistake.”
“We both know it was not a mistake! You killed my baby! You!”
Dorris kept on shoving me around and slapping me. She has
always been the fighter when we grew up. I was just a
“Dorris, stop it you're hurting me! Motho wa modimo.”
“You don't deserve Khumo! You don't even deserve to be a
“Dorris, stop acting like a mad woman. Get out of my house!”
“You will get what's yours one day. You won't get away with
“Tsamaya!” (leave!)
I locked the door immediately when she left. I touched my
chest and I was so scared. I have not seen that angry Dorris in a
while! I was seconds away from peeing on myself.
Once I was calm, I went back to cleaning the girls room. Under
the bed I found a positive pregnancy test. I sat on the bed to
look at it closely. Khumo is going to give me a heart attack! How
am I going to explain this to my boss, that she's pregnant when
I told him that she's a virgin?
Speaking of the devil, my boss called..
“Hello sir.”
“How are you Motlalepula?”
“I'm okay sir, have you found someone to clean the house?”
“You know why I'm calling you. Your daughter can't stay at that
accomodation forever. She needs to come and stay with me.”
“I know that sir...”
“I have given you time to deal with this, I'll take the matters
into my own hands.”
“Okay sir, bye..”

“Next!” I went inside the doctor's room and nervously sat

“Itsanang Tlhapi?”
I just nodded
“Just relax sisi, everything is okay. Your abortion went well.”
“Why am I here now?”
“Every woman who comes in here to get an abortion, I always
advice them to go for counseling before and after the
“I'm a nursing student, so I know that and I have a therapy
session next week.”
“Good, take it easy and don't put strain to your body.”

Heading out of the hospital, I found Tshepiso standing outside

holding a picnic basket. “Tshepiso?”
“What are you doing here?”
“I got your message that you're coming to the hospital and
thought maybe we could go out?”
“I appreciate this but I don't feel like being around people just
“I'm sorry I should have though about that. Next time?"
“We could go to my room and chill there instead?”
“Are you sure?”

We took a taxi home and Khumo kept blowing up my phone all

the way until we arrived.
“How long are you planning on ignoring your friends?”
“I'm afraid of telling them about this..
If they're truly your friends, they won't judge you.”
“You're right, I'll call them later let's just eat first and you can
tell me more about yourself.”
“You're really a risk taker!”
“How so?” I smiled
“We only met that day in the taxi and already I'm at your place?
That's so bold of you.”
“Maybe I'm just too trusting because I know I can fight.”
We both laughed and looked at one another.
“You know how to fight?”
“I grew up with three older brothers, trust me I can fight. Me
and my sisters.”
“Must have been hectic?”
“Sometimes.. but I would never trade them for anything or
anyone. I love them.”
“Your face says it all.”
“How many siblings do you have?”
“My mom has four boys, she probably tried for girls but always
ended up with boys.”
“Lucky her, she's going to get four more girls.”
“We said the same thing to her.”

“Mama, calm down I can't hear what you're saying.”
“Kalanyana ngwanaka, that woman makes me so angry! You
have no idea how many times I have to stop myself from
strangling her.”
“Mama, just let her be.. if you kill her you will be just like her.”
“You don't understand
she robbed me a chance to raise my baby.. she robbed you the
chance to know your sister. We will never know what kind of
woman she would turn to be.”
“I really don't like it when you cry, how about you come and
visit me in Joburg, just a week?”
“I don't want to come to that place and you know why.”
“Mama you will have to make peace that I'm stripper and that's
that! I'm not going to stop what I'm doing only to earn less than
I deserve.”
“I sent you there to study, not what you're doing.”
“I don't want to fight with you, I have to go now. Think about
what I said.. about visiting? I love you.”
“I love you too.”
So many years have passed but I can't get over losing my baby.
It was so much better when I didn't have to see Motlalepula
every single day. Now everywhere I turn I see her. I get
reminded of her evilness. My only sin is to be the daughter of
the other woman.
It's not bad enough that her mother stabbed my mother while I
hid under the bed and saw everything. I was only eight, when
my mom was taken away from me. Out of fear I had to keep
quiet. Moving into my father's house will always be my worst
nightmare! If it were not for my older sister and two brothers, I
don't know if I would still be alive. As if that was not enough
Motlalepula killed my child! She keeps on saying it was an
accident but I refuse to believe her... Why would she choose to
hold poison that kills rats on the day I ask her to look after my
baby? She could have done that any other day.

I looked at Warona’s pictures and smiled sadly, thinking about

how my pregnancy was not easy. How I was in and out of the
hospital because of the amount of stress I had. How many
times I was told I would lose her, if I don't control my stress. To
the day when I rushed her to the hospital and the doctor said
Warona is no more. That day I lost everything. I lost my mind, I
lost my job. Everything that I lived for, vanished in a blink of an
eye, because of my stepmother and sister.


I just got back from dropping off my CV’s and the house was a
graveyard. When those two are home, you can hear the noise
from downstairs. “Kaitlyn?” I knocked on her door but there
was no reply.
As I changed my phone rang in the lounge, I rushed to get it in
my bag before the person drops. “Hello?”
“Khumo why have you not been answering my calls?”
“My phone is giving me problems, what do you want?”
“Do you have everything that you need?”
“Yes. Mama o batlang?” (what do you want?)
“Is it wrong for a mother to call her child?”
“Very wrong if the mother never calls.”
“Khumo are you pregnant?”
I started laughing until my tummy hurt. “Very funny mama.”
“I'm not making jokes! How can you fall pregnant when you
know I'm not working?”
“Mama I'm not pregnant, I don't even have a boyfriend.”
“Khumo, now is not the time to lie. If you're pregnant you have
to tell me.”
“Well I'm not pregnant.”
“Then why is there a positive pregnancy test under the bed?”
“I have no idea.”
“Khumo if I find out that you're lying!..”
“I'm not.. mama please tell Keneilwe to go and fetch my
sketchbook at aunty Dorris house, I need something in it.”
“What were you doing in her house? Khumo you must never go
to that house ever again!”
“Yoh mama, sharp.”

I sent Keneilwe a text,

Why do you still have your pregnancy tests under the bed?
Now your mother thinks I'm pregnant. Please fix this, I don't
want drama.
“I don't like that frown on your face!” I looked at Zandile
wearing a mini dress, how I wished I had the confidence she
“I didn't hear you come in.”
“I told you, when I walk I don't touch the ground.”
“Lucky you!”
“Where you not at the college today?”
“I had one class, dropped some CV's afterwards.”
“Well the club I work at needs people at the food joint.”
“Yeah, I work at the fun side, at the club. Since you're new, you
can start at the restaurant instead.”
“Anything is fine!”
“Go and drop your CV at club Dominantz tomorrow, around
09h00. Ask for a Sipho and tell him I sent you there.”
“Thank you so much! I'm so lucky to have you in my life.”
“Once you become a well known designer, don't forget that.”
“You mean when we're both famous designers?”
“Yeah.. I'm going to take a nap.”

Why do you still have your pregnancy tests under the bed?
Now your mother thinks I'm pregnant. Please fix this, I don't
want drama. -Khumo

I read that message from Khumo over and over again. I know
I'm going to find a raging Motlalepula at home. I called Khumo
on my way home. She might not even answer, not that I blame
“I didn't mean to get you into trouble with mama, I'm sorry.”
“Keneilwe, don't you ever get tired of saying ‘I'm sorry’? I know
I'm tired of hearing your apologies but no change.”
“I'm really trying Khumo.. I know I have hurt you but please
don't become this angry person I don't know? Be angry at me
all you want but don't let the anger overpower you.”
“Are you going to tell her the truth?”
“She has already figured that out. If it's not you it means it's
me.. I'll tell her either way.”
“I really hope you're being honest this time around Keneilwe..
for your sake I hope you're trying to become a better person.”
“I will try. Khumo?”
“I'm still here.”
“I have never said this before but I will now, I love you ausi
waka.” I didn't wait for her reply, I cut the call.

I went to mama’s room the minute I went inside the house.

“Mama I have something to tell you.”
She closed her Bible and looked at me for the longest time.
“Are you pregnant?”
“I was...”
“I was pregnant, not anymore.”
“Did you have a miscarriage?”
“No, I had an abortion.”
“Yoh Keneilwe.. yohh!” she touched her chest as she repeated
my name. Kept on saying I'm trying to send her to an early
“Mama I'm sorry it was a mistake.” I kneeled in front of her.
“Mistake? I thought Khumo was the brat but it's you Keneilwe!
How does one fall pregnant by mistake?”
“It just happened.”
“Then don't say it was a mistake jou shit! You had sex, without
protection and you fell pregnant that's not a mistake.”
“Leave my room before I mop this room with your face. Just
That went better than I had anticipated, I went to my room and
changed then went to fetch something Robert had sent me.


I took Tshepiso’s advice and finally called Khumo, I can't ignore

her forever. I'll call Tidi afterwards. It rang for a while before
she answered
“Khumo hello?”
“It's me Mmata.”
“I'm sorry who are you?”
I found myself laughing. “Mmata you know who I am.”
“No I don't, who are you again?”
“It's me, Itsanang Tlhapi, your friend from the Metsing village.”
“I don't think I have a friend called Itsanang Tlhapi. Are you sure
you didn't dial an incorrect number ma’am?”
“Are you not Khumo Morapedi?”
“Why have you been ignoring our calls?”
“I'm sorry, I was going through the most, these past few
“Is that something so bad, it made you push away your
“I found out I was pregnant and paid someone for abortion pills
but I was scammed.”
“Are you not studying nursing Mmata?
I am.”
“So explain to me, why would a student, studying nursing want
to buy backstreet abortion pills?”
“I was not thinking straight. I needed a quick solution and I
thought that I was doing the right thing.”
“10 years later you start having regrets when you can't fall
pregnant because at the backstreet abortion, they removed
your womb?”
“I get it! I went to the hospital to get the abortion.”
“How are you feeling?”
“My therapist said it's okay to feel sad.”
“Did I ask what your therapist said? I think I asked you how
you're feeling.”
I started crying over the phone. I just cried until I couldn't
anymore. I felt so guilty and sad that I couldn't keep the baby.
“Are you okay now?”
“I needed that cry. I feel better now, maybe therapy is not
“Just give it some time, you're still trying to find your feet.
Don't rush your healing.”
“Maybe you should be a therapist instead?”
“Not a chance, next time please keep us in the loop? We didn't
know if you're okay where you are.”
“I will never ignore you ever again. Now I have to call Tidi.” we
“She's going to give you a hard time.”
“I'm not looking forward to that, bye...”


A few days later

I stood outside the building of club Dominantz and admired the

place. I looked at people going in and out, looking gorgeous. I
was just wearing a plain black jean and top. They might not
even take me serious. I'm about to be a designer but what I'm
wearing right now is trashy. Just breathe Khumo, breathe..
I pushed the door and went in, I saw two men at the bar area.
Now who is Sipho? Another young lady made her way to me
with a huge smile on her face. “Hi
are you looking for someone?”
“Someone called Sipho?”
“The one wearing a black t-shirt.”
“Thanks.” I slowly walked to the bar while breathing in and out.
“Hi, I'm looking for Sipho?”
“I'm Sipho, who are you?” A guy with tattoos on his biceps
came from the back and smiled at me. I looked down and
“Khumo, Zandile said you're looking for staff?”
“Oh.. Zandile, yeah we need people to work at the restaurant
and on busy days to help us here at the club.”
“Okay, here's my CV..”
“I'll look at it and do a background check.. if everything is good
when can you start?”
“Where's my uniform and notebook?”
Sipho and Mr tattoos started laughing. “I like her Sipho, we like
people who have a little bit of humour. I'm Enzo by the way.”
“Nice to meet you Enzo.”
“How do you know Zandile?” Sipho
“We're housemates.”
“Okay, in a few days time, you will know if the job is yours or
“Thank you.”
As I unlocked the door at our apartment, I found Zandile on top
of a man who is not her boyfriend. I nervously said my
greetings then disappeared into my room. Minutes later, I
heard a knock on the door. “Khumo, can I come in?”
“About earlier..”
“None of my business. What you do with your life has nothing
to do with me.”
“I know that, either way, I need to remember that I share this
apartment with you and Kaitlyn. Next time I'll do my business in
my room.”
“I'd appreciate that.”
“Did you take your CV to the club?”
Yes, I said with a smile plastered on my face.
“What's with the smile?”
“What does Enzo do at the club?”
“Oh hell no! Don't you dare tell me you're interested in him?”
“What's wrong with him? I'm not saying I am though..”
“He is a charmer I'll agree and he is hot and smart.. but he is
also a player.”
“He has a killer smile.”
“More like panty dropper smile. To answer your question, he
owns the club.”
He looks young though.
“He comes from a rich family and their dad left them a huge
inheritance, he opened clubs with his brother.”
“The one you went to in Rosebank, there's another in the North
West and I think they're opening another in Cape Town.”
“Wow, some people are lucky.”
“If you have money anything is possible. He is only 27, imagine
how rich he will be by 40?”
“I don't want to imagine.”
“Hey bitches!” Kaitlyn walked in barefoot, holding her heels in
one hand and a bottle of wine on the other. “Ladies let's
celebrate me finding work at Donatella!”
“Congratulations friend, I'm so happy for you! Oh my word that
boutique is amazing.”
“When they called me today to tell me that the job is mine.. I
lost my shit.”
“Congratulations Kaitlyn.”
“Thanks Khumo.”
We moved the couches around to make space to sit. “Khumo
there's juice for you in the fridge.”
“Why am I getting juice, while the two of you will be getting
They both looked at me. “You drink alcohol?”
“No.. but I have drank before.”
“Okay, let's get drunk ladies.”
Zandile disappeared to her room and returned with her weed.

A bottle down and I could feel the wine going to my head. We

talked about boys and sex. More like them giving me tips.
“Khumo is interested in Enzo”, Zandile blurted it out.
“No ways! But I don't blame you girl, that nigga is one hot piece
of shit.”
“I didn't say I like him.” she was about to pass the joint to
Kaitlyn when I took it from her.
“Khumo, you don't have to do anything to fit in.”
“I know that, I'm just experiencing.” I started coughing like a
dying person. Kaitlyn and Zandile kept laughing. I had another
puff and this time around, I coughed like a normal person. I had
a few puffs until I got it right. “This thing is good.”

A month later

“Khumo, Khumo come here.”

“Gogo o ko kae?” (where are you?)
“Follow your heart and you will find me Nana. Just follow your
“I can't see you Gogo.”
I looked around but there was so much darkness, I could not
see a thing. I walked near a dam and looked at myself. I was
wearing a tattered dress, my feet were bleeding and my hair a

The girl looking back at me, looked so miserable. I looked

miserable. My face was stained with bruises. I crouched down
to have a closer look and I saw Keneilwe, she was in tears trying
to reach out to me but couldn't. I saw a man I didn't know beat
her up and drag her down the stairs. I tried so hard to scream
but I couldn't, my legs were glued to where I was.
“Gogo, please help her. Do something!” I looked around and
my grandmother was not close to me anymore. “Gogo?”

“Khumo wake up!”

Gogo, please help her! Do something.
“Khumo vuka!”
Mhmm.. mhmm, someone please help her.
“Khumo!” I woke up panting and looked around.
“Hey, it's just a bad dream, calm down.”
“No, no.. no it's not a dream it felt so real. My baby sister, I
have to help her.. I have to.”
“Where are you going at this time of the night? It's late, I'll
sleep with you, move to the other side.”


“Keneilwe, breakfast is ready!”

“I'm coming.”
I stirred my coffee, my mind far away. I was too tired, I have not
been getting any sleep for the past month. I keep on seeing
Dorris baby crying so badly. Now I'm also dreaming about
Khumo bleeding badly, I don't know if I'm starting to lose my
mind or I'm already crazy.
“Mama your phone is ringing.”
I snapped out of it, and it was an unknown number.
“Motlalepula, when are you coming back to work? My
boyfriend does not pay you to just sit at home and do nothing.”
“Amahle, what do you want? Or should I say madam?”
“Don't you dare! I also know that you took some of my clothes
from my closet. Do you have any idea how much those clothes
“Madam, I don't know what you're talking about.. about work,
didn't your boyfriend tell you that I've resigned?”
“Good bye madam, I won't miss you and your annoying voice.”
I looked at Keneilwe and she was lost in her thoughts. She has
been really quiet and that's worrying. Maybe I've been tough
on her.
“Punkie, are you okay my baby?”
“Yeah, I just miss Khumo.. weird I know, but I was used to
having her around all the time.”
“You need to focus on yourself and achieving your goals, stop
thinking about Khumo. She's living her own life in
“Mama why do you hate Khumo?”
“Yeses.. yeyi! If it's not Dorris asking me nonsense, it's my own
daughter. Why would I bring someone to this world only to
hate the person?”
“Mama I was just asking no need to act crazy.”
“Shouldn't you be on your way to school?”


I skipped classes today, I was not feeling well. I didn't know if I

was in danger or Keneilwe, is the one in danger?
Zandile came into my room holding a tray that had breakfast.
“Good morning princess.”
“Good morning Zandi.”
“I brought you something to eat, I hope you're hungry?”
“I'm starving.. I didn't freak you out last night right?”
“Girl you scared the shit out of me!” we both laughed. “But
Kaitlyn told me that you have been having these dreams for a
while now?”
“Yeah, it's always been like this.. my great-grandmother, usually
communicates with me via dreams. I know it sounds unreal but
“I'm a black woman Khumo, such things I'm familiar with.
Maybe Kaitlyn wouldn't understand but I do.”
“I wish I didn't though. The things I've seen because of these
dreams.. hectic!”
“Askies, I have to go to my classes now I'll see you later.”
“Someone called Evelyn, will give you my notes
please bring them for me?”
“I'll do so.” she gave me a kiss then rushed out. I just sat on the
bed thinking about the weird dream. I didn't want to sleep
again. How I looked in that dream was unsettling.
Once I was done feeling sorry for myself, I cleaned the
apartment and did some laundry. I had an hour nap because I
had to work the night shift today.

Zandi and Kaitlyn, were getting ready for the club. One of these
days I'm joining them, just to experience the club life.
“Ladies I'm leaving!”
“Where are you going?”
“I told you that I'm working the night shift today. Apparently
there's some rich dude who booked the restaurant today, all
hands on deck.”
“I wish I was you.”
“When there's events or a place is booked, that's when you
make real money!”
“Okay, let me leave. You two have fun.”

Arriving at work, I was shocked to see the female staff wearing

black short dresses and gold bowties. I clearly didn't get the
memo. I went downstairs to ask Sipho what was going on.
“As I said Khumo, when we have such events this is what you
wear. Didn't you read your contract?”
“I did but I didn't think the dresses were this short.” I was lying I
think I skipped the dress code part.
“Those dresses are not short trust me. Some of the female
staff, made theirs short, just go get dressed Khumo, as you can
see it's a bit busy down here as well.”
“Okay.” I went back to the change rooms and looked at my
dress, then at myself. The dress might not even fit! Yolanda
walked in while I was still standing in front of the mirror.
“Girl, are you good?”
Yolanda, was not a skinny girl but she was also not fat. She was
light in complexion and had a flat stomach. “I'm okay.”
“You're wondering if the dress will fit right?”
I looked down and nodded.
“Don't let your mind play tricks on you. Just wear the dress and
see if it fits, if it doesn't we'll find one that does. Stop
I wore the dress and it was just a four fingers above the knees.
At least it didn't expose any boobs.
I bumped into Enzo on my way out. “Damn Khumo!”
“Hello Enzo.”
“Hi to you too.” I left him there and hurried to the restaurant
and it looked amazing. Most of the guests had arrived and
everyone smelt of money. They looked the part. We were
serving them drinks and finger foods. The ladies were snobs,
thinking we're their maids. If they had their way, we would
accompany them to the bathroom as well.
“If I can get one of these men, I would never have to work
We all laughed at Yolanda.
“Imagine if you had friends who could book an entire
restaurant just for your birthday?”
“Yeah, you see that dude wearing a powder blue shirt and black
tie?” I looked at the person she was pointing. “That's the
birthday boy or man? Whatever.. his best friend organised this
for him.”
“They must be very close.”
“Ohh, they are very close.”
“So this is what they do normally?”
“Not really, they usually chill downstairs at the VIP section.”
By 23h00 I was tired and this place was booked until 01h00.
Yolanda came rushing to me and pulled me to the kitchen. “Girl
can you cover for me?”
“Where are you going?”
“Do you really want to know, you look so innocent?”
“Do you want my help or not?”
“One of the guys asked me to meet him outside and I couldn't
say no. He is my way out.”
“What must I do?”
“Take these cigars and bottle of whiskey, to that table. Then
come back and take these bottles of champagne to those ladies
over there.. and take them these snacks as well. Thank you,

I pulled my dress down then took the cigars and whiskey to the
guys. Every step I took I felt like I would faint. “Good evening
gentlemen.” I felt like someone was looking at me, I turned and
found Enzo looking at me.. I smiled and waved.
“Such a yummy man, girl you're lucky.” one of the girls said.
“I'm talking about your boyfriend, the one you just waved at?”
My light bulb went on and I laughed. “You mean Enzo? He is
not my boyfriend.”
“I'll go and try my luck then?” she got up and went to Enzo. I
just shook my head and laughed. As I turned around I bumped
into someone and the tray I was holding, slipped from my
hands onto the ground. I looked up and saw some alcohol spills
on the white shirt of the person I had bumped into. “I'm really
sorry sir, I should have been more careful. Uhm.. I'll pay to take
it to the dry cleaners.. I'm so sorry.” I was trying to wipe his
shirt but I made it worse. I slapped myself internally. Really
“It's fine, it was a mistake.” his eyes pierced into mine. I was so
embarrassed, I rushed to get a broom to sweep the broken
The guy I had bumped into, kept on looking at me the entire
time, I picked up the bigger glasses. I noticed a pair of shoes in
front of me, I looked up and it was him again. “Sorry sir, you're
standing on broken glass.”
“I didn't get your name?”
I know I messed up his expensive shirt but he doesn't have to
report me, I did say I'll get it fixed. “You never asked for my
name.” I heard his friends laugh.
“I'm Zakhele Khoza, and you are?..” I looked at his extended
hand and exhaled.
“Khumo.. Khumo Morapedi.” he held my hand for the longest
time while staring at me as if studying me.
“Motlalepula’s daughter?”
“You know my mother?”
He nodded. “Nice to meet you Ms Morapedi, and don't worry
about the shirt.”
“Thank you sir.”
“Zakhele! I'm not that old to be called sir.”
“Okay sir..” I slapped my forehead. “I meant Zakhele.”

