Roberson Joshua Aaron Ramesside Inscriptions Historical Biog

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Historical & Biographical

Volume IX

Joshua Aaron ROBERSON

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lall IIDI

Abercromby Press
ISBN: 978 0 9930920 9 I

© 2018 Joshua Aaron Roberson

A CIP catalogue record ofthis book is available from the British Library

First published in the United Kingdom in 2018

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.

Published by:
Abercromby Press
12a Elm Park Road




lowe Benedict Davies my most sincere thanks for his invitation to work on the present volum e,
for his assistance and advice on diverse matters of bibliography, content, and style , and for his publication
of the finished volume through Abercromby Press . When Ben inquired initiall y as to my interest in
compiling and type setting a new volume of historical and biographical Ramesside Inscriptions, I agre ed
without hesitation. Of cours e, foresight rarel y apprehends the immensity of a schol arly undertaking. At the
tim e, I hardly realized the astonishing amount of non-literary textual material that continues to be excavated
from Ramesside sites , above all the workmen 's village of Deir el-Medina. This realization has only
increased my enthusiasm for the project's value, as well as my appreciation for the tremendous strides that
have been made in both print and digital media, with regard to the dissemination and correlation of data
from the field and from museum collections. In addition, I extend many heartfelt thanks to Dr. RJ. Demaree
for kindly lend ing his profound expertise on all matters Ramesside to the task of peer review.
The present corpus of Ramesside Inscriptions owes its existence abov e all to the many excellent,
primary publications from which its texts derive, as well as numerous scholarly reviews of those texts ,
which have provided vital corrections and guidance in my interpretation of the primary material. In
addition, the Deir el-Medina Database (DeMD ) of Leiden Uni versity has proven to be an invaluable asset,'
assisting in the cross-checking of object numbers and publications from the workmen 's village, as well as
occasional sign readings , descriptions, and content of documents from that site. I belie ve it is fair to say
that this volume could not exist in its present form without the meticulous and exten sive records mad e
available through the DeMD. My thanks go also to Dr. Ahmed M. Mekawy Ouda, for kind permission to
reproduce texts from an advance copy of his publication of the voti ve stela of Nefer-renpet. lowe thanks
to my colleague at the Uni vers ity of Memphis, Peter Brand, for bringing additional articles, concerning the
reigns of Sety I, Ramesses II, and Setnakht to my attention, in addition to providing reference photographs
ofa rock inscription of the crown prince Ramesses (II). Leah Humphreys of the University of Pennsylvania
very helpfully procured an article on jar dockets, which I was unable to access prev iously. I acknowledge
with tremendous gratitude the hard work of my graduate assistants Amber Ward (Fall 20 1S-Spring 2017)
and Tanya Olson (Fall 2017). Ms. Ward put in many long hours searching for publications, requesting
books and articles, and scanning documents during the busy months of the academic year; in addition, she
assisted with JSesh coding for P. Amiens and O. Carna rvon. Ms . Olson assisted me with proofreading of
the final manuscript; her meticulous work saved me from countless typographical missteps and oversights.
Any errors that remain are exclusively my own. Finall y, and as ever, I thank my wife Suzie for her unfailing
support and good humor in the face of my perpetual , earl y morning rituals of research and writing.

i D ONKER VAN H EEL et al. 1998-2016.

V ll


Acknowledgements v
Contents vii
Abbreviations ix
Works cited xi
Intro duct ion to the cor pus xxv
Corrigendum xxx

Dynasty 19
A docum ent from the reign ofRamesses I (c. 1292-1291) 1
Doc uments from the reign ofSety I (c. 1290-1 279) , 1
Documents from the reign of Ramesses II (c. 1279-1 213) 4
Doc uments from the reign of Me meptah (c. 1213-1 203) 40
Documents from the reign of Sety II (c. 1202-11 98) .43
Documents from the reign of Amenmesse (c. 1202-1 200) 52
Documents from the reign ofS iptah (c. 1197-1193) 54
Undated documents of the Nineteenth Dynasty 65

Dynasty 20
Doc uments from the reign of Setnakht (c. 1190-11 88) 71
Doc uments from the reign of Ram esses III (c . 1187-11 57) 73
Documents from the reign of Ramesses IV (c. 1156-11 50) 104
Doc uments from the reign of Ramesses V (c. 1149-11 46) 142
Doc ume nts from the reig n of Ramess es VI (c. 1145-11 39) 167
Docume nts from the reign of Ramesses VII (c. 1138-1131) 168
Documents from the reign ofRamesse s IX (c. 1129-1111) 170
Docu ments from the reign of Ram esses XI (c. 1106-1077) 178
Undated doc uments of the Twentieth Dynasty 191

Undated documents of the Ram essid e era 198

Addendum 202

Object numbers 204
Toponym s, temples, and named struct ures 208
Ethnonyms 2 15
Private names 2 15
Private titles and other designati ons of individuals 23 1
Royal names, posthumou s (incl. que ens and princes) 238
Divin e names 240
Misce llaneo us 242


I. General
DeM Deir el-M edina (docum ent headers )

DN Di vine Nam e

Doc(s). - Document(s ) (+number) in the pr esent vo lume

MH Medinet Habu (do cument headers)

KV Valley of th e Kings (document headers)

R.Il Ramesses II (etc.); royal name abbreviation (document headers)

RN Royal Nam e
Rseum . - Ramesseum (document headers)
S.l Set y I; royal nam e abbrev iation (docume nt headers)
S.Il Sety II; royal nam e abbrev iation (document he aders)

~ /o Lost or otherw ise unreadable femal e / male pers onal nam e (indices)

II. Bibliographic
DeMD Deir el-Medina Database of Leiden Unive rs ity (DONKER VAN HEEL et al. 1998-2016)
DeMO Deir el Me dine Online database of the Institut fur Agy ptologie Munchen (DEIR EL
MEDINE ONLINE 2002- 2009 )
KRI Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions, 8 vols. (K ITCHEN 1975-90)
LRL Cerny, Late Ramesside Letters (CERNY 1939)
SC "Sta~o Civile" papyri (Turin), pub. DEMAREE and VALBELLE 2011

III. Textual
[3] Ro w/column number in the ancient te xt
[3.5] Superlinear row/column number, added between major rows/columns in
the anci ent text

(RN) I Ro yal nam e encl osed in a cartouche

? Sign(s) immedi atel y fo llow in g transcribed as qu estionable in publi cat ions
IT a Indicates placem ent o f un-transcribed groups in publications , including figural elements
ins erte d int o the orig inal te xt , row header marks, and uncl ear signs

[... ] Break in the text of indeterminate length, signs unreconstructed

(b!) Sign(s) omitted or incorrect in the original and restored or otherwise emended

{b!} Sign( s) identifi ed as scribal errors in publications ("sic.," dittography, etc.) but not emended

r5f! Sign(s) damaged, reconstru cted on the basis of preserved traces


Sign(s) lost, conjectura l reconst ruction on the basis of context, parallels, etc.

Loss of unre constructed signs groups

( year )
Placeholder for yea r number in regnal date (jar docket formul ae only)

(d ay)
Placeholder for day numb er in regnal date (jar docket formul ae only)

(name) _
Placeholder for person al name (jar docket formul ae only)
(qUality) _
Placeholder for wine quality (jar docket formulae only); for discussion, see BOUV IER 1999-
2003, vol. 5, 226-234: unmarked ("ordinary"), nfr ("good") , nfr ("v ery good") , and ndm,
( quantity) _
Placeholder for quantity of hin-measures (jar docket formul ae only)

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Introduction to the corpus

The present, ninth volume of Ramesside Inscription s collects texts of historical and
biographical interest from the Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasties, which have been published sin ce
the final text volume of Kenneth KITCHEN'S Ramesside Inscriptions (KRl) appeared originally, in
1989. 1 In the production of the present work, the goal has been to maintain the spirit, if not always
the letter, of the original KRI.2 The most obvious difference is, of course, cosmetic: All of the texts
hav e been transcribed using a digital hieroglyphic font,' as opposed to the autographed hand copies
employed originally by Prof. Kitchen. Suffice to say , typesetting extensive numbers of hieroglyphic
texts in a more-or-less standardized format presents numerous challenges and difficulties, which do
not occur either in con ventional typography or in the preparation of hand copi es. The relative
strengths and weaknesses of each approach are debatable but I fee l strongly that the advantages of a
digital font and typeset in a volume such as this far out weigh any perceived disadvantages. It seems
quite obvious to me that the Hieroglyphic "reading book" format-thus, also the original KRJ-
should be consulted abo ve all for philological content, as opposed to fine paleographic nuance," and
should serve therefore as a gate way to the primary publications, including the epigraphic copies,
photographs, etc ., upon which it is based. Minor orthographic deviations, which is to say, alterations
to sign forms that do not materially affect the reading or interpretation of a given word or passage,
are the inevitable byproduct of any typeset and , indeed, of any non-epigraphic transcription.
Ne vertheless, I have endeavored to transcribe individual Hieroglyphic signs with as much fideli ty to
their original forms as seemed reasonable and practical'
As in KRI, the majority of texts have been transcribed in horizontal rows, irrespective of their
original layout in rows or columns; orientation left or right follows to the orientation of the original
inscriptions. In a small handful of cases, I have retained the original columnar layout of a given text,
either for aesthetic reasons or because the imposition ofrows might obscure the sense ofthe passage."
In the case of Hieratic texts , I have deferred by and large to the judgment of the texts ' editors, with

I KRI VII , with indices (KRI VIII ) appearing the fo llowing year. As of thi s writing, a new ly reprinted edition of KRlI is
now avai lable (KITCHEN 20 IS), w ith the remain ing volumes scheduled for re-release in the coming years .
2 Thus , KRlI , xxxi: "The purpose of thi s work is simpl e: to make available the principle texts of th e Ram esside age ... in
a compact and accurate edition that should be comprehensive but hand y to use ."
3 A ll texts encoded in the JSesh open source Hieroglyphic editor (for which, see ROSMORDUC 20 14). Autographed
Hieroglyp hs in KRl were composed at the approximat e equivalent of 17-point font size. The present texts have been set
slightl y larger, at I S-points, as a comprom ise between legibility and economy of space on the printed page .
4 Such cons iderations being relevant, in any event, only for texts inscribed originall y in hieroglyphs; given that the
majority of texts included herein have been tra nscri bed from the hieratic, the artificial ity of transcription itself renders
moot any deba te on the re lative merits of dig ital typography versus autographed texts. Thus, as A lan Gard iner noted long
ago : "Our transcriptions... are artificial substitu tes for the actual manuscripts, subs titutes the fabrication of wh ich must
be directed by the tw in princ iples of interpretation an d reproduction" (GARDINER 1929, 50, italics original).
5 Note that some of the textua l abbrev iations noting lacunae, scribal errors, om itte d signs, etc. , as outl ined at p. iv- v,
above, differ from the system found in KRI I, xxx.
6 See docs . 146 (thro ne, left and right sides), 2 11, and 341.

regard to their conventions for transcription into the Hieroglyphic script. 7 One notable exception is
the transcription of simple numerals, for which I have employed the "large format" variants (i.e. I
, II , III, etc., rather than ,or I II ). This convention was intended to ease the reader's
I , II
differentiation of such numerals from otherwise similar-looking strokes (i.e. single , dual , and plural
determinativesj.f In addition, I have transcribed the "Life, Prosperity, Health" benediction in its
Hieroglyphic form, rather than its late Ramesside, Hieratic abbreviation (i.e. ~~ t ,rather than ))) or
I II ). Other, infrequent instances in which the present transcription differs significantly from that of
a primary publication have been mentioned in the line notes to the individual documents.I
As a single volume, the present corpus is far smaller-and significantly less diverse-than
the totality of inscriptions collected in KRI. Consequently, I have simplified the organizational criteria
to accommodate the material at hand. All texts have been sequenced first in relative chronological
order, by dynasty, reign, and regnal year, where known. 10 Texts occurring within the same regnal
year have been sequenced additionally by calendar date (season, month, day), wherever possible. II
Texts that do not preserve, or never included, a specific regnal year must be dated on the basis of
prosopography, palaeography, and archaeological context. None of these methods is without
difficulties. 12 However, they do provide an expedient means of bringing relative order to a vast corpus
of otherwise undated material. As such, I have again deferred to the excavators and authors of the
primary publications, with regard to regnal dating throughout the present work. Texts dated less
precisely within either Dynasty 19 or 20 appear at the end of their earliest possible reign and/or regnal
year. Thus, for example, documents falling within the range of Ramesses III-Ramesses IV appear
under the former king; in addition, texts that cannot be linked to a specific regnal year appear after
documents for which a regnal year is known. Known regnal dates follow their king's name and are
separated by commas, e.g., "Ramesses II, year 33"; approximate positions within a reign (i.e.
beginning, middle, end), as well as approximate year ranges, appear in parentheses, e.g., "Ramesses
II, (year 2-20)," "(Sety II, undated-Siptah)," etc. Additional clarification or bibliography regarding
dating appears in the line notes for individual document entries .
After chronological sequencing, texts falling within the same regnal year or date range have
been sorted by geographic provenance, from north to south, following the practice established in KRI.
Of course, even a casual perusal of the present corpus reveals a tremendous skewing of data toward
ostraca from the workmen's village of Deir el-Medina. This lop-sided character is unavoidable,

7 Note that the ubiquitous, Hieratic p3-bird has been rendered in all cases as the alighting pintail duck (~), as opposed
to the flying variant (~), for which convention see GARDINER 1929,52. Along similar lines, the word for "rations,"
ffi A ffi A
has been transcribed throughout as djw (I 1~1l!l) rather than spd ( I I~IL.\), for which see GARDINER 2007, 533, X8.
Note that complex, i.e. stacked and/or or rotated, numeral groups (e .g. II or ==_ ), which cannot be mistaken for
determinative strokes, appear in the smaller format.
9 Most notably, see doc. 337 at p. 163, 1-6 [9-13], correcting a previously unrecognized dittographic error of six lines in
JANSSEN 2004, 118.
10 Absolute dates for individual kings, provided in the table of contents at p. iii, above, follow the standard established in
HORNUNG, KRAUSS, and WARBURTON 2006, 490-495.
II Calendar dates have been sequenced relative to known accession dates and estimated date ranges for the kings of the
Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasties, as summarized in HORNUNG 2006, 21 0-217.
12 See GUTGESELL 1983; DAVIES 1999; COLLIER 2014; and HAGEN 2008, 31-32 and nn. 11-16, with additional
references .

insofar as excavations and publications by the French Institute at that site continue to yield an
embarrassment of riches, in terms of non-literary ostraca, 13 which is largely unmatched in other media
(papyri, monumental , etc.), or from other sites." Finally, the chronologically- and geographically-
sequenced documents have been sorted by media type (monumental, papyri, ostraca), and object
number, where available . I have elected not to employ the system of twenty-eight text categories
established in KRI,15 insofar as relatively few occur in the present corpus and the resulting addition
of Roman numerals would not add significantly to the utility of the volume. 16 Instead, I have chosen
to include a short descriptive title for each document, highlighting some noteworthy theme(s) and/or
person(s) named in the text. 17 In the case of multiple, consecutive documents assigned to the same
reign, year(s), and/or provenance, the second and following documents on a given page include only
the individual descriptive titles, omitting the repeated regnal and/or geographical information.
With regard to page notation , I have retained the practice of marginal line numbering
employed in KRI,18 although the adoption of a typeset has resulted in a greater number of lines per
page." Internal numbering of rows or columns from the ancient texts appear throughout the present
volume in square brackets : [1]?0 Header information at the top of each page differs from the format
employed in KRI. In order to facilitate rapid location of texts by date, headers in the present volume
follow a simplified format: Dynasty number, name(s) or abbreviations (see p. iv) of the reigning
king(s) for each document on the page, plus regnal year or year range for each document.
As a last note on the corpus, I should mention also the criteria employed for the inclusion or
omission of material. In general, I have sought to include all newly published texts that contribute
tangibly to our knowledge of the Ramesside period, vis-a-vis history and/or biography. To that end,
I have chosen to exclude a number of texts (mostly fragments), the dates of which cannot be narrowed
to a specific Ramessid e king, range of kings or, at the very least, to the beginning, middle, or end of
a specific dynasty." Although such documents might be extremely valuable for any number of
specialized studies, their nebulous chronological status does little to clarify the actual history of the
Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynastie s as such. For similar reasons, I have excluded a number of
additional documents that preserve only a handful of words or signs, e.g. a single name,22

See esp . G RANDET 2000a, 2003 , 2006a, 20 10.
14 But see also comments below , regarding the large corp us of Rame sseum jar dockets.
15 See KITCHEN 1975, xiii-xviii and xxx i.
16 Nearly 85% of the texts includ ed wou ld, in fact , belong to Kitch en ' s category XX Vlll: Life at Deir el-Medina.
17 Rom anized spellings of personal names and their numbers, e.g. Khaemtir (i), follow DAVI ES 1999.
18KRI 1, XXXI..
19 I.e. 16- 24, versus 15- 16 in KRJ.
20 In the interest of conserving space on the printed page , the first preserved lines of fragm entary texts have been
des ignated [1], etc., as opposed to [x+ I] , etc . Alt houg h the benefits of this editorial decis ion might seem negligib le, the
net result was a decrease in the total length of the fin ished volume by more than a dozen page s.
21 For exce ptions, included here on the basis of their non-form ulaic or otherwise (subjectively) intriguing content, see
"Undated documents of the Nineteenth Dynasty" (pp. 65-7 1), "Undated documents of the Twentieth Dynasty" (pp. 191-
198), and "U ndated documents of the Ramessi de era (Dyn. 19 or 20)," (pp. 198- 20 1).
E.g., GRANDET 2000c, 127, O. IFAO 1493/0 . DeM 708; and BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5,154- 160 (also see comme nts
on orac le petitions, below).
XXV lll

control/workmen's marks of various sorts ." generic oracle petitions.i" etc . Othe r documents excluded
from the present corpus include most texts identified as scribal exercises.f as well as fragmentary
letters that preserve only conventional epistolary formulae and/or generic praise." I have also
excluded certain texts whose preliminary state of publication does not yet permit detail ed comparison
with photos, high quality facsimiles, etc. By contrast , I have included many sources that, while not
necessarily rev elatory in terms of content or prodigious in terms of leng th, neve rtheless contribute to
our kno wledge of the period, the activities of kings , and the daily life of named, private individuals. 28
Noteworthy in this regard is the vast corpus of Ramesseum jar dockets, published in five volumes by
BOUVIER. 29 I hav e included 73 formulae from that COrpUS,30 which compl ete or correct formulae
presented orig ina lly in KRI,31 or which were not included in Kitchen's schema.V Formulae that
BOUVIER presents essentially unchanged from KRI are not included here. 33 The problematic dating
of such texts, which typically include a regnal year that cannot be linked conclusively to a specific
king , has long been recognized.i" However, BOUVIER makes a reasonable argument, on the basis of
known reign lengths, paleography, and prosopography, for limiting the date of the Ramesseum jar
docket corpus to the early Nineteenth Dynasty, with a majority of exemplars falling within the reign
of Ramesses II himself.35 The present volume follows this assessment and organizes the formulae

See GRANDET 2000a, 4-5 .
24 E.g., GRANDET 2000a, 193 (0. DeM 794 ): (j)n Pn-nbw, "Is it Pennebu?" For the syntax and general template of such
petitions, see ibid., 8-11. On the other hand, I have included texts relating to the oracle that provide add itiona l context
for such petitions, name ly Docs . 205 , 274, 32 1, and 375 . In addition, I have included O. BMFA 72 .659 (doc. 374) , which
preserves the unusual personal name Djehutyhermaw (=Djehutyhermeketef).
25 See DORN 20 11a, vol. 1, 135-136; for a more cautious view, with regard to the identification of such texts as "writing
exerc ises," see HARING 2014, 151; for one such document included in the present corpus, by virtue of its evidently
historical content, see doc . 154, recording pursuit of a fug itive in the vicinity of Deir el-Bahri.
26 E.g., GRANDET 2003a, 422--423 (0. DeM 968); ibid., 427 (0. DeM 972) ; idem 2006a, 292 (0. DeM 10096); DORN
2011a, nos . 703 , 706-70 7; et al.
27 E.g., MOLLER2014; SAMIE 2010; for the latter vo lume, see caveats in DEMAREE 2012, 458--460 .

28 E.g., doc. 156, recording the regnal transition from Sety II to Siptah; doc . 341, recording the previously unattested
name of Ramesses V; or doc 348, a fragment of a door jamb from the reign of Ramesses VII, in the vicinity of the
Ramesseum . In the case of private texts, I have-as a general guideline-tended to include fragmentary or otherwise very
brief texts of relatively minor significance when they may be linked to a specific regnal year, while excluding comparably
brief texts that cannot be dated with similar precision.
29 BOUVI ER 1999-2003, including 2528 individual doc uments; with additional examples in idem 2000; 2003; and 2004 .
For an overview of the jar dockets and their data , illuminating the relationsh ips and economies of the Theban mortuary
temples, see also HARING 1997,346-360 .
30 Sequenced in the present volume as docs . 10-12, 14-23 ,25-52,55,78-80, and 106-133.
Thus, KRJ II, 673 ff., formulae I (=BOUVIER Ca) , lI d (=BOUVIER If), XIV (=BOUVIER Va), XXI (=BOUVIER XVIa),
XX V (=BOUVIER VIa) , and XXIII (=BOUVIER Fa) ; note that the present volume employs the more recent formula
designations, for which see BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5, 161- 162, includ ing a concordance offormulae appearing in KRI
and SPIEGELBERG 1898 .
32 Cf. BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5, 34-35 , 41-153 ; idem 2004; and KRJ II, 673---679; and KRJ VII, 49-94.
Thus, KRJ II, 673 ff., formu lae IIa (=BOUVIER Ig), IIc (=BOUVIER Ie), V (=BOUVIER XVa), X (=BOUVIER IIIc), XI
XXVIII (=BOUVIER Xc), and XXIX (=BOUVIER IIc); also see BOUVIER 2003, for numerous fragments with parallels
among olive oil docket formulae from Deir el Medina (KRJ VII , 76-83).
34 -
See thus , KRJ II, 673 .8-9, 69 1.5-9; and VII, 49 .5- 8; HARING 1997,346; BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vo l. 5, 175.
35 BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5, 175-179 , noting also two formulae that m ight date as early as the reign of Sety I (thus,
ibid., 123-124, Formula XXIa, and 141, Formula Fa ; the last formula is included in the pres ent volume as doc . 130, listed
here under Ramesses II, on the basis of its find-spot at the latter king's mortuary temple, following KRJ II, 689.10- 14;
for the om ission of the Bou vier's Formula XXIa, see n. 33, abo ve).

accordingly by regnal year for that king." To avoid the needless multiplication of nearly identical
exemplars, placeholders have been inserted for the variable elements (regnal date , wine quality,
personal names, and quan tity of hin-measures) in the respective jar docket formulae. V Another
substantial corpus of formulaic doc uments, from which I have attempted to cull a representative
selection, are the so-called "Stato Civile" (SC) papyrir" Preserved in dozens of fragments, the SC
corpus inclu des , inter alia, extensive lists of householders and their families at Deir el-Medina,
covering a nebulous span of years from the later Twentieth Dynasty. I have included here the first
seven groups of SC papyrus fragments, whic h preserve the longest contiguous sections of text. 39 With
regard to the remainder of the texts that comprise the bulk of this volume, the rationale(s) for their
inclusion should be reasonably self-evident. An addendum (p. 202) includes three texts from the reign
of Ramesses II, which were added after typesetting of the main volume was completed." Finally, I
have included an index of object numbers in relation to the present document numbers (p. 204-207),41
as well as indices of toponyms, ethnonyms, private names and titles , royal names mentioned
posthumously, divine names, and a short selection of miscellaneous terms (p. 208-242).

Joshua Aaro n Roberson

Memphis, Tennessee. December 31,2017

36 Of course, assi gnation of the Ramesseum jar docket formulae to the reign of Ramess es II, by convention and
conve nience, follows also the practice esta blished in KRl II, 69 1.5-9, as we ll as the genera l organizational principl es for
the present vo lume , outlined abov e.
37 Fo llow ing BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vo l. 5,4 1-151; idem 2004 ; for the abb reviations employed in the present vo lume, see
"Abbreviations, III. Textual," at p. iv-v, above .
38 DEMAREE and VALBELLE 20 11.
39 See DEMAREE and VALBELLE 20 11, pIs. I-II (SC 1-7). The remaini ng frag ments have been exc luded here on the
gro unds that they consist mostly of smaller bits and pieces of names that are dupli cated in other documents from the SC
corpus, as we ll as the fact a maj ority of their content is reconstructed on the basis of para llels (cf. ibid. , pis. 13 ff.).
Obv iously, any serious study of the rich prosopograph ical and genealogica l data conta ined in the Stato Civile papyri
wo uld demand analysis of the corpus in its entirety (see, e.g ., the interp retati ve discussion in VALBELLE 1993; for
add itiona l comments on the cor pus more generally, cf. reviews in EYRE 20 12 and MOLLER 20 12).
40 Texts include an undated cons truc tion record from Abydos, verso (doc . 99A , completing doc. 99); year 62 graffito
mentionin g rainfall, from the Va lley of the Queens (doc . 384A); and a year 67 ann ouncement of the death ofRam esses
II (doc . 385A) . Also note one add itiona l document-a remark able vot ive stela honoring Amun, Tawe ret, and tw o
Sethian hipp opotami in the presence of three men and tw elve wo men-which was publi shed too late to be included in
the pre sent volu me ; for the relevant texts, etc., see GABLER 2017.
41 Note that ostraca from which derive the 73 j ar docket formulae cited at n. 30, above, have not been indexed as indi vidu al
objects; the addition of these for mulae to the 312 indexed objects yie lds the final total of 385 documents in the present
vo lume .

Doc. 232 (p. 84,6-16), dated to years 25-32 of Ramesses II, was sequenced in error among the texts
of Ramesses III (with thanks to R.J. DEMAREE). This error was recognized after indexing and could
not be rectified before the volume went to press.
Dy n. 19, Ramesses I, year 1; Sety I , year 4; (undated) . IX , 1

1. Ramesses I, year 1, Amada (?): Royal stela, incl. King's Son of Kush
Stela Vienn a Kunsthistoris ches Museum As 8953 (H EIN 1989)
rows beneath thefeet oftwo standing gods:

[~ ~ ~~l~r, ~ ~ + i E A t~ ~1 ; 1 [l]
ITE ~~ ~Y~ [3] [" '~J~ ~ rt t &[ <L +~fTl ~ ~ [~ =:~~ f [2] 5

["'J~~~~ ~ ~[4][··· m 't'~a

2. Sety I, year 4, Kurkur oasis: (Re-)founding of the Nubian border
Kurkur, un-numbered stela (DARNELL 201 1; BRAND 2000, 283)

Lunette, columns above Seti I: Lunette, column behind Sety I:


Stela thickness, columns behind S ety I: Lunette, columns above Khnum:

Second register, rows beneath Khnum and Sety I:

00 J2.. AV-~~fu 1g D) <:» 0Y-V- 0 ~H. 0 )[3]g~tIIW~ ~'="'= 1nt~ 15

i I T ffi k.- J..o I lIe~ ke../1111 ~ c:::>c:::> £,( '=7M..l llo 1 I I I
C> c>

<Lori&~~ g[r~~41~ ~~ y~f~D~l [4] ~!t~~!ff~

~t+ Y -:~ ~ g ~[6]~ ~~5rr ~\)°1 ~ ~~ir~~~~~*~[5]
[~ l.l~~! I ~~:J~! ~~i[7]~~~~<Lo~~~[~fut~)
3. (Undated), Valley of the Kings: Name stone of Pashed 20

mentioning a temple of Ptah

O. BTd K 836 (DORN 201 1c, 44-45 and fig. 3a- b)

[ "'J~~~ o~~ [2]~~ \~lm[l]

14 [2] : The phot ographs in DARNELL 2011 , figs. 2 and 4, show the Hr-nb w group to be a palimpsest,
superimposed ove r an originally square sig n 1116 [4]: The bin-fr og is hardly visible as such in ibid.
Dyn. 19, Sety I, (undated); (Sety I-Ramesses II). IX, 2

4. Sety I, (undated), Valley of the Kings: 1

Name-stone of Amenemope (i) (?), son of Amun-nakht

O. BTdK 837 (DORN 20 11c, 46-47 and fig. 4)

verso: recto:

5. Administrative text (?)

O. BTdK 839 (DORN 2011c, 49-5 1 and fig. 6)

[ ... ] ) ) 8!f:} 1~ _ [ ... ] [3] [ ... ]~~~ t ~[ . .][2] [ ... ]~d ~ 10 4[ ][1]
[ ... ] ~ ~ ~ ~[ ] [4]

6. Elephantine: Rock inscription naming crown prince Ramesses (II) 10

(SEIDLMAYER 1999,41-42; BRAND 2000, 269-270)

columns before the kneeling figure ofthe crown prince:

[1]~ n1'~i:' ~ [2]~~U~'~[3] [ ] 1 0 ~ I <>Oiti[4]n1 ~ A fA

~ T 1 1'" 1'_ 000 1 ='7.= 1 ~ 't_ ~ ~ I I''t lr '~m
7. (Sety I-Ramesses II), Abydos: Votive stela of Nefer-renpet

Cairo TR (OUDA 2016; LABIB 1936; PIEHL 1895-1903, 57, pIs. 90-92;
MARIETTE 1880,434, nr. 1159)

Lunette, far left, columns above and in front offigure ofN ef er-renpet adoring Osiris: 15

Lunette, left, columns above Osiris and Isis:

Lunette, right, columns above Horus and Wepwawet:


Lunette,far right, columns above Amun-wah su, adoring Horus and Wepwawet:

1- 5: For the ident ificat ion of Ame nemope (i), see DORN 201 1c, 46, a; and D AVIES 1999,76-78, 124-125
1110- 13: BRAND 200 0,270 , links the prince' s titles here to two quarry inscriptions dated to Sety's year 9.
Dyn. 19, (Sety I-Ramesses II). IX, 3

Second register, rows beneath praising figures and the gods:

[2]\Wt blolm~~M!~~ 11~1~lmQl '~fIT ,~,mQ\j~~~~mMt*[1 ]

d~~~ [3]lli~Ml'~I~ ~~I~ ~~M~ ~~F ~~~~§~
;(blUlfl"g[4];m~1 I g!~f~~101f( Ll1Cj::g:t ~t* T~,~
&1~ ~~m~ ~£t[5]§!~~ 11~ ,~Jm1j~~~~1~[~1Fd 5

JL -. ~u fF? e~ -r, V
8 lr~4:Dr ~c,l1110~~Il-,UI I TS
Q [6] 1
J~ o il. 0 I fit
/J mfj F~~ o il. '=2
~ ou I:§ ~[;~.P <::> ~ ou.L1i~

f:~~tblo~~m~~M!~~011~lt ~[8]I~Jm!~~ f ?lI~~ LI

'~I~F!ft1t~§!~~ 1 1 ~ l t ~1~Jm~t 11~~ §~ [9] IYrY ~~ ~F ~ ~
= =LJt[l1]~F fl ~~S~~~ fl<::>~~ ~fu ev1':~ i~<::>&'~'i?'\ [10] 10
~ ~ ~ 'lLr - d l 0 :EI..!l!I. II r'lL <::>r I r l l~ E.. I I 1~'7~1 I II II &..1

8. (Sety I, end-Ramesses II, beginning), Deir eI-Medina:

Delivery of pottery in arrears
o. DeM 10151, recto (GRANDET 2010 , 40--41, 263)

e ft
j:\ 111 0 8 - ~ [2]~O. ,n~:[~-
'i'111 ~ 'J..-.!J1tfl_ 11 1l\.
°A [ ] [1]
lill4_11I ~9 ...

4 [3]: The dj=k 30 shm group appears in OUDA 2016, fig. 5, 3, as t~~ , dj =k 30 wsr ; cf. the photograph
at ibid. , pI. 1, for the correct, fina l sign , which exhibits the symmetrical profile of the som-scepter, slightly
damaged near the top but showing no trace of the canine head of the wsr -staff 116 [5]: In both instances of
the div ine name 3S. t, "Isis," Ouda (ibid., fig. 5, 5), reverses the gender marker and egg determinative; cf.
the photograph at ibid., pI. 1, which shows the name spe lled consistently with the t above the egg
determinative, in each instance 11 7 [6], end: the transcription of the ks.w spd.w group follows ibid. , fig. 7,
6; however, the same group in the photograph at ibid ., pI. 1, is far from clear and might instead write I~ ,
to be read perhaps as mshd. w n3W. W , "oryx and ibex" II 7 [7], beginning: Ouda's transcription (ibid. , fig. 5,
7) of the qbh vase as (g (Gardiner W15) is incorrect; cf. photo at OUOA 20 16, pI. 1 118 [7], end: Ouda
(ibid., fig. 5, 7) transcribes the double reed leaf of jmj-r hsy. w incorrectly as plural strokes; cf. photo at
ibid. , pI. 1 118 [7]: Note the unique variant of the w3/:l sign, followed by a singular instance of the normal ,
hieroglyphic version of the twisted tlax -/:l (Gardiner V28 ; in all other cases , the scribe emp loyed the cursive
variant, V28A) II 10 [10] : the scribe has written the ss -hieroglyph backward (see thus, OUDA 20 16,
photograph at pI. 1) 11 14: Verso includes sketch of an eye (see GRANDET 20 10, 263) .
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (begi nning of reign). IX,4

9. Ramesses II, (beginning of r eign), Gebel es-Silsila: 1

A royal command for the Ra messeum

(Martinez 2009)

column, left of vignette:

column, right of vignette:

Row, left of solar disc: Columns, right ofA mun-R e

Column, right ofM ut: Column, right of Kho nsu: 10

Columns, left of Nut:

Columns above defaced deity (Seth?), behind the king:

[l ] .[2] .[3]1~[4] &S. [5]~g: . 15

Se con d register, rows beneath vignette:

[eXy~to) ~f~~111~t ~~~4:~~~~1Y8At[l]

~!+ \jftt ~=~~F t[2]~~g~;r:m~~~ 1F3~[ + ~mY~~)~

Eo =~ \jt=~~lF dx~F 5~+c 4: ro1~L ~o 14:~~~kS:;

9n A ~~OIIJ.6l 'C7 ~~0 iit l;l D vnClO<:>~<::> ~ e, ~C::::~[3] o oQ<::> 20
l 'I£lL° 'lM( r ~ ~ p\.f-3 r i'l' ~~ ?~o4f~ //..9. I brL O::::::;:;;Or '7&,Y

~ d ~ ~ ~ ~d ~r ~ ~ = ~ ~ [4] ~ 01 ! 2 ~ ~ 1f6 g m ~~

~~[5]m16 R~L~ d5~~~ 1~~f d~~R~J1d=~~~ ~ Tf4:~!?

Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (beginning of reign). IX, 5

f ~ ~\df :5 ~ r~~A§§ ~~~§ ~f~ ~?~~~5{9 \j ~ \>jd!U 1

11 t& [!iffi ~~ )e ~f d~[6] ~ ~ ~~~ ill. r ~[ ~ ~ t o) ~

~ ~ 't<:::;~ ;;==j;:::::n n- c::=:. t t t
~Ul J. ~~JL;1';llr ~ n<::>~ 0IiH~ 1 ~ . 'i.
rs: A57 [Jl= lAl ~JI <::> ~ ~ 0 X - - ,:
0 ~~ ~ 0 .~Il......f L L!-:?

FA ~ ~ = t-~fll~ rrr ~ti~=ftllti! T''}ff f= ~od:!: ~5~ti~ [7]

~1t~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~d*~&~ [8] ~d~td ~F!§2 Hl~T d 5
<::>- M ¥nJ ~2" ~ ll-....c. n M ~ ~ 0 I nno l ~ c==,n - ~ JL <> 1 ~ vF:.
~ ;;;j 'i. I1I1 3 ~ =: ~ 11n. ~ ~ 1 _ ur~L_<1 uiiiM.. lr ~ : ~1}{ I I ~
o0 tj' ~ n ~n u J2.. ~e.,.
11.;~:~:...h :::lAIiI o llUl r .::I:T:::H!1
~ V~
0 n
9 1 I 1<::>IIUlU®
~ ft- n o o l n= ~o .2 U '=7 7[9]
D r ~@ r 6 Wo2§; T 0 g
V- ~ n't-o )~tl {f'Zi'St¥2~F~U(]l~[1O]~
~~III 0 o ~ L:J U. <:>0® D~ 0 c='!l!=~
+ tj'
\~ _ A M.. 'i.
~ M rr -=-7l A -
T x~

~~]:[12]rfff_~~~~~_~~ u~ r ~_[tfL!5 10

:::~~~f5>f5>~~~ n~ t~~~~~;;;& ~.~k~

r*tirr~;;:~ O ~ ti~ ~a~If1 ~~ fd~~t~el [13]t,t
~ nl'= OA"'1 ~ ~ -n '7 °Y<::>-.<::>I~ Ff'P[1 4] ~ l& ~ ~ M r 0
l\.~1 1 I ;7'jgrL ~ 0 0 ,, 1 I I II U IlI g ~;-;-;~ l ~~ I
_ ~<::><::>Ul 'i. T

3~OJ~~~~ [&~to)~~ ~ 1 ~ C1 ~ ++ :; td 4f 8l~ ~ t d

~IIY~tl'.-~~~! t !t ~2:~~~~~[17] rrr ~ [t~mY~~)~
~ n ~ ~ n~ v- w~2.,.~n )nF ~::: . ~ =9Ar ~AT" ~
o rUl_rl L:l~~:c::::rr llJ c-: 1 0. 0
8 ft n ~ J2.. - ~
bl~/1L. Jl-fT'l~ II II ~ T .tJ II

[l9].~~.~ ••••••••••
~ ~ [~~fllY~~) ~~bl ~2d=~C? [~~? )~f [18]~~
=~ 20
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (beginning of reign); years 1-6. IX , 6

~ • • •~~:2~~~~~':::~~~tflg~r~~~~~ 1

d~~~:::~~[20]_~11 ~ ,6=~11 ~ ,d_~~ • • •

• • • • • • • • • • ~~.rfo~~~~?~ii~~
/W:~v-~nii\~.,.~n )~+~-c:=l~ ~
~~~~llm!j1rir <:> <:>~~ I~.
Right side, lower register, columns above Hapy (adoring R.Il cartouches): 5

[1] <:> &1~ILJ ~I • • • [2]:::~~ • • • •[3] :g:~ •

• • • • [4] ftt ~ ~ ~ • • • [5]ff f ~ ~ 11[!• •
[6] ~ 1&~ ~ ~~r:: :g: ~ _ • • [7]l1O:~I ~ o~~~ •

• [8] ~ = ~ ~ g: ' : ~ ~ W [9] 11 l ~ = Ji ] t ~ ~

Right side, upper register, columns to the right ofHapy (Silsila inspection tour): 10

[ 1] • • ~ C7[2]~/ll~=~ij![3].~~~~[4]~~~=?

[5] . { ~ -S\

10. Ramesses II, years 1 (?), 6, Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula Ia

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5,41)

t r
~ ! [~ ~ B ~ ~ d" _ ~ ~ = -4 L!~~_ (qUality) 191 ~ ~ ( year ) ~ 1 [1] 15

(name) ,1¥' ~ ~ ~ 9 d tfl u~@d~~u+ =~'c-=ld [2]

11. Years x+l and 6: Wine docket Formula Ja

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 144)

Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, years 2-4, et al. IX, 7

12. Ramesses II, year 2 or8 (?), Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula If

(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5,46-47; cf. KRIll , 677.1-12, Formula lid)

B @dcJ ... ][2]["' J~fu t ~~Q£ _ ~~=4ll=~ [ ...J[1]

[ " ' J8lU~I ~;8l~£_ 1 ~ I~
13. (c. 2-20), De ir el-Medina: Letter requesting ropes and woodwork 5

O. DeM 10095 (GRANDET 2006a, 98, 291)

i'[3][...] ~ ~ 9g[ rB ~ l Jr i' ;: a ~ ~ [2][ "'] ~L9 0 ~ ! I ~WJ ~[ l]

1 ~[5] [ " ']~l8l~ ~g d.~ [4] [ ''' ] _ o ~ ~ <!h d = ~ ~ g
[... ] ~ ~ [6] fTl = ~ =
14. Year 3, Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula Ea 10

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 140)

[ "' ] ~~ ll~LJ 9d8lU[2][ ...]R)£ ,2 ~~ (year) ~l[l]

15. Wine docket Formula Ha

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5,143) 15

[.. .] ~ ~ +=~'LJd [2] [ "']~~,91 ~~ (year) ~ 1[1]

16. Years 3 and 4: Wine docket Formula Ib

(BO UVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5,42)

~~ t [~~ ~ ~ ~ Jr 1~=4Lh.=~ ( quality ) 191 ~ ~( year )~l [1 ]

(name),~, (Cd ~ ~9 d 8l u~ @d~~u+ =~'LJd [2] 20

17. Year 4: Wine docket Formula Ca

(BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5,134-136; cf. KRIll , 673.10-12, Formula I)

Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, years 5-7, et al. IX, 8

18. Ramesses II, yea r 5, Ramesseum : Wine docket Formula Ic 1

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5,42--44)

u t
t [~~ ~ ~ ~ £ _~ ~ := 4 l ~ _( quality ) S>I ~ ~( year ) ~1 [1]

( name ) 1~1 (t! ~ ~ 9d. II u~ ~ d.D. ~ U +=~ 1L:ld. fu [2] I ~ ::Ul

19. W ine docket Formula Aa 5

(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5,126)

~ ~ ( year ) ~ 1[1]
U ~ [ ... J[2] [ ... J ~ t ~ ~ ~ £~ L:l9d.1I u;;Z _191
( name ) '~1(t!~~9d.1I
20 . Wine doc ket Formula Ac

(BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5,127) 10

~ l [~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ £ ~L:l9 d. II u;;Z_ ( quality ) 191~ Hyear ) ~ 1 [ 1]

21. Years 5, 7 (?), and x+ 12: Wine docket Fo rmula IlIa
(BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5, 59-60)

_:= II ~ d. [2] [ ... J[~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ e.:( quality ) S>I ~ ~ (year ) ~ 1[1] 15

( name ) I~I (t! ~ ~ 9 d. II u~ +l ~

22. Yea rs 5 and 33: Wine docket Fo rmula Ka

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5,146)

[...J~ ? ~ I rr 4 1 ~ ;: [2] [ ... JI91~~ ( year ) ~1 [ 1]

23. Yea r 5 (?): Wine docket Formula Ba 20

(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5, 132)

20: For the tentative regnal year 5, see BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 3, pI. 86, 1473.
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (c. 5--40); year 6. IX, 9

24. Ramesses II, (year 5-40), Deir el-Medina: Record of transfer (?)
of goods by various workmen
O. Ashmolean Museum HO 2 19 + O. BM EA 25289 (HARING 2004, 216-2 19; for BM
fragment, see also DEMAREE 2002a, 24, pI. 49)

ft ~'~ ~Uld~~ ~8l d =m[···J[1] 5

:t__ ~~'~Ul d ;::; ~ ~ g[ d ~ ~ L:J ~ =0_[ J[2][ J_

[...J[4] <ICD\ I ~ 1 ~~it: ~I~ (tJ ~~1 0 d_ ~ ~ bl d =_[ J[3][ J _~
D D ;' 0 "',, 0fi.&t!I. .k D /}" .r ;, ~ n n
_ _ 10 I ~g I ft~ i /l r 1:i.J Cl I~ _1 0 ifK. ~-Hr b!. c;;. == 00 .
0 Il...-. <:>.

~'it:~bl~ 9 d A ~ '0d~~~ bl d == ~L:J ~ J_ bl* [5] [ ...

<Ift _ ~ 0'//I "f ~0 ill - <>_[ J[7] I ~PQ ~ ~ _

['600 == 0 f0. ~ ...
D D . [ J[6] III
_ I . ... ffi,
II ft ll ~

~~ ? ~ _ ~ ~ 10d~9~ ? ? ~~[8] 1 5 9 = 5 9 l ~ R~ ~ L:J nnnnn ~~ ~9

[ ··· Jm n d ~ 9~ ~~' ~9 ~£ ~
25. Year 6, Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula IVb
(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5, 69)

_+ = ~'L:J d~ !t [~ ~t ~ ~ ~£ _ (quality )191 ~ ~ (year ) ~ 1 [1] 15

8lU' [3] d 1+ =~~ ! t [~fut~'L:J d;;: =L:J~,U 8l U' [2]

( name) ,fti'~~~9d8l u~ +08l U'
26. Wine docket Formula Oa
(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vo l. 5, 151-153)


27. Wine docket Formula Ob

(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vo l. 5, 151-15 3)

Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, years 6-7, et al. IX, 10

28. Ramesses II, years 6, 7, Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula VllIb 1

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 89)

29. Wine docket Formula VIlle 5

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 89)

30. Years 6 and 13: Wine docket Formula VIIIg

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 90-91) 10

31. Year 7: Wine docket Formula Id

(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5,44)

~l t[~ ~ t ~~~ e.: ~ ~= 4ll_( IYI ~~ (year)~ 1[1]

quality ) 15

(name) 1¥" ~ ~ ~ 9 d. tfl U~@d.~~IU+ =~ [2]ILJd.

32. Wine docket Formula IVd

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 69-70)


~+0g[~_=g[~d~lt[~fut~'L:J[2]~L:J9dg[ 20

(name),f¥' ~ ~ ~ 9 d. tfl U
Dyn. 19, Rames ses II, years 7-9. IX, 11

33. Ramesses II, year 7, Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula Vllb

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 81)

34. Wine docket Formula VIlla

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 88) 5

=~19t~fTl~~L:l9d8lu8lU _ (qUality ),91~~ (year )~ 1[1]

(name )I~I ~ ~ ~ 9d8l U ~I ~=~I; 4 ~ , ~ ;: ~ t 1 [2] ~! t[

35. Wine docket Form ula XIb
(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 108-109)

36. Years 7 and 8: Wine docket Formula lIa

(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5, 57)

d [2]_=~'L:ld~ !t[~~t ~~~£ _ (qua1ity ),91 ~~ (year )~ 1 [1]

( name) '~' ~ ~ ~ 9 d 8l u~ + = ~ _ = 8l U 15

37. Wine docket Formula IVa

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 68)

_ + =~IL:ld~ ! t [ ~ fu t ~ ~ ~ £ _ (quality),91 ~ ~ (year)~ 1[1]

8lU d+=~1~!t[~fut~IL:l[2]~L:l9d8lu8lU
( name) '~'~ ~ ~ 9 d 8lu ~+ 0 8lU
38. Years 7 and 9: Wine docket Formula VIlle
_= 20

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 90)

[. .]U~I :r:::::I=U [2] 0 J.:f:;:l:

_ r I"II. TI 0 1
\97 --. ~1'[ ..·]U6!!.
rf // oV&A
Arw 0 <::> ~ (year ) 0 1 [ 1]
?{ - . D r 0 r
Dyn . 19, Ramesses II, years 7-9. IX, 12

39 . Ramesses II, years 7, 9, Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula Vlllf 1

(BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5, 90)

[··· ]U~I~=1r! [2],;4 1't'@f[ ··· ]ud~ Q ~Hyear )~1 [1]

40. Year x+7: Wine docket Formula Na
(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 150) 5

~~9d,U [ . .][2][...]&t ~ ~ ~ ~ S2 9 d , U Q ~~ ( year )[~ [1]

[...].@ ?
41. Year 8: Wine docket Formula IVc
(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 69)

_ + =~,~d~ ! t[~fu t ~~~~ _( qualitY)191~Hyear)~1 [1] 10

~ d1+=~~!t[~fut~,~d [2]7:: =~9ddud~

( name) ,f¥' ~ ~ ~ 9 d d u ~ + 0 d ~ _ad
42. Wine docket Formula Va
(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 76-78; cf. KRIll, 685.15, Formula XIV)

:~~:;[ d7:: [2][ ···])~~~S29ddud~ _,91~~ (year )~1 [1] 15

[ ···], ~ d ~! t [~ ~o ~ t~
43. Wine docket Formula Vllld
(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 89)

44. Wine docket Formula Xa 20

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5,105)

~9~~~~9dd U[2][ . . ] ~ ~ ~o ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rr~ (year ) ~1 [1]

[··· ]9ddu~+A
Dyn. 19, Rame sses II, year 8+. IX, 13

45. Ramesses II, year 8, Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula Xb 1

(BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5, 105-106)

[" ' ]~S29d&lu [ . . ][2][.. ] ~ ~( year) ~[ ~[ l]

46. Wine docket Formula Xllla

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5,111 -112) 5

&l~ d;;:[2l[·.. ]f ?~L:Jd&lu&l~ _ (quality )~~ (year )~ 1[l]

[ "' ]d~=I<:> r ~ :::
47. Wine docket Formula Xlllb

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 112)

+ :..
~~'L:Jd [2] [ ] ~~ £ _L:J/u&l~ _ (qUality )~~ (year )~ 1 [l] 10

[ ''' ]~,~ ~? ~ ::: _ _ d;;:

48. Wine docket Formula XIVa

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol.S, 115)

u~ ~o~~ LllL:Jd;;:[2l ["' ]~fut ~~~£ _0 ~~ (year)~1 [1]

[ ···] (tJ ~ ~ 9 d &l 15

49. Wine docket Formula La

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 148)

50. (Year x+8): Wine docket Formula lId

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 58) 20

Dyn. 19, Rames ses II, years 11-1 9; (year 25-Siptah). IX, 14

51. Ramesses II, yea rs 11, (x+15), and 19 (?), Ramesseum: 1

Wine docket Formula VIIc

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 81-83)

: ~~:td~+=~,n["' J [2] [" ' J,t7~~£~n9 d8l["' J [1]

( name)'~' ~ ~ ~ 9 d 8lu ~ + = ~ 5

52. (Year x+ 17): Olive oil docket formula mentioning

a colossal statue of Ramesses II

(BOUVIER 2003,66-69; cf. partial parallels at KRIll, 689.8 and n. 8a, Formula XXII ;
KRIVII, 81.2- 7; and SPIEGELBERG 1898, 3 11)

90 8l[ m [2] [ ~J ~ = 4Jl8l~ ~_J"'~d (year ) [?"~J[1] 10

[ "lt ~d ;;: : +9~ Ih [_t~m~ [~t ~ + [0

53. (Year 25-32), Deir el-Medina: Record of clothing

O. DeM 10218 (GRANDET 20 10, 101-102, 328)

[ ~J ~ <:» t Q\.} ~ [ ... ] [ ~ ;;:~r ~~ l[ ...] J~m [ ... ]

[3] [2] [ ... [1]

I~8l~ ~ [ ... ] 1~ 9 c5 ~ : : d ~;-:' 0~ <c7 1 ll......c.d ;;:=~!I!=J . ·]

[6] [5] [4] 15

54. (Ramesses II, year 25-Siptah), Deir el-Medina :

Letter concerning beans and salt

O. DeM 10253 (GRANDET 20 10, 138-139, 363)


IIII ~[ ]
10 [I] : Regarding the regn al date , only one fragment preserves part of a year: IIII ~ .-- (BOUVIER2003 , 64,
fig. I , 3; 73, fig. 4, 3; cf. parallels cited above for the presumably complete date) .
Dyn. 19, (Ramesses II, year 25-Siptah) ; years 26-3 7. IX, 15


55. Ramesses II, year 26, Ramesseum: Jar docket Formula IVe
(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5, 70-71 )

[... ] ~ t ~'L:Jd;:[2] [ ...]~~( year )~1[1] 5

56. Year 33, Deir el-Medina: Delivery of wood

O. DeM 714 (GRANDET 2000a, 5,19,116)

~ [3]
I 0 nn ~~ I~o !4/ / n' l m
iii E5~ ~ & /).d F /}'" W
_ r ~ EU\. c:s b.l.. ?(
[2] ro = "" III
{<!'} _ClLJ II
n 01 [1]
nn e r

~~~~ I
[4] I <:>
~ nnnn ~~ n n n
09 r nnnn ~ I 0 _ nnn ~~~
57. (Middle of reign): Delivery of Fish 10

O. DeM 10129 (GRANDET 2010 , 21, 240)

58. (Ramesses II, c. year 36-Merneptah, year 4): Gift of property

O. DeM 10211, recto (GRANDET 20 10,95-96,3 21; MULLER 2010,3 15) 15

I~tfl D.tfl ~ ~Jl ',li ~[ " 'J[2][~J9~~~ I l\{_ ~)~~ Yfi&[···J[l]

II ~ 9 l o c:e!=d [ II ft ~[ ...][4]1c:e!= ij~ ~ I~ 9~ ~ c:e!=d1[3]
59. Ramesses II, Year 37: Donkey transaction
O. DeM 10240 (GRANDET 2010 ,122-123 ,348)

recto: 20

U 1'=7 _ _
= a9r_ ..]~ :[ [2] [ ... ]=
_ 00L:J
<::> I II II nn ~1 A}1;l ~
III n ® rbt. 0
~~ A . J~ [ ...] [1]
/o . r r lL....i. !,~

IS: Verso includes a draft of two co lumns of text from a funerary scene 1117 [3]: Transcription of the
qnjw group follows MOLL ER 20 10,3 15 (cf. GRANDET 2010, 32 1: ...--c.o9~:::' ).
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, year 37; (before 38; c. 38-40; before 39). IX, 16

verso: 1

60. Ramesses II (before year 38), Deir el-Medina: F ragment of a

deposition concerning stray cattle

O. DeM 10060 (GRANDET 2006a, 63, 248) 5

~~~~= ~t
@><::> ~/ 0 __ <:>*
[3][ ... ] ;v////.v ~:~ ~~7 [2]
[ ... ]
Ai" ~ II~II ~~_ ~[1]

[...L, [6] [ ... ]'7 ;:6l~[5] [ ... ] :: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [4] [ ... ] ~ ~

61. (c. 38-40): Receipt of wood
O. DeM 10029 ( G RANDET 2006a, 34, 218)

~~~ mII [4] nnnn v;v; UU ~~ [3] ~ IIII nnn ~ [2] ~9~m W~ d= ? [...][1] 10

I II I n r? [5] III 0) 0)

62. Ramesses II (?) (c. 38-40): Frag. of a deposition

O. DeM 10193 (GRANDET 2010, 77-78, 303-304)


[ "'] ~ 9D9lr:: d ~ ~ t[3][.. .]~~ ~ ~ lrr~~'7[2][" '] bl ~W~[1] 15

9_ ll:.:1.
.Q. -<{h
~ Cl <::> ~
<:> &
J:;:t 9r
]0 Ai"~l
... D/fL r
A t:J -
UL ~Cl ~o 6il ~ ? t.\..
0 {jJ c:=-Et [4]
[ ... ] [8] 6l~[ ... ][7][ " ' ]d:<'~~ 4hd [ ..][6] [" ' ] o ~ ~ d

63. Ramesses II (before year 39) : Rations in arrears 20

O. DeM 843 (GRANDET 2003a, 21-24, 212-214)

column 1:
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (before year 39). IX, 17

~ Ift'=790 : ; [7] ~ Ift i(I*[6] Ift i( I/~ ~[5] Ifti ~ Q~:::: [4] 1

~ [1l] 0 Ift il: (ti~9® ~[lO] 0 Ift, ~= LD......... ~ [9] ~ Ift il:@ t ~[8]

01ft ~?[ ...J[13] 0Ift lir[mmJ[12] 0Ifti(~l

column 2:

oIft!h"/ 9fff0ll........c..
ill <:> [2]
0Ift!h"/ 9fff_r
ill E5 ~ [1] 5

64. Ramesses II (before year 39), Deir el-Medina: Distribution of grain

O. DeM 851 (GRANDET 2003a, 1-2,29-30,227)

~[ ...J[4][ " ' J ~ l ~ Ift ~ /~[ . .J[3] 0Ift im rr[...J[2][ "' Jl o ~ 0Ift[...J[I]

01ft [...][7][" 'J ~9 ~ m ~ Ift ~~ [ ...][6]0Ift [ J[5][ " ' J ~? ft~)~m 01ft
[...I, ft i( It ~ ~ 0 I ft ~ [ J[8] [ ... Jft ~ +Ll ~} 10

65. Distribution of dates

O. DeM 852 (GRANDET 2003a, 30-34, 228-231)

recto, column J:

oft~m[2] ~'~ ~~~ l ~ ~ ~~~~I ~ ~ == 03 [m mJ [1]

~ [6] 0ft~It~9d= ~[5] 0ft i(~ lA [4] 0ft ~ 1~~::::[3] 15

oft rr/oIf'=7
J.. [9]
0ft <:>lBl9_
~ t ~ [8]
ft !h"/ ~
/J [7]
00 .0. l' A

oft roJ:: ~ [13] 0fti(I* [12] 00 ft~~9l ~ [11] 0ft (tJ~ ~[10]
["'J m ~~::::m[14]
recto, column 2:

~~ [2] [ JMI ? A
oftdd ... rr ' UIL _ ~
III ftlffi,1~I )IR~rrll........c..
0 ~~ <:> I -
:::J:::J 0=czz:::J III/
"""""'[1] 20

oft~~rr l~ [6] 0ft . K ~ ~ [5] 0ft~It~ 9 dA[4] 0ft~ 0 m[3]

'=7 [11] [ " 'J l l~[ 1O] [ " 'J~~9D rr&~[9] [.. · ] ft ~ ~ d ~ [8] 0ft ~ A[7]
8 [3], beginning : Resto re [Nbl?]-Mnw (GRANDET 2003a, 29- 30) II 10 [7]: The scribe has written lover n
and b over Is in the original Pn-Is- [x ] gro up; read as Pth (ibid., 29-30) 11 2 1 [5]: Read Jj- tr-nj w.i- f) (ibid.,
Dyn . 19, Ramesses II, (before year 39). IX, 18 -

verso, column 1:

s: i 'UJD9_
Elf 0
_(i D [3] OO OJD
0 '$ :tvEl0f600 ]~ ~ <:> ~ r=:-.
IJ+[2] [ ... 1 A~ffi \ ~r=:-.I [1]
rrll.........c.. D )'w"'lffi D == 0 D

o ft :;:1[ ~ ] [9] 0 ftf4o~~ rr [m][8] 0 ftf4 ~1l~9d [m] [7] 5

verso, column 2:

66. Ramesses II (before year 39), Deir el-Medina: Delivery of clothes 10

O. DeM 865 (GRAN DET 2003a, 43--44, 252)

{D} ):g -=? t d II n ~~ X [2] I I I I n~ 1111

[4] III
II lS .11 n lSdb6 ? [3] 7:III UL<::>~ L.... n lS rrlL.4- MJl'lr IIII rflSl ==
[ 1]

I~ {\J lSl
67. Request for a goat

O. DeM 965 (GRANDET 2003a, 9, 137,4 18--419) 15


~ [3] ~M ~~ ~ Q l ~ ~ d ~= ~ ~ :i [2] ~ mr ~l ~ _~ ~~ ::: m § [1]

1 ~ 9 [ ··· ] [5]~t D , ;:: i ! ~[ ~J4] ~ I~ Il '1! : +rrr +~t+0


Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, year 39 . IX, 19

68. Ramesses II, year 39, Deir el-Medi na : Letter concerning donkeys, 1

work in T hebes, rations, and reporting to the vizier

O. De M 10061 (GRANDET 2006a, 64-67, 249-251 ; idem 2006b, 103-1 05, no. 17)

[4] 1nr°/l Oll~ 1C'

.@. Et ~
~ [ "' J [3] 0 n:A c:::5 ~ Ar ~ ~ <O>["'J[2]~'- -- ~t [ " ' J [l]
c> '=7lr_U& 0 Yb.l.. '=7l 0 / 0==<::>*

e. ~~d <::>~~~ ~ ~ t~ [ ... J[5][ ...J! 7 t ~ ~~~9<lli~§ [ . .J 5

~ d 9~~ ~ ~ II~[."· J ~Hfl9~ 0 ~ d ~ 9 t::= 9 t::= 1 ~[ ...J

[7] [6]

~ ~ ~ O~ ~~ ~ t '=7 ! 7t ~ <::>~~ d d [.. ·J[8]9II cl.-~ ~~

d~ [ "' J [10] § ~~( II~ ~(9~ II ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ <::>~ ~ ~ 1 ~ : 9 ~ [ ...J[9]
~[ J[l1] c-: /J"' iftJ n- A c:::5 ~A.- <::> ~r;J == - A c:::5~
0 '" 1Jl:Et9r:U& 0 Y :Et=",=@~ I ~ bt. 0~ A .-:U& 0 YA
0 0
'=7l ~
~ - It v>: l F ~ A.- c-: nn /J"' ~~&.l~ n 0 ~ iftJ 10
~ I 0 ~ _1<::>11190_'=bt.:Et.-rr ~ IJl ~ <::>r ~0 ~ bt. :Et 90

~9~ = IW~~ <::>§~~LJd<::>~~~,91 09~!Jt 0 ~ ~ 9 ~ [ . .J[12]


I I X .- ~ x
'=7l bt. ~ 9
l /J"'
~ ~ [13]
@LJI<::>E." 0_9 r'=7l _It I<::>
l n'- ~

,~d ~9i.<::> [14]1~ i! ::: ~ ~ ~ II 1Jl~~~9({J~LJd~II

~ <::>~~~9~~~<::>~d~~'~~901~9lII@~9~
9~~II~,~,~'~I&d~~~'ctJ:({J~9t~II~~~ r:: [15]~~~II 15

nn /J"' ~ffi <" ° fi ,ft - ~ l ~ 80 8'V &d /J"'L- [16]

rr~?( "i/lr _~LJ I<::>9 09 0_~,R. o ~,R.}\t\.. ~9~ ~ =

_~d [22] ~ 20
T 0 1<::>
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, year 39; (c. 39-64). IX, 20

69. Ramesses II, year 39, Deir el-Medina: Note concerning fish 1

delivered by a fisherman
o. DeM 717 (GRANDET 2000a, 5, 20, 119)
nnn ~ ~ [3J. t ~!JJ~ ~<c:s ) Al [2]: ii ~~ : ii
nn ?? cQ,,->9ll...........:. ~ ~~<Q> 9ll...........:.I < o )b1L I I I ~0 0 ~ III nnn e01r[1]
70. (c. 39-64): Complete list of workers from 5

the right and left sides of the gang.

o. DeM 706 (GRANDET 2000a, 1-3, 13, 105-106; idem 2000c, 121- 124,
and pls. 23, 26- 27; compare KRIIII, 517-525)
recto, column 1 ("right" side ofthe gang):

~ ~61~9dA[4] ~~~~rr ..J{ [3] ~:::1A[2] sr*~ [1] 10

~ [10] ~:=r:~ [9] ~11t. [8] ~' rr : f '=7[7] , rr [6 ] ~~;;:t [5]

~rio~ d=~ [14] ~~~~61 [13] ,=~ [12] ~C;;It:L = [11] ~

verso, column 1 ("right" side, continued):

~~~ :::: [18] fu @ Ul' [17]

:El/ o I <:>
fu !JJ ~
:El ~ 9 0 t\..-. 9
L [16] ~:::1~[15]

~~~ 9 L~ [20] ~ 7 1:::1 [19] 15

recto, column 2 ("left" side ofthe gang) :

i'x ~ L~ :::1[4] i'J~ [3] ~~61~9d=~ [2] ~:::1~~ :::: [l]

.Jf [9] i(:::::1 [8] ~I* [7] ~,~blr61~[6] ~ft1bl~ [5]
~ ~~ '=7[13]
Et l.IL.......-.
fu n @
Le J~
~~~7(f~} [11 ] ~9t!... [1O] «
~ g ~ [14] 20
1'll'lo bL ~

verso, column 2 ("left" side, continued) :

~[l9] ~ ~ [1 7] ~~-.~~i [16] -£

~))~:i = [20]
4 [1]: Regn al date foll ows DeMD, contra GRANDET 200 0a, 20 (reading as ye ar 29 of Rames ses III)
Dyn . 19. Ramesses II, (c. year 40). IX,21

71. Ramesses II, (c. year 40), Deir el-Medina : Frag. of a list of workers
o. DeM 10125 (GRANDET 2010,8,231)
[ " ' J~~9>d~[4] [00 ·J::1A [3] [" 'J :: l ~ ~::::: [2] [ ,ooJ ~[ ,ooJ[1]

["' J~~ [ 00' J[6] ["' J~ 8l8l~[00' J[5]

72. Fragment of a list of workers and guards 5

O. DeM 10126 (GRANDET 2010,8-10,232-233)


[" ' J~r~~9>8l~ [3] [ " ' ~ ~l ~ ~~ 9> 8l ~ [2] ~ ~df® [1]
["' J8l~[5] [ 00· n ~~ 9> 8l~ [4]
verso: 10

~::19><lli~ [ o .J[3] ['''J ~ = ~ ~ [ ...J[2] ~ 7tt[ ''' J~ [ oo.J [1]

~/~m["'J [4]
73. Distribution of grain
O. DeM 10163 (GRANDET 2010,48--49,273)

column 1: 15

~ I{ -ft} ~ 1! ~[3] ~ Ift~ 7=8l~ [2] ~ Ift_~I TI8lt 8l e, [1]

[00.J[5] o l ft t ~ [4]

column 2:

74. Letter inquiring after an article of clothing 20

and mentioning a complaint

O. DeM 10105 (GRANDET 2006a, 108,305)
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (c. year 40--end of reign) . IX, 22

~I.!~ @ n ~ ~ [5]~ At.

r n ~ /J" W
/:fIL"=' ~ c=e=c -=d' /:fIL ~ !.l:;l9 c::5 U__ bl. « Ii II...-. =:!J
e:.[4] ~nL ~
'0 ~r /:fIL__ A

~iJl '=7=~ [7] !fccflU i£~ l8l Ul [6] ~


cfl~~iJl=~ [3]ii9~~ ~:: C ~~iJl[2] 9+=~~~iJl [ [1]

_ _ [6] =~ '=7:: r::: cfl~ ~iJl [5] ~~ '=7 ~ 9~ ~r::: @.~ [4] I@. 5

~~~d'&~ [7] [ ... ]~ i£9~~cflU~_

75. Ramesses II (c. year 40), Deir el-Medina: Distribution of dates
O. DeM 10168 (Grandet 20 10,55-56,281)

f\ <::> J/) 9 [4] & 1.-=¥ t [3]
ft~~m ~ [2] ~~ I ft ~'~I~ [1]
~ 1/ U/:fIL /~ o ftE-l e:. r<::>1& o

o ft r~[5] o. 10

76. (recto, c. year 40 + verso, end of reign), Medinet Habu:

Family stela of Khaemtir (i) and Qenhirkhopshef (i)
Stela Chicago OIM E 14315 (TEETER 2014)

recto, middle register:

recto, bottom register, center:

recto, bottom register (left), columns [1; 3] and row [2] surrounding first praising figure:


recto, bottom register (left), above second praising figure, at far left:

18: The branch [Gard iner M 3] substitutes pars pro toto for the tre e [M l] , rea ding as an ideogram fo r tr
(TEETER 20 14,152, d; cf. full spell ings of the nam e in RANKE 1935, 264, no. 5) 1122: TEETER (ib id. , 15 1)
reads th is group w ith th e pre vious secti on or w ith the exter ior column on the left (see below), leaving the
far left figure un-nam ed .
Dyn. 19, Rame sses II, (c. year 40--end of reign); (R.II, year 40-S.II, year 2). IX, 23

recto, bottom register (right), row [1] and column [2] above first praising figure: 1

recto, bottom register (right), above second praising figure, at far right:

recto, exterior column, left: 5

recto, exterior column, right:

verso, columns before [1- 4] and behind [5] praising figure:

[l][ " ']~l~C7~ ~ t? ~ I T ![2][ ···] l'. ~~[ _ _ ~}~ ~£1~ ~ l~ 10

[3][ ···Jffit ! ~& T l Q~ [4] [ "'J k1.o<g <:>~[5][ . .~ ~ ~ j~ 7~m[~~~ !

left side, column above praising figure: right side, column. above praising figure:

77. (Ram~sses II, c. year 40-Sety II, c. year 2), Deir el-Medina:
Grain deliveries 15

O. DeM 846 (GRANDET 2003a, 26, 222)

= czz::J ~ II ft =cJ [~?] [3] ~ ~ Ift~[~[2][ ~Jczz::J I _ ~[~J [l]

IIII ft ~~ 0 f @.9~[~[4]
6: Restore at beg inning [dj=f cb c] nfr (TEETER 2014,151); also note that no trace of the ms --hrw ep ithet
reported in ibid. appears in the photograph -the group immediately belo w belongs prob ably to the left-
most praising figure. II 8: Restore at the beginning [dj] =f (ibid. ); also note that the space follow ing
Amenemope 's name app ears insu ffic ient for the second sign of the ms --hrw epithet, as reported in ibid. II
10 [2]: At middle break, restore UJ br] mdw (ib id.) II 11 [4]: A ll of the preserved signs that exhibit
directionality are rev ersed , relative to the pre vailing orientation of the verso (ib id., 152, i, bracketing as
"problematic" ) 11 13, left: Determ inat ive and ms --hrw epithet reversed and separated from main column by
the hands of the praising figure.
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, year 44 ; (c. 47-66); year 52. IX, 24

78. Ramesses II, year 44, Ramesseum: Olive oil docket formula 1

(BOUVIER 2004,51-53, 56, Formula 1, figs. 1,1 and 3, 1)

79. Year 44 (?): Olive oil docket formula mentioning Pi-Ramesses 5

(BOUVIER 2004,52-55 ,56, Formu la 2, figs . 1, 2 and 3, 2;

HEGAZI and KOENIG 1994, 56-57, ill. 5)

~ n ~..Q..
M... 11t1: 21 T
~7 1ll
n?~[2] ::r::::::I =
_ _
d& L 7- o, (qual.) tt & & A(year)Ol[1]
IT _ ~ )!. 1I.....-..b.l.._@ 0'--'11 1 )!'0 )!' M: 0

80. Year 46 (?): Docket formula(e) concerning fat 10

(Bouvier 2004,52, 54-58, Formulae 4-5, figs. 1,4-2,5 and 3, 4-5)

81. (c. 47-66), Wadi el- Hoi: Hieroglyphic graffito

of the second priest of Amun, Roma

Wadi el-Hol rock inscription 44 (DARNELL 2002, 159-160) 15

82. Year 52, Abydos: Con struction record from the temple of Isis,
work in brick and gypsu m, transport of stone

Ostracon in private collection (SIMPSON 1995, 16-1 8, B2, and fig . 16)

~~ [3] 0 ~? ~~ °
{}J.2fI!="'it<=> [2] - - -
rr ~ _1 0 M... <=",,=> r r..a::b.l\. I I 19 ,=, =",,= @ === """""
:=J 0 _c:::J II
= I I nnn
nn e
[1] 20

5-9: For the date, see BOUVIER 2004,55 1110-12: Bouvier's Formula 5 preserves only the regnal yea r [4]6,
the numeral 6 being relatively clear with 40 (?) mostly effaced (see Hieratic transcription at ibid., fig. 2, 5),
followed by part of cg, "fat" ; Formula 4 (ibid., 56, fig . 1, 4 and 3, 4) commences from cg; the extent to
which the two fragments represent the same form ula is unclear (see discussion at ibid., 55, 57).
Dyn. 19, R.Il, years 52~56; (second half). IX, 25

83. Ramesses II, year 56, AI-Kuswah, Syria: Royal proclamation

invoking the king's filiation to Seth(-Ba'al)

Damascus, Musee National, Stele de Keswe (TARAQJI 1999; YOYOTTE 1999)

++l ~ --:~~i aJ~ lt+ C7&m[2]~+AI ~~~~ ~ ::: n RR ;1[1] 5

~ 1 11t~+A[4]~ ~rrr~~mY ~~i&~d [3]RlY

+IF9~l0l ~ t&~?[~?rM) [5]HH[~&to) ~~ +

91(?(? ~~ --: ~ ~ § + ~~ ~ ? ! ~m~~?O~ [6]E~O

84. Deir el-Medina: Donkey transaction
o. DeM 777 (GRANDET 2000a, 7, 55, 181; JANSSEN 2005 , 62) 10

...B@[] [3] [... BJ= III ~ -=-

[] n<::>% 'a ~ ...
[2] [ ... ]r ~ll il nnn 01
~ ... [1]
I II I I I nn e

85. Delivery of Rations

o. DeM 837 (GRANDET 2003a, 16-17,204)

~~ <::>[4][ ... ] ~ \ A 0 ~ ~ <::>[3][ ...] [ = /7~ [2][ ... ] ~ Illnnn~1 [ 1 ]

rrll....-... ~ Iffi<::> ~rrll....-... lo~ ~ ?i % II I" nn e r

[ ... ]~
m ,~ A
-Iffi <::>

86. (Second half of reign): Record of a gift of bread

o. DeM 10217 (GRANDET 2010,1 00- 101, 327)


= ~ [5 ] -df?i~ c:5
1~ o =~ 1<::>1 I 1<::>_,=,1 0

6 [3], end of row: Resto re grg [t3.WY] 117 [4], end: Restore [S3 RC].
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (second half-end of reign). IX, 26

verso: 1

9n ~ ~ it [1]
< : > - [3]
o ll = Xoczz:::J
_Cio&l °
JJ~ / <::>81_ [2] [ ... JUIL
~~ O Lll.......c. ° ~-
0 I ~81 UIL ,,=,, ~rr_

==- ><:.. 0 - r r= 0 [5] I· 0 < : > - [4]

I ~ ?(=_TTI IIG = 1~ _= Xoczz:::J II I1

87. Ramesses II, (end of reign), Deir el-Medina : Letter concerning the
exchange of vegetables for a roll of papyrus 5

O. DeM 783, recto (GRANDET 2000a, 58, 185)

88. Letter concerning the price of a mat (?) 10

O. DeM 784 (GRANDET 2000a, 7, 59, 187)

(fj,.. 0 ~ ~ ~ [2]ft ~ /J" d>D 0 ~& E5 ~DJ [1]

I I 1/ o rr ~UIL x UlLifl.... "'-II _rEt_rt\.. _

89. Record of items delivered

O. DeM 945, recto (GRANDET 2003a, 4,8-9, 118,385; DAVID 2010,175-76)

1/ "( 0
~II II _ _
= ft.. [3]c::::::, ~ nn /J' W
n o rr ,=",t4... ?i UIL
~ [2] G) =
=>=> 0 _c:zz::J ~ ~-~~<=> [1 ]
I UIL 15

_= " '" = " '"

I D UlL I '='l ..-".rrll..........c.

