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This document is Case Studies Document

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 3 of BSBDIV501.

Diversity Case Studies

Case study one

Valarie is employed as an Administration Officer. She also answers calls from customers. Valarie has recently
married and converted to Judaism. Her husband follows the Jewish faith and converting was something she felt
was really important to her new relationship. Valarie has mentioned that she would like to leave work early on
Friday afternoon to begin to observe the Sabbath.
Valarie has now written a formal letter requesting this, but some of the staff have heard her discussing it and are
upset that they won’t be afforded the same right to leave early on a Friday.

Case study two

You have observed that a Muslim staff member never shakes hands with female clients. You are concerned that
this will impact on his relationships. You are considering asking him to shake female clients’ hands.

Case study three

A staff member, Delores, has approached you with a request not to have to deal with a particular customer
because they feel she is treating them in a racist manner.

Case study four

In a meeting with you, a staff member, Jackie, expresses a concern to you. They have recently disclosed their
sexuality to a colleague, Jill, whom they have always got on well with. Jill was surprised and stated that she has a
strong moral objection on religious grounds to lesbians and gay men. Jill had said as she felt it was not
acceptable to be a lesbian but did want to maintain a positive relationship with Jackie, she requested Jackie
should help in this matter by not referring greatly to their sexuality again.

Case study five

A staff member employed with the company for five years was diagnosed with depression about a year ago. She
did not tell you until three months ago, when she confided in you about what she was experiencing and the
treatment she was getting from her doctor and therapist. A month ago, the staff member was signed off on sick
She returned to work last week but is overwhelmed.

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