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Day 2: Mission 2: Tell Galatia, “Everyone can follow

(!) ( !)
[Gal, 1 Thess, 2 Thess]

Lesson 9 Philippian, Thessalonian, Corinthian Church established on the 2nd Trip!

<Paul’s 2nd Mission Trip and connected letters 1, 2 Thessalonians and Galatians>

1. Tensions between Paul, Peter, Barnabas before the 2nd Trip

2. Paul’s 2nd Mission Trip
3. 1, 2 Thess, Galatians written during ministry to Corinthian Church

Day 2.1
Scene 1: Tensions between Paul, Peter, and Barnabas
@ Syria Antioch

Cast: Paul, Barnabas, Peter, Visitor, Antiochene. [all with black wrist mark except

[ENTER Paul, Barnabas with backpacks. They are excitedly packing.]

Paul: ! 2 ! We’ll go to and tell them that everyone can follow Jesus! ! , , !

Barnabas: Yes! I’m so excited! Mark is excited too!

Paul: Mark? .. ?

Barnabas: Yes, of course!

Paul: …

Barnabas: He said sorry though. Let’s give him another chance?

[Paul a little tense, but he’s trying to be polite.]

[ENTER Peter and Antiochene, arm in arm BFFs, carrying some food. They break the tension. ]

Peter: ?!

[Paul, Barnabas, Peter, Antiochene sit down together at a table. They pray and begin eating.]

Peter: Mmmm !

Antiochene: Isn’t it good, ? Here, have some more! [Peter and Antiochene feed each other like BFFs. They a

Paul: [
] Awww, , I’m so glad you’re getting along with my church people here in ! …

Peter: Yes, ! God showed me that he accepts the foreigners, too. !

Barnabas: Yes, yes! ?

[everyone nodding and eating happily. Peter gets up to get more food.]

[ENTER Visitor from Jerusalem]

Visitor: ? [ can’t believe his eyes]

Peter [was about to sit back down at his seat, but now takes his seat and moves faaaar away from the
Antiochene ]: ~~~~~ ! ?

Visitor: , ! , … … ?[
points to the Antiochene]

Peter: , ? ! [ laughing awkwardly

] ? ~ !

Barnabas: ? The Law? [thinking to himself] Hmm… I guess you’re right, ! We shouldn’t be breaking the La
turns to Antiochene
apologetically] Sorry, no offense! [also takes his chair and moves to where Peter is, far from the Antiochene]

Antiochene: Oh, I see… [Antiochene has been watching, confused and sad. Now his shoulders sag and he
looks down at his plate.]

Peter: [putting his arms around the Visitor’s shoulder] ~ . ~ [

him offstage. He turns around and tries to mouthe, “I’m sorry!” to the Antiochene, but he doesn’t notice because
he’s looking down at his plate]

Antiochene: , is he right? Are we dirty?

Paul: No, no! is wrong! He KNOWS that God has now accepted you, too! , , ! ! [pointing to bluetooth]

Antiochene: Then why did he do that? Does this mean… does this mean God doesn’t accept me, either? …

Paul: No, no!! That’s not true!

[ENTER Peter, looking relieved]

Peter: Whew! That was close! Soooo sorry! [tries to sit back down next to the Antiochene]

Paul: No! You don’t get to do that! [snatches away Peter’s chair so he can’t sit]

Peter: Huh?

Paul: How dare you do that to him? ! [pointing to Antiochene] headquarters ?

Peter: I know, I’m so sorry…[looks ashamed] I didn’t THINK! It was just… a reaction. I was afraid. …I

Paul: Because of you, even was confused! ? , HQ , !

Peter: You’re right.. . Will you forgive me? I was wrong. [apologizes to the Antiochene, who hugs him back

Paul: [to Barnabas] , [holds up Jerusalem Council decision letter]… ?

Barnabas: , … … Sorry. I’m sorry. Will you forgive me? [to Antiochene, who hugs him back]

Paul: [shaking his head] , I don’t think we should go together. And I don’t think we should take your cousin,

Barnabas: ? No, he’s ready this time! I know it!