UIL ==0 _ c:zz::J II
~- a
UIL '='" ~ =-
I= [5] 1/ "(
~ 'I II=0 _
0 -
c:zz::J II
~- ft.. a[4] I ==- = <=;>
UIL '='" _ ~ =",=0 0
/ c:zz::J

90. Ramesses II (?) (end of reign): Record of bread and fish

delivered during the epagomenal days
O. DeM 942 (GRANDET 2003a, 4,8,115-116,3 79-380; DAVID 2010, 172-173) 20

~ J9+8l~ ~d +\JL~[3]l o 1 ~ 9 ~'~' ~[ ... J[2][ . ·Jo11[ J[1]

tA¥ [.. J[7]III ~ I[.., J[6]I=9L ~= ,~ ~ [ J[5]1;; ~~ [ "'J[4][ ~

. . . c. [10] 1=
I1 1 I ~ ll.~
czz:::J _I
I 19
[ J[9]1==- = r~ [~"
' J[8]~

14: Verso preserves part of a lette r (see GRAN DET 2003a, 118-11 9, 386)
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II (?) (end of reign) . IX, 27

verso: 1

1=o [ . . ] [5] I =
Q= o

91. Ramesses II (?) (end of reign), Deir el-Medina : Delivery of

vegetables , bread, and dates 5

o. DeM 948 (GRANDET 2003a, 4,121 ,389-390; DAVID 2010 ,177)


n ~dJt 9d~ ~[2]'<::>9+6l~~dl'o :~~dtt ~ ~ ~ ~ [1]

!!~~I~ ::= ~~~~[4]~~d~d:Jt9 r _II[3]~9~111
verso: 10

92. Letter requesting a pair of hides

o. DeM 969 (GRANDET 2003a, 9, 140,424)

93. Record of several gifts of property 15

o. DeM 10075 (GRANDET 2006a, 77- 78, 263-264)


8 [1]: The final r and stroke in Paser' s name were written beneath the main line, for reaso ns of space .
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II (7) (end of reign); (undated). IX, 28

verso: 1

"""""[4] Afu~"ft'~ R- a [3] 1 C=:::> llfi. ° ~ [2] I ==- ° AQc=:::> o [l]

C?Z::l I mEt r '=" II-.-,. ~ 'C7I 1,\. I I 19 ~ c=:::>10 9Doc=:::> ffi II 1IG

==-o l ........c. -
o c=:::> g :::::: :::J:::J o z:
94. Ramesses II (?) (end of reign), Deir el-Medina:
Fragment of a deposition 5

O. DeM 10194 (GRANDET 2010, 78-80,305)

ft:!l ~ I ft:!l <::>~C:d~g[[J1I~ [2] ~9~ III ~Jl9rmJ [ ... J[1]

bl~ ,.]~9~gl <::> [4] 9t~d~ III ~ Jl9rf"~'~:~ ~ ffi.~:!l [3] ~ I

~ d f:.l [6] gl UlI~~9~~9c5.TI'~!I~~ 9 ~[5] [ 1 ~ ~9~~9c5

° ~~ - 'C7I /}"~ fS l .......c.. /}" [7] : r d A~ II 10
<::> c=e!=rr ® D ~ 9c5 ~ ~ /fl... « _9ll.......c../fl... <::>_9T~mr ft it 0 C>

~ IIII ~ I I I I 1III1 ~ ~ /}" ~ [8]

_1 111 n 59- o Ul5=l!l 1n1[9] ~ -L.....£, fu
° I~Et9r IIII ft~9 c5.rr /fl... «

[. . J:_ 9l\...
{jJCZC0 1
~ 9r

95. Ramesses II, (undated), Abydos: Construction record

from the temple of Isis, stone and brick work in the broad court 15

O. Cairo JdE 91283 (S IMPSON 1995, 16, B1, and fig. 15)


20 [4], end: The questionable group (thus, SIMPSON 1995, 16) appears to write s.t, "assessm ent" (cf.
Hieratic facsimile in ibid., fig. 15, and spellings in LESKO 2002, vol. 2, 138).
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (undated). IX, 29

96. Ramesses II, (undated), Abydos: Construction record from 1

the temple of Isis, carrying bricks from "The Mountain"

o. JdE 91283 (SIMPSON 1995, 17-18, B3, and fig. 17)

97. Construction record from the temple of Isis, work on a festival hall,
transport from "The Mountain" and the "Bank of the Nsm.t-barque"
o. Cairo JdE 91283 (SIMPSON 1995, 18, B4, and fig. 18)

~ {t!MJd ::~~ <lli [2] IM~J~"'AJ:t ~ ~ £Z: [~[1]

Iln ~ lr=5 0::~~~~ llL:l}~J9£_ U~~H~~ _ _ J ~ s.c: 10

~tfl ! tfl (i[ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J <lli ~~~ ~~~ ~ Illl~nnnnn ~~~ ~ ~ [3]

~ 1' 0 /J" /J" it A Cl ~~ [4] nnn nnn ~ Ii!
« I"111£ tJ1£ (i _ Ul~ r r <lli III nnn ~ : : : nn /10<::> ~ IIII ft

~ ~ IIII ft ~tfl !tfl (ild::~ ~ <lli IIII ft ~tfl ! tfl (iOI~tfl


o r ~ Cl d..---- ~ -~~ ~ -='" A Cl ~ ~ [5] nnnn

tfl ?rrl~I<::> ~~ c:=J1ClI<::>o<:>n.\. !l:!:1 A Ul ~rr <lli nnn ~~~~

£ d~ 9~tfl d ::~~ <lli IIII ~~ I ~ ~ II R~lr=5 O :: ~ :[ ~J

[6] 15

c:L II Ii! ff Cl ~ c ~ @ :n:.... A Cl ~ ~ [7] do- 8 ~ 0 A Cl ~ ~ c::::J

I CI~ <::> lklk 0~r=5 t\. ~Cl ~ Ul~ r r <lli lL..-.tJ..<::>_10UlL:lrrUCl

d' rr~E[d{t! dtflffid ::~~ <lli [8] ~~~~ [_J III ~ ~ »» IIII ~
~~1d7l XI ~? ~ 'rr D~~ _ _ J , ~~lr=5~ ~1d ~~~~ [9] ~10
n ~~lr=5
98. Construction record from the temple of Isis, 20
hauling stones on the ground
o. Cairo JdE 91283 (SIMPSON 1995, 19, B5, and fig. 19)
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (undated). IX, 30

1IIInn - ~<:I::b.ll n [7] [ ~ J O ~ c:5 \L 1I 1 il l i o~c:5

III n o=!II!= _ D<::::>r _ n @ D~ I 0 II n u"I ???rUl l 9 V I III D~

99. Ramesses II, (undated), Abydos: Construction record from the Isis
temple, transport of materials from "The Mountain" 5

o. Cairo JdE 91283, recto (S IMPSON 1995, 19, B6, and fig. 20, left)

III n n 0 ~ c:5 -~
II n n ~ ~ D ~ D <::::> r
II o=!II!=
==- 0
c:5 -~
D <::::> r _
0 [2] 0 /J 0 ~~
_10 iflL o=!II!= r r ...:::ch

[5] l l l n n o~c:5 ~ [4] l l lft /}" ~ \'i'i'J 0 ~ ~ Q II II ft [3]

111 II n n ~ ~ D ~ D ~ II D I~ bl.. Irs o=!II!= r rLl ll ll n-c

100. Model (?) letter, incl. "destruction" or "fill" in the central hall 10

o. JdE 91238 (SIMPSON 1995,20-21, B7, and fig. 2 1)



a /}" ~
1'1' bl..
~9 /J •
0 D>.
'U /
~ [ ~J[2][~J M1 I ll...-. /}" ~
0 EZ~ ~ ~ ?i <::::> ~rr ~
• ~~[ ~?J[ l]

[ ~J 9 bl *d~ 9 ~bl~ [4] [~ J ~~ ?11bf~ o=!II!=l r~d[3] ~?

101. Construction record from the temple of Isis, 20

receipt of gypsum by an accountant

o. JdE 91238 ( SI MPSON 1995,20-21 , B8, and fig. 22) _

6: For the verso, which concludes the present record, see p. 202 , Addendum, Doc. 99A.
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (undated). IX,31

=~O\\\\'~~9~~~AJ~~A(tJ~ i~d ~Il!Il~(tJO\\\\ [2] 1

c..»» ~J ~~ E z ~ ~A fij::l~~n? ~ olA [3] II ft

102. Ra messes II, (un dated), Abydos : List of scribes associated with
the Isis temple construction project

O. JdE 91238 (S IMPSON 1995,2 1, B9, and fig. 23) 5

~6l~~!tf [3] ~(/gelU~=~ C7 m[2] ~~? [~~? m[l]

[ '''J::~:1[4] r ?~

103. Construction record from the Isis temple, gypsum account

O. JdE 91238 (SIMPSON 1995,21-22, B10, and fig. 24)

MJ d ~ H~ [3] [~ J IIIII ~ n ft~6l ~ 6l ~ II ~[" ' J [2][~traceSOnly~ J[1 ] 10

6l ~ ~ ~ = ~[ . . J [5] [ ~J U Ift~6l l6l ~ ~ [ ... J [4] [ m J ~nnn CJ = ~ ~

m~~~F [6]~6l l

104. Fragment of a construction record

O. JdE 91238 (SIMPSON 1995, 21- 22, B11, and fig. 25)

105. Fragment mentioning a "Mansion of Millions of Years"

and the temple of Ramesses Mery-Amun

O. Univ . Penn. Museum 69-29 -231 (S IMPSON 1995, 23, B13, and fig. 27)

1 [2], end of row: SIMPSON 199 5, 20, transcribes the group following ssp as horizontal stroke above a
diagonal, translating "I accepted [...] two sacks" (ibid., 21); however, the facsimile at ibid., fig. 22, shows
clearly n=f, as transcribed above; read as a dative: "I received on his behalf two sacks," etc.
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (undated). IX, 32

106. Ramesses II, (undated), Ramesseum: Wine docket formula Ih 1

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 48)

[... ] ~ = 7;( quality ) 191 ~ ~[ ... ][1 ]

107. Wine docket formula lIb
(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 57-58) 5

dd"u~+=~_=tfl~d + =~'L:ld [2]~ ~ t[~ [ . . ] [1]

(name ) '~1 ~ ~ ~ 9
108. Wine docket formula Illb
(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 60)

'~'~~~9dd"u~+t~_=d"~ d+=~'L:ld~ ~t[[···][1] 10

109. Wine docket Formula IIld
(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 61)

110. Wine docket Formula IIle 15

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 61)

111. Wine docket Formula IIIf

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 61-62)

[...](name ) L:l 9 d d" u ~ ~ ? 1 ?[ ... ][2][" '] fu , ~ ::[Jl[~~ [ ... ][1] 20

112. Wine docket Formula IVf

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 71)

2 1-23 : BOUVIER 1999-2 003, vol. 5, 71, indicates that this partially preserved form ula, with only one
exempl ar, appears to be corru pt.
Dyn. 19, Ramesses ll,(undated). IX, 33

113. Ramesses II, (undated), Ramesseum: Wine docket formula VIa 1

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 79; cf. KRIll, 690.1-3 , Formula XXV)

:~~il, h: ,l'~ +::[..J[2][··· Jt7 ~~1S29d8lu8l~[. . J[1]

[...J9d R R RF:d[ ... J [3] [ ... J [ :: ~ 1 9 t ~ m~

114. Wine docket formula VIllh 5

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 91-92)

( name)

115. Wine docket Formula VIlli

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 92-93) 10

116. Wine docket Formula VIllj

(BOUVIER 1999-2003 , voLS, 93)

117. Wine docket Formula IXa 15

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 101- 102)

fR J... \9r <::> A'" t:vT[ ...J[2] - . A t II A'" ~~ ~ A'" U[ ···J[l]

1.:1"1rf ~ @ 0 I~ "t71<:>bl... ~b1L 1I o c-=J 9b1L bl...

118. Wine docket Formula IXb

(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5,102) 20

7 [2], beginn ing of row: B OUVIER (ibid., 91-92) restores the toponym as [ps mw Pth nty /:lr]j mn.t ks .
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (undated) . IX, 34

119. Ramesses II (undated), Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula IXc 1

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5,102-103)

120. Wine docket Formula IXd

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 103-104) 5

121. Wine docket Formula XIa

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 108)

122. Wine docket Formula XIIa 10

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 110)

~ g[ ~ d [ ···] [2] [··· ]t [~fut~~~elS2 9dIU_191~~ [ ··· ] [1]

[··· ]tt//dg[u~ ~=I<:>~

123. Wine docket Formula XIIb

(BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5, 110-111) 15

124. Wine docket Formula XVIa

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 118; cf. KRI II, 690.5-6, Formula XXI)

19 [2]: The expected preposition following nty, presumably m or hr, has been omitted in error (BOUVIER
1999- 2003, vol. 5, ] 18); for the following toponym, read <jvc--rwd (ibid., ] 86, nn. 1019- 1020).
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (undated). IX, 35

125. Ramesses II, (undated), Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula XXa 1

(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5, 122)

126. Wine docket Formula XXb

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 122) 5

127. Wine docket Formula Aa

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 126)

u~ [ ... ][2] [ ·.. ] ~ t ~ ~ ~ d" ~ L:J 9d £ U£ _ I?I ~~ ( year )~1 [1]

( name )'~'~ ~ ~ 9d £ 10

128. Wine docket Formula Bb

(BOUVIER 1999- 2003, vol. 5, 132-133)

[...] u ~ ~ ~~ = 4 l~["'] [2] [ ... ][ ~~ t~ ~ ~ d"[ . .] [1]

129. Wine docket Formula Db
(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 138) 15

'~' ~ ~ ~ 9 d £ U~ [ . ·][2][ ... ]+ =~ I L:Jd ~!t [~~t~~ ~[ ... ][1]

( name)

130. Wine docket Formula Fa

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 141; cf. KRI ll , 689.10-14, Formula XXIII)

131. Wine docket Formula Ga

(BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 142)

6 [2], end: Beginning of a pro per nam e, Mrk[...] (see BOUVIER 1999-2003, vol. 5, 122, n. 717).
Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (undated). IX , 36

132. Ramesses II, (undated), Ramesseum: Wine docket Formula Ma

(BOUVIER 1999-2003 , vol. 5, 149)

133. Jar docket formula concerning an olive grove

(BOUVIER 2004,52,55-56, Formula 3, figs. 1,3 and 3,3) 5

( quantity ) ~ ; ; m
134. Deir el-Medina: Letter mentioning a dispute among workmen
o. DeM 10097 (GRANDET 2006a, 99- 100, 293)
recto: 10

~~? ~ ~~ el~=d ~~[2]~t d Bj*~ _~ ! ({d ~r::[1]

§U [4]
~~ll..-.-..~C7Z:J 0 90
~ I.t ll..-.-.. ® ~[3] ~~ OJ
~ U U e, I I I 0 _ '=7I M. 'C7l ~ ~ r
I I I t\.. 9'<::7'


135. Fragment of a deposition 15

o. DeM 10191 (GRANDET 2010, 76,302)

Y)8!U' ~l l +=~ ~ k1[2][ ... J ~~8!U' ! ~ ~f~?~ l~~ [l]

!~ ~9 !{ //8! U' 9 ~1 ~ ~~ ~~ _[3][ ··· J ~ ~ 9 0 d ~! t + ~
[··· ~ ~(}¥17~
136. Letter from the draftsman Pay to the draftsman Praemhab 20

O. DeM 10249 (GRANDET 2010,13 1-134,358)

Dyn. 19, Ramesses II, (undated); (R.II , undated-Siptah) . IX , 37

~~~ [5]~+l ~ ~lX ft ll~ [~8l~~(t1 ~0~ ~[4] : jJ 1

[ B BB BLQ ~ ltf [6]~:::9~ 11 18l~[BBB J~~lX

't1 n [8] - - -<:Q.- ,.ifrtx... ~ ~ d..[~
_ ~] - - 9 0[7]1t @ ~ rJ" ~ ~
<:>11 I I 1_ :9 _ : Y ?< rr <:> • Ul l I I_ "=,,, .- ",:Il:,X' =rr "=,,,

ll....-e:.: r ~<:> <::> [10] [ ...J ~ -

[ ...JA~_ 9 T "=,,, @ o ~
{jJ ft [9] [ ... J<:>
/:fU...1 I I_ t l ~ _
!& : ft ~
_ I( Ii

~fu{jJ ft 9 0 ~
o l ~ Et tl ~ .-"=,,, 1:fIl..~0 ~ ifI(.
oOr ~J [1 2][ " 'J ~ ¥ : {jJ
m l _ tl
c::s @ : ,lJrt° r[ll ]
~ II -.<:>_Y I T

9LJ ~ 1I ~ 1 ~ c::s [14] ["' J_ 8l~ +0~g[~~ l X ~ ~ t[13][ ... L,

n D ~ 0 g {jJ fi) /J" W [15][ ... J
[ ' '' J % R'V - ~~
or -.<:>tl 9{}~~ ~ ,R, " I I I-.rr

137. Ramesses II, (undated), L uxor temple forecourt: Instructions

from the king to Am unherkhepshef, regarding a traitorous chieftain

Luxor, exterior A .IV (DARNELL and JASNOW 1993, 264-270, correcting KRI II, 180, 10
7- 8, and GORG 1989,13 1; also see HAIDER 1987; KITCHEN 1964,49-50)

13K King's accusation against a chieftain regarding

collusion with the Hittites, spoken by prince Amunherkhepeshef 15

Luxor, exterior A.V (DARNELL and JASNOW 1993, 268-274; GORG 1989, 129-13 4)

~ R-'[5] M 0 ~~ t [3] M 0 M~ [2] ~~L ~[1]

/J"vn ~ JL ~ [4] S:[
ll....-e:.,R, ~ bl.. (b III'::ll T n n o <:> I~ S:[o =",,= S:[ ~ 4 r «z:»

139. (Ramesses II, undated-Siptah), Deir el-Medina: An account

mentioning grain (?) and a goat (?) 20

O. DeM 921 (GRANDET 2003a, 4, 98, 358)

Dyn. 19, (Ramesses II, undated-Siptah); (R.II or later). IX, 38

140. (Ramesses II, undated-Siptah), Deir el-Medina: 1

Letter concern ing the price of a dress

O. DeM 10098 (GRANDET 2006a, 100-101,294-295)


[ " 'J [2][ ···J ~ + ~ + + 0 ~<=: ~ ~ ~Q l d ~![ .···J ~= ~ [1] 5

r.l~JJv ~ .
u II 'tf E..9~ ~?
J[3][ . . J9 ~ IIII
[ ... IIII
"C7' ~
n~ ~
ol¥1 'tf u
I~ r IlL ~~
1ll.....-c. "C7'9~/1 c,l ~

[··· JRo::' ~ 1I ~:o::&~["' J [4][ " 'J~~~dfi~~el


~~~ III el?[...J[2][...J ~ ~ i{!I? ~ ~ [ ... Jr:: d ~ ~ ~ ~[ . . J[1]

Igl? Ift9d~~jJ' 9d[ ... J[3][ " ' J=~I?~ 9~ II o , g , ? ~ ~ ~ i 10

[.. J[5][ " ' J~9 0 :;;,? ~l ~+~ I I Ie[...J[4][" ' J~i{!I?~~ I 0

[ " 'J R ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;[~ ,b

141. (Ramesses II or later), Saggara: Left door jamb from the tomb
chapel of Tjaroy, overseer of the king's "beauties."
(GOHARY 1991) 15

142. Naophorous statue of Tjaroy, chief overseer of the royal kheneret.

(GOHARY 20 11; TAWFIK 1991)

statue base,front, upper line left [11 + adjacent side [21:

statue base,front, upper line right [11 + adjacent side [2]:

16: For the reading of Tjaroy's titlejmj-r nfr.w(t) n nb ts.wy, see GOHARY 1991, 194, and idem 2011 , 204;
cf. the same indiv idual' s later titulary from the following doc. 142.
Dyn. 19, (Ramesses II or later); (after R.II). IX, 39

statue base, front, lower line left [1] + adjacent side [2] : 1

statue base,front, lower line right [I] + adjacent side [21:

front ofshrine, left jamb:

front ofshrine, right jamb:

columns oftext in front of Tjaroy 's right knee: 10

columns oftext in front of Tjaroy 's left knee:

[1]mm~~Q, ~ ,~l0l®A-tlijl~[2]mm~,y,~~[3]

~=~mB~~ 15

back pillar:

143. (Nineteenth Dynasty, after Ramesses II), Deir el-Medina:
Distribution of grain (?) for the work gang, deified kings, and gods 20

O. DeM 743 (GRANDET 2000a, 36-37, 145)

column 1:
Dyn. 19, (after Ramesses II); Memeptah (?), year 2, III Shomu 1. IX , 40

[...J; :FrP~.I ~
column 2:

144. (Nineteenth Dynasty, after Ramesses II), Deir el-Medina: 5

Report by Ramesseum personnel concerning property violators (?)

O. DeM 916 (GRAN DET 2003a, 93-94, 348-349)



9 /J" ~[3] ~ <:::> ~~ d.d.~=:IJ!= _f}.d ~[2] - ~ /J"W ~[1]

o b1.... G¢ m -='" -='" 9 0 rr <lli ll-c. r 1 1 1~ l\.. m tJ I 't' II 0 ee. ?i <:::> r

[ '''J~ ??? ? ~ =:IJ!=~ ~ bl~~ [4]~ bl~~~~~nnnn ~

145. Merneptah (?), year 2, De ir el-Medina: Redistribution of fabric
O. DeM 10272 + O . Berlin P 940 8 (GRAN DET 2010,155-1 56,379; Berlin frag: DeMO) 15
recto, 2 columns (DeM + Berlin):

iJl ?~?~iiJl[ [4] 11 ~ [" ' J[3] I ~ ~ ~ bl!~1U'''J [2] 10= LLZ:J ~1 1 ~[1 ,1]

IlL..:.. ~ ~ ~ [7] I~ H g :;;: ~ [6] [ ... ] <:::> ?I I~ ~ ~ ~ [5] I ~ RR bl ~?

:::: ~[4] I ~ ~ ~ ~ [3] I ~ ;7; ~ [2] [ " ' J ~ 1 [2 ,1]
verso (Berlin): 20

-=!I~ [4] [ ...

c::s r
~ /}"
& 1 t c::s ~a [3] [ ' ''J~~C::S ~ - [2]
c::s E. [01 oM.~ r ~1 oUl /l 0
[ ... J c::zz:::J
I I ~1
CD [

!Jl[[7] 1 ~ 9 ~1 ~ 9 ~ [6] ~ =~~blUl 76~d ;;: I~ ~ ~ m[5] [ "'J I~H ~

I ~ ~~9 ? m~[1O] i!: 9 D ~ ::1 ~ d [ [9] II ~ e Ul~~[8] I~ ~~~ I~ 9~£~
4 [1- 2]: Restore Mn-[M3c.t]-R c and ijw.t-[1fr], respectively (G RANDET 2000 a, 36) 1114-23: Fragments jo in
at recto , col. [4]; O. DeM prov ides upper recto, [1-3 + 4, end] and (blank) lower verso (idem 20 10,155).
Dyn. 19, Merneptah, (year 2-7). IX, 41

146. Merneptah, (year 2~7), Deir el-Medina: Statue of the vizier 1

Panehesy honoring the king, a queen, Amun-Re, and Hathor

Deir el-Medina statue 250 (=Inv. CSA n° 693. Gurna register n° 1/29) (BI ALY 2008;
BRUYERE 1952, 50, 106-109, and pl. XLI; VANDlE R 1958, pl. CLXIX, 6)

statue base, king 's side (proper front-right) and proper right side: 5

~4 ~ ~ 81I ~Itd 1( ~' ~ ~4 ~H ~ ~F ~~~I ~ ffnt~~ ~& t

~ ~( ~ ~ ~ ~4 r ~t H~ d~
statue base, queen's side (proper front-left) and proper left side:


throne, king's side (proper right): throne, que en's side (proper left):


back pillar, text column on king's side (proper right):

<f~<f ~~ I ~ ' ~ ~~~~~~~~! I~~ _

~ (~~7 d )f; ~t -L4 1 t'fd~~m
back pillar, text column on queen's side (proper left) :


statue base, back:

Dyn. 19. (Merneptah, year 2-R.III, year 17; undated-R.III). IX, 42 '

147. (Merneptah, year 2-Ramesses III, year 17), Deir el-Medina: 1

Distribution of rations in arrears

o. DeM 10039 (GRANDET 2006a, 44--45, 229)


[... J'7
I n 1AJ & ~ ~ f?i <::> [6][ ... J~
n 1!1. :Etl o ~ I I I c::::::;
.r@-n 0
L10 .ML1 I l'I_ =!ll!=rr ILJ.
nn <=>
[5][ ... J ~

[..J ~ ~ ) )Ul =!ll!= [7]



148. Merneptah, (undated), el-Tod: Frag. of a temple inspection text

( B ARBOTIN 1991; cf. parallels at KRIIV, 26.4-1 5)

[1] [ ... J ~ ~[." [2] [ ... J ? ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~[ ~ .J
149. (Merneptah, undated-Ramesses III), Valley of the Kings: List of

dimensions for various wooden doors of a royal tomb 15

o. Leiden F 2000/ 1.1 + O. KV 10045 (DEMAREE 2012- 13; 1992; HAWASS 2011, 65, 70)

Ln /)" W[2] ~ 1 r711- 1 1 1 r711- '0

'lbL?{ III U a-. III U
111 - ~ D D. ~* Ln /)"W[I]
a-./ 0111 a-. -=:¥~J/lUn 'lbL ?{

1: The date range foll ows the identification ofP aser (iii) in line 10 [1], for whom see DAVIES 1999, 102-
103 (thus, GRANDET 2006a, 45) 1111- 12: The para llel inspection texts from KRJ, noted in B ARBOTIN 1991,
252, nn . 2-3 , date to Me m eptah's second and thir d regnal year 1113 [2] : At th e beginn ing ofthe line , resto re
the personal name [Jt=j]-m s c (ibid., 252, n. 4).
Dyn . 19, (Memeptah, undated-RIll); Sety II, year 4; (c. 4-5). IX, 43

l~* L ~61~ [4] ~ II II::/~ : : :::~ ll l !::<=>~*L~61~ 1

- 0
11--./ 0
~I I I-
II 111 11--. ~
l\ II I IJ~ <::> L:l * Ln
""r"'CI g~ - 0
'18.l..?i. 111111--. / 0
11 1-
11 1 11--. ~
g~ I- 0 r7 r7- Ir::l [~[5] l l lr
8.l.. ?i. I I I l1--./ o UU iii Ix z II ""r"'CI Ln g~
~ <::> L:l * '18.l.. ?i. 1111

150. Sety II, year 4, Deir el-Medina : Fragment of a record of absences

O. DeM 889 (GRANDET 2003a , 63, 298-299; 2003c, 215-217, 228)

recto : 10

:::IA [4] [ ... JW--8e-I--=te fi ~ = ~ ~ [3] [ ... J if, 7~ = Il ~ [2] [ ... Y rf

f11~1 [1]

1[~~~~bl ~[5] [ "' J~=' ~~ ~ 0


g ~[2] II g An II g nl
t ~ oI [l,~ -.=-: ec
I I I « 11--. J.. m '111--. 8.l.. r ~ It ~ ~ 0 0~~
=""= 0 I
1111 01 [1]

151. (c. year 4-5): Receipt of a water delivery

O. DeM 876 (GRANDET 2003a, 51-53, 272-273; COLLIER 2004, 104-105 , 158)


~L:l ~~tl~~[ . .J[3][ " ' J ~ ~ ~ ~ :i [ ...J[2][ "'. L:l ~ o[ J[1]

[ "' J~ . .J[6][ "' J ~ tl ~ 0 Ift=[ "' J[5]~~~_10 [ ... J[4] [ ~ 20

11 [2]: GRANDET 2003a, 63, proposes to restore the name Ps-nb at the end of the line II 11 [3]: The group
sw 11 sw 13 has been crosse d out by the ancient scribe 11 12 [4]: GRANDET (ibid., 298), transcribes sw 18
correctly but renders the same gro up in transliterat ion as sw 14 in ibid. , 63 (thus, DeMD) 1116- 17: COLLIER
2004, dates the ostracon tentatively to year 3 or 4 of Sipta h.
Dyn. 19, Sety II, (c. year 4- 5; year 5 or earlier; year 5-Siptah). IX, 44

vers o: 1

[o ·]ft = '/!!!!/::=""i:v[00.][3][ . .]10DZ:Jd

_ -==- =:)=:)00111l:H:t /l"~ Ift[···][2]dl [.00 ][1]
9 <:>b.!. ~ 0 L-.

[ oo.]~[ .00 ][5][,00 _i. C7_1 ~~[ ...][4]

152. Sety II, (year 5 or earlier), Deir el-Medina : Fragment of a
deposition mentioning an oath, a donkey, a marriage, and the court 5

O. DeM 918 ( GRAND ET 2003a, 4, 95- 96, 352-354)


6lU [3][ ···](tJ~~~if= ~C7~~ 1 'W'(tJ ~ [2][ " ' ] ~~ I ~IU ~ [ ... ][1]
~~~ ~l [5] [.. .]-: I 'W'~;; t;:Cl ~ 9 Cl d [4] [ ... ]~ I 'W' ~9 ~~(tJ :;[ ~ ~

[...]~:;[[6] ["'][:d- 10


~d~I 'W' ~~ 1 'W'(tJ ~9~ ~~[ .00][2] [ "']~9~~~d~(~ ~ ll)~<:> [1]

!JJ[ ... ][4][ ...]i:v / lf E 5 n i:vn..f~ ~ ~ ~.,[00 .][3][ 00.] \91 n
l\.. :H:t=!ll!= .!!_ 'IC7 :H:tr ,=,1 11 / 0 _ 1 1 19'1t\~ I rf ~9 r ..-=&

[ 00' ]~d :;[9 Cl~II ~ ~ F 8lU~

153. (Seti II, year 5-Siptah) : Fra gment of a record of absences 15

O. DeM 10180 (GRAND ET 2010 ,64-65,289-290)


[.. ][4][ " ']~9L~~~[ 00.][3][ . . ]~(tJ ~9~[ . .][2][ " ' ] d ~ ~ ::: 1[ . .][1]
~ ~ ~[ ...][7][ ,00 ] ~ ;::1 A ~ [ ... ][6][ · ··]~ ~~~~~n ][5][ oo .] ~ ~ ~ 8lt _ ?
[ ]. ~ . .][8][ " ']i~~ 20

2 [1): Restore the personal name [R]mc (GRANDET 2003a, 53, citing for this individual DAVI ES 1999,247)
II 4: For the date , see comments regarding the rank of Paneb in GRANDET 2003a, 52 , RO3 II 12 [1]: The
emended group is a palimpsest, written over j w : ~~~ (ibid., 354 ); D EMAREE (DeMD) suggests reading this
group as the feminine personal name Ts-jj.t 11 15: For the date, see COLLIER 2004,146-147,152-153.
Dyn . 19, (Sety II-Ramesses III), year 5; (S.II, year 5-Siptah). IX, 45

verso: 1

~;=="'[3][ ... ]~
0 00 ~I
* ;;;a e ll.........c.~
1:fl./L-..~ Y==0
== ~;=="' [2][ ... ]~_
0 II~ ~Y = = 0
~~ [...][5][ . ·]mmmm,t [4][·.. ]r~
ll.........c. ~ /I g ;;;a[lt.. ][7][ ... ~~~ ;;;a~~ll.........c.~ ~~[6][ ...]
~J ~ r I:fl. _r ~ Y =~ 0
I I I GI ~~ Y/l- ,2. 1:fl. ~ f::Im 0

[ "·J~:i~2 ~11= ~[···][9]["·]6.1 ~ ~~ ,tJ~~~9~[8][ ... ] ~~ 5

I. ~ e ~~ 6 . l f [12][ "'W90~ ~ 9LO}[.. ][1 1][ "· H ~ 9t!.J ~ G[ ...][10]

[···]~H···][13][ ...]

154. (Sety II-Ramesses III), year 5, Valley of the Kings:

Scribal exercise describing pursuit of a fugitive near Deir el-Bahri

O. BTdK 665 (=KV 18/2.462) (DORN 20 11a, vol. 1,415--416, vol. 3, pls. 538-540) 10

!<:>~~ I t'~~~~<:> i(~~Jl UlI I~ ), IL Jl ~ i: ) )~=~ijtfL~[2]

I I~IIILJl~ c-: 1L ) )o!.l ) ,~=~ij)~: ::J I I ~J ) 1 1 ! ~ ~ Jl ~ [3]
II /l"w ;;;a~ - ~ 0 ~~ ;;;a /I ~ /l" Jr [4]

_ "-- I~ 6tl... ~ I:f{ 1\. 'I ~:) r ~ .-. r I!ll:f{ "--I~ L...t 6tl... Ci¢. <:>

155. (Sety II, year 5-Siptah, year 1), Deir el-Medina: Fragment of
a register of absences

O. DeM 10181 (GRANDET 20 10,66,291)

rr ~[ ..J [3] [ ... J~~0 =czz::J~~ ~ I[ ...J[2] [ ... JA ~ ~~~6~[ ...J[1]

["'J~i9D~~["'J[5][ "'J~ ~ m~~[· . ][4][" ·J~;;~I~IU~~~~ 20

8-15: DaRN 201 la, vol. 1,415 , notes that the ostracon 's status as a scribal exercise (thus , the distinctive,
oversized handwriting; see plates , cited above) does not imply necessarily that the events descr ibed are
ahistorical; for caveats on the identification of such "exercises," see HARING 2014 ,149; the date range for
the text is based upon DaRN'S identification (2011a, vol. 1,416) of Amunnakht (v) , for whom see DAVIES
1999, 105 1116: For the date, see comments in G RANDET 2010 ,66, citing also C OLLIER 2004, 146-147.
Dyn. 19, Sety II, year 6 + Siptah, year 1. IX, 46 '

156. Sety II, year 6 + Siptah, year 1, Deir el-Medina : P ottery delivery, 1

documenting the r egnal transition fr om Sety II to Sip tah, at r ow [17]

O. DeM 868 + O. DeM 10274 (GRANDET 2003a, 45-47, 256-258 ; 2010,162,382-383)

[2] J:tJ ?~ lg ,J;?H D A>((!Mlc5 lln~ A> _= ~ r=:...IIICY 1[ 1 ]

c-: El l 0 ~M)L:~M1Jl:ftU9 O~ r ~~ o M "-= = 00 II III e r

0~~ :: : ~ 1 [6] [ ... ~~~ : : : ~1 c-: [5b] ~I ~ ~r=:...1 [5a]LJ nn G)

~ <::> 0 ° ~ n I

l g A> g 0 c5 A>~~
~M~ ol o M ~o
r=:... III ° 1, [7] [ 00 . J J:tJ
I11 11 I1 ® r 0
l g A> g 0 c5o MA> " - ==
~M~ ol =:)

(if) ~ IIiJll ~ ~ iJl c-: :: :: :: 0 ~ ~ ::: ~ 1 Je~ ~ ~ lIlA! ~ ~

=:) [8] [ ...

[10][oo .J II1 11 ne~~~ l(liJlH ~ ~iJl'7f 0~ ~"- [9][ ,ooJ ~n e9~ ~ 10

~r=:...I I I ° 1, [ l1] [ oo 'J ~ J:tJ ~ /J"W c5 <:::> r=:...1 11° 1,

0 o 11 11I 1®r ,,- ~El9D ° 06!l.?{; I ° I=:)=:) 0 o L":J I 111® r,,-

~ r=... II I ° 1, [15] [ 00' ] t J:tJ ~t~ A ~ r=... III ° 1, [14] [ 00 ' ] II

° 1111 III e r c-: ~ElI't' <:>l511 o M I =:)::J 0 ° 1111 III e
r c-: ~d-

[ oo.Ja:ll!=D l:l [oo.Jc5 - <:::> r=:...1 °1, [18 ][00. ]J:tJ 't' ~t c5l <:::> r=:...1
I I 1I'i' I 0= 0 oL":J II e r,,- ElI<:><:>l5l1 ° ::J=:) 0 o L":J

1-3 : O. DeM 868 was dated orig inally to the re ign of Ramesses IV (GRANDET 2003a, 45) ; revised date
follows discovery of the new fragment, as discussed in idem 20 10, 162 (I. 16- 17); note that each row on
the ost racon represents a discrete entry in the journal II 7 [5a-5b]: A blank space of approximately 8 sign
groups separates the two halves ofth is row (read as discrete entries); note that the months in this row appear
out of sequence (th us, GRANDET 2003a, 45-46) II 9 [8]: Determ inative om itted from this instance of
Ptahemhab's name 11 10 [9]: The expected m and h have been omitted from this instance ofPtahemhab's
name II 11 [10] : The tra nscription of sw 2 J follows the photo, hand copy, and transcription in GRANDET
2003a, 256 -258 (th us, also DeMD); the same gro up is transliterated in GRANDET 2003a, 46 as sw 2 II 16
[18]: The gro up e/:ze, at the end of the row, probably m arks the begi nning of a new tally, for which cf. O.
De M843, 10215 ,etal.(GRANDET2010 , 162, note at I. 18).
Dyn. 19, (Sety II or Siptah), year 6; (S.I1, year 6-Siptah). IX, 47

157. (Sety II or Siptah), year 6, Deir el-Medina: Delivery of tools for 1

melting and reuse

O. DeM 10057 (GRANDET 2006a, 61, 247; 2006b, 102-1 03, no. 15)

-. AT~ /I AT 0 [3] 1 n ~ 8~ 0 nn <>[2] - """""11101[1]

.'0>£11.1.... ~ 1 <:> 11.I.... ~ I I 11 '0> 1 9 ~' l\. 9)1. Irk>~ r r ~ I=> 8 =C7LJ IIII111 ® r

158. (Sety II, year 6-Siptah): Promissory note

O. DeM 933 (GRANDET 2003a, 107, 370)

<t 0
I 1.0.
I I <~>
[3] 10

159. Record of absences, a fragment

. O. DeM 10054 (GRANDET 2006 a, 59, 245)

~'I ~ ~ ~[ ][3] ~~~6lU[ ... ][2][ . .] ~ ~ ~ ~.Jf[ ... ][1]

[ '''] ~b6ll6l ~[5][" ']D~~ ~ ~[ ... ][4][ "·]d6lr

160. Record of absences, a fragment 15

O. DeM 10055 ( GRANDET 2006a, 60, 245)



~[ . .][4][ '''].Jf~~~ ~,~[ ~ ..][3] ~=[ ...][2]~ ~ . m ..·][1] 20

[... ]U~~~rr .Jf

10 [3]: Emendation foll owing GRANDET 2003 a, 107,3.
Dyn. 19, (Sety II, year 6 or later); Sety II, (late). IX, 48

161. (Sety II, year 6-Siptah): Distribution of pick-axes 1

O. DeM 883, recto ( G RANDET 2003a, 58, 282)

II. 1}{9t ~ -r . C1II 1~ ~~.J'"~~~ [2][ " ' J~ '~1 7 ~ ~~:£ [1]
II. :;::&[ . .J[7] I. ~2~ d ~[6] I. 9t~[5] I. 1}{ .~.J'"~~~[4]

I. [...J[9] I. [...J[8] 5

162. (Sety II, year 6-Ramesses V, year 1), Dei r el-Medina:

Textiles given to the chief of police (recto); delivery of rations (verso)

O. DeM 946 ( GRANDET 2003a, 119-120,387)


I~ I~ ~[3][···.f::,~J~~&l !f!~[2]["'J~,7~~~~~~~~[1] 10

[ " ' J M :;:~ m [4] [ " ' J ~


== :::J 0 [4][.,·Jnv~
X ~HH1~~p[3][" 'Jffi.~ A~ -
__ 1 I I ~ 1 ~l ffi == 0 [2][ .., J<::::>
I I 0 0 ['"""]
F=>..I [1]
[ ., . ] ~ ? 0 of!, == .
~ __ [l LL __ :::J 0
[5][ ..,]
t\.. ~ ~
D f}J
c::zz:::J 'C7I

163. Sety II, (late), Ramesseum: 15

List of workers from the ri ght side of the gang

O. Strasbourg H. 140 (KOENIG 1997, 12, pIs. 77-78, 128; cf. KRJI V , 434 .3-6)

lower rows, four colu m ns (1,4-8; 2,9-14; 3,15-20; 4,21- 25):

2: Verso includes a few , mostl y illegible traces (GRANDET 20 03a, 58,2 83) 1115 : Date follows D EMAREE
(DeMD) ; cf KOENIG 1997 , 12 (Ramesside), and COLLIER 2004, 27- 29, 160, (Siptah, early) 1118: The upper
rows [1-3] (not included here) preserve a few fragments from an unidentified text (KOENIG 1997, 12),
separated from the present list of workers by a separator line; the present transcription beg ins after the
separator, with KOENIG 'S row 4 11 18- 19 ff [1,4 ff.]: The seated man plus dot notation follows A LLAM
199 9,143 , contra KOENIG 1997,78, who read such groups as seated female determinatives (i.e., as a series
of scribal errors)
Dyn. 19, Sety II (late; undated ; undated-Siptah). IX, 49

..R'" [12] 1V tt ~ [11] 1V -='i t [10] 1V :Jyrd ( ~;J [2,9] ~[8]

I~ Et/o / @ Et<:>0 'C7 .Et ~

~ ~ E':5 n [3,15] 1VE':5n 0 [14] 1V r!}.J~ [13]

.il~ ~ rr
~ .-. .tf(L _ r .Et_r _ .Et 9"ft\. / @

-='i t : ~ e [1 8] 1V t E':5 ~ t;) II - t[17] 1V ~ l [16]

<:>0 '=7 _1* et,«: .Et\... ~ I <:> I I IU .Et -='i O ~

~ )~ Il U[4,21] [...] ~ [20] .il~~llt II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1l [19] .il

.il{~}IlU[24] il~~dllr[23] il)9D ~~i[22] ~t! 5

~III R ;j(~ [25]

164. Sety II, (undated), Deir el-Medina: Record illicit use of a stable (?)

O. DeM 10080 (GRANDET 2006a, 81-82, 269)

-!}.J c, 1}.{ o ~~!},(_[2] [ ]I ,llr! n~n ~ t ~ AT W~ <:> ~ ~[1]

III t\. _ I 11 I ~I I I ~ ... IJP 1I'I ~r l\... 9> .tf( ?( 9> 0 @ ~~

[···n? d_.- 11111 9 D!~ -='i ~ ~ 9 ..:lli 9 ~ [3] [ ... ]m:t! ~ 9 l~il 10

~~ Ilut! d7;[5] [ " ' ] ~ d ~ d~il~ ~ ~ 9 D! ~~ D ~ 0 ~ [4]

e, II
I Cl~ <:> _ ~
t&. "/-x [ ...][6][ ... ] 1}.{o~ ~ !},( <::> nn AT r.1
1 I 1 1 ~ I I I ~_c-=Jrr Ifl.... U 1

165. (Sety II, undated-Siptah): Record of absences due to illness,

vacation days, and festivals

O. DeM 907 (GRANDET 2003a, 3-4, 80-81 ,326-327) 15


= ~~ ~ LJ I~ -=&~~ d" ~l"J[2][ '''JI ? <> ?~ I~:: -=&~~ ~[ ~"'J [I]

~~ 9D{~~} ~ ' [3] [ ... ] ~ :i = ~ '
~ 9 ~ - JJ.. ATw AT A oAT [4][ ] z
[ ...] % 9!}.J - c:==:=>1l......c. /:\ 0
~ I Olrr l = o.........lfl....?( Ot\. :® =,",=o...-.. ~ YI 1 IIfl.... ~ Ifl.... ~ ... r ~n ?
3 [18]: The plura l strokes in Hs-m-sbs.w follows DeMD, contra KOENIG 1997, 78, n. a (zs n) 114 [19] : For
sny and Qhy, see DeMD, contra ALLAM 1999, 143 114 [20]: Restore ljs-[m-Nwn] (thu s, DeMD) II 5 [24] :
Emend Ps-cjmj-rc--j h. w (DeMD) 1118 [3]: The scribe has wr itten Ypwy for Jpw y (thus, DeMD); cf. line [8]
II 19 [4]: Fo r the personal name Ps-m, understand Ps-(y)m ; the former is an attested var iant of the latter
(GRANDET 200 3a, 81, RO 4, with addit ional refe ren ces).
Dyn . 19, (Sety II, undated-Siptah). IX, 50

[ ...JLID ? 1U ICJ1 , { ~A} b1..

/J" ~ [7] [ ... J~ ~
IJ.J ~ ~ ll.......c. /:I - - <>
~M.9 ot\. o@""",= L... . - . 'i' -= 0oc-=J

[.. .J ~ 9D ~ ~ ~'[8]

-= :211~~~ ["' J [3],~,g[ ~ ~ <:> ["'J[2]~I1~~'~ [ '''J[1] 5

["' J~ ["' J [6] [ "'J~--=¥~J~> ' J[5] ["'J+~ g[~ [.. J[4]
166. (Sety II, undated-Siptah), Deir el-Medina: Record of a gift of
prov isions, pottery, sandals, and tools (?)

O. DeM 10076 (GRANDET 2006a, 78-79, 265-266)

recto: 10

/J" W ~ ~ ["' J [3] III ~ e e.s 1111=nnnn [.. ·J[2] ~ an [...J[I]

0b1.. ?{, .J oM vII_I l o~ I I I II I I 1 c=!ll:= M ~ ?

[...J[5]911BJ Ic=!ll:= 1g[~69 l ~ III c=!ll:= L~;~[ . . J[4]I~~ i 9D~

I ~~ I=~ ~ J ~G[ . . J[6] c=!l := 11[ II ~9~~ ~~~ e d l5~~ ~
It\.IJ.J 1) b1.. I\5l
0 /}"
k U'"
[ J[7] '" = =
i}P;~ _ I I 1I, 1 I
verso: 15

~ g[~,t'i£~[ ... J[3] Ilt \ 9 ~ fu~ ~[ ''' J [2] ~ ~ ~ 6 -=~ E[ ...J[1]

c:::s e c, g I I I= ~ <:> n ~[ . .J[4] g: -
I611_ 1 l o~1 I 1 I • J o ll . l ~ !h: ~ ~

12- 13 [5], beginning: Restore [tj ]w.lj , " sandals" (thus, GRANDET 2006a , 78-79) 111 4 [7], beginning: As
prev ious 1116 [1]: Read the personal nam e as Jj c-(m) -tr (thus, ibid. , 78- 79; DeMD) II 16 [2], beginn ing:
Restore tjw .tj, as recto, [5] and [7] (GRANDET 2006a, 78-79) .
Dyn . 19, (Sety II, undated-Siptah; S.II-Ramesses III, year 24). IX, 51

167. (Sety II, undated-Siptah), Deir el-Medina: 1

Record of absences, festival attendance

o. DeM 10182 (GRANDET 2010,66-67,292-293)


:t~e[3]~~8l [···.LJ I'~ [~ 1 ~~ ~~ ~[2] [ ... • ~ 1'[1] 5

=""- e 1k &~~=:=t'[4] &~ H~=:=t' -&&J @

~~ =:=t'&d &J
'7 f;{ 9u.......e.. ~ Etrr==e=" Et<::>*rr==e=" ~ ~ ==e="Et l\. ==e=" 9@Etl\. II

0 ~ Al E5~& ~ ~ AT~Yr fk [5 ] &J e, &&J- r 8:~nllll ) E5 n

LJ"""'I [5.5]&
EtnOr b1L_rEterr bl.. ~ ~ l\. _Etl\. £ _ fk @90_ '1
~~ ~1}f 9~~ ~~~ ~~~~[6] [. ~ ~ ~ 1}f ~~ ~ [5] == ~ ~
f?z:= <:> ~ & ~ ~ =:=t' & ~ t ~~ =:=t' Ik & ~ ~ =:=t' [7] [ ~ =
~ = ~~~ I Etrr==e=" Et<::>*rr==e=,, ~ Etrr ~
<:> ~
~J= ~ 00LJ I

~ ~~9t~ Q l [9] ~ ~ ~ 90 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~[8] 10


~~;:~ ~ 9 l.Jf~~~:t [2]~ ¥ 9t ~ ~ Ql lj [~ J~LJ r [1]

~ & 0 ~ AlE5~
[3] ~ =""- ~
~ 0 Etnr b1L-.r ~ 0 f;{9 00 0
168. (Sety II, undated-Ramesses III, year 24), Deir el-Medina:
Payment for a sarcophagus 15

o. DeM 10206 (GRAN DET 20 10,91-92,31 7)

[ _[3] ~~~90 ~ ~ I ~~~~ e d _~I~= ~ [2]~~ 8lU[...J[1]

~ I Ift ~ IIIII CJ::t![ . .J[4] e~Ul ~ 9 re :;:.~~J~8lU~9l hi
1111::1.~ [. [6]~? CJ::~IL.c:. ~ 6ffiII CJg~ [5]1 ~~ m

[···J U m[ ~JF: kW:: I~~ [~ [7] III:: I.~~==e="d [ 20

5 [2-3]: Restore the pers onal name [1fI3Y (thus , GRANDET 2010, 66-67) II 7- 8 [5.5]: Superscript addition,
inserted above determ inative of Jm n-m-jp.t , cont inuing nearly to the end of the line 119- 10 [8]: GRANDET
(ibid.) reads the first two names tent atively as Hwy S3 lfwy< nfr(=w) > (?) 111 2[1]:GRANDET (ibid.) restores
the date tent atively as sbd 1 p r[.t sw 2]1 (?) 1113 [2]: Read the perso nal name as (P3)-R C-btp (ibid, vo 2) II
17-1 8 [3]: Restoration [r]-g'bw follows transliteration at GRANDET 2010 , 91, 3.
Dyn. 19, (Sety II, undated-Ramesses V); Ame nme sse, (undated). IX, 52

169. (Sety II, undated-Ramesses V), Deir el Medina: Inquiry to the 1

chief of police regarding a goat for a sick woman

o. Wente (WENTE 1996; idem 1990, 143, no . 188)

9bl ~ ) ) ! ~~9 0 [2] ~!} bl ~~~)~m) f=~,'l ~ ~ bl !~ ~ _ [1]

~!!i<::> & ~ ~
I I I ~:E1.rr eJl
0 [4]
I;l-..Q......b.,. @
J @
T 1ll......c.L\...&L Jk 9@lzzrr<::><::> [3] ~· ~0~_
~~ y g g •-
~ 9o !Jl 5

n ~ [7] 1l~)) ~1lcl~ [6] ~ i"~9l~d~ n: [5] ~d ~6 ~ ~~ J:

170. Amenmesse, (undated): Record of absences due to funeral rites,
brewing duties, and menstrual taboo; departure for work
O. DeM 898 (GRANDET 2003a, 3-4, 70-71 , 310-313)
recto: 10

~(~ ~~ 1_= ~ lt,,, ~i ~~ 91!i@}~ 1 0 ==0=c:zz::J ~[ 1]

t!I. ~~ g'V -J" ~n & 0 ~ A9E5~ - - - r=:-.. [2]
~ ~ r rd"_= ~ ~ X I~ -e c-: 0 '1 9:EtnoUf{_r ==0=c:zz::J III
0 -

1!i~~9L~~9L ~<::>~ ~~9 c:zz::J~ d ~ ~ ==0= c:zz::J ~ [3]

1!i 9 + ~~ ~ 9 L ~<::> ~~ ~ 9 c:zz::J ~ d ii ~ ~~ ==0=c:zz::J ~[4]
A.t.llJLJL 0 L JK li1l d- ~ ilL f}J @ - - - [5] ;=..
:Etrr9l:_ ~ l: 1Ai <::>0rP
9 <::> he El tc 1/ II =0:--:c:zz::J III
czz:::::J 15

:e ~I,,1!i~ ~9 D~ ~ I =:J 0=c:zz::J ~ [6]

[...] ~ 1!i I~~ [ ... ][8] ==0 ~ 0 =0=c:zz::J ~ [8]


5 [3]: For transcription of the city deter minative following mry.t, see discus sion in WENTE 1996,859 1115
[5]: The scribe has stricken the entire line.
Dyn. 19, (Amenme sse-Siptah), IX, 53

171. (Amenmesse-Siptah), De ir el-Medina: Journal fragment 1

mentioning the departure of apprentice "youths" for work

O. DeM 888 ( GRANDET 2003 a, 3, 63, 297)

.) l= : :;[ ~[ . .] [2] [ ... ]~~~ [1] . 9~ [1.5] ~ l LGf 0 d" ~ ~ [ . .] [1]

[.. .]~ ~ ~l ;[[ . .][3][ "'],,- \ ~ 5

172. Record of absences, absent crew, deliveries, departure for work

O. DeM 900 (GRAN DET 2003 a, 73-74, 316-3 19)



~0~ lrEJI U[5]~ t~:i ~~~rr ~ g9D(f&~ ~'= ~~ ~ LJ ~[4]

== ~~ ~ L:J ~ 9ot!:i~ [6]~/~..]f~ ~:::: ~~~ I 't't! ~

verso: 15
o~ a t;) =>= <:> ~ 2 A~o~ ~~ <:> ~~ [1 ]
~ ;;l _ ~ _ ~~ 0oL":JIIII[]
I 4" UILI I I I ~ I:tl... ~ 'i' === ~ 0oL":J II lit
~~[4] ~' I ~~ ~LJ~ ~~~9D(f&~~~~rr ~[3]~ )t~:i ~'I!¥1
8l~iLt?[ . ·] [6] ~ LJ~<:> I~~~ II[ ..·] [5]iL~~9D~iL~~rr ~[mJ

[_Jt!:i~~~9D ~~ ~' ~ ~~[~J [7] ~~~!9~~ Id"t

~~9ot! ~9l..]ft[· . ][9] ~' === ~~ ~L:J~ ~~~rr ..]f[8] 20

[... ]~[ ... ][lO]~ ~8l

4 [1], begin ning: GRANDET 2003a, 62, tentatively restores the title ss-qd 114 [1.5]: Superscript correction II
4 [2], beginning: G RAN DET (ibid., notes to I. 2) tentatively restores [cijw hrj.w rnp.t (?) msw.t HJr (?) 116-
7: Also cf. contemporary fragments O. DeM 901 , 902 , and 903 (ibid ., 75-77), et aI., for similar content,
less well preserved II 12-13 [6, 7]: Months transcribed incorrectly as sbd 4 in GRANDET 2003a, 317 (cf.
ibid. 74; thus, DeMD) II [9], beginning: GRANDET (ibid., 74) tent atively restores the personal name Ns l]y.
Dyn. 19, Siptah, year 1. IX, 54

173 . Siptah, year 1, Deir el-Medina: Distribution of rations 1

O. DeM 10164 (GRANDET 2010, 49-52, 274-277)

recto, 2 co/so (1,1-14; 2,1-10):

nnnn A~ A- 0 nn ~ D <=> p=.. ~ ["'J [2] ["' J~["'J

nnn M.W~bl.. _ ~rrLL_0~~ 00L':J III 10T ~

rn /Y~ [5]
f6[;]bl., ?i
II ftl1k I~ _ -====-
=",,=bl., «
[ ~
0 <:::>
00c-=J p=..
II {-ft} '
~ 5

["' Jft1b: D ~ 0 r~~ l [8] Ift1b:~~~[7] Ift9 0~=~[6] Ift1b:

1l~9dA [11] Ift1b: ~ 9~~~~ ::::[10] [ " 'J 1b:::: 9 t ~ 9 ~Q l [9]

[ "' J~H ...J[14]0 Ift1b:9t[ J[13] Ift1b:) o~~rrI4[12] Ift1b:~

0 0

[... ]1'=7 [9] [...J,,";, [8] [ J[3-7] [... J ~ 1l [2] [...JIft~:;::! '=7 [2,1]
[...J I ~ [10] 10


<r II [.. .J[4] nnnnn ~?;; ~ [ . . J[3] k/{t1dlUWJ [2] ~~ ~ ~L':J~ [1]

_ o<rI [.. ·J[7] nnn~ [ "'J[6] o[... J[5] In=~c-=Jln ~~ l nnnnn;;;;~

nnnnn [...J[9] "'BI:=~ <r II ft1b:[.. J[8]

174. Siptah (?), year 1: Record of absences due to illness, work on a 15

statue for the vizier, and menstrual taboo

O. DeM 908 (GRANDET 2003a, 3, 81-84, 328-329; 2003c, 2 13-2 14, 226)


~ [~. . J[3][.. .J~ I * d~~ ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ [2][...JE¥ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~~[ . . J[1]

~~9 D~~~~ ==~~ 0= c:zz::J~ [ . . J[4]["1~ 1b: ~ ~ 9 D ~ ~ k 7 d ;1[90 20

9- 10 [8-1 0]: GRANDET 201 0,5 0 restores the three partially preserved personal names as Nb [-m-M(w).t
(?)], Nb -[nfr(=w) (?)], and RW[t3 (?)], respectively.
Dyn. 19, Siptah (7), year 1; (year 1-2). IX, 55

::~~ ,*d~[···][6][ ···]~~)~~rr ~ ~r:jf ~ft[ . ·][5][.. .]~~ 1

[.. ·.df[9o£~ d~9t[ . ·][7][ "·~Jf ~'

verso, text A:

~~~ ~ It d::~[ ... ][3][ "' _ D f~}~ ' [ . .][2][ ". ] U'~~ [ .,, ] [1]
[ "· ] ~ ~, * d~ :: ~ [ . ·][5][ . · ~] Wd(td~9t l ~=~[ . ·][4][ ]~ 5

[... ]~ £ r~ ' ~f ~e:[ ][6]

verso, text B :

[... ][ Uu~+::-' t _ ~J"' ] [2] [ ... ]~~ =~~,.~./ FfP["·] [1]

175. Siptah (?), (year 1-2), Deir el-Me dina: Checklist of workers -
absen t/present, plus a fragment of a royal text 10

O. DeM 912 + 913 (GRANDET 2003a, 4,88-90,340-344; 2003c, 215, 217-218, 230)

912, recto, col. 1:

