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Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

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Radio fingerprinting for anomaly detection using federated learning in

LoRa-enabled Industrial Internet of Things

Subir Halder , Thomas Newe
Confirm Smart Manufacturing Centre and Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Limerick, Ireland

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Article history: Long Range (LoRa) communications are gaining popularity in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Received 11 September 2022 domain due to their large coverage and high energy efficiency. However, LoRa-enabled IIoT networks
Received in revised form 15 December 2022 are susceptible to cyberattacks mainly due to their wide transmission window and freely operated
Accepted 28 January 2023
frequency band. This has led to several categories of cyberattacks. However, existing anomaly detection
Available online 14 February 2023
systems are inefficient in detecting particularly impersonation attacks due to the dense deployment,
Keywords: heterogeneous IIoT devices and manufacturers involved.
Anomaly detection In this work, we introduce Hawk, a distributed anomaly detection system for detecting com-
Carrier frequency offset promised devices in LoRa-enabled IIoT. Hawk first measures a device-type specific physical layer
Federated learning feature, Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) and then leverages the CFO for fingerprinting the device,
Industrial IoT and consequently detecting anomalous deviations in the device’s CFO behavior, potentially caused by
LoRa communication adversaries. To aggregate the device-type specific CFO behavior profile efficiently, Hawk uses federated
learning, a distributed machine learning approach. To the best of our knowledge, Hawk is the first to
utilise a federated learning method for anomaly-based intrusion detection in LoRa-enabled IIoT. We
perform extensive experiments on a real-world dataset collected using 60 LoRa devices, primarily to
assess the effectiveness of Hawk against emerging new and unknown attacks. The results show that
Hawk improves the detection accuracy by more than 8% compared to the state-of-the-art solutions.
Additionally, Hawk reduces the storage overhead by more than 40%, and exhibits significant robustness
against cyberattack.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction process failure and safety of human beings, early cyberattack

detection is of significant importance.
The introduction of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) cou- In the IIoT setting, to connect several hundreds of low-power
pled with Internet, cloud computing and machine learning into IIoT devices, wireless networks are necessary to deliver robust
the smart manufacturing space has changed all aspects of the operations and larger coverage with high energy efficiency. Ad-
production process. For instance, smart manufacturing appli- ditionally, it is expected that IIoT devices will provide service
cations that integrate smart switches, thermostats, robots and for a span of typically five to ten years with limited or without
cloud manufacturers to monitor and interact with production any maintenance. To support these requirements, Low-Power
systems to improve productivity, delivery, reduced labor and en- Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs) [2] have been developed. Among
ergy costs. While smart manufacturing and logistics have equally all available LPWANs, Long Range (LoRa) communication [2] is
adopted IIoT, significant concerns have increased about the se- widely used as it is an open-source technology in the physical
curity and privacy of digitally augmented manufacturing spaces. layer, robust in the unlicensed sub-GHz Industrial band, and
Particularly, due to the weak security protection capability of offers noise free, fading resilient and long range communication.
IIoT devices, several attack surfaces and complex application However, LoRa-enabled IIoT is vulnerable to cyberattacks, and the
environments, smart manufacturing spaces are exposed to cyber- reason is two-fold. First, LoRa communication uses unlicensed
attacks [1]. Once an IIoT device is under attack, it might end up sub-GHz Industrial band, which is essentially susceptible to active
causing chaos in the supply chain and even affecting the safety attacks. Second, LoRa communication has a wider transmission
of human beings. Hence, as a precaution for future production window than conventional wireless techniques, e.g., WiFi, which
gives sufficient time for an adversary to launch cyberattacks, like
∗ Corresponding author. Denial of Service (DoS).
E-mail addresses: (S. Halder), Traditional security schemes rely on software addresses like
(T. Newe). media access control and/or internet protocol [3], which are
0167-739X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

susceptible to tampering or forging. Once an adversary compro- making it more reliable for smart manufacturing scenarios. Fur-
mises a legitimate IIoT device, it can masquerade as the legit- ther, the increase in computational complexity is insignificant
imate IIoT device and launch cyberattacks, e.g., DoS. To defend as fine-grained CFO estimation is commonly an embedded func-
against cyberattacks, several security schemes use cryptographic tion for signal recovery in LoRa-enabled IIoT. Hawk builds a
mechanisms, like message authentication code [4] and encryption device-type specific anomaly detection model using FL, which
technique [5] in LoRa-enabled networks. Although cryptographic is a baseline of the devices’ normal CFO behavior, based on the
mechanisms are successful to authenticate, it is possible for an extracted fingerprints to achieve accurate detection of attacks.
adversary to apply reverse engineering for retrieving security The contributions of this work are as follows:
keys and launching DoS attacks [6]. Hence, as an alternative
• To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present a
to existing cryptographic solutions, Intrusion Detection Systems
comprehensive analysis of CFO-based IDS for LoRa-enabled
(IDSs) leveraging radio fingerprinting [1], a non-cryptographic ap-
IIoT. Based on our analysis, we design a scalable radio fin-
proach, have recently received significant attention to deal with
gerprinting framework based on a deep metric learning-
cybersecurity. Radio fingerprinting uses the device-type specific
powered CFO extractor.
signal imperfections introduced by the radio frequency circuitry
• We propose Hawk, a novel distributed anomaly-based IDS,
in the physical layer [7] to obtain a fingerprint of the IIoT device,
which builds device-type specific detection models based on
which is intrinsic to the analogue device and cannot be imitated
the devices’ normal CFO behavior for detecting the adver-
by the adversaries. These imperfections include Carrier Frequency
sary. Hawk is the first to apply FL for aggregating anomaly-
Offset (CFO), In-phase and Quadrature (IQ) imbalance, phase er-
detection profiles for detecting the adversary in LoRa-enabled
ror, time–frequency statistics, and power amplifier non-linearity, IIoT.
among others. One of the major benefits of radio fingerprinting • We perform extensive experiments on a real-world LoRa-
based IDS is that it offers security without generating computa- enabled IIoT Deployment dataset [19]. The results show that
tional overhead on the IIoT devices. This primarily motivates us to Hawk achieves the highest detection accuracy of 97.36%
design an IDS by leveraging radio fingerprinting in LoRa-enabled while enjoying the least system complexity and the lowest
IIoT. training time (27 min).
In recent years, several intrusion detection schemes were pro-
posed [8,9] by leveraging radio fingerprinting in IIoT. It is worth Organization. We organize the rest of the paper as follows.
noting that designed IIoT devices have a well-defined and stable Section 2 reviews the related work. In Section 3, we present the
radio signature. However, the features of radio signature change system model. Section 4 describes the detail design of Hawk. In
significantly when an IIoT device is compromised [10,11]. There- Section 5, we evaluate the performance of Hawk and compare
fore, extracting the feature is the most critical aspect of radio them to the state-of-the-art. Finally, Section 6 concludes this
fingerprinting based intrusion detection. Recently, several hand- work.
crafted features have been assumed, including IQ imbalance [12,
13], time–frequency statistics [14,15], amplifier non-linear char- 2. Related work
acteristics [16,17] and CFO [18,19], while designing intrusion
detection scheme. However, most of these schemes exhibit a high Nowadays, there has been a substantial increase in interest
false alarm rate and often need manual modification [20], making among the researchers in the design of IDS tailored particularly
it unsuitable in practice. Further, training a model characterizing for the IIoT networks. We present here some works more relevant
normal device (we use device and IIoT device interchangeably) in our context.
Machine Learning-based IDS. In the recent past, significant
behavior is aggravated in the IIoT setting as there are hundreds
achievements have been made in cyberattack detection by de-
of IIoT devices, which makes it challenging to detect anomalous
signing numerous approaches using radio fingerprinting coupled
behavior that deviates from normal behavior. In this context, we
with ML. For example, many radio fingerprinting based intru-
argue that Federated Learning (FL) [21,22] is a suitable tool for
sion detection schemes [7,18,29] have been proposed using Sup-
distributed training of Machine Learning (ML) model and subse-
port Vector Machine (SVM). To fingerprint LoRa devices, a novel
quent detection of anomalous behavior. In FL, every local node
method has been introduced in [7]. They used SVM to uniquely
uses its locally collected data to train a local model and sends the
distinguish devices by analyzing their radio signals. The experi-
local model to a central aggregator node. The central aggregator
mental results reveal that the proposed method achieves signifi-
node aggregates the received local models into a global model
cant classification accuracy. To detect malicious application(s) or
using a federated average algorithm, and then transmits back the malware within an IoT environment, a threat hunting model has
global model to the local nodes. As the local node does not send been designed using multikernel SVM in [29]. The authors use
raw data to the central aggregator node, FL gives us significant a meta-heuristic feature selection technique to extract optimum
privacy benefit [23]. This is specifically critical in IIoT if behavioral features and minimize computational overhead. Wang et al. [18]
data of IIoT devices are compromised, adversaries can profile the proposed SLoRa, a lightweight benign device detection scheme.
production and operational related data of the manufacturing SLoRa uses two radio fingerprinting features, i.e., CFO and link
company, hence potentially violating privacy. Further, we can signature, to identify a benign device. To improve the intrusion
quickly generate an accurate model using FL even for IIoT devices detection performance, SLoRa extracts the two features using
that usually generate data infrequently as central aggregator node SVM model. A novel device fingerprinting technique has been
aggregates locally trained models. designed to identify LoRa devices in [19,37] by exploiting spectro-
Contributions. In this paper, we present Hawk, a distributed gram and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Even though the
IDS for detecting compromised devices in LoRa-enabled IIoT. It proposed ML based IDSs have shown improvement in detection
uses a novel device-type specific radio fingerprint to achieve ac- accuracy, they are limited in application due to the lack of labeled
curate detection of adversaries. Particularly, Hawk exploits hard- training data. Further, the proposed SVM-based approaches have
ware imperfections of IIoT devices, where signals sent by such poor performance for data with class imbalance.
hardware produce offset in frequency at the receiver and measure To detect intrusion in IIoT, Huong et al. [34] designed an
fine-grained CFOs of transmitting devices, which are then used to anomaly detection technique based on FL architecture. The pro-
fingerprint the devices. The rationale behind CFO is that it is more posed technique uses a hybrid model, a combination of Varia-
reliant on the hardware behavior than channel behavior [24], tional Autoencoder (VAE) and Long–Short Term Memory (LSTM),
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

