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Cleaning of water

Goal 6 Through this activity students will acknowledge

the availability and sustainable management of
water in their daily life.
Goal 7 By this activity students will be able to manage
affordable,reliable,sustainable and modern energy
for all.
Goal 3 Students will learn about health and hygiene and
access to purified and cleaned water for all.
Goal 11 By thi activity we are trying to train our students
that they will be able to maintain sustainable cities
and communities.


Goal 2 Students will learn that food is the basic need of

human being and by doing this activity it is very
clear that poverty should be reduced.
Goal 4 By this activity students will be able to get quality
education to combat poverty.
Goal 8 Through this activity students will learn that by
providing good jobs economic growth can be
possible and poverty can be eradicate.
Goal 5 By this activity students will learn that man women
are equal in every field of life and women are
working alongside man to meet their expanses


Goal 3 Students will learn about balance diet and healthy

life style to maintain their health.
Goals 4 Through this activity students will become
acknowledge to quality education for all.
Goal 17 After this activity students will be able to
communicate and collaborate with national and
international fellows.

Geometrical Shapes
Goal 4 By the help of this activity the quality education of
our students will be enhanced.
Goal 8 After this activity students will acknowledge to
access for good jobs and economic prosperity.
Goal 17 Students will become aware of how to
communicate and collaborate with their national

Climate Change

Goal 3 Students will aware that clean environment

provides good health and standard or healthy life
style for all.
Goal 11 Students will be able to acknowledge to maintain
sustainable cities and community.
Goal 12 Through this activity students will realize that
public transport is much better than private
because it decreases energy consumptions.
Goal 15 By this activity students will learn that life on land
ciuld be much better by realizing responsibilities

Uses of Internet in education

Goal 4 Internet is a door way to the educational

resources. Through this activity students can get
benefit in all their subjects to solve their
educational problem.
Goal 10 Through this activity my students will collaborate
on international level they will become confident
and could collaboarate on international level and
with developed countries.
Goal 17 Internet is the base of globalization.Through this
activity students wil learn how they can interact or
communicate with international community and
which kind of work is going on international level.

Life on land

Goal 1 Through this activity students can made different

things by using raw materials present in their
environment .So they produce new products and
by selling them poverty can be reduced.
Goal 3 By this activity students will learn how to clean the
environment. By plantation activity they come to
know that plants are environmental buffers ,they
provide oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and fertile
the soil.
Goal 13 By help of this activity students came to know that
weather conditions depends on plantation.The
climate can change by growing vegetables,
grasses, shrubs and ornamental plants.
Goal 11 From this activity students learnt that how to
recycle the timber , plastics, energy, rubber,
fabrics and wood. By selling these recycling
products the communities become stable.

Gender equality and empower women

Goal 1 By this activity students know that if a woman

work side by side with man then our country’s
economic growth will uplift and we can end
Goal2 After this activity students will be aware that by
working both man and women in professional
lives, can reduce hunger in community.
Goal 5 Through this activity students will learn that man
and woman both are equal and both have the
same abilities and potentials to do anything in
their lives

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