[Paul refuses]

Barnabas: Why are you so ? You should give people a second chance! He said sorry! And I said sorry. , com

Paul: I will be taking [ recruited kid]

and going to , the capital of Asia. YOU take and go to . C

Barnabas: [sighs] Okay, I guess we can split up. But ! One day, you’ll see how great is! Maybe he’ll even w

[EXIT Barnabas with Mark]

Explain to kids why Barnabas and Paul fought. (over giving Mark a second chance, over
Barnabas’ behavior with the Antioch believers when Peter showed a bad example.)

Explain that sometimes we fight, and that’s not good. But God can still use us to do his

Narrator: Later, Paul and Barnabas ! Paul even became great friends with and asked him to come visit when

Scene 2: On Mission 2, Part 1 (Galatia, Asia, Macedonia)

@ Lystra (Galatia) 🡪 Troas (Asia) 🡪 Philippi (Macedonia) 🡪 Thessalonica (Macedonia)

🡪 Berea (Macedonia) 🡪 Athens (Achaia) 🡪 Corinth (Achaia)

Cast: Narrator/Luke, Paul, Silas (KID), Timothy, Slave Girl/Mob Leader, Slave Owner,
Judge, Jailer, Jason.

Narrator: and are now going on Mission Two! (Tell , “Everyone can follow Jesus!”)

[Paul holds up the decision letter in his briefcase]


Arrange the kids into map form: , , , , , .

Make sure the kids don’t feel left out.

1. They said good-bye to their friends at the in . They prayed for

them and sent them on their way.

2. They went to . They went back to the cities they visited on Mission 1: ,
. They told everyone in about the
Jerusalem Council decision.

[Paul shows the Galatia kids the letter. He tells them “ ! !”]

Also, in , they saw

again. They asked him to join them on the Mission,

[Timothy puts on black wrist glove]

Paul reminds the kids: Everyone can follow Jesus! !

3. Then they went to . They tried to go to .

, the capital of . .
Here, they met ME! , who wrote and . They asked me to join them on th
lay hands on him to pray for him, give him headset.]

Paul: God, please… why won’t you let us go to ? We want to spread your word here in .

Narrator: God sent a special message in a dream.

Macedonian [KIDS]: Come to

! Help us! ! !!!

Paul: [wakes up] Okay, God! He want us to go to ! Let’s go, everybody!

[Paul, Silas, Timothy, Luke all go to Macedonia by boat.]

4. In , they went to a city called . In that city, there was a slave girl who
was possessed by an unclean spirit.

[ENTER Slave owner, Slave girl]

Slave owner: Get your fortune! Get your fortune! 100% ~ ! ~ ! ! ~ ! !!!~ ,!

Slave girl points at random people and telling them their futures. Teachers who are not Paul + team need to
overreact and cower in fear, as if the girl knows things about them that she shouldn’t. They quickly pay the slave

Slave girl suddenly stops when she sees Paul and his team.

Slave girl: [following Paul and the team around

] These men are servants of the Most High God! They are telling yo
pointing with mad eyes to Paul and the guys]

Slave owner: Hey you! Where are you going? ? ! ! ?

Slave girl keeps yelling the same thing, following them around.

Paul: . In the name of , I command you to come out!

Girl stops yelling madly, is calm.

Slave owner: ? [ runs to the girl, examines her, concerned not with her but over her
fortune-predicting capabilities
] ! …. ? ? [
grabs Paul by his shirt collar
] Hey you! What do you think you’re doing? That was my INCOME

[ENTER Judge, Jailer]

The Slave owner drags Paul and Silas to the judge.

Judge: What’s going on here?

Slave owner: These men are ! We are . They are disturbing our city. They’re teaching us illegal things!

Judge: Beat them!

Slave owner and judge beat Paul and Silas. They are beaten severely. Paul can’t get up.

Judge: Jailer!

Jailer: Yes, sir!

Judge: Take these men to prison! And remember, if they escape, then you will be put to death! [
throat-cutting motion
] !

Jailer: Yes, sir!

The jailer takes Paul and Silas to prison. He puts their feet in the stocks and double checks that the doors are
locked to make sure they can’t escape.

