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The Concept of Globalization

Globalization refers to the process by which regional economies, societies, and culture, as
well as information, ideas and even authority become integrated by a global network of
political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade.

In addition, it pertains to the increasing interconnectedness of the different parts of the world
through common processes of economic, environmental, political and cultural changes.

B. Events that Contributed to the Emergence of Globalization

1. Establishment of international agencies and institutions 2. Standardize system of global


3. Global networks of communication

4. International competitions and prizes

5. International law

6. Internationally shared notions of citizenship

and human rights

C. Causes of Globalization

1. International division of labor

2. Internationalization of finance i.e. the emergence of global banking and globally integrated
financial markets

3. The new technology system based on a combination of innovations, including solar

energy, robotics, microelectronics, biotechnology. and digital communications and
information system

4. The growth of the consumer markets among the more affluent populations of the world;
similar trends in consumer tastes have been created by similar processes


D. Challenges Brought by Globalization to Law Enforcement

1. Vast increase in the number of economic and social transaction across national borders
inevitably make organized criminal activity move from the national to international level

2. The evolution of the "Global Village" which opened up unprecedented opportunities for
transnational crime because it has fundamentally changed the context in which both
legitimate and illegitimate business operate

3. Growth of transnational economic transaction that complicates the ability of governments

to regulate and control monetary movements across boundaries

4. Rise of cosmopolitan world cities as the repositories of

capital and wealth and as major facilitators of cross

border transaction which provides operation based for

criminal organizations

5. Accessibility of consumers to information about goods and services around the world
giving rise to global marketing opportunities both licit and illicit

6. Increase in migration and growth of ethnic groups have facilitated in the creation of
network structures for the
supply of illicit good in the global market.

In summary, globalization presents new opportunities of global information and

developments, but it also presents threats because of the unaccountable transnational flow of
people, information, an ideas, which present opportunities for organized crime and new form
of transnational cooperation between organized criminal groups.


1. The facilitation of transnational crimes and criminals can be easily achieved.
2. There is need for transnational policing. The cooperation among police organization in the
world is vital.
3. Training instructions for incoming law enforcement officers must include advance
computer to prepare to deal with cyber crimes.
4. Development of new strategies to deal with international organized crimes is a must.
5. Provisions of law enforcement with updated legislations related modernation theories of

E. The Changing Role of the Police

In the past, the police were preoccupied solving craft local crime With globalization, they are
now faced with highly organized an sophisticated crimes, like terrorism, bank robbery, drug
trafficking money laundering, and kidnap for ransom, among others. Moreover crimes have
crossed borders. Like big corporations, organized crime have evolved into transnational
crimes, with operations in different parts of the world (McCarthy, 2011).

Transnational Crimes

Transnational Crime is an activity that is considered a criminal offense by at least two

countries. It is an offense whose inception, prevention and/or indirect effects involves more
than one country. The word "transnational" describes crimes that are not only international,
but crimes that by their nature involve border crossing

as an essential part of the criminal activity. It also includes crimes that

take place in one country, but its consequences significantly affect

another country (Allum and Gilmore, 2012).

NOTE: Transnational Crimes are especially concerned with acts criminalized by laws of
more than one country, while International Crimes are crimes prohibited by international
laws, norms, treaties and customs.

Examples of Transnational Crimes

1. Terrorism - A tactic or technique by means of which a violent act or threat thereof is used
for the prime objective of creating overwhelming fear for coercive purposes.

2. Trafficking in Persons- the exploitation of vulnerable

people for purposes of sex, labor, and organ harvest by

organized criminal groups.

3. Money Laundering is a process by which, assets primarily cash assets, which are derived
from illegal activities are manipulated in such a manner to make them look as it were derived
from legitimate sources.

4. Drug Trafficking - illegal movement across one or more national frontiers of psychoactive

5. Cybercrimes crimes that involve an information and communication technology (ICT)

network. In the Philippines, Republic Act 10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act divides
these typologies into
a. Crimes that target a computer network or device directly. These are dubbed 'pure
cybercrimes' inasmuch as the primary target is the ICT network itself such as malware attacks
and hacking.

b. Crimes facilitated by computer network or devices. Typically these are violations of the
Revised Penal Code and other special laws done through means provided by ICT. An
example would be illegal recruitment done through online means.

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