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Group Assignment

Nhóm 1: Nguyễn Ngọc Anh – HS160631 Giảng Viên: Trần Ánh Phương

Bùi Minh Đức – HS163293

Vũ Thị Tuyến – HS160634

Trương Trung Hiếu – HS160661


I. Concept...............................................................................................................................................3
1. Role..................................................................................................................................................3
2. Related issues..................................................................................................................................4
3. The marketing tools you need to know...........................................................................................5
II. Business status of TH True Milk Company:................................................................................7
III. Strengths of TH True Milk...........................................................................................................8
Advantage of starting point.....................................................................................................................8
Friendly company culture........................................................................................................................8
Brand for the community.........................................................................................................................9
Care about consumers' health..................................................................................................................9
Developing towards the international market..........................................................................................9
Non-stop competition............................................................................................................................10
Future commitments..............................................................................................................................10
IV. Solutions.......................................................................................................................................10
V. Reference..........................................................................................................................................11
I. Concept

Marketing (Marketing) – is a management process with the responsibility of anticipating, identifying

customer needs, and businesses will make Marketing policies to meet customer requirements. Marketing

(marketing) policies include 4 basic P's: Product (product); Price (Price); Place (Distribution Channel);

Promotion (trade promotion).

1. Role

- Marketing acts as an intermediary bridge between business activities and the market, ensuring that

business activities are market-oriented, taking the market as a business goal. In other words, Marketing is

responsible for creating customers for the business. Using Marketing in business planning will help

businesses implement the motto that the plan must come from the market.

- Consists of 9 main roles:

 Marketing is an effective way to attract customers

 Marketing helps build and maintain a company's reputation

 Marketing helps build relationships between businesses and customers

 Marketing is a communication channel used to inform customers

 Marketing helps increase sales

 Marketing support in providing insights about your business

 Marketing helps your business stay relevant

 Marketing creates revenue options

 Marketing helps the management team make informed decisions

2. Related issues
-Marketing refers to all activities of a business related to the buying and selling of a product or service. It

involves finding out what consumers want and determining if it is possible to produce it at the right price.

- “Marketing is all about researching customers, creating value, reaching and delivering that value to


- “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer very well, the product or service that

suits him and sells itself.” – Peter F. Drucker

-The best marketing strategy process allows you to specifically target your products and services to the

ideal buyers most likely to buy.

-An effective and successful marketing plan depends on a good strategy. A company's strategy should

begin with setting goals that will support its overall goals.

-Strategy can involve research and development of a product or service, how the product or service

reaches the market (channel) and how customers will learn about it (communication).

-You will also try to define a unique positioning for the product or business to differentiate it from the


3. The marketing tools you need to know

a/ Advertisement

-Advertising involves promoting an idea or product into the market by placing advertisements in the


-Advertising is the way that you will have to pay to get your product in front of customers.

b/ Public relations

-A strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations

and their publics. In marketing, the importance of this is directly proportional to the size of the business.

-Public relations or PR is done through forms such as charity, event organization, sponsorship, etc.

c/ Customer service

-Basically, this involves providing support and advice to people who have purchased the product. In many

businesses, sellers also provide this service to customers before, during, and after the sale.

-Good customer service creates happy customers. In other words, their needs are met as expected or

exceed their expectations. If your competitors have good customer service and you don't, you'll probably

lose market share to them.

d/ Direct marketing

-Direct marketing is this approach that involves sending your message directly to consumers

e/ Personal selling

-Sales involves planning and supporting the sales team by driving sales goals. It also involves developing

a plan as to how to reach potential and existing customers. Salespeople aim to achieve those goals.

II. Business status of TH True Milk Company:

-TH True Milk Company - An enterprise specializing in the production and trading of dairy products. TH

True Milk is the leading brand of clean fresh milk in our country.

-Although appearing on the market for a short time, TH True Milk has increasingly proved its superiority

in the Vietnamese dairy segment. The company has introduced to the market more than 70 products based

on fresh milk. The goal of the business is always towards clean products and clean drinks for consumers.

-According to retail market measurement data as of November 2018, TH True Milk milk grew by nearly

22% in volume and 30% in revenue. Up to now, TH True Milk has reached 40% of the market capacity in

the fresh milk segment in urban retail channels.

-Since 2017, the business has made leaps and bounds such as:

Net profit reached 319 billion VND in 2017, 450 billion VND in 2018. Within 4 years from 2014 to 2018,

the business has increased its net profit up to 15 times.

-In 2018, TH Company reached the revenue milestone of more than VND 7,000 billion, faster than the

roadmap set by the leadership. This achievement was achieved thanks to the outstanding growth in the

business of fresh milk products of fresh milk products. The quantity of domestic milk after 10 years has
increased significantly. This helps to reduce the number of imported powdered milk for reconstitution

from 92% in 2008 to more than 60% at the present time.

