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Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Ancient Indian History & Archaeology under CBCS PATNA UNIVERSITY, PATNA Programme Code: Programme Outcomes At the completion of the programme, students ill attain the abi POL: Appreciate the need and requirement to understand and study history. Develop interest in the study of anc’ Indian history and archaeology PO2: Atain knowledge 81 our cultural heritage and instill the idea of preserving, protecting and promoting the diverse Indian culture POS: Gather technica! know-how about excavation and exploration. This pro joes interest of students in the practical aspects of the study of archaeolog PO4:Understand the theoretical nd practical aspects of Museums, Heritage and Tourism, ereating mployment capacity in the field of archacol Programme Specific Outcomes At the completion of the programme, students will attain the ability to: PSO1: Develop practical understanding of the study of ancient Indian history and archaeology: thus creating employment opportunity in the field. PSO2: Understand and appreciate Indian culture instilling in them the idea of working towards promotion and protection of our cultural heritage. PSO3: Gather knowledge about excavation and exploration and conduct research in the field of ancient Indian history and archaeol PSO4: Understand the impertance. need and worki snow ledge of Museum, Herit and Tourisin fone Denartment Henan Course Structure Semester-I — SI Name of Course Typeot | LP | Credit | Marks No. — | Course = T. Political History of india (Prom Fads Valley ccr 610 6 100 Civilization to 3194.0.) zi Political History of IndiagFrom319 OC2 oo 6 100 A.D.-12064.D,) English Communication MIL AECCT | 2-10 z 100 4.) Generic Flective-1 GET 61-0 6 100 ie i TotalCredit-20 Semester-I sl ‘Name of Course Typeof f L-T-P No. a Course i i . ie Socio-Economic History of Ancient IndiatFrom | CC 10 e100 | | Berit time to 647A.D.) id | tt oe pee ees Ee [>| Brronmenar sence REC? PD z 100 | 4] Generic Eleain oof 68 OCS ieee Semester-III sf ‘Name of Course Type of LTP Credit | Marks | No. Course | 1. | Ancient indian Epigraphy cree CCS 10 6 | 2. ‘Ancient Indian Numismatics [eee | 6 6 3. Ancient Indian Religion &Philosophy CCF 6-1-0 [8 FA 100 i 4 Skill Enhancement Course-1 t ~ | 100 | Generic Elective-3 fe I co Semester IV ST Name of Course Type of LTP Credit | Marks No. Course 1. | Concept and ‘Technique of ccs oi 6 | 100 — |-Archacology — & = Excavated + 7 ‘Archaeological Sites 2. | Ancient Indian Polity & cee o10 6. | 100 ‘Administration 3. | Ancient World Civilizations (up to C10 10 6 100 600B.C.) “4 | Skill Enhancement Course SECR 29 2 100 | Generic Bective Get e10 «| aoa Potatredit 26 Semester ~V Name of Course — Creait | Marks 1 | ~ | Museology and Tourism = I - 6 wo | 2 History & Cultural Heritage of Ancient. | ~t SEE Srane (SSE | roles | | al 7 | pron [ ee | ye I OH y asta 6 Reading List : : 1. Alwehar, Anant Sadashiv : Guptakatin Mudrayein dar A 2. Hamer, RD.. Pritefna Miadeciven (Hineli), Cabeutta, 1022 © i hatopaddyaya, B. Uae dgeofthe Awinas: 4 Numismari studs Calvatia il Me 4, Goel, S.R.. Ancient Indian Coinage, Jodkpur, 1995. 5. Gupta, P.L., Bharata Ke Prva Kalika Sikke, Varanasi, 1996. 6. Gupta, P.bePracina Bharatiya Mudrdyem, Varanasi, 2003 7. Kosambi, D.D., Indian Numismatics. Delhi, 1981. 8 9. i NRA, A.K., Coin-Types of the Indo Greeks (English and Hindi), Oxford. 1957. Rapson, E.J., Catalogue of the Coins of India, Delhi, 1975. . 1 (0. Upadhyaya, Basudev, Bharatiya Sikke, Varanasi, 1971 — CC7:Ancient Iifdian Religion & Philosophy Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: To explore original sources for the study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology. To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present. Prepare students for competitive examinations. It also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism , Teaching. , ee "CCT :Ancient Indian Religion & Philosophy (Theory: 6ereditsy : Unit | Topies to be covered No. of Lectures _| 1 a) Vedic Religi 11 |b) Upnishadic Philosophy =: ° of inglian Philosophy. 1a) Rise of Bhakti movement 12 b) Vaishnavism ©) Shaivism 4) Shaktism 3 a) Rise of Buddhism 15 b) Life and teachings of Gautama Buddha | ©) Buddhist Councils cee 4) Sects Hinayana . Mahayana | © Vajrayana, euaet 4 a) Rise of Jainism iz b) Life and teachings of Mahavihara Jaina ©) Introduction to Jaina philosophy A) Sects of Jainism. a) Adi Shankracharya and his contributions b)_Religion and Philosophy of south India. TOTAL Reading List: 1. Bapat, P.V. (ed.). 2500 Years of Buddhism (Also in Hindi), New Delhi, 1987 2. Bhandarkar, R.G., Vaisnavism, Saivism and Minor Religious Svsiems (Also in tlindi), Varanasi. 1965. 3. Chaturvedi, P.. Yuisnaver Dharma, Varanasi, 1977, J & Fain, Hirata, Bharatya Samskrti mem Jaina Dharma ka Youadina (Hind. Bhopal, 1962 /\2n8 5: Jaiswal. Suvira, Origin and Development of Vaisnarisny (also in Hindi), Dethi.*1996 6. Keith. A.B. The Religion and Philosophy of Veda and Upanivials sg in UTindiy. Cambridge, TE ins 2 AB 7. Majumdar, Cand A, 1, Pasalker (eds). The Hintry and Codture of te fade Peuple. Vol Bombay, 1951 - 8. Mishra, Umesh indian Phifosnphy, Lucknow 1952 9. Mishra, PAN..fdi Shunktiracharva, Delhi 2021 D Path VS Nase Ind N arash i 12, Pandey, G.C... Bauddha Dharma Ke Vikisa Kattihisa’ Lucknow. 1987 : 13. Radhakrishan, S., dndian Philosophy, Oxford, 1922 ~ 7, M Raychoudhury. H.C., Materials for the study of the early History of Vaisnava Sects, Caleuta, * 1936, - SEMESTER ~Iv CC8 Concept and Technique of Archaeology & Exeavated Archacologieal Sites Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: COL: Toexplore original sources forthe study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology. 