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Buchungsbestätigung der REMANY Serviceleistungen

- Booking confirmation of Remany services –

basic company information

Remany GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 154b
42117 Wuppertal
+49 172 4169551
VAT ID: DE345741546
Tax ID: 131/5928/1533
Local Court Wuppertal - HRB 31904

- hereafter referred to as Remany –



Artur Mali
Nr. telefoni 0695160791
Kongresi i Tiranës; Nd.6; H. 1; njësia adminisrative nr. 9
1016; Tiranë.

- hereafter referred to as the Customer -

§1 - about the company

Remany is a relocation service provider. The company supports you on your way to Germany. With Remany, you book a
support service for various steps on your way to Germany. Remany can be reached by phone or email during the following
opening hours if you have questions or would like to check the status:

Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Saturday: not available.
Sunday: not available.

In case of emergency, you can also reach Remany outside opening hours.
You can communicate with Remany in the following languages: Albanian, German and English.

§2 - Your booked services

Searching and finding a job or training in Germany - 1000,00€ (detailed information in §4)

§3 - General Terms and Conditions

I commission the company Remany to support me on my way to Germany. I acknowledge that Remany only supports me
and that I always act in my own name. Remany supports me in the matters as described in §2. With this booking
confirmation I acknowledge that I am only entitled to the services that are set out in writing in this agreement. Ancillary
agreements do not apply. Remany only owes the services listed in the booking confirmation under §2 and described in the
following paragraphs.
In difficult cases we work together with independent lawyers. However, we do not provide legal services within the
meaning of § 2 para. 1 RDG (§ 2 para. 1 RDG keine Rechtsdienstleistungen).

§4 - Job Search and Training in Germany

The Remany job search assistance service in Germany costs €1000.00. Remany supports you in your search for an employer
in Germany. If Remany does not find a job for the client, the client will get his money back after 4 months. This is a special
service of Remany.
If the client still wants to continue after 4 months, the Remany service will be extended for another 4 months.

Stand: 21.01.2022
For high positions in Germany (Bachelor and / or Master) interviews must always be conducted. With this booking
confirmation, the client acknowledges that he/she is aware that he/she will have to conduct these interviews with future

After Remany has found an employment contract in the Client's profession and with the conditions that Remany and the
Client have previously agreed in writing (see Appendix 1), Remany will send the Client a scan of the contract.
Then Remany will send the employment contract to the customer's home country - by DHL Express (cost - €70). The
customer pays the shipping costs. An invoice will be sent to him for this. Once the contract has arrived in the home country
- Remany's job is done.

All employment contracts that we send you - comply with the guidelines of the German embassy.

§6 - General information

Remany offers services in the areas of finding accommodation, dealing with authorities, administration and other general
relocation services. The General Terms and Conditions apply to all business relations of Remany from 22 September 2021.
By using the services, the Customer accepts them. Remany's employees are not entitled to make verbal subsidiary
agreements or give verbal assurances that deviate from these terms and conditions or this booking confirmation. Deviating
agreements, amendments, supplements or additions must be made expressly in writing.
Remany is not liable for delays in the execution of the order caused by the Customer or the expatriate ("Resettler").
Remany enables the Customer to view the status of the order processing at any time, during opening hours, by telephone
or in writing.

§7 - Conclusion of the contract

The contract/booking confirmation between Remany and the Customer comes into effect when Remany expressly confirms
the contract in writing and the Customer signs the booking confirmation. Until then, all offers from Remany are non-

§8 - Data protection

Remany undertakes to use the personal data of the customers and their relatives exclusively for the contractually agreed
purposes and to make it accessible to third parties only insofar as this is necessary for the proper performance of the
booked service. Exceptions only apply if the persons concerned have expressly consented. This obligation of Remany also
exists beyond the termination of the contract. The Customer is hereby informed in accordance with Section 33 (1) BDSG
that his personal data will be stored and processed in machine-readable form.

§9 - Payments

The payments agreed with the booking confirmation are due after 7 days and without deduction after invoicing. If payment
is not made within 10 days of the invoice being issued, Remany is no longer bound by the deadline agreements and is at the
same time entitled to suspend the performance of the other services specified in the contract until payment is received. If
the order is not executed in accordance with the written booking confirmation for reasons for which the customer is
responsible, no refund of advance payments or payments on account already made will be made. If the customer defaults
on payment, interest on arrears amounting to 4% above the base interest rate of the Deutsche Bundesbank shall be
payable from the 15th day after the due date. Irrespective of this, a reminder fee of € 3.00 will be charged for each
reminder letter from the second reminder onwards. The Customer is not entitled to set off counterclaims against claims of
Remany or to assert a right of retention unless these have been recognised by Remany or have been legally established.

§10 - Reimbursement

As described in §6, the amount of €1000 will be refunded after 4 months if no order is found. This refund will be made 4
months after receipt of payment. Please provide us with your account details in writing.

§11 - Marketing

With this signature, the customer confirms that he/she is willing to shoot a short video for publication on various social
media channels upon successful completion of the booked service.
Remany GmbH will use this video or other recordings for marketing measures.

§12 - Final provisions and effectiveness clause

Subsidiary agreements, amendments and supplements must be made in writing.

Stand: 21.01.2022
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to all legal relationships between the contracting parties. The UN
Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) shall not apply. Should individual clauses of these
General Terms and Conditions be wholly or partially invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses or the
remaining parts of such clauses.

The place of performance and jurisdiction is Wuppertal.

After signing this booking confirmation by the customer, the customer will receive an invoice from Remany for payment. All
payment information (bank details ect.) are included on the invoice. The payment modalities can be found in §9.
With my signature I confirm that Remany is available to me as a service partner with information and assistance. I confirm
all paragraphs from this booking confirmation.

Place, date, signature Customer

Place, date, Florian Jersch - Remany GmbH

Place, date, Xhoana Sita - Remany GmbH

Stand: 21.01.2022

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