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ROLL NO: BL611416


May, 2019





ROLL NO. BL611416

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for

B.Ed. (1.5 year) program in Teacher Education

at Department of Education



May, 2019
© Aadila, 2019



The research project, titled “Comparative Study Of Environmental Awareness Based

On Curriculum In Private And Public Sectors School In District Haripur” proposed

and submitted by Aadila Aasim , Roll No: BL611416 for partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of B.Ed. (1.5 years).

Supervisor: _____________________

Evaluation: _____________________

Dated: ______________________


I Aadila Aasim, Daughter of Hakeem Khan, Roll No. BL611416 registration #

16-NHP-02104 a student of B.Ed. (1.5 years) programmer at Allama Iqbal Open

University do hereby solemnly declare that the research project entitled

“Comparative Study Of Environmental Awareness Based On Curriculum In

Private And Public Sectors School In District Haripur” submitted by me in

partial fulfillment of B.Ed. (1.5 years) programme, is my original work, and has not

been submitted or published earlier. I also solemnly declare that it shall not, in future,

be submitted by me for obtaining any other degree from this or any other university

or institution.

Date: ______________ _________________________

Signature of Candidate

Name of Candidate
Aadila Aasim

Research Project Submission Approval Form


Research project entitled “Comparative Study Of Environmental Awareness

Based On Curriculum In Private And Public Sectors School In District

Haripurin District Haripur” Submitted by Aadila Aasim, Roll No BP611416

Registration No. # 16-NHP-02104 Program B.Ed. (1.5 year) has been read by me

and has found to be satisfactory regarding its quality, content, language, format,

citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and thus fulfils the qualitative

requirements of this study. It is ready for submission to Allama Iqbal Open

University for evaluation.


Signature of Supervisor

Date: ____________________

Name of Supervisor
Tariq Mehmood


I dedicated this piece of research

“To Allah Almighty”

My creator, my strong pillar, my source of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

He has been the source of my strength throughout this program and on His wings only have I


“To My Parents and Family”

Who has encouraged me all the way and whose encouragement has made sure that I give it all it

takes to finish that which I have started.


I am eternally grateful to Allah, the Almighty, and the Most Gracious, the

Most Merciful, for the level of success I have achieved. I would also like to thank

my Supervisor Sir Tariq Mehmood, for his guidance and untiring availability

during the course of this project. It has been a real privilege working with him. I

would also like to thank my Parents and my Teacher whose help and support made

it possible for me to achieve the successful completion of this project.

Aadila Aasim

The current thesis was conducted on the topic of comparative study of environmental

awareness-based on curriculum in private and public sector in district Haripur. The objectives of

the study were 1) to assess the environmental awareness among public and private students. 2) to

find the perceptions of students regarding environmental awareness. 3) Comparison of

environmental awareness based curriculum used by between public and private. The study was

descriptive in nature and a questionnaire was used to collect the data from students. Data were

collected from both public and private schools. Questionnaire was self-made and made on the

bases of objectives. Questionnaire contained two parts. Part a belong to objective one and part B

belongs to part two. A sample of 50 students from public school and a sample of 50 students from

private school were selected from district Haripur. After studying the content and literature from

internet and other resources researcher adjust some content from internet in her study. After

collection of data from students researcher analyzed the data on SPSS software. It was found that

many of public and private students agreed that they know about environment. Most of public and

private students agreed that they know about components of environment. Some of public and

private students agreed that they aware of physical issues of environment. Majority of public and

private students agreed that they examine any changes in environment. Few of public and private

students agreed that they affect the environment in many ways. Some of public and private students

agreed that they know about the extinction of species. Many of public and private students agreed

that they water the plants on daily basis. Many of public and private students agreed that they know

the effect of pollution on the river Yamuna. It was concluded that Majority of the public and private

schools students agreed with the statement that Environment has caused any bad impact on you.

Most of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that Global warming

give us any benefit. Many of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that

our environment keep you physically active. Some of the public and private schools students

agreed with the statement that Acid rain is caused by pollution. It was recommended

Environmental awareness is the main component of education system. Both public and private

schools and their students must be aware the environment and environmental changes and their

components with their physical changes. Government should conduct awareness programs by

which they guide both public and private schools about the environmental issue and their effect on

curriculum. It is also recommended that further research may be conducted of the topic of “problem

faced by teacher during conducting curriculum in classroom.

Key words: Comparative study, Environmental based curriculum, public and private schools

Table of Content

1.1 Background of the study 1

1.2 Statement of the problem 3

1.3 Objective of the study 3

1.4 Research Questions 4

1.5 Significant of the study 4

1.6 Delimitation of the study 4

1.7 Operational Definitions
2.1 Environmental Awareness 7
2.2 Curriculum 7
2.3 Standard of graduate competencies 8
2.4 Standard of contents (SOC) 8
2.5 Standards of learning process (SLP) 9
2.6 Assessment Standard 9
2.6.1 Environment 10
2.7 Environmental Awareness among Government and Private Secondary 10
School Students
2.8 Comparative Analysis of Public and individual schools program 11
2.9 Content Analysis of private and public school 12
2.10 Environmental instruction

2.11 Positive consequence of Environment 15

3.1 Population

3.2 Sample of the Study 22
3.3 Research Tool 23
3.4 Pilot Testing 23
3.5 Reliability of the tool 23
3.7 Data collection 23
3.8 Data analysis 23
5.1 Summary 29

5.2 Findings 30

5.3 Conclusions 30

5.4 Recommendations 34

References 35

Questionnaire 37

List of Tables
Table No. Statements Page No
Table 4.1 percentage Analysis of Part A 20
Table 4.2 Percentage Analysis of Part B 21
Table 4.3 : Comparison of environmental awareness based curriculum used 23
by between public and privat



1.1 Background of the study

Change in environment is a global problem .there is growing awareness about the need to

conserve our environment. There is immense need of spreading awareness about environmental

issues among young people specially primary school students, because these are the people who

are taking over the charge of their society. And if they are aware of importance of environmental

education and awareness then they would b able to protect our environment in more affective way.

