Book - Returned From The Dead

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Dr. Grace Ogungbemi

My name is Grace Ogungbemi. I am currently a
successful consultant specialist physician by
profession. I want to share the most significant
and TRUE story of my life with you. Please read it
with your heart and be blessed.

As I reflect upon my first pregnancy and childbirth

many years ago, and the events that followed, I
know that I am currently living each and every
day in the miraculous extra time of life. The devil
blew the whistle that heralded the “end of my
life”. But God in His mercy decided against all the
rules on the playing field of life to bring me back
into the same match on the same playing field
alive. But for God, my life was not over, no
matter what the enemies plotted, no matter what
the devil did, no matter what the laws of nature
decreed. The next pitch of this game of life was
birthed against all human possibilities. It was a
terrible battle that the Lord won on my behalf on
that day. God indeed granted me His infinite love
and mercy.

After I got married many years ago, I and my

spouse decided to start family after two years of
settling down into marriage. When I got pregnant
after two years, we were both very happy and
My Testimony 1
expectant. The pregnancy had been well
monitored during the antenatal period by medical
experts and everything had gone on so well as
the months progressed.

The baby did not come out i.e. I did not put to
bed at the expected date of delivery. I was a bit
anxious about this, but I was always assured that
the baby was doing well anytime I was examined
by the doctors. When the pregnancy had stayed
over a week after my due date, the supervising
medical consultant (obstetrician) informed me
that the baby would have to come out by
whatever was the necessary safe method of
delivery for me. I was told that drugs would be
used to kick-start the labor process. If that didn’t
push the baby out, then an operation to bring the
baby out would be a final consideration. I was
given a new date to come into the hospital on
admission for further review and assured that I
would leave the hospital separated from but with
my baby by the time I was discharged. The date I
was given to come on admission for my delivery
was the night before my newly set delivery date.
This was so that I would be well rested before the
next D-day.

My Testimony 2
On the appointed day, I went shopping for food
and some other stuff for my household. I came
back home and slept and then put together my
already packed bags for the child “delivery”. By
the evening hours, I reported for admission into
the hospital as planned. The obstetrician
examined me and decided that labor had still not
started. I was taken to my allotted ward room to
get some sleep with the plan that labor (the
process that pushes the baby out of the mother’s
womb) would be kick started the next day with
drugs. I settled down into my ward room in the
hospital and spent some time arranging all the
different items I had brought along with me for
admission. I then went out to the reception area
to watch television for some time with a few other
patients and staff before saying goodnight to
everyone and retiring to bed for the night. This
was at about 9pm.

When it was around past 11pm, I woke up from

sleep with excruciating pains at my lower
abdomen. It took me a while to realize that it was
labor pain and that the timing was so frequent. I
shouted out to call the attention of the nurse
stationed outside my door and she came into my
ward room. At first, she was jesting about
My Testimony 3
“doctors being the most difficult patients to
handle” when I told her outright that I was about
to push the baby out. “How can you sleep for two
hours and wake up to say the baby is almost out.
It does not happen like that”, she joked.
But I guess the expression of pain on my face
prompted her to do an examination of my womb
area. Then she screamed for the doctor and
called for the stretcher to wheel me into the
theater. “The baby is here! The baby is here!”,
the nurse kept screaming as they wheeled me
into the theatre and set up to take the delivery of
my baby.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for me that

night as the contractions kept coming and my
baby’s head kept pushing out. The attending
medical team had to give me a small ‘surgical
tear’ to allow the baby’s head to pass. Suddenly, I
heard the yelling of my baby. “she is a girl!” “She
is a fine little girl”, I heard the team around me
saying. Then a nurse showed me my baby,
attached a named strip to the wrist and took her
away to clean her up. By this time, they were
attending to the placenta (the afterbirth) and
sewing up the “tear” they gave me to let the
baby’s head pass. I noticed that the chatter and
jubilation was suddenly quietening down and that
My Testimony 4
the team working on me were growing worried
and restive. I asked what was wrong but I was
told not to worry. Injections I know to be given
once after birth were being repeated and the
obstetrician then declared to me that I was
bleeding too profusely for the small procedure
done earlier. The placenta was checked to be
complete. The tear had been sown up, yet I kept
bleeding uncontrollably. They did all the
maneuvers that are used to stop bleeding after a
woman gives birth but non of those maneuvers
worked. I just kept on bleeding.

