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Analog modeling of normal faulting above Middle East domes during

regional extension

Article in AAPG Bulletin · February 2012

DOI: 10.1306/02101209136


7 260

12 authors, including:

Alan Morris Yoshihiko Tamura Umezawa

Southwest Research Institute INPEX CORPORATION


Mamoru Takanashi Emily J Beverly

ITOCHU Oil Exploration Co., Ltd. (CIECO) University of Houston


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Volcanic Tablelands Faulting, Bishop, California View project

A New Method of Neostress Determination From Passive Seismic Data View project

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Darrell W. Sims  Boerne, Texas. Former
employee of Southwest Research Institute®
Analog modeling of normal Darrell Sims received his B.S. and M.S. degrees
faulting above Middle East in geology from the University of Texas at San
Antonio. While employed at Southwest Research
Institute, he conducted research in structural
domes during regional extension geology primarily through the use of physical
analog modeling methods and three-dimensional
Darrell W. Sims, Alan P. Morris, Danielle Y. Wyrick, geologic modeling.
David A. Ferrill, Deborah J. Waiting,
Alan P. Morris  Department of Earth,
Nathan M. Franklin, Shannon L. Colton, Material, and Planetary Sciences, Southwest
Yoshihiko Tamura Umezawa, Mamoru Takanashi, Research Institute®, 6220 Culebra Road,
and Emily J. Beverly San Antonio, Texas;
Alan Morris received his B.Sc. degree in geology
from Imperial College of Science and Technol-
ABSTRACT ogy in 1973 and his Ph.D. in geology from the
University of Cambridge in 1980. He is a licensed
We study the effects of planform dome shape on fault patterns professional geoscientist (geology) in the state
developing with and without concurrent regional extension of Texas. Before joining Southwest Research
oriented oblique to the long axis of the dome. The motivation Institute in 2005, he was a full professor at the
was the need to understand fault and fracture patterns in two University of Texas at San Antonio, having been
on the faculty for 22 yr. Morris is now a staff
adjacent mature hydrocarbon fields in the Middle East: one, scientist at Southwest Research Institute and
an elliptical dome, and one, an irregularly shaped dome. The focuses on quantitative analysis of deformation
largest faults have throws of approximately 30 m (∼98 ft), processes and stress in diverse tectonic regimes
which is close to the resolution limit of older two-dimensional and conducts research and technical assistance
seismic reflection data. The known fault trends are not parallel projects for the oil industry.
to the highest transmissivity direction but could form com- Danielle Y. Wyrick  Department of Earth,
partment boundaries. Fault and fracture patterns developed Material, and Planetary Sciences, Southwest
over the modeled domes provide insight into the populations Research Institute®, 6220 Culebra Road, San
of faults and fractures that are likely to exist in the reservoirs Antonio, Texas;
but have been undetected because they are at or below the Danielle Wyrick received her B.S. degree in
resolution limit of reflection seismic data. Major domal struc- multidisciplinary science from the University of
tural elements, crestal fault systems, end splay systems, and Texas at San Antonio, her M.S. degree in
geology from the University of Texas at San
radial faults are observed in modeled domes rising both with Antonio, and is currently pursuing her Ph.D.
and without concurrent regional extension. Experimental re- Wyrick is now a senior research scientist at
sults indicate that fault and fracture patterns are influenced by Southwest Research Institute, where she in-
the effects of dome shape, regional extension, and relative tim- vestigates structural geology and tectonics on
ing of uplift with respect to regional extension. The expression non-Earth terrestrial solar system bodies.
of particular sets of faults and fractures associated with con- David A. Ferrill  Department of Earth,
current doming and regional extension depends on the inter- Material, and Planetary Sciences, Southwest
action among regional extension, outer arc extension over the Research Institute®, 6220 Culebra Road, San
Antonio, Texas;
David Ferrill received his B.S. degree in geology
from Georgia State University in 1984, his M.S.
Copyright ©2013. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
degree in geology from West Virginia University
Manuscript received August 5, 2009; provisional acceptance October 27, 2009; revised manuscript
received January 30, 2012; final acceptance February 10, 2012.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, no. 6 (June 2013), pp. 877–898 877

in 1987, and his Ph.D. in geology from the Uni- dome, and tangential extension around the dome margins. Our
versity of Alabama in 1991. He is a licensed pro- results also indicate that the two adjacent natural domes pos-
fessional geoscientist (geology) in the state of
sibly experienced different kinematic histories from those pre-
Texas. Before joining Southwest Research Institute
in 1993, he was an exploration geologist at Shell viously interpreted.
Offshore Incorporated. Ferrill is now a director at
Southwest Research Institute and performs
analyses, structural geologic consulting, and
training for the oil and gas industry. INTRODUCTION
Deborah J. Waiting  Center for Nuclear
Waste Regulatory Analyses, Geosciences and
The Middle East region contains an array of giant oil fields
Engineering Division, Southwest Research Insti- trapped in carbonate strata in large domal structures. Based on
tute®, 6220 Culebra Road, San Antonio, Texas; many hundreds of wells and two-dimensional (2-D) and three- dimensional seismic reflection data, dome shape and fault pat-
Deborah J. Waiting received her B.S. degree in terns have been found to have appreciable variability. In some
geology from the University of Texas at San cases, fault patterns show consistency within a dome, and in
Antonio in 1999. She is a licensed professional other cases, fault patterns show variability within a domal
geologist who specializes in using geographic structure. In this article, we analyze fault patterns developed
information systems in the geosciences. Waiting
joined Southwest Research Institute in 1998 and
within two domes with different shapes. To explore fault pat-
has worked on a wide variety of projects for the tern development, we consider dome shape, regional tectonic
U.S. government, groundwater management strain field, and the magnitude and relative timing of dome
agencies, and petroleum exploration formation and regional deformation.
companies. Mobilization of deeply buried Hormuz salt is interpreted
Nathan M. Franklin  Former employee to have formed giant domal hydrocarbon traps in the Middle
of Southwest Research Institute®; East (Figure 1) and influenced fault and fracture patterns in overlying Mesozoic carbonate strata (e.g., Edgell, 1991, 1996).
Nathan Franklin obtained his B.A. degree in Variable fault geometry from dome to dome has led to the in-
geosciences and B.S. degree in computer science terpretation that domes reflect the reactivation of sub-Hormuz
from Trinity University (Texas) and obtained his basement faults (Hassan and Wada, 1981; Edgell, 1992). The
M.Sc. degree in computer science from the largest faults within the two domes in this study have throws
University of Freiburg, Germany. He currently
works at ZES ZIMMER Electronic Systems.
of approximately 30 m (∼98 ft), which is close to the resolu-
tion limit of older 2-D seismic reflection data. Hydrocarbon
Shannon L. Colton  Former employee of production patterns indicate that reservoirs are more aniso-
Southwest Research Institute® tropic or compartmentalized than was initially thought.
Shannon Colton received her B.S. degree in Analog modeling has been used successfully to simulate
geology from the University of Texas at San fault patterns developed over circular and elliptical planform
Antonio and her M.S. degree in planetary
geology from Washington University in St.
domes in a variety of tectonic settings (Withjack and Scheiner,
Louis. While at Southwest Research Institute, 1982; Cailleau et al., 2003; Yamada et al., 2005). In this study,
she worked on projects for the U.S. government we use physical analog models to characterize fault and frac-
and developed data-handling algorithms to ture patterns interpreted from seismic data over two adjacent
assist in planetary geology research. domes in offshore Abu Dhabi—one, elliptical, and one, irreg-
Yoshihiko Tamura Umezawa  Senior ular in plan shape. Our models represent domes that formed
Coordinator, Asia Unit, INPEX Corporation, during regional extension over deeply buried salt. Variations
Akasaka Biz Tower, 5-3-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, in the kinematic history and geometry of models explored the
Tokyo, Japan; effects of dome shape on fault patterns developing concur-
Yoshihiko Tamura Umezawa worked as a rently with regional extension. The models were designed to
geosciences researcher at Japan National Oil address specific structural characteristics of the domes, includ-
Corporation (JNOC: currently succeeded by ing (1) fault patterns and their relation to dome shape, (2) the

