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Client Service Charter = —— CLIENT SERVICE CHARTER FOR THE MINISTRY OF LANDS & NATURAL RESOURCES Prepared by: MINISTRY OF LANDS & NATURAL RESOURCES LUSAKA Client Service Charter Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 FORWORD.. PURPOSE OF THIS CHARTER.. VISION, MISSION, GOAL..... 2.1 VISION STATEMENT. 2.2 MISSION STATEMENT. 2.3. GOAL STATEMENT. CORE VALUES... WHAT OUR CLIENTS SHOULD EXPECT FROM UBS... STANDARDS OF QUALITY SERVICE DELIVERY. FORESTRY DEPARTMENT SERVICE CHARTER. LANDS DEPARTMENT. LANDS AND DEEDS DEPARTMENT.. SURVEY DEPARTMENT... CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER... OUR OTHER STANDARDS... CLIENTS RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS.. HOW TO COMPLAIN AND COMPLIMENT. FEEDBACK MECHANISM... a PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY ON CHARTER PERFORMANCE. 48 — _ Client Service Charter FOREWORD '| This Client Service Charter constitutes a “social pact” between Us as Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources and you our esteemed clients. The Charter outlines core services we offer and high quality standards that we believe our clients should receive and expect on a continuous basis. It provides a mechanism for us to effectively and efficiently relate with our clients pertaining to the services we deliver and how to complain when services do not meet your expectations and how we will handle your complaints. It is a tool for enhancing constructive dialogue and interaction between the Ministry and you our clients. My Ministry is committed to reviewing this charter on a regular basis to keep pace with developments and changes in the business environment. The Ministry's 2017 - 2021 Clients Client Service Charter was developed following a review of Products / Services, Vital Steps and Requirements in the 2007 - 2012 Service Charter, The review took into account adjustments in time frames in the new Zambia Integrated Land Management Information System (ZILMIS) in order to serve you our esteemed clients ina more effective and efficient manner. It is therefore my expectation that this charter will be used as a tool for enhancing interface between you our clients and my Ministry for improved service delivery. \ ie Hon. Jean Kapata, MP MINISTER OF LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Client Service Charter = —— PURPOSE OF THIS CHARTER © To enhance our clients' awareness of the type of services the Ministry provides; © To explain to our clients _ the standards of service they should expect to receive; © Tooutlineyourrights and responsibilities as aclient; © Toexplain ourrights and responsibilities as the Service Provider; and © To explain how our clients can lodge complaints and make suggestions about our service delivery. 2.0 VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS 3.0 2.1 VISION The Ministry envisions: “A smart and Value centred Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources.” 2.2 MISSION “To administer land and manage natural resources for sustainable land use and climate resilient low emission systems.” ‘CORE VALUES The operation of the MLNR for the next three (3) years will be anchored on seven ” core values.These values are: a) Accountability Wetake responsibility for actions, in the discharge of our duties. — Client Service Charter 4.0 b) Equity ¢d) ° g Weserve our esteemed client fairly in accordance to their needs. Excellence We maintain the highest standards of service delivery in the execution of our duties. Impartiality We are neutral in the handling of issues pertaining to land administration and natural resource management. Integrity We put the obligations of the Ministry above our personal interest and conduct ourselves ina manner that is beyond reproach. Professionalism We strictly adhere to rules, regulations and procedures in the discharge of our duties. Transparency We maintain an atmosphere of openness in land administration and natural resources management. WHAT OUR CLIENTS SHOULD EXPECT FROM US: In support of the above values, the Ministry will strive to continuously improve the standards of services we provide so as to meet your needs and ‘expectations. To this end, our esteemed clients have the right to expect the highest quality of services as outlined below: + Timely provision of the following; - Information on land, Survey diagrams, plans, maps and forestry. ~ Deeds and encumbrances (Mortgages). 