Z fiW~OIl=~[~ ...][1]
Etb:l..?i ~_~~ ~

~~9t@J_ ·][4] ~~ I .
913, recto, col. 1: 15

~96=~ ,<::>~6 :db [3] i{~I~~:::::: ~ [2] ~) )~~ ' 7 f!'c' [1]

~~~=JlrEJlIU ~ [4]
912, recto, col. 2:

7-8 : Text B appears beneath Text A, the former upside down, relative to the latter II 9-11: The recto sides
of the two fragments appear to be discontinuous parts of the same checklist (GRANDET 2003a, 89, RO I, 1,
and 90, W, noting also that the texts of the verso appear to be unrelated) 1113-14: Each entry in 912 , col.
1, began presumably with ~ or :db, as in 15 ff. (ibid., with discussion at 89, RO II, 1, and 90, RO; see
next note) 11 15 ff.: Each entry begins with negative arms in red (abbreviated as a stroke in 16 [1]), over
which the actual attendance record was written in black: c-: , "present," or ....J\-c. , "absent" (GRANDET
2003a, 89, W 1,1, citing already JANSSE N 1997a, 88) ; note that the recto ofO. DeM 913 also preserves
traces from a second column, of which only two row headers, ~, are still visible (ibid. , 90, 344).
Dyn . 19, Siptah (7), (year 1-2); Siptah, (early); (year 2-3). IX, 56

lA/ d
:El~I<::> L'""'L.~
A " . [5]
I ~= ~ ~~ Il~ p&=- [4] 1

~ 7@ :<} ~ [ "' J [7]

912, verso:

[" 'J~~ 19@= +:-'+61 [3][ "'J I~~~Il~tit~~[2][ ''' J ~ ~ 1l~61[ . . J[I]
[ '''J~+I~~[4] 5

913, verso:

176. Siptah, (early), Deir el-Medina : Reco rd of absen ces,

mentioni ng "coming to the [great] field"

P. Berlin 14485, frag. G , recto (FISCHER-ELFERT 2000, 102 and pI. 20) 10

~?[ ...J[4] ["' Jn~ 0?[ ... J[3] ['''J! ~[ ... J[2] [ "'Jii~9>61m ... J[1]
I?::J 0_ = C?Z:J
'I=I "'[...J[6]
[... J~rmz::J ,=...[jJ
I II I t\.. .ca= 'C7I
/l"[ ... J[5]
9> ~ b.l. ["'J~f~? /l"~
K lk El b.l. ~
["'J ~ ~i9>D[ ...J[7] [.. .J

177. (Year 2-3) : List of workers , male and female

O. Leiden F. 2000/1.2 (DEMAREE 2000; COLLIER 2004,83-84, 160) 15

recto, col. 1:

m[5] i~~[4] ~~~9>D_[3] '~[~[2] ~?~?~R[I,1]

m[9] ~~?m[8] ~L"Jm[7] m[6] ~~

recto, col. 2:

2 [7]: Restore Pol::- , or similar, at the beginning of the line, as previous; also note traces of a third column,
mostly illegible but including perhaps two row headers, to the left of col. 2 (GRANDET 2003a, 88, 341 11 10:
The other fragments from this papyrus, plus fragments from P. Berlin 14448 and 14449, include portions
of three absentee records, written in three different hands ( Fr scHER- E L FERT 2000, 101).
Dyn . 19, Siptah, (year 2-3). IX, 57

~Lld~~~[5] 1


recto, col. 3:

~~£r~[4]~ :<lo ~1'~~[3] ~ 4J£~[2] [3,1 ]

_ _ [8]11;(~9t~Ql [7] 11;(IIBIU[6] ~rf~;::1'=7[5] ~ 5

recto, col. 4:

[ ...]~
verso :

178. Siptah, (year 2-3), Deir el-Medina: Checklist and tally of workers

O. Strasbourg H. 119 (KOENIG 1997,10, pIs. 57-58,120-121; ALLAM 1999;

M OLLER 2000 ; COLLIER 2004 , 86-88, 160)


0 9 'Tr _@ _ [9]
o 11;(£::[8] 0 11;(LJ~~ d::~ c-: [7] !!!!9

1111',' R&==a=o [ 11] 0_ 11;(:fiK~£~ _ [10]

11: Date follows DEMAREE (DeMD), cf KOENIG 1997 (Ramesside), and COLLIER 2004 (Siptah, m id-late)
II12 : KOENIG 1997, photographs at pIs. 120-121 , reverses recto and verso, relative to the hand copies and
transcriptions at pis. 57-58 (DeMD; also see MOLLER 2000,281) 1115 ff [1 ff. ] : Transcription of o-,,- in
each entry follows DeMD, contra KOENI G, pI. 57, who transcribes as 0 nnnn in each case II 15 [I]:
Transcription as Nht-Mnw follows DeMD II 17 [8]: Transcription as Mnns fo llows DeMD II 17 [6] : The
hieroglyphic transcription in KOENIG 1997, pI. 57, omits the wg3(.t) 9 group (ALLAM 1999, 143; MOLLER
2000,281) 1118 [10] : Transcription as P3-(j)m(j)-r-j/:1.w follows DeMD.
Dyn. 19, Siptah, (year 2-3); years 3-4. IX, 58

verso: 1

~[4] 0 ~~~U [3] o ~~ ~ 9~ F ~1[ ... J[2] ["' J~(I<:::J~[1 ]

o ~~~=~ [7] o ~9~~? [6] 0 ~~~6lt[5] 0 ~~~

o ~fi&~ [9] mmmmmm[8]

179. Sipta h, year 3, Deir el-Medina: Jo urnal reco rding absences and 5
work duties on behalf of Chancellor Bay

O. DeM 10052 (GRANDET 2006a, 57-58,242-243; 2003c, 211-222, 224-225)




o ~1:fL
A[2] [... J9 DUA& X~ll........c../:\ - = - w[oo.J[1]
~ 'T' = = :::J <:) = :::J <:) = :::J <:) = :::J ~ 15

180. Year 4: Record of rewards to the crew from the vizier and
abse nces for a superior, due to fest ivals, brewing for cult, and death

O. DeM 10051 (GRANDET 2006a, 55-56, 241; 2003c, 214-2 15, 222 , 227)


@ A"W [3]
o M. ?i
!ti 0 ll.
I~ II I I [j £
Cl =
II ll........c.. A 0 [2] = ':="'1 111 0 ~[ 1 ]
1 ~ '=7\I:fL_ I<:) :::J <:)_ CZZ:::J III er 20

2--4: KOENIG 1997, pI. 58 transcribes the seated man determinative following eac h name as a dot 112 [1] :
Transcription follows MOLLER 2000, 281 II 4 [9]: Transcription follows ibid. II 4 [10] The transcription in
KOE NIG 1997, pI. 58, right, does not indicate that the entire row is red (cf. hand copy at ibid., left).
Dyn. 19, Siptah, years 4-5. IX, 59

d mmD ~ ~ ~ '[6] m ~~ ~ ~9d lfl r ~ ' $ d[5] m 1

mm~'~I& [8]~~ -=?~~ Ifl~ _$~ ~ Gld. [7] ~ ' $

m ···m~:::~ [1O]r--4mm -=?~~ 11 9~~~ ~ [9] l~ ~ fM

181. Siptah, year 5, Deir el-Medina: Announcement of the execution of 10

chancellor Bay, plus transfer of goods between workmen

o. DeM 886 (GRANDE T 2003a, 59-60, 291- 294; 2000b; COLLIER 2004, 93-94,1 58)


Il og::II ~ 9 ~£ ~ [2] ~ ~ .;& _ ±ft £ ~9d A ,~~[~ ~][1]

o ~~ ~[5]
l ==s=orr~
~ I
u.........e.._ ft -r: ~ ~ /}"~[4] 1
I )<:> 9 ~1:tl.... o Il:2I
~~ ~I
~ ~ [3 ]
0 u.........e..

5 [2]: Sic., for ell] (GRANDET 2006a, 56, yo 1-2) 1110-1 2: For the later career of Bay , see also BIERBRlER
20 11 and DODSON 20 11; for the verso, see also JANSSEN 1975, 177,374, and 447 .
Dyn. 19, Siptah (?), year 5. IX, 60

182. Sipta h (?) , yea r 5, Deir el-Medina:

Receipt of beer from the west of Thebes

O. DeM 10155 (GRANDET 2010 , 42, 265)

====>=> 0 [4] [ " ' J ~g °1'

= o ,{[3] [ ... JQ ~1JJ ~ [2][ ... J
o ~ @ A (TI o If Llb:ll\. D.llll) =>=> 0 ~;::=" ll l ol [l ]
0 I III II e
[ " 'J b = [6][ " 'JD ~[5][ " ' J 5

183. Work roster?

O. DeM 10127 (GRANDET 2010,10-20,234-239)

recto, col. 1:

~ ~ 9~~~~dl [2] ~Jd~:: =>=> 0 [1] :.!-d4~~4:[b] ~0 [a]

~ ~ ~~[6] ~ ~~~ d=~ [5] :::1~~ ~ [4] ~~~ ~[3] ~ 10

[...J[8-16] ~ [~ [7] !!i~

recto , col. 2:

~:::1 '=7 [6] [... ] ~ ~::: [5] [ _ ~[ _··1!..0[4] [.. ] [2-3] [ ...]£[1]
[ ...J[10- 17] [ "'J ~ ~9D ~ ~[9] ~~ 9 ~~ [8] [ ~9 7 dl~ [7]
recto , col. 3: 15

o [5] a..
- . Et ..@ 9 0...JI 0
- -L9 [ ~~1[4]
[~~1 ~a.. ~ U [3]
~3 .-=lI 9rJ&I DI
J[1 2]
=;:; a..-l
c:b ~[ ~[6] .lV E5~
~~8lt~~ ,ifi,7 ~~ [7] :El9 D 0 <:> ~J Et 0 9 0 J&_r

;: ~ -l, [11] J [10] ~~~9 D [. [9] ~~~~dl8l! [8 ]

4 [I ]: GRANDET2010 ,42, restores no addit iona l numerals at the end of the line, readi ng only sw 20 114 [2]:
Restore at end ofline m jn[y.t m ns T. W -T. W (?) ] (ibid .) II 6: For the identification of the document as a work
roster, including caveats, see GRANDET 20 I0, 16-17; for the date , see ibid., 18 II 9 [a- b]: the lines labeled
here as [a] and [b] appear to the right of the main co lumn , from which they are separated by a partial
dividing line (ibid., 16). Other dividin g lines- added obvious ly after the initial inscription- separate the
various columns of text on both the recto and verso into five, irregularl y shaped sections , which in some
cases sp lit individual co lumn entries (see diagram at ibid., I I) .
Dyn. 19, Siptah (?), year 5. IX, 61

recto, col. 4:

~~ ~[2] [~~ 9~ [2,end]~~~ 6l t~~ ,1¥,7 ~:::::' I ::J ~L:l [ . .J[1]

~~1[' ~' J[5] B ~.~ ["· J [4] ~9 o(td~ r~ 1[3] ~~ (~~ )~

d 9~[10 ] [... J[8-9] ~"[7]~~6l t~~,1¥,7 t~ [6] •

9 o(td~ =[13] :!.-d4= ::J 0 [12] ~ ~6l~9dA[11] [ ~l ~ 5

=~~[15] ~.-=¥9 o~~d ~ ~ 9 t !... [14] ~~.-=¥9~~

~ U~"'_ JdA[16] :!.-ld~ ~

recto, col. 5:

000 ~ e
t==:J M 91l.........c..
[4] J:v
r!JJ [3] J:v ~ ~!JJ
El~ U _t\.
1<:>1 1 IU
{[2] J:v
El o
91* M~ 91l.........c..
e [1]

[ ... J[8] /I ~~[7]

=;:; ~ ["' J [6]
1&90 &;
J:v ~~
~[5 ] i1tJ:r::::::I=
El lrr 1_

-o L.W~[11 ]
i1tJ[.. .J [lO]
El 9T_
r @ i1tJ~!JJ - [ 9]
El~t\.=""=9 @
DZ:J ~
1 0<::>~ ~J
~ [~l

9 ~ ~ ~ 1'=7[14] ~~ .-=¥9~~~~ rr ~ [13] ~Jd~ [12] ;90:;

~ ~6l~9dA[17] ~~90~~[16] ~ ~I*d 9~ [15] ~~ .-=¥

[ "·J~ .-=¥9~~~9~ ~ ~[19] :!.-d4 I::J 0 [18]

recto, col. 6: 15

~~[5] ~.Jd~ [4] [ ~ ~ £ ~[3] ~t~ [2] [ ~ ~=[1]

[ ~ _ _[8] [ _ * d9~[7] [ ~ ~ ~[6] [~~

~~?[l2] i' 9 D ~0£~ [11] i((td =:H= ;; £ ~[ 1O] i(~~~£ [9]

[... J[15-18] ~ ~.-=¥9 ~ [14][ "'J [1 3] :!.-d4

2: Fo r the continu ation ofl ine [1] at [2, end], see GRANDET 2010 , 19 11 2- 3 [2]: Rea d the overlapping names
as separate entries, Hwy and Jp wy (ibid.) II 7 [16]: Res tore ijr-m[wj3j w=f wr]s( w) (ibid., 13).
Dyn . 19, Siptah (?), year 5. IX, 62

verso, col. 1: 1

9~ ~::: i~~~[4] :.!.- l d~ [3] ~n ~ ~ d=~[2] ii 9 0 ~ :::i ~ [1]

[ ~J~~-Jf~~~[7] [ _ ~d=~[6] ~ ~ ~ 9 0 cr& ~ [5] ~~ ~

=~( ~) ~9 ~ [10] [ ... ] 't' ~ ~ == =:J 0 [9] [ ~ ~~~r ~ .l [8] [ ~

:.!.- l d ~ ~~ l 9 0 [13] ~~~£ ~[1 2] 9 +~ [11] [ ···J~d 5

& {jJ ~ n~?~? ~t ~ [1 5] ~d n &O~n Al~n[ 14]

E.. 9 o t\.. _r~ ~ <:>till ~ ~0 <:> ~ 9r E... CJ~r &_ r
~ ~ ~ £ t[ 16]
verso, col. 2:

~9~ [4]~90 :;;~ l 9 £ ~ [3] :.!.-d 4~ =:J 0[2] ~~~ ~£[1]

{jJ c,
_ 9
l [8] II g Al n
d-- J. & II
[7] &
E...9T _
r @ [6] =;:;
:1& 90
~~ t [5]
0 <:>til
r::zz:::J ~
I 0<:>

[ _Jf=~[13] [_ £ t £ e, [12] [ ] [10-11] ~~~9~ [9] ~

~ [ ... J[18] ~ ~[ ~[17] ~ ~~[ J[16] [ ...J[15] ~ =:J [ ~J[1 4]

~ 9 6 ~_ _ 6[19]
verso, col. 3:

{jJ ~ n [2] [ ...]n Al ~ n [1]

I =:J=:J 0
=:J=:J 0
=== =:J 0
--- [3] &
E...9ot\.. _ r r& _ r

~ ~ A~ ~ 9 + ~ [8] ~ ~~9~ 1 ~= ~A ~[7] :.!.-d 4[6 ]

[ ···]=:J =:J0[14] [ ... J=~[13] [ ~ld~[1 2] [ ...][10- 11] [0.0. .] ~[9] ~

[ ...J[17] [ ···J I ~ ~ ~£ ~[ 1 6] [ ···Jm9d<9[15]

verso, col. 4:

r::zz:::J ~ n& AT"T,. AT [4] II g Aln[3] &~[2] \9J {jJ ~ [1] 20

I 0<:>~9rE... ITI.8L /!j 8L ~ d-- J. &II E..-=:¥ - t:f t\.. _
12 [15 and 18]: Restore [wnmy] and [smb]Y, respectively (th us, GRANDET 20 10, 14- 15) 1115 [1]: Restore
Jmn-m-j[n.t] (ibid., 15) 1117 [13]: Re store Jmn-im-jn.t-nht.wi (ibid.).
Dyn . 19, ~iptah (?), year 5; (undated) . IX, 63

df :: =:)=:) 0 [8] 2(~ .cl~[7] 2( ~2~ d=~ [6] 2(~~9 D(f&~ [5] 1

[ ... ] [10- 17] [ . ~ ~ ~ [9] [ ... ] ~ ~ :!.-

verso, col. 5:

[ ... ] [5-14] [" '~J~:l [4] :!.-ld~ [3] i~9~ [2] [ ... ]ltB,U[1]

184 . Siptah, (undated) : Reco rd of absences due to festivals and cattle, 5

plus inactivity (?) on the left side of the gang

O. DeM 910 (GRANDET 2003a, 3--4,85-86,331 -332; idem 2003c, 215-21 7, 229)


4~l rBIU[3] [ "' J~~.J)'r d"~ 9d~~~d ~9 [ ''' J[2] [~ '''~ J [I]

II d:9~~?["' J[5] [ ''' J~'~~~~d"~-¥ d"~ [''' J [4] ['''J~~m0 10

[... .J ~="== ~C7~[ ... ][7][ "' ]=,,-1L,<:>Ff1 6~'~? [ . . ][6][=k~


185. Checklist of workers, plus an record of an argument (?) and oath

O. DeM 914 (GRANDET 2003a, 4, 91, 345) 15


[...]@:<}~~ •[4] 2(:::1~ • [3] 2(~~~ ~ • [2] 2(~I<:> • [1]

[ ... ] [6] [ ... ]D ~ d =,,=~ [ ''' ] [5]


+(f&::~ !t+~~ t [2][..._~ ~~~ ,<:>d:(f& ~H . · ] [1] 20

2 [8], end: Restore .ij-[r-njw.t=j] (GRANDET 20 10, 15).
Dyn. 19, Siptah, (undated) . IX, 64 .

186. Siptah, (und ated), Va lley of the Kings : A roya l titula ry 1

o. Carnarvon 408 (NEUN ERT 2009; GUNN MSS Notebook 45a, 38 Nr. 408/H)

~g~ x:~ ~~~€t~~~~ [2] ~ ~~ /= ~ ~ ~ 5 A [1]

m~t=~r;r.r.n ~AI09<::>~~~~~ [3]~~ ~ L L....:. ~ L~

~ i~~~~d.[5]m:9 1{J";t ~~!t ~ fd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m [4] 5

m~[7]~l ~i __ ~ dmm[6];-: ~ 2:~~~9

187. Sipta h (?), (undated), Deir el-Medina: Reco rd of absences
and wo rk on a royal project
o. DeM 899 (GRANDET 2003a, 3, 71-73 , 314-315)
recto: 10

~"'="' [2]
.... - . .... - . = ~~ 0 0 III

__ ~"'="' [3 ]
.... - . .... - . == ~ ~ 0 0 III


~! t+;;;~I~8l
~!t+;;;~9:t 1~8l~ d~~_ =~~0¥~[3] 20

nA ~..t1 = _ ~"'="' [4]

' I ~ T~nn .... - . .... - . =~~ 0 0 I II

[ ... ]JJJ .d -
~~@ =~~0
~"'="' [5]
I II 0

12 [2] and ff.: Read 1" - as a ditto marker, from prev ious line (see discussion in GRANDET 2003a , 72).
Dyn. 19, Siptah (7), (undated); Dyn. 19, (second half). IX, 65

188. Siptah (?), (undated), Deir el-Medina: Record of absence 1

due to birth of a daughter, et al.

O. Ashmo lean HO 679 (HUDSON 2015, 48-51)


~~ ~ ~LJ I~~ 6t~[ .... ][2][ ·.. ] ft ~r ~~l ~ [~ ... ][l] 5

["' ]d /~~':;~~ 9 D ~:::!~1 [~· . ][3][ ... ~~~,

[...][6][... ]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :ll.-@J . .][5][ . . ] ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :ll~~t- 9~~[ . .][4]

[ ···.~ !6t ~~<:>~~ l90~H . ·][2][... ] ~ ~ ~ ~ [ ][l] 10

[... ]_[ ...] [5][ " '] ~ ~l 9 0 ~ ' [4]["'] ~ ' I~I 6t! 6t e,-: <:>[ ][3]

189. Dynasty 19, (second half), Qurna: Unfulfilled deliveries,

including mention of "their (i.e. the workmen's) gods giving birth"

O. Quma 633 (BURKARD 1995; idem 1999; DeMO, O. Quma 633)

~dKI1'_[2] ~ =f\l~ &. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[l] 15

/l"w ~ ® n~~[3 ] ~ j(
c3 b.l.. « .-<:>II~~ r u ~
® II
L nlrMD,,.
19o.- l
A/l" W
l l l lffib.l.. ~
• •~

1& ~k2.~~* //6t~ dt-~m [4]1~:+ rrr~~~~:i r::d @,;~ ~

r 1V ~ ~ ~- ~ o ® -n~ ~--. A" ~[5] ~ c5~ ffj"
~11'Et_r '=7 #lblr~~<:>1 11'1_#lllo8l.. ~ ~I 0* IIII~

Dyn. 19, (late). IX, 66

190. Dyn . 19, (late), Qurna: Letter, regarding a water-bearer

O. Qum a 691 11 17/82 (BuRKARD 2000 ; DeMO)

recto :

1}{9~:::~<~J~t ~9~ J1 ~! t~tlja~L~~ [5] :;[~bl~~@}

Ai"? 1n<::>DI nrrn1 I
lk.@ rr
0 0
IT <:::>
~:~i~r _
it <::> r-; n
0 Ai" [6]
Ul <::> .II . l\...X -
0 ? n?
~ @

mmmm~~~~~~~t9~.?m[7]1}{~ 10


-n A9nA ? Jr=(L
I I Il lmn.l~..1 ~ IT II o<::>l\... ~<:>~ ?-~~
t;'j Il......c.. ?n -~1?n
n I Iii r r <::>__
0 RR[1]
L~~:lt~ B::[i7i~ ~ cl&bl~ ~ ' \J t ? ~? ~~?~~~~H~~[2]~~~
~t?[3](tJ?~?~ __ ~ ~ n[2a]~ao

mm[4]!~;;~~~~<lli~~~ ~~~:;z~m~?~~?~mm 15

mm[5]~~~bl~~~~~=d :9.@ 1~ ~Dmmmmm

mm[6]r ~~~~~bl~~~~ r4 <::> ~9~~~0mmm
~~? ~m ~?~~~~~~~ l\...~?m ~ ~p~~~~
1: Regarding the date, B URKARD 2000, 55-56, suggests late Dyn. 19 or early Dynasty 20, based on the
palaeography of seven characteristic signs and sign groups. However, of the seven, five constitute typical
or exclusively Nineteenth Dynasty forms , versus two typical or exclus ively Twentieth Dynasty forms; the
present assignation to the former dynasty follows this preponderance of evidence (thus, also DeMO).
Dyn . 19, (late-end). IX, 67

191. Dyn. 19, (late), Wadi el-HOI: Graffito of a Stable-master 1

Wadi el-Bol rock inscription 22 (DARNELL 2002, 139)

192. Dyn. 19, (end), Deir el-Medina (?): Record of absences

due to brewing activities, et al. 5

O. Louvre N 694,3 (KOENIG 1991, 96-97; DEVERIA 1872, 194-195)

recto :



~~ 9~ ~~~m ~~ ~1 ~0= czz::J 16f[2]~ ~ m~{9 ~~~~1[1]

~ ~ 0=czz::J I' ~m .s{9 ::: ~~ ~ IO~a...-. ~ ~~ A U [3]

193. Dyn . 19, (end?), Deir el-Medina : Timber ledger mentioning Sobek 15

O. DeM 10187 (Grandet 2010,3 ,71-72,297)

/]"~ ~ K1(' [3] Ill 111f}J J J.tfWH~[ ... ][2] ""1[ ...][1]
/fl... « ML"J . _ _ II n ~111t\. ,="bl..~ IIII

IL"J;;: [6] I.' rr ~ ~r::::sAU sz: [5] I.=Q-"- \L ~~ ;;: [4] I(tJ JJi,
~[8] II ~ ~ I~ ~ [7] ~ ? 0 1(tJ JJ ~ U~ d I.A U 9~ ~
~.#~[~~~]n ll.-..:.[9]
~ ~ ~~~ U r::::zz::::J
III ~ / II ~
f\ n


4- 14: Date follows DEMAREE (D eMD), on the basis of prosopo graphy II 10 [5], end: KOENIG 199 I , 96,
records the fu ll spelling of the expected infinitivejrt, however, the signs transcribed in hand copy at ibid.,
p. 98, recto 5, seem ill-suited to a phonetic complement r + tending (cf. the infinitive at ibid., verso 2, end).
Dyn. 19 (undated). IX, 68

194. Dynasty 19 (undated), East Karnak: Stela of a certain

Khaemwaset, honoring Khonsu-Thoth, et ale
Stela ND 63 (REDFORD 1989/90)
columns before the standing figure ofKhaemwaset:

[1] [~lrhlmmm~_~ gj i Q -=- [2] r~ 1 C7t ~. ~ 5

~ t ffl~~~_~ [3] [ ~ ~ !~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ t ! ~ ~ r [4] [I~

' ! ~ I~:~~t J ~[5][ .~ ~? ~{ ~~} n '~ ?~ ~~MH~ !
[6][ ~J D D D~ __ DD~1
195. Dyn. 19 (undated), Qurna: Letter concerning the necropolis,
a funeral, the gods and king, and a draftsman, plus a grain account 10

O. Quma 647 (B URKARD 200 1, 5- 10 [recto]; DeMO [recto and verso])


~ ~ nn ~
=~l l r <:> ~~<:> ~ ~ ~
0 /lli m?~?~?:n~ [ " ' J [2] [ " ' J~rro
_ IIW/.
~ ~[
i7Z:7-==:¥19f600 I I I

ij<:>~~::U ... J[4] 9~~~Qld~~ ~! t +;;; :+rrr ;[ :~ ~ [3]

~ drff cl ~~9o~9L~[" 'J[5] il ~~9~8lU~~~ 15

~ ~ ~ o ~J ... J[7] o~~~ 4h~~~;; ~[ " 'J[6]~


, m 8l r [" ' J [5]_ ~L:JA d" d l'..9 <:> ~9L ~~~d~~ ? ~ [" ' J [4] 20

~ ?~ ~[7] ~ l l l lft +r -1Ii::0) +~ t['''J[6] 1III ft ~ = ~ C7 ~ d

.;?ft?~[ " 'J[9] __ ft~~9o~ ~ ~[ . .J[8] n? ft g gJ! ~~
o I11 1I I1 ~~~ ft ~ [lO] g g g glepl#~~ '
4: A second male figure, no nam e or titles preserved, stands behind Khaem waset II 7 [4]: Regarding the
unusual shrine (?) hieroglyph , RE DFORD 1989/90, 131-1 32 (i), cons iders and discards possible readings as
hw.t-ntr and w-b.t before settling on a tentative reading zs jtr.ty 119- 23 : B URKARD 2001 ,5 notes that the
grain acco unt on the vers o was written in a different hand and is later than the letter on the recto.
Dyn. 19 (?). IX, 69

196. Dyn. 19 (?), C optos : Bio gra phy of Wnn-nfr, second priest of M in 1

Stela Cairo JE 71902 (JANSEN-WINKELN 2007, 111-1 15 and pls. 7,11 ,15-17;
IVERSEN 1996; ABDALLAH 1984,69-71 and pI. 17)

~iLF o nFo~~O~PI '=7 @ ~..2\~ n F A ~ F 1V ~ t ~ - V"

ii:i 9_I ~ nbJ I ~~n~l~o<:> 1 I 1= 11I II ll us.r ~J:.1.<:>*=i/~ '\? Olll
1 I
+ V~ nil\~~~
I ~ '\?''=n...llffL",a Cl
0 ~ 'r )J' o ~ cf - e
~r I M@~ ~9c::::::;;;::::: _
~[2]1V~ ~~ ~<:> &~
:Et Ur~ I-I-1 0 :Et~ 5

o ~~~ [3] !~ L ~ ~ ~~~_~~I~~~ ~r ~ ~~~1h: ~! ~ I n

~~1. ~~ l t ~~~ bl~~:~=S1~~ ~ l ~r=JgFd1h:~£~
~~~~~blo~~;;blUl~ ~~~~£d~i,' ,::[4]@}i~~~
V X ~ ~.- AT ~rr & 4l> [5] ~ nF ~ ~. ~ 0 ~ c::3 ~ @ 9..2\ & 4l> (J_
\? r II /:1I... ~:Et~ ~ I I IIll 1'C7~~m.~n oW II <:>~= 1 :Et ~ ~ ~
ATlT~ 1' ff.1V4l> - n!E9 ~\V A ~ =!fb, FDJ & 4l> ~ I & ~ D F(L
/:1I... dJ[l I ~ ~ ~ I I III 0 ~<:>llii ~ 0 0001 :Et~ ~UJI~~l~ _ I 0 10

~~ L1h:~~ r~~~ll\j~~~~~~ L*tl g<~JMM~[6]\jJ.R

!~ Ll~ ~du~[~[.[7]~~I ~F1h: ~ I~I===~ 1i ~~ ~ <>!
~~~~~~ c;g r~~~gr ,f,~~~rrr 1h:r=~~ L~~
~~~ 9~ !=~~ ~ ?r~1~~ L~1h:~~~~ ~u Hm ] [8]
'C7 ~
I I I L~ ~_
I 0 ~ 'C7( ( ur===""=[~1 [9]
0 0 ~ ~J
& ~ 'r II WdJW~~ IYI ~ I I I ~ l\... ~
:EtI O 1l\...~L\...9ur' l II I 1_9 0_ ~ 15

np~[~]~~~ ~ ~ =~t ~ ';;: 3:. r A\1~1h:Z~~~~1h:~

~~II~~ [m]~~~~?i M~~~[~? ][10]
I : The ste la was inscr ibed originally in the New Ki ngdom and re-cut later, in Dyn. 21 under Pinudjem, as
recognized already in ABDALLAH 1984, 65, n. 2; on the basis of diachron ic features of the grammar,
JANS EN- WfNKELN 2007 , 109, suggests that the origina l inscription dates to the E ighteenth or ear ly
Nineteenth Dynasty and was subse quently re-cut in Dyn. 19 and, later, Dyn . 21 . The main, Ramesside
biographical text is included here; for the original dedicat ion to Min, from a certain "ch ief of the Medjay,"
as we ll as the largely conven tional offe ring formu lae, gods' names, and the later roya l inscription, see
ABDALLAH 1984,65-68 and pI. 16, and JANSEN-WINKELN 2007, 110- 111 and pIs. 5-6,9- 14. All sign
1'7 1AJ
readings here follow the most recent collat ion, in ibid., pI. 7 II 4 [1]: For :ill:o<:>, read hrj.w-hb , " lector
priests" (thus, ABDALLAH 1984, 69; J ANSEN- WfNKELN 2007 , 111) II 5 [2]: J ANSEN- WINKELN (ibid., 113,
18) suggests that the Cl beneath the determ inatives of jt and mw.t must represent a subst itution from the
hieratic for the first person suffix =j II 5 [2], end : In wndw , ~ substitutes for the more usua l phonogram
~ , one mountain for another II 7 [3]: For 15'L t ,read wbs, "courtyard" II 10 [5]: For the group ss
mg3.(w)t-nlr cS( t) wp-r m-bsh --sn, see J ANSEN-WfNKELN 2007, III and 114, n. 291 117 [10], beginning:
For th is restoration, see JANS EN- WINKELN 2007 , I II and 114, n. 48 .
Dyn . 19 (?); (Dyn. 19-20, transition) . IX, 70

\j oJ!o~[mm mmmJ [lI] ~~~ttt~lf~!~_A~

, ~ F ~~t ~~~~~ :;:~ ~~[ t 8l~~ ~~1K ~ l :;[~IIT ~
~ ~~ ~ IIT ~;;;r ~~RRR RRR RJ[12]
8l ~8l~i [maboutI2 grouPSm J [13]~fQ ~ ! ~ ~~ ~~~~I ~F

~[ Rabout 15 grouPSm J [14]' 5

l~[Rabout 18 groupsm J [15] ~~~ [~ Jti d~ ~~::i7i~

~~[mJ~mmmJ~ ~!~~~
197. Dyn. 19 (?), Ramesseum (?): Delivery account mentioning stones,
the' Apiru, and "the people of the army"

O. Strasbourg H. 187 + H. 189 + H. 192 (KOENIG 1997, 15, pls. 96,134; 10

CAZELLES 1973, 14-15 ; KITCHEN 2004, 183- 184)

198. (Dynasty 19-20, transition), Deir el-Medina: Letter concerning 15

several deliveries to a lady by way of two Medjayu

O. Glasgow D.1925 .66 (McDoWELL 1993,3--4, pls . I-Ia; DAVID 20 10,164-165;

ALLAM 1973,77-78; HELCK 1960-69, 664-665; CERNY and GARDINER 1957, 66,1 ).


tJ1...Et 90
c::b, <> [3] [ ... J)) ~:,F" ~ 0
0 0 ll.......:.. I:fl _ I oQ::x::::::I9 _ r
[2] ["'J ~ ~<:> ~ [1]
m. 9 "C71 @ 0

7 [15]: Three partial columns, very poorly preserved, that appear beneath the final row do not appear to
belong to the main biography (see JANSEN - WINKELN 2007, pI. 7, bottom left) II 8: KOENIG 1997, 15, dates
the text generally to the Ramesside period; CAZELLES 1973, 14-15, suggests Dyn. 19.
(Dyn. 19-20, trans ition); Dyn. 20, Setnakht, year 4. IX, 71

~ [10] 1 ~ A-n ~ I =[9] III = /7 "='"

~ ~9 ~t=~ JM<=> n 1 I 19~ 9~~ 0\\\\ 1I I 111<:>bl... ~ tfl
t 0

- = 0 ffj " [12] .=

<=> II I IlrEJ_11I i _I I II
= ~L... n = =- ~ a
i?tJ ~
II I 1 9 ~ Iii ~ I I I ~ 90 _ 0 1":E:t9r

~d[ I ~~ I~ I ~ l nnn i ~ 19 ~ 9 ~ :::: [13] I ~ 9 Lt=~ 9~ 1 ~ 9 Lt= ~9d

f4i9~ I jf 9 0 ~:jfd '%c.~ n ~
. ~LJ f4i ( 9~£[14]~~~~90 ! ~
== ~[ 16]
~I I 10
AO I 0 I ~ t tQ 0 A Q=O _
~M~ ~/ o ~ 9 ~t=1 I 19 0 1Lil li I 1& ~90 _
[ 1 5] ~
0 ,,,
III ~ 9 Lt=,91;;~ II ~ 9 ~ n [17]~ 9 Lt= III ~9LL...~ II ~ lrEJ~ II 10

III ~ 9 Lt= [19]1 ~ ' ~ 9 '&\ III ~ 9 Lt=[18] 1~ IJ£ Ll


-n ~ [2]~ ? ~ ?n ?~ ~ [i .
L ~01 A- C - [I]
I I'll rf H. 0 II 0 I rf l.'::190 _9 r I r6'1. -
199. Dyn. 20, Setnakht, year 4, Luxor: Restoration stela
of the High Priest of Am un , Bakenkhonsu 15

Luxor Stela 37, Abu al-Gud magazine (B ORAIK 2007)

Lunette, columns in front of Amun-Re :

~ ~ '7tt =~ [3]~ ~ '7~r ~= ~ [2] =~cA~ ~lOl= ~[1]

~ lAl '7~ ~ [4]
o ·Co lAllAl I or

Lunett~infrontofA1u~ 20

17-1 9: BORAIK 2007,121 ,124, reads th is group in retrog rade , reversing the order given above ; howev er,
the symmetrically facing column s, which label the king , read clearl y in the normal direction, suggesting a
similar layout was employed here. In either case, the column labeled above as 19 [4] identifies the god ,
who speaks in first person .
Dyn. 20, Setnakht, year 4. IX, 72

Lunette, columns in front ofthe king:

Lunette, column between Amun and the king: Lunette, column behind the king:

Main text, under the lunette: 5

~ fti'~~ ~ ~ ) 0-k V- .9Jl ~ ~ 't-O) ;~~rt~~ drttt~;J ~ n 0 0 )[1]

1 I~o nr v-~ ~
~w r1 ~ \" ~ ~ _[q l I II' oo...E::...<<::>~ #!!. -.ll<::>1111

~m [3] t~~~+ ~ ~~ E=~ ~d ~~~~~~ ~~~F i!::~~ Jf [2]

8l8l[4]~o ~~! ~! ~9 ~~dj:~j:~~ ~ f1 ~~~~~~
1I~ ~ Cl+ [5]~ ~ ~ ~! ~ ~ ~~ ~[ <{o! il ~ ~ ~ Q I~ [ ~ <{D ++ ~=
e 1' [6] t!.;e
<::> I /I
/)"-C?L A"-C?nOL"1L.
oYl... Ul II I rrl
.f Aln=<::> -
11 _ ~ r ~ ~I
I I lUll
/)"f L......::.. /)"f I ~ ~
I 1Yl... lk c-: Yl... lk l ~W 10


~7'1ii:: 1::[<{o [14] ~ e:~~=~ ~~ IT~~ ~=~ ~ ,~~ ~

~~ 1~~[16] ~~=~6f~ ::I~ ffi~~ ~~ [15]::&=o~~

E=~§~<~t ~ ~~ =~ ~~~F 101~ [17] d ~4;~ ~~
Columns infront of/1-3/ and behind /4/ Bakenkhonsu: 20

2 [2] : Sic., read (Sts -n ht mrr R » <mry > Jmn )1 (BORAlK 2007 , 121). 113--4, left: BORAIK 200 7, 123 , reads
the final group as nb sps; alternately, the seated figure might repr esent the determinative for nb, reading
thu s nb =s, "her (i.e. Ma' at' s) lord."
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IILor later), year 5; R.III, (year 8-11 or later). IX, 73

200. (Ramesses III or IV), year 5, Deir el-Medina: Brick manufacture

o. DeM 874, recto (GRANDET 2003a , 2, 50-51 ,267-270)

=:J =:J[~ [5] M ~ ~l c:5 =:J 0 ~ ~[ ~ [4] :::: n ~ ~lc:5 =:J=:J

[...JI I I II [... J[6] ::: n ~ ~ l c:5 5

201. (Ramesses III, year 8-Ramesses IV, year 5), Valley of the Kings:
Delivery of Gypsum

o. BTdK 646 (DORN 20 11a, vol. 1,405, vol. 3, pls. 520-522)


~ e~~ £ t ~ d~ [5] ~ :: ~ ) o~I~~[=] 0 ~ d ,~~ e ~ ~ £ t[4]


~ f.!{ )~ Jl ~~d~ ==:J=:J ~ L:J ~ [6] ft r ~ 0 I£!£ ~f.!{~~~?

~f.!{:::~~f.!{::~) o ~ ~ 10d~ ~ _ [7] ~~ ~LJ ~ ftr ~ I£!£

202. (Ramesses III (?), year 11-24), Deir el-Medina: 15
List of items given to a foreman

o. DeM 953, recto (GRANDET 2003a, 4,8, 127-129,399-404)

ttL.. ~
[ ... J90 _90
0 I)) tQ- 0 0 finn[2][
rr ...
f600 ~ //ttL..
J ~O[ < = =J. 0
nn <> [l]
I II I ~ _"""""- _ ~rr~

I ftd ij=~s)t [ ··· J [4] Ill ft)l td ~lll ftd ij =f.!{~ ~ :::::~ e ~~

l ft -dl ltd -~ 20

2: Verso includes traces of one sign and a stra ight, black line (D eMD) 116: Date range follows identification
of Hay (iii), son ofHu y (iii?) (DORN 20IIa, vol. 1, 405 ), for whom see DA VIES 1999 ,214-2 15 (Hay iii/v)
and cf. also the following doc . 201 1117: Verso pre serves fo ur lines with parti al grain measures, et al.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses III, year 14 or later). IX, 74

I ~ 1 1~;~~ :::~ t:J ~~ I)) lij ~ I~[ ...][8] I :. ~ 6 ~ ~ [ ] [7] 1:~ ~ 1

R: ~ ~I ~ 1 1~;~~ [~··· ] [10] I -=- ~ ft ~ ~ ~ IJtl)o:;;'[ ][9] n :~ ~

~n~ : ~ ~["'J[12] I ft ~ ~ bl ~ll ft ~l~ 71 ~ ott[I-A- ["' J[lI] 111, 1

I ~~ : J ~blt • . .J[13]
203. (Ramesses III, year 14-Ramesses IV4, year 2), Deir el-Medina: 5
Donkey transaction
O. DeM 10241 (GRANDET 20 10,123-124,349-350)


204. (Ramesses III, year 15-Ramesses IV, year 3): 15

Journal fragment recording an "entry of the god"
O. DeM 10198 (GRANDET 2010 ,83-84,307)

= [...J[4] ~~+F8l U :~~ ~! t[[ "' J [3]L:l~ 8lU~ [ . .J[2][ . .J[I]

[ ...J[6] ~UI1.
~ ~ \'\i'r ~ - ~fli<::>[ "'J[5]<::>
~ I 'tf -=-9r1119 I I I C::::; ~ /}" .,J('~ /}" ~n ~ \'\i'r
oz:::J _ ll.......tbl.. G¢.. rbl.. ~ II 0 l'tf

205. Question to the oracle regarding a promotion

O. DeM 10265 (GRANDET 20 10,146-147,3 71)

9 [1] , beginning: Restor e [Jj-r]-nj w.t=f (GRANDET 2 010 , 123) 11 16, 18 [3] : GRANDET 2010, 84 , suggests
th at the " entry o f th e go d" refers her e to th e return of th e cu lt im ag e of the d ivini zed A m enho te p 1 112 3 [I] :
Read ns as the interrog ati ve mark er jn (GRANDET 20 10, 14 7).
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses III, year 15 or later ) ; R.III, year 16 . IX, 7 5

206. (Ramesses III, yea r 15-Ramesses IX, yea r 17), Valley of the
Kings: Arrival of the mayor, sealing a tomb, and a punishment
O. BTdK 663 (DaRN 2011a, vol. 1, 4 14 , vol. 3, pls, 535-53 7)

il~_g:Q 9d ~il~ ,1¥, 7 [ ...

] [2] [ ... ] I! ~ _ ~ i(}~~~~ ~~ ~ [ ... ][1]

~ -=,)~109Ul9<:> nn [...][4][ ...] ~ AW_~ f(~~~ nn [...][3][ "'] ~ L:l ~ 5

~_~~~et *l ~~ 0'~_ "' J [6][ "'J~~~~A !! !["'J [5] ["' J~?

["' J~~~[ "' J [7]~~ A~
207. Ramesses III, year 16, Deir el-Medina: Deposition by the vizier
concerning work, plus an oath
O. DeM 10045 (GRANDET 2006a, 50, 236; 2006b, 9 7, no. 8) 10

~ ~0 nJ ~~
9rr1t\...-=.9'='l 0 <:> [2][ ... JC:::;;=JAJ o ~ ~ 11
IE. I G:.. 1
"II. 0<:> _ ~ tF'"
_= 0
== ~r=:.. 1 1 1 ~ [1 ]
0 III III n ®r
9t ~~~ <lli -=, 9 u.-J m 9 ~ 1 ~ n& ~ ~ ~ [ "· J[3] [ ... J ~ f 9 D~// et~ ~n&
["' J 9t~ ~ !J ~ 1 ~ [ "'J [4] [ "'J + ~ t ~
208 . Ramesseum: Donkey Transaction
O. Strasbourg H .182 (KOENIG 1997, 14, pls. 93,133; JANSSEN 2005 ,16; 15

with corrections in MULLER 2000, 283-284)

209. (Ramesses III, year 16-Ramesses IV, year 7): 20

Promise of reimbursement or restitution

O. D eM 102 2 2 , recto (Grandet 2010,108-109,333-334)

I I [I] , end ofli ne: Restore [jw =j] (GRANDET 2006a, 50) II 12 [2], end of line: Restore Orp -[Srq.t] (D eMD,
tentatively) II 13 [3], end of line: Restore [cnb( w) wds (.w) s(nb.w) ] (ib id.) II 13 [4], beginning of line:
Restore [m] (GRANDET 2006a, 50) 11 14-19: Assignati on to the reign of Ramesses III follows DEMAREE
(DeMD, citing prosopography and script) II 22: Verso includes a sketch of a bald male head in profile II 23
[2]: Restore cnO n nb [ cnb( w) (w)ds(.w) s(n b.w) jr(w) n N. r-Dd ...] (GRANDET 2010,108-109, following
O. DeM 58).
Dyn. 20 , (Ramesses III , year 16-R.IV, year 7) ; KIll, (second half). IX, 76

210. Ramesses III, (second half of reign): Dispute over ownership of

of a hut, resolved through arbitration 5

O. Ashmolean HO 655 (M cDoWELL 1995)

/}" ~
~ ?{ L':J
Il.-.-:.. A-~:~ [~~?
0 Ifl... E._9 0 ~
...] [2] fu i: <:>~ t ~~ oI ll,ful't
111c::::::g 0_11 1 ~I ~ ~
[~ ...] [l]

A ~
!.l::1 90_ 9T _ I
r® ~ 0 ll,
-==-~ ~
I If_ ='!!!= ~I:fU...L':Jd
~ [W~?
..] [3] ~?:Et~r:Etrr
AJ 0 nAJnn
~ <:>d~ ~::~~ ~D[ . .] [5] ffip% = ~ d ~ ~r:: I 1' : 9 ~ ~ 9o[ ... ][4]

o ~ d ~Oo° ft t9~IICJ= I::::~[~~? .. · ] [6] ~ g[ U ~ ~ 10

~~ g[~[ ...][8] ~ obl ~ ~ = :: 1 1' ~9 ~ ~ ~ [ ~? ...] [7]

[ ...] [10] [ ... ] _? ~.9 ~ ~~ ~ ~ blur.. ][9][ "' ]~=<lli~9~~~

[.. · ]=~;;Ul
211. Ramesseum : Votive stela of the sgm-cs
in the Place of Truth, Nebnefer (vii) 15

Stela TC 11.1002.Ca-06 (D EMAREE, LURSON, and MOlE 2014)

Upp er register left, in front ofthe seated king: Upp er register right, above Nebnef er and his son :

[2] [ 1] [3] [4]

'=7 '=7
lIIe =

U 20

7 [1]: The expected r phonetic complement of Wn-rfr has been omitted in the origina l (see M cDo WELL
1995, pI. 20) II 15: For the identification ofNebnefer (vii) , see DEMAREE et al. 20 I4, 14; and DAVIES 1999 ,
228, and chart 8 II 18-2 I, left: The final ms --hrw grou p has been split between the two co lumns, creating a
horizontal border benea th the thron e and birth names (D EMAREE et al. 2014 , 7, a) 11 18- 2 1, rig ht: For the
(unique) name Jmn-ms-wsr-hp «.s>, see ibid., 15.
Dyn. 20, Ramesses III, (second half); year 17. IX, 77

Lower register, above Nebnefer's wife and two daughters:

[ 1] [2] [3] [4] [9] [10]

~II~ ~ 1" l!l~

'C:7 o el
el l
~ ij!

212. Ramesses III (?), (second half of reign), Deir el-Medina: 5
Letter concerning fat and oil for a doctor
O. DeM 788 ( GRANDET 2000a , 60-61,1 89)

:;;:; 0
:Et ~ __
[2] ~ 9> 0 )'9
0 = ' I:fl1... 0
* )'9 [1]
verso: 10

213. Letter concerning a payment, a delivery, and a doctor

O. DeM 790 (GRANDET 2000a, 7- 8, 62, 191)



[ "' J~ ![ " ' J[6] ~d rA- 9><:> ~ ft d~=~ [5] K8lr9>~d n 0 ~ ~ ~d[4]

214. Ramesses III, year 17: Reco rd of absences from work 20

O. DeM 763 (GRANDET 2000a, 6, 47, 164-165)

~~ /J"~
rr /11.... ~ o
~ i1t.J
<:><:>Et 9>r ~
~<::>[2] [ "' J~~ nM I
0 =
"=-" 1111 01,[1]
0 II ~ _I :::J 0 _ c::zz::J I I I I n e r
2-4 [4- 5]: Read Hnw .t-sn (ibid. , 7) II 2-4 [8-9]: The second hr group appears superfluous; read Hw .t-Hr
(thus, ibid., 7-8, 16) II 8-11 : Identification of recto and verso follows DeMD, contra G RANDET 2000a, 60
II 18 [1], end: Restore perhaps [K]n[r] , the same doctor named in the preceding text (ibid., 62) .
Dyn. 20, Ramesses III, year 17; (R.IlI, year 17 or later) . IX, 78

215. (Ramesses III, year 17-Ramesses IV, year 7), Deir eI-Medina:
List of deliveries to various workmen, including the family of a scribe 5

O. Berlin P 14149 (DeMO)

_ 00?I I I Innn ~~ ft E5?[5] ~:::: nnn nnnn ft i:~ : ::: ft~ ))[ [4]

~ : : :! I:: R~~ ftm ,,-~ 10

216. (Ramesses III, year 17-Ramesses VI, year 4), Valley of the Kings:
Court document concerning the punishment of Pairy
O. BTdK 699 (DORN 20 11a, vol. 1,432-433 , vol. 3, pls. 582- 584)

1t'i:9~~ ) )~ _-== ~ ) )t!=~ij _~ ~ld~, ~ I UI <>~ d. r [l]

c-; ~ 1/ ~ A A; F
~~9<> "- ~~EtI=1
\91["'] [2] [ ... ] 90<>~~ <>ID.
@ --b-,.-n ~ ~
. .-,.I I1'1_ 9_ A
9~ ~UI!....

[ "']9t E9~d~9t~ ~ d.r ~il=-J" ~~ ~ ~I/ d. ~ 9t190

A~® AT~ ftV ~ ~ AT A AT A A£Jl ftV[] [3]
~UI!.... ~ 1/ -fF IJ1.... ~ ~ 1~1 0 DZ:J <> ~ 9~ ~lDlJ1.... ~1J1.... ~UI!.... I/ Ul~ ..

l -- AT ~&
11/8l_t\. ) 10 IJ1.... « El)) t\.{}J E5 ~ ID flo ~ [4][ ...] ~ !£i ~ -4h
_~ fbOO =!!l!=o J.j1/lL..::;: 9~
o l ~ 909 ~
I I I J o.-=ll)

~ ~~d.[" ' ] [5][ ···]ll......J.d~9c::s~=9D9l~~9tl ~ I U I <=>~d.r

d.1 1~~~~~d.~~~~~9d.Qld.~~~~~ _ ~9t! 20

~~~d :a=a(<> ~!t +~t ~~~~ ~ 90J[···] [6] ["']&~d J~~

[···]d.~~~ ii~ ~ ~ .e»_t!~ ~_9L...M\9 0 9 ~ [··· ] [7] [ '''] ~~d.
[...] = ;: ~ ~~ tJ ~9d.Qld.~[ . .] [8]
Dyn. 20, Ramesses III, years 18-20; (year 20-25). IX, 79

217. Ramesses III, year 18, Deir el-Medina: Delivery by the 1

chief guardian of the granary to a scribe

O. DeM 10064 (GRANDET 2006a, 69, 253)

[ " 'Jm d" ~ ~~ 9 6l~ ~ = ~[ '''J [2][ ''' J =:) 0=[70 ~ I::: n ;1[1]
[ "' J ~ ~D @]ifM[.. ·J [3] 5

218. Year 19: Memorandum of a scribe's complaint

O. DeM 761 (GRANDET 2000a, 6, 46,162)

&; E 5 nl rl !fa [2] _ ~;==:"I 1 J 01[1]

) ) t\.. _ r 1'600 __ == 0 0 III i ii n ® r
219. Year 20: Deposition concerning false testimony
in the presence of multiple witnesses 10

O. DeM 10062 (GRANDET 2006a, 67-68, 252; idem 2006b, 99, no. 10)


verso: 15

220. Ramesses III (?), (year 20-25): Record of gifts

from the Chief of Police

O. DeM 940 (GRANDET 2003a, 4, 113- 114,3 77; DAVID 2010, 178)

I~ lrB ~[ ... J[3][ ... ] ~ 'l.l llill e 9 l~ Ie[.. ][2][ ·"]9+...!. ~( ~~ &l! [... ][1] 20

~ r ®
[ ...JRJ.. 1::fIL. 9T _
~ ~- 0 rr
I I::fIL. -=:!l ='!ll!= ~
£) 0
]'%<.~ =0:::
n n ~[4][ ...
<r> <r>

8 [2]: For!., read S03 n, "comp laint of ' ( G RANDET 2000a, 46, citing discussio n of the present text, inter
alia, in McDOWELL 1990, 17, n. 28) 1113: GRANDET 2006a, 67, notes traces prese rved at the break above
the line labeled here as [1] (=Iine 2 in ibid.) II 14 [2-3 ]: GRANDET (ibid.; thus, also DeMD ) tentatively
reads the name as Nfr -hr-hr-psyrf-dsds (?) 11 20 [1], end: Restore ijnsw-[m-/:lb] (GRANDET 2003a, 113);
thus, also 21 [4], end .
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses III, year 20 or later) . IX, 80

221. (Ramesses III, year 20-Ramesses IV), Deir el-Medina: Payment

for sarcophagi, including one sized "small"
O. DeM 10207 (GRANDET 2010,92-93 ,318)
recto :

~ C""""c5 ~~-<:I:h A n Q /}" ~[ ... J[2] III ~ I a ntnn ~ [ ...J[1]

~ _/ am E. -=",o!1&.r"'C'""CI / 0 /:11... « II n _ "'C'""CIr urr •n _ 5

;: d 9t~t ~~[ . .] [3]


222. Distribution of rations, incl. shares for divine and royal offerings 10

O. Berlin P 14264 ("K") (DeMO)


~~~ ~~~=:Ir~ifR[2]~,9J;~,&~ == 0 =c::J ~ ?R[l]

_ lij &l~ [4] ~ll ftl~i1 a ~J]~=== ~L9d[3] ~ l lnnnnft
9 ~ m~~[6] ~ooo l ~~F £ ~[5]nnnn ~o lft6 1 Innn ~ _ _ 15

RR~?~+ ~ [8] I ft~ g[ U [7] o:::nnnnft ~D ~ft

IIII [9]
~ n n n n ft ~

o II II nnnn
/l" ~ 0 ft '=7 [8] Ift 'C:J'W~[7]
ft ~ [9] ft ~/:11... ?{
0 L...I-~~
0 =
6 [3]: Restoration of damag ed group follows MOLLER20 10, 315 119 [4]: Transcri ption of the group
90 ~ follows ibid. I 16 [7], 22 [7]: Read (jrj-) c3 (thus, DeMO) ; thu s, also docs. 223 [2] and 224 [3].
Dyn. 20, Ramesses III, years 22-23 . IX, 81

223. Ramesses III, year 22, Deir el-Medina: Fetching an ox 1

O. DeM 963 (GRANDET 2003a, 5, 134,4 14)


[ ...]%= ,.-H, Ai'" (V'" [3] [ ... ] e 'C:J" -<O:>. it 1%0 [2] [ ... ] <:::> r=">.1 I n ~ r ~l [1]
~==a=,, _ 'lt-J'( ifL ?( ll.........c..D........4- _ _ _ ~ 0 <::::> L:J I I I I ne ~
verso: 5

224. Do nkey (jenny) transfer

O. DeM 779 (GRANDET 2000a, 56, 182-183; JANSSEN 2005 , 13-14)

< ==a=,,) 9 '=' <::::>
[3] <::::>
n : ClJ _ r;!0e') It ~I
Jl1 It ~ =-= 0
<::::> _
0 [2] = """ II n e r
I0 _ czz:::::J II n
~ 1 [1]

225. Year 23: Litigation and transfer of a don key

O. Hildesheim PM 5160 (DEMAREE 2008, 83-88; JANSSEN 2005 , 39--40)

<::::>~<::::> [3] &~ /J ~ 8= Q J?i=


y=r [2] .
® 0 <::::> Etr ~1l.......:..J..fU__lr:;:.. _9..ll...91 ~ %0_ czz:::::J II
= "" III nn ®1[1] 0

I II I [~~J[5]?% ~~llI l n ~~-[4] =-=® g =-=

III ~~ ~ I I CJI _ _ I I I n ~ r r d"J! <::::7.:») ) I I 10bl.. 9 0 15


_ I ["' J [2]~~~ =
-==,, 9,=,<> =-=1r:;:.. _ .s x: 9 _it _ J[;Ie)obl..?(
g~[LJ _ 0
<::::> [
10 9 ... J[1]
[ ... J[ ~ ~J[ ...J[4] 000 III1
Rft =-=[ ... J[3] %000 Iftl Cf9*::::~=d ft 0

226 . Redu ction of rations ove r four consecutive months 20

O. DeM 838, recto (GRANDET 2003a, 1-2, 17, 205- 206)

oll ft =-= I~ ~"""[4]
n0~ 1 1 ~ Ift
4 [2], end: Res tore name as ijc-[m-w3s.t] (DEMAREE, DeMD; contra GRANDET 2003a, 4 14) II 4 [3], end :
Restore name as c3-nbt (GRANDET 2003a, 134) II 21 : Verso preserves only the wor d wnmy, "right" (see
GRANDET 2003a, 207) .
Dyn. 20, (R.III , year 23 or later); Ramesses III, year 24+ . IX, 82

227. (Ramesses III, year 23-Ramesses IV, year 2), Deir el-Medina:
Distribution of rations

O. DeM 10034 (GRANDET 2006a, 40-4 1, 225; idem 2006b , 100-101 , no. 13)

nnn [2] i:lJ ~ /J in i:lJ f}J ~ ~
nn ft E.r ~ f600 E.9o t.\. ;..........r f600_rl
mil.$IffiAll.....-A ==_ ~ ~ 0.c-=J ~
I I 0 I@
[ 1]

III nnn ft
/ 0
nnnn G) ft
nnnn I
-= [ ~[3]
= = ~ ~J
nnn ~ ?

228. Ramesses III, year 24: A scribe purchases an ox

from a foreman, with a list of commodities and their values

O. DeM 10093 (GRANDET 2006a, 96, 288-289; HEL CK 2002, 263)


/J" ~
ee. ~ ~9
l R:' [3] 1k ~ /Jlfl-
0 ~~ <::> Q[2]
<=> r ~ f600 _~ r r ll.....-A ("Jiii?l 1 0
c-=J IIII 1111n e
n ~l [1] 10


[ ·· ·]n . ~ 1 ~6l~[3][·· ·] ~ . ~ I I~g[ J1g[ m~[2][ ...] ~[1]

~ 0 ~ ~ <::> [4]
Innnn ~ CJ_
0 -
I I 1I C1 -=,, ~r rll.....-A ~ 15

229. (Year 24-31): Legal case involving grain, a theft, and the police

O. DeM 917 (GRANDET 2003a, 4, 94-95, 350-35 1)


[... J ~K l l' ~ ~ m I~[ ...] [2] [ ... J ~ ?~ 9 ~.-=¥ rl& ~ I ~ rl& ~[ ...][1]
[ " 'J= ~f?f (~~ 81 ~ ~ ~ [5] [" ' J g ,cp;~ = ~[4][ "'J ~ ~ ~6 1 ~ ~ rJ[3] 20

[ "'J m/~ ~f?f (~ ~ 81 ~[ " 'J[6]

1: GRANDET 2006a, 40, also proposes a possible, alternate nine-year window, from Ramesses V, year 2-
Ramesses VI, year 7 11 20 [5], end: GRANDET 2003a, 94, restores the police chiefs nam e as Mn [tw-ms( w)]
1120- 2 1 [6]: Restore [bry m]g3y.w (thus, tentative ly, ibid.).
Dyn. 20 , Ramesses III , (year 24 or later) . IX , 83


9 f'
~~=~d ~[ . .][3][ . .]8l d ~ , 't7 ~9~;:;[... ][2][ ]~[ ][1]
o4~ ~[B· ·· ] [5] [ ... ] n~8l ~ ! ~ g ij~) o(tJ=~ ij[ J[4] [ ] ~
[ ... ] ~ I 't7 ~ 9 [ ~ ...] [6] [ ... ] 0 ~~~~ dl ~ ~ ~ d ~
230. (Ramesses III, year 24-Ramesses IV, year 3), Deir el-Medina: 5
Deliveries of fish by several fishermen

O. DeM 10013 (GRANDET 2006a, 20-21 , 199-200)




111,1 nnn~ »» =Q9d[~···][2]9~ =~=(tJ ~9i.d(tJM~···][l]

» »~ dl9o-Jf ~~lld [•...][3] ,7 1 ~~

231. (Ramesses III, year 24-Ramesses V), Valley of the Kings: 15

Delivery invoice
O. BT dK 622 (DORN 20 11a, vol. 1,396-398, vol. 3, pls. 501-503)

recto, two columns:

L~[2 ,3] IIIII ft[2,2 ]~~ll...........i. d 98l ~ [2 , 1 ] ~ Remainder of columnmos tly effaced~
Dyn. 20, (R III, year 24 or later); R.I1I, (year 25-32). IX, 84

II -A- r?? ~ [2 ,5] III -A- ~ i( ? // ~ ? ~ ?~~~8l~[2,4] IIIII-A-i(~~ 1

[ ·· ·]~mm0 ?_ _ [2,7] llll ~~nnn -A- ~ [2,6]


o IIIII f~~~~ 9b[I,3] 0 1II IIf~:;::!A[I ,2] I-A-oi(_ [··· ][l,l]

~Remainder of column mostly effaced ~ II -A- i(/ ~m _ [1,4] 5

232. Ramesses II, (year 25-32), Deir el-Medin a:

Letter from a draftsman to his son, incl. deliveries by police
O. DeM 10250 (GRANDET 2010, 134-135 ,359-360)


['''L::>~r::t=l~!t d~=[ · . ][2][ . · UJ ~ _ ~ ~ C7 ~ ~ ~ ~ r:: [I] 10

d II ~~~;;[ ... ][6][ ... ]~( 9~~ 8 l !t![... ][5][ ...]~c::~[ ... ][4][ ...][3]
[" ']~d:~~~~

233. Ramesses III year 25 (recto) and 26 (ve rso):

Duty roster, incl. distributi on of rations
O. Berlin P 12633 (DeMO; joins O. DeM 169, in KRI V , 500-501)

recto: 20

5: A second column on the verso includes additional quantity totals, not included here II 6 ~16: Doc . 232
was sequenced among the texts ofRamesses III in error, recognized shortly before the present volume went
to press (with thanks RJ . DEMAREE) 11 10 [2], beginning: GRANDET 2010 ,134, restores the name as [Nbt]-
Jmn II 11 [6], beginning: Restore the name as [N3]by (ibid.; cf. verso at 12 [1]) II 17: Dates for recto and
verso follow the sequence of names attested in the Deir el-Medina Turn us lists (DeMO) .
Dyn. 20, Ramesses III, years 25-26. IX , 85

r=... II
~D ~

1 ~ _~.or/:fl1.~ =:J :J0

~ 0 0 IR[4] &
51'0 _ 111)/
- <: >
E..9rl\.. =:J:J 0
r=... ~~~~ ~

n l l l l ~~~~1 ~~~~~~
~fh' 0 ~

0 CD -
n 1111111 1~ u.l ll l~

& -~ ~_~~~<::> r=... II g ;:gn[5]

E..u.l_ ==:J ~~~ = = :J :J0 0 n llllL.-,'l 15 5

~d,,-f!i «er ~ 9 ~ [6] ~ R ~ ;~n II n ~~

R 1I;:g} 0 [7] ~ @ II ~~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~• •~ ~
II o1 1)/L.-/:fI1. <=>
lfI51 ~_ ~.-=llI O,,-nt = = :J :J0 n 0 111I ~ ~ ~ ~ • • ~ r

[i ~ 0 ~ n ~ [8] II ~ , ~~Jd~ 151 ~~mm~:J :J 0 ~ n ~

verso: 10

~~~ ~~ [3] ::: ~ JI 9d 4. ~~ld~ Iel rB~I~~~~~/~m

- ;=..~~~ II AJ. 0 &- ~ - ;=.. nn
0== I • • • a-UilflelrB_:E1d"_ ===:J0== I n

=~ =:J 0 LIII nn ~~n II nn ~~ L [4]f!i 4dg: ~9 ~ == =:J 15

I' ~.Jd~ Iel_mmmmm~~

9o;;f;:ll ~ [5] ~~:J 0==
d~ I el rB~f!i~ A! ~ _ _ JI 9d 4. ~~d 41 el rB~
~~~~~~n II nn~ ~ Lf!i:tg: ~ =:J=:J = = 1[6]~l
Immmm ~d"-~ 9 ott~~~g[ I:J:J 0== 1' [7](tlMlg[~
mmmJt 9d!4~~dfle,~~ [8]~'1"! =:J:J0= = 1 ' £ 20

~ approx . l l groupSlost , to end~ ~ =:J:J L 1[9]~~~~

Dyn. 20, Ramesses III, years 26-27. IX, 86

234. Ramesses III, year 26: Deir el-Medina: Duty roster, incl. travel to 1

the Valley of the Kings and a message from the vizier

o. Berlin P 12629 (DeMO; HELCK 2002, 278- 279)

, ;ill<:> ,~, 7 ~ :ll ~6l d~ ' 0d 1}(~~ ~[ ... J[2][ ··· J ~mm [ ... J[1]
~~ ...J[4][ " ' J~ ~d~= ~~ld~ ~ d 4 1 5 I rB ~ [ ... J[3][ . .J 5

nnnnn mCJ = ~9 d <:>[ "'J[5][ " 'J ~ ~ ~ld ~ 1 5 IrB~ ~d4 1 1 ~ 1~1}(
[...J! i !0~ ~mmm~~~~ CJ= ~[ ··· J [6] [··· J~m ~ ~0~ ~
I~<:> X ~~ [...J[8] [ ... Jtt6l r9<:>X L6lUl7d 9~ ,0dmm[...J [7]

L4 ~ 1 5 IrB ~ ~~ A ~ ···][9][···] lrB !- ~ ~ el ~=~ 0 ~~ ~~

[...] ~ ?= ~ 0~~90~ ~ ~ ~ £ .?[ · · ·][1 1] ~nnnnn [...][10][ ···] ~A 4 ~ ~ 10

235. Ramesses III, years 26 and 27, Deir el-Medina: Record of

absences including a scribal error in regnal dating
o. DeM 911 + O. DeM 10275, recto (GRANDET 2003 a, 4,86-88,33 3-339; idem 20 10,
162-163, 384; JANSSEN 1984)
[1 ]
[...]d~9 ~ ~~~ d~9 ~ I ~ ~L:l ~::: R~1 ~blank ~ 15

[ · ·J : ' 0d ~~ ~ ~ d~9 ~=~~ ~ L:l~:::R~1 ~blank ~ [2]

[ '. ' J ~ ~~n M ~

0 II~ M. = [ ... Jr=:-.
III I<:> ?
== ~ 0"'- -. =~ 0_ClZ:J r=:-.I III1
III nn 01
,.... =~~0...;,j!

== <=> r=:-. [4]

e "'- - . == ~~ 00L:l1111

II "'- ~.[ ...J ==

- ~~ 0= =
=~~ 0_ClZ:J r=:-.I "'- --. =~~ 0_ClZ:J r=:-.I [5] =
4-5 [2], end : Restore sh.t [es.t] (De MD) II 5 [4], beginning: Restore [Jmn- m-j]p .t (DeMO) 11 11- 12 and 19
[4]: The scribe appears to have miscalculated the transition from year 26 to 27, the latter date being some
two weeks earlier than expected (see discussion in JANSSEN 1984, 304-3 06) II 13: The verso includes a
small fragme nt from an epistolary formula II 15 [I] ff.: Transcription of dates follows J ANSSEN 1984; for
discrepancies between the transliteration and transcription in GRANDET 2003a, see DeMD II 18 ff.: Rea d
the ditto marker in each case as m wsf, "a bsent."
Dynasty 20, Rames ses III, years 26 and 27. IX, 87

[ ...] I :::J:::J 0 .... - . ~~ :::J 0 = [7L]

:: :::J e%[.. ~J
= ~
[7L] 1111.... - . =:: :::J:::J 0.... - . = :::J:::J 0.... - . ... [7]
[ ]

[ ...] .... - I ~~
- . = :::J 0 = :::J 0 :::J 00
.... - .

_= =
.... - . == :::J:::J 0 =:::J:::J 0 = :::J 00
~[ . . ]0 = :::J 00 II
~ ~ [8]

236. Ramesses III, years 26-27, Deir el-Medina: Rations in arrears

O. DeM 844 (GRANDET 2003a, 1- 2, 24- 25,2 15-220)


:::J:::J 0~ ~ ~ ~Il~ d[3][ " '] iL ::: l ~ ~~4[ 2][ " 'ill o ~~ftf~ [1] 10

~ ~ [6]
o II I
I.... -= ~~ [5]
- . = =0 0 III
I.... == ~ ~ [4] [ ... ] ~
- . = = :::J0 0 II · II I

I.... --
- . = =:::J:::J 0 0
I.... - . :::J :::J 0 0
~ ~ [7]

I.... - . =:::J:::J 0 0 IIII

~~[1O] I.... .u
- . I I I:::J:::J 0 0
~ ~ [9]

_ <::>
.... - . == 0 0L':]
~ [ 13]
I I.... --
- . ==:::J:::J 0 0 II II

~[16] <::> ~ [15] II : """" [14]

L':]~ I.... -.:::J :::J 0 L':] I I.... <::>
- . I I I:::J 0 0L':] I 15

== <::> ~ [17] - <::>

I.... - . == :::J :::J 0 0L':] I I.... - . :: :: :::J :::J 0 0


_ ~ ~ [3]
==:::J 00 II II
I.... -
- . = :::J0 0 IIII
~ ~ [2] I.... - . :::J0 0 1111
~ ~[1 ]

z:« ~<::> [6] I

~ ~ ~[4]
~ <::> 0 0 1111

~ III 01 [7] ~ ~ t i l l 01
m nn ~ r<::> rr~ III nn ED r
Dyn. 20, Ramesses III, (year 26+) ; year 27. IX, 88

237. Ramesses III, (year 26-29), Deir el-Medina: Delivery of pottery,

fish, and wood, mentioning a certain Sutekh/Seth-mose

O. DeM 10146 (GRANDET 2010 ,35,256)

d <::>f!i'f: d::~ tz ::J ~L:J~ [ ][3][ ...] ~ <::> 1e~~ I~~[ ...][2][ ... ][1 ]

["'] ~d ~~~~ ~[5][ ] ~ ~ CJ~~ f!i / ~ m9~9 t[4][ "']9 5

238. (Ramesses III, year 26-Ramesses IV, year 2):

Deliveries of wood, beer, legumes, and cucumbers from Bak-khonsu

O. DeM 10145 (GRANDET 2010 ,34-35,256)

nnn : .lld n[4] r @ .,f~ A [3] 11~ Aifd 10

nnn ~~~ _ 7 D~'I . 9T.- ,=,/ oU4..~ L-t7

239. (Ramesses III, year 26-Ramesses IV, year 5):

Deliveries of fish, bread, and dates for a certain Sethmose

O. DeM 10131 (GRANDET 2010, 22, 242)

240. Ramesses III, Year 27: Duty roster, deliveries 15

O. Berlin P 12627 (DeMO; HELCK 2002, 288)

& ~ ~RL [3] [. 00 ]~ ~t- ~ A & -~ <::> r=..[2] [ 00.] ~ IIII 01[1]
1&rn~ m il oU4.. 1& Il .-=0 0 L:J II L:J II III nn®
&.dl A!JJ .- <::> r=..[4]
1& 0 U4..t\. ~9 @ :: 0 0 L:J II

r=..[7] &d 0 _ <::> r=..[6] & @ II ~~ - <::> r=..[5]

oll.- == 0

II 1&/ 0 L:J II 1&~lo<::>~ nt:: 0 0 L:J II

1III n ~ 8l ~L : : : n ~ ~n [8] ~ ld~l e ~~'rB~~ ~ A :::: 0 ~ n 20

e t:::::=J ~ [10]
-="'=- 11...-1 oUIJ....

5 [4]: For Swth-ms, see GRANDET 2010, 35 , n. III II 14 [2-3]: GRANDET 2010 , 22, tran sliterates and
translates the quanti ty of bread in each line incorrectly as 34 (cf. photo and epigraph ic copy at ibid., 242) II
17-1 8 [3], beginnin g : Read Sthy (S3) Hs-mtr (DeMD).
Dyn. 20, Ramesses III, year 27. IX, 89

r="">..[ 12][
~ 0 &
rlo_Et))'rt rrl 11£ ==0 <:> L':J r="">..[ll]
~ n n-' /}" - -
II 0

<> ~ [1 4][ ] 0 fuA nn0 <> ~ [13] fu t IIIII <>

_ :::J 0 0 L':J II ... ~:ElJlgxr 1 :::J 0 0 L':J II ElI~10 III 0 0 L':J

241. Ramesses III, year 27, Deir el-Medina: Duty roster, deliveries

O. DeM 34 + O. Heidelberg Inv. Nr. 567 (DEMAREE 2002b; for O. DeM 34, see KRIV,
512-513; HELCK 200 2, 289- 290; and CERNY 1935-39, vol. 1, 8 and pls. 13-14) 5


111)/ =t:===:I.b1L """'e=-L...-..:::J 0oc-=J

o R:r::::::I - . 00 0
~ <::> r="">..
r= Ml /}" ~ [7]
~ I:ill £ «
1V -=? H n
:El<:>0rr i:i
~ I I I


~ 9t~! ~ ~ 4.. n n nn~ ~:!.- 4.. 411 ~ ,~ I I I I~jJ l l e~ e~l

R1V"gE5 == 1V / nffi _= ~E5n --
I? 1I 1)/:Elb.1.
-. == :::J 0:El &
• 11m == :::J 0:Eln Orn.b1L-. r == :::J 0
0 [ ...J [14]

4..4 11~ 1 ~~ 1! 4.. ~~9 7 ! !!:::J 0[... J [15] :!.-4..41 el ~~:!.- l 4..~
[... J::: n =~c-=J -=?I~;" ~~ :::J:::J 0['" J[16] :!.- l 4..~ 1el ~~:!.- 20
Dyn . 20, Ramesses III, years 27-28. IX, 90


@ dl
~nr & f}.J ~ n m o ~ ~~~ [ ... J[l]
/C>-="~lL-. mrl=<:>"-9"-:El9 0 t\.. _r
f600@C\ m . ~ L..t .9'r

~ ~ ~ ~ 1111 ::Jt ~ l d~ II ~ , ~~ d 41 e l~~ f4 ~[ _···J[2]

9+~!i ~ d nnn ~ ~f4 ~ A r ~l [3]
I ~ ~ tfl ~ f4 ~ tfl ~ ~ d IIII n ~~~~.~ ~ :: ~~ 0 [4] 5

II 8 ~n 0 ~~ n n-
ll..- ,2. m'd e , ~_~rr" ,h1... ::~~0
/)"- [5] uron m 0' m
II n ftlepl\II'T'lepl\


[...J[13] »» ~
~~~ I 0

242. Ramesses III, year 28, Deir el-Medina: Donkey transaction

o. DeM 782 (GRANDET 2000a, 7, 58, 184; JA NSSEN 2005 , 26) 15

~ e
m..:B!= ~ _9
= __
a r n[2] n AJ2.. .a - J2.. 4h 0
11 J1 T "'r '=7 TI 0 _ 10 ~
<:> "'" IIII n 01 [1]
0 0 LJ I I 1II n e f

5 [4]: Subsc ript at ps djt: °o°ft~ , z nb !J3r % (DEMAREE 2002 b, 112).

Dyn. 20, (R.IlI, year 2& or later); year 29 . IX , 91

243. (Ramesses III, year 28-Ramesses IV, yea r 5), Valley of the Kings : 1

Payment for a garment

O. BTdK 690 (DORN 20 11a, vol. 1,426-427,438, vol. 3, pIs. 567-569, 596-598)



[ " ' ]9LJ~9~~=~ ~E6~ II ! <::>[ . . ][2][" ' ] ~ 9 l ll ~= [ ][1]

Ie;";Ule9li I[.. .][4][ "']Ulel0l rn\~'-=dll\.. \1. \1. ~ t' ~ 9 ~[ ][3]

~~ 2 d ~ ~ t 1l~~1l d~ -=dl9~llnn[ · . ][5][ ··· ] IL.c.~

n n -=dl t Q:=
c::::J ~
n <::>l&9r tJ
~ ~~ [7] "/-= -&
~~ ~
~ ~
~ 0-=dl9r9 "C7'~.r.
~ rn p~ 0'
/IT _ n
~ [6] [ ... ]

nnn ~ ;:C:Il~ [9]~9 lfit.~9~ t~ll~ LJd!@.~ [8] , ~ II ~

[ " '] _ ~ Jk -=dl ~~ ~ 1l ~[ . · ] [1O]_ 9~~'1i~~ _

244. (Ra messes III, year 28-Ramesses IX, year 17), Deir el-Medina:
Letter requesting two "good" donkeys

O. DeM 96 7 (GRANDET 2003a, 9, 138-139,422) 15

245. Ramesses III, year 29: Distribution of rations

to the right side of the gang

O. DeM 10032 (GRANDET 2006a, 37, 223 ; HELCK 2002, 303)

Dyn . 20, Ramesses III, year 29. IX, 92

246. Ramesses III, year 29, Deir el-Medina : Delivery of wood

O. DeM 10016 (GRANDET 200 6a, 23-24, 204; HELCK 2002 , 303- 304)

column 1:

nnn ~ c:5 ~
nn ~~ ~~ I o.-=? I oUIL == -
~ ~ [4]
0 II

nnn ~~~ ~ c:5 ~ ;lff.{i..~ [5]

nn ~~ I o.-=? I oUIL ~ 0~,,$;{h
column 2:

[ oo.]n ~~~ I ff ff ~ ~ [2][oo. ]~~ ~~

r ~~ 'C:7 J!ddnk I 0 _
~ ~[1]
~ ~ 0 0 ' " <::> ~~ 0 0 I

247. Record of the gang carrying torches and protesting

at Medinet Habu due to the loss of wages 10

O. DeM 890 (GRANDET 2003a, 3, 64-65, 300-302; idem, 2003 c, 2 18-2 19, 23 1)


nn 7 ~ ~- n ~O[ g ~~[2]~~wt"~~~ : : [ W"

~ [1]
rr tIl... !.\. 9UIL t1 9rl 1 I I ~ til... _ ~l II LJ I~ !.\. !l&g _ ~ ~~J
\L e, <:>n 't-[4][ ~ ~ n~ )On ~ n n~l.n ~[3 ]-n
_lL-..!!£Io~ '1I oo' ~J _ r WI 0 rJWtfl _UlLo '19 n I I r r ~ ~II

II/l" ~ @ n ~ ? ~ ~
bl.. ?{ ~ rl
I 1. ~~
n n-
~DI 19 r :91<:>~UIL ~
~ [5] ~
~{/l" ~}@
19 1fi. \ bl.. ?{ 10 15

~~ ~~ ~ ~£ =~ [7],~, 7 ~ £ 9~ :~ ~ ~~9 ~~;::~9bl Lt - L

[ oo'] W9 ~ _

248. Distribution of rations 20

O. DeM 10033 (GRANDET 2006a, 38-39, 224; idem 2006a, 101-102, no. 14)

column 1:

9-10: Also see bel ow, doc . 24 9 11 13 [1]: Date trans cribed as sw 6 in GRANDET 2003a, 301 (cf. ibid., 64: sw
16; for the recon stru ction, see DeMD) II 14 [3-4]: GRANDET 2003c, 64, restor es the full priestly title as:
stm n ts hw.t (Wsr-m3c.t-RC[mry] Jmn) 1[c.W.s (?) m pr Jmn (?)] II 15 [4] : Sic ., for <ns> sr.w (ibid.).
Dyn. 20, Rame sses III,.year 29 . IX, 93

~ 1l ~[7] ~ I I Ift ~ ~ ~ ~ [6] o "II nnnn ft ~ "I ft I IIII

o III nnnn __ 0 II 'C7 III

~ Ift[...][9]
colu mn 2:

249. (Ramesses III, year 29?), Deir el-Medina: Rations delivered in the
midst of a strike?
o. DeM 10006, recto (GRANDET 2006a, 12-14, 188- 190)


250. (Ramesses III, year 29-Ramesses IV, year 6): Women's names
o. DeM 10004 (GRANDET 2006a, 10, 186; idem 2006b, 96-97, no. 7) 15

~~ ~ ~~6t:J[2 ,1] ~ O~ ~[· ··J[1,3] ~[ . .J[1,2] ~t4[ ·· · J[1,1]

~ 7 t~I1' & ;[ [2,3] ~6~ & ;[[2,2]

251. (Ramesses III, year 29-Ramesses VI, year 7):
Men's and women's sandals
o. BTdK 683 (Dam 2011a, vol. 1,422--423, vol. 3, pls, 553- 555) 20


6-7 : For assignation of the text to the period of strik es in Ramesses Ill' s twenty-ninth year, see G RANDET
2006a, 13; also see above, doc . 247 11 8: Recto includ es a partial column ("C ol. 1" in ibid., 12) that
prese rves part of a grain total, not included here; verso mostl y effaced, except for a few quantities and
menti on of a donkey (see ibid., 190).
Dyn . 20, (Ramesses III, year 29 or later) ; year 30. IX, 94

)~~~ [ ... ][4] IL-:.b: IL-:. ~~~£ d[ ··· ][3] ~ ) ) ~ = ~ J ~~

~ ~~ [ ...][6] , 9 1 ~ ~ c3d~)~ [ ... ][5] IL-:. ~~~ e d W ~ 6~d=

I~ [ ... ][8] , 9 1~ ~dS~ [ ... ][7] ~ IL-:. ~ ~~ e dW~6 =

~ c3dlll1l~t ~)~ [3]1111 ~ [2]~ ~ _~ ~)i.<:> °ool ftt~ [l] 5

[···]1(:1 )0 I~ ) oE[i?~~ [5] A? ~llc3 ~ d 1111l~ @. t ~, rb [4],91~

I~? 9
~ I ~I o=!!l!=>
[8]..:::n.. ITI 2uncleargrou psr
_ 1U UI I I
][7][ ...]ln)- r.ln
0 [ . ..
g g rn'!:,~ [6]
OU lv'A0'A

~ 4 unclear groups ~

252. Ramesses III, year 30, Deir el-Medina: Delivery of rations

o. DeM 10161 (Grandet 2010, 46-47, 270) 10



o s;e Ar _rn[3][ ...]m p"<:. m~m
'Am<:> bl... Jl p"<:. IL
r---1 nn Ar ~[2][ ...
....J ~rr 8l.. ?<
]%= "=-'[1]

0 ~~ nnn ;1[4][ ... ] ~ 15

253. Delivery of fish

o. DeM 855 (GRANDET 2003a, 2, 35, 235)

I II nnn
II nnn
12 [1], begi nni ng : The w, seated man , and plural strokes have been inserted beneath j n.w-mw.
Oyn. 20, Ramesses III,.year 31. IX, 95

254. Ramesses III, year 31, Deir el-Medina: Delivery offish 1

o. Berlin P 14666 (DeMO)


))~'9t..!..~d))ft[2]~\~'?~~~? 0~_l nnn; 1[1]

~~~~ ))BP {6h«~d))ft [3] ~~~? 5


255. Delivery of flowers and bread

o. OeM 10147 (GRANDET 2010,36,257)

recto: 10

<:><:> ~ [3] [ ...]~ ~

II II c:!!!!= ~.D.b:7L
== ~
== 0))L"J III I nn
n 1
ED r
0 [2] [ ...] E5 ~c:::=, ~[ 1]
1'0 9<:>Ul.-rl 0 .b:7L

[ ···h~ ~ G~[4] [ . .] ~ ~~~~jJ'


[. .][3][ . .]nnnn
Ci) Ci) c:::=, ~
f f~ 0 .b:7L :::J :::J 0
[2] !JJ
t\.. c:!!!!=
ef [1 ]

256. Delivery by the chief of police 15

o. OeM 10023 (GRANDET 2006a, 31, 212)


[...]011 '=7 (f~. E..