878 Geohorizon
effect of regional strains on fault patterns, and (3) the devel- Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation
opmental sequence of doming relative to the timing of regional [JOGMEC]) conducting a joint study with Abu
Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Japan
deformation. Fault and fracture patterns developed over the
Oil Development (JODCO), and Japan Oil, Gas
modeled domes provide insight into the populations of faults and Metals National Corporation (JNOC). He is
and fractures that are likely to exist in the reservoir structure currently with International Petroleum Explora-
but have been undetected because they are at or below the tion (INPEX) Corporation in Japan.
resolution limit of seismic data (Alsharhan, 1990).
Mamoru Takanashi  Co-chief Research
geophysicist at Japan Oil, Gas, and Metals National
Mamoru Takanashi received his Ph.D. in geo-
physics from Colorado School of Mines in 2011.
Geologic Setting He has specialized in seismic velocity analysis,
seismic imaging, and reservoir characterization
The nascent Arabian plate was formed by the accretion of for more than 10 years in the international oil
multiple terranes onto what would become the Arabian mar- exploration and development industry.
gin of Gondwana during the Late Proterozoic (Husseini, 1988;
Emily J. Beverly  Former temporary
Husseini and Husseini, 1990; Beydoun, 1991; Edgell 1992, 1996; agency employee at Southwest Research Insti-
Johnson and Stewart, 1995; Sharland et al., 2001; Pollastro, tute®, Present address: Department of Geology,
2003; Sharland et al., 2004). Suture zones between the accreted Baylor University, Waco, Texas;
terranes trend generally either northeast or north-northwest
(Figure 1) (Sharland et al., 2001). The easternmost mapped Emily Beverly received her B.A. degree in
and possibly the most structurally significant suture is the north- geoscience from Trinity University and her M.S.
northwest–trending Amar suture that delineates the coales- degree in geological sciences from Rutgers
University. She is currently working toward a
cence of the Ar Rayn terrane in the east with the Afif terrane
Ph.D. at Baylor University.
in the west. Exposed in the western part of the plate center
(central Saudi Arabia), the Amar suture is interpreted to ex-
tend north-northwest to south-southeast across the plate under ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the present-day sedimentary cover (Figure 1) (Sharland et al., Japan National Oil Corporation funded this
2001). Except for ophiolite slivers along the southeastern plate work and Abu Dhabi National Oil Company
margin in Oman (Sharland et al., 2001), no Precambrian su- supported it with data. Gil Gomez assisted with
tures were documented east of the Amar suture. Sharland et al. laboratory preparation, and Ernest Franke,
(2001) speculate that the Ar Rayn terrane is a microplate that Mike Rigney, and Ian Meinzen acquired and
processed the dynamic structured light data.
extends over most of central and eastern Saudi Arabia. This
Kevin Smart, Gary Walter, Steve Jolley, Bob
mosaic of melded terranes, being relatively stable since the Pro- Krantz, Martin Rademakers, and John G. Solum
terozoic, comprises the Arabian shield. The north-northwest– provided extremely detailed and helpful re-
and northeast-oriented suture trends within the shield are views that greatly improved the manuscript.
thought to have influenced the structural grain across the Ara- The AAPG Editor thanks the following reviewers
bian plate because of the presence of similarly oriented plate- for their work on this paper: Bob Krantz, Martin
Rademakers, and John G. Solum.
scale lineaments such as Dibba, Wadi Al-Batin (Sharland et al.,
2001), and arguably the Red Sea rift. This structural grain is
known informally as the present-day north-south Arabian trend,
where north-south is applied sensu lato.
Plate-scale deformation continued immediately subsequent
to accretion, with the Late Proterozoic formation of the 300-km
(186-mi)-wide, at least 1200-km (745-mi)-long, northwest-
southeast–trending strike-slip Najd fault zone. The fault zone
crosses the northeastern part of the shield and is best exposed

Sims et al. 879

Figure 1. Map showing a part of the Middle East, the geographic boundaries of surrounding countries, and principal tectonic elements.
The locations of fields A and B are shown.

on the shield and, to a lesser degree, the bounding dike swarms and granitic plutons (Agar, 1986;
stable shelf deposits. Surface fault trace lengths 1987). Agar (1987) used pull-apart plan-view ge-
exceed 500 km (310 mi) and maximum strike- ometries as sense-of-shear indicators (Sims et al.,
parallel offsets on individual faults range from 2 to 1999).
25 km (1.2 to 15.5 mi). Cumulative sinistral offsets During the time the Najd fault system was ac-
of ophiolite belts exceed 240 km (149 mi) (Agar, tive, the northeast margin of the Arabian plate
1987), including interpretations of maximum offset was part of a passive margin facing the Tethys
across the fault zone of 300 km (186 mi) (Sharland Ocean (Husseini and Husseini, 1990; Beydoun,
et al., 2001). Although predominantly sinistral, 1991; Edgell, 1996; Sharland et al., 2001). Struc-
the sense of displacement across the long-lived tural features on the Arabian plate and shield have
(>100 m.y.) system was initially dextral. Associated been attributed to or associated with extension re-
structures include the formation of isolated deposi- lated to the passive margin. Pull-apart basins de-
tional centers in the form of northwest-southeast– scribed by Agar (1987) as forming in response to
oriented pull-apart basins and the emplacement of sinistral displacement across the Najd fault zone

