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Terrorism- violence, or threat of violence, against non-combatants or civilians, usally motivated

by political, religious, or ideological beliefs.

Terrorism originated from the French Revolution (1789-1795) which describe the action of the
French government during the so called 'Reign of Terror) .



TERRORIST- one who does all acts of terrorism

TERRORIST GROUP- any organization that engages in or had engaged in, terrorist activity. This
includes not only violent groups but legitimate groups that fund terrorists operations.

TERRORIST ACT- any act that is unlawful, involves the use or threatened use of violencee or
force against individuals or property is designed to coerce a government or society and supports
political, ideological, or religious objectives.

Kinds of Terrorism

1. Apolitical Terrorism-Employment of force in a terroristic manner but for non-political ends.

Types of Apolitical Terrorism

a. Psychotic Terrorism develops from abnormal behavior; those who attempt bizarre, ostensibly
political actions with uncertain or irrational motives.

b. Criminal terrorism-systematic use of terror for material gain. The primary manifestation of
force in this form of terrorism include kidnapping, extortion, gangland assassinations and

c. Mystical Terrorism - involves the use of lethal force against symbolic victims to influence or
invoke supernatural powers. Mysticism plays a part in both the instigation of terrorism and the
enhancement of its effect.

2. Revolutionary Terrorism - Its primary purpose is the destabilize and topple the incumbent
regime, replacing it with a political apparatus more acceptable to the revolutionaries. [e.g.
Chinese Revolution; and the Vietnamese Revolution]

3. State Terrorism involves the employment of lethal force by state governments upon civilian
populations for the express purpose of weakening or destroying their will to resist. It could be
internal or external Internal state terrorism is the use of lethal force by the state government
against its own civilian population with the purpose of repressing the people, making them
apolitical or politically malleable, and/or weakening the population's willingness to support
revolutionary or other anti-government forces.

Types of State Terrorism

a.Repression Terrorism- engaged in by a terrorist state regime against elements of its own
population to create conditions enough for that regime to remain in political control.

b. Military Terrorism - employment of terrorism by a nation's military instrument against the

civilian population of an enemy nation for the purpose of undermining the population's will to
support its own government or shattering the cohesion of the population making it unable to
support its government. Thus, where repression terrorism seeks to control the population, military
terrorism seeks to make that target population unmanageable.
c. State-Sponsored Terrorism-involves the employment of lethal force across international
borders for the purpose of destroying or weakening the political cohesion of a targeted political
entity. The state employing state-sponsored terrorism does not use its own military instrument to
deliver the lethal force, but harness social elements within the targeted entity to do so.

Sub-Types of State-Sponsored Terrorism

1) National Revolutionary Terrorism - Can be supported by sovereign states wishing to weaken

or topple the incumbent regime of the target state. [e.g. Italian Red Brigades; German Red Army
Faction, etc.]

2) International Revolutionary Terrorism - Those that employ terrorism targets controlled and
operated by persons other than terrorists own fellow countrymen. [e.g. Palestinian Liberation
Organization; Islamic Jihad; or other radical Islamic terrorist group]

3) Minute Political Terrorist Gangs- Micro-political terrorist gangs likely to receive state
sponsorship. They do not have popular support but support for them can cause disruption in the
targeted entity. Je.g. German Red Army factions]

Traditional Terrorist Tactics

1. Bombing

2. Hijacking

3. Arson

4. Assault

5. Kidnapping

6. Hostage-taking

Basic Organizational Structures of Terrorist Groups

1. Command - The smallest group, is at the top, and responsible for the command. As in military
circles, leadership makes policy and plans while providing general direction.

2. Active Cadre military term/ - They are the people who we call "terrorists". They are
responsible for carrying out the mission of the terrorist organization. They have one or more
specialties. Other terrorists support each specialty, but the active cadre is the striking arm of the
terrorist group.

3. Active Supporters - They are the people who keep the terrorists in the field. They maintain
communication channels, provide safe houses, gather intelligence, and ensure all other logistical
needs are met. This is the largest internal group in the organization.

4. Passive supporters - They complement active supporters. People who do not readily join
terrorist groups but simply represent a favorable element of the political climate. Many times they
were used without their knowledge.

The Al Qaeda

Arabic for "The Base": founded by Osama bin Laden, Muhammed Atef, and Ayman al-Zawahiri
to continue the Jihad internationally.

Al Qaeda's Organizational Structure

1. The Emir (Chief)

2. The Chief Counsel

3. Shura, or Consultation Council. This is a group of seasoned terrorists and confidants known as
majilis al shura who approve major decisions such as terrorist attacks and the issuance of fatwas
(edicts). The council members play leadership roles in the organization's major committees, made
up of lower-ranking Al Qaeda members.

4. The Committees.

a) The Military Committee oversees recruitment, war, training, and the purchase of the arms.

b) The Islamic Study Committee makes rulings on religious law and trains all recruits in the
teachings of the Koran and Jihad.

c) The Finance Committee - oversees corporate holdings, including the travel office and several
other companies.

5. The Cells. The network of terrorist recruitment and training has sites throughout the world.
Each cell engages in missions independent of the others, and the members and activities of the
other cells are kept secret.

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