[EXIT Jailer]

LIGHTS OFF. Night time.

Paul and Silas begin singing hymns to God.

Earthquake sound effects. Flick light on and off to have shaking effect.

Paul and Silas’ chains break. The doors are opened.

[ENTER Jailer]

Jailer: Oh my God! What happened? [begins crying] Oh, no! An earthquake! … They’ve escaped! .[
withdraws sword to kill himself]

Paul: Stop! Don’t harm yourself! We’re all still here.

Jailer: Turn the lights on!

[LIGHTS turn on]

Jailer runs to Paul and Silas. He brings them out of their jail cell.

Jailer: Sirs, what must I do to be saved? ?

Paul: Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. .

Jailer takes Paul and Silas back to his house. He introduces them to his family. He washes their wounds and
feeds them. They all listen to Paul. They decide to believe in God together. He is baptized with water and
receives the Holy Spirit (Bluetooth piece). They celebrate and become excited.

The next morning, before the judge:

Judge: Hey, jailer!

Jailer: Yes, sir!

Judge: Those … You can let them go now. . .

Jailer: [runs back inside to Paul] Sir! Good news! They said you can go now. You’re free!

Paul: Oh, now they us to go? They beat us publicly without a proper trial, and now they want us
to go quietly? We are Roman citizens, too! [passport] Let them come themselves and take us

Jailer: You’re a Roman citizen? [is glad to hear it]

Jailer runs to the Judge.

Jailer: Sir! Sir!

Judge: What is it?

Jailer: You know and , they…

Judge: You mean those ? They’re not gone yet? . [waves his hand at him, bored]

Jailer: Well, sir, they are citizens! ?

Judge: What?! citizens?!

[runs astonished to Paul and Silas. He apologizes multiple times and begs them to leave the city.]

Paul: Alright, alright. I’ll leave the city. Let me say bye to my friends first. [find kid and say bye.
Encourage her and all the team to follow Jesus’ Way.]

5. Narrator: Then finally left and went to

. Here he met a lot of Jews at the synagogue. .

! 3 ! !”

Jason: , ! ?

Narrator: Some of the s believed, but some of them got really mad at .

Mob leader/Jealous Jew: [dragging Jason, beating him] These men are bad people! They don’t listen to the e

Narrator: and the other Christians got in trouble with the city’s leaders because of Paul. They were beaten a

Jason: , you have to go! It’s not safe here. Go!

6. Narrator: And so and left at night time and went to

. Here, went to the Jewish synagogue again. He taught them that Jesus was the King they ha

Mob leader/Jealous Jew: ! !

Paul: … !

[Mob leader tries to do same thing, rouse up crowd and beat up Paul]

Timothy: and I will stay here and teach the people of and
. You go on, !

Paul: Okay, guys. You take it from here! Come meet me down in as soon as possible, okay? [hugs and depar

Day 2.2

Scene 3: On Mission 2, Part 2 (Achaia)

@ Lystra (Galatia) 🡪 Troas (Asia) 🡪 Philippi (Macedonia) 🡪 Thessalonica (Macedonia) 🡪 Berea (Macedonia) 🡪 Athens

(Achaia) 🡪 Corinth (Achaia)

Cast: Narrator/Luke, Paul, Silas (KID), Timothy/Gallio, Priscilla, Aquila (KID),
Philosopher 1/Jewish opposer*, Philosopher 2/Gallio*, Titius Justus (KID), Crispus

*Need to do costume change. Glasses, books for “philosopher,” Jewish mark (black on
tape on face) for “Jewish opposer,” and military uniform for “Roman proconsul”

7. Narrator: So and stayed in

[they sit down with the kids], and went on to
. He went to and saw a
lot of philosophers next to the great temples to foreign gods there.

[This city has a lot of idols to the Greek gods. One of them is an altar with nothing on top of it. It’s labeled: “

Philosopher 1: Oh, Dionysius. You are wrong! [friendly debate] A wise man does not feel bad. He has learn

Philosopher 2: No, no. You’re wrong! [also friendly] A wise man feels BAD when things go
wrong. But he’s learned to overcome his pain.