880 Geohorizon
Figure 2. Structure contour map of the top of the principal reservoir horizon of fields A and B based on two-dimensional seismic
reflection data primarily. Structure contours are depth in feet below sea level. Heavy black lines are faults interpreted from reflection seismic
data. Arrows show eastern (main) and western culminations of dome B. Red rectangle shows the approximate area of the new three-
dimensional seismic data acquisition.

have been attributed to extension related to the being easternmost and largest. Husseini (1988) and
passive margin (Husseini and Husseini, 1990; Edgell, Husseini and Husseini (1990) interpret the eastern
1996). boundary of the Gulf basins as a dextral strike-slip
Husseini (1988), Husseini and Husseini (1990), fault that became active at the close of the period of
and Edgell (1992; 1996) interpret a distributed sys- extensional block faulting. This boundary is approxi-
tem of north-south–trending (Khattab, 1995) horsts mately coincident with the Zagros suture zone and
and grabens across the eastern part of the Arabian was a precursor to the present-day Zagros thrust
plate, with the North Gulf and South Gulf basins system. The system of basins was overlain by the

Sims et al. 881

Hormuz complex in the Late Proterozoic (Sadooni the time of closure of neo-Tethys (Alsharhan and
et al., 2004), with the North Gulf and South Gulf Salah, 1997; Sharland et al., 2001, 2004; Haq and
basins, separated by the Qatar arch, being the locus Al-Qahtani, 2005). Movement in the deep salt is
of thick accumulations of salt (Khattab, 1995). commonly interpreted to have been triggered by
Throughout most of the Paleozoic, the region displacement of subsalt preexisting Arabian trend
was relatively quiet. Beginning in the late Paleo- basement faults in response to the Oman and Zag-
zoic, however, a series of events began that shaped ros stress regimes (Beydoun, 1991; Edgell, 1991,
the current faulting patterns. The rifting of the neo- 1992, 1996; Sharland et al., 2001; Tamura et al.,
Tethys ocean began approximately at the end of 2004; Yamada et al., 2005).
the Permian–Early Triassic (Şengör, 1990; Glennie,
1995) and lasted well into the Cretaceous until sub- Dome Shape
duction under the Asian plate created the compres-
sional and strike-slip system of present day. Salt dia- Both A and B domes show subtle expressions in
pirism coincided with the extensional regime of sea-floor bathymetry. The morphology of the do-
the neo-Tethys, with the earliest episodes of diapirs mes is best expressed in the subsurface at the
possibly occurring 170 to 150 Ma and the most structural level of the principal reservoir horizons
activity occurring approximately 145 to 100 Ma (Figure 2). The domes are low-relief structures
(Jackson and Vendeville, 1994). The overall fault even in the subsurface. Width/height ratios are 75:1
patterns in the Cretaceous limestones (Thamama for dome A and 95:1 for dome B measured along the
and Arab) in the study region reflect this concur- long axes and at the highest elevation of the principal
rent deformation of regional extension with salt reservoir (Figure 2). The culmination (where layer
diapirs. Previous work has attributed salt diapirs dip is essentially zero) of dome A is at the approx-
to reactivation of basement faults (Edgell, 1996). imate plan-view center of the dome (Figure 2).
However, the orientation of basement faults—the Dome B has two culminations, a large clearly defined
interpreted north-south Arabian trend—does not culmination at the peak of the wide eastern part of
align with the northwest-southeast orientation of the dome tapering westward to a subtle, broad,
normal faults in the region. gently sloping plateau over the narrow western end
Two fields in offshore Abu Dhabi are the sub- of the structure (Hassan and Wada, 1981).
jects of this study, and these fields are referred to as Stratigraphic evidence suggests that doming be-
fields A and B (Figures 1, 2) (Alsharhan and Salah, gan during the Oman orogeny (Yamada et al., 2005)
1997). The fields are dome structures and are (Figure 3). After the initial period of rapid uplift,
interpreted to have formed over nonpiercement dome A continued to rise more slowly until the
deep-seated salt diapirs (Sadooni et al., 2004) during present. Dome B shows a more complex uplift his-
two sequential stress regimes, informally named tory after the initial relatively rapid uplift, including
Oman (east-west compressive) and Zagros (northeast- a period of subsidence between approximately 85
southwest compressive) regimes (Figure 3) (Edgell, and 65 Ma, followed by uplift ending at approxi-
1992; Jørgensen et al., 1994; Perinçik et al., 2006). mately 40 Ma (Figure 3A). The shape of dome B
The east-west–oriented compressive Oman stress was apparently formed and fixed during and shortly
is interpreted as the product of rifting of the neo- after the Oman orogeny times, as shown by the
Tethys. Oman stress is interpreted to have peaked uplift histories of the two culminations (Figure 3A)
during the late middle Cretaceous (Turonian) with (Yamada et al., 2005).
the onset of ophiolite obduction onto the northwest Fault patterns interpreted from seismic reflection
and eastern margins of the Arabian plate (Sharland data and from nearby boreholes indicate a perva-
et al., 2001, 2004; Haq and Al-Qahtani, 2005). The sive pattern of northwest-southeast–trending exten-
northeast-southwest compressive Zagros stress in- sional faults. The faults are mapped across dome A
itiated on collision of the Arabian plate and Eurasia (Figure 2) and are present in nearby smaller domes
along the Zagros suture zone, with peak activity at and in boreholes away from the domes. These faults

882 Geohorizon
Figure 3. (A) Diagram showing
time-stratigraphic setting and uplift
of domes A and B based on in-
terpretation of stratigraphic thick-
ness variations. Time of deposition
of the principal reservoir horizon
is bracketed. Times of the Oman
and Zagros orogeny are high-
lighted for reference. The vertical
scale is age in millions of years.
The horizontal scale is uplift in feet
and meters. (B) Schematic Upper
Jurassic through Middle Creta-
ceous stratigraphy for domes A
and B. Relative competence is
based on gamma-log profiles and
lithologic descriptions (Alsharhan
and Nairn, 1994; Sharland et al.,

are interpreted to have formed in response to a Lithology

regional extension oriented northeast-southwest
(Yamada et al., 2005). The timing of active ex- The principal reservoir horizons are within the
tension and faulting is not well constrained with lower Cretaceous upper Thamama Group and, in
respect to the timing of uplift of either dome. In- the case of dome A, include lower parts of the
itially, subseismic faults and fractures were as- Upper Jurassic Arab Formation (Figure 3B). The
sumed to have a minor function in production Thamama Group is a shallow-marine carbonate se-
because, in part, of the small structural relief of quence 600 to 670 m (1970–2200 ft) thick in the
both domes. Indeed, during early exploration and region of the domes. Porosities are relatively high,
production, the domes were thought to be essen- commonly more than 20% (Hassan and Wada,
tially unfaulted. However, production patterns in 1981), and permeability as measured from core is
both domes suggest that undetected structural con- generally poor, averaging 15 md (Tamura et al.,
trols are present in the reservoirs. Faults illustrated 2004). Lithologies are described generally as grain-
in Figure 2 are the result of postexploration re- stones, packstones, and some wackestones, alter-
interpretation of seismic and well data, and the nating porous and dense and becoming dolomitic
data acquisition is confined to the dome structures. toward the base of the Group (for detailed descrip-
The apparent lack of faulting in much of the in- tions, including type logs, see Hassan and Wada,
terdome areas is a reflection of lack of data and 1981; Aldabal and Alsharhan, 1989; Alsharhan,
interest instead of lack of faulting. 1990; Lapointe, 1991; and Granier et al., 2003). For