7 conduct explorations and excavations to develop further understanding ofthe stbject. poraise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the leaming to the present, Prepare students for competitive examinations. : {t also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism Teachii CCS :Capcept and Technique of Archaeology & Excavated Avchacologieal Sites (Theory: 6 credits) Unit Topies to be covered 1 Introduction to Archaeology ) Definition, nature and scope b) Archaeology, its relation with other sciences (Social and Natural.) ©) Archaeology as a source of ancient history 2 Archaeology & Archaeologists in India . a) Archaeology ~ History of archaeology in India b)_ Sir Alexander Cunnigham ©) SirJohn Marshail 4) Sir Mortimer Wheeler fe Methods of Data Retrieval and New trends in Archaeology a a) Methods of explorations 5) Methods of excavations (Vertical, Horizontal and Quadrangular) | ©) Marine Archaeology | _ 4) New Archaeol q Chronology and Dating Methods 10 a) Stratigraphy b)_ Relative Chronology | ©)_Absolute methods of dating Exeavated Archacological Sites a) Chirand b) Vaishali | f ©) Rajagsiha 4) Patliputra (Kumbrary ©) Nalanda 1) Tanita = [8 _Vikramshis & Champa roar 2 = : |. Atkinson, R. J. C., Field! Archaeology. London, 1952. “Binford, L. R.. An Archaeological Prespective, London, 1972 3. Clark, Deb., Models in Archaeology, London, 4972. 4, Daniel, G. A., Hundred Years of Archaeology, London, 1950. 5. “Kumiar, Navin, Archaeological Exeavatiorin Bihar, Patna 6. Mishra, J.D., Puratattaverka itihas, Patna, 2019 Th 8 9 Sankalia, H. D., New Archaeology: lis Scope and Application in India,Lucknow, 1977. Wheeler, M., Archaeology from the Earth, New Delhi, 1968. — . Pandey J.N., Purdtativa Vimarsa, Allahabad, 1986. 10. Varma, Radhakant, Ksetriva Puratattva, Allahabad, 2000. a, 11. Report of Antichak Excavations, Patna University, 2007 es 12, Report of Champa Excavations, Patna University, 2020 13, 8G, Heat Alga, aca Hr BRUT, Tea, 1988, 14, fiat, aor ais, ar RTeica Famer, Tea, 1968 C9: Ancient Indian Polity & Administration Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student will have to: COL: —To-explore original sources for the study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology. CO2: To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present CO3: Prepare students for competitive examinations. CO4: It also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism, Teaching. ° CC9 : Ancient Indian Polity & Administration 3 ee eee ___ (Theory: 6 credits) BEd pete Topics to be covered No. of __| Lectures: 1 a) Sources: jae =| |b) Origin of State ©) Aims and funetions of State 4) Sabha & Samiti, Vidath, Paura — Janapada =) a) Origin of Kingship 2 | b)_ Repablics, Strong and weak points of Republies and characteristics, _©)_Saptanga theory EHS. 8) Coronation Ceremany 10 b) Council of Ministers. | a) Administration of Mauryas 15 |. b) Gupta ©) Harshas 4) Satvahana ©) Rastrakitas | | Colas Z HeEHeeEEH ali |" a) Mandal theory of State EE “10 [_b) Taxation, Pee eee eee i Le ocean ECT oe eT ETH | Reading List : \ a3 1 Altekar. A.S., State and Government in Ancient India (Also in Hindi), Varanasi, 1955. 2. Ghoshal, U.N.. History of Indian Politica ideas. Bombay. 1959. ov E™ 3% Jayaswal, K.P. Hindu Polily (Also in Hindi), Caleutta, 1925, ee 1. Kane, PV. History of Dh fa. Vol. (Relevant Chapters), Poona, 197% = 5. Mahalingam, 1... South Indian Polity, Madras, 1967. 6. Roy. B., Political Kleas & Institutions in Mahabarata, Caleutta, 1970 Sharma, R.S.. Aspects of Political {des nd Wayiutions in Avciont tndia, Dell, 198 8 Shastri, Ath vtstra of bn nGeReere 48 vel by Hoaa of ue Department i Kh 9.° Sinha, Arun Kuma 10. Vidyalankar, Provincial Administration in Ancient India. Patna. 1981 Sasana Vyavastha Evam Rajya Sastra, Mussoorie, 1968 . CC10 : Ancient World Civilizations (up to 600 B.C.) Course Outcome After the. completion of the course, the student will be able to: = EOL: To explore original sources forthe study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology. C02: To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present. CO3: Prepare students for ‘competitive examinations. C04: — It also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism , Teaching. ‘CC10 :Ancient World Civilizations (up to 600 BC) (Theory: 6 credits) Unit | Topies to be covered No. of a i Lectures 1 2) BriciHistory of Mesopotamia Civilization 5 |b) Importance of Twin rivers ©) Sumer | a) Babylon ©) Assyria with special reference to Society * )_Economy and Culture and their contribution to orld civilization is a a) Briefllistory of Egypt Civilization, Gift oT Nile 2 b) Society | © Economy 4) Religion and their contribution to world civilization BriefMistory ofPersian Civilization | | | b) Society ©) Economy | | | | 4 Religion and their contribution to world civilization a a) BriefHistory ofChinese civilization i D) Society ©) Economy 4) Religion and their contrtbution to world civilization a) BriefHlistery ofGreek Civilization 2 b) Society 4d) _Retigion end their contribution to world civilization TOTAL Reading List : Brinston, C...G. Cristopher. and R. Wolff, Civilization in the West. Breasted, H.R. History of Exyps Burns and Tuer, Ancient World. Burns, EM., P.L. Ralph, R.E. Len (Indian Edition). 1991 Bury, 1.B.. History of Greece and S. Meacham, World Civilizasions. Vol. A. Dethi Childe. V. G.. Pricinatum Pricyw Sablvatdpara NavaPrukdta (Lnglish and Hindi), Patna 1970, Creel, Birth of China. Delaporte. 