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Faith Carolina Moreno Rico

Simple Past Tense:

Affirmative Statements

Оh' А|bеr||
You werеa qoad
man bul a
l^ ia\t na?f I

Сhесk thе yеor thеsеsеntеncеs
oppеored in o nеwspoper,
..PoetAlbеrt Rimes ]ivеs in Belяium.''

П rgвg t rggg
..PoetAlbert Rimes livеd in
Belgium most of his life."
ш 1989 ш 1999

сl|ARтсI{/Eсl( тHE sIlUtPLЕPAsт TЕNSE:8Е

Сhесk thе corrесt Suв;пст | Bt
l/Hе/She/|t was
How many forms y o u n gi n 1 9 3 0 .
does the past tense WelYou*/Тhey wеrе
of hehave? *Yorzis both singular and plural
П o''" П t."o
What dо you add to тHE sllt'PLE PAsт ТЕNSЕ:RЕGULAR vЕRBs
the base form of Suвlrст l Vппв l
rеgular vеrbs to fоrm
thе рast tense? movеd
I/He/Shе/It/We/You/Тhеy fiftyyеarsago.
ш -doт.ed ш .t workеd


Suв;пст l v.," l
wrotе poеtry.

beсame famous.

built a monument.

Sirnple Рast тense: Affirmative Staternerrts l 25

Сompletethе сhort,

Bдsв Foпм oг Vппв Slмprв Pдsт Тrшsв

oe ano



й r a mтnа r Еx рla паt iо пs Е'xаrтзр|es

l. Usе thе simрlе рast tense to ta|kabout things r АIbertRimeslived in the twentiethсentury.
that arе now finished. r Hе was a ooеt.
*?* r Hе wrotе poetry.

Hе wos o poеt. i.

2. You сan u5еthе simplе past tense with I Bу |93o, he was famous.
timе exprеssions that refеrto thе past I Hе diеd more than tеn yеors ogo,
(Iostwееk, bу 1980, in thе twentiethсеntury,
fifty уеors ogo).

3. Тhe simple past tеnsе of rеgu|ar verbs is Bдsв Foпм Slмplв Pдsт
formеd by adding -d or -еd, Iive Iived
join joined
pray played
} Bв сдпвгul! Тhеrеare often spelIingсhanges study studiеd
whеn you add .ed to the vеrb. hop hoppеd
Мany сommon verbsarе irrеgular. bе was/wеrе
Тhеir paSttеnsеis not formеd by adding havе had
.d or -еd. get got
go wеnt

it out!
For spelling rules for the simple past tense of regular verЬs, see Appendix 21 on
page З44.
For pronunсiation rules for the simple past tense ofregulaт vеrbs, see Appendix 28
on page 348.
For a ]ist ofirregтlar verЬs, see Appendix 1 on pagеs 336_337.

26 l Unit о

o Rеаd obout lаponesе poеt Mаtsuo Bosho. Undеrlinеаll the rеgulorpost

tеnsеvеrbs,Сirclе oll the irrеgulorpost tensеvеrbs,

Matsuo Basho@БDmore than 1'000 three-line

poems' or..haiku.'' He сhose topiсs fiоm nature, daily

life, and human emotions. He bесame оne of Japan's

most famous poets, and his work established haiku as

an impоrtant art form.

Matsuo Basho was born near Kyоtо in 1644'

His father wantеd him tо beсome а sarnurai (warrior).

Instеad, Matsuo movеd to Edо (presеnt-day Tokyo)

and studied pоetry. By 1681' hе had many studеnts

and admirers.
Basho's home burned down in 1682. Thеn, in

1683, his mothеr diеd. After these events, Basho felt

restless. Starting in 1684, he travеlеd оn foot and on

horsebaсk al] over Japаn. Sometimes his friends joined him, and they wrоtе poеtry

together. Travel was diffiсult in thе seventeеnth сentury, and Basho often got siсk. He

died in 1694, during a journey to Osaka. At that time he had 2,000 students.

o Reod this biogrophу of onothеr poet, Еmilу Dickinson'

сl]00sE& сOff|PLEтЕ
Сomplеtеit using thе simplе post tеnsеform of thе vеrbsin thе boхеs.

bе beсome lead leavе )< write

Еmily Diсkinson, one of thе most pоpular Ameriсan poets,

lived from 1830to 1886.Shе
about love. naturе. and time. These her

favorite themеs' Diсkinson an unusual life,

After just one year of сoliege, she a reсluse-

shе almost never her hоuse in Amherst,

Massaсhusetts. At hоme, she no one eхсept hеr

familу, and she only white.

Simple Past Тeпse: Affirпlаtive Stаtеmeгlts l 27

address appear happen write

In addition to her poetry,Diсkinson many letters.Other

people always the envelopes for her. Durins her lifetime only
seven of hеr 1,700 poems in print-and this '12.
without her knowlеdge or permissiоn.

Now сomplеtеtheselines from o poеm bу Emilу Dickinson,

bite .}"Ф drink eat hop

A bird .l down the walk:

He did nоt knоw I

He an angle-worm in halves
And the fellow raw.

And then he a dew

Frоm a сonvenient gтass'

And then sidewise to the wall

To let a beetle pass.

ЕDlTC Reod port of а studеnt,sjournаl, Find ond сorreсtеight mistokesin the use of thе
simplе post tеnsе.Thе first mistokeis olreody сorrеcted.

Todауin c|a.sswе rеаd a ?oеmby RobertFros|.I reallyeqэу it. lt was aboцtа

?еraonwhochoosеdbеIlllееоIworoаdsin а torеst' Bdore hе mаdе his decision,hе

s?еntsa lot at tirnetn7ingto decidеwhichroаdto fotlow.Мany peopte


?еrsonwеrcFrost.|nrhе еnd,hе IаkеIhе roаdIhаIwаs |еssIrаvе|еdon. |1edеcidеd

to bе а poеt.Ihаtdеcisioncnangеhis titea lot.

SomеtimеsI lеe| а tittletikeFrost' тwo\еars ago I decidеto comeIo this

werеIhe biggеstdеcisionot rnytife.


