Product Assistance Documentation For SAFT Digital Signature

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1 Angola. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 Before you Start: Important SAP Notes you Need to Consider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Digital Signature for Angola. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
SAF-T For Angola. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

2 PUBLIC Content
1 Angola

1.1 Before you Start: Important SAP Notes you Need to


Provides details of the critical SAP Notes you must consider before you begin implementing the Regulatory
Compliance Solution for Angola

We strongly recommend that you make yourself familiar with the following three critical SAP notes before you
begin implementing the Regulatory Compliance Solution for Angola, comprising the Digital Signature for
Angola [page 4] and SAF-T For Angola [page 35] document compliance functionalities:

● 2816620
● 2864529
● 2864771

SAP Note 2816620 - Software Certification (AO) - Functional Prerequisites

for use of the SAP Solution

You need to digitally sign commercial documents, such as invoices, credit memos, debit memos, delivery
documents, and so on, according to the requirements of the AGT (Administração Geral Tributária).

You need to carry out SAF-T (AO) reporting in Angola, using the SAF-T (AO) format adopted by the AGT
(Administração Geral Tributária).

SAP has developed both the Digital Signature and SAF-T solutions for Angola based on the requirements
defined by the AGT, following the latest regulatory information provided.

SAP Note 2816620 contains important functional prerequisites you must understand as part of your
responsibility to adhere to the regulatory compliance framework in Angola.

SAP Note 2864529 - Download of the PSE File for Digital Signature in Angola
for a PRODUCTION system

The use of a certified software generating a digital signature for specific documents is mandatory in Angola
since 01.01.2020 according to Decreto Presidencial 231/19.

You need to digitally sign documents in Angola such as billing documents, invoices, delivery documents and so
on, in your PRODUCTION system - within your SAP ERP or an SAP S/4HANA system landscape.

Angola PUBLIC 3
You must obtain the PSE file with the private encryption key from SAP. SAP Note 2864529 provides
guidance for this mandatory requirement.

 Caution

● SAP provides a PSE file that matches with the SAP_BASIS software component version of your
production system (as registered in the SAP Support Portal).
● You must download and install a new PSE file from the SAP support portal whenever your production
system is upgraded to a new SAP_BASIS software component version. This applies to all ERP and
S/4HANA SAP systems. The PSE certificate expires on 01.01.2038.

SAP Note 2864771 - Test PSE File for Digital Signature in Angola for a NON-

Consult SAP Note 2864771 when you want to test the digital signature generation for documents such as
billing documents, invoices, delivery documents and so on, in your NON-PRODUCTION SAP ERP or SAP S/
4HANA system.

1.1.1 Digital Signature for Angola

Provides an overview of the Digital Solution functionality required for fiscally-relevant documents.

Business Background

Digital Signature for invoices, equivalent documents, proforma invoices, credit/debit memos (and similar
documents) must be produced by organizations operating in Angola according to the statutory provisions
listed below:

● Decreto Presidencial 312/2018 (December 21) - introduces SW Certification and SAF-T(AO) into Angolan
law and describes the XML structure
● Decreto Executivo 74/2019 (March 6) - provides technical information regarding SAF-T(Angola) and Digital

 Note

Further related statutory provisions for which the digital signature functionality is compliant:

● Decreto Presidencial 292/2018 (December 13, 2019) - governs the issuing of fiscally relevant invoices
such as invoices, correction invoices, and delivery notes
● Instrutivo 22, of February 19, 2019 - specifies the deadlines for the Angolan software certification

4 PUBLIC Angola
 Tip

For more information on the Customizing required to set up digital signature processing for Angola, see
Customizing for Validations & Digital Signature (Angola) [page 15]Customizing for Digital Signature.

Digital Signature for Angola - Legal Compliance

SAP provides legally-complaint and certified digital signature capabilities for all fiscally-relevant documents
based on a private key that belongs to SAP and a public key. Fiscally-relevant documents are, for example,
invoices, credit memos, debit memos (designated as billing documents in this document) and delivery notes/
shipping documents (designated as delivery documents in this document).

The digital signature framework comprises the following legal compliance features:

● Digital signature is applied to all fiscally-relevant documents based on a private key that belongs to
SAP and a public key
When issuing fiscally-relevant documents or any other kind of document that may be presented to the
customer - even though not tax relevant (such as pro-forma invoices) - a unique signature key is produced
for each document by submission of data from the document itself to an RSA logarithm. This key is:
○ Produced in the original billing system where the document is created
○ Stored in the system, keeping the reference to the document
○ Printed on all fiscally-relevant documents as a combination of specific positions of the key itself
● Document protection
No user of the system is able to decide which documents require a digital signature, nor can he/she specify
the contents of the SAF-T file produced at the end of the Angola SAF-T file generation business process.
● Sequential and chronological numbering for the Digital Signature
The software ensures sequential and chronological numbering for all fiscally-relevant documents, and
ensures processing of number range gaps and void/cancelled documents is legally compliant.

For more information see Digital Signature for Angola - Features [page 5]. Digital Signature for Angola - Features

Provides details and technical information about the main features of the digital signature framework for SAF-T
reporting in Angola

The way in which the digital signature must be computed is described in Decreto Executivo 74/2019.
Compliance with this statutory requirement provides the basis for the main features of the digital signature
framework described below.

The RSA Algorithm - Providing a unique signature key

The RSA algorithm is central to a critical feature of digital signature, where a unique signature key is produced
for each document by submitting information from the document itself to a RSA logarithm.

Angola PUBLIC 5
 Note

The private key has a version, starting with “1”. Every time the private key, (that is, the key pair) needs to be
changed for whatever reason (for example, due to violation), SAP will inform the relevant Angolan authority
about the creation of a new "encryption key pair" and the corresponding version number increments.

Computing the digital signature

The unique signature key is produced for each document by submitting information from the document itself
to the RSA logarithm. The information consists of the concatenation of the following elements, separated by “;”
(without the quotation marks):

 Note

Because there is a direct relation to SAF-T fields, the denomination of such fields is indicated in brackets to
avoid ambiguity.

For billing documents (SalesInvoices):

● Creation date of the invoice (InvoiceDate)

● Date and time of the last change of the invoice (SystemEntryDate)
● Number of the invoice or equivalent document (InvoiceNo)
● Amount of the invoice or equivalent document (GrossTotal)
● Digital signature generated in the previous document of the same series (Hash)

For fiscally non-relevant documents [pro-forma invoices/internal documents that are not invoices and
equivalent documents (WorkingDocuments)]:

● Creation date of the document (WorkDate)

● Date and time of the last change of the document (SystemEntryDate)
● Number of the document (DocumentNumber)
● Amount of the document (GrossTotal)
● Digital signature generated in the previous document of the same series (Hash)

For delivery documents (MovementOfGoods):

● Creation date of the delivery document (MovementDate)

● Date and time of the last change of the delivery document (SystemEntry-Date)
● Number of the delivery document (DocumentNumber)
● Value of the delivery document (GrossTotal)
● Digital signature generated in the previous document of the same series (Hash)

6 PUBLIC Angola
Start signing documents

In SD:

All Angolan company codes are immediately eligible for digital signature once the respective SAP Note or the
Support Package has been installed. The digital signature of documents is active immediately, and starts to
generate the signature's hash code, from the moment the PSE file is there. No further activation is needed.

Make sure that at this point the required configuration is complete, so that the generation of the digital
signature is performed correctly.

If the PSE file is not yet uploaded, the documents will be in the loop for signing, and as soon as the PSE file is
uploaded the hash will be generated for those documents.

In FI:

Invoices created in Accounting must be signed, too. For this, the user has to manually activate the BTE
application RDSVFI to enable the digital signature function. The Customizing in the RDSVV_DS_NRNR_FI view
(digital signature relevance) must be completed before that, to ensure the correct signing. Missing entries or
inconsistent Customizing of this view will block the FI posting of all AO company codes.

Document number

The document number (InvoiceNo, DocumentNumber) of all documents to be signed (invoices, credit memos,
debit memos, pro-formas, deliveries and so on) is another key element of the digital signature. It is not simply a
unique document number assigned in the system, but is in fact a concatenation of defined elements in a pre-
defined format:

This unique number is comprised of the Document Type as in the SAF-T file, followed by a space, followed by
the internal code of the document type assigned by the application, followed by the identifier of the document
series, followed by a slash (/) and the sequential number of the document within the series. This is the
number that is printed on the invoice.

Example: FT FAC001/9

 Caution

● Documents must be numbered chronologically and sequentially, with no interruption in the number
sequence, within a series.
● As there is a dependency between the previous and the next document being signed, it is important to
keep uninterrupted number sequences when numbering documents. If this is not possible, “lost”
numbers must be accounted for.
● Self-billing invoices must have a separate numbering.
● Invoice documents, credit memo documents, debit memo documents and pro-forma documents must
use a separate number range for each company code and fiscal year.

Angola PUBLIC 7
ODN - Official Document Number for numbering deliveries

Deliveries can be altered after posting a goods issue. Because of the legal requirement to retain the document
number, the date and so on - and the need to number deliveries sequentially, without interruption and
chronologically - plus the fact that the posted and digitally-signed document can no longer be amended, the
digital signature framework uses the ODN for numbering deliveries.

Therefore, every time a goods issue is posted for a given delivery a new ODN is assigned to the document - and
in fact - a new document is created although internally the same delivery is re-used. This becomes the official
document number, is stored and then used for the generation of the digital signature, and is printed on the
document itself.