Table 1
Comparing the existing IDS approaches.
IDS approaches Feature extraction method Impersonation detection High accuracy Robust detection Task agnostic
Rule-based Preconfigured fix rules [25,26] ✕ ✓ ✕ ✕
Payload statistic [27,28] ✓ ✓ ✕ ✓
Packet level Packet header fields [21,29,30] ✓ ✓ ✕ ✓
Context statistic [31–33] ✓ ✓ ✕ ✕
Flow level statistic [34–36] ✓ ✕ ✕ ✕
Flow level Frequency domain features [18,37] ✓ ✓ ✕ ✕
Hawk ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

to improve detection accuracy. Further, to reduce computational used to generate traffic signature and subsequent device finger-
complexity, they determined an optimized threshold using Kernel printing in [28]. The experimental results show that the proposed
Quantile Estimator. Similar to [34], Lin et al. [36] proposed an approach improves the detection accuracy significantly.
anomaly detection technique based on VAE-LSTM hybrid model. Other Approaches. Many novel security mechanisms have
One of the advantages of using hybrid model is that several types been proposed for IIoT network in the recent past. For example,
of anomalies that might span over multiple time scales can be de- Shen et al. [39] proposed an IDS for malware detection in fog-
tected efficiently. Ahn et al. [31] designed Hawknet, a lightweight cloud-based IoT networks. They further designed a multistage
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based distributed IDS. Hawknet privacy-preserved game for malware detection by leveraging sig-
leverages network behavior context for detecting attacks on IoT naling game. To reduce false alarm and power consumption, Liu
devices. In [32], Zhu et al. proposed a malicious packet detec- et al. [40] designed two-layer gateway-enabled IDSs for sensor-
tion technique by leveraging packet context profile. Particularly, cloud computing scenario. They further designed a game theo-
the proposed system trained a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) retic method to solve the cooperative defense decision-making
model using the header field information of the inter- and intra- problem among IDSs. Similar to [40], a signaling game model
packet contexts. Cui et al. [33] proposed a differentially private has been developed for predicting the probability of IoT malware
decentralized and asynchronous FL model using a modified gen- dissemination in [41]. Recently, Cheng et al. [42] designed an
erative adversarial net. They also integrated blockchain with the active defense control method for the stability of switched hy-
proposed model and designed a decentralized anomaly detection brid power system using Lie-algebraic method under DoS attack
method, in which the global aggregation of FL is attained by the scenario. In [43], authors designed a virtual network embedding
consensus of blockchain. algorithm for the security of IIoT nodes by leveraging resource
Traffic Classification. The number of analyses on the IIoT knowledge description and deep reinforcement learning. Particu-
fingerprinting through network traffic has been increasing every larly, the proposed algorithm utilises social attribute perception
day. Several studies have examined the device-type identification to guarantee the security of nodes and utilises resource knowl-
problem [21,27,30] through network traffic. To improve anomaly edge description to optimize resource overhead. Qu et al. [44]
detection in network traffic, Yan et al. [8] proposed a hinge proposed a blockchain-assisted adaptive asynchronous FL model
for privacy-preserving and decentralized digital twin networks.
classification algorithm based on mini-batch gradient descent.
They used an improved Markov decision process during global
The experimental results show that the proposed solution im-
model aggregation. For secure data sharing, Shen et al. [45] in-
proved the training efficiency and accuracy of the model. In [21],
troduced an evolutionary privacy preservation learning technique
the authors introduced DIOT, a self-learning anomaly detection
in an edge-enabled IoT network. They also developed optimal
system for detecting compromised IoT devices through network
privacy preservation strategies to protect node privacy.
traffic analysis. DIOT learns anomaly detection models using FL.
Difference from existing works. Our work differs from the
Dong et al. [30] examined the privacy leakage issue by evaluating
aforementioned works in several ways. First, we use CFO as a
network traffic in complex and realistic IoT networks. The re-
device-type specific radio fingerprint to identify a specific benign
sult reveals that by utilizing the temporal relationships between
device. Second, our designed IDS performs dynamic detection of
packets of individual devices, one can reliably identify the device.
any unknown cyberattacks that deviate from the normal behavior
Similar to [30], Perdisci et al. [27] designed IoTFinder, an IoT de-
of the IIoT device, as it only models normal network traffic. Third,
vice identification system by fingerprinting DNS traffic. IoTFinder we use GRU, which can be learned utilizing a small amount
leverages an ML approach to improve the identification accuracy. of training data, allowing Hawk to be trained faster, and work
Unlike earlier works, as a promising security approach, traditional in almost real-time anomaly detection in live network traffic.
fixed rule based method has been developed for malicious traffic Last but not the least, we perform experiments on real-world
detection in [25,26]. Although traditional fixed rule based meth- Deployment dataset collected using LoRa devices, whereas, most
ods can achieve high accuracy, they are computationally intensive of the previous works used non-LoRa devices. Table 1 summarizes
for resource-constraint IIoT devices. and compares rule-based and typical ML based IDS approaches,
Meanwhile, several approaches have been proposed for im- including our proposed, Hawk. In Table 1, by robust detection, we
proving the security of IIoT [9,35,38]. Particularly, Abdel-Basset mean that an IDS can detect various active attacks on the avail-
et al. [9] designed a deep learning model to identify intrusions ability (e.g., DoS attacks) and integrity (e.g., false data injection
from network traffic. The model learns the local representa- attack) [18]. Whereas, by high accuracy, we mean that an IDS
tions of network traffic using Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs). Lu achieves detection accuracy of over 85% [46].
et al. [38] introduced a deep belief network based cyberattack
detection scheme for industrial system. They used an evolution- 3. System overview
ary algorithm to automatically tune the adjustable parameters
of the deep belief network. The authors in [35] designed a deep This section briefly discusses the models used in Hawk. Par-
anomaly detection framework by exploiting FL. They used CNN ticularly, Section 3.1 presents the system model. Section 3.2 in-
to capture fine-grained features from network traffic. To reduce troduces the threat model. We then present a brief discussion on
the communication overhead, they also proposed a gradient com- the GRU model in Section 3.3. Finally, in Section 3.4, we present
pression mechanism. A locality-sensitive hash function has been the assumptions.
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