1... Mesopotamian: Civilization Goyal. SR. Visva KiPracina Sabhencvem, Varanasi. 2004 10. Nawori, $4. Fist AIP Shag gia New Deltig209 gy 1. Roux. G., Ancient Fran 5 \ Dep. Heaa of th 12. Smith, S., Early History of Assyria - . 13, Som, etter area, fer aatasit ar seer, Gea, 1975 14. Reg, A.M. fava AY ureter Bea, we Rett, 1965 a +15, Wat, Tae, fava AL oer weaarst afte, aS eect, 2012 SEMESTER - V —— CCI] :Museology and Tourism Soe Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: COL: To explore original sources for the study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, To conduct explorations and excavations to develop further understanding of the subject. ‘To raise awareness for protection and promotion of heritage. Toraise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present. Prepare students for competitive examinations. It also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism , €O6: Teaching. CCI1 :Museology and Tourism a (Cheory: 6 eredits) i eee Unit | Topics to be covered No.of | a Ht Lectures 1 a) Museum Methods — History, Nature and Important of Musume 3 ) Important Museums - Indian Muscum ©) National Museum | d)_ Patna museum, Bihar museum |__e) Site Miuscum (Nalanda) a) Acquisition 10 b) Documentation of object - ©) Display @) Museum Buifting ©)__Museum Administration re 3 2) Museum activities - Educational and recreational 2 |») Conservation and Preservation of Museym Objects | ©) National and International seminars 4) Museums as a center of research. 4 | a) Tourism -History, Nature and importance of Tomism in b) Important Touristplaces in Bihar ©) Historical and Archaediogical Sites Rajgriha, Vaishali, Nalanda, Bodhgaya - a) Practical Aspects of Tourism nu | b) Tourist Guide as a career | ©) Problem and prospects of Tourism in Bihar | 4) Role of Government and tourisis agencies in Bihar TOIL Ghose, D.P.. Stuuties in Museums und Muscolugy in budia, Calcutta, 1968 Buxi Smita., Moctern Museum Organisaitons anal Practice in Indie New Delhi 1993, X 3. Sinarammurti, C., Directory ef Museums in Indi, New Dethi. 1959 4. Nigam, ML... Hundamenials of Muscology, Hyderabad, [08S 3. Pandey J.N.. Poratattsa Vimanss, Allahabad, 1986 6. gre Play Ferwe, BaeTerey_ eS IIE wes eT. SATAN, 21 ot x 6 mt A. Depareme \ Hirao of tf ee } t \e 4 Je hEB Arcnaevlogy ; . - CCI2+History & Cultural Heritage of Ancient Bihar eee Course Outcomes cea After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: COL: To explore original sources for the study of#Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology. To conduet explorations and excavations to develop further understanding of the subject. ‘To raise awareness for protection and promotion of heritage. To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present. Prepare students for competitive exatimhations. It also helps in developing future career in AS] Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism , C06: Teaching. CC12 :History & Cultural Heritage of Ancient Bihar J (Theory: 6 credits) Hee Unit | Topics to be covered No. of ieee Lectures 1 + | Historical Geography of Bihar = 10 | a) Mithila (Tiehut) b) Vaishali ©) Magadha @)_Anga : = 2 Religious background of Bihar @) Centre of Jainism ©) Centre of Buddhi £)_Bihar as a Purdnic Tirtha eee a | 3 Antand Afchitecture of Bihar | 2 1 | a) Ashokan Pillars : Rampurva, Lauriya Nandangarh, Vaishali b)_ Kesariya Stupa. Vaishali Stupa ©) Bodhgaya Temple 4) Paintings: Rock Painting of Kaimur, Pata Painting of Nalanda Bihar as a centre of Education | a) Nalanda | b)_Vikramsila z ©) Odantpuri is a) Bihar in Pre Mauryan, Mauryan & Post: Mauryan era ) Bihar in Gupta and Post ~ Gupta Period. TOTAL Side! | 0 Reading List : 1. Agrawal, P.K..Guptakalina Kala evam Vast, Varanasi, 1994 2. Ara, Badar, Cultural History of India (As depicted in foreign accounts 800-1200 A.D.), Patna 3. Cunningham. A., Geography of Ancient In 4. Diwakar, R.R., Bihar Through the Ages, Patna 5. Goswami, B.K., Bhakti Cult in Ancient India, Caleutia, 1922, 6. Karte, P.V.. Dharmasistra Ka Hihdsa, Vol. IIT. Lucknow, 1966. 7. Kumar,Manoj., Pashchim Champaran Ka Purattava, New De 8. Law. BC. His Vara torical Geography of Ancient India 9. Majumdar, R.C. (ed. The History one Cure of the Indian Peopte, Vols. VIL& IX Bombay. 1990. 2 foo Af au at 10) Misia, J.D.. Buddhist iconography in Bika vaiea os Wu U Patil, DAR: The Antiqua edo RAR! NWS] I-- 2n32009}- WY unas : oe as 12. Sinha, P.: The Comprehensive History of Bihar, Vot,.Pari 1-2 oa : * SEMESTER ~ vi CCI13 :Pre And Proto History of India & Ancient Indian Potteries Z Course Outcomes ° After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: Ol: To-explore original sources for the study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology. To conduct explorations and excavations to develop fuher understanding of the subject, ‘eraise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present. Prepare students for competitive examinations, COS: It also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism , Teaching. CC13 :Pre And Proto History of India & Ancient In ai (Theory: 6 credits) Unit | Topicsto be covered No. of Lectures 1 _| Stone Age Culture (Paleolithic) 2 a) Salienteature of the Paleolithic culture in India: b) The Sohan Valley 2 a) The Acheulian industry and its spread into major river valleys:Sites in’| 3 the Narmada valleys b) ‘The Belan valleys | ©) Son valleys __)_ Prehistoric Artin the Indian context : | Mesolithic& Neolithic culture of the Indian subcontinent: 13 a) Mesolithic culture of India ») Neolithic cultures of the Indian subcontinent: (Early farming communities ofBaluichistan, Kashmir,Central Ganga