By now, it was well after midnight. Remember

that there was no GSM at that time. A vehicle had
to be sent to get my husband from home when I
was initially wheeled into the theatre. By the time
he arrived, he had to be sent out immediately to
the blood bank which was just a street down from
the hospital to get me blood . Behold! there was
no blood in that blood bank. Even the blood bank
where I had arranged for a relative to donate
blood earlier on for this delivery could not supply
the blood to me because they had used up the
blood donated for me and no replacement was
available yet. In those days, blood donation was
not so common. The blood banks always
struggled to get and to hold on to blood for
My Testimony 5
people’s transfusion. And so, it was possible to
use up someone else’ donated blood for another
emergency if it turned up earlier. Well, I was now
suddenly an emergency case and there was no
blood available for me even though I had had
blood donated and even though I have the
commonest blood group in the world.
As my husband and his accompaniment from the
hospital went from blood bank to blood bank that
night in search of blood, I grew weaker and
weaker in the theatre because I continued to pour
out blood. The theatre floor was filled with my
blood, both dried up and fresh bleed. I looked up
at the ceiling of that theatre and finally accepted
that I was dying. My heart seemed to be beating
so fast that I could feel it skipping beats.

“Oh Lord”, I thought, “how could my life be

ending so soon?”. I had big dreams for my
present and future before I decided to start a
family. I had a very nice lace sown ready for the
naming ceremony of this child. I have elderly,
dependent parents who have given their all to
train me through medical school and other
persons who were dependent on me financially.
Now, I have a newborn who would never meet
her mother. I became so sad and afraid. I was
My Testimony 6
afraid to die. The inevitable end called death had
come to me too soon. What would become of
me? Would I go to heaven or hell? Have I lived
this life on earth worthy of heaven? I was only
28years old at this time. “Oh my God, I never saw
this moment of death coming.” It was too
sudden. Yet so real. Because gradually, it was as
if all my strength was gone. Indeed, it is true,
that the life of the flesh is in the blood (Leviticus
117:11). I KNEW that I was dying. I told the
nurses to hold my hand to fill the transfusion
consent form; which they did before I slowly
ebbed out of life. My husband was still going from
blood bank to blood bank in the city, looking for
blood for my transfusion, not knowing that I had
passed on. The devil took out every safety latch
available for survival in modern medicine from me
that night. No amount of money could buy what I
needed that night the most that was not
available…..…….. Blood!

I could not move anymore. The voices of the

medical people working on me were all still
around me but fading away into the distance.
Someone shouted, “doctor! her blood pressure is
not recordable”. Another said “I can’t find her
pulse”. Then they were pounding my chest and

My Testimony 7
trying to revive me. It was all becoming like a far
dream to me. I just kept passing out.
At the point of death, it was as if ‘light switches’
were going off one after another in my brain and
increasing darkness was enveloping my being.
Then "I" (my soul) literally “lifted” out of my
body. All the pain of childbirth was suddenly all
gone. All that pain had stopped…wow. I could see
360 degrees all round me at once and I was
super 'aware'. But none of the medical people
standing over my body doing resuscitation at that
time, trying to revive my body heard me when I
shouted out to them. No one I touched turned to
look at me. It was like I was non-existent. I
wanted the nurses to pull the cloth away from my
baby's face because she was yelling so hard in
her cot and throwing her hands all around and
pulling the cloth over her face. I feared the sheet
she pulled over her face could suffocate her. No
one paid attention to “me”, nor to her as she
struggled in her cot with the cot sheets. They
were all focused on my body that was lifeless on
the table. The obstetrician is a Deeper-Life Bible
Church brother whom we all know lives a
consecrated life along with his wife. He was fairly
well known to me because I had worked with him
in time past on some medical cases. I could hear
him praying fervently as he worked to revive my
My Testimony 8
body, “speaking in tongues” as he worked hard to
save my life. ‘I’ exited my lifeless body anyway. I
just stood there looking around, knowing that I
had just died. I looked upon the medical team as
they struggled with the body on the table. I was
now floating above the whole scene.

Suddenly, it was as if it was time to "leave". I

slowly and most reluctantly drifted out of that
theatre into dark shadowy space. As I left the
theatre that night, nothing was as painful to me
as thinking and wondering whether even my baby
would survive that night. Seeing how she was
almost suffocated in her cot with no one noticing
her and finally accepting that I could not help her
in my current dead state. I could only pray within
me that God would please send her help so that
she would not also die in her cot that night.