2. Remote Security Service. It aggregates the device-type

specific anomaly detection model trained by the local secu-
rity service in the system. In Hawk, remote security service
can be a service provider, e.g., Google, Microsoft, Amazon.
Once a new device is found in the local network, the lo-
cal security service identifies its device-type specific radio
fingerprint and retrieves the subsequent anomaly detection
model for this specific device from the remote security ser-
vice. Additionally, the remote security service aggregates
and updates the device-type specific radio fingerprinting
anomaly detection models provided by the local security

During the operation of Hawk, we train the anomaly detection

model iteratively to gradually improve the accuracy of the detec-
tion model, as additional training data become available. We can
perform this repetitive training procedure either regularly or until
the global detection model attains a certain level of convergence,
e.g., the detection model does not improve considerably anymore.
We discuss more details about the FL approach in Section 4.4.

3.2. Threat model

The primary goal of Hawk is to detect attacks on IIoT devices

so that the incident response team can take suitable counter-
measure, e.g., by thwarting the targeted devices from being com-
promised or separating compromised devices from the rest of
the network. This work assumes an attacker (insider or outsider)
capable of inserting spoofed devices into a LoRa-enabled IIoT
infrastructure. The illegitimate devices spoof real IIoT devices and
try to gain access to restricted services of the network and per-
Fig. 1. The Hawk system model. form malicious activities [47]. These malicious activities may in-
clude: (1) compromising the functionality of the system (e.g., DoS
attacks), (2) injecting false physical measurements (e.g., replay
3.1. System model attack), and (3) building the conditions to facilitate new types
of attacks in the future. In a typical attack scenario in LoRa-
This work assumes a smart manufacturing environment, where enabled IIoT, a legitimate device transmits the sensed data to the
hundreds of heterogeneous devices are connected through a LoRa local security service. Instantly, two time windows are set at the
network, as shown in Fig. 1. Hawk is based on training a model device end to receive an acknowledgment from the local security
with CFOs in a device’s communication flows and identifying service. During this procedure, an active attacker who has a prior
abnormal CFOs caused by the adversary that are inconsistent with knowledge of the LoRa communication protocol and the legiti-
the normal communications of the device in question. We use an mate device, e.g., carrier frequency and coding strategy, can infer
FL approach to train the model for anomaly detection. The Hawk communication by leveraging an omnidirectional antenna [48].
system comprises of two main modules, namely, local security An attacker then utilises a directional antenna for impersonating
service and remote security service. To adopt the FL approach, the a trusted device to send false data packets, e.g., spoofing data,
local security service locally trains the anomaly detection model, DoS command. Once the local security service accepts the DoS
which it sends to the remote security service, who aggregates command or spoofing data from the impersonating device, it
them to a global detection model and disseminates this global ultimately results in unauthorized access to legitimate devices.
detection model back to the local security service. Since both the We assume that Hawk does not have any prior knowledge of
local security service and remote security service perform several threats. We do not assume insiders that have access and can com-
crucial functionalities in the FL approach, any change in their
promise real devices used in the network. However, we consider
location has serious consequences on the performance of Hawk.
that attackers use spoofed devices that imitate real IIoT system
Hence, we assume that both the modules are static in Hawk. The
operations to gain access to the network.
major functionalities of the two modules are as follows.

1. Local Security Service. It monitors the devices and per- 3.3. Gated recurrent units
forms anomaly detection to identify compromised devices
and impersonation attacks in the network. In Hawk, the This section presents an overview of the deep ML model used
local security service acts as a local access point to the in Hawk. As mentioned earlier, we use an FL algorithm, which is
Internet, to which the devices are connected through the generally used in models based on stochastic gradient descent to
LoRa network. It consists of an anomaly detection compo- train Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) [49]. Since network traffic is
nent. In Hawk, once a new device is connected to the net- a time series data in IIoT, DNNs are unable to simulate changes
work, the local security service obtains a radio fingerprint in time series. To deal with this issue, we use GRU, a variation
to uniquely identify the device. The anomaly detection of RNNs, as our training model for the FL algorithm. GRU model
component observes the communication of devices and has several advantages, (i) requires few parameters to train, (ii)
detects any deviation in normal communication behavior computationally inexpensive and (iii) needs less time to train.
that is potentially caused by an adversary. However, there are a few limitations in the GRU model, e.g., poor
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

discusses the CFO estimation procedure adapted in Hawk. Sec-

tion 4.3 presents our model training approach. We describe the
device enrollment and authentication procedures in Section 4.4.
Finally, we illustrate the anomaly detection approach in Sec-
tion 4.5.