Polluted environment endangered the human race by threatening its survival on earth. Boundary

of any nation cannot limit these environmental problems to a particular country or region but its

impact is a global one. This has caused a global concerned about conservation and protection of

earth’s environment. Hence efforts are being made for uncalculatingly environmental

consciousness or unawareness among the masses.

There is only education responsible for bringing consciousness and awareness about problems

of environment. Awareness is necessary to act upon it. The major purpose of environmental studies

is to bring and divert the attention of students to the environmental problems and their impact and

then carrying their interest for calculating ethical, physical and behavioural value. So the students

must be awarded about the environmental issues and problems. To get knowledge about the

environment is the justice inside students. Because if we more and more know about the

environmental issues we can take care of every aspect of environmental issues.

The earth’s environmental condition is in a very critical stage. Forests are cut down in a very

dangerous way. The greenbelt of earth is going to diminished over large scale due to the population

increasing level and their demands. So the basic needs of human life are going to fulfilled by

neglecting our natural demands and their views according to our nature. Water become full of toxic

substances due to the industrialization and putting chemicals directly in water. Air is highly

polluted because highly added carbon due the vehicles and use of chlorofloro carbons. So the

people are at great disaster. Before we reach to a state where there is no return to the calm and

fresh environment and no backup for our moral and behavioural issues related to our environment

,the generation upcoming will b the great destructor and enemy of our environment just to carry a

life full of luxury and in a mechanic way. They don’t need to think about a minute about the

problems created by themselves. So as to overcome all these problems we should take a step to

bring awareness in peoples and mostly in the students .This can be only possible through

environmental studies and bringing their awareness to the students of high school and this will

bring a huge change to the environmental conditions. This research is focussed on the students of

Haripur in Pakistan. By the completion of this quiz type research we would be able to acces the

knowledge and awareness about of students bout environmental issues. And this research will be

a guidance and a step forward for the educationist to add the such subjects in their course which

can increase their concern with environment and willingly they do some efforts to conserve their


Curriculum is considered as a vehicle to transfer the societal values and norms through the

teaching learning process in the educational institutions. As a result, curriculum should respond to

the societal needs and values so that the young generation could be physically, socially, morally

and intellectually developed as active citizens (Haider, 2016). There are several definitions of

curriculum. In one of the definitions of the curriculum, Wood (1963) mentions that ―curriculum

is the whole range of the recognized and casual experiences specified to the learners, offered by

the institution and under the administration of an institution‖. Thus schools used curriculum as an

instrument, to accomplish educational goals like transmission of knowledge, social moral and

cultural values to next generation. Continuous effort is needed to make this instrument valuable

and to assess its efficiency. To make provision for the growing challenges and the burden of the

society, revision and progress of curriculum is very essential. Curriculum development is meant

by the forecasting of learning opportunities that is planned to carry out definite changes in

individual and the evaluation of the degree to which these changes have taken place. The study is

expected to be helpful, especially for the curriculum experts and working teachers for the

development of useful and workable curriculum for the next generation in the country.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The present study is entitled as “Environmental education in primary school”A

comparative study of curriculum in private and public sector schools in Haripur.

1.3 Objectives of the study

i. To assess environmental awareness among public and private schools of Haripur

ii. To assess curriculum of public and private sector schools in Haripur.

iii. To compare behaviour of students towards environment in private and public sector

primary schools in Haripur

1.4 Research Questions

i. Who is most aware about environmental awareness among public and private schools of


ii. What is the difference between public and private curriculum?

iii. What is the behaviour of students towards environment in private and public sector

schools in Haripur?

1.5 Delimitation of the study

The study was delimited to only district Haripur, further it was delimited to government

and private school.

1.6 Operational Definitions

1.6.1 Curriculum

Curriculum is an essential instrument used by the educational institutions for the social

development of the individual which is one of the essential objectives of education and school is

a societal organization, endowed with the mission of civilizing value transmission to the future

generation. Continuous attempt is desirable to ensure that the instrument is useful and effective.

For making stipulation to cope with the challenges and changing demand of society, review and

improvement in curriculum is required. The aim of study was to analyze the curriculum process

and development of a model for secondary level in Pakistan.

1.6.1 Environmental Awareness

The most deadly occasion of this century is quick corruption of surroundings mindfulness

inside the school understudies. The populace blast has compound issues. The people began

depleting the common assets on one angle and on the contrary making contamination on the world

impactful the biological equalization inside the framework. Absence of ecological mindfulness

concerning the conservation of the species and culture and so on and protection of the timberlands

ar to fault for corruption of the natural securing at gross root level. On the off chance that it

proceeds, the human progress can confront lethal situation. Natural instruction for natural

mindfulness can get ready human culture to monitor the biological parity. Ecological training goes

for creating in them the information, mentality, abilities and correspondence to monitor our

temperament. Natural training is nothing anyway to mentor human culture to comprehend

surroundings in totality. in order to understand the destinations of ecological instruction, nature as

a paper has been encased inside the course of concentrate regardless of that no change has been

resolved. For this an investigation has been directed in Gurdaspur region of geographic territory.

For this a near report on Environmental Awareness among Govt. school Students was directed.




Environmental awareness is an interdisciplinary subject drawing relevant attention and

concern from various is a way of creating knowledge, understanding values, attitude,

skills, and abilities and making awareness among pupil and social group to the environmental

issues. Many students played an important role in the resolution of environmental problems and

developed knowledge, concern, attitude, awareness, physical and behavioural development to

conserve the nature and environmental non-renewable products and to made effective decision to

overcome that disaster and its further impacts on environment, made laws about the environment

to govern it in a specific way. Researchers have carried some studies about environmental

problems listed below.