&(~~ /)" A d t==l c:::=, ~ [2][ ...] <:>
rr 8l. J111........ II I 0 .b:7L
~ I n 01 [ 1]
0 L"J II II nn ED r


18 [2] , end: Restore the name Nb-s[mn] (GRANDET 2006a, 31) .

Dyn . 20, (Ramesses III, year 31 or later). IX, 96

257. (Ramesses III, year 31-Ramesses IV, year 2), Valley of the Kings:
Distribution of goods

o. BTdK 655 (DORN 20 11a, vol. 1, 409, vol. 3, pls. 526-528)

258. Deir el-Medina: Delivery of fish

o. DeM 10009 (GRAND ET 2006a, 15-16, 193-194; HELCK 2002 ,328,330)


)))q, [2] ~9o fCdfu -;; ~ 1l U' ~ d.:!.- d. 4 =~ =:J=:J 0 ~~ [l] 10

~ ~9o fCd<lt[4] n ~ ~~~ q, ~l~~d. :!.-d.{ ~l} ~ 1 0 [3] ~~~ ~~~

=fCd ~9 ~ 1 ~ [5] ~ ~ ~~~ 1lU'

II .
II 6_
c3 oil.
_ rni ==:::J:::J 0
0 [2] /}J
l\. dl!= ~
== :::J:::J 0 ) ) L":J """"'[1]
~: ll [4] ~~ ~~ 15
.....ell I =:J=:J 0 ~ ~

259. (Ramesses III, year 31-Ramesses IV, year 6): List of workmen

o. DeM 831 (GRAN DET 2003a, 1, 11-13, 197-199; HELCK 2002, 408-409)
recto, column 1:

~! ~gl~ = [3] ~ ~ ;: ~glfCdMJ [2] t~~gl tfCd 9 o~ [1]

~;:::~fCd£ [m ][6] ~1~~~!~ 9~ [5] ~fCd£ ~ [4] 20

~ 9 ofCd~ [lO] t~ ~ glj [9] 9o fCd ~ d. ~ [8] ~fu [7]

9- 12: The recto is a palimpsest; the prese nt text, writte n in black, appears above an earli er text, written in
red and includi ng seve ra l quantiti es of unknown items in arrears (GRANDET 2006a, 16; DeMD) 1120 [6]:
Read [... ]-113 (53) Nht-n -hps (GRANDET 2003a, 11)
Dyn . 20, (Ramesses Ill, year 31 or later). IX, 97

recto, column 2: 1

[4] ~I~~ [3] ~~~ II f t l rr9 [2] ~=~ ~ [1 ]

~~:'::[8] ~~:t ~ [7] [ m J ~ 1 ~ [6] [ ~ ~J ~

1m~ [11] ~:::~lfb[lO] ~Cr~~

verso, column 1: 5

9 o~=~[4] ~ ~ ~ d ::: ~ Il U [3] ~/~ftWA [2] ~/~m ..=:2"" [1]

~:::~~A[6] ~ m" 2 ~;: ~ 9 l [5]

verso, column 2:

IlU [5] )~~~ ~ [4] ~9 o~..=:2"" [3] [ ... J~~ = ~ [2] [ ... J ~ [1]

~~ Y ~ [7] <:> ~unc1ear ~ [6] ~~ 10

verso, column 3:

[...J'=7 [1 ]
260. (Ramesses III, year 32-Ramesses IV, year 1), Deir el-Medina:
Donkey transaction
o. DeM 10242 (GRANDET 2010, 124-1 25, 351) 15

:El ="!l!= 9 0
0 9
[...J[2] ~ t\..{j.J ="!l!= 9 .q<:> !;le
/l" ~ ~ =
0 ) = 1J1... ?i = :::J 0
<:> ~ [ ... J[1]
0 rn 0

= :::J 0~~9d 7;~9~

261. Ramesses III, (end of reign): Deliveries
o. DeM 10044 (GRANDET 2006a, 49-50, 234-235)
recto: 20

[L ~ /l" ? [3] 0 ~~<:> 0 fu ~~ r [2] - 0 ~r ~J[ I]

~ ID9D I <:> 1J1... Jk _ ="!l!= r r 0 CD \:El_r91" ~_="!l!=r r~

16 [2]: Restore [MnlW] -btp.w (?) (thus, tentatively GRANDET20 10, 124).
Dyn . 20, Ramesses III, (end of reign). IX, 98

I ~ II! ~I!~d!9o![5] ~ ii ( ~ ~ ~ , ~ l! f 4~~ ~ ~ [4] olft 1

~;;Ul l ~ ,l~~[7] [~~ ]<:> ~~~~ ~OUl [6][~ ]01

[...] ~ [8][ ~ ]

1fl [4] 9 o!<:> ~~~~ I\ \ ~ ~ ~ ~[3] Ift9 LI! ~I ~ 19 [i9[i~ [2][ ... ] ~ [1] 5

~ [6] jJ'~l!t c5~9 o!<:> ~~~~[5] I Iee91i:jJ' L9~~9 @

I ~ [ ... ][7][ 00'] II II I,I ~ ? ~

262. Letter, re: deliveries to a woman's house, care of Doctor Kel

O. DeM 973 (GRANDET 2003a, 9, 142-143,428)

263. (Ramesses III, end-Ramesses IV, beg inning):

Deliveries of wood, fish, and textiles mentioning a follower of the vizier

O. DeM 721 (GRANDET 2000a, 5, 22-23, 122-123) 15

&O°rlfJ" 1Y"' [3]& 0 J(I l\... n~ ~ ~{}J ~

El I U ~ El I Ci¢.. .-911~1 o .M..!.\.. D.llll)
= """"" [2][ ...]
=== 0.-c::zz:::::J II ~

~9~~ 2~~9 L [6] nnnn ~~~ ='!l= nnnn ??? ~~£ ~ [5] ?? 0::
Q91fl<:>~9o~~~10[8] III 0 ::Q ))<:>::[7] IIII~::II.

[ ...][9] ?~? CJ= 20

17 [4]: The original Hieratic sign omits the rays above the rising sun of the be_group (thus, Grandet
2000a, 123, "sic") .
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses III, end of reign or later). IX, 99

264. (Ramesses III, end-Ramesses IV, beginning), Deir el-Medina:

Delivery of fish

o. DeM 856, recto (GRANDET 2003a, 2, 36, 236)

III ~ ~ [1]
II ~~~ -=d' 0 et: I :::J:::J 0
~~~[4] II I ~- AWh( g)~ 0 ~'=:"' [3 ]
tfIJ...~~ 1 1 1 1 1 1~~ ~:Bt 0 1100(1 M.. ?( _ = = :::J0 0 III 5

~~~~ q~7~~Il~~ ~d~10[5] 1~~~ q~~m9+~~

~~~~ q~~~lIl~~~[···] [6]
265. Delivery of fish, incl. a note regarding a papyrus roll and ink

o. Berlin P 10634 (DeMO; HELCK 2002, 317)

nnn ??? III n

nn ??? c='lI:= II n
266. Valley of the K ings: Workers absent for festivals

o. BTdK 614 (Dam 2011a, vol. 1, 390-391 , vol. 3, pls. 490--492)

r-C[4] ft~
r 9 1'" _
-=d' t
1 :Btl l' <:> ~
[3 ] ~ ~ o j\ ~
l ~:Bt @A
e II ~ ~ [2]
tflJ...lll.-. lI-..c. tfIJ... 1]"
= :::J 0) n
~[1 ]
~ 15

267. (Ramesses III, end-Ramesses IV, year 2), Deir el-Medina:

Receipt for a policeman's sale of an donkey to a scribe

o. DeM 10094 (GRANDET 2006a, 97-98, 290; J ANSSEN 2005, 60)

r ~( »rr
"""",,=o :Bt ~~ M..
g 1l::!1~ ~
d [~
[2] [ ...]M..
g~a ~
0 I 0 _=:::J:::J 0~0 n l~ [ ... ~
][1] 20

o .-2-.. g ~c='lI:= <:> ~ <:> ~ if...

~~ [~1 [3 ]~~ 1~ ® {jJ r
I I IfYlM.. ?( 9 0 ® 0 <:>El / o tflJ...[ · ~J ~~~_ 91"' [

3: Ver so includes traces ofajoum al (G RANDET 2003a, 36) 115 [3]: Aleph phonetic complement omitted in
the original (thus, GRAN DET 2003a, 236, "sic") 1110 [2]: Emended date follows DeMD.
Dyn. 20, (R.IlI, end of reign or later); (undated). IX, 100

nnnn ===> 0
II I c::::J _ 1I 11 10 ~

268. (Ramesses III, end-Ramesses V), Deir el-Medina:

Letter, re: construction of a shrine and delivery of food 5

O. DeM 789 (GRANDET 2000a, 7, 61,190)


d~~~'0* ~[3]~£~A-~J:~f~[2]~~iMJ~ ~~ [l]

[...J[6][ ,oo J~? 901~~? [5] [ oo· J~~l_?~ ~ [4]~i. ~

["' J~ 10

269. Ramesses III, (undated), Deir el-Medina:

Receipt for a gift to an ailing woman 15

O. DeM 102 10 (GRANDET 20 10,95,320; idem 2006b, 93-94, no. 3)

~ D\\\\ [2] [ oo.Jliin

d. Q A(L@-,f 0 ~~ <:>[l]
<::>O M~ lo 0 U_ ~rrll.-.-.

270. Ramesses III (?): Payment of rations in arrears to four men,

a scorpion charmer, and servants

O. Berlin P 11249 (DeMO) 20


8 [1]: For the damaged signs transcribed as sts.t, see GRANDET 2000a, 6 1, notes to RO 1- 2.
Dyn. 20, Ramesses III G?), (undated); (R.III or later). IX , 101

vers o:

271. R amesses III (?), (undated ), De ir el-Medin a: 5

Na mes of ma le a nd femal e donkeys bel ong ing to a certain Sennefer

o. DeM 10087 (GRANDET 2006a, 90-92, 280-281; idem 2003b)


1l~[3]f!i~ ~~f!i~~~? ~~~~~~£ [2]f!i~if!i ~~:~~f[1]

• ~?b1:~~Il~~~ II ~1l~[4] ~~~~~~£J~9C7L]~ 10

.9t~m0~~ •• ~ 9'& bl~ [6] •• ~~~~bl~~~tbl~ [5]


272. (Ramesses III, undated, or later), Valley of the Kings:

Payment for a bed 15

o. BTdK 684 (DORN 2011a, vol. 1,423--424, vol. 3, pls. 556-561)


CJ ~ ::: 1I1I it\. \. ~ W~ 6 [4] 11',1 CJ ~ ::: ~ ~ 6 ~[3] Il~ ~ l~

~ -::::0::.. (¥_- (i) 9 If ll...-.. [6] II ~ -::::0::.. I~ t ~ ".@ ~ [5] I I I I
CJ ~ -. 1~ 0 o {}oU / i o .:» CJ ~ -. 1 <:>lliJ-.IIl...-. a:e=,,1:f/!.... Il, I III 20

5: GRANDET 2003a, 259, dates the text generally to the perio d between Ramesses II and YII but notes that
the paleography appears most characteristic of the reign ofRamesses III 1113 [1]: Transcription of the name
Psy-mn follows idem 2006a, 92, notes to yo 1, contra the author 's earlier reading as Ps-hry (idem 2003 c,
259) . ___
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses III or later). IX, 102

~~6~dl [9] ID~ :: I~~o~~6~ dl [8] ID~ :: I~ ;:~~6[7] II

~ dl[l1] I D~::I ~ \ \~~~6~dl[1O] II D~::I ~ ~ ~d" cl

~1 ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ \ \~~~6[13] I D~~I ~ ~ 6 { 6 } [12] 11 ~~~1 ~ ~ 6

<:> i( c-: [16] L...c..1111 n ~ ~.-=ll ~ l\.. [15] rno~~ Ift p " [14] ID ~


~lf n ifi ~ 'W' [4] 1 1~ ?~IfDl;l ~ 1' ? 0 c::5c::5[3]

II ft l I IruIlmft
r<:>c::5 ru
[l.....t . II IJ ft] <:>c::5~' 1 I I II II

II ~90 E[[5]
273. (Ramesses III, undated-Ramesses IV), Deir el-Medina: 10
Distribution of bread to workmen, including a certain El-a 'a

O. DeM 748 (Grandet 2000a, 5, 40,149-150)

~ 9~ ~ -.["'J[3] [" 'J~ ~7~ ~[ "'J [2] [",Y~l ~ ) )~~~['''J[I]

[ "' J IIIII ~~))~[" ' J [5] [ "·J ~II(::) ~ (= A I ~ @.~[4] [...J::

[ ... J ~ ~ [6]
@ ~

274. (Ramesses III, undated-Ramesses V):

Question to the oracle regarding a theft of meat

O. DeM 795 (GRANDET 2000a, 8-9, 65, 194)

13 [1], beginning: Restore [3n}y-nbt (GRANDET 2000a, 40 ) 11 14 [4], beginning: GRANDET (ibid.) notes that
this name, with its evidently Semitic theopho ric component C'EI is grea t" ), occurs als o in O. DeM 652.
Dyn . 20 (Ramesses III or later). IX, 103

275. (R a messes III, undated-Ramesses V), Deir el-Medina: Acco unt

concerning a doorkeeper' s delivery of bread and bread in arrears

o. DeM 10007 (GRANDET 2006a, 14, 191)

Il 9>
'CJ" [2]
_ll......J- « l rri I _ I=I l (i ~ _ I 1 19>9>'i'
~ /J"~ I ~~ - ~ ~ ~[1]

~ ~ (i~ ~~d ,,- [3]~ ~ IIIII !9> ~ ~~ <:> ~~bl~ 5

n~ ~ III! I II IRmI ~
276. (Ramesses III, undated-Ramesses VI): Delivery of smithing tools

o. DeM 10173 (GRANDET 2010,5 8-60,284)


277. (Ramesses III, approxima tely): T r a nsfer of goods

o. Glasgow D.1925.82 (M c DoWELL 1993,22, pls. 24-24a)

recto: 15

CJ_-. Ift
==> ~
~0 r _
~ t::::=:J [4] I
..0 t;) <:>
A /J"
\L t::::=:J "'r"'C' 9> M.. t::::=:J 8l.. [jl
I"'r"'C' I II /J"
<:> 8l..
(i 8l..

nnn CJ= ~ I~ \ ~ 9> d ~ bl ~ I"'r"'C'9>~ ~~[5][ ... ] ~ I*ft9>dbl

s: e E5~ ~ A '~~ <::>
:EllL......:.. - . r . 1 oM..--==:Jr r lL......:..~M..l,\.
AO [6] III

verso: 20

~..::n..I~~9>~ /}'~[ ...]III ~..::n.. [ ... ][2]&0)\ ~ e c:::==,[~[ 1]

II IICJ- . _ ~Ul./fL <; II CJ _ _ n El@AM .L....c.. . 1 ° ~J
4-5 [2] : Read the doorkeeper 's name as Pn-ps-s (see discussion in GRANDET 2006a, 14) II 7: Date follows
GRANDET 2010,58, but see also DEMAREE 2011,288, who notes that Cerny had previously identified the
scribal hand as that of Qenherkhepeshef, wh ich would date the text to the second half of Dynasty 19 II 10
[3] and 11 [5]: Regarding transcription ofthe group mtprt , see also comments in MOLLER.201 0,313 1116-
18 [2-5]: Each line is preceded by an accounting mark: £\... (or n), 0 , fl5 , and . 0 , respectively.
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV, year 1. IX, 104

278. Ramesses IV, yea r 1, Deir eI-Medina : Deliveries and duty roster,
including the five epagomenaI days, individually named

O. Berlin P 12631 (DeMO; H ELCK 2002 , 352-353)


- {}J .,f- ni:tJ o ll......c.. 0 [13][ ] IIII nnnn .c::t::h II o~

=:::J0 [14] ol\..9,=,, :9rEt /~ .-. _=:::J0 . . IIII nnn 5_ 5 x _

~ ID9l2~ tZ==~ _mmm ~~==:::J0[15][ "' ] I II I~~~ 15

r=>... ~ q<'
c::::::J11111 1l..........:.. I
ll......c.. (=)
(~) <=> _
c::::::J III _
II n[ . .][16] =
V _
c::::::J III _ 0
CD 'b A
I 11$ lffi

n~:Jf~ l d~l, ~ 1~ 1 1 1 15 ~[ . ·][18] II~ d 4[ . ·][17]m:::J?(=)

II~ d 4111 5 ~ : : : n n n n ? ? ? ?~ [ . ·][19] 11111~ ?~l:::n ~ ? ~n[1 8 .5]
)??lLA. n /}" ~ n ~[ ][20]
:::J:::J 0_ I o9 ~A['" ][2 1] ~o~
1~ _ I~ 9"'ll......c..
I 1 C7'M...
I I I I ll ~ 8:l.. ?( 9 r ~ ... 0

~dnnnn ~~~ [.. .][22] 20

1- 3: HELCK 2002 ass igns the text to year I of Ramesses V; present assignation to year I of Ramesses IV
follows G RAN DET 2006a II 5 [1.5] , 10 [10.5]: Supers cript, added at end of line (see DeMO, n. Tl) II 12
[11.5]: Subscript, end of line II 17 [18]: For the gro ups -»
and ;:;, read wsd (or smw) and mrw ,
respectivel y (DeMO, n. T9, citing already JANSSEN 1975, 360) 1118 [18.5] : Superscript, end ofli ne.
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV,-year 1. IX, 105

verso: 1

r?? H.. J[3] ~I~ "-~~ ~ ~[ ... J[2] ~J d~ II ~ I ~ II e~ IIII nnnn [ J[1]
~ d 4 ~ ? H "' J [6] ~ ? ~ ~ lc5 ~ ~ ~ L" ' J [5] ~ l d~ I, ~ I ~ IIII e~ ? ~ ? H J[4]
g ~n
~1fl.11 1~
m[ 0 .][9] III
III n co n
I I 111['"-=:J¥ lfl. o
() ~@[ "'J[8] 0 -.c::::::J r=.. m ~ A ~ [,oo J [7]
1I1 -. 111~ lffi ~

d9~ +fu ~ 'o r:9>~ ~=0=[14][ ···]~~D. ~~4A ~ lo r.;

A/ ~ f}.J \1 0
° [\, / 1: l' _0=[15]{) Dc:5 ~[14.5][ . . ]c:5 ~A/ l
:Bl r 9>0l1. ~ ll, ", 10 r_ 9>~<::> _ _ :El~o l olfl. I 01fl.:Bl /).

/J"W 0 'C:i' c:5 ~[17][ ...] ~A/~~ \1

~ ?( - . L..t, Ifl. °1fl. :Bl-==:ll V ~
° ° "t? /
0 ['"-=:J bJ •
1: l'
lo r_ 9> ~ <::>__
_0=[16] 10

279. Ramesses IV, year 1, Deir el-Medina: Deliveries and rewa rds

O. DeM 726 (GRANDET 2000a, 5, 27-28, 128-129)


4 [8]: Transcription of him follows suggestion in DeMD II 9 [14.5]: Superscript, above hrj.w rnp .t in the
preceding line [14] II 14 [2.5] : Superscript correction; read ssp ( GRANDET 2000a, 28)
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IV or later), year 1. IX, 106

280. (Ramesses IV-Ramesses IX), year 1, Deir el-Medina:

Transfer of property
O. Berlin 10665 (DeMO ; ALLAM 1973, 32- 33, no. 11 ; ENDESFELDER 1967,66-67;
ERMAN, GARDINER, and MOLLER 1911, pI. 38-38a)

recto: 5
~<:> [2] 0~ ~<:> 0 f2~~<:>~<:> ~"" ~1[ 1]
1 1 1e::=: _ 9 r r ~ I I Ir"iiii?l I ~ ~ 9 0 @ 0 <:> = :::J:::J0 0 I II l€D r

~~?::Il~_c:_ ~~~[6]II D =::IIII~Jt~? 9 !~.? 10

~ fi <:» 8' n[7 ] 8 8 iA./= ~ o ~~<:>

ft 9M..b!.. 'LI~ ~ ~ <:> 11
III CJ ==>
_ _ II 5 9 o Ul5,2. 0,2.J&:z:z: II
<r::b. -
I ~I I I I I e::=:



281. Ramesses IV (?), year 1: Donkey transaction

O. DeM 960 (GRANDET 2003a, 5,133 ,412; JANSSEN 2005, 45)

282 . Ramesses IV, year 1: Deliveries & duty roster 20

O. Berlin P 12628 + 12641 (DeMO; GUTGESELL 1983,45 ; HELCK 2002, 362)


7 [2], end : Restore name as Qd- [bt=j] (DeMO) II 16-17 : J AN SSEN 2005 , 45, assigns the text more genera lly
to mid-Dy nasty 20 1119 [3]: No deben val ue recorded.
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV,.year 1. IX, 107

c5 ~ """"= ~ .-=ll t <=> . ~ ilIn /J <=> ~ ~~~ [ J[2]

I o ffi !!:l90 0 <::>1W::0 0~ I II ~Elr~=0 0~ III n nn nm ...
~ "'r"CI II ~ J. 0 R c5 1Jv 0 ll....-:. 0 - <=>~ J[3] [ J~~ n
ffi ~~ I o L.- ffi"lf II I 1)/11 e _El / ~.-._ :: 0 0~ ... ... o _ r

o ~l l l e ~ L.- l d ~ l , ~ 1 ~ / ~ ··· ] [5] ~ @ t d""",,=~ [ ··· ] [4] [ ··· ] O ~ = ~ ~

[ J[8] nnnnn ~??? ~~J ~ ~d~~m [ "'J [7]~~_ [ "' J [6] nnnn ~~ n

[ ][9] _ ~4! ~ , ~ nnnn ~~~ ~~~~~d=~m ~d~r?? ~ 5

c5""""= e - <=> ~ ~"'r"CI """"= ~~nc5 ~ ilI('IElt-1

II e_!!:l 9~/T =~0 0~ 1 1 1 ~I 0 !!:l 90 0 _ r l o ffi El i ~

/l"~ c5 ~ [ 15 ]/ g 0 c5 ~1Jvd~~ IIIII1 <=> ~1Jv o: @ n

&:l. « I offi ~,2, 01 o ffi El/<::>~~ II I ~ 0 0~ III El~0l\...o'1 9 10

f}J - <=> ~ [16] III

~ ~ 9 @ ~~ 0 0~ III
.~ [1 6.5] ~~~ "'r"CI [16]
II .-=ll ~ ~~~ I 0 ~~ ? 0
I IeEl
1Jv 6f
9 =::»

_ [19] ill ...'b U~ f}J ~ n nnnn [18] ~~~ "'r"CI ~~nc5

= ~~ 0 ElPDI ~ 9 0~ _ r = ~ ~ 0 nnnn ~~ 1 % 0 _ri o


1AJ OJ~~'-- /)"

Et9ol\ rn I 18.l.. ==:J:J
[3] IIII tJ_
c5 [2] 1AJ~~ ~..f
Et.--r == :J:J <::>..=-.
0oL":] III
[1 ]

? - non "'r"CI/go ~n ~~nllllll [5] t-- [4]

<::> . ~~ 0 ' nn ~ 1 o~,2,oEl£:::,r M_r III ~~ 0 l'W'IIW:::: ~~ 0

~ 0 c5 ~ nr ??? [7] IIII 0 n 1Jv ~ n II -'c ~ ll....-:. [6] I
II I Innnn ~El_r~_ If/ / / / / / h
~ o l offi U U 1111~r I ~<::> ~
"'r"CI /
nnn ~~ 1 o~ 20

7 [9.5] and 11 [16.5]: Subscript annotations 11 14 [20]: Read the name as Mss(n =j)-nbt =f(DeMD).
Dyn. 20 , Ramesses IV, year 1. IX, 108

283. Ramesses IV, year 1, Deir el-Medina: Duty roster, deliveries,

and a visit by the High Priest of Am un

O. Strasbourg H. 82 (KO ENIG 1997, 7, pIs. 26-27, 110; with corrections in MOLLER
2000,278-279, and DeMO) + O. DeM 161 & O. Berlin P 12640 (KRIVI , 114-115)

recto: 5

~r:::::I /J"W 0 III n ~ [ . .Jr3a T nnn ~ ... J[2] c:5 ~ ~

g UIL ~ g~ [ ... J [ 1]
6'1.... "II. 6!l.. ?i _ II I 11100 nn ~ 0 I oUILII d o ~ 6'1.... ~

or~l II [.. .J[4] n 1l!:1119

f CID ~CID [ " 'J~
fu ==- fR h <:> ~ = %f ...J[3] ~ ~=
_~ 0 El~L:1 " // r_~ ~ w~

'=" / / If! ~® /)"W {jJ rnifi 0 WP'~-«h. II ~~ -

~ ~=e!= <:> L:l ~9 U1Lo 6!l.. « <:>9or\. 91"'lfff0//(QIIU(_L'...rlt n :J!II n

d~ /~8l~ <:> ~mr 4f:1;::d~ <:>9o(ti 9 t ~ m 0 Z ~II~ F 10

~ ~ ~6fi~ <:> II ;:: 9 ~ ~ BJf~~9d 4rf ~L:l~~d=~W[... J [6]

~~ ~ 0 ~~~? I H ~ ~ [ ... J [7] ~~~ I CJ :: ~ 1'1 :~~ t ~~~ III CJ::Q


~ l ~ ~d~_~=:Jf,2.d41111 ~ I ~ II n e=~~}~o~9
nnn ???? /8 0 c:5 ~ nnn """""'" fud 0 I I I [8 ] P"~
~ 0 nn ??? ~~~~ I obl_ :::~ 0 ~~

=e!= !?l,i.ol oUIL nn o ElI

nnnnnnn ~~~[9] ::: n n n n .ii e ~ 8l ~~ d ~ 4 d (ti ~ ;;~ 15

nnnnn ~~ ~~e~8l~ ~d~ 9(ti=~ I ~~ 0[ll]CL'...il8l~ [1O]

[ 12] A ~~~ nnnn ???? """""'" r ® »V ~ A c:5 ~
L'... ~0_-=!1~ • • ~nnnn ??? I o9 1" _ ~ r ~ 1 oUIL 1111
~ // - ~ /J" A~ nnn ~? ~? ~ r=... I!l
nnnn I 0 Innnn ~I<:>I I I~b.l... ~I nn ~?? I o:J:J 09c::::J I
0 _-=JIll...-.

fl ~---= .4::,~~"'rCI f f / ) " w

~UlLllo~ 9 D 0 _r_l!:l!: 6!l.. ?i <:> [13] [ " ' J~~ ~~~tJlc:5 ~
~UIL_rf6 001 oUIL


1-4 ff.: Line num bers of the assembled fragments follow the reconstruction in DeMO.
Dyn . 20, Ramesses IV,-year 1. IX, 109

verso :

~[3] ~~_~~d~ ~ 9 7 =:l=:l0[2] [ ...Jnnnnn ~ " ' J ~ Pf1 I " ' J [l]

~rr ~l ~~d n ~~~ ~:.!.-d 41111 ~ 1 ~9 0~=~ I =:l=:l0 [4]ft1]1fl~

:=:~I rE5JIUI~.=~ ~=:l=:l0[5] [ " ' J t ~ ! :t l n ~ ~ ~ ~ ?~ nnnn
11 11co~ L II I co n nnn """""'~ ~ / i ~ ~ ~ =
111 11 I rr III ni l I II ~ ~~~ ~~~ I 0 8 _ ~ « rl~~1}{"II. I :: =:l =:l 0 1 1e 5

""""'" III e_1h:9

I 0
~ ='"= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [I,m ~ f}J~ -
0 0 _r1l......l-9 O~ 1'600 =~=:l=:l0~9 0l\.. 00:: =:l=:l0

=:l=:l0 _ _ =~~:t == =:l=:l0 [8] n~ ~~~ I [7]~e:::~~ ~d n ~

d[9]~,'t',t ~~ =:l=:l0 I:: B:Jt~ I ~ I ~ II e:=:~9 0~~~~1fl ::~
rro ll........c.. [10] i:tJ 0 ~ A ~~ II I = = = > 0 G ~ A ~~ c5
I ~ <:> El~ or M_r: l i =:l=:l0 ~~~ CJ _Q~ ~ r M_r l 0
~A e - ...=.. [11] nnn """"'" / g 0 c5 A fu~ r /I - -
~M=,"=D........10=c::::::::J 1 11 nn ~~~~ I o ~ )l,o l o M El ~ 9 T~ C 10

fu 0 ll........c.. 0 [13] ='"= ~~ t [12] """"'" / g 0 c5 A fu ~ ~

El / ~ ~ _ :: 0 1h: 9 0 0 <::>~ = 0 ~~~ I o ~ )l,o l o M El "II. _
284. Ramesses IV, year 1, Deir el-Medina: Ruling by the Qenbet
on a case concerning a donkey
O. DeM 10245 (GRANDET 2010, 127,353)
i:tJ /if ~~ ~ ~ [2] 0
C> III - . . . = . . 01,[1]
ElI~~ ~ _ r l 1 I / O II <::>1:'..<> _10: i I =:l=:l 0= czz::::J I I ED r 15

- ...=.. 0 ~~ t[5] - ...=..

0=czz::::J III <::> ~ r ~ 0= czz::::J I

285. Duty roster and deliveries

O. Strasbourg H. 5 (KOENIG 1997,3, pIs. 1 and 100; corrections in MULLER 2000, 274-
276) + O. DeM 160 & O. Berlin P 12642 (KRIVI, 119; DeMO; CERNY 1935-39, vol. 20
2, 14, pI. 36)

4 [5]: The ss-group after Jmn -nht follows MOLLER 2000, 270, note to "vso,3" (=verso 5 in DeMO, reading
less plausibly dmd 1) II 9 [9]: Transcription of Jmn-m-j n.t follows MOLLER 200 0, 270, note to "v so,6"
(=verso 9 in DeMO) II 18 ff.: Assignation to year I of R.IV follows DeMD; reconst ruction of fragments
follows MOLLER 2000,274; reconstruction and placeme nt of fragments follows ibid, 275, fig. 2.
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV, year 1. IX , 110

verso: 5

I~:Jfr :!.-/1411 ~ 1~rf&~ [~[5]~~~~~ :::~/1.~ ~ [ ..J 10

~ ~~9 0(ti ~I ~&t~ ~ 0 [~[6] I Ie9t~,,-D&t~[5.5]

&t~ L [.. . J[8] [...J/1:::: ~Jfr :!.-l/1~ II ~ I ~ II [...J[7][ "' J~~o II~ "' J
[ J~ ~ I I II
~obll i l l =
286 . (Ramesses IV or later), year 1, Deir el-Medina: Delivery of
funerary equipment to the Vall ey of the Queens 15
O. Turin N. 57366 (JANSSEN 1992, 107-116, pl. 1; L OPEZ 1978-84, vol. 3, 22, pls. 113-
113a, vol. 4, pl. 204; HELCK 2002, 455; McDoWELL 1999, 221- 222, no. 171)


o ~[2]~~
III <::> I:f.fL _~90
E5 - ~:A
-.1l1:f.fL Ul'
/}" rr=J
=0 <::>
=~ ~ 0 -=.. c::::::J
0 1 [1]


l c5 .......-=
l 0
o~ ~
/I 0 / 0
III /}"D....-.c.
II i .......-= bl.. '=7\
~ f\ D....-.c. @ /}"~
I:f.fL I ~ ¥, Q c:::=:J c-:::J <::> bl.. . ?i - .

L L f\ ° Y?iii »«: M »» r ill:_Y9U-.

I I IY/ O~Y oT
.......-= <=- <=-¥, /IU
Y [4] W"~lllnnnn """'-= -
~,..I1 1 1 nnn 10 0

9 [4.5] and 11 [5.5]: Short lines written below [4] and [5], respec tive ly II 12 [6]: Recon struction [sw] II
follows DeMO.
Dyn. 20, Rame sses IV ,_year 1. IX, 111

1III n

~ [2]~1 ~ III Q-n~ ~~ ? ~ '-'nno~l1 ll........c./l"t [1]

« tl 9J..<::>M 9<O:>. II "'r"CIl ol I l 'I Mr ~ 9 0 0 II 0 n O_~H II bl...

287. Ramesses IV, year 1, Deir el-Medina: Titulary of the Overseer of

the Royal Treasury

O. DeM 10116, recto (GRANDET 200 6a, 114-116, 3 15; idem 2006b, 97- 98, no. 9)

LJ tlJA:
C> [3] Q iJlII fill ~ n ~[2] ~ l.~ 0 ~ e
Q d [1]
_LJ I LJ <::> ~<:> -==:JI9rll )}})}[]n ~ rr <:> M ="'=o Il........c.LJ I LJ <::> 10

288. Valley of the Kings: Delivery of grain

O. BTdK 62 1, recto (DORN 2011a, vol. 1, 394- 396, vol. 3, pls. 499-500)

{jJ ~ o [1,3] 0 1111 & {jJ~~m l[1 ,2] 01111 ~~~~ = 1 [1 , 1]

l\..90 _ 0 · 0 III El)) l\.._r lll~ 0 III El~~~_ =",,=

~~~o [1,6] 0 111& -==:JI t o [1 ,5] olll ~ 15 1J1 0 [1,4]0 111& e ~~

M_ r0 0 II ElI1' <:>0 0 0 II El -4.7 ~ j'6~ 0 0 II El JIl-c.._r 15

~ ~ ~ o [2,1][ "' J ~ {jJ//>}//. [ ~ J [1,8] 0111 ~E5~ r

II -C o [1 ,7]0111 ~ D~
rr/ o ~ ~~ 01I El _ r9 1=~ -0 oll ElL"Jo r

o [2,5] 0 III \L. 1n't- 0 [2,4] 0 III ~ n /l" ~ 0 [2,3] ~~ /nffi 0 [2,2] ~~~
o 0 11 10 11 0 0 II El flbl... ~ 0 ~ El . 'Imo ~~

c:::;:;:? [3,l][ ... ][ ~?{jJE5~ [2 ,7][~? & ~-==:JI t [2,6]0111 & e _

I IT o ~J ~_r o ~J ~) O 0 <:>0 0 0 II El)ll........c.) T"

n 0
[3,4] 0 000 III ~ I) ~F blU 0 [3,3] 0 11 II1~ r=; 1Jl~ 0 [3,2] ~ 1 1 '11 ~-4.7
-==:JI t E5
[ ... ] 000 I II {-==:JI} <:> 0 _ 20

9: Verso includes a short list of plants (see GRANDET 2006a, 115-11 6)

Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IV, year 1 or later); R.IV, year 2. IX, 112

289. (Ramesses IV, year l -Ramesses V, year 3), Deir el-Medina : 1

A roya l visit and a withdrawal from the granary

o. DeM 956 (GRANDET 2003a, 4-5,130-13 1,406)



290. Ramesses IV, year 2, Deir el-Medina: Delivery of wood

o. DeM 10141 (GRANDET 2010,32,253) 10



lA./L\... @ n M~ 9 [ ...J[2] ~ i i i ~~ I I I · Al~ ~~ ~ ~ [ ... J[I] 15

1&/ 0 / o ll '-i. l~ m ~ I I I:::J 0 0 I I MLI o L-t 0 909 r ~ I ~

291. Journal fragment mentioning work for Pharaoh,

relating probably to beginning construction on the royal tomb

o. DeM 893 (GRANDET 2003a, 3, 67, 304; idem 2003e, 219, 221, 233)

DZ:J /l"~ [3] [ ... J ~ !JJ . ) ~ <:> /l" ~ Al [2] [ ... J ~0 1 <:> ~I II ~ 1 [1] 20
<::> i1J.... ?( !0.Jn t\.. ~ ~ III..........c. i1J.... ?( ML ~ 0 0 LJ ®

4-8 : Recto and ver so reversed in GRANDET 2003a, 406 II 7-8 [3]: Read the name as M33(.n=j)-n!Jt<=f>
(DeMD) II 17- 18: Also see following docs. 292 and 311.
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV,_year 2. IX, 113

292. Ramesses IV, year 2, De ir el-Medina:

Beginning construction on the royal tomb

o. DeM 834 (GRANDET 2003a, 1, 15-16,202-203 ; idem 2003 c, 219-220, 232)


: ~ III [4]-<D:>.q-o . ~
_0 9 c::5* III - . 0 9~ <::> 0 -.czz:::::J II
= " "'" I I

293. (Ramesses IV-Ramesses VI), year 2, Valley of the Kings:

Graffito of Amennakht, son of Ipuy 10

KV Graffito 3980 (KIKUCHI 1996, 175-176, fig. 3 and pI. 49A)

I-n0 nn[3] fu nn A n!!:l:

Iel n~ <::> c-: nt 1& rr 9 Dlli1. r 4" 9 0
OJ E5n1J1 [2]
t\.. - . r 1'600
= " "'" II e r
I0 _ c::::::J II
01 [1]

294. Ramesses IV, year 2, Deir el-Medina : L ist of workmen

o. DeM 10273 (GRANDET 2010,157-1 61, 380- 381) + O. DeM 614 (KRI V I , 180)

column 1: 15

~ ! 9 9 0 ~ C7 [4] ~ ~ ~ ~ &lft1J [3] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [2]

~~ 61 ~ ~~ :;z ~ [7] ~ A . ~~&lU[6] ' ~ mA[5]

~ ~ ~ ~[11] [··· ] Dl ri& ~~ 1[1O] [ ···]~~ ~&lt[9] [ ···] ~~90~~~[8]

[ ... ] ~[12]

column 2: 20

d&lt( ~)~=~ !~:t[3] ~;; :;Z~~ £ ~ [2] ~~~ 9D ri&~ [1]

~/7'P ~A[6] ~ ~ A~. '=7 [5] ~ ~90 ~&lU[4] ~~ ~)
5 [2], end : Restore year 2 date as [3bd 1 pr t sw 1] (G RANDET 2003a, IS); also cf. preceding doc. 291 II 14:
The sma ll KRl fragment includes lines [2-8] from col. 3 of the present text ("fragment e" in GRANDET
201 0).
Dyn, 20, Ramesses II, year 2; (year 2 or later). IX, 114

~,<:>;7;~~J~ [1O] ~9 0 [9] ~9 [ . ·][8] ~9 cJ· . ][7] ( ~ ~) A 1

'I rB6l~ L (~ )'I~ [~J [13] ~~[~[12] ~ ["' J[l1]

~~=ff[ . . J[14]
column 3:

~~fu [4] ~=~~ [3] ~@))td~ [2] ~~~19 o~=~[1] 5

' 7 [9] '~m~~I '7 [8] '~m [7] ~md"~[6] ~~~jd~[5]

W[12] '~m~~[11] ~ ~~ ~elMJ[10] ~~ D~ d=~~:::~

~ [ ... ~
column 4:

'7[4] ~~ ~ 90 ~ 6l ~ [3] ~~IU~9 o~=~ [2] [...y!l[l] 10

96l~ = [7] ~9 o~I ~6l~ [6] ~~/7rA[5] ~~A~:::~

["' J~~[lO] [ " ' J ~ ~ :::~ '7[9] ~9 o~~~~6l[8] ~!9

fragment a:

[ " 'J ~ [1]

295. (Ramesses IV, year 2-Ramesses V, year 1), Deir el-Medina: 15

Record of goods given as a bride price on the occasion of a wedding,
for festivals, and a promotion

O. Berlin P 12406 (DeMO; TorVARI-VITALA 2001, 62-63; DAVID 20 10, 165- 167)


-: ~ ~~~ 6l~ [2]~~~}~J9 ~~~ '7L': !6l ;:~~ <:> [ 1] 20

0 1 1 1 +~ 9D~ = ~) ~[3][ "'J m /~ d~ o~ ~ ~ ~ 9 <lli g d ~

1 [6]: The reed leaf and seated man were written one atop the other, in the original Hieratic 1113- 14: The
placement of fragment a relat ive to the remai nder of the preserved text is uncle ar (GRANDET 201 0,1 57).
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IV, year 2 or later) ; R.IV, year 3. IX, 115

III 6_6

[ ... ] % c::==, ~ 8nn ~ ~ ~ ~ n [4]111 ~ III X CD

1I · ? ft lll ~ 0J. n ~~~~II II n _ 11 ~ I I I

IUI [6] n ~ II III ~~ ~ II ~?? ~ Ift [5]

_ m [·.. ][8] ~~~ ~ R~~mmm [7](D\;;~ Ift9 l lrB

IU[ll] II ~Ul69~[1O] II 6~Ul~~~~ ~/[[9] [ ...] ~ ~
~ 8 [ 1 2]
I 6x_6 0J. n _ II ~ I I 1'=7 0 I'i' 5


o nn <::> [8] f\... ~ ( ~g )'j A,. E 5 n -~ An [7] 0 @ g ~<::> i

~rr~ ~ ~ll _<:> Ul. Et _ r'=7 ~ 0 ~r 1 ~<::>/tL 9 0 @

[10] II 69~!!{( 9 0:::-' nnn ~ I I <::> [9] R~~~ ~ Ql~~~ II d= 10

I I~ ~d~~ II ~lc:5[ll] 1 ~ ,f~~:~l~~ l, ~ I~~~ I ~7 t I~/ c5

(D88 A? nn /J"~ ) ' j - 0 nn<::> I 0 nn /J" i1 [12] I ~~ D /J"
<grill ~rr bl... ?i. Ul.~ ~rr~ I 1 Irr bl... UlL-.
I I I h 119 c5bl... L ...

III A(D~ 0 ' [13]

296. Ramesses III, year 3, Deir el-Medina: Payment for rations

o. Berlin P 14302, recto (DeMO) 15

0 1.0. 1 III L[4]l l l n n n~ 1.0. I 11I1 L [3]11~§dr&tJ11 1 1

o I I '=7 III n El II nn _ 0 I I '=7 nn nn El ~ fbOO II n

Ul ~
ui! 0 ft1};(/nii\
llm_r II I ~ n -[5] . ~?
II ftl doUi!

l iii ~ ~ ~G)A [7] 011G)A(D8~

- ~ 111I n
<::>11 1 IU

A ~0~"=" '=7 /J"

n ft_

o I I ~/c I I I nnn I I I ~ 0 I I I I I I Dlill ~· 0 11 _ bl...

297. (Ramesses Ill-Ramesses VI), year 3: Donkey Transaction 20

O. Leiden F. 2002110.1 (DEMAREE 2008, 88-89, 96- 98; JANSSEN 2005, 27)
f!i 0 [~!?i<:> l;l = /J"~ [2] [~~ <::> ..=.. 01,[1]
I I I I ~ I I I~ 1J ~ bl...?i. ~J _ 109<::>Ull :::J 0 0 LJ I II III ® r
= [4]
~ i! ~A,.
0 nF" @ /J" ~ ~~ ;J tJl
0 Et9rl c:=<::>LJ<::>bl... ?i. _~ fbOO _
[3] ~ -~~~
~I<::>I 1 I<::>_ "="

~{f ~ 9l ~ <:> I~
15: Verso mostly effaced, exce pt for a few, isolated quantities (see photo and transcription at DeMO) .
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV, year 4. IX, 116

298. Ramesses IV, yea r 4, Deir el-Medina: Donkey transaction 1

O. DeM 10090 ( G RANDET 2006a, 93-94, 284 ; H ELCK 2002 ,391 ; JANSSEN 2005 , 4)

_Et )rd...i:fl.... Jk _
/J"f! r;l= /J"~ [ m] [2]1
0 ~ i:fl.... ?(' . _
0 -
:::::J 0)[""""]
;=.. 01 [1 ]

;=..~ ~ {j..J ~~[ ... ] [4]0~ ~
:Et M. -=:lIt\. M. ~ 0 _ M. <t
ft-<Q>. {j..J
_ -=:lI t\. odl:D 9
..:/[ ...
][3]= II
_ _

II ~ ~ H . .] [5] ~~ 0) 5

299. Promissory note between two water carriers

O. DeM 10084 (GRANDET 2006a, 87-88,276-277; H ELCK 2002 , 392)


/J"~ .$
i:fl.... « _ ~ 9 0~1I
~ /J"~ [2]
ee:« II 0 F
I I I<=:>
i ii :::J 0 0 [""""] II
;=" 0 1 [1 ]


{j..J /J" \lil s: c:3 ~

t\. ))) i:fl.... ~ 1 0M. L.....:..
II [2] Et
-=:lI) 0 _
& @ ~
odl:D r <=:> -=:lI9 r~ - =_ II [1]

))) )=~~[5]~-=:lI9 0{tli!:~

300. Delivery of bread a nd fish for a festival 15

O. DeM 10137 (GRANDET 2010 ,26-29,248-250)

column J:

~~ !!i
_r .eoef!. _0
':;,f /
0 [3]~l8 ~ @
0 ~M.l ol'....
" l ""lC [2] iI i:I I:::J 0 _ C7Z:J II
;=.. 01[1 ]
~ If
111 ~~4fbl~[6] III
II = ru C7Z:J 1<=:>
'C7' [5]

111 = [~J [9] ;=.. 3[8]

III I ~ 1 ~n I I 1'<::::71
~ = ~ [7] 20

9 [1]: GRANDET 2006, 276, transcribes sw 9, rather than sw 19 (trans literated corre ctly in ibid., 87; see
DeMD) II 15: For the assignation of this document to the reign of Rame sses IV, see GRANDET 20 I0,26, n.
7 (contra GUTG ESELL 1983, 287: Ramesses V).
Dyn. 20, Ra messes IV ,-year 4; (year 4-6). IX, 117

II =I I I~l[W.AZl
[13] I:_7.l/11 0 1~
[12] 1~9~ [_ [11] 1= [m][10]
I, ~~"::' J ][16] n I ~ 1 9 ~J~ [. [15] III =~61 ~o~[14]
column 2:

, H~-·~ [4] III II ~ ~ 9~ [3] 1111 -fF I::[2] (f <db>90 ~ £ U[1]

-=-9 ~[8] W~~ [7] 'III' = 1li5J ~ [6] [ ~ F, ;~ ~ /Il£ ~ [5] 1,'1' = 5

[11] I-e e-. IllOn F = ~ [1O]
II n lJJ _ I I 1 9~
~ 11" 'C7'
= ru DZ:::J1 <::>
% £)
...] mil l

= r===!J <::> [13] =

I- ~ ~1I..h.n [1 4] 1111 III
I Irrv_'1 I I 19T'<db>1 II -fF1I 19

column 3:


301. Ramesses IV, (year 4-6), Deir el-Medina: Goods given to a man's
daughter and others on the occasion of multiple festivals
O. Berlin P 12635 (DeMO)


~ 8l... ~ II 69 olJl_
- ~ ~i1tJ
0 :E::t9r~[2] I~ AT A AT A I - =x ~ i1tJ ~[1]
~ ~8l... ~ 6901J169c3 :El9r 0

c3 AT [4] A ~ IT' co- CD ~ 0 -~ i1tJ ~ -4' ~c::::J[3] i1tJ ~ ~ Ar AT

/I 8l... ~ !..l:.:l:r I I1
'$ ,-10 _ _ :El9r ~ 9r<::> Elrr b1. _ 0 tD8l...

- 0 ~~ <:> I t"" I 1/1 AT [5] A ~ I ' co- CD ~ 0

c3 8l... Aal r;=='
~ us r TIII'$,-ID_<db> UlI,\. ~I I I
0 0
_ <db>rr~ 6~ 1

!£ ~ ~ ~<db>d[ I t l ~ I£ ! £ ~ ~~~[6] £ U _ ~ d
~~g[ ! [8]f4 ~~(f ~lf4~ ~ £U d =~~~ ~ lt[7] , ~ 1£
~ ~ ~ £U [lO] <db>9L~ <::> In @.= ~~~ 6 ~ = <db> [9] 1 _ 20

[... ][13][ ...][12] ~ I~ +F £ U _~ ~ ~ £! j[ d<db>d[ [11]6~ lt l

I~ ?~£!£ ~<db>d[ [14]
5 [5]: Num eral 5 restored thus in GRANDET 2010 , 27 II 16 [3], 17 [4], 18 [6], 19 [7], and 2 1 [10]: For
hieratic sign T , see JANSSEN 1997b, 26- 27 (DeMD ) 1122 [14] : The final line of the recto appears on the
chipp ed underside of the ostracon (see DeMO , Berlin P 12635, "Bi ld Seite" and "Transliteration Seite").
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV, (year 4-6); R.IV (?), year 5. IX, 118

verso: 1

~ ~~ =~ ~ ~-=s9~[2]~ 0 td : +rrF dl f(~~ Il~ ~d[ [1]

1l ~~~~ ~ I~ ~~ 11 J!II m l ~ l ~ I~[3] ~~d+ -=s9 ~e~



~L 8
& nn /}" ~ ~

~ [6] A = nd n n&
~a =""= ~ -=St 1k~-[4] . ll......c.8
j,El rr8l. 4. M..~M..~fli90 0 <:>0 ~ II.
~fJJ't...A d II &~ od [5]
OJ, 1= .11
II el~l G¢. ~ _r <:> '1-=s9 rEl-=s1I oli. o ~~ I<:>El ~ O <:>0

[8] ICI ~ III ~9~ .~9 ~ ~ ~ I~[7] 10 I~ ~ ~ m~9d[ I ~ ~

7: I e o~ [9]~ 1~ 1l m ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Il~~d =~~~ ~
-=s9~ I~ ~9d+ -=s9 ~[10]~ , t' , Ud = 0 ~ LJ I ~d[ It, ~ I

<:> ~~ ~~~ £ ~,oi ~ -=s 9 ~ -=s ~~[11] -=s~~ £~~I~ ~ ~ II ~p

[13] Il ~ _ ~ Il cl~ ~d[ I~ {f~-=s9~~ 1 t' [1 2] ~9~ -=s9~ 10

J!II m ' ~ I ~ III [14] ~ 11 <:> II ! I ~ 'o ~~ 1 ~ '9 o ll r ~9 L W

1,1n I

III nnn
I' 0 nn
302. Ramesses IV (?), year 5, Deir el-Medina: Fish delivery

o. Berlin P 14156 (DeMO)


303. Delivery of plaster and firewood,

at the entrance to the Valley of the Kings

o. Berlin 9897, recto (DeMO)

7 [8]: DeMO reads the group 1?i ~~i::~~ £U" tentatively as a name, Psj -rdd (7); cf. DeMD for the
suggestion p3y=j cdd, "my lad," following GUTGESELL 1983, 355 II 18: Verso almost entirely effaced
Dyn . 20, Ramesses IV (?), year 5. IX, 119

_ [.. .][5] ooo CD\ ~ ~ T d ~ ~ d~ rr ~[4][ ··· ] __0 ~d~ '0 //Ul 1

[.. ·]~ t0~dm

304. Ramesses IV (?), year 5, Deir el-Medina: Deposition (?)
by a female citizen concerning marriage and a child (?)

O. DeM 10201 (GRANDET 2010 , 85- 86,309) 5


[ ... ] g,!ll: r<::>r

~ ~ [2] [ ... ]t l @ -SL 0
l& 1 ~ c> I O @ T_
1= 10)L":J ~ 1 1 1 01(f _~~ on @- SL[l]
I I I I " ED ~ r r n tlJ ~ c> @ T



305. (Year 5-7): L ist of commodities taken by a workman from

fellow workers and their wives, on the occasion of a drinking party

O. Berlin 14328 (DeMO; J ANSSEN 1997a, 79- 82)



(f _
~o l l
n[4] II9?I ll..........::. ~?~ t:J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~? =~ d n[3] ~ ~&
~ '~ _I L":J~rr/1l.... « ~ _r II 0 mEt <::>

~~~~11l 1 e l ~ld,d Ie [5]~= n ~f l l . . . . . : . ~ ~ ,ep,\ f Ift =:)~:::f?

~ ,ep,~~f I ft9 l l tBIU~l tB IU~=~ [6] ,ep,\ .? ~t ~t ~? f 90 0

~~~~~~ I1l t~ ~ 90 ~ ~~f .i.; ~ [7] I~ 1~ 11l ~ 11l ~

d~ ~ ;;,f¥, ~~ = _ ~ D ~ I I I I ~[8] ~ _ 20

<::>? ln~
~. IIr
Ift ru
~t~ II rc::» [W? ~ ,lJr1~ t
~<::> ~ ~ . ~.JI' ru~ I U
rIP II [9] II J
e I<::> I ldl ~
0 I I I CD A
II X ~

8 [3], end: GRANDET 20 10,85, tentatively restores b[rd] (?) II 16 [2], end: Read m-dr.t (JANSSEN 1997a,
81 ; DeMO) .
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV (7), (year 5-7); R.IV, year 6. IX, 120

~ ~=~ I1III ~[lO]~~ ~81 ~ ~~ 1

mmmmmmmmmJtu[ll]rr ~Ii =;;:-:: ! ~ IIII


m:: :~UU=~~ ~ij ~e~~[l2]~~.

m=~ 1e~= ~n ~~~~~1}{=81 ~ l [13] _ _
m__ ~~ Ift9d~ ~2d=~ Ift9d~ 1,'11 ~[l4]~U 5

ftJ:lo~? ~~.Jf~UUUUUUU~[15]
c:::D [17] 1Jv
e Q l5J 0 ~
E-9ll........c.. ~?tt-, I
==- 1ft9.tfl
If:= ~ ~ - ~ r n 'III c:::D [16]
~ ~~~I I I\ 'f III X

[2°]I III~~?~9981J1IIII~~o~ [19]I~Jt~6~rr lllll~

1}{?=~ d~l81~ 96= 10


~? ~1Jv-!JJ ~ [3] III c:::D 1JIJ o ~~ # 1k[2] 1 X ~~# III c:::D [1]
~ ~~ rlt_ II X ElOrrJ U ~ L..I-~~U II X

306. Ramesses IV, year 6 (?), Dei r el-Medina : Work for Pharaoh

o. DeM 759 (GRANDET 2000a, 6,45--46, 160)

recto: 15


1 [9]: Read Qd-(f:zr)-<J>b.t=f(DeMD) ; 4 [13], beginning: Read B(w) =f(?) (ibid.) 11 5 [14], end:
Read Nbw-(m)-jry (ibid.) .
Dyn. 20, Ramesse s IV,-year 6. IX, 121

307. (Ramesses IV or VI), year 6, Deir el-Medina: 1

Distribution of rations to named female servants

o. DeM 707 (Grandet 2000a, 3-4, 14,107; idem 2000c, 125- 127, pIs. 25, 30- 31;
HOFMANN 2005, 241-242, 334)

6~ Cl [3] 01 CL n- 0~~ <:> [2] _ ~r"'-. 1 1 1 0 1[1]

ft .lo_ l':2 / ll81_ ~r r lLJ. == 0 TI. II III e r
db_ 81 0

o n[6] ~ (f _g g '=7 0 r [5] (f _~ If [4] (f _ @ n

~ ~ft l':2 ~0~ <::> . / _ 'T' <lft l':2 r Ue ) ®~ <lft l':2=,",= <:>11
~ft[··· J [8] <lft ~ ~~ [~[7] <lft ~~_

308. Ramesses IV, year 6: Payment for a bed, dispute over payment,
settlement involving a jackal yea rling, et al., and a witnessed oath

o. Berlin P 12652 (DeMO; H ELCK 2002,402) 10


~= ~~~ ~ ~~ 6 ~ 8l~ ~9L~ <::> [3] ~9~~ 1 ~8l~ {f

0 :::[7][... ] ~ ~[ 6][ ··· ] ~ 1 [5] [ "· ] ~ 9 ffi <::> [4] t'.. ~ ~ ~ ~
[···J-A-998l {j~[··· r[ ··· J~:::II~~ [9] [ ··· J9 r~[··· r [ ··· J~:::[8] [ . .J 15

~ 0 ~ _ _ ~~I ~ 1cr=d. [11] [ ...] ~ ; ~ ~ ::: [10]

~ ft :::, _L ~ ~= [13] [ ··· J ~_ ~ .~ ; 1 9 ~ ~ [12] [ ...J

1:tJ -b-,. ~ ~I<::> )!9 _=
r"'-. III 01 [14] [ ... J n '==> 0
Et IIl........:.. _ r ~ ~M ~ = =0 / L"J I 111 ®r I n CJ_I III ~ ~

[ ...J ~ f}J 1fi.<> II '==>

~_~l\. ~9~ ~ CJ _ I
0 - /Yt
I 11 ~ --==:lI ~ 9 tJ.1....
[15] [ ... JJNNIHN\ g

verso: 20
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV, year 6; (year 6-7). IX, 122

~ 11 [11]--==" ?t ?iii -
I I I n -==" R
~ ~ ? /}"~
8l.. ?i _

309. Ramesses IV, year 6, Deir el-Medina: Pottery delivery 5

over several months, including one named epagomenal day

o. DeM 869 (GRANDET 2003a, 2, 47-49, 259-260)



[ ...][6][ ...~~}
"="'1 1 1 ~ 1[5] [ ...~1~-J l l n
111 0 r I ~~ II ~}
~J I!:,..- I I n e 9~ a-.~ lf

verso :

e 9 ~~~ A [...] [3] ?[ ? ~ ? ~ :e9Lt= ::: Re9 ~~[ . .][2][ ... ~J~~ [ ... ][1]
[.. .e:«:
]~~ 4~,~~Htl71~~ I~I [ ... ][4] 11 I11 nnn ~ e9Lt= :::nnn
[... ] _ ~[6][ ··]e9L
t= :::Re9~ ~= czz::J ~ [ ...][5] 15

310. (Year 6-7): Painting commission by a draftsman, incl. prices

O. Berlin P 11260 (DeMO)


~~~ it 9 ~[ ... ][2] ~; ;;l t e ~ _ ~ ~ A__ ~~~ ~ ij [ . .][1]

~WW// c:5UlI ~9~ ~~;;lt e ~ ~~[3] 1~,e~E:[dol 9~ 20

__~I /}" /}"
~8l.. ~ 8l.. ~ [5]1 0 ~
__~I 0
~ ~ ~??[4]111 n0 ~_
_ ~ I

14 [3], end: The transliteration and translation in GRANDET 2003a, 48, lists the number of lbw -vessels
incorrectly as 136; for the correc t num ber 135, cf. photo, line draw ing, and han d copy at ibid., p. 260 II 2 1
[5], beg inni ng: Read sq(r) (DeMO).
Dyn. 20, Rame sses IV ,-(year 6- 7); year 7. IX, 123

~ d [7.5]~ 99:td = ;;:[7] III Cl:::: I~~~ rEY8l Jfl II Cl [6] 1

::1 9 ? o?,d~IIII Cl::::[8]~ 9 i ~~~8lW ~ 1~~l [7]8l

[.. .] ~~~ ? ~ ? + [9][ . .] ~

311. Ramesses IV, year 7, Thebes: Original (?) plan, description,

and dimensions for the royal tomb of Ramesses IV

P. Turin 55002 (D1M1CHELIS 2004)

recto, Section A:


Section B:

Section Bl:

[ ···Y~ ~l[4][ . .]n Irr~ [3] ~~~ 8l [2]~ ~ r ~~l[ . .][l]

Section C: 15

[ ...] / ®0 ~- [2] ~ ~ 1m ® n1 [1]

@ 11.-. ~ ~ @~ ltY L"J / 0 19

Section D:

IIII [ . .]fIJ'J""" ~~®[ 2]11 1 -

~l::==Jrr /I
® _ 0 fil . F 11 [··· ]%.~ /~n
I I I n 11.-./ 0 nn 11.-. ~<::> 10 I
Gl :} [ l ]
~117 b.L

Section Dl: 20

1- 2 [7.5]: Supe rscript correction 116- 8 ff.: D IMICHE LIS 200 4, 114-115 , 133, suggests that the tomb plan,
etc., on the recto represents the original plan for the tomb of Ramesses IV, whi le the verso includ es the
tomb as realized in the Va lley of the Kings (cf. P. Turin 1885; KRl VI, 58-60,223-224); for the beginn ing
of constru ction on the monument, see above, docs. 29 1 and 292 II 18 [2], end : D IMICHELIS (ibid., pI. 15)
transc ribes three strokes, rath er than four (cf. ibid., I 17, and photograph at pI. 13).
Dyn. 20, Rame sses IV, year 7. IX, 124

recto, Section E: 1

Section F:

IIID~~~ nA ~'-' I I I I- III - @

Ilrn ~ o'lbtJll o III 12.-l:===J III 12.-/ 0
111 - 9[]
III 12.-L:J11 ...

Section G: 5

~ 1111 -
~~[ ~~ III -
I II l2.-l:===Jrr ~J
I I 111 12.- /0
nn -r='V
n 12.- I o tfl _
0 Tr
L:J c-:
A" ~ [1]
b.l.. ~

Se ction H:

III ~[2] 111 - []III - @ 11a[ ~1 ..a n~ 9 [1]

III n { ~} Irr =:)_ II 12.- l:===J ... 111 1l......... /o I ~ ~J r--lIllnL:J 11<::>

Section I:

[ ... ]~ r='V
I I o9 L:J f\...
Section L:

111 - ~~[ ] ~[2] 111 - @ 111 - [ ] ~ilih 0 [l, 0 [1]

II l2.-l:===Jrr ... ~~Irr=:)_ 111 12.- / 0 111 12.-~ ... 1/ cL:J l.1.tfl

Section Ll: 15

~~@ [2][ ... ]% [1]

III n ~~ it
~[3 ] 111 -
II l2.-l:===Jrr II ~

Section M:

Section N:


9 [2], beginn ing: Read dnj <216> (thus, D IMICHELIS 2004,118-11 9; cf. Sections L-Ll) 11 13: Note, no
Sections J or K 1116 [3]: Final number 216 transc ribed incorrectly as 416 at ibid., pI. 15) 1120 [3]: Resto re
[by] n mh [7] ssp 2 (ibid. , 12).
Dyn. 20, Ramesses I v. y ear 7. IX, 125

recto, Sec tion 0:

Sec tion P:

~ [ ... J[3] [ ... J ~ ~ /J" W ~r r:rd'al 5

~ r;;n?'l l ~ -==:!' rr 8l.. « 9r I I I I

Section Q:

[ ...J[3][ ... • ~ £~9~ IIII r ~ l~~;;:[2][ ...J 1,1 11 :: ~ ~ ~ ~ [ 1 ]

['.' J~.~
Sec tion S : Section R:

[ " ' J~J ~~
i l l ® 111- - [
[ ... JIII /oill d.-- : ... 10

Sec tion T:

nn ::/~ I I[...J[2] [ ...Y ~ l ;;: ~ ~, ~ _L~J~~~ 9 £ [ ... J[ 1]


[ ~~

Section W: Se ction V:


Sec tion X :

Section Z :

~~ Irr[... J J.
[3] [ ... [..J J1 91?,~ f;Z [=] ~;Z [ ... J
[2] [ ... [1]

10, Section R : Restore hw.t rid [n mh 6 wsh.t 6 by n mh 5] ( DI MICHELIS 2004,121 ) 1110, Section S: Rest ore
in the first brea k [sb.t btp ]. wand in the second break [by n mh 5] (ibid.) 1112 [1], beginning: Restore [st]sy (.t)
(ibid.) 1112 [1-2]: Resto re f:ztp[tw j m=f n mh 1]2 (ibid.) 1113 [2]: Restore by [n mh 12...] (ibid.) 1111- 14 :
Section U includes traces only (see ibid., 122 and pI. 15, upper left) 11 17 [1]: Restore ts j[fd] n mh 6 [wsb.t
n mh 6] (ibid., 122) 1118: No Section Y.
Dyn . 20, Ramesses IV, year 7. IX, 126

verso, Section A: 1

Section B:

: ~ ~ ~ [I, ~rtJl [2] 111 1 - ~~ ® 11 1- ® ~ nn - l lr T F[1]

_ L.t ~ ~ ~ ~ ['6 00 11111Z- L':J n II IIIIZ- / 0 II n IZ- ~ c-:

Section C:

Section Cl :


Section D: Sectio n C2:

[... ~=~[2] [ "' ]L':J~F [l ]

Section Dl:

[ ...] ~III -r ~l[2] n n -

f0. I 1 IZ- / 0
T [.. .] [1]
IZ- L':J c-:

Section E: 15

[.. · ]tW ~ [4] I[_ l l l :: [3][m]~[2]~[~ ]~~[1]

Section F:

[. .] ~ rrt; ~o UIL~ [3] [ ...] 1111-

UlL9 o ~_ \..:>/
~~ ® [2] [ ... ]~
11111Z-L':Jrr II
® n
g[1 ]
~L':J/o '19 b.l.

Section G:

[...] ~ d.. [x+3][... ] = ~[X+2][ ·· ·]~ ~ d..~ C [2][ ...] ~r ~~l[ ...] [1] 20

["' ] ~d..:~~~gl cl [X+5] [·.. ] ~ m m m m [X+4]

2, begin ning: Restore [ps sts -ntr tpy n] Rc (DIMICHELIS 2004, 125) 117 [1]: Restore mh [3 n ml:z] 26 (ibid.) II
7- 8 [2]: Restore qdw [lsy m mds. t mh m grw.w ] (ibi d.) 118 [3]: Restore [sbs]=j(ibid.) 11 12, Sect ion D [2] :
Restore smn [sbs=j] ti bid., 126) 11 18 [1]: Res to rej[sk...] (ibid.) 1118 [2]: Rest ore 8 [ss m qdw .t tsy ] (ibid.)
1120 [1], beginning: Restore [pr n nbw ...] wsh.t (ib id. ).
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV,-year 7. IX , 127

verso, Section H:

[ "'J~d~ [~ J~d~~~[" ' J [2] [ " ' J~£ [1]

Section I:

Section L: 5

Text A (above verso, Section A):

= ~ ~ [2][ "'J ~ m~+ ::-'+ _ + ~ ~=LJ~['''J= ~ ~[1]

II1}{WJ~~1 L!¥,7~_
Text B x+ 1 (right of verso, Section A): 10

[... J! /~ d[ ... J~ 11111,1 ::~ [ ... J[2] ~6 "=7MJ) ) ~~=~~~£ ~ [ . .J[1]

I~[ ...J[5] [.. ·J;;:)))A "' J))~~ [ ...J[4] [ "' Jd~ [ ''' J ! ~ _ LJ 9 + [3]

t: Inn::LJf'..-\[ . .J [7] [ ... J ~ 6 9L::t <:>~LJ D /~ ~9 ['" J[6] [ ... J ~ I PO

<:»))~+0)))))~~ ["' J[9] [''' J))~ =~~ ))A"' J [8][ ''' J~ ~ III::

["' JLJt:F~~ ["' J[10] ["' J 15

Text B x +2 (below verso, Sections A-C, between Text B x +l and Text C):

[...J[2] n ::/~ n ::LJLJ~~[~J~ 6[~ ~/~ ["'Jr'f4~£S2t:~[1]

o ~ ~ ee.
LJrr A'"
a. 0 £ 0n....:::a..
1<:> [~~J-
c::::::::J 0 IIII - @ [J"=7 n~ <:>
~~ IL--~ IIIIIL--/011... ~~~Ill-.

[~ ~ J ~ III -. @ 111 - n~'-' [ "' J Do ~ '-' ~ ["' J [3] C::::=»

__ ~ II nnIL--/0 II IL--ollm..r II oLJ ll o ~ =0=00

0 ~ ~ 1 ~ I1I 1I ~ [ ''' J+'~~~ 0~d~~ [''' J [4]~ II /~,~~ g o~d~;;: 20

2 [2], beginning: Resto re [... ss m] qdw (D IMICHELIS 2004, 127) II 5: No Sections J or K II 8 [I]: Res tore
sn [l n p3] (ibid., 128) 1119 [3], beginn ing: Restore [n p r] nbw (ibid., 129) .
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV, year 7. IX, 128


ll. ~11~...b.,. /l"~[ ][11]1 9[1, n~ n'-' I I I I-

_ n 9 0 ~ M. ~Ill..-.b:l.. ?( ... innoLLo'lmr II I II IL- ~ 0

~~ tl
verso , Text C (left of Text B x +2):

[ mJ~~[ ~ ~J~~9~~ ))!l~[~[2]~D[ "'J0~ ~ III I 1~~[1] 15

8l~_~~~[ ... ][3]~F~ <> 1 ~ l[m m m m]~oF~

,~[ ~L4~[ ...][4] ~nC :[ m] ~n ~F ~ ~~@'~ ~40
~ - [ ][5] fu ~ ~ tfE5 ~~..J(i ~A[~l ~nnl / nii\
?< <> : ... E..-=I/ oM.9U _ C1 1 o o.........t-~ o<>~ ~J nn'nn a-I I I'lfff

nnn~[ ···][6]99'=7 ~ ) ) ):t~ l l l lnnnC[ ~]n~ tl_t:F e

I [5]: T he origina l hieratic num eral is not leg ible in DIMI CHELIS 2004, pI. IS ; th e author trans litera tes as 6
in ibid., 129, but tra nscribes as 8 in ibid., pI. 16 113 [6], beg inning: Restore [... ts st3y .t] (ibid., 129) 114-5
[6] , end: Restore k.t [sdb.t] (ibid.) 117 [8], beginning: Res tore [zs S. t ts rsy ] (ibid.) 118 [9], beg inning: Res tore
[... wsb. t] (ibid.) 1114: Note that Text C is orient ed upside dow n, relat ive to the remai nder of the verso il l S
[ I] : About 14 gro ups missing; at end, resto re [br]p (ibid. , 131) 1115- 18 [2-4] : The tra nscription in ibid., pI.
16, om its eac h da maged instance of the suffix =f (suffixes included in tran sliteration at ibid., p. 130 ) II 18
[4]: D IMICHELIS (ibid., pI. 16) incorrectly transcrib es the number 80 as 40 (cf. photograph at ibid., pI. 15;
the correct number 80 appears in transliteration at ibid., 131) II 19 [6]: D IMICHELIS (ibid., 131 and pI. 16)
tran sliterates and transcribes mh 40; however, th e photograph at ibid., pI. 14, shows 30 on ly.
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV,-year 7; (R.IV, year 7- R.IV, year 1). IX, 129

verso, Text D (left ofSection L): 1

o 0 [l, A [3] nn CJ ~[2] II ~ / J " - [l ]

_ L":J LL UL <j=j> n I I IoU 'It-t<. bl.. @
Text E (below Section L) :

[. . Jit_D ['6[;]
C> tl1=~A ~
I I I 0
!l& r = = :::J:::J 0
P l.
III n ® r
312. (Ramesses IV, year 7-Ramesses V, year 1), Deir el-Medina: 5

Record of work days, deliveries, and inactivity due to a funeral, et al.

O. DeM 10019 (GRANDET 2006a, 27-28, 208-209; HELCK 2002, 406)


g- D ofl
Cll:J I :::J 0
~~~ ~ lV~~ /J"
~~ I o El r r bl..
Y'" =
1Jl' 7 q ' ~

~lrEJIU:::J~~ = :::J 0~ ~ [5] 1159= II ~ I ~ ???? ~~ =,d

cS ~m ~ ~ A ~ An&! .£j _ ,JfIfl..~ [6]
I 159_n ~~ I o ~ ) r 9 UL 9 ~_ ) UL 'I t\.. ~ 9C7\= :::J ~~

~L":J In =:J ~L ~[ _J [8] ({d ~ 9 i. ~ :::J [ ~J[ 7]

[···JWJ n [ ~ ] 15

313. (Ramesses IV, year 7 or Ramesses XI, year 1), Deir el-Medina:
Acknowledgement of a scribe's (?) property held by Tanetpaipu
O. DeM 10085 (GRANDET 2006a, 89, 277)

e ~ [3] [ " 'J ~ D ~ il ~ 7 6 u....J. d[2][ ···J ~ :~~ il ))) ~~~[l ]

["' JW [mmJ~ [4] ["'1I'ft9d 20
4: The occurr ence of a regnal year 13 in Text E indicates a later additi on to the papyrus, under Ramesses
IX or XI (DIMICHELIS 2004, 132, n. 157) II 17: For the identity of this individu al, see GRANDET 2006a, 89
11 19 [2]: Beginning ofthe name transcribed incorrec tly as ::6in ibid., 277 .
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV, (end of reign); (undated). IX, 130

314. Ramesses IV, (end of reign), Deir el-Medina: Acknowledgement

of a workman's property held by the chantress of Amun, Meret

O. DeM 765 (GRANDET 2000a, 48--49, 167-169) + O. DeM 671 (KRIV , 581)

/J" Arq. [4] III n ~

II _ I~ )c:5 ll.$..
n~ .r- [5] I1II
III _ I ~ r~~r bl...
n~ J1 ['600 n Cl _ 1 I li D> [3]

[ ...] ~ II
I I e )oUl)~[ ...J[8] [... ~J I ~ Ul e) ~ [7] [... J ~ II ~ ~ ~ mij[6]
1I 1I

[...] ~ III nnnn ~ 0

I I I nnn Cl _ I I I IC1~
[10] II Cl ~~
_ _
Ift ~
11 1~ 'f

315. (Ramesses IV, end-Ramesses V, beginning): Attendance record

with workmen's names marked "present"

O. DeM 915 (GRANDET 2003a, 4, 92, 346-347) 10

III ~ <:::> 90~:::1 f't. [3] Id £ ~ ~ :::1'=7 & [2][···]m[... ][1]

1 ~V
.@. ~ ~k &J E5 ~
-e: t\. _ r f't.
[5] [ ... ]@ 0 ~ /J r ®
10 _ 0 /:fl9 T _
r&J F
9 T t\. c:::=:. f't. [4]
f't. 1=~ ! ~:t [7] I ~ 9o ~d U ~ [6]
316 . Ramesses IV, (undated), Deir el-Medina: Exchange of goods
between several individuals, including two policemen 15

O. DeM 10219 (GRANDET 2010 , 102-1 04, 329- 330)


Ule9~ I ~ [ ... ] [4] <:::>~ 9 9 d ~[ ...][3] ~ ij I ~ [ ... ][2][ ...]~ [ ...][1]

~}~ ~ I e~Ul I ~ 1[···][6] [.. -l~J 9~d ! ~ _~~H .· ··][5][ ~ ~

[ _[9] +~~) I e;;Ul ~ , ~ ~ 2~ I ft n J:1 I ~[8][ . .J ~[ . ~[ ][7][...J 20

~~9l~<:::> [10][ ··· ]Htt~~:~,~J 9~ e ! ~ _~~ . I ft~! t [ +90

[.. .] ~~9l~<:::>:::I~~~ ~ ~ A [11] [ ... ]~~ ~ ~ Ift~~~6 :t 0

3: The KRl frag ment incl udes the first two lines of text.
Dyn. 20, Rame sses IV,.(undated); (R.IV, undated-Ramesses V). IX, 131

verso: 1

IIII CJ I ~ II \} ~ ~ [4][ "'~~Ul59=[3][ ... ] _~ ~ ~[2] [ ...] ~ <> [1]

[ ...] <>~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rnD~1 ~ I l~ ~ ~F <> [6][ "']Ull ~ ,l0l lft Jt~~[5] [ ... J

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rnD~::!9~ [ ...] [8][ ··· ]ft5o~ 6 rc;:~:Jl<>~~~~ ~ ~ [7]

I III nn ft ~ [10] 0 e = 0 nn<:>[...][9] [.. .~ 0 n
rn~~ 9 1L-.17Y9_ ~rrlL...-. ~J))'%<.II<>
D =""=

317 . Ramesses IV, (undated), Deir el-Medina: List of Workers,

including a certain Pa(n)ires ("the Cypriot")

O. DeM 832 (GRANDET 2003a, 1, 8, 14, 199)

~ll ~I~rl&~g[ ~ [1 ,3] /jf~/~~ ~ [1,2] ~))(tJ = ~ m [I ,I]

~(tJ=~ [2,2] ~=~ ))(tJ [2,1 ] 10

318 . (Ramesses IV, undated-Ramesses V, year 1), Deir el-Medina:

Record of a visit by the vizier, two royal butlers, and the high priest of
Amun to perform a ceremony for the ancestral "kings"

O. Berlin P 12286 (DeMO)

[...][3]9 5 t(tJ ;;-; ~ 1 (tJ ~9 5 trH···][2][···]~ ?~ ~ lo 1 ~ t'~1}7 ci l~[ ···] [l] 15

~ l t <>~//(tJ~ 9tHtl [~n [4] + = ~ l ~ ~F ~//(tJ~ ~g[~
~?~~~~~ [ ...] [6] ~~ ? :tr:: I ~ ~ ~ + ~ t :t[·· ·][5] =

[ ~ ~ m 0 ~ ~? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[ ...][7][)+ ~ t+::?