It's been a week since the last time I saw Khumo. Motlalepula
did not do her any justice, that girl is fire! Her chocolate brown
skin, her smooth legs and killer smile. If she didn't tell me who
she was, I wouldn't have thought it was her. She had to be mine
no matter the cost.
The door to my room opened and Amahle walked in.. I don't
know how I'm going to get rid of this one. She never leaves like
the rest.
“Babe, I was thinking we could go to the club tonight?”
“Don't you ever get tired of clubbing?”
“Babe, your father left you an entire hotel and farm.. why do
you act like a poor person? Get out and have fun! The hotel
won't burn down because you went out tonight.”
“Where do you want to go?”
“Club Dominantz, is always lit on Fridays.”
“Club Dominantz?”
I might get to see Khumo.
“Okay, we'll leave around 20h00.”
“You're the best!”
“Tell Dorothy, to fetch my suit at the dry cleaners for me.”
“Where did you get this Dorothy?”
“You didn't like Motlalepula, now it's Dorothy as well?”
“At least Motlalepula did her work. This one just sits on the
couch and watches TV the whole day.”
“I really have no idea what you want from me Amahle. Just go
shopping and leave me alone!”
“Ohh, daddy you turn me on when you get so angry!”
“You annoy me so much”, I said between laughs.
“Whatever daddy..” she straddled me and removed my vest,
left wet kisses all over my upper body. “You smell so nice
“You talk a lot!” I flipped us over and I was on top. I untied her
gown and used my tongue to tease her nipples. I removed the
shorts I had on, used the tip of my dick to massage her clit. She
pulled me in for a kiss. “Do that again baby.” I pushed my dick
in and pulled out again. I liked how she would try to lock me in,
when I tried pulling out. “Baby stop teasing.” I did that a few
times until she got very wet. I used my knees to spread her legs
wider then I slowly thrusted to get our rhythm. Her soft moans
filled the room. Her voice became distant and I heard Khumo’s
voice. I saw her face and that made me go faster and harder...


I sat on the bed trying to study but I couldn't focus on anything.

I wondered how I was going to sneak out tonight and go see
Robert. Motlalepula is a light sleeper and she sometimes come
to my room and check if I'm in the house.
I stood in front of the mirror and looked at the little marks on
my stomach. Last week Robert showed me his other side when
I refused to dance on a strip pole for other men. It's one thing
to sleep with him but to get naked for his friends just because
he said so, is another thing. He beat me up badly. If it were not
for Dolly, I would have died on that day. He made sure to stay
away from my face and focused on my lower section. I should
thank my ancestors that I didn't have any internal bleeding.
How was I going to explain to mama, how I got those bruises
when I was supposed to be at home, sleeping?
Dolly was right when she said I was naive. Why did I think I can
control an old man like Robert, someone who has been in the
game for this long? Robert had me where he wanted me. He
was my master and I was his puppet. He pulled my strings as he
wanted. The pictures of Khumo he sent to me every single day
is the reason I'm still tolerating him, I can't put Khumo in any
danger. It's the least I could do. I called Tidimalo, maybe she
will give me better advice. Someone who has been in the dating
scene before. It rang twice before she answered,
“Hey, it's Keneilwe.”
“Keneilwe? As in Khumo’s young sister?”
“Yes it's me.”
“Is Khumo okay? Where did you get my number?”
“Khumo is okay from what I know. I got your number from
“How can I help you?”
“I need advice.”
“I'm listening.”
“Promise you won't say anything to anyone?”
“I'm not promising you anything.”
“Then I can't tell you what's bothering me.”
“Okay, fine!”
“I'm in trouble.”
“You're always in trouble.”
“This time it's big. More like a matter of life and death
“Neilwe what have you done?”
“I didn't know the person was this dangerous.. he is threatening
me and.. uhm, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. Maybe
my phone is bugged.”
“Well they've already heard our conversation. Who is this

My phone beeped indicating that I had a message.. I removed

the phone from my ear and it was a message from Robert,
I wouldn't do what you're planning on doing. I told you that I'm
everywhere strawberry. Do you want another life on your

“Neilwe are you still there?”

“Listen just pretend I didn't call and I never said anything.”
“How can I pretend when I can hear that you sound scared.”
“Trust me you don't want to get involved. I don't want to worry
about you as well, please don't say anything to Khumo.”
“Are they threatening you?”
“Good bye Tidi.”


“Keneilwe, hello?”
Did she just drop the call? I tried her number a couple of times
but it didn't go through. I know that she's a trouble maker but
she's still my best friend's baby sister. I had no idea what to do.
I promised her that I wouldn't say anything to Khumo but what
if something happens to Keneilwe and I kept quiet? I don't even
know if she has any classes today, I tried my luck and she
answered which is a first.
“Hello Khumo, today you answered immediately.”
“Sorry Khumo ke mang?” (who is Khumo?)
“My gorgeous best friend, how are you?”
“Tidimalo o batlang?”
“Promise you won't freak out?”
“That means I should freak out. What have you done
please don't tell me you beat someone up?”
“Have some faith in me please. It's about Keneilwe.. she called
me today and she didn't sound okay.”
“Why would she call you instead of me? You two don't even get
“She's in some sort of trouble.”
“She's always in some sort of trouble Mmata, nothing new?”
“You know I never take her serious but this time around I
believe her. She wanted to tell me who is the person
threatening her but suddenly changed her tone.”
“Now you're freaking me out because she once called me and
asked me about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.. I
didn't take her serious at first because it's Keneilwe.”
“Please do something, she's not answering her phone.”
“Okay, I'll try calling her, I'm not going to work tonight.”

Immediately after Tidimalo’s call, I tried calling Keneilwe but
she was not answering her phone. I got off the bed and paced
around my room. I can't call mama, she won't take me serious.
All she will do is shout! I sent Keneilwe a text,
Punkie, please get back to me when you get this message. Why
are you not answering my calls? Please answer your phone I'm
getting worried...

“God please let her be safe wherever she is.”

It's been an hour from the last time I tried calling Keneilwe, I
tried her again and still nothing. I was panicking and I'm sure I
had dug holes in the carpet in my room. I was trying to think
who I could call but Keneilwe didn't even have real friends. If
she did she never brought them home. I threw my already tired
scrap of phone onto the bed and rested my head on the wall.
Just as I was about to go out, the phone rang. I answered
without checking who was calling,
“Uhm, it's Sipho..”
“Oh.. sorry I thought it was someone else. How can I help you,
I'm not working tonight am I?”
“According to the schedule, no you're not.. but Landa’s son fell
sick and she had to rush back home. Zandile is not answering
her calls.”
“Fine I'll be there!”
“Thank you so much, I'll request an uber for you.”

After the cold shower, I wore my uniform then went downstairs

for my ride. I was starting to get impatient until I saw Enzo, step
out of his car.
“Enzo? What are you doing here?”
“I came to fetch you, what else?”
“Since when are you an uber driver?”
“Just get in.. let's go!”
“If you plan on kidnapping me, I know karate.. I trained Bruce
He chuckled and looked at me... “You must be very dangerous

The club was so full, we had to squeeze ourselves, in order to

get in. “Why is it so full?”
“It's the Amapiano session tonight. Nothing besides Amapiano.”
“Okay, let me get to work.. thanks for the ride..” he went to the
bathroom and I went to the bar area and found Sipho all over
the place..
“I'm here! Where do you need me, here or the restaurant?”
“Here.. the restaurant is not that busy tonight. Well not yet.”
“Okay.” I quickly went to the changing rooms and left my bag in
the locker... I was about to leave then I remembered my phone
in the bag. Maybe she might call?

“Khumo take these bottles of champagne this beer bucket to

table three, at the VIP area.”

I held the tray tight as I walked through the drunk crowds to get
to the VIP. I put the drinks on table three... “Champagne for the
ladies and beer for the gentleman..” I looked up and it was the
guy from the other day. What was his name again?
“We meet again Khumo?”
“It looks that way, sir..”
“You forgot my name didn't you?”
“Huh.. me? Never!”
He raised his eyebrows, probably waiting for me to tell him, his
I ignored him and took the empty bottles in their table. “Are
you going to need anything else Zakhele?”
I saw a smile creep to his face.. I must have got his name right.
“For now this is okay..”
I nodded and turned to walk away, but I found a female looking
at me with disgust all over her face. “Can I help you ma’am?”
“Why are you busy flirting with my man? Do you think he would
leave all of this..” she touched herself and twirled.. “for that?”
she pointed me.
“Come on Amahle, that's enough! I'm really sorry for her
behaviour Khumo. She must have had one, too many?”
Amahle turned and looked at her ‘man’. “You even know her
I left them both there. I don't want any drama that has nothing
to do with me..

In between serving people their drinks, I would try calling

Keneilwe as well...

Two weeks later

I knocked softly on Kalanyana’s room, where Keneilwe was

sleeping. Two days ago she came rushing in here crying her
lungs out. She was so traumatized I could not hear a thing she
said. I've been trying to get her to talk but I can't get her to talk.
She just sits on the bed and keeps quiet.
“Neilwe?” I snuck my head in and saw her biting her nails
looking out the window. “Please talk to me.. I can't help you
unless you talk.”
“I'm fine aunty, I'm sorry for coming here instead of going
“No, no.. don't apologize, this is your home as well. If you don't
feel well, you can come here anytime you want.”
“I have to go home today, mama is returning tomorrow.”
“You can sleep here again, I'll go and clean Motlalepula’s house
so she doesn't notice that you didn't sleep there. I brought you
something to eat.. please eat?” I got up about to leave when
she held on tight to my hand.
“Please don't leave me alone aunty! I'm afraid..”
“Afraid of what? I'll lock the door..”
“No, please don't leave me.”
“Okay get dressed then we'll both go to your house.”
She just nodded

As we walked to her home, she would constantly look at the

back as if someone was following us. This kind of behaviour is
not good. Keneilwe is not a shy child. She's full of life, this is so
unlike her. We unlocked then went inside. She quickly locked
before rushing to her room. I let her be and cleaned the house.
Motlalepula would die of a heart attack if she would ever find
out that I was in her home cleaning! I laughed alone thinking
about my sister. My mom just had to fall in love with a married
man didn't she? And she paid with her life. Maybe my life
would have been better if I was raised by my own mother.
I let go of the broom and sat on the couch crying. Why did you
leave me alone Mme?

38 years ago

“Mama, papa otla leng?” (when is daddy coming?)

“Soon ngwanaka.. soon he will be here.”
“Why can't daddy come and stay with us?”
“He has to work my baby.”
We heard a banging on the door. Mama peeped through the
window and she looked scared.
“Mama ke mang?” (who is it mom?)
“Shhh.. keep quiet and go hide under the bed.”
“Mama...” I sulked getting underneath the bed. I could see
another pair of feet. I didn't know the woman my mother was
talking to.

“Masechaba o batlang?”
“For you to stay away from my husband! Don't you have any
“I can't stay away from him, we have a child together
“I don't care! He is mine.. mine! I will raise that bastard child of
“My child is not a bastard!” I saw them shoving one another as
they exchanged hurtful words.
“I will kill you Pauline! No one will take my husband away from
me.. not a cheap slut like you.”
“Mosadi wa moloi! Who are you calling a slut?”
“Wena! Who do you think you are calling me a witch?”
“Why are you fighting me and not that man whore you call a
“When you were spreading those skinny legs, was he not a man
“Masechaba, get out of my house! Tswa mosadimogolo!” (out
of my house, old woman!)
“Don't push me.. stop pushing me!”
Still under the bed, I saw how they kept on pushing one
another until the woman called Masechaba
grabbed a knife on the table and stabbed my mother. I held my
mouth in order to not scream. “You will never bother us again!”
she stabbed her again then removed the knife only to stab her
again. “You will not come and disrupt my life!” another stab
and I saw my mom closing her eyes. That's when I screamed. I
saw the woman panicking and dragging me out of the bed and
covering my mouth with her hands covered with my mother's
*End of flashback*

I carried so much pain from that day. I couldn't stop the tears
from flowing. I let it out and cried more than I did when I was
only eight and had to bury my mom. That pain resurfaced and
the anger came back again. “Why mama? Why did you leave
me! I'm tired of being strong.”
“Aunty why are you crying?”
I shook my head and cried more...


Today was the day Khumo finds out that her life is about to
take a drastic turn! A good change. Khumo is very
unpredictable. One doesn't know how she will react to the
news. I've been trying to call Keneilwe but she's not answering.
That child is just trouble.. I already have enough to deal with, I
don't need her adding more to the stress that I already have.

I got dressed and went to the main house and Amahle rolled
her eyes the second she saw me.
“I thought you had resigned, what are you doing I'm my
I scoffed, “your house you say madam?”
“Yes, my house! Where's Dorothy?”
“Am I her babysitter? I don't work here anymore, you don't get
to treat me like chewing gum stuck under your shoe!”
“I will treat you however I want! Now go make me a cup of
green tea..”
Now go make me a cup of green tea, I mimicked her. I heard
Dorothy laugh in the kitchen, I walked to where she was and
looked at her. She looked very young to be a cleaner.. she
might cause trouble for Khumo. I looked at her from head to
toe and she kept quiet.
“Would you like anything to eat, Mme Motlalepula?”
“I know my way around this kitchen if I need anything, I'll get it
“Okay Mme.”

After breakfast Zakhele stood up and nodded with his head that
I should follow him. “Close the door and have a seat.
I think we have given Khumo enough time to find her feet here
and at the college. It's time she knows the real reason I'm
paying her fees.”
“I understand sir..”
“How are we going to tell her the news?”
“All you have to do is get us in the same room and I'll do the
“What will you say? She's a bit stubborn.”
“We've already met, mother-in-law..”
“What do you mean you have already met? Did you tell her that
you're my boss? I mean you were my boss.”
“Not yet.. I just said I know you...”
Okay sir, I'll call her and find out if it's “possible to meet up with
her today.”
“Call her now.”
“Okay”, I dialled her number and put the phone on
“Khumo ke nna.”
“It's a new number.”
“Okay what do you want, is it about Keneilwe?”
“No.. why would I call you to talk about her?”
“Then what do you want mama?”
“I'm in Johannesburg, and I was hoping that we could meet?”
“I don't like surprises you of people should know that.. I don't
think I'll be able to see you today. Maybe tomorrow..”
I heard a male voice in the background. “Khumo are you with a
man? Do you want to fall pregnant!”
She laughed. “Yoh mama, his just a friend.”
“There's no way a boy and a girl can just be friends..”
“Bathong mama, stop with the drama! I have to go now.”
“Khumo! Hello, Khumo are you there?” she cut the call? I tried
calling again but it didn't go through. I looked at Zakhele and
swallowed hard
“I'll fix this..”
“You better! I'm running out of patience. You can leave...”

It's been almost three weeks since mama left for Johannesburg.
I don't know why she went there and when she's coming back. I
moved in with aunty Dorris, until I start feeling better.
Ever since Papa’s funeral, aunty Dorris is not a mean person.
She acts like our aunt for a change, not someone in competition
with us. I heard a faint knock on the door, “Neilwe, it's time to
get up and get ready for school.”
“I'm up..”
“Can I come in?”
I pulled up the duvet. “Yes.”
She came in and sat next to me. “How are you feeling today?”
“Much better.” that was a lie.. I'll never be okay.
“You really scared me Neilwe. You will tell me if someone hurt
you right?”
Words would fail me, I nodded instead.
“Okay my baby, I'll leave you so you can get ready. We don't
want Motlalepula to come back and come bite my head
because you were late for school.”
As soon as my aunt left, I locked the door and undressed. I
observed the bruises on my body. Robert did his best this time
around. When I came to my aunt, I was scared for my life. I
didn't know where to go. I was in so much pain from the
beating I got... Being light in skin colour had its own challenges.
It's so hot today but I will be forced to wear a long sleeve shirt
and pants because my bruises are so visible. Every week I get
new pictures of Khumo, now it's also Tidimalo. I don't know
what I was thinking calling her. It was bad enough knowing that
Khumo is in danger, now it's also Tidimalo.. there's only so
much a person can take.
I put on a gown and went to get boiling water.
“Gown in this heat?”
I faked a cough.. “I think I'm going to get flu.”
She opened the cupboard and gave me cough syrup. “Drink this
you will feel way better!”
“Thank you aunty.”

On my way from class, I saw a car with tinted windows

following me. I took a different street to be a hundred percent
that the car was actually following me. I went into a pastry shop
and bought some doughnuts.
I remembered my conversation with Keneilwe and called her
immediately. Still the same. Bloody voicemail!
I sat in the shop for five minutes, then I left. I felt so much
better when I didn't spot the car outside. I relaxed.. and let out
a sigh.

As I got off the taxi, going home.. I saw the car again. Am I
losing my mind and seeing this car, or its really here?
I opened the gate with shaky hands. I didn't want to be here. I
wanted to be in my room and never leave!
I passed a classmate by the passage, “Tidi, can you please
borrow me your book, I need today's notes?” I didn't answer
her, I locked myself in my room and tried Keneilwe again, still
voicemail. “Urg, just answer your damn phone!” I called Khumo
next and thank God she answered.
“I think someone is following me!” I blurted it out
“Yeyi, calm down! What's happening?”
“A car with tinted windows has been following me ever since I
left the campus.”
I could hear her laughing on the background. She probably
thinks I'm joking. “Mmata I told you to stop watching so much
action movies.. look now?”
“Khumo I'm being serious right now! Stop laughing.”
“You're serious?”
“Yes, I just saw this car when I arrived home.”
“Do you think it has to do with Keneilwe?”
“Obviously! I've been trying to call her but no luck.”
“I'll try to call her now, stay safe I love you.. bye.”

I didn't feel any better after talking to Khumo. I felt so much

worse. I tried sleeping but that didn't help, every time I tried
closing my eyes, I would see that car with tinted windows.

I smiled looking at the pictures Omphile had sent me. I
unlocked the door and left the key by the key holder and sent
him a message,
Thanks for today
I really enjoyed myself. I hope we can do this soon, my treat?

As I turned, I got the shock of my life. Motlalepula and Zakhele

were in our apartment, drinking our coffee and eating our
cookies. “Zakhele? Mama?”
“We have been waiting for you.”
“I can see that.. but why?”
“I need to tell you something ngwanaka.” the entire time my
eyes were on Zakhele, why the hell is he here?
“Mama, I'm tired I need to rest I'm doing the nightshift today.”
“I have to go back home Khumo, I've been here for almost
three weeks. I need to make sure Keneilwe is okay.”
“Okay I'm going to change I'll be back.” I knocked on Kaitlyn's
door before entering. “Did you let those people in?”
“Yeah, they've been here for a while now.. I really need to leave
“Okay.” I disappeared to my room and wore a pair of shorts
Zandile bought me, and a oversized t-shirt. Before I left I looked
at myself on the mirror and for a second I almost removed the
shorts and wore leggings instead, but I remembered Yolanda,
telling me that I should stop listening to the voice in my head.

I walked to the kitchen and made more coffee then went back
to the lounge. I could see Zakhele looking at my thighs.. I
pretended that I didn't see him staring.
I sat on a different couch and waited for them to tell me why
they are here.
“Khumo what I'm about to say is not easy, but it's the only
“Zakhele is my boss.. well he used to be my boss.” now that I
was not expecting.
“You're going to be his wife.” I spat out the coffee I had in my
mouth and looked at them both.
“You're going to marry him.”
I put my cup down and stood up, maybe I'll hear them properly.
“Who is getting married to who?”
“You will get married to him.”
I looked at him, then back at my mom. Non of this made sense.
Who still arranges marriages at this time and age?
“Khumo say something.”
“What do you mean by no?”
“I'm not getting married to anyone.”
“Unfortunately you don't have a choice Khumo.” finally the
groom decides to open his mouth.
“Yes I do, I won't get married to you.”
“Then you will have to move out of this apartment, and pay
back every cent I have paid at the school of fashion SA.”
My heart stopped beating for a minute. I looked at my mom
and she looked down. “Do you really hate me that much mama,
to a point where you sell me off to your boss?”
“I'm not selling you, it's a win win situation.. you get to achieve
your dreams, live like a queen, this is the life that you deserve.
Zakhele gets a wife.”
“Did I ask you to get me all of that this way? If I was not going
to get the bursary, I would have went to a nursing college
“You never wanted to do nursing Khumo!”
“How would you know that? You don't know what I like or
“I'm sorry but there's nothing you can do now.”
I looked at Zakhele and he was on his phone, with no care
whatsoever. He was chilled. I dragged my feet to the kitchen
and opened a bottle of white wine and drank it from the bottle.
I didn't care that my mom and future husband were looking.
Just when I think my life, is going well...

“Do I have to move out and come and live with you?” I looked
at Zakhele
“Yes, what's the point of getting married, if you'll be here and
I'll be at my house?”
“What about your girlfriend, what's going to happen to her?”
“Don't worry about her, she's not my girlfriend.”
“Can you two please leave..” I went to the door and opened it
wide. “Please leave...”
At work I kept on giving people wrong orders. I was a walking
zombie. How could my mom do this to me?
“Khumo why are you crying?” Sipho asked
“Huh.. I'm not crying.” I wiped away the tears and tried to walk
“I can see that something is wrong with you.. you're also not
focused here at work tonight.”
“I'm sorry about that, I'll do better.
It's not busy here tonight, you can go home and sleep it off..
whatever it is that's troubling you?”
“Thank you..”

I was at Dolly's waiting for Robert. She didn't even want me in

her house but she had no choice.
“Do you know when Robert will be here?” before she could
reply, we heard a knock on the door.
“Come in!” a short man with a big body walked in. Robert's
men accompanied him in. I looked at Dolly and she looked at
“Where is Robert?” I asked them
“He had to rush somewhere, that's why this man is here.”
“To do what?” Robert's man grabbed my arm and dragged me
“That's one of Robert's oldest client. He has to be made happy.
Just make him happy, life might be a little bit easier for you.” I
looked back in the house and I felt like puking. I tried to hold it
in but I couldn't. I threw up on Dolly's doorstep. It felt like
someone was squeezing my insides as I puked. When I was
done, I cleaned up and went back in the room.
The man tapped his lap, indicating that I should sit on his lap.
Every step I took to him felt like forever. I sat on his lap and he
moved my dress a little bit up, brushed my inner thigh and
licked his black lips.
“This is not a brothel, you two should find another place to do
your nonsense!”
“Are you defying Robert's orders Dolly?” another bodyguard
“This is my place not Robert's!” he slapped her.. my eyes
widened. I was not the one who was slapped but I felt my
cheeks burn. They dragged her out and locked the door. I was
all alone with Mr short guy.