As I drifted off into this dark “space”, I was still

me "mentally". My memories, my knowledge, my
intelligence, my emotions, my fears, my worries,
my imaginations, my thoughts, were still all there.
I could still reason and remember things that had
transpired when I was alive. I wondered how my
husband would feel when he came back with
blood to find me dead already. He would never
My Testimony 9
see me alive again. I wished I had said a better
and more affectionate goodbye rather than the
brisk goodbye I said when he left me at the
hospital the night before. I wondered if he would
take good care of our daughter if she survived the
night. I wondered if my husband would give her a
good mother to raise her when he re-married or
whether he would be re-married to a “wicked
step-mother”. I felt pain for the pains my parents
and family and friends were going to suffer at the
loss of my life. Can you imagine that I even
thought of how someone else might marry my
husband and maltreat my child whilst I was in
such a death position. Can you imagine that I was
still worried over my family, friends, husband and
daughter even in death. One thing is for sure, our
capacity to think and to feel does not end with
the death of our body. Readers, please prepare
well for your loved ones before you die, so that
this doesn’t haunt you in death. Thinking and
feeling I found must be embedded in our soul. No
wonder the bible states that we have sinned
against our soul once we have conceived an evil
idea in our thoughts (Matthew 5:28, Mark 7:20-
23). Our thoughts can sin and it can push our
flesh into sinning against God. Indeed, the soul
(where our thoughts originate from) is the battle
ground for righteous or sinful living. That night, I
learned first hand that our soul is indeed a
My Testimony 10
powerful living being that will not die with our
flesh. It can think, it can reason, and it has
emotions because it can continue to feel even
after our body has died. This was quite scary to
me because it meant that one will be very aware
of the pain that will come to one when one’s soul
is judged at the end of time.

As I moved on in this dark, shadowy, empty

space, I had a lot of regret about many
relationship issues I had not resolved. Especially
the feud with my loving parents that I always
thought I would have the time to resolve. That
matter was so, so painful to me. What could my
parents have done that I as a professing christian
could not have forgiven them of immediately. Oh
my God! I cried, “I am not ready to leave now. I
am not yet ready to die”. I had too many
important matters I had carelessly refused to
settle when I was alive. Now, it was suddenly just
too late for me.
I thought to myself, “Oh God, so this is the end of
my life on earth.” I thought of the life-long pain
that this death would bring to my loved ones, to
my parents, to my deserted daughter. I was so
scared and extremely anxious. “Why oh! why?”
“How oh! how?” I could not stop my silent
My Testimony 11
thoughts from lamenting. I tried to speak but
there was no sound despite my crying and
“screams”. Death had silenced my voice. That
was also so shocking to me. The fact that I no
longer could hear my ‘voice’ while speaking. You
that are alive today, do you appreciate the fact
that you can voice out your prayer and praise
songs today or you let the devil make you too
ashamed to voice out your prayer and songs of
praise. Know that there is coming a day when
that voice will be gone.

Before this night, we had prepared so well as a

family for this my first child’s arrival. I had done
everything accurately to medical specification. I
had registered under a specialist care that had
taken care of me throughout pregnancy. We had
money sitting in the bank to afford surgery if it
came to that. We had even prepared and
provided for the mandatory three pints of blood
ahead of my delivery. Yet, despite all our best
efforts as a family, I had still ended up dead on
the theater table after childbirth. All the help I
needed at that moment had been rendered to
me. But somehow, what I needed the most had
been unfortunately unavailable to me. What a
wicked thing to have happened to me. How
indeed helpless is the effort of man if God does
My Testimony 12
not help us. We may have prepared our horses
for the day of battle, but indeed, victory belongs
to God Almighty alone (Proverbs 21:31).

Even though there was no more physical pain (I

guess that ended with my body dying), my soul
was tormented and in pain with regrets by the
fact that I had a lot of unfinished business, unsaid
words, unwritten documents, undone tasks, a
newborn baby without a mum to cater for her,
unfulfilled dreams, parents who needed my
support and the message of salvation that I had
not been particular about preaching unto others
but always deferred until later. Oh my God! I
couldn't believe that it had all ended for me so
soon and so suddenly.

All these ruminations kept going on in my mind

while, "we" the now multitude of ‘shadows’ just
kept on moving by floating forward (not walking).
By “we”, I meant me and all those other human
look-alike “shadows” that appeared from nowhere
and joined me in the “flowing” journey towards
our unknown destination. We all seemed to be
heading automatically in a particular direction. I
thought to myself and realized as the numbers of
My Testimony 13
the shadows multiplied rapidly that, "a lot of
people must have died all over the world this
night like I died.” I realized that a lot of people
must be dying in the world every minute. All of us
shadows just kept moving on like an automated
army. No “shadow” bumped into another. Non
spoke to the other. The journey continued onward
until we all got to a huge gulf that divided where
we were coming from from what I strongly
believed then was to be our final ‘destination’.
Beyond that divide, there were two types of huge
lights on both sides. One light was so luminous
and resplendent and beautifully cool to behold.
The other light was a frightful, fierce, fiery,
furious, crackling, blazing fire.
I just knew somehow instinctively that once I
crossed beyond that gulf or divide, that it would
be the end of the journey for me on planet Earth.
My fear and anxiety grew tremendously. There is
incredible FEAR and palpable anxiety in the valley
of the shadow of death……… when God is not
with us (Psalm 23:4).