 Tip

In the following sections, you can find essential information on document numbering, which we strongly
recommend you read before commencing customizing for digital signature in Angola:

● Important Info: Document Numbering for Digital Signature in Angola (SD and FI) [page 19]
● Important Info: Document Numbering for Digital Signature in Angola (FI) [page 27]

Further Information

See Validations & Rules for Digitally-Signed Documents and Certified SAP Software [page 9]. Signing Documents in the Source System

The signing of the document takes place in the system from which it originates and at the moment of
recording in the database, that is, when the sequential document number is assigned to the document, at the
moment of posting. After this event the document can no longer be changed.

 Note

The digital signature framework is designed so that a digitally-signed document, once created, cannot be
changed. This is particularly important for fiscally-relevant data.

Printing signed documents

A fiscally-relevant document cannot be printed before it has been digitally signed.

When printing a signed document, a string composed of the following concatenation is also printed:

Digits of the positions 1, 11, 21, 31 of the Hash, followed by "-" and "Processado por programa validado n.º
[Certificate number attributed by AGT]/AGT/YYYY - [name of the software]" (without quotes).


PbRc-Processado por programa validado n.º 0000/AGT/2019 - SAP S/4 HANA

8 PUBLIC Angola
Excluding reversal documents from signature

Reversal documents that cancel an invoice are not to be signed. Though they change the status of the invoice
to “canceled”, they are internal documents not to be printed or handed to the customer. Therefore they are not

If an invoice is reversed before being signed (e.g. not passing to Accounting), it will be signed at the moment of

It is mandatory to keep reversal documents in a separate document number range and not mix it with the
document it reverses. Validations & Rules for Digitally-Signed Documents

and Certified SAP Software

Provides an overview of the validations and rules used within Certified SAP Software to ensure your localized
accounting and billing business processes are legally compliant

SAP delivers validations and rules required by the software validation rules of the Angolan Tax Authorities to
ensure that your accounting and billing business processes are legally compliant. These rules are also intended
to minimize failures and errors in digital and SAF-T data extraction functionalities and in user behaviour.
Therefore, certified SAP software incorporates validations and functionality designed to prevent users from
making genuine errors and/or misusing the system. Document Creation Validations

The following validations exist within the document creation process for billing and delivery documents (SD, FI
& MoG):

Credit memos (correction documents) / Invoices

● Credit memos are used to cancel or correct invoice(s) that were previously issued. When issuing a credit
memo, the credit memo is automatically linked to the invoice(s) it refers to. This information is then stored
in the SAF-T file in the References field.
When issuing manual credit memos in FI, the user must manually maintain the invoice number.
● Linked invoices derived from an imported invoice from another system can also exist. In these cases, the
framework links such imported invoices to the original invoice number
● Credit memos related to invoices previously cancelled or completely corrected by other credit memos
cannot be issued.
● The system ensures that the value of a credit memo cannot exceed 100% of the amount of the invoice it
relates to.
● Cancelling an invoice for which there already exists a correction invoice, that is, a credit memo, without
previously cancelling the correction invoice, is not permitted.

Document numbering

Angola PUBLIC 9
● All commercial documents are numbered chronologically, in one or more series, progressively and
continuously, without gaps, for a minimum of one complete fiscal year. The numbering can also span more
than one discrete fiscal year.
The software framework therefore, for example, does not allow posting a document with a date earlier than
the previous document in the numbering sequence.
● You must ensure that a document number is always unique within any defined company code.
● If a document numbering series is discontinued, under no circumstances can it be used again.
● Users are alerted when issuing a document where the document date is later than current date.

Negative values

Negative values in fiscally-relevant documents are prohibited. For example, in an invoice, if the negative value of
a line is higher than the positive value of a related line (leading to a negative document amount), a credit memo
should be issued instead of an invoice.

 Note

In such situations, the validation framework prevents the issuing of the invoice.

Integration of external documents

Data from the original document is retained:

When integrating documents from other systems, the integrating system should not modify the original
content, including the original document number, the hash, the amounts, document date, and so on.

 Note

Due to this rule, the original data is retained and reported in the SAF-T file.

Own numbering and document type is used:

Original and integrated (external) documents cannot be mixed in the same numbering series or document
type. A separate and exclusive numbering and document type must be used for each case. In the SAF-T file,
they are identified as integrated or external documents.

Integration of Manual Documents (documents issued on paper)

● When an invoice is posted in the system that was originally issued outside the system (for example, due to
system failure or downtime.) - so-called manual documents - the system ensures the data from the original
document is retained. When creating the document, the validation framework ensures that the document
date corresponds to the date of the manual document.
● Manual documents always contain the original series and number and are issued in a separate number
range/document type.
● Validations ensure that only one document exists as a result of integrating a manual document
● This document must also be legally compliant with all the corresponding rules, that is, all validations will be
executed as for normal documents. In addition, the reference to the original lost document will also be

Integration of duplicates from a data restore

● When posting documents in the system to manually restore data that was not included in a backup by
creating duplicates, system rules ensure that “old” number ranges/series are blocked from further usage.

10 PUBLIC Angola
● In case of a system malfunction, all used number range series are closed and new ones opened to continue
issuing documents after a backup restore. The software prevents old number ranges/series being used any
● The new documents, integrated by a duplicate, always use a dedicated series.
● The duplicated documents always have the same content as the original.
● Validations ensure that only one document exists from integrating a manual document from a backup


Rules ensure that discounts cannot exceed 100% of their base amounts.


Rule-based alerts generate a user warning when:

● A mandatory SAF-T field is not filled when issuing a document

● A user tries to issue a document where the document date is later than current date or where the current
date is later than the system date
● The system date/time is earlier than the date of the last issued document. Here, the user must confirm
that the system date/time is correct before saving. This applies to all documents. Master Data Validations

Master data maintenance is also governed by specific rules controlling which master data cannot be changed
after documents have been posted:

Customer Master Data

A VAT-ID maintained in the customer master record cannot be changed if a document belonging to that
customer has already been posted. Only a missing or "9999999999" Tax-ID can be maintained.

Customer name and address in a Customer Master Record can be changed, even if documents have been
posted, provided you have maintained a Tax-ID. The data change history is preserved to allow analysis of, for
example, a billing document with its original data. For example, in the SAF-T file or when printing.

 Note

In the Angolan Digital Solution, the KNA1-STCD3 field only is validated. Therefore, this field should be used
to maintain the VAT ID.

Product Master Data

Neither the Product Number nor the Product Name can be changed if postings exist for that product.

User ID

A User ID cannot be reused (for another person) after issuing of tax- and fiscally-relevant documents.

 Note

As a result of this data preservation, when re-printing a document after changing its data, it is printed with
the original content.

Angola PUBLIC 11 System Validations

The rule/validation framework also prevents manipulation of information in the database itself:

● Tracking changes - changing information without it being tracked is not possible

● System access - the requirements for accessing the system and the ability to make a mandatory change of
the password are not accessible to the customer
● System backup - regular system backups are mandatory.
● Backup restore - restored backups are trackable
● Private key protection - total protection of the private key is ensured at all times
● Changing signed documents - no changes to tax information in already digitally-signed documents is
permitted. Document Printing

Rules/validations also exist for the printing of documents that may later be hand-delivered to customers:

 Caution

● Printing itself - documents cannot be printed until they are digitally signed
● Provision of print resources - the configuration and design of system-derived print forms ensures legal
If you want to create your own forms, all rules regarding the legally mandatory content of each
document type, as referred to in DE 292/2018, must be observed. Posting External Documents to the SAP System -

Regulatory Document and Signature Validation
Angola (Sales & Distribution)

As a customer working with digital signatures in Angola, you may need to post external documents into the
Sales & Distribution (SD) module in the SAP system

The system now enables you to do this specific "external" posting. This means you can now post invoices in SD
for a company code that requires an Angolan digital signature for an external document that does not yet exist
in the SAP system.

 Note

Your existing internal document posting business process contains a high number of validation checks.
Many of these validation checks are NOT implemented for posting of external documents because it is
assumed these validations are already completed in the external system.

Examples of internal validations not performed for posting of external documents include:

12 PUBLIC Angola
● Chronological numbering checks
● Reference checks for credit memos
● Reference checks for debit memos
● Proforma Invoice checks
● Digital Signature process checks
● Master data storage in the standard table is skipped for external documents

 Caution

Because the above validations are skipped, these documents are not printed from the SAP system. You
must set up the print process yourself in the external system in this situation.

Prerequisites: Customizing


You must use a separate billing and number range that was never, and will never, be used to post documents
with an internal digital signature.

To use this solution consistently, you need to create a new number range and a new billing type and maintain
the new billing type in Customizing.

You maintain your required billing types in the customizing view RDSVV_EXT_FKART: Billing Type for External
Document (SD).

 Note

In this customizing activity you maintain billing document types. You create these only for recording/
importing external documents. You maintain billing document types for external documents that are
currently not used in the system for any internal document. To achieve this, you must create a new number
range object and assign it to a new external billing type which has not been used previously for internal

All necessary customizing tasks for the internal document type must also be performed for the external
document type, in exactly the same way as for the internal document type.

Examples of different billing types include: External invoice type, Cancellation invoice type for external
invoice, External Credit memo, External Debit memo, and Proforma Invoice.

 Caution

If any number range is initially used for posting external docs and then is later "reused" for posting internal
documents, then this number range can no longer be used for posting external documents again.

Cancellation of an Externally Posted Document in SD

It is possible to cancel an externally posted document in SD. To allow this, you must add the billing type in the
new customizing view RDSVV_EXT_FKART.

You must also assign the Cancellation document type to the external document billing type.

Angola PUBLIC 13
Prerequisites: BAdI Implementation


BAdI: Support Digital Signature for External Document - BADI_RDSV_DIGITAL_SIGN_EXT_SD


The Business Add-In (BAdI) BADI_RDSV_DIGITAL_SIGN_EXT_SD is used in the Sales & Distribution (SD)
component. You use this BAdI to enable the posting of invoices in SD for a company code that requires an
Angolan digital signature for an external document that does not yet exist in the SAP system.

