chapter-5-QB-Digital Electronics Fundamentals

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Question Bank- Basic Electronics-19EC112


Questions on Number systems
4 Marks

1. Perform the following operations:

(i) Convert 9275(10) to Hexadecimal number.
(ii) Add 10111(2) and 110101(2)
(iii)Convert 11001.011(2)to decimal number.

2.Perform the following operations:

(i) Convert (6A9.B5)H to binary

3. Convert the following

i) 9275(10)=(?)H
ii) (2AC5.D) H =(?)2

4. Convert the following numbers into binary: (i) (45.65)8 (ii) (FACE)16(iii) (2019)10(ii)

6 Marks

1. Convert the following numbers into binary: (a) (1236)10 (b) (145.23)8 (c) (AD.F3)16
2. Perform the following number system conversions: (a) 101101112 = (?)10 (b) (5674)10 = (?)2
(c) (10011100)2 = (?)8
3. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into binary
(a) 78AD (b) DA643 (c) EDC8
4. Perform the following number system conversions: (i) (11101.101)2 = (?)8 (ii) (56238)16 = (?)2
(iii)(6FAB7)16 =( ?)10

Questions on Digital Logic

4 Marks

1. Realize the following Boolean expressions using basic gates.

2. Prove the following
(i) A  AB  A  B

(ii) ( A  B)( A  C )  A  BC

3. Give the two statements of De Morgan’s theorems. Prove the same using truth tables.

4. Define the following logic gates

(i) AND (ii) OR

5. What is a Multiplexer? Show the block diagram and implementation of 2:1 Multiplexer using basic
gates and explain.

6 Marks

1. Draw the block diagram of half adder, write the truth table and show the realization using
basic gates.

2. Draw the symbols of the basic gates, give their output expressions and show their truth tables.

3. What is a decoder? Show the block diagram and implementation of 2-4 decoder using basic gates and

4. Define the following logic gates

(i) AND (ii) OR (iii) NOT

5. Draw the symbols of the universal gates, give their output expressions and show their truth tables.

6. Define EX-OR gate, realize using basic gates and write truth table.

7. Define EX-NOR gate, realize using basic gates and write truth table.

8. What is a Multiplexer? Show the block diagram and implementation of 4:1 Multiplexer using basic
gates and explain.

9. What are the differences between Multiplexers and Decoders.

8 Marks

1. Simplify the following Boolean expressions and realize using basic gates.


2. Draw the block diagram of full adder, write the truth table and show the realization using basic
3. Show the block diagram of half adder with inputs and outputs. Explain difference between half adder
and full adder. Write the truth table for half adder and show realization using basic gates.

5. Draw the symbols of all the gates, give their output expressions and show their truth tables.

6. Define the following logic gates

(i) NAND (ii) NOR (iii) EX-OR (iv) EX-NOR

7. What is a Multiplexer? Show the implementation of 2:1 and 4:1 Multiplexers using basic gates and

8. What is a decoder? Show the implementation of 1-2 and 2-4 decoder using basic gates and explain.

9. Define flip-flop. Explain D flip-flop using necessary diagrams and truth table.

10. Write short note on (i) Multiplexers (ii) Decoders

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