Han, Eunsok (1991), made a comprehensive analysis of teachers and school administrators

attitude towards outdoor education camping Kyonggi. The result was that the school teachers and

administration considered the outdoor education very important and playing a crucial role in

students mental and social development. School administration and teachers are not provided with

skills, training and guidance about the environment.

Shahnawaj In 1990 made survey about attitude of the secondary and higher secondary

school teachers and students towards environment and founded 95% positive attitude towards the

environment development and solving its major issues. Teachers were more aware of the problems

than the students and girls showed more positive response than difference was found in

environmental trained and untrained teachers.

2.1 Environmental Awareness

Be Hawk, (2010), examine the ecological attention to higher grade academics of Mysore

town in Bharat. Associate in Nursing all out three hundred educators (136 male and 164 females)

instructing to sixth and 7 commonplace selected for study. Natural heedfulness check was taken

to guage the dimension of ecological heedfulness among educators.- Chi sq. check and adjacently

table investigation were utilised to get the position of distinction between instructors regarding

their sex ,age and college kind. Result was that lion's share of educators indicated moderate

dimension of heedfulness once contrasted with the male. Age savvy examination in addition

uncovered that educators with thirty one to fifty age indicated larger quantity of heedfulness as

distinction with their male partners. Educators of tuition based mostly colleges were a lot of

conscious regarding the natural problems than the instructors of presidency colleges.

Ramifications of ecological instruction was likewise pushed.

2.2 Curriculum

The curriculum of the students should be organized in such a way that students should be

able to respond to every change in environment by observation, reaction-, interaction, questioning,

associating and networking. Curriculum of Indonesia in 2013 contains broad spectrum of subject

matter that can meet the challenges and demands of the present generation.

According to Indonesian government curriculum should be arranged in an organized way

and should contain certain programs .the main objective of curriculum development is to develop

awareness and quality education to overcome the drastic effects of environment.

The curriculum not only meets the needs and demands of present age but also directs the

future. With the changes occurring in society curriculum should be based on the targets achieved

in present time and must be changed for the next generation. Various aspects such as child

development, development of society needs and employment.

Curriculum planning should include goals, materials, resources, learning activities and

evaluation as to provide the base to establish curriculum(AHMAD,1998,P.30)Development in the

content about the environmental problems should be in such a way that it contain all type of issues

related to environment. A question rose that how the environmental education be packed into

curriculum 2013.

Curriculum has changed many times in 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984,

1994.Curriculum 2013 contain 4 elements of change. They are(1) standard of graduate

competencies (2)standard of contents (3)standard of learning processes (4)standard of assessment.

2.3 Standard of graduate competencies

In this regard there is more expectation from learners to i-improve and develop soft and

hard skills including competence of personal faith ,morality, self-confidence and responsibility

and interaction of all these attitude towards the social environment. Surrounding and civilization.

2.4 Standard of contents (SOC)

The competencies that are derived from the subjects into subjects are derived from the

competence. Competence is developed through subjects at the level of junior high schools and

senior high schools. Vocations at the level of vocational high schools.

2.5 Standards of learning process (SLP)

Old standard process is changed with observations, collection, presentation, summation,

information collection.

Teachers are not only the source of learning.

Being a role model attitude should be deliver

2.5 Assessment Standard

Conversion of assessment through test is on the basis of result of exams and on the basis

of attitude.

Learning outcomes are achieved on the scores achieved on the position of ideal scores.

Port folios should be preferred.-

2.5.1 Environment

Living environment is only made by the teachers being a role model and explaining with

the experiment. The viewpoint obviously of concentrate in arrive on ecological training ngs (Kuok

and Taylor, 2004). Mindfulness Environmental instruction is foreseen to differ the conduct and

examples of open read towards totally identified with settingal issues and cultivate an adoration

for the earth early. the point of ecological training will be definite into six groups, to be specific:

a. Awareness - gives consolation to every person to acknowledge mindfulness and

affectability to the setting and its issues.

b. Information - encourages each person to get a decent fluctuate of skill and an

essential comprehension of the setting and its issues.

c. angle - encourages each person to get a gathering of qualities and furthermore the

capacity to ask the best possible choice, moreover as build up a method for

ecologically delicate and supply inspiration to take an interest effectively inside the

improvement and natural assurance.

d. Skills - encourage individuals to get abilities in particular and goals natural issues.

e. Participation - motivates individuals to take part effectively in goals ecological


f. Analysis - urges every person to have the adaptability to guage the natural data as

far as environmental, social, financial, political, and scholarly factors (Adisendjaja,


This is affirmed by Tyler locution that inside the technique for course of study

improvement and instructing there are few inquiries that require to be replied, to be specific. When

we look for exhortation from the Tyler's conclusions, at that point training isn't limited to the

instructing technique to the specific material, anyway might be connected in educating for a field

of study/instructing in resources. Correspondingly, the course of study will be created for a school

course of study or field of study or course of concentrate for a particular subject.

Consequently, for ecological training in essential and guidance (general optional and

professional), the conveyance of substance concerning natural issues is integratedly printed inside

the course of study framework through just as ecological issues in the lion's share subjects. Since

1989/1990 there are a few trainings on populace and setting has been presented by the Ministry of

Education and Culture for instructors in rudimentary, center and highschool moreover lycee. In

the interim, at the measure of upper training at the present time there ar study programs for

Population and setting, and Environmental Management

2.6 Environmental Awareness among Government and Private Secondary School


The most catastrophic occasion of this century is quick debasement of surroundings

mindfulness inside the lyceum understudies. The populace blast has decline the case. The people

began depleting the common assets on one perspective and on the contrary making contamination

on the world strong the biological equalization inside the plan. Absence of natural mindfulness

concerning the safeguarding of the species and culture and so forth and protection of the

timberlands ar chargeable for corruption of the ecological procurance at gross root level. On the

off chance that it proceeds, the human development can confront catastrophic situation. Natural

training for ecological mindfulness can plan human culture to shield the biological equalization.