“Come to daddy strawberry.. come and sit here.” I sat on his lap
and he started kissing me. I just sat there, disgusted with the
things I've been doing. He stopped the kiss and looked at me, I
kissed him back and unzipped his pants. I got off him and
removed the dress I had on. The look he gave me was not a
pleasant one. I held his hand and we walked to the bed, I
straddled him and slowly sat on his fat dick. “Ohh, yes baby!”
I went up and down on his dick but it kept on slipping out and
that would annoy him. I turned and did the reverse cowgirl,
thinking that would make the situation better. He moaned out
loud as he slapped my ass cheeks. I don't know how he did it
but he flipped us over and had me in a doggy style. I was
disgusted by what I was doing but my body was not.
“Mhmm.. yeah...” I moaned.
He thrusted in and out while rubbing my clit. I fucked him back.
I blocked everything and tried to enjoy myself. “Yes
strawberry.. ahh fuck baby.” he pulled out and turned me
around, before ramming into me again. “Ahhhh!” we both
He spread my legs wider, kept on going in and out while
choking me. I used my free hand to rub myself, I felt my orgasm
nearing. “Faster please.. yes! Right there...”


Ever since I got the news that I'm about to be someone's wife, I
have locked myself in my room. I've missed a few classes and
work. I probably don't have a job anymore. I felt so weak and
drained, must be from hunger. The only time I left this room
was to go to the bathroom only. I have not ate anything in four
days. I heard a knock on the door, “Khumo you need to leave
this room at some point. At least come and eat something...”
I ignored her and just lay on the bed, thinking about Gogo’s
warnings about my mom. I really hate my life right now!
“Khumo, Evelyn said I should tell you that today you're writing a
mock test and you can't miss it.”
I heard Kaitlyn talking to Zandi, “she's still refusing to open the
“Yeah.. this is not healthy.” I heard more knocking.. more like
“Khumo Morapedi, if you don't leave this room as soon as I
leave, hell will break loose!”

My phone was off, I didn't even know what time it is? Or if

Keneilwe got back to me. I got off bed and unlocked the door
then went to take a long bubble bath. Kaitlyn, always listens to
music when she baths. She has this tiny speaker box, she leaves
in the bathroom. I listened to the music or the sounds.. because
no one sang, it was only sounds. Earth sounds! Very soothing
and relaxing. I liked the ocean and chirping of birds more. I felt
so much better afterwards.
I wore an above the knee, yellow pleated dress with spaghetti
straps. I wore white sneakers, my afro was in a low sleek bun. I
looked at myself and my brown skin, paired with the yellows
dress made sense.. I looked and felt good. Zandi and Yolanda
have shown me how to dress for my body
which plus-size people to follow to boost my confidence.. make
up tutorials and I'm so grateful. I wear less covering unlike
before. If I feel comfortable and sexy in it, I'm buying it! I gave
myself one last look before going out to have breakfast.
“I was about to come and drag you out of that room..” Kaitlyn
said the second I joined them at the table.
“I'm here now, stop with the drama.”
“We have been worried sick about you.. you can't blame us!”
“I know and I'm sorry for making y'all worry. I was not feeling
“When a person does not feel well, they go and see a doctor?”
“I know Kaitlyn...” I saw Zandi, staring at me with a gorgeous
smile on her face. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at her.
“I see you listen well... Look at how your melanin is eating up
that dress! You look fucken gorgeous.”
“Our black Barbie!” Kaitlyn
I looked down and smiled.

After our breakfast, Zandi, forced me to take pictures. I'm not a

picture person, I don't know how to pose. She and Kaitlyn
would tell me how to stand, where to look and when to smile
the entire time! I enjoyed it...


I was at the hotel office, waiting for Mlindo’s call. I've not heard
a thing from Khumo. She has been missing classes and work. I
had to ask one of my men, to guard her place and call if she
steps out of the building. It's been four days, still nothing! I
could feel my anger rising, I grabbed the stress ball and
squeezed it tight. The door opened and Mlindo walked in.
“Bozza yam’ I'm back.”
“I've not heard a thing from you.”
“There's really nothing to report bozza. Sy is altyd in die huis!
No boyfriend or girlfriend.. nix.” (she's always in the house!)
“So you found nothing interesting about my wife to be!”
“Nix bozza! Fokol!”
“Did you check her family members out?”
“Nee, moet ek hulle ook ondersoek?” (no, should I investigate
them as well?)
“For now, don't.. I'll give you a call when I need you Mlindo.”
I opened the drawer to put my stress ball, then I took out my
secret phone and called Hammer,
“Hammer, has the stock left?”
“We couldn't send the last batch but by midnight it will be
“Why was it not sent with the other batch?”
“I had a tip off, that there might be a raid at the airport.. didn't
want mistakes.”

I tried Khumo again but still nothing. This was frustrating! Just
answer your phone! I grabbed my car keys and used the
elevator to go the garage. Just as I drove out, my phone beeped
indicating that I had a message. I smiled seeing what I received.
It was pictures of Khumo, wearing a yellow dress. This girl was
absolutely gorgeous. She was perfect! I've traveled the world,
seen beautiful ladies.. even slept with them but there's
something about Khumo, that just makes me want her more. I
don't want any guy close to her. I want her to myself. I want to
give her everything she wants and needs.

By 20h00 I was at the club where she works. I was not going to
cause any drama. I just want to see her. From where I was
seated, I saw her walk in.. fuck! The pictures didn't do her any
justice. She looked like a goddess. I sat back and admired her
from a distance. I saw her smile as she talked with Enzo.. I
should be the one making her smile. Enzo is like me, we don't
fall in love.. we play the field and enjoy ourselves. I've observed
him ever since Khumo worked here, he also wants her to
himself but I won't let that happen. Not in this lifetime.

I was on my phone replying some emails, when I heard

someone clear their throat. I looked up and it was her. I smiled
at her but she didn't.
“Your glass is empty so I brought you another drink.”
I nodded and looked at her for the longest time. “You're very
beautiful Khumo.”
“Thank you. Do you need anything else?”
“Only you by my side.”
“I really don't have time for this...” she turned about to walk
away, I held her hand.
“How about when you're not busy, I take you out for dinner?
That way we can get to know each other.”
“That won't matter because you're still forcing me to marry
I got up and stood in front of her. Her height was perfect. She
had to tilt her head a bit to be able to look me straight in the
eyes. “Dinner this coming weekend, you can pick the place? I
want to know my fiance better.”
“Can I at least think about it?”
“Fair enough...” I gave her a kiss on the forehead and left.

I smiled reading the message from Zakhele,

I can't wait to see you again ntomb’ enhle.

After my last chat at the club with Zakhele, I gave in and went
out with him. I didn't tell Kaitlyn and Zandi who I was going out
with, risky I know. We were going out again this week and I
need to find something to wear. I don't know if I'm falling for
him or I just enjoy his company. He makes me laugh and makes
me feel like I'm the only beautiful girl in this world. Maybe
getting married to him won't be such a bad idea. There was a
knock on the door, “Khumo there's a delivery for you!” I wore
my gown before going out.
“Where is it?”
“There's someone by the door waiting for you.”
“Why didn't you let the person in?” I walked to the door and
found Itsanang standing there with a cute guy. “Mmata?”
“What are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be in
“Are we really doing this by the door?”
“I'm sorry come in.” I introduced her to Kaitlyn and Zandi
before we went to my room. “So?”
“Mmata this is my boyfriend, Tshepiso.. babe this is my best
friend, Khumo.”
“Did you say boyfriend?” she shyly smiled and threw a pillow at
“We decided to stop here before going home.”
“What's happening at home?”
“My sister is getting married, you know I have to be there.”
“She must be so excited?”
“Yeah.. Look Mmata, we have to leave now. I just wanted to
come and see you.” we stood up and shared a hug.
“It was nice meeting you Tshepiso.”
“You too Khumo.” I gave him a hug as well before they left.

I went to have a bath then left for college.


I don't know who told my mom about Khumo, but she was
breathing fire.
“You do realise that I'm a thirty year old, who can make his own
decisions right?”
“I don't understand why so soon? I have not met this girl but
you're planning on marrying her.”
“Mfazi kaBaba I'm getting married and there's nothing you can
do. I love her and I don't want to spend more days without
“Wena, in love? Imihlola!”
“Don't you want grandchildren?”
“Don't blackmail me wena Zakhele! You know I want
“How will I give you grandkids if I'm not seeing anyone?”
“I don't like this one bit Zakhele!”
“She's very lovely Mah wami. She's not from a rich family but
she's a good person I can promise you that.”
“Who would have thought that my Zakhele would fall in love?
Send me her pictures, I want to see my makoti.”
“Okay. I love you Mom.”
“I love you too.”
I sent her the pictures then got ready to meet up up with

We were at the warehouse in Krugersdorp. I looked at the

cocaine and weed in the crates. “When is this batch going?”
“In two days time boss. Die Kaap Stad mense soek fyf bondels.”
(the people from Cape Town, want five batches.)
“Do you trust these people Hammer, I don't want to have to
deal with you?”
“They know what will happen if they try and double cross us
“If you trust them, know that whatever happens, it's on you. I'll
be leaving soon, I'll leave you and Mlindo in charge. Don't
disappoint me boys.”
“Nooit ngamla!” (never my boss!)
“Okay, make sure everything in here is gone before end of this
“Before you leave, did you get the documents I sent you?”
“What documents?"
“The information you needed about Enzo and the Omphile
“I'll look at it when I get home.” Mlindo walked in wearing a
suit and did a twirl. “Someone is happy?”
“You remember that big house in Port Elizabeth?”
“I managed to get us a good deal! It's all yours now.”
“Good job, you know what to do.. I'm leaving now.”
“Going to the Madam?”
“Which Madam?” Hammer asked
I lightly punched his shoulder and walked out...

As I parked my car, I heard loud banging sounds in my house. I

went in and found Dorothy with her friend holding glasses of
wine while dancing on the couch. I stood there waiting for one
of them to notice me. Her friend turned and found me looking
at them. She screamed and ran past me with lightning speed.
“Yes sir?” she looked down
“I hired you because you said you needed this job to pay your
college fees and this is how you thank me? By bringing
strangers into my home and dancing on my couches?”
“I'm sorry Mr Khoza.”
“I thought Amahle was just being dramatic when she said you
don't do anything around the house
except for watching TV.”
“I promise it won't happen again.. please don't fire me I need
this job.” she got on her knees trying to beg me
“Get up and go pack everything that belongs to Amahle..”
“Yes sir..”
“You must also start looking for a job. I don't keep people I
can't trust.”
“Please sir!”
“You have a month to start the job hunting.” I went to my study
to check if my books are balancing. In this business I'm in, you
can't trust anyone fully. Once you give people a finger, they
want the whole hand...

I felt sick at school today, so I had to be sent home. I
remembered these symptoms very well. I can't be pregnant
again! I looked at the calendar and I was two weeks late. No..! This can't be happening again. I paced around the room
as I googled what to drink to terminate a pregnancy at home. I
was so shocked by most of the results I got. Bleach? Who the
hell drinks bleach? Vinegar and baking soda?
I threw the phone on the bed and shook my head. My second
termination at sixteen? I'm really going to hell!
“Keneilwe come here!”
“I'm coming.” how I wish Motlalepula was still in Johannesburg.
“I'm supposed to be resting mama.”
“I have to tell you something.”
The reason I went to Joburg.
“I'm listening..”
“Your sister is about to get married!”
I was confused for five seconds then I came back to the land of
the living. “My sister, as in Khumo?”
“I didn't know you had another sister?”
“Khumo has been in Joburg, for like four months and she's
already getting married? Make me understand.”
“She's marrying Mr Khoza.”
I stood up and laughed like a monkey. I looked at mama and
laughed some more but she looked serious. “Bathong Mme
Morapedi, you're not joking?”
“I'm being serious tlhe Keneilwe.”
“Mama what have you done?”
“I did nothing... Your sister met Mr Khoza on her own and it
was love at first sight..”
“Love at first sight, then decided to get married?”
“Mama I'm not stupid. That's why you left your job, you had
this planned out. How could you!”
“I don't know what you're talking about.. all I know is that your
sister is about to be a rich woman.” she stood up and went
outside. I sat on the couch full of disbelief. I clapped my hands
and went back to my room Khumo will clear things up. Her
number took me straight to voicemail. I sent her a WhatsApp
please call me back when you see this message. We need to
talk. Like really talk!


Our afternoon class was cancelled so I went home to study. I

stood by the gate about to request a ride, when Evelyn and
Mario walked to me.
“Are you going home already Khumo?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Let's go to try out this new icecream shop.”
“Maybe next time?”
“Come on Khumo.. Mario could also give us notes on what to
expect in our test. His doing his second year..”
“Okay fine, I could spare an hour.” walking a few streets to the
ice cream shop, I saw a car driving slowly behind us. I didn't pay
much attention to it until we arrived at the shop. “Did you two
notice a car following us?”
“Not that I noticed. What about you Mario?”
“I didn't see anything.”
Each one of us bought different flavours of ice cream to taste.
There were so many options to choose from but we only
bought two flavours each.

After our ice cream date, I had to walk back to the college
because I forgot my laptop and I prayed I would still find it. The
car with tinted windows again. I could feel my heart pounding
in my chest. I walked inside another shop to catch a breather
hoping that when I go out, I won't find the car. I exhaled out of
relief when I didn't see it anywhere. I quickly ran to where I had
forgot my laptop and thank the heavens it was still on my desk.
I requested an uber then went to the gate to wait for my ride.
Still waiting for my ride, my phone beeped and I had missed
calls from Keneilwe and a WhatsApp message. I tried calling but
I didn't have airtime. I looked at how far my ride was, it would
take twenty minutes before it would get here... I walked to the
direction I came from that's when I saw the car again. Out of
panic I ran into a different direction. I didn't know where this
street would lead me but I just ran. Ran until I twisted my ankle
and fell. I screamed out of pain. The pain was unbearable. I
tried getting up but I couldn't.. I looked at my phone and the
battery was very low. Out of all days you're going to die on me
right now?
In the midst of me trying to get up, someone gave me their
hand to help me up. I reluctantly took the hand and got up.
“Thank you.” I tried walking away but he held on tightly to my
“How are you Khumo?”
“How.. how do you know my name?”
“Why were you running away from me?”
“You were the one following me, why?”
“I need to send a cute message to strawberry.”
“Who is strawberry?”
“You will find out, get in the car.”
“I'm not going anywhere with you!” I moved backwards and
bumped into another man.
“Do you think you can out run is with a twisted ankle?”
“Look, I don't know who this strawberry is but please let me
“Get in the car... I won't repeat myself.” I did as I was told and
the second I went in, someone covered my mouth and nose
with a cloth...

On my way to the apartment, I found Zandile pacing in the

“Hey babe.”
“Why are you pacing like this? Where's Khumo?”
“She's not home.”
“What! It's 19h00 she should be home by now.”
“I called at work and thought she's there but Sipho said she's
not working today.”
“Then where can she be? I didn't see her today at campus, I had
a morning class then went to work.”
“I didn't have any classes. I called Evelyn but she said they had
ice cream then Khumo went back to fetch her laptop.”
“This is not good. Khumo would never go anywhere without
letting us know.
She didn't tell you who her boyfriend is?”
“Let's go and open a case, we can't sit here and hope she is
okay wherever she is.”
“Let's wait for an hour, if she's still not back we'll go to the
police station.”

Two hours had passed and the was still no sign of Khumo.. we
managed to open a case but it was not easy. They think she's
somewhere with her boyfriend and the fact that we don't even
know who her boyfriend is, made them doubt that she's
We kept on trying her number but nothing.
“I have a bad feeling about this Zandi, where could she be?”
“I don't know babe.. I have no clue.”


I woke up in a tiny dirty room, with my hands and legs tied. I

tried screaming but I was gagged as well. I had a headache and
my throat was very dry. The door opened and the guy from the
alley walked in with his bodyguard. “You're up sweety?” he
removed the gag from my mouth.
“Where am I?”
“Don't worry, soon you'll be home.”
“I don't have rich parents why am I here?”
“This is Joburg cupcake, you don't have to have rich friends to
be trafficked or kidnapped.”
Swallowing my saliva was painful. “Can I please get water? I'm
I was given water then another guard came in holding a
“What I'm about to do might hurt a little bit just toughen up,
Before I could reply, a fist connected with my eye. I let out a
scream. Another fist to the mouth, I tasted blood. I spat out and
looked at them with tears in my eyes. I could not even shield
my face because I was all tied up.

“Your sister, likes it when I show her how serious I am. This is
the Only language she hears.” He held my face with so much
strength and squeezed me. It felt like my jaw would break any
second from now. “Please let me go..” A fist to my abdomen. I
whimpered and coughed.
When they noticed that I was about to pass out, they would
pour me with cold water, filled with ice. I had stopped begging
them from beating me up. I was waiting to take my last

The beatings had stopped, I was untied and my shirt was

ripped. With my sore hands I tried holding on tight to my shirt
but I just didn't have the energy. I was pushed to a dirty
mattress. “Undress!”
I shook my head.
“You're still stubborn I see.” a slap landed on my cheek, the bra
I had on ripped in half. The filming was still happening. They got
tired of my screaming, they tied a cloth around my mouth to
keep me quiet. That didn't stop me from trying to scream. He
kept on fondling my breasts and left wet kisses on my stomach.
His hands roamed all over my body, until he got to my
midsection. He rubbed my thighs through the jeans I had on.
His sweaty forehead against mine as he shoved his tongue into
my mouth.
The guy who had been filming us, left the room and I saw their
boss holding a needle. He injected me with it and I was gone.

Its midnight and I couldn't fall asleep. I tried Khumo again but I
got the same results. Something must be wrong. I tried
Tidimalo and she answered after three rings.
“Hi Tidi, it's Keneilwe.”
“I know, what do you want at this time?”
“I'm trying to call Khumo but I can't reach her.”
“Well it's late she'll call you back in the morning.”
“I've been trying to reach her the entire day, not only now.”
“That's strange, I spoke to her around 07h00 in the morning.”
“If she calls you please tell her to call me back.”
“I will, or maybe try calling one of her housemates.”
“I don't have their numbers.”
“If I hear anything I'll let you know. Bye.”
After the call with Tidi, I went in Facebook and I got the shock
of my life. A Kaitlyn Peterson, had posted a picture of Khumo
and asked if anyone knows her whereabouts. That means she's
missing. I ran to mama’s room and barged in. “Mama, Khumo is
missing!” she was asleep, I shook her plenty times before she
actually woke up.
“Keng jaanong?” (what now?)
“Mama Khumo is missing!”
“You must have had a bad dream. Go back to sleep
you'll call her tomorrow morning.” she covered her head with
the blankets.
“Mama! Can you for once take things serious? I'm telling you
that Khumo is missing and you think I was dreaming?” I showed
her the picture and post, that's when she realised that I was
very serious.
“She is really missing.” we heard a knock on the door, I rushed
to open. It was aunty Dorris in her gown.
“Keneilwe is Khumo really missing?”
Come in aunty.
“Who is it Punkie?” she came out of her room tying her robe
and she rolled her eyes when she saw our aunt.
“I've always said you're a witch Dorris! What brings you here at
this time of the night?”
“I just heard that Khumo is missing, I came to find out if it's
Mama looked at me. “Keng mama?”
“You told her before you told me?”
“I didn't hear this from Keneilwe. You're such an idiot.. I didn't
come here for a fight Motlalepula.”
“This time around I will have you arrested if you try and pull the
stunt you did weeks ago.”
“When you run to the police, remember to hand yourself in, for
killing my baby!”
“What!” I looked at my mom and aunt. “Kalanyana is dead?”
My mom folded her arms and squinted her eyes as she looked
at my aunt. “I didn't kill your child wena Dorris, stop spreading
“I don't have time for this. Neilwe if you hear anything about
Khumo please tell me.” she hugged me then left. I was still
trying to process what I just heard. I didn't even know aunty
had another child besides Kalanyana. I turned and looked at
“Don't you start as well!” she disappeared into her room and
left me with so many questions.


My ringing phone woke me up. I looked at the time and it was

01h00 in the morning. “Hello?”
“Zakhele, where is my daughter?”
I removed the phone from my ear to look at the name of the
person calling me. It was Motlalepula.
“Motlalepula, do you know what time it is?” Amahle tossed and
faced another direction. I looked at her ass and traced my
fingers on her back. I was not paying much attention to what
Motlalepula was saying in the phone. I shook my head when I
remembered how crazy Amahle got when I took her clothes to
her flat. She went all crazy and told me that there's no way
she's letting me go. Before I knew it, we were in my car having
“Zakhele are you there?”
“Huh?.. what were you saying?”
“Maybe you were not the right person for my daughter Mr
Khoza. I shouldn't have trusted her to be safe around you.”
“Motlalepula what are you talking about? Just get to the point
it's late I want to sleep.”
“What kind of husband are you going to be, when you don't
even know that your fiancé is missing!”
“What?” I kicked off the blankets and went downstairs to my
study. “What do you mean by Khumo is missing?”
“Her young sister showed me something from Facebook. That
coloured housemate of hers posted something.”
“How did this happen?”
“You're asking me? I'm in the village, you should know!”
“Listen, I'll get back to you when I find something out.” I cut the
call and logged into my Facebook account. I searched for a
Kaitlyn and I saw the post. I got angry. While I was busy having
sex, my fiance needed me. I can't believe how stupid I was. I
had missed calls from Jack, the guard I had asked to keep an
eye on Khumo at the apartment. I should have had someone to
follow her around as well but I didn't want to give her more
reason to dislike me. We were starting to get along well.
I called Jack,
“Hello boss.”
“Jack what's going on there?”
“I tried calling you hours ago sir.”
“That doesn't matter, what's going on?”
“The madam did not come home. I overheard her roommates
talking about going to open a missing person case at the police
“When was the last time you saw her Jack?”
“This morning when she left for her classes. I went to look at
her work place but she was not there.”
“Okay fine let me make some calls I'll get back to you.”

I cut the call and called Mlindo. “Boss?”

“I need a favour from you.”
“I need you to try and get a CCTV footage of surrounding areas
of Khumo’s college.”
“Okay, when do you want it boss?”
“She's missing!”
“I need it today.. now. Get moving!”

I rushed to my room and wore my sweat pants and a long

sleeved t-shirt, then rushed out.


The next morning I didn't go to school. There was still no word

from Khumo. I had texted Kaitlyn and told her that Khumo is my
sister. She said she would inform me if anything comes up. I
hope this has nothing to do with Robert. I unplugged my phone
from the charger then went to the kitchen to make some
coffee. My phone vibrated on the coffee table, I quickly left the
kitchen and ran to pick up the phone. “Hello?”
“Hi strawberry.”
“What do you want from me Robert?”
“You know what I want from you.”
“I told you that I'm not going to let you bully me ever again.
Stay the hell away from me!”
“Are you sure about that strawberry? Think carefully...”
“I'm very sure! I know what I'm doing. All you're doing is
prostituting me off to your friends.”
He laughed. “You were already a slut my love. Right now,
you're everyone's slut, not only mine.”
“I hate the day I laid my eyes on you foolish man!”
“It's too late for regrets now.. I sent you a nice surprise, it's by
the doorstep.”
I ran to the door and found a laptop. I looked around before
picking it up. “What kind of game are you playing now?”
“First look at my surprise and tell me if you still stick to your

I pressed play on the video and I dropped my phone. No! Not Khumo. I looked at her badly beaten and
how she begged them to stop. How they ripped her clothes off,
then the screen went black. I was frozen on the spot. This is all
my fault. My phone rang but it was Tidimalo
“Keneilwe, I just got your messages. What do you mean by
Khumo is missing?”
“She was kidnapped.”
“By who?”
I kept quiet
“Keneilwe Morapedi, don't tell me this is all your fault! Tell me
my friend was randomly kidnapped, it has nothing to do with
“I'm sorry Tidi, I...” she didn't let me finish my sentence.
“Don't sorry me Keneilwe! If anything happens to her, you will
regret being alive.”
I looked at the blank screen and sent Robert a text;

Fine, you win Robert! Please let my sister go. I'll do whatever it
is that you want me to do.. just let her go and tell your men to
stop following Tidimalo. I'll strip, I'll sleep with your friends just
let her go please.