Sims et al. 883

the case of dome B, Alsharhan (1990) describes four was expanded during the 1990s to include the
diagenetic stages with associated events or features. overlying Arab-C reservoir, which is a hetero-
In order from most recent to older and increasing geneous succession of limestone layers sandwiched
depth of burial, the stages and associated events or between sealing anhydrites.
features are (1) marine phreatic-micritization and A search for development scenarios that will
formation of fibrous rim calcite, (2) mixed phreatic- improve oil recovery continues—gas injection is
formation of fine to medium equant calcite crusts as one of the candidates. Therefore, detailed knowl-
pore-fill cement on allochem surfaces and dolomi- edge and understanding of fault geometry, includ-
tization (average, 15–20%), (3) meteoric phreatic- ing subseismic fault and fracture distribution, are
neomorphism of aragonite to sparry calcite, disso- crucial for field development.
lution (generally increases porosity), and syntaxial
overgrowth, and (4) burial phase-dolomitization,
formation of coarse sparry calcite cement (poros-
ity reducing), and stylolitization and fracturing ANALOG MODELS
(fractures 2–15 cm [1–6 in.] length measured from
core). Analog modeling was selected as a means of test-
The 135- to 300-m (440- to 985-ft) thick Up- ing the roles of local uplift and regional extension
per Jurassic Arab Formation is interpreted as high- in fault and fracture development and to provide
stand grainstone carbonate rocks alternating with insight into undetected or poorly recognized fault
lowstand wedge and transgressive alternating do- and fracture systems. Key factors such as dome
lomite, dolomitic limestone, and anhydrite deposits shape and kinematic history can be separately con-
(Azer and Borai, 1987; Lapointe, 1991; Pollastro, trolled and systematically varied from model to
2003). The grainstone units are important reser- model. Results are quickly generated, readily in-
voirs in the region. Porosities range between 10 terpretable, and cost effective. The models were
and 30%, and permeabilities range between 1 and designed so that the model upper free surface rep-
600 md (Alsharhan and Salah, 1997). resents the top of the principal reservoir. Strati-
graphic analyses suggest that uplift began soon
Production Problems after deposition of the principal reservoir horizon
(Yamada et al., 2005) (Figure 3). Although sedi-
Nonuniform water displacements and anoma- mentation continued through the period of uplift,
lous fluid movement have been observed in both no synkinematic layers representing sedimenta-
fields, potentially caused by thin lenses of high- tion were added to the models. This allowed de-
permeability layers interacting with fault and veloping fault systems to be tracked throughout
fracture systems. The main target reservoir in the duration of the experiments.
dome B field is the Lower Cretaceous Thamama I/ We selected claycake as a suitable analog ma-
II, carbonate approximately 14 m (∼45 ft) thick, terial for the principal reservoir horizon. Previous
forming part of the Thamama Group. Most pro- workers have used claycake as an analog represent-
duction is from an area approximately 25 × 25 km ing brittle rock, including under conditions of si-
(15 × 15 mi) situated in the eastern part of the field, multaneous uplift and extension (Withjack and
including the dome crest area. Production started Scheiner, 1982). Claycake exhibits properties that
in 1983, and water injection was applied starting in are advantageous in the simulation of brittle de-
1984. Water breakthrough occurred earlier than formation of the upper crust. A key component in
expected in 1991, with the water cut increasing fault system models is the degree of geometric
from 5 to 24% during a 10-year period. Primary similitude between the model and natural exam-
production in dome A field is from the Upper ple. In terms of Mohr-Coulomb behavior, cohesive
Jurassic Arab-D carbonate reservoir, with produc- strength and angular relationships between faults
tion beginning in the early 1960s. Development in claycake models are similar to those observed in

884 Geohorizon
Figure 4. Schematic diagram illustrating the configuration of analog models presented here.

nature (Sims, 1993), including the angular relation- inversion. The length scale of the models is 10−5, so
ship between gravitational acceleration and fail- that 1 cm (0.4 in.) in the models represents 1 km
ure surfaces (Jaeger et al., 2007). This is important (0.6 mi) in the natural examples.
because geometric scaling requires that angular In the models, a mechanically brittle layer was
relationships between modeled and natural faults simulated by a 2.5-cm (1-in.) thick clay layer (clay-
are unity. Furthermore, the kinematics of modeled cake) resting on a rubber sheet. Model length scale
fault systems are similar to those observed and in- (10−5) indicates that the clay thickness scales to
terpreted to occur in the brittle crust (Eisenstadt 2.5 times that of the carbonate reservoir, with the
and Sims, 2005). The claycake exhibits brittle result that only the upper 1 cm (0.4 in.) of the
strain-rate–independent behavior (Eisenstadt and model represents the reservoir horizon. The remain-
Sims, 2005) at the velocities applied in our models ing model thickness (1.5 cm [0.6 in.]) represents
and is a suitable material for modeling doming of strata below the reservoir horizon (economic base-
carbonate rock. ment) and served to separate the model’s mechan-
Our models were of single-layer construction ical lower boundary from the observable upper
(Figure 4), and although this is not fully represen- surface (Figure 4). Although this model configu-
tative of the mechanical stratigraphy of the reservoir ration treats the entire section for a depth of 1.5 km
horizons, the approximation is not egregious—the (0.9 mi) beneath the interval of interest as part of
Arab through Thamama formations are dominated a homogeneous layer, this has the advantage of
by competent carbonate lithologies with relatively simplicity and is likely to affect the magnitudes of
few and thin incompetent horizons (Figure 3B). strains developed over the domes, but not their
The stratigraphic interval of interest, at the scale of orientations. A rubber sheet was attached to mo-
the models, is well approximated by a single uni- bile walls and controlled regional extension of the
form layer. Although uplift of the domes is inter- claycake. Doming was simulated by inflation of a
preted as resulting from movement of the deeply bladder through a thin aluminum plate in which a
buried Hormuz salt, no evidence exists for diapir- hole mimicking the dome shape had been cut. Al-
ism in the vicinity of the domes, and salt had not though this implies that regional extension had no
been interpreted in seismic reflection data avail- effect on dome shape, various dome shapes and
able at the time of the study. For this reason, we orientations could be tested in this way. Relative
used mechanical means to produce uplift and con- uplift velocity between the large and small ends
trol dome shape instead of gravity-driven density of dome B was controlled by the placement of a