Ecological instruction goes for creating in them the information, mentality, abilities and

correspondence to shield our temperament. Ecological instruction is nothing anyway to mentor

human culture to comprehend surroundings in totality. in order to understand the goals of

ecological training, environment as a paper has been encased inside the program regardless of that

no revision has been found. For this an examination has been directed in Gurdaspur region of

topographical district. For this a similar report on Environmental Awareness among Govt. lyceum

Students was directed

2.7 Comparative Analysis of Public and individual schools program

Awan (2014) says that training assumes a pivotal job inside the ascent and fall of states

especially in twenty first century. it's chiefly a direct result of the rise of world challenge in

instruction and innovation. This aggressive surroundings is that the center might want for

advancement of any nation. Awan (2011) contends that each one nations together with Asian

nation have entirely unexpected workforce frameworks anyway once we partition them we find 2

noteworthy classes of staff frameworks: non-open and open universities. In Asian nation non-open

schools have gotten mass acknowledgment these days to ensure continued advancement of the

nation. In this manner, the most goal of this paper is to inquire about the standard of instruction

presented secretly universities. the standard of training is surveyed by instruction dimensions of

speakers, method of educating, educational programs, and study environment. all through Nineteen

2000s non-open division was risen as a key provider of instruction benefits in Asian nation each

in supreme terms and with respect to the overall population segment. One bit of verification

identifies with the amount of individual schools, that expanded by sixty nine, when contrasted with

minor V-day increment in scope of resources. In 2000 non-open area was business the instructional

exercise wants of concerning six million children. This range expanded to twelve million out of

2007-08 –, for example, thirty four p.c of absolute enlistment. the amount of instructors moreover

multiplied in private1 instructional foundations all through this period. Awan and Saeed (2014)

argue that non-open instructional foundations ar partaking in key job not exclusively in

annihilating lack of education anyway furthermore improving the measure of researchers likewise

as teachers by giving higher instructive environment. Awan (2012) uncovered that non-open area

contributed significantly in destroying absence of education inside the rising economies. In the

event that school appropriately overseen they'll elevate instructional typical in Asian nation

moreover. Awan (2012) uncovered that instructional framework was completely broken inside the

state when its crumbling inside the late Nineteen Nineties due to non-presence of individual

instructional foundations. when the state was collapsed its open foundation was also collapsed.

2.8 Content Analysis of private and public school

The most deadly occasion of this century is quick corruption of surroundings mindfulness

inside the school understudies. The populace blast has compound issues. The people began

depleting the common assets on one angle and on the contrary making contamination on the world

impactful the biological equalization inside the framework. Absence of ecological mindfulness

concerning the conservation of the species and culture and so on and protection of the timberlands

ar to fault for corruption of the natural securing at gross root level. On the off chance that it

proceeds, the human progress can confront lethal situation. Natural instruction for natural

mindfulness can get ready human culture to monitor the biological parity. Ecological training goes

for creating in them the information, mentality, abilities and correspondence to monitor our

temperament. Natural training is nothing anyway to mentor human culture to comprehend

surroundings in totality. in order to understand the destinations of ecological instruction, nature as

a paper has been encased inside the course of concentrate regardless of that no change has been

resolved. For this an investigation has been directed in Gurdaspur region of geographic territory.

For this a near report on Environmental Awareness among Govt. school Students was

directed(Shobeiri, S. M., Omidvar, B., & Prahallada, N. N.2007).

2.9 Environmental instruction

Numerous individuals trust that natural training is one among the chief imperative

factorsfor counteracting ecological issues (Ozden, 2008). in order to make developmental

determinations, understudies ought not exclusively turned out to be partner degree gifted on the

point anyway moreover build up a relationship to the setting. Judith Cheng and Martha Monroe

structured an investigation that explicitly demonstrates the effect of youth fabricating a

relationship to the setting. Cheng and Monroe estimated youngsters' emotive point towards the

normal environmentafter members finished a necessary designing system. The examination

comprised of 4 explicit investigation questions identifying with the members in general

relationship toward nature. The overview results indicated four components of kids' relationship

to nature: delight in nature, individual inclination for animals, feeling of indistinguishable quality,

and awareness of other's expectations. Cheng and Monroe found that the kids' affiliation impacts

their expectation to partake in develop based generally exercises inside what's to come. Their

apparent family worth toward nature and saw the board completely affected their enthusiasm for

ecologically neighborly conduct (Cheng and Monroe, 2010). Crafted by Donald Burgess and Jolie

Mayer-Smith moreover investigated the relationship among youths and furthermore the setting.

They examined youngsters' skill and discernment all through an outside building program. The

examination helped scientists see anyway nature encounters stimulate biophilia. The biophilia

theory recommends that people and nature ar naturally associated which our prosperity will

experience the ill effects of that affiliation (Burgess and Mayer Smith). Their outcomes indicated

members joined the designing system changes recognitions and formed associations with the

enclosing fauna and vegetation.

Natural Education has moreover been associated with abatement the effects of MBD among the

individuals who have taken an interest in Frances Kuo and Andrea Taylor's examination (2004).