and Vindhyan region, Eastern Neolithic sites: Senuwar, Chirand and Nosth-Fastern L region southern peninsular India) 4” | Proto-history:Courses towards urbanization: Sesh Eeeee an a) The Harappa Civilizations. Origin & Development of the Harappa| = culture j b) Early Harappa, Mature Harappa and Late Harappa, Downfall - - © Chaleolithic Cultures. of India:Banas/Ahar, Kayatha, Malwa, jorwe | cultures | 4) Potteries — Technique of making potteries as Source : _e)_ Black and Red Ware = i eer 5 a) The Iron Age in India and emergence of second Urbanization | ) Painted Grey Ware culture: Extent, and Chronology and characteristic traits ©) Northern Black Polished Ware culture: Extent, chronology and characteristic traits d) The Megalithic culture of India. f) OTA TREE eeeetir a] ~~ Reading List: VTL Agrawal, DP. Arechacelingy of Inui New Delhi, 1982. Z Allchin, B. & Allchin E.R: The Rise of Civitizuizon in Indie cand Pcksthuan Lonlon, 1982 3 Chakrabori. DK: i .trctueologicul History: (Palace: Beginning. be eel trical Foundation) Ostord, New Dethi, 1999, 1. Pandey. J.N. Purattars Vinarshua, Allahabad, 2008, 5. layaswal, Vidula, Bhurative tiles Ke deli Charan Ki 6. Jayaswal, Vidui ra Madhya Prastar Yug, Delhi, 1987. a 7. Jayaswal, Vidula, Bharatiya Itthas Ka Naw Prastar Yug, Delhi, 1992. ‘ After the completion of the course, the studént will be able to: COl: co2: COB: CO4: CC14 : Political History of South India: 750 A:D. to 13" Century-A.D Course Outcomes To explore original sources for the study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology. To raise consciousness about cur Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present Prepare students for competitive examinations. se It also developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism , Teaching, ‘CC14 :Political History of South India: 750 A.D. to 13" Century A.D (Theory: 6 credits) Unit Topies to be covered No. of Lectures Dynasties of the Decean 10 a) Calukyas of Badan b) Calukyas of Ven; ©) Calukyas of Kalyant The Rastrakatas 1s @) Origin and rise of the Rastrakiitas b) History of Rastrakitas upto Krishna Ill ‘The Colas 15 ) Origin and rise of Chola power b) Rajaraja, Rajendra, Rajadhiraja | ©) Decline and fall of Chola empire of Kanchi 10 in and rise of Pallavas b) Early Pallava rulers ©) History of Pallavas upto Narasimhavarman | G ‘The Pandya Dynasty of Madura and Vadavas of Devagiri 10 a) First and Second Pandya dynasty b) History of Yadava upto Ramacandra Reading Lis 1 a Q 2 TOTAL 60 Majumdar, R.C. and A.D. Pusalker (eds.), The History amd Culture of the Indian People. Vols Ml and IV (relevant chapters), Bombay. 1988 and 1980. . Mishra, S.M.. Daksina Bharata KaRajanitika Itihdsa, New Delhi, 1995, Pandey, Vimal Chandra, Pracina Bharata KaRGjanitik lihisa (600 -1200 A.D), Lucknow, 1973, Pathak, Vishuddhananda, Utara Bharata KaRGjanaitike lihdse, Lucknow, 1973 Srivastava, Balram, Daksina Bharata Kaltihasa, Varanasi, 1968. Yardani, G. (ed.), The Early History of the Deccan, 2 vols.. London, 1960. Yazdani, G.. Deccan K@Prdcina htihiisa New Delhi. 1977 Ue, wa ow, at site 1970, yA a na a NO Ja Be Genetic Elective j GEL:s ocial History of Ancient India se Outeu ih Heae of the Qepartment After the completion of the course, the student will be able t col {0 explore original sources forthe study of Ancient Indian History. Culture and Archaeology. To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the lewrmng tothe present. Prepare students for competitive examinations, 1 also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism , Teaching. GEL : Social History of Ancient India (Theory: 6 credits) ‘Topics to be covered No: of Lectures ‘Varna-ASrama System a) Sources of the study of Social history b) Vama and Caste system €) Origin, development and significance of Asrama 4) Impact of Feudalism on society Marriage and Family a) Types of marriages and their significance b) Concept and component of family Positidn and Role of Women sai See [ee 4) Position of women +) Role and contribution of women to society a) Types and significance of Kinds of Sons ) Aims, types and significance of Samsakaras Kinds of Sons, Purusartha and Samsakaras b) Concept and significance of Purusartha 10. u nw ep tae @ After the gg@mpletion of the course, the student will be con 02: C03: COL 4) Aims and objectives of education +b) Vedic Education syst €) Important e [rota Caleutta, 1978 Dutt, N. K., Origin and Growth of Caste in India, Calcutta, 1931. Kapadia, K. M., Marriage and Fa Mishra. J. S.. Prdcina Bhiirata KaSamajika Iisa (Hindi), Patna, 1982. Pandey, R. B., HindiSwmsakdras (Also in Hindi), Varanasi. 1960, Prabhu, P. N., Hindu Social Organization. Bombay. 1963 Om Prakash, Pricina Bhiirata KaSaméyjika Evam Alrthika lithdsa New Delhi Sharma, R. S.. Praramblika Bhirata KaArthika Aura Samajika lihdse . Dethi, 2000, Education System eae em - Gurukulas ners of education: Nalanda. Vikramasila, Kashi and Taxila_ it List : Altekar, A. S.. Education in Ancient India (Also in Hindi Varanasi> 1934. ation, Benares, 1938. C., Some Aspects of hutian Society from Ind century B. C. to 4th century A.D. Altekar, A.S.. Position of Women in Hindu Civili Bhattacharya, Jauhari, M.. Préicina Bharata Mem Varnésrama Vvavasthi(Hindi), Varanasi, 1985, ily in Indic (English and Hindi), Oxford, 1958. 