Simple Past Тense:
Negative Statements
and Questions

Тнв Dдtrr,Nь-rr,s


-Lдл,, Nвw Gurшвд, Jurv 2, 1'9З7. Аmdria ЕarhаrtЪ smali
planе lеft thе island of Laе at ехaсtly 12:00 midnight. Shе was
not alonе on thе flight, Ьut shе and Frеd Noonan, hеr
n a v i g a t o r ,w е r е v е f y t i r е d . S h е r е p o r t е dh е r l a s t p o s i t i o n
a t 8 : 1 , 4p . м . A Г t е r t h a t , s h е d i d n o t m a k е r a d i o с o n t a с t
again. \Vhy did thеy disappеar? W.еrеthеy ехhaustеd?Did
t h е y r u n o u t o Г g a s ?T h е U . S . C o a s t G u a r d s t а r t е d i t s
s е a r с hГ o r t h е а n s w е r а t 1 0 : 1 5 p . м .

l l PoINт
Сirclе T (True),F (Folsе),or ? (thе ortiсlе doesn,tsoу)'
т r ? The plane сrashеd.
т F ? Earhart made radio сontaсt after 8:14 p.м.
т F ? Еarhart had a navigator with her.


снEсI(I BE
Сhесk thе сorrеct Suв;вст |,. |шo' сoNTRA(тloNs
I/He/Shе/It was was not = wasn't
What word do уou not hеre |astyеar.
add to be to form а Wе/You*/Theywerе Wеrenot = werеn,t
negative statement?
*You is both singular and plural.
П лot J did not
What do you add tо REGULA R AND IRRЕGULAR vl ЕRBs
other verbs to form а I Bдsв Foпм
nеgativе statеment? Suв,вст Dto t,toт| oг Vвпв CoNтRACтloNs
J not J did not I/He/She/lt сaIl
did not l a s tn i g h t . did not = didn't
We/You/Thеy tty

Simple Past тense: Negative statements anсi QuestioПs l 29



Сhеck thе сorrеct Bс |suц..'I Aггlпмдтlvв t N."o,.u.
Was sne she was. she wasn't.
Whiсh word(s) hеre |astyеar? Yes, No,
сan begin уеslno Wеrе they they werе. they wеren,t
questions with be?
lJ wos !vf,- QuЕsтIoNS:BЕ
r- tl
lJ were Wн. Woпo |8r ISuqвст|
lJ did
was she
Whiсh word(s) why hеre lastyear?
сan begin уеslno were thеy
questions with
other vеrbs? YEs/NoQuЕsтloNs:OТHERvЕRBs sHoRт ANsWЕRs
lJ wos II
Dlo ISuв!встl Bдsв Foпм I Aггlпмдтlvвl Nвсдтlvв
tJ wеre
Did 5nе t|у to Меxiсo? Yеs, she did. ]No, she didn,t.
J did
l,t/f'-QuЕsтIoNS: OтHER vЕRBs
Wн- WoпoIDlo l Suв,пст
why did it disappеar?

Unscromblеthesеwords to form o questionond on onswеr.

navigator . she . have о Did . a


& yarтт
rrrar ЕxрlanatЁоrrs Еxarnp!еs
1. Usе the simplе past tеnse to makе negativе r Shе wasn,t a|one.
statements аbout aсtionsor situationsthat arе r Тhey weren,t on an island.
nowfinishеd. r Т h e yd i d n , t f i n d t h e p I a n е .
Now r Hе didn't Call thatniqht.
wqsn'tolone i

2. Usе thе simpIe past tеnse to ask questions r Was shе a|onеin thе p|аnе?
aboutaсtionsor situations
that are now finished. l Whеre did she leave from?

Cheсkit out!

Еor questions about the subjeсt,see Unit 24 on pages 102_103.
3O r unit z

READ. Look аt some foсts obout Amelio Еаrhort'

o She was bоrn in the Unitеd States. о She reсeived many arмards.
о She didn,t сomplete соllеgе. o She married Geоrge Palmer Putnam.
о She didn,t keep her first airplane. о She didn't have any сhildren.
о She flew aсross thе Atlantiс oсean. о She wrotе three boоks.

АNswЕRо Put o сhесk in the сorrесtboх'

Yes No

1. Did she get many awards? И t

2. Was she a сollege gтaduate? t t
3. Wаs shе an Ameriсan citizen? t П
4. Did she keep hеr first planе? t t
5. Was shе an author? t t
6. Did she have a husband? t t
7. Was she a parent? t t

о Usе the сues to osk quеstionsobout Amеlio Еorhort. Тhеn аnswеr the
Asl(& АNsviIER
questionswith thе informotionin thе box'

,|9з7 Amеriсаn Columbia University two yеars New Guinea three


l. WЪen/ sЪe/сross thе Atlantiс oсеan?

\Nhendid эhе crogэ the Аt|antia ocеan? ln 192b,
2. Where / s},e lstudy?

3. Horд'long / be / shе / a soсial worker?

4. Where / her last flisht / leave from?

5. How many books / sЬ,e/writе?

6. What /Ье /lner natiоnаlitv?

7. When I she /disappear?

s.m;rle least тense: Nеgаtive st;iteгneпts arld Questions r 3l

тhе mogozine F|уing H.lgh (FH) interviewеdo уoung pilot' Сomplеtethe

interviеwwith thе сorrесtform of thе vеrbsin pаrenthеsеsond with short onswеrs,

FH: Did you always wanl to bе a pilot?

l. (want)
Suв: Yeэ ,I aid . I saw a doсumentarv about Amelia
Earhart when I was siх. She beсame mу role model.
FH: your parеnts happу with уour dесisiоn?
з. (be)
Suв: , they .They me to fly.
5 . ( n o tw а n t )
FH: WЪy nоt? thеy it was too dangerous?
6. (fее|)
Suв: they . But I was very determined, and
they mе from pursuing my dream.
8. (not keеp)
FH: you ever оf flying arоund the wоrld?
9. (dгeam)

Suп: of сoursе.But I it would happen so soon.

10, (notthink)
FH: you alone on the flight?
11. (Bе)
Suв: ,I .Ihadaсo.оilot.
FH: it diffiсult to find a сo-pilot for this flight?
l 3. (Bе)
Suв: it . She's my roommate.

ЕDlIo Rеod this postсord. Find ond сorrect six mistokеsin thе usе of thе simptepost
tensе,Thе first mistokeis olrеodу corrеctеd.