Two weeks later

I had not been to work or campus after what happened to me.

I'm lucky they didn't have any sexual intercourse with me. I
don't think I would have healed. I couldn't go to the police and
give them a description. Now I understood why Keneilwe didn't
want to tell us their names. I just wish I knew how she met that
The entire situation, scared me but it was not going to disrupt
my life any further. Soon I'll be writing my exams, I need to go
to all my classes and get my notes. I had to deliver my
assignment portfolio as well. I'm grateful that I was given a few
days to finish it up after they heard what had happened to me.
If I got good marks in this portfolio and my exams, I might get
chosen to design something for the Durban fashion week show.
I already had a few ideas, they have to pick me!

After my bath I wore a black halterneck, sleeveless top and a

black high waist jean. I wore maroon heeled boots and a
maroon doek. I now knew how to do my eyebrows, thanks to
Zandi and Kaitlyn. I took my portfolio and books, then joined
them for breakfast. “Good morning.”
Zandi whistled. “Damn girl! What's the occasion?”
“You look like a meal girl.” Kaitlyn
“Thank you, there's no occasion just felt like looking cute.”
“For absolutely no reason! You look absolutely stunning. I love
the dark colours.”
Kaitlyn looked at me, “how are you ever since.. you know?”
“Honestly, I'm okay. The first week was hell but now over it.
I'm okay.”
“You're sure?”
“Trust me I'm okay.. there's something I need to tell you two.”
“We're listening.”
“Me and Zakhele are engaged to be married.”
“Did you hear me?”
“Do we know this Zakhele?”
“Zakhele Khoza..”
Zandi spat her juice out and coughed, while looking at me.
“Do you know this Zakhele, babes?”
She sipped in her juice before replying Kaitlyn. “Do you
remember the guy that was here with her Mom that other
“No ways! That hot hunk is yours?”
“Uhh, yeah..” I looked at Zandi and she was just quiet. “Zandi?”
“You do know that he is another version of Enzo right? I don't
know how you manage to attract these hot man whores!”
“Wait, his also a man whore?” Kaitlyn asked.
“Yes, but maybe he has changed. It's been a while since I saw
him with any other girl except that Amahle.”
“Girl how did you two meet?”
“It's a long story, right now I have to go to college.”


Robert found out that I was pregnant,he brought me to his

doctor to get an abortion. Going to school has been a
nightmare. I'm starting to feel lost. I don't know whether I'm
coming or going. I have not fully healed but Robert does not
care. All I am to him is a money making machine. Tomorrow I
have to spend the night with one of his business partner from
Namibia and I don't know how I'm going to pull it off.
Every time I sleep with a new guy, I feel nothing. I think I'm
starting to lose touch with reality. I don't feel bad and dirty
when I don't think much about it. I'm not even certain that I will
pass this year. If I don't pass this year again, I'm not going back.
What's the point? I already have a permanent job. I might as
well focus on a job that pays me.
I looked at the pictures Khumo had posted on WhatsApp and
she looked beautiful. I'm glad one of us will make it in this cruel
world. I have not spoken to her after what happened. I don't
know what to say to her. I can't even ask her if they raped her.
If only I had listened to Khumo when she looked out for me. I
always thought she didn't love me, she was just jealous. Now
I'm paying the price with my body.
I walked to the tree, where mama was sitting with one of the
ladies from church. I greeted them and asked if I should make
them coffee.
“It's too hot for coffee Punkie, make us some Oros and bring us
the scones I baked as well.”
“Okay mama.” I went to the house and brought their
refreshments and scones. I gave Mme Elena and mama their
juice. “Mama I'm going to buy airtime.”
“Okay Nana.”
Mme Elena, was looking at me the entire time. She made me
feel so uncomfortable. I pulled down my top thinking maybe it's
because I'm wearing a crop top.
“Keneilwe are you fine?”
“Ee Mme Elena.”
“Are you really okay?” I nodded. “I'm not trying to scare you
ngwanaka it's just that when you gave me this juice and our
fingers touched. I felt so much sadness and pain from you. I see
so much grey skies around you.”
I swallowed hard and looked at mama, hoping that she be her
usual self and put this woman in her place but she didn't. “I'm
okay Mme Elena, let me go now..”

From the shop I went to see aunty Dorris instead of going

home. “Aunty?”
“I'm this side!”
I walked to where she had planted spinach and tomatoes. The
spinach looked so green and yummy. “Can I get some before I
She laughed and threw her head back. “You want to take my
spinach so that your Mom can throw it away? I'll cook it
tomorrow, then you can come and eat here.”
“Okay. Aunty why don't you and mama get along?”
“We do get along, just in our own special way.”
“I'm not a child aunty, you accused her of killing your child.
What child?”
“I was just in my feelings on that day Punkie.”
“Something big must have happened for you two, to hate each
She looked at me and drank water. “If I may ask you Keneilwe
what's that ‘something big’ that happened between you and
Khumo, that made you hate her?”
I had no words. I opened my mouth to say something but I kept
it shut! I really didn't know why I hated Khumo.

I was in my room with my headphones, when Kaitlyn walked in
and looked at me. I removed the headphones and looked at
her. “What?”
“You're not telling me something Zandi.”
“I'm not sure I understand what you're on about?” I sat upright
and tilted my head.
“How do you know Zakhele?”
“From the club obviously.”
“Zandi, did you sleep with this Zakhele?”
I kept quiet and lay back on the pillows. “I didn't sleep with him,
I promise..”
“Tell me why you acted the way you did when Khumo told us
that she's engaged to him?”
“Maybe I was a bit jealous, I don't know.” I shrugged my
“Why would you be jealous, you have a boyfriend?”
“You remember our first year at the fashion college right?”
“I started working at the club and that's how I met my sugar
“Zakhele looks young to be a sugar daddy though?”
“I saw Zakhele when I served him at the club, you know before
the club had the restaurant... We talked and I fell for him. I had
strong feelings. I was ready to let him be my first but he didn't
feel that way.”
“Ugh, my liefie askies. You really loved him didn't you?”
“A lot! I did every stupid thing one could think of but he didn't
see me that way. I was not enough for him. One night we went
out partying with a group of friends and I slept with his best
friend instead. I thought.. actually I don't know what I had
thought. He found me and his friend in bed and that's it.”
“I'm sorry friend, don't dwell too much on this situation. If you
and Zakhele were meant to be, you would have found your
ways to one another by now.”
“I know that.”
“How many girls have there been before Khumo?”
“Come on Kaitlyn, I heard you the first time!”
“Let Khumo be and enjoy herself, if it doesn't work out
between the two of them..” she shrugged then gave me a kiss
on the cheek and left.
I tried sleeping but I only saw Zakhele’s face when he walked
into me and his friend. I didn't tell Kaitlyn the entire truth. I did
sleep with Zakhele but only twice. He was in love but I was only
nineteen. I wanted the fast life and he wanted to settle down.
I don't remember how me and his best friend ended up in bed,
in Zakhele’s apartment. We were both shocked the next day
when we woke up, both naked and used condoms all over the

Three years ago

Me and Musa, walked into Zakhele’s apartment with our lips

locked. We kept on tripping over things in the apartment until
we made it to a room.
“Mhh, Musa..”
“I want you so badly..”
“How bad? Show me baby..” I helped him out of his shirt, as he
unhooked my bra. He pushed me against the wall and wrapped
one of my leg around his waist and dry humped against me. I
fiddled with my jean button, to get it off.
“Why do you wear such tight jeans?”
I shut him up with a kiss, we went to the bed...
He was taking it from the back and the bed felt like it would
break. “Musa, aahh.. yes... Ahh.” I found my clit and rubbed
myself. He spanked me a few times before turning me around
and put my legs on his shoulder. “Ahhhh.” we both moaned out
of enjoyment. “Faster baby!”
He went in and out with so much force. I squeezed my boobs,
he pulled out and used my juices to coat his thumb then
thrusted in again. “Fuck Zandi! Shit, do that again baby.” he
gently inserted his thumb in my anus and made circular
motions.. “ahhh!..”
The following morning I had this urge to use the bathroom. I
quickly got off the bed and ran to the bathroom. When I
returned, I was surprised to see Musa, naked in the bed.
“You!” we both said at once.
I looked at myself and I was naked as well. “What happened
“I was about to ask you the same thing.. why are we in
Zakhele’s room?”
“No.. no... No! Don't tell me that we had sex? This can't be
happening.” I sat next to him on the bed and looked at him. He
still looked very drunk and he was just as clueless.
“Did we use all these condoms?” I looked at him and we both
laughed. I hit him with a pillow and he got on top. We looked at
one another then kissed. I felt his semi hard member knocking
at my vaginal opening. I rubbed him against my opening before
slowly inserting him in. “Ahhhh!”
The door opened as we still had sex. We both turned and it was
Zakhele. I could feel my heart beating on my throat. Musa
quickly pulled out, stood up and looked at Zakhele.
“It's not what you think”, we both said.
He chuckled and looked at us.
“Baby, I can explain, let me explain.”
“Don't let me be the reason why you two stop.. I just came to
fetch something I'm leaving.”
“Baby, wait...” I held his arm and he gave me a cold look before
shoving me away from him.
“You both disgust me!”
*End of flashback*

I was in my room, admiring the ring I had bought for Khumo.

She's my fiancé but has no ring? Baba must be turning in his
grave. I put it in the safe before going downstairs to pour
myself water. I heard a knock on the door. I was about to say
Dorothy to get the door then remembered that she doesn't
work here anymore. “I'm coming!”
I smiled looking at the pictures Khumo had sent me as I opened
the door. My smile vanished when I saw who was at the door.
“What do you want here?”
“Are you not going to let me in?”
“Zandile ufunani emzini wami?”
“I was hoping that we could talk.”
“Talk yok’nuka! Get out!”
“Phuma Zandile!”
“Baby please...” she walked closer and left a few kisses on my
face, then kissed me.. I was reluctant at first but I kissed her
“Don't think about it.. I know you want this as well.” she
removed the coat she had on and I felt my dick twitch. I kicked
the door and held her hand to the guest bedroom...

We removed every single clothing we had on. I looked at her

and I felt a little bit sad. I pushed her to the bed and kissed her
all over her body. “You really hurt me Zandi.. I loved you..” I
cuffed her to the bed.
“I'm really sorry Zakhele. I was young and naive.”
“It's late now for your sorries.” I pushed myself in then pulled
out again. “Your apologies mean nothing now, Zandile.” I lifted
her lower body and pushed myself all the way in.
“Zakhele please..”
“Please what?”
“Stop teasing.”
“I don't take orders from you.”
“I know but...” I didn't let her finish, I roughly pushed myself in
and her back arched.
“Mhmm..” her warmth around my dick was everything. She was
still good. I upped my pace as I held on tight to her waist.
“Faster Zakhele.. yes baby.. ahh!” I saw her eyes rolling to the
back and I knew she was close. I thrusted a few times then we
both reached our peak.

Once our heart rates were back to normal, I removed the

handcuffs and she massaged her hands.
“You're still a stallion baby.” I looked at her then went to the
bathroom to fetch a towel.. I cleaned her up and went to take a
quick shower. When I returned she was still on the bed.
“Zandile, it's time to leave.”
She raised her head and looked at me. “After what we did?
Zakhele please don't do this.”
“When you came here, you knew why you were coming here. I
don't love you Zandi.. maybe if you had came back into my life
a year ago, there would be a you and me but not anymore.”
“I know you still love me baby. Don't do this to us. I still love
“You broke us! You didn't sleep with just anyone, Musa was my
best friend. Just get up and leave Zandile.”

“Ohh, strawberry, you're so sweet.” Robert said leaving his

rotten cum on my tummy and face.
“Can I leave now?”
“Take your payment from under the pillow and go.”
I tried to get up but every single body part ached. I spent the
entire night at his friend's place. Just when I thought I would go
home and rest, I found his men waiting for me outside. They
brought me here to Robert.. his been at it from 08h00 in the
morning, it's 15h00 now.
I slowly got dressed then walked to the car. I couldn't even sit
properly in the car. The ride back home was horrible.

I sneaked back into the house and locked my room.

“Wena Keneilwe, o nagana gore o mosadi jaanong ke go
shebile!” (you think you're a grown woman now)
I kept quiet and listened to my mom throwing tantrums by the
“Keneilwe open this door before I kick it open!”
I chuckled but stopped because my ribs hurt.
“Keneilwe Morapedi!”
“O batla go bona mmaago monyana?” (do you want me to
show you flames?)
I ignored her and undressed. My skin was black and blue. I had
new beatings on top of the old ones. By the time I reach thirty,
my body would be a scrapyard! That's if I would still be alive by
the time I reach thirty. I looked at the door handle turn, I put on
my gown then opened for her.
“Keneilwe, you want to send me to my grave before my time?”
“Stop saying Mma, bloody fool!”
I left her in the room to boil water to bath. She followed me
everywhere I went. I went outside to get some Aloe, to bath
with. I hope it helps with my wounds.
She grabbed my gown and it opened
I closed it quickly but she had already seen the bruises.
“Keneilwe what's that?”
“Nothing.” I tried walking away but she pulled my hand.
“Who did that to you?”
“I fell at school mama.”
“How did you fall to get such bruises?”
“I fell mama eish!”


I looked at Zakhele and he was serious. He wanted nothing to

do with me anymore. “Zakhele, Sthandwa sami.. please give us
a second chance?”
“A second chance to do what? You want to grate my heart this
time around?”
“No! I want to love you properly, the way you deserve to be
“I'll go and tell Jack to start the car so he can drive you home.”
I watched him walk away and I let the tears fall. I had lost him
for good this time.
I didn't bother wearing my underwear, I put on the coat and hid
my underwear in the pockets. I walked barefoot to the car and
cried silently as we left his home, in Fourways. I could see Jack
looking at me through the rearview mirror. I faced another
direction and let the tears fall..
“Ma’am are you okay?”
“I'm fine Jack... Please stop at the pharmacy I need to get
We stopped at a pharmacy and I bought morning after pills. For
a minute I thought of not drinking them , maybe when I'm
pregnant Zakhele will give us another chance.. but this is
Zakhele, he wouldn't stay with me because I'm carrying his
child. I drank the pills then walked to the car.

Walking into the apartment I saw Khumo sitting on the couch

and I felt like strangling her. She's the reason Zakhele is not
giving us a chance. She turned and looked at me.
“Hey Zandi I didn't hear you come in.”
“I noticed. Is Kaitlyn home?”
“She went to buy milk and bread.”
“I see, are you not working today?”
“I did the morning shift, I had an afternoon class.”
I nodded and went to the kitchen to drink water. From the
kitchen I could see her smiling and giggling on her phone.
“Khumo can I ask you something and please don't be
She stood up and walked to me. “You can ask.”
“Do you trust Zakhele? I'm not judging you or anything..”
“It's fine I understand. I don't trust anyone in this world, only
“Not even your mother?”
“When you trust people, you give them a chance to hurt you.”
she shrugged her shoulders and added mixed vegetables to the
brown rice.
“You're a weird person Khumo!” she went to her room and left
her phone unlocked on the counter.. I opened her WhatsApp
and read her messages with Zakhele, I could feel something
blocking my airways.

When Zakhele loves a person, he loves hard no cutting corners.

I put her phone where it was and checked his profile from my
phone, it was Khumo. I remember because I took the picture
when she was not looking. The sun had kissed her face
beautifully. Khumo was a melanin queen! Everything about her
was beautiful. From her skin tone to her body. She was
confident except when it came to her body and skin colour. She
was getting better now.. she covered less and showed more
As I had my bath, Khumo had tagged me on Facebook. I looked
at the post and smiled, she had posted a picture of me and her
wearing matching blue shirt dresses and sandals. Her caption
was, “My beautiful, sexy, amazing sister from another mother. I
love you Zandi, I'm so grateful you're my housemate”. My smile
vanished when I remembered what I did with Zakhele. How can
I be so jealous of Khumo? She's been nothing but a loyal friend.
Kaitlyn, is not going to forgive me when she finds out that I lied
to her about Zakhele.

A week later

I was on the phone with Zakhele, when Zandi came in. “I did say
I'll see you tonight, what's with the drama?”
“I wouldn't be dramatic, if you had moved in with me.”
I sighed. “We talked about this motho waka. Let's not fight?”
“I'm not fighting.. I'm just saying.”
“Just saying? Baby, I'll see you later, bye.”
“Wait! What will you be wearing?”
“Yho Zakhele!” I smiled as if he could see me.
“Okay fine, I love you..”
“I love you too.” I looked at Zandile and covered my face.
“Someone is happy today!”
“I am very happy. To be honest I misjudged Zakhele. I didn't
think I would fall this hard for him considering how we started
our relationship.”
“I'm happy when you're happy.. so when is the wedding?”
“Yho Zandi, just wait with the wedding! I don't even have a ring
on my finger.”
“That's also something I wanted to ask, how come there's no
huge diamond on that gorgeous finger, when you have a rich
“Let's say for now, we're boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“I did say you're a weird person!” we both laughed. “Are you
going to spend the weekend at his place?”
“Have fun, I'm going out for a while.

After my shower, I called Tidimalo.

“Wareng Mmata?”
“I'm okay.”
“You don't sound okay.”
“I'm pregnant Khumo!”
“I'm pregnant.”
“I didn't even know you have a boyfriend.”
“I wish, it's a one night stand type of situation. I drank the
morning after pill but this baby must have dodged the pill.”
“Are you keeping the baby?”
“Should I?”
“That decision can only be made by you, Mmata. Whatever
decision you make, I'll support you.”
“I don't think I'm ready to be someone's mother Khumo.”
“Then don't be... I wish I was the with you. Be strong and do
what's best for you.”
“How have you been since the abduction?”
“I'm fine.. one day at a time, now I'm good.”
“You're not lying to me are you?”
“I would never lie to you, I'm okay don't stress.”

We said our good byes, then I got dressed in my dark blue jeans
and white bodysuit that had a low back V. Went outside where
I met Jack. “Hi Jack.”
“Hi Khumo, are you well?”
“I'm good and you?” he took my small luggage bag and put it in
the boot.
“I'm well thanks for asking.”
“How long have you known Zakhele?”
“If I'm not mistaken, I think five years.”
“That means you're used to doing this am I right?”
“I don't think I understand ma’am?”
“I'm way too young to be called ma’am Jack! I mean you picking
up his many girlfriends?”
He chuckled and looked at me through the mirror, “can I say no
We both laughed. “You're full of jokes Jack. You're loyal to
“He is a good man.. he has his faults but he has a good heart.”
“I'll pretend to believe you.” I looked out the window the rest
of the drive to Fourways. I've never been to his home. I always
suggested that we meet at restaurants or parks. Today is the
time to see his sanctuary.

I stood in the middle of my big lounge and admired my new

caramel leather couches. Everything in my home was now
modern. It was more spacious, I had running water in my yard.
“You must be so proud of yourself mama.”
I looked at Keneilwe as she threw herself on my expensive
couches. “Do you know how much those couches cost?”
“All I know is that Khumo bought these couches with her body.”
“Wareng Keneilwe?”
“Did you not sell her to your boss? That means everything in
here belongs to her.”
“How many times must I tell you that I didn't sell Khumo! It was
a mutual agreement.”
“Keep telling that to yourself mama. Papa must be turning in
his grave.”
“I don't care if he is turning or not. I will be sleeping
comfortably on my queen size bed!”
“O moloi mama!”
I turned around and gave her a hot slap. Keneilwe has become
such a vile child. I can't control her like before. She doesn't
even care what she says to me. “I'm not your age mate
Keneilwe. I'm your mother!”
“Whatever Motlalepula.” she walked to her room and banged
the door.

Every time I tried calling Khumo, she didn't answer my calls. I

bought another sim card to call her. Maybe she can talk some
sense into Keneilwe.
“Khumo it's me.”
“How can I help you Mme Morapedi?”
“Today the devil has decided to use my kids to test me I see.
When a person goes to Joburg, they don't come home and
“To visit who?”
“Your family!”
“Family? I didn't know I had family.. you mean my mother who
sold me to the highest bidder?”
“I did what I did for your future. You might not see it now but
one day you will thank me.”
“If you say so mama.”
“Khumo, you need to talk to Keneilwe, that girl has no
manners! Ke satan ya ngwana!”
I heard her laugh
“Keneilwe is your child mama.. see how you deal with her. Nna
ha ke di tsene.” (I'm not getting involved.)
“She is still your blood, one day when I'm gone, she will be all
you have.”
“I hope by the time you decide to leave us, I would have started
my own family.”
“Mama, I have to go now.”
“Khumo?... Hello?” she hang up. Jehovah!

I put my hands on my head and looked at Keneilwe’s door then

went out to water my flowers.

I looked at Khumo and shook my head. She's really stubborn, I

don't see her forgiving her Mom any time soon.
“Don't you dare start Zakhele, please don't.”
“I was not going to say anything, ndoni yamanzi.” I saw her
“I saw how you shook your head when I spoke to my mom.”
“How is it easy for you to give me a second chance but not your
“I've given her enough chances motho waka. You don't know
how many times she has hurt me. I'm tired now.”
She spoke with a shaky voice and had tears in her eyes. I pulled
her closer and kissed her forehead. “I'm sorry my love.. I know
how we handled the whole thing was wrong. I shouldn't have
forced you to marry me.”
“I wanted to stab you with something when you told me that
it's either I marry you or I pay you every cent, you have paid at
the college.” she shook her head. “I was so angry!”
“Why do you think I kept myself busy with my phone?”
“You such an idiot!”
“Your idiot.”
“My idiot..” she gave me a peck on the lips then stood up and
took our plates to the kitchen. I followed her to the kitchen and
helped her wash the dishes.