Members demonstrated an ascent in dealing with their MBD indications though occupied with

nature/unpracticed zone. Kuo and Taylors study analyzed the effect of a relatively "green" zone or

normal setting on consideration deficiency/hy peractivity issue (ADHD) manifestations over

Assorted subpopulations of children. Guardians/Legal gatekeepers of children, UN office

were diag nosed with MBD were Recruited through a web screening technique. Kuok and Taylor

requested that oldsters rate the once impacts of forty nine Common once staff and end of the week

exercises based for the most part off their youngster's side effects. oldsters evaluated everything

about forty nine Activities on a Likert scale showing the child'ssymptoms. They thought about the

once influences for exercises Conducted amid an unpracticed outside setting (ranch, parks) and

exercises directed in either a designed outside setting (Parking ton, consolidated neighborhood) or

indoor settings. The discoveries of this investigation revealled that the outside Activities decreased

manifestations significantly contrasted with the inverse.

2.10 Positive consequence of Environment

Another examination that underlines the positive wellbeing angles identified with the

setting was one created by liquor Berman, John Jonides and Stephen Kaplan. Proposals scientists

built up an investigation focused on the eye Restorative Theory (ART). Amid this investigation

members were inquired to participate in 2 tests. The essential analysis members were

indiscriminately doled out to either walk through a recreation centre or through downtown. The

Second analysis solicited members to take a gander at film from nature. In each experiments the

estimated their outcomes. Through a retrogressive digit length task. Supporting their speculation

they found there was a therapeutic worth of Nature to up mental element working (Berman et al.,

2008). i'm prepared to apply their examinations thoughts into

This examination since i'll be working with people amid a characteristic setting. In

designing system ms it's a key plan to comprehend various ways that to implant mental component

reclamation at interims your members all together that they'll recover the data they're picking up

while not debilitating their mental element abilities. Leanne Fisman directed an investigation like

this articles express research; yet she focused on explicitly on partner qualification urban building

program. She wished to investigation anyway the consideration of children on their Biophysical

setting would be wedged by this kind of programming. dislike the past examinations native noticed

that, Awareness might be a pertinent variable to mull over once evaluating the effect of a Place-

put together natural Education program with respect to review school understudies (2005). She

also proclaimed that the word Awareness will have Broad translations which the researcher ought

to recognize what they mean once misuse the word. In developing this examination, I settled on a

choice to work in the kids' data of soil and water and their consciousness of the common capacities

and human effects. Subsequently, Fisman's investigation demonstrated that understudies living in


Financial neighbourhoods given with local natural mindfulness when contrasted with those

of lower socioeconomic standings. In building up this examination I wished to fuse the conceptual

structure contributed ROM the over associated investigation. The investigation can decide the

aftereffect of showing natural educ Action to youth, with the most articles: making ecological

mindfulness, constructing a relationship to the setting, and chang-ing the discernment youth Has

on the setting. examination given by the investigation can inspect every day camp of 2 s Chosen

tests sizes of different age groups to match and qualification their general mindfulness with respect

to the natural thoughts mentored all through camp. The most imperative include the area of

ecological up degree is to mindful and instruct the people concerning the morals laws and

principals .Their following stage is to save the character for the moving toward age

.Truman(1998,pp.180-185)explained that nature contains natural wonder and abiotic parts .Biotic

parts grasp all plants, creatures, microorganisms and abiotic factors as sunlight, water, soil, land,

temperature, and environment. These all parts ar lay associated and it's important to pick any

apparatus utilized for every one of the issues brought about by people intelligent to setting.

Ecological instruction (EE)is a fundamental device to disentangle of these issues.EE produce

mindfulness among the understudy to worth the assets amid a proper way and misuse them amid

a thought about way.

Korari (1987) suggested that while not designing people can endlessly utilize the assets

amid a fumbled and exasperates way and furthermore the most crucial is that each one the people

fixated on it. As per Ladd wan and Joan (1987) the main resources a ton of in danger of the

ecological training – on the grounds that inside the developing age they're dynamic students in this

manner designing is more straightforward at the primary dimension when contrasted with various

more elevated amounts.

The Koch commission of enquiry into the scholastic arrangement of Kenya advised

educating of designing in every essential and auxiliary level.(Republic of Kenya 1999)



To carryout research certain methods are adapted which will be discussed in this chapter. Purpose

of this research is to find the awareness of students about environmental issues in government and private

Sector. The components involved in this- survey research are discussed under following theme.

3.1 Population of the study

Government and private schools are under consideration of population of study.

3.2 Sample of the study

The criterion involved for the selection of sample is random selection of sample 100 students were

selected as the sample of study. 50 students from public school and 50 students from private schools

3.3 Research tool

To carryout research a questionnaire was developed holding 15 statements in Order to checkout and

evaluate the awareness about environment, their causes, effects and issues Involved. The data was collected

from private and government students. Two scales were used .1st scale Was to answer the 8 statements with

yes or no .Second scale was to answer the statements under Following keys.( S.D=strongly Disagree,

D=disagree, U=uncertain, A=Agree, S.A=Strongly Agree.

3.4 Pilot Testing

Questionnaire which was used for analysis and evaluation was distributed among those

Students which were not listed in our sample.

3.5 Validity of tool

To test the standard of questions, questionnaire was forwarded to the control group

And according to their advice some changes were made.

3.6 Reliability of the tool

The school which were taken as sample were visited by researchers to distribute the

Questionnaire and to find out their thinking and diversions towards environmental awareness.