4.1. Hawk in a nutshell

Hawk is an anomaly detection system that monitors the CFOs

of devices, and validates whether there is any significant devia-
tion in them. Our proposed system involves three stages, namely,
training, enrollment and authentication. In the training stage,
Hawk trains the FL model using a large number of labeled pack-
ets, which are collected from numerous training devices (see
Section 4.3). In the enrollment stage, the authorized devices are
needed to send several packets for enrollment before joining the
Fig. 2. Illustration of GRU model. network (see Section 4.4). Hawk first preprocesses these enroll-
ment packets. Then, the fingerprints are extracted and stored in
a database located in the local security service. Finally, in the
optimization of initial weights and convergence speed. We argue authentication stage, Hawk first checks the extracted fingerprint
that parameter optimization method using genetic algorithm has with the FL model. Once a device is successfully authenticated,
a great potential to improve the initial weight optimization and it is allowed administrative access to the network, otherwise,
convergence speed of the GRU model. Note that the parameter declared as a malicious device (see Section 4.5).
optimization in GRU model is beyond the scope of this paper. In LoRa-enabled IIoT, each device generally has its own quartz
The architecture of GRUs typically consists of two gates, reset crystal clock. Due to variations in the clock’s hardware crystal,
and update, as shown in Fig. 2 [50]. Gate monitors the traffic devices have an inherent drift in frequency value. Therefore,
flow and controls the learning process, which allows the network the receiving device performs down-conversion with a different
to understand from long-term dependencies. In GRU model, the frequency than the up-conversion at the transmitting device,
required parameters are determined as follows: resulting in CFO of the signals, which is unique for a specific
device. Hawk leverages this uniqueness and trains the model
rt = σ (wr · [ht −1 , xt ]) , (1) without the need to manually label the communication patterns
of a particular device. Since IIoT devices are usually single purpose
zt = σ (wz · [ht −1 , xt ]) , (2) with only a few distinct functions, their communication behavior
models are quite static and limited, allowing the model to pre-
ĥt = tanh (wh · [rt × ht −1 , xt ]) , (3) cisely capture all possible normal CFO behaviors of a specific IIoT
device-type. Hence, the model trained in Hawk is less prone to
ht = (1 − zt ) × ht −1 + zt × ĥt , (4) triggering false alarms. Further, this approach can reliably map
where x is the input, h is the output, σ is a sigmoid function, IIoT devices to a device-type specific model of normal behavior
w is the weight matrix and ĥ is the candidate output, which is that Hawk uses to effectively detect anomalous devices. Hawk
created by tanh layer. In the above equations, the subscript t uses an FL approach to implement the distributed learning of
and t − 1 signifies the present timestamp and last timestamp, models from various devices. In Hawk, the successful detection
respectively. In Eqs. (1) and (2), both rt and zt are representing of an adversary depends on the fine-grain estimation of CFO. Es-
the result of the sigmoid layer. However, rt defines how to merge timating fine-grained CFOs is challenging, as there are two main
new input information with earlier memory, whereas zt describes factors affecting the frequency of a quartz crystal clock, i.e., noise
how much of the earlier information requires to be conserved at and drift (e.g., ageing and temperature) [52]. To compensate the
the present timestamp. noise and drift, similar to [18], we follow an adaptive CFO update
approach as described in Section 5.1.2.
3.4. Assumption
4.2. IIoT device’s radio fingerprinting features
In this work, we assume that an adversary can compromise
one or more devices in different local networks under a local In the recent past, several approaches [53,54] have been pro-
security service. We also assume that a compromised device posed for intrusion detection in IIoT using radar, vision, sound
can inject arbitrary traffic in the LoRa network. Furthermore, and radio signals. However, due to the advent of noiseless IIoT
we assume that an adversary has complete knowledge of the devices, the sound based approaches are often unable to detect
operations and parameters of the Hawk. However, an adversary intruders. Additionally, environment and lights have a significant
cannot compromise Hawk. As the local security service is the effect on visual based approaches. These motivate us to use a
device implementing security in the smart manufacturing envi- radio signal based approach as a feasible technique to authenti-
ronment, we assume that an adversary cannot compromise the cate devices in LoRa-enabled IIoT. LoRa-enabled IIoT device uses
local security service. We also consider that Hawk uses a defense Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) modulation in physical layer, which
mechanism against the label leakage risk in the FL approach [51]. employs linear chirps for communication. Note that the frequency
increases or decreases linearly with time in CSS modulation. In
4. Hawk design Hawk, we utilise the preamble part of LoRa packets to obtain fine-
grain CFO estimation. Let u[nTs ] and y[nTs ] be the transmitted
This section presents the technical details of Hawk. In par- baseband signal and the received baseband signal in digital form,
ticular, Section 4.1 presents an overview of Hawk. Section 4.2 respectively, where n is the number of samples and Ts is the
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

sampling interval. We can mathematically express the basic chirp FL approach is that it is a privacy-preserving and communication
of y[nTs ] as: efficient approach. Most importantly, in FL, devices use their data
to perform local model training and share local model updates
y[nTs ] = u[nTs ]ej2π ftx t e−j2π frx nTs = u[nTs ]ej2π ∆fnTs ,
with a centralized entity, which aggregates them, thereby pre-
where ftx and frx are the carrier frequencies of transmitting and serving privacy. Further, in smart manufacturing scenarios, the
receiving IIoT devices, respectively, and ∆f = ftx −frx is the CFO. In FL approach is suitable as: (i) data is highly distributed in nature,
LoRa, the ideal instantaneous frequency of baseband signal u[nTs ] and (ii) different LoRa-enabled IIoT networks contribute distinct
increases linearly from − 2B to 2B due to CSS modulation, where B amounts of data. Note that the availability of training data at
is the channel bandwidth. However, in presence of ∆f , the actual every local security service depends on the duration that a device
instantaneous frequency of u[nTs ], f [nTs ] become: has been in the network, and the number of interactions be-
B B tween the device and local security service, which varies among
f [nTs ] = − nTs ,
+ ∆f + networks.
2 T
Fig. 3 illustrates the FL process used in Hawk. In Step ➊, each
where T is the symbol duration. Due to linearity of f [nTs ], our local security service having connected devices of a specific type
course-grain estimation of ∆f is as follows: receives a detection profile for this type from the remote security
L−1 L−1 service. So, the remote security service sends the initial GRU
1∑ 1∑
∆fcg = f [nTs ] = f [nTs ], (5) model to the local security service. At the beginning of Hawk,
L L initial GRU model is random, otherwise it is already trained via
n=0 n=0
numerous rounds of the following process. In Step ➋, the local
where L is the symbol length, which is defined as:
security service trains the local GRU model using individual CFO
T 2α of the device. Once the training is completed, the local security
L= = ,
Ts BTs service generates the local GRU model parameter updates, and
where α is the spreading factor (7 ≤ α ≤ 12). Based on the send them to the remote security service in Step ➌. In Step ➍,
estimated ∆fcg , we can derive the compensated baseband signal the remote security service aggregates all the received local GRU
as follows: models to enhance the global GRU model, following the process
as defined in Definition 1. Finally, in Step ➎, the remote security
y′ [nTs ] = y[nTs ]e−j2π ∆fcg t = y[nTs ]e−j2π ∆fcg nTs . (6) service sends the updated global GRU model to the local security
service. The local security service then used the updated global
Note that the estimated ∆fcg in Eq. (5) contains residual fre-
GRU model to detect anomaly.
quency offset, which must be derived to achieve fine-grain CFO.
We employ the repeating property of preambles [37] to deter-
mine fine-grain CFO, ∆ffg . Based on the repeating property of Definition 1 (Global Model Aggregation). Given m participating
preambles, we estimate ∆ffg as: devices with their associated model weights ω1 , . . . , ωm trained
( L−1 ) by the corresponding number of CFO samples ∆ˆ f1 , . . . , ∆ˆ
fm . We
1 ∑ define the global model G, which aggregates the local models as
∆ffg = − ̸ y [nTs ] · y [(n + L)Ts ] ,

(7) follows:
2π Ts L
n=0 m
∑ ∆ˆfi
where ̸ · provides the angle of the variable and (·)∗ signifies con- G= ωi ,
jugation. We note that the estimation of ∆ffg in Eq. (7) becomes ∆ˆ
more accurate by taking the average among all the upchirps in ∑m
where ∆ˆ
fac = ∆ˆ
fi .
the preamble. Since the phase of a signal can range from −π to i=1

π , the range of ∆ffg can be estimated using Eq. (7) as follows: FL Training. To train our GRU model, we propose a training
π B algorithm using FL. In Algorithm 1, m is the number of par-
|∆ffg | < = . ticipating devices, nTs is the data samples, Y is the dataset of
2π Ts L 2α+1
devices and G is the trained global model. At the initializing
It is worth mentioning that during LoRa transmission in a typical phase, the model parameters start to get initialized. During this
setting of α = 7 and B = 125 kHz, the frequency drift of the os- phase, both global and local models parameters are initialized
cillator is within ±488.3 Hz [37]. In contrast, the frequency drift to use them in the training procedure. The primary objective of
of the oscillator becomes nearly 8.68 kHZ for a carrier frequency our proposed algorithm is to find a global GRU model based on
of 868 MHz [55], which is significantly higher than 488.3 Hz. local models trained at the local security service. This reduces
Considering this oscillator behavior, we must use coarse-grain the communication overheads by limiting unnecessary sending of
estimation before fine-grain estimation to reduce the residual the number of updates to the local security Service. In Hawk, the
offset. Therefore, using Eqs. (5) and (7), our overall estimated CFO training only needs to be performed once as the trained model
is: can extract the unique fingerprint from newly joined (out-of-
f = ∆fcg + ∆ffg library) devices. The training devices are not essentially the same
( L−1 ) devices as the ones for enrollment and authentication.
1∑ 1 ∑
= f [nTs ] − ̸ y [nTs ] · y [(n + L)Ts ] .