1003, Thapar, Romila, Ancient Indian Social History: Some Imerpretation. Delhi. \978, SEMESTER - II GE2 : Economic History of Ancient India . Cou ¢ Outcomes ble to: sourees for the study of Ancient Indi e consciousness itbout our Past and teach s 15 explore ori History. Culture and Are Lo ra tudents to apply the learning to the present Prepare students for competitive examinations, {ft also helps in developing fu ure cane jn ASL Central & State. Mus Teaching ie FL ea Ay 1S. heritages, tenarisin -conomic History of Ancient India eet (Theory: 6 credits) . a fa _ Unit | Topics to be covered * . No. of | z 1 Lgetures Stages of Indian economy up to 6th century B.C. = 13 a) Sources of the Study of Economic History a b) Harappan Economy ©) Vedic Agriculture - d) Economic condition during the sixth century B.C. 2 Stages of Indian Economy from 6th Century B. C. to 12th Century A.D. . IS a) Economie progress in the Mauryan period )_Indo-Roman trade c. 200 B.C.—300 A. D, ©) Economic progress in the Gupta period 1) Main features of early medieval econam z 3 Economic System and Institutions: 13 oe a) Varta : Meaning and significance ‘b) Land ownership. ©) Credit and banking system )_Guilds ’ = 1 4 Money Economy and Trade-routes 10 a) Exchange and Currency b)_Maritime trade and trade-routes. = ee Revenue and ation 09 a) Land revenue ¥ ___b)_Salient features of taxation HH TOTAL 60 Reading List : J Achiche Lal, Pricins Bhrata Mem Krsi (Hindi), Varanasi 1980 3 Bandopadhyaya, NC.. Economic life and Progress in dnctem India, Calcutta, 1945, 3. Ghoshal, U.N. Contribution to the History of Hindu Revenue System, Calcutta, 1929, $ Gopal. L.. Eeonomic Life of Northern India 700-1200.4. Dy, Varanasi, 1965, & ths: DN., Revenue Sysiem in Post-Meurya and Cupra mes, Coteus 1967. ~ 6. Maity, S.K.. Economic Life in Northern India in the Gupta Period: 300 A.D.-350 A.D, Delhi, 1970 4: Majumdar. R.C.. Corporate Life in Ancient India (also in Hindi), Cateutta, 1918, 8. Motichand, Srvhavaha (Hindi), Patna, 1953 To, enetighand. Trae and Trade Rontes in Anciem Iulia, New Delhi, 1977 10) Om Prakash, Pracina Bharata Ka Samiajika Evam drvhike lian, (indi), New Delhi, 2003, 11. Rey, B.P.. Later Vedic Economy, Delhi, 1977 : Ly, Sharina. RS., Light on Early Indian Society and Economy, Bombay, 1966 13. Sharma, R.S., Prarambhik Bharata Ka Arthika Aura Saméjika hihisa (Hindi), Delhi, 2000. SEMESTER — 111 GE3 :Ancient Indian Art Architecture and Ieonography Course Outcomes e Soe turse, the student with he After the completion of the & COL: To-expigge original sources for the study of Ancien Indian History, Culture and Archagohoy C02: Toraise consciousness about our Past and teach stulene toapply the learning to the present CO3: Prepare students for competitive examinations COM also helps in developing fatury eargee igASt Cetra & States Me SeUMS, heritages tour 4 3 eA | \ ent \ ran of ma \ indians GE3 + Ancient Indian Art Architecture and Teonography AA 2 (Theory: 6 credits) Unit ___| Topics to he covered No. of Lectures | * 1 a) History of Indian Art i * Sate b) Mauryanast ©) Shunga Art @ Gandhara Art ©) Mathura Art 2 | Architecture 2 a) Ashoka Pillars 6) StUpas-Bharahut, Sanchi, ©) Amaravati 4) Bhaja and Karle Caves, 2) Gupta Temples, 15 1b) Orissan temples ( Lingraja& Konarka ) ©) Kitjuraho Temple ( Kandariye Mahadev Temple) 4) Early Calukyan Temples of Aihole, Badami and Pattadakal ©) Ellora Temple (Kailashnath Temple) 1) Pallava Architecture (Mahahaliptram Rathas) | 2) Chola Temple ( Brihadeshwara Temple ) [4 a) Primitive art 08: b) Rock Painting Ajanta Paintings _4) Bagh Paintings mography : ni : a) Vishnu b) Shiva ©) Ganesha | d) Surya |e) Durga | 8) Jain |__g) Buddha [TOTAL Reading List } Agrawala, P-K., Prdcina Bharativa Kaldevans Vastu (Hindi). Varanasi, 2002. 2. Agrawala, V.S.. Bharatiya Kald(Hindi), Varanasi, 1904. 3. Bhattacharya, B.. The indian Buddhist Iconography. New Delhi, 1990 Bhattacharya. B.. The Indian Jain lconography. Delhi, 1974 . Banerjee, 1.N.. Development of Hind Ieonography, Calcutta, 1956 6 Bajpai, K-D.. Bharatiya Vastukalakaltihasa (Hindi), Lucknow, 1972, F Craun. P. Indian Architecture (Buddhist and Hindu Periods). Vol. Bombay, 1971 8. Coomarswamy, A.K., History of Indian and Indonesion Art, London, 1927 9. Gupta, P-L, Bhdirativa Sthdpatya (Hindi), Varanasi, 1970. 10. Joshi.N.P.. Prachin Bhurativa Murti Vigyan , Patna. 1977 |. Majumdar. R.C. and A.D, Pusalker (eds), The History and Culture ofthe Indien People, Vols. I and Iif (relevant chapters.), Bombay, 1951-57 12. Roy, N.C.. The Rise and Fall of Pataliputra, Kolkata. 2003, '3. Mishra, Jayadeva, Buddhist Ieonography in Bihar, Pat 992 : Vee SEMESTER ~1V Av 2 : GEA sHistory of Indian Buddhism & Jainism (<4 ¢. 9°” 4eaa of tne Department sngent Indian History & Archaeology. Patna University, Patne-5. Course Qutcomes “77 Alter the completion of the course, the student will he able to COW Ay explore orivinal sources forthe study of Ancient Indian Ul co2: C03: CO4: == also helps in developing future career in ASI lor Prepare students for competitive examinations Teaching, 1es$ about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present. Central & State. -Museums, heritages, tourism , GEA : History of Indian Buddhism & Jainism -Fheory: 6 credits) Topics to be covered [No. of Lectures | ‘A: Buddhism Pitaka ) Non-Tripitaka- Milind Pahho and Dipavamsa ©) Origin & Development of Buddhism. a) TripitakaYinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka and Abhidhamma 10 a) Life and teachings of Gautama Buddha b). Salient features of Buddhist religion. ©) Buddhist philosophy ~ Sila, Samadhi & Prajna, 4) Four noble truths. ©) Eight fold Path. a) Schools of Buddhism b) Hinayana, Mahayana | ©) Causes of the decline of Buddhism. |b). Origin and development of Jainism ©) Founder of Jainism —24 Tirthankaras, a). Sailent features of Jaina rel ) Life and teachings of Parsvanatha and Mahavir - ©) Division of Jaina sect into Svetambara and Digambara sects 4) Anekantavada and Syadvada 10 [TOTAL Reading List : Bapat. P.V. (ed.). 