3.7 Data Analysis

Collected data was analysed by using mathematical tools in order to find out the environmental



This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data collected by the researcher

from the selected sample of Haripur District through questionnaire. Keeping in view the objectives

of the study the data were collected. The researcher has tried to make this study as objective as

possible. Data were tabulated and analyzed by using the SPSS package. The tables under various

sections has been shown below:

Table 4.1: percentage Analysis of Part A

Statement School Yes No Total
1 Do you know what is environment? Public 34(68%) 16(32%) 100%
Private 47(94%) 3(6%)
2 Do you know about the components of environment? Public 37(74%) 13(26%) 100%
Private 35(70%) 15(30%)
3 Are you aware of physical issues of environment? Public 34(68%) 16(32%) 100%
Private 37(74%) 13(26%)
4 Did you examine any changes in environment? Public 41(82%) 9(18%) 100%
Private 46(92%) 4(8%)
5 Did you affect the environment in any way? Public 23(46%) 27(54%) 100%
Private 44(88%) 6(12%)
6 Do you know about the extinction of species? Public 26(52%) 24(48%) 100%
Private 35(70%) 15(30%)
7 Do you water the plants on daily basis? Public 19(38%) 31(62%) 100%
Private 49(98%) 1(2%)

In table 4.1, the S1 shows that 34(68%) public schools students were agreed that they know

about environment. While, 16(32%) public schools students do not have knowledge about

environment. On the other hand, 47(94%) private schools students were agreed with the statement

that they have knowledge about environment. While, 3(6%) private schools students were not

aware with environment.

Further, in S2, 37(74%) public schools students were agreed that they know about the

components of environment. Whereas, 13(26%) public schools students were not agreed with it.

In contrast, 35(70%) private schools students agreed with that they know the components of

environment. Whereas, 15(30%) private schools students were not agreed with it.

Furthermore, in S3, 34(68%) public schools students were agreed that they aware with the

physical issues of the environments. While, 16(32%) students were not aware with it. On the other

hand, 37(74%) private schools students were agreed that they aware with the physical issues of the

environments. While, 13(26%) private schools students were not aware with it.

Moreover, in S4, 41(82%) public schools students were agreed that they examine changes

in environment. But, 9(18%) public schools students were not agreed with it. On the other hand,

46(92%) private schools students were agreed that they examine changes in environment. But,

4(8%) private schools students were not agreed with it.

Similarly, in S5, 23(46%) public schools students agreed that they effect the environment

in any way. While, 27(54%) public schools students were not agreed with it. On the other hand,

44(88%) private schools students agreed that they effect the environment in any way. While,

6(12%) private schools students were not agreed with it.

On the other hand, S6, 26(52%) public schools students know about the extinction of

species. Whereas, 24(48%) public schools students were not agreed with it. On the other hand,

35(70%) private schools students know about the extinction of species. Whereas, 15% private

schools students were not agreed with it.

Whereas, S7, 19(38%) public schools students were water the plants on daily basis.

Whereas, 31(62%) public schools students were not agreed with it. On the other hand, 49(98%)

private schools students were water the plants on daily basis. Whereas, 1(2%) private schools

students were not agreed with it.

Table 4.2: Percentage Analysis of Part 3

S.N Statements School S.D D U A S.A
9 Environment caused many bad Public 12% 18% 10% 36% 34%
impact on us Private 11% 19% 14% 39% 17%
10 Global warming gives us any benefit. Public 47% 15% 7% 19% 12%
Private 53% 19% 11% 7% 10%
11 Our environment keeps us physically Public 13% 11% 9% 37% 30%
active Private 12% 19% 7% 32% 30%
12 Acid rain is caused by pollution Public 7% 19% 11% 34% 29%
Private 18% 8% 15% 32% 27%
13 Our body needs to clear water to Public 12% 13% 12% 39% 24%
drink Private 21% 9% 15% 35% 20%
14 Human play important role to save Public 14% 28% 17% 35% 6%
the habitable for animals Private 15% 24% 18% 35% 8%
15 All the components of environment Public 16% 15% 13% 28% 28%
dependent on each other Private 14% 19% 17% 35% 15%

Table 4.2 depict that in S9, 30% public schools students disagreed with the statement that

Environment has caused many bad impact on us, where as 10% public schools students remained

uncertain. Whereas, 60% public schools students were agreed that Environment caused many bad

impact on us. On the other hand, 20% private schools students agreed with the statement that

Environment has caused many bad impact on us, where as 14% public schools students remained

uncertain. Whereas, 56% private schools students were agreed that Environment caused many bad

impact on us.

Further, in S10, 62% public schools students were disagreed that Global warming gives us

any benefit. Whereas, 7% public schools students remained uncertain. While, 31% public schools

students were agreed with this statement Global warming gives us any benefit. On the other hand,

72% private schools students were disagreed that Global warming gives us any benefit. Whereas,

11% male students remained uncertain. While, 62% private schools students were agreed with this

statement Global warming gives us any benefit.

Furthermore, in S11, 24% public schools students disagreed that our environment keeps us

physically active. While 9% public schools students were remained uncertain. Whereas, 67%

public schools students were agreed that our environment keeps us physically active. On the other

hand, 31% private schools students disagreed that our environment keeps us physically active.

While 7% private schools students were remained uncertain. Whereas, 62% private schools

students were agreed that our environment keeps us physically active.

Moreover, in S12, 26% public schools students were disagreed that Acid rain is caused by

pollution. Whereas, 11% public schools students were remained uncertain. While, 63% public

schools students were agreed that Acid rain is caused by pollution. On the other hand, 26% private

schools students were disagreed that Acid rain is caused by pollution. Whereas, 15% private

schools students were remained uncertain. While, 59% private schools students were agreed that

Acid rain is caused by pollution.

Similarly, in S13, 25% public schools students were disagreed that our body needs to clear

water to drink. While, 12% public schools students remained uncertain. Whereas, 63% public

schools students were agreed that our body needs to clear water to drink. On the other hand, 30%

private schools students were disagreed that our body needs to clear water to drink. While, 5%

private schools students remained uncertain. Whereas, 63% private schools students were agreed

that our body needs to clear water to drink.