Sims et al. 885

prestressed thin rubber strip across the long axis of ular time intervals with different illumination angles
the dome between the large and small culmina- during model deformation to document the map-
tions. The strip partitions the dome B model into view structural evolution. Fault traces trending per-
large-end and small-end culminations (equivalent pendicular to the illumination direction are more
to the eastern and western culminations respec- easily recognized than traces trending parallel with
tively; Figure 2). As a result, the small culmination the illumination direction or traces occurring in
has the form of a gently sloping plateau and rises low-light parts of the photographs. For this reason,
during uplift at approximately one-half the rate of the no single image of an experiment shows complete
large culmination. The small culmination is approxi- detail of the fault systems.
mately one-half the height of the large culmination. To quantify the effect of the more complex
In all experiments, the dome was situated so that shape of dome B on fault patterns, digital terrain
the regional extension direction (azimuth 037°) models (DTMs) of the surface of model 27JAN04
was similar to the direction interpreted from were obtained at regular intervals. The DTMs were
mapped faults (Figure 2) and from borehole data. constructed using dynamic structured light (DSL)
Uplift and extension were controlled indepen- imaging, a technique that acquires elevation data by
dently to test the effects of the magnitude and examining the effects of model structures on parallel
timing of regional extension relative to dome up- shadows moving over the surface (Franke, 2002).
lift. Model extension velocity was measured as dis- The parallel shadows are created by passing in-
placement of the mobile walls per unit time. Model cident light through a rotating optical grating. The
uplift velocity was measured as vertical displace- disrupted shadow patterns are imaged, and ele-
ment per unit time of the highest point on the in- vations are computed by measuring the position of
flating bladder. Regional extension and uplift ve- the edge of the displaced shadow relative to a ca-
locities were constant although not necessarily librated datum.
persistent for the duration of individual experiments. Our investigation included one model of re-
Considering the large width/height ratios of domes gional extension with no local uplift, five models of
A (75:1) and B (95:1), scaled model uplift would circular domes, six models of dome A under condi-
be approximately 0.9 cm (∼0.3 in.) and 0.5 cm tions of regional deformation, one dome B model
(0.2 in.), respectively. Some images presented here under conditions of no regional deformation, and
include model uplift magnitudes of 2.0 cm (0.8 in.), 13 dome B models under conditions of regional
exceeding the relative uplift of the natural domes. deformation (Figure 5A, B; Appendix). Multiple
Furthermore, the largest faults observed in the nat- experiments were performed to determine the
ural reservoirs have throws of approximately 30 m influence of various parameters on fault patterns.
(∼98 ft), which scales to submillimeter (<0.04 in. The orientation of regional extension relative to
[<0.10 cm]) throw in the claycake. Data were dome shape was interpreted from the pervasive
accordingly collected at stages of model develop- pattern of northwest-southeast–trending exten-
ment representative of small throws (submillime- sional faults observed at and around the location
ter model, 30-m [98-ft] natural dome) (<0.04-in. of the domes. In the case of dome A, extension
[<0.10-cm] model, 98-ft [30-m] natural dome). direction is 22° clockwise from the dome long axis
However, because our models are designed to ex- (Figure 2).
amine patterns of faulting, we applied a greater Patterns of fault and fracture orientation and
uplift magnitude for clarity of observation. Fault distribution in the models were compared with
patterns in the modeled domes are more clearly (proprietary) interpretations of seismic data from
expressed at uplift magnitudes greater than 1 cm the natural structures. Agreement between the
(>0.4 in.). modeled patterns and those of the natural domes
Qualitative and quantitative data were col- was judged qualitatively. Because the model con-
lected at intervals throughout the experiments. figuration was such that fault displacements were
Each model was photographed from above at reg- likely greater than would scale appropriately to the

886 Geohorizon
Figure 5. (A) Schematic diagram showing kinematic histories and model configurations of models 6DEC01 (dome A), 19DEC01 (dome B,
no regional extension), and 27JAN04 (dome B with regional extension). Labeled points represent the model stage at which the images in
Figures 7 through 9 were generated. (B) Kinematic histories and model configurations of 19 other model runs. The principal faulting
characteristics are listed in the Appendix.

natural domes and because models were run to sented. Such models typically generate radial fault
exaggerated elevations, absolute values of strains systems around the margins of the dome, with some
and displacements are not used for comparison with formation of crestal fault systems with traces par-
the natural domes, instead, the patterns of fault de- allel to the long axis of the elliptical planform. For
velopment and the inferred stress orientations that a more detailed exposition of the effects of uplift
controlled them are described. of an elliptical dome in the absence of regional
Three individual experiments are described extension, see Withjack and Scheiner (1982).
here (Figure 5A). No models of uplift of plan-view Withjack and Scheiner (1982) also examined the
elliptical domes without regional extension are pre- effects of regional extension during doming, with

Sims et al. 887

the direction of regional extension oriented per-
pendicular to the long axis of an elliptical dome.
Our models differ from theirs in that the regional
extension direction is oblique to the long axes of
domes A and B. We describe one dome B model
developed in the absence of regional extension
because the resultant model geometry is an im-
portant benchmark for interpreting the interac-
tion between extension and doming.


For clarity, we define the following terms:

Margin: the outer limit of the dome where sur-

face dip approaches but is not zero.
Flanks: sides of the dome where surface dip is
Figure 6. Dome B model. Fault traces are color coded to il-
greatest. lustrate the fault populations produced by the uplift of dome B in
Crest: the highest part of the dome where sur- the absence of regional extension (model 19DEC01). Red traces
face dip is near or equal to zero, including the are the crestal fault system, blue traces are small end splays of the
culmination or highest point(s) of the structure. crestal fault system, green traces are large end splays of the crestal
Favorably oriented: faults and fractures that have fault system, and violet traces are other radial faults. Illumination
direction is from the page bottom. In general, fault traces are not
orientations that are most likely to be active in
visible in the brightest and darkest parts of the model photographs.
the ambient or local strain field. For example,
normal faults with traces that are perpendicular
to the maximum extension direction are most patterns. Structural elements produced in the mod-
favorably oriented. els are described here as fault-system populations
Unfavorably oriented: faults and fractures with defined by the relative location on the domes and
orientations that are most likely to be inactive by fault system geometry: regional fault systems,
in the ambient or local strain field. For example, crestal fault systems, end splays, and other radial
normal faults with traces that are parallel to the faults (Figure 6). Regional fault systems are pop-
maximum extension direction are unfavorably ulations of faults with parallel traces favorably ori-
oriented. ented relative to the regional deformation field.
Regional fault systems: favorably oriented with Crestal, end splays, and other radial faults are
regional extension and are likely to be developed uniquely associated with doming. Crestal fault
over regional scales instead of just locally on the systems occur along and to either side of the long
dome. axis of dome A (cf. figures 9, 16 of Withjack and
Crestal fault systems: occur along and to either Scheiner, 1982) and dome B models. End splay
side of the long axis of a dome. Crestal fault sys- fault systems are continuations of crestal fault sys-
tems laterally extend onto the flank of a dome tems onto the flank of the dome where fault traces
where fault traces begin to diverge or splay (end begin to diverge and merge with other radial faults. In
splays). Radial faults have traces oriented gener- general, we find that key parameters are (1) planform
ally perpendicular to the dome margin. dome geometry, (2) the timing and magnitude of
regional extension relative to uplift, (3) velocity of
Our results show that doming in physical mod- regional extension relative to uplift, and (4) fault
els produces reproducible and predictable fault interaction.

