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Civil Procedure II

Spring Semester 2024

Session 1 (02 February 2024)

A. Significance of Civil Procedure within the Constitutional Scheme

● Article 4 (due process)

● Article 9 (access to justice)

● Article 10A (fair trial and due process)

● Article 37(d) (inexpensive and expeditious justice)

● Article 175 (establishment and jurisdiction of courts)

● Articles 189 and 201 (judicial precedents)

● Articles 191 and 202 (rule-making power of Superior Courts)

● Article 203 (superintendence and control of High Courts)

B. General overview of CPC and the interplay between its Sections and Orders

● Sections 121 to 131 of the CPC

C. Consequences of Non-Compliance of CPC: Mandatory & Directory Provisions

● PLD 1963 Supreme Court 382

● PLD 1975 Supreme Court 678

● PLD 2014 Supreme Court 89

D. CPC: is it a procedural law, a substantive law or a combination of both?

● PLD 2014 Supreme Court 89

Civil Procedure II
Spring Semester 2024
Session 2 (16 February 2024)

A. Jurisdiction & Maintainability

● Article 175(2) of the Constitution

● 2013 SCMR 338

● Section 9 of the CPC

● 2023 SCMR 1292

● PLD 2022 Supreme Court 699

B. Jurisdictional issues should be decided first – Effect of a Without Jurisdiction Order

● 2008 SCMR 240

● 2023 SCMR 1919

● Section 21 of CPC

● PLD 1958 Supreme Court 104

C. Types of Jurisdiction

● Pecuniary jurisdiction: Sections 6 & 15 of the CPC + Section 9 of the Civil

Courts Ordinance 1962

● Territorial jurisdiction: Sections 16 to 20 of the CPC + Section 10 of the Civil

Courts Ordinance 1962

● Subject-matter jurisdiction: Section 9 of the CPC

● Original jurisdiction: Section 9 of the CPC

● Appellate jurisdiction: Sections 96 to 98, 100, 104, 109 & 112 together with
Orders XLI to XLV of the CPC + Article 185 of the Constitution
Civil Procedure II
Spring Semester 2024

● Review jurisdiction: Section 114 together with Order XLVII of the CPC + Article
188 of the Constitution

● Revisional jurisdiction: Section 115 of the CPC

● Reference jurisdiction: Section 113 together with Order XLVI of the CPC
Civil Procedure II
Spring Semester 2024
D. Return of Plaint

● Order VII, Rule 10

● 2022 SCMR 2044

● PLD 2021 Lahore 186

E. Rejection of Plaint

● Order VII, Rule 11

● 2014 SCMR 513

● PLD 2012 SC 247

F. Same issues cannot be raised under Order VII, Rule 10 and Order VII, Rule 11

● 2022 SCMR 1598

● PLD 2018 Supreme Court 322

G. Summary Disposal

● Order XV, Rules 1 & 2

H. Dismissal of Suit

● Sections 11 & 12(1) of the CPC

● Section 151 of the CPC

● Order IX, Rules 3, 8 & 9 of the CPC

I. Exception to the Rule of Dominus Litus: Deletion of Parties

● Order I, Rule 10

● 2023 SCMR 755

Civil Procedure II
Spring Semester 2024

● 2021 CLC 1348 [Islamabad]

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