On the other hand, in S14, 42% public schools students were disagreed with the statement

that Human play important role to save the habitable for animals. While 17% public schools

students remained uncertain. Whereas, 41% public schools students were agreed with the

statement Human play important role to save the habitable for animals. On the other hand, 49%

private schools students were disagreed with the statement that Human play important role to save

the habitable for animals. While 18% private schools students remained uncertain. Whereas, 43%

private schools students were agreed with the statement Human play important role to save the

habitable for animals.

Moreover, in S15, 31% students were disagreed with the statement that All the components

of environment dependent on each other. Whereas, 13% students remained uncertain. While, 56%

students were agreed with the statement that All the components of environment dependent on

each other. On the hand, 33% private schools students were disagreed with the statement that All

the components of environment dependent on each other. Whereas, 17% private schools students

remained uncertain. While, 50% private schools students were agreed with the statement that All

the components of environment dependent on each other.

Table 4.3: Comparison of environmental awareness based curriculum used by between

public and private

Group N M SD SE Mean t Sig.

Public 50 8.7400 1.41147 0.19961

-4.029 .000
Private 50 10.0000 1.70234 0.24075

Table 4.5 showed that public school (Mean = 8.7400, SD = 1.41147 and SE Mean =

0.19961) responded that public schools has more awareness comparatively low than private

schools (Mean = 10.0000, SD = 1.70234 and SE Mean = 0.24075). Hence, there is a statistically

difference between public and private indicated by t-value (-4.029) with p-value (0.000) which is

less than significant level (0.05) (p = 0.000 < (0.05).

5.1 Summary
The current thesis was conducted on the topic of comparative study of environmental

awareness-based on curriculum in private and public sector in district Haripur. The objectives of

the study were 1) to assess the environmental awareness among public and private students. 2) to

find the perceptions of students regarding environmental awareness. 3) Comparison of

environmental awareness based curriculum used by between public and private. The study was

descriptive in nature and a questionnaire was used to collect the data from students. Data were

collected from both public and private schools. Questionnaire was self-made and made on the

bases of objectives. Questionnaire contained two parts. Part a belong to objective one and part B

belongs to part two. A sample of 50 students from public school and a sample of 50 students from

private school were selected from district Haripur. After studying the content and literature from

internet and other resources researcher adjust some content from internet in her study. After

collection of data from students researcher analyzed the data on SPSS software. It was found that

many of public and private students agreed that they know about environment. Most of public and

private students agreed that they know about components of environment. Some of public and

private students agreed that they aware of physical issues of environment. Majority of public and

private students agreed that they examine any changes in environment. Few of public and private

students agreed that they affect the environment in many ways. Some of public and private students

agreed that they know about the extinction of species. Many of public and private students agreed

that they water the plants on daily basis. Many of public and private students agreed that they know

the effect of pollution on the river Yamuna. It was concluded that Majority of the public and private

schools students agreed with the statement that Environment has caused any bad impact on you.

Most of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that Global warming

give us any benefit. Many of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that

our environment keep you physically active. Some of the public and private schools students

agreed with the statement that Acid rain is caused by pollution. It was recommended

Environmental awareness is the main component of education system. Both public and private

schools and their students must be aware the environment and environmental changes and their

components with their physical changes. Government should conduct awareness programs by

which they guide both public and private schools about the environmental issue and their effect on

curriculum. It is also recommended that further research may be conducted of the topic of “problem

faced by teacher during conducting curriculum in classroom.

5.2 Findings
5.2.1 Findings of the study was based on objectives 01) to assess the environmental
awareness among public and private students (Table 4.1).
It was found that

 34(68%) public schools students were agreed that they know about environment.

While, 16(32%) public schools students do not have knowledge about environment.

On the other hand, 47(94%) private schools students were agreed with the statement

that they have knowledge about environment. While, 3(6%) private schools

students were not aware with environment.

 37(74%) public schools students were agreed that they know about the components

of environment. Whereas, 13(26%) public schools students were not agreed with

it. In contrast, 35(70%) private schools students agreed with that they know the

components of environment. Whereas, 15(30%) private schools students were not

agreed with it.

 34(68%) public schools students were agreed that they aware with the physical

issues of the environments. While, 16(32%) students were not aware with it. On the

other hand, 37(74%) private schools students were agreed that they aware with the

physical issues of the environments. While, 13(26%) private schools students were

not aware with it.

 41(82%) public schools students were agreed that they examine changes in

environment. But, 9(18%) public schools students were not agreed with it. On the

other hand, 46(92%) private schools students were agreed that they examine

changes in environment. But, 4(8%) private schools students were not agreed with


 23(46%) public schools students agreed that they effect the environment in any

way. While, 27(54%) public schools students were not agreed with it. On the other

hand, 44(88%) private schools students agreed that they effect the environment in

any way. While, 6(12%) private schools students were not agreed with it.

 26(52%) public schools students know about the extinction of species. Whereas,

24(48%) public schools students were not agreed with it. On the other hand,

35(70%) private schools students know about the extinction of species. Whereas,

15% private schools students were not agreed with it.

 19(38%) public schools students were water the plants on daily basis. Whereas,

31(62%) public schools students were not agreed with it. On the other hand,

49(98%) private schools students were water the plants on daily basis. Whereas,

1(2%) private schools students were not agreed with it.

5.2.2 Findings of the study was based on objectives 02) to find the perceptions of students

regarding environmental awareness. (Table 4.2).

It was found that

 30% public schools students disagreed with the statement that Environment has

caused many bad impact on us, where as 10% public schools students remained

uncertain. Whereas, 60% public schools students were agreed that Environment

caused many bad impact on us. On the other hand, 20% private schools students

agreed with the statement that Environment has caused many bad impact on us,

where as 14% public schools students remained uncertain. Whereas, 56% private

schools students were agreed that Environment caused many bad impact on us.