888 Geohorizon
Figure 7. Dome A model. (A, B) Vertical views of model 6DEC01 after approximately 5.2 cm (2 in.) of horizontal displacement and 1.7
cm (0.7 in.) of vertical uplift. Yellow arrows show regional extension direction. Illumination is from the upper right. In general, fault traces
in the brightest and darkest parts of the model are not visible. (A) Uninterpreted image in which faulting that accommodates regional
extension is well established outside the confines of the dome. Inset bottom right is a schematic plan view of model 6DEC01 setup. (B)
Interpretation of the image in (A). (C) Plan view after continued horizontal displacement to 10.4 cm (4.1 in.), with no further increase in
dome uplift shown in (A). Also shown are local- and reservoir-scale sigmoidal fault traces formed by linking of radial and crestal faults
that formed in response to dome uplift and regional extension. Apparent sense of shear changes with location on the dome. (D) Same as
(C) with interpreted fault traces. For (B) and (D), white traces are right-dipping faults, green traces are left-dipping faults, yellow traces
are crestal fault systems, blue and red traces illustrate how regional, radial, and crestal faults can link to produce variable sigmoidal trace

We describe the results from three experiments, rising in the absence of a regional deformation
the kinematic histories of which are given in Figure 5A. field, and model 27JAN04 (Figure 9) is dome B
Model 6DEC01 (Figure 7) is of dome A rising under rising under conditions of regional extension.
conditions of regional extension oblique to the dome Crestal, end splay, and other radial fault sys-
long axis. Model 19DEC01 (Figure 8) is dome B tems are observed in each experiment of dome

Sims et al. 889

Figure 8. Dome B model; illumination is from the lower left. (A) View after approximately 1.1 cm (0.4 in.) of uplift. Faults are oriented
parallel with the crest of the curved dome shape. Although present, radial faults are poorly developed and not clearly visible in the image.
Inset top right is a schematic plan view of model 19DEC01 setup. (B) Same as (A) with interpreted fault traces. (C) View after ap-
proximately 2 cm (0.8 in.) of uplift. Faults with the greatest vertical displacement occur along the crest at the small end of the dome B
model, are oriented parallel with the crest line of the structure, and diverge near the small end of the dome. (D) Same as (C) with
interpreted fault traces.

uplift. The overall fault pattern and geometry, in- kinematic history of the dome. Where doming occurs
cluding prominence of a particular fault system or in a regional extension field, the timing of uplift and
systems, are controlled by the planform geometry and relative velocities of uplift and extension are

890 Geohorizon
Figure 9. Dome B model. (A–D) Sequential development of dome B. (A) Horizontal displacement = 5.5 cm (2.1 in.), uplift = 0.3 cm (0.1 in.). Inset top right is a schematic plan view of
model 27JAN04 setup. Note that regional extension is oriented left to right in these images. (B) Horizontal displacement = 6.7 cm (2.6 in.), uplift = 1.0 cm (0.4 in.). (C) Horizontal
Sims et al.

displacement = 7.7 cm (3 in.), uplift = 1.7 cm (0.7 in.). (D) Slope map of dome B model derived from the digital terrain model at horizontal displacement = 7.7 cm (3 in.), uplift = 1.7 cm
(0.7 in.). Note that the different fault populations are distinctly visible, as are the variations in slope around the dome flanks. (E–G) Green faults dip to the left, yellow faults dip to the right,
blue faults dip to the top of the figure, and magenta faults dip to the bottom of the figure. (E) Same model stage as (A) with interpreted fault traces. (F) Same model stage as (B) with
interpreted fault traces. (G) Same model stage as (C) with interpreted fault traces.
important parameters. Models 6DEC01 (Figure 7) such interpretations varies from place to place on
and 27JAN04 (Figure 9) are the end results of test- the domes (e.g., Figure 7C).
ing the relative timing and velocity of uplift. The
results from these models best represent the struc-
tures observed and interpreted in the offshore do- INTERPRETATION
mes. Both models experienced concurrent uplift
and regional extension (Figure 5), however, the The natural domes are adjacent to and within 50 km
relative timing of uplift is different for the two (31 mi) of each other. However, dome A has more
models. Models not discussed here but with dif- relief and is interpreted to have experienced a
ferent kinematic histories (Figure 5B) exhibit the monotonic uplift history (Figures 2, 3). Our results
same range of fault orientations as those discussed indicate that relative timing of doming and ex-
below but with a greater preponderance of re- tension affect the resultant fault and fracture
gional faults in the case of dome A–type models patterns.
and a greater preponderance of dome-related
faults in the case of dome B-type models. Dome Shape and Regional Extension
One result of modeling complex dome forma-
tion concurrently with regional extension is the Previous work (Withjack and Scheiner, 1982;
formation of both local- and reservoir-scale fault Cailleau et al., 2003) has shown that radial frac-
patterns that coincidentally resemble the sigmoidal tures are common along the flanks of uplifted
fault and fracture patterns that develop in strike- domes. In the case of deformation related only to
slip settings. In the case of the dome A model the uplift of round or elliptical domes, crestal frac-
6DEC01, faults oriented favorably to accommo- ture or fault systems are generally of smaller ver-
date regional extension developed across the dome tical displacement than radial faults. However, re-
crest, oblique to the long axis of the dome. These sults from our physical analog models indicate that
faults linked with obliquely oriented radial faults to the influence of both dome geometry and regional
form local-scale sigmoidal traces along the flanks stress fields can be observed in the resulting fault
of the dome (Figure 7C, D) and reservoir-scale and fracture patterns. In addition, strongly devel-
traces that cross the crest of the dome (Figure 7C). oped crestal fault systems with preferred orien-
Reservoir-scale faults with sigmoidal traces are tation can result solely from dome uplift if the
more common in the dome B models (e.g., model dome is relatively narrow (Figures 5; 8A–D). The
27JAN04). Here, crestal fault systems developed crestal fault systems in narrow domes are even
parallel to the axis of the dome and radial fault more strongly expressed where doming occurs in
systems developed around the dome. Radial faults the influence of a regional extension oriented at a
approximately perpendicular to the regional ex- high angle to the dome long axis (Figure 9). Fur-
tension direction tend to become dominant faults thermore, these crestal systems can have many of
near the dome terminations, where they interact the characteristics of fault systems that develop in
and link with the crestal fault system, forming response to regional deformation (Figures 8C, D;
large reservoir-scale faults with sigmoidal traces 9B, C, F, G). Fault traces are typically corrugated
(Figure 9B–D, F, G). This juxtaposition and link- at the locations of displacement transfer and fault
ing of fault systems across the dome resemble— linking between en echelon fault segments (Ferrill
but are not—a sigmoidal fault and fracture system et al., 1999) (e.g., Figure 9E–G).
generated by sinistral shear along the margins of Where uplift of domes occurs during regional
the dome and oriented approximately northeast- extension, the regional extension is generally ac-
southwest. commodated by some or all of the major struc-
In both dome A and dome B, sigmoidal fault tural elements of radial, crestal, and crestal splay
traces could be misinterpreted as evidence of strike fault systems (Figure 6). Faults and fractures com-
slip. Furthermore, the sense of shear implied by prising the radial, crestal, or end splay may be