Нi! Di|уoи rceеircJ пу Llst /еttсr? | intп't knеш,tlot,r

tt.'tl,аiirсss so / settt it toуoиr ,l/,/oпe, I,|/teп Т:

уoи , Ls.r
|24с j
lttovсi? Diigoиr rootиtttсtuЬ,
tпovеtl,itll !1oи? Rtght, пot,,

litt oп bo"ll.,/,l p/,lпс f/цitч to Е/ Pаso tо visit Апtl'

Тo: 5ие Аvilt
Dir|уoи mеt hеr .tt the сoпfireпсс Ltst уеоr? | ицlиfui
|21o Bоцviсu, Plвс.с
tо visit hсr ttlJипс, bltt / пo /lа,/ thс tiпс. Аt first / к,,ts
Тttmpл,FL 33601
goirц to ,lrivе from Los Аиge/es, bнt I ieсile,'{ to f/у

fulstеаi. Т/tis is oпlу пtц thir,l f/i1/tt, bиt / /t,vе

| ,ti,|nt kпou, f/уitlg сoи/,./bе so mtrh fиn! Нopе fu

hсаr frout уоt'. -^,1

& Used to

Lookat thatl
I uэed |o wear

Г{.з€q:{ff PglNт
Сhеck thе сorrеctonswеr.
The man is thinking about
П a habit hе has now.
П a habit hе had in the past.

сItEсКI AFFlRluAтIvEsтAтЕП,lЕNтs NЕGAтlvE sтAтEпnENтs
Сirclе T (True)or l I BдsвFoпм I l BдsпFoпм
F (Folsе). Suцпст| ttsсoтo I oг Vппв Suв,вст | Dtot,t,тusстo I oг Vвпв
т F In aflirmative I I
statemеnts, She used to wеar 'eans. didn't usе to wеar Jeans.
иsed to is
Thеy Тhеy
used with
all subjeсts.

Сheck the сorrесt' Dlo Isuqвст|uu .o | вшв гoпм Aгrlпмдтlvв l Nпсlтlvе
you I I
In questiоns,what
D i d sne usе to wеar iеans? Yеs, snе did. No, s h e didn't.
form of used to
is usеd? thеy thеy thеy

О аiа...usedto
J аiа...usеto
Шн-Woпo I o,o i Suв,вст| uu 'o | вяsеFoпм
What did she usе to wеar?

Used tо r 33

Сirclе thе words to сompletеthеsеsеntеnсеs,
о He usеd to / uses to wear baggy jeans.

. Did yоu use to / usеd to shop for сlothes with your friеnds?

о What did your parents use to sa}.ing / sa.v abоut your сlоthes?

f"уаукrrзar Екр|а*аtiопs Еxаmplеs

1. Usе used to + basе form of the verb to ta|k r Lеo used to buy baggy jеans.
about past habits or past situations that (ln thе post, hе oftenboughtboggyjeons
no Ionoеrеxistin thе orеsеnt. Не doеsn,tbuу boggyjeons anуmorе.)
usеd to buу i

} Bв сдпвгut|Used to а|wayshas a past meaning. r |n his youth, Lеo usеd to bе thin

Тhеrе is no prеsеnttenseform. N oт Тэdа*tеиаsеd-te-bе-tf,in

2. We usua||yuse иsed to in sеntеnсеsthat l е a n su s e d t o G o m e o n | yi n b | u e .

Gontrast the past and the prеsent. We Nowyou сan buy themin anyсo|or.
oftеn еmphasizethis сontгastby usingtimе
Тhey usеd to livе in Cenoa, but they
eхprеssionssuсh as nowl no longer, and
no longer Iivеthеre.
not anymorе with the prеsenttеnse.
Shе used to wеar a size6, but shе
doеsn,t onymorе.

3. Bв сдвtгur! Foгm quеstions with did + use to. r Did you usе to wеar jеans?

Form thе nеgativе with didn,t + use to. r They didn,t usе to сomе in diffеrentсoIors.
Usдсв Noтв: Used to is more сommon in
affirmativestаtemеntsthan in neqative
statеmeпt5 or quеstions.

4. Bв сдппгul! Do not сonfusе used to + basе l usеd to wear tight jеans.

form of the vеrb with thе fo||owingexpressions: (lt wos mу past hobit to wеor tightjеons.)

be used to (bе oссustomеdto) I , m u s е d t o w е a r i n g t i g h tj e a n s .

(lt is normolfor mе to wеor tightjеons.)

gеt used to (get oссustomеdto) | got used to wearing tight jeansIastyeaг'

(l got oссustomеdto wеoringtightjеons.)

34 r unit в

iDENтIEYo Rеod this foshion orticlе. Undеrlineoll thе eхomplesof usеd to that
refеrto а hobit in thе post'

In many ways, fashion used to be thеy traveled. Today you сan go to

muсh simpler. Women didn't use to thе opera and find sоme wоmen in
wear pants to the offiсe, and men's evening gowns while others are in
сlothes never used to сome in bright bluejeans. Еven buyingjeans used
сolors.Peoplе also used to dress in to bе еasier-theу сamе оnly in bluе
speсial ways for different situations. denim. I'm still not usеd to buying
They didn,t use blue jeans as businеss gтеenjeans and wearing them
сlothes or wear joggtng suits when to work!

сltO0sE& сOIЛPLЕтEo Look ot thesеpiсturеs from on old mogozine.

Use thе vеrbsin thе boх with used to. Writеonе sеntеnсеabout еaсh piсturе.

Х сarry danсe dress have wеar

l . Women's skirts uэed to be 2. All men long hair.

long and formal.

3. Children like Мen and women

adults. at formal balls.

5. Women many 6 . Men walking stiсks.

pettiсoatsunder thеir skirts.

Llse.d to r 35

AsI(& АNswЕR o Look ot thе informаtion

aboutsnеokеrs from1922,Сomplеte
the FAQs*' Usеthecorrеctformof used to.
Woмгш,s 380 wнlтг
95C вt.дск
89с LARсЕ 79с LARGE

r.Q: Did эneakеrэ u6e |o aome in manу co|orэ?