 62% public schools students were disagreed that Global warming gives us any

benefit. Whereas, 7% public schools students remained uncertain. While, 31%

public schools students were agreed with this statement Global warming gives us

any benefit. On the other hand, 72% private schools students were disagreed that

Global warming gives us any benefit. Whereas, 11% male students remained

uncertain. While, 62% private schools students were agreed with this statement

Global warming gives us any benefit.

 24% public schools students disagreed that our environment keeps us physically

active. While 9% public schools students were remained uncertain. Whereas,

67% public schools students were agreed that our environment keeps us

physically active. On the other hand, 31% private schools students disagreed that
our environment keeps us physically active. While 7% private schools students

were remained uncertain. Whereas, 62% private schools students were agreed

that our environment keeps us physically active.

 26% public schools students were disagreed that Acid rain is caused by pollution.

Whereas, 11% public schools students were remained uncertain. While, 63%

public schools students were agreed that Acid rain is caused by pollution. On the

other hand, 26% private schools students were disagreed that Acid rain is caused

by pollution. Whereas, 15% private schools students were remained uncertain.

While, 59% private schools students were agreed that Acid rain is caused by


 25% public schools students were disagreed that our body needs to clear water to

drink. While, 12% public schools students remained uncertain. Whereas, 63%

public schools students were agreed that our body needs to clear water to drink.

On the other hand, 30% private schools students were disagreed that our body

needs to clear water to drink. While, 5% private schools students remained

uncertain. Whereas, 63% private schools students were agreed that our body

needs to clear water to drink.

 42% public schools students were disagreed with the statement that Human play

important role to save the habitable for animals. While 17% public schools

students remained uncertain. Whereas, 41% public schools students were agreed

with the statement Human play important role to save the habitable for animals.

On the other hand, 49% private schools students were disagreed with the

statement that Human play important role to save the habitable for animals. While

18% private schools students remained uncertain. Whereas, 43% private schools

students were agreed with the statement Human play important role to save the

habitable for animals.

 31% students were disagreed with the statement that All the components of

environment dependent on each other. Whereas, 13% students remained

uncertain. While, 56% students were agreed with the statement that All the

components of environment dependent on each other. On the hand, 33% private

schools students were disagreed with the statement that All the components of

environment dependent on each other. Whereas, 17% private schools students

remained uncertain. While, 50% private schools students were agreed with the

statement that All the components of environment dependent on each other.

5.2.3 Findings of the study was based on objectives 02) Comparison of environmental

awareness based curriculum used by between public and private. (Table 4.3).

 (Mean = 8.7400, SD = 1.41147 and SE Mean = 0.19961) responded that public

schools has more awareness comparatively low than private schools (Mean =

10.0000, SD = 1.70234 and SE Mean = 0.24075). Hence, there is a statistically

difference between public and private indicated by t-value (-4.029) with p-value

(0.000) which is less than significant level (0.05) (p = 0.000 < (0.05).

5.3 Conclusions
5.3.1 Conclusions of the study was based on objectives 01) to assess the environmental
awareness among public and private students (Table 4.1).
It was concluded that

1. Many of public and private students agreed that they know about


2. Most of public and private students agreed that they know about

components of environment.

3. Some of public and private students agreed that they aware of physical

issues of environment

4. Majority of public and private students agreed that they examine any

changes in environment.

5. Few of public and private students agreed that they affect the environment

in many ways.

6. Some of public and private students agreed that they know about the

extinction of species.

7. Many of public and private students agreed that they water the plants on

daily basis

8. Many of public and private students agreed that they know the effect of

pollution on the river Yamuna.

5.2.2 Conclusions of the study was based on objectives 02) to find the perceptions of

students regarding environmental awareness. (Table 4.2).

It was conclude that

1. Majority of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that

Environment has caused any bad impact on you.

2. Most of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that

Global warming give us any benefit.

3. Many of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that Our

environment keep you physically active.

4. Some of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that Acid

rain is caused by pollution.

5. Few of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that Our

body need to clear water to drink

6. Many of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that

Human play important role to save the habitable for animals

7. Majority of the public and private schools students agreed with the statement that

All the components of environment dependent on each other.

5.3.3 Conclusions of the study was based on objectives 02) Comparison of environmental

awareness based curriculum used by between public and private. (Table 4.3).

1. It was concluded that public schools are more aware then private schools on of

environmental awareness based curriculum.

5.4 Recommendations
The recommendations of the study were based on objectives, findings and conclusions of

the study, here are some recommendations of the study.

1. Environmental awareness is the main component of education system. Both public

and private schools and their students must be aware the environment and

environmental changes and their components with their physical changes.

2. Government should conduct awareness programs by which they guide both public

and private schools about the environmental issue and their effect on curriculum.

3. It is also recommended that further research may be conducted of the topic of

“problem faced by teacher during conducting curriculum in classroom.


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Student Name:___________________________ Gender: Male Female
School:____________________________________Class: __________
Nature of School: Public / Private

1. Read the following statements.
2. Mark or Tick () the following statements in the relevant box.
S.N Statement Yes No

1 Do you know what is environment?

2 Do you know about the components of environment?

3 Are you aware of physical issues of environment?

4 Did you examine any changes in environment?

5 Did you affect the environment in any way?

6 Do you k-now about the extinction of species?

7 Do you water the plants on daily basis?

8 Do you know the effect of pollution on the river Yamuna?

1. Read the following statements.
2. Mark or Tick () the following statements in the relevant box.

(S. D = Strongly Disagree, D = Disagree, U= uncertain, A = Agree, S.A = Strongly Agree)

S.N Statements S.D D U A S.A

9 Environment has caused any bad impact on


10 Global warming give us any benefit

11 Our environment keep you physically active

12 Acid rain is caused by pollution

13 Our body need to clear water to drink

14 Human play important role to save the

habitable for animals

15 All the components of environment

dependent on each other


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