Philosopher 1: tsk tsk… You’re so silly. Well, anyways we agree that for a wise man, the body
doesn’t matter that much.

Paul: Look at all the idols in this city! … [looks sad] ! ! ! Jesus, the King that we Jews have been

Philosopher 1: What is this Jewish man talking about?

Philosopher 2: I think he’s talking about a Jewish god named Jesus.

Philosopher 1: Ooh, a new, fresh idea! Let’s invite him to our philosophy debate.

Philosopher 2: A great idea!

Philosopher 1: Excuse me, are you new here?

Paul: Yes, I am!

Philosopher 2
: We want you to tell us about this new idea you’re teaching! !

Paul: Sure, I can tell you!

[points to the “altar to the unknown god,” in “loud sermon voice”] I see that you guys are very religious. Yo

He made every one of us. From every nation. He wants us back home. We belong to him. . .

So we shouldn’t think that God is like this idol [points to idols], something made by man. . One day soo

Philosopher 1
: Raised him from the dead? ? ~ Let’s go, . This man seems a little cuckoo.

Philosopher 2: Wait, can you come back tomorrow? And tell us more?

Paul: Sure!

: So in , some people laughed at . But some people believed, like and a few others. [Dionysius is ba

8. Narrator: After this, left and went to

. Here, he found a named
and his wife . The three of them were all tent makers.

[Paul, Aquila, and Priscila work together on making tents. Use some sheets/fabric and needles to
work on patching
.] [ . / .]

Timothy: [enters with kid playing Silas ] ! We’re here!

: Finally! I’ve been waiting for you guys! [greets them warmly, introduces them to Aquila and Priscilla]

Timothy: Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first?

Paul: Hm… the good news!

: The good news is that the believers in are doing well! They are really loving one another and bein

: Really? Whew~ ! 3 … Now, what’s the bad news?

Timothy: Well, the people back in my hometown, in … [point to the Galatian team]

Paul : ? !

: Yeah, but well… after we left them, some teachers came to them and said, “You are believing in t

: WHAT? ? ? Never!

[gets pen and paper and starts recording a message. Then puts it in 2 separate briefcases and
hands it to the narrator.]

: Please deliver this to the church. And this one to the church.

Narrator: These are the letters 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, and Galatians!

Play 1 THESS video

Play 2 THESS video
Play GALATIANS video

Paul: Timothy, deliver this to the Galatian church. And this one to the Thessalonica church.

Narrator: These are the letters that Paul wrote to the churches of Thessalonica and Galatia: 1
Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, and Galatians!

Timothy: Paul, now that we’re here, you can focus on telling people about Jesus! We’ll help you!
[picks up what Paul was working on. He and Silas stay working with Priscilla and Aquila. Paul
goes on to the synagogue.]


Paul: People of Corinth. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved! He is the
promised Messiah who has returned!

Narrator: So, many Jews including people called Titius Justus and Crispus, as well as foreigners
in Corinth were baptised and believed that Jesus was the Saviour King. Paul stayed in Corinth

for a year and six months, preaching the Word of God. And here, the church of Corinth was


Narrator: Paul stayed with them in Corinth for many more days. But one day, he decided to go
back home.

Paul: It’s time to go back to Syria Antioch. Priscilla, Aquila come with me!

[Paul says goodbye to Crispus and Titius Justus. He takes Priscilla and Aquila and they move on
by boat.]

Narrator reviews with the kids:

- Today was Mission 2:
o What was the Mission?

(To revisit church and tell them about Jerusalem Council.)

▪ (: !)
o At Corinth, what news did he hear?

(From Timothy, about church (a different Gospel, need to be circumcised/Jewish to fo

o So what letters did he write?

(Wrote 1 Thess, 2 Thess, and Gal while at Corinth.) (review contents of each letter b

o Then finally, Paul, Priscilla, Aquila left Corinth and went on to Ephesus (finally!)
in Asia.

Scene 4: The Split Stage at the End of Mission 2 (Ephesus, Corinth,
and Jerusalem 🡪 Antioch)

Acts 18:18-23

Cast: Narrator, Paul, Peter, Priscilla [KID], Aquila [KID], Apollo

Narrator: And so , , and left [team sits down] and
they went to in [team stands up].