We were in my room watching ‘killing Eve’. She was paying so

much attention to everything. I used my hand to massage her
head and she let out a soft moan. “Do you like that baby?”
“Mhmm..” from the head, I went to the shoulders and her
moans were turning me on. I would move a bit backwards, do
that she doesn't feel how excited Mr Khoza was down there.
She turned and looked at me with lust in her eyes. She traced
her slender finger on the tattoo on my bicep. “What's the date
“I had it when I lost my brother.”
“I'm so sorry baby..” she straddled me and gave me a kiss. I
held on tight to her waist and kissed her back. I put my hands
underneath her tank top, I needed to touch some skin. Her
beautiful skin. “Mhmm.” she moaned into my mouth as we
kissed. This kiss was not rushed, it was gentle. It had love in it.
She stopped and looked at me with so much innocence.
“Are you okay sthandwa?”
She nodded and kissed me again. I rubbed her thighs up and
down, seductively. Khumo removed the vest I had on, left kisses
on my neck then went back to my lips. “Khumo...”
“Yeah?” she looked at me with a smile on her face. I picked her
up and walked to the bed, gently lay her on the bed and
removed her top and bra. She used her hands to hide her
“What are you doing?”
“Uhh.. uhm, nothing.”
“If you're uncomfortable you need to tell me, okay?”
She nodded but with hesitation this time.
I kissed her to calm her down and get her back in the mood.
“Just relax..” I gave her twins some love. Gave each one, some
tender love. She started relaxing a bit. I tried my luck and
unbuttoned her jeans. She didn't stop me.. the jeans were like
second skin on her. They fitted her perfectly but they had to go.
“Are you still okay?”
We continued to kiss as I spread her pussy lips and used my
middle finger to rub her up and down, she was so wet.. I
inserted a finger to open her up a bit. I could see some
discomfort on her face... “If you're not comfortable, tell me.”
She nodded. “Open those legs for daddy!” she laughed, I had
her legs on my shoulders to give me easy access to eat her out..
“Ahh.” she kept on wriggling on the bed and arching her back. I
licked, sucked and rubbed her. “Baby..”
“Mhmm?” I used my fingers to make circular motions deep
inside her and she let go. “Ahhh!” I licked her clean and
watched her trying to catch her breath...
I got on top and used my mushroom head to rub her. I knew
that she was still sensitive, I fondled her breasts while rubbing
her. My erection grew even bigger I thought I would burst. I
tried pushing myself in but struggled for a while... She pushed
me a bit and had tears in her eyes. “Baby, I'm sorry I know it's
“It's fine.”
“No it's not we'll try again some other day okay.”
“No! Don't stop, it won't hurt any less.”
“Are you sure?” she held my member and stroked gently, “ahh
Khumo..” she rubbed it against herself and tried to insert it by
herself. She would flinch but she persevered until I was half in
and half out. I kissed her to distract her. Just a few shoves and
I'll be balls in. I rubbed her clit as I thrusted in...

I was five seconds away from punching whomever it was, trying

to break our door. I got off the bed in my oversized t-shirt to
open the door. “What!” I swallowed once I realised who it was.
“What.. what are you doing here?”
“I came to see you.”
“Why? We don't have any unfinished business.”
“Are we going to talk by the door as if we don't know each
other naked?”
“Just get in and stop trying to tell the entire world that I slept
with you!” I pushed him in and shook my head. He made
himself comfortable on our couches. I folded my arms and
looked at him. “Would you like some coffee or tea, Musa?”
“Coffee will be fine.. black with two teaspoons of sugar.”
I gave him his coffee and sat next to him. “So?”
“Can a dude drink his coffee first?”
“In whose house? If you want to drink your coffee in peace, go
to a damn coffee shop!”
“Have you seen Zakhele ever since that time?”
“I don't want to talk about him.” I faced the TV that was off
hoping he is not here to talk about Zakhele.
“Me and him have been friends since primary school. Do you
understand? I lost a brother.”
“You're blaming me? You're unbelievable.. did I force you to
sleep with me? Huh, did I hold a gun against that big head and
ask you to sleep with me Musa!”
I looked at him and he was drinking his coffee while looking at
me. I grabbed him by his shirt, “don't just look at me like that!
Damn you! You of all people know that I loved him.. I still do
and now I have to see him love my housemate.” I kept on
hitting his chest but from where I was seated it looked like he
was not feeling any pain. I stood in front of him and used my
fists to hit him. “Why are you here dammit!”
“Zandi, just stop it! Stop..” he held my hands and held me tight
as I cried. “Calm down Zandi... Shhh, I'm here.” I tried to wriggle
out if his strong hold but he didn't budge. He held on tight until
I calmed. “You're still a drama queen I see.”
“I'm still waiting for you to tell me why you're here.”
“Why are you cold today? You're not seeing me for the first
time today.”
“Maybe it's because I don't want to see you anymore.”
“I see, fine I'll go.”
I held his and, “please don't go... please?” we kissed all the way
to my room, I kicked the door shut.
He broke the kiss and removed the t-shirt I had on, I wasn't
wearing any underwear underneath. I fiddled with his belt to
remove the pants. Everything was rushed.. no time for foreplay.
He had me bended over my study desk and roughly inserted
himself. We both moaned, he thrusted out only to roughly
thrust in again. My nails dug onto the table as he rammed into
me. I liked how rough he was, my body needed this.
“Fuck Zandi!” he pulled my hair and went faster, spread my ass
cheeks and squeezed them as he went faster...


With my eyes closed I answered my phone. “Hello?”

“Hello?” I turned and found Zakhele looking at me, I pulled the
covers over my head and laughed. I heard sniffing on the
phone. “Hello?”
“It's me Mmata.”
I panicked and sat properly on the bed. “Why are you crying, is
it the baby?”
“There's no baby!”
“Did you have an abortion?”
“No!.. I... I had a miscarriage Mmata. I lost the baby.”
A tear dropped from my eye, quickly wiped it off. “I'm really
sorry, what happened?”
“I was running late for a test so I ran up the stairs but missed a
step and fell. During my test I felt excruciating abdominal pains.
My pants were stained with blood.”
“I can't imagine what you're going through.”
“I know I didn't want this baby at first but I was starting to like
him.. or her. I feel so empty. I'm loosing my mind! Why me?”
I hated not being able to help her. I couldn't even give her a
hug. What do I say now? “Mmata did you talk to Itsanang,
maybe she can tell you how to get through this? I know she had
an abortion but she also lost a part of her as well.”
“I'll call her later thanks for listening, I love you.”
“I love you too, please take care of yourself.” when I turned
Zakhele was not in the room. I put on his robe, went downstairs
and found him making coffee. I wrapped my arms around his
waist. He turned and gave me a peck, “did you sleep well?”
“Who wouldn't sleep well on a queen size bed?”
“You're such an idiot.” he poked my forehead and gave me
another peck. “You're my idiot.”

We had our breakfast at the garden but my mind was far away.
Tidimalo, was our backbone. She's the strongest of the three of
us. Hearing her crying just broke me down.
I snapped out of it and looked at Zakhele. “Where you saying
“Where is your mind at sunshine?”
I couldn't hold it in, I burst into tears.
“Hey.. hey, what's wrong now?”
“She lost her baby! Why.. why did this happen to her?”
“Who lost her baby?”
“My best friend, Tidimalo. She had a miscarriage.”
sthandwa, come here... Woza la muntu wam’.”
“How do you comfort someone who is going through
something like this?”
He held me as I sobbed. “One day at a time. You took one day
at a time when you were abducted. You're much better now.”
“We have something else to talk about.”
“I'm listening.”
“Zakhele we didn't use protection last night. Not only do I not
want to fall pregnant, I don't want any sicknesses as well.”
“Let's be honest, you have a reputation with changing girls like
socks. We should have had blood tests first to see if we're both
“You don't trust me in other words?”
“I don't trust anyone my love. No one!”
“Then what are we doing? Just pushing time?”
“No”, I tried touching him but he moved backwards. “Baby?”
“What's a relationship without trust? I get the testing part, I
really do. We should've had those tests. What I don't get is the
trust part.”
“Trusting people has brought me nothing but pain. I don't want
to get hurt again.”
“Khumo, I told you that we don't have to get married anymore.
I asked that you give me a chance to ask you out, and you did. I
gave you the opportunity to choose if you want me or not
didn't I?”
“You did and I don't regret choosing you.”
“I think you don't know what you want. I apologized for
everything that I did. I was still going to continue paying your
fees and the apartment, even if you didn't choose me. But you
did, now you don't trust me?”
“Zakhele please let's not fight. I know what I want and that
person is you.”
“To avoid a fight, I think I should take you home. I don't want us
to have a huge fight. I'll give you space to think about what you
“Wow!” I went inside to his room and had a shower. Space?
Minutes later I got out of the bathroom and he was on the bed
holding his laptop. I wore leggings and a light sweater. “I'm
done, is Jack ready?”
“Are you angry?”
“I'll be downstairs.” he locked the door to stop me from going.
“Zakhele please move.”
“What do you want from me?”
“I don't understand why you're angry?”
“I should be happy that you broke up with me? Wa tsenwa!”
“Angi tsenwe lutho! I didn't break up with you. I'm giving you
space to make a decision.”
“In the meantime, while I make my decision someone will be
warming the other side of the bed?”
He held me tight and rested his chin on the top of my head. “I
won't do that to us, come let me take you back to the

We shared a kiss before leaving. I hope this was not a goodbye


He gave me a few thrusts then we both exploded. I felt his hot

cum deep inside me, I was at peace. “Were you trying to kill me
“That's the only language you understand.” I moved closer and
lay my head on his chest, I could feel how his heart beat and it
was music to my ears. He moved the braids from my face while
looking at me. I knew he wanted to say something serious, I
was too tired to have such conversations.
“Zandi, we can't keep on doing what we're doing. It's not
“If you want to leave just leave.” I faced the other side and
folded my arms. He had his arms around me, kept on brushing
my arms while going lower until he reached my pussy lips. He
spread them and rubbed my clit, I tried to close my thighs but
the feeling was so good, I opened them a bit more to give him
more access.
“Do you see what I mean?” I grinded on his fingers that were
buried deeply inside. I held his semi hard member and stroked
him. “Zandi.. Ahh...”
We had a quick shower and got dressed. We couldn't keep our
hands to ourselves. “If you don't stop looking at me with those
eyes I'll bend you over this couch.”
“Maybe I want to be bended over a couch.” I pushed him onto
the couch and straddled him, “why can't I say no to you?”
“Our bodies know each other. It's hard to resist.” his hands
roamed all over my back.. he removed my t-shirt, before I knew
it I was on the couch with him thrusting in me. I held on to his
waist and grinded from underneath. I wanted more of him.
“Musa please..”
“What do you want baby?”
“I need you to go faster! I'm close please...”
Instead he slowed down more and looked at me with the most
sexiest smirk ever. I wrapped my legs around him, that's when
he upped his pace. “Ahh yes! More please...”

We were still getting dressed when the door opened. I came

face to face with Zakhele. Khumo turned and looked at me and
Musa, then at Zakhele. “Do you guys all know each other?”
“No! Yes!” we all said at once
“Okay, is it no or is it yes?”
“We do know each other babe”, Zakhele answered her. He
looked at her with adoration then held her hand. I swallowed
painfully while looking at Musa.
Khumo was staring at Musa, I cleared my throat then
introduced them to one another.
“It was nice to meet you Musa, Babe let's go put these in my
room and give them space.”

A year later

I looked at my gorgeous wife sleeping, I removed a few braids

from her face and snapped a few pictures. She moved a bit and
the covers fell of. Her nightdress had only covered her upper
body. I caressed her smooth chocolate thigh while staring at
her. She opened her eyes and found me looking at her.
“Zakhele yho! You look like a creep tlhe.”
“You look so pretty when you're asleep.”
“I don't sleep with my mouth opened?”
“If you did, I would always put something in your mouth.”
“Wow! So much for loving me?”
I held her hand to make her touch my erection. “Baby help me
out please.. just feel how hard I am... Help indoda yakho out.”
“I'm going to be late for my test if I don't get up now.” she tried
to leave but I got on top of her and left kisses on the crook of
her neck. “You still have time motho waka, I'll be quick.”
I removed her underwear and used my thumb to rub her.
“I'll be quick. In and out before you know it.”
“Mhmm.. mhmm.” she opened up her legs wider, I slowly
inserted myself in, thrusted halfway in and pulled out again. I
did that a few times to get her wet. “Baby?”
“Sthandwa sami?”
“Stop teasing me.. tsenya tlhe.”
“I thought you're going to be late?”
She had her upper body slightly up and balanced on her hands.
“Khoza don't tease me tlhe.”
I rammed into her and she let out a loud moan. I pushed her
back on the bed and wrapped her legs around my waist. I held
on tight to her, while I touched her inner walls. “Mhmm... Aah.”
her moans were a melody to my ears. I rubbed her bean a few
times while I gave her deep strokes. A few strokes on the left,
and right before moving my waist in a circular motion. She held
on tight to my biceps and knew that she was close...
“Faster Zak!” I upped my pace while giving each of her twins
some love. She arched her back then let go, I continued to
thrust chasing my own orgasm. How her walls clasped my dick
once we both got our climax. I stayed buried in her for a few
seconds before pulling out. “Baby..” she whimpered as I did
I came from the bathroom with a warm towel and wiped her
clean then myself.
“Good morning princess.” I gave her a long kiss.
“Good morning monna waka”, she had a smile on her face.

I watched her walk naked to the bathroom...


In my room I removed a little sachet, from under my mattress. I

made sure the door was locked before emptying the white
powder onto a book and rolled a paper to inhale the powder.
Once I was done, I lay down in the floor and the room just spun
around. I held on tight to the mat until the room stopped
spinning. I crawled to the other side of my bed to see if I still
had enough cocaine. I found nothing. I immediately got up to
search the other side, still nothing... no... How did I run
out of the only thing that made me feel good. I called Robert's
friend and he only answered on the fourth ring. “Hello?”
“Carlos I need another fix!”
“Yes it's me! Can you help me out? I really need my fix.”
“I told you to not depend on the drugs, you see now you want
to get me into trouble.”
“No, I won't tell anyone I promise. Just help me please.” I
scratched my head and it felt like there were bees in my brain.
Something was buzzing inside. I hit my head a few times
thinking that would help. The buzzing worsened, I paced
around the room, forgetting that Carlos was still on the phone.
“Strawberry are you still there?”
“Yes, yes... Can you help?”
“This is the last time I'm helping you out. I don't have powder
right now but I have the rainbow pills. They're much stronger
“Perfect! It's late now, I'll see you tomorrow.”
“What about school?”
“As soon as I'm done writing my maths test, I'll make a plan to
come and see you.”
“This is the last time I'm helping you!”
“How about I offer you a deal?”
“I'm listening.”
“I'll continue to sleep with you, without Robert knowing. We'll
keep it on the low. I enjoyed our time together the last time
didn't you?”
I heard him sigh, “fine! We have a deal.”
“I'll wear that underwear that you like a lot.”
“I have a better plan.”
“I'm listening..”
“Take a video of you playing with your kitty and let me see if I
like what you're doing.”

Once the buzzing had stopped I did my homework and worked

on my speech. I hate speeches! I saw the curtain sway. I
checked the window but it was closed. I didn't understand how
a curtain could sway, while the window was closed. I continued
with my homework.

I read the email from House of Perez, and they didn't like my
portfolio. Things were so much better when I was still at the
school of fashion, now that I have graduated things are not
going well. At least I still had my job at the club but I can't work
here forever. This is not how I had my life planned out. I want
to design and make people feel good. I know I can do it but I
still can't find any fashion house to do my internship at or even
shadow. Kaitlyn was lucky to have worked at Donatella, they
offered internships and now she was one of their junior
designers. Everyone's life was moving forward and I was going
backwards! Ohh, how my mom couldn't wait to say I told you
so! She rubbed it in how she told me to do law. I don't like law!

During the day the club was not that busy, I asked Sipho to do a
double shift. I was not looking forward to head home. We have
a new housemate and she's boring with a capital letter B!
From upstairs I saw Khumo walking in, wearing a gorgeous off
the shoulder mini dress. Her wardrobe has changed ever since
she got married. Her fashion sense has always been great but
because of not being comfortable with her body
she didn't dress up much. Now she's showing everyone that
she's a fashion designer student.
I waited for her outside the change rooms, “hey Khumo.”
“Zandi hello.” we hugged and I stared at her. “Zandi are you
“Yeah, just admiring you. Your skin is popping!”
“Thank you, how did it go at House of Perez?”
“Waste of time! They didn't like my portfolio.”
“Sorry my love.” she gave me a hug. “Something will come up
and Kaitlyn did say she will try and hook you up at Donatella.”
“I guess you're right.”
“Okay let me go then.”
“Khumo, wait!”
She stopped and looked at me. “Yeah?”
“I thought by now you would have left your job, what are you
still doing here?”
“I'm working.”
“I know that but you don't have to. I mean you're Mrs Khoza.”
“Well Mrs Khoza, enjoys working here. I get to meet new
people, new personalities and I use that to help me create my
“Yes. Sometimes someone would walk in wearing something
absolutely fabulous and I would try to incorporate what they're
wearing with my style.”
“Now I see why you're the favourite at the college.” we laughed
“Not really, there's new students and there's a Katarina, she's
good. She once had an opportunity to design a red carpet dress
for Jessica Nkosi.”
“You lie!”
“I wish I was. She showed me her previous portfolios and I'm
glad I'm in my second year.”
“She's that good?”
“Very, I heard her telling her friends that another celebrity
asked her to design and make her wedding dress.”
“Unamanga wena!”
“She's going places.”
“Lucky her.”
“Your time will come Zandi, I have to go now.”
I looked at her go to the restaurant. She looks happy. I went
back downstairs and thought about what Khumo said. Maybe
I'll try her strategy of incorporating the style of the people I see
here with my style.


I had just gotten back from delivering a birthday cake, when I

found the kitchen looking like a pigsty. I threw my bag on the
floor and looked around. This can't be my house. I went out
then returned back in the house, indeed it was mine.
“Keneilwe?” I went to her door and knocked until my knuckles
hurt. “Keneilwe?” I went outside to knock on her window, still
no answer. I can't deal with this child. She's never home, when
she is she turns my house into a dustbin.

I changed into other clothes and started cleaning while cooking.

She doesn't even cook! My phone rang in my room, I wiped my
hands clean then ran to my room. “Motlalepula Morapedi
speaking, hello?”
“Hello, it's Joice, we spoke yesterday about my daughter's baby
“Oh yes, I remember.”
“I've decided to have a three tiered cake instead of one big
cake. My other daughter is pregnant as well.”
“Okay what flavours would you like?” I looked for my diary and
listened to her.
“Carrot cake, chocolate and vanilla.”
“Can I add caramel into the chocolate sponge?”
“Oh yes!”
“Call me if you want anything else.” I hung up with a smile.

I've always been a good baker, since I stopped working I

needed something to keep me busy. I didn't know people could
make money from selling cakes. Best decision I've made in my
life. One day when Zakhele decides to stop sending me money,
I won't struggle.
I sang happily while frying the mince. I smiled remembering
how Joseph used to like his mince spicy. Keneilwe’s door
opened, when she came out she looked like a stray cat!
“Keng mama?”
“What's happening with you my baby, why do you look like
someone who has given up on life and living?”
“Don't you think it's late to be the caring mother now?”
“I'm trying, please meet me halfway... I know I was never a
good mother to you and Khumo but I'm trying now.”
“It's too late now. Even Khumo is happy. The only good thing
you did is forcing her to get married to Zakhele. At least she's
happy.” she opened my pots and tasted the mash potatoes.
“Not bad, why are you cooking dad's favourite dish today?”
“No reason at all.”
“If you say so, I'm going to Aunty Dorris.”
“Dinner is almost ready!”
“I'll eat at her house.”
“Bye mom.”

I didn't have any classes and I asked for a day off at work.
Zakhele’s half-sister was visiting us today. I had to try and clean
this place. I don't understand why Zakhele thought it was right
to have a five bedroomed house. We've been looking for
someone to hire but I was not okay with the idea of another
woman cleaning my home. I should be able to keep my own
home clean. The doorbell rang and I made my way to the door,
I found a delivery man holding a huge bouquet of pink roses
and a gift bag. “Hello?”
“I'm looking for a Mrs Khoza?”
“I am Mrs Khoza.”
“Please sign here for me ma’am..” after signing he gave me the
flowers and gift bag. I kicked the door closed and smiled
reading the card inside the flowers,
I hope you have a beautiful day my gorgeous wife. These roses
reminded me of you and I decided to buy them. I love you
ndoni yamanzi...
I looked inside the gift bag and I found a sexy lace lingerie in a
brown fudge colour. The card that accompanied the lingerie
Please wear me...

I looked around for my phone and it was on the dining table, I

called him.. “owami?”
“Motho waka.”
“Did you get your gift?”
“I love you.”
“Nami ngi yak’thanda caramel sauce.”
“What if the lingerie doesn't fit?”
“Ah, ah, Ah! Are you trying to say I don't know my own wife's
“I didn't say that!”
“Baby, I'll call you later I have to attend a conference call now.
Ke a go rata.”
“Nami ngi yak’thanda...”
I smelled the roses one more time before putting them in a
vase. The doorbell rang again, I didn't expect to see Zakhele
holding a paper bag from Joe's Burger Hub.
“Muntu wami.” he pulled me in for a kiss.
“Are you not supposed to be at work on a conference call?”
“I lied about the conference call, but I needed a file here..
perfect excuse to see my wife.”
“If you were working for someone you would have been fired.”
“Thank the heavens I'm not. I brought you lunch.”
“Thanks.” I stood on my toes and gave him a few kisses. “I love
you Zakhele Khoza.” I unbuckled his belt and snuck my hand
into his pants. “Do you think your boss will mind if you steal five
“What did you have in mind?”
I held his hand and led him to the couch. “I want you to bend
me over this couch and take it from the back!” I stripped and
arched my back on the couch. I heard him hiss.
“Fuck! When did you become this naughty?” he spanked me on
each side while he used his dick head to rub me. I let out a
moan and pushed myself into him. “Patience baby.”
“I don't have any patience!” I had my forehead against the
armrest, then he pushed himself in. “Yes!”
He went in hard and fast!..


Keneilwe didn't sleep at home last night, again. I swallowed my

pride and walked to Dorris house. I saw her watering her
flowers. I cleared my throat, she turned and raised a brow
when she saw me. “O batlang Motlalepula?”
“I'm not here to fight.”
“You can't even fight. How can I help you?”
“I'm looking for Keneilwe.”
“She's obviously at school! Has old age finally caught up with
“This is not the time for jokes Dorris.”
She looked at me and noticed how serious I was. “Why are you
looking for her here? You said she must not come here, ke
moloi remember?”
“We both know how stubborn she is, I know she would come
here even after I told her not to.”
“I have not seen her in over a week.
But she said she was coming here last night.. said she will have
dinner with you.”
“Why would you let a girl child roam around at night by herself?
Kgante o ntse jaang Motlalepula!” (what kind of person are you
“Stop shouting! How was I supposed to know that she's been
lying when she said she's coming here?”
“O mpaletse nnake. O padile!” (I can't deal with you baby sis.
You're too much!)
“I didn't come here to be judged by you Dorris, I'll go and wait
for her at home.”
“Tsamaya motho was modimo. Call me when you find her.”
I nodded and left.