~?//?!R~H ··· ] [8]

4 [8], beginnin g: Restore [rdy.t n Wn]w-nfr (GRANDET 2010, 103) 11 10 [2,2]: Read sny-nhu. w) (Gra ndet
2003a, 14) II 11-1 9: DeMD notes descrip tions of similar events in O. BM EA 50744 and O. Ca iro CG
25290, with additiona l discussion of the wsh mw ceremony, mentioned in the present text at 16-1 7 [4], in
DONKER VAN HEEL 1992 II 15 [I], beginn ing: Restore Umj-r] njw.t ts.ty (DeMO) II 16 [4], beginning:
Restore [Rc]-ms-sw-nbt (ibid.)
Dyn . 20, (Ramesses IV, undated-R.V; undated-R.VI). IX, 132

319. (Ramesses IV, undated-Ramesses V), Deir el-Medina: 1

A promissory note for delivery of copper

O. DeM 10267 (GRANDET 2010 , 147-148,372)

320. Valley of the Kings: Private transaction for various goods 5

O. BTdK 686 (DORN 2011a, vol. 1,424--425, vol. 3, pls. 553-555)

...J[ 9] II E:5 0 ~ ~W~[8] III E:5
~lllmm~ II ~ eQ, G¢. 1
U [7] E:5
n~ 1 1 ~
.r 10

321. Deir el-Medina: Question to the oracle regarding an ox

O. DeM 980 (GRANDET 2003a, 9, 146-147,434)


[ ~]5)Do ~ _ +=~ [3] [ ~] ~ ? i!.11~ +=~ [2] _ ff:~~9t E [1]

[ ~J ~ _9tC [4] 15


l~ r [4]&?4 Le-ar=' ~[3]&~~ e &[}J (i\l J...[2] lL....A ~'-' [1 ]

raOO _ 9 "f N. Il-.t 0 .2ll!= ~ 9 r :Etrr =,",=1l.. . . . . :Et t\.. 9 1..:7" 0 m i l o

~ ::::~
322. (Ramesses IV, undated-Ramesses VII), Valley of the Kings:
Note concerning the location and use of twelve pyramidia 20

O. BTdK 695 (DORN 2014; idem 20 11a, vol. 1,429--431, vol. 3, pls, 576-5 78)


4 [1] and 17 [1]: For '"-:: IL, read m-dr.t .

Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IV, undated-Ramesses VII) ; (R.IV-R.IX). IX, 133

9t~d~[··· ] [3]f'~_ ff ' et d ;;: I I ~ ~ ~~ 81 ~ <>~~~~ 1

d;;: !~~ ~ ~ 11181~ <>~~?mmmLJ d. IT 8l~ ~

mmmmmmm~~d ~~ ~ [4]~'et
8l~[6] 1 11~~ ~!181)u!1 ~ L~_~'etd;;: [5]~?~?~

<>~~))~~~~81. IT [7]81~ICD ~+=~ )~ d~?d~dl l 5


[... ][2][...]~? 9t~~_ ff' et I~ <>~ r~ ln~~ 6 n ~~?[ ···][1 ]

e ~ A ~ JAJ r ® Il......J. A~ ° il Q =""=~ ~ ~~ t1
~lL....c. ° til. ~ ~ Et9~_ ° tillll....-.lln <> u1?itl.))~A_1o/~

m [4]~9t~dm m~~ 6 n ~ etd;;:~~ ~81~ <>~ [3]~

d;;:~ ~ ~81~ <>~ [5]~~~~~~~~~~~ 10

~~ I II Ae 0l:\ C>
~~1b'I* til)ll.......c..nyil

323 . (Ramesses IV, unda ted-Ramesses VII), Valley of the Kings:

Absentee list, "... ill (then) dead"

O. Ashmo lean HO 563 (HUDSON 2015, 46--48)

324. (Ramesses IV-Ramesses IX), provenance unknown:

"Stato Civile" list of householders and their families
SC 1-2 (DEMAREE and VALBELLE 2011, 5- 11, pls . 1-2A)

SC 1, column 1: 20

][5] [...][4]
:<}~ [ ... ~[ ... ][3] ~ d[· ··][2] ~ JI\ 9L~~ d~[ ~[ ·· ·][1]

remainder lost ~ ~ L [~ [ ...][7] ~ ~~~ 8l rB ~ ~[ ...][6] ~ ~6

Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IV-Ramesses IX). IX, 134

SC 1, colu mn 2: 1

dI. {jJ ~[%_r~l[~.M[ ~l[l]

90 ~='!l'=
<:> a
@ bl ~11c>~9
ot\. ~ 0 ~J ~

(~)9oE:[76 o~lii)j iJl~<EL ~~~ D~ 1l~76 ~~ I~ [2]~ 1

~~6 ~~'ii9Q~~ ~~~='!l'=190 ~='!l'=~ :lt~l ~}tl~[3]
1~~~ ~~ ~ II o~!~~;:~~9L-i~~6e,;~~6l~k~ ~~~[4] 5

[i-~Lg ~
\;2 0 ?.b1!....r;iii?l~
r~lrlii\n /J~ y- e ll......c.. A'"~ ln[5]
l/a1!i ltiJmr ~E.¢ft' II ~ 1l........,..@~/11... ~ _

~ ~LliJl c-=l9oE:[[~~1~ii4 ~ ~ m ll~~ [6]

!~[8] [~"~:::~C7ii4 01l~ ~ ~[7]

m~~4ii=~~~W ~[9] [ " '~6fuii4))~:;;

[ ···~tbll~ii4E~~[lO] [~~ 10

[i-~Lg~do dI.~ r@~Y- ('IL 11"~l n[ll]

\;2 0 ?.b1!....o<::>bl~IIC>E.9"t _ E. ¢ft'~//o) ) )u _ _
SC 2 (verso ofSC 1) :


~:::~~~::: -i~I~, ) )~ /~J~i[3][ "' ]ll o~l~~til-i~ ~~~~

~]fo~lii:::~~~::: ~~ ~LliJl~t ~i[4][~~fo ~1 ' 15

<:> t::J [6][~nlf...:b-,. 0 g dI. / nii\ ~ y- @ D I n[5] [~

0ll......c..~11 0 WJrU Ill-...c.. / o?.~IIc>iCl fffE.¢ft' 10 _ _ WP~ .

4~m~~[7][~~ /~lo~lii~LliJl=~~~Il~
~_D~iJl(t1:iIl~!~[9] [~~

[ "·_ii[.~iJl=~ii4:::~C7~[lO] [~~ 20

3 [2], end : Determinative omitted II 4 [3] and 5 [4]: Double-bracketed signs at beginning of each row are
header marks ; do not translate.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IV-Ramesses IX) . IX, 135

~~~ [~J~ .:«[12]["'_1~ A -{~~ [_~-=1'/?0 [11]

4~01l~ ~!~ [13] [ ~~~~ "=7~ [~J

~ ].@~~ /~ l91l~!~[14] [~~~~ "=7

~~~Il~~[I5] [_

~~d~)))T-{~~ ~}?~ [I6][~ 5

~ ]~ ~ .@~Il~ -{ ~ :~ :::~/~l -=1'i [17] [~ 0~~

325. (Ramesses IV-Ramesses IX), provenance unknown :
"Stato Civile" list of householders and their families

SC 3, recto (DEMAREE and VALBELLE 2011, 12- 14, pls. 3-3A) 10

~ ~ [ ... ~[2 ] ~1~~£ -=1' ~'f[ ~ ~~ _[1]

&J E5 n 0 ~[ ~~ [3][ ~ Il.......-:.. nCLt( & c:::;;;= J

c-: O'llloJ&)))t\.-.rbl
fit( &
_ l:2 "'~J " ·~J .@~ ol l ~ 1 oJ&z:z: 10

~ ... _ [8] ~~ /~L.~ 1f( ~~) /~ ~[ ~··· ~[7][ ~J /6 ;} ~ 15

nt(& -=1't [ ~ .. p"~ [9] CL O ~ o n t(~~%@[~ ~ [~

0 11o J& <::> ~"=7 ~ ~J ~ O <::> n tJJ-=1'1 o~ oo~ ~J)) ~ ~

~ L~~d" -=1' ~ f{ ~9 t ~ 4 ~9 [ ... • [10] [ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i

[ . ~ ~d /~ lo ~ ~~ ? ?~[ ~" ~J[l1][ ~

10: Verso mostl y illegible (see DEMAREE and VALBELLE 2011 , pIs. 4--4A) II 12 [3] : Note the alternate
filiati on formula N1 ts (n) N2, "N 1, she (ot) N 2" (MOLLER2012 ,21 8) 1113 [4]: Arti cle ts omi tted 1115 [7] :
Ree d leaf and determinativ e om itte d.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IV-Ramesses IX). IX, 136

326. (Ramesses IV-Ramesses IX), provenance unknown: 1

"Stato Civile" list of householders and their families

SC 4 (DEMA REE and VALBELLE 2011, 15-20, pls. 5-6A)

recto, a:

:::: -{ ~0 1~ ~:::1 ~ ~ ~[2] [ '''~~ [~J:ttt ~~ [l] 5

dr~ ~ C7~/~ ltt 9 \ 11 ~["'J [4][ '''J~ ? ? ?~[3][ ''' _J

[ "'J tt9 ~ ) )t d ) ~ 11 rB ~9 t m 0 : [5][ '''J ~ l ~ :t tt9 ~ -{~ ~

[... ~J~? J ~) )tt:i ~t [f8j J • [7] ~ ~ 6 ~~ =l~ ~::: I • [6]

recto, b:

o ~ ~[ " 'J[3][ ~ ~= 1 o ~ f1f~[ " 'J[2]~~ J:r~ ~ f1f ~[ " 'J[l] 10

[ "'~U L tIlU-;: 6
recto, c:

[.. Ji":t= ~ [ ... J[2][ '''J D~ [ . .J[1]

verso, a:

tt~ ~ 9 0::~ [. [2] [~AJ~o ~ f1f ~~ A -{ ["'J[1] 15

~~d ~ ~;:~ [r~ [3] [ ~ \l ~ r[ _ ¥l~ ~ f'{ ~~ /7Fl

o <:> ~ [~~... ~1 [4]~ [~~ 0 g ntf & 0 G n Al ~~
/ 9 0_~ ~ fJ ~ ~J~/ o ,2. oll l oE.. ~.-.rM.._r

tf& [P"~AI'@"~48. ~[5] (f _ ~ Al - c:5 ~&

il ~I o~ ~ ~ ~ "'~J ~ 0 M.. CJ ~/ 0 tn il ~ I
C> C>


~ /~ H~~~-{~~["'~J [6] [_~~

verso, b: 20

[ ~J ~ ~ tt~~ ~ -{~ ::: 19[ "' ~J[2][ '''J~ ~ ~ [ '''J ~[ ~[1]

d ~~ [ . . J[4][ ''' J~~ 1 ~ ~ ~=~ ~~ J::: U.~? J [3] [ ... J
[ "' J~~ J :::I~ [ . .J[5][ "' J ~ ~ D~
7-8 [5-7]: Dots at begin ning of each row fa ll in line beneath ps 3lw in row [4] and serve pro bab ly as ditto
ma rkers (DEMAREE and VALBELLE 20 11, 16, 4- 7).
Dyn . 20, (Ramesses I'V-Ramesses IX). IX, 137

verso, c: 1

327. (Ramesses IV- Ramesses IX), prove nance unknown:

"Stato Civile" list of householde rs and their families
SC 5, recto (DEMAREE and VALBELLE 20 11,20-25, pIs. 7-7A) 5

column 1:

=~~~(tJ ["'~J2] . ~ ~ =~ /~L<~1J{E: [~ . · a [1]

o ~~~~;:(tJ ~9 l [."·~ [3] ~ // 6l'.. [OO~~~1J{~;::
rHHH1~~ r~~~1[~ . ·a [4] ~ 19 0~ ~~ II
[a [6] ~ {{ io ~[ ~J 9o ~~ 6.1 MJ -i~[ "· ~J[5]~ ? ?~r::~ 10

:::~ o~~[ ... ~. .~ [7][~~ D ~ 6.lo/f-;:6~1J{~ [ ... ~..]

~ [~~J [9] ~{{d(tJ )))~ {-i }~9t!J· . ][8]T rl ~ ~
~ OJ ~n[~ ~~ [10](f - -~ ~ e :f:;j: II &
I~ t\. r~ ~J ~ = ~ 1 ~ 1I ~~9IL_.,S=::::J _ El

~~ ~f{~Htl~ [~· . ~[11 ]~ ( ~ ):::~0981 * o~ ~~~~

[J _ • ~ c:zz::::J
~ 0\~ <::>~1 C>~~ 1_ 0 0 J.. ~~~ ~J
d1 & :r::::::I IIIl........c. g[ ~~~ ...~l [12] [J _~ [~
~ @ ~J 15

[... ] ~[ . .] [14]r:: ~~l l . ~ Il[ _ ~ ~ ) ) (tJr ~[ ~"' ~J [13]

column 2:


5: Verso inciudes unrelated record concerning provisions and a festival of the deified Amenhotep (EYRE
201 2, 63; see DEMAREE and VALBELLE 20 1I, pIs. 8-8A) II 12 [8]: Sic., for s3 1114 [10], end: Determ inative
om itted 112 1 [4] : Note the alternate fili ation form ula NI 13 (n) N2, "N I, she (of) N2 " (MOLLER 20 12, 2 18).
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IV-Ramesses IX). IX, 138

[~ r 0 8 tf0 ~ ~ /)" q,ir .k & OJ E5~1 n

~~J~ / ° 7-.-'="//o!4rr b1.... 5 ~ E.90t\.. _r _
[5] [ W)$

/)"~ ==--I n [7]

b1.... ~ ~ _
[ ~l~
" ' ~ ~ Ol
A90J -J'rJl. :1_1'2
~)) @
-=:lI8 0 [6]

-{~~=D-,="g [8] [~J~ i-,="l1h:o ~~rr~ 1h:~)))?

"dI. /)" ~= J" A ~ 1
!l lIoJJJ ~ ~
J [9] [~l
~<::>_ -'=" I 0
nrJ -dI. & -'="
° 1 l. :11'<::> *
-,=,, ~I:; [11]["' ~J~ ~ 1h: ~ ;[ ~1h:~:::!~ A~[lO] [ ~ 5

[~~!A~1h:~;[ ~~~ [12] [ '''~[~~~bl t -i ~f(~~~~~

~~1h::::!A -{~ ~W ~ ~~ [_[14] [ "' J [13][_~

-'=" tf&
rJ _° [l,
l. :1
0 LL II<::>,....;.r E. ~Y'"<::>
-'="tGl ~~ [~[15
] [ W"
~ ~

~BJ [17]["']0 ~l1h: -,="I~<::>f( ~~ -{~ [~ ~ :::~ }~ [~J [16]

~_"' J [18][~J/~ l-,=,,~1h::::! C71h:~I<::>~ [~ 10

-,="l1h:o~~ rr ~ [~ ...• [19] [ " '] /~lo ~~ ~ 1h: I <::> ~ ~[ ~

[~ i
328. (Ramesses IV-Ramesses IX), provenance unknown:
"Stato Civile" list of householders and their families
SC 6, recto (DEMAREE and VALB ELLE 20 11, 26-28, pls , 9-9A) 15

[ ... ~~ [2] [ ... ~~~~ [1]

[ ~L ~ J [4] [~1 I nIl ollntf ~~ [3] [ ... ]W 8 n~

~ 1 [~~ . .~_%:1
~. ~J ..?I 0 WJ ~ ~ llolC?:ll~ ~ ~J / 07-. 0 110 11

1h:lo1:::[ iJ ~ 1h:~~ [_1 [_!J'" [5][... JLo ~l1h:[~J:::!

~ [7] "1. --. o~ ~~l o ~ [~J~-{'t :::~ 6~~~~[6 ]"1. --. -'="~
{ ~} ~~ /~l ~~ ,:; [8][ ~ l ~ 1 i o~~~~'~~~~ ~ ~~ 9 D~ ~ 20

-{!+ Iff /~ l-,=,, ~~ [9]~~ ~~ 0~ ~~1h:l ( d)~~7; [~i1+0

15: Ve rso includes an unr elated , "ordinary nam e-l ist of unclear purpos e" (EYRE 2012 ,63; see DEMAREE
and VALBELLE 20 11, p Is. 10-IOA) 1120 [8]: Sic. , metathes is 112 1 [8]: Preposition omitted.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses I v-Ramesses IX). IX, 139

~~l~ t 9 AT
~WJ~ lBl I0ob1.. * ~~I
<:> ~ O 0 g nCLtfL Ni[~~ A ~
mI0IL..c- r~ / o)l.oll~1 oEf; ~J~llg.r 1


329. (Ramesses IV-Ramesses IX), provenance unknown:
"Stato Civile" list of householders a nd their families 5

SC 7, recto (DEMAREE and VALBELLE 2011, 28-31 , pls. ll-II A)

column 1:

~~d~d"o~~tf~9t~-i~[~~~[2][ .. • [l]
Ifl.. ~I
~ ~?r[4](L >YrJ ' AT~
0 UU ~~b1.. r 9 .f::fL r;;:i?l ~ 1
~ tfL[ ... ~~ ... •
0 ~ ~J

9t m0 [5][_J~lo ~~tf ~9~ /if1-i~[.~[Jl~ 10

I:::I -OOO ~ e Y-=""= ~~ t l n[6] fu ~ AT ~ w n

"IT 1= t::===:l.f::fL =""= Il......c.. ~ 1?i 90 0 <:> lBl _ ~ ~ II
- - . . - - . E- 9 .f::fL b1..

<:> [ lIltfL »: t~{jJ - t ~(1_ 0 ~ o n t1 [7]~[~:@ tfL s:

lL..c-o ~J I oEl9U _ t\.. 1<:>1 1 IU ~ O<:>n tJJ~ lo ~ ru' ~Jfb~, oEl

~ J ~ [9] ~ 0X~~o ~ ~ ~ 90 ~::I-i~~6 (f I~ ~ ~ ~? ~ [8] [~Jbl~ 0

(1_ - ..Q.. n~ tfL fu ~ ~ t fu y- fuI:::I -OOO ~ e l Y-
~ ® T II/ <:>I l ~I <:>lBlEl~ E-"IT 1= t::===:l.f::fL=""= Il......c..~ ~

oE-90 0

column 2:

)) (f = ~ ~ [ ~ ... _[2][~"·~" ·~@~I~["[1]

[~"'_=~~J[ . .~[3][~ .....

6: Verso includes an unrelated "adm inistrative note perhaps dealing with a dispute" (EYRE 2012, 63; see
DEMAREE and VALBELLE 2011, pis. 12-12A) 119 [4], 13 [8] and [9], 15 [10]: Double-bracketed signs at the
beginning of each row are header marks; do not translate.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IV or later). IX , 140

330. (Ramesses IV or later), Valley of the Kings: Workers, absences 1

o. BTdK 667 (DORN 2011a, vol. 1, 4 I~18, vol. 3, pIs. 544-546)


=:::J:::J 00L':! II
_ <::> ""'" [4] ffi ~ A ® /l"I~
••• ilffif'....8:l.
~..-=lIn M ~ ~ [3] [Cl
>4F 0
11'lL.(fIL1I o~ I ~
bl Jr =:::J:::J 00

J9 = blU f4:::I!1[8]f4rfu}~~f4~A I~10 ~ m[7]f4I=D~l

[11] ~"Jf4m~1 [10] f4=~ !~tf4J D ~=~ [9] f4 ~
_ _ _ _ _ _ f 4 ~ ~[12] aA
f4~~ blt e ~ f4 J ~~ I[13] 10


u........I- J•Il~ tIlI1JOO [3] II
~ [ Cl ~ -=:ll t ~ Il tIl [2] -
II0 ~ bl Jr<:> ~ '=7 u........I-. ~ I1JOO
:: :::J:::J 00L':! ""'" & A ~~ o
II :El u':fg..J r7

'!-o [6]f4=~ '=7f4 ~ ~[5] f4 J J t!= ~ nn ~ [4] ~~ ~df4iT: A

II ll......c..gE5~[ 8] &0 e s: ~ ~ IltJl &
e:b,E5~ [7] &~ {JJ
/J ~
D 0 .2._r 1&LJor.{fIL1l......c..:ElJD0 _r :Elr ~u........I- J. ~ I1JOO:El-=:llOt\.
&{JJ _:ElJ
1&t\. c, & e:b,E5~~ 1l I4[IO]& E5 ~!!i ~..f[9]& . £~.J19& :c=r:=
0 0 _ru........l-J~ I1JOO :El_r.-J =- :El "i 1:El 'C7 "II. _ 15

f4~ Af4 ~ AJ ~ m [13] f4:::I '=7 J ~ m [12] f4:::I~~ :::::f4:::I '=7 [11]

f4l rBIUJJt!=~f4J 9 blU = [14]f4~ ~blt e~

331. Inventory of objects owed
o. BTdK 694 (DORN 2011a, vol. 1,428-429, vol. 3, pIs. 573-575)

recto: 20
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IV or later) ; (mid-Dyn. 20). IX, 141

lAX [4.5] I~, c1 )0I~)~£* Ift ~ o~:=:T: [4] 1--=1~8l ~ 8l ~~ [3] III I 1

If ~ ~ /l" rJ_ /l"

n CJ ~ 1~) U ---X-I od £ -.Il.....-A-0
) 3 l - [5]
/ n ~ I ~8l...)

o8l... 0

r-:-:-:? I II /J" /J" ~ [7] I I I ~ I ~ [6]

c:::J ~ ~I~;P nn c:::J ~ ~) c::s;p
E::3 E::3
tTI\ ~1<::>8l... ~ 8l... ~I 0

d.;: I~ ? ? ? ~ I Ic:::J ~ 1ft- ~ ? ? ~ I 1c:::J ~ 1--=)

[9] +~ [8] I 1c:::J ~ IQ 10
~~1 ~[1O] [ ··W ~ nn (c:::J ~) 1--=) 6~~i(/? 8l~ =LJ 5

.6~i() 0 ~:::ILJd.;: [11] ~~~~~~I~~1111

E::3 If lL.t-_ ) 3 l - [12] ~. E::3 ~~
CJ ~ I ~) U ---x-~TI I ~ U{ II 0 ~.n <c:::J> ~ nn• •nn c:::J
c:;;::> .

<==i I /}" ~[1 4]~__ /l" II <==i I

) r:::s8l.... m ['1 CJ ~ ~H _
n c, [13]" II
I~ ~) r:::s8l.... Ul l ~ 0 __ I III



332. (Middle of Dynasty 20), Valley of the Kings:

Delivery of meteoritic iron
o. BTdK 640 (DORN 2011 a, vol. 1,403, vo l. 3, pl s. 514-516)

01 )3l [4] ~ ffi.d AO - n890

=:::J 01[""""] III
I ® rM. I I I t\.. M 11 '0:>£ -.1
1 11)1, 0 <::>

333. Deir el-Medina: Letter to a woman, requesting fruit, et al.

o. DeM 966 (GRANDET 2003a, 9, 137-138,420-421)


verso: 20

1- 2 [4.5]: Supe rscript, beg inning of[5 ] 1123 [6], end: An excl amation (thus , GRANDET 2003a, 138).
Dyn. 20, (middle of dynasty) ; (Ramesses V-VII), year 1. IX , 142

334. (Middle of Dynasty 20), Deir el-Medina: Private transfer of goods

on at least four separate occasions to a son of Khaemnun

O. Glasgow D.1925.78 (McDoWELL 1993, 17-1 8, pIs. 17- 17a)


~~H"·J[6] ~? ~ . _~8l~[ "'J [5] Fa::~ ~ ~

[ "'J~9~-A~ ~ ~ d =

=~~~~ Ie[ "'J[3] U I9~[ ..J[2]a:::;,f I ~_ ~ [ ...J[1] 10

e9=:e~H ···J[5] U ~=H~~~[ ···][4]

335. (Ramesses V-Ramesses VII), year 1, Valley of the Kings:

Two royal butlers visit the Valley

O. BT dK 659 (DaRN 20 11a, vol. 1, 4 10-4 11, vol. 3, pIs. 529-534)

recto: 15


5 [I] : Restore perhaps [Nfr-btp] S3 Jj c-m-Nw n (D eM D ) 11I I [4]: Restore [md]3Y Jmn-h s(. w) (ibid.) 1116 [2]:
For the un-tran scribed sign in the nam e N b-m3 c.t-R C-pr- [?], see DORN 2011 a, vol. 1, 410-411 , n. a.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V or later), years 1-2. IX, 143

336. (Ramesses V or VII), year 1, Valley of the Kings: Record of the

punishment of three foremen

o. BTdK 664 (DORN 20 11a, vol. 1,414-4 15, vol. 3, pls. 538-540)

i}{ 0 ~ Cl Al ~ Al n[2][... Jz n1/ nn __ <::> ~ 01,[1]

I II I [f tfl ="H!=UIL 1\.. ' ="H!= UIL :II::I:l( ~ 9r ~r "-.rLt ==:J 0 0 n II I ® r

337. (Ramesses V, VII, or VIII), years 1-2, Asyut: Record of grain

transport from various locations by a fleet of barges (recto), plus
miscellaneous texts relating to the delivery of goods, wages, etc . (verso)

P. Baldwin, BM EA 10061 + P. Amiens (JANSSEN 2004; KATARY 1989, 184- 192; 10

HELCK 1960- 69, 544-564; GARDINER 1941,37-56; GARDINER 1940, 1-13)

recto, column 1, upper half (P. Amiens, rt. I):

r [~ A4.7 '=7 C:::;;= .a ~n I /}"~ Al-

))0-. ~ ~J ~Cl <::>_TI. 1"-9"-.r'" _r _ ) ))=b:l. « UIL~

.a nnc::::::J==- .a ~n L.-Cfj ... .e s: OP /}"~i}{0~ <= =1-

~ ftr'")r r.-=!l=-= r'" _nL"J I)))_~UlL Et I HI b:l. ~ I [f _ <2!J!= _I III

mmm L"J,)))~ lfu d !:-. '))) 0')) ~ ~~ d =))) ~ [3]

o Al-0 <::> [4] nnn
[\, ~.a ~n Cl Al ./1 0 :
_~~ ht. ~))) L....c.. nn ft.-=!ll r'" _ rlL"JL"J~£ ht. r'")))

+=~ ' L"Jd +))+ =~ 19 ~ m[ ~, ) ) ~ lfu d!:-.,)) )o L.))

r- 6 @ il r /}" ~ @
._r 9"f r IIII nnn nnn n
nn ft ~ .111/ nn ~ ft -=,,1 0<::> 9 Ifl... ?{ <::>L"JtlJ _
"rCI 0

~ L.- ffi.. Alp P O (r ~~<::>[5] ~ ft

I o<::> _ I ) ) ) _ ~UIL • •)) 'j' 1L-.1)))WAl~~

mmmm[6] Rft .,~ d ~ 9 ~ ~ IlU [~~ fu~d 9 ~ .-=!I

7: For the date, see discussion in J ANSSEN 2004 ,4-5 , w ith additiona l references 1112 ff. : For the relationship
betw een the various texts ofP . Baldw in and Amiens, recto and verso, see ibid., 3, 8-9, and 40--41.
Dyn. 20, (Rame sses V, VII , or VII) , years 1-2. IX, 144

~~= ~~ )PO ~d UBJ)) )~B} [~~~I<::>~l g__ 1
~ __ [~~)))=d~m~~m[7]·:ll n~ fim

L 9~) ~ ~ l r'L"J_~[~~F~)))0C:__ ~) ) O!-.I)))

d4 ))~~ lr !4IIT 4 )+40+=~'L"J,)))~lB:d+ 7;

IIII R~~~~ ~ m mfi = ? [~ [8] ~ fi -=:dA ~ <::> I ) ) ) Il ~ 5

1L"J_,~m\Jt [.J [9] !! !~fi -=:dA))) ~ lB: 1~

[ ~J ) )~))~ C;;; l'.. 9l'..~_~~_~ [10] [ ~J ~ <::> +=~
9r ll ~ ~~ ~_4)))4 =~1 { 9+ })'c-=l~~~~~~
mmSD_)))0C: ~~_ [11 ] II nnnn ~ fi.n
1 1 1 (1(1(1 • C=O[ ~.&l ~ 1IIIn 6 IllIn ~~~~~
<J.·:ill~~~~ft @ ~ /~ frJ4J~ <J. l l l l n db 1IIIn~~ ft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10

~~~~~~~~_)))) 0_~~~~~ [12]

~llllnnnnn~ [ ~
recto, column 1, lower half (P. Baldwin, rt. I) :

~ J~lrr))) = d ~d~[~J [2] [ ... J ~ ~~ ~-=:dA~~Il~ [·" ] [1]

)))~_l rr[. .mmJ-=:dA?[~mmmmmmmm 15

.: n a;~ fi.=~9+E~ )))PO )))~~~mm~~))ml?~~

C:))":[ ~ ~ ~ 'rr)))=Il~d~[~[3]

1 ~~~~ ft -=:dA~ <::» ))) ~[~ ~ 9~:;;::~~)))PO _ [_Jo

nnnnn ~~ fi r ))dDf)))i.Il~ <::»)L...- + ;;; = ~~ nnn~ ~ ft
-=:dA))I;~[ ~J~4=~,))))=1l~d[~[4] 20

8 [10]: The R s-ms element of the king' s nam e has been omitted in error (thus, JANSSEN 1994, 9 1).
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII , or VII) , years 1-2. IX, 145

~~J)):: =t! ))) '0 )[_J~d.))t9t~ )) 1[. ~ ~ _ I )))O C:))

A~?Jn ~iii ft =))A ~[5] ~ [ ~

~ J!JJ O~[ ~? ~~n II - . @ ~ [. [6] 1111

~ . t\.))) [il_ ~·~~~Jr c=:!!!=C ~ ~ IIII nnnn ft -==1' ) )11h::11
[ W"
~ /l"~ ~- [RJ[7] ~
~J~~U_I)))) =/:11... ?i ML.-=lI) ~I 0<:> [ ~

ffi ~ ~ f}J [Wftl c::::::J ==- f}J

~ ML.))[\' ~J~ ='2'=[\. )))) l!l I'_I.))) O-.))~
~h r' ~ ["_ / _ ~"- 9"-

[~~ 8 nn ~
~J [ ] •.. 1111 n ~ ft ~ I 0<:> ~ ~J_r
~ [Wff~1 ~ n1

1J)))O [~))~ ~ ; 9~ bl [_))))=bl~ e:

~ ft+ )))): := +=~IL"J [_.:::I1t't!='2'= ) ) ) ~ _
[~ C:))~[_ [9] ::::8888
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [lO] _ _ ft ~ [.J~~d 10

~J[l l] [ . ·IJ)t9 t ~~ 1 [~~mmm mmm

[~~J [l 3] [ . · J bl ~ ! ~ [ _J [12] [ ...J~~~;;;[ _

~~~mmmmmmmmmm+ = ~,))) = bl ~
~~~ ft ~~<:>[mmm m mmm~ ~~d1}t~~~[~
______ J +=Nr~~ [14] ~ ~ ~ ~ 15

_~[ ~J = ~l n)))))~ffi; [~ _
recto, column 2, upper half (P. Amiens, rt. II):

6 [7]: The royal nam e lacks the expected cartou che element before R».
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII, or VII) , years 1-2. IX, 146

c))! L:J'tJJ1!:: +=~ -.))))=d.U d=)))))~[2]nnnnn ft

)))+ =~19+~m~IL:J))))~E:d~~)))1d.~lij-.I))))
~~~? II ft-' [3] II n ifJ b1...
\ lil nnnn ~~~?
'" A
,ep, : n ~)) h<::>
__ n ft .Jd.9 /J"~ n --13
~ L":JnJ-. ~
.c.. <d1'= :

At ~~..f t:! d l ~ [4] ' I ' n n n

-.El-.~ '='ItI!'~At-'..Q..n<:lOl=>1
ft' Et @ T'I/~ l~)) )~ o~
<> .-. :: I nn ft~)) I ~ -.

@ ~@ ~ + =~ -. ) ) ) )= d. U d=))))~[5]~~<:>+=~'L:J 5

~m~'L:J))))~m:d~~~~ ,=,,=D-.I)))) OC))~)/; ~~

~~~ 1 ~~~ ft ~~<:>.il9 ~ d.U <:>@~~-. + )))+ =~19+

D 0 r
[l, ~-. <::>[6]
-.1)))) o _ ) ) - . ) l1.IIL--=d1))))B-..
~ III n
ill IL- I l l n n
ft.))){})))-. II n

ft ~~<:> e. =~'L:Jd + ))l~;::)+ ))))fu)'L:J)))))~E: d

)).! L:J'tJJ1!:: +=~ ))))=d.U d=)))))~[7] <I: 111 111' R~~ 10

+=~1 9+~m~'L"J)))):::m:d.~)))1 d.Ulij-.))))oc

~)))=d.Ud=))))~[8]nft.il9~ d.U.~~-.+)))

m:d.~~~ »c::» )))fQ -.lrr)))OC)) '=7~~~~+=~

<::> [9] !JJ ~~ - . c::== !JJ c5 ~ 0 <:101=> IL- ~ ~ ~

B-.. c=!ll!= ~ ft.t\. )~~ <:>c=!ll!=t\. )) )fQ, o llL@// ~ /~ ) ) ) ) -. ~ -.~IL:J

(11] D [RJ At !JJ -. ~ ~!JJ - ~

~I 0<:>-.
-.Ett\. ))) 0 @ IlL)))) ~c=!ll!=tI!'ft' .t\. )) I:@<:>
c::::J c::==

~) -s:».: )I;~ = d.~ «:»,«:

recto, column 2, lower half (P. Baldwin, rt. II):
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, _VII, or VII), years 1- 2. IX, 147

~~~d~~ 9 LL.-:::~(tJ ~[~ ~~ ~ ~~ C: I ~ 1

))) =Il~ d=)))~ [3]~~~~ ~~ ft~k~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ft~~

9t~~1tZ ~~~rr))) OC:,~~~,; ~d0))~ ev« =~~rr

~'~o~.~Ql): L t ~rr))) =I1~ d=))))~ [6] ~~<::> +

~~9 D ~=~4~( )))~llrll~(tJ ~ ) )~ ~ rr ) )O C: I ~

il9 11l~ ~~g_ + ))))+ =~19tHfi~'c-=J'rr)))~~d

~ I r · 0
~ _rrm O_I~ _c-=J ll.m~)))h__
0 [l, A- <::> [7]
<I: I I I I()() n ~ e
~~~ ~ ft ~I 0 <::>
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII, or VII), years 1-2. IX, 148

8 rr.JJ X /r ~ ~ 11 r I
a /r ~ ~- <::> [16] nnn
U,2,8! ~tf.l.... « ~ rr ~_ rr))) =tf.l.... ~ Ul-=dJ ) ) ) L.-:.. <l: nnn ~

nnn ~
nn ft ~I
recto, column 3, upper half (P. A miens, rt. Ill):

))) oC:I~4 @! 114IU4~~~ rr))) =il~ 11=)))~ [1] 10

II nn ffi..
0 & nn
n ~~ ft _ I rr))) _~ UlEl rO o=!ll!=Ul/rr ~<d!!=t\. <d!!= ))):$_II
<::> /1-,. ~
{}J I 0 c=::::J c::==<:>

~<d!!=ll :4rrr4 )+404 ~ ~ I LJ lrr ) ) )~& 11=)))~ [2]

il~ ~ ~ fu ~il ~ 119 ~ o ' LJ 4 il ~~ <:> I ! il'Ll1 ~ j))

ll-....c.. ==a="
[3] nn III 6 E 5 III II nnn iJtJ e ~ @ n
n ~ II nnnn ft ~ -. ° II nnnn ~ 0: nn ft 1&loUl==a=,,9<:> II
!!i o~ ffi, A nm ill 6 E5 nn m nnn -.
nnnn ~ 9 o l I I I If~Ihl<l 0: n mII nnnn ft ~-. <I: n m
nn ft ~)))) 15

Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V,VII, or VII), years 1-2. IX, 149

r O O Il. ~- <:> [7] 0 11--

))) rt "';""'I rr)) ) 0,......11' _C-=:J LL blL-=?))))u....-... .: ~ ft _I rr))))_

~d=))))~[lO] ',',' fti(,~ d ~ 9 ~ ~ 8l~ ~ ~ fu ~ 8l~ d

~ rr)) ) 0C:11' @1 0 Tit8lUl9<::>:) Y([I ; oL t ~ rr)) )= 8l 10

~. - 11--..a E:5n 11--"'. ~& ~t~{jJ

blL@ ~ /~lrr) ) ) ) _ r" _r1C-=:Jl rr))) _.lB: blL:Et<::> t5l =l\.. <d!I!= ) ) ):5j

~~Ifli(~ 'l ~ 8l~WJ~I))) OC:I~:C-=:JC-=:J'lJJ1!:: +~~

~~~D9r 8l ~ ~~~ _ ~ j ))))+ ~ ~1 9+.~fTl~IC-=:Jl rr)))
1~ [ 13]
II nnnn ft ~9o"1?i oI ~~ ~Iffi
(fj. A IIII m
: mn ft -~ ) ) ) <:>
~ <d!I!=
n ft 15

:+rIT +) ++ 0+ ~ ~ IL:Ji(~~'7~'g;))))l d 9 +~~~

_ _ _ _ _1)) = A~_[14]+~ ~!IL:J~d"~~<::>

I 11-- (fj~ ~ 1 ~ [~~.&l%l{jJ[~

_))) W=))))_~ blL. l Ti'TI. ~U~J l\.. ~J))) rt_I)))) O,......))
_ _ [15] nnnnnnn . nnnn ft@ ) ) ) )~ _ ) ) ) ) xd~~<::> + B t L:J
~! !! nn~nnn .: Innn ~_aaa_a_a __aa 20
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII, or VII), years 1-2. IX, 150

recto, column 3, lower half (P. Baldwin, rt. III):

lL....c. 0 J/) R~ t"" R w A- <:::> [2] [

l:rro Otf!._)))))fU-8l... ~ I. o ITL ) ) ) ) = 8l... ?< 1fl-=d' ) ) ) ) ) lL....c. ...

~ d . ,! d ft11l ~ (tl ~ ))) ~ _ I ) ) ) 0 C))@-,--(~ ~ Il'l!!!!,1l ~

~ [3] ~ft+ ))))~! ),L"J,))))~~d~(,~llrll~ L\.. 9~~

~ = 8'V' ~ ~n ~ ffi ,. A 0 ~ Cl [l, A -
r-- ) ) ) n ~ J..." r-- _rlL"J))))) _~1fl_1)))0'-)) _ ) I.1. Ifl -=d'))))) 5

IIII n<t<t
III n <t<t~
- <:::>
: n~~ ft -=d'))))lL....c. ~
<I.: III nnn ~ ttl
nnn ft -=dli Cl ~ I . ) ) ) "-

c:::J=- y- ~ !JJ @ I ~ [5] IIII 1}( ~ ffi, A

))) -=dI~~ J& -=d'))l\.L\..9L\..~~ ~ I II I nnnn -=d'i I , ))lf ~ l lAl <I.:
~ ~n R~ A- <:::>[6] ~ 0 &!JJ -
r-- _ r )) ) =8l... ~ 1fl-=d' ) ) ) ) lL....c. -=dI1 Cl ~ _ I L"J ~ l\. ) ) )O @

~ d~ ~ 9lL - ~ ! (tl ))) 10 _)))) ot)) -=dI))) ~ ~ iz 9~ d'l.

<:::> 7 -. Cll Q I ~- A ~ ~n ~
))))lL....c. [ ] ~~ ft :9~ ))) fl It' )))LU)) C::::;,tf!. ot: r-- _ rlL"JI))))_ 10

< : > - A..tJ ~ n ~-'" A

lL....c. [8] .: I~ ft II) ~
· Cll Q I
))) fl )))LU))C::::;,tf!. Ifl r-- _rlL"JI)))) _tf!.~ 1fl

I· Cll Q I <:>- ~ I I In 6 III nnn 't-

l ~)) fl )))LU))C::::;,tf!.)))_ lll n ~ ~ ~.db : II nnn~~~~ ft . ) ) ), ) ) ) )

R - ~-A~ ~ n
8l... 'l!!!5tf!._lJ )C::::;,tf!. Ifl r-- _rtL"J))))) ~ mA~r @ ~
_~1flJ&9T _1.))) 0'-))

))w~ll~ += ~I)))) = ~ d = )))) ~ [10] ::::: RRRR ft,f¥J))

[~J )))) ~ ~ d . ))! 9 t ~ ~ ~[~ 9~~_I))) 0C::))-=dI)); ~ 20
Dyn . 20, (Ramesses V,-VII, or VII) , years 1-2. IX, 151

I,ll' R ~ ft ~~<::>~9 r Il~<::>@~~_+ )))+ =~19t~m

ft =)))))~~ [11] ~ I n ft+ ))));:'~)ILJ)))~ <I : III n ~ 1

F ~ "ff @ ~ 1 ~ [12] l l lI n n.o.
9c:s _ ,=, ~ • . - .
~ [I,
IIII n I I ~I 1,)) [f _
A nnnn 6 f
11 ~ I LAl .: nnnn ~~~ db .: Jk

Il~ /1=))))~ [13] ~~<::>~ILJ _~ ~ {:::}'=7-J'" ~~

J)) ~ =~ )))fQ _I)))) OC.))+))! /1 !))U+=~_ ) ) ) ) = 5

[l, ~- <> ~ ~~ IJ.-. '" ~

)U,Ul -=dJ))))'L-,.. [14] ~~ ftr-- ))) 0 0 ~ ' LJ ) ) ) ) _ 81Ul . I'\J ))) (Jl

~ ~ r @ ~ 'L-,.. n /l" ~ IJ.-.(jj~ ~ 0
r--9 T _ _ r--~))0~r8l. ?{ 1)))_~Ul_)))))O_))_
0 r
r 0 [l, ~- <>[15] l l l n n n n ~ ~ ~ -
)))) 0'-)) _ ) U,Ul -=dJ))))'L-,.. II nnn ft ~ I 0 <::> r--'r\. ))) 0 @

recto, column 4, upper half (P. Amiens, rt. IV): 10

~ ~ ~~ _ + ))))+ =~19t~fTl~ILJ)))))~~ /1 = ))))

1 : : : : Rft ~ ,~/1~9~ ~ Il ~ -J'"}fu ~ ~~/1 9 rll

n 6
ft ~ I~1I )~[Un" A
~I LAl n ~~~ IIII n db n ~ ~ ~ IIII n ft -=dJ ) ) ) ) 'L-,.. ~ [ ] IIII n
I III n - <> 3 n

u ~nn ~-=- yo- 1~ [4] Innn

_ILJ"El))))'r\. rr ))) ~ ~~ .n«~Jf ~n /l" ~ @
_118l. « ~l=:J .-.
/I nn

n~ F F I!l O( ~- <> [5] ~

L\.. 911~_)))) ) 01_) ) @)) v=Y' =:> IL...c. @ d. Ul-=dJ ) ) ) ) 'L-,.. ~ I 0 <::>

))) fl
0L I~ )))LU)J't::::::::; / l Ul r--_nLJ))))_lB:Ul"El
~ 1 <::>- ~ ~ ~n & IJ.-.'"
~90 0
~ ~~n
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII , or VII) , years 1-2. IX, 152

{ 0}L9 ~ O ) ) l/I L:J _ f!Jl ~ Af!Jl, ~F _I.) )oC) ) @ ~ ~;;~,dl"::'

- <:> [8] nnn nJl ):j = 8'V IJ- ffi~ )
-=dI ) ) ) ~ <dl!= nn ft l. ) ) ' -M. re )))n <dl!=)l,A))))_~M. ~

_. !(tI(tI~£Ul ~ .~~'7~ [9] :::: n~ ft~ ) )~ ) l£:I & . ~~~ ft


+))))+ =~ 19 t ~ m~ IL:J ) ) )~l£: d~ f!Jl :!- )4 ) )\d't(tl )))10

II nnn 8'V IJ-

nn ft ~ )))n<dl!=)l, A))) _ ~~ ftl
c==:> ~
II /J" -. I <::> - . ):j
_<:>/11.... ~£_lJ)~£ M.

X = ~IL:J))) )~l£: d ::-',rr ) ) oC [~~~)))~ [I I]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [12] 1,1 1nn~~n ~ ftl rr) ) ~ d

+ ~<dl!=l

~? ~ ft!9 ~))) n Lmmmm 10

recto, column 4, lower half (P. Baldwin, rt. IV):

~ 4...<:> ):jC::::;;;=> ..tJ E5~ /J" W ):j - <:>[2][ ]. I~ [I ]

I I I~ a ~M.rr Ire _ r )))) =111... ~ /:f.fL~)))) 'L...c.. ... • ~~

~ <===3> 8'V E5~ IJ- ffi ·,):j r ® !It.q

~ ) )) n <dl!= )l, A ~ _rl L:J))) _~ M.. 9T _ ' - ' =7.l\... 9 1 1 ~ 1 . ) ) ) )
n~ r
O.-.)) @

-=dI ) ) ) ) ~
<:> [3] nn {}.J /J dd Q
n ~~~~ ft .t\.. ~IL:J <::> L-.)))LL ~I
/J" nJl ~
0 <:> . ) ) /11.... '-~

)::=(tI ))) 10 _1))))OC)) '7 ~(tI~+ =~ _))))=£U dl 15

® /J" nJl
_ l rr)/11.... ,-a M.-=dI) ) ) ) ~
0):j_ <:> [4] 0 _ ~
~~~ ft@II~/~) ) ) ) _ ~M.. t\..
IJ-ffi~ ):j {}.J ~ ~

~~~~ III nnn - <:> [5] III nnn I I I nnn /J" nJl ) <===3>

~~~ • /I nn ft -=dI))))~ ~ : I I nn • II nn ftl))/11.... ' - M. ~ )))n

Y"& .dbE5~ ® ~ 1 ~[6]
~ E. <dl!= 9D 0 _r ~ ~ . IIII nn
n ft ~I~I ) ) ~{m ~} A III nnnn
~ I ~ Iffi : II nnnn
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V,VII, or VII), years 1-2. IX , 153

=~l X ) ) ) ) ) ~ ~ d@~6 ~ ldl~ I . ) ) )4 , ) )) ~ , ) ) ) )= tfl U

ft~ O ) ) l/ ILJ !~ A . I~F _I rr) ) OL) ).'LJ~tflU~<:>{ ~}
(IlU~))))~_'TI)))OC:))@)IFI~ D;[d = ) ) ) ) ~ [8] nnnnn
~.dl~ ttl ~ ~ E5n L..- ffi... ~ LX. @ n !JJ II n
111 <::>1 0 <:> "-.))) <=> r--_rILJ))))_~ M...ll %'1 9\.\. )))~. ~II

o [1, ~-
))_) I.1 M..-=:¥)))L.c.
<> [9]
il 91tr bl.
ft .
/)" ~
e 0
<:> LJtlm..
n !JJ~
xotfl. M...
C> ~ ~
0 )) ~

c;1 9+~m~:\LJ))))~ ~ d~~m~~ m _ ) ) ) )o C: ) ) ::-',.))))1

/T ~ ~r- <> [10] ~ ~ E5n ~~ On
bl. ?( I.)) )~-=:¥))))L.c. ~ ft -=? I 0 <:> r-- _rILJ~r--))) @ ~
d . -=? II o ~~[.J~ ))) fQ _I.)) ) oC:) ) @)l9<:>~tfltfl~

nnn - <> 12 nnn "rC/{ 0

nn ~~~~ ft -=:¥) ))o,__-=. ~ [ ] nn ft -=?I 0 _
} L..-ffi... ~
)))) _~M...-=?'<:»)

n ft 0 ) )) *_ :ft '=7I IIIIII ~Y'- .: ft ~

y::::::,.. ~
_ lgE5
'" _ 1 '=7
II II 'l!:1- -=? ) ) , ~ _
ffi J I
1#'$1 til

, L-® bl.
TI ) ) )
/}"~ ~ - <> [ 13 ]- ~1 ~ n n nft
?( M..-=:¥ ) J14L.c. -=:¥9 0 _ nnn 0 )) *
II _ .:


recto, column 5, upper half (P. Amiens, rt. V):

+ )++ 0+ =~'LJ) ) ) ) ~ ~[2] ~b1ank~ ~ IR:L::-,,,-))))r ~ [1]

~ II . ~ ft.))~9+~m0ILJ~~<:>I. ) )1l~d;;;;;LJ~ l Xl+ fff

E5n tJ-. ffi.. [3] nnnn ???? f 6 Innnn ff
_ r,LJ))))) _~ <[.: nnn n» Jk • ~ ~ -er nnn ~~ Jk Jk =?ll!= -s": nnnn

6 [9]: Read S5 Nmtj.wy-ms.w (JANSSEN 2004, 23, n. 22) 11 14 [13]: Readj~wty Nht-Nmtj.wy (ibid., 24, n.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII, or VII) , years 1- 2. IX, 154

))))) _~
IJ.- (fj~ [4] III nn m
II n m ='!l!=
i l l nnn
I I ~~ ~ ~~~~ nnnn

ft -=!I I
0<>19<>47 ) ) )f1
0L 11' 1

~~ _ +=~ I L:ld + )))) = ~1 9 t~m~IL:l))) )~~ [5] nnnnn

~~~ IIIII ='!l!= <t: II nnn ~~~~ IIIII : R~ ~ ft -=!I~ <> .il9r Il~ ~ 5

~ O~ ~ ~ r n ii\~ IJ.- (fj 6 n m A nnn

~ ))))@ ~ ~ ~ 1 9~'lm~IL:l))))_d [ ] n mft lepr~ l ffi <t I II nn
<Q:.. m

~ ~ E5n A 7 \dL ~ IJ.- (fj, [7] ~

ft -=!I I
.&JL ~ ))) _n~_ <::><::> ~ ~ 1 L:l ))))) _~ ~ 0<> 1. ) ) "-.))))

80 7
)))) ')..0'--'
) ~
nn l-_) IJ.- (fj"
1L:l)))) _~ [ ] -er
8 .
II nn ~~~ "'r""C'..tJ E5n
~~ ft -=!I I 0 <> ~ _rl L:l


recto, column 5, lower half (P. Baldwin, rt. V):

Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII , or VII), years 1- 2. IX, 155

verso, column 1, upper half(P. Baldwin, vs. I):

~ about 11 groups ~=))~ [2]~,n~ il~_ about 18 groups _ [1]

.~~~ .1111
~ ~ ~ ==e=n . III
nnn G)G)G) •• ~ G). about 13 groups .I~I\ .e
nnnfff • ~ f~ ~_ bl @ 9

_ about 14 groups _~ [4] ~~+ =: ~Il:-~_ abou t 12 groups ~ ~ [3]

IrEJ : ::: nnn n» , ~~~ ft ~~,~ F~ ? ?~il~ <=> •• ? [~~_~ ~ 1.))1 5

~ e!JJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
l * bl JJ~ t\. )) • • • • • ~_nL:J_••• ~
E5n [5] ~~~
~~ ==e=n . l l ift
~t~ @~~ ffi ~ r ~ [~<:> 6 ~/IA· n~ !JJ
<=> ~ = _ ~ ~ ~ ~blrr I ~ 1 1' •• ?~ ~JlL..c. [ ] d ·1l'...)II~.))t\.

~_~ [7]~"I.)))roil~[~Uij_~+ ))4? ))~ ••?

_ft ~_~~ [8] _ _ Ft:? ~ ??? ~ _ _

[ ... ] ~
~ I ~ [9] 10

verso, column 1, lower half(P. Amiens, vs. I):

_ _ _ ~ ~ 91 L-.- 11' _ _ [2] [ ... traces ... ] [1]

.1 ~ [6]
. ~
l!l .1 1[5] ··1 1[4]
• <l
1 1[3] [space of 3 em]

verso, column 2, upper half (P. Baldwin, vs. II) :

<:> [2]
II ))))lL..c.
d.. /l"~ ....-cJ ~ [~ ~ ~ E5n @ '~ [ 1 ]
1L:J <::>8l.. ?{ I o<=> r" ~J L:J_~_II~l:==:l ~

[~~ Q~ ~ 0 tJl c5 ~ ~ E5n IJ- ffi~ [~l

~J))Ll T£II. L:J. O_ 1'600 , obl ~ _r lL:J)) _ ~ ~J q 9 0 II
- In
~ ~. [4] II Rft ~ 1 ~ u ~<=>[ ~J~ lld.~ il~ [3] ~ _ lbl~ I ~F

L:J !~A fr) )~ 'L:Jd ) )ft +;;: ~~~ d,))) ~ +=~,n d))))
<:> 5 III
lL..c. •• [ ] II ft _)) [ ~1
0 ~ ffi ~ 1 n ~ .a E5n
~J~~bl ~ ~ ))UII<=>I))~)1lbl ~_r

)))xd'rr)a:,)))A~J @)::::'<=>_L:J~ l il~,)))1)))) 20

13 [3- 6]: L ines unnumber ed in JANSSEN 2004, 105.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII , or VII) , years 1-2. IX, 156

~) )bl~ D~I ~F~d)) )a[~MJm ~d. @b~ 9:::1~

_ _ _ 1)))1 ))))~ •• [6] ~ blank~ f:II n ft -="G~<::»))~£ d
~ ~d~4 sr»~({J)))1O ~d +4ILJ))))~~d @R
:2l ~d.::-I))~~d.::-) ~ Ift . =,ci=lD~d.)))a~)A({J ))
))))~ . .
[7] I iAJ
• ft :EtD
~~~ d
d lLJ A Q iAJ'C7- ~ &/
_ r l I ,<:> ~UlL ))) Ll :Et 1 1 19 8.1 _ -=,,9 rl\.. 9) ) 5

k <::»))~tfl UlL . ) )rJ!J :i. I ~
a JL ~.J(' &/ c5 A 0 L- ffi A 0
l\.. ))101 oUlL_ ) ) ) ) _ ~ UlL _ I ) )
bl~ d :: =:J =:J 0)LJ ~ I ; 1d @;; ~ ~,))y ))))~ •• [8] : 11 1ft ~
1Il d Q ~ ~ 0 IJl c5 A /I n ~t L-ffi ~ A.Id E5 ~
/'6 00 IL... )) )) Llri:i::z: LJ.o _ /'6 001 o UlL(@):f:;;::i:119 <::> 1Bl 1) ) _~UlL re _rlLJ

-=,,~)U~<::»)):2l~ d.)))1 ~ lij_~~I1'.~D~.d=bl~

;':<::> +=~LJd9t~m~'LJ,))))~~d::-)~ ' [9]:!!! f II n ft 10

~ a A/nii\..L'tJld Q ~ ~ 0 IJl c5 A d /J"~

<::»)~tfl h:'lf4 o /'600IL... ) ) ) Llzi"i::z:LJ .o _ /'6 001 o h:'l ILJ<:> 8l.. ?i

-<::I:h ~ ~ ~ Ii-...- ffi A 0

<::> re_rILJI))))_~ h:'l_))))
1 ))))~
. [10] : II ft ~)))UIIn
IIII ft ~ ~ <::>I )) ~ £ <::>~)rl<::>I!IO ~ t~)))al)))~))))
bl~W~d@~~d~)))=bl~,)))1=))~. [11] : II f <I:

)LJ ~ 1;1 d @ ~~bl~ d ~~~a,CP,~d~,))) 1O bl~='C7 15

~t ~~ li-...- ffi
<::>lBll rrrr _~h:'l@~9
A· !\ L'<::::::7\
-=d' )) ~ . .
<:> [12] I I I
III ft i i l =:J=:J 0

~rCPI\ A -0--.1.)))
_ _ h:'l @9 l 1 )))~
[14] •• 111
.l l l ft = =:J 0 _ ~
= . =. I ~1 A
L1® r h:'l ~

6 [7]: Rea d the name as '[s-n-w ndw (JANSSEN 2004, 44 , n. 20) 118 [8]: City determinative omitted in origin al
(thus, ibid., 106) II II [9]: Read the name of the second scribe as Nmty -ms. w (see ibid., 45, n. 29).
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, -VII, or VII), years 1-2. IX, 157

~~~~~d~))~~d@£ )t~~~~))1 ))))~ 1

~~~~~11)))~ ' [16]~ft1}{ = ~ ~~= [1r~]mm

verso, column 2, lower half (P. Amiens, vs. II):

d)))ft~~~~~~~~~~~)))1 A~[l] 5

.; II n ~ .: ',',',' .; 1111 ft_="G<::>I))~d"d 1}{ )))£ ~1}{, ~F~

1}{~ A~[_Jmmmmmmmm,)))1 A"]~ [2]
c:::::> /9 / 8 D{jJ 0--.... /9 0 0 [l, })v == .r-. 'i?'\'" /9
I oM !!i) ,2. 0l\. ))fQ ))) ~~ M_.L"Jlll ftEta=e="I~

~ ]~[3] I })v d:::,~~~ dlL"J /9 ~ })v 'C7-

~ l ~ M))LL
~{jJ ~
~ ~ . ftEt D0 _.r", <::>~ M)))LLEt ' I '9g[ _. _=,,9rl\. ))04
1)AMJ[4] : t [ ~J E: d ~ , ) ) ) 1 A ~ 10

c:::::> /9%~n0~i [~~~~WAl """ 01 /9 -.- -

I O M ~ ~'I ~ ~ ~ • • • • ~J)L"J 11, I®fM @90 I)))
01fM 0
/9 _.
I® ) ) ) 1 ))) [ ~
~J~ . III
~ [5] l l l l l!tf ~ <1 .I I ~ II ft_="L-tk)
I I I a=e=,,<1 Y1111 .

o» d" d {M)rI<::>I~I O @t[Bd)))ft 1}{)J~9 t ~ m[~.@))) 15

~~d~,)))1) AMJ .~ [6] : I I_6l1 <1 : l l l lft {-=" )Gk)U~

~ ~ m D l fl c:::::> /9 /I [O%l -=" tl))X /9..(J ~[ ~rx=
LL l:i"iIL"J.0_. !'bOOI oM @f::;;:j: ~J<::>~~ M ~ _. ~J 0 I))))
d" {<::> }1}{)))); ~ m _.~ ::, ,*, .~D~ d" d =£~ m~)))
~ [~~
I)))~ ~J~~ ~~J . ,2. ~~ [ ] :
0 s , •• A [ ~ ~ 8~~ 7 nnn? y
nn · ft_="L-t<::>I))~
~~+ =~,L"Jd,))))19t~mD,L"J,)))~ _ _ [ ~ =~ , L"J_. 20

16 [5], end : Beneat h the stricken gro up, the scribe corrects : : IIII ~
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII, or VII), years 1-2. IX, 158

~ J .. [8] .1111 .1n ~?1}{ ~\J ))efl Ul~ )))~lfu ))d=ft'L"J~efl~