2500 Years.of Buddhism ( Also in Hindi ), New Delhi Jain, Hiraial, Bharatiya Samskrti mem Jaina Dharma ka Youadavia JainiJ.L...An outline of Jainism, Cambridge, 1916 Jain, Jyoti Prasad, Religion and Culture of the Jains, Delhi, [995 Narendra Dev, Bauddha Dharma Darsana, Patna, 1956. Pandey. G.C.. Sramuna Tradition : Its History and Contribution to indian culture, 1977. Pandey, G.C.. Studies in the origin of Buddhism. Delhi, 1983. Pandey, G.C., Bauddha Dharma Ke Vikisa Kaltihasa, Lucknow, 1987, Sharma, Chandradhar, Bhdrativa Dargana, Delhi, reprint 2004. . Upadhyaya, B., Bhirtiva Darsana, Varanasi, 1971. Upadhyaya. B.. Baudlidha Dharma Dargan, Varanasi, 1978, COBO | ieee : aa 1987. (Hindi). Bhopal, 1962 Ahmedabad, SE2 : Economie History of Ancient India Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: Or: Toexplore original sources for the study of Ancient Indian History, Cullu-apd Archaeology. C02: To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present. Prepare students for competitive examinations. {t also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Muscums, heritages, tourism ‘Teaching. fret = DSE2 : Economic History of Ancient India et (Theory: 6 credits) Unit _| Topies to be covered HH No. of Lectures 1 | Stages of Indian economy up to 6th century B.C. iB ) Sources of the Study of Economie History b) Harappan Economy ©) Vedic Agriculture ) Economic condition during the sixth century B.C. 2 | Stages of Indian Economy from 6th Century B.C. to 2th Century AD. 5 ) Economic progress in the Mauryan period b) Indo-Roman trade c. 200 B, C.~ 300 A.D. | | ) Economic progress in the Gupta period I 4d) Main features of early medieval econom : 3 | Economic System and Histitutions = ar a)Varta : Meaning and significance . b) Land ownership ©) Credit and banking system [@Guitas eee 4 | Money Economy and Trade-routes 10 a) Exchange and Currency | b) Maritime trade and trade-routes. Revenue and Taxation cc) a) Land revenue b) Salient.features of taxations eee TOTAL, Las ~ Reading List |. Achche Lal, Pricina Bhdrater Mem Krsi (Hindi), Varanasi 1980. 3 _Eandopadhyaya, N.C. Economic life and Progress in Ancient Inic, Calcite, 1945. “1 Ghoshal, UN. Contribution 10 the History of Hindu Revenue System. Caleutta, 1929, Gopal. L., Economic Life of Northern India (700-1200 A. D.), Varanasi, 1965 5. Jha, DN.. Revenue Sysiem in Post-Maurya and Gupta times, Caleuttn 199 6 Maity. SK., Economic Life in Northern India th the Gupta Period. 300 A.D. ~ 7. é 9. '0.A.D., Delhi, 1970. Majumdar, R.C., Corporate Life in Ancient India (also in Hindi) Calcutta. 1918 Motichand, Sarthaviah (Hindi), Patna, 1953 Motichand, Trade cad Trade Routes in Ancient hudia, New Delhi, 197 10. Om Prakash, Pracina Bharata Kei Samajika Evan Jvthika lihvg (Hindi), New Delhi, 2003 11. Roy. B.P.. Later Vedic Economy, Delhi, 1977 12. Sharma, R.S.. Light on Early Indian Society and Economy, Bomba 13. Sharma, RS. Priiraimbhiku Bhirate Ka Avthika Aura} 1966, maijika Mihdsca (Hindi), Dethi. 2000, a SEMESTER — Vi- DSE3 :Poli ical & Cultural History of South-East Asia Course Outcom: After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: COL: To explore original sources for the study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archacolozy. CO2: To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present, —CO3: _ Prepare students for competitive examinations, CO4: It also helps in developing future carcer in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism , ‘Teaching DSES : Political & Cultural History of South-East Asia es He (Theory: 6 credits) eee Unit Topies to be covered _ No. of Lectures | 1 | @) South ~ East Asia ~ Sources of Study 08 , b) Causes of Indianization of South — East Asia. } Routes of Indianization of South ~ East Asia 2 Early Indian Literary Reference 09 b) Contact with India ©) Formation of Different States = ne 3" | a) Early Kingdoms and Dynasties (Funan,Champay 15 ) Early History of Myanmar and Thailand | ©) Early History of Malaysia and Indonesia _ 4a) Shaltendras as a Marine Power = 15 b) Trade Relation between India and Southeast Asian Kingdom ) Dynastic History of Angkor J el) Concept of Devaraja Cult and its si | | History . e SShallendras ~ Java, b) Champa, Funan, ¢) Burma, Thailand with special reference to Religion, art and Literature Reading 1. Bose. P. : indian Coloay of Siam 2. Bose, P.: Indian Colony of Campa 3. LeMay, Reginald : The Culture of South ~ East Asia a 4. Lama, G.K., Tibet Mem Bauddha Dharma Ka lihiisa (Hindi), New Delhi, 2004, 5. Lama. G.K., Cultural Heritage of South East Asia, Varanasi, 2009. 6. Majumdar.R.C.: Ancient Indian Colonization in South East Asia 7. Osbome. Milton E. : SouthEast Asia — An Introductory History 8. Puri, B.N. : Sudurpurva mein Bharatiya sanskriti aur Uska Itihas 9. Sharan. M.K. : Studies in Sanskrit inscriptions of ancient Cambodia 10. Sadananda. Swami: Pilgrimage to Greater India 11. Vidyalankar. Satyaketu = Dakshinpurvi Aur Dakshini Asia mein Bharatiya Sanskriti 12. Upadhyay. Vidhyanand,Dakshin purva Asia, Patna, 1988 13, Wyatt. David : Thailand ~ A Short History SEMESTER — VI DSE4 :Ancient Indian Epigraphy & Numismatics Course Oui ome + aS! Alter the completion of the curse, the student will be able to: COL Le xkplore original sources tortie study of Ancient lindian [i Prepare students for competitive examinations, Teachir ° DSE4: Ancient Indian Epigraphy & Numismatics ‘To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the fearing to the present It also helps in developing future emeer in ASI Central & Stale, Museunrs, heritages, tourism , Unit___| Topies to