Is this my punishment for being a cruel mother to Khumo? Is

Keneilwe my downfall because of how I also treated Dorris? I
don't want to lose her. Please let her be safe wherever she is.
It was now 16h00 and there was still no sign of Neilwe. Where
are you my baby? I tried calling Khumo but as usual it just rang.
A few minutes later I saw the gate opening, I stood up to look
and I saw Keneilwe walking in half naked. “Oh, ntate modimo!”
I had my hands above my head. She couldn't even walk straight.
I ran to her and held her close. “Neilwe ngwanaka!”
“Mme Morapedi!” she smelled like a shebeen.
“O tswa kae Keneilwe?”
“Mhmm.. mhmm!”
I struggled to get her onto the bed but managed. I wiped the
sweat on my forehead and looked at her snoring on the bed.
“Where did I go wrong with you Punkie?”
Before leaving her room I noticed some bruises on her face and
stomach. I put a glass of water and painkillers on her dressing
table then left.

I took a nap after Zakhele had left. Waking up I found a missed
call from my mom. I wonder what she wants now. I called her
back. “Khumo ngwanaka.”
“I tried calling you but you didn't answer.”
“I was sleeping.”
“Something is wrong with Keneilwe.”
“Like what?”
“I don't know but she's not herself. I know she has always been
a naughty child but now she has become worse. She missed
school today and returned only now with bruises all over her
“Did you ask her where she's from?”
“I did but she was so drunk I had to go and pick her up by the
gate! This is not the first time I see her with bruises. The first
time she said she fell at school.”
“I don't know how to help you mama, she's not answering my
calls when I call.”
“Please try harder.. I've already lost you I don't want to lose
another daughter.”
I hung up and sat on the bed in the guest bedroom
Phiwokuhle, would sleep in. I've never heard my mom sound so
broken in my entire life. I tried calling Keneilwe but it went
straight to voicemail. I hope she's not back to her old self, I
don't want to be abducted again.

There was no way I would finish cleaning this entire house

alone. I put on clean sheets on the bed, opened the windows to
let in some air. I kneeled down to clean under the bed but an
earring caught my eye next to the bed. Zakhele doesn't wear
any earrings, I looked closer and it looked so familiar but I don't
remember where I saw it. I left it on the bed and cleaned
underneath, I used a broom to push everything out. A bracelet
and another earring came out.
I looked at the earrings and bracelet closely and chuckled. The
bracelet had the ZM initials. Why would Zandi come here?
I finished cleaning then went to take a bath, I'm finding out the
truth today. I wore my green, with white dots sun dress and
white sandal heels. I tied up my afro, grabbed my sling bag and
phone then went downstairs. Jack had just finished washing the
“Can you please drop me off at the apartment?”
“Okay ma’am.”
I didn't wait for him to open the door for me.
“Are you okay ma’am?”
“Just drive Jack!”

I still had my own key to the apartment, I unlocked and it

looked like no one was home. “Kaitlyn? Hello?”
I took out the bracelet and earrings then placed them on the
coffee table. I sat down and waited for her. I looked at the time
and knew that I won't have time to cook. I called Amara’s and
asked them to deliver some lasagna, roasted garlic chicken and
vegetables.. I'll make the salad at home.
The door opened and Kaitlyn walked in, “Khumo?”
“Hey you.” I stood up and met her by the door, gave her a hug.
“How are you sweety?”
“I'm okay and tired. How's married life treating you?”
“Very good! When is Zandi coming home?”
“She should be here any minute now.. let me go get
comfortable quickly then I'll join you.”
Kaitlyn came with two glasses and a bottle of white wine.
We were having our second glass when Zandi announced her
presence. “I could also use a glass right now! Hey Khumo.” she
kissed me on the cheek and threw herself on the couch.
Kaitlyn noticed the earrings and bracelet on the table, she
picked them up and observed them. “Zandi, are these not the
things I had bought you last year? I thought you said you lost
The entire time I looked at Zandi, I wanted to see her facial
expression. She sipped her wine before looking.. she choked
once she noticed that the jewelry belonged to her... “Yeah it's
mine, where did you find it?” she looked at me and I looked at
“I found them on the table, next to Khumo.”
I looked at the time then stood up, “ladies it was nice to see
y'all. I have to go now, I have a visitor coming”. I hugged them
both and left.

I looked at the bracelet I thought I had lost. Out of all the places
it could have fallen, it had to be at Zakhele’s place. He is going
to think I left it there on purpose. I looked at the phone,
debating whether to call Khumo or not. What will I even say?
Hey Khumo sorry for sleeping with your husband..
“Kaitlyn, I didn't see you there..”
“Repeat what you just said.”
“Huh? I didn't say anything.”
“Zandile Motaung!”
“I can explain.. please listen I can really explain.”
“Out of all the men, it had to be with him! Him?”
“Kaitlyn please...”
“You know I don't care who you sleep with but we don't do
what you just did.” she furiously walked out, I followed her.
“Please listen to my side.”
“I'm listening.”
“Let's sit down please?”
“I didn't mean to sleep with him, it just happened. I thought we
still had a chance. When I went there I wasn't thinking about
anyone else besides me. I went there to get my man back,
instead I made things worse.”
“You have lost me now... What do you mean by still had a
chance? What are you not telling me?”
“Zakhele is my ex.”
“Wat!” she stood up and looked at me with disbelief. “Your
“He wanted to settle down but you know me, I wanted the
party life! I was not ready to settle down. I hurt him badly.”
“What did you do?”
“I slept with his best friend, Musa..”
“Goeie hemel!” (good heavens!)
“I know I messed up, okay! I know. But it's not like I forced him
to sleep with me, he is a grown man. He should've stopped
things from going any further but he didn't.”
She stood up and laughed, then looked at me. “I can't believe
you right now. I don't care about him right now, I care about
Khumo! She didn't deserve your betrayal. She took you as her
sister, don't sit there and try to act like a victim. You went there
knowing very well what you wanted, you slept with him
knowing very well that he belongs to someone. Don't you
“I was just trying to make you see things from my side.”
“You have always liked using the victim card Zandi. You never
take responsibility for any part you play in hurting people.”
“But Kaitlyn...”
“Don't but Kaitlyn me! You're a slut and you'll always be one.
Grow the fuck up, before you're forty, single and miserable
with no friend because you can't keep your legs closed!”
“That's not fair, I've changed!”
“Keep lying to yourself...” she slammed the door on her way

It's been hours since Kaitlyn left and I couldn't get what she said
out of my head. Do I really like playing the victim?
I tried my luck and called Zakhele, I had no idea if the was going
to answer..
“Please don't hang up it's me Zandi.”
“We need to talk urgently.”
“There's nothing to talk about Zandile. I'm a married man now,
please don't bring me drama.”
“Your marriage might be in jeopardy, please I just need five
“Fine, I'll send Jack to bring you to me. I'm at the hotel.”

I had a quick shower, wore a black figure hugging dress, black

stilettos and fixed my lipstick. Why am I even trying to look
beautiful for a married man?
My phone beeped, it was Jack telling me that he was

I watched Carlos walking around with his member dangling
between his thighs. I lie on my tummy and sniffed the cocaine.
It went straight to my head. I was so much lighter, he came
back holding two bottles of water. “Have some water.”
He sniffed what was left from the cocaine, and got on top of
me. “I can't get enough of this pussy, strawberry.”
“It's all yours baby do whatever you want.”
I saw the door open and another man walked in. “Carlos..
He didn't stop, he thrusted in harder while spreading my thighs
further apart. My focus was on the other guy who was getting
undressed and walking to us.
“Baby what's happening?”
“Just relax and have fun.” he gave more more coke, I sniffed
but this batch was much stronger. I felt lightheaded and started
seeing double...
I looked around and Carlos was crushing the rainbow pill while
his friend was having his way with my body.. my head still hurt,
everything was blurry. I tried speaking but it felt like my tongue
had doubled in size, everything was heavy. I could not lift my
head. All I saw was this stranger moving up and down on top of
me. He was hitting all the right corners. “Fas.. faster... Ahh.”
Carlos got up from where he was and lifted me up a bit and
inserted himself in the anal. With the little energy that I had
I screamed. There was no way I could not feel that pain. My
entire body was on fire. I didn't know what to do or touch to
feel better.
Carlos looked like a raging bull, his eyes were bloodshot red. I
pleaded with him to stop but he didn't. I was no longer enjoying
myself, I was in pain... I let the tears fall and prayed they stop. I
blocked everything that was happening and pretented to be at
a place that had life, a place that was blossoming. I was happy
there. I was with Khumo and I was normal teenager. We were
both happy and laughing. I would give anything to be in that
“Oh yeah... Strawberry, mhmm.” they splashed their cum all
over me and I did nothing. I could do nothing, I just lay there,
feeling the pain.
His friend got dressed then left, I looked at the empty space
and said nothing.

I looked at Zandi walking in wearing her short dress. I chuckled

and shook my head. I should be aroused right now but I'm not. I
got up from my chair and closed the door. “How can I help you
“Has Khumo not said anything to you?”
“Was she supposed to say something?”
“She knows about us.”
“From where I was sitting, I tried to keep my cool. “There's no
us Zandile.”
“You know what I mean! She found a pair of my earrings and
bracelet under the bed. She put one and one together.. she was
at the apartment last week and left them on the coffee table.”
“How did your earrings get under the bed? Are they not
supposed to be on your ears?”
“I also don't know Zakhele! I was so afraid when I saw them. I
knew that there was no way out.”
“You're saying a week ago, how come she has not said
“I don't know but I needed to tell you. She's way too calm.”
“You must always leave a mess wherever you go, don't you
“Yeyi, don't put the blame on me! We slept together, I didn't
put a gun on your head and..”
“Fine! I get it.. we both knew what we were doing on that day. I
can't believe something that happened a year ago is about to
disrupt my peaceful life.”
“You really love her don't you?”
I looked at her then stood up and sat on my desk. “We're not
friends don't ask me about my personal life.”
“Why are you like this, we used to be so close?”
“We were, highlight the ‘were’, right now I wish I didn't let you
into my space and be weak.”
She stood between my legs and moved closer, “at least tell me
that you enjoyed yourself?” she brushed my thigh while looking
into my eyes.
“That doesn't matter, it was a year ago.”
“It matters to me.. please don't shut me out.” her lips were so
close, I could see the red lipstick smeared onto my lips, if she
moves any closer. I could see her swallow and how her chest
went up and down. “Zandile, I can see what you're trying to do
it won't work.” I pushed her from me and went to the window
and just stared outside.
“Zakhele why can't you give us one more chance?”
“What about Musa? Why don't you date him instead? He loves
“I don't love him, I want you.”
“You don't love me Zandile, you think you do but you don't. You
broke us remember? I was prepared to do anything for you.”
“I was still young Zakhele! I was not ready for what you wanted,
don't you get it?”
“I knew that you were young, I knew that. I was not asking you
to marry me, or give me children. I was not planning on turning
you into a housewife. All I wanted was you to myself. Me and
you against the world.”
“Let's try again?”
“I'm happy with Khumo. She's all I need and I'm grateful that
you hurt me back then, otherwise I wouldn't have met the love
of my life. You need to leave now Zandile.”
Before she could say anything, the door opened, Khumo walked
in. She looked at me and Zandile. “Hello Zandile.”
“Hi, I was just leaving.”
“No, don't leave on my account.” she walked to me and gave
me a peck. “You forgot this file at home and I brought you
“Thank you baby.”
“Let me go, my ride is here."
“Are you not having lunch with me?”
“Unfortunately I can't but Zandile is here, you can ask her to
join you.” she gave me another kiss and left. This was not good!

I was at a new club in Braamfontein, having drinks. At least no

one knew me here. I could drink all I want. My phone has been
ringing ever since I left Zakhele at the hotel. I put it on silent
and continued to enjoy my wine. Minutes later I saw someone
standing in front of me, I looked up but I didn't know the
person. “Can I help you sir?”
“I was hoping to join you, if you don't mind.”
“I'm a married woman.”
“I just want to sit, you don't have to talk to me.”
“Okay fine, you can sit. Don't annoy me though.”
“I promise.”
I remembered that Zakhele once have me his card to spoil
myself, I looked at Mr stranger and he looked like he was going
through the most as well, I cleared my throat and coughed. He
turned and looked at me. “Would you like a drink, it's on me?”
“If it's on you, I'll take it.”
We ordered a bottle of whiskey and some cigars, I hope he
knows how to smoke the cigars. We looked at each other and
laughed holding the cigars.
“Do you know how to light this thing?”
He had a nice laugh, “I thought you knew how.”
“What's your name? I can't keep on calling you Mr stranger..”
“Raphael Khoza..”
I couldn't believe it. Another Khoza? “I'm Khumo Khoza.”
“Nice to meet you Mrs Khoza.”

An hour later I laughed at a drunk Raphael. He was trying to

teach me how to dance but he was such a bad dancer. “Just
stop it Raphael, you can't dance.”
“How about you show me how to dance then?”
“I'm not going to embarass myself. I know that I can't dance.”
He pulled me up and I landed on his chest, we stared at one
another for a while but I quickly stopped us from doing
anything we would regret the next day. “I think it's time I head
home now, I had fun thanks.”
“Thanks for the expensive whiskey and cigars we didn't smoke
or drink.”
I waited for a few minutes before the ride I requested arrived. I
paid for our drinks then left.
I thought I was okay but finding Zandile and my husband in his
office made me mad. I was willing to let go of the jewelry issue
and just move past that issue.. but seeing them just made me
realise that I'm not okay. These two lied to me. I was a fool and
they played me well. They didn't know each other from the club
only, they've seen each other naked. I wiped my tears while
looking at the pictures of me and Zandile. She was busy asking
me about trust because she knew what she did, now it made
sense why she always wanted to know about my relationship
with Zakhele.
The car stopped moving, I looked out the window and realised
that I was home, I paid him without looking how much I was
giving him.
“Excuse me ma'am, you paid double.”
“Oh, sorry I forgot.” I took the money and opened the small
gate. I noticed that there was another car I was not familiar
with, I asked Jack who the car belongs to but he shrugged his
I walked in and Phiwokuhle, was cooking in the kitchen. “Hey
“Hey, my brother was looking for you.”
“Is he here?”
“No, we spoke on the phone.”
“I see. There's a car outside, who does it belong to?”
“It belongs to...” before she could finish her sentence, Zakhele’s
Mom came down the stairs holding a glass of water.
“Makoti wami!”
“Hello mummy, I didn't know you're coming.”
“I had a meeting this side and decided to come and see my
children. Unjani ngani yami?”
“I'm okay mummy.”
“Your eyes tell a different story, you look like someone who
was crying.”
“Me? I'm really okay.”
“You know you can talk to me about anything, if it's that son of
mine tell me so that I can deal with him!”
“Are you sleeping over?”
“I'll go and fix the room you'll be sleeping in.” I went up the
stairs to our room and locked myself in.

I had on two thick blankets but I still shivered. I have not had
my fix and my body was not used to it. I had to stop myself
from calling Carlos every time. I didn't have the strength to go
through what I went through. I don't know what coke he gave
me to sniff on that day, I had so many blanks in my mind that
needed to be filled. It's as if my own brain was trying to block
some certain information from me. No matter how hard I tried
to recall what happened, I became blank.
I also hate that I enjoyed the pain I went through. It's as if my
body was meant to get bruises. Just when I think I'm about to
heal, something else happens. Sooner or later my body will give
up on me.

The door opened and Motlalepula came in holding a tray. “I

brought you to eat, your body needs the strength.”
“I'm not hungry mama.”
“Look at you Punkie, you have lost so much weight! You look
older than your actual age. It's as if you've been on some drugs.
What's going on?”
“I'm fine, I'm just not hungry.”
“Well I'm not leaving this room until you eat and drink
“Do you want me to treat you like a newborn baby and feed
you instead? I really don't mind.”
“I'll eat later then.”
“Now, eat now.”
I drank the ginger tea and had a few spoons of the sour
porridge. “Mama
I'll eat later I want to sleep now.”

Once she left, I locked the door and sat on the floor with tears
streaming down my face. Looking at myself on the mirror I
couldn't recognise the person looking back at me. I looked as if I
have been through world war II. My body was covered in
bruises. I took out my makeup bag and took out the sachet that
had rainbow pills and a broken mirror. I can't live like this
I crawled to my study desk and took my phone to send Khumo
a message;

I don't know how to say I'm sorry. All these past years, I spent
them trying to compete with you. I was so jealous of you not
realising that I was ruining myself in the process.
I know saying I'm sorry will not erase all the pain I have cause
but I hope one day you do. I now realise how much you have
loved me.. I miss you so much and you're still alive.
I have done so many bad things that I can't take back. I don't
recognise myself when I look in the mirror, this is not me. I'm
tired of living the way I am. This is not how one should live.
I'm always in constant fear of what will happen to you if I go
back on my promises. I just want you to be happy, you deserve
to be happy. Don't cry a lot for me, you did that while I was still
alive. Let me be free. I love you so much ausi waka, I wish I
could have shown you how much I love you while I still had the
opportunity. Now I'm saying goodbye, don't feel bad. Kea go
rata.. love and kisses, Punkie...
Tears were flowing and I pressed send...
I swallowed ten rainbow pills, then made cuts on my wrists. I
made deep cuts and I felt nothing.. I was so numb, the pills
made me very numb. I felt my chest tighten. I couldn't breathe
well, I wiped my nose and I saw blood. Dark red blood! I noticed
that my curtain and windows were open, I struggled to get up
to close them but I staggered around, fell and hit my hard on


Once I was done putting clean bedding in the room my mother-

in-law would sleep in, I went back to our room and looked for a
suitcase. I didn't have time to pack, I shoved my clothes in. I
don't want Zakhele to find me here. I took my bag that had my
school books in, I checked my bank balance and I had enough
to check into a hotel but, Zakhele will trace me easily if I use my
bank card or his. Come on think Khumo, think... I paced around
then called Evelyn. It went straight to voicemail. I tried her
again, come on please answer! She did.
“Hello Khumo.”
“Hey, did I wake you up?”
“Thank God you did, I fell asleep while cooking.. do you need
“A big favour.”
“I'm listening.”
“I know what I'm about to ask is a lot but I wouldn't ask if I was
not desperate.”
“Can you please book in at a hotel for two days, I'll repay you.”
“Why can't you do it yourself?”
“I don't want to be found, I just need a place to stay at.”
“What's going on Khumo?”
“Are you going to help me or not?”
“It's late now Khumo, my parents are not home. I'll send you
my pin so you can come here instead. We'll deal with the hotel
issue tomorrow.”
“Okay, thank you a lot..” once I had hung up, I noticed that I
had a message from Keneilwe, I shook my head and went to the
bathroom to wash my face.. I looked at the message and put
my phone in my hand bag, I'll read it later.
I pulled my luggage down the stairs and Zakhele’s mother and
sister looked at me.
“Makoti where are you going at this time?”
I wiped my tears, “mummy I'm sorry that you got here and I'm
leaving. I have to go.”
“Uyaphi Khumo?”
“Phiwokuhle, I have to leave now.”
“Kodwa makoti, it's late now why are you leaving, what
“Mah, my Uber ride is here, I have to leave.” I picked up my
luggage and went out. Jack tried to help me with my luggage
but I refused.
“Ma'am, let me help you.”
“No thanks, I'm good Jack. I'm fine.”
“I'll take you where you have to be..”
“I said I'm fine! Don't you dare try and follow me as well.”
I looked at the house one more time then left.

I was at the warehouse when my mom called me full of anger. I

could not hear a word she said. All I heard was Khumo.. “can
you slow down I can't hear what you're saying. What about
“Your wife is gone.”
“What do you mean by she's gone?” before my mother could
reply, Jack walked in.
“Bozza we need to talk!”
“Mom, I'll call you back.” I hang up before she talked any
further. I looked at Jack waiting for him to talk.
“Khumo has left.”
“Why is everyone saying my wife is gone, where is she?”
“I tried to help her with her bags but she refused.”
“Did you follow her?”
“Eish bozza.” he scratched his beard.
“She needs to use her bank cards,call every hotel you know and
find out if she is not there.”
I grabbed my car keys and drove home. I tried calling her on my
way home.

I ran out of the car, went straight to our room and looked
around. Most of her clothes were still in the walk-in closet but I
could see that she tried to take what she could. I sat on the bed
and noticed her second wedding band, I picked it up and threw
it across the room. I had no idea if she was gone for good or
not. I called her mother but it just rang and rang.
The door opened, my mom walked in. “Zakhele Khoza, what did
you do! Why did Khumo leave her house?”
“Mom not now.. please.”
“If not now, when? Your wife is gone and Khumo is not the type
to just pack and leave. You must have done something!”
“I cheated.” I raised my head and looked at my mom pacing
around. She's definitely disappointed.
“Why did you ask her to marry you if you're not ready to get
“I was ready. It's just when Zandile, came here one thing led to
“Yeyi.. yeyi.. yeyi wena ngani! The same Zandile who slept with
your best friend? That Zandile? Uyadlala.”
“This was last year,things were not that serious yet between
me and Khumo.”
“Not that I condone cheating, you remember that I left your
father because he cheated on me? You could have slept with
any other woman, it had to be your ex, someone Khumo

Once my mom had left, I tried calling everyone I knew was

khumo’s friend. No one could tell me where she was. I called
Kaitlyn, I was just trying my luck.. “hello?”
“Hi, Kaitlyn, it's me Zakhele.”
“What do you want, it's late?”
“Is Khumo there?”
“Did you hit your head against something? Khumo doesn't live
here anymore.”
“I know that, I just thought she is there perhaps.”
“Ohh, I see.. why would she leave her home to come and see
the same woman who slept with her husband?”
“If you hear anything please let me know.”
“I'm not promising anything, you deserve what she's doing. You
don't deserve her.”
“Sorry for waking you up.” I hung up then left the house


“Keneilwe?” I tried the door but it was locked. “Punkie?”

I knocked for a while until I felt my chest tighten. It was as if
someone was sitting on my chest, I could not breathe well. I
went out to check if her window was open.. “iyohhh! Thusang!”
I ran around the yard with my hands above my head. “Thusang!
Ngwanaka weee... Neilwe.”
One of the builders from next door came running and asked
what was wrong. I could not say a word, I just pointed at the
window, he went to peek inside then ran inside the house. One
of his friends came to help him kick the door down. I ran to
Ntate Morolong’s house to ask him to help us take Keneilwe to
the hospital, the ambulance would take forever.
When we returned with Ntate Morolong, they had managed to
kick the door opened. I touched Keneilwe and she was not cold.
They carried her to the car and we drove to the hospital.. on
our way there I tried to call Khumo but it just rang. Come on
Khumo! Just answer your phone please...
I looked at Keneilwe on my lap, I cried. Please don't die Punkie,
I love you so much.. please stay with me.

