FON Semester II

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FON Semester II

1. you are asked to calculate the BMI for the patient having Weight = 70 kg
(154 ) and Height= 5 feet (60 inches or 1.60 m), what will be the BMI of the patient…?
a) 20 b) 30.1 c) 35 d) 27.5

2. Marasmus develops in children whose diets are deficient of

A) Protein b) Energy c) Iron d) Calories and protein

3.The nurse calculates a body mass index (BMI) of 18 for a young adult woman who comes to the physician's office
for a college physical. This patient is considered:
a) Obese b) Overweight c) Average d) Underweight.

4. Vitamins B and C are classified as :

a) Ethyl-soluble vitamins b) calcium-soluble vitamins

c) Water-soluble vitamins d) lipid-soluble vitamins

5. Which one of the following is the sign of poor nutrition?

a)Spongy gums that bleed easily b) Smooth and slightly moist skin
c) Reddish-pink mucous membranes in oral cavity d) Firm and pink Nails.
6. Which one of the following is the sign of poor nutrition?
a)Spongy gums that bleed easily b) Smooth and slightly moist skin
c) Reddish-pink mucous membranes in oral cavity d) Firm and pink Nails.
7……is milk-based blenderized foods prepared by hospital dietary staff or in a patient home.
a) Elemental formulas b) Specialized formula c) Modular formula d) Polymeric.
8 Which statement made by an adult patient demonstrates understanding of healthy nutrition teaching?
a) I need to stop eating red meat. b) I will increase the servings of fruit juice to four a day.
c) I will make sure that I eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
d) I will not eat so many dark green vegetables and eat more yellow vegetables.
9 The nurse teaches a patient who has had surgery to increase which nutrient to help with tissue repair?
a) Fats b) Protein c) Vitamin d) Carbohydrate
10 The nurse is caring for a patient experiencing dysphagia. Which interventions help decrease the risk of aspiration
during feeding?
a) Sit the patient upright in a chair and Place food in the strong side of the mouth.
b) Give liquids at the end of the meal.
c) Provide thin foods to make it easier to swallow.
d) Encourage patient to lie down to rest for 30 minutes after eating.
11) The home care nurse is seeing the following patients. Which patient is at greatest risk for experiencing
inadequate nutrition?
a) A 55-year-old obese man recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus
b) A recently widowed 76-year-old woman recovering from a mild stroke
c) A 22-year-old mother with a 3-year-old toddler who had tonsillectomy surgery
d) A 46-year-old man recovering at home following coronary artery bypass surgery
12) The nurse is teaching a program on healthy nutrition at the senior community center. All points should be
included in the program for older adults except?
a) Avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, which impair drug absorption.
b) Limit fluids to decrease the risk of edema
c) Take a multivitamin that includes vitamin D for bone health.
d) Cheese and eggs are good sources of protein
13) Protein intake throughout pregnancy needs to increase to ………………..
a) 20g daily b) 40g daily c) 60g daily d) 120g daily.
14. ……………. Can be described as an pathological change in structure that lead to alteration in body
functions resulting a reduction of capacities. (E.g. pathogens).

a) Illness b) Disease c) wellness d) sickness

15. …………….. is a highly personal (subjective) state in which the person's physical, emotional,
intellectual, social, developmental, or spiritual functioning is thought to be diminished

a) Illness b) Disease c) wellness d) sickness

16. All of the following are the example of chronic disease except:

a) Diabetes Mellitus b) Cancer c) common cold d) COPD

17. Illness which requires special patient education for rehabilitation .

a) Acute illness b) chronic illness c) disease d) short term illness

18. Prevent progression and early detection of disease are the example of which type of prevention.

a) Primordial prevention b) primary prevention c) secondary prevention d) tertiary prevention

19. Which one of the following is correct about stages of illness behavior …….
a) Symptom Experiences, Dependent Client Role, medical care contact, Assumption of the sick
role Recovery
b) Symptom Experiences, Assumption of the Sick Role, medical care contact, Recovery,
Dependent Client Role.
c) Symptom Experiences, Assumption of the Sick Role, medical care contact ,Dependent Client
Role, Recovery
d) Assumption of the sick role, medical care contact ,symptoms experience ,Recovery, dependent
client role.
20. A systematic, rational method of planning and providing individualized nursing care is known as…….
A. Nursing Ethics
B. Public Health Nursing
C. International Code of Nurses
D. Nursing Process
21. An objective behavior or response expected within hours to a week.

A. Client Centered Goal

B. Short term Goal
C. Long term Goal
D. Both B & C
22. Prioritize problems/diagnoses, Formulate expected outcomes, choose nursing strategies is the
…………………………….. Step of nursing process.
A. Assessment
B. Diagnosis
C. Planning
D. Implementation
23. Collect, validate, organize, and record data is the …………………….step of Nursing process.
A. Assessment
B. Diagnosis
C. Planning
D. Implementation
24. The last phase of the NP is _______________
A. assessment
B. planning
C. evaluation
D. outcomes
25. .__________is the act of “double-checking” or verifying data to confirm that they are accurate and
A. A .Validation
B. Recording Data
C. Both a & b
D. Confirmation
26. Which of the following behaviors is most representative of the nursing diagnosis phase of the nursing
A. Identifying major problems or needs
B. Organizing data in the client’s family history
C. Establishing short-term and long-term goals
D. Administering an antibiotic
27. Which of the following is the purpose of assessing?

A. Establish a database of client responses to his or her health status

B. Identify client strengths and problems
C. Develop an individualized plan of care.
D. Implement care, prevent illness, and promote wellness
28. Which of the following nursing diagnoses contains the proper components?

A. Risk for Caregiver Role Strain related to unpredictable illness course

B. Risk for fall related to tendency to collapse when having difficulty breathing
C. Impaired Communication related to stroke
D. Sleep Deprivation secondary to fatigue and a noisy environment
29. Feelings toward a person, object or idea

A. Attitude
B. Belief
C. Value
D. Moral

30. Any system of principles, rules or regulations relating to one subject

A. Conduct
B. Code
C. Honesty
D. Assumptions

31. The manner of guiding or carrying one's self, personal deportment, mode of action, behavior.

A. Conduct
B. Code
C. Honesty
D. Assumptions

32. . ………………Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior, especially for teaching
right behavior

A. Moral
B. Code
C. Honesty
D. Assumptions

33. Types of values such as honesty, reliability, and trust, determine how you will face the world and
relate with people

A. Personal
B. Cultural
C. Humanistic
D. Optimistic

34. Values that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job,
role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal

A. Motivational
B. Democratic
C. Optimistic
D. Humanistic

35. Altruism word refer to

A. Well being for self

B. Well-being for other
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

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