L 2 π Ts L 4.4. Enrollment and authentication
n=0 n=0

4.3. Model training approach The authorized devices need to send several packets for en-
rollment before joining the network. Hawk first preprocesses
We train the GRU model using signals collected at local se- these enrollment packets. Then the fingerprints are extracted and
curity service, by monitoring devices within a LoRa-enabled IIoT stored in a database located in the local security service. The
network. Specifically, each local security service monitors the enrollment procedure can be considered as the training phase
devices to training device-type anomaly detection model. We use of the GRU model, which basically learns all the training sam-
FL to achieve distributed learning of models. The rationale behind ples. Different from deep learning, GRU is computationally less
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

Fig. 3. Overview of federated learning approach.

intensive, which is necessary to significantly reduce the over- RNN methods. Finally, we evaluate the sequence of probability
all computational complexity. For example, Hawk collects 1000 estimates, i.e., p1 , p2 , . . . , pk to determine potential anomalies.
packets from each device for enrollment (see Section 5.1.3). Specifically, if the occurrence probability pk of ∆ˆ fk falls below
In Hawk, authentication procedure consists of two parts, a detection threshold, we conclude that the CFO sequence is
namely, anomaly detection and device-type classification. The deemed anomalous and an alarm is generated.
anomaly detection decides whether the device is authorized Detection Process. As mentioned earlier, our intrusion de-
(previously enrolled) or not. We describe the anomaly detection tection approach is based on estimating the anomaly occur-
in the next section, i.e., Section 4.5. In contrast, the device- rence probability by observing an individual signal given the
type classification further determines its type. Once a device is batch of received signals. The motivation behind this approach
is the recent observation in the work [37] that LoRa-enabled
successfully authenticated, it is allowed administrative access to
IIoT device communications follow specific characteristic pat-
the network (or, local security service).
terns. Communication signal generated by adversary or IIoT mal-
ware, however, does not follow these patterns and can hence
4.5. Anomaly detection be detected. In Hawk, the detection model first calculates an
occurrence probability pk of ∆ˆ fk given the batches of N signals
By determining ∆ˆ f from observation of carrier frequencies, ⟨∆ˆfk−N , ∆ˆ
fk−(N −1) , . . . , ∆ˆ
fk−1 ⟩ as follows:
we can fingerprint transmitter devices. We exploit this in de-
pk = P ∆ˆ fk−N , ∆ˆ
fk |⟨∆ˆ fk−(N −1) , . . . , ∆ˆ
fk−1 ⟩ .
( )
signing Hawk, a CFO-based IDS for LoRa-enabled IIoT. To de- (9)
termine anomaly in ∆ˆ f , we process signals in batches of N In Eq. (9), parameter N is a property of the used GRU model and
(e.g., 10) and compute the CFO in the kth signal using Eq. (8) as signifies the length of the history, i.e., the number of CFOs that the
∆ˆfk−N , ∆ˆfk−(N −1) , . . . , ∆ˆ
fk−1 . We then pre-trained a model using GRU model considers while calculating the probability estimate.
GRU. Particularly, the GRU model calculates a probability estimate To detect an intrusion and subsequent generation of an alarm, we
pk for each CFO ∆ˆ fk based on the batch of N signals following define the anomalous signals as follows.
the approach as demonstrated in [21]. Note that GRU is a novel
method to RNNs, presently being a topic of significant research Definition 2 (Anomalous Signals). Baseband signal yk [nTs ] mapped
interest. The rationale behind using GRU is that it is compu- to CFO ∆ˆfk is anomalous, if its occurrence probability pk is below
tationally less intensive and provides similar accuracy as other a detection threshold δ , i.e., pk < δ .
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

Algorithm 1: Model Training using FL model model for all N devices based on CFO, ˆ fk . We then estimate the
occurrence probability pk and anomaly generating threshold γ
INPUT: Pre-trained and device’s data
during the classification stage. Finally, we generate an intrusion
OUTPUT: Global model
alarm once the fraction of anomalous signals in Y is more than
an anomaly generating threshold γ .
1: Pre-trained model → Federated server
{// Global model at server}
5. Experimental evaluation
2: Parameter = Federated server (m, nTs , Y , G)
{// Determine parameter values at server}
This section first introduces the implementation of Hawk,
3: Global model = Set (w, F , m)
followed by the detailed performance evaluation. Specifically,
4: Local model = Global model (Set (parameters))
Section 5.1 presents the experimental setup and dataset used to
{// Model sends from server to client and training begins}
evaluate the performance of the baseline schemes. Section 5.2
introduces the evaluation metrics, followed by the FL setup in
5: Federated server = Get (Global model)
Section 5.3. We discuss the experimental results of Hawk in
6: Federated server → Send (Local model)
Section 5.4. Finally, we present the comparative experimental
{// Local model sends from server to client}
results in Section 5.5.
7: for i = 1 to m do
8: Each IIoT device = Train (Local model)
5.1. Experimental setup and dataset
{// Find and set model parameters at client}
9: return Local model parameters
We conduct an experiment on Ubuntu 18.04 with 16 GB RAM
{// Client to server}
in a Dell Latitude 5310 laptop with Intel Core i7 processor running
10: end for
at 4.9 GHz. To improve the reliability of experimental results,
11: return Updated model parameters
we repeated our experiments ten times. We conduct extensive
{// At server}
experiments and the data points in the plots are derived by
averaging the results of 50 independent runs.