It was now 04h00 in the morning and I had still not heard
anything from the doctors. Ntate Morolong, left around 02h00,
he was tired. I was grateful that I found him at his house. He is
a very busy man. I stood up and stretched a bit, then went to
wash my face at the bathroom. My phone vibrated in my bra, I
answered thinking it was Khumo.
“Khumo my baby, you need to come home..”
“It's Zakhele
Motlalepula not Khumo.”
“Ohh, where is Khumo?”
“I was hoping you would tell me. Is she not with you?”
“Morena Jeso! Where is my child Zakhele? Did you not say you
will protect her? Ngwanaka o kae motho wa modimo!”
“I'll find her mama.”
“You better!”
“Keneilwe Morapedi!” I stood up and walked to the doctor, the
look on her face. I fell onto my knees and cried.
“Not my baby! You said you will save her.. no!”
“Ma'am, she's not dead.” I wiped my tears and stood up. “She's
The doctor nodded. “Well she's not awake, we almost lost her
twice but thank God, we managed to stabilize her.”
“Can I go and see her please? I just want to see her.”
“She's in ICU, you can't see her yet.. it's still touch and go with
her. Go home and rest, you will see her tomorrow but for only
five minutes.”
“Please can I just see her, even if it's two minutes?”
“You will see her through the glass window, you can't go into
her room.”
“Thank you so much!”

Seeing her on that bed, broke my heart into pieces. No mother

wants to see their child laying on a hospital bed. If I could, I
would swap places with her any day! I tried Khumo again
before I left, same thing like an hour ago.

Waking up, I found Kaitlyn in my room staring at me. She

freaked me out a bit. “Kaitlyn what's wrong with you, are you
trying to give me a heart attack?”
I got off the bed and made my way to her. “Kaitlyn?”
“I hope you're happy now Zandi!” then she left my room. Now I
was confused what did I do. I followed her to the bathroom and
opened the door.
“What do you mean by I must be happy now, what did I do?”
“Oh, you don't know? I thought by now, your loverboy would
have called you to tell you that Khumo left.”
My heart jumped to my throat, I coughed while looking at her
as she filled the bathtub. “Khumo left?”
“Yes and her husband does not know where she is.”
“Why would he call you though?”
“You hoped that he calls you instead? Wow!”
“No! Just that, I didn't think he would call you, that's all.”
“Whatever makes you sleep well at night.”
“Please believe me I didn't want things to turn out like this...
“Please leave I need to bath.”
Things have been so hectic ever since Kaitlyn found out about
me and Zakhele, we're always fighting. She doesn't care who I
sleep with, but she doesn't condone cheating. That's one thing
she won't tolerate and betrayal.
I got dressed then went to Zakhele’s place. I need to know if
there's any leads about where Khumo is. I was not expecting his
mother to be the one opening the door, I know how she dislikes
me. I did break her son's heart.
“Sawubona mah?”
“Ufunani Zandile?”
“Ukhona uZakhele?””
“What do you want Zandile?
I licked my lips and looked at Zakhele as he came down the
stairs. He had sweat all over his body, he must have been in the
gym.. he walked towards us and looked at me.
“Ufunani la Zandile?”
“I came to check up on you, I heard that Khumo left.”
Zakhele’s mom looked at me for the longest time before she
opened her mouth. “Now that his wife left, you think you can
come and warm up his sheets, right?”
“No Mah, I'm really just concerned. She is my friend as well.”
“You two should have thought about the consequences, before
moaning each other's names.”
“Zandile, hamba muntu weNkosi, just leave.” he left me by the
door with his Mom. He was really tired. With the little pride I
still had, I walked away. I stopped by the gate and looked at the
house one more time. This would have been mine, shook my
head then sat by the grass outside waiting for my ride. Jack
parked his car in front of me and opened the passenger door.
“Get in I'll take you home.”
“Thanks but my ride is almost here.”
“You look like a desperate woman sitting there, just get in I'll
drop you off.”

Inside the car, I cancelled my ride.


For the past two days, I've been crashing at Evelyn's place. Her
parents were coming back today and I don't want them to find
me here. I'm so grateful that she has not pressured me into
telling her why I'm hiding out at her parents house. I haven't
been to any of my classes as well, knowing Zakhele, he might go
and camp at the college gate or have someone do it. I was not
taking any chances.
I was afraid of switching my phone on, that husband of mine is
very tricky. Going back home is not an option either, my mom
would call him the second I open her gate.
I got of the bed, to clean and cook.. it's the least I could do.
While I cooked the oxtail, I started feeling very sleepy. I put the
heat on low then took a nap in the lounge on the mat...

I was in a different environment, I looked around to see where I

was but it was a big beautiful garden. I walked around until I
found a waterfall, it kept on calling my name.. I was freaked out
a bit. I looked inside the water, this time around I was not in
tattered clothes. I was wearing a gorgeous champagne
coloured mermaid wedding dress. I touched the dramatic long
veil and smiled at myself. I touched my face and I didn't have
any bruises, what is going on?
I crouched down and used the water to wash my face. I still
didn't have any bruises. I heard a voice of someone crying on
deep inside the waterfall. I removed my heels and saw white
strings on both my legs, I tried to remove them but they
tightened around my ankles. The crying got to me... I stepped
inside the river, walking to the waterfall. The crying sounded
On the other side of the waterfall was a cave. It was so dark, I
could not see a thing but heard only the sobbing. “Hello?”
I walked closer to the sobs, “Keneilwe?”
She lifted her head and looked at me. “Khumo, what are you
doing here? I told you to not come.”
“What are you talking about Keneilwe?”
“You didn't read my message?”
“What message? I don't know what you're talking about.”
“It doesn't matter now. I'll be okay here.”
“Why were you crying?”
“I don't know.. since I have arrived at this place I've been crying
non stop, and I hate it!”
“Maybe this was an opportunity to let you for once be in your
feelings without pretending. When was the last time you cried
because you were hurt? It's okay to be weak Neilwe. That's
your strength.”
“I don't like being weak, I always want to be in control.”
“You can't always be in control Punkie. Let your guard down
just once.”
“I don't want to get burnt again!”
“I don't understand.”
“I've been through a lot Khumo, I've done things that make
one's skin crawl. Everytime I wanted to stop, they had a hold
over me. I didn't want to lose you.”
“You won't lose me, I'm here.. I know I have not been the best
sister but I'm here for you.”
“Who are you kidding Khumo? You have been the best sister
ever! I just didn't see it then but now I do. I'll look over you and
my niece or nephew on the other side.”
I was confused. “What are you talking about?”
“Forgive him.. I know we both Didn't like how Mama, pushed
you to him at first but he really loves you. Give him another
chance. Start afresh.” Keneilwe touched my tummy and smiled,
“she's going to bring you two very close.”
I was not interested in her baby talks, I needed to know what
she meant by she will look over me on the other side. She must
have noticed the frown on my face. “I'm finally going to be with
daddy.. I've missed him so much. Don't worry I'll visit you
through the dreams. I can now communicate with dreams just
like you.”
I shook my head once I realised what she was talking about.
“You can't die now Neilwe, it's not your time. I would've
“I know but I'm tired. I want peace.”
“Not like this! Don't do this to me, please..”
I saw a bright light in the tunnel, our great grandmother
appeared. She looked so beautiful, her grey long hair was
gorgeous. “Gogo!” I ran to her and hugged her tightly. “You're
here as well? Papa o kae?”
“He can't see you just yet.” she turned to Keneilwe, “wena it's
not your time yet.. go back to the land of the living and deal
with your demons!”
Keneilwe shook her head with tears streaming down her face.
She walked closer to me but Gogo, pulled me further away
from Keneilwe. Everytime she got close, Gogo pulled me back
until we were out of the cave but Neilwe could not cross to
where we were. She dipped my head into the water until I
couldn't breathe...

I woke up panting and looked around. I touched my face and it

was wet
not from sweating. Even my t-shirt was very wet. I pulled my
jeans up a bit and I could see some bruises from where the
white strings were at. I walked to the kitchen to drink some
water... I didn't understand what Keneilwe was talking about, I
walked to Evelyn's room and unplugged my phone from the
charger. I don't care if he tracks me. I need to read Keneilwe’s


I was at the hospital looking at my baby sleeping peacefully. I

didn't know why she did what she did. I have really failed as a
They pushed her bed out of ICU and took her to a normal room.
“Doctor, won't she relapse?”
“No. She's stable now. She didn't relapse since you left.
Everything is going well. You can go see her now.”
“Okay thank you.” I called Zakhele to find out if Khumo was
back. Voicemail!
Why do people buy phones, if they don't answer their stupid
phones? I didn't bother with Khumo. She will call back once she
switched her phone on.

I used the coconut oil I got from our pastor and massaged her
hands with it. The smell was not too overpowering. Please fight
my baby. Fight and come back to us. I know I have not been the
best mother but I promise to start being better. I will try to be
the best mom ever. Just come back to us. The door opened and
the women from church walked in, singing a hymn, I broke
down and cried. One of the ladies held me as I cried.
“Go tla siama Motlalepula, stop crying as if she is dead already.
Didimala.” (all will be well. Keep quiet.)
“I don't want to lose her! I can't..”
“You won't, now calm down before the nurse kicks you out of
the room.”
They sang a few worship songs then prayed and left. Soon the
visiting hour will be over. I didn't want to leave her alone. I was
afraid that something happens when I'm far away. The nurse
walked in and I knew that it was time to go.. “I'm leaving.”
“The doctor said you should go and see her in her office before
you leave.” I nodded and went to see the doctor. I knocked and
went in.
“You asked to see me?”
“Yes, please sit down I need to ask you something.”
“Has your daughter ever been suicidal, or showed any signs?”
I heaved a sigh. “To be honest, I don't know. My daughter has
always been a naughty child and I let her be. I didn't want to
push her away, so I let her get away with so many things.”
“That's understandable, most mother's like to let their children
get away with many things.”
“I have not been a fair mother, I didn't treat my kids equally. I
treated my eldest badly. Things between us are very bad. She
never calls, not that I blame her we've never had any mother
and daughter relationship and it's all my fault.”
“The other reason I called you here is because, the amount of
bruises on your daughter is alarming. She has bruises on top of
other bruises. She also had way too much drugs in her system,
it's a miracle that she's still alive.”
“About the bruises, I once saw them but she convinced me that
she fell down the stairs.”
“Victims always use that line. I'll wait for her to wake up then
I'll book her in for a few therapy sessions...”


The minute I switched my phone on, I had so many messages. I

ignored all the messages looking for Keneilwe’s message. I was
about to give up then I found the message;

I don't know how to say I'm sorry. All these past years, I spent
them trying to compete with you. I was so jealous of you not
realising that I was ruining myself in the process.
I know saying I'm sorry will not erase all the pain I have cause
but I hope one day you do. I now realise how much you have
loved me.. I miss you so much and you're still alive.
I have done so many bad things that I can't take back. I don't
recognise myself when I look in the mirror, this is not me. I'm
tired of living the way I am. This is not how one should live.
I'm always in constant fear of what will happen to you if I go
back on my promises. I just want you to be happy, you deserve
to be happy. Don't cry a lot for me, you did that while I was still
alive. Let me be free. I love you so much ausi waka, I wish I
could have shown you how much I love you while I still had the
opportunity. Now I'm saying goodbye, don't feel bad. Kea go
rata.. love and kisses, Punkie...

I read the message twice trying to understand what she was

trying to say. I tried calling her back but it just rang.. I had no
choice but to call Mama.
“Hello Khumo.”
“Mama Keneilwe o kae? She sent me a weird message that I
don't understand.”
“She's at the hospital, she tried to kill herself.”
The phone slipped from my hands. I sat down, then picked up
the phone again. “Mama please tell me she's still alive?”
“She's stable now, I went to see her.”
“Okay, I'll try to get a bus ticket and come home.. I don't know
what time I'll be there.”
“It's late now Khumo, you can come tomorrow.”
“No! I'm coming right now, she's my baby sister. We might not
get along but I still love her.”
“I forget that you're stubborn sometimes, where are you
because your husband has been calling trying to find out where
you are.”
“Mama I have to go now and get the bus ticket.”

It's been two weeks since I last saw my wife. In all my years, I've
never felt my house be this cold.
“Bozza, still nothing from the madam?”
“She is really your wife, how she managed to disappear without
a trace.”
I laughed with Mlindo. “She is really my wife. What if
something bad happened to her?”
“Relax bozza, we will find her. Don't worry.”
“The business is doing well, the Kaap mense want another
I was looking at pictures of me and Khumo on our wedding day.
She looked so beautiful in her red and black traditional Zulu
dress. Where are you ndoni?..
“Huh.. you were saying?”
“You're thinking about the madam?”
“Who would've thought that one day I would be so in love?” I
shook my head and laughed.
Mlindo punched my shoulder then left.

I was useless at work, I drove home.

I was trying to make Khumo’s beef and stir fry but it didn't taste
like hers. Deep in thoughts, I heard my phone ring. I couldn't
believe my eyes... “My love?”
“Hello Zakhele.”
“Are you okay wherever you are, do you need anything?”
“I'm okay Zakhele, I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine.”
“I miss you sthandwa sami. Please come back home.”
“I miss you too.” I smiled when she said that. There was still
hope for us.
“Where are you?”
“I'm at the village, Keneilwe tried to kill herself but she's okay.”
“I'm sorry to hear that, can I come and see you?”
“That won't be necessary, Keneilwe is well now and at home.
It's time I come back home as well.”
“Are you giving us another chance?”
“Do you want another chance?”
“We'll talk once you're home.. Khumo?”
“I love you baby, I know right now you might not believe me
but I really do.”
“I have to go now Zak, we'll talk soon.”


I stood by Khumo’s door and listened to her talking to her

husband. Ever since I was discharged, I've noticed how she's
sad. Sometimes I would find her looking at her wedding
pictures or playing with her wedding ring.
I knocked before I entered. “Are you busy?”
She tapped the empty space on her bed. “Come and talk with
your sister.”
I found myself laughing as I climbed the bed, “I would like to
apologize first for all the pain and misery I have brought into
your life.”
“I thought we were over the apologizing now? I said I will see
by your actions if you're really sorry.”
“I promise I will do my best to work on our broken
“I don't want promises as well Keneilwe.” she played with her
wedding ring again.
“You miss him don't you?”
“Your husband.” she smiled and nodded
“I miss him badly.. I thought by now I would have came to a
decision regarding our marriage. I thought I would hate him but
I miss him.. am I a fool?” she wiped her tears. “Why can't I hate
him for what he did?”
“You're not a fool for being in love Khumo. If there's a chance
for you two to fix things, take that chance.. that way you won't
have regrets five years later. You don't want to ask yourself,
‘what if’ when it's too late. Life is too short ngwana Mme.”
“When did you become this smart?” she tickled me, I tickled
her back.. my tummy hurt from all the laughing.
“Khumo tlhe Mma!”
The laughter died down, we looked at each other and smiled.
She traced her fingers on my face and the healing cuts on my
wrists. “You know you're beautiful Keneilwe.. very beautiful,
what went wrong?”
“We're starting on a clean slate right?”
“I can't tell you, I don't want you to get involved.”
“I got involved the day I was abducted. Now talk.”
“I don't know where to start.”
“Start wherever you want. It can be at the beginning or the
end, just make me understand.” she removed a bottle of wine
from underneath the pillow and held it in the air. “Go lock the
door.” I laughed then went to lock.
“If you tell your Mom that I gave you wine, I'll never forgive
We drank the wine from the bottle, I exhaled. “I've always been
jealous of you, I don't know why but I was. I hated that you and
Papa were so close and I didn't have that with him... Now I
know I didn't even give him a chance into my personal space.
When he passed away, a lot of things became clear.. dad never
had a favourite, he loved us both so much but I was blinded by
jealousy, I believed that he loved you more.”
“Oh, Punkie, come here..” I lay my head on her shoulder as she
rubbed my face.
“I still don't understand how you could be so strong after all we
have put you through.. no matter how bad we treated you, you
still excelled in your academics. You had friends who loved you,
who had your back. Boys wanted you and I didn't understand
why... I hated it more when I wanted a guy but he was more
interested in you.”
“Boys were the last thing on my mind Neilwe.”
“I know that now. Someone I had thought was my friend
introduced me to Robert. I didn't love him, I liked that he gave
me money. I didn't have to ask anyone for anything.”
“Money you didn't work for always come with a price tag
I nodded, “at first he didn't want anything but ‘my friend’, told
me that I need to keep him happy if I want him to give me more
money. I need to act like an adult. I told him that I was
seventeen, about to turn eighteen.” I gulped the wine then
exhaled again. “I gave TK my virginity, he was not bad.. Robert
was just ugly. I started sleeping with them both then I started
sleeping with TK’s young brother as well.” I looked at Khumo
and she was listening
I didn't know if. She was judging me internally.
“Did TK know that you're seeing Robert as well?”
“I didn't tell him not even about Tumisang.. but Tumisang,
knew that I was sleeping with him and his brother.”
“You know there's a high chance they both knew that they
were sleeping with you?”
“Yeah... Once I had noticed that I don't want to be with Robert
anymore, it was too late. There was no way out. He threatened
me with you.. he would send me pictures of you on a daily basis
to remind me that if I don't do what he wanted...”
“How did Tidi get involved?”
“I called her because I needed advice and was about to tell her
about Robert but somehow he heard my conversation with her,
he sent me a text to warn me.”
“I'm so sorry you went through all of this. Maybe if I had been a
sister and not a mom, I would have noticed that you're not
happy.. you're crying for help.”
“Don't do that.” I held her tight, we held in to each other very
tightly.. “I did this to myself.”


I looked at Neilwe sleeping next to me. I brushed her afro

gently before leaving a kiss on her cheek.
I got off the bed, took my laptop and went to the dining room. I
needed to find out more about this Robert Welsh.
All I got was that he owned a strip club and had a transport
business. Nothing else. Maybe I could hire a private
investigator.. I remembered the number that lady gave me. My
aunt, I called her.. it rang for a while before she answered.
“Hi, it's Khumo.”
“Oh, my brother's daughter?”
“Yes, I know it's been a while since you gave me your
“It's okay I understand. How can I help you?”
“I need your help. You once mentioned that your husband is a
private investigator, right?”
“I wonder if it would be possible for him to investigate
someone for me, I'll pay don't worry. Or if he knows someone
he could refer me to them?”
“He is not home at the moment, once he is home I'll tell him.”
“Thank you and sorry for waking you up.”
“It's okay Nana, is everyone okay back home? Your sister and
“Everyone is well thanks for asking.”
“I heard that you got married as well, congratulations.”
“I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I didn't want any awkwardness.
Hope you understand?”
“I do, good bye.”

I decided to finish up my portfolio since I could not fall asleep.

Evelyn has been sending me notes of everything that was done
while I was away. I'm grateful we were not writing any tests.
For my portfolio assignment, I had the wedding theme, not my
favourite but I liked the challenge. I had already designed two
dresses and needed three more. My design juices were not
flowing, I didn't have any inspiration.
I made myself some coffee then cleared up the table.. before I
went to my room, my phone rang, I didn't know the number...
“Khumo Khoza, hello?”
“Hi, I'm sorry for calling at this time but it was now or never.”
“Sorry whose this?”
“Oh snap! Sorry, it's Katarina from the college, I don't know if
you know me. I'm a first year student.”
“Calm down Katarina, I know you. How can I help you?”
“I need help with my assignment, I know I should've asked a bit
earlier while we had time but I have not seen you at school for
about two weeks.”
“What assignment?”
“So, we have to pair up with either a final year student or
second year, to help us design and make outfits for the Durban
fashion week.. for the spring line. I was hoping you could help
me out, please...”
“Yes, you! I have seen your portfolio from last year and it is
amazing. I'm not into bold colours and patterns like you, I need
that boldness. I know with you on my side, we're going to nail
this assignment.”
“I'm flattered, I mean this coming from someone who has
worked with celebrities.. that's a huge compliment.”
“I'm a good designer I'll admit but I'm not much of a
seamstress.. I'm still working on that part. As for you Mrs
Khoza, you have been given both the talent! It's rare to find a
designer that can design and make the product as well.”
“Okay, fine.. fine I'll help you. When is the due date for
“Three weeks time, four outfits.”
“Wow! Listen, let me finish my assignment then I'll help you
“Thank you!”

A month later

I sat on the edge of the bed looking at Zakhele, getting dressed.

He turned and looked at me, “baby do you want to say
“Nope! Just admiring my handsome man.”
“Do you want to make me blush? Haibo?”
“No one is here, you can blush all you want.” I went to him and
fixed his tie. “You look very hot!”
“Are you sure you don't want to come with?”
“I can't, I need to help Katarina with her assignment. We need
to win this one. I came second last year, this time around were
aiming for first place.”
“Okay fine.”
“I'll come with you to the next charity event.” I gave him a
sloppy kiss.
“How's Keneilwe now?”
“She's doing well.. she's attending therapy, she will be fine.”
“Did she tell you what happened?”
“Baby if you don't leave now, you are going to be late.”
“Are you kicking me out, sthandwa sami?”
“Just go!” I pushed him out then called Katarina to come over.

An hour later, we were sketching and trying to sew material

together. I looked at Katarina walking around the patio, with a
pencil in her mouth, the other she was sketching with.
I looked at one of her unfinished sketches, it was a high-low
shirt dress. I made the hemline a bit low, made the left
shoulder a spaghetti strap while the right was a long balloon
sleeve. “Katarina, how does this shirt dress look now?”
She dropped the pencil that was in her mouth.. “that's perfect!
The idea I had in my head was too plain. It was a normal high-
low dress, nothing fancy.”
“It's not too much?”
“Too much in fashion? That's a master piece! If you're going out
at night, you can pair it up with thigh high heels or sneakers. It's
“Okay.” I added a hot pink and dark green to the dress. It made
more sense with colour.
We started working on the outfits we had liked. Working with
Katarina was fun. I was more into bold colours and she was
more on the subtle side. Subtle yet stunning.
Once it got dark we went inside the house.. we were having so
much fun but it was late and we needed to rest. I asked Jack to
drop her off and I took a shower.


I couldn't believe it took Keneilwe’s failed suicide attempt for

me to realise how much I have hurt my children. I turned into
my mother. My mother turned us against one another, there
was never peace at home. We were always fighting over
something. Things got worse when, a fight broke between my
parents. Our father was not a violent man. If he was angry, he
would go out and have a smoke or take a walk. Our mother on
the other hand, she was a violent woman.