-TH true milk is a company with great potential in the Vietnamese market. With a high growth rate, that

confirms the success of TH true milk over the years. TH true milk is a company that entered the market

late, but with the right vision and direction, gradually they have gained a foothold on par with large

domestic companies. Thanks to abundant capital along with the right direction. The leadership ability of

the leading apparatus of TH true milk can be seen in the future, it is very likely that TH will dominate the

dairy market of Vietnam.

-Besides those successes, TH true milk still has some limitations:

TH True Milk owns many farms but still has not been able to control input materials for production.

Thus, creating high costs. Due to the high cost, TH's product price is currently higher on the market in

general terms than other brands. Mainly doing business and depends heavily on the domestic and foreign

markets. doesn't really have a place.

III. Strengths of TH True Milk

1/ Advantage of starting point

- This brand successfully rose to the representative position thanks to the company's well-invested

foundation, including:

・Stable capital source from Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank

・The largest and most advanced factory and farm in Southeast Asia

・ Synchronous production process from mass farming to wide distribution

· Brand awareness
Focusing on fresh milk products, TH True Milk has now entered the top 3 largest dairy manufacturers in

Vietnam with increasing revenue and market share.

2 / Friendly company culture

TH True Milk has a very environmentally and socially friendly organizational culture. This strength

contributes to enhancing the development within the company as well as the brand image in public.

TH True Milk has business principles and visions such as:

・Protecting public health through clean milk

・All-natural ingredients

・Friendly to the domestic economy

・ Shared public interest…

The above principles have been declared by TH True Milk since its establishment and are still maintained

to this day. Even the above principles have been included in the recruitment criteria by TH True Milk.

Through those principles, TH True Milk has also created a humane and reliable brand with consumers.

3 / Brand for the community

TH True Milk has participated in many projects with the meaning of contributing to the benefit of the

community such as establishing farms, milk processing technology factories to help create more jobs for

local people, effectively improving agricultural land. . , donate millions of glasses of milk annually to

poor areas, set up propaganda teams to emphasize nutrition issues for Vietnamese children...

TH True Milk's opportunity

1 / Care about consumers' health

One of TH True Milk's biggest opportunities lies in its focus on consumer health in recent years.

Following that trend, one of True Milk's extremely popular products is the brand's organic dairy product


In Vietnam, the majority of organic dairy products are still imported from overseas branch organic farms.

Therefore, the market demand for organic milk in Vietnam is still very potential and TH True Milk is

pushing its strategy into this emerging market and has made many important strides.

2 / Developing towards the international market

The quality and growing brand awareness of TH True Milk have created opportunities for the company to

grow in the domestic and global markets.

Especially in 2016, TH True Milk was honored by the Vietnam Organic Agriculture Association for its

contributions in developing organic products. These noble awards create momentum for the development

of TH True Milk, not only in the domestic market but also reaching out to international markets such as

Russia, China, and Japan.

TH True Milk's Challenge

1/ Non-stop competition

The dairy market is one of the most competitive markets in Vietnam with many famous domestic and

imported brands such as Vinamilk, Nestle, Dutch Lady, NutiFood… Especially, each brand's product or

idea has a brand name. private brand. can be copied and sold at a lower price. Therefore, in the face of

fierce competition from external brands, TH True Milk must be extremely thoughtful in every step of the

brand in the coming time.

2 / Future commitments
Another significant threat to TH True Milk is its future commitment to abide by the Company's

guidelines. Currently, TH True Milk is still constantly developing and expanding its scale. With such a

large-scale production process and large investment plans, there is bound to be a lot of uncertainty about

the Company's commitments to the community.

For example, there are allegations of pollution around TH True Milk's factory and farm, affecting the

lives of local people. Although TH True Milk immediately offered solutions, not all allegations were


IV. Solutions

Through the process of synthesis and analysis, group 1 would like to have the following solutions:

-TH true milk needs to take advantage of their large chain of farms, need strategies on the supply of input

materials, negotiate with domestic and foreign suppliers to reduce import prices as well as become more

attractive. become an independent dairy company with input materials.

-Enhance sales effectiveness by using advertising media flexibly and appropriately. Specifically, using

more internet advertising, outdoor advertising and radio advertising, combining the main advertising on

television. (Promoting advertising)

-Not only use advertising tools, but also use a combination of tools - such as public relations, sales

promotion, personal sales - The content of the tools must be consistent with the marketing objectives they

launched - To promote shoppers, show consumers the product quality of TH True Milk.

- Researching more about foreign markets, choosing to produce products that are suitable for international

customers' needs, and improving product position globally.

V. Reference

Business status of TH True Milk Company:



Strengths of TH True Milk



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