5.0 Client Service Charter =§ —— - survey reference marks; - policy guidance on survey control, Land and Natural Resources - information on forest boundaries; - Training innatural resource management; Extension services in tree planting and management. * Timely facilitation of the following; - Land dispute resolutions, issuance of Certificates of Title, demarcation, Registration of Trusts, and provision of boundary beacons; = Registration of primary and secondary interests with private Law Firms; - Property numbering on land and collaboration as well as coordination with other relevant institutions with Local Authorities and Utility companies; - Calibration of survey instruments; = Forest stocking: - Linkageswith donors and other organizations; = Empowerment and capacity building on Land Management for communities; = Joint management of the forest resources, sustainable access to natural resources, and linkages with Donors and Stakeholders with Local communities; * Timelyapproval of Survey records/diagrams * Create awareness and sensitization in Land Administration and Management and Natural Resources issues; * Prompt Placement of international boundary beacons; * Commission timely consultancies on Land Management and Forest issues of national interest; STANDARDS OF QUALITY SERVICE DELIVERY Allourstaffwill, atall times, wear clearly displayed badges for ease of Identification. In conformity with the law and core values espoused in our Strategic Plan, we pledge to provide servicesin accordance with the following standards. — Client Service Charter 6.0 FORESTRY DEPARTMENT ~~ _ BS A, Retina Forest Acknowledge | within 4 working | Within 30 working (Large Scale) receipt of days after receipt | Days (SI No. 50 of Concession application 2016) li ee Consideration of |Within 12 working] application days Feedback on Within 10 working status of days application Payment of Fees Approval of Within 4 working application days Issue Large Scale] License collected Concession 30 working days License after receipt of application upon payment of licence fees. Completed application form Proof of Nationality Letter from Traditional Leader Letter from the Local Authority Letter from District Forest Officer Map of the Forest Area List of Machinery and Equipment Location map of operations area Forest Inventory Report Log Movement commitment within 100kms Decision letter from Zambia Environmental Management Authority (ZEMA) for the Full Environmental Impact Assessment Report for proposed forest area Letter of Consent from Department of National Parks and Wildlife Letter from Principal Forestry Officer Client Service Charter Certificate of Registration as a Sole Proprietor or as a Cooperative Compliance to Labour Laws and Safety of Workers Valid Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA)Tax Clearance Letter Evidence of availability of sufficient financial resources and planned investments — Client Service Charter Ayala M3 ital Ste Se UT ET BY 2. Forest Acknowledge | Within 4 working | Within 30 working (Medium Scale) receipt of days after receipt | Days (SI No. 50 of Concession application OL) License Consideration of |Within 12 working] application days Feedback on status| within 10 working of application | days Payment of Fees Approval of Within 4 working application days Issue Medium License collected Scale Concession| 30 working days License after receipt of application upon payment of licence fees. - Completed application form - Proof of Nationality - Letter from Traditional Leader - Letter from the Local Authority - Letter from District Forest Officer - Map of the Forest Area - List of Machinery and Equipment. - Location map of operations area - Forest Inventory Report - Log Movement commitment within 100kms - Decision letter from Zambia Environmental Management Authority for Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Letter of consent from Department of National Parks and Wildlife if application is ina Game Management Area (GMA) - Letter from Principal Forestry Officer - Certificate of Registration of Company - Compliance to Labour Laws and Safety of Workers - Valid Zambia Revenue Authority Tax Clearance Letter - Bank Statement for the last three months Client Service Charter =§ —— ital Steps cll kel Se BT ae tg Ice 3. Forest Acknowledge | within 4 working | Within 30 Days (SI (Small Scale) receipt of days after receipt | No. 50 of 2016) Coneession License| application Consideration of | Within 12 working application days Feedback on status Within 10 working of application cys) Payment of Fees Approval of Within 4 working application days Issue Small Scale | License collected Concession 30 days after License receipt of application upon payment of licence fees. - Completed application form - Proof of Nationality - Letter from Traditional Leader - Letter from the Local Authority - Letter from District Forest Officer - Map of the Forest Area - List of Machinery and Equipment. - Forest Inventory Report - Log Movement commitment within 100kms = Decision letter from Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) for