Just like that. It was all about to be over.

Aaaahhhhh!! I became desperate. I needed to
stop moving forward towards that gulf ahead of
me. I could see other souls just leaping
My Testimony 14
automatically over this gulf to one side or the
other on the other side of the divide. I needed to
stop my automatic forward drift towards this
divide. But I could just not stop on my own. The
drift continued despite my inner wishes and
attempt to turn back.

My mind began to tell me I needed a Miracle to

STOP drifting towards that final abyss. I needed
and wanted strongly to go back to earth and live
again, and set things right everywhere it was
wrong. Another thought was taunting me.
Mocking me. Telling me my life was now over.
Giving me the evidence to show that I had died
and that it was the end of the road when it came
to life for me. The thought said “It is all over now.
Just accept it and jump over the gulf to the other
side like everyone else is doing. Or, what do you
think? Didn't you see all the blood on the theater
floor? You bled to death, period! As a physician,
you know that you can't still be alive after losing
all that blood without a replacement. When you
stopped bleeding because there was no more
blood to lose, your blood finished within you. You
have died. You are dead. As a Christian, you know
that the blood is the life of the animal, and yours
was all over the floor back there. You died.
My Testimony 15
Period. It is done. Everybody dies at some time
and you know it. You have pronounced other
people dead during your work as a physician in
your lifetime. Now, it is your own turn too to die.
And you have died". This thought speaking into
my ‘mind’ from nowhere kept on tormenting me. I
became so afraid in my soul. Tormented.

Suddenly, another ‘thought’ came into my ‘mind’

and said “but you have heard and read that Jesus
saves. You have heard that Jesus saves. You have
heard that Jesus heals. You have heard that Jesus
even raises from the dead. Did you not believe
that story? Do you believe that Jesus can raise
you from the dead? That at the Name of Jesus,
everything including death will bow? Jesus saves.
Call on Jesus. Call that Name Jesus. You have
heard of MIRACLES in the Name of Jesus.” as I
wrestled between the two opposing thoughts
warring out in my ‘mind’, the soft sweet voice that
won me over said, “You have already lost your
body anyway Grace. You have lost everything
Grace. You have nothing left to lose. What else
have you got to lose by calling the Name of
JESUS? if you call the Name of Jesus and you are
not revived from death, at least you will always
know that you called upon Him to the end. You
did not go down without a fight”

My Testimony 16
I thank God and my Saviour for strengthening my
feeble faith with His daring Words. The Lord
dared me to have Faith in Him. To have Faith in
His abiding Word. To have Faith in His unshakable
Love. To have Faith in the Name of Jesus as He
commanded from of old. To have Faith for the
impossible. To trust in the reality of the
testimonies of His incredible Powers that has
dated through many generations in all the nations
of the world. Above all, to trust in the negotiating
Power of the Mediator Jesus Christ that He God
Himself has provided for Mankind as an
atonement to redeem us from our imperfections.
God won my heart over with the strength of His
persuasive Words of love and peace that day. I
thank God for not giving up on me when worldly
knowledge dared to challenge the Incredibility of
His Awesome Power. I thank God for reminding
me of His Mighty Acts from of old. I thank God for
defeating the voice of Lucifer in my mind with His
simply incredible Words of Wisdom….. “Grace,
what have you got left to lose by calling on the
Name of Jesus?”

I challenge you who are reading this book today

who say that you belong to one faith or another
and so you cannot call upon Jesus or be His own
today, who say that you are too ill to be healed,
My Testimony 17
who say that the cancer has spread too far to be
curtailed, who say that the limb has been
amputated and cannot grow back, who say that
your eye has been blind from birth and that it
cannot be restored, who say that your womb has
been removed and that you can never carry a
baby, who say that the marriage is dead and
cannot be revived, who say that your child is gone
and can never return to you, who say that the
occult have decreed your death and that it cannot
be reversed, who has been kidnapped and is
rusting away in captivity, who has been detained
for the next ritual killing and has no hope of
escaping. Are you inside a fast falling aeroplane
about to crash and you think you will perish with
this disaster? Whatever you think the impossibility
is in your situation. I bring you good news from
the Throne of Heaven. Jesus Christ the same,
yesterday, today and forevermore (Hebrews
13:8). The Name of the Lord is a strong tower,
the righteous run into it and they are saved
(Proverbs 18:10). Romans 10:13 extends this
grace to the sinner because it says that “whoever
calls upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall
be saved” (notice that it is whosoever and not
just the saints). Because God has given us a
Name above all names, that at the Name of
Jesus, every knee will bow, in heaven and on
earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10).
My Testimony 18
Whatever is the dimension of existence of your
problem, it must bow at the mention of the Name
that is above all Names…. Jesus!.

