Vaje Dodatek K Ucbeniku U2 - Tisk

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I. My room is a mess!
Imagine your room is a mess. Write six (funny) sentences about the things in your
bedroom. Use:
What? Where?
computer hairdryer magazines clothes books on in under behind
socks alarm clock trainers biscuit tin between in front of
cups keys shirts jackets globe next to near
helmet vase birdcage racket hairbrush all over the floor
sweets schoolbag mobile phone towel
swimming costume ball

My shirts are all over the floor. My socks are on the desk.
My alarm clock is under the bed. …

II. Collections.
Write five true sentences about your collections, your friends’ and your family’s
Use these words:

cups/mugs snow globes shells marbles coins buttons badges stickers

autographs matchboxes stamps model cars national dolls key rings
paper napkins comics postcards posters pens

I collect snow globes. I’ve got forty snow globes.
My sister collects cups. She’s got twenty cups.
My uncle collects coins. He’s got two hundred coins. …

III. The things I like.

a. Write six things you like and six things you don’t like. Use these topics:

colours animals cartoon films sport music

blue horses The Fintstones Jurassic Park karate Beyonce
brown snakes Shrek Rings football Adele

b. Now write six true sentences about yourself.

I don’t like brown. I like football. I don’t like Rings. I like horses. …
IV. The things my best friend or classmate likes or doesn’t like.
Write five things your best friend or classmate likes and five things he/she doesn’t
like. Use these words:

judo comics shopping Chinese food cleaning her/his room rock music spinach
pizza cheese Maths animals cartoons sweets skiing dancing
taking photos cycling chess

Peter likes animals. He doesn’t like dancing. …

V. My and my friend’s likes and dislikes.

Write five true sentences about you and a friend with like/likes or don’t like/doesn’t
like. Use these words:

swimming cycling music dogs salad tea red pink shopping dancing
joking around watching TV going to the cinema noisy places collecting stamps
singing listening to music junk food doing nothing horror films reading books
writing a diary reading magazines watching the stars

• I like English. My friend doesn’t like English.
• I don’t like English. My friend likes English.
• I like English. My friend likes English. We both like English.

VI. Free-time activities.

Use these verbs:

read write play collect watch ride take listen surf (the Internet)
go (swimming, ice-skating, cycling, horse riding, dancing, skiing, shopping …)

a. Write two things you do in your free time.

I read magazines. I listen to music.

b. Write two things you don’t do in your free time.

I don’t watch the news on TV. I don’t surf the Internet.

c. Write two things your best friend does in his or her free time.
He/She plays computer games. He/She watches the stars.

d. Write two things your best friend doesn’t do in his or her free time.
He/She doesn’t write a diary. He/She doesn’t go skiing.
VII. Furniture and objects.
Copy this plan of the house onto a piece of paper. Then put the following furniture and
objects into appropriate rooms.

TV set curtains shower toilet armchair fridge cooker sink desk

carpet chest of drawers dishwasher bath washing machine sofa wardrobe
washbasin cupboard fireplace chair mirror bed table bookcase

kitchen bedroom

sitting room dining room


VIII. My flat or house.

Describe your flat or house. Use the model texts to help you.
 HELP: coursebook (Ex. 1b, p 62)

Model text 1 Model text 2

I live in a block of flats. I really like our flat. We live in a house. Downstairs there’s a living
It’s modern – it’s only five years old. It’s got a room, dining room, large kitchen and a study
large living room, dining room, kitchen, two where my parents work. Upstairs there are
bedrooms and a bathroom. It’s on the ground four bedrooms and two bathrooms, so there’s
floor and we’ve got a small garden. lots of space when friends visit me. Outside
there is a large garden and a garage at the
back of the house.

IX. My dream home.

Describe your dream home. Use the prompts below to help you.
 HELP: coursebook (Ex. 5, p 64)

My home is a/an [1] old/big/little/modern/beautiful/dark [2] castle/flat/caravan/tent/

cave/house on [3] an island/the moon/the beach/a mountain/the 10th floor/the river.
There is/are [4] flowers/a swimming pool/lions/a television/bananas/frogs in the garden.
It has got [5] two/ten/twenty/thirty/forty/fifty rooms.
X. My room.
Write a description of your room. Use the prompts and the model text below to help
 HELP: coursebook (Ex. 1b, p 65)

What? Where?
bed armchair television in the cupboard opposite the bed
bookcase bookshelf desk on the table on the left/right (of)
rug plant posters under the desk to the left of .../right of ...
pictures globe chair in front of the radiator between the windows
behind the curtains near the door
wardrobe carpet lamp
above the armchair at the window
mirror curtains cupboard
next to the desk in the corner
bedside table fish tank
window noticeboard radiator

I like my room. It’s quite small and a bit basic but it’s OK. I share it with my brother. The
walls are white and there are curtains at the window. Under the window there is a bed.
There is a bedside table next to the bed. There is a green bookcase in the corner of the
room. There is a fish tank on the bookcase. Above the bed there is a window. To the left
of the wardrobe there is a radiator and next to the radiator there is a desk with a lamp on
it. There is a noticeboard above the desk. There is a red carpet on the floor and there are
some pictures and posters on the wall.

XI. My classroom.
What is there in your classroom? Write five sentences, using these words:

a television a door chairs armchairs

towels shoes curtains a computer
There is a/an …
There are some (three, many, a lot of) … windows pictures a board posters
There isn’t a/an … a washbasin a mirror desks a map
There aren’t any … plants a globe students a waste-paper
basket cupboards plants beds
a bookcase carpets a fridge a hammock

There is a door. There are fourteen desks. There isn’t a fridge. There aren’t any carpets.

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