Algorithm 2: Anomaly detection 5.1.1. Dataset

INPUT: Y , G, F , γ To measure the performance, we used a real-world Deploy-
OUTPUT: Intrusion alarm ment dataset [19], which was generated from 60 LoRa-enabled
IIoT devices of four models. Table 2 presents the detailed in-
1: for k = 1 to N do formation about the four device models. The data collection for
2: Calculate pk each device was performed for around 1 h and repeated for four
fk ∈F |pk <δ}|
3: if N
> γ then consecutive days. For each device, 3000 packets were collected
4: return Intrusion by setting the transmission interval as 1 s in an indoor environ-
5: else ment with LOS between the device and the receiver. During data
6: return ¬ Intrusion collection, the receiver (i.e., local security service) was a USRP
7: end if N210 Software Defined Radio (SDR) and configured with α = 7,
8: end for B = 125 kHz, carrier frequency 868.1 MHz and sampling rate
1 MS/s. The Deployment dataset contains 26 sub-datasets, each
of which is an Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5) file.
Each HDF5 file consists of a number of LoRa packets (IQ samples
We conducted an extensive experimental analysis of the prob- of preamble part) and respective device indexes. The preamble
ability estimates given by device-type specific detection models part of LoRa signals in the dataset contains 8192 IQ samples. To
for both malicious and benign traffic for the datasets illustrated avoid the processing of complex numbers by the FL model, IQ data
in Section 5. We found that δ = 0.014 provides a significant samples have been divided into I (real part) and Q (imaginary
difference between benign and malicious traffic for IIoT devices. part) branches. Hence, the input dimension of the FL model in
This motivates us to set δ = 0.014 for distinguishing benign Hawk is 2 × 8192. We present the structure of the raw HDF5
and malicious traffic in our work. Note that triggering an alarm dataset in Fig. 4. Note that the LoRa frame begins with preamble
signal each time a malicious signal is monitored would lead to comprising of 8 standard upchirps.
several false positive detections. The increase in false positive
detections will further intensify as a benign signal might contain 5.1.2. Feature selection
noise that is not included by the GRU model, resulting in low To perform classification experiments, Hawk leverages a phys-
occurrence probability estimation. Therefore, to avoid triggering ical layer feature, i.e., CFO. To estimate the fine-grain CFO from IQ
a false alarm, Hawk generates an alarm signal only in the case samples in the Deployment dataset, we used Eq. (8) and follow
where a significant number of signals in a batch of consecu- the same procedure as proposed in [13]. While mapping CFOs
tive signals are anomalous. We define the anomaly triggering corresponding to the 60 unique devices, we follow the approach
condition as follows. used in [21]. To reduce the channel effect and to ensure efficient
measurement of CFO variations, each device is connected with
Definition 3 (Anomaly Triggering Condition). Given a batch of N the USRP N210 SDR receiver by a 40 dB attenuator. Note that
consecutive signals Y = (y1 [nTs ], . . . , yN [nTs ]) and their corre- CFO experience variations due to noise and drift. Therefore, dif-
sponding CFOs F = (∆ˆ f1 , . . . , ∆ˆ fN ), we generate an alarm signal, ferentiating the drift in CFO measurement between an anomaly
if the fraction of anomalous signals in Y is more than an anomaly and benign that the model needs update is a significant chal-
|{∆ˆfk ∈F |pk <δ}| lenge. To overcome this challenge, we used an update strategy
generating threshold γ , i.e., N
> γ.
to accommodate the legitimate changes in CFO. Particularly, we
We propose an intrusion detection approach in Algorithm 2 set a history of M recently measured CFOs between the local
to identify anomaly by the RNN classifier. We initially build a security service and ith device, denoted as Ci . Let fi denotes the
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

LoRa+Link signature. Wang et al. [18] used link signature

for fingerprinting devices. Link signature has been extensively
utilised as another fingerprint for intrusion detection in wireless
network. They used SVM model for anomaly detection. While
implementing, we first train the SVM model, which involves
determining a special matrix based on the CFO of a transmitting
device extracted from the Deployment dataset. We used the same
procedure to calculate the special matrix as described in [18]. If
the CFO derived by the SVM model using the pair of a received
frame’s slope gradient and truncation rate is equals to the directly
measured CFO, we consider the corresponding transmitting de-
vice is legitimate. Unless specified otherwise, we use the same
parameter values during the experimentation as mentioned in
Section 5.1.3.
Hybrid model. Huong et al. [34] used a hybrid VAE-LSTM
model for anomaly detection in smart manufacturing. Since VAE-
LSTM model follows unsupervised learning and requires no la-
beled data, the proposed scheme is efficient for detecting a new
anomaly. While implementing, we consider the Hybrid model
consisting of four hidden layers formed of Linear with ReLU
Fig. 4. Overview of dataset structure.
activation followed by fully-connected and sigmoid activation in
the out layer. The model parameters used in the experimentation
are: neurons unit for layers as 128/64/32/8 and batch size as 32.
Table 2
LoRa device information. We assume that a test input sample is malicious if it exceeds
Device index Model Chipset
the threshold 0.25, which is calculated using the Kernel Quantile
Estimator method. Unless specified otherwise, we use the same
D1-D45 Pycom LoPy4 SX1276
D46-D50 mbed SX1261 shield SX1261 parameter values during the experimentation as mentioned in
D51-D55 Pycom FiPy SX1272 Section 5.1.3.
D56-D60 Dragino SX1276 shield SX1276
5.2. Evaluation metrics

initial measured CFO based on the signal frequency conveyed To assess the performance of all the three schemes, we com-
pare the performance of the trained model predictions with real
from ith device, and Hawk obtains a device set according to the
labels based on the following metrics: True Positive (TP), False
comparison similarity as Ci−1 , Ci , Ci+1 . However, due to the noise
Positive (FP), True Negative (TN) and False Negative (FN). TP and
and drift, the carrier frequency in the crystal oscillator undergoes
TN denote the number of instances, where the ML model has
certain changes. Let us assume that the estimated CFO at the
predicted match with real labels. Whereas, FP and FN calculate
local security service side shifts to the next frequency fi+1 , corre-
the number of cases, where the ML model has predicted erro-
sponding to the (i + 1)-th device. In this case, device set becomes
neous values. Additionally, we measured Hawk and compared
Ci+1 , Ci−1 , Ci according to the CFO estimation. Combining these
the results against the baseline approaches using the following
two sets of CFO history, Hawk can still believe that the signal
is transmitted from ith device. To limit memory usage, Hawk
replaces the old CFO measurement with the newest measured • Accuracy. It is the ratio of the accurately classified samples
CFO. In our experiment, we set M = 32. by the model and the total input samples. It is computed as
5.1.3. Model training TP + TN
We trained our learning model using 1000 packets from each Accuracy =
TP + FP + TN + FN
of D1-D40 in the Deployment dataset augmented by multipath
effects. We used Adam as the model optimizer and set the initial • Precision. It denotes the percentage of traffic samples that
learning rate as 0.001. The learning rate decays every time the are classified by the model. It is the ratio of the accu-
validation loss does not decrease for 10 epochs with a drop factor rately predicted positive outcomes and the total number of
of 0.3. We chose the number of epochs that each IIoT device positive predictions. It is determined as follows:
trains its local model as 15 and set the number of communication TP
rounds between devices and local security service as 4. Hence, the Precision =
local models are trained with 60 epochs. We set the mini-batch
size to 32 and the L2 regularization factor as 0.0001. The model • Recall. It signifies the percentage of true positives precisely
training stops once the maximum 60 epochs are achieved. We im- categorized by the model. It is the ratio of the accurately
plemented the learning model using Keras. For device enrollment predicted positive outcomes and the total outcomes in a
before joining the system, we extracted 100 packets from each given class. It is derived as follows:
device. Additionally, we extracted 100 packets from each device TP
for authentication. In Hawk, the learning model only needs to be Recall =
trained once. However, enrollment and authentication have been TP + FN
performed several times to evaluate system performance. • F1-Score. It is the Harmonic mean of the precision and
recall. It is determined as follows:
5.1.4. Baseline schemes Precision × Recall
We compare Hawk with two baseline schemes: F 1 − Score = 2 ×
Precision + Recall
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

Fig. 5. The average CFO drifts over the four days.

In this work, we want to maximize Accuracy, as otherwise as discussed in Section 5.1.2. Interestingly, the plot shows that
Hawk becomes unusable, since the user will receive a significant the CFO drift for each of the device is unique and remains in
number of false alarms. We seek to maximize Precision, so that a particular range for a specific device-type. This signifies that
Hawk can detect as many attacks as possible. Hawk can use CFO drift to uniquely distinguish device-type.