Environmental Project Brief Report for proposed forest area. - Letter of Consent from Department of National Parks and Wildlife if application is from a Game Management Area (GMA). - Letter from Principal Forestry Officer. - Certificate of Registration of Company or Cooperative - Valid ZRA Tax Clearance Letter — Client Service Charter BT ae tg Peta) ital Steps cll kel Sata 4. Forest Produce | Consideration of | Within 1 working | within 2 working Permit application day days Within 1 working day Approval of application Payment of Fees Issuance of ithit ir Within 2 workin; Forest Produce | gaye iB Permit otc - Application form Sam ees - Presentation of National Identity Card Client Service Charter =§ —— Aya (oo B19 Ted SSCL eRe Duration Sala 5. Timber Export | Screening ofthe | within 2 working |Within 30 working Permit application based on} days days of receipt of the above requirements (S| No.| submission 94 of 2015) Consideration of ithin 10 working) application Idays Quality Assurance | within 5 working of application days Payment of Fees made to Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources (Accounts Office-at Mulungushil House) by the applicant Approval or Rejection| within 2 working of application aa Issuance of Timber | within 2 working Export Permit that days is valid for Six months Upon visitation to our offices — Client Service Charter Forest Concession Licence Holder - Completed application form - Copy of valid concession licence ~ Tree Felling Permits (Production) - Forest Produce Conveyance Permit - where necessary - Report Tabulating timber for export (m3) endorsed by District Forestry Officer Timber Merchant - Completed application form - Certificate of Incorporation as a Registered Company - or Certificate of Registration as a Cooperative from Ministry of Agriculture - or Certificate Registration as Sole Proprietor - Foreign investors with valid work permit as proof of immigration status in Zambia plus a Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) Investment Certificate in conformity with Zambia Development Agency Act - Forest Produce Merchants Permit - Letter of Agreement between the merchant and holder of valid concession licence stating licence No., type of specie/s and quantity in (m3) - Tree Felling Permits (Production) - Forest Produce Conveyance Permit - where necessary - Report Tabulating timber for export (m3) endorsed by District Forestry Officer - Any other necessary documents Client Service Charter =§ —— a Serice BY BT ae tg 6. Timber Export | Screening of Within 3 working | Within 30 days of Clearance necessary days receipt of Certificates documentation requirements (SI Approval or Rejection | Within 3 working | No, 94 of 2015) of application days Preparation of Timber | within 6 working Export Clearance days Certificates Quality Assurance of |within 10 working| application days Issuance of Timber | within 3 working Export Clearance days Certificates ee emcee iene) - Copy of valid concession licence - Tree felling (Production) accompanying the consignment - Forest Produce Conveyance licence - Returns for the previous clearance certificates (triplicate and Quadruplicate copies) - Any other necessary documents (confirming export of previous consignment) Teor) > The Merchant should have a forest produce Merchant's Permit - Returns (copies) for the previous clearance certificates - Tree felling Permits (Production) accompanying the consignment. - Forest Produce Conveyance Permit. - Form of Agreement between the merchant and Producer (i.e. holder of valid concession licence stating licence No., type of specie/s and quantity in (m3) - Any other necessary documents (confirming export of previous consignment) — Client Service Charter Aya (oo B19 Ted SSCL ge Rel Me Leo) Baile 7. Forest Research | Acknowledge Within 2 working | within 20 days Lace receipt of service [days ofreceipt | srorking request Feedback on status | Within 3 working of request days Payment of fees Verification and Within 5 working recommendation for | days seed packaging Supply ofthe Tree | within 10 working seeds ‘days Ce - Present a seed inquiry (preferably in advance) - Receipt of confirmation on the availability of the type and quantities of seeds required - Payment for the goods to be supplied Client Service Charter =§ —— ital Steps clic Rol Sai BT ae tg PEL) 8, Supply of various| Acknowledge | Within 2 working jwithin 15 working tree seedlings | Teceiptofservice | days ofreceipt. days request Feedback on status | Within 3 working of request days Payment of fees Verification and | Within 5 working recommendation | days for seed packaging Supply of the Tree |Within 5 working seeds days ifin stock upon} receipt of request rien - Present an Inquiry (preferably in advance) - Receipt of confirmation on the