be covered No. of Lectures 1 ‘A. Epigraphy a) Epigraphy as a source of history b) Origin and development of Brahmi Script ©) Origin of Kharosthi script 4) Asokan Edits: Rock Fdicts X, XI, XI ©) Pillar Ediets VIE 4 = a) Besnagar Garuda pillar inscription b)_ Hathigumpha inscription of Kharvela | ©) Nasik inscription of Vashisthuputra pulamavi 4) Junagarh rock Inscription of Rudradaman a) Allahabad Pillar Inseription of Samundragupta b)_Bhitari inscription of Skandgupta | ©) Banskhera Inseription of Harsha - i d) Nalanda Copper Plate of Devapala | 9) Aihole pillar inscription of Pulkesin [1 Numismatics ) Coins as an important source of history |b) Origin and antiquity of coinage in ancient India ©) Technique/Methods of manufacturing coins: Silver, copper. gold and alloys - 4) Punch marked coins Janpada and tribal Coins of Yaudheyas and the Malavas 1) Indo-Greek coins 8) Saka-Kshatrapa 5 a) Kushana by. Satavahana coinage ©) Coins of the Gupta dynasty up to Skandgupta TOTAL _ Reading List : 1. Bajpai, KD. sitthasikea Bharati a Abhitekbu daipur, 1992 2. Buhler. G.. dndian Pulacography, Caleta, 4959 (Hind 3. Dani, A. HL. dndian Pulacoraphs. London, 196% 1. Goyal, SR. Arce alii, PLC (Pra Gup 1082 X Ina Bhavetive Abhilekhe § Wane ent indian stra weiner Joke ¢ ec adel pie OS eerie iti & av Gupta, PLL. Prdcinu Bharata Ke Pramukha Abhilekha, Pt. 1& Il, Varanasi, 1996. Ojha,.G. 1. Pracina Bharatiya Lipimala ( Hindi), ‘New Dethi, 1971 Sircar, D.C., Indian Epigraphy (Hindi and English), Varanasi, 1965 Altekar, Anant Stidashiv : Guptakalin Mudrayein ) Banerji, R.D., Pracina ‘Mudrdyem (Hindi), Cateutta, 1922. 10. Gupta, P.L., Bharata Ke Parva Kalika Sikke, Varanasi, 1996. 11. Gupta, P.L., Pracina Bharatiya Mudrayem, Varanasi, 2003, 12. Kosambi, D.D., Julian Nemtsmatics, Delhi, 1981. —n. laraian, A-K., Coin-Types of the Indo Greeks (English and Hindi), Oxford, 1957. 14, Rapson, E.J., Catalogue of the Coins of India, Delhi, 1975. 15. Upadhyaya, Basudev, Bharatiya Sikke, Varanasi, 1971 SEMESTER - VI DSES :History of Indian Buddhism & Jainism - Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student will be able COl: _ To-explore original sources for the study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology Toraise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to te present. Prepare students for competitive examinations. - {talso helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism Teaching DSE: I ae |v it_“] Topics to be covered ‘A: Buddhism +a) Tripitaka-Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka and Abhidhammer Pitaka | |b) Non-Tripitaka- Milind Patho and Dipavamsa nt of Buddhism, j a) Life and teachings of Gautama Buddha ©) Origin & Developn b) Salient features of Bucldhist religion ©) Buddhist philosophy — Sita, Samadhi & Prajna | 4) Four noble truth, ©) Fight fold Path. | | Eat a eda a oe | 8) Schools of Buddhism | 10 | b) Hinayana, Mahayana | ©) Causes of the decline of Buddhism, | >| aan on 0 4 a) Agama Literature | | | |b) Origin and development of sani, | 3 S]o) Tounder of tainism 21 iABuakgdny : | 5 a). Sailent feature of Jaina religion T 1 | b) Life and teachings of Pérsvanatha and Mabavira ” ae pete | : ©). Division of Jaina sect into Svetambara and Digambara sects | i d) Anfokantavada and Syadvada | [TOTAL [ Reading List : 1. Bapat, P.V. (ed.), 2500 Years of Buddhism ( Also in Hindi ), New Delhi, 1987. 2. Jain, Hiralal, Bharatiya Samskrti mem Jaina Dharma ka Yogadina (Hindi). Bhopal, 1962. 3. Jaini, J.L., An outline of Jainism, Cambridge, 1916. 4. Jain, Jyoti Prasad, Religion and Culture of the Jains, Delhi, 1995, Narendra Dev, Bauddha Dharma Dargana, Patna, 1956, 6. Pandey, G.C., Sramana Tradition : lis History and Contribution to Indian culture, Ahmedabad, 1977, TF. Pandey, G.C., Studies in the origin of Buddhism, Delhi, 1983, 8. Pandey, G.C., Bauddha Dharma Ke Vikiisa Kaltihasa, Lucknow, 1987. 9. Shartia, Chandradhar, Bharatiya Dargana, Delhi, reprint 2004 10. Upadhyaya, B., Bhartiya Darsana, Varanasi, 1971. il. Upadhyaya, B., Bauddha Dharma Darsan, Varanasi, 1978. SEMESTER ~ VI DSE6 :Cultural History of South — East Asia Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: Con, fNPlore original sources forthe study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology CO2:, To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning tothe, present Prepare students for competitive examinations. Mt also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, Neri Teachi tourism . DSE6 : Cultural Unit | Topies to be covered _|_No. of Lectures | Funan & Kambuja | | fh | | | 4) Source of Culture & Components of Culture in Ancient Cambodia (Kambhja) | | b) Literature | i | t ce) Art K Architecture i | ee | y | | | d) Religion & Philosophy } I 3) Champa Parca ee are i | Heao ot tne Heparément : - : Anolon Inds rhtiy 8 archaeology, Patna ot Patna S 4) Source of Culture & Components of Culture in Ancient Champa b) Literature, - Ba c} Art & Architecture, rete, 4) Religion & Philosophy a Thailand 8) Source of Culture & Components of Culture in Ancient Times b) Literature ©) Art & Architecture 4) Rel ion & Philosophy Indonesia (Java and Sumatra) 1 8) Source of Culture ®& Components of Culture in Ancient Times i Dy ture ©) Art & Architecture | 4) Religion & Philosophy 4) Source of Culture & Componentsof Culture in Ancient Burma b) Literature ©) Ant & Are a 4) Reli : = ror ai PPA cee ech aa Reading List : 1. Alam, Md. Sayced, Glories of Srivijaya Empire, Patn 2. Bose, P. : Indian Colony of Siam 3. Bose. P.: Indian Colony of Campa LeMay, Reginald : The Cultufe of South ~ East Asia Lama. G.K., Tibet Mem Bauddha Dharma Ka itihasa (Hindi, New Delhi 2004. Lama, G.K., Cuttural Heritage of South East Asia, Varanasi, 2009, ales 4 oe 3A 9, 2H Sadananda, Swami Pilsvin Greater tna \\ Osbome, Milton b.: South Hast Asia ~ An Introductory History Pari, BAN. : Sudurpurva mein Bharstiva sanshriti aur Uska tit UI. Sharan, MLK. : Sutfes in Sanskrit inscriptions of ancient Can ye We Majumdar.R.C.: Ancient India Colonization in South East Asia Andee Heae of he Department sncent nian Hisory& Arciaelog) Patna yiwersie, Patras y '2. Vidvalankar, Satyaketu : Dakshinpurvi Aur Dakshini Asia mein Bharatiya Sanskriti . 