Jesus Christ, He is;

The same, yesterday, today and forevermore
Our Healer
Our Saviour
Our Redeemer
Our Friend and Companion
Our Refuge
Our very present Help in times of trouble

My readers, once faith was birthed in my heart, I

started screaming JESUS! JESUS!! JESUS!!!...
even though I couldn't hear my own voice for all
my screaming. But I kept on, because I
desperately didn't want to cross to the other side
of that gulf. There was nothing left to lose any
way. I seemed to have have kept screaming Jesus
for a long time without anything stopping my
onward motion towards that gulf. I just kept on

Suddenly, a Giant Being appeared behind me.

Only His huge head and flowing beautiful golden
hair was above what looked like an “horizon” for
me to “see”. His eyes were like molten yet very
My Testimony 19
attractive fire. I could "see" Him clearly even
though He was behind me. His Head behind me
was so radiant. He glowed. He looked and felt
very Powerful to me. I just “knew” this. He was
incredibly Beautiful too. I mean you can't imagine
the extent of His “Beauty” no matter how hard I
try to describe Him. His Presence filled me with
serenity and confidence and palpable joy that
dispelled my fear. I can't describe it. (Maybe
some people at this point would just have decided
to cross that abyss and follow Jesus “Home”). The
tranquil Peace He brought with His Presence
cannot be found on this Earth. Maybe He gave my
earthly reasoning a chance to still choose whether
to go back and live or continue in death by not
showing Himself fully to me, I do not know. I
could have decided I was too in love with His
Peace and Presence to wish never to return to
earth ever again.
He asked me a simple question. I didn't “hear” it,
I just knew it. " Why do you want to go back?".
Aaaaahhhh! At that moment, my mischievous
mind quickly went to work as if I wanted to
answer one exam question that I couldn’t afford
to fail. All kinds of legally and morally acceptable
and impressive answers came to my mind, like ‘I
wanted to go back to earth to preach the gospel
and tell people about God” (a task that I hardly
My Testimony 20
ever did before then), I thought of saying that ‘I
wanted to go back to earth to help the poor’. But
even my mind told me that those answers
running through my mind in reply to Jesus’
question were not the "truth". I found myself
eventually answering Him automatically with the
Truth. "I want to go back and take care of my
newborn child. I want to go back and take care of
my parents. I want to go back and live like the
true word of God says to do. I want to live a more
Godly life than I had lived up until then for all
those years calling myself a Christian. I want to
go back and live my dreams and accomplish my
earthly goals. I want to go back so that my
family, especially my parents will not sorrow over
my death."
In that place beyond this world, it seems that
when you are asked any question as I discovered
that day, the ‘truth’ just comes out from you
whether that was what your reasoning intended
to say or not. It seemed that my answer that day
was good enough for our Lord Jesus. Because His
MERCY found me that day 7th, October 1998
when I became reborn again physically into my
dead flesh.

My Testimony 21
Is there anything impossible for our God to do?
Indeed there is nothing that our God cannot do.

That Great Bright Glowing, Powerful, Loving,

Merciful Being, picked me (my soul) up and
carried me back in the reverse direction. In the
twinkle of an eye, I was back in the theater. My
body by then had been fully covered in white
theater sheet and pushed to one side of the
theater near the wall. There was a nurse mopping
and cleaning dried blood still in some parts of the
theatre benches and instruments. It was already
twilight or early morning by then. She was
weeping as she was working because she knew
me when I was alive. My soul was put back into
my body and I started struggling to free myself
from under the white sheet that was tightly
wrapped around my body. I felt so weak and the
pains was back again as ‘I’ re-entered my body.
When the nurse noticed that the body by the wall
was moving, instead of coming to help me, she
ran away screaming. Then the obstetrician and
his team came back into the theater. They were
all alarmed. They freed me from the white sheet
and started doing that painful resuscitation again.
The same procedure that they were doing as I
died. As I learned later, I had been dead for
My Testimony 22
almost 5 to 6 hours by then. They were checking
my vital signs as is done to monitor evidence of
life and well-being in hospitals. The ‘Blood
Pressure’ machine was still reading ‘unrecordable’.
My ‘Pulse’ was still ‘not palpable’ (could not be
felt). As for my heart sounds, they were debating
over whether it could be heard or not. They
debated over the presence or absence of
But I was now ALIVE in that theatre and that was the
indisputable fact. My eyes were opened and I
could see everyone. I was too weak to lift my
hand but I was alive. The team was confused,
whether to continue that chest revival stuff or to
stop it. They eventually decided to stop. Then
someone said as if suddenly realizing it, ‘it's blood
we need’. Then someone else said ‘let's give her
infusion fluids for now since we still have no blood
as at the present’.
But for all that time I was back in my body in the
theatre, I actually had BLOOD. It was not mine
blood. It was not human blood. It was the Blood
of Jesus keeping me alive. Jesus revived me with
His Blood. I was “paper white” in complexion
(which is what happens when one lacks human
blood), but I was breathing good and was very