availability of the type and quantities of seedlings required - Payment for the tree seedlings to be supplied — Client Service Charter ital Steps clic Rol Sai Acknowledge receipt| Within 2 working | within 10 working of service request [days of receipt | days of receipt of requirements BT ae tg Peta) 9. Soil Testing Preparation of Within 3 working quotation for soil days testing & analysis Payment of fees Report on Final Within 5 working Results of Soil Testing] days Ce - Application for the soil testing - Presentation of samples to be tested - Payment for the services to be done Client Service Charter =§ —— Aya (oo B19 Ted Standard of | Duration Baile 10. Plant Specimen |Acknowledge receipt |Within 2 working | Within 10 working Identification |Of application for — |days of receipt —_[ days of receipt of service and Approval requirements or rejection Preparation of Within 3 working. quotation of days specimens Payment of fees Examination of Within 5 working specimens in days herbarium and issuance report of species identified Caley - Application for Plant identification - Presentation of samples to be identified - Payment for the services to be done — Client Service Charter Aya (oo B19 Ted Standard of | Duration Baile 11 Testing physical [Acknowledge receipt |Within 3 working | within 10 working ‘and mechanical /ofservice request. | day of receipt |’ days of receipt of properties of [2nd Approval or eee timber: rejection > Moisture content > Timber swelling - 7 > Tiniber shtinkage Preparation of Within 2 working . quotation of days > Density > Timberstrength, | Samples in compression, | Payment of fees impact, etc > Preservative Within 5 working. Penetration and days Retention Caley - Application for the services to be carried out - Presentation of samples to be tested - Payment for the services to be done — Client Service Charter 7.0 LANDS DEPARTMENT Service Type Neo Standard of PTE lala) Talis 1. Consideration of | Scrutiny of lWithin 5 working | within 10 working site plans for submitted layout days days numbering. plans Approval of plans | Within 5 working for numbering days - Recommendation Letter from the Council - Copy of National Registration Card/Certificate of Incorporation/ZDA certificate - Numbered site plan - Passport size photo - Consent letter from traditional leader - Conversion form 1 - Conversion form 2 - Conversion form 3 - Approved site plan - Minutes of the plans, works and development committee(PWD) - Minutes of the full council meeting - Annexure A or C from the council - Certified passport size photos - List of shareholders from PACRA for companies without ZDA licence - Cell Number for the applicant. - Receipt for numbering fee Client Service Charter =§ —— Service Type Neo Standard of PTE lala) Talis 2. Issuance of offer Submission of Within 3 working |Within 21 working days Letter required days documentation Examination of — |Within 3 working documents/file _|days [Approval of Within 4 working property for days allocation by Commissioner of Lands on physical files Creation of record] Within 3 working land scanning of | days \documents Approval in Within 4 working. ZILMIS to print | days Invitation to Treat Valuation of Within 3 working property(high day cost properties) Issuance of Within 1 working invitation to treat | day Upon submission of receipt - Receipt for issuance of offer letter Service Type Neo Standard of PTE lala) Talis 3. Registration Scan documents | within 2 working |. Within 16 working Of Direct and create day days Lease (Primary | application and Title) refer case Prepares / lWithin 2 working attaches form 16 |days to the offer and diagram Typing of lease _|Within Sworking agreement days Examination of | within 2 working the lease days Signing and Within 3 working witnessing of the | days lease by the Commissioner of Lands / Chief Lands Scan documents | within 2 working and create days application and refer case ue - Form 16 > - Examined Leases in duplicate - Survey diagrams in duplicate — Client Service Charter Service Type 4. Issuance of Submission of Within 30 working Ground Rent Bills} Property Idays number/national registration card number/ certificate of incorporation number Tend Standard of Pela) Satay Computation of | Upon visitation to bills our office - Iday Compilation of [within 29 working property \days numbers(e.g_ province) Issuance and distribution of ground rent bills - Property Number. 