892 Geohorizon
is directed perpendicular to the dome long axis
(Withjack and Scheiner, 1982) (Figure 10A).
The more complex shape of dome B generates
outer arc extensions that are variable in orienta-
tion, although essentially perpendicular to the
dome axis. Over the large culmination (to the left
in Figure 10B), outer arc extension is perpendicular to
the regional extension, hence rectilinear faulting. Over
the narrow or smaller culmination (curving toward
the point of view in Figure 10B), the outer arc ex-
tension is directed subparallel to the regional extension
direction and generates a dominant fault trend that is
oblique to the regional fault trend. Tangential exten-
sion resulting from the plan shape of the dome is
greatest where the planform is most convexly (away
from dome) curved at the large and small culminations
but is only expressed as radial faulting at the large end
(Figure 10B) where it contrasts with the regional trend.
Transfer structures in all stages of evolution from
intact to breached relay ramps were developed in each
model. Fault systems and transfer structures were
observed at all scales in the models. As an analog for
seismic exploration of natural systems, the model
Figure 10. (A) Dome A model: model 6DEC01. (B) Dome B results indicate that the same structures visible at
model: model 27JAN04. Components of strain developing on the
model domes during active uplift and extension: regional exten-
the scale of seismic resolution are likely to exist at
sion is depicted by the yellow arrows; outer arc extension imposed smaller scales below the resolution of seismic data.
by the rise of the dome is depicted by the white arrows; tangential Faults that are clearly observable at the scale of
extension resulting from the plan shape of the domes is depicted the models represent fault displacements on the order
by the red arrows. See text for discussion. of hundreds of meters in natural settings. Model de-
formations are deliberately large so that fault patterns
modified locally by interaction with regional ex- and geometries can be easily observed. In natural
tension to create arcuate traces (Figures 7, 9), lo- settings of broad domes with relatively small amounts
cally increased vertical offset of favorably oriented of uplift, vertical fault offsets are likely to be smaller in
faults (Figures 7D, 9D), or locally subdued vertical magnitude than is indicated by images of models ta-
offset where faults related to doming are unfa- ken after relatively large amounts of uplift.
vorably oriented with respect to the regional ex-
tension. This latter effect is best illustrated at the
narrow ends (left and right extremities) of the el- COMPARISON OF FAULT SYSTEMS IN
liptical analog dome A (Figures 7, 10A) where MODELS AND OIL FIELDS
doming-related radial faults are virtually absent
and replaced by curved faults that are approxi- Fault Geometry in Dome A Field
mately perpendicular to the regional extension direc-
tion. Elsewhere around the dome, tangential exten- In the case of dome A, seismic sections with fault
sion resulting from the plan shape of the dome is well interpretation on time slices in attribute cubes
expressed on the flanks of the dome where it is close in provided detailed fault profiles. All faults are re-
orientation to the regional extension (Figure 10A). cognized as showing normal slip. The maximum
Outer arc extension imposed by the rise of the dome dip-slip displacement along the target horizon is

Sims et al. 893

approximately 42 m (∼140 ft) and the average is
less than 9 m (<30 ft).
Two fault systems are observed in dome A. One
is a distinct system of long trace-length northwest–
trending normal faults, designated the main fault sys-
tem. The other, a less discernible system of northeast–
trending faults having a relatively short trace length, is
designated the secondary fault system. No genetic or
temporal inference to the designation of secondary
exists. Instead, it is a system of smaller faults less
easily observed than the main fault system.
In plan view, the main faults show long sub-
parallel traces over the crest of the dome grading
to mildly arcuate traces along the flanks of the dome Figure 11. Dip image of the crestal area of dome A showing the
(Figure 2). The northwest–trending fault system is main and secondary faults. Long trace-length main faults are oriented
oriented favorably with respect to the northeast- favorably to accommodate the northeast-southwest–directed re-
southwest–directed regional extension (Figure 11). gional extension. Red traces are south- or west-dipping faults, and
The northwest–trending fault traces show slight green traces are north- or east-dipping faults. The northwest-
trending main fault traces show a slight northeast-facing con-
outward concavity relative to the center of the
cavity. North-northeast–trending secondary faults and fractures
dome (Figures 2, 11); traces across the northern have short trace lengths and may cross the main faults.
end of dome A are concave to the northeast, whereas
main fault traces across the southern end show slight
southeastern concavity. This same pattern is observed model, the intersection of the two systems becomes
in dome A model 6DEC01 (Figure 7B, D). Main systematically less orthogonal with increased distance
fault system traces show a mild sigmoidal shape from from the dome crest, and main and secondary faults
the crest to the dome flanks (Figures 2, 11). A more link to form sigmoidal trace patterns. This can be seen
pronounced sigmoidal pattern is observed across the in the relationship between the yellow fault traces
flanks of the dome A model (6DEC01; Figure 10A), (equivalent to secondary faults) and the red, white,
likely caused by the greater uplift of the model green, or blue fault traces (equivalent to the main
dome relative to the natural dome. The natural faults) in Figure 7D.
faults show features closely similar to those ob-
served in the dome A model (6DEC01) and com- Fault Geometry in Dome B Field
mon to extensional fault systems. Displacement
transfer structures in various stages of evolution are Seismic data for the dome B field are available
observed in the northwest-trending main fault system only over a part of the crest of the large culmi-
(Figure 12A, B). The trace pattern of the main fault nation. Furthermore, displacements of known faults
system indicates a strong influence by the regional within the data footprint are quite small; average fault
extension relative to that of outer arc extension across throw is less than 4.6 m (<15 ft). Because, in part, of
a rising dome. the small throws, fault signatures fall near or within
The secondary fault system is oriented parallel the level of noise and are difficult to discern from
to the long axis of the dome and is characterized artifacts or interference from shallow geologic fea-
by relatively short trace lengths (Figure 11). The in- tures. The best results from seismic attributes were
tersection of the secondary faults with the main fault achieved by combining dip and coherency, which
traces is near orthogonal at the dome crest (Figure 11). provided sufficient information to map some faults
A similar pattern is observed in the dome A model and to identify two fault strike trends, approximately
(6DEC01) and is produced where the crestal fault northwest-southeast and approximately north-south.
system intersects the regional fault system. In the Analog model results were used to give insight into