My Testimony 23
Another miracle occurred when the medical team
wanted to set up the intravenous fluid (drip) on
me. They couldn't find a vein to put the needle
into because of the lack of blood within my veins.
But by some bizarre miracle, I could see all my
veins quite clearly (I don't know how) and I told
them so. They had to help me lift my hand to
outline where the veins I said I could see ran
through. Every point along that outline where I
showed them where they put a needle, they
found a vein and eventually set up an infusion
fluid (commonly called drip). I was like this, lying
down. Waiting. The medical team just watching
me, till quite some time later when my husband
arrived with three pints of cold blood. We even
had to wait awhile for the blood to warm up
before it could be transfused into me. It is true
that I did not survive the ordeal of October 7,
1998. I died. But, I was miraculously RETURNED
to life by Jesus.

I recovered from thence on and became stronger

everyday on hospital admission till I was
discharged from that hospital. With my baby. Yes,
I was discharged along with my baby. I was told
that she had been rescued from those suffocating
sheets by a nurse who suddenly turned away

My Testimony 24
from my lifeless body and saw the baby struggling
to breath under the swaddling sheets.
So I ask you, can someone who has died and
been medically diagnosed dead come back to Life
again? It is not possible. But can a MIRACLE bring
a dead man back to Life from death? That
MIRACLE is indisputably possible.
For all the argument everyone has about the
veracity of the BIBLE, no one can take it away
from me and from this world that JESUS is ALIVE.
It is true that Jesus saves. It is true that JESUS
we shall meet at the portal between life and
death someday. I say it is true because not only
have I seen Him before, He has spoken to me. He
has helped me and given me a new Life and a
renewed body. Jesus has reversed my medically
diagnosed dead body to that of a living being.
Jesus made it possible for my dead body which
had no blood to come alive without blood and to
remain alive till human blood was available. I,
Grace Ogungbemi, am currently living in the
extraordinary ‘extra’ time of this game of life
because of the Miracle done for me by Jesus. I
know this because my life officially ended on that
fateful day, 7th of October 1998, when I bled to
death and was diagnosed as dead by the
Obstetric consultant.

My Testimony 25
I am indeed humbled by God's grace and mercy
upon my Life. It was not because I served Him
hard or did any spectacular thing for God in my
life before then. I was a jolly christian enjoying
God’s grace, goodness and mercy without
sweating for Him. But God, He loved me despite
this and had Mercy on me. He loved me enough
to save me from early, untimely death.

For several weeks, the doctors were curious to

know whether I would be mentally sound enough
after such a prolonged period of "death" and after
existing without breathing in oxygen for several
hours after I was diagnosed as dead. That kind of
situation usually damaged the brain irreparably if
one was just unconscious. They kept asking me
so many questions and were amazed that my
memory and mental functioning was still very
much intact.

Just look at me now. Since that major life incident

many years ago, I have achieved more academic
qualifications despite my revival from death.
Going ahead to become not just a consultant but
a trainer of consultants and acquiring other
degrees in Management, in drug abuse treatment
My Testimony 26
and other sundry fields and even in the field of
Education. A testimony that my body, my mind,
my soul and spirit were totally restored on that
fateful day.
I wish to see again the obstetrician who took that
my ill-fated delivery one of these days on this side
of life. To re-live those incredible moments with
him in a jointly remembered and shared story and
maybe to document it even better than it is being
done now. Since we had no phones nor social
media those days, there was no way to retain
contact with him after we all moved on. I want to
thank him again, for standing in the gap in
intercessory prayer, for daring to fight for my soul
by praying and speaking in tongues over my body
after I had died that night and left this world.
That act of uncommon kindness and mindfulness
is a rarity that we don’t see among many christian
folks in the medical field these days.

How would you live this life, if you died and was
returned back to life and given this extra time to live?

How would you live your life now knowing that

one day, it would be time to cross that great gulf
of no return, that divide, that Rubicon that leads
into either blazing offensive fire on one side or
My Testimony 27
into tranquil, amazing, transcendent light on the
other side of life?