13. Wyatt, David: Thailand ~A Short History A 1! > SEMESTER —‘vi + DSE7 :Ancient Indian Art Architecture and Iconography . Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: — COl: Toexplore original sources for the study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archacology, C02: Toraise consciousness about our Past and teach students to epply the learning to the present. CO3: " Prepare students for competitive examinations, COA: It also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, ‘Museums, heritages, tourism , Teaching DSE’ * Ancient Indian Art Architecture and Iconography | Unit _ | Topics to be covered = No. of Lectures | 1 @) History of Indian Ant f 4 b) Mauryan art ©) Shunga Ant d) Gandhara Art | ©) Mathura Art a) Ashoka Pillars me! |b). Stapas-Bharahut, Sanch . ©) Amaravati + 4) Bhaja and Karle Caves, 3 a) Gup b)_Orissan temples ( Lingrajaét Koparka ) Temples 15 ©) Khajuraho Temple ( Kandariye Mahadev Temple) ® Farly Calukyan Temples of Aihole, Badami and Pattadakal ®) Ellora Temple (Kailashnath Temple) 4) Pallava Architecture (Mahabalipuram Rathas) 8) Chola Temple ( Brihadeshwara Temple ) Primitive ar 8 b) Rock Painting ©) Ajanta Paintings Bagh Painti iconography : , a] a) Vishaw LaF ys i) Shiva ©) Ganesha d) Surya 1 e) Durga t = D) Jain Be 8) Buddha Reading List : 1. Agrawala, P.K., Pricina Bharatiya Kalaevam Vastu (Hindi), Varanasi, 2002. 2. Agrawala, V.S., Bharatiya Kala(Hindi), Varanasi, 1994. Bhattacharya, B., The Indian Buddhist Iconography, New Delhi, 1990 Bhattacharya, B., The Indian Jain leonography, Delhi, 1974. Banetice, J.N., Development of Hindu Ieonography, Caleutta, 1956. Bajpai, K.D., Bhdraflya Vastukalakatihiisa (Hindi), Lucknow, 1972. Brown, P., Indian Architecture (Buddhist and Hindu Periods), Vol. 1, Bombay, 1971 Coomarswamy, A.K., History of Indian and Indonesian Art, London, 1927. Gupta, P.L.. Bharatiya Sthapatya (Hindi), Varanasi, 1970. 10. Joshi.N.P., Prachin Bharativa Murti Vigyan , Patna, 1977. 11. Majumdar, R.C. and A.D. Pusalker(eds.), The History and Culture of the Indian People. Vols. 1 dnd HI (relevant chapters,), Bombay. 195 12. Roy, N.C.. The Rise and Fall of Pataliputra, Kolkata, 2003. SEMESTER - VI am DSES listory of Bihar up to 1206 A.D. Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: ‘To explore original sources for the study of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology.” To conduct explorations and excavations to develop further vhderstanding of the subject To raise awareness for protection and promotion of heritage. To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present. Prepare students for competitive examinations. COS: It also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages. tourism , C06: Teaching. ‘Topics to be covered ce Historica} Geography of Bihar ys A Geography of Biba Feat 8 Mithita (Tirhut) by) Vaishali | Saivism : b). Vaisnavism | ©). Saktism A j "te &) Centre of Jainism Sere ee 8) Centre of Buddhism f) Bihar as a Puranic Tirtha 3” ~ | Artand Architecture of Bihar 5 ) Ashokan Pillars : Rampurva, Lauriya Nandangarh, Vaishali i b) Kesariya Stupa, Vaishali Stupa ©) Bodheaya Temple 4). Paintings: Rock Painting of Kaimur “|” @) Pala Painting of Nalanda 4 Bihar as a centre of Education Ea 10 | a) Nalanda b)_ Vikramsita ©) Odantpuri | Ls a) Bihar in Pre Mauryan, Mauryan & Post- Mauryan era 7 b) Bihar in Gupta and Post — Gupta Period. | [ aa — Reading List: 1. Agrawal, P.K..Guptakatina Kala evam Vastu, Varanasi, 1994. 2 Cunningham. A.. Geography of Ancient India, Varanasi, 1963. fe 3. Goswami, B.K.. Bhakti Cult in Ancient India, Calcutta, 1922. 4. Kane, P.V., Dharmagastra Ka Itihisa, Vol Ill, Lucknow. 1966. zs 5. Kumar-Mangj...Pashchim Champaran Ka Purattava, New Delhi, 2020 6. Law. B.C.. Historical Geography of Ancient India, Varanasi, 1975 7. Majumdar, R.C. (ed.), The History and Culture of the Indian People, Vols. Vil & IX Bombay, 1988-1990. 8. Patil, D.R The Antiquarian Remains In Bihar, 1963 9. Pandey, M.S.. Geography and Topography of Ancient Bihar, New Delhi, 1962 10. Sinha, B.P.: The Comprehensive History of Bihar, Vol.l, Part 1-2 \ ee ye 1 ads ow ONS BAe a ; ene UAW wl B+ fy a A Off fe: sf aod lat Tre de 088 one Nv eae ot we oy BACB 3 a ancient pane. ~~ Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) apc SEMESTER ~ V DSE1 : Social History of Ancient India Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student will be able to: CO1: To explore originatsources for the study oF Ancient In History, Culture and Archaeology. CO2: To raise consciousness about our Past and teach students to apply the learning to the present. C03: Prepare students for competitive examinations CO4: It also helps in developing future career in ASI Central & State, Museums, heritages, tourism , Teaching. DSE1 : Social Histor} of Ancient India (Theory: 6 credits) ae ie Unit | Topics to be covered >| Noof ___| Lectures T | Varna-Aérama System 15 4) Sourees of the study of Social history b) Varna and Caste system ©) Origin. development and significance of Asrama

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