5.3. FL setup 5.4.2. Efficiency of federated learning

In this section, we first study the appropriate value for the
We use PySyft deep learning framework for FL feature and anomaly triggering threshold γ . To perform this study, we con-
GRUs as our ML neural network. We further use PyTorch deep sider the trained model as described in Section 5.1.3, where
learning framework to implement the non-FL deep learning 1000 benign packets from each of D1-D40 were extracted from
framework. For chosen m number of devices, we generate virtual the Deployment dataset. Whereas we obtain 500 packets from
instances using PySyft, and to simulate the central FL server, we each of D46-D60 as malicious samples from the same dataset. To
create a dedicated instance to enable sharing of trained model chose a suitable value of γ , we perform a series of classification
parameters between the local FL model and the global FL server. experiments by varying γ and measure two vital metrics from the
Note that the local FL model for each device-type and the global Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, namely, the Area
FL server are trained in the local security service and remote Under the ROC (AUROC) and the Equal Error Rate (EER). Note that
security service, respectively. During FL implementation, we use the ROC curve plots True Positive Rate (TPR) against False Positive
Mini − Batch Aggregation [23] for the interaction between the
Rate (FPR). The value of AUROC signifies the area under the ROC
local and global FL models. In Mini − Batch Aggregation, a single
curve, and the bigger it is, the superior the system performance.
mini-batch of data is used to train the local model before sending
Whereas EER suggests a point in the ROC curve, where FPR is
the local model to the global server for aggregation. We set the
equal to (1-TPR) and the smaller it is, the superior is the system
local mini-batch size to 20. The local model then receives the new
performance. We calculate TPR and FPR using the Deployment
aggregated global model, with which the training can continue.
dataset for a fixed batch size of 32, where TPR = TPTP+FN
and FPR =
We repeated this process 60 epochs till the full training set is FP
achieved. In Hawk, ML model consists of six layers: an input layer, FP +TN
. Fig. 6 shows that AUROC is rapidly increasing initially
four hidden layers (contain 128 neurons each) and an output against γ . We notice that the AUROC plot is almost completely
layer. The size of the input layer is the same as the number of plateaued after γ = 0.48. This signifies that the classification
network traffic features in the training data. Note that we used result does not deviate after γ = 0.48. We measure the AUROC
one network traffic feature, i.e., CFO during model training. The and EER from the plot as 0.923 and 0.025, respectively. Thus, we
size of the output layer is the same as the number of classes of chose γ = 0.5. Following a similar approach, we determined
network traffic in the training data. δ = 0.014.
As mentioned earlier, FL is more privacy-preserving for users
5.4. Performance evaluation of Hawk as it does not require sharing its training data. Nevertheless,
this might result in a loss of accuracy of the developed model
In this section, we experimentally demonstrate the feasibility compared to training the model using a centralized approach. To
of adopting CFO in association with FL for detecting malicious measure this potential loss in accuracy, we trained three feder-
devices. ated models using the training datasets generated from D1-D55.
We divided the entire dataset among 45 (D1-D45), 5 (D46-D50)
5.4.1. CFO drift and 5 (D51-D55) devices and compared these with a model
We first measure the CFO drifts from the Deployment dataset trained using a centralized learning [36]. Table 3 shows the effec-
for devices D1∼D10 to notice how the CFO changes over the tiveness of using FL compared to centralized learning. We notice
four days. While plotting, we extract the CFO of the packets that centralized training provides slightly superior accuracy com-
gathered on the same day and determine the average value. pared to FL. We also notice that TPR is decreasing slowly with
Fig. 5 shows that the CFO drift remains relatively stable over the the increase of devices in FL. However, FPR is maintaining the
days. Although, in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b), D5, D9 and D10 exhibit same value 0.00% for both federated and centralized learning.
slight variation in the CFO drift, however this is reasonable as This slight drop in TPR for FL is not a concern, as sufficiently
the oscillator is temperature sensitive. To avoid any drift due to large packet batches would even generate an alarm for any attack
CFO variation, we use CFO update using the adaptive approach phase.
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

Table 3
Effectiveness of using federated learning over centralized approach.
Type Federated learning Centralize
D1-D45 devices D46-D50 devices D51-D55 devices learning

FPR 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

TPR 95.83% 95.62% 95.45% 96.14%

Fig. 7. ROC curve of malicious device detection.

Fig. 6. AUROC under varying γ and δ = 0.014.

5.4.3. Capability of malicious device detection

During evaluation, we are interested to investigate the per-
formance of malicious device detection under varying number
of training devices. Therefore, we consider that the system is
inaccessible for malicious devices during the training process. We
train two more models, namely, Model 2 and Model 3 in addition
to the model (henceforth, Model 1) described in Section 5.1.3.
We extract 1000 packets from each of D1-D20 and D1-D10 while
Fig. 8. Performance of fingerprint extractor.
training Model 2 and Model 3, respectively. To measure the per-
formance of all the three models under more realistic scenarios, it
is best to implement the malicious device with similar hardware
characteristics as the benign device. Hence, we particularly chose • Intruder Set 2 [Unknown Devices, same manufacturer].
D1-D40 as benign devices and D41-D45 as malicious devices, D41-D45 are devices with the same device model, i.e., Py-
which are all Pycom LoPy4 devices. Our identification dataset com LoPy4 but did not participate during our model train-
contains 500 packets from each of D1-D45 extracted from the ing. We utilised these devices to validate the performance
of our model on unknown malicious devices.
Deployment dataset. We plot the ROC curve in Fig. 7 to evaluate
the malicious device detection performance of Model 1, 2 and 3.
• Intruder Set 3 [Unknown Devices, distinct manufactur-
ers]. D46-D60 are devices produced by distinct manufac-
The plot exhibits that the AUROC and EER of Model 1 as 0.942
turers, whose hardware specifications are different from
and 0.031, respectively. Whereas we observe the AUROC and EER
training devices D1-D40. Detecting unknown malicious de-
of Model 2 as 0.926 and 0.054, respectively. Finally, we notice
vices from distinct manufactures is the most challenging
the worst results from Model 3, where the AUROC and EER of
scenario as it needs a significantly higher generalization
Model 3 are 0.906 and 0.127, respectively. These results validate
ability of the ML model.
the superior malicious device detection performance of Model
1. Thus, henceforth, by the performance of Hawk, we mean the The performance results of the malicious device detection by
performance of Model 1. the Models 1, 2 and 3 on the above three sets of malicious
device-types are exhibited in Fig. 8. We observe the superior per-
5.4.4. Capability of malicious device-type detection formance of Model 1. Particularly, the overall accuracy of Model 1
To achieve good system performance for detecting imperson- for detecting Intruder Set 1, 2 and 3 is 97.34%, 96.72% and 94.82%,
ating device, it is essential for Hawk to extract fingerprint from respectively. The plot reveals that Model 1, 2 and 3 perform
newly joined or previously unseen devices. In ML, the rule of exceptionally on Intruder Set 1 and 2. The accuracy of 96.72% for
thumb is that the more data for model training, the better gener- detecting D41-D45 signifies that Model 1 can efficiently extract
alization ability. We select three groups of devices for evaluating fingerprints from D41-D45 devices those ware absent during
the device-type detection performance as follows: training. However, we observe the degraded performance of all
three models while detecting Intruder Set 3. This is due to the
• Intruder Set 1 [Known Devices]. D1-D20 are devices present hardware specification of Intruder Set 3, i.e., D46-D60, which
during our model training. Thus, these devices are used to is significantly different from the training device model (Pycom
measure the performance of our training model on known LoPy4). In summary, we need to include more devices during
malicious devices, which already had access to the network training to achieve superior performance in case of unknown
but gets compromised. devices.
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

Fig. 9. Comparison of detection models based on the training dataset.