 Caution

The system will not allow you to post an invoice for this external document if the system does not contain
an active BAdI implementation

 Note

Therefore, create an active BAdI implementation in the Z-namespace for method

GENERATE_SIGN_EXTERNAL_DOC to post an external invoice in SD

Important Infos & Restrictions for this BAdl

The following restrictions apply:

● The system does not allow posting both internal and external documents in one posting block
● The External Document must have been signed in the external system to allow posting in Sales &
● A separate number range must be used in customizing for posting external documents in Sales &
● The following exporting parameters of method IF_RDSV_DIGITAL_SIGN_EXT_SD~
GENERATE_SIGN_EXTERNAL_DOC are mandatory and must be filled by your BAdI implementation:
○ EV_EXT_VBELN -External Billing Document
○ EV_EXT_VEBLN_LONG -External Billing Document – Long
○ EV_EXT_INV_NO -External Invoice Number
○ EV_EXT_INV_NO_LONG -External Invoice Number – Long

 Note

We recommend wherever possible that you use the standard fields with standard field length. You
use the fields with long field length only if the length of your external number exceeds the standard

○ EV_CERT_ID - Legal Certification ID

○ EV_KEY_VERS - Key Version
○ EV_PRINT_CHAR - Print Character of the Digital Signature
○ EV_SIGNATURE - Digital signature

14 PUBLIC Angola
○ EV_EXT_INV_STATUS -External Invoice Status
○ EV_GROSS_AMOUNT - Legal Amount in Currency Format
○ EV_GROSS_AMOUNT_CHAR - Amount value in character mode and legal format
○ EV_INTERNAL_CODE - Internal code of a document sequence
○ EV_SERIES - Series value of a document sequence
○ EV_INV_DATE - Invoice/Billing/Posting Date (Timestamp ISO 8601-2019)
○ EV_SYS_ENTRY_DATE - System Entry Date (Timestamp ISO 8601-2019)


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP
NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework. Customizing for Validations & Digital Signature


Describes the customizing required to set up validations & digital signature for Angola

You are required to perform the following Customizing to ensure that digital signature functionality is set up
correctly to ensure it meets all Angolan legal requirements.

The required Customizing activities are explained in this chapter. They enable you to maintain data relevant for
the generation of legally-required digital signatures for all fiscally-relevant documents that apply to your
company in Angola. This chapter is divided into three sections:

● Customizing for Sales & Distribution (SD) [page 17]

● Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI) [page 26]
● Customizing for Movement of Goods (MoG) [page 29]

 Tip

As the solution for Angola is not a standard country-version, the IMG structure containing the IMG activities
has not been inserted into SPRO. You can access the Angolan IMG structure using the SIMGH transaction
(if available via SP installation) or by accessing the Customizing views via SM30. The technical name of
each individual customizing view is provided in this chapter to assist you in navigating the IMG using the
SIMGH transaction.

The title of the Angolan IMG structure is : Statutory Reporting Angola.

Angola PUBLIC 15 Cross-Application Customizing

Describes the cross-application customizing for validations and digital signature processing in Angola Define Tolerance Periods - Chronological Document



You use this customizing view to configure additional validation/definition of allowable posting dates or
document dates.

This is in addition to the existing mandatory chronological numbering framework within both FI and SD

You can use this view to:

● Define that there is no deviation from the system date permissible for posting or document dates

● Define a given tolerance before or after the system date for posting or document dates

 Note

● Changing or deleting entries in this customizing does not affect the background chronological
numbering controls, with the basic chronological numbering rule always applying.
● This additional and optional validation is provided so you can simply control the length of the time
window within which you set the document posting/document date. We recommend your settings here
reflect current government guidelines and your organizations internal business processes.

 Caution

You can set any combination of before and after system dates in this view. However, each tolerance period
you define in this view MUST respect the existing chronological numbering rule framework.

Use this customizing activity to specify defined allowable deviations from the system date for posting dates or
document dates - for documents that require a digital signature.

 Caution

The Angola Tax Authorities require that you do not post after or before the current date. Therefore, SAP
recommends that you set the deviation value 0.

16 PUBLIC Angola Customizing for Sales & Distribution (SD)

Describes the customizing you must perform to set up Sales & Distribution for SAF-T and digital signature
processing in Angola

 Recommendation

We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contents of this document and follow the
provided guidance. We hope this information will help you both better understand the important "need-to-
knows" for digital signature generation and allow you to resolve more errors yourself. Before you start: Infos for Document Numbering

for Digital Signature (SD)

Provides essential information before you begin customizing digital signature functionality in Angola for SD


You are legally required to ensure that your system digitally signs all invoices, credit memos, debit memos and
proforma invoices that are created manually in Sales & Distribution (SD) for each Angolan company code or
sales organization.

Critically, you must ensure that all invoices, credit memos, debit memos and proforma invoices are ALWAYS
posted in separate number range intervals.

 Caution

What you must always avoid is having any number ranges containing more than one different kind of
document - more than one legal document category.

For example, you must not create a number range containing both credit and debit memos. You must
instead, in this case, create two distinct number ranges, one for debit memos only, and one for credit
memos only.


1. The most important characteristics used in SD to distinguish between these different kinds of documents
(Legal Document Category) are the Billing Type, the corresponding number range number (No. range no.)
and the SD Document Category used for the document numbering and the digital signature generation.
2. In SD, the system automatically distinguishes between different legal document categories and digital
signature generation using the SD Document Category value. Therefore, for SD, no customizing is
required for activating billing types and number ranges for digital signature generation.

The tables below show you which SD document category belongs to each of the four relevant legal document
categories for SD:

● Invoice (INV)

Angola PUBLIC 17
● Debit Memo (DM)
● Credit Memo (CM)
● Proforma Invoice (PRF)

 Remember

We strongly recommend you use this information in the following tables. It will help you in your task of
ensuring that digital signature generation for your SD documents runs smoothly and is legally compliant at
all times.

For each Legal Document Category below, you will see the corresponding SD document categories the system
assigns automatically and its text description.

Legal Document Category - Invoice (INV)

Legal Document Category - Invoice
(INV) SD Document Category Text Description

M Invoice

5 Intercompany invoice

3 Invoice list

f001 Period-End Invoice

f003 Period-End Invoice (Intercompany Bill­


Legal Document Category - Debit Memo (DM)

Legal Document Category - Debit
Memo (DM) SD Document Category Text Description

P Debit memo

Legal Document Category - Credit Memo (CM)

Legal Document Category - Credit
Memo (CM) SD Document Category Text Description

O (not zero) Credit memo

4 Credit memo list

6 Intercompany credit memo

f002 Period-End Credit Memo

f004 Period-End Credit Memo (Intercom­

pany Billing)

Legal Document Category - Proforma Invoice (PRF)

Legal Document Category - Proforma
Invoice (PRF) SD Document Category Text Description

U Pro forma invoice

18 PUBLIC Angola

 Caution

Below are two critical factors you must understand and respond to accordingly. Following these guidelines
will help you to ensure that digital signature generation and posting of your SD documents runs smoothly
and is legally compliant at all times. You must:

● Make sure that your use of the number range number (No. range no.) ALWAYS fulfills the requirements
outlined in this document, when posting SD documents with digital signature.
● Check that any user exit BAdls or modifications that determine the number range number ALWAYS
fulfil the requirements outlined in this document. Important Info: Document Numbering for Digital

Signature in Angola (SD and FI)

First Principles

Document numbering is a critical element of both digital signature generation and generation of the SAF-T file
for Angola.

Firstly, the so-called SAF-T document number is very important. It must be generated by the system as a
unique value for each legal reporting entity in the system.

 Caution

All settings you make in the system related to document numbering will directly affect the generation of the
SAF-T document number. This means you must be aware that the settings you make regarding document
numbering in SD can have direct and major consequences for SAF-T processing.

Therefore, although the SAF-T document number is generated automatically by the system, you must
ensure in your customizing of document numbering that the SAF-T document number generated is
always a unique value for each legal reporting entity in the system.

SAF-T Document Number - Format

This unique number is comprised of the internal code of the SAF-T Document Type assigned by the
application*, followed by a space, followed by the identifier of the Document Series, followed by a slash (/) and
the sequential number of the document within the series. The series is freely definable and should ensure
uniqueness of the number (for example, it can include the fiscal year and the company code).

This is the number that is printed on the billing document, taken for Digital Signature and reported in the SAF-
T(AO) file. .

Angola PUBLIC 19
Example: FT 001/9

 Note

*The The Map Document Type to SD Number Range customizing view is used to assign the SAF-T
Document Types to the number ranges you use.

Building the SAF-T Document Number in SD

The number of the SD billing document will be built automatically by the system with the following elements:

[SAF-T Document Type][space][first signed billing type (FKART)][company code][number range number]
[calendar year]/[document number]

Example: FT ABAOA1012020/1

Example: FT ABAOA1012020/1234567890

 Note

The sequential number is limited to 10 characters, without leading zeros.

Dependencies between the Elements of the SAF-T Document Number

Following from above, all SD billing documents assigned the same billing type (for example, invoice) will pick
the same initial billing type FKART, namely the very first one posted.

This processing logic means that you do not need any further customizing for the billing type. All billing
documents will assume the same billing type, in the above example - AB. This is also the case when the billing
type of a posting is, for example, F2.

 Tip

It is important that you define your number ranges correctly. If billing documents need to be differentiated
by different SAF-T document types, you must assign a different number range for each SAF-T Document
Type you are using.

And last but not least..

