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SIMT phantom software breakdown

End-to-end process workflow. Assumptions:

1. Single target / film pair

2. Films are scanned, cropped and calibrated externally to software

A. Data acquisition
1. CT scan phantom
2. Contour ball targets in TPS
3. Plan in TPS (optimise to centre ~70% isodose on target structure as closely as possible)
4. Export DICOM RT: target structure & dose cube
5. Deliver planned treatment to phantom
6. Scan films

B. Data input & processing (in software)

- Import DICOM RT dose cube and target structure
- Import scanned films (see assumptions) as separate files
- User defined:
o Analysis isodose (or range)


Planned dose
1. Extract & interpolate axial & sagittal film planes from dose cube, intersecting the centroid of
the target structure
2. Crop to ~40x40mm for data economy

Film (for each in a pair)

1. Orientate (flip and/or rotate cardinally to ensure A-L / A-S directions are correct) NOTE:
simplest to do this interactively on import
2. Detect pin hole centroids
3. Apply rigid transformation to correct any minor rotation
4. Interpolate (probably bicubic) across central slit
5. Spatially register with planned dose planes (centroid of target structure = centroid of pin
6. Normalise film to mean value in a small central circle (may have to play with this) matching
the equivalent extracted from the planned dose planes

C. Data Analysis (in software)

1. Calculate centroids of defined isodose(s) (see input) for each planned dose plane
2. Calculate centroids of defined isodose(s) (see input) for each film
3. Calculate mean of A-P centroid co-ordinate (i.e. that value from each film) such that the
centroid for the film pair is represented by a single [x,y,z] set.
4. Calculate cardinal and 3D Euclidean distance (planned dose v film pair) between centroids
for defined isodose(s).

D. Data export

- Processed film and dose planes (for external checking/problem solving)

- Results from C.4 to text file

GUI requirements
- Data import interface (see B)
- Visualisation and manual flip/rotate of film images
- Visualisation of automatically detected pin holes
- Visualisation of equivalent film and dose plane images
- Visualisation of target structure, centroids, defined isodose from film and dose plane
overlaid on planned dose plane image

- Import of data sets for multiple targets at once
- Film calibration
- Comparison of planar dose distributions (Gamma/Kappa/other metrics)
- Data exploration including profiles visualisation
- Manual correction of pin hole locations
- Manual adjustment of normalisation
Screenshots of CyberKnife E2E software (similar in functionality)

Wireframes for menus / UI / display

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