~~~~I4 ~,\ A [ ~? ~~ /7~.:4 [ ~
~~~~J?{' /'600 _ U/L@ ~ ~~J) =tJ1.. «
I)))'IJ.) W:J'{f;

III ft! !!=:J=:J 0)L"J ~ I ~1 d @) c:::::J~efl~ d ::~~ft1}{A~

~~ ~ i' rr~ ~ ~ ~ d@ -o:') l [BJ )~ ~ ~~I )) A~JA~J .. [9]
= """
_ = I II c::ll. A dJ. /}"~~..tJ E5~ 1h' I ~ ~ 0 pJc::5[ ~
® rM..ln <:>8.l.. ?{ I ~ _ r l n _ rrrr n .o _oo~ I
Cl~ 1 Cl

o 0 LbI)))
_L"J [l, [~ [~lU•• [10] III
~J) ~ II
ft <dl!= •
. ftffj,,·~
II , ~ 'f • 1
.1111 ft ffjII ~~ .{flil ,~ - =0

~(- ~<::> /7 -In /7~ A -Q ~ A 0 ~~ a...- (fj" A

11I Il 1/ I I 18.l.. ~Il ~tJ1.. « .{fl~_LL~1 o .{fl _ lrr r r _~.{fl

~ Arf}~_ Il-. (fj~ A <:::> [11] III -..=.... 01 A

I o U/L ~ m ~ I ))) _~ U/L))))L-:.. III ft = =:J 0 = c:::::J I I I ® rU/L
1 ))))_ .[12] : II ft1}{~ 9o~efl~ ~'L"Jd)))ft1}{~ A~ ))))ro
:::ft '~m \JL }~09 t~ )))) ro ~ d + =~IL"JI[mJ~ lfu d :::-'1))) 1°
<::> +=~'L"J)))~ [~J=lDj'I,~ efl~ I)))1 ))))~ . [13]
~ : : : : ft <dl!= [14] 111,1 ft'~m~ ~ 1}{9t ~_:t~d1}{efl~0Ft:~~
I I I I'
<l .: <dl!= <l ~
verso, column 3, upper half (P. Baldwin, vs. III):

<::> A 7 ~~ 0 [2] I " l g I~ ~ - ~ d-m-Q <dl!=@ j:\ [1]

@ )) ~ ~ <::> ru )))~~ 19 11 ?J..~ lrr Il <::>.r ,7c; C /'6 00_LU 1 l o~ 15

@ ~ ~ BlrB :: ))))) ~~ [4] IIII ~ )) :f;@ ) ~ ~ ~ bl~)))~~[3] I~ro :f;

)))~~[6] 1.111 ~ )))~ :f; ~ :: ? ))))~~ [5] II o QIIII ~ )))~~ij

ro:f;I))~~<::>efl~))~?1)))~~[7] I~ )~ ~@ + F efl~~~ ~ 9? 0

ij@ ~ ) ~~ I ))) ~~[8] III I! ~~ efl A11111)))eflIefl? dill ~))m II ~

I~ ~ ~II ~ ) m III ~ ro I~ )~<dl!= [9] n r ~ n .) o Ul)~~n ~ ro~ n ~ ~~ 20
4 [9]: The [zs K]sb group was inserted above the line II 8 [11]: Above 1)) ) _ 2 et; the scri be adds :
~ )) d. t l ) ) ) 1 .
Dyn. 20, (Ram esses V,.VII, or VII), years 1-2. IX, 159

verso, colu mn 3 (A -C), lower half (P. A miens, vs. III) :

.1In o=!!l!=o [4] .111 [3] .11[2] ~ [B,I] III nnn n n n III [A]
<I . • III : III nnn o=!!l!=o <I : n n n III ft o=!!l!=o
·: III I
llllo=!!l!=o [5] . 1[4] : [3] I[2] ~
I~ [C,l]

verso, column 4, upp er half (P. Baldwin, vs. IV) : 5

~~ II <:> !+111+ )++0+ =~IL:l_ 1 ~ 1?llI;l_ rr:[l]

~ ~~)1 )))+ = ~1 9t~fTl~),FL:l? II ~<:> ~? ~~ 11., :L Il~<:>
.1 :Lt:==:l~[3] ~ Gk U ~ ~ ? ? ? ~~ 1 L:l~@ ;;:~~~ ?~ 1 <:> [2]+)fu

d )))) ~ [4] ~~ (t}~I[~~~<:> + =~ I L:l ! ) ) fu~: ~~

+ =~, L:ld ) ) +=~ 19t~ fTl~I L:l ) ) ) ) )~~ d @ Q ;; l ~~ 10

OPd - Q -'l E::5n ~~ ~ 0 IDt:::::=J ~ d /J" W ~

.Illi L-.~ _ L\..~ _r1L:l-. ri·i:z:L:l.o_ 1'6001 oM. IL:l<:::>~ ?( I 0<:>

'l.. + = ~'L:ld))))~[5] IIIII Rft ~ G<:» ) ):)) 1l <:> .ldll~

1h: ~ A ~ ))) ~~1\~)))ft ~ ~ d ~ ~::)))~ ~ d @;;: ~~~ d,) ~ ~
~ ~
M.@o=!!l!=o l<:>L:l90_® l ~
c.: [6] IllII ft ~~<:»
« n n <=> ;7 ~ Ar
) )4 1fJ... <:>

Q t:::::=J ~ ~ nn 1/ n ~ t ~ w= Il.- ffi~

)) )L\.. ~I oM.~f\...1 0@ ~~f:::;;!i'19<:>~II.) ) )xM.rr))) 0 rr ) ) ) _ ~ 15

@ 'jj;~~ )))) ~ [7] : II n ft ~G~<:» ):))1l <:>~~~Il~~~I~F d

1:.J fl <:> /J" {jJ (i) ~ Q t:::::=J ~ ~ Il.- ffi~ ~
:))il <:>_Et~) ) ~ )) 1J M.)))L\.. ~1 oM.~ 1 0 I.)))_~ M.
1/ [ill\.

@ jj;~~ I . )) 11 )))) 1~ t~ ! ~~ £ «:«:» <I : 1111 ft ~ G ~

II~f\...~),} ~ 'l..~{ ~ ~;l} 1+111+ ) t+ 0+=~ rr))~~ d

d@ 'jj;~~, )) 1 ))))~ [9] .111 ft ~L:l~~=II ~ij) ) ) ft'L:l~ 20
2-4 : Co lumn 3 has been divided into thr ee sub-co lumns; sub-co lumn line numbers [B, 1-4] and [C, 1-5]
unnumbered in J ANSSEN 20 04, I I 1) II 7 [1]: J ANSSEN (ibid., 112) leaves the sign between ps and ntr un-
transcribed; the hier atic appears to show a pr-house (cf. ibid., pI. 18), as trans crib ed above 11 19 [8]: Sic .,
rea d ps (ibid., 53, n. cf. be low, 160 , 19 [9].
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII, or VII), years 1-2. IX, 160

ll~))LJ ~~ e:lU ,,"-~:+ rrr+)++ 0+= ~~)))~~ 1

~~ d @ jl 9 l, o::d" d ) ) ) ) ~ [lO] .11 ft~lJ rl<:>{)) } O '"'; t )))

9 ;: 1 _ , )))x(d) ;;: ' LJ ~ Il U~ <:> :+rrr + )++0+=~I)))
~~d @)1!:t~ 9~1))))~ [11] III,' ft ~ri:~ LJ~ ~ W~ d@ l!:t ~

verso, column 4, lower half (P. Amiens, vs. IV):


l;t ))))~ [4] <I .111 ft ~~~ rr ~ e:l r ~ ( ))) e:l ~ : ) ) )ll-=,,~d
~ r~ ~ ~~
~) T~0~_r ILJI))))_~.M!..@9 0
Il-- (fj. ~ - ===I)))<:»)))
= .7
~ _r
~ ~~ 1m--;;\
l.l l ~

~ W~d@ ) f:;:t~9~ 1 _ , ) ) )x d;;:'LJ ~e:l U 7 <:>:+rrr

I I I 7 i1IJ 0 ~ ~ c=<» /l" ~ IJl Q m
: iii ft -=,,~ I ) ) )~<:>ElLJDr 1fl .M!..~8J.... ?i ['600 ) ) )L'- ~LJ. o
Cl c:::::;;;:::::>

e, [7] III III A mn(fj" <Cb. I @ tf [6] nnn A

0 <::> [5]
~ n~~ I I ~IIII II I 'I", ~ _ 1 ~_)) I ~ nn I I ))) ~ ~ 15

9 + ~ m0LJ LJ )~ ~W +7 <:> I )))~ ~e:l u : +rrr + )++0

.ll ft , m l ~ W ~ d ~ ~ I LJ I ) ) ) ) ~ ~ [lO]:llll ft ~ ) ) !f 20
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V,VII, or VII), years 1-2. IX, 161

verso, colu mn 5, upper half (P. Baldwin, vs. V):

1~ [4] III ;::::=:::"'II.c::o.. III ;::::=:::....c::o.. & &E5 1 I II "1C[3]

~ : n ft 10))* __ -: 111 ft 10))*__ -: ft:Et.2._ 1ft'=7III .E.

A [6] 1I I I n
I~ I ffi III n ft I 0 ;::::=:::"'
J J*
1 I I.c::o.. I
_ :
I I ;::::=:::....c::o.. [5]
ii i 0.1"* _ :ft III I 1 III fu
III -e ft '=7 III :Et

E5 n
_rlL"JI))))_~m @9
Ii-..- ... A - l IrB_el ))))L...c..
~ -<:> 9 - -
[]1I1919 o _ l ~ i i i n nnn
C> I ~ I I I


d-=-{))) } ~'L"J,)))~~d;:'~))))~ [13] II ft~ )))\ Il ~ _

+=~'L"J))))~~d@)))~ ))))~[14] : I ft_~~ml ~~ ))rt ~ t

, =d))))~ [15] ::: ft~~~~_:9L...b.~~mfu~ 9t~))rt~d

fA m~d~Il~0~~7 <::> + =~IL"JI)) )~~d~ )) )~_

t )))))~ [16] 11'1' ~[ _ _ ~JIL"J:~ )))97i.: :9[~~~m 20

8 [7]: JANSSEN 2004 ,56, n. 10, reads the title tentatively as 31W (?) njw, "quartermaster (?) of the pilot."
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V, VII, or VII) , years 1-2. IX, 162

./J ~n 0 1iJJ [ml /J" W ~ ~ I1- ffi~ [ ~l

~ _ r _ //tDEl ~J&l. ~ 0 <::>~~)))_~ ~Jd..

[ ···~JE m~d
verso, column 5, lower half (P. A miens, vs. V):

./J ~ ~n a;== 11-'" [4] '" n... I I I <:> [3]

~0~ _r l L":l I ))) 0 I))))_ ~ leplII lep,: i i nnnn ft un«: ~

c 5 /9 0 11- ffi., [9] 1iJJ [}J - [}J c 5 /9 r::::::r.

I oM.. _ IL":l I ) ) ) ) _ ~ II ftEl AJ"
~l\. ))) ®l\. ))POI oM.. ))) d..

:II ft ~)!?£ lci {t!)))PO~d ~ I L":l I )))) ~ ..ffi:[lO] : Ift ' Hnl~ ~))PO
verso, column 6, upper half (P. Baldwin, vs. VI): 15

/J" W /9 1& It. [4] IIII ==

&l. ~ ~ M.. <I .: II nnnn ~~~ ft _1.L":lrn<::>D..-.
: III ~ ft _I. L":J ~
0 -<:(h

IU~. L":lr &l. ~
0 n l /J" [6] 8 0 ffi
. ~ o~ M..
/9 I I I I
III n ft _1. L":l rnl &l.
-<:(h 0 /J" [5] 0 iV nF
~ // tDElI U
"=" III n nl /J" F nann /9 ~ ... .r
o [8] III n fr l.L":lr &l. ~_) L":l tlJl tD ~rr ea i:
0 0 0
,[7] IIII ftRJiI~ 20
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V,.VII, or VII) , years 1-2; R.V (?), year 2. IX, 163

verso, column 6, lower half (P. Amiens, vs. VI):


338. Ramesses V (?), year 2, Deir el-Medina: Donkey transaction

O. DeM 10088 (GRAND ET 2006a, 92-93, 282 ; HELCK 2002, 429; JA NSS EN 2005, 45;
POLIS 201 1, 395)

n& \L <>n'H lfi¥n_=

Q [3]
.l1. _ r :El 1 o ~ 1 1 1 _
I I J;! ==- AT ~ [2]
0 ~ /:JL 4. ~ I U II ==:::J 0 ) L:J r=-.I II °1
e r

:Ell. a_",="",_
~IL-. ~
Ill...--. f'\...
L "?"[5]
'i' _ 1=
~ - - JI nn
~'=7 @ I ~r r9..::n..
[4] & d.~..f=

1 [9]-6 [13]: The hieroglyphic transcription in J ANSSEN 2004, 118, 9-1 3, is incorrect, being a duplication
of signs from ibid., 114, 6- 10 (P. Am iens, vs. IV). The transcription give n above appears here for the first
time and was based on the photograph of the relevant section provided in ibid. , pI. 20 (with thanks also to
RJ. D EMAREE, for corrections at [9], pr t, and [11], r mb.t) 116 [13]: Transcription of the lost group p wr,
"broad beans," follows the tentat ive suggestion in J ANSSEN 2004, 62 II 21 [5]: GRANDET 2006a, 282 ,
transcribes the ebegroup incorrectly as ;::, (RJ. D EMAREE , personal com munication).
Dyn. 20, Ramesses V (?), year 2; (R.V , year 2-R.VII, end); R.V, (undated) . IX, 164


~~ ~[3]~~[2]~~[1 ]

339. (Ramesses V, year 2-Ramesses VII, end), Valley of the Kings:
Letter to the Chief of Police 5

o. BTdK 704 (DORN 20 11a, vol. 1, 435-43 6, vol. 3, pls. 588- 590)

340. (Ramesses V, year 4-R.IX, year 9), Deir el-Medina: Deliveries 10

O. DeM 879 (Grandet 2003a, 54-55, 276)

341. Ramesses V, (undated), Valley of the Kings: Painted trial piece,

five-fold titulary of R.V, incl. previously unattested nebty-name 15

O. BTdK 45 1 (DORN 2011a, vol. 1, 346, vol. 2, pls. 396-397)

[I] [2] [3]
m ~/1'1 ~
~ ~ ~
~ 0 111 ~~ ,
I'-.. ~~ 20
~~ ~ 00
~ ~ ft
<=> ::: ~~

+~~~. 0l~
0 111 1
~ ~ 11 ~
~ 71
8-9 [2.5]: Superscr ipt, above the end 0[[2] II 14-25 : Cf. VON BECKERATH 1999, 169-1 70.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses Vor later, undated) . IX , 165

342. (Ramesses V or VI, undated), Deir el-Medina: Record of payment

for several jobs
O. DeM 1007 1 (GRANDET 2006a, 73-75, 259-260)


~r~~t t][ ···][5][···J~~ ~ bl ~~9>l~ <:> =~~~ ~ l l lo

Ift = I~ :i g[ ~1[ "' J [6] [ " ' JUl:el~ III 0::1~ 1I C1~ Ift~~ :=: ~
/I /J"
~I<:>.&..l. ~ .&..l.
/J" /J" ~ [ ] [7] [ ] ~ Jr:.
'l!!!!J.&..l.?i ...
- 0 nn<:> II I ==> 0
... ~ ~ <:> ~ ~rrll.........£. 1110 _ 1 I
II ~_

[ "' J~ 9>~ ~ d ~ (D\= ~I1'~ 9> ~ 10


s: rn (D#~ J (D#!JJ ~ I I==- /I g /J" ~ ® J

[ ... [1]
1'<91 :El9>
[2] [ ...
0 ~ t\.. 0 ~1
.ill1\ <:> b.l.. .&..l. ~ Il......t 9> c:::::':J _

.&..l/J". ~ .~ /J" ~ !JJ

~ .&..l. ?i t\..
9> lJr:. - n[ ~ J[3]1~£)
~ <:>~~ r ~.. .
I 1ll.........c.. 8
0 '="' - ~
o)!.<:> .~ ~ ~ 0

~ ~9>l~ <:> =~~ ~ ~ Iftld.[···][4][ ···Jft9>dd" ~~~I~ d" ~

~11 0 ::' ~ 1I C1~I \ \~~~g[ ~[" 'J[5]["'J ~ I~g[Uld" 15

[ ···J !~9>c:5 ~ft f9t ~ ~ !4 ( I ~d"rd" ~[··· ][6][ ... ] ~<:> =~~~
I ft~~ ~~ ["'J[7]
343. (Ramesses V-IX, undated), Thebes: Letter from the builder of the
temple of Amun-Re concerning an abducted maidservant and child

P. BM EA 750 15 (DEMAREE 2006 ,7-9,34-3 7; SATZINGER 1994 ,233-235 ; 20

WENTE 1990, 129-130, no . 154; NAVAILLES and N EVEU 1988; EDWARDS 1982)


18-21 ff.: For the date, see also WINAND 1995 , 197-1 98.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses V-IX, undated). IX, 166

recto: 1

IIUd~ ~ if- d:+111+ ::-.+0+ = ~ Ic-=l _ ~ )~=~ [2] frr1f'~

d~+ 9+~ ~l+=~~It'[3]~9 o:+iIT+::-'++0+= ~~
@ ~ 6'..:::a.. 1V~ <::>[4]r 81 0~ 1 ~ <:> d ~ ~ .,=a=,,-nd ~ ~- td
1=))'J.. 'C7 =o rJD ~ .{flr "=71 L 'I~.{fl r~~
l o.{fl~f\... 9 1 ~ E.. r li: 5

~ =~ ~ d 1C"{~} ,~[5] ~~ ' ~ ~~~ 'o~~ _ lrr 9 ~6~ 'o~~rr ~ 9~

i:)~~i:! nn ~ [6]~Il~(tJ. ~_~~ ~ 9~fr~ 9~ ~ o~ ~~ Il~

dd ~~ [7] 1I:Jl~ 9bl d 9 ~ ~~9o ~'~ 9~=: 9~ 9 ~i: ~ A

~[8]~ d~ ~ II :Jl !~~~ ~~bl1 r::~=~~~ ~ 9bl
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bl~ ~ 9L.J. ~~=~~~1I bl~ ~ l~ ~~~ I~I~~
0 10

A ~- A~1V<::> g ~ d II A ~~-<::n..-
~r "=7l 9L.J.~rE..~8:l. ?i 9 ~ 1 <::> ~ r lll...-. //<::> iii9r"=7lI= :9 r
~-~- ~[9] 0
~ 1

~~ DIUl 9~~~~ 1~I Ul 9 o~ cr'd ~I~ ~~ ~d K~ 9~ [10] ~~

;:rr ~9 +~ ~ ~ :Jl = ~ bl r~~fi{ r:: ~ 9~~ ~ Ubl~ [1I]~(
:Jl ~ rr ~~ 9~ ~ ~~9ol A ~9~ = ~ ~ [12] ~9 ~= ~(t' )) ~ _
_ ~9 ~'fij fi{ ~ )l )Ul'@ ) ) )D~ [13] '0 bl ~<::> ::::)~<::>~~~II 15

X c, --. t:::=:J[I,~O{1V}~ ..f[14]~ ~ Cl ~

.,=a=,,90 _ : d.,=a=,,9 or n~ E.. r =o d D......4- 9 ~)
t 9 -<::n..A
~~ &E5~
Cl<::> ~ r 1=E.._r
• ~~ -<::n..A ~~ <dl!=<::> 4f ~
f\...rlt9o<::>~r 1= 9 0 ® =- <::>
® [15]-· l -A ~ -~ iYr A~ -
lJ!i f\...) )Ul 'C7l~r:D......4- 9~ ) ~ ~r:
c-=lD~ L~bl~ c-=l90 ~ d [16]~ 9~~~i ~~~ :Jl ~~ ~ bl d~ 9o9 ~
n~~ ~ ~ ® n<::>- ® [17] cr _n- ~ ~ Cl ~ ~ <::>~~ I ~..{} d.
~~ iii nr~ ~AW~ ~ ~l9 r ~ 0 0 _

ollrrd =o <Q..<::> o '1_: 9<::>

r ' C7Z:J ~~~r@~Ri
I Jil._oc.. . rrut: =:f:;i~:!&//~ IJ; 20
Dyn. 20, (Rame sses V -IX, undated); Ramesses VI , years 1-2. IX , 167


A n!!I~~~~~~~~'3T-IIIA ~ n A-..::n..Lf ~<=>~ [ l ]

lli:lrlll t::::£f.:t;l ~ · ~~~~~~ _ lli:l/l o U/:tL o <:> '=" ~£\... )<:>

/}" ~n{ 1}{}n .-i~ /}"L-.9 0 ~<=> l {}J~: ~ r~nn /}" ~[2]
~ G¢. r _ r '=' 1= .$))) ~ 'l.. ~Ui ~ 1[\ o@ _9 =9 't IL-H r ~ G¢.

[Jl~ ~t= ~LJ ~~9t~9g[ cl~ ,~,~ ~ ~/I g[~ d.9 ~[3]~~
- fi.. 9 0 ~I 0 n0 n{ ~1 n e, ~~ nClZ:J nnn /}" ~ n[4] <=> 5
: 9 o_ ~ Uii 9 c='!ll!:or ~<::> o'l L..4- 9r _ Ui \~ 9r <=> o 'irr ~ ?{ 9r 1'0 c='!l !:o

L ( (9 <::>~ =~ <::> ~ )l ) Ul.$ ) ) )D ~~~Ug[~d.[ 5]I~f <::>

® ~n ~- At..::n.. A n- X ~ c='!l !:o ~ t I -- c='!l !:o <::> 9 0 ® [6]
-4? ~ Ui 'I~ Ui ~ E.. 9) <::> lli:lr: c='!ll!:o 9 0 _I I 19 <::> ~ l it 9 0 @ ~ <::>

344. Ramesses VI, year 1, Valley of the Kings: New fr agment of the
accession ostracon of R.VI, supplying the previously unknown day of 10
accession and name of announcing vizier

o. BTdK 660 (DORN 20 11a, vol. 1, 152,41 2-4 13, vol. 3, pls, 535- 537; idem 20 11b)
+ O. BM 50722 and O. Ca iro CO 2572 6 (KRIVI, 364, 1-9)

g[rtfL~;;7;[4][ ... J ~~~ )~L:J~g[~ _L:J Q 9 d. ~ g[ ~ [3] 15

d. ~'[6] ~!t[I~ I F 4 = ~ 7 ~~m 0 ~ 4 = ~ [5] [··· J 0 ~ '7 r:;~ K

etc. (see KRI VI) ~ _= 4 ~ I
345. Ramesses VI (?), year 2, Deir el-Medina: Letter from a scorpion
charmer to the necropolis scribe concerning missing water rations

O. DeM 10248 (ORANDET 2010,129-131 ,355-35 7) 20

[ ~ [2]L:J ~ g[ ~ ~~ A~ _~o ~[ ~J[l]

~~~ ~~~ [ ..J[3]4 1 14 1'7~~ 4 III 4 ~~4~4=~4

Dyn. 20, Ramesses VI (?), year 2; (undated) ; Ramesses VII (?), year 5. IX, 168

<::> Ul_1 0~ [ ··· ] [5] ["' ]~ ~1l ~<::>=]J ...][4][ ''' ~ ~ d" ~ ~!}

~ ~ ~~~ [7]~dl-; i ~~ 9. ~ ~ 1~ ~l~ +~~ [ ..][6][ "' ] 9 l 9 ~ 1 0 9

o ==
9ln90- A - n~n[8] c, 890 L -~ 0 ~
r «::::71 !.l:;l. r <::> II 9 -e <::> ~ «::::71 _ 11 19 <::> L\... ~ UlL I
0 0
<::5 0
I 1
1rn0 ~8

)) )~ ~o=! ~~~ 9D9ld.@ 1 ~ ~D~ [9] 90~ -r- 4 rl&~90 rl& ih

10)) * II /Jl... «
~ /}" ~ ~ 0 00 A /}" ~ -[1O] ~
UlL lepl\ I ffi /Jl... « ~ 0 5

346. Ramesses VI (?), undated, Valley of the Kings: Trial sketch of a

Hathor-cow, including a note regarding work on "the cult images of
the Dual," under authority of the vizier

O. BTdK 255 (DORN 20 11a, vol. 1,298,4 11-412, v. 2, pIs. 230-231 , v. 3,532-534)

recto, column to the right ofthe Hathor-cow : recto, column above the Hathor-cow : 10

recto, column to the left ofthe Hathor-cow:


347. Ramesses VII (?), year 5, Deir el-Medina: Offerings dedicated

on the occasion of various festivals

O. DeM 10269 (GRANDET 20 10,148-152,3 74-3 76)

recto: 20

+lL- ~ICPI\ ~ ~dC~9~ [3] [ ... ]Il ~ <::> L\...dK i' ~ [2] [ ... ] ~~ [1]
I{~}lr== ~[ ~[5][ '''] L\...°~ A =: + +~ l t+[D E~)[4][ . . J
Dyn. 20, Ramesses VII-(?), year 5; (undated). IX, 169

90[7][ ... ]O~ ~ g

IG ~ _5 o ~
I ==a="
IJl n-
n 5 9 ~~0[6][ ... ]~
f6005 r 12-
X = . C:'-...,$
?< ~~ ==a=,, _=»9 ~ ==a=,,? 1

n III 01. [9] [ ... ] I I I..01

_ II ED r
~ I I I Ie:-e Ii.n.. [8] [ ... ] ~ Aqd ~ II nI n g
0 lr ,1)))01/ r y 9 M.. ~ I I ~ '9 b..l. lJl _ = A
1 I ILl

l lev o ~1gr;==~ ~
[11][ ... ]~I= ~ \1. /III=~ ~ ~[1O][ ...] Ci a
xl =» 0 W II =» 0 uru r
fiJ 90 _

[ "']15/_
- ~ l gU [1 4][ ... ] ~ X C:'-...,$
0 ~
0 C:'-...,$~lg[ 13]
Ill-...t~ ~ OI Ol\..~ 0 ~ 5

[ ... ]~
[17] [ ... ] "Jqd n[ ~ [16] [ ...
~ oll ~r
- 0 7[;L [15]
~ o~9


~~ ~ btU [3] 11111:: 115 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1[.. ·] [2] [ ... ] ~ bt~~~~ 1_["'] [1]

348. Ramesses VII (?), undated, Ramesseum: Doorjamb usurped from 10
a private monument, re-inscribed with a royal dedication

TC 10. 1002.Gr-67 + TC.1002.Gr-68 (LURSON 2012)

original, partially erased private ins cription (single column p artially p reserved):

new royal dedication: 15

[1] [ ... ] ~C7~C 1°~ ~J ~ ~ Ci ~m = I I~J~[ ]

[2] [ .. · . ~ ~ C 1 °~ ~J ~ ~ Ci ~m = I I~J ~[ ]
10-17 : Symmetrical counterpart to broken doorjamb excavated at Deir el-Medina and naming Ramesses
VI as the posthumous ben eficiary of the monument 's inscription, for which see KRi VI, 388 , no . 7, with
additional references, and see also KITCHEN 1982, 123-124 ; according to LURSON 2012,3 00 ,304, both
jambs mus t ha ve der ived originally from the same private monument, erected originally in the vicinity of
the Ramesseum .
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IX, years 4. IX, 170

349. Ramesses IX, year 4, Deir el-Medina: Journal mentioning 1

tomb robbing, vandalism, sexual misconduct, and theft of rations

P. Milan RAN E 0.9.40 126 + P. Milan RAN 0.9.40128, recto (DEMAREE 2010,56-62
and pIs. I-Ia; TIRADRITTI 1999, 134)

column 1, lower half (upper halflost): 5

0))L"J ~ I I 11 [~[4] +)~L"J1L"J!) 0 ~ =~L"J~L"J~=a

+ = ~ ~rn ,~+ F bl~=a_RR<:»LJ_
column 2, upper half: 10

IJl @ /}" ~[3]

f600 _L"J<:>bl. ~
=:::J 0 )DZ:J ;:=:"'1
1 1 1~1
® ~
~ [ ...] [2] 0
_ :U
_ / 0

t[~~ _ L"Jbl Lt~ It d ,~, ~[ ···][4] [ "'] )L"J~ ~! ~ 1 d )~

,f1i,7~= _ + ?~[ ... ][6] d <:») ~~ l~ [ oo. ] [5] [ oo.] ~!

o ~ ~ i£7

11 .[ ~ a: [oo. ] [9] ~: HJ oo. ] [8] 2 1D L d~ [ oo. ] [7] i£rnblt e e,

[ oo' ] = ~ ~+~ bl ~ 9 blU ~ [.oo ] [lO] [oo '] 2DZ:J 11 111;1_ 15

column 2, lower half:

@J~bl~![2] [ ,oo] ~ _ 8l ~~bld~~~~ bl~I[l]

[_ _ J ;:~~ g ? ~<> [...JIn ?~~~ ~~ ~ A ij ~g «r:

~ t: = ~ ,f1i, [~lf1i,~d 9 ~ [ 00' ]R R ))))+ ) 0 ~ =~) bl ~

!:t ~~:: ~ ~ :9~ 1~<>~8l d~:9~ ~8l~~ ~ ~bl~ ~A 20

3-4: For th e verso, which dates to year 9, see doc . 352, below II 12 [4], end: (M3c.t-Rc)1 is an atte sted
abbrev iat ion of M n-M3c.t-RC, the throne name of Sety I (DEMAREE 20 10,5 8, n. 13); cf. 17 1,2 [4], below .
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IX,_year 4. IX, 171

+=~~_+ ~+Fijg[~ _ ~ ~ 9~~'JrI~~!t[=~

~ 9~+ l ~_i(, ~+F g[~ <::>f(~~cQ~L~~~r::g[~! [5]
;;:;8ld~~~r::8l~! [6] ILJ~~~8l~1 ~ ,~~) Lr<::> ~

o 0 ~9r _LJ'i' ell_III 9_t\.... 1<::>1-I IL_LJ<::>~?(

n @1L...£.
~ : ll......c. t:! 0 gw
'=7 /JrJl
f::;;:i: II
.-r~ fbill
@ ~~

ll _ ~ )~~ll r: ~ ~1_~ ~ ~1l~~~ r::g[~! [7] L d ~

m~~~r::~~ 8l~! [8] =..:~m o~~~~f4=~i1 9tE~ ~
iive:-e iiv t
_E.JJ<: :> III ~g w ll......c. tJ ~
« E.)O0 -€i3. ~ :l':2 lo ell cF'J)U_E.<::>0_@lo
-(1 _ 0 A/~ ~I---+-i

LJ~8l~!~ Aij cF'J)~= ~f41.!1l ~ ~~ Am<_> [9]

® !JJ ~ ~- c:::;;;::::> ~<::>4hA ~F
?( .-
gW!ih. [10]
~ )o _cF'J) r ",=,, ~rr I I I 1c=) <:>~rI <::5~ 10

I!lt~~ ij_i(~~~t~~ [~r::g[U! [11] ~ ~9 8l ~~I~

s.,« 0 1},( ~~ ~ ~o~ ~ <:>~ g .r [ ~ gW ~c:5Q

E.J<::>il_ ~) O 0 _ r l I I I ~ I I I C= ~ ~ G¢. LJ ~J~ « .-) 0 I

~)~ ~ 9 ~ ==~ 0 ~~ )A_J~i(7 d ,1¥,7~ ,1¥'~ 9~i(~ ~9!:

LJ~~!g[! 15

column 3, lower half (upper halflost):

/t1\ [3] o : /0<::>
__ u )))Q: .lld
LL_Y' 10Q/I • m
t1\ [2] [ " 'J ~ Q ===
~LL __ :::J:::J 0.) LJ [... J[1]
+ =~'LJS2j LJ_ == 0)LJ ~ IIII ~ 1_11 ft~6:::::jf,o ~
o ~ u LJ n
~ ~~
I Irno_
0 0 ~ -<::I:h = ~ ~ ~ [4]
_I 1

=l /o<::>r--_nLJ_~LJtl.Jh:l)))<::> 1

01 nnn ~ <::>-
)_ ===:::J 0 _ c::::::J II III I ED r_ nn ~~ . _ n .) ooz::JLrrlrB_
-<::I:h 0 ~~~ -<::I:h ~~ [5]

2 [4]: DEMAREE 20 10, 60, suggests plausibly th at (Mn-R c) [ probably represent s another abbreviated variant
of the thro ne nam e of Sety I, for which cf. 170, 12 [4], above II 9 [9], beginn ing: Sic ., dittography .
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IX, years 4 and 8. IX, 172

A ~ [7]
o ILioIE 7TI!l!1

?? A
7 rUI I I I nnn
I" I

350. Ramesses IX, year 8, Deir el-Medina: Journal mentioning

work and inactivity of the gang, arrival of the Meshwesh,
a payment to the Rebu, et al. 5

P. Milan RAN E 0.9.40127, recto (DEMAREE 2010, 67-70 and pls. III-lIla)

=4F 8l~[ ...][3]

column 1:

L:J~ 8l ~ [
column 2:
..][2] L:J~8l~[ . . ][1]


.tf -- ~ IJ nn c::::::: 111lI: all == /l"w

'r1~ )),=" ==:::J 0 ~
r==.. IIII
" IIII e r
[14][ ... ] ~
a f\... \U.l rr _ I ~ _ ='"'=o bi. ~

I [5]: DEMAREE 20 10,5 7, reads the final groups tentat ively as ¢J.t(7) 7 Y, II I [6] and [7] : DEMAREE (ibid.)
reads the init ial gro ups in each line tentatively as "weight for supplies (7)" (i.e. fsy spdw, for whic h see
LESKO 200 2, vo l. I , 163 , and vo l. 2, 34) II 3-7 ff.: The top left of the M ilan fragment, recto, joins dire ctly
w ith P . Turin 2074, recto , for which see KRl VI, 608-609, and HELCK 2002 , 488; the verso includes
fragments and traces of quantities of goods, plu s a few asso ciated names and tit les , for wh ich see DEMAREE
20 10, 7 1- 73, pIs. IV- IVa, and TlRADRl TTI 1999, 133.
Dyn . 20, Ramesses IX,_year 8; (year 8 or later) . IX, 173

~LJ ~blU! ~g W~d~ D\\\\+)~ [.~ ~g[U d

~ [~l @
) )) n n
/}" ~ ~ !JJ ~
J<:>b.l.. ?{UlLl\. .,=e=,, ) ,=, == -
~ 0
~""' 1 1 1 1 0 1 [ 1 5] [
0 II 1111 ® r
] n
... ~)) @_

I11I 01 [ 1 6] ~ j"<:> n: 0 .L 0 o...-..---,- p /l" ~ 0 nno...-.. l' /9.d

1111 er ~ " II r _LJ7LJ0 d
"-I b.L ?{ _

orr <::>d_I<:>.b7L ~

~ ~~ blU~d +)3~LJ~blU d~.,=e=,,))i ~~ ~ 0~~

If) ~ &!JJ ~ n IIII nnn ~ & n~ 5
[ ... ] J},I) ) @_I o E..l\. _r 1111 nnn I o E.. r '='

351. (Ramesses IX, year 8-Ramesses XI, year 9), unprovenanced:

Payments for coffins, woodwork, and beer

O. Berlin P 12405 (DeMO)


. [2] _ iL :::!~ ~~? ))))~C7 9~~~~[1] 10

o nn ~ ~ I ..--¥. ~..::n. 1 I;l ~ [3] 1V II ~ l'l- n /}" ~

I I 11 0. n O _ ~ .'It-K nnnn 0 __ . J :1 o E. .,=e=" UlL V II ~ b.l.. «
I\5l~Q ~QI LlK[4] pnnnn ~
I Inn - II ~
~U_l o.1 lIo ~rr £. .,=e=,, ) ) nnn 0 _ 1 I IIQ, .,=e=" III 0 _
/l" ~.,=e=,,<:> lL....A <:> [5] nn ~..::n. 1 gn III n~ &!JJ
9 ~ b.L ?{ 9 0 @ 0 <:> n 0 _ _ . ~) )VI I I o l ¥ _ E.J\.. ) ) )


verso :

o ~ III I F Ifl ~ g[4] ~ ~

IIII Q,_ I II.l 5))I C:u ..-.5 ) ) )o)l,
~g I
. _ .~~)I, r=7
[3] 1111 ~
II .~rnlfu
IIICJ _ 20

10 [1] : The determinative of mnjw is not visibl e in the photograph at DeMO and the tra nscriptio n of the
sign at that same site is likewi se illegibl e (a kneeling or cro uching figure?); the striking man sugge sted
tent atively abo ve reflects th e wo rd's norm al orth ograph y.
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IX, year 9. IX, 174

352. Ramesses IX, year 9, Deir el-Medina (?): Journal recording work
days and inactivity, deliveries, etc., for royal tomb construction

P. Milan RAN E 0.9.40126 + P. Milan RAN 0.9.40128, verso (DEMAREE 2010,62-67

and pIs. II-IIa; TIRADRITTI 1999,132,134)

column 1, lower half (upper halflost): 5


!!i 0~ ~ ~~ [1O] !!i 0 ~ ~ ~~ f}.J ~ - - ~

1 ~ il-.:=J 1~ ~ ) "=" == 0
0 0

I I I 0 0 I I I I il-. === 0 0 I l\.. 0

f}.J.-l ~~ f}.J .-l ~ ~ [11] f}.J .-l ~~

l\..~)"=" = :=J 0 0 I l\.. ~ ) "=" =:=J 0 0 I l\.. ~ ) "=" I:=J 0 0 I

t ~)i. = =:=J0¥1 t ~)~ ~:=J0¥1 [12]

column 2, upper half:

/I AU n ;JIJl r:3 ~
L..-Ui ·H ~ f!'OO .o1 o Ui t:\... ...
[J [2] nnnn ~/nm r @ r:3 ~ [ J[l]
nnnn ~~ I o ~ l l m 9'1= _ .01 o Ui ... 15

~~~~~~~Aij .o ~d.~d.4~~ ["·J [4] [ ...J[3] [ '''J g[ ~ ~~~

L:J~£'t[ I[...J[7] ,~,7H J[6] .. [ ...J == :=J [ ...J[5] [ ... ~~

~~~~IffiJt [ . . J [8]
column 2, lower half:


3---4: For the recto, which dates to year 4, see doc . 349, above 11 16 [4], begin nin g: Restore [... B3k-n ]-Mw.t
(DEMAREE 20 10,63)1120 [1]: For [P3] wrS, cf. fo llow ing line (thus, also ibid.).
Dyn . 20, Ramesses IX,-year 9. IX , 175

. /l" ~ 0 Il, ~f}.J . .tf ~ "=-' I 1 10 1 [3]

b1... ?( .-=ll90LJu'UlLl\.~) )~ 1=>0 0 II l l l ® r
:' ~J.&/~~
_ UlL"'rEt _~

' 0) czz::J~blU LJ ~ blU! ~ A W_ ~I~<::>Rd ~ [4] LJ ~

~I\I£ !9KblI 9 <::> ~d ~ ,~ ! ~ Aft d7W;;:blU <<::» [5]
Atf}.J E5 n rd. /l" ~ @ /l"f /9 ~ o [l U-
I C> ~ ..=-. 10 1 [6] I I
Ell\. _rI0) c::zz::::J<:>b1... -c 19.1'...b1... lk 'i..<::>11 I I IT bl,...... = => 0 0 II l i i ED r

column 3, lower half (upper halflost):

!!i 0[1,
C> ~
II I IT tfl-.
==>=> 0 0
= ~..=.. [6]
!!i 0[1,
C> ~
II I IT tfl-. ==>=> 0 0
_ ~..=.. [5]
!!i 0[1, C>

II I I IT tfl-.

~~=fu:l: rl&~~~~ ~~blU ! (fA.;:~:l_~I~ <::>R~~

~ ~d4LJ~blU ! ~ A W IJ ~ dR [7] [ "'J ~~d:D=a~)¥/
~J = ::J ::J 0 0
~;="' I 1101 [8]
II iii ® r
2AJ . &J E5 n~
]V)\'\' _r ~) o ~[
~J ~ rd. /l" ~
~ ~1 0) c::zz::::J <:>6!L « ~~ 20

3 [5] , beginn ing: Prepos ition om itted (restoration fo llow ing DEMAREE 2010, 63) 1120 [7]: DEMAREE (ibid.,
pI. IIA) tran sc rib es the /:ltp sign as a book ro ll (fo r the present transcrip tio n, cf. ibid., p. 64 and pI. II).
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IX, year 9; (Ramesses IX-XI). IX, 176

~ d ~ 1}{9 + ~ (ti ~ )O ~,CP,#~ , & ~ d 9 ~ c-=l ~ II ~ ,~, 7 ~ d" ?L 1

d~~ ~et:9~ =~=/1 ~l=l~et *d[9][~~Q~

III e r[10] [ " 'J ~~ ? - /}"
~ll-...t IJ-IJ1.... UlIJ1....
t\. ~ UL t1 ~ 9r ~~ ~
~ [ ~J
/a ~
4. - -
'#l,....... == =>=> 0 ~
_ V'V'V':="' [11 ]
0 II III~I &119l\... AI 91111 bl,....... == =>=> 0
(])do I
@ JJ.J O ~ a
- -
0 II

353. (Ramesses IX-XI), Deir el-Medina (?): Letter

concerning a herdsman wishing to assume child care duties for a
woman, after the death of a wet nurse

P. Berlin P 10497 (SASEK 2002; BURKARD and FISCHER-ELFERT 1994,67-68)

recto: 10

~. ~6_ [ '''J a ~ 1}{90 [3][ "'J~Ql~~ t I!l [2] [ ... J @} ~ ~ [1]

:~~ [ "' Jm~oTI[4]~ [~~5~~~~

=0 ~~[.···J ~~[5] ~ ~ II~ 1}{~II~ c:=.d~
___a __ ~ )l~~[m"'J [6]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ <>~:::1
[ ... ] [8] ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ::: I ~I ~ l : ~ ~ t ~f!1 ~ J[ ."· ][7] ~~~_ 15

["' J[9]~ 9+~+l:+rrr+~++0+=~~+~~ ~ d~

~~W&"-~ [ . .][10] <>!~ rA e,~~:::1d~~~ II ~:9~~~
[_ cs r»:w_11n(L~'1LAl ~(f-~
[''' J[l1] O''- A Al l<=> Al ~ /I Al :x:::x ~
0 1 O=!ll!= ~ '1L fu '1L r =!Il!=)J!a'1L ~9c:5 UL

= o~~ ~~~_m [13]C!JI~A~ ~\9o !. l lI ~ <> 9~ \ 20

~~~mm[14]~!~ 0~~~ ~~~ ~'LJd ,~,~III_~~~

16 [8], end: SABEK 2002, 76, transcribes Mut's name incorrectly as ~g!; cf. photograph at ibid., pI. 15.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IX-IX). IX, 177

4f~ I~[ ...][15]~ 9 0~ ~~~ 9 0 ~ ~ Ho~ ~ ~~1D9l 4f~~ ~ ~9 ~

~~ ... ] [16] I LJ bl ~ ~~ d ~ ~ d ~ d ~ /~ ~ ~ ~ ~

:~ [ . . ] [17]i7i~@}~ \\ 6 f=~8l~ d4i(~~ 9~~ -:~~

~ 9~~ ... ][18] ~ 4f~ ~ :2:~ ~:1~"; t~~ )) ) ~ ~~~ blU d

U ~[ . .] [19] Tr~~ g[~~~~9~'~ '~~d ~~~ ~2 ~ ) ~~ ~ ~ 5

~ [20]A ~ = A ~
.& ll&JI I Ill&.r L c:L ~
..(J E':5 ~ @ ~ A II ~ [ 1 9] ,.!.,[1 9 .5] ~~c:5g ~
_-==,"I Cl_r<:> E1. Ui ~ <> u.........t ~ '/..//£

4f ~ 9 0d ,f!(.,~d ~~ ~d ~d~ ~~~ Il~ ! } 8l~~r48l~

~ ~~~~~I<:>~blr~ 9 0d~Ml~~ILJg[~~~ [21]
~ II A 0 (f _<:>-~(f _ ~'-'if ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ J~[22] @ ~
<:>o ~Ui =C( L:7~1I1 9 0 L:79rlI o~~~L..I-rr£~ r ~r _1<:>
~~ i(9 ~ ;;: 8l ~di( ~ ~ ~~2~~ -:t d~[23]~9~i(~ 10


t ~ ) LJ4f ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;:g[ U d m ~[ ···][2] ~ H ~9~ 1.

~~~mJ\ ~~ ~ [~ ][3] &
~~Cl..@;~ 11£ ?( <:>~ ~. .. J&9r~'C7 '-' ~ ~
0 110 ~
£ « _I I 1
9£~ 15

~~~ e d o ~ ~! ~~ o~ [ ...] [4]~~~1<:>~1 ~! ~) ~ ~1 <:>~ ~

A ~ &~ L
ll&.rJ&~~_<:> L:7~
@ (f - I7 [
...][5] ~DJ 9I1r~ {l\lL:7"J.. ~
II <:> n<o- l
@ 0 190) _
~ AA n
d - 011
~ Uill&.D........ //

d~tJ~~ 9 0 [ ... ][6]blU <:>~dK ~ ~@.~I~d~9~1~

~~~~..][7]m~~d~tZblr 4f ~~"~~ 9~ d~

Illm.··· ][8]~~@.~8lU@.d 9r& ~.9+1. 9~ ~d 20

6 [19.5],1 3 [1.5] : Superscript additio ns.
Dyn. 20, (Ramesses IX-XI); Ramesses XI (?), (year 12 or later); year 19. IX, 178

~~9~1~_~ [··· ] [9]:9~!~ ~~~1<::>~1 ~~~ 1

4~d. [1O.5]~~d"I~I O& [ . .][10] _9~~ 4h~~ 1l~~B

<::> [11] 1~1 ~ ;Z _ ~~~::~~~9)t~~9~[10 ]~~~~ d"-r'

~ [ ~~l ~
~II " ' ~ oor

354. Ramesses XI (?), (year 12 or later), Thebes: Letter from the chief 5

of Pharaoh's archers to a priest, requesting twenty pomegranates

P. BM EA 75023 (DEMAREE 2006, 25-26 and pls . 25-26)

~ d.~II Il ~ ~,~F[3] _~l t )~~£ [2]~1<::>?~ ~~~~ [1]

'=7 U Il ~ +)))~+~ [5]~~ld.~ ltd.+ ~+~[4].!

o 'L - II ~~ [8] _ n 'i; A7~",? [7] ~ II L
ad h:[r rrl" 81 0[6]
1I10o)[jll<::>1I n E. 9
O _ 1l-,.1= )[jll=)
;;;;. ~) ~ '=7 10

)))ull~d.:9o!<::>~f(9[1O]~~Il~L\... \ 9o ~ l ~ d. ~ [9]

= I ~ ! ~ .-=ll9 ~ ~ [11]
355. Ramesses XI, year 19/ Renaissance year 1, Thebes: Report on
thefts from Karnak temple, perpetrated by the chief doorkeeper

P. Rochester MAG 51.346.1 (GOELET 1996) 15


~d"~ Lld"~ d + =~H=-~_ fi 9 Deb/~[3] 1~1 :5 ~ )~ ~ ~ :

.r A rrl" II A7<::>r yn' - ' [4] lrr--I
A3 Fff"I _ T10rr--_r
r A3
_~r ~'IJ )1=L\...o@h:[.-=ll=,",= 'III
~o n ~ I 0 E:5~ c=:3>
U 0 I _ ="'-

~~~~(ti~))WJ£_~~~[jld!J~[5] I~ !~d"~_~~ 20

d"~t:fll~ _1!k1l~'!!.1l~[6] !+1lI :-t+0+=~I~_

2-3 [10.5]: Superscript addition.
Dyn. 20, Ramesses Xl. iyear 19 / Renaissance year 1. IX, 179

Il~ dl1~.~~Jd~I~ [7]: D ~;;:+ [~ 6 )+~t::+~~_+~

~a ~ ~~~ a~ ~}~ [8] :+iIT+ ~t+ 0+ ~~ ~ 1l ~ Ll

~ 0 /}"
_~/ -=dllf.l..._ d 0
Lon n [9] I•,=...
ll.........c-_ ""'"=rll~ I
'0 ,=...
~ g nii\ 0 nn
II _ l o<::> llm c=!!l!=or'l~

~ ~
?i .~I~ /1M.
/l" ~
« ~ 1 1'9
__ I.ur?r?r?UU/0
/I 8 AnlS /~_f" [1 7] II
n ./L- ,2. .b7L ' 1I I I~ III 10

~t_~~11';::!- l d~_ ill~Il~ [18]+~ Il ~ ~ 1l

it' 9tl.+ =~_+[ 9 0~ ~ l ~ l ~d~[l9]+ [ ~ L l d A)

/}" ~ [21] I ~ r @ ~ ~ 8 [20] A==;),c:5 ~ A /I A
M. ?i . ~T_~ t 9 0_ 1lr / ,2. p~ ~ .b7L~;;[~1 o.b7Lc=!!l!=oUl

1.+ 9t~_I.+[Il~ _1.+~t!+O ~~ ~ _ ,.)1o ~~ ~f( '~

+ 9t!!.._+[Il~ _t! lS ~ ~~ L l ~~~ [24] 1.+I '7_+[Il~ _
.a ,=...,2.8lL....:.ri~,=...o _ 0"","= r~ n'Ir;;mn [25] I•,=... '0 ,=... I '='" '0 r?r?r?'='"
_ I•,=...I _ ~ I / 0 I _ • I / oU Uu I _
Dyn. 20, Ramesses XI, year 19 / Renaissance year 1. IX, 180

column B: 1

~ j ~[2] 4[~ ll d A) ::-' t _ rfu. :: ;;: ~l d ~ _il , ' Il ~[1 ]

~ ~ ~~ ~ ~[3] 1.1 I~ ~ _ 4 9t~_[Il~_(tJ~~~ ~l l1_D~~~

[5] I• ~ I' q<=' IJl ~ ~
III 11-.."._1 1 19 il100I-",-I~ <::>m= 1 I II G
[4] I• ~I I 0o UUU
r'(r'(r'( ~

::_ 4=~ _~Il ~~ ~ 61l~ ~d 4==,/f 1l~ [8]1.

8 An II - A AT ~[ lO]11 1 0 A~ Jr8 0 [9] ~ nn
~ i:fI1.. l l ~c=J I err. /:f1.... « II I .G ~ I I l~i:fI1.. [l-.H~ ~I I II G Y'" -rr
== -<::>JNINNN\ @ l nf3 II AJ.~ AT ~[ll] III [l, /I
== tfll ~lI o"'C"""C'Cl II LJd" ll-- i:fI1.. T_I*bl.... «
Cl 0 0
r'( r'(~
[1 3] I•UUU
r'(r'(r'( 0 ~
I 0 III _
r'( r'( 0 ~ D nn [12]- ~ nn -
I 0 11 111 _ "'r"'CI1 ~ r II ~ : Y'" rr 9 0 * 10

_I J ~ ~ I~~ ~ I _ [14]I J~ I I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _I. ~ I I~~ ~ ~ _I J~I~

~ 0 I' [15] I r'(r'( 0 r'(r'(~ I•~I 100 ~I _ I•~I 100 UU
_ I• I 1 0 . UU/ o UU I _
Il......,.._ III

IC._I J~~ I~J ~ _ [16] IJ~ I~~ ~ ~ _1.1 I~ I _I. ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ I

d~=*Il~ [18]IIII ~d:::"II ~::!~ 61 1. ~ ~[17]I J ~/~

1.1 I~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~~~~[19] ~ d~ ~} ~ d~ ~~~~~~_~ l 15

II _
I• ~I 100 ~
II _
r'( r'( r'( 0 ~
0 I _
[20] I•~I 100 ~I _ I•~I I 0o UU
r'( r'( ~
I _

I~ ~ ~ I _I. ~ ~~ I~ ~ _I J I~~ ~I _ [21]IJ I~ ~ _I. ~ ~ I I~ ~ ~

[23]I. 1111/00
~ ~ I eeer>
0 ~
111 . UUU 1/ 0
I 0 r'( I 0 [22] I. UUU
r'( r'( r'(
11 1 _ . U/ o UUU_ . U/ o I _
r'( ~ r'( r'( r'(

'=7~ . ~ ~
I [24]I. ~ 0 ~ r'(I 0 ~ I ' I. UUU/0o UU~I II
l l l /o UI I II _ . U/ o l l l l Il......,.._
r'( r'( r'( r'( r'(

~ II AJ.
?( _11-..". i:fI1.. T_ ~_
~ II
.clI!= "'r"'CI 1 * AT~ [25]
/:f1.... ?(
II •
III ~ i:fI1..
A~ A
_ ~ i:fI1.. ~

10 [12]: GOELET 1996, 109, trans lates the door ' s measurement incorrectly, as "4 pa lms" ; the correct value,
"5 pa lms ," appears in trans cription at p. 111, 12 and in the photograph at pI. 10, 12.
Dyn . 20, Ramesses XI,-years 19-24 / Renaissance years 1-6. IX, 181

-o ==- .tl F./7

~ c:::=c» ~ t
.tl V" ~ l'l 0' [26] c:::=:=> ~ nn1/ l /7
== 1l1~1/
O=!!l!= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_l.j ~ _~LJ/rr <:> U~ 1

1._1 ~ ' C1))~_=!!l!=,~j~~~~d~d~~~~d~[27]:4~~9

(( ~
I ' 0 nn
II 11.-_ ~rlll I 11C1
[29] [l, 1/ A J.
0 0 01/ - A
_~ c::::::JI'1t.
/7 ~ [28]
~ ~

o 1/ g An 1/ - A /7~[30] III /9 0 ~ D er- (( ~ D

I I 1I C1lJ.-.j.M.'I~ c::::::JI'1t. ~ « 111C1'lL 0 I. I I o U1111 _ I.u 1111 /0

356. Ramesses XI, year 24 / Renaissance year 6, Thebes: Letter

between necropolis scribes, mentioning "the General," Piankh

P. BM EA 7502 1 (DEMAREE 2006 , 21-24 and pIs. 21-24)


!4IIT4 ~t4 04 =~~)~ Q l~~ t dLJ ~btU! • ...][1] 10

btU <:>~)L'C'g; )jl~ _: 9 9~,~ ) 0 [~··· ][2]~I~~~btU

~9~ ~ _ nnnnn btU [mm ] ~ l~e~ 6~ ~I IIII [ ...][3] ~90 ;;:

mm~ ~ £[ B ~ ~D :90 ~ ~ [···] [4] ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~'g; ))) li:99 ~ 1~ ~ l~ 9 0 d 9t ~~ ~ ~~m [··· ] [5]
~ 'g; ))) lr- _:9 9~1~~~~1~90~l/btU[ ··· ] [6];;7;?~ 15

9~ ~[···][8] ~~~ II btU d~:<'dK:9 ~~9 ~4[ ··· ] [7]l

.e nnn /7~ [ ][9] 0 l'l - A n- y=J'90 A An1/
111 9 ~~ ~~~~ ... I/Il =!!l!=l.jiiillitr ~ 1='C7I M. ~ M. r c-:
c=:> C>

@<:> -.L
.@))0 -..Jl <:>~I~ A n[ ] [ 1O] ~II( )) )~~:Il
~. )[Jlllitr . .
AIJl---y=J'A n
~ '=llitr I

1}{ 9 0d=~[ ... ][ 1 2] ~ ~ 1}{ ~ btU~ _ _ :<' ~~~9 0~[ . .][11]

[...] [14] m l ~ I ~ ~ ~ :90 (tl lt. l :90 d ~[ . .][13] I/btU .@I~ ~D 20

~())) ~ 1Jl:-;;
_ [... ][15] .@ Inr<:>
1I:::II ~ _ b.l.. _~
0 D 90 A @Ihld /7 ~ - ~
'C7IM.<:>I~ <::>~ ?i 'C7I 0
Dyn. 20, Ramesses XI, year 24 / Renaissance year 6; (year 25-28). IX, 182

verso: 1

ffi~: ~~ 'AT ~ ~~~ ~[

D_ 9rr YL t\.. !l:!:t r r YL
. .][2]nlU?r-F9o A'=7:'AT : F 6'n4f ~ [ ...][ l]
U Il 19 1=~.ML 1I 19 _ YL _ _ 9 0 1_ 1 1= 1

~ [ ... ][4];;::'d 1 9 o~ d ~~))))~~g£ ~ !~ [~ ... ][3]!i.! d7::

r=_)) oY d. II A ~ffi. [
)L-.<:>lli:l.r l l ,%
... ][5] 9o t\..~ ~ ( AIfJ.. - · s:
a.-..)[jl )))~L-.~l\...9L"C~9

[... ][7] ~ + it II n ~ ;;::' d ~ d ~ ~ 9 ~~[ · . ][6];;::'d ~ ~ )) l 5

~~ - ~[ ] [8] iAJ c:::!bE5~ l;Ic=<l> a ~ g l;I~ ~ ~

t\.. !I:!:t <:> 1 I 1 9~ '" _~)) o 0 _ r _ J UfJ: il rL....c. J.. J ') a bl...?( %
9 A A rL....c. [9] g -- ~ I g
~.MLrIT ).MLD.. ~a ~ )~-=d/> lI il J! # J.. ~:il9r : J! # J.. ~
0 c::::=z> a [ .. . ]

fi90 At;; ~9 o A a
iJl<D;:;.. ~
) ) Y ~ .ML E.. ~9o _ 0 ~.ML -r-- a ..o lo _t\.. ~ ~ ...
][10] (
[ ".] ~ ) ) ) ~ : i.! ~1~[ ···][l1 ]

357. Ramesses XI, (year 25-28 / Renaissance year 7-10), 10

Deir el-Medina: Letter mentioning "the General," et aI.

P. BM EA 10419 (JANSSEN 1991a, 16-20 and pis. 5-8)


recto: 15

4 =~I L:l !~~ -=:)tm_ 4 ~ ~~ =L:l ~ 6'lU ~ ~m II~ mU


Fff4 ~t 40 4=~~ ~ iC~o~Q ~£f[2] 4Fff ~t4 0

+ ~T+ ~I) ~LJ.~~LJ~+ ~ d ~ [3]+ ~ ::~~+ I ( ~ ) !4

:=4F4 ~ ~ ~ {~}fu~~@~* [4]~ 4 ii ll~~6 ~~ 4gg4fu

o ~QL:::: ~= ft1 1tl~ ~ ttl ~ 1~'[5] ~l t =~ d ~ '=7? 9/ ~ ~ 20

9L )Ultl 'U' i:d ~ ~ ~~[6] ~ ~ l ~ ~o "il'U' + =~~d:9 @.

Dyn. 20, Ramesses IX,-(year 25-28); year Renaissance year 7-10). IX, 183

~ D:~~~+ t;; [7] + 0 1l ~ +=~ C~ )~'L.c.~ l~~ D<::>~~~ c-:

1l~ [8]!.? 'L-.0)*10)[Jl1l~~ ti£90~ :: ~ = ~ :90 d~1 ~
@ ~ ):9 /I
<::> °l ~ - .dt~d. fiW Uf4 ):9 /I
-=:J!> M.. -e /I C1 -fF I I 1
~ lw 8:l. « M..
):99> 0 @ .idF
IlS M.. ~ <::> -r-s
<dl'= <dl'=

verso: 5

~ dl ' ,o~ ~ )~~~~~~~;[ {~}~ ~ [2]~=~ \1l

dl~~~~ ~dl~:::~~~~~~dl:9 [3]1~ ~)) '=il
~ 0 -....:b-,.~A n- /
~ ~<::>D~ ) ) -fl 1 ll-.-.9<=> ~ r : 9> "- I ~ ~ "-
-- • l )[Jl [4] /I ~ ):9
~<::>.M.. =:a( ~
0 90

358. Ramesses XI, year 28/ Renaissance year 10, Thebes: Letter
to the necropolis scribe mentioning "the General, our Lord," et al.

P. BM EA 75020 (DEMAREE 2006, 19-21 and pIs. 17-20)


rr[···] [3J+ l !+1fI +::-'tW'~ [.· . ][2] _~ !t~~~ [ ·] [l ] . 15

~/f1}~H~ <dl'= e, : A nn n?H

<::> 8:l.?{ ='"=o M. iii I,; I I19> [ ~[4]
~J __ 9> ~ rr0 'I..lL),
~t C::===~4f~
<::> IW -=- c,[\.1 8:l. r
0 <dl'=

[5][ +9>D~+=~)+l0l~~~~~n~~~~
!t[+ ~[~
iji(( ~ ~ , <::>d ~ )))~9>LJ~~~[_] [7] :<"l)[jl81~:9>I~ 20

i9>o! ~ =~~9> D9>l9>~~0 ~[_][8J i 9>0! i( =~ )))Gl9>l

11: For the date, see DEMAREE 2006, 21 .
Dyn . 20, Rame sses XI, year 28 / Renai ssance year 10. IX, 184

[11] 9tr::@.~10 * ) Ul, <::> d ~ ~ d f d ~ f ~~@.~=9·~

@.~~~~~? t?~~A~d ~ o ~ ~ = ~ 9 L'C ~ .?[ "· ]
tw /l"° l -;;;::r II c::s ll......c..~ 9Il....JA n,£,.A/ n~A/M" ... ] [l 2] ~
t'1S:. b!. Ul "'='" 11:5:f::;;:i II ~ c-: 'T' '=7\ !H:l rf!i :Et -e 9r& ~ ra I I I


[2] 8l~ l!81~ d~)~~9~ 10 ) C7Z:J~~@'~@'81~~[~[l]

[ol~ ~:::1)~~ t[+ ~9D~ =~) 4 l 0 l ~ ~ ~[~

~9 od~ ~t ~9~9t!~ ) ))) ~ ~ ~~ ~ [ _ [3] = 4 = ~ ~ ~t)
~f!{9&9~ ~ W~~ A~ ))) ) ~ E ~ ~ "'='" [4] ':' l~ ~ DI1~;:~ 10

+ lIT 4~t4~ (+)=~E~9 o~ ~ ????~ Jr ~ [ ..][5] . ~ ))) ~

11~ :9 ?[ ... ] [6]'=7 4 F ~ 81 ~ _ : + IIT :t ~ Jr _ :4 IIT::t
/l"~ [7] :&~d /l"~ut= ~~ : X ~~~...;;". d
ee:« _:Etw<::> b!. ?i ~ M... fil l '; _~ 90 -. ~~ I i-.Il. . . . .

~ ~9 ol1~ ~ tm9~m!:4IIT + ~ t+ ~+ =~9 ol1~~~

l.<: > c-: 9l )Ul:Et9
l .°. . . .J<::> II A/ n ~n ~ 0 c, t"" A/
r iii M.. r M.. 1l.U -.='R'= :Et9° M.. 10M... iii
Cl 0
~ [8] @ ~ Cl
Il.U _
~ 15

LJ~81~ _ ~ ~ )) :i ~ ~) Ul [9]) ~ ) ~ ~ ~ d m .@))) t

359. Ramesses XI, year 28 / R ena issance yea r 10, Deir el-Medina:
L etter concerning the wherea bouts of tw o distinctive am ule ts
P. BM EA 10411 (JANSSEN 1991a, 11-15 and pls, 1--4)

address: 20

17 ff.: DeMD notes that this letter probably constitutes a reply to LRL 50 (P. Turin cat . 2026) .
Dyn . 20, Ramesses XI, year 28 / Renaissance year 10. IX, 185


n~ JL <=
_II ~ T4-4- n n~1
=~ Cl 1. ~ ~
rifl7 1W~U:~
L n ==- ®~ .r rn
~ llrt ~ n<::>n_ rrl <::>l ~ ['600
1/ ~ ~~ [1]

[ ~J .~~~o ~Qld ~! t d[2][ _ ~«1eij

:+Iif++~ + ~l !+IFF+:- ++~+=~§1h:90~~

D~d~+ ~~d+ +nn /9i+A+10d~ [3] +@r~ 5

- ~ = ~ ~ E5~[4] t i ~ FfPe ~g ~ g g 1/ E5~ ~

: 7 ~. 0 7_r ~ U1 7 1 1 1 0 ll........c..J..7J..0J..~?J _ r _~7~9

~ 1t'~~~! t ::: ~ d~~=d :9~d~lrlt ~ d~~ 1h:9~

!1h: ~ ~d~~d _: :" ~: 9~ ~ ~ 0~ Q L: ::: 1= [.it1

~ ~ 1h:9 0 d { 1h:} ~ d !9[6][~~! + = ~ 9 0 d m d ~

C19 ~ :: c:::::J [7] : : ~ <::> ~ ) ))~{ 4 })) t')))! : 9~ ~! t (5)f( ~~ ~ ~ ~ 10

d~ :+Iif: :;[ 90d~d~~~~ l/d~ d~C7:"~~ ol

7 :zz:zz:.07 _ r 90 fi? n-
~ - ~ ~ ~ E5~ ~o ~ [8]90 fi.. = 11/
1/ fjj.
_ '="' ~, U 1 1:90ifl@iflD.~<::><::> ,=", _ZZ:

17 9D~=~ ij1h::::It! ))) ~ ij G: ) ) l~~+~! t ~ ltd~ [9]

i?l./}"Cll- ~- d. [10]
C1 : 9 u.........J.. ~ 1 I I~ ~ I~ifl~ . 001
-dl. n&J ~(i
11.\. ))) c::3 ~ ~ ifl V : 9 r r 6l
1/ r ( i _ 1/ ~n - ~~ 0

d~~9~~~9~[1l]~0~~~£ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~~I~ ~~ *t')))~ ~ 9 15

d:9Iq5Jd~~[12] ~~~ u.........J..d~=,,9dQl :9 u.........J.. ~ ~~ '~

~ E5~)[13] ~ g g 1/ ~ E5~ :~ ~ ~ E5~ Fr0n - /}"~~
7 _r 7J..0J..~(97_ r_ 7:rr7_ r _I= 1I 111 1/0i?l. « '='"

~!t~~ ?~I~l=+=~+~)l~~ I)~! t )+ ~9D~

~ &)))&J~ &J t::::=» r.l[l 5]& () ~) ~ d ~d ~: X e, [14]/: ~
A. ) <:> E... I.\. o®1.\.
II-...... U I E... r
~1L-.. _"=,,,_9ll.......t _ ~ _90ifl

10 [6]: Sic., plur al stro kes over lap with the prepositi on r (JANSSEN 1991, pI. 1, n. f).

Dyn. 20, Ram esses XI, year 28 / Renaissance year 10. IX, 186


A/ • ~ ~ @ ~ c:::s .J!} ~
Et<dl!=~90 _<dl!=-n. I oUfL'=7I9 )UfL )
.J!}!l..-...c.. LJ. <:> /I
L 0 <:>l\....)
l ) [Jl Et
A/ n

::J~~))) tt~D~ =~ .:«\ 'L.c.Ll£U ~ i() L) Ul~ ~ [2]

~~ A- /I l)) [4]° rW21 ~ 9 ~ - 1V n /}" ~ A n A- n[3]

'=" b.1. I 'W' l.'\..? ~ // _ & '=" '=7' :El.) LJ. 9 r IT sketch il /:fL «_ !J!5.l.))) Ub.1. 9 r

)t_ )~bl) t_~~~~

[5]!:F bl ~_~ ) ))~ " 9~rr:=' o ~
ITsketchil 5

=0 )~ ..=..I Ui"'C7l0 n' 1 l\.... ) ~ ° . <=>~rEtl\....)

~- /I n:;:;
~~A L An n /I
) Ul ~r o 'II'W'''C7\Ui
~ ~

360. Ramesses XI, year 28 / Renaissance year 10, Deir el-Medina:

Letter from Tjaroy in Nubia concerning donkeys in the temple, et al.

P. BM EA 10440 (JANSSEN 1991a, 2 1-24 and pIs. 9-12).

address: 10


in [2] /}" ~ f?{ ~ f?{ ~ ft1 o~ c===3> ~ In [1]

_ .-...LJ<:>8L/}"W
« _rrl<:>l~
) <:>8L ~ _/c:,,))=:7' 1 I I I ~ 1'600
@ nn

[ ~ ~~~[3]~ ) ~Ql~~ t d~ ( ,<=>~tt ))) ~ ~ = ~tt ){()ffi9L

"::: ~£ U ~!+ rrr [4]:£ ~( ) ~:t fA§~9o!+rrr +~ 15

r ~~~:~t1 ~~ r~~~1[5] ~~ t i7i _ ~d~ ~d~~90

J~l l 0 1lAJ <:> 1 ~ Fff'w=J /a
~~J '=7 lJ& ) ) c::=llr-.olll ==e="Ui r: .. 1 19 0 _
~ ==e=" c, [6] [ ~~~
~ $ ~J ~ Uir
iJ.. /an

<:> !C19~::[8][ J ~ ? ~ ~ ?~) )~ i"d~ ~ [7][ ~

9D9L~tt ? )/72.? i7i~~~ [9][B B B B B B BJ":::£U

4 [3]: The sketc h de picts an amu let in the form of two symmetrically oppose d hipp o head s, lashed to a post
and co unterwe ight (?) (J ANSSEN 1991a, 14): ~ II 5 [4] : The ske tch dep icts an amu let in the form of
two symmetr ica lly opp osed red crow ns : ~ \¢ (ibid.).
Dyn. 20, Ramesses Xljyear 28 / Renaissance year 10; (undated). IX, 187

mm~J9 D9 L ~:9) 1~ 1't'~ 1.i[1°][HHHJi7I? .,»

mJ [12] [HH H J~~~ ~~~) )~IlU 1 ~IlU c; [11] [H
d u? llJ A~~~~ J [13] [ H HH] ~ ~ ~ ~i71~~ <lliIlU [~
1l _ i?~ [~~~~~~~ ][14] [~~~~ ]~~~ o ~ ::

[HHHH J~~~ll d;;: !~ ~:dd [15][~~~ W~ 5

i ;") L) Ul~~I~d [16]


mmmm J[2] [mmmmm ~HHHHHH][1]

[ H H] ~ ~ rOJ l~ d : 9 [ m m ] [3] [ H HJ~ // IlU:; -=¥ ~?

I~)I//IlU [4] 10

361. Ramesses XI, (undated), Deir el-Medina:

Communication regarding the boundaries of the Field of Tiye
on the Estate of Mut

P. BM EA 10373 (JANSSEN 1991a, 43--47 and pls. 27-30)

recto: 15

• c>
. ?3 ~~ If)
I't'r--rru - 0g g [2] . ~ ~~ <> ~r' 9
0 lV ~ ~ ~ [1]
bl .~,=",=",l\...9<:>1 110L.c..:Etrr bl =
c::::::::J 0

~~~~ ))PQ r:;:~~+ ~~ _ ~))+r bl *IL:J [3] <:>~@} {~I't' } ,.)l

~ ~ Ac::::::>n «h[5] O))~ n&l
))9r9rlli:l 0 Y// =!£!= /:fl~ ~
L.c.. g ~ ~..?35t'
'='" /:fl 0II t\.. ) =!£!=)<:>.R. '=" r-- tt ) * IL:J [4]

=!£!=Ur?r?U9<:> rr=
0 1L:J :_IL:Jbllli:lbl9~
-. A -.
=!£!= ~ tJl....
/9" -'[6] ~? L nI /:flr
'l. ~ IL:J_'
~ ~~%2- it

+~~ 6)1L:J[8 ]1J))+ l0 ) ~~ ll ; ~ ~IL:J ~ + ~~fr bl * [7]~1L:J 20

~ P [9]~~ L &l c:::::J~IJ1- ~ @ • 00

g -
bl. 0 m1'600_1r11
=!£!=9 V·
D L\.../:fl K~ ,=,,_ t\.. Xo_ f600~/:fl<:>=!£!=o~
16-1 7 [2]: Th e second hr Mw.t group is a dittograph ic error (JANSSEN 199 1a, pI. 27, n. b).
Dyn . 20, Ramesses XI, (undated); R.IX (?), (undated). IX, 188


9rn[4] l"08 6l.l..AT:9rrnn 7 1I 1 X

IT ~ I
0 -e:::(b. )) /J. /J ~ {)) /J }[3 ] )) /J l
Y1.... __ <dJ'= r:::::::::::::: c> <> "=7\ /:flL. t:\... /:flL. L\.... "=7\ /:flL. "=7\ /:flL.1

0~8l~ <dJ'=rr~~d~ ~[6]~'7 ;;:8l~ d~ !~90d ~ ~

11 ~~ ~ 8l~ __ ~ ) ) <::> w;;: d~9~ 8l ~ __ [7] ~=~<llid9~ /
-e:::(b. •
9 <::> c-;
L•[il.$ .11 ~ ~ AT ~ .I1
~ ' 7 "=" 6l.l.. ?( ~ __
E:5nr__•/ ) ) <::>!iF [8] ~-<n- An
<:> ~ lli1. r\. ?
0 :

362. Ramesses XI, (undated), Valley of the Kings: Worker's graffito 10

KV graffito 398 1a (KIKUCH I 1996, 175-176, fig. 4 and pI. 49B)

~ 8l !Tl9L W~ 9[3] LJ~8l~ !) ~ ~I<::>l d [2] / )'~m /~ Wt [1]

m m= ~ ij ~ 9~ :::~ ~ <dJ'=9 ~ rt ~ 9[4] <dJ'= ?

363. Ramesses IX (?), Deir el-Medina: Communication before the

Qenbet, regarding adultery and divorce 15

P. BM EA 104 16 (JANSSEN 1991a, 28-32 and pIs. 15-18; idem 1988, 134-137 and
pls. 25-28; G EE 2001)



1: Sic., for ft (JANSS EN 1991a, 45, n. 11) II 4 [3], beginning: Dittogr aphic error (ibid., pIs. 27- 28, n. m).
Dyn. 20, Ramesses XI (?), (undated). IX, 189

ii r::~~1}{,,-\ ~ 9y~ _d~ ..«[7]~bl~ 1}{ ~m~~ bl~ _

ii @}~~9+~fi&~u:.~~<<:»"-\ K m~ ~d~ll~ [8]

/J" W
/1l... <:>10)Ul_:10 * IIII ~ ,~< <:» ~c:=&
0 - A l c:=::J~ ~JrII1 9 ~~r
O ~IIII -F ~[9][ ~1~ - - A~

[~ ~? Wf:? w=J ~ r L ~ (i_ <:> ~ Ci4- ~ ~ [1 0] _

~Jl&~f~' ) )Ul b1L9~ .- 9r 12 c=:~'// /l L....J.. b1L L '<:::7Ib1L ~9 r


l {~ } ~ ~ 1 [2] _,,- l)Ul1h:Ic-=J~Il~ 9 ~ = ;;7; fi& ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ 1[1]

~dfi&)t )t ~ [3] [R~~1}{~IIIl~ 1h:{fI~)~ 9B-:. 7 d 10

w=J - ~ f}J (i _-<::Ch.A ~ [4]& D~ ~ E5 ~ II - ~ <=> 00 ~

) '<:::7Ib1L~ t\ D \\\\129<=> ~ r EtL':Jorb1L _ r ~ C <:> r ~~o ~ b1L
A - -A ~~ -="'= CRJ.. <:> ~- @ f M[5] ~ @ ~ (i _C i 4 -
~/l)Ul:~c:=& 0 0 ~:~ I_:7" II r~ o"-) ! ~ . ~n~ 12. '<:::71

m [7]~~FR9~r:;:::r~rl di ~ ~1 {f [t19 ~'0T ~) f d [6]e~

;;7;fi&~,~[8] [~J? ~~l?x?ee~~~~~~~~

,{<:>}fi&~,~, ;!1 <:> [9] [_~ ~ d ~ ~ 1h:~IIIl~ _loFRfi& ~ 15

~~ bl~ <:>,,- ~ ~~ ~))d [lO] [~ Z: ~~ ~))d~ao~ ~ ~ 11 9~

9o !J~ ) ) d ~~ ~ 1l[11] )))d~ ~d ~ 9~ lFRfi&~ ~ 1 L':J{1}{}

- ; II bl~ d~~ {,,- } ~ [12] [ BJ~ 9 ~ <:> ~ ) ~ ~~ ~ ~ I <:> _ ~ I <::> ~ ~

..o ~<:>~ ~ c::::::::J ~ [13 ]-A ~ ~~ °G~ & .e: ~ l ED

~ r=t l\..)<=;> I )L-:-)))= ~ !..l&. r .rr=t b1L: 9AII .-.rEt9r.-1 I I

4 [8] and 5[9]: Preposi tion omi tted in origi na l (J ANSSEN 199 I a, pI. 15, nn . d and f) .
Dyn. 20, Ramesses IX (?), (undated). IX, 190

364. Ramesses XI (?), (undated), Deir el-Medina: Communication

regarding retribution for adultery
P. BM EA 104 18 + 10287 (JANSSEN 1991a, 33-36 and pls . 19-22)


d o ~I~<:>:~ ~ ~~~~~~ 90 9l9 ~ [2] [ ... ] _ } ~ ~,1¥, ~ : £ 9 ) d [1] 5

~ ~ ~ <:> 0 ~~ 6~ d 1t'ffi 9 ~ 1 9~ <:> ~ i:l [~? ] i ~ 1~c-=l9 0 ffir


_ ~d~~ 9~<>47 9~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~~ 1~ ~ GI<:> [4] ~ d ~ ~9 ~ O ~

AnAl&d1l g~ -. ~Al nl ® m(i _on n[5]
) [jl ~ r EU\. 1<:> b!.. ~ 9 lL.....c.. 'C7I l\.. s c-: 0 :Et 9 r 19 <:> ~ <:> ~ Q IIr


365. Letter regarding an injury and admitting fault

P. BM EA 10429 (JANSS EN 1991a, 40--42 and pls. 25-26)
address: 15


bl ci~~9~[3][ ··· ]:+nr~t+0+=~[2] [" ' ]A:::ltd 9~ ~ [1]

[...]~ ? _ o~~~ 9::[5] [ ...]~:+ ~ d r:, ~9o d [4] [ ... L 1~~~
[" ' ]~~bl~ ;J~d~~~ [7] [" ' ]~ ~lIbl~ d~~)~ [6] 20

l ~ FrF z{} nn'g [3][ ...]ft

[ ...] ~ jI g ~ Al[l]
!ti<:> ...;;...n nfi [2][ ... ] !:;)
_I~I I I J&rr Ifl- l'.u:::> <:> I I I ~ 1 I Irr~ l\.. \!"90_,R. ~oM..
AlAI gnn;[6][... ])
M.. :Et9o b!.. rr • I~
~ x I Q- [5][ ...
l. u9 c:5 1'600
I'h Ob!..
g~ ~ c:5 [4]
?< <:> """",= 9 0 _ 9

[···] ~ .1
Dyn. 20 (undated, late), IX, 191

366. Dynasty 20 (late), Thebes: List of commodities requisitioned from 1

priests between Elephantine and Esna, by the Chief Taxing Master

P. BM EA 10401 (JANSSEN 1991b)

column 1:

~Ell ll
& 0 F~
A •
o m @~ ) )
LU'=7 ~ )){JtL"J
Q ~ [3] @ - - A I f}J
lI o:IL"JI<::>£ m lJt\.

I.~~~ ) !I.l5R ~~W [6]~ 111l5) ~ W [5] II [~J ~[4] i 90~ ) 4..

7~ [10] R.!Jtf )Ul l [9] ~ )))1 !Jt) i9 [8] r/~~ 4..1 ~ 19 ~9 ~ ~ [7]

~ ~~~ ~ ~F~ [13]

I .sin: tJl[l4]
& 0 - tJl • Al--OfV\ 0
ElL"J Or -.r ~ r= ['6[;] - . ~ )){J-z:....1IriL-. ~ ~ 10

rt' '=74 ) td4A'L"J [17] r/~~ s. ~ 1 9 ~ 9 ~ ~[ 16] 1. (~ )R ~ ~ ij [l5]

I ~ 1~~1~~~[19] I.~~ ~~~ I ftl ~ I~~4..~~ [18]iil~F~ 4..@~~
+ + )) ~ AIL"J [22] nnnnn Jt )) L~!Jt 7 t [21] 11
'11 ft))) bl{.[20] II ft

9+ I d[25 ] 1.~~ ~~ W [24] I.~)) ! W[23] i i !4IIT '=7ii,~ F~4..

ii:::~'0))Ul~ ) )~~:Ill.......c. 15
column 2:

d@L"J~4AIL"J [7] 1. ~ [6] 1.~R ~~ ij [5] I.~)) l W[4] IIII ~~

I. d [ll ] II ~)f;1 ~~ W[lO] II.~))) ! W[9] II ~~ ~ [8]~~mAii, ~F ~

1ij [14] ~ ~ ~::: ~ I~ F @ L"J ;:'~ ~~ .~l ~ t l L"J[l3] ?? ~ 9 D.~l ~ G [l2] 20

11 [1 5]: Dete rminative o mitted 1118 [7]: Readpr lfr (N)b n (JANSSEN 1991b , 88, n. cc); also cf. 20 [13].
Dyn. 20 (undated, late). IX, 192

~~9l~ [1 8] 11. ~)) PO ij [17] 11. ~1~~~ [16] 1. ( ~ )R :;;: ~ ij[15] I. ~))) ! 1

POij[21]@~~ lg.d~rr99'=7 + )) {91 L"J[20] n 0::1~ II G. [19] I/ L~~. k

: 9~ D~~;;: [24] I ~~~~ ~[23] 1. ~R :;;: ~ lij [22] I. ~ ~ ~ ) ~::'IIII ~ ) )
column 3:

367. Dynasty 20 (late), Thebes: Letter concerning a policeman's

seizure of a field from the temple of Sobek

P. BM EA 750 16 (DEMAREE 2006,9-10 and pls. 5-6; EDWARDS 1982, 126, n. 1)


~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ g[~ _~ ~ ~) ) :: ~} 9 ~ ~~~ [3]~ ~

~ FA~~~111 ? d~11 ? d~d~ICP(~ =C7l::]~~~g[~ ~~~[ ... ][4][ ...]
II ~ 0
~.{:f.{L:u::a( ~ 9 rio
~ 1II _
C> ~ I=IJ-_"~
r-- IT 1=0 D
g fi~ -~~ fi~ [5] II
~ 6tl... ?i .-=V rr -<0> 6tl...?i
4" 9 r



1 [15] : Determin ativ e om itte d III [18]: For the cur ious determ inative designating , ev idently, "fema le" head
see JANSSEN 1991 b, 89, n. gg 1110 [2.5] and 11-1 2 [3.5]: Superscript co rrectio ns (DEMAREE
ofj~w -catt l e,
2006 , 10).
Dyn. 20 (undated, late}. IX, 193

ll~6.1~~~~ =~) l6.1Ul~~ ~d~~? [3] ~~ ~i ~ FA ~ ~ ~X 1

6.l Ulil 9 ~~~~~~~~?[ 4]lt ~6.1~il~~il~~6.1~ ~

~ -l ~[5 ] .@ m m ll........c.. Il-J. <::> · l
"=7l II·<::::> ·~ "=7l ~ ~L 0 <::>f\..)