We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contents of this document and follow the
guidance we provide therein. We hope this information will help you both better understand the important
"need-to-knows" for digital signature generation and allow you to resolve more errors yourself.

20 PUBLIC Angola
 Caution

You must also ensure that any user exit BAdls or modifications that determine the number range number
ALWAYS fulfil the requirements explained in this document. Country-Specific Settings for Angola: Sales &

Distribution (SD)

Describes the customizing required to install the digital signature functionality for Sales & Distribution, as part
of the SAF-T solution for Angola

This document provides an overview of the customizing activities required to install the digital signature
functionality for Sales & Distribution, as part of the SAF-T solution for Angola.

As the solution for Angola is not a standard country-version, the customizing structure containing these
activities has not been inserted into the SAP reference implementation guide (transaction SPRO). You can
access the Angolan structure using the SIMGH transaction (only available if the solution was implemented via
support package).

The title of the Angolan IMG structure is : Statutory Reporting Angola.

Alternatively, you can execute the transaction of each activity as shown in the list below to access the activities.
Choose Configuration Help to access the documentation.

Transaction ID View Name Customizing Activity Title

S_ER9_52001806 RDSVVC_FC_SD Enable Foreign Company Codes for

Digital Signature

S_ER9_52001807 RDSVV_EXT_FKART Maintain External Document Billing


S_ER9_52001915 RDSVV_REF_SVO_SD Enable Service Order Documents as

Reference Documents

S_ER9_52001813 RDSVV_SPCL_TP_SD Define Special Scenario Billing

Document Types Credit Memo Referencing a Non-Existing Invoice


Credit memos must be created with reference to an invoice. In SD, the system validates whether the invoice
exists and is legally compliant, otherwise it is not possible to reference such a document.

However there may be cases that justify referencing a non-existing invoice in the system, for example, invoices
that exist only in an external system outside SAP.

RDSVV_REF_EXT_SD is used to keep invoice numbers that exist only in an external system outside SAP, to be
referenced in a credit memo, for example, invoices created in another software or on paper and not migrated to

Angola PUBLIC 21
SAP (document does not exist in SAP system at all). The system does not allow to reference documents that
don’t exist in the system, therefore this is needed for these cases. Credit Memo Referencing a Non-Signed Invoice


Credit memos must be created with reference to an invoice. In SD, the system validates whether the invoice is
signed and therefore legally compliant, otherwise it is not possible to reference such a document.

However, there may be cases that justify referencing a non-signed invoice, for example, invoices created before
the Digital Signature solution was implemented (document created in SAP but not signed).

RDSVV_REF_NDS_SD is used to keep unsigned invoice numbers to be referenced in a credit memo. If the
number is maintained here, the system allows to reference an unsigned document. Customizing for Printing SD Documents with

Digital Signature Data (Angola)

Describes the recommended customizing steps to enable printing of Sales & Distribution (SD) billing
documents with digital signatures for Angola

Recommended Printing Objects

To print SD billing documents with the legally required digital signature data, we recommend you use the
following three objects:

● Adobe Form Layout for Digitally Signed Documents (Angola): ZRDSV_INV_AO

 Caution

You must use this form as a template for creating your own form.

● Print program: SD_INVOICE_PRINT01

● Output type: ZAO1 Digital Document (AO)

The required Customizing settings you need to make, and other important information, are described below:

Recommended 3-Step Customizing Process for Printing SD Documents with

Digital Signature

1. Define your Adobe form

22 PUBLIC Angola
Use the Adobe Form Layout for Digitally Signed Documents (Angola) (ZRDSV_INV_AO) as a template for
creating your own form. The form is attached to SAP Note 2867867 .

 Tip

All subsequent form corrections will mention the keyword ZRDSV_INV_AO in the note text and explain
which changes have been made to the form. Please check SAP Notes for updates from time to time to
make sure that your own form contains all legally-required properties and texts, and that these are
incorporated into the new version of the form ZRDSV_INV_AO.

2. Customize your printing output settings

Customize the output settings for printing SD Documents with digital signature in your system.

 Note

The sections Customizing for Printing SD Billing Documents below guide you through the required
output settings. There are two separate customizing sections below, for customers running the
following SAP Releases:

○ SAP ERP 6.0 - Enhancement Packages 02 to 08 (602-618)

○ SAP S/4HANA (On-Premise Version)

 Caution

In all releases, the following information is relevant for printing SD documents with digital signature
data in Angola:

Print program SD_INVOICE_PRINT01 automatically calls the Business Add-In (BAdI) implementation
RDSV_SD_BIL_AO01 belonging to the BAdI assigned to the Billing Document Adobe Printing Program

3. Specify the share capital and the number/location of the register at the commercial registry office
(these are required entries on the printout)
You do this in Customizing, under Financial Accounting (New) Financial Accounting Global Settings
(New) Global Parameters for Company Code Enter Global Parameters .
To access the corresponding fields, display the details for your company code and choose Additional

 Tip

Use the Next Page (Page Down) pushbutton to scroll through the list of parameters.

Customizing for Printing SD Billing Documents: SAP ERP 6.0 - Enhancement

Packages 02 to 08 (602-618)

1. Maintain Output Type (condition type application V3)

In Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Basic Functions Output Control Output
Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination for

Angola PUBLIC 23
Billing Documents Maintain Output Types , make sure there is an entry for output type ZAO1 [Digital
Document (AO)] with the following properties.
○ In the Output Types folder:

Tab Field

General data ○ Access sequence: 0004 (SalesOrg/Customer)

○ Access to conditions: Selected
○ All other fields: Blank

Default values ○ Dispatch time: Send immediately (when saving

the application)
○ Transmission medium: Print output
○ Partner function: BP Bill-to party
○ Communication strategy: Blank

Time Leave all fields blank

Storage system ○ Storage mode: Print only

○ Document type: SDOINVOICE

Print Print parameter: Sales organization

Mail Leave all fields blank

Sort order Leave all fields blank

○ In the other folders:

Folder Header Data Detail Data

Mail title and texts ○ Application: V3 ○ Language: EN

○ Output type: ZAO1 ○ Document title: Digital Docu­
ment (AO)

Processing routines ○ Output type: ZAO1 Processing routine 1:

○ Application: V3
○ Program: SD_IN­
○ Transm. Medium: Print output VOICE_PRINT01
○ Form routine: ENTRY
○ PDF/Smartform form: name of
the form, modeled after
○ Form type: PDF

Leave all other processing routines


Partner functions ○ Application: V3 ○ Medium: Print output

○ Output type: ZAO1 ○ Function: Bill-to party

24 PUBLIC Angola
 Caution

You must also log on in all other languages that you require for printing and check that there is a
description for the correspondence type ZAO1.

2. Ensure output type ZAO1 is assigned to the required output determination procedure for the billing types
that you use.
You do this in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Basic Functions Output Control Output
Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination for
Billing Documents Maintain Output Types Assign Output Determination Procedures .

Customizing for Printing SD Billing Documents: SAP S/4HANA (On-Premise


1. Define Output Types

In Customizing, under Cross-Application Components Output Control Define Output Types , make
sure there is an entry for output type ZAO1 [Digital Document (AO)] for the application object
2. Assign form template
In Customizing, under Cross-Application Components Output Control Assign Form Templates ,
make sure your settings are as follows:

Field Required Entry

Application Object Type BILLING_DOCUMENT

Output Type ZA01

Form Type 2 [PDF-Based Print Form (Legacy)]

 Note
This setting ensures that forms created in lower re­
leases function correctly.

Form Template ID Name of the form, modeled after ZRDSV_INV_AO


Form Routine ENTRY

3. Define business rules for output determination

In Customizing, under Cross-Application Components Output Control Define Business Rules for
Output Determination , check the existing business rules defined for billing documents. Here, you must
ensure that the required settings have been configured, in particular the following:
○ Tab - Output Type: Assign the required billing types to the output type ZAO1 [Digital Document (AO)]
and specify the dispatch time.
○ Tab - Output Relevance: For output type ZAO1, specify the output relevance for the required document
posting statuses.

Angola PUBLIC 25
Additional Important Information about this SD Printing Solution

 Caution

We recommend you read the existing text on the model form ZRDSV_INV_AO carefully before altering it.
Please do not remove or hide legally-required fields to produce legit printouts. The custom-developed
forms must utilize names that contains the substring RDSV_INV_AO, for example ZRDSV_INV_AO01. This
ensures that the BadI implementation described in the second section above is triggered.

 Note

To produce second and third copies of SD documents (‘Duplicado’, ‘Triplicado’), you must select 3 copies
for the first output issue. If you do not do this, only an 'Original’ printout will be issued and second and any
subsequent output form issues will produce only copies with the text ‘Second output’ (‘2-a via’).

 Note

To add a company logo to the printout, add an image via transaction SE78, with the name in format
RDSV_LOGO_<company_code>. For example, RDSV_LOGO_0001 for company code 0001. Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI)

Describes the customizing you must perform to set up Financial Accounting for SAF-T and digital signature
processing in Angola Before you start: Infos for Document Numbering

for Digital Signature (FI)


You are legally required to ensure that your system digitally signs all invoices, credit memos, debit memos and
miscellaneous postings that are created manually in Financial Accounting (FI) for Angolan organizational units.
For example, for each company code or sales organization.

Critically, you must ensure that all invoices, credit memos, debit memos and miscellaneous postings are
ALWAYS posted in separate number range intervals.

 Note

What you must always avoid is having any number ranges containing more than one different kind of
document, that is, more than one legal document category.

26 PUBLIC Angola
For example, you must not create a number range containing both credit and debit memos. You must
instead, in this case, create two distinct number ranges, one for debit memos only, and one for credit
memos only.