What would you do differently on this journey of

life that you are living in right now on this earth?
How would you prepare for your passage into
eternity some day? Because ‘it is appointed unto
man once to die, and after this is the judgement.’
(Hebrews 9:27)

Have you given your life to Jesus? If you have,

are you living a Holy life? Have you forgiven all
those that hurt you knowing that time could be no
more for you at any hour you are not expecting?
Are you kind to others? Do you do to others as
you would want them to do unto you? Do you
love and honor God above all else or you still
follow the whims and caprices of the spiritually
blind crowd?
The reality of supernatural events often seems
obscure to many people living on earth. But for
those that have gone through the valley of the
shadow of death like myself and maybe many
others, our experiences leaves a lot to ponder
upon. There is indeed a God who performs
miracles, awesome miracles. An unbeatable God,
the One who has the power to restore life, to
My Testimony 28
save and to deliver. A Sovereign God. The all
merciful King. He does not give to us as we
deserve but as He has loved us. And He loved us
deeply indeed when He gave us His only begotten
Son to redeem us from our earthly transgressions.
He gave us a Mediator between heaven and hell.
He gave us the changer of destiny from perdition
into everlasting life. He gave us a judge that is
partial towards us. O yes! When God gave us
Jesus, He gave us the might and strength to
overcome our weaknesses. He gave us not just
the final trump card against the wiles of the devil,
He gave us His all.
If only you can believe in God’s love and His
eternal plan for your salvation, and come to
believe in and surrender your life to Jesus, only
then can you experience what it means to live
each day in God’s victory.
I want you to know that you too can be favoured by
God Almighty today if you allow Him to draw your
heart to His Word and to His Salvation

What is your battle today? what is your diagnosis?

The doctors are correct with their facts as you
well know and will support your body to try to
heal because that is what they are especially
trained to do. Modern science is very accurate in
their predictions. So, when the doctors tell you it
My Testimony 29
is no longer possible, then indeed you do need a
miracle to come out of that situation alive. You
need a supernatural force that can reverse the
laws that founded the world. Only God’s power
that can disprove science, and that is because He
created and is the author of all sciences.
It is only the Spirit of God which is the breadth of life breathed
into us that keeps the dust that we were made from together as
our bodies. Only God’s breath can keep our mortal bodies from
falling apart, dying and disintegrating (Genesis 2:7). Without
His breath, we are no more alive on earth ---------------------
If God decrees that you shall live, no sickness can
terminate your life, because His Spirit will stay on
in your mortal body. Don’t try to understand it
when God brings you a miracle. A miracle is the
fact that everything and every law of nature and
of the universe can reverse against itself just to
bring you back to life and safety or to maintain a
particular wish of God. A miracle is unexpected. It
is unexplainable. It is unbelievable. Gravity can be
suspended, the blind vision can be restored, a
hole in the heart can close, a sick organ can
become well or new, the addicted mind can forget
the pleasures of addiction and be whole. Any
restoration can occur in your body just for the
Lord to honor your humble request in Faith for His

My Testimony 30
Miracle. Your own miracle too can occur today
against all odds.

Can you try to ask Jesus today? Your mind may

reason against your request, but will you please
ask Jesus still? What have you got to lose if you
ask Jesus for the most daring of all your
demands? What have you got to lose by asking
Jesus to give your life back to you? Dare to ask
Jesus today for that Miracle. No matter how hard
it seems.

When we walk through the valley of the shadow of

death, we shall fear no evil, For Thou art with us,
Thy rod and Thine Staff, They comfort us (Psalm 23:4)

Do you need a miracle today? Do you need

healing for your body or soul or both? Indeed
what is it that you need from God? The
supernatural power of God is still available even in
these modern times. Jesus Christ the same
yesterday, today and forevermore (Hebrews
13:8). There is a formidable power in the Lord of
all Lords and the King of all Kings that makes Him
incomparable to all the deities forged together
among the men of this world. God says that He
has put all powers under the feet of Jesus and so

My Testimony 31
under our feet too if we too are truly imbibed into
Christ Jesus.

Are you severely ill right now or on a sick bed? May God
raise you up whole again from that sick bed no matter the
diagnosis you carry…… in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

You! Yes, you who are healthy today. Are you

saved? If death were to call upon you suddenly
today, will you be ready to go home to be with
the Lord? Will you be full of regrets or will you
rejoice? Why did no-one ever preach to you about
salvation that is available to mankind in Christ
Jesus? Or, has Christ been preached to you and
you did not believe the message? Do you think
you are too young or too old or too sinful or too
poor or too rich or too cool to be saved by our
Lord Jesus Christ? Do you think you are too
young or too old to be attacked or killed by the
agents of darkness? Are you too young to
experience death? Are you ready? Are you too
afraid of your parent’s religion to receive the FREE
salvation that Christ offers you today? Because
there is no religion in death. Do you know how to
call on the Name of Jesus in the day of trouble?
Will you give your life to Jesus today and live for
now and for all eternity?