5. Issuance of State Consent to Assign/Transfer Client Service Charter =§ —— Service Type Neo Standard of PTE lala) Talis _ Within 9 working days. Submission of — | Within 1 required working day documentation Examination of || Within 1 documents/file | working day Issuance of Within Iworking Demand Notice | day Lodgment of Within 1 working documents day Typing of Within 1 working consent day Signing of Within 2 working consent days Issuance of state | Within 2 working consent to day assign/transfer - Copy of Certificate of Title - Copy of National Registration Cards for both seller and buyer - Consent Application form - Investment Licenses for non Zambians with a company - Certificate of incorporation for companies — Client Service Charter 8.0 LANDS AND DEEDS DEPARTMENT Atta T< M7 C4 Wie 4 ST ol ae BT 1. Registration of [Scans Within 1 |. Within 15 working Mortgage Deeds,|4cuments and) working days | days Discharge of | Create Mortgage, application Memorandum of|and refer case Deposit OF Analyses, a . Title/Discharge | Records, Within 2 working And Lease distribute and | day Agreement allocate Inputs/Registe | within 3 working rs Deeds day electronically/ manually Type memorials thi i on Certificate of ene wane Title (C.0.1) Approval/Signs | Within 3 working Deeds days Collected within 15 working Days - Original Certificate of Title - Relevant Deeds at least in Duplicate ~ Registration fee receipt - Lodgment schedule Client Service Charter =§ —— Service Type Sted STE kag Duration alle I2. Issuance Of Seay Within 1 working |, Within 20 working Secondary ocumesits days days Certificate Of Titles] 2nd create Assignments, Gift, | 2PPlication Moiety, Severance,| and refer case Transfer, Analyses, Within 2 working Exchange, Record, day Partition Assent, | distribute and Trust, allocate Rectification, Make Within 2 working Substitution Of | recommendation | day Diagrams And _|and send for Change Of Name | authority/vetting Vet and Within 3 working Authorize days eM Ressters within 3 working electronically days manually Type and seal Within 7 working Certificate Of Title _|days |Approve/Sign Within 2 working Deeds & Certificate | days of Title (C.0.1) Dispatch clerk at | Collected within Customer Service | 20 working Days Centre - Relevant Deeds at least in duplicate - Registration fee receipt - Lodgement schedule - Dr 53 forms in duplicate - ZRA Property Transfer Tax receipt/ Certificate or Tax exemption Certificate where relevant - State Consent to assign where relevant ~ Original Certificate of Title ~ Survey diagrams where relevant — Client Service Charter Service Type Neo Standard of PTE lala) Talis 3. Registration OF | Scan document | Within 1working |, Within 7 working days Caveats/Withdraw| and create day Of Caveat And __| application and Court Orders/ refer case Judgments Analyses, Within 1 working Record, day distribute and Make Within 1 working recommendation | day and send for authority/vetting Vet and Within 1 working Authorize day Inputs/Registers |within 2 working Deeds ‘days electronically manually Approve/Sign Within 1 working. Documents day Dispatch clerk at | Collected within Customer Service | 7 working Days Centre - Relevant documents at least in duplicate - Registration fee receipt - Lodgement schedule 4, Registration Of Probate, Letters Of Administration ‘And Power Of Attorney Client Service Charter Service Type Neo Standard of PTE lala) Talis | Within 16 working days Scans documents Within 1 working and create days application and refer case Analyses, Within 1 working Records, day distribute and allocate Makes Within 1 working recommendation day and sends for authority/vetting Vets and Within 3 working Authorities day Inputs/Registers | within 2 working documents days electronically / manually Type memorials |Within 6 working. on Certificate Of |days Title Approves/Signs | within 2 working Deeds & day Certificate Of Title} Dispatch clerk at |Collected within Customer Service |16 working Days Centre - Relevant documents at least in duplicate - Registration fee receipt - Lodgment schedule - Original Certificate of Title — Client Service Charter Service Type Vital Steps Bee hed Byala Duration 5. Registration Analyses, Records| within 1 working |. Within 11 working Of Direct distribute and | day days Lease (Primary | allocate Title) Inputs/Registers [Within 2 working document days electronically / manually Types and Seals lwithin Sworking Certificate OF Title| days Approval / Sign | Within 3 working. Certificate Of days Title eee - Form 16 . ~ Examined Leases in duplicate - Survey diagrams in duplicate — Client Service Charter Rye le may ol Vital Steps | Standard of PIE) Talis ji i Scans ate 6. Registration Of a __| within 7 working Notice Of Intention | documents Within 1 working} 4. To Re-Enter, and create days Certificate Of Re- | application Entry, Cancellation |_2" = EAC ES) Of Notice/Re-Entry,| Analyses, a - Surrender Deed, records, Within 1 working, Expiration Of Lease | distribute and |day And Revocation Of |_allocate Inputs/Register tease danas ‘Within 3 working] electronically/ |days Manually Approves/Signs | Within 2 working! documents days Dispatch clerk at | Collection within Customer Service | 7 working days Centre - Form 16 - Relevant documents at least in duplicate - Expired/surrendered Certificate of Title where relevant. Client Service Charter =§ —— Service Type Neo Standard of PTE lala) Talis 7. Registration of | Scansdocuments | it 1 working |, Within 11 working eae and create Hee aes oreo ere | 2 ae refer case Analyses, records,|Within 2 working distribute and | days allocate Inputs/Register | Within 5 working documents days electronically/ Manually Approves/Signs | Within 3 working documents days Dispatch clerk at_| Collection within ‘Customer Service | 11 working days Centre - Relevant Deeds at least in Duplicate - Registration fee receipt - Lodgment schedule Client Service Charter =§ —— CET Rol Duration i nl ser o ig. Issuance of Scans documents |within 1 working | Within 24 working Duplicate of and create days days Certificate of Title | application and and Full Certificate| "efer case of Title Analyses, Records, | Within 2 working distribute and day allocate Makes Within 2 working recommendation | day and sends for authority/vetting |\Vets and Authorities} Within 3 working days Prepare letters for | Within 3 working the Newspaper/ | day Gazette advert Types and seals Within 10 working] Certificate Of Title |days Approves/Signs | within 3 working Deeds & Certificate | days OfTitle Dispatch clerk at [collected within 24 Customer Service \vorking Days Centre Peete - Registration fee receipt - Lodgment Schedule - Newspaper/Government Gazette advert cutting with Certificate of Publication - Application letter - Statutory deceleration - Certified True Copy (CTO)/Supersede diagrams - Photocopy of lost certificate of title Client Service Charter =§ —— Wie Standard of Service 10. Placing of Vetting Within 1 working |. Within 5 working days remarks on the day after receipt Lands Register Service Type PIE) Lands and Deeds | Within 2 working duty officer day Inputs/Registers Within 2 working days ten - Application Lettér for a remark - Registration fee receipt — Client Service Charter Service Type Neo Standard of PTE lala) Talis 9. Issuance Of Scans documents lwithin 1 working |, Within 14 working Separate and create day after receipt | day eerie of | applicationand |" e ”* Title And refer case Certificate of Title | Analyses, Records, within 1 working For Common distribute and [gay Leasehold Scheme| allocate Inputs/Registers |Within 2 working Deeds day electronically manually Type and Seal Within 8 working Certificate Of | days Title Approves/Signs _|Within 2 working Certificate OF | days Title Dispatch clerk at [Within 14 working Customer ldays Service Centre - Original Certificate of Title - Lodgment Schedule - Registration fee receipt Survey - Survey Diagrams/Numbered floor plans - Photocopies of Leases - Application letter - Declaration forms in Duplicate where applicable —.— Client Service Charter 9.0 SURVEY DEPARTMENT Service Type Wied UT ko ae pte 1. Conducting OF Survey Service For Stands Receive request and prerequisite documents Within 1 working day Examination of documents and Preparation of the quotation Within 1 working day Preparation and issuance of the Demand Notice Within 1 working day Data compilation and reconnaissance Field surveying and beaconing and Compilation of the Survey Report, coordinate list and consistence \Within2 working day days Within 2 working. Scanning and lodgment of survey records Within 1 working day Examination of survey records Within 1 working day Framing of General Plans, working plan and Survey Diagrams, Generation and assigning of diagram numbers Within 1 working day Within 17 working days — Client Service Charter Quality checks | Within 2 working of the framed days General Plans and Survey Diagrams Approval of the | Within 1 working Survey Diagrams | day Scanning and Within 2 working archiving day Issuance of the _|Within 1 working approved Survey | day Diagrams ee 1, Numbered Site Plan 2. Offer Letter — Client Service Charter ab Ned STU C kad Dies BT a (a 2. Conducting of | Receive request | within 1 working|, Within 19 working S and prerequisite Pure Service Pocunental day days Examination of re F documents and | Within 1 working Preparation of || the quotation Preparation and | Within 1 working issuance ofthe | day Demand Notice Data compilation | within 2 working and days reconnaissance Field surveying | within 3 working and beaconing days and Compilation of the Survey Report, coordinate list and consistence Scanning and |Wwithin 1 working lodgment of day Survey Records Examination of | Within 1 working Survey Records | days Framing of Within 3 working General Plans, | days Working Plan and| Survey Diagrams, Generation and assigning of Diagram Numbers Client Service Charter =§ —— Quality checks of |within 2 working