368. Dynasty 20 (late), Thebes : Letter concerning delivery of a

"very penetrating" message to a certain Peterpayineb 5

P. BM EA 75017 (DEMAREE 2006,10-11 and pIs. 7-8; EDWARDS 1982, 132-133, fig. 3
and pI. XIII; WENTE 1990, 203, no. 330)-

address (verso):

recto: 10

~~~~ tl~ ..@I ~ ~ O_ ~~II:ll )~1~(=~~ >{~~ )Gl9l fij[l]

nn /}"~
rr b!..~ ..@
Inr <::> O_:9_!l~.X
0 -it A nr='
tf o czz:::J[2][~
I n tf n<:> ·
~J ..@ r <::> o,="r"=7lf\..

~ o~=~~tl d~ ~d [3]= o~~~ ~d o~=tl d ~~ d ~

rd" 1 n [4] IA
n- - - rd'"9o ~ ll........c.. ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ RV-9o ~
llli;l)) ) y:Il-=:IJJc= "="M..~9~ ~ ,=,,ilM..o~ j. }.. ~M..n
lI ..@ o
tf 15

369. Dynasty 20 (late), Thebes: Letter from a chantress of Amun-Re

requesting provisions from her sister (?), for a visitor to Thebes

P. BM EA 75018 (DEMAREE 2006, 11-14 and pIs. 9-12)

address (verso, line 10):


Dyn. 20 (undated, late). IX, 194

'>[!+rrr+~t [3]+0~.~Qld~ !td~O~)~£ 1

Ii~ d))ll~d:99 [4]~~~~)l~+,~+,~~~g[

~mmmm~'>[;;::I ;lg[ 1Ig['>[~?~?[5] [.'. J,,- ~
0' ~--b-,.-~(J _ ~CD <:> -~(J . ~ <::> ? [6] ~
leplP~ II 'f' ~ I ~ -=:II 0 l'!l90MI IP~ 0L:J 0 r ~. ,,-) <:>-=:11
0 00

I / -=:II l'!l 9

dd~: 9~ [9] <:>? -=:119 ~;;: '=7 !{9?})) )[Jl d=~f.f~dL~ [8]


<dl!= ® nlf [2] E5n

~J--.<dl!= ~- d
_'IL.....£.Mllol II A ~(J-PPPP[1 ]
I1®01l91l...-.1<:>!l&Jl'!ldddd 10

M1 d II A ~(J _ ~ L g[3]~o......-...
) ) 1:liJ9 1l...-.1<:>~r l'!l 0 J.. M oro· ~ _ l 90<dl!=~n90 _
I jJ g(J_ .s s:
J..l'!l 90M El

~1~I~tlllll£~~)~ Lld!9 0~~<lli [4]~ ~~O~~~~

/J" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J--.- -=:1In~~ ~ LA /J"~~ 5 a
9r ~ M t:;:i/lo Il 0 '1~~9o<::>9 ~b:l.. rr[ ] llo

!9 0~~ <lli ~ <:> [8][ .'.J ~ ? g[?!? <dl!= d ~~ 90 d L:J Q9 d~[7 ][ ...J
~~ '10
=x- ~l
_u9 O_Q M ~~ d ~~ ~ [9] [·' · J~~?21v ?)) O_jJ J..M
190rr<llill...-.Mrt:;:i ~ .:I
g~ 15

370. Dynasty 20 (late), Thebes: Letter from a general (possibly Piankh)

concerning the son of Penpare and the "great ones of the Meshwesh"

P. BM EA 75019 + 10302 (DEMAREE 2006,14-19 and pls. 13- 16;

for P. BM EA 10302, see JANSSEN 1991a, pls . 23-24)

recto: 20

~t [3][.. ' J ~ +A +0£~~i(9 cJ···J[2] [ ". J~~~~6f~[ . 'J[l]

Dyn. 20 (undated, late). IX, 195

~~LJ. 9 ~~~:<' ~~II6l't[=~ l) Ul~ [4] [ " 'J~ ~~~ ::::~ fd 1

9R ~ <::> ~~~~JJ::= czz::JIl't[ d ~[5] ~ :<' ~~~ ~ ~ '=7'=~ 9

!£io ~lln~
~ R 'I ~ II b.L ?{
g ~ 11 6" 4f~ <::> ~
R 9 J "="'=" R <::>I't'
r ' c:::zz=J[6]
I o il.....-.
a-o....,....n ~
.))))=11 c-: '1b.L ~90 R
d~ ~;:Il~~ .-:=!I9 ~C7 ~'d [7] .-:=!I ~' ~~~~d~~1l
1 ~ , ~ il ~ ii 9 0 ! ~ 9 ~ [8] ~ I ~ '=7 = f( l ) Ul il ~ ii 9 0 ! ~ 9 ~ 5

dn & ~ ~- 0 Q [9] - L
it ~ 90 ~P~ ~ r'liiiii<'1 0
<::> 'I <::> El9 r9 r : ~ I _e9 9c= i: 90_ 0 <::> '=" I I 1 -<:::>~ 9rlll ol I I
90 A dl!=o .-:=!lt n l nnr- I l ng - -[l0]- a~ 90 A A nA-
'=7'&1 I 1<::>0 9r 19rrT 1 ~ 9 tR,:b.l i: 90_ 0 <::> '=7'& .-:=!I&rU&=

~ £ ~ 9 ~ ~~: £ ~ ~~fti ))t [l 1] [ " ' ]9 ~ III ~ 1I C1 ~ ~::ii 9 0~~ <::>

~ l rB: 9 ~ ~£ 9 ~ :~ ~~ ~~ [l2] ~~~~0 £ ~~ ~ ~ )~

A n ~ t~ l ll '=" A[ 13][ ~ R ~ 90 A t ~ AO ~~
!l:.:1. r <dl!=> <::> ~ 9r"'C"""O 9 I<::> It t!:. ~J ~ ~ <::> '=" Ull ~ III 0 Ulr I II C1 r r I O


~/1 1~/10 ~ /1~ ~1 L:l[2][ ...];[ 9~~~Afti9l =~) ) ) [Ti/1 o~ 9 ~ [1]

~ 11! 9 0f!11 ~= [3] [ " ' ]bl 'Lbl'L_! ~)~ lf(~~ii 9 0! ~ <::>
~.K l) [Jl~ <::> ~ [4] [ ... ]~:;e ~ f! j{ ~ ~I1~~ 9~~11 9 0.K 9 ('Lbl 15

[6] 0 ~~ ~~1~ ~~ 0 ~9~ "'C"""O )) ) ~ _ ~fti D~ <::> 0 ~ 9 ~ !1 ~ ~ ~ 9 Dl rBl=j{ 9 0

<dl!=>@ A, ~ I ....h.,.- fi.. ~ 90 AS II A ~t ~~
I I l o Ul .dl!= ~ 9 r 1 "'C"""0 1 ~ 1D........-,. i: 90 _ 0 <::>,=" Ul III<dl!=>I~ Ul<dl!=><::> ~9 r 11I1 0
Dyn. 20 (undated, late). IX , 196

~ f;(~~ It== 9 or::LJd<:=>~ if' ~ [11] [ ~J b ! ~~.

0 ~=~~~~
f;(( ~ ~ 9 od~~'L.c. ~1~ ~ ~[12]=i<.dK~@J [~~ J~?~ ?~ ?~~))

[ ·"J .9l £ I ~ ~ [13] _ ~ d 9~~JJJrf f( \ I ~ ~[~ ~J~ ?~~ Ad 5

[.. .J~ ~~ [ ... ][16] [.. J ~ _ ~ . )); g[ ~ <:=>[...J[15][.. .JIL.c.o[ "·J[14]

371. Dynasty 20 (late), Thebes: Delivery notice, to the chief of deputies

P. BM EA 75024 (DEMAREE 2006, 26 and pls, 25-26)

II ft CD o ~ [3]
1 1 1\ II 'f r_ t{}J\. )))) - @ [2] ~ A
1V ~~
:Et _ I 1 I IJ!::J... ) ) ) )
--. [1]
~ r::====J II 0

0 00 1L...c.. f&~<:>
II,ep,4~ / O ;P II I ~ / on
[6] II I I 1J))~iW,
~ 0<:> [5]
\/ on
11.~))))ro ['6[;1
tfl[4] 10

nnnnn oq, [ ?% ] ) ) I!l <:> [7]

372. Dynasty 20 (late), Deir el-Medina: Deposition (?) regarding a
report to the vizier, throwing water under the feet of Pharaoh, et al.

O. DeM 10202 (GRANDET 2010,86-88,3 10-312)

_ c:(r~}~ ~L":J/¥Jo~ [3][ ... ] ~ ~ ~ 1Jf ol!l<:>I't' [2][ ... ] ~ =c( [1] 15

~~[4] ~ ~~ 61 ~ ~~[4.5] ~7 c1[4]["'J ~L 61 Ul:t~ ~ ~I't' :r

~~~~bl~~9 [bl~ _[5] [ ''' J~bl~~7 d:~,'t'~~,'t'

,'t'~ 9~~ !t~L \ \ ~ ~ ~ = ~ I 't'[6][ " ']~+~ ~ ~ bl ~ ~ )
A7 [8] 0 ~ t {}J. Jr. g... ~ t @ 0 [I, ~~ [7] mt /7 CR J..
I:fI... iii_<:>I5lt\.. lii 90 = <:> I5l <:>L":JLL ~ r r II [9bl... l..:1" <:>~9 0

~~ 7 t -::~9 ol!l~ ft1.I~ [9] '=" ~'t'~ 9 ~ . 1!l~ !ftlbl~!} 20

[ "'] ~ I!l[ bl ~ ~ ! 9 ~[10][ . ·J t +

9 [1]: DEMAREE 2006, 26, inc ludes an additiona l line (hi s row 1, of8) labeled with a question mark.
Dyn. 20 (undated). IX, 197

373. Dynasty 20 (undated), Palestine (Tell el-Far-ah): Fragmentary

note documenting grain delivery to the site

O. Rockefeller Museum Jerusalem 1.9833/1, 2 (GOLDWASSER and WIMMER 1999)

fragment 1:

f ragment 2:

374. Deir el-Medina: Oracle petition (?) inquiring about a certain

Djehutyhermaw / Djehutyherme(ketef)

O. BMFA 72.659 (RYHOLT 1997; DEMAREE 200 1) 10

375. Oracle petition inquiring about the high priest of Amun

O. BMF A 72.666 (RYHOLT 1997; DEMAREE 2001)

376. Qurna: ,Note regardin g wood in arrears for the gang's Left side 15

O. Qurna 620/2 (BURKARD 200 1, 10-14)

1: Regarding the date, GOLDWASSER and WIMMER 1999, 4 1, suggest that the fragm ent s might belong to
the reign ofRamesses III, whic h king ' s scarabs have been recovered from the sam e site 118- 11: RYHOLT
1997, 279-280, translit erates Dhwty-hr-msw but om its the prepositi on in his tran slation , w hich he rend ers
instea d as "Dj ehutyrnau" ; DEMAREE 2001, 6 und erstands the nam e as an abbrev iation for Dhw ty-hr-mk.t-f
(cf. RANKE 1935, vol. 1, 408, no. 16); regarding the unproven use of this and similar " na me stones" as
oracle petitions , see DEMAREE 200 1, 6, n. 5 118-1 4 : Th e pr ovenance of docs. 374-375 foll ows DEMAREE
(ibid., 5-6), who argues convincing ly in favor ofD eir el-Me dina, contra RYHOLT 1997, wh o suggests that
the ostraca originated fro m elsewh ere in Thebes; for th e date of doc. 374, cf. also DEMAREE 200 1, 6, n. 7,
who prefers Dynasty 19, on the basis of paleograph y and prosopograph y.
Dyn. 20 (undated); (Dyn 19 or 20, undated) . IX, 198

377. Dynasty 20 (undated), Qurna: Delivery of wood furniture 1

O. Quma 690/6 (BuRKARD 2001, 14-17)

II /}" /}" [3] // /}" /}" [l]


I"'r"'CI1 <::> ee. c, b.1. ~ <::> b.1. ~ b.1. ~ I 0

378. (Dynasty 19 or 20, undated), East Jerusalem: Shabti fragment

inscribed for a certain [Divine name]-hetepu

Shabti in private collection, un-numbered ( VAN DER VEEN and ELLIS 2015, 268, fig. 4;
THEIS and VAN DER VEEN 2012,515-516)

partial column along front offigurine: 10

379. Stela fragment mentioning the "protection/protector of the chief

or' a locality (Jerusalem?)

Stela Ecole biblique SE 17, obverse (VANDER VEEN and ELLIS 2015, 267-268 ; THEIS
and VAN DER VEEN 2012, 511-515 ; BARKAY 1996,23-29; JAMES 1966, 8; WARD 15
1966, 174, no. F2; SCHElL 1892, 116-117)

fragment preserving four partial columns:

[1][...] ? ~ ...][2][...] ~ .!n 61 - _[ . .][3][ " ' ] ? ~ r ~ ~ ~[ ...][4] ~ ~ 1ll =

11: THEIS and VAN DER VEEN 2012 , 515, n. 26, restore sIX! Wsjr at the beginning of the co lumn on the
basis of their identification of the text as the abbreviated version of Book of the Dead, chapter 6, attested
on other shabtis of the period II 14- 16: Reverse includes part of a large cnb (7) hieroglyph and two other
illeg ible hieroglyphic signs on a rough and unfinished surface (BARKA Y 1996,29) 1118 [3] : THEIS and VAN
DERVEEN 2012 ,514, restore the tra ces at the beginning of the column as ~ or E,
reading [lfnw.t]j mnt.t
n(t) p .t, contra earlier readings by SCHElL 1892, who read the traces less plau sib ly as [Wsjr bntj]jmn.tjw
and WARD 1966, who sugge sted tentatively [bntj]jmnt.t Jnpw (7); none of these suggestions appears to fit
the preserved traces part icularly well (cf. photographs in BARKAY 1996, 28, fig . 6, versus VAN DER VEEN
and ELLIS 20 15, 268, fig. 3) 11 18 [4] : THEIS and VAND ERVEEN 2012 ,514, resto re the ind ividual's name
as [Divine nam ej-Jzis. However , the determinative ~ is just as, if not more, likel y to serve as a generic
indicator of the owner's venerated/deceased status (see Gardiner 2007 , 447, A50- 52).
(Dyn. 19 or 20, undated). IX, 199

380. (Dynasty 19 or 20, undated), Ramesseum (?) : Letter regarding 1

work on the tomb of the mayor of the City (Thebes)

O. Strasbour g H. 174 (KOENIG 1997, 14 and pls. 86-87, 132;
corrections in MOLLER 2000,283)

it d.~ 9 ~ [1]1~ ;:[1.5] g[ ~ «s:« ~llij~~ !~ ~ =~ ~ [1] 5

rF [3] ~l\... l /J" /J"W A9 ~ ~ @ ~ (L /J"W IL..-:.. /:l [2]

1t::5<:::> ~ a &L Cil&L ?i .dl!=1fIL ~// o l a_ll.......c.&L ?i c-=l a 'i'

I ~ tZ~~ 9 Dg[ ~~9 [4] [ "'J@? ~ _ I ~ ~f!{ ~ J liji' ~l\... ~ d ~

[ "· J ~l\...f!{~~ ~=l\... l g[ Cil:;[.t [5][ ··· J f7T,C d r~
[ "' J~Il~ d !i ! ~[6]
381. Deir el-Me dina (?): Stela of the "Wes tern Medjay, Kaka" 10

Stela Uppsala V.M. 3201 (SAVE-SODERBERGH 1992-1993)

upper register, left, columns before the deified king:

r~~~ [2]r Uu o )~ [1]

upp er register, right, columns above the standing, p raising figure of Kaka:


lower register, colum ns surrounding th e kneeling, pra ising figu res ofKaka 's f amily :

382. Elephantine: Hie ratic inscription on a doorpost, recording

delivery and removal of goods from a temple magazine
Khnum temp le, chamber H7, nr. 20807 (BOMMAS 1994; WERNER et al; 1993, 177) 20
upper secti on (1) :

5 [I]: DeMD reads the second personal name as Bng (understanding presumably 1j!f.J;~_1l @l ), for
which cf. RANKE 1935 , vol. 1, 97, no. 21 (Bngj) and 98, no. 30 (Bgnj) ; for the root, cf. also the spelling of
bng , "abound (?)," in L ESKO 2002, vol. 1, 135. However, the initial group looks rather more like .h. than
1 (cf. KO ENIG 1997, pis. 86 and 132, noting also the seated man determinative, omitted in ibid. , pI. 87,
for which see MOLLER 2000 , 2 83) 119 [6]: KO ENIG 1997 , pI. 87, provides two alternate transcriptions for
this line; the read ing preferred here follows MOLLER 2000 ,283.
(Dynasty 19 or 20, undated). IX, 200

lower section (2):

Ii! nlf~~ II Ii! ~ ~ ,..,

<:>ru __ I, I 1I C1 ~ [3) • • • • /}"
<:> ft ib~U • • • ~I<:>IUb.l.. ~

0 /I
I O /o~

383. (Dynasty 19 or 20, undated), no provenance: Delivery of goods to

female and male citizens of Shedu and Bary by military personnel

P. Cambridge University Library MS . Add. 4 167 (HAG EN 2008)

recto: 10

m~~m~te9i/ ~d @ 9 ~d;:~?mblU ~~~?~~

7 t~=J @ ~~I~I~J:.J ;~~ i ' ~ ~9 d+ <:>= ~~ ~~[3] 1 1';;[

L:l 9 l~ ~_ ~~ ~~ II n 0~~ [4] I'/ fu 'g lld~~~ rr ~,~-;:
111 / // @ nn II L °nn 1 /If n -. -K?(' ~- c nn g'=7
r r l ~ I <:> L-. I:z:z: r r <> I ~ ~<> III'W' li o n 0 _ _ : 9 Y c:Jr.2./ 15

°nn<=> ~r==:-. [5] I

OE5 ~gnc:=:::::> l . . . . .c. 2v-C nng'=7 n
='II!=,rrll. . . . .c. llln 0 o III ex_eo.2. n =~ ol~E.: Y rr.2./9r

~~ ~ ~ te 9i / ~ d 1}{;; ~ ~ ~ te 99 fQ ~~ :ll~ ;; A 9 0 ~ I~ -;: 7 t _

M 9o~ lo
(L @-
JL 0 nn <=> ~a
T _ ~rrll.........c.. ~ml,\. l l l l n 0
~r==:-. [6]1
0 III /
2v® nn
E./lrr <lli

I/ ~~~,ci~t lrblUte 9 i /~ d ~ ;;~ ~ <llite 99 fQ ~~ :ll fu ;;

r¥' /)" 0 {jJ 4- c:5 ~ .lV n n~ ~{jJ nn <=> 0 [~ [7]
Ii 99 ~ x _ l\.. 9L-./ 1o m E. r r ~ 1 ol\. 9910 _ ~rr~ _ fm:J

m fu,~~7 t_~. [8] 1 m~ ~~~?mm

Dyn. 19 or 20 (undated) . IX, 20 1

verso, section f:

verso, section lI:

verso, section lIf:

I ~ r~ I ~~ ::L II IT ?il~IT ?il&l~[2] _ O?mm £ Ul9~ ?~ II 59 ~~[1]

59~ ?~ 159L t::=:59~2 [4] I Lt::=: J! ? ~ £ ~ ? I09 0-0 -: £~[3] II ~?
ffi· ~ [7]
I IftOII I ~ 1
II I n
Iln~ ?
I I nn c:::::::J [6]
n c:::=»
~ a?[5]
IT ?il c=!!l!= ? hl. ~ ·
I l
59 t::=:

2[2]: Initial gro up tra nsc ribed incorrectly as .:J~ <::> in HAGEN 2008, Tf. V (cf. photograph in ibid. , Tf.
A ddendum IX, 202

99A. Ramesses II, (undated), Abydos: Construction record fro m the 1

Isis temple, transport of materials from "The Mountain"

O. Cairo JdE 91283, verso (SIMPSON 1995, 19, B6, and fig. 20, right)

btU d,!.,,0 [ ...J[3] ',I,' n =CJ :: ~ II II ~~~~ ~ ?H ...J[2] 1111 ft[... J[1]
U d ~~~ft ll',1 ft r ? ? ?~ II'" n ~ ~ ["' J [4] [~ J [~] Lc5 l~ bt U d' rrf 5

III? ~~~~ ~ I ~~[ . .J[5] '1111ft CJI ~bt

384A. Year 62, Valley of the Queens: Rainfall at Thebes-West

QV Graffito 3013 (DaRN and MOLLER 2006, 90-91, pl. 23)

o =
J:===::l 0.-.-b.!.. ?<
/}"~ 0 ~ ~ /}"
.-l\...n b.!.. [jl
[2]0 10 _ =
. - =:::J:::J 0 . - c:::::J
~ nnn 01 [1]
'1 1111nnn ® r
385A. Year 67, Valley of the Kings: Announcement of the death ofR.II 10

O. U niversity of Memphis Expedition provo no . 97 (DEMAREE 2016-17)


~~ ~ Il~ + ~ ~ l [ ".][2][.,, ] ~ II ! ~~::K~~ _ ~ ' 0 == ~ [ .,,][1]

d ,~ QM <::> K[ ."J[4]["'J ~~ t ~~ ~ ~ o ~t ~+ ~t ~ ~ [ . .][3][ ·"tJl?

== :::J :::J 0 ~ ~ [... J[5] ["' J~'I'i'FA 9~ I:::J:::J 0~ ~ 15

verso, three columns:

== :::J:::J 0 [1,5] ~ :::J:::J 0 [1,4] = :::J:::J 0[1,3] = :::J :::J 0 [1,2] I:::J:::J 0 [1,1 ]

=== :::J:::J 0 [2 ,3] ~~ :::J:::J 0 [2,2] =~ :::J:::J 0 [2 ,1] ~ == :::J:::J 0 [1 ,6]

1-6: Verso omitte d from Doc. 99, at p. 30, abov e II 10: For the missing regnal year, see DEMAREE 20 I 7-
17, 125, n. 2 1113-1 4 [2]: DEMAREE not es that the expe cted gro up p3y=n nb, "our Lord," appears here as
psy-m stp (ibid., 124), the sense of which- if not an outright error-is not immed iately appare nt 1114 [3]:
The usual "dual king" sequence has bee n inverted: nj-sw.t (ibid.) 1114 [4], beg inning : Restore [...lSY] r
sly.t, " [...going up] to the Field (i.e. the Valley of the Kings)" (ib id., 121 , 124 ) II 18 [1,6] : Read "day 26, not
(working)" (ibid., 12 I).

Object numbers

doc . # doc. #
Graffiti and rock insc ription s Papyri, continued
Elephantine, un-numbered rock inscription British Museum EA 10401 366
of crown princ e Rames ses 6 British Mus eum EA 104 I I 359
Valley of the Kings , graffito 3980 293 British Museum EA 104 I6 362
Va lley of the Kings , graffito 3981a 362 British Museum EA 104 I8 + 10287 364
Valley of the Queens , graffito 30 I3 384A British Museum EA 104 I9 357
Wad i el-I:J61, rock inscription 22 191 British Museum EA 10440 360
Wadi el-I:J61, rock inscriptio n 44 ................... 81 British Museum EA 10429 365
British Museum EA 75015 343
Statues Brit ish Museum EA 75016 367
De ir el-Me dina , statue 250 ............................ 146 British Museum EA 75017 368
Saqqara, un-numbered statue of Tjaroy British Muse um EA 75018 369
ca lled Ramessesnakht 142 British Museum EA 75019 + 10302 ................ 370
British Museum EA 75020 358
Stelae British Museum EA 7502 I 356
Cairo JE 71902 196 British Museum EA 75023 354
Cairo TR ...................................... 7 British Museum EA 75024 371
Chicago OIM EI4315 76 P. Cambridge University MS. Add . 4167 ...... .. 383
Damascus, Musee National, Stele de Keswe . 83 P. Milan RAN E 0.9.40126 + P. Mi lan RAN
Jerusalem , Ecole biblique SE 17................... 379 0.9.40128, recto 349
Karnak ND 63 194 P. Milan RAN E 0.9.40126 + P. Milan RAN
Kurkur oasis , un-numbered boundary stela 2 0.9.40128, verso 352
Luxor, Abu al-Gud magazine , ste la 37 199 Milan RAN E 0.9.40 127 350
Ramesseum TC I I .I002 .Ca-06 2II P. Rochester MAG 5 I .346.I 355
Silsila, un-numbered stela 9 P. Turin CGT 55002.... ......... ............. ............... 3I I
Uppsala V.M. 3201 381 Turin, Stato Civile 1-2 324
Vienna A.S. 8953 I Turin , Stato Civ ile 3 (recto) 325
Turin , Stato Civ ile 4 326
Other monum ents and artefacts, Turin, Stato Civ ile 5 (recto) 327
excluding papyri and ostraca Turin , Stato Civile 6 (recto) 328
Elephantine, doorpo st 20807A ...................... 382 Turin, Stato Civi le 7 (recto) 329
Jeru salem, private collection, un-numbered
shabti fragm ent 378 Ostraca
Luxor, temple exterior, inscription A.IV 137 O. Ashmolean HO 219 + British Museum EA
Luxor, temp le exterior, inscription A.V ........ 138 25289... .................................. ................ 24
Ramesseum , doorjamb TC 10. I002 .Gr-67 + Ashmolean HO 563 323
TC 10.I002 .Gr-68 348 Ashm olean HO 655 ......... ........ ........................ 210
Saqqara, un-numbered block ofTjaroy Ashmolean HO 679 188
called Rame ssesnakht 141 O. Berlin P 9408 S.v. O. DeM 10272
T6 d, un-numbered block fragment 148 Berlin P 9897 303
Berlin P 10634 265
Pap yri Berlin P 10665 280
P. Berlin P 10497 353 Berlin P 11249.................... ............................ . 270
Berli n P 14485 a-d + 14449 c+g 176 Ber lin P 11260 310
P. British Museum EA 10061 (=P . Ba ldwin) Ber linPI2286 318
+ P. Amie ns 337 Ber lin P 12405 35 I
Britis h Museum EA 10373 36 I Berlin P 12406 ................ ....... .......................... 295
INDICES: Object numbers 205

doc. # doc . #
Ostraca, continued Ostraca, continued
Ber lin P 12627 240 Cairo IdE 91283 (B6) 99
O. Ber lin P 12628 + 12641 282 Cairo IdE 91283 (B7) 100
Berlin P 12629 234 Cairo IdE 91283 (B8) 10 1
Berlin P 12631 278 Cairo IdE 91283 (B9) 102
Berl in P 12633 233 Cairo IdE 9 1283 (BIO) 103
Berli n P 12635 301 Cairo Id E 91283 (Bl l) 104
Berlin P 12642 S.v. O. Strasbourg H. 5 O. Carnarvon 408 186
Berlin P 12652 308 O. OeM 34 + Heide lberg Inv. Nr. 567 241
Berl in P 14149 2 15 OeM 706 70
Berl inPI4156 302 OeM 707 307
Berl in P 14264 ("K") 222 OeM 714 56
Berlin P 14302 296 OeM 717 69
Berlin P 14328 305 OeM 721 263
Berlin P 14666 254 OeM 726 279
O. British Muse um EA 72.659 374 OeM 743 143
Briti sh Museum EA 72.666 375 OeM 748 273
O. BTdK 255 346 OeM 759 306
BTdK 451 34 1 OeM 76 1 218
BTdK 614 266 OeM 763 2 14
BT dK 62 1 -........................... 288 OeM765 3 14
BTdK 622 231 DeM 777 84
BTdK 640 332 OeM 779 224
BTdK 646 20 1 OeM 782 242
BTdK 655 257 OeM 783 87
BTdK 659 335 OeM 784 88
BTdK 660 + BM 50722 + Cairo CG 25726 .. 344 OeM 788 212
BTdK 663 206 OeM 789 268
BTdK 664 336 OeM 790 213
BTdK 665 154 OeM 795 274
BTdK 667 330 OeM 831 259
BTdK 683 251 OeM 832 317
BTdK 684 272 OeM 834 292
BTdK 686 320 OeM 837 85
BTdK 690 243 OeM 838 226
BTdK 694 331 OeM 843 63
BTdK 695 322 OeM 844 236
BTdK 699 2 16 OeM 846 77
BTdK 704 339 OeM 851 64
BTdK 836 3 OeM 852 65
BTdK 837 4 OeM 855 253
BTdK 839 5 OeM 856 264
O. Cairo IdE 9 1283 (BI) 95 OeM 865 66
Cairo IdE 91283 (B2) 82 OeM 868 + OeM 10274 ................................... 156
Cairo IdE 9128 3 (B3) 96 OeM 869 309
Cairo Id E 91283 (B4) 97 OeM 874 200
Cairo IdE 91283 (B5) 98 OeM 876 151
206 INDIC ES: Object numbers

doc . # doc. #
Ostraca, continued Ostraca , continued
O. DeM 879 340 DeM 10034 227
DeM 883 161 DeM 10039.......................... ................. ............ 147
DeM 886 181 DeM 10044 ..................................................... .. 261
DeM 888 171 DeM 10045 207
DeM 889 150 DeM 10051 180
DeM 890 247 DeM 10052 179
DeM 893 291 DeM 10054....................................................... 159
DeM 898 170 DeM 10055 160
DeM 899 187 DeM I0057 157
DeM 900 172 DeM 10060 60
DeM 907 165 DeM 10061 68
DeM 908 174 DeM 10062 219
DeM 910 184 DeM 10064 217
DeM 91 1 + DeM 10275 235 DeM 10071 342
DeM 912 + DeM 913 175 DeM 10075 93
DeM 914 185 DeM 10076.. ..................................................... 166
DeM 915 315 DeM 10080 164
DeM 916 144 DeM 10084 299
DeM 917 229 DeM 10085 3 13
DeM 918 152 Dem 10087 ....................................................... 271
DeM 921 139 DeM 10088 338
DeM 933 158 DeM 10090 298
DeM 940 220 DeM 10093 228
DeM 942 90 DeM 10094 267
DeM 945 89 DeM 10095 13
DeM 946 162 DeM 10097 134
DeM 948 91 DeM 10098 140
DeM 953 202 DeM 10105.. ..................................................... 74
DeM 956 289 DeM 10 116 ............................... ........................ 287
DeM 960 281 DeM 10125......................................... .............. 71
DeM 963 223 DeM 10126....................... .................... ............ 72
DeM 965 67 DeM 10127 ............................................ ........... 183
DeM 966 333 DeM 10129 ........................ ............................... 57
DeM 967 244 DeM 10131 239
DeM 969 92 DeM 10137 300
DeM 973 262 DeM 10141 290
DeM 980 321 DeM 10145......................... ........ ........... ....... .... 238
DeM 10004 250 DeM 10146 ........................... .......................... .. 237
DeM 10006 249 DeM 10147 255
DeM 10007 275 DeM 10151 8
DeM 10009 258 DeM 10155 182
DeM 100 13 230 DeM 10161 252
DeM 10016 246 DeM 10163 73
DeM 10019 312 DeM 10164 ....................................... ................. 173
DeM 10023 256 DeM 10168 75
DeM 10029 61 DeM 10173 276
DeM 10032 245 DeM 10 180. .......... ............................................ 153
DeM 10033 248 DeM 10181 155
INDI CES: Obj ect numb ers 207

doc . # doc . #
Ostraca, continued Ostraca, contin ued
O. DeM 10182 167 O. Rock efeller Arc haeo logica l Muse um,
DeM 10187 193 Jerusa lem 1.9833/1, 2 .. 373
DeM 10 191 135 O. Strasbourg H. 5 + DeM 160 + Ber lin P
DeM 10 193 62 12642 . 285
DeM 10194 94 Strasbo urg H. 82 . 283
DeM 10198 204 Strasbo urg H . 119 . 178
DeM 10201 304 Stras bo urg H . 140 .. 163
DeM 10202 372 Strasbo urg H . 174 .. 380
DeM 10206 168 Strasbourg H . 182 . 208
DeM 10207 22 1 Strasbourg H . 187 + H. 189 + H. 192 . 197
DeM 102 10 269 O. Turin N. 57366 .. 286
DeM 10211 58 O. Univ. Memphis Ex pedition prov ono. 97 .. 385 A
DeM 102 17 86 O. Va lley of the Kings s.v. O. BT dK
DeM 102 18 53 O. Wente . 169
DeM 10219 3 16
DeM I 0222 209
DeM 10240 59
DeM 1024 1 203
DeM 10242 26 0
DeM 10245 284
DeM 10248 345
DeM 10249 .................... ...... .................... ...... 136
DeM 10250 232
DeM 10253 54
DeM 10265 205
DeM 10267 319
DeM 10269.. .................................................. 347
DeM 10272 + Berlin P 9408......................... 145
DeM 10273 294
DeM 10274 s.v, O. DeM 868
DeM 10275 s.v, O. DeM 9 11
O. G lasgow D.I925 .66 (=C olin Campbell I) 198
Glasgow D.I925.78 (=Co lin Campbell 13) ... 334
Gla sgow D.l925 .82 (=Co lin Campbell 16) ... 277
O. Heidelberg 567 S.v. O. DeM 34
O. Hildesheim PM 516 0 225
O. Le iden F 2000 /1.1 + KV 10045 149
Leid en F .2000/ 1.2 177
Leiden F.2002/ 10.1 297
O. Louvre N 694,3 192
O. Phi lade lphia, U. Penn . Mus. 69-29-23 1 .... 105
O. Qurna 620 /2.. .................................... ...... .. 376
Qurna 633 189
Qurna 647 ................... .................................. . 195
Qurna 690 /6 377
Qurna69 1 11 17/ 82 190

Toponyms, temples, and named structures @

Entries indexed by page number( s), plus external line number(s).

sb w s.v. Pr Hnmw nb sbw

sh.t n Ty hr <Pr > M w .t , " Field ofTiye on the <Estate> ofMut" 187, 16- 17

13.t . s.v. T313 .t

13d . S.V . P3 Jsdt
1w . S. V. P3 jw
jw jmnt.t Ps-sts-n-ts-nht, " island west of The-copse-of-t he-Sycamore " .. 148, 4
j w mh» ps phw n ts p~.t P3-S3Y, " island north of the back of Pashay " . 150,2-3
jw n j sbt .t Hs .t-nmt.t, " island to the east of Heset-nemtet" .. 147,6
jw n jsbt.t D t-rwh, " island to the east of Djaruhe" .. 149,10; also S. V. D s-rwh
jw mn[ ], " island of Amun[ ]" .. 145, 13, 15
jw n Jmn jw-ts-nb-n -mrw. t=j, " island of Am un, Every-l and-has-come-
for- love-of-him" . 143, 14; 144,7 ; 145,4-5
j w n Jmn jt-f-ts-nb, " island of Amun , He-has -seized-every-Land" .. 145,18 ; 146, 12-13 ; 152,15
jw n Jmn ps-sw-m-tss-f, " island of Amun, The-Sun-is-its-border" .. 144, 20; 147,2-3 ; 150, 19-20
jw n Jmn msw.t-hr.t-f, " island of Amun , New -land-is-its-condition" . 144,17; 145,7; 146,20; 150,8-9
jw n Jmn mh-snw. wt , " island of Amun , Fille r-of-granaries" . 146, 1,10; 149, 12-13
j w n Jmn mh.t-ps-Jwn , " island of Amun, North -of-the-P illar" . 150, 13
jw n Jmn shsh -us-f, " island of Amun , Overrunning -its-borde r" . 146,5-6,17
jw n Jmn k3-m- W3S.t, "is land of Amun, Ka -in-Thebes" . 148,1 0; 149,5; 151,19-20
jw n Jmn ks. w-m- W3S.t , " island of Am un, Kas -in-Thebes" . 151, 5
jw n 1mn ts-m -rsw .t, "is land of Am un, (the) Land-is-in-j oy" .. 152, 12-1 3
jw n M3~.t-nljt, "island of Maatnakht (Maat-is-strong)" .. 161, 18- 19
jw n msw.t jmnt.t Jn-Mw.t , "new island west ofInm ut" .. 147,19-20 ; 148, 17
jw n m3W.t jmnt.t ljnmty , "new island west of Khenemty" . 152,1 -2; 153, I ; also s.v.ljnmty
jw n Mgs , " island of Meges " .. 156, 14; 158,2
jw n rsy ps sw n Ts -hksw-m-hw.t-f, " island to the south of the area of
The-sorceress-is-in-his-mansion" . 148,6-7
< Jw > -rwd, "Farm-x island> (?)" . 34,19
1wny .t .. s.v. Pr Hnm w Nbw m 1wny .t
1p . t-s. wt , Karnak ("S elect-of-places") . 4, 18
1n .t . s.v. T3-1n.t
1n -M w.t .. s.v.jw n msw.t jmnt .t 1n -M w .t
Jnb -hd . s.v. Private titles , hmj
Jrs, Cypr us . S.V . Private names , Pi -n-Irs
jhy n Psqnr (P3qf), "camp of Paqener (Page l)" .. 15 I , I I

(' -=---'J

'nh-rw, Ankhru ("May-the -lion- live") 161, 17; 161, 20- 162, I
~§3- J:zb -sd, "Numerous-of-jubilees" (a vineyard) 7, 12

3 iy c w bD tmnr h hhhs§ake ttdd

INDIC ES: Toponyms, temp les, and named structures 209

W3S.t , Thebes 4,18; 8,22; 41, 6, 9,14,17; 60, 4; also
S.v. P3 ksm (3
Wb3 < (3 > n lmn, "The <great> court of Amun" 179, 7
Wb3 (3 n Jmn- R" nj-sw.t ntr . w, "great court of Amun-R e, king of the
gods" 178, 18-19
Wb3 m Jmn-R" nj -sw .t ntr . w, "court of Arnun-R e, king of the gods " 179, 1-2

B3kj, Quban 186, 15

Bnnw, Benenu 156, 19
Bry, Bary ,........................ ................ ...... 200 , 13, 15
bhn (n) R ~, "farmstead ofRoh" 155,20; 159, 14

p 0
P3 Jsdt , 'T he Mound" (quarry site) 29 , 5
P3 lw, "The Island" (agricultural site) 150, 11
Ps-mssnr (Ps-mesli , Pma' al 153,7-8
Ps-hnr (P3-~£) , Phel .................................................................................. 13,6-7,11 ; 34,12-13 ,16 (7); 35, 3 (7)
P3 Ijr, "The Necropol is" 170, 11; 172, 8 (2x) , 10 (2x) , 11, 12; 175,
1-2; 176, 1; also s.v. Private titles, ss N.
n ps ~r
P3 Ijr n Pr J 3, "T he Necropo lis of Pharaoh" 173, 1,2-3 ,4
P3-S3Y s.v. jw mhy p3 phw n t3 v: t
Ps-is -w'b, Pshawab ("The-pure-fruit") 158, 11
P3-SS, Pshes 156,15 ; 158,3
Ps-sts-n-ts-nht s.v .jw jmnt.t
P3 K3m (3 n (var.: ntj m) Pr (Wsr -M3(.t-W stp-n-W) I (.w.s . (mry
lmn) , "The Great Vineyard of (var. : wh ich is in) the Est ate of
(Use rmaatre Setepenrej], L.P.H., (beloved of Amun)" 9, 16; 10,20; 11, 19; 12, 11; 15,5 (7);
32,23 (7)
P3 K3m n (Rs-ms-sw mry-lmn) I <. w.s mry W3S.t, "The Great
Vineyard of (Ramesses M ery am unj], L.P .H., beloved of
Thebes" 10,3-4, 7-8, II (7); 11,6-7,23 (7); 12,
3 (7); 22 , 7 (7)
P3 Dmj, Deir el-Medina ("The Village") 67,18 ; 123,5
Ps Dw, "The Mountain" (quarry site) 29,12-13 ; 30,8; 202, 5-6
Psy-jh .t (?), Pay ihet 158, 16
Pr (l(~ -~tp) I s.v . Rmny .t Pr
Pr lmn , "House / Estate of Am un" 19,19 ; 72,18,21; 143, 13; 144,6-7; 145,
19; 146, 14; 155,4,6; 156,8; 157,3; 161,
5,8 ; 163, 14; 170,7 ; 171, 18; 178, 18;
also s.v . Rmny.t; Hw .t; and Private titles ,
jmj-r.jhwty; nfw; hr» wsh ; ss; stm
Pr lmn (3-Sfy.t , "Estate of Amun, Great -of-awe" 147, 16
Pr lmn msw.t-m-hni, "E state of Amun, New-land-in-front" 155,18 ; 159, 12-13
Pr Jmn-R", " estate of Amun-Ra" 6, 11

3 i Y (w b D [ m n r h h h h s sa k e t t d d
210 INDICES: Topony ms, temp les, and name d structures

Pr Jmn-R' nj -sw .t ntr. w, "Estate of Arnun -Re, king of the gods" 147,20-148 , I ; 159,6 ; 161,3 ; 163,9, 10,
11; also s.v. Private titles , nfw; /}rj ws h;
ss;; qd
Pr js ts hw .t (Nb -M;~. t -W) I ~. w .s ., "Funerary estate of the temple of
(Nebmaatrej]" , L.P.H. 187,20
Pr Wsj r, "E state of Osiris" s.v. hw.t (W -ms-s( w) mry-lmn ) I
Pr Pth, "Estate of Ptah" 172,2
Pr Mw.t s.v. sh.t n Ty
Pr Mh» .t-wbn s.v. Private tit les, hm-ntr
Pr n (M n-W ) I s.v. Private titles , jmj-r Pr n (Mn-W) I
Pr n ns Srdn, "E state of the Sherden" 158,7
Pr (NJr.t-jry) I s.v. Rmny.t Pr (NJr.t -jry) I
Pr Nhb.t Hd.t (N)ljn, "E state ofNekhbet, the White One of
Hierakonpolis" 191,20
Pr ( ?) hw .t-ntr (Rt-ms-sw Mry-lmn ) I mry mj Sth, "Estate (?) of the
temple of (Ramesses Meryarnunj] , belo ved like Seth" 159, 7-8
Pr (Rs-ms-sw mry-lmn ) I ~ . w.s., Piramessu 24,9; also s.v. Rmny .t Pr
Pr (Rs-ms-sw hq s-Jwnwi I s.v. Rmny .t Pr
Pr Hby ,t, "Estate of Hebyt (Isi s-Hathor)" 13, 14
Pr Hr-wr Nb Nby, "E state of Haroeris, Lord ofKom ambo" 19 1, 11- 12
Pr Hr Bhd.t , "Estate of Horus of Edfu" 19 1, 13; also s.v. Private titles , hm-rur
and Divin e Names
Pr Hr (N) ljn, "Estate of Horus of Hierakonpolis" 191, 18
Pr Ijnm w Nb sbw , "Estate of Khnum, Lord of E lephantin e" 191, 6
Pr Ijnmw Nbw m l wny.t , "Estate ofKhnum and Nebu in Esna" 192,2
Pr hnrt m Mn-nfr s.v. Private titles ,jnlj-r wr
Pr hnrt n nb ts . wy s.v. Private titles ,jnlj-r wr
Pr Sbk, "Estate of Sobek" 192, 11
Pr Ty , "Estate ofTiye" 187,20
Pr Dws-Ntr n Jmn, "Estate of the Divine Adoratrice of Amun " 187, 17,20

Mr.t -nhi . s.v.jw n Ms'.t-nhs
Msw-ps-ry (?), Maupary (?) . 158, 18
Mw-n-Jmn , " Water-of-Amun" (Nile tributary) . 11,15 ; 13,21 ; 32, 6
M w-n-P;-W, "Water-of-Pre" (Nile tributary) . 9,16-17; 10,20; 11, 19-20 ; 12, 12
Mw-n -Pth, "Water-of-Ptah" (Nile tributary) . 8,15-16; 32,10; 32, 14 (?), 17
Mn -nfr . s.v. Priv ate tit les ,jmj-r wr
M gs . s.v.jw n M gs
Mdd, Medjed . 151, 17


N sy -Imn, "Those of Amun" 11, 3; 14,4-5

N;y -(Wsr-M;~.t-W mry-lmn) I, "Those-of-(Usermaatre Mery arnunj]" 159, 18; 160, 11-12 ; 161, 13
N;y-(W-ms-sw mry-Jmn l... J, "Those-of-(Ramesses Mery am un [ J" 33,3-4
Njw.t, No / Thebes ("City") 166,5 ; 170,20; 174,6; 175, 2, 18; 184,
15; 194, 7; also s.v. Private Titles, jmj-r;
hstj-" n; hm .t n ; ss n tms
Nb .t -jws (?), Ne betius (?) :................... 158, 19
Nby s.v. Pr Hr-wr Nb Nby

; jy ~ w b p J m n r h /} lj b ss q kg t { d q
INDICES : Toponyms, temples, and named struct ures 211

Nfr .wj-sy, Nefrusy ( "How -beautifu l-she~is! ") 157,11 ; 160, 4,1 8; 16 1, 11-12, 14-15;
162, 8-9; also S.Y . Rmny .t and Private
titles ,jmj-r pr
Nbn S.Y . Pr Nbb.t ~(j.t and Pr Ifr

r <::>
Rmny .t (n) Jmn-R' nj -sw .t ntr. w, "Doma in of Amun-Re, king of the
gods " 160,1,2-3
Rmny.t Jmn-R" nj-sw.t ntr. w <ps > jr msw.t, "Domain of Amun-Re ,
king of the gods, <the> make r of new lands " 159, 19
Rmny .t PrJ" "Domain of Pharaoh," 148,20
Rmny .t mt pr lmn m sw Nfr .wj -sy, "Regular domain ofthe Estate of
Am un, in the vicinity of Nefrusy" 157, 16- 17; also S.Y . Pr lmn ; Nfr.wj-sy;
Rmny .t Nfr .wj-sy
Rmny .t mt pr Jmn-R" nj-s w.t ntrw, "Regular domain of Amun-Re , king
ofthe gods" 160, 17; 162,6-7; also S.Y . Pr Jmn -R:
Rmny .t mt m sw n Nfr .wj-sy , "Regular domain in the vicin ity of
Nefrusy" 155,20- 156,1; 159, 15; also S.Y . Nfr .wj-
Rmny .t mt n pr Jmn , "Regular domain of the Estate of Arnun" 149,18-19; also S.Y. Pr Jmn
Rmny .t N,-[ .. . ] -p ~ . ty (?) -~tp, "Domain of The-] ]-pe hty (?)-are-
satisfied" 153, 9
Rmny .t Ns -mnmn .t hip , "Domain of The-catt le-are-satisfied" 153,14-15; 154, 15
Rmny .t Nfr.wj-sy, "Domain of Nefrusy" 156, 8, 16-1 7; 158,4- 5; also S.Y . Rmny.t
mt and Nfr.wj -sy
Rmny.t Ps -j'n -n-Hnsw-wnw-Nhn , "Domain of The-baboon -of-Khonsu-
who -was -a-child" 15 1, 7-8
Rmny .t Pr W~ -~tp) I, "Domain ofthe Estate of (Ahhotepj]" 151,6; 154, 11-1 2
Rmny.t(n)Pr(n)lmn,"Domainof the EstateofAmun" 145, 16 (?); 149, 11; 150,5, 10, 13, 18;
151,18; 152,8,13 ,16 ; 155,16; 156, 19-
20; 157, 14, 19- 20; 158, 10, 11; 161, 17,
19; 162, 1; also S.Y . Pr Jmn and Rmny .t
Rmny.t Pr Jmn ~, -.ify .t, "Domain of the Estate of Amun, Great-of-

Awe" 143, 15; 145,8

Rmny.t Pr lmn ~,-sfy.t m t, snw.t Pr lmn, "Domain of the Estate of
Am un, Great -of-Awe, in the granary of the Estate of Arnun" .... 154, 9- 10
Rmny.t Pr Jmn j r-msw.t, "Domain of the Estate of Amun, Maker-of-
new -lan d" 153,4 ; 156, 12-13

Rmny .t Pr Jmn-R" nj-sw.t ntr. w, "Domain the Estate of Amu n-Re, king
of the gods" 144,4; 148, 12; 153, 17- 18, 19-20; 154,
1-2; 18-19; 160, 8-9, 12- 13, 16; 161,
10-11; 162,4,8,9- 10, 11
Rmny .t Pr Jmn-R" nj -sw .t ntr. w (p,) -jr msw.t, "Domain of the Estate
of Am un-Re , king of the gods, (Thej-maker-of-new -Iand" 154, 17- 18; 160, 18-1 9
Rmny .t Pr Jmn -R' nj-sw.t ntr. w m sw n Tbw, "Domain of the Estate of
Amun-Re, king of the gods , in the vicinity of Tjebu" 154, 14
Rmny.t Pr Mw .t, "Domain of the Estate of Mut" 156, 3; 160,4-5 ,20
Rmny.t Pr Mw .t wr .t nb .t jsrw, "Domain of the Estate of Mut, the
Great one, Mistress of the Sacred Lake" 162, 12-13

212 INDICES: Toponyms, temp les, and named structures

Rmn y .t Pr (NJr.l-jry) I, "Domain of the Estate of (Nefertari j]" 150, 4; 151,2; 154, 10-11
Rmn y .l Pr (Nrf l-jry) I min 13 snw. t Pr Jmn , "Domain of the Estate of
(Nefert arij] in/ofth e granary of the Estate of Amun" 143,16-1 7 (?); 151,9
Rmn y .l Pr (R~-ms-sw) I m pr Jmn , "Domain of the Estate of
(Rarnessesj] in the Estate of Amun" 156, 10
Rmny .l Pr (R~-ms-sw mry -lmn ) I, " Domain of the Estate of (Ramesses
Me ryamun j ]" 145,6; 152, 6
Rmn y .l Pr (Rs-ms-sw mry-lmn ) I (". w. s.) nlr Ifw.l-r-p3-wrj, "Domain
of the Estate of( Ramesses Me ryam unj ], (L.P.H.), of/at
Huterpawedj" 144, 8- 9 (sic.?); 146,2-3 , 6-7, 11-1 2;
147,8-9; 148, 18-19; 149,6-7,14; 150,
14-13; 150,20-15 1,1 ; 151, 13; also S.Y .
Hw .t -r-ps- wd
Rmny .l Pr (W-ms -sw mry-lmn ) I m pr Jmn , "Domain of the Estate of
(Ramesses Meryamunj] in the Estate of Amun" 157,20; 159, 10
Rmn y .l Pr (W- ms-sw mry-lmn ) I m Pr Jmn n H w.t-r-ps-wd , "Domain
of the Estate of (Ramesses Meryamun)[ in the Estate of Amun
of Huterpawedj" 143,18-1 9; 154,4-5
Rmn y.l Pr (R~-ms-sw hqs-Jwn w) I j r msw .t , "Domain of the Estate of
(Ramesses Heqaiunu j], who makes new land" 154, 6-7, 16-17
Rmn y.l Pr (W -ms-sw hqs-Jwn w) I m pr Jmn , "Domain of the Estate of
(Ramesses Heq aiunu )/ in the Estate of Amun " 153,6-7
Rmn y.l Pr (Sty) I (M r-n-P1MI m Pr Jmn , "Domain of the Estate of
(Setyj] (Me rne ptahj ] in the Estate of Amun" 146, 9; 154, 8- 9
Rmny.l Pr (Sth -nht mr r-lmn ) I m pr Jmn , "Doma in of the Estate of
(Sethnakht Mereramun)[ in the Estate of Amun" 154, 7-8
Rmny .t Hnt-Mn w, "Domain of Khenet-Min" 144, 10; 145, 19; 146, 14; 149,4, 10; 152,
Rmny.l Tbw, "Domain of Tj ebu" 146, 8; 148, 1
Rn[ ], Ren[ ] 158, 17
R~ S.Y. bon n Rh

H w.t (Wsr-M3~. 1 -W slp -n-W) I, " Mansion of (Usermaatre Setepenrej]" .. 8,15 (?); 19, 18; 35, 9 (?); 40,9-10; also
S. Y. Hw.t (n .l hh . w m rnpw.ty

Ifw.l (Ws r-M3~ . 1-Wstp-n-Rry I ( ~. w. s.) hrw-hr-M si.t m p r Jmn ,

"Mansion of (Use rmaatre Setepenrej], (L.P.H.), Heruhermaat
in the Estate of Amun" 8, 3-4; 11, 10 (?); 12, 22 (?); 32, 20 (?);
34, 6 (?), 9 (?), 12 (?); 35, 3 (?)
Hw .t Pr J 3 , "M ansion of Pharaoh" 172,10-11
Hw .t Pth , "Mansion of Ptah" S. Y. Pri vate titl es, ss N .
Hw.t (Mn -M3 ~. 1 -W) ~ . w.s. n [ ], "Mansion of (Menmaatre)[, L.P.H.,
of [ ]" 35, 20

3 i V~ w b !JIm n r h h h b s s a k z t t d rj
INDI CES: Toponyms , temples, and nam ed structures 213

Hw.t (n.t J:!J:! . w m rnp w.t n nj -sw.t (Wsr-M;~. t-W stp-n-R'y I
<. w.s. m Pr jmn , T he Ram esseum / "M ansion (of milli ons of
years of the Dual Kin g) (Us ermaatre Setepenrej], L.P.H ., in the
Estate of Amun" 6, 15-1 6; 7, 3 (?), 16 (7), 19- 20 ; 8, 11-
12 (7); 9,15 ; 10, 15-16 , 19; 11, 10 (?),
14, 18; 12, 6 (?) , 10,22 (7); 13, 14 (7);
32, 6 (7), 10 (7), 14 (?), 23 (7); 24, 3-4;
34,6 (7), 9 (?), 12 (7), 19;35, 13, 16; 36,
6 (7); also s.v . Hw .t (Wsr-M;~. t -W stp-n-
W) I
ljw.t nj-sw.t bj. tj (Mn -M;~. t-W ) I, " mansion ofking (M enrnaatre j]" 5, 19
H w.t-nbw n Pr Jmn, "M ansion -of-gold of the House of Amun" 17 1, 19
Hw .t-nir, Hutnetjer (agricultural site ) 152, 5; 153,3
H w. t-ntr is Nhsy .t , " Mansion of the Nubian wom an" s.v , T; Hw.t-Nir-ts -Nhsy.t
Hw .t-ntr (W -ms -sw mry -Imn ) I m Pr lmn-m -l[p].t , "Temple of
(Ramesses Meryamun) in the Estate of A menemo [pJet" 5, 18
hw.t -ntr (W-ms -sw Mry -I mn) I mry mj Stb S.Y. Pr (?)
Hw .t-r-ps-wd, Hut erpawedj S. Y. Rmn y .t pr (W -ms -sw mry-Imn ) I and

Pri vate title s, jmj -r j h. w N .

Hw .t iRt-ms-sw mry-Jmn i i , "Mansion of (Ramesses Meryamunj ]" 31 ,19
Hw . t (W -ms-s(w) M ry-Imn ) I m Pr Wsj r, "Mansion of (Ramesses
Mery amunj ] in the Estate of Osiri s" 5, 19
Hw.t Rnn y .t , "M ansion of Renenutet" 54 ,19 ; 55 , 8
Hw. t-ks-Pth, Me mphis (" Ka-mansion-of-Ptah") S. Y. Pri vate titl es, wr n pr Ijnrt
hnr S.Y. Ps-hnr
hl s.v, Ps -hnr
Hs .t-nmi.t s.y.jw n j sbt .t hs .t-nmt.t

lJ. @
Ijmnw, Ashm unein (Herm opol is) 155, 3, 5; 156,7 ; 157, 11; 159, 16, 17,20;
160,12; 16 1, 13
Ijnmty, Khenemty 144,3 ; 152, 16-17; also S.Y . jw msw.t
jmnt.t Ijnmty
or S.Y . P; Ijr

s~ n Mw .t, " Walled-enclosure ofM ut" 166,18-19
Sp .t n Nsm .t, "Bank of the Nes hme t-barque" 29 , 14
SO.t (~; . t), Valley of the Kings ("( Great) Field") 45 , 11 ; 86,4-5 ; 202, 14; also S.Y. T; -
In .t
s c::::::ss:::J
SH(.t) n(.t ) (M; ~. t-R~ I <. W. s. , "The tomb of (Maatrej ], L.P.H ." 170,1 2-1 3
Sdw, Shedu 200 , 12

q Ll
qnjw n Mw.t -jry, "shrine of Mutiry" 163, 8
Qrbn , Qerben 33, 17, 21; 34 , 3 (7)

; jy~w b p f m n r h J:! o bssq kg t l d (j

214 INDICES : To ponyms, templ es, and named structures

k '<C7'
K;, "Ka" 10, 4, 8,1 2; 11, 7, 23; 12,3; 33, 7,11 ,14
Ksm <s S.v . P; Ksm c;
Ks [ ]y, Kes[ ]y 158,1 6

g lA1
Gbtyw, Coptos 69, 5

t Cl

T; Is .t, "The Mo und" (a vineyar d) 7, 4

T; In .t , "T he Va lley (of the Kings; Queens)" 45, 14,15 ; 110, 19- 20; 118, 20; also s.v.
SO.t (C; .t)
Te-sty, "A rcher-land" / Nubia 1, 18
T; sbnw, Tase bnu 155,1 5-1 6; 159, 9-1 0
T; Ksb , "The kes eb- tree" (agr icultura l site) 156, 16; 158, 4; 160, 2, 8; 16 1, 10
T; Hw .t-ntr-ts-Nhsy, t, "The Te mple-of-the-N ubian-woman" (a village). 162, 16-1 7
Tey-f-jnt-sss, " Its-fetching-is-fre quent" (a stable) 67,3
Tj-mr-rmi (?), T imerremetj (?) 158, 15
Tw-f-mj- ps -ntr ( ?), "He-is-like-the-god (?)" (agricultural site) 158,1 8
tr n Jmn c;-sfy .t , "portal of Arnun, Great-of-Awe" 180, 7- 8

l ~
Tsrw. Tjaru 34, 9
Tbw, Tje bu 149, 19; also s.v. Rmny .t Pr Jm n-R:
Tnn , Tje nat 153, 10,1 4 (?)

d ~
Dmj s.v , P; Dmj

[Y-rwh, Djaruhe 149, 8; also s.v.jw n jsbt.t D s-rwh

[)w S.v . P; Dw
Dsr.t, Deir el-Bahr i ("c loistere d place") 45, 12

;jyCwbpf m nr h ~O !.zssqkg tld4


Ethnonyms tlftl

"pr, Apiru / Hebrews 70, 12

Msws, Me shwesh / Libyans . 172, 14; also s.v. Private tit les, r3 n M.fw.s
Mg,3Y , Medjay / Nu bians .. 181, 18,2 1; 182,9; also s.v. Pr ivate tit les, mds» and hrj
mdsy . w

Rbw, Libyans .. 172,1 8

v c::s:s::J
Sr(dn), Shereden) . 150, 18-1 9; 152, 7; 154, 3; 160, II ; also s.v. Toponyms ,
Pr n ns Srdn

. lit.Jl
PrIvate names I I I

o 1\ -
Names of the type P(3) / T(3)-n-DIVINENAME, whic h regularly employ the abbreviated orthographies - / U 0 -DN ,
have been indexed under the former, lexical spe lling (i.e., P3-n, etc., as opposed to Pn-). Other minor ort hographic
variations, including the interchange, addition, or omission of weak endings and markers typical of Late Egyptian
docu ments, have generally been ignored in the compi lation of the private names. In order to fac ilitate locati on of
specific individua ls, filiation formu lae, e.g. "N I , son ofN2 , his mother N3 ," appear in full, where avai lable, und er the
initial son's or daughter' s name . In formulae that do not preserve the child 's nam e, the father and/or mother appear
und er their own names with the pare nthetical notation "father/mothe r of' ¥ or 0, designating an unkn own fem ale or
male child. Na me formul ae of the type "N I , who is called N2" appea r likewise in full under the initia l name, without
a separate entry for the nickname .

3ny . 20, 12; 45, 5 (?); 54, 9; 60, 9, 13 (?); 61, 18

m y S3 Q~y . 49,4
sny-nht , w . 18, 1, 4; 75, 19; 78, 19-20; 85, 19; 86, 10; 89, 1,7; 90,
6; 102, 13; 107, 17; 109, 8; 110,3; 114, 12; 131, 10; 133,
m y-nhi S3 Nhw -m-Mw .t mw.t- s Hw.t-Hr . 119,17- 18
3!J-mnw . 186, 2
3S.t . 114, 2 1; 120,9
3S.t S3.t Nhw-m-Mw .t mw.t-s Hw .t-Hr . 135,5-6

Jj -r-nj w.t-f 17, 2 1; 22, 10; 56,2; 57, 15; 62, 12; 63, 2 (?), 17; 74, 9
(?); 85, 16; 86, 8; 88, 19; 93, 2; 89 . 20; 104, 9; 105, 2;
107,8 ; 108, 9

3 jyr w b p f m n r h ~ !J bs .fq kg t ! d g,
216 IND ICES : Private names

lCW- ~ 3 . t . 70, 20
Iw-f-n-Jmn . 166, 15- 16
Jw-f-n -ns -nb . w . 156, 5; 157, 9
Jw-f- r-jh . 80, 13; 11 6, 12
lwny . 58, II , 12;5 9,5 , 8- 9, 17, 19 (2x)
Jw -nht-f 53 c3-.f/y.t-m-Nbn . 150, 7-8
l whpy . 166,1 2-1 3
l p wy . 17, 22; 18,4 ; 20, 22; 47, 14; 49 , 18; 51, 10, 17; 52, 16;
53, 11, 17, 18, 19; 54,20 (2x); 55,4; 56, 17; 58, 4,1 5;
59, 1, 7; 60, 14, 18; 6 1, 3, 10, 13; 62, 3; 63, I ; 113, 21
lp wy 53 Nfr-hr . 83,20
lpwy 53 Nfr -hr 1llW.t < =f > Mrw.t-Mw.t 138,20
l1llnl ] ss Dhwty-ms. w Tsry . 188,12-1 3
Imn -jp .t -nht . w . 186, 3
l1lln-W3?1-5W . 2,22 ; 3, 9; 164,7
Jmn -w' . 121, 12, 18, 19; 172, 16, 17
Jmn- w' (father of 0) . 137, 7-8
Jmn- w' 53 Hrj . 170, 19-20
Jmn-ps-h'p y . 133,15 ; 140, 6- 7, 14-1 5
Jmn- ps-h'py (father of 0) . 137, 15
Jmn-ps-h/py 53 Nfr-htp . 118, 3-4
Jmn -m-jp .t . 20, 12; 23, 2, 11; 5 1, 7, 13; 52, 12; 57, 17; 62,2,4-5 ; 72,
21; 73, 20 (?); 85, 4, 12; 86, 5 (?); 89, 18; 107, 5; 108,
11,1 9; 109, 9; 110,3 ; 111, 15- 16
Jmn-m-jn .t . 44, 18; 45, 4, 5; 48, 4; 49, 2; 54, 19; 56, 20; 60, 10; 6 1,
17; 62, 3, 6, 15; 63, I; 68,1 8-19; 73,1 0; 94, 19; 109, 9;
120, 5
Jmn -m-jn.t-nht. w . 62, 17
Imn -m-wjs . 17, 15; 20, 17; 2 1,3
Jmn-m-hb . 88,4
Jmn -m-hb 53 Ps -n-nj w.t mw.t-f RC-j3 . 134, 18-1 9
Jmn -m-hb 53 Twns . 83, 10- 11, 14
Jmn -ms. w . 7,9; 17, 5; 20, 12; 2 1, 19; 23, 4; 80, 15; 102, 19; 115, 18;
116,1 3; 130,21 ; 156, 20
Jmn- ms.w-wsr-hps . 76, 20
Imn-nht . w . 44,8 ; 45, 12,13 ; 49, I ; 54, 6, 14; 58, 3; 62, I I, 15; 76,
3; 78, 14, 18; 79, 8, 14; 82, 4; 83, 3; 90, 2; 96, 5; 97, 6;
107, 8, 12; 108, 16; 109, 3; 111, 14, 18; 114, 14; 13 1, 9;
140,1 3; 148, 7; 173, 5; 175,4
Imn-nht. w (father of 0) . 137,1 6; 175, 20
Jmn -nhi . w (father of ~) . 135,1 2; 139, 17-1 8
Jmn -nht , w 53 l p wy . 113, 12
Jmn-nht. w 53 Rs-ptr-f . 130, 12; 140,6
Jmn-nht . w 53 If3Y 1llW. t=f Hnw.t-mtr . 138, 1
Imn-nht . w 53 Hrj Jrj mw.t-f Ts-nfr-hr . 135,11
Jmn -nht . w S3 H'-m-Nwn . 113,18 ; 120, 1
Jmn -nht . w 53 Qn-hr-hps -f . 114, 5
Jmn -nht. w S3 Ks . 107,1 3; 109,4 ; 114, 10; 119, 18; 140, 17
lmn -hrw . 95, 11

3 j YCwbpf 1ll nrh ~ b bsJqkgtld 4

INDICES : Private names 217

Jmn-htp , w : . 91, 16; 104, 10; 105, 6; 107, 2, 3, 6,1 3,1 4-1 5; 108, 19;
109, 6; 110, 1; 112, 13; 140, 8 (2x), 14, 15; 150, 14; 151,
18; 156, 5; 157, 9; 170, 6, 8; 173, 14; 182, 6; 185, 13;
also s.v , Roya l names
Jmn -htp, w S3 Jj- mj-sbs . 150,11 -1 2
Jmn-htp, w S3 Ps-n-Ts-wr .t . 17 1,1 2
Jmn-htp, w s; Thn-nfr .. 152, 19-20
Jmn-h". w . 78,7; 83, 10,13 ; 97, 9; 103, 19; 106, 23 ; 111, 15; 140,
6; 142, 11; 165, 23; 166, 3, 14
Imn -h". w S3 'n-htp . 147,5
l mn-qn . 199,5
Jm twy . 196,4
lny ~ . 20, 19
lnry . 176, 19; 177, 13, 16; 178, 1
Jn-hr.t-h". w . 58,3 (?); 120, 7
Jn-hrt-h', w S3 Stby . 134, 8- 9
Jr-ss (l[J; ) . 102, 14
l ry . 52, 14
l ry-jry . 200, 17, 19
Iry-:s . 104,8 ; 107,7; 108,7; 157, 2; 163, 11
lry-nfr . 173, 10
Jrw-s w . 48,3 ; 89, 9; 90, 10
l[J; . s.v . lr J ;
lJ:t;y . 60, 17;6 1,2,4
l qnr . 178, 8
Jt -j -ms ' . 43, 13
Jt -nfr . 164,7
Jtm-htp, w . s.v. Tm -htp . w

Ywp; 67, 19

<s-ps-isw . 96,19; 114, 11; 130, 18; 140, 17; 141, 5

"s-ps-tsw S3 S; -W;(jy.t mw.t-f Mr-s- gr . 138, 2- 3
"s-p h.t» . 20, 12;38,5 ;47,20;55, 13;6 1,5- 6,16
~;-P J:t · ty=f . 153, 8
~;-PJ:t . ty-nht. w (sic., for <s-nht,w?) . 61,3
"s-nry . 145,1 - 2, 20; 146, 13, 14; 149, 12; 152, 15-1 6
<s-nht. w . 20,3 ; 49, 18, 19; 50, 1,2 ; 53, 10, 12; 81, 3 (?) ; 97, 3
~; -sfy.t -jw . w S3 Bsk-n-Hnsw . 143, 13
~; -sfy . t-m-W;s.t . 150,1 5-1 6
~;-sfy .t- m- J:tb S3 Nfr-rnp.t . 148,1 6
~; -sfy . t-nbt .w . 145,5
~;-sfy . t-hr . 148, 11; 149, 6; 151,5- 6, 20
'n- htp, w . 171, 8
' n-ht» S3 . t Hrj -nfr mw.t-s hw.t-jy . 138,7-8
"n.t-m -hb . 194,11
~b -p· t . 36, 17; 79, 5; 97, 10

;jy ~wbpfmnr hJ:tb bs .(q k gtld(j

2 18 INDI CES: Private names

rs;-b ·t 89,13,1 4; 90, 5, 7-8; 161, 12, 18

rs;-b .t B Stbj 159, 9; 161,2- 3
rgr 189,1 0; 190,8 ,1 0

W; . 120, 9
W;s .t -m-J:tb B .t Hwj -nfr .w mw.t-s Mrw. t-snq .t . 134,1 5-1 6
W;g-ms . w . 17, 8; 20, 11
W;g.t -m- J:tb . 200, 14
Wrb.t S3.t Nfr -hr mw.t- s Dws w . 138, 3--4
W-w;y . 97,2
Wbb·t . 121,7
Wn-nfr . 9,6 (?); 17, 2- 3, 8,1 6; 20, 14; 57, 7- 8,1 5; 63, 17; 73,
13; 76, 7; 99, 16; 131, 4; 171, 8; also s.v. Wnn- nfr
Wn-nfr ss P; -n- [Jmn ?] . 136, 23
Wn-nfr ss Ps-n -Jmn mw.t -f Tsy i ] . 136, 22
Wn-nfr -nbt.w s; r;- sfy. t-m-Nbn . 146, 15-1 6
Wn=j-(n) -Jmn . 165, 23
Wnn-nfr . 31, 7; 69,4; 70, 4,7; 140, 7; 149, 11; 155,7; also s.v.
Wn-nb w . 17, 2
Wsr-A1;r.t-Rr-nbt.w . 103,1 6; 119, 1, 2
Wsr-M;r .t-W- nbt. w ss P; [ ] . 136,8
Wsr -J:t; .t . 74,20 (2x7); 75, 6 (7); 86,5 (7); 88, 17; 92, 14; 99, 16;
102,1 3; 104, 5; 107, 6; 110, 12; 111, 17; 114, 14 (?);
163, 20
Wsr-J:t;.t-nbt. w . 74,11 ,14; 90, 9; 94,18, 20 ; 96,11 ; 98,1 9; 118, 15; 129,
9; 168, 4
Wsr-bps . 171, 11
Wsb -nmt .t . 107, 10; 108, 13; 112, 15; 114, 20; 13 1, 9; 153,4

B;y . 58, 13;59, 15;64, 11, 15 .

