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My name is Oprah Winfrey, I am an American talk show host, television producer, actress,

author, and philanthropist. She was living in such a devastating situation that my dresses used to
be sewed from potato sacks, for which I was made fun of. When I was six, I moved to live with
my mom in Milwaukee (Wisconsin) who barely supported my education and encouraged my
interests. In the end, there was no available place for me to sleep, so I was sent back to live with
my mom and younger siblings. At the age of fourteen, I moved to live with my dad in Nashville
who motivated and dedicated his job to get a proper education which resulted in my high-
academic performance in a local High School in Tennessee. Years after college I worked in
multiple broadcasting companies and radio stations where it was promoted to hold morning
shows or podcasts. In 1983 I moved to Chicago to hold my television. The show slowly started
to get high ratings and became one of the most widespread shows in the country. This academy
hopefully will help young African American girls across the US who live in poverty to help them
get an available education and build the person they always wished for.
The issue we are facing in this situation is poverty which is a widespread concern whose social
justice dimensions are poor health, lack of education, inadequate living standards, lack of
income, disempowerment, poor quality of work, and the threat of violence. As the parents are not
able to afford enough budgets for their children, it will result in many people not getting a proper
education, inability to provide treatment for a child if he/she has the disease, and having poor
living standards.
The problem of poverty across the world has always been the main obstacle for many people to
achieving their dreams and ambitions goals as to overcome the settled task, most people gave up
as the result of not having enough financial resources. We can consider it from multiple
perspectives such as power, cultural values/beliefs, ecological factors, socioeconomic status,
sexism, discrimination, privilege, conflicts, and factors that construct a sense of self and identity.
In terms of power, socioeconomic status, and discrimination, we always observe from a society
that the people who come from high-socio economic status have the biggest power of
expressionism, leading and controlling the others who will depend on that individual; Cultural
values/beliefs – considering this variation, even from the past whether it is poverty or wealth, it
was never a barrier to value our beliefs coming from ancestors or cherishing the culture that was
brought from generation to generation. Next coming up is ecological factors – countries mostly
consisting of poor families, experience catastrophic ecological stability; developed countries
thrive on various ecological movements and technological improvements to consume given
resources in a clean environment, whereas the poor countries not having enough capital for
providing modern equipment balancing the nature wellbeing, are reluctant to survive in severe

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