2009 Test 3 +Ответы

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2009 Тест 3

2009 Test 3
I. Выберите слово, точно подходящее по смыслу, и обведите его кружком.

1. Peter was so _______ at maths at school that he became the youngest student ever to be
accepted by a college.
brilliant inspired keen proud

2. What’s done is done. It’s _______ wondering what would have happened if you had passed
the exam.
inefficient valueless futile helpless

3. Mary has hardly done any _______ this week!
effort job work labour

4. She died after a long _______ .

disease failing illness sickness

5. It is well-known that smoking can do you great _______ .
damage danger harm trouble

6. I’d like to _______ your attention to this interesting fact.

attract draw pay concentrate
7. I felt a sharp _______ when I put my hand in the boiling water.
hurt pain ache harm

8. She rang to make an early _______ at the hairdresser’s.

order date assignment appointment

9. No one was able to explain the _______ of the old custom.

beginning origin reason starting point

10. Annie is already twelve but she hasn’t learned to _______ the time yet.

know speak say tell

из 10 баллов ________

II. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями.


1. _____ the morning he usually buys a newspaper and looks _____ it _____ his way _____ the
2. She applied _____ training as a pilot, but they turned her _____ because _____ her poor
3. If the weather does not change _____ the better, we won’t be able to arrive _____ the village

_____ time _____ the fair.

4. She is a wonderful mother, devoted _____ her children and interested _____ everything they
5. It’s time _____ him to grow _____ _____ his many hobbies and take _____ something
serious instead.
6. She insisted_____ our clearing _____ the matter_____ him now.

Из 10 баллов ________

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2009 Тест 3

III. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму, написав правильный ответ в

отведенном месте.

1. When the old lady (return) (1) ________________________ to her flat she (see) (2)
_________________________ at once that burglars* (break) (3) _______________________ in
during her absence, because the front door (be) (4) _______________________ open and

everything in the flat (be) (5) _________________________ upside down The burglars
themselves (be) (6) ___________________ no longer there, but they probably only just (leave)
(7)_____________ because a cigarette still (burn) (8) __________________________ on an
ornamental table. Probably they (hear) (9)____________________ the lift (come) (10)

__________________________ up and (run) (11) _________________ ___ down the fire
escape. They (help) (12) __________________________ themselves to her whisky too but there
(be) (13) __________________________ a little left, so she (pour) (14)
__________________________ herself out a drink. She (wonder) (15)
______________________ if they (find) (16) ________________ her jewellery and rather
(hope) (17) _______________ that they had.

The jewellery (be given) (18)__________________________ her by her husband, who (die) (19)
__________________________ some years before. Since he (die) (20)
__________________________ she (not have) (21) __________________________
heart (wear) (22) _____________________ it, yet she (not like) (23) ______________ (sell) (24)
___________________ it. Now it (seem) (25) ________ that fate** (take) (26)
________________________ the matter out of her hands; and certainly the insurance money
(come) (27) _________________________ in handy.
2. He resented (be) (28) __________________________ asked (wait) (29)
__________________________. He expected the minister (see) (30)
_________________________ him at once.

*burglar = вор, взломщик

**fate = судьба

из 30 баллов _________

IV. Выберите модальный глагол из предложенного списка и внесите его в отведенное

место в нужной форме, при этом глагол в скобках также необходимо поставить в
соответствующую форму.

/саn, may, must, should, have to, be to, be able to, needn’t/

1. When I’ve finished this course I ______________________ (read) books in German. So my

dream will come true then!

2. The little boy was playing with his father’s computer and broke it. The boy
__________________________ (not allow) to play with it.

3. If I fail any one of my exams, I __________________________

(take) all of them again in September. Imagine what an awful summer I’m going to have!

4. A: He walked from London to Cambridge in three hours.

B: He __________________________ (not do) it in that time!
Someone __________________________ (give) him a lift, I’m sure.

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2009 Тест 3

5. Passenger: Fares are awful! I’ve paid $2 for my ticket and $1 for the baby.
Another passenger: But you __________________________ (not buy) a ticket for the baby.
Babies travel free.

6. A: How did Peter get here?

B: There is a small possibility that he _______________________ (come) on a motorcycle.

C: He __________________________ (not come) on a motorcycle. He doesn’t ride one.
B: Then I’m certain that he __________________________ (come) as a passenger.

7. Paul __________________________ (not get up) early in the morning but everyone else in

the house does.

из 10 баллов ________

V. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Его советы были очень полезными. Ты должен был ими воспользоваться.


2. - Дождь давно идет?

- Нет. Когда я вышла из дома несколько минут назад, дождя не было.

3. Почему его слушают так внимательно? По-моему, в его выступлении (speech) нет
интересных сведений.


4. В тот момент, когда мы добрались до гостиницы, пошел сильный снег. Мы планировали

сразу отправиться кататься на лыжах, но были вынуждены остаться в гостинице.

________________ ____________________________________________________________

5. В последнее время я довольно часто навещаю своею дядю Чарльза. А когда он был
моложе, он сам, бывало, приезжал к нам каждую неделю.

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2009 Тест 3

6. - Никто ведь не заметил, как она вышла из зала?

- Думаю, нет. Как ни странно, все слушали оратора (speaker) очень внимательно.
-А я думал, что интерес к этой теме потерян (to lose interest).