The most important characteristic used in FI to distinguish between these different kinds of documents (Legal
Document Category) is the Document Type and the corresponding number range number (No. range no.) used
for the document numbering and for digital signature generation.

 Caution

In FI, you distinguish between different legal document categories and digital signature generation in
Customizing. See Country-Specific Settings for Angola: Financial Accounting (FI) [page 29] for more


 Caution

Below are two critical factors you must understand and respond to accordingly. Following these guidelines
will help you to ensure that digital signature generation and posting of your FI documents runs smoothly
and is legally compliant at all times. You must:

● Make sure that the use of the number range number (No. range no.) ALWAYS fulfills the requirements
outlined in this document, when you post FI documents.
● Check that any user exit BAdls or modifications that determine the number range number ALWAYS
fulfil the requirements outlined in this document. Important Info: Document Numbering for Digital

Signature in Angola (FI)

First Principles

Document numbering is a critical element of both digital signature generation and generation of the SAF-T file
for Angola.

Firstly, the so-called SAF-T document number is very important. It must be generated by the system as a
unique value for each legal reporting entity and fiscal year in the system.

Angola PUBLIC 27
 Caution

However, all settings that you make in the system related to document numbering will directly affect the
generation of the SAF-T document number. This means you must be aware that settings you make
regarding document numbering in FI can have direct and major consequences for SAF-T processing.

Therefore, although the SAF-T document number is generated automatically, you must ensure in your
customizing of document numbering that the SAF-T document number generated is always a unique value
for each legal reporting entity and fiscal year in the system.

Building the SAF-T Document Number in FI

The number of the FI accounting document will be built automatically using the following elements:

[SAF-T Document Type][space][first signed document type (BLART) of the NR][company code][Fiscal year]
[number range number]/[document number]

Example: FT ABAOA1202001/1

Example: FT ABAOA1202001/1234567890

 Note

The sequential number is limited to 10 characters, without leading zeros.

Dependencies between the Elements of the SAF-T Document Number

Following from above, all FI accounting documents assigned to the same number range number, fiscal year and
company code (subobject) will pick the same initial accounting document type BLART, namely the very first
one posted.

This processing logic means that you do not need any further customizing for the document type. All invoices
using the same number range will assume the same document type, in the above example - AB. This is also the
case when the document type of a posting is, for example, F2.

 Tip

It is important that you define your number ranges correctly. If accounting documents need to be
differentiated by different SAF-T document types, you must assign a different number range for each SAF-T
Document Type you are using.

 Caution

You must also ensure that any user exit BAdls or modifications that determine the ALWAYS fulfil the
requirements explained in this document.

28 PUBLIC Angola Country-Specific Settings for Angola: Financial
Accounting (FI)

Describes the customizing required to install the digital signature functionality for Financial Accounting, as part
of the SAF-T solution for Angola

This document provides an overview of the customizing activities required to install the digital signature
functionality for Financial Accounting, as part of the SAF-T solution for Angola.

As the solution for Angola is not a standard country-version, the customizing structure containing these
activities has not been inserted into the SAP reference implementation guide (transaction SPRO). You can
access the Angolan structure using the SIMGH transaction (only available if the solution was implemented via
support package).

The title of the Angolan IMG structure is : Statutory Reporting Angola.

Alternatively, you can execute the transaction of each activity as shown in the list below to access the activities.
Choose Configuration Help to access the documentation.

Transaction ID View Name Customizing Activity Title

S_ER9_52001815 RDSVV_DS_NRNR_FI Assign Digital Signature Attributes to

Number Ranges

S_ER9_52001816 RDSVV_FC_FI_BUK Enable Foreign Company Codes for

Digital Signature

S_ER9_52001817 RDSVV_DOWNPAY Maintain Special Processing for Down-

Payment Clearing Customizing for Movement of Goods (MoG)

Describes the customizing you must perform to set up Movement of Goods for SAF-T and digital signature
processing in Angola

The following section describes the country-specific settings you must make to configure Movement of Goods
(MoG) for SAF-T and digital signature processing in Angola. Country-Specific Settings for Angola: Movement of

Goods (MoG)

Provides an overview of the customizing required to install the digital signature functionality for Movement of
Goods (MoG) as part of the SAF-T solution for Angola. Movement of Goods documents are delivery or shipping

The customizing required to install the digital signature functionality for Movement of Goods, as part of the
SAF-T solution for Angola, is described below.

● Record Gaps for Outbound Delivery Documents [SIAO_GAPS_LIKP_V] [page 31]

Angola PUBLIC 29
● Record Number Ranges for Digital Signature of Delivery Documents [SIAO_NUMBR_OBD_V] [page 30]
● Document Types for Special Delivery Documents [SIAO_SDT_OBD_V] [page 31]
● Customizing for Official Document Numbering [page 32]

 Tip

You perform these activities in Customizing via transaction SIMGH or by executing SM30 for the specific
customizing activity. Record Number Ranges for Digital Signature of

Delivery Documents [SIAO_NUMBR_OBD_V]

In this Customizing step, you indicate which number range intervals that are used for delivery document types
need digital signatures.


In this Customizing step, you indicate which number range intervals that are used for delivery document types
need digital signatures. The system then ensures that delivery documents within these number range intervals
are signed digitally. You are legally required to ensure that your system digitally signs all delivery documents
created during movement of goods for Angolan organizational units (for example, company codes) in Sales and
Distribution (SD) and passed on to Financial Accounting (FI)

1. Enter the Company Code in the CoCd field.

2. In the Del Type field, enter the Outbound Delivery document type.
3. Provide a two-character code for Number range number to identify a number range interval in the No field.
4. Check or Uncheck the Signature field based on the decision of whether to digitally sign or not to sign the
documents corresponding to the specified number range.
5. In the Numbering Series field, provide a Series ID which will be unique across the organization.
6. Enter the Start Date and Start Time to specify the starting date and time for digital signature process.
7. Specify a Delivery Type by choosing one from the following values:
○ Global Deliveries
○ Consignment Deliveries
○ Normal Deliveries
○ Transport document for own fixed assets
○ Return Note
○ Transport Guide

30 PUBLIC Angola Record Gaps for Outbound Delivery Documents

Describes the Customizing step for MoG where you store the gaps in sequential document numbering as well
as the reason for storing these gaps in accordance with the Angolan tax authorities’ guidelines


A digital signature is generated only when the system assigns a number from a number range interval for which
digital signature is activated for billing documents. If there are gaps in the sequential numbering, then the
system prevents the document posting.


In this customizing activity, you store the gaps in sequential document numbering as well as the reason for
storing these gaps in accordance with the Angolan tax authorities’ guidelines. For a number range interval,
enter the reference document number and the reason for recording the gap, as follows:

1. Enter the Company Code in the CoCd field.

2. Provide a two-character code for Number range number to identify a number range interval in the No field.
3. In the reference field, enter document number of the business partner. If the document is created in your
company and no document is listed in the partner system, it is possible to copy the document number into
the field for the reference number by entering *.
4. Specify a reason for the occurrence of gap as a free text in the Gaps Reason field. Document Types for Special Delivery Documents


Describes the customizing required to define how the system handles special document types for outbound
delivery (OBD) documents for Angola


In this Customizing activity, you define how the system handles special document types for outbound delivery
(OBD) documents for Angola.

The following document types are supported:

● Recovery documents: Documents that were lost in a database crash, but later entered into system from
paper backup.

Angola PUBLIC 31
● Manual documents: Documents were written by hand during any system downtime and were later
manually entered in the system.
● Interface documents: Documents that were imported from external systems.

Whenever you execute the SAF-T report, the system checks if the delivery document type is relevant for one of
these scenarios. Accordingly, the system changes the digital signature information.


1. In the Del. Type column, enter an outbound delivery document type.

2. In the Series column, you choose the scenario for the document. These scenarios include:
○ Recovery
○ Manual
○ Interface
For interface documents, the system checks the SIAO_IF_LIKP table for original digital signature, delivery
number, delivery date, gross amount, and certificate ID. Customizing for Official Document Numbering

Provides the business background and customizing information you require to implement Official Document
Numbering (ODN) for Angola

Business Background

In Angola, Official Document Numbering (ODN) is used to ensure documents are numbered without gaps. ODN
allows you to reuse number range intervals for different parameters such as the company code. To guarantee
gapless numbering, the buffering of all number range objects is deactivated for ODN.

To use Official Document Numbering, make all the settings described in the following section.

Customize Official Document Numbering

To use Official Document Numbering (ODN) for Angola, you must carry out the generic Customizing activities
for ODN and one country-specific activity for Angola, as described below.

1. Make all generic settings described in Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under
Basic Functions Postings and Documents Document Official Document Numbers General
Specification for Official Document Numbers Configuration of Official Document Numbering .
If you want to have unique official document numbers in your client, specify a different official document
number prefix for each entry line.

32 PUBLIC Angola
 Note

The uniqueness of official document numbers is ensured as follows:

○ By using sufficiently large number ranges, divided into number range intervals depending on your
Customizing settings
The disadvantage is that numbering cannot start from the beginning as soon as the system
reaches the upper limits of the number range intervals.
○ By using official document numbers with prefixes
The advantage is that the sequential numbers of the number range intervals can be reused with
different prefixes such as the Fiscal Year. Digital Signature Reports for Angola

A number of reports is available to assist you in generating digital signatures for all company documents that
require such a signature in Angola Uploading PSE Files for Digital Signature


Provides a description of the Uploading PSE Files for Digital Signature report.

You use the Uploading PSE Files for Digital Signature report [RDSV_STORE_PSE] to upload PSE files required
for generation of Digital Signatures.

