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Scientists of Lesson 7:

1. Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner

• Recognized the similarities in the chemical properties of some triads of elements, which
establishes his law of triads
2. Alexandre-Émile Beguyer de Chancourtois
• Arranged the elements in increasing atomic weights
3. Lothar Meyer
• Organized the elements based on the valency of the elements
• Later published in 1870 an improved version that related atomic volume and atomic
4. John A. R. Newlands
• Proposed the law of octaves, which recognized the periodic properties of every eighth
element in his list
5. Dmitri Mendeleev
• Published the first version of a systematically organized periodic table of elements
o Arranged in order of increasing atomic mass
o The basis of the currently used periodic table
o Groups or families – columns
o Periods or series – rows
o Periodic law – which asserts that when elements are arranged according to
increasing atomic mass, their properties will follow a periodic pattern
6. Henry Moseley
• Observed a direct relation between the X-ray spectrum of an atom and its nuclear
charge, and developed a system for assigning atomic numbers based on increasing
number of protons

Metals, Metalloids, and Nonmetals

• Metals
o Are generally lustrous substances that conduct heat and electricity
o Ductile and malleable
o Almost all are solid and have high melting point
o Tend to give off their valence electrons and become cations
• Nonmetals
o Are not shiny and have varied colors
o Gain electrons and form anions
• Metalloids
o Are the elements that are found along the “ladder” that divides the metals and the
o They exhibit some characteristics of metals and some of nonmetals

The Elements of the Periodic Table

- The modern periodic table has 118 elements officially recognized by the International Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
- Representative elements or main group elements – the A group elements (longer columns)
- Transition elements – the B group elements (in shorter columns)
- Very reactive
- React vigorously with water
- Producing strongly basic hydroxides and hydrogen
1A Alkali metals gas, which may lead to an explosion
- Generally soft and have low densities, melting
points, and boiling points
- Silver-colored but tarnish with atmospheric oxygen

- Silver-colored and soft

- Low densities, and melting and boiling points
2A Alkaline earth metals - React with water to form strongly alkaline

3A Boron group
4A Carbon group
5A Pnictogens or nitrogen
6A Chalcogens or oxygen
- Form acids when bonded with hydrogen
- Can bind with each other, forming diatomic
7A Halogens molecules
- Highly reactive

- Completely filled valence shell

- Relatively inert; rarely form compounds with other
8A Noble gases elements
- Can exist as monoatomic gases
Periodic Variations in Atomic Properties/Trends

• Atomic Radius
o Refers to the distance from the center of the nucleus to the surface of the neighboring
o Decreases from left to right across a period
▪ The increasing effective nuclear charge pulls the electrons closer to the nucleus,
compressing the atom
o Increases down a group
▪ The valence electrons would occupy higher energy shells
▪ The larger valence atomic orbitals result in bigger atomic size
o Effective nuclear charge – pulls electrons towards the center of an atom
o Shielding parameter – is attributed to the repulsion between/among the electrons in the
outer shell away from the nucleus
• Ionic Radius
o The cation is smaller than the parent atom, while the anion is bigger
o When an atom gains electrons, there will be more repulsion
• Ionization Energy
o Is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom
o Increases from left to right across a period
o Decreases down a group
• Electron Affinity
o Is the energy that an atom releases when it accepts an electron
o A measure of the tendency of an atom to attract an electron
o Increases from left to right across a period
▪ Increasing nuclear charge means an increasing attraction for the electrons; thus,
more energy is released when the atom accepts an electron
o Decreases down a group
▪ As the size of the atom becomes bigger, the attraction for the electron becomes
weaker due to the greater distance of the valence shell from the positively
charged nucleus
• Electronegativity
o Is the ability of an atom in a chemical bond to attract electrons toward itself
o Increases from left to right across a period
o Decreases down a group
Stability of Noble Gases

- Elements in Group 8A
- Most stable elements in the periodic table, nonreactive under ordinary conditions, inert
- General valence configuration of 𝑛𝑠 2 𝑛𝑝6
- Eight valence electrons in their highest occupied energy level
- Very little or no tendency to lose, gain, or share electrons

Octet rule

- Other elements in the periodic table often follow the configuration of the nearest noble gas by
reacting with the same element or with other elements to form more stable compounds (eight
valence electrons in their highest occupied energy level)

Lewis Structures of Representative Elements

- Gilbert Lewis
o Developed a system of representing the valence electrons of an atom using diagrams
called Lewis electron-dot structures or Lewis structures
▪ Consists of a symbol of an element surrounded by one or more dots; each dot
corresponds to a valence electron in an atom of the element
▪ Lone electron pairs/Lone pairs – paired dots in the structures
▪ Unpaired electron – a single dot

Lewis Structures of Ions

- Ions may be represented using LEDS by simply removing (or adding) the number of dots that
corresponds to the electrons lost (or gained) by the neutral atom
- Losing valence electrons
o You add a +n on the upper righthand corner of the symbol (n is the number of how
many electrons are lost)
- Gaining valence electrons
o You add additional dots in the configuration of the neutral atom, basically forming an
octet enclosed in bracket
o The charge of the ion is added at the upper righthand corner of the configuration

Ionic compounds – compounds formed as a result of ionic bonding

Binary ionic compounds – those composed of two elements

Properties of Ionic Compounds

- High melting points and boiling points

- Conduct electricity when in an aqueous solution
- Also exist as hard but brittle solids at room temperature

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