B;k . 26, 17, 24; 28, 2; 44, 13
Bsk-Jmn . 57, 7; 175, 11; also s.v. Bsk -n-Jmn
Bsk -n-Jmn .. 107, 17; 109, 7; 110, 2; 120, 16; 130, 13; 140, 8
Bsk-n-Jmn s; "msw-Jmn . 11 3, 2 1- 22
Bsk-n-wrnr . 25,2 1;96,20; 114, 1
Bsk-n-wrnr (father of ~) . 138, 10- 11
Bsk-n-wrnr ss Nb -nfr mw. t-f Hn w.t-mfks.t .. 138, 9-10
Bsk-n-Mw .t . 20,22 ; 163, 21; 186, 11, 13
Bsk-n-Hnsw .. 72, 7, 17, 19; 89,14, 17; 90, 4, 7; 107, 15; 108, 17; 110,
2; 152, 13; 158, 12; also s.v. Bs k-Hnsw
Bsk-n-Hnsw s; 's-p h. ty . 147,10
Bsk-n-sdw ss Nb -in . 151, 3--4
B;k-Ijnsw . 88, 10; also s.v. Bsk-n-Hnsw
Bsk.t-Mw.t . 72,8
Bsk. t-smn . 98, 10
Bw-rh .tw-j wn-f .. 45,6; 60,18- 19; 84,4 ; 97, 7
Bw-qn -tw-f .. 20, 14; 44, 18(7);49,3 ;62, 10; 120, 4 (?)

; jy rwbpf m nr hJ:tb bs .sq kg t {dg

INDIC ES : Pr ivate names 219

Bw-qn-tw=j(fat her of Cj? ) 137, 8

Bw-ths -Jmn 181, 10 (?); 183, 6- 7, 2 1; 184,5-7,2 1; 185, 3; 186, 14;
193,9, 11
Bw-ths-Jmn S3 Dhwty -ms. w Tsry 188,12
Bw . i-isrz 98, 18
B(n)g 199,5
Bs 101,18
Bs S3 Bs 114, 2

p 0
Ps-jw S3 R'-ms -sw (donkey name) . 10 1, 11
Ps-jb . 92,4
Ps -jmj-r-jh . w . 47 ,13; 49, 5; 62, 5, 16-17; also s.v. Private titles,jmj-r
Ps -jmj -r-snw.ty . 166,7; also s.v. Pr ivate titles,jmj-r
Ps -jmj-r-ks . t . 158,9
Ps-jry . 78,22; 93, 9; 148, 1- 2
Ps-jry S3 Mnns . 78,16
Ps -jry S3 Imn-hr-Ms'w . 149, 1
Ps -jdnw . 113,22; 114, 10; 130, 13; also s.v. Private titles,jdnw
Ps-jdnw-nh t. w . 117,4
Ps -ym . 49,19; 50, 1; 51, 17; 56, 1; 62,16, 18
P3J3-m -t3-jp.t . 156,9; 157, 18; 159,20; 160, 14; 161, 14
P3J3-!3W . 140, 7-8
P3J n . 116,9; 163, 12
P3Jn -bCw S3 Hrj-ms mw.t-f Nbw-m-hb . 134, 6
P3Jn -br-j3W.t=j S3 Qd -sh . t=jmw.t=jMrw .t-Mw .t . 137,19-21
Ps-sn-qn S3 Imn -w' mw.t=fNbw -jy . 135,4- 5
P3Jn b . 181,1 9
P3Jnb [S3 ] Ps-hny (donkey name) . 101, 11
Ps-snh-r-f . 153,10-1 1
P3-W3~ S3 ny . 200, 19
Ps-w'-Jmn S3 Hrj -ms. w mw.t-f Nbw-m-hb . 134, 9- 10
Ps -wbn -nw . 60,16; 61, 11- 12; 62, 9
Ps-wbh.t-nw S3 Nb-nfr mw .t-f Njr.t-jry . 135,3--4
Ps-wns . 163,2-3
Ps -wns S3 Ts -my .t-jqr.t (donkey name) . 101,9-10
P3-b3k . 107, 10-11
Ps -mrw.t . 146, 2, 11; 149, 13
Ps-mdw-nhi . 110, 11; 114, 11; 121, 13
Ps -n-Jmn . 49,2;60,16-17;6 1,6-7;97,2; 114,5; 136, 2 1; 171,2
P3-(n)-lrs . 131, 9
Ps -n-snq.t . 104,13; 105,8 ; 107, 2; 109, 11; 110,7; 136, 19
Ps -n-bwy . 17, 17;20, 15;52, 13,15
Ps-n -ps-jw . s.v. Ps-n-ps -mr
Ps-n-ps-mr . 103,4-5; 105, 10- 11; 108,6
Ps-n-Mn-nfr . 111,19-20; 139, 17
Ps-n -Mn -nfr (father 6) . 139, 18
Ps -n-Mn -nfr S3 ly-r-njw. t=j . 83,20
P3-n-mr-n Jb . 17,2
Ps-n -Mhy.t . 156, 9; 157, 18
Ps-n-Nj w.t . 97,2; 130, 12

220 INDI CES: Private names

Ps -n-njw.t S3 Ms. w . 83,20

Ps -n-njw.t 53 Ms . w mw.t-f Hnw.t-w' itj 134, 16
Ps-n -Nbw . 9, 10; 17, 9; 20, 11 -12 ;43,20 ;57, 16;5 9,8
Ps-n-ns.ty-ts.wy . 149,1 8; 155, 16; 156, 1,8, 11, 17; 157,1 2,1 7; 158,5 ;
159,11 ; 160, 4,10,1 3-1 4,1 7; 161, 12; 162, 9; 196, 15
Ps-n-ns.ty-ts.wy 53 Ps-sdw . 134, 10
P3-n-p3-R( . 56, 7; 195, 9
P3-n-p3-W 53 Nb- nfr mw.t-f Nf r.t-jry . 134, 8; 135, 2- 3
P3-n-P3-!Jntj . 90, 8; 99, 5, 6
Ps-n -ps -hntj 53 Hnsw-ms. w . 90,8- 9
P3-n-p3-s . s.v. Ps-n-ps-mr
Ps-n -Rnnw. t . 17, 17; 18,3 ; 169, 2-3
Ps -n-Rnnw.t (father of 0) .. 136, 17-18
Ps -n-Rnnw .t S3 Nhi-Mn w mw.t -f J( . 136,15-1 6
Ps-n -Ts-wr.t . 73, 9,1 2; 78, 8; 85, 16; 86, 9; 88, 19; 90, 3; 93, 12; 96,
4; 97, 3; 98, 18; 107, 10; 108, 14; 11 9, 20; 14 1, 2; 148,
5, 18; 151, 12
Ps-n-Ts-wr.t (father of 0) . 136,1 8
Ps -n -Ts-wr.t 53 Jmn -nht. w . 116,1 8-1 9; 127, II
Ps -n-Ts-w r.t 53 N3!Jy . 113, 2 1
Ps -n -ts -hw.t-nht . 182, 3
Ps-n-dws . 9, 8- 9; 20, 10; 133, 8 (7)
Ps -n-dws S3 Qn . 36, 11
Ps -n-dws [53] Nfr-hs .t . 200,20-2 1
Ps-nb . 43, 19; 44,8-9; 55, 13; 56, 12; 63, 10 (2x7), 11 (7); 65,
Ps-nb -ss-ps -rwd . 15, 8; 156, 14-1 5; 158, 2- 3; 163, 10- 11
Ps-nb -dmj . 89, 15
Ps-nfr-m -D d .t . 97,6
Ps -nhsy . 19, 8; 26, 15, 16, 17; 41, 7, 10, 18, 21; 153, 3-4; also s.v.
ljrj -nfr dd.n-f
P3-n!Jw . 60,14 ; 61, 18
P3-n!Jt . 58,2
Ps-nht-m-jp .t 53 Ps-n-njw .t mw.t-f W-j 3 . 134, 18-1 9
Ps-nsn y- nht. w . 96, 10
Ps-R'-m-hb . 53,4
P3-R(-n!Jt. w . 131,1 6
Ps-R'- htp, w . 46, I I ; 50,1 1- 12; 54, 6; 56, II ; 60, 18 (7); 6 1, 10 (7),
18; 70, 20; 71, 2
P3-1y.3tyJ . s.v. Private titles, hsty -"
Ps -hm- nt r . 111,1 9; 140,2 1; 143, 15; also s.v. Private titles, hm -ntr
Ps -hr] . 9 1, 11, 12
Ps-hrj-pd. t . 20,20;2 1, 16;57, 1
P3-Iy.Sy 53 Ps-n-ts-wr.t . 149, 3
P3-!J3rw . s.v. P3-!Jr
P3-!Jr . 20, 18; 150, 4; 165,1 6; 174, 18
P3-!Jr S3 Jmn-htp . 147, 7
P3-s3 -3ny . 67,3
Ps -swr . 25,1 9- 20;26,22- 23;27, 8,20-21 ; 84, 15- 16
P3-sb.ty . 194, 13
Ps-smn-nht 53 (3-sfy .t-n!Jt . 151, 16

3 jy ( w b p f m n r h ly. !J bss q kg t l d g
INDICES : Priva te nam es 22 1

Ps-sn : . 11 1, 17
Ps-sn-ndm . 173, II , 18
Ps-sr . 20,18; 42,1 0; 54,1 2; 59, 14; 155, 17; 159, 12
Ps-sr-m-njw.t . 150,3
Ps-ssj B P,-Bb (donkey name) . 101, 10
Ps-sdw . 17, 17 (sic.); 44, 18 (?);45,3 ; 57, 7; 49, 4- 5; 68,1 5;
97,9- 10; I ll , 19; 140, 9; 171,1 3-1 4
Ps-sdw B Jmn-m s. w . 15,8
Ps-sdw ss Nhi-Mnw . 83, 19
Ps-sdw B Hs.t-jsy . 1,23
Ps-sdw B Hrj . 113, 17
Ps-sdw ss Hh . 43, 12; 45, 5
Ps-qnr : . s.v. Toponyms, j hy n Psqnr
Ps-ql . s.v. To ponym s, j hy n Psqnr
Ps-tsw-m-dj- Lmn . 83,22
Ps-tsw-m-dj -Mhy. t-m-hb . 194, 2
P,-ds . 108,15 ,1 6; 109, 5,7
Psy-f- bsk . 173, 4-5
Psy-pnw . 181, 11, 15
Psy-mn . 101, 13
Psy-ndm . 178, 8- 9
Psy B TfJy (?) . 84, 1
Pj, y . 156, 1; 157, 6; 159, 16
Ptr-psy-j-nb . 193, II , 12- 13
Pt~ . 17, 10 (sic.)
Pt~-m -~b . 46 ,4, 8, 8-9, 9, 10
Pth-ms. w . 96, 11; 104,7,10, 11; 105, 5, 9, 18; 107,4,10,1 8,1 9-
20; 108, 13, 14; 109, 10, 11; 129, 10; 157,8 ; 160, 20;
161,1 7; 162, 14
Pth-sd . 57, I; 58,2 ; 59, 3, 8; 63, 1

Mss .n-j-nhi-f 2 1, 4; 107, 14; 109, 6; 110, 1; 112,7-8; 116, 14; 118,5 ;
120,6- 7; 132,7; 140, 13- 14
Mss-nhi. w-f S.v. Mss.n -j -nht-f
Msh» 57,4
Mw .t-m-jp.t 136,22-23
Mw .t-m-j n.t 199,17
Mn 58,11
Mnjw-nfr ss Dh wty-ms.w 188,1 2- 13
Mnw- hr-hps-f 196, 16
Mnw -h/.w 96,4 ; 102, 13; 104, 6; 107, 6; Ill , 18; 119, 15-1 6; 131,
Mnw-s'n h B B sk-Jmn 146, 4
Mnns 57, 17; 85, 5; 88,17; 89, 18; 97,2; 114, 14; 137, 2
Mnns (father of ~) 136, 13
Mntw -ps-hspy 120, 10
Mn tw-m-wj s 129, 13
Mn tw-ms. w 48, 10; 52, 4; 82, 20 (?)
Mntw -hs.t=f B Ij nsw mw.t=f Ts-wr. t-m-hb 134, 11

, jyrw b p f mn r h ~fJb s sq kgt l dg

222 INDIC ES: Private names

Mntw-htp , w . 97, 16 (?)

Mr-js . 17, 10
Mr- ws s.t . 17, 2
Mr-s-gr (mother of 0) . 138, 12
Mr -s-gr S3.t C3-P3-!3W mw.t-s WCb .t . 138,4-5
Mr.t . 130,4
Mry -lwn w . 100, 9
Mry -mry . 36, 14
Mry-ms .w . 113, 18
Mry -ms . w S3 Hrj .. 83,2 1
Mry -RC . 44,19-20; 52, 11; 57, 1; 59,1 ; 6 1, 14; 75, 11-12; 89,2,
8; 90, 10; 93, 22 ; 110, 10; 111, 16-17; 113, 18; 140,7,
12; 187, 17
Mry-Shm.t . 20, 14; 23,13, 18; 100,8; 117, 10
Mrw.t-tnq .t (mother of ~ ) . 135, 17
Mrw.t -snq.t S3.t Hrj ,frj mw.t-s T3[ ] . 134, 13-1 4
Mrw.t-Mw.t (mot her of ~) . 137, 10
Mrw-Mw.t S3 .t Nfr-hr mw.t -s DW3.t[ ] . 137, 19
Mrr -Jmn-nhi . 147, 15
Mrr-sw -W3S.t . 145, 1, 11; 147,3--4; 150, 20
M~ . 132, 18
M~y . 22,4
Mh -f-ts -snw.t . 81,9
Mlj3y . 57,4-5
Ms .w . 16, 10; 17, 9 (2x) ; 19, 6; 27, 2; 67, 13; 86, 7; 89, 18; 107,
4 (?) ; 110, 11; I l l , 17; 114,6
Ms . W S3 Ps -n-njw.t mw .t-f W -j3 . 134,17-18
Mk -rm!=f· ············································· . 61,6

n JINNN*..

N3ljy . 20, 11; 48, 19; 51, 5-6; 52, 15, 19; 56,17; 114, 2
N3ljy S3 Bw-qn-tw-f . 51, 12; 53, 20 (?)
Njw .t-nh .tj S3. t Nfr -htp mw.t-s Hw .t-Hr .. 139, 13
Nj -sw-lmn . 91,7; 97, 2 1; 99,15-16; 104,9 ; 107, 19; 109, 10; 110,
4; 111, 16; 143, 19; 144,1 6; 154, 19; 163, 12; 171, 7;
Nj -sw -lmn S3 Imn-tJ13 . 145, 3; 189, 11
Nj -sw-l mn-jp. t . 191, 10
Nj -sw-Dhwty . 156,20; 158, 15; 162,2,10
Nj-s w.t-nb-r-nhli . 121,6
Nw-nb . 17,1
Nb-lmn . 23,13;3 1,6;65 , 18;68, 18,21 ; 115,9; 140, 13
Nb-lmn S3 Ps -nhsy mw .t-f W -j3 . 31,6
Nb -lmn S3 Ps -nhsy mw .t-f W -j3 S3.t Pr -sn.ty . 30,23
Nb-jmnt .t . 17, 16; 17,22-18, 1; 20, 11
Nb-tn S3 hd-nht . 152, 4
Nb -m3c.t-RC-pr- [?] . 142, 16
Nb -mhy .t . 99,7, 10- 11; 105, 17-1 8; 200, 15
Nb -n-Msi.t . 17, 1; 20, 19

3j y Cwbpfmnrh~bb s .sqk !?t!d4

INDIC ES: Private names 223

Nb -nfr : . 44, 3; 47 , 6; 49,1 , 3-4; 54,9 (2x); 56,20 ; 59, 8; 60, 13;
61,12, 17; 73, 9; 76, 18-21 ; 96, 6; 97, 4; 133, 15; 140,
12,16 (2x) ; 171, 13
Nb -nfr (father o f ~) . 135, 16
Nb-nfr B J[ ] . 114, 12
Nb-nfr S3 Jmn -m-jp.t .. 114,6-7; 134,20
Nb- nfr S3 Jmn-nht . 62,6
Nb-nfr S3 W3q-msw . 57,5
Nb -nfr S3 Bsk-n-wrnr mw.t=f 3S.t . 138, 8
Nb -nf r S3 Ps -n-Ts-wr.t . 120, 6; 130, 11
Nb -nfr S3 Ms . w .. 114, 6
Nb -nfr S3 Hrj . 113, 22 ; 114, 10- 11
Nb -nht. w . 50, 17; 55, 16; 107, 9; 108, 9; 113, 16
Nb -rur . w . 19 1,1 4, 17
Nh-Rc . 84,10
Nb-smn . 43, 11;44, 8,13;51 , 6-7; 63, 11; 93, 9-10; 95, 18 (7)
Nb.t -jwn .t (mother of 6) . 136, 10
Nb. w-nht. w . 147 ,20 . 133, 2 1 (7)
Nb w-jy .tj (mot her of ~) .. 135, 14
Nbw-jy , tj (mother of 6) .. 135,14- 15; 137,8
Nbw -(m)-jry : . 120, 5
Nbw-m-wj s (mot her o f ~) . 136, 15
Nbw-m-wj s (mother of 6) . 139,9
Nb w-m -wjs S3 .t Ijnsw mw .t-s Ts-ndm .t-hsb. t .. 139,8- 9
Nbw-m-hb (mother of 6) .. 137,14-15
[Nh w-m-J}.h ss. t Qn]y-Mnw mw .t-s Dwsj .t-nfr .t . 137, 13- 14
Nhw-th.t] . 121, 6
Nfr -Ch .t . 20,17
Nfr-sbw . 144, 18; 147, 1; 150,9
Nfr -(m)-ssn.t . 16, 6;1 9, 4
Nfr -rnp .t . 2, 16;3 , 5;20,15 ;2 1,19;22,9;40, 17,2 1,23 ; 131, 15;
167, 14; 168, 16
Nfr-rnp. t (father o f ~ ) . 138, 17
Nfr-rnp .t S3 Nh w-m-mw .t . 138, 16
Nfr-rnp .t B S3h-J}.3 .t ms. n Ts-wsr .t .. 3,2
Nfr-swnw . 131,15
Nfr-sn .t . 20,18
Nfr-Ijr . 190, 16 (abbrev. Nfr), 18; also s.v. Nfr -hr
Nfr-J}.r . 46, 13, 14, 15 (2x), 16; 85,20; 89,2,8; 90, 7; 99, 15;
104,9 ; 107, 18; 109, 8; 110,3 ; I l l , 15; also s.v.Nfr -Ijr
Nfr-h r-hr-psy-f-dsd» (7) . 79, 14
Nfr -htp .. 40,23 ; 45, 20; 49, 5; 57, 7,16 ; 58,1 0; 59, 9; 60, 17; 6 1,
3,3-4 ; 62,2,10 ; 64, 18; 65, 6; 67,10; 89, 11-12; 90,12;
104, 12; 105, 7; 107, 1; 109, 11; 110,6; 111, 18; 120, 2;
130, II ; 140, 10; 141, 6; also s.v .Nfr-htp srj
Nfr-htp S3 Bw-qn. tw-f mw.t=f Ts-rh-sn . 134, 2-3
Nfr-htp S3 Mry -RC .. 67,9-10
Nfr- htp (?) S3 IjC-m-Nwn . 142,5
Nfr-htp S3 Hs-m-nwn mw.t-f Nj . 139,11 -12
Nfr- htp srj . 84,22

3 j yC whpfmn rh J}.ljlzss qkgtl dq

224 INDICES : Pr ivate names

Nfr.t .. 177, 9 (7) . 189, 20
Nfr.t-jry . 199, 17; also s.v. Toponyms; Roya l names
Nfr.t-jry (mother of <1) .. 137,1 1-12
Nfr .t -jry ss.t Hwj-nfr .. 136,5-6
Nfr .t -jry ss.t Hrj srj .. 135, I
Nfr .t -j ry-mn .tj . 136,8
Nmty -ms.w . 156, II ; 158, 12; 161, 19-20 ; 162,5 ,12 ; 163,9
Nmt y. wy-mo5. w . 153,6
Nhw-m-M w.t . 45,20 (7); 47, 20 ; 51, 6; 52,22 ; 54, 9 (7); 61,11 (?); 85,
6, 15; 88,18; 89,19 ; 99, 2 1; 104, 10; 107, 11- 12; 108,
15; 109,2; Ill , 14; 11 9, 20-21 ; 132,4,23 ; 156, 3; 161,
15; 162, 13 ;a lsos.vN~ t -Mw . t
Nhw -m-Mw.t (father of <1) . 137,12
Nhw -m-Mw.i (fath er of 0') .. 135, 16
Nhw-m-Mw.t H Nfr -rnp. t mw .t -f Sbq .. 138,18- 19
N~ t . 2,5;52,13;96,21
Nht -jwt.t ss.t Nfr-rnp.t mw.t -s Sbq .. 138,19
Nht -Jmn .. 18,17; 20, 22-23 ; 26, 7,12; 27,14; 73,11 ; 116, 14; 131,
N~t -Mw . t . 49,1; also s.v. Nhw-m -Mw .t
Nht-Mnw . 17,8 (7); 20, I I ; 43,19 ; 57,15 ; 60,14; 67, 8 (sic.); 85,
3, 11; 86,4; 89,16; 104, 14; 105, 9; 107,3 (7); 110, 8
Nht-Mnw (father of 0') .. 135, 14, 15
Nht-Mn w 053 P3-n- < T3 > -wr .t mw.t-f Hnr .. 135,13
Nht -n-Imn . 196,9
Nht-Nmty , wy . 153, 14
N~t -n -~ps .. 96,20
N~t -05w . 48,4 ; 49, 2; 52,14; 53,11,17,17-18,18 (7),19; 54, 8
(7); 61, 9; 65, 5
N~ t -l)~wty . 17, 1

r <::>
R -~ 3 .. s.v. R~
RC-j3 . 158,12; 162,5,11; 161, 19; 163,9
W -j3 ss.t Jmn -m-hb mw.t-s Hnw.t-sn. w . 134, 16-17
RC-wbn.w . 7,7;55,19;60, 17;62,5 ;65 , 10,11
Rs-mry . S.v . Mry-R"
RC-mo5. w . 9, 10; 17,5,2 1; 18, 3; 20, 22 ; 22, 9
Rs-ms-sw-nhi. w . 108, 8,1 0; 131, 16; 153, 18; 157, 15; 160, 19- 20; also
s.v. Tsry dd.n -f Rs-ms-stwy-nhi .w
W-mo5-o5w-Bj-m-W305.t H Qn[ ] . 136, 7
Ri-m s-sw -shpr-dsm. w B Mn w-h', w mw.t-f Hnw.t -n-
hnw . 139,10-11
RC-~tp . w .. 20,22 ;49,11 ;51 ,13
Rw-t .. S.v. Rt . 73,20 ; 82,20
Rm : . 24,16; 44, 2 (7); 50, 5; 56, I; 63,17
R~ .. 156, 13; 157, 15; 160,2
Rs-ptr-f ..···..·· ·····..···..· ·..··..·······..· ··· . 60,10-1 1; 74,23; 79,14; 85,11 ; 89,16 ; 104, 15; 105,
10; 107,4; 110,9; 140, 13

3 jy Cw b p f m n r h ~ b bo5s q kR t [ d (j
INDICES: Private nam es 225

Rkj :......................... 27,20 (?)

Rt 45,4,6 (?); 54, 10 (?); 59,2; 190, 7

Hsj-nfr.w . 19,1 3
Hr-jb-( ~r)-M3c. t . 157, 12; 158, 1; 159, 17
Hrw-nfr . 191, 15
Hd-nbt. w : . 14 1,1 4 ; 182,4; 184, 16; 185, 19

lj3. t . 3,2,8
Hs.t-jry . 200,20
Hs. t-nfr .. 175,14
lj3Y . 43, 14- 15; 44,1 9; 45, 6; 48, 19; 51, 5; 58, 3; 60, 11; 62,
7; 73,1 1; 96,1 9, 21 ; 97, 2-3; 99,1 6; 106, 18; 113, 18;
11 9,1 9
lj3Y (father of 0') . 137 , 7
Hry ss Hwy .. 73,11- 12 (?), 18-1 9
lj3fy . 182,1 4,1 6
H'p» . 6,9, 11
H'py -": . 148,3; 176, 2
Hw .t -jy . 77,2-3
Hw.t -jy 53.t lj3Y . 138,6
ljw.ty .. 93, 16; 119,7
Hw .t-m-hb .. 12 1, 6- 7
ljw.t-ljr . 77, 2- 3
Hw.t-Hr (mother of 0') . 135, 16
Hw .t-Hr 53.t Jpwy mw.t-s Hnw.t-mj-R' .. 139, 2- 3
Hw .t-Hr 53.1 Tnr-Mntw mW.I=5 R3-j3 .. 139, 12-13
ljwy . 18, 17;20,14; 48, 19; 51,9; 53,1 4;54,6; 58, 2 1- 59, 1;
60, 10, 13; 61, 2; 19 1,20; also s.v.ljwy 53
Hwy -nfr . 17, 15;20, 17;2 1,3; 47,9, 20;55, 16;60, 10;62,2;67,
8;84,2 1;87,10;89, 10;90, II ; 110, 10; 140, 16
Hwy-nfr 53 Hrj mw.t-f Nbw-m -wjs .. 134,1 3
Hwy 53 Jry -jry . 200 , 17-1 8
Hwy 53 Hwy-nfr .. 48,3 ; 5 1, 6, 8, 9, 10 (?) ; 62, 3
Hwy 53 Hs-m-tr .. 47, 18
Hwy 53 H" . W . 48,4; 5 1, 5, 6,8; 52, 20; 53, 12; 54, 7
Hm. t-sr.t . 183,7 ; 185, 15
Hms .tj-hr-', WY=5 .. 119, 16
Hnw.t -Jwnw . 199, 17
Hnw.t-sn .. 77, 2--4
Hnw.t-w'-n b-trj-m-hw.t 53.t Qn -ns .. 136, 6-7
Hnw.t-wdb. w .. 56,20
Hnw.t- mj -R' 53.1 Nhw-m-Mw.t mw.t-s Hw .t-Hr .. 138, 20- 21
Hn w. I -mfks. t (mothe r of ¥) .. 135 ,1 8
Hnw .t- mfks .t 53.1 Jy- r-nj w.t-f . 138, 9
Hnw.t-mfks.t 53.t Ps-sn-qn mW.I=5 35.1 .. 135, 6-7
Hnw. t-mtr (m other of 0') .. 137, 7

3jy Cwbpfm nrh~bb5sq kg t ld4

226 INDICES: Private names

Hn w.t-nir. w . 193, 22
Hn w.t-nir.w S3 .t lp wy mw.t-s Hn w.t-mj-R' . 138, 21-1 39,1
Hn w.i-ts.wy (mother of 6') . 135, 15
Hn w.t -ts. wy [ ] mw.t -s Nbw-jy -tj . 135,14
Hn w.t -dw. w S3 .t H wj -nfr mw.t-s Mrw.t-snq.t . 134,14-15
Hr-m-wjs . 9, 9; 17,21 ; 18, 5 (?);20, 10; 49, 1;54,7-8 ;55 , 19;59,
9, 17; 6 1, 5, 7 (?), 13
Hr-m-wjs S3 Bskj . 63,9
Hr-m-hb . 21, 24; also s.v. Royal Nam es
Ifr-Mnw . 73, 10; 97,4; 114, I I ; 120,8 ; 122, 19; 132,4 ; 133, 15;
140,13 ,16
Hr-ms.w . 17, 16,22; 113, 17; 191, 19; also s.v.Hrj-ms.w
Hr-ms . w (father of 0) . 137, 14
Hr-ms. w S3 Jn -hr.t-h". w mw .t-f W~b . 137, 12-13
Ifr-nfr . 17, 15; 20, 10; 2 1, 3; 37, 22; 43, I I ; 44,19; 84,4; 96, 4;
also s.v .Hrj-nfr
Hr -nht . 152, 14
Hr srj . 111, 15; also s.v .Ifrj srj
46,12 ; 58, 21; 67, 8-9 ; 75, 5, 6; 78, 7,9 ; 81, 14; 82,4 ;
Ifrj . 83,3; 85,9, 17; 86, 9; 88, 20; 90, 4; 93, 10; 96, 4; 98,
17; 105, 15; 107, I ; 122,1 3, 14; 132,7 (?); 140,7,9,14,
16; 144,3 ; 152,2; 152,2 ; 155, 18; 156,4; 157,7; 158,
9; 159, 13; 166, 8; 171,5 , 9; 172, 15, 16; 174, 15, 16,
21; 175, 2, 3, 14; also s.v.Ifrj srj
Hrj (father of ';? ) . 136, 15
Hrj -Mnw S3 Hrj . 11 3,22- 114, I
Hrj-ms . w . 97,6; 114, 7; also s.v.Ifr-ms. w
Hrj-nfr . 96, I; 97, 7; also s.v .Ifr-nfr
Hrj -nfr S3 Qnns . 138, 5
Hrj- nfr dd.n-f Ps-n hsy .. 147,11 -1 2
Hrj S3 l mn-m-jp. t . 175, 5
Hrj S3 lmn-m-jn.t .. 83,21
Hrj S3 ~nO-M3~ .t . 184,4
Hrj S3 Ps-n-Ts-wr.t . 170,18 ; 171,9
Ifrj S3 Hwy-nfr . 130,22
Hrj S3 Hrj . 3 1, I
Ifrj srj . 104,8 ; 107,8 ; 172, 12; also s.v.Ifr srj
If~ . 18, I ; 20, I I
Ifsy-sw -nb-f . 47,20; 51, 10,12 ; 54, 7; 55,14; 57, 5; 73, 19
Ifq3 -M3~ .t-W-nb ( =j) (?) . 140, 8
Iftp.t . 199,17

lJ @
Hsm . 18, 9; 47, 9, 14; 49, 5; 55, 2 (?), 6; 56, I I ; 59, I , 7; 60,
Hs-rw . s.v. Ijr
Ij~.w . 18,4; 20, 17; 45, 19; 78, 14; 79, 14; 113, 16; 116, 13;
132,4, 17
Ij~- bO n. t . 20,19
Ij~-m-jp. t . 57,16; 63, 18; 73, II; 78, 2 1; 140, 14

3j y~wbpfmn rh~Ob s.(qk gtldrj

INDICES : Private nam es 227

lj(-m- W;s. t : . 17, 15-1 6; 18, 9; 75, 17; 85,2 ; 89, 13; 90,2; 93, I I ; 99,
15; 103, 21 ; 104, 14; 105, 8- 9; 107, 3; 110, 8; 114, 5;
119, 1
lj(-m -Nwn . 61,9- 10; 84,21 ; 89, 10; 90, 11; 104, 11; 105, 5; 106,
23 ; 109, 10- 11
lj(-m-Nw n s; Nfr- htp mw.t-f Ts-wr .t -s'nh . 139,1 4
lj(-m- hd. t . 114, 6; 170, 12 ; 171, 11- 12
lj(-m -sb; . w . 49 ,3 ; 133, II
lj(-m-s b; -nbt . w . 155, 6- 7
lj(-m-tr . 17, 22 ; 22, 9-10,1 8, 20;5 0, 16; 75, 23; 90, 16-1 7; 111,
lj(-mtr . 83, 9; 88, 2 1; 105, 17
H' -m -dws.t . 45 , 2; 54, 19; 55, 1,1 3-1 4; 59, 5; 6 1,4-5,9, 13, 17
lj(-nbw .. 133,8-9
ljnsw . 19,15 ; 20 ,1 9;45, 6;57,1 7; 61, 6,11 ,1 6; 62,5,10,1 6;
75, 12-1 3; 76, 8; 83,2-3 ; 93, 10 (?); 133, I , 1-2,3 , 7,
8, 9; 150, 18; 17 1, 10; 176, 1
ljn sw (fathe r of 0) . 135, 17
Hn sw -m-hb . 79, 20 (?), 2 1
Hnsw-m-hb ss Nb-sn .. 149, 16
Hnsw-ms . w . 83, 10; 85, 1; 95, 4, 6; 99, 4; 105, 20 ; 172, 17; 174, 15
ljr .. 109,15 ; 116, 3; 152, 17; 160, 11
ljrps . 97,2 1

Hnmw-ms . w .. 62, 18; 67, 13, 14

Hnmw-nhi . w .. 96,2 1

Sit-m-sh . 93, 16
Ss-Jm n .. 57,1 - 2
S; -W;t}y .t . 17,2 1; 18,5 ; 20 ,10;45 ,1 9- 20 ;47,1 3, 21 ; 49,1 - 2;53,
11,17,1 8, 20;54, 8; 55,1 ; 61,1 2; 98,1 6; 120 , 12
S; -W;t}y.t (father of 0) . 138, 11
S; -Mw.t .. 9,8; 17, 22; 20,1 8-1 9; 2 1,1 6
Sw r . 2 1, 19
Swtb- .. s.Y. St!J-
Sb; . 17, 1, 17
Sbq (mo ther of ~) . 138,1 7
[Sbq ss.t ] mw.t-s ijnw .t[oO ' ] . 138,1 6- 17
Sbk -ms.w . 97,6; 103, 9
Sbk-nht . w .. 83,22-84, 1; 97, 9
Smn . 155,1 5
Smn-s hr .w . 194, 10-11
Sm n-ts . wy B (; -sfy .t-nht . 161, 5
Sn-nfr . 101, 9
Sn-ndm . 133, 3; 173, 14
Shm .t-nfr .t . 56, 20
Sty . s.v, Sth»
Stb - . s.v. St!J-

; j y (wbp f mnr h ~b!Jssq k glf d g

228 INDICES : Private names

Sth-ms . w . 88,5, 14; 94, 18-19; 99, 11; 144, 6; 158, 10; 161, 18;
162, 7
Stb-wnm =f············································· . 152, 6
Stby . 95, 5; 96,2 1; 114, 5; 11 8, 15
Sth » B Jmn -htp . w . 147,1 3- 14
Sth» S3 Ps-shr -m -nj w .t . 143, 21 ; 148, 13-1 4; 149, 9; 151, 14
Sth» ss H'-m -nu . 88,17- 18; 98, 17; 99, 10

S I:3D
Srj. t-R: (mother of 0) . 137,15
Srj.t -W Ts-in.t-jyt .tj) . 57, 4
Sd-m-dws. t . 176, 2; 183,7; 185, 15
Sd-~r B Ps-n-Ts-wr.t . 31,2
Sd-sw-M w .t . 185, 14
Sd -sw-ljr . 184, 10
Sd- sw-Hn sw . 99,20-2 1; 130, 12

q Ll
Qsy .t-mh- tj ss.t Bw-qn .tw -f m w.t-s Ts-rh-sn . 134, 5
Q3 -~3 . S.v . Q~ ; Qh»
Qs -dr . t . 164,1 2
Qn . 21,1 7; 51, 8; 140, 15; also s.v. Qny
Qn S3 P3 -R (-~ tp . 106, 7
Qn 53 lj3Y . 51, 7
Qn 53 Sb3 .. 88,21
Qn -(~r) -ljps=f . 9,7; 22, 16; 44,8, 12 (2x); 47, 6; 53,1 2, 13; 62,4,20 ;
111 ,1 6
Qny . 56, 1; 63, 17; 97, 9; also s.v. Qn
Qny (father of Sfl ) .. 136, 2 1
Qny -Mnw . 73, 13- 14; 97, 3--4; 113, 16; 120, 12
Qny-Hnmw . 184, 10
Qnn . 44, 9; 5 1, 7; 73, 9-10; 85, 18; 89, 7; 90, 5; 96,6,20; 97,
3; 165, 5 (?)
Qnn 53 Bw-qn . tw-f . 49, 9- 10
Qn n 53 Rw. tj .. 113, 17
Qnn ss H rj . 136, 5
Qnn ss Hrj -nfr mw.t»f Hw .t-jy .. 138, 6-7
Qnn S3 S3- W3(jy.t .. 67, 9
Q~ . 2 1, 16; 47,14; 62,11 ,20; 122,1 9,20; 170, 14
Q~y . 49 , 4; 140, 10, 17
Qd-3lj.t =f············ ·························..· ···· .. 96, 19; 11 3, 16; 114, 7
Qd-3lj.t=J (father of Sfl) . 137,1 0
Qd- sh .t-f 53 Qny -Mn w m w.t-f D ws .t-nfr.t . 137,1 8
Qd -ljw.t-ljr . 194, 11- 12
Qd- (~ r)-lj .t=f . 106,7 (?); 120, 1

K3-S3 . s.v. K5
K3-k3 . S.v . Kk
Ky-s [ ] S3 (3-sfy .t -m-Nljn .. 147, 18- 19

3 jy(w b p f m n r h ~ lj b5sq kf? t l d (j

INDICES: Private names 229

Ky-sn : . 145, 14; 146, 6

Knr (Kf) . 16, 23; 58, 2; 63, 4; 77,11 , 18 (?); 98, 11
Kr .. 183, 20; 186, 14
Ks . 44, 8; 45, 19, 20; 50, 2 (?); 57, 5; 60, 16; 62, 17; 63, 4;
65,8 (?); 85,2; 89, 12; 109, 23; 129, 12
Ks ss ' s-ph. ty .. 55, 17
Ks ss R'-ms. w . 53,9, 10, 11, 14; 55, 4 (?), 19; 63, 9- 10
Kk . 199,15

g m
Gm-nj r . 145, 8
Gm-j- Jmn . 166, 6

t 0

T; . 10, 11; 75, 11 (?); also s.v. T; srj

T; (father of <jl) .. 135,12
T;. wy. tj . 200, 12
Ts-jj . t .. 44, 12
Ts-js .t . 190, 7- 8 (?)
Ts-ss.t-mrw.t (mother of <jl ) .. 136, 10
Ts-w n-hr ts (n) Qd-sh.t-f mw .t-s Mrw .t-Mw. t .. 137, 21- 138,1
Ts-wr.t-m-mlt .. 164, 12
Ts-wr. t-m-hb . 57,1 ; 94,1 4
Ts-wr. t-m-hb (mother of 0') . 135,17-1 8
Ts-wr. .. 120, 8
Ts-wr .t-hr .tj ss.t Mnw- h". w mw .t -s Hnw .t-n- hnw .. 139, 9-10
Ts-w r.t-hr-s- snli . 93, 17
Ts-wr.t -htp .tj . 93, 17
Ts-wr.t-htptj (mother of 0') .. 136,1 8-1 9
[T;]-wr.t-By .tj . 133, 22
Ts-wsr.t . 3, 8
Ts-mn-shr . 121, 5- 6
T;-my(. t)-jqr(. t) B (.t ) Ky-jry (donkey name) . 101, 9
Ts-n.t-w-n-d. t . 166, 6
Ts-n.t-ps-sbw (mother of <jl ) .. 136,11
Ts-n.t-ps-jp . w .. 129,1 9
Ts-n .t-ps-jp , w (mother of 0') .. 137, 11
Ts-n.t-ps-jp. w ss.t IJC-m-f:l4.t mw .t-s Ts-n.t-hnw . 134, 3
Ts-n .t-njw .t . 100, 17
Ts-n.t-hstnw) . 40,22
Ts-nfr .t .. 178, 2
Ts-ndm.t-hsb.t .. 133, 21
Ts-Rnnw .t . 19,5
Ts-rh-sn (mother of <jl) .. 137, 9
Ts-rh-sn S3. t Nfr- htp mwt-s Ijr =tj . 134, 4
T; srj . 107,1 4; 109,5 ; 111, 18-1 9; 141, 7; 171, 10, 13
Ts-dj- ss.t . 193,20 ; 194, 1
Ts-hsnw . 120, 8
Ts-hfn. w ss .t Nhw-m-Mw .t .. 138, 2
Ts-hsry . 98, I

; j y r w b p j m n r h f:l b !] s s q k g t l d 4
230 INDIC ES: Private names

Ts-Dhn .t-m-hb (mother of 0') . 136,18

[ T3] -Dhn . t -m -~ b S3 .t Jmn-m-jn.t mw.t -s Hnw .t-w'tj . 136, 16-1 7
Tsy -w-ndm. t . 185, 14
Tsy -hnw.t-m-jp .t S3 .t Nb-nfr mw.t-s Nfr.t-jry . 135, 1-2
Tw-tyw-tyw (?) . 200 ,17,18-19
Tm-htp , w . 191,6-7
Tjn . t- . s.v. Ts-n.t-
Tnr -Mntw . 49 , 3; 55,16; 61, 9; 62, 13; 63,11 ; 115, 18 (?)
Tr . 7, 7

1 <g;::::::;)
T3J3 . 81,10,14, 18; 103, 16; 129, 12; 156,4; 157, 8
T3J 3 S3 Nb -~3Y . 129, 10- 11
Ts-n -wndw . 156, 6; 160,5 ; 162, 14
T3Y S3 Jmn -nht . w . 93,22-94,1
Tsw-m-Mhy.t-m-hb . 181, 11
T31V-n -3ny . 70,21-71 , 1
T3ry . 182,14; 184,2 1; 185, 2; 186, 11 , 13; 193,9
Tsry S3 Bsk-n-Jmn . 120,1 6- 17
Tsry dd.n-f Rs-ms-siwy.nht, w . 38,16; 39, 7, 9, 12, 15 (abbrev. dd .n -f Rr-ms -s(w) -
nbt. w), 17, 18
T3ty . 171, 14 ; also s.v. Private titles, my

DW3 . 20 ,18
D wsj .t-nfr.t S3 .t lp wy mw.t-s hnw.t -mj-R' . 139, 1-2

Dhwty -m- hb . 152,20; 154, 16

Dhwty-ms . w . 82,19,2 1; 182, 16
Dhwty-ms. w ss H'-m -hd.t mw .t -f Ts-n.t-hnw-m-hb . 134,7
Dh wty-ms . w Tsry . s.v. Jrnn[ ... ] ss Dhwty-ms . w Tsry
Dhwty-hr-m'w . s.v .Dhwty-hr-mik. t=j)
Dhwty-hr-mik. t=j) . 197, 11
Dhwty-htp , w . 178, 18

sj Y r w b pf mn rh ~ bbs sq k g t i d g
23 1

Private titles and other designations of individuals ~~

sbd n hw.t-ntr, "month ly priest of the temp le" 69,4

;I(W), "administrator; inspector" 45,12,13 ; 79,14; 136,6; 161, 16
;I nfw , " pilot inspector" 161, 8

jmj-r jmj . w-hnt, "overseer of chamberlains" . 2,22
jmj -r jmj . w-hnt n nb ts . wj , "overseer of chamberlains of the Lor d of the
Two Lands " .. 3,9
jmj-r jh .w, "overseer of cattle " .. 152, 20; 153, 15; 154, 16; 156,5; 157,9 ;
158, 12; 161, 19; 163,9; also s.v. Private
Names, Ps-jmj-r-jh . w
jmj-r jl) . w N. m ts f t Hw.t-r-ps-wd, " overseer of cattle N. in the region
of Huterpawedj" . 153, 4- 5
jmj-r jh, w N . n Pr Jmn, "overseer of cattle N . of the Estate of Arnun" .. 162, 5, 11- 12
jmj-r j s .t (m) S .t Msr.t, "overseer of the crew (in) the Place of Maat " .. 2,5
jmj-r 'b .w, "overseer of horned cattle " . 190,16,18
jmj-r 'h". W, "overseer of sailing vessels" .. 145, 12
jmj-r "h". W N. n Pr Jmn, "overseer of sailing vessels N. of the Estate of
Arnun" . 146,4-5 , 10 (abbre v .prpn); 147, 18-19
jmj-r wr jp .t njsw.t m Pr hnrt (m Mn-nfr) , "chief overseer of the roya l
harem in the Estate of the Kh eneret (in Memphis)" .. 38,21 ,23 ;39,4-5,9, I I, 17
jmj-r wr nfr. wt n pr hnrt m (Mn -nfr), "chief overseer of the beautiful
ones of the Estate of the Kheneret in (Memphis)" . 39,2
jmj-r pr, "steward (overseer of the house)" . 148, 13; 152, 14; 153, 2, 18; 154, 19;
155, 2,1 5; 156, I I , 17; 158, 1,5; 159,
11, 20; 160, 16; 16 1, 5, II ; 162, 7; 188,
21; 189,9
jmj-r pr n Jmn , "steward of Arn un" .. 149,17
jmj-r pr n (Mn-W) I, "steward of the Estate of Men(maat)re / Sety I" .. 171, 1- 2
jmj-r pr ntj m sw Nfr. wy -sj, "steward who near Nefrusy" . 160, 9, 13
jmj-r pr-hd N. n (pr -l)4) PrJ; , "overseer of the treasury N. of (the
treasury) of Pharaoh" . I l l , 10; 170, 6, 8
jmj-r pr-hd n ts hw .t n .t 1)1) . w m rnp . wt nj -sw.t bj .tj ( Wsr- <Msr.t > -
W stp n Jmn ) I, "overseer of the treasury of the man sion of
millions of years of the dual king (User<maat>re Setepenrej ]" . 111,10-1 1
jmj-r ms', "general / overseer of the army)" . 181,21 ; 183, 3,16-17; 184, 13; 185, 8;
jmj-r njw.t (my) , "overseer of the city (and vizier) " .. 41,7,10,18,21 ; 75,4, I I ; 131, 15; 167,
14; 168, 16 (abbrev .jmj-r); also s.v. Uly
jmj-r nw, "overseer of hunter(s)" . 157, 14- 15
jmj-r nfr. wt [ J, "overseer of the beautiful ones [ ]" . 39, 14

jmj-r nfr. wt n nb ts, wy , " overseer of the beautifu l ones of the Lord of
the Two Lands " . 38, 14;39,18
jmj-r hsy . w n PrJ;, "overseer of singers of Pharaoh" . 3,8

; j y r w b p f m n r h l) lj b ss q k g t l d g
232 INDICES: Private titles

jmj-r hsy . w n nb ts , wy, "overseer of singers of the Lord of the Two

Lands" . 2, 16; 3, 2, 5
jmj-r hs», w n ntr . w nb, "overseer of singers of every god" . 3,2
jmj-r htm , "overseer of sealing " . 58, 9
jmj-r s. t, " steward / overseer of the place" . 34, 9; 200, 12 (?)
jmj-r sbs . w, "overseer of instruct ors" . 69,10
j mj -r si nfr . w n Pr Jmn, " chief scribe of recruit s for the Estate of
A rnun" . 72,21
jmj -r snw.t , " oversee r of the gran ary" . 160, I; 163,8
jmj-r snw.t Pr J " "overseer of the granary of Pharaoh" . 157, 14
jmj-r [nw. ty, "overseer of the doubl e granary" .. 160,1 9; 163, 15; also s.v. Private names,
Ps-jmj -r-snw. ty
jn-mw, "water-carrier" . 26, 15; 66,4,9 (?); 80, 13; 81, 14, 18;
89,15 ; 90, 16; 94,12 ; 116,4,9,12; 163,
20-21 ; 168, 1,4
(jrj)J" "door-(keeper)" .. 80,16, 22; 81,4, 10; 90, 2; 103, 4; 105,
10,14; 196, 16
i ri-t". t, "hereditary noble" . 72,18 , "farmer" . 144,15-16; 145,8; 147,7, 9-10, I 1,13 ,
15,20 ; 148,2-3 , II; 149, 1, 6, II; 150,
3; 151, 12; 153, 3, 4, 10, 14; 156,3--4,4-
5; 157, 7, 9
jhwty N. n pr Jmn , "farrner N . of the Estate of Arnun" .. 155,18- 19
jt-ntr, "go d' s father " .. 69,4; 72,18
jqd, "potter" . 46,4 ; also s.v. qd
jdnw, "deputy" . 76, 8; 96, 19; I I 1,14; 119,19 ; 163, 12;
171,10; 176, I ; also s.v. Private names,
Ps -jdnw

(, (n) j s.t, "crew chief / foreman" .. 16, 6;25 , II , 14;42, 10;43 , II , 14;54,
5; 55, 13; 60, 17; 61, 2, 4; 64,14; 73, 18;
74,23 ; 76, 8; 78, 14; 80, 14, 19; 83,2 ;
92,23; 93, 5; 94,12; III , 14; 119,20;
120,7; 132,23; 143, 15; 170, 13; 172,
19; 186, I I
(, njs.t N. n ps Ijr, " foreman N. of the Necropolis" .. 186, 13
(, n ns Msws, "chief of the Meshwesh" .. 196, 1-2; also s.v. Ethnonyms
(, n s.t, "ch ief tax-collector" . 191, 5
(, n thr , "commander of thr-troops" . 166, 12
(nb(.t ) n(.t) njw.t, "fema le citizen" . 119,7 (2x); 156, 13; 157, 15; 160,2;
176,1 9; 178,2 ; 200 , II , 13-14, 17, 18,
21;201 ,2

w(w, "soldier; officer" . 31, I; 200 ,12,17, 19,20 ; 201, 2

w(w njs.t, "officer of the gang" . 36,18
w'b , "wa b / purification-priest" . 3, 10; 69, 4, 14; 144, 9; 145,13 ; 146,6 ;
156,4; 157,2,8 ; 163, I I ; 181, 13

, jy ( w b pf m n r h ~ b bssqkf!. t I d rj
INDI CES : Private titles 233

w'b Jmn-R" nb ns . wt T3.wy , " wah-priest of Amun -Re , lord of the

thrones of the Two Lands" 23, 8
w' b n lmn , "wah-priest of Amun " 2, 5
w~rtw s.v. s;
Wb3 nj-sw.t , "royal but ler" 131, 15 (2x) ; 142, 16, 17
wr, "chief' 196, 4
wr n Pr Ijnrt m Hw .t-ks-Pth, "chief of the Estate of the Kheneret in
Hutkaptah (Ptah temple in Memphis)" . 39, 7
wr b3s.tjw , "chief of foreigners " . 37,12
wrs, "watchman" . 174,20 (?), 21; 175,2,4, 8-9
w~~, "fisherman" . 106,23; 166,7; 175, 14; 176,2,5
Wsjr, "Osiris / deceased" . 198, 11; also s.v. Misce llaneous

bsk n dW3 , "servant of the adoratrice" . 144, 19

bsk- s.t-hm.t , "servant woman " . 194, 12- 13
bsk .t , " female servant" . 166, 13, 15, 16 (sic.), 18; 167,2,3
(sic .),4
bstj (?) n Ks-m w.t-f, " b3tj -priest (?) of Kamutef" . 72,19

mnj w, "herdsman" . 145,5 ; 173, 10, 18; 177, 4, 17; 191, 15
mn". t, "nurse" . 176,20-21
mnh , " apprentice" . 42, 10;53,4 ;93,3 ; 153, 12; 161,4
mrj md.t n Pr J 3 , " laborer of the stable of Pharaoh " . 150, 12
mds», " policeman" . 19, 8; 25, 19; 70, 19; 71,2,3 ,5 ,8; 79,
20; 82,21 ; 84, 11,14, 15; 99, 20; 130,
19, 21; 142, 11; 182,4; 185, 19; 192, 10;
also s.v. Ethnonyms
mg3Y N. n ps hr, "po liceman N. of the Necropo lis" . 184, 16
mg3Y njmnt.t, "po liceman of the west" . 199, 15


nb .t pr, "mistress of the house " 3,8; 77, 3---4; 199, 17

nfw, "sailor; pilot" 161, 14 (?); also s.v. 31 nfw
nfw Pr Jmn , "sailor of the Estate of Amun[...]" 161, 20
nfw n Pr Jmn-R" njsw.t ntr. w, "sailor of the Estate of Amun -Re , king
of the gods" 161, 7

r <::>
rwd, "contro ller; administrator" 144,1 ,1 8; 145, 1,20; 146, 13, 14; 148,
5, 18; 149,2-3 , 12, 18; 150, 9; 151,5,
20; 152, 6, 15; 153,8; 155, 8; 156, 3, 6;
157, 8; 158,9,10; 160, 5; 161, 15, 17,
18; 162, 7,1 3, 14 (2x); 187, 17; 200, 17,
19, 20

3 jy ~ w b p f m n r h ~ b bss q k g t l d g
234 INDI CES: Private titles

rnu-js.t , "workman" 37, 22; 42 , 5-6, 6, 7; 47 , 6 (2x , inc!.

abbrev. rm[); 48 , 3,10; 49, 9,12; 67 ,10;
76,7 (2x) ; 87,10; 106, 6- 7, 11; 112, 15
(?); 119, 15; 121, 12; 130,4 ; 132,7; 143,
6; 164,7; 170, 19; 171, 10 (abbrev.rm[),
12,1 3 (2x) , 14; 189, 10
rnu-ms", "m ilitary man; soldier" 70, 13
rmt n is hw.t ( Wsr-M ; r.t-W stp-n-RryI <. W.s . ps ntr r;, "man of the
mansion of (Usermaatre Setepenrej ], L.P. H., the great god" 175, 16, " laundryman" 26, 17,23

hstj-", "mayor" . 72,18 ;92,19; 176, 13; 177,2-3

hstj-" (N.) n Njw.t, "mayor (N.) of the City / Thebes" .. 19,1 3; 92,14-15 ; 178,20; 199,6
~w(n ) .tj, "boss" . 101,2; 115, 16; 143, 5; 174, 6-7 n ps Ifr, "boss of the Necropo lis" . 175,18
hm, " servant" . 42 ,4 (sic.?); 100, 22; 166,6 (sic. )
hm-ntr, "prophet" . 3,9; 44,14; 69,4; 70,4,7 (?); 104, 19;
150, 15; 156, 1; 157, 6; 159, 11,16; 191,
6,12, 14,17, 19,20
hm-nir N. n Pr Mlt y .t-twbn), "prophet N . of the Estate of
Meh yt(weben)" . 144,3-4 ; 152,2 ; 153,2
hm-nir N . n Pr Hr bhd .tj , "prophet N. of the Estate of Horus of Edfu" .. 178, 8- 9
hm-ntr n Pth, "prophet ofPtah" . 171, 3
hm -ntr 2-nw n Jmn , "s econd proph et of Amun " .. 24 ,16
hm -tur 2-nw n Mnw, "second proph et of M in" . 69,4
hm-ntr 3-nw n Sbk , "third prophet of Sobek " . 155,17
hm -nir rmn ssmw, "prophet who bears the cult image" .. 69,12
hm-nir tpy, "first prophet / high priest " . 108, 8; 155,5 ; 159,9; 161,3 ; 162, 19
hm-ntr tpy (n) Jmn, "high priest (of) Amun" .., .. 72,17,19,21 ; 131, 16; 162, 1, 10; 170,
9; 174,7; 197, 14
hm-ntr tpy n Jmn-m-Jp.t -s. wt, "high priest of Arnun- of-Karnak" .. 72,7
hm-ntr tpy n Wr. t -~ k;w, "high priest of Werethekau / Great -of-M agic" . 2,22
hm .t , " female servant" .. 115,18 ; 166,6; 171,6,7
hm.t n njw.t , "female servant of the City" .. 121,5 , "coppersmith" .. 103, 9
hmw, "craftsman" . 93,22 ; 106,7; 173, 10, 14, 18; 195,8
hrj, "chief; boss" . 59, 2; 140,6; 166, 13; 197, 5
hrj-jrj. w ; , "chief door-keeper"
J .. 178, 18
hrj -jh, "stable master" . 67,3
hrj-jl: N. n Hnw, " stable master N. of the Resid ence" .. 200 ,14-15
hrj -jdn w. w, "c hief deputy " .. 196, 9
hrj -wsh, "boat chie f; captain " .. 151,14 ; 152, 12; 155, 12
hrj- wsh N. (n) pr DN / RN, "captain N. of the Estate ofDN / RN" .. 145, 3-4 ; 147, 5-6; 148, 16; 149, 16;
150, 7-8 ; 151,3-4, 16; 152, 19-20; 155,
15; 159,8-9
hrj-pd. wtj N . ns pg. wtj PrJ; , "ch ief archer N. of the archers of
Pharaoh" . 178,8
hrj-mrj. w, "chief labor er" . 166, 9-10

;jy rwb p f m n r h ~ lj !Js sq kg t I d g

INDICES : Private titles 235

hrj -mdsy. w, "chief of po lice" : . 45 , 13; 48 , 10; 52,4 ; 82,20,20-21 (?) ;

93 ,9; 95, 18; 164, 7; 202, 13; also s.v .
mds» (Private title ; Ethnon ym)
hrj-hrj-hs . t, "official-in-charge" . 2, 8
hrj-ssw n ts snw.t, "chief guard ian of the granary" . 79,4
hrj-ssw. tj , "chief guardian" . 111, 11
hrj-ssu m p . t ts dW3. t, "master of secrets in the sky, earth, and
underworld" . 72,18-19
hrj-smsw tpy n hm-f, " first chief of followers of His Incarnation" . 6,9
hrj-ksm. w, "chief of vineyards" . 7, 4 (?) ; II, 23 (?); 12, 3 (?), 23 (?); 32 ,
20 ; 33, 14 (?) ; 35, 6, 13 (?)
hrj -ksmy. w, " chief vintner " . 6, 16, 19; 7, 20 ; 8, 4, 16; 9, 17; 10, 4, 8,
12, 16, 20- 21 ; 11,7, 15, 20; 12, 12; 13,
14- 15; 14, 5; 32, 6-7; 33, 7; 34,13; 35,
3,9- 10, 16;36,3

lJ. @
hntj Jnb. w, " foremost one of Inebu (Memphis)" 38, 16
hrp Srq. t, "controller of Selqet / scorpion-charmer" 75, 12 (?) ; 100, 22 ; 101, 1 (?) ; 167, 21

b e-=
hrj-hsb. t, " lector priest" 3, 10; 69,4

S3W, "guardian" 2, 8; 93, 2-3 ; 116, 12; 132, 17; 183, 20;
184, II; 186, 14
ssb, "dignitary" 3, 2, 8; 72, 2 1
swnw, "doctor" 77, 11, 18; 80,2 1; 98, II
sm, "sem-priest" 174, 10
sm m 3b.t nhh , "se m-pries t in the Horizon of Eternity" 72, 19
sr, "official" 92, 15; 196, 20 ; also s.v. Private names,
sr ~3 , "great official " 175, 18-1 9
sr n c mh. t, "official of the northern regio n" 175, II
sr n qnb. t, "official of the court" 44 , 13
ss, " scribe" passim (I 00+ occurrences)
s.sjs .t, "gang' s scri be" 140, 7
ss ms ', "army scribe " 182, 3; also s.v. ss n ps ms"
s.s mds.twit-ntr ~s( .t) Wp -R m-bsh-sn, "scribe of the god 's books,
before wh ich the Opening of the Mouth is recited " 69, 10
soS n p3 ms", "scribe of the army " 154, 3; also s.v. ss mss
soS (N .) n ps Hr, "scribe (N.) of the Necropolis" 36, 17; 59, 14-15; 83,3 ; 122 , 2; 132, 7;
167, 2 1; 170, 11- 12; 17 1, 5, 9, 11-1 2;
172,1 2; 173, I ; 174, 17 (?); 175, 2,1 4-
15,19; 181, 10 (?); 182, 14 ; 184, 21
ss n ps Ij r ~3 spsj , "scri be of the great and noble Necropo lis" 182, 16; 193, 9
soSN .n Pr Jmn, "scribe N, ofthe EstateofAmun" 156,1 7; 158, 5; 159, 11; also s.v .
soS n Pr Jmn-R' njsw .t-ntr. w, "scribe of the Estate of Amun -Re, king of
the gods" 182,14,16; also s.v. Toponyms

3jy~wbpfmnrh~bbs sqkgtldrj
236 INDI CE S: Private tit les

ss n pr-hd n Pr Jmn-R" nj-sw .t ntr. w, "scribe of the treasury of the

Estate of Amun-Re , king of the go ds" . 178,20-21
ss n Ijr C3 sps] n J:tJ:t m rnp. wt n Pr J 3, "scribe of the great and noble
Necropo lis of millions of ye ars of Pharaoh" . 185,2
ss n s.t, " scribe of assessment" . 187,21
s.f n tms, " scribe of the mat" . 187,21 -188,1 (sic .)
ss n tms N . n njw.t , "scribe of the mat N . of the City (Thebes)" . 175, 3
ss nj-sw.t, " royal scribe" . 2,5 ; 38, 16,21 ,23 ; 39 , 2, 7, 9, 11, 14,
17, 18
ss nj-sw.t wr n Pr Ij nrt m Hw .t -ks-Pth , "chief roya l scribe of the Estate
of the Kheneret in Hutkaptah (Ptah temple in Memph is)" . 39, 7
ss nj-sw.t m S.t Mr.t, "royal scr ibe in the Place of Truth " . 2,5 (7); 22, 16
ss nj-sw.t N . n ps I]r, " royal scribe N . of the Necropolis" . 188,12
ss J:tw. t-ntr, "temple scribe" . 105,20; 171,2
si sp s.], "d istrict scribe" . 171,7-8
ss-qdw, "draftsma n" . 18, 17; 26, 7; 58, 10 (2x); 64, 18; 68 , 14-
15; 84,10; 109,6 ; 120, 3; 122, 19; 140,
8,12 (2x), 14, 15, 16 (2x )
ss-qdw N . m hw.t Pth, " Draftsman N . in the temp le ofPtah" . 1,23
stm, "se tem-priest" . 92,15
stm n ts hw .t (Wsr-n13 c.t-W mry [lmn) I c. w.S. ( ?) m pr lmn (?)],
"setem-priest of the m ansion of(Usermaatre Mery [amun)1
L.P .H. (7) in the Estate of Am un (7)]" . 92, 14; also s.v , Toponyms
srjmJ.f m S.t Mr.t, " servant in the Place of Truth" . 22, 18, 20 ; 23, 11; 76, 19-20

sCd-ot, " woodcutter" . 104, 10; 112, 12, 13 (7), 15; 172, 17
(abbrev. sCd); 175,6, " business agent" . 166,14
sw. tj N . n pr Imn -R" njsw. t ntr. w, "business age nt N . of the Estate of
Amun-Re, king of the gods " . 165,23 ; 166,3 ; also s.v. Toponyms
smCy.t n Jmn, "chantress of Amun" . 130,4; 176, 11 (7)
smCy.t n Jmn-R" nj -sw.t ntr . w, "chantres s of Amun-Re, king of the
gods " . 193,22

smsw, " fo llow er; ret ainer" . 145,1 , 11; 147,3 ; 150,4, 14,20; 151,
17; 152, 13; 155,7; 166 ,7; 178, 11; 195,
1, 2, 3, 11
smsw n [st», "retainer of the vizier" . 98, 16
smsw n 03S. t (7), " retainer of for eign lands (7)" .. 142, 7

q LJ
qd, "potter" 89, 10,21 ; 90, 12; 105,5 (7) ; 108, 16;
110, 11; also s.v jqd

qd N. n Pr Jmn i-R" nj-sw.t ntr. w), " potter N . of the Estate of Arnun -
(Re, king of the gods )" 165, 23; 166,2

ksry, "gardener" 27,2

3jy Cw b p j m n r h J:t o b s s q k g t ! d rj
INDICES : Private titles 237

l ~
ts- hw hr wnm y n nj-sw .t, "fan-bearer on the right side of the king " 41, 7, 10, 18, 20-2 1
13y mds.t , "sculptor" 36,14 ; 5 1, 17
my, "vizier" 4 1, 7, 10, 18, 21 ; 54, 20; 55, 2; 58, 2 1;
75, I I ; 86, 8; 131, 15; 167, 14; 168, 16;
170, 13; 178, 19-20 ; 196, 16, 17; also
s.v. jmj-r njw .t
tbw, "sanda l-maker; cobbl er" 157, 12; 158; 159, 17

DW3 -Nlr n lmn s.v. Toponyms, Pr DW3-Nir n l mn

3j y r wbpf mnrhl}ljJ; ssqkgtld(j


Royal names, posthumous (incl. queens and princes) ~

(Y~ -~lp) I .......................................................................... s.v. To ponyms, Rmny.t Pr
lmn - ~ r-gp s=f (prin c e ) 37, 12; also s.v. Pr ivate names
(Jmn-~lp) I 40, 1;59,6; 114, 21; 130, 20- 2 1; 133, 5; 168, 22 ; 183,
17; 184, 8; 185, 17-1 8; also s.v. Misce llaneous, P;
(Jmn -~lp) 1

(Wsr-M;C.l-W mry-Jmn j i . 153, 20; 154, 2; also s.v. Toponyms, Nsy-

(Wsr-M;c.l-W stp-n-Rrj I . 39, 23; 181, I ; 202, 14; also s.v. Toponyms, P; ksm ;
~ w. t; Private titles, rmi n l; hw.t

(M;C.l-RC) I . s.v. Topo nyms, T; sn.t
(Mn -p ~.ty-RC) . 180, 6
(Mn-M;c.t-RC) I . 40,4 (?)
(Mn-M;c.t-RC Sty) I . 179, 14; also s.v. Toponyms, Hw.t
(Mn-RC) I . s.v. Priva te titles,jlllj -r Pr
iMn -hpr. w-RC) 1 . 68, 2 1
(Mr-n-Pl~) I . s.v. To ponyms, Rmny .t Pr


(Nb-M;c.l-RC) I . 179, I ; s.v. Toponyms, Pr j s ts hw.t

(Nfr.t-j ry) 1 . 183,1 8; 184,8-9; 185, 18; also s.v. Toponyms, Rmny.t

r «:»
(RC-ms-sw) I . s.v. Toponyms , Rmn y.t Pr
(Rr-ms-sw mry-lmn) I . s.v. Toponyms, P; ksm ; Pr; Nsy- ; Rmny.t Pr; hw.t; hw. t-
(W-ms-sw hqs-Jwnw) I s.v . To ponyms, Pr; Rmny .t Pr

(Ifr-m -~b)1 179, 12; 180, 2; also s.v Private nam es

s ~
(Sly) I (Mr-n-PlM I . s.v. Toponyms, Rmny.t Pr
(Slg-ngl mrr-lmn) 1 . s.v. To ponyms, Rmny.t Pr

t Q

Ty (queen) . s.v. Toponyms, sh .t; Pr

;jyCwbpfm nr h ~g b ssqk gl !d4


([Jsr-k, -R~) I 55, 8
([Jsr-k;-W) I (Jmn-htpy I 76, 18-21 ; 199, 13

, jy ~ w b p f m n r h J:t b !Jss q kg tI d 4

Divine names Jj

ss.t, Isis S.v. M isce llaneo us, M sw.t

Jmn , "A m un " . 72, 14, 15; 74, 10; 166, 4 ; 168,2 ; 169,4 ; 179, 12 ; also
s.v. To ponyms; Private titles, Roya l name s
Imn-m-Jp ,t-s . wt, "Arnun-in-Karnak" . s.v. Private tit les, hm -ntr
Jmn n Ip .t , "Amun ofO pet" . 132,14
Jmn-R", "Arnun-Re" . s.v. Toponyms; Private tit les
Imn-R" jt nt r. w, " A rnun-Re, father of the gods" . 167, 22
Jmn -R" nj -sw.t nt r. w, "A rnun-Re, king of the go ds" 166, 4; 181, 10; 183, 15; 194, I ; also s.v. Toponyms;
Royal names
Jmn-R" nb ns .ty Ts. wy, "A rnun-Re, lord of the thr ones
of the Two Land s" . 71, 19
Jmn hnm-nhh; "A mun, unit ed-(w ith)-eterni ty" . 183,17 ; 184, 8
Imn thn-nfr, "A rnun, beautiful -enc ounter" . 183,1 8; 184, 9
Ir, "El" . s.v. Private names, Ir J ;

II , " EI" . s.v. Private names, Ir J ;

Wr.t-bk>w, " Great-of-mag ic" s.v . Private titles, hm -nt r

Wsjr, "Osiris," s.v. To ponyms, Pr ; Private titles; Misce llaneo us, Ms w.t

Ps -R", "Pre" . 50, 6; 74,1 0; also s.v. Toponyms, Ps-mw-n-
P; -W -ljr-;b .ty, "Pre-Horakhty" .. 194, 2
Pth, "Ptah" . s.v. To ponyms , Pr; Mw-n-; Hw .t; Private titles, wr n p r
Ijnrt ; hm -ntr; ss- nj sw.t wr ; ss qdw

Ms". t, "Maat" . s.v. T o pony m s, jw n M; r.t-nbt
Mw .t, " M ut" . 72, 15; 166,4; 169, 6; 179, 16; 183, 15; also s.v.
Toponyms, eh.t. ]w n msw.t; In-; Pr; Rmny .t pr; sb .tj
Mw.t wr .t nb. t p .t, "Great Mut, M istress of the Sky" . 71, 2 1
M nw, "Min" . s.v. To ponyms , Rmny .t Ijnt-; Private titl es, hm -ntr 2-nw
Mhy.t-wbn , "Mehyt-weben" . s.v. To ponyms , Pr ; Private titles, hm-ntr N. n Pr


Nb .t-hw.t, "N ephthys" . 105, 10; also s.v. M isce llaneous, Ms w .t

NIr. w n ps T;, "Gods of the Earth" .. 184,1 2
NIr. w n is P .t, "Gods of the Sky" . 184, 12

; jy r w b pj m n r h b !J oss q kg t I d d
INDICES: Divine names 241

R~, "Re" s.v. To pony ms; Royal names
Rn ny .t , "Renenutet" s.v, To ponyms, Hw .t; Misce llaneo us, T3 Rn ny.t

Hby .t, " Hebyt (Isis -Hat hor)" . s.v, To ponyms, Pr

H r, "Horus" . S.Y . To ponyms, Pr; Misce llaneo us, Msw. t
Hr-wr , "Haroeris" . S.Y. To ponyms, Pr
Hr Bhd. tj , "Horus of Edfu" . 178, 9; also S.Y. Toponyms, Pr ; Private titl es, hm -ntr
Hr Non, "H orus ofNe khen (H ierakonpolis)" . S.Y. Toponyms , Pr

lJ. @
Ijmnwy.w, "(Gods) of the Ogdoa d" : 180, 9- 10
Ijnsw, "Khonsu" 72, 15; 166,4; 179, 13, 16, 17; 180, 3, 6; also S.Y.

Toponyms, Rmny .t Ps-j'n-n -

!J. a-=
Ijnmw, " Khnum" 191,1 0; also S.Y. Topo nyms, Pr

Sbk , "So bek" . 67, 18; also S.Y . Toponyms, Pr ; Private titles, hm-ntr
Skr nb r drj , "Sokar, lord of all" . 70, 2
Sth , "Seth" . 169, 9; also S.Y. M isce llaneo us, Msw.t

k 'C7I

Ks- mw.t-f, "Ka mutef" S.Y . Private titles , bstj (?) n Ks -mw.t-f

t 0

Ts-wr.t, "Taweret" 26, 2; 118,4- 5

Dhwtj, "Tho th" S.Y . Misce llaneo us

3 j Y r w bp! m n r h ~ 0 b s .s q k g t t d 4


j r.t mt, "eye of a dead person / ghost " 182, 8

jkm n hh. w, "s hield for millions" (roya l ep ithet) I, 14

wjs c; n Jmn , "great barque of Amun " . 170, 15

wr-p h. ty, "great of strength" (roya l epithet) . I, 17

p 0
Ps (Jmn-htp) I, "The Amenhotep" (shrin e?) . 170, 19

Fsj-Bjk, "Bearing-the-Falcon" (festival) 117, 19

mw n p .t , "rainfall (lit. , 'water of the sky')" . 202 ,9
Msw.t ss.t , " Birth ofIsis" (epagomenal day) . 105,9 ; 122, 14
Msw.t Wsjr , "Birth of Osir is" (ep . day) . 27,2 ; 105,7
Msw.t Nb .t -hw .t, "Birth ofNep hthys" (ep. day) . 27,2; 105, 10
Msw .t Hr, "Birth of Horus " (ep. day) . 105, 8
Msw .t Sth, " Birth of Seth" (ep. day) . 26,22 ; 105, 8

hr n ps p~ n wj: n Jmn, "aegis of the stern of the

barq ue of Am un" 178,21 - 179, I

hrw c; , "great enemy" 59,15 n hfn . w, "wall for hundreds of thousands" (roya l

epithet) 1, 16
shm-jb, "stout-of-heart" (royal epit het) I, 16

t 0

T; Rnny.t , "The Renenutet" (artefact) 179, 6

l)~wtj, "Thoth" (festival) 169,4

;j yCwbpfmnrh~fJbssqkgtld4

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