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Solving problem for heat exchanger to find Area and compare it with catalogue
value for area
Heat transfer units are of paramount importance in regulating stream temperatures within chemical industries.
The geometric design of a heat exchanger can be of any type including shell and tube heat exchangers, double
pipes and plate and frame heat exchangers. Depending on the heat duty required to achieve the desired
temperature of a stream, the heat exchanger type can be selected accordingly. Shell and tube heat exchangers
(STHE) are widely used in industries because of their large heat transfer area over a small floor space.

Report objectives
• Produce detailed thermal design specifications of heat exchanger.
• Specification of the unit using.
• A clear and concise justification of fluid.
• Selection of material for construction and dimensions of the unit.

Theoretical background
Method of Approach
Structure of calculations for the design of heat exchanger
1. Analysis of process specification, including temperatures, flow rates, specific heat capacity and
2. Determination of the heat transfer across the unit using a flow rate.
3. Determine the heat transfer rate.
4. Determination of Cmin and Cmax.
5. Now estimate Cr from Cmin and Cmax.
6. Determine qmax for ideal heat exchanger.
7. Estimation of NTU by Cmin mixed and Cmax unmixed by EQ 11.34b.
8. Determination of the heat transfer area.
9. Selecting the heat exchanger from catalogue whose area is approximately near to our calculated area.

Design Calculation
A single-pass, cross-flow heat exchanger uses hot exhaust gases (mixed) to heat water (unmixed) from 30 to
80C at a rate of 3 kg/s. The exhaust gases, having thermophysical properties similar to air, enter and exit the
exchanger at 225 and 100C, respectively. If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 1000 W/m2 K, estimate the
required surface area.

KNOWN: Single pass, cross-flow heat exchanger with hot exhaust gases (mixed) to heat water (unmixed)

FIND: Required surface area.


ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible heat loss to surroundings, (2) Negligible kinetic and potential energy changes,
(3) Exhaust gas properties assumed to be those of air.

PROPERTIES: Table A-6, Water (Tc = (80 + 30)°C/2 = 328 K): cp = 4184 J/kg×K; Table A-4, Air (1 atm, Th
= (100 + 225)°C/2 = 436 K): cp = 1019 J/kg×K.

ANALYSIS: By using ε -NTU method

Cc = ṁccp,c →1
Putting values in eq 1,
Cc = 3 kg/s × 4184 J/kg.K
Cc = 12552 W/K
For Ch, ṁh is not given
q = Ch (Th,i – Th,o) →2
By rearranging eq 2,
Ch = q / (Th,i – Th,o) → 3
For q,
q = Cc (Tc,o – Tc,i) →4
Eq 4 becomes,
q = 12552 × (80 – 30) W/K. J/kg.K
q = 627,600 W
Now eq 3 becomes,
Ch = 627,600 W / (225-100) K
Ch = 5021 W/K
Cmin = Ch = 5021 W/K
Cmax = Cc = 12552 W/K
Next we have to find Cr,
Cr = Cmin / Cmax → 5
Cr = 5021 / 12552
Cr = 0.40
Effectiveness ε, can be find by
ε = q / qmax →6
qmax = Cmin (Th,i – Tc,i) → 7
qmax = 5021 (225-30)
qmax = 979,095 W
Eq 6 becomes,
ε = 627,600 / 979,095
ε = 0.641
Given that Cmin mixed and Cmax unmixed
By using eq 11.34b yield,
NTU = -1/Cr ln [ Cr ln (1- ε) + 1] → 8
NTU = -1/0.40 ln [0.40 ln (1- 0.641) + 1]
NTU = 1.317

NTU = UA / Cmin
By rearranging,
A = NTU × Cmin / U → 9
A = 1.317 × 5021 / 1000
A = 6.612657 m2
A = 71.178 sq.ft

Catalogue Value
From catalogue I had select the value of area which is approximately equal to my calculated value which
is A = 71.178 sq.ft and catalogue value is A = 72.4 sq.ft.

This heat exchanger is shell and tube type.

Shell Material
Shell material used is steel because conduct heat faster than carbon steel materials, saving energy and requiring
less oil to burn. Overall, the higher temperature tolerance and better corrosion resistance of steel guarantees
better product quality, reliability, and lifetime performance thus reduces cost over time.

Further specifications are,

Applications and uses

The simple design of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger makes it an ideal cooling solution for a wide variety of
applications. One of the most common applications is the cooling of hydraulic fluid and oil in engines, transmissions
and hydraulic power packs. With the right choice of material they can also be used to cool or heat other mediums,
such as swimming pool water or charge air. There are many advantages to shell-and-tube technology over plates
• One of the big advantages of using a shell-and-tube heat exchanger is that they are often easy to
service, particularly with models where a floating tube bundle is available. (where the tube plates are not
welded to the outer shell).
• The cylindrical design of the housing is extremely resistant to pressure and allows all ranges of pressure

So solving the problem for designing heat exchanger I had select single-pass, cross flow heat exchanger. After
solving problem I had choose heat exchanger from catalogue which is shell and tube heat exchange This
exchanger transfer heat using liquid or steam that flows through the shell to heat or cool liquid in
the tubes. They’re commonly used in refrigeration and engine cooling systems. Btu/hr. cooling capacity is based
on cooling 180° F process water with 85° F water and a 10psi pressure difference. After this assignment I get
knowledge how theoretical knowledge can be applied on a practical problem. Now I am able to design heat
exchanger for my desired applications.

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