: Agents, , you stay here with them. Your mission is to stay here in and prepare to build the church
[motion] As for me, I’m going to go to . But I’ll be back!

Narrator: So left behind and in . He promised to come back to soon. And finally he went back home to .

[Priscilla and Aquila stay in in . Paul continues to travel by boat, and he reaches

[/ team stands up, along with team who is still standing up.]

@ Jerusalem

Paul: Agent Paul, reporting for duty! Mission Two complete!

[MAP Review]

Peter: Welcome back, brother! [the two hug and shake hands] So tell me, what happened?

: And so told everyone at the headquarters in about his Mission Trip Two…


: So I meant to pass through and revisit everyone from Mission Trip One! And then to go to , especially

: That’s awesome indeed! God led you all the way to and ! All the way to and ! That’s so far! That’s a

Paul: Yeah, I know! So what’s been going on here?

: Well, a lot actually… Let me catch you up on it! But I have one request, .

Paul: What is it?

Peter: Remember
how at the Jerusalem Council we asked that the foreign churches collect for us here i

: Yes, I do! Next time I pass through , , , … I’ll ask everyone there to collect money for the Jerusalem church! Th

Peter : Thanks so much, ! Here is your Mission Three card then!

Narrator: What is Mission Three?

- Churches unite for Jerusalem! ( !
: ! (unfinished business from Mission Two. 2 : .)

Narrator: And so left and finally went back home to .

[Paul “returns” or passes through Team / again from the opposite direction. He is
now at . Gives them hugs and says “I’m home! I’m home!’ They welcome Paul back.]

Narrator: Meanwhile, back in , who did Paul leave behind? That’s right, and ! Which city are they at? That’

Apollos: [to the kids of Asia team, @ Ephesus] Jesus is the King that we have been waiting for!
Be baptized in water, and serve Jesus from now on! The King has come!

: Hm… Hi! My name is . What’s your name? .. ! . ?

Apollos : My name is . Do you serve the King? [motion]

Priscilla : Yes, I serve the King! [motion] , ! []

Apollos: So great to meet you! [Apollos shakes with Priscilla and Aquila]

: I heard you talking about being baptized in water. Do you know about being baptized in fire? .

Apollos: In fire? [looks a bit skeptical/afraid]

Priscilla : Yes! !

[Explain that “being baptized in fire” means “being baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Priscilla and
Aquila lay hands on Apollos and pray for him, and he too receives the Holy Spirit (headset).]

: After and taught about the full story of Jesus and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, they sent him on

: Agent , your mission is to go to and serve the church there!
, ! []

Apollos: Yes, ma’am! Yes, sir! [motion]

[Apollos goes to and stays with the team at .]

Review of Day 2:
- Today was Mission Two:
o What was Mission Two?
▪ (Tell , “Everyone can follow Jesus!”)

▪ ! !
o At Corinth, what news did he hear from Timothy?
▪ Good news: Thessalonian church doing well! Loving each other. They
had a few questions, especially about the Last Day. (When is Jesus
coming back?)
▪ Bad news: Galatian church not doing well. Believing a different Gospel,
thought they had to be circumcised/Jewish to follow Jesus
o So what letters did he write?
▪ (Wrote 1 Thess, 2 Thess, and Gal while at Corinth.) (review contents of
each letter briefly)
o Split stage (Priscilla and Aquila @ Ephesus, Paul @ Syrian Antioch,
Apollos @Corinth):

And so Paul, Priscilla, Aquila left Corinth and went on to in . Paul left behind and th

▪ Who did they meet there?

● (Apollos! They recruited him and made him an agent for Jesus.)

▪ Then where did they send him?

● (Corinth!)
- Tomorrow we’ll be starting Mission 3!
o And what is Mission Three?
▪ Churches, unite for Jerusalem! ( !)

! ! Build a church in Ephesus! (unfinished business from Mission Two)

o Where will Paul be going?

He will be revisiting everyone (, , , ) to collect the offering! But focus will be on ! (

Highlight role of Team because they have been sitting there last two days.)


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