“Thabiso what do you mean by you have another daughter?”
“Masechaba, I have a daughter and I want her to know her
other siblings. I don't want my children to hate each other, I
need them together.”
“Wa tsenwa! Together mo ntlung yaga mang? No bastard child
if yours will come here.”
“She's not a bastard child, she's mine! Don't punish my child
because of my mistakes.”
“She is not coming here!”
“You forget that this is my house as well?”
“Monna wa modimo, she is not coming here. Next you will say
you want to take the mother as a second wife!”
“That won't happen, I just want all my children under one
“Pigs will fly for that to happen! O go jisitse korobela mosadi
nyana wa teng.” (that woman gave you love potion.)
“Why do you like to act like a crazy person Masechaba? Fine
she will stay with her mother but don't think I won't support
“As long as she is not in my yard, I don't care what you do with
your money.”
*End of flashback*

I still remember how angry she was, when my dad left she took
her anger out on us.
One afternoon she left and when she returned, she came back
with a young girl. All she said to me is that, she's my older sister
and that was it. We all got along very well with Dorris, that was
until her mom's funeral. Things changed after the funeral.
Dorris was the receiver of our mother's anger. At some days I
would feel sorry for her but mama, said we must not treat her
like she's one of us because if we do, our father would leave all
his cattle to her.
Everyone else was nice to her, except for me and mama.
One thing I know is that I need to apologize to Dorris and all my
children. We like blaming the devil for our own choices. I could
have been a bit nicer to her, especially knowing that she had
just lost her mother but I was evil towards her. Even if she
doesn't accept my apology it's fine. One more reason she won't
forgive me is that she believes that I killed her child. I was angry
and at some point I did want to choke the baby to death but I
couldn't do it. On the day she asked me to babysit, I remember
very well that I did wash my hands. I washed them thoroughly, I
didn't want any mistakes. How the poison ended in the baby's
milk makes no sense.
I can still hear and see the baby cry some nights. I will always
blame myself. If I didn't touch the rat poison, her baby would
still be here. I folded the letter and walked to Dorris house, I
don't know how she will react once she has read the letter.


I looked at Zakhele and how hot he looked in his maroon suit,

and a teal blue shirt. I wondered where his wife was tonight. I
disappeared in to the bathroom and called Khumo, I was not
sure if she was going to answer the phone. The last time I saw
her was in Zakhele’s office.
Thank God, “hey Khumo it's Zandile.”
“I know, I have your numbers.”
“Uhm, how are you?”
“Zandile, what do you want?”
“I was wondering if you're busy tomorrow, I would like us to
“It depends on what you want to say.”
“Please Khumo
just five minutes of your time is all I ask. You don't have to say
anything I'll do the talking.”
“I'll think about it and get back to you.”
“Thank you.” she hang up.
I fixed my apron then walked to the table Zakhele and his
friends were sitting at. “Your drinks gentlemen.”
Zakhele did not even look at me one bit. He was glued to his
phone the entire time. “Zakhele?”
“Sawubona Zandile.”
“Do you need anything else?”
He looked up, then shook his head. “I'm fine, I don't know if the
guys need anything else?”
One of his friends ordered a meat platter but Zakhele didn't
stay, he said his wife was waiting for him at home...
The next morning, I found a message from Khumo saying we
could meet today. I opened my closet to find an outfit. We
were meeting at Rudolph's bar and grill, in Randburg. The place
was not too fancy but it was fancy. Seeing how Khumo dresses
right now, I needed to look my best as well.
I didn't tell Kaitlyn that I'm going to see Khumo, things have not
been that great between us. We live together but we barely
speak to one another. She said she will only speak to me when
she believes that I have really changed.

After bathing, I wore a grey halterneck crop top, high waisted,

below the knee white pleated skirt and ankle strap heels. I was
not too over the top but I also made a statement. My makeup
was natural, I had a doek on.. something I rarely have on,
unless I'm sleeping. I went downstairs to wait for my ride.


I needed to stop at the hotel first and ask Zakhele for a favour
before going to meet up with Zandile.
I didn't know what to wear but I settled with a blood red slim fit
suit pants, a brown balconette, blood red blazer with a low
single button and brown pointed toe stilettos.
Everything about my outfit and makeup was bold today. I had
on a cherry red matte lip colour with dramatic lashes. My thirty
inch Brazilian weave looked sleek and new.
Today I'm driving myself, I took the keys of Zakhele’s white
sportscar, opened the garage. Jack ran to me but stopped,
tilted his head to look at me from head to toe.
I laughed and stood next to the car.. “yes it's me Jack.”
“Whoever you're meeting is going to have a heart attack once
they see you!”
“Really?” I twirled a few times.
“Do you need me to drop you off somewhere?”
“Today I'm driving, I do have a drivers licence don't I?”
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Jack, come on!”
“Okay fine, I'm sorry.. drive safely.”
I got inside, touched the steering wheel and admired the
interior. I took a few selfies and I looked hot! I've been sleeping
on myself. This car suited me as well. Maybe I'll convince Zak,
to give it to me.
The sound that came from the car as I drove, I wanted to
scream throughout.
The stares I got in Midrand, when I got into the hotel. I put on
my shades before entering the elevator...
I opened his door without knocking, he had his back to the
door. I cleared my throat, he turned in slow motion with shock
on his face. Mission accomplished, I said internally.
“Hey baby”, I walked to him and gave him a kiss.
“Uyaphi ndoni yamanzi?”
“I'm going to see Zandile.”
“She asked to see me.. either way I'm not here to talk about
Zandile.” I stood in between his legs and held his beard, staring
into his eyes seductively. “I need a favour from my handsome
“Anything for you baby.”
I held his hand as we went to sit on the couch. I sat on his lap,
wrapped my arms around his neck. “I need you to deal with a
Robert Welsh for me.”
“Huh?.. baby, what's with the gangster talk now?”
“I know about your side business and I know you can deal with
a small fish like Robert.”
He moved me to the side and stood up, “baby?”
“Urg, Zakhele don't insult my intelligence!” we were both
standing up, even in heels he was still taller.
“Yeyi, yeyi Khumo! Don't raise your voice at me.”
“Listen motho waka..” I walked to him and hugged him. “This
Robert is the reason I was abducted, he has been making
Keneilwe sleep with his old friends and using me to have a hold
on her.”
“That's why she tried to kill herself, she couldn't take it
anymore. That's why I'm asking you as my husband to deal with
this matter or should I ask Mlindo and Hammer to handle the
He chuckled and kissed my forehead. “You sneaky woman! How
did you find out?”
“That doesn't matter, I know you can deal with this.”
“Are you not angry?”
“I was when I found out but I saw your plans to leave the
cocaine and stick to the weed instead. So?”
“By dealing with him, you mean kill him?”
“Make him and whomever has a hold on Keneilwe, vanish! I
don't want her to live in fear. I want her to build her life from
“That means blood on my hands, will you be able to live with
me afterwards?”
“I'll be there as well.”
“No! No Khumo that's not happening!”
“I want to look him in the eyes as he takes his last breath. I
want to do this for myself and Keneilwe. I have to.”
“You don't have to, I'll make him vanish but you don't have to
do this.”
I had my hands around his neck, gave him a slow kiss. “We're
going to do this together. I have to go now, I love you.”

I slammed the door on my way out and drove to Rudolph's bar

and grill to meet Zandile.

Five years later

“Musa, if you don't wake up you're going to be late for work.”

“Two more minutes baby, just two more minutes.”
“You've been saying that for the past thirty minutes, vuka!”
“Is Junior awake?”
“A long time ago, now go and bath.”
He woke up and rubbed my tummy. “I can't wait for you to
start showing.. thank you for making me a father again.”
“As if I had a choice. If you get me pregnant again, I'm leaving
“Kodwa, MmaMotaung.” he went to the bathroom. I opened
my closet to see what to wear today.
I settled with an asymmetric, mustard jumpsuit with wide legs
and black block heels. I used my fingers to brush my short fade
While Musa showered, I dressed Junior and fed him. “Baby,
we're leaving now!”
He came out with a towel on... “Why are you leaving so early?”
“Today is my first day as a junior designer at House of Perez, I
can't afford to be late. Do I look the part?”
“You look hot in anything you wear muffin.”
“Must I leave with Junior, or you will drop him off at daycare?”
“Leave him, I'll take him.. have some father and son time.”
“Whatever.” I gave him and Junior a kiss then left.

I called Kaitlyn on my way to work.

“My lief!”
“Hey babes.”
“You don't sound fine, what's wrong?”
“I broke up with Katlego.”
I stopped by the garage to fill some petrol, went inside the shop
to buy some sweets and bottled water.
“You two looked happy, what happened?”
“I think we have been lying to each other for a while now.. we
have not been happy. I think we stayed together for Olerato,
otherwise we were not happy.”
“I'm sorry my love. It must be a bit hard for you.”
“It is but eventually I'll be okay.. one day at a time.”
“That's the spirit my love. You can bring Olerato to us when you
feel like crying.”
“Thanks, I'll bring her tomorrow morning. I need to go and see
this bride who doesn't know what she wants. The drama, I
might return late.”


I was on the phone talking with the catering company.

Everything needed to be perfect for tonight. Zakhele, walked
down the stairs holding Zendaya.
“Look at my favourite niece! Come here baby.” she ran to me
and I picked her up. “How are you baby?”
“I'm okay but I'm hungry.” she made cute puppy eyes. Zendaya,
was Khumo’s photocopy.
Zakhele brought her oats and took her from me to feed her. “Is
everything okay for today?”
“I just spoke to the catering company and they assured me that
everything would go well. I just need to go to Sandton, to see if
everything is okay.”
“Thank you so much for coming here to help.. are you sure you
were not busy at the nursing college?”
“I promise.”
“Good, I don't want Khumo to have my head for dinner.”
“She loves you, don't worry.” I looked at Zendaya, dancing
along to the cartoons on the television. I took out my phone
and took a video, she was just too adorable. “Zenda, look at
me..” she turned and had a huge smile on her face.
“Are you taking pictures?” I nodded. She gave me a few poses.
Definitely going to be a model. “Let me see aunty.” I gave her
the phone to look at her pictures. Five year olds of today! They
could operate phones.
“Zakhele where's Khumo?”
“She was still on the phone when I came down with Zenda.. a
rich client.”
“My poor sister.” we both laughed.
Zendaya gave me my ringing phone... It was Tidimalo.
“Hey you.”
“Hi, Neilwe, sorry I missed your call.”
“It's fine, did you get my message?”
“About the surprise?”
“Yes, will you be able to attend?”
“The story I was chasing in the Middle East, I was told to give to
someone.. so I'll be able to attend.”
“I'm sorry about your story but Khumo will be very happy to see
“I miss her too. Where's Zendaya?”
“She's eating.”
“Send everyone my greetings.”
“Don't forget that it's a surprise!”
“Shut up Keneilwe!” I laughed before hanging up
I looked at Zakhele
“that was Tidi, she will come.”
“Khumo will be so happy since Itsanang can't travel because of
her pregnancy.”
“I hope the dress fits..”
“Don't worry, Evelyn and Kaitlyn helped me out. All she knows
is that we're attending Evelyn's engagement party tonight.” we
laughed some more, Zenda looked at us with squinted eyes.
“Why are you talking about my mummy?”
“We're not talking about mummy, cupcake.”
“I heard you!” she folded her arms and pouted.
I saw Khumo coming down the stairs, I looked at Zendaya..
“okay Nana, please forgive me, I won't talk about mummy ever
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise cupcake.”

“Good morning, Neilwe.”

“You look gorgeous.”
“I always look gorgeous honey!” she gave me a few poses. Me
and Zakhele laughed. “You see Zakhele, I told you that Zenda, is
her mother's daughter! Just look.”
“Hey! Don't talk about me as if I'm not here.” she looked at the
time on her phone. “Shoot, I'm going to be late!” she looked at
her husband.. “baby can you drop Zenda at daycare? I'm going
to be stuck in traffic if I don't leave now.”
“Just go, I'll drop her off.” they shared a kiss, Zenda, clapped
her hands happily.

Once I was sure that she had left I looked at zakhele.

“What is it Keneilwe?”
“Do you think it was a good idea to invite mama as well?”
“It's too late for that now.. she's already on her way here.”
“Yeah, you're right.”

I had not been well the past week. I made an appointment to
see our doctor during lunch time.
I looked at the few designs I have worked on for my client. Is
she doesn't like these as well, I wouldn't be Khumo Khoza! You
can be the best designer in the entire universe but some clients
don't know what they want. That's why I'm not a huge fan of
designing wedding dresses. Brides are just the worst!
I looked at the time then drove to see the doctor.
I knocked before entering. “Hi doctor.”
“Mrs Khoza, please have a seat.”
“Thank you..”
“What brings you here today?”
“I haven't been feeling well for a while now.. I just need to
make sure that everything is in order.”
“What are your symptoms?”
“Weird symptoms.. nausea and dizzy spells some days. Mild
headaches, painful back.”
“How are your periods?”
“You think I'm pregnant?”
“Whenever a female is sick, that's usually the first thing that
comes to mind.”
“Wow... Well I have not missed my period. I didn't bleed a lot
this month though, just a few drops.”
“Just to be safe, I'm going to send your blood to the lab but first
I need you to take the regular pregnancy test.”
I went to the bathroom to pee into a cup, then inserted the
stick into the cup.. then went back to the consultation room
“Okay Mrs Khoza, what does the test read?”
I turned it around and it was positive. Both of the lines were
very visible. I showed the doctor.
“Those lines are very clear but we'll wait for the blood results.
You can go and wait at reception as I see other patients.”
I couldn't sit still at the reception, I stood up to get a chocolate
bar at the vending machine. I bumped into someone holding a
toddler in the hallway. “Sorry!” we both said. I looked up and it
was Zandile.
“Hi Khumo.”
“Zandile, how are you?”
“I'm well thanks and you?”
“I've been better. Is he yours?”
She looked at the toddler with adoration. “Yes he is mine, he
had a fever.”
“Hope he gets well soon.”
“Thank you.”
“I better get going then..” before I could leave Zandile held my
“Khumo, I'm really sorry for what I did. I know I hurt you badly
but I really miss you. I'm not saying we'll be that close ever
again but I'm really sorry.” she turned to leave.
“Zandi, wait!”
“Look I won't lie and say you didn't hurt me because you did.. I
know you didn't force my husband to sleep with you. As you
said things could never be the same between us again but for
the sake of the friendship we shared, I think I'm willing to give
you another chance.”
“Really?” she had tears in her eyes. “Thank you so much
I gave her a hug... “Zendaya is turning five next week Saturday,
maybe you could bring your son to her birthday?”
“I will, once again thank you so much.”

“Baby, you need to hurry up. We can't arrive late.”

“I'm almost done. Please make sure Zendaya, does not get her
dress dirty.”
“Keneilwe left with her!”
She stood at the top of the stairs in a short towel. “Why don't
you come and help me put lotion on my back?” she smirked.. I
didn't waste any second, I ran up the stairs and followed her
into our bedroom.
I found the towel on the floor and she was lying on the bed,
using her fingers to rub herself. I loved this side of my wife. She
was no longer shy in the bedroom, she was fierce!
I looked at her rubbing herself as I undressed. “Fuck!” I kicked
off the pants I had on and walked like a predator to the bed. I
didn't touch her at first.. I let her rub herself and I stroked
myself as well. She spread her legs wider and used her bullet
vibrator on her nipples before lowering it to her clit. I couldn't
take it any more. I slapped the hand that held the vibrator.
She looked at me with seductive eyes... “Did you like what you
saw daddy?”
I shut her up with a kiss. She let out a soft moan into my mouth.
Everything about my wife was sexy. My leaking, erection was
screaming to be buried deep inside her moist. We held each
other's hands above her head as I buried my aching erection
inside her leaking warmth. We both let out a moan... I thrusted
a few times before pulling out. She complained.
I thrusted in she arched her back into me. There was no time
for any love making. I haven't her strong deep strokes.
“Ahh, Khoza.. yes!” I choked her a little bit and she wrapped her
legs around me. I lifted her up a bit to make my strokes deeper.
“Faster baby! Ahh, ohh yes.” I moved my waist in circular
motion.. we were both about to reach our orgasm. I went
faster. A few thrusts and we both climaxed. I stayed buried in
her for a while to catch my breath.. I twitched and her walls
clasped onto my member.
“Mrs Me?”
“I love you.” I kissed her sweaty forehead.
“I love you too.”
I pulled out and she let out a moan, I returned with a towel.
“Baby we need to have a quick shower and you need to do your
make up then get dressed.. that's like fifty years for you to get
“Don't exaggerate please!”

After our quick shower, I wore my navy blue tux, with light blue
seams and a white shirt. Khumo was still getting ready in the
bathroom, I had no idea if she would like the dress. She opened
the door slightly and peeped.. “baby I have a gift for you on
your side of the bed in the drawer.”
“What is it?”
“Just open it and look for yourself as I get dressed.” she
disappeared into the bathroom again, at least her makeup was

I opened the medium sized box and found a baby romper. I was
confused.. I put the romper aside and looked at the positive
pregnancy test and ultrasound scan.. I looked at the date
thinking it was Zendaya’s scan but it was today's date. I stood
up... “Baby?”
“Are we pregnant again?”
“It looks that way.”
I smiled holding the scan.. I was going to be a father again. I
wiped the tear that had escaped my eye. I looked up and
dropped the scan once I saw Khumo.
“Madoda!” she smiled shyly.
“How do I look myeni wami?”
“Like my hot, sexy, gorgeous wife!
“Thanks baby.” she gave me a kiss. We can leave now.
“I can't believe we're going to be parents again.” I kissed the
back of her hand.


I looked around the empty boutique and knowing my best

friend, this place was going to be the next big thing. I went to
the garden to answer my phone.
“Hey baby, how was your flight?”
“It was okay, I'm happy they assigned someone else to the
Middle East..”
“To be honest, I'm happy as well. I was not happy that you were
assigned in the first place but that's what I get for dating a news
“I'm not that bad.”
“I love you either way.”
“We love you too.”
“How's my girl treating you?”
“She's in a good mood today.” I felt a kick on the left. “Baby she
just kicked!”
“Tell her that daddy loves her okay.”
“I will. I have to go now. Bye.”

I walked in and spotted Keneilwe holding Zendaya’s hand. I

waved and they walked towards me. Once they were close,
Zendaya ran to me and I picked her up. “My baby!”
“Aunty Tidi!”
“How are you my marshmallow?” I pinched her cheeks.
“I'm fine.” she looked at my round tummy and touched the
stomach. The baby kicked again. Zendaya smiled. “Is it sore?”
“No!” Keneilwe was looking at me with her brow raised. “Keng
She laughed, “congratulations mommy to be!”
We shared a hug. “Thank you.. how far is Khumo and her
“Almost here, go and sit down your feet look swollen.”
“Tell me about it! But first I need the bathroom.”


Zakhele, opened the door for me and held my dress.

“Baby are you sure we're at the right place?”
“I'm very sure
it must be a little electric problem.”
“Are you scared?”
“With you by my side I fear nothing.”
“That's my girl..” he kissed my bare shoulder.

As we went in, the lights went on and everyone shouted,

“Surprise!” my heart nearly stopped beating. I looked at the
back thinking we were late and they thought it was Evelyn. I
looked at Zakhele and he didn't look surprised.
He held my hand, the further we walked in.. I saw my baby and
Tidimalo. I excitedly went to them. I hugged Tidi tightly and
never wanted to let go. “What are you doing here?”
“To surprise you obviously.”
I picked up Zendaya and kissed her all over her face. She kept
on pointing Tidimalo’s tummy. I looked and she looked
pregnant... I put Zendaya down to take a closer look.
“Mmata, are you expecting?”
She nodded
“No ways!”
I wanted to tell you badly.
“It's fine I understand.. pregnancy is very sacred and sensitive.”
I saw Zakhele, at front holding a wine glass that had juice
inside. “Ladies and gentlemen may I please have your
attention..” the noise died down as he smoke. I didn't
understand why he had to say a speech at Evelyn's engagement
“I would like to thank everyone who could make it here to help
us celebrate this special day. I would like to call the star of this
gathering.. my sexy caramel sauce, my wife..” the crowd
cheered. “Baby please come here.”
I walked to where he was but I was nervous.. I had no idea what
was happening.
He looked at me with so much love, I gave him a kiss.
“I know you're wondering what's going on now and why I have
to say a speech at Evelyn's engagement party, right?”
I nodded
“Well sthandwa sami, there's no engagement party... This is all
for you.”
“I know that you've always wanted to have your own boutique
one day and I as your man, I decided to gift you with this
space.. now you can have your boutique. I've seen how excited
you get when you design clothes and I want to see that
excitement every single day! This is all yours baby.”
I had tears in my eyes, I was not expecting this. “Thank you so
much motho waka.” I exhaled then looked at everyone... “As
you all can see, I had no idea about this surprise.” they laughed.
“All I can say is that I hope this boutique opens up more
boutiques! To making money everyone.” I raised my glass up.
“Dreams do come true eventually. Nothing is too big. This
boutique is going to showcase my skills and talents.. thank you
everyone for coming... Have fun.”

I looked at Zakhele one more time, “you sneaky husband!”

“I love you too.”
“I can't believe that you, Evelyn and Kaitlyn tricked me!”
“It was all for a good course.”
“Thanks a lot baby, this is the best gift ever!”
“Thank you for giving me this gift..” he rubbed my tummy.

The place has all my designs all over. Even the clothes I had
designed at the college, some where the prototypes I made
with Katarina..
The shocker was when I saw six models wearing the dresses I
had been working on for a rich client for weeks. They modelled
on the gold carpet to showcase my work. I was in tears, I could
not believe that all this time there was no rich client, I was
doing it for myself.
“Zakhele Khoza, I love you a lot.”
“I know baby, there's someone who is here as well.”
He turned me around and I saw my mother at the back. I
looked at him and cried some more. “Baby!”
“I'm sorry if we overstepped but...” I shut him up with a kiss. He
wiped my tears.. “I'll go to her.”

“Khumo ngwanaka.” I looked at my mom and she looked sick..
she didn't look like that woman who treated me unfairly. Who
treated me like a mistake she hated.
“Mama..” I hugged her tightly and never let go.
“Hush my baby, it's me..” we were both in tears. Keneilwe had
joined us as well. “I'm really sorry Khumo ngwanaka. I'm very
sorry for how I have treated you. I have never been a good
mother to you or Keneilwe. Please forgive me, my baby...
“I forgive you Mama! I forgive you.” we hugged again. “I forgive

I saw my great-grandmother and father standing by the door.

They were surrounded by so much light and white doves, I
knew that they would finally rest in peace now. Keneilwe,
looked at the door and smiled at me.. I knew that she could see
them as well.

*****************THE END*****************

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keep visiting for supporting me and
also don’t forget to share it with your friends.

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