Vocab Test

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credit card - a small plastic card that can be used as a method of payment
2. interest rate - the percentage amount that you pay for borrowing money, or get for lending money, for a
period of time
3. bank deposit account - an arrangement with a bank in which the customer puts in an amount of money
4. annual income - the amount of earnings that a company or person makes in a year
5. market value - the price that something could be sold for at a particular time and place
6. pension plan - a nancial plan that allows you to receive money after you have paid money into it for a
number of years
7. monthly instalment - an amount of money owed that has been divided and each part is paid once a month
until the total is reached
8. bank statement - a record of the money put into and removed from a bank account
9. grant - an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special
10. premium - an amount of money paid to get insurance
11. donation - money or goods that are given to help an organization
12. remuneration - payment for work or services
13. allowance - (pocket money) an amount of money that parents regularly give to their child to spend as they
14. royalty - a payment made esp. to writers and musicians every time their books or songs are bought or used
15. commission - a payment to someone who sells goods that is directly related to the amount sold
16. bonus - an amount of money given to an employee in addition to their salary as a reward
17. ne - an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law
18. alimony - a regular amount of money that a law court orders a person to pay to their partner after a divorce
19. severance pay - payment received by an employee when their employment is ended
20. compensation - money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost/damaged
21. savings - the money you keep, esp. in a bank
22. proceeds - the amount of money received from a particular event/activity or when something is sold
23. earnings - the amount of money that someone is paid for working
24. winnings - an amount of money that has been won
25. salary - a xed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee

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