5.4.5. Efficiency and scalability of Hawk 5.5. Comparative performance evaluation

Conventional IDS utilises a single model while modeling le-
gitimate behavior, which eventually suffers from high FPR [21]. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed Hawk, we com-
This reality makes such IDS incompetent for real-world deploy- pare its performance against the recently introduced two
ments with several hundreds of different device-types. Hawk state-of-the-art realizations, LLink [18] and Hybrid [34] (see Sec-
does possess this limitation, since it uses a dedicated detection tion 5.1.4).
model for a specific device-type. Particularly, each of these mod-
els aims only on radio signature behavior, i.e., ∆ˆ f , of a single 5.5.1. Performance of models
device, resulting in more specific and precise behavioral models,
We use accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score to evaluate
independent of several device-types managed by the system. To
the performance of the various decision models. While measuring
determine the benefit of using a detection model as followed
the performance, we consider the three intruder set of devices
in Hawk compared to using a single model for all devices, we
as described in Section 5.4.4. The experimental results in Fig. 9
built a single model on the entire Deployment dataset utilizing
show that our proposed Hawk has the highest detection accuracy,
4-fold cross-validation and then determined detection accuracy.
precision, recall, and F1-score irrespective of the intruder sets.
The experimental results reveal that FPR increases from 0% to
0.56%, while TPR increases from 94.22% to 95.86%. About the performance of ML models, GRU outperforms SVM and
VAE-LSTM. Specifically, the classification performance of Hawk
5.4.6. Processing performance of GRU is 10%∼15% and 6%∼8% higher than LLink and Hybrid, respec-
This section measures the processing performance of GRU in tively, for Intruder Set 1. We also notice similar performance
absence of particular optimizations. We run our experiment on improvement in Hawk compared to LLink and Hybrid for both
a laptop as specified in Section 5.1. We observe that training a Intruder Set 2 and 3. This is because Hawk inherits the intrusion
model for one device takes an average of 118 min when con- detection advantages of GRU, which combines the advantages
sidering four day data in the Deployment dataset. We further of both spatial learning and sequential learning. The plots show
observe that average processing time per packet for prediction is that there is a significant performance gap between Hawk, LLink
around 1.362 ms. All these results indicate that model training is and Hybrid on the Intruder Set 3. It is due to the hardware
realistic to attain in real-life smart manufacturing scenario, since specifications of D46-D60 are significantly different from the
training will be performed gradually as data are gathered from training devices (LoPy4). We also notice that SVM and VAE-LSTM
the network over extended periods. exhibit comparable performance. It is because VAE-LSTM is more
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

Fig. 10. Detection accuracy under different number of IIoT devices. Fig. 11. Detection accuracy under varying communication round.

Table 4
time-consuming, as the gating mechanism it uses requires long- System complexity and required training time.
term computation. Moreover, SVM has lower performance than Scheme Storage space (kb) Amount of parameters Training time (min)
GRU and VAE-LSTM as it suffers from poor feature extraction Hawk 6,352 1,627,073 27
capability. LLink 10,244 3,354,719 46
Hybrid 15,018 5,283,557 94

5.5.2. The effect of number of IIoT devices on models

This section explores the impact of the number of devices
on the different ML models. We plot the classification accuracy The training time is another crucial parameter for measuring
in Fig. 10. The plot reveals that an increase in the number of the performance of a ML model. In Table 4, we notice that the
devices adversely affect the performance of LLink and Hybrid. GRU-based Hawk needs 27 mins for training, which is only a
The possible reason is that the increasing number of devices trisect of the VAE-LSTM-based Hybrid scheme. Further, Table 4
exhibits that GRU-based Hawk improves training time by 41.30%
bring more updated parameters, creating more overheads for the
compared to SVM-based LLink.
server to execute simultaneous model parameter aggregation.
Additionally, these overheads can influence the upload of critical 6. Conclusion
device parameters, decreasing the accuracy of the global model.
In contrast, Hawk determines γ and δ judiciously, which poten- This paper introduces Hawk, a distributed anomaly detection
tially reduces the number of participating devices. In this way, system that utilises CFO of radio signature to enable robust ma-
Hawk updates the ML model, ensuring model training reliability. licious device detection. The radio signature enables Hawk to
achieve both high detection accuracy and low system complex-
5.5.3. Communication efficiency ity. We design a novel technique by making full use of LoRa’s
This section measures the learning speed of the FL algorithm communication mechanism to estimate fine-grained CFOs for fin-
used in Hawk via communication rounds. We also compare the gerprinting device, which ensures robust detection and thwarts
classification accuracy of the learning algorithms used in LLink attackers from evading detection. Hawk then leverages the de-
rived fingerprints to construct a baseline of device’s normal CFO
and Hybrid under varying number of communication rounds
behavior using FL. Hawk learns anomaly detection models au-
and the same is plotted in Fig. 11. The plot shows that Hawk
tonomously using data captured by 60 LoRa devices of four mod-
achieves superior performance and quickest learning speed un-
els and a USRP N210 SDR as the receiver. Extensive experiments
der the same communication round. Alternatively, Hawk needs show that Hawk achieves better intrusion detection accuracy,
fewer communication rounds than LLink and Hybrid to achieve efficiency and robustness than two state-of-the-art realizations.
model convergence. In summary, Hawk improves the classifi- Particularly, Hawk achieves 97.46% accuracy and 98.27% precision
cation accuracy by 11.36% and 9.52% than LLink and Hybrid, using 6352 kb storage space and 27 min training time.
respectively. Due to the limited availability of suitable dataset on CFO for
LoRa-enabled IIoT, the performance of Hawk is measured using
5.5.4. System complexity and training time only the publicly available Deployment dataset. In future, we
This section measures the system complexity and time re- aim to setup a real-world experimental environment to measure
quired to train the ML models. To measure the system complexity, the performance of Hawk. We design Hawk to defend against
we use storage space and amount of parameters. Table 4 shows active attacks. The challenge of dealing with passive attacks,
that Hawk requires the least amount of parameters, and the e.g., eavesdropping, information leakage, remains an open prob-
trained ML model takes less storage space. Particularly, in Hawk, lem. We further plan to design a parameter optimization method
for improving our GRU model.
the trained ML model needs 37.98% and 57.70% less storage space
compared to LLink and Hybrid, respectively. Likewise, Hawk im- CRediT authorship contribution statement
proves the amount of parameters by 51.49% and 69.20% compared
to LLink and Hybrid, respectively. In summary, the results in- Subir Halder: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Funding ac-
dicate that radio fingerprint based system is less complex and quisition, Methodology, Software, Validation, Writing – original
requires few parameters, which ultimately helps to reduce the draft. Thomas Newe: Funding acquisition, Supervision, Writing –
authentication time of the IDS. reviewing and editing.
S. Halder and T. Newe Future Generation Computer Systems 143 (2023) 322–336

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[21] T.D. Nguyen, S. Marchal, M. Miettinen, H. Fereidooni, N. Asokan, A.-R.
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[22] V. Mothukuri, R.M. Parizi, S. Pouriyeh, Y. Huang, A. Dehghantanha, G.
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Gener. Comput. Syst. 115 (2021) 619–640.
Acknowledgments [23] V. Rey, P.M.S. Sánchez, A.H. Celdrán, G. Bovet, Federated learning for
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