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Alessandra Jamila A. Balindong

Faramatah M. Dipatuan

Corpus Christi School


Table of Contents
Word processors are devices or software programs that are capable of showcasing text
documents in different ways. Just as (On the Origin of the Word Processor – Product Evolution,
2019) stated, they didn’t just start as advance as it is today, it evolved, went through changes, and
went through a series of innovation for it to reach what it is today. Word processors have helped
a lot in making things more accessible for us, not only has it improved our writing but also made
different occupations easy to manage.

The evolution of word processors first started with mechanical typewriters, which is the work of
genius inventors. It was created with the hopes that would it type faster and more clearly than the
use of pens and the hand. This became the standard tool of different workers. Next came the
electrical typewriter, which made it possible for writers to change fonts and increase the
functionality of the machine. Continuing on, the electronic typewrite was then created. It allowed
text to be saved and modified, to which it became a more common phenomenon in a workplace.
Lastly, then comes the software. This made PC’s much more versatile which made a big impact
in the business world. Over the years, more and more features started to get introduced which
further enhanced the productivity that word processors could provide. According to (Effects of
Word Processing Programs and Writing Software on Students’ Writing Ability - A Research
Guide, 2017), with this history, it shows us that word processors have helped our world evolve
and has provided a space for us to collaborate and interact with each other more. Though it may
have its disadvantages just like any other invention in technology, it has improved businesses,
schools, homes, and more. Its handy features have helped us be more insightful of how these
devices work. It allowed to learn more and become better when it comes to our writing, which is
very important in our day to day lives for it’s a medium for us communicate and share our
thoughts. With this idea, it’s expected for word processors to improve and evolve more as the
years pass by and as people become more knowledgeable of how to make technology better.

The word processor didn’t just come out of nowhere, it is the fruit of the hard work form
different inventors over the years. It slowly became a staple in different day-to-day tasks and
made writing easier. It’s important for us to remember its history to be able to appreciate the hard
work of its inventors. Word processors has made quite a big impact to the world and gave job
opportunities to different people. Writing wouldn’t be as advanced as it is today, if it weren’t for
the beginning that word processors have went through.


(Computer Science Learning for School Students, n.d.; Define the Word Processor?, n.d.; Effects

of Word Processing Programs and Writing Software on Students’ Writing Ability - A

Research Guide, 2017; On the Origin of the Word Processor – Product Evolution, 2019;

What Is a Word Processor?, n.d.)Computer Science learning for school students. (n.d.).

Retrieved September 24, 2023, from http://www.teach-ict.com/index.html

Define the word processor? What are the advantages of using a word processor? (n.d.).

Retrieved September 24, 2023, from https://byjus.com/question-answer/define-the-word-


Effects of Word Processing Programs and Writing Software on Students’ Writing Ability—A

Research Guide. (2017, November 28). A Research Guide for Students.



On the origin of the Word Processor – Product Evolution. (2019, June 25).


What is a Word Processor? – Features and Examples | Microsoft. (n.d.). Retrieved September

24, 2023, from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/word/word-processor

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