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Unit # 02

Human respiratory and circulatory System

Question # 01
Can cell survive without energy?
No cell cannot survive without energy.

Question # 02
Arrange these words in such a way as to show how oxygen from air reaches into
your blood nasal cavity, bronchioles, blood capillaries’, air, alveoli, bronchi,
blood capillaries, nostrils, and trachea.
Oxygen from air reaches to your blood by following arrangements:
(2)Nasal cavity
(8)Blood capillaries’

Question # 03
Which substances are transported by blood?
The blood consist of plasma and blood cells.
Plasma is pale yellow colored liquid while blood cells are of three types i.e. white
blood cells, Red blood cells, platelets.

Question # 04
Differentiate between
(a) Artery and vein.
(b)Atrium and ventricle.
Artery are blood vessels that carry blood away from heart to other parts of body.
Vein are vessels that carry blood from cell back to heart.
Atrium are thin walled vessels that receive blood from the veins.
Ventricle are thick walled chambers that forcefully pump blood out of heart.
Question # 05
How does the blood circulate around the body?
Blood comes into right atrium from body move into the right ventricle and is pushed
into the pulmonary arteries in the lungs after picking up energy .Then blood travels
back to the heart through pulmonary veins into the left atrium to the left ventricle and
out of body through aorta.

Question # 06
Compare respiration and breathing.
It is biochemical process involving reaction of glucose with oxygen to produce Co 2
and water.
It is physical process involving exchange of oxygen and Co2.

Long Question Answers:

Question # 01
Differentiate between aerobic and an aerobic respiration.
Aerobic Respiration:
(1)Aerobic respiration take place in absence of oxygen.
(2)Exchange of gases occurs in it.
(3)It occur in living cell of higher plants.
(4)It take place in mitochondria.
(5)The by products are water and Co2.
Anaerobic Respiration:
(1)Anaerobic respiration take place in the absence of oxygen.
(2)Exchange of gases is absent.
(3)It occur in cytoplasm.
(4)It take place in cytosol.
(5)The by products are Co2 ethyl alcohol lactic acid.

Question # 02
How the respiratory do and circulatory system work together to provide body
cells with the materials they need.
When we breathe in air enter our air ways and travel down into air sacs or alveoli in
our lungs. This is where gas exchange take place.
The circulatory system which is made up of heart and blood vessels support
respiratory system by bringing blood to and from lungs.

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