7. - Интересно, сколько деревьев будет посажено в нашем районе к следующей весне?

- Я уверена, что наш район станет в ближайшем будущем самым зеленым.
____________________________________________________________ ________________
_______________________________________________________ ____________________

8. Кто из вас пользовался моим словарем без моего разрешения? Вечно вы ставите его не
на ту полку!
_______________________________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________________________ _______________________________
9. В последнее время в Москве построено много новых станций метро. Сколько всего
станций будет к 2015 году?
____________________________________ ________________________________________

10. - Я не был на последнем собрании

- Я тоже. Интересно, что они обсуждали так долго?

__________________________ __________________________________________________
из 20 баллов ________

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2009 Тест 3

VI. Прочтите текст и ответьте на предложенные вопросы, обведя кружком букву,

соответствующую правильному варианту ответа.

In the American colonies there was little money England did not supply the colonies with
coins and it did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay
Colony, which received permission fora short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver

Line (4) coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America
was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other
countries. The result during this prerevolutionary period was that the colonists used various
goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly

used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain.
Dutch. Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.
During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the war, so each of the
individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper
(9) money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in
goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary
(12) system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation the new Constitution of the
United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual states could
no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the
dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In
this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver
to gold was fixed by the government at
sixteen to one.

1. The passage mainly discusses (C) from 1652 until the Revolutionary
(A) American money from past to present (D) for a short time during one year
(B) the English monetary policies in
colonial America 4. The expression "a means of" in line 4
(C) the effect of the Revolution on could best be replaced by
American money

(D) the American monetary system of the (A) an example of

seventeenth and eighteenth (B) a method for
centuries (C) a result of
(D) a punishment for
2. The passage indicates that during the
colonial period, money was 5. Which of the following is NOT

mentioned in the passage as a substitute

(A) supplied by England for money during the colonial period?
(B) coined by the colonists
(C) scarce (A) Wampum
(D) used extensively for trade (B) Cotton

(C) Tobacco
3. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was (D) Beaver furs
allowed to make coins

(A) continuously from the inception of

the colony
(B) throughout the seventeenth century

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2009 Тест 3

6. The pronoun "it" in line 9 refers to 9. How was the monetary system arranged
which of the following? in the Constitution?

(A) The Continental Congress (A) Only the U.S. Congress could issue
(B) Paper money money.
(C) The war (B) The U.S. officially went on a

(D) Trade in goods bimetallic monetary system.
(C) Various state governments, including
7. It is implied in the passage that at the Massachusetts, could issue money.
end of the Revolutionary War, a paper (D) The dollar was made the official

dollar was worth currency of the U.S

(A) exactly one dollar 10. According to the passage, which of the
(B) just under one dollar following is NOT true about the
(C) just over one dollar bimetallic monetary system?
(D) almost nothing

(A) Either gold or silver could be used
8. The word "remedy" in line 20 is closest in as official money.
meaning to (B) Gold could be exchanged for silver
at a rate of sixteen to one.
(A) resolve (C) The monetary system was based on
(B) understand two metals.
(C) renew (D) It was established in 1792.
(D) medicate

из 10 баллов ________

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2009 Тест 3

Ответы 2009 Тест 3

I. II.

1. brilliant 1. In, through, on, to
2. futile 2. for, down, of
3. work 3. for, at, in, for
4. illness 4. to, in
5. harm 5. for, out, of, up

6. draw 6. on, out, with
7. pain
8. appointment
9. origin
10. tell


1. returned 16. had found

2. saw 17. hoped
3. had broken 18. had been given
4. was 19. had died
5. was 20. died
6. were 21. hadn’t had
7. had only just left 22 to wear
8. was still burning 23. hadn’t liked
9. had heard 24. to sell
10. coming 25. seemed
11. had run 26. had taken
12. had helped 27. would come
13. was 28. being
14. poured 29. to wait
15. wondered 30. to see


1. will be able to read 1. D

2. shouldn’t have been allowed 2. C
3. will have to take 3. D

4. couldn’t have done, must have given 4. B

5. needn’t have bought 5. B
6. might have come, couldn’t have come, 6. B
must have come 7. D
7. doesn’t have to 8. A

9. A
10. B

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2009 Тест 3

1. His advice was very useful. You should have taken it.

2. -Has it been raining long?

-No, it hasn’t. When I went out of the house a few minutes ago, it wasn’t raining.

3. Why is he being listened to so attentively? To my mind, there is no interesting information

in his speech.

4. The moment we reached the hotel it started snowing heavily. We had planned to go skiing
right away/at once, but we had to stay in the hotel.

5. I have been visiting my uncle Charles quite often recently. When he was younger, he
himself used to visit us every week.

6. -Nobody noticed her leave the hall, did they?
-I think they didn’t. Strange as it may seem, everybody was listening to the speaker very
-But I thought that the interest in this topic had already been lost.

7. -I wonder how many trees there will have been plant d in our district by next spring.
-I’m sure that our district will become the greenest one in the near future.

8. Which of you has been using my dictionary without my permission? You are always putting
it on the wrong shelf!

8. Many new underground stations have been built in Moscow recently. How many stations
will there be by the year 2015?

10. -I wasn’t present at/didn’t attend the latest meeting.

-Neither was I/ neither did I. I wonder what they were discussing for so long?

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