Population and Settlement Geography

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Population and settlement geography:

Growth and distribution of world population:

• 1987: give an account of the existing
distributional pattern of population in the world and
give your assessment regarding the importance of
geographical factors for such a pattern.60 marks
• 1991: trace and account for the various
trends of population growth in the world during the
present century.60 marks
• 1996: write short note: growth of
population and food resources of the world.20
• 2012: write short note on similarities in
the population distribution of southern continents
and reasons for the same.12 marks
Demographic attributes:
• 1986: write short note on demographic
transition.20 marks
• 2007: writ a note on the parameters used
to describe the demographic transitions in the
developing countries like india. 60 marks
• 2012: write short note on status of infant
mortality rate in the world.12 marks
• 2012: answer the following: impact of
changing fertility ratio on the world population
distribution.20 marks
• 2013: what is geriatrics ? what
are the problems associated with
geriatrics population.20 marks
• 2016: Describe the regional pattern of life
expectancy in the world and bring out the
challenges faced by the developing countries due to
increasing life expectancy.20 marks
Causes and consequences of migration:
• 1990: examine the causes of the
international migration of the last 50 years or so
and the socio-economic and political problems
generated by them.60 marks
• 1993: discuss the major international
streams of migration in the world in recent times
and account for the relationship that exists between
population pressure areas and migration
prospects.60 marks
• 2000: discuss the causes and consequences
of population migration in the world.60 marks
• 2012: write short note on impact of
migration on urban demography.12 marks
• 2015: critically examine the theories on
population migration.15 marks
Concept of over-under-optimum population:
• 1996: write short note: growth
of population and food resources of
the world. 20 marks
• 2001: write short note: concept of
optimum population.20 marks
• 2010: write short explanatory note on
optimum population.12 marks
Population theories,
• 1995: examine the theories about
population control and explain the relative merits
of these theories in limiting population growth.60
• 2008: discuss the social and economic
theories of population growth.60 marks
world population problems and policies:
• 2010:" huge population of
developing countries are not a
curse.these may be and also are an
asset, if situations are properly
managed".elaborate on this
assertion.30 marks

Social well-being and quality of life:

Population as social capital:
• 2017: Explain the concept of social capital
in relation to India. 15 marks
Types and patterns of rural settlement, environment
issues in rural settlement:
• 1992: citing suitable examples from India,
explain the role of site and other physical factors in
determining the types and patterns of rural
settlements.60 marks
• 2016: discuss the role of site in
determining the types and patterns of rural
settlements.15 marks
Hierarchy of urban settlements; urban morphology:
• 1989: write short note: classification of
cities.20 marks
• 1999: bring out the contrast
between the internal structure of the
pre-industrial and industrial cities. 60
• 1990: enumerate the different models of
the internal structure of cities. Chose one of them
and discuss it in its application to a particular
city.60 marks
• 2007: give an account of the functional
bases of central place hierarchy.20 marks
Concept of primate city and rank-size rule:
• 2008,2005,1999: short note: primate
city.20 marks
• 2000: short note: rank-size rule.20 marks
• 2006: in urban geography, what are the
concepts of primate city and rank-size rule? discuss
in detail.60 marks
• 2012: answer the following: “colonial
forces resulted in the primate pattern of urban
process in most southeast Asian countries”.
Discuss.20 marks
Functional classification of towns:
• 2015: discuss nelson’s method of
functional classification of towns.10 marks
Sphere of urban influence:
• 1986: define the urban sphere of influences and
discuss different methods of determining the
spheres of influence of cities.60 marks
• 1993: define Umland and
discuss, with specific examples, the
criteria for its delimitation. 60 marks
• 2003: examine the concept of sphere of urban
influence and discuss the qualitative and
quantitative methods used in its delimitation. 60
• 2012: write short note on
relevance of distance decay principle
in Indian cities.12 marks
• 2014: explain the qualitative
and quantitative methods of
delineation of the sphere of urban
influence.20 marks

rural-urban fringe:
• 1997: write short note: rural-urban
fringe.20 marks
• 2007: write short note: delineation of
urban fringe.20 marks
satellite towns:

problems and remedies of urbanisation:

• 1994: write short note: slums and squatter
settlements.20 marks
• 2009: elaborate the concept of megalopolis and
discuss the characteristics and problems related to
two regions selecting one each from north America
and Europe.60 marks
Sustainable development of cities:
• 1997: “water is a scare resource in plenty”.
Comment and discuss its importance in the
balanced habitat development. Support your
answer with examples from asia.60 marks.
• 2012: “though 70% of Indian population is
rural, urban planning is crucial to the development
of India”. Discuss.30 marks

• 2011: write short explanatory
note on secondary cities in the
context of urbanisation in developing
world.12 marks.
• • 2012: answer the following: regional
shifts in the world urbanisation after 1950 and the
varied characteristics of urban process.20 marks
• •. 2013: write short note: Misra’s
theoretical stages of urban-rural process.10 marks
• 2013: " urban geography is
nothing but city "in" area and city
"as" area". elaborate.25 marks
• 2014: discuss the factors
responsible for counter-
urbanisation.10 marks

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