Before your SAP production systems can start digitally signing invoices and billing documents, you must
upload the SAP private encryption key to each system that you use for billing for each respective company
code. The SAP private encryption key is included in the PSE files that you must have previously downloaded.


● You have downloaded one PSE file for each combination of your production system and Netweaver
The PSE file download process is also explained in the following two SAP Notes:
○ 2864529 - Download of the PSE File for Digital Signature in Angola for a PRODUCTION system
○ 2864771 - Test PSE File for Digital Signature in Angola for a NON-PRODUCTION system
● Your SAP user has been assigned the S_RZL_ADM authorization object.
● You have completed all other steps in the process for acquiring an SAP encryption key, including the
installation of the SAP Cryptographic Library (SAPCRYPTOLIB) and the necessary Kernel patch.

Angola PUBLIC 33

For each production system, proceed as follows:

1. Start the RDSV_STORE_PSE program in transaction SE38.

2. Use the drop-down menu in the FILE field to select the location on your local PC where the PSE file is to be
3. Specify your country in the field Country.
4. Run the program.


Your SAP system uploads the PSE file from your local PC and stores it securely in your SAP system.

 Note

The uploaded PSE file is not visible by using the STRUST transaction.

Each time your system needs to digitally sign a document, it accesses this PSE file information. Digital Signature Generation for Numbering


Provides a description of the Digital Signature Generation for Numbering Intervals in FI report.

You use the Digital Signature Generation for Numbering Intervals in FI [RDSV_REP_SIGN_NRNR_FI] report to
generate missing digital signatures for numbering intervals in Financial Accounting (FI).

This report allows you to check the entries in the database either manually or by scheduling a periodic job for FI

A background process starts checking the entries in the database, searching for documents with missing
signatures, matching the documents to previous digital signatures, and then generating signatures for these FI
documents. Digital Signature Generation for Numbering


Provides a description of the Digital Signature Generation for Numbering Intervals in SD report.

You use the Digital Signature Generation for Numbering Intervals in SD [RDSV_REP_SIGN_NRNR_SD] report to
generate missing digital signatures for numbering intervals in Sales & Distribution (SD).

This report allows you to check the entries in the database either manually or by scheduling a periodic job for
SD documents.

34 PUBLIC Angola
A background process starts checking the entries in the database, searching for documents with missing
signatures, matching the documents to previous digital signatures, and then generating signatures for these
SD documents. Number Gaps (RDSVC_GAP_VBRK /


Sometimes documents were not created although the number was consumed, and hence cannot be signed.
The number is not existing in the VBRK / BKPF table nor is it entered in the respective Digital Signature table.

Such cases are referred to as number gaps. The number gaps must be identified and entered in the respective

In such cases, successor documents also cannot be signed because a gap exists and the predecessor
document cannot be found. You can continue creating documents, but they will not be signed.

To overcome this situation and resume signing the of documents, enter the gap numbers in the respective gap
table and generate the missing signature(s) by running the RDSV_REP_SIGN_NRNR_SD or

Before running the report, enter the gaps in the gaps table, and run the RDSV_REP_SIGN_NRNR_SD /
RDSV_REP_SIGN_NRNR_FI report to produce signatures that were missed.

1.1.2 SAF-T For Angola


SAF-T (Standard Audit File - Taxation) is an electronic exchange XML standard to report business transactional
data between companies and external parties such as tax administrations, auditing systems and others.

The standard describes an electronic file format, which defines accounting data to be reported, and its data
structure, so that it may be submitted to a tax administration or to external parties for review.

SAF-T for Angola

In Angola, regulatory reporting requires that all businesses registered at the Repartição Fiscal dos Grandes
Contribuintes (RFGC) and, as of January 1st 2020, all businesses with an annual turnover higher than AOA 50
million, are required to operate a SAF-T-compliant reporting. The entity that oversees the SAF-T reporting
process is the Autoridade Geral Tributária (AGT)

You use the SAF-T for Angola solution to extract data and create SAF-T files, per the Regime Jurídico de
Submissão Electrónica dos Elementos Contabilísticos dos Contribuintes (RSE), which defines the structure

Angola PUBLIC 35
and content of the SAF-T file. That is, it defines the way accounting data from your business is turned into an
accepted exchange format and prepares it for transfer to external systems, electronically.

The SAF-T solution encompasses the extraction of data and the generation of the SAF-T file according to the
RSE specifications. Additionally, you may delete extracted data or access a monitoring tool which gives you an
overview of all SAF-T operations that have been carried out.

 Tip

The creation of the SAF-T file and its subsequent submission to the tax authorities (that is, sending the
SAF-T file) are distinct parts of the process, with the latter being actioned by the key user based on further
information from the AGT.

This documentation refers to the solution in Sales & Distribution and Accounting of SAP ERP Business Suite
and SAP S/4 HANA.

 Tip

SAF-T reporting for Angola is also enabled for Convergent Invoicing (CI), IS-Utility (IS-U) and Real Estate

Please check for the respective notes and documentation. SAF-T File Elements

There are different types of SAF-T files to fulfill different reporting purposes. Audit files must be submitted to
the Tax Authorities upon request only.

Accordingly, each file type has a specific composition of elements, as shown in the image below:

36 PUBLIC Angola
See Data Content of each SAF-T File Section (SAF-T Table) [page 37] for detailed information on the actual
data content of the SAF-T file. Data Content of each SAF-T File Section (SAF-T


Within Angolan law, the SAF-T file sections are often referred to as tables. However, these 'SAF-T tables' must
not be confused with standard SAP tables. Here, the content of each file section in the 'SAF-T table' is

1. Header

This file section contains general information about the taxable person, that is, the reporting Company Code
and the billing/accounting software used.

The information is mostly taken from the Company Code master record.

2.1 - 2.5 Masterfiles

The Masterfiles tables report the master data.

● 2.1 GeneralLedgerAccounts
This section reports all G/L Accounts of the company’s chart of account that were posted in the reporting
period, in a structured way. The structure is derived from the Financial Statement Version created for this
purpose. It is also allowed to report all accounts, even those that were not posted.
● 2.2 Customer
This file section contains all customer records with postings in the reported period, including those that are
implicit in the documents but don't have a master record (one-time customers).
● 2.3 Supplier
This file section contains all supplier records with postings in the reported period, including those that are
implicit in the documents but don't have a master record (one-time suppliers).
This table must contain all supplier records from the Supplier database with postings in the fiscal period,
as well as those that are implicit in the movements but don't have a master record.
● 2.4 Product
This table contains all products and services posted in the reported period, including those that may be
implicit in postings but don't have a master record in the system.
Taxes, fees, eco-taxes, or other charges similar to taxes included in the Invoice, must also be reported in
the Product file section. (VAT and Stamp tax are not included here). Such charges are mostly derived from
pricing conditions.
For documents posted directly in FI, the Product is derived from the Account posted, unless the material
number (MATNR) is posted.
● 2.5 TaxTable

Angola PUBLIC 37
This file section lists all VAT regimes and Stamp Tax codes posted in the documents in the reported period.

3.1 GeneralLedgerEntries

The 3.1 GeneralLedgerEntries section of transactional data includes all the Accounting postings of the
reported period. SAF-T files containing this section are normally annual files and therefore contain all postings
of the Fiscal Year. The selection is based on the Posting Date.

4.1 - 4.4 SourceDocuments

The transactional data tables included here contain the tax relevant documents that support the operations of
the business, issued in the reported period. The documents must be properly separated according to their
document type.

● 4.1 Sales Invoices

This table includes all kinds of sales documents, such as invoices, credit memos and debit memos from the
billing system or posted directly in Accounting, issued by the company in the reported period - including
those that are reversed (the reversal document is not included). Within a document type, such documents
must be numbered sequentially, without gaps and chronologically.
Documents can have various statuses (InvoiceStatus):
○ N for a normal documents
○ A for reversed documents
○ R for summary documents representing various integrated documents from another system

 Restriction

This is not yet realized in the solution.

○ S for self-billing documents

 Restriction

(Currently out of scope)

○ N for a normal documents

○ F for documents that were already invoiced.

 Remember

Implicitly invoiced items that don’t have a product/service associated (such as fees, charges, and so
on), and which are derived from pricing conditions, must be reported in a separate line.

For sales documents posted directly in FI, the Product information is derived from the Account posted
(number and description) unless the Material number is available in the FI document.

 Note

Before the implementation of the digital signature in the system:

38 PUBLIC Angola
○ SD documents are selected and identified based on their billing type: FI documents are selected
based on the number range, according to customized values.
○ SD documents and FI documents are selected and identified by the digital signature, as all
documents to be reported in this table must be signed.

Invoice lists are reported as invoices with the line items of the related invoices. The related invoices are
reported in the WorkingDocuments table (4.3).
● 4.2 MovementOfGoods
This table includes all delivery or transport documents issued in the reported period. Like invoices, delivery
or transport documents must be numbered without gaps, sequentially and chronologically within the
series or document type.
● 4.3 WorkingDocuments
This table includes all kinds of documents issued in the reported period that may be presented to the
customer - for example, proforma invoices - and which are not reported in SAF-T table 4.1 or 4.2. Some SD
documents considered internal documents with no fiscal relevancy can be included here, according to
customized values.
● 4.4 Payments
This table includes all receipts for incoming payments. Receipts are mandatory documents for payments
received. Therefore, all outgoing payments relevant for your organization in the reported period are

4.5 Acquisitions

4.5 Invoices

This file can be delivered integrated with the Billing file or as a separated file. It lists all purchase invoices,
posted in MM or FI in the reported period and includes goods or services. Reversal documents and reversed
invoices are to be excluded.

If the invoice is reversed by a credit memo, both shall be reported. Customizing for SAF-T Angola

To ensure that the correct data is collected, you have to perform several Customizing activities before
executing the report.