the framed days after receipt General Plans and Survey Diagrams Approval of the} Within 2 working] Survey Diagrams | day Scanning and Within 1 working} archiving days Issuance of the | Within 1 working] approved Survey | days Diagrams eee 1. Numbered Site Plan 2. Offer Letter — Client Service Charter ~~ Soi ated 3. Conducting of | Receive request | within 1 working | Within 21 working . and prerequisite Survey Service day days FonEStne documents Examination of | Within 1 working documents and | days Preparation of the quotation Preparation and | within 1 working issuance ofthe | day Demand Notice Data compilation | Within 2 working and days reconnaissance Field surveying | Within 4 working and beaconing | days and Compilation of the Survey Report, coordinate list and consistence Scanning and (Within 1 working lodgment of day ‘Survey Records Examination of | Within 1 working Survey Records | days Framing of Within 4 working General Plans, _ |days Working Plan and, Survey Diagrams, Generation and assigning of Diagram Numbers Client Service Charter =§ —— Quality checks | Within 2 working ofthe framed | days after receipt. General Plans and Survey Diagrams Approval of the |Within 1 working Survey Diagrams |day Scanning and Within 1 working archiving days Issuance ofthe — | Within 2 working approved Survey | days Diagrams eee 1. Numbered Site Plan 2. Offer Letter — Client Service Charter ~~ Soi ated 4. Issuance OF Receive request | within 1 working |, Within 9 working Survey Diagrams | 2nd prerequisite | gay days documents For Already Surveyed Lands Examination of | Within 1 working] documents and | day Preparation of the quotation Preparation and | Within 1 working, issuance of the | day Demand Notice Generation, Within 1 working) Scanning and day forwarding to Drawing office Framing Survey | : Diagrams and | Within 2 working Generating and | days assigning Diagram Numbers Approval of the | Within 1 working framed Survey day Diagrams Scanning and Within 2 working archiving days Issuance of the approved Survey Diagrams 1. Offer Letter — Client Service Charter ~~ oid laa A 5, Lodgement and_| Receive request, | within 1 working |, Within 11 working Survey Report, Approve of SUV®)| Graft copy day days General Plans Preparation and |Within 1 working issuance ofthe | day Demand Notice Scanning and _| Within 1 working lodgment of the | day Records Examination of | within 2 working the records, days corrections and amendments of Survey Records Generation of __|Within 1 working, Diagram Numbers} day Approval of the | Within 1 working Survey Records | day Scanning and Within 2 working archiving days Issuance of the Within 2 working approved Survey | days Diagrams 1. Surveyors Report; Coordinate list. 2. Draft general Plans and Survey Diagrams 3. Field Booking Sheets Client Service Charter =§ —— Be Ls S59 Standard of DIT ell} ated 6. Preparation Of | Receive Within 1 working | within 10 working Supersede request and day days Diagrams prerequisite documents Preparation and |Within 1 working issuance ofthe day Demand Notice Scanning and |Within 1 working generation of the/day request to the Drawing Office Recomputing of |Within 1 working. survey day information and making corrections Framing ithin 2 working. corrected version days of diagrams and assigning, Diagram Number] Checks of ithin 2 working conformity to days, standards Approval of ithin 1 working Diagrams \days Issuance of the Within 1 working approved Survey |days Diagrams ~ Request from the client ~ Receipt for supersede diagram — Client Service Charter ~~ Soi ated 7. Prepare eee | Within 1 working], Within 6 working Certified True | Tequest ani day days Copies Of prerequisite documents Original(cTC’s) Preparation and |Within 1 working issuance of the | day Demand Notice Scanning and Within 1 working generation of the|day request to the drawing office Framing of the ithin 2 working diagrams and days quality check Approval of Within 1 working diagram day Issuance of the approved Survey Diagrams forte - Request from the client - Letter from the Private Surveyor if the survey was done by a Private Surveyor and Tittle was never issued - Receipt for CTC Client Service Charter =§ —— RTT 13 Standard of DIT ell} ated . Provide Mapping | Receive Within 1 working | within 5 working Services (Existing| request day days Geo- Information/Map /Image Products)| Examination and Approval of request Preparation of | Within 1 working. quotation day Within 1 working day Issuance of Within 1 working Demand Notice |day Issue Map or Within 1 working Image Product | day Perea - Request from the-client Client Service Charter =§ —— ~~ na Tatas 9. Provide Mapping Receive request | within 1 working |Within 22 working Services (New days Geo coy Information/Map /\mage Products| Approval of Within 