Debate (Eng)

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Pembicara 1:
First of all, thank you for the opportunity. On this occasion, I as the first speaker of the
pro team will explain why are we became pro or agree with our debate topic today.
There are several reasons why we agree. But first, I will explain the background and
reasons for the implementation of the 5-day school. According to, the
Ministry of Education and Culture held a Strengthtening Character Education program,
or in Indonesian, Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter. Then as an implementation of the
program, the Ministry of Education and Culture implemented a policy of 8 hours of
lessons with 5 school days by emphasizing religious, nationalist, mutual aid,
independent, and integrity values. This program is believed to encourage students to do
more positive activities that foster ethics and improve skills with 70% focus on character
building, and 30% focus on science. The Ministry of Education and Culture said that in
this program the role of teachers is very important. Where, teachers will be a liaison of
learning resources, and become gate keepers who are able to help students filter
negative influences from outside the school, and optimize positive value values. In
addition, teachers are also catalysts that are considered capable of changing the
potential of students to develop more in the future. According to the Minister of
Character Development Arie Budiman, this program is based on the actualization of the
value of Pancasila. With this 8-hour 5-day school program, students don't just pursue
academic grades. But they’re also learn an education that also fosters their character.
The main objective of this program is to produce a golden generation with character and
basic literacy by 2045. That’s all from me thank you.
Pembicara 2:
Thank you for the opportunity, on this occasion, I as the second speaker of the pro team
will continue the argument that has been explained in part by my colleague the first
speaker. According to, the government has confirmed that the policy of 8
hours of lessons with 5 hours of schooling has many positive impacts and has only a few
negative impacts. In accordance with what my colleague speaker 1 said, namely through
this 8-hour learning policy with 5 school days, teachers will be a source of learning
liaison, and become gate keepers who are able to help students filter negative
influences from outside school, and optimize positive value values. We need to know, in
this day and age there are many negative influences outside of school that can destroy
student character such as brawls, drugs, motorcycle gang racing, etc. According to, there are 3 major sins of education, namely bullying,
sexual violence, and intolerance. With the policy of 8 hours of learning and 5 days of
school, the school and teachers can be more instinctive to overcome these 3 major sins.
Because, with the long period spent by students at school, teachers are easier to study
the character of each student and sort out which students will have the potential to
commit the 3 major sins. That way, the school will be more intense in dealing with these
students so that incidents can be prevented. Schools are also given ample opportunities
to control students for almost a full day, so as to minimize students' mischievous actions
outside of school. In addition, with so much time spent all day at school, the school can
minimize the bad influence received by students from outside school. In fact, if students
are affected by negative things outside of school, the school will more quickly find any
problems in these students so that they can be quickly handled. That’s all from me,
thank you.

Pembicara 3:
Thank you for the opportunity. Here I, as the third speaker from the pro team, will
continue our argument as to why we agree that 5 days of school is more effective. As
my colleague said in the first speaker, to create a golden generation with character and
basic literacy, students need to entrust religious, nationalist, mutual aid, independent,
and integrity values. In response to this, 5 days of school is the right answer to the
problem. Because, schools have a great opportunity to educate students about these
grades, and a long time to implement these values to students. According to, 5 school days also provide an opportunity for teachers to develop
Learning Implementation Plans, to improve the quality of education. So that not only
character development received by students but also education through science also
expands. That’s all from me thank you.
Pembicara 4:
Thank you for the opportunity. Here I as the fourth speaker will present my argument,
why our team strongly agrees with this motion is because 5 school days does not mean
providing a lot of holidays for students. Although in the school calendar Saturday is
scheduled as a holiday, in reality Saturday is an opportunity given for students to do
assignments such as practice assignments, group assignments, etc. So, if students do not
have enough time during a normal school day to do assignments, students are given
time on Saturdays to use their time to complete all their assignments. It can also train
students' ability to manage time properly. On those holidays, when should they do their
homework, when should they do their schoolwork, when should they have family time,
when should they play. Students are mentally educated to be more responsive in
managing time well, and taking advantage of all available opportunities. Moreover, the
strong reason we approved this motion is that Saturday is also the Saturday on which
Adventists will worship. If 6 school days are enforced, this is considered an intolerant act
where the school will hinder an individual from carrying out their worship. That’s all
from me, thank you.
Pembicara 5:
Thank you for the opportunity. Here I as the last speaker will continue the argument
from the pro team, where according to what the first speaker has said, the 8-hour
learning program with 5 school days will create a golden generation of Indonesia with
character and basic literacy in 2045. How can we be confident with this research?
According to, the effectiveness rate of 5 school days reached 92% as
reported by a survey of literature from all schools that implement 5 school days
throughout Indonesia. This proves that 5 school days have proven to be very effective
both in building morally and morally educated character in students, as well as in
increasing students' insight and knowledge. Because we need to know, the next golden
generation of the nation does not have to be a smart generation, but a generation that
is wise and character. That generation is what this 5-day school program is trying to
shape. In addition, social life and student relations also increase because students spend
almost a full day socializing at school both with teachers and with other students. That’s
from me, thank you.

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