As the solution for Angola is not a standard country-version, the Customizing structure containing these
activities has not been inserted into the reference implementation guide (transaction SPRO). You can access
the Angolan structure using the SIMGH transaction (only available if the solution was implemented via support

The title of the Angolan IMG structure is Statutory Reporting Angola.

Alternatively, you can execute the transaction of each activity as shown in the list below to access the activities.
Choose Configuration Help to access the documentation.

Angola PUBLIC 39
Transaction View Customizing Activity Title

S_ER9_11001442 SNV_AO_GENERIC Define Generic Settings for SAF-T


S_ER9_11001441 SNC_AO_TR_TYPE Assign Transaction Type to Document


S_ER9_11001389 SNV_AO_ACQ_TYP Map Acquisition Doc Type to SAF-T

Invoice Type

S_ER9_11001390 SNV_AO_FIDOWNPAY Specify Down Payment Documents for


S_ER9_11001509 SNV_AO_DOCTPY_FI Map Document Type to FI Number


S_ER9_11001510 SNV_AO_DOCTPY_SD Map Document Type to SD Number


S_ER9_11001392 SNV_AO_PAYMECH Map Payment Method to SAF-T

Payment Mechanism

S_ER9_11001393 SNV_AO_PRICING Define Pricing Conditions for SAF-T

S_ER9_11001394 SNV_AO_PRO_TYP Map Material Type to SAF-T Product


S_ER9_11001395 SNV_AO_TAX Map Tax Code to SAF-T Tax Code


S_ER9_11001404 SNV_AO_WHT Map Withholding Tax Codes to Official

Tax Types

S_ER9_11001579 SNV_AO_DEDUCTAX Map Deductible Input VAT Codes to

SAF-T Tax Code Definitions

S_ER9_11001460 SNI_AO_TAX_CODE Display Standard Tax Codes

In addition to the Customizing activites listed above, you also have to make generic SAF-T settings. For more
information, see Generic SAF-T Settings: Activate Countries [SAFTNV_INTCA_EXT & SAFTNV_INTCA_GEN
[page 40]. Generic SAF-T Settings: Activate Countries



To carry out the SAF-T data extraction and file generation in your SAP system, you must first maintain an entry
for your ISO 3166 two-digit country-code in the system. This will register your country and enable the data
extraction and file generation reports for SAF-T.

40 PUBLIC Angola
To do this, make the following settings:


1. In Customizing, go to Financial Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Report Standard Audit File -
Taxation Generic Settings .

 Tip

Alternatively you can access the Customizing activities via transaction SM30, customizing views

Make the settings in the following activities:

1. Activate Countries for SAF-T Data Extraction
You can define which countries are available within the SAF-T framework for data extraction and
2. Activate Countries for SAF-T File Generation
You can define which countries are available within the SAF-T framework for SAF-T file generation
2. In the Country column, maintain the ISO 3166 two-digit code for your country (AO)
3. Save your entries and exit. Captive VAT

In Angola, certain companies are entitled to use the captive VAT (IVA cativo) regime, where they can partially or
fully withhold VAT when purchasing from their suppliers. In this case, they pay the VAT to the relevant
government authority instead of paying it to the supplier.

When captive VAT is applied, standard invoices are issued where the liability of the VAT payment switches to
the customer. The supplier must issue a customer invoice that identifies the captive VAT and the withheld


Office Equipment Company XYZ sells computers to the VAT-retaining company Telecommunications Co., for an
amount of 1000, subject to 14% of VAT, with a gross amount of 1140.

Telecommunications Co. is obliged to apply 100% captive VAT. Therefore, it retains 100% of the VAT, pays it to
the state (140), and pays 1000 to Office Equipment Company XYZ. The same pricing is reflected in the delivery.

Angola PUBLIC 41
Processing Invoices with Captive VAT

If you need to issue invoices to customers using the captive VAT scenario, you must post the invoices and
report them in the SAF-T (AO) file as described in the following sections:

● Posting Invoices with Captive VAT [page 42]

● Reporting Invoices with Captive VAT [page 43] Posting Invoices with Captive VAT

If your customer uses the captive VAT (IVA cativo) regime, you post the relevant invoices as described in this


To enable the posting of invoices with captive VAT, you must set up specific VAT tax codes in Customizing. To
do that, you use the Map Tax Code to SAF-T Tax Code Definitions (SNV_AO_TAX) Customizing activity
(transaction S_ER9_11001395). In this Customizing activity, you also define whether the tax code is relevant
for the 1-step or 2-step procedure for posting.

Posting Invoices with Captive VAT

The captive VAT scenario can be posted using one of the following three methods:

1-Step Procedure with VAT Tax Code

You use an output/input VAT tax code and you post the output tax to the output tax account and the input tax
to the Captive VAT account. The input part has the percentage according to the withheld VAT. The amount
posted on the customer account is the net amount, which is exactly the open item amount that the customer
will pay. The withholding percentage is defined by the percentage set for the input VAT. Only one posting is

 Note

Invoices and deliveries posted with such a tax code are digitally-signed by the gross amount.

2-Step Procedure with VAT Tax Code

You use a normal output VAT tax code for posting the invoice; posting an additional accounting document to
post the captive VAT tax on the Captive VAT tax account, while crediting the customer account. Two postings
are needed. The withholding percentage is defined in Customizing.

 Note

Invoices and deliveries posted with such a tax code are digitally-signed by the gross amount.

42 PUBLIC Angola
Using Withholding Tax Code
You use a normal output VAT tax code for posting the invoice, while posting the withheld captive VAT with a
withholding tax code on the Captive VAT tax account. Only one posting is needed. However, using a withholding
tax code may be disadvantageous for VAT reporting as it is not a VAT tax code.

 Note

The invoice is digitally-signed by the gross amount. Reporting Invoices with Captive VAT

If you have issued invoices with captive VAT, you report them in the SAF-T (AO) file as described in this topic.

Invoices with captive VAT are reported in the SAF-T (AO) file in the same way as they are for normal invoices.

Angola PUBLIC 43
In addition, the WithholdingTax structure in Tables 4.1-SalesInvoices, 4.4-Payments and 4.5-PurchaseInvoices
are filled with VAT type, tax description, and the amount withheld as shown in the figure below:

44 PUBLIC Angola SAF-T (AO): File Creation Process Overview

The SAF-T for Angola process consists of two main steps (after Customizing): Data extraction and file
generation, with the resulting SAF-T file being submitted to the appropriate authorities through external
electronic transmission.

There are two possibilities for you to perform the data extraction and SAF-T file generation:

1. Running SAF-T in Advanced Compatibility Mode

If you run an SAP S/4 HANA On Premise system, SAP recommends you to process the SAF-T (AO) file in the
ACR (Advanced Compliance Reporting) compatibility mode.

For more information, see Running SAF-T in ACR Compatibility Mode [page 45].

2. Running SAF-T in the SAF-T Framework Mode

If you run an SAP ERP On Premise system, you can continue to process the SAF-T (AO) file using the existing
SAF-T framework mode.

 Note

The SAF-T solution in framework mode also includes additional report functionality for the deletion of
extracted data (Delete Extracted Data), and monitoring (Monitor Extracted Data and File Generation).

While the SAF-T solution encompasses the extraction of data and the generation of the SAF-T file according
to the RSE specifications,you may additionally delete extracted data or access a monitoring tool which
gives you an overview of all SAF-T operations which have been carried out.

For more information, see Running SAF-T in the SAF-T Framework Mode [page 46]. Running SAF-T in ACR Compatibility Mode

Describes the process of generating the SAF-T file for Angola in ACR (Advanced Compliance Reporting)
Compatibility Mode

If you run a SAP S/4 HANA OnPremise system, SAP recommends you to process the SAF-T(AO) file in the ACR
(Advanced Compliance Reporting) Compatibility Mode.

We recommend that you adapt your SAP S/4 HANA OnPremise system and add the Run Compliance Reports
tile on your Home page. This app will allow you to extract the SAF-T data you require and generate the SAF-T file
itself. Downloading the SAF-T file is then the final phase.

Therefore, you can start the SAF-T process by clicking the Run Compliance Reports app tile. In the next screen,
simply enter the filter data needed, for example:

Angola PUBLIC 45
● Reporting Status
● 4 Items
● Submission Due Date: reporting period
● Report Name: SAF-T Angola (AO_SAFT)
● Reporting Entity Name: your company
● Reporting Year
● Country

Then click Go to execute. The system then return the options you can execute, for example:

● Run a new extract

● Delete an existing extract
● Create a SAF-T file

By clicking the option you intend to run, the execution is then started.

Then progress through the phases Extract (or first Delete Extract if needed) and Run SAF-T File. In the final
phase, download the SAF-T file. Running SAF-T in the SAF-T Framework Mode

Describes the process of running the SAF-T file for Angola using the existing SAF-T Framework Mode

If you run a SAP ERP OnPremise system, you can continue to process the SAF-T(AO) file using the existing SAF-
T Framework Mode.

For further information, see:

● Extracting Data for the SAF-T File in Framework Mode [page 46]
● Deleting & Monitoring Extracted Data in Framework Mode [page 48]
● Generating the SAF-T File in Framework Mode [page 49] Extracting Data for the SAF-T File in Framework


In Data Extraction, you read the relevant data for a specific company code based on the selection made for data
extraction, and populate the so-called "extraction tables" which will hold the data to later generate the SAF-T

The selection options include the time period, the modules, the country and the file version.

The file version is always the one that is legally valid.