1 working. request and day allocation Preparation of Within 1 working quotation day Issuance of Within 1 working Demand notice —_|day Map compilation or |within 5 working Image processing, days Editing, a 4 Structuring and | Within 3 working coding days Field Annotation | Within 3 working and Completion _|days Product Within 3 working enhancement days Quality check and | Within 2 working corrections days | [Within 1 working Product approval ee Printing/recording |within 1 working jon appropriate day media Issue map/image product to Client 1, Request from the-client — Client Service Charter ~~ Soi ated tor a Receive Within 1 working |. Within 13 working, rintin yy eats request day ys Examination and Within 1 working Approval of jday request Preparation of [Within 1 working. quotation day Type setting ithin 4 working \day Impositioning ithin 1 working lday Plate ithin 1 working Development {day Mounting and {Within 1 working test printing lday Quality checks — |Within 1 working and corrections day Printing |Within 1 working lday Packaging ithin 1 working, lday Issuance of the printed product - Request from the-client Client Service Charter =§ —— ai Soi ated Tibia Receive Within 1 working |, withi i . |. Within 7 workin: Geodetic Data | request sy days e Services Examination and |Within 1 working Approval of day request Preparation of | Within 1 working quotation day Preparation of |_| Within 2 working Geodetic Data_| day Printing Within 1 working /recording on | day appropriate media Issuance of the | Within 1 working Geodetic Data to | day the Client ft - Request from the-client — Client Service Charter 10. CUSTOMER SERVICES CENTRE ~~ Soi ated 1. Lodgement Of | Receives, records | within 2 working |, Within 2 working Documents & scans days documents sends| to various | Department - Request from the-client Service Type Vital Steps Standard of Pye oa) ST aie 2. Issuance of a Issue demand Printout (Land notice Register) Payment by client Land Register issued Rete - Property number: - Receipt for payments of printout / lanes register Service Type Vital Steps Standard of Preto) Sra 3. Collection of Record all ready |Within 1 working |. Within 1 working Ready and queried day days Documents documents, inform clients pete ~ Stamped lodgment schedule - National Registration Card - Stamped consent to assign application form oH Client Service Charter |§ — Ata Vital Steps Ctr Rod PEL} ST aie 4. Attendance To | Acknowledge —_| within 1 working |, Within 1 working Clients clients, Listen to | day day Comments, clients, ask Complaints, | questions, Seeking ascertain their Information needs and And Making. respond Follow Ups accordingly Requirements Our esteemed Clients are advised that for services where a statutory payment is required, they should kindly contact the Ministry for the latest applicable fees and the banks to which payment should be made. This is because such fees are revised regularly. . : 11.0 OUR OTHER STANDARDS If You Contact Us By Telephone: Y Ourstaff will identify themselves by Name,Rank and Department. Y Weill give clear and easy to understand advice Y If we are unable to answer your enquiry immediately, we will advise you when you can expect a comprehensive reply If You Write To Us For Information and General Comments: Y Wewill reply to your correspondence within15 working days. Our replies will be typed on headed paper and clearly show our reference number, the author's name, office telephone number, fax and email address. Y Weill endeavour to resolve your enquiry before we send you the reply. If we are unable to do so, we will inform you the progress we are making and when you can expect a comprehensive reply. You Visit Our Offices: Wewillattend to you within 20 minutes ofyour appointment time Without an appointment, we will endeavour to attend to you within 45 minutes of your arrival. 405 —— Client Service Charter 12.0 CLIENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS ‘As our esteemed client, you have the right to expect the highest standards of service delivery from our Ministry. Inthis respect, you have the right to: Y Complete accurate information on all aspects of the service you are seeking from us. This includes how and where to obtain application forms, whether ornotsuch forms are issued for free, if charged for and how much, Privacy and confidentiality with respect to personal and financial information, written or oral, that you communicate to us as part of the requirement and in the course of receiving a service from us, Be treated with courtesy and consideration in all your dealings with us, Demand the identity of the officer serving you Complain when you receive shoddy services, and Participate in the review of this charter. < x

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