894 Geohorizon
Faults developed over the eastern culmination are
near orthogonal in orientation, and those faults
subparallel to the regional fault trend (perpendic-
ular to the regional extension direction) tend to
have longer trace lengths than faults oriented at
high angles to the regional fault system. Faults
developed over the elongate western culmination
tend to have overall traces that are oblique to the
regional trend and on close inspection can be seen
to be the result of linkage between faults parallel to
the regional trend and faults developed parallel to
the axis of the dome (Figures 2, 9). Orthogonal
faults are less common over the western culmi-
nation in the model results.
The observation of secondary (i.e., small dis-
placement and/or short trace length) faults in the
analog models provided a working model to explain
the less well-developed secondary faults in dome A
and to help identify orthogonal faults over the eastern
culmination at dome B. An important aspect of these
faults is that, although small (small displacement and
short trace length), they are likely to be common and
Figure 12. (A, B) Comparison between the plan view modeled well connected with the primary fault set. These
(A) and seismically imaged dome A time-slice dip-map fault subseismic-scale faults may exert a greater influence
traces (B). Red traces are south- or west-dipping faults, and green on fluid movement in these fractured and faulted
traces are north- or east-dipping faults. Oppositely dipping faults carbonate reservoirs than would be inferred from their
occur along strike from each other (compare [A] with Figure 11).
relatively small areal extent and displacements. This
Displacement transfer structures, such as breached relay ramps,
curved lateral fault propagation, nested ramps (compare with influence is likely to be even greater in the present-
Figure 11), and relay ramps are observed in both modeled and day stress field where the maximum horizontal
dome A faults. Secondary faults or fracture swarms oriented near compressive stress is oriented approximately north-
orthogonal to the main faults are visible (compare with Figure 11). northeast–south-southwest subparallel to the traces
Secondary faults represent a poorly developed crestal fault sys- of these faults (Vernant et al., 2004; Islam and
tem and appear as linking faults between the main faults.
Shinjo, 2010).

fault system development, distribution, geometry,

patterns, and relative density. This was accomplished CONCLUSIONS
by varying model parameters (most importantly the
relative amounts and timing of regional extension Four factors affect fault development over the
vs. dome uplift) to best match results with the domes: (1) planform dome geometry, (2) the timing
mapped faults. Model results provided insight and magnitude of regional extension relative to up-
into interpretation of faults at dome B field. lift, (3) velocity of regional extension relative to
The northwest-southeast–trending main faults uplift, and (4) fault interaction. Regional extension is
on the dome B crest are favorably oriented for the accommodated by a population of faults that is
northeast-southwest–directed regional extension subperpendicular in trend to the extension direction
(Figure 2). As observed in the models, variations (Figures 7, 9, 10). These faults continue to develop
in strike of the main faults are related to the po- throughout the model runs, although they become
sition of the trace relative to the dome (Figure 9). modified by dome uplift. Dome development

Sims et al. 895

creates two bending-related strain systems. The 28SEP00
first is related to outer arc extension of the rising
• Radial fault or fracture pattern.
dome and generates an extension direction that is
approximately perpendicular to the dome axis
(Figure 10); the second is less pronounced and is 02OCT00

directed tangential to the dome outline. These ef-

• Predominantly radial fault or fracture pattern.
fects are apparent in both dome A and dome B • Incipient extensional faults or fractures perpendicular to
models but are more marked in the case of dome B. the extension direction.
Both of the stress systems interact with the regional
stress regime to generate three well-defined fault po- 03OCT00
pulations. Interaction between regional and outer arc
extension generates a rectilinear pattern of faults over • Dome is dominated by extensional faults or fractures per-
the larger dome B culmination. This pattern is clearly pendicular to the extension direction.

expressed in images of dome B model 27JAN04

(Figure 9) and is present as small, nearly undetectable 19OCT00
fault traces in images of dome A model 6DEC01
• Hour-glass fault or fracture pattern.
(Figure 7D). Horizontal tangential stresses, generat-
ing radial faults, are greatest where the dome out-
line is most curved—at the western and eastern ends 02FEB01

of dome A (Figure 10A) and the large and small

• Radial pattern of arcuate faults or fractures around the
ends of dome B (Figure 10B). In the case of dome A, dome margin.
regional extension has overwhelmed these tan- • Small-displacement conjugate normal dip-slip faults across
gential stresses and radial faults are better devel- the dome crest.
oped along the northern and southern flanks of the
dome (Figure 7). Over dome B, radial faults are 19MAR01
detectable at most locations around the margins of
the structure, but they are best developed around • Subparallel dip-slip normal faults oriented perpendicular
to regional extension and oblique to the long axis of the
the northeastern flank of the large eastern culmi- dome.
nation (Figure 9B, F). Nearer to the small culmi- • Small-displacement cross faults oriented subparallel with
nation of the dome B model, uplift-related outer arc the dome long axis, confined to dome extent, and termi-
nating against regional faults.
extensions become subparallel with the regional
extension and the horizontal tangential extension;
in this area, large faults result from the linking of en 20DEC01
echelon faults related to each of these extensions
• Radial fault system forms on the ends of the dome.
to create a dominant fault trend that is slightly • Radial faults are suppressed along saddle between the two
oblique to the main regional trend (Figure 9B, C, domes.
F, G). In all models, fault interactions are clearly • Crestal faults splay across the small dome but fade into the
visible in the fault style. All visible faults are the crest of the large dome.
• Crestal faults show a large-magnitude vertical offset es-
result of the linking of smaller faults. Overlap pecially in the saddle.
between large faults generates relay ramps and re- • Lower flanks of the saddle have no detectable fractures.
orients local stresses to form linking faults.

• Crestal faults with a large vertical offset form along the

APPENDIX: FAULTING CHARACTERISTICS saddle between two dome crests.
• Radial fault system forms on the ends of the dome.
Principal faulting characteristics of models illustrated in • Regional fault system forms perpendicular to regional
Figure 5B. extension outside the dome margins.

896 Geohorizon
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