46 PUBLIC Angola
The modules comprise the data of specific areas and are required for specific file types or file-type-
combinations (integrated files):

Required for SAF-T

Module Description Explanation Table File Type

SD_INVOICES SD Sales Invoices All sales documents 4.1 Billing

from SD: invoices,
credit memo, debit
memo, invoice lists, in­
tercompany invoices,

ACCOUNTING Accounting All Accounting post­ 3.1 Accounting

ings based on Posting

ACQ_FI Acquisitions FI All vendor invoices is­ 4.5 Acquisitions

sued in FI

FI_INVOICES FI Sales Invoices All Customer invoices 4.1 Billing

created in FI

ACQ_MM Acquisitions MM All vendor invoices is­ 4.5 Acquisitions

sued in MM

WORK_DOC Working Documents All documents that are 4.3 Billing

working documents
(proforma invoices, in­
dividual invoices from
invoice lists, specific
SD documents cus­
tomized as such)

PAYMENTS Payments All outgoing payments 4.4 Billing

GOODS_MOV Goods Movement All delivery or trans­ 4.2 Billing

port documents from

The Extraction report automatically extracts the Header and the Masterfiles data that is required for each of the
file types. For example, when extracting the SD_INVOICES module, the master data relevant for Billing files,
that is Customer, TaxTable, Product, and Header, is automatically extracted too, so you do not need to do
anything during this phase.

To Extract SAF-T Data for SAF-T for Angola, in the SAP Menu go to Accounting Financial Accounting
General Ledger Reporting SAF-T (New) or call the SAFTN_E transaction.


1. Execute the Extract SAF-T Data report to extract accounting data per your criteria. The output screen
displays an ALV list.
2. Enter a Company Code, select a Country from the drop-down box, and select the Module for which you
want to extract data.
Additionally, enter a time period (Posting Date, start date/end date), Fiscal Year and the type of Ledger. This
will be used for document selection during extraction.

Angola PUBLIC 47
3. Execute (F8) the extraction. A log will be displayed with the outcome of the operation.

 Note

Data Extraction can be carried out as many times as you require, but the time period for one extraction
may not overlap with another. To do so, you must delete the previous extraction(s) (See Deleting &
Monitoring Extracted Data in Framework Mode [page 48] for more information). Deleting & Monitoring Extracted Data in

Framework Mode

In Delete Extracted Data, you can delete previously-extracted data from the system, and remove their
corresponding entries from the extraction history. This allows you to re-extract data that was incorrectly
extracted, or simply re-extract data to remove gaps from your extraction periods.

To Delete Extracted Data for SAF-T for Angola, in the SAP Menu go to Accounting Financial Accounting
General Ledger Reporting SAF-T (New) or call the SAFTN_D transaction.

In Monitor Extracted Data and File Generation, previously run extractions can be seen. This allows you to see
the extracts that already exist or which are missing, find gaps, and so on.

To Monitor Extracted Data and File Generation for SAF-T for Angola, in the SAP Menu go to Accounting
Financial Accounting General Ledger Reporting SAF-T (New) or call the SAFTN_M transaction.


You may delete extracted data for SAF-T when the previous run contained errors, or if it has generated a gap in
the period's reporting dates.

 Caution

SAF-T reporting must be gapless at all times.


1. Run the Delete Extracted Data report to delete extracted accounting data, per your criteria.
2. Enter a Company Code, select a Country from the drop-down box, and select the Module for which you
want to delete data. Multiple Module selections are possible, using F4 value help.
3. Once you have defined a Module, enter a time period [Posting Date (start date/end date)]. This will be used
for document selection during deletion.
4. Execute the deletion. A log will be displayed with the outcome of the operation.

48 PUBLIC Angola Generating the SAF-T File in Framework Mode

In File Generation, previously extracted data can be used to create a SAF-T compliant XML file, ready for
submission to the Angolan tax authority.

To Generate SAF-T file for Angola, in the SAP Menu go to Accounting Financial Accounting General
Ledger Reporting SAF-T (New) or call the SAFTN_G transaction.


You have extracted the required SAF-T data from your system and want to create a SAF-T file for your reporting
obligations in Angola.


1. Open the Generate SAF-T File report to extract accounting data according to your criteria.
2. 2. Enter a Company Code, select a Country from the drop-down box, and choose a File Type.
3. 3. After making these selections, you must also enter the Declaration Period Type (Free Defined Interval),
the Declaration Date and a free text Document Header Text of your choice.
4. 4. Finally, choose the relevant Ledger and a Filename (the path and filename to which the SAF-T file will be
saved) for which the generated file will be created.
5. 5. Execute the report. A log will be displayed with the outcome of the operation. Downloading the SAF-T File

After you have created your SAF-T file using the Generate SAF-T File report (Transaction SAFTN_G), you can
download the SAF-T file to your file system. To do so, you must run the Download File report (transaction CG3Y
or report RFASLDPC) and indicate the source file on the server and the target filename and folder in your local

 Tip

See also Generating the SAF-T File in Framework Mode [page 49].

And please refer also to the report documentation for Download File (RFASLDPC).

Angola PUBLIC 49 Validating and Submitting your SAF-T Files for

For file validation and submission to AGT, please refer to the tool on the AGT official website. Before actually
submitting the file, you can run a validation and check for errors.

1.1.3 Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX)


This localization is designed for use by companies in Angola. It comprises Flexible Real Estate Management
(RE-FX) functions which are required for laws and business practices particular to real estate management in

This documentation explains how the Angola RE-FX country-specific functions work, and how to customize the
system according to local requirements.


The Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX) component covers the most important laws and business
practices specific to Angola. The following documentation describes these aspects of the component.

This localization enables you to create and use a digital signature for rent invoices, and generate monthly and
on-deman SAF-T reports, as required in Angola.

Related Information

The implementation requirements are also explained in the SAP Note 2946198 - Collective Note for Digital
Signature and SAF-T Angola(AO), (RE-FX). Create Rent Invoices with Digital Signature

Digital signatures are required for real estate (rent) invoices (such as normal invoices, credit memos, debit
memos), according to the requirements of the Angolan Tax Authorities (Administração Geral Tributária).This
requirement is part of the software certification imposed by the AGT on all billing and accounting software
manufacturers operating in Angola.

50 PUBLIC Angola

You have completed Customizing for Rent Invoices with Digital Signature [page 51].


To access the transaction, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting Flexible Real Estate
Management Accounting Invoices Create Invoices transaction RERAIV). Customizing for Rent Invoices with Digital


To print rent (real estate) invoices with digital signatures in Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX), make the
Customizing settings as described below.

Make the Customizing settings as follows:

● You have activated Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX) for Angola.
You do so in Customizing for Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX), under Country-Specific Settings
Activate Country-Specifics .
● You have assigned digital signature attributes to rent invoice documents. This involves assigning number
ranges and leading document types to real estate invoices and credit memos, and assigning a year when
the invoice shall be created.
You do so in Customizing for Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX), under Country-Specific Settings
Angola Digital Signature Define Settings for Digital Signature . Alternatively, use transaction SM30
● In addition to other legal rules for credit memos, a company must ensure that there is clear link from the
credit memo to the original invoice (for the purpose of SAF-T reporting and printed invoices). You can
define this link using a Business Add-In (BAdI).
You can access the BAdI defnition in Customizing for Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX), under
Country-Specific Settings Angola Digital Signature SAF-T BAdI: Change References for Credit
Memos .
For more information about Customizing settings, refer to the system documentation. Print Rent Invoices with Digital Signature

According to Angolan law, rent (real estate) invoice documents that are printed and delivered to customers
must contain mandatory information.

To support inclusion of mandatory information for rent invoices, a template is available. This template is a PDF-
based print form which can be used and adjusted for your business entity, so that rent invoices contain the
required digital signature information.

Angola PUBLIC 51
SAP delivers the rent invoice PDF-based print layout (RE_XC_AO_120) as a template, which can be adapted to
suit your requirements.


You have copied and adjusted the Adobe form layout for Digitally Signed Documents (Angola)
(RE_XC_AO_120), as required.

 Caution

The template PDF form contains mandatory information as required by law. Do not delete legally required

For more information, see 2930687 - Digital Signature (AO): Printing of Rent Invoice in (RE-FX).


To access the transaction, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting Flexible Real Estate
Management Accounting Invoices Print Invoices transaction RECPA520).

In the Correspondence Activity field, choose Angolan Invoicing (G520). Generate SAF-T Reports

SAF-T reporting is required for rent (real estate) invoices, using the SAF-T (AO) format adopted by the AGT
(Administração Geral Tributária).

The SAF-T (AO) file is a part of the software certification imposed by the AGT on all billing and accounting
software manufacturers operating in Angola. To produce this file, data is extracted from the Accounting, Billing,
and Flexible Real Estate Management modules and collected in one file.

A company can then generate:

● Monthly SAF-T Billing File

The SAF-T billing file is submitted on a monthly basis to the AGT. This file can be submitted in partial files,
until the last day of the month related to the previous month.
● Audit File
When requested by the AGT, companies must deliver a complete SAF-T file for audit purposes. This request
can occur at any time. The audit file normally includes the data for a complete fiscal year. However, a user
can generate the audit file for any date range.

The report selection criteria for SAF-T reports reference a date range, in which a rent invoice was created and
physically stored in the database. This criteria does not reference posting date, document date, or the print
date of the invoice. The creation date corresponds to the digital signature invoice date.

52 PUBLIC Angola

You have completed both generic and country-specific settings in Customizing for SAF-T Angola [page 39].

 Note

There are no specific Customizing settings required for SAF-T reports for Flexible Real Estate Management
in Angola.


The standard SAF-T reporting processes apply to Flexible Real Estate Management. You can complete SAF-T
reporting as outlined in the SAF-T (AO): File Creation Process Overview [page 45].

Angola PUBLIC 53
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54 PUBLIC Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
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