My Testimony 32
You? Yes you. Have you given your life to Jesus?
Have you ever confessed your sins to Him? Have
you asked for His forgiveness? Have you asked to
be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus? Are you
redeemed of the Lord? Do you believe that you
have what it takes to go through this embattled
world alone without supernatural assistance? Do
you think that working at a religion is better than
the free, sure, work of Grace, where your lack of
sacrifices or weaknesses do not debar you from
God’s Presence because God Himself has given
you the keys that easily removes that barrier of
sin between you and Him through the atoning
blood sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary?
Do you know that the price for your sins has been

Have you tried Jesus before?

What have you got to lose if you try Jesus today?

You? Yes you that has been saved! Are you still
living in God’s word? Are you still saved by the
blood of the Lamb? Have you mixed old time
religion and traditions of men with your Christian
faith like oil with water? Do you now dance with
the tunes of darkness in your fear of the world
while proclaiming to live in the light or is your
garment of salvation still pure and untainted from
My Testimony 33
sin and compromise? There is a time for every
man to die and after that, it is judgment
(Hebrews 9:27). Repent again now and be saved
anew. If you have gone astray, today is the day
to renew your pledge to Him. Obviously, you are
not too late if you are still reading this book.
Tomorrow may be too late. Remember that to live
in Christ Jesus is to have lived indeed and to die
in Him still yet remains our gain into all eternity
(Philippians 1;21). To die without Christ is a
merciless eternity in which you will face judgment
alone with only one’s wretched works of religion
and self-righteousness.

Repeat this prayer aloud to

give your life to Jesus today to be saved;
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - ---

Lord Jesus,I confess and repent of all my

sins before You today. I surrender my life,
my soul, my all, to You today

I ask that You forgive me of all my sins as I

relinquish them all from henceforth and
forsake them. I ask that Your Blood should
cleanse me from all sins and
unrighteousness. And I pray for grace to
abide in You and to live for You all the days
of my life.
My Testimony 34
Take my heart Lord Jesus. I surrender my
heart, my body and my soul to You from
henceforth and forever more. I will live for
You a holy life, take all my decisions with
You in view by the help of the Holy Spirit and
shine for You on this earth now and
forevermore. Amen

Congratulations! Welcome to the

kingdom of God. You have now become
saved through Christ Jesus. You are now
Born again. Hurrah! Halleluyah!! ------------

Your beautiful journey in Christ Jesus begins

today. Find and attend a Bible-believing church
close to you. Read the Bible and grow in your
Faith. Switch away from your wicked music lyrics
which encourages and endorses sin in different
types of ways to good and Godly lyrics and praise
tunes. Feed your mind with God’s righteousness
in all things perpetually. Meet God daily within the
pages of the scriptures, the Bible, and meditate
upon this Bible which is the Word of God. Learn
about God’s awesome Sovereignty. Grow in Faith.
Do the Word. Abide in Christ’s kingdom by Faith
in Jesus and by doing God’s instructions. Accept
the Holy Spirit and be baptized in Him. Grow in
My Testimony 35
God’s grace. Work for God your new Father in His

The scripture is true (2 Timothy 3:15-17) that when you

allow your heart to be taught by the Holy Scriptures early
enough in life, then you have inadvertently given the
wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in
Christ Jesus. And that this wisdom is able to shield you
from bad choices and poor decisions and ultimately from
future peril, by pointing out what is wrong with the way
you are living, showing you a better way to do things,
teaching you to do what is right perpetually and preparing
your mind to do every good work.

Keep on living your life out there, but do keep a

mind to live it well. I will meet you at the top
someday in Jesus Mighty Name.

My Testimony 36

Hello friends,
My name is Grace Ogungbemi
I have Died Before.
Date was 7th October 1998.
Time of pronouncement of death
was 1.43am.
The Era was the time when there
was no Global System for Mobile-
Communication (GSM) popularly
called Mobile phone.
Event was after childbirth.
Cause of death was explainable
profuse bleeding after childbirth.
I was only in my late twenties at
the time.
I was so young and full of dreams.
My testimony is that I met Jesus
for real in the after world after I
died and that He returned me back
into my dead body to live again.

I Grace, am in the rare extra-time

of this play of life because Jesus
showed up for me.

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