( s n е а k e r s/ с o m е i n m a n y с o i o r s ? )

A: No.only in whi|eand b|aсk,

2 . Q : How many styles did thеy usе to сome in?

( H o w m u с h l p a n o f m e n ' s h i g h - t o p s/ с o s t ? )

4 . Q : What abоut womеn's sneakers? Did thеy use to сost thе same as men's?
s . Q : What kind of sneakers did сhildren use tо wear?
6 . Q : How many sizеs did thеre use to bе for bоys and girls?
*ЕAQs= FrеquentlyAsked Quеstions

EDIIo Reod this student,sjournol' Find ond corrеctfivе mistokеsin thе usе of usеd to.
Thе first mistokеis olreodv сorrеcted,

А|||ha qir|eaN mу
c|othinqdldn'Nwеd to ba a prob|еm,
Whс,nI waoУoun7ar,

ochoolueеА|o worrNhr oamе uniform,I ueed|o think|ha| it Nookawaуfrom

mу frееdomot choloa'Now| саn wеarwha| | want,bu| c|oLheeсoo| эa much|

uoеd|o bе сheapеr,lr/ymom UaeО|О paу \еэa


|han Ф2Оfor herэ.I queeeIheу didn'tueеd|o эе|ldreiqnеrjеane baсkNhеn,

buNnowI,mno| эa эure|
You knoи | wao uэedto br aqaineteсhoo|unitarme,

Past Progressive

Сheсk thе сorreсtonswеr.
The girl in thе hospital bеd is giving
her version of
П what she usually did in thе past.
П what she was doing at the time
of hеr aссident.

сI|АRтснEсKI sтAтЕ]YlЕNтs
Сirclе Т (Truе)or | | Bдsв Foпм oг
F (Folse). Suв;пст Bс |(Noт)|Vппв+-tNG
т F Thе oast |/Hе/Shе/|t was
progтеssivеis jumping.
madе up of the We/You*/Тhey wеrе falling.
past tеnsе оf *Youis both singular
be + base form and plural.
of thе verb.

2 VEs/NoQUЕsтloNs sHoRт ANsWЕRs
Сhесk thе corrесt ' | | Bдsв Foпм
аnswer, Bс |5uв,:стl+.tшс Aпгlпмдтtvв | *."or,u.
In questiоns, the verb Was 5nе
be сomes: jumping? 5nе was. snе w a s n ' t .
Yеs, No,
Wеre you falling?
П after the subjeсt Wе wеrе. Wе werеn,t

П beforе the subjeсt

W,'- QUEsтloNs
wн- woпo l вд | suц.., | вo'. Foпм+ .lruG
wa5 5nе
When jumping?
whv falling?
How long wеrе you

Past Progressive r 37

Сomplеtеthis convеrsotionwith thе post progrеssivеform of thе vеrb staу,
A: Where you

B:I at a resort in Colorado.

g"tтаrЁxрi* rъ*&i*gзs
t r* xъз Еxamp!еs
l . Usе thе Past progrеssivе to dеsсribеan aсtion A: Whаt were you doing at 3:00?
that Wаsin pгogгеssаt а spесifiсtimе in thе pаst. B : Wе werе skiing.
Thе aсtion bеgan bеforе the spесifiсtimе and C : I w a s e a t i n g | u n с ha t 3 : 0 0 .
may or may not сontinue aftеr the speсifiсtime.
3:00 i

Bп сдппгul! Non-aсtion veгbs arе not usua|ly r I had a headaсhеlast night.

usеd in the progгеssive. Noт@
(For o list of сommon non.oсtion vеrbs,
sее Appеndiх 2 on pogе 3З7.)

2. Usе thе past progrеssive with wfii|e to ta|k Whilеhe wаs skiing, Iwas reading.
about two асtions in progressat thе samе OR
time in the Dast.Usе thе pаst oroorеssivein I was rеading while hе was skiing.
both сlauses.

\bs skii{$/ '

UsдспNoтв:|n informа|сonvеrsation,
somе r Sorry,l wasn,t listеning when уou
peopIеusewhenwith thе pastprogrеssivе. were talking.

3. Usе thе past progrеssivе to foсus on thе Sheilawas reading a book last night.
durationof an aсtion,not its сompIеtion. (Wе don,t know if she finishеdthе book.)

Usе thе simplе past tеnsе to foсus on thе Shеi|аrеad a book |astnight.
сomp|еtionof an aсtion. (Sheproboblуfinishedthе book.)

38 r unit g

тRUE0R EALSЕ.Rеod еoсh numbеrеdsеntеnсe.Writе T (Truе)or F (Folsе)for the

stotеmеntthot follows. Writе o questionmark (?) if thеrеis not еnough informotion.

1 . While Tanya was watсhing the Winter olympiсs on TV, Mikael was shoveling snow.

F First Mikaei finished shоvеiing snow. Then Tanya started watсhing TV.

2 . In this photo, I was putting on my boots.

I was wеaring boots in the phоto.

3 . At 5:00, they were drinking hоt сhoсolate bу the fire.

We don,t knоw whеn thеy startеd drinking hot сhoсoiatе.

Last night, I was reading an artiсle about skiing in Moroссo.

I frnished the artiсle.

5 . At 10:00, he drank a сup of сoffeе.

He frnished the сoffee.

6. It was snowing while shе was taking the phоtogтaph.

First shе took thе photоgтaph. Then it started to snow.

DEi0RIBEо Fritz ond Кorуn wеre ot o ski сofё. Writе obout thе piсturе. Usе thе
post progrеssive'

1 . Frttz waэ wеaring a ha|

( W e а r/ a h a t )

2. Karyn waэn,t wеaring a ha|,

( W е а r/ a h а t )

3. They
( s i ti o u t s i d e )

4. It

s. Thеу
(weаr/ sung|аssеs)

6. They
( W е a г/ t h e i r g l o v е s )

z. The waiter
( s е r v е/ d r i n k s )

8. He
1 s е r v е/ | u n с h )

9. Karyn

1o. She

Pаst Pr< r 39

сOIЙPLEтEо Mountain Sports Magazine (MS) interviеwedthе snowboording

chompion, RosiеHopp (RH). Complеtеthе interviewwith thе corrеctform of thе vеrbs
in porenthesesond with short аnswеrs.

MS: Congтatulatiоns!Yоu just beсame a semi-finalist for the olympiс snоwboarding

|Nerе e|Peating
tеam. уoll to get this far in
(expeсt) l .
the сompetition?
RH: Nо, I wagln,t . During thе trials, I frоm a
3. (rесoveф
bad сold. By the last day, I very well. That's what
4. (not pегform)
I thought, anyway.
MS: What you whilе you
5. (think) 6. (Wаit)
fоr the annоunсement?

RH: Aсtually' I abоut the сompetition at all' Some friends

and I a movle.
E. (wаtсh)
МS: You're prеtty new to this sport. Wherе you
9. (snowboard.l
at this time last vear?

RH: In Switzerland.I Barrеtt Christie and

1o. (wаtсh) t 1. (drеаm)
about being that good.
MS: hе for the olympiсs at that timе?
l2. (рraсtiсе)
RH: Yes, hе And he was amazing.

ЕDlTo Rеod thisjournol еntrу.Find ond correсteight mistokеsin thе use of the post
progressive,Thе first mistokе is olrеodу сorrectеd.

Toпtght,Shei/а апd l *a*/ookiпg аt somеphotogrаphs fom mу sпo,-uboаr,fiпgtrtp шith

Fritzb fапilу /аstуеаr Bу the епl ofthe еrrпiпg, tl,еl'lиghiпg /ikе сrаzу, Thаt u,аs m!/frst

ехperieпсeoп а sпolуboаrd, so tllе piсtиres и,еrеprеttу embаrrаssiпg, |n oпe shot, I шаs саmе

с{oн,nt/tеs/opеo'1t'Ig bасk, Iп апoth,eroпe, -у |loа,'/ *е', fа/liиg oиt ofthе ski /ф шhi/е | luаs

ridiпg иp thе s/ope,Fritz шаs tаkiпq thаt piсtиrе from thе /ift eпtrапсе. Good thiпg hе not

stапdiпg rjht ипdеr mе! W|lerе шаs / шhеп Fritz шаs fа//itlg ,/oшп thе s/opе?Igиess I шаsп,t

саrr! mу стmem, It шаs аmаziпg horufа.st Fritzьgir//i.irпd, Kаrуп, /еаrпеl thаt шеekепl,

She шаs doiпgjиmps b3 thе secoпсtdау. Bу thаt timе' / spеnt а lot of timе аt thе ski саfe'

Past Progressive and
simple Past Тense

Did уou эee

t h e acсi de n t ?

Numbеr thеsеstotementsin thе
corrеct timе order.
Y e a h . . . T h eg u у
in the эporte Оar waэ ta|king There was a
on hio сe||ohonewhenhe hit сar aссident.
Lhe of,her сar' The drivеr of the sports
сar Was on thе phone.

сI]ARтсHEсI( PAsт PRoGRЕsslvЕ AND sllvlPlЕ PAsт тENsЕ

Сircle T (True)or Pдsт Pпoспвsslvв| Wнсtl I s.",.. Pдsт Tвшsв
F (Folse).
He was speеding whеn thе aссidenthappеnеd.
Use while to introduсe
т F asimplepast
tеnse aсtion. PAsт тЕNsЕ AND PAsТ PRoGRЕsslvЕ
т F apast Slмpl.вPдsт Твшsв | w",,, | гo'' Pпoспвsstvв
Тhe aссidenthappened whi|е l you wеrе driving.

sllvlPlЕ PAsТ тЕNsЕ AND stiltPLEРAsт тЕNsЕ

PдsтTвшsв| w,,n I s.'... PдsтTпшsв
Тhе po|iсе Gamе whеn the aссidеnthappened.

PAsт PпoGREsslvЕAND PAsт PRoGREsslvЕ

Pдsт Pпoспвsslvв | w,,,, | гo'' Pпoспвsslvв
Тhеy werе talking whi|е they wеre driving.

Сirclе thе сorrеct words to completе thеsеsеntеncеs.
. When / While the сar сrashed, he hit his head.

о How fast was he driving1 didie drige when the aссident oссurred?

Past Рrogressive and Simple Pаst Тense l 41

*т*t iоn s
&r mжтwear#-хpf.a Е:сaжтplеs

1. Use thе past progrеssivе with thе simple r I was сrossing thе strееtwhеn thе dгivеr
past tensе to ta|kabout an aсtionthat was ho nkеd his ho гn.
interгuptedby anothеraсtion.Usе the simple l Тhey wеre driving too fastwhen
past tensefor thе interruptingaсtion. thеy сrashеd.


Usе иlhen to introduсеthе simple past tеnse r Hе was speеdingwhen the light turned red.
aсtion oR usе while to introduсethе past l While he was speеding, the |ightturned гed'
progressivе aсtion.

2. Bв сдпвгul! Notiсе the differenсеin meaning

betwеen thesе two diffеrentsеntеnсes.
tight crossed i
chongеd street :
I When thе |ightсhanged, I <rossеd thе streеt.
: (Firstthе light сhongеd,Thеn l сrossеdthе strееt,)

Future When the light сhanged, I was сrossing

the strееt.
(FirstI was сrossingthе strееt.Then thе light

3. Usе the past progrеssivе with while to Lin was talking on the phonе while he
ta|kabout two aсtionsin progrеssat the samе w as dr iving.
timе in thе past.Usе the past progressivein Тhеy wеren,t paying attеntionwhile theу
both сlauses. Wеrе сrossing thе strееt.
Past 'r"""" 'r'i"""""""'


4. Тhe timе сlausе (the part of thе sеntenсе t Whеn you сalled, lwas |eaving.
beginningwith when or whilе)сan сomе at r l was |eavingwhen you сallеd.
thе beginningoг thе еnd of thе sеntenсe.
Т h e me a n i n gi s th e s a m e . l While he was driving, hе was taIking.
r He was ta|king while hе was driving.
Usе a Comma aftеrthe time сlausеwhеn
it сomes at the bеginningof the sеntеnсe.

42 I unit'ro

тRUE0R FAIiEо Rеod еoch numbеredsеntеnсе.Writе T (True)or F (Folsе)for the

stotemеnt thot follows.

l. When оur friends arrived. we ate lunсh.

т our friеnds arrived before lunсh.

2, While wе were talking on the phone, I was driving to sсhool.

We finished the сonversation. Then I drove to sсhool.

3. Lori heard about the aссident while she was driving to work.
Lori knеw about the aссident by the time she got to work.

4. When they exited the frеeway, it started to rain.

It was raining while thеy Were on the freeway.

5. When Zoe got to sсhool, her сlass was taking a tеst.

Zoe was late to сlass.

ОA police officеr is interviewing two witnеssesof а troffic occident.

Сomplete the interviеw with thе correct form of the verbs in porenthеsеsаnd
with short аnswers,

oв'r'rсвп,. Were э|anding here when the aссidеnt

1. (stаnd)
occurred 2
2. (oссuф
Wrтшпss 1: Yes, Wg w9re . \ryg at the bus stop
3. 4. (wаit)
when we first the сar.
5. (notiсe)
oгr'rсвв: the сar whеn it
6. (spееd)
to thе intersесtion?
7. (get)
Wrтшвss 1: Yes. it It very fast when it
the сorner.
lo. (reaсh)
lVrтшвss 2: No. it ! Those men against a rеd
11. l2. (сross)
light when the сar them.
1 3 .( h i 0
Oггrсвв: the drivеr when hе
14. (stop)
the men?
15. (see)
Wrтшвss 1: No, he He on his сell phonе
16. 17. (talk)
while hе . That's why he in timе.
18. (drivе) 19. (not stop)
Wrтшшss2: But the men attention while they
20. (not pay) 21. (walk)

Pаst Progressive and Simpte Past Tense t 43

Oв'гrсвв: it whеn the aссident

22. (snow)
23. (happеn)
Wrтшвss2: Yes, it . I'm sure of it. The roads were very slippery.
Wrтшшss1: No. it The snow when the
25. 26. (start)
27. (arrivе)

о Rеod eoch poir of sеntеncеs.Сombinе thеm into onе sеntenceusing the simple
post tеnsеor the post progrеssiveform of thе verbs,Usе o commo whеrеnеcеssorу,

1 . Dana attеnded a party. The blizzatd started.

Whеn |he blizzard э|art,ed, oana waэ at|endinq a ?artУ,

2 . She drove home. She listened to her сar radio.

3. She pulled over to the side of the road. Thе visibility got very bad.

4. Shе listеned to thе nеws. She heard about the aссident.

It stopped snowing. Shе drove to thе poliсe station.

6. She talked to thе poliсе. She thought about hеr еditorial for thе mоrning paper.


EDII. Rеod port of the first drаft of Dono,s editoriol. Find ond corrеct five mistokesin
thе usе of timе сlouses,The first mistokе is olrеodу correctеd.

dr iving
Yеsteгday, a man was taiking on his сell phone whiiе he was dfirf,е his сar. Maybе

he сheсkin$ his dai1y planner while hе was makin$ his nеxt appointmеnt. Hе was

сеrtainly not сonсеntratin$ on the road when the li$ht suddenly was turning red.

The two men in thе streеt Wеrr tгyin$ to jump out of thr way when they saw him,

but it was too late. No one Was badly hurt, but that was just luсk. Last yeaц the

City Counсil weren't passin$ the ..talkin$ and driving law.'' Wе neеd that, ]aтлr!

Past Perfeсt

Э у Lh e Li r ne I Lur nеd
|wе |v r,I h a d a | r eadуdecided
Оn a Оarrer. I wanNedto
br paidto talk!

Сheсk the event thot hoppened first.
t oprah turned twelvе.
t oprah deсidеd on a сareer.
Тalk.showhost oprah Winfrеywith hеr ТV audiеnсе.

сIIARтсIIEсI( sтAтЕ]vlЕNтs
Сircle T (True)or Suв1вст | нoo (Noт) | пo'' PяптlсlгI.в |
F (Fаlsе).
|/ Hе/Shе/We/You*/Тhey dесided by then.
т F The past had (not)
perfeсt uses It beеn еasy.
hod for all *Youis both singular and pluцal.

сI|ARтсIllEсK YEslNo QUЕsтloNs sHoRт ANsWЕRs
Сheck thе correct нлo |Suв;вст | r,o'' Pяптlсlгlв | Aггlпмдтlvв l NвсAтtvE
shе dесidеd by then? she shе
In past perfeсt Had Yеs, had. No, hadn't.
quеstions,whеre it bееn еasy? it it
doеs hod go?
П b"fo.e the subjесt l,l/f'. QUEsтloNs
П after the subjeсt Wн- Woпo | нoo I su"l.., | пo'' Pдптlсlpl.в
shе dесidеd to bе a talk-showhost?
whv had
it bеen еasy?

Past Perfeсt l 7|

Сomplete this conversotionwith the vеrb arrive.

A: Had she - by 9:00?

B: No, shе

&w жыжrrжъ* eжeЁ*кэffi
s Ж,xаrmрI*s
1. Use the past pеrfесt to show that something r By 1988 oprah Winfrеyhad beсomе famous.
happenedbеforеa spесifiсtimе in thе past. l |t was 1985. Shе had a|rеadybeen in a
Now Hollywoodfilm.
fаmous :
1988 :

2. The past pеrfeсt aIwaysshows a relationship r In ] 990 oprah invited Matt on the show.
with anothегpast еvеnt. Hе had bееn an authorfoг two yeaгs.
(Hе wos on outhorbefore1990.)

Usе the past pеrfесtfor the ear|iеrevеnt.Use r By thе time ]i||got homе, ,,Thеopгah Winfгеy
thе simp|еpast tensefor thе laterevent. show,,had finishеd.

notiсе thе differenсеin mеanjng bеtwееnthе (Firstthе show endеd,Thеnshе left,)

simplepast tеnsеand thе past pегfесt.
I Whenthе show endеd,shе had !eft.
(Firstshe left. Thеn thе show еnded')

3. Alreodу, уet, ever, and never are often usеd r lsaw Thе Сolor Purple|astnight.
with thе past perfесtto emphasizеthe evеnt I had nevеr seеn it bеforе.
whiсh oссurredfirst
. Jason had olreody seеn it.

4. When thе timе rе|ationshipbetween two past l After oprah had appearеd tn Thе СolorPurplе,
еvеntsis сlear,you сan usе the simple past shе got a paгt in anothеrmoviе.
tensе for both еvеnts' Тhе meaning is oR
usua|lyсlеar when you use ofter, beforе, or l After oprah appеared in The СolorPurplе,
os soon gs to сonnесtthe еvents. 5hе got a paгt in anothегmoviе.

5. We oftеn usе the past perfeсt with by . By 1966 oprah had deсided on a сareeг.
(a сertaintimе).

72 r Elnit tZ

ffi o Rеod еoch numberеdsentence,Write T (True)or F (False)for the

stotеmentthаt follows.

1 . When I got home, "The Oprah Winfrey Show" started.

r First the oprah show started. Then I got homе.

..The oprah Winfrey Show,'had started.
Whеn I gоt home,
First the Oprah show started. Then I got home.

Oprah's guest had lost 100 pounds when she interviewed him.
The guest lost the weight before the interview.

By the end of the shoщ I had fallen asleep.

I fell asleep aftеr the show.

5 . When I went to bed, I had turned off the radio.

I turnеd off the radio after I went to bed.

6. By midnight, I had finishеd the magazine artiсle.

I finished the artiсlе before midnight.

ru o Look ot some importont eventsin oprаh Winfreу,sсorеer.Thеn complеte

сOff|PIEтE '.i.
# thе sentеncеsbеlow, |Jsеthe pаst pеrfect with a|readу or not yеt. , oso*

^o{tu ^*NSu'
9v -,$-^ou .'*o\1,
-.o.o$ ц',о -{']9o ^'*
s .t,rф
'гiaоvot ^,uuo**Ъ**,,l**'**o*].*.oo,'n***,.'utч* ou*ou*.-;$,$Ь.'
I I I I I l. I ll
1954 1957 1971 1973 19BЗ 1985 1986 1988 1998

By 1958 Oprah had a|readуgiven hеr first speeсh.

By 1-971she her first TV job.

By 1972 she her first radio job.

Bу 1972 she in a major movie.

By 1985 she her оwn TV show.

By 1986 she in a major mоvie.

By 1987 she her own studio.

By 2000 she in the fiIm Belouеd.

Past Рerfeсt l 73

Аsl(& АNswERо Look ot this tуpicol 7:00

д.м.Аrrivеаt stцdio _._---.
doilу schedulеfor o TV tolk-show 8:00
host. Сompletеthе quеstionsobout
his schedulе.Usе thе post pеrfectond ll:00
givе short onswеrs, 2:00p.м.Iiаir аnd mаkеuP
5:00 TaPethе show

1. It was 7:45.The host Was on sсhedule.

A: Had he arrlved at the studio yet? B: Yeэ, he had,

2. At 7:30 the host was at his desk.

A: the day's sсhеdule уet? B:

3. At 10:55 he was having сoffee.
A: the sсhеdulе bv that time? B:
4. It was 2:00. He was on his way to makeup.

A: the day's guests by thеn? B:

5. At 4:00 he had a late lunсh.

A: the show yet? B:

6. He went to bed at 10:30.

A: with his trainer that day? B:

ЕDtT.Rеod this student,sreport, Thеrеo,e sii щistokesin thе useof the postperfect.
Find ond corrеct them. The first mistokе is аlreodY correctеd.

opгah Winfrey is an amazin$ person! By the time she was twelve, she bа,g alreaф

deсided on a сareer. Not long aftеrward, she got her first radio job. Althou$h she hadn't

have any еxperiеnсe, she beсamе a nеWs repoгteг. Wtren she got her oтдmTV talk shoщ

she has already aсted ln a major HoШ;rwoodmovie. By the late 198os ..oprah Winfrey''

had beсamе a housеhold woгd. Then in 1994 she dесidеd to improve the quality of

talk-show thеmes. She also made a personal сhan$e. Shе had always had a wеi$ht

problem, but in 1995 TV viewers saw a new \'Vinfrеy. She had iosеd almost ninеty

pounds as a result of dieting and working out. She had a]so сompete in a marathon.

She has rea1l.y been an inspiration to many pеople.

Past Perfeсt
Э у |he time
f,he |aet r unner cr o э o еd
ъhе finio h |ine,he had been
r u n n i n g7 h o u r e , 1 6 m i n u N a e ,
and 24 eесоndo,

Сircle T (True)or F (Fаlse).
т F The raсе is finished.

снARтсIlЕсl( sтAтЕпnЕNтs
Сheсk the correct | вo'. Foпм oг
onswеr. 5uв;вст Hlo (t,toт)всюt I Vвпв + -,^,G
What form of be 'had runnrng
does the past l/ Hе/Sh ei lt/Wе/You*/Тh
ey (not) been all day.
w o r king
perfесt progтеssivе
always usе? *Youis both singular and plural.

П wаs ot were
f1 is, om, or ore YES/NOqr ,ЕsтloNs s}|oRтANsWЕRs
Ёl been II Bдsв Foвм
| в,," + -rwG Aггlпмдтlvв l Nвсдтlvt

r unning
Had she been a||daу? Yеs, shе had. l No, shе hadn,t.

ltrн-Woвo I Hдo Suв;вст | Bвrш | Bлsв Foпм + .,NG
How long r unning?
had shе been
why working?

Past Perfeсt Progressive l 75

Сomplеtе this convеrsаtion with thе pаst pеrfect progrеssiveform of the vеrb praсtiсе.

A: How long she when she entered the race?

B: Shе for more than two vеars.

A: she alone?

B: No. she She with a partner.

6 rarn штar Еxрf;fiшat$Фrur Е.xamрlеs

1. Use thе past pеrfeсt progressive to ta|k l |t was 2:00 p.м.Thе runnеrshad bееn running
about an aсtionthat was in progгеssbeforеa sinсе д.м.
speсifiсtimе in thе past.Тhе progressivе r I fina|lysaw Rob at 4:00 p.м.I had bееn waiting
еmphasizesthе сontinuationof an aсtion, for hours.
not the end геsu|t. I one гunneгfainted.She hadn,t been drinking
Now enough watег.
10:48 2:00 i
z\ ...,аi

Rgмtмвrп!Non-aсtionvеrbsarе not usually r lt was 5:00 p.м.Hе had had a headaсhea||day'
usеd in thе progressive. Noт He a hеadaсhеa||day.

2. Тhе past pеrfeсt progrеssive alwaysshows a l She had beеn praсtiсing for thгеeyеaгs
with anothеrpast evеnt.
re|ationship Whеn she enteredthе raсe.
ffirst shе proсtiсеd.Thеnshе еntеrеdthе raсe,)
Usе the past peгfесt pгogrеssivefor thе
earlierevеnt. Use the simple past tense for
the later event.

3. We oftеn usе thе рast pеrfесt progrеssivе l Shе was out of brе was сlеar that shе
to draw ionсIusionsabout past еvеntsbased had beеn running.
on evidenсe.
r Тhе strеetswerе wеt. |t had bееn raining.

4. Bп сдпвгul! ln thеsе sеntenсeswith when, t When thе raсе staгted,it was raining and thе
notiсe the differenсеin mеaning bеtwеen strееtswеre wеt.
the past progгessiveand thе past pеrfeсt (lt wos stillraining during thе roсе,)
l Whenthe гaсestarted,it had bеen raining
and thе streеtswеге wet.
(lt wаsn,t roining during thе rqсе. lt had

76 I unit lB

o Еoсhrеsult hosa сousе.Motch the resultwith the corrеctcouse,

Result Сause

1 . She was out of breath. a . He had been reading.

The ground was wet. b. She had beеn running.

3 . Hеr eyes wеre red. с . They had been watсhing the raсe.

4. Thеre Was an open boоk on the сouсh. d . She had been сrying.

5 . Therе were empty сans on the floor. е. It had been raining.

6. The TV was on. f. They had been drinking soda.

o Rеаd this storу from o mogozinе orticlе. Сomplete it with the pаst perfect
progrеssiveform of the verbs in pаrenthеsеs.

By BвпьtдolхвМдптlх

n Oсtobсr 2З, I raПthr Boston

wttha partnсLМarсiаDavis'
1уu had been training
1. (train)
togеthсrsinсс |astyеar;and Wе
to сntсr
2. (p|аn)
thс raсесvсr sinсеwе saw oorah
Мarathon'Тhс startof thе raсеwas drаmatiс.Up to thatpoint,wс
in thе\)Иashington
, but wеwеrеvеry sеrtous
whеnwс linсd Up. lWаs so nсryous
3 . ( j o k ea n d l a u g h )
l сouldn,tbrсathс.Мarсiaand l on thosсsаmсstrссtsfor a
4. (praсtiсе)
сoup|сof wсеks,so at thе bсginningwс did wс|l.Bythс timеwс got to Нсartbrсak
wе for almostfоurhours,and I rсa||y
bеliеvсdwс сould
5. (run)
finish.Thсn,halfwayup thеhill,Мarсtastoppсd'Shсjustсouldn,trunanymorr.
Wс to thisraсеforso lonqthatI didn'twantto qo on
6. (lookforward)
а|onс,but Мarсiаwantсdmс to finish.Whсnl got to thс finishlinс,l sawМarсia.Shс
formе forthrееhours.Frrstwс crled.Thсnwс startedtalkinq
7. (wait)
about nеxtУеar'smarаthon.

Pаst Рerfeсt srrogressive l 77

сlt00sE& сOмPLETE o Thе mogаzine Runnеr,s World (RW) is intеrviеwing morothon

winner Poolo Еsposito(PE). Сomplеtеthe intеrviewwith the post perfеctprogrеssivе
form of thе correct verbs from the boх. Use short onswеrs where oppropriote,

date expeсt live Fatrq run

RW: You just won the marathon. Had уou bеen practicing long for it?
PE: Yeэ. I had For morе than five years. First in Madrid,
then in Rome.

RW: You tripped during the raсe. How lоng whеn

that happened?

PЕ: It was in the last hour. Luсkily it didn,t keep me from winning.

RW: I understand that you reсently married your traineц Emilia Lealе. How long

eaсh other when you deсidеd to get married?

PE: About six months. Wе met in Rome and knew right away that we wantеd to

be togethеr.

RW: in Rome for a long time whеn you met?

PE: . In faсt, I had just moved there.
RWз When you сrossed the finish line you looked verv сalm.
to win?
PЕ: ! I was really surprised. And very happy.

EDITо Reod pаrt of on еntrу from o runner,sjournol, Find ond сorrect fivе mistokesin
the use of the post perfеctprogrеssive,Thе first mistokе is olreаdу corrected,

oсtobеr 19,

Ijиstgot bасk from thе mаrаtlloп! I,ш tired hut vrrу hаppу' Wheп I сrossedthefiпish
/iпе,l /tmt beепrиппiиgfor foиr /loиrs апi huепtу=t'ivеmiпиtеs.Jеrешу tuаsst"lпсtiпg

thеre,Нe hа,,{beenшаitrd for ttlе the шho/еtime. Wе шereboth soаkiиg t.uеt.-._I,

I hаd bеепstuеаtiпg;hе, Ьесаиseit hаs beепrаiпiпgjиst а /itt/еш/li/ebеp'е, I шаs so

3/аd to sееllim' t hаd Ьeепlook/i,luаrd tо this dау for so Iory апd hopiпg thаt I сoиld

fпish thе rасе iи /essthап flиr апd а hа/f/loи,s. Whеп tgot home,l са//е,d
mу pаrепts.

Т/эеуhаd шаkhiпg thе mаrаt/аotloи ТV апс|hа,| асtиаI/уSееИ|пeсross thеfпtsh /iие!

Note down important points based on your reading in spaces given below:






Note down important points based on your reading in spaces given below:

Setting: Characters:

Topic & Author:



Note down important points based on your reading in spaces given below:
K - What you already KNOW about the topic.
W - What you WANT to know about the topic.
L - What you LEARNT after reading about the topic.

What I K now What I W ant to What I Learned


Note down story according to the events happened based on your reading
in spaces given below:

First: Then:

Then: After that:

Then: Last:
Note down the main idea and the supporting points based on your reading
in spaces given below:


Main Idea:

Supporting Point 1: Supporting Point 3:

Supporting Point 2:

Note down the qualities/traits of the character and the supporting points
based on your reading in spaces given below:

Supporting Point: Supporting Point:

Trait